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Old 09-11-2008, 06:07 PM   #1
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Barry king ex security guard talks about underground bases:Part1.and 2.

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Old 09-11-2008, 11:35 PM   #2
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We have inputed to this forum elsewhere regarding Mr King and his disclosures also. He is a witness for Dr Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project since 2000 so NOT just a story teller. Kindly treat these disclosures with the respect you seem to show others. Mr King has been disclosing into the public domain since beginning of 1994.

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Old 09-12-2008, 12:16 PM   #3
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Old 09-12-2008, 06:48 PM   #4
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I just finished reading Dr. Steven Greer's book Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge. Excellent Book, I highly recommend it.

Has anybody else read it?

Peace and Love,
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Old 09-14-2008, 02:46 PM   #5
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Anyone hear of Dulce Sec Officer: Thomas Castello?
His family (Son/Wife) then Thomas Castello disappeared after his removing some stuff from the Underground Base.

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Old 09-14-2008, 03:39 PM   #6
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Default Re: Barry king:Reptoids as genetically engineered vs ET

Listened to Bill & Kerry's interview with Wilcock yesterday. One area of polite disagreement was David's insistence that the human prototype reigns throughout the universe since Kerry has received so much intelligence about the 'reptoids'. The information supplied by Barry seems to reconcile that apparent difference: reptoids are not et's but have been genetically engineered by the emotionally unblanced within the military...
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Old 09-16-2008, 12:54 AM   #7
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ADMIN request, should this be placed within whistleblowers thread? After all Mr King IS a whistleblower since 1994, with a very high profile ufo research history before that

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Old 09-20-2008, 10:08 PM   #8
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Barry M King (June 10, 1952) is a British well-known Ufologist in 1970s.


A keen active interest in Astronomy from the age of 10, with own telescope gave him the interests in space, other worlds, and possible other life forms elsewhere in the vast universe. Always an interest in anything strange, anything classed as paranormal. His interest in Ufo's was sparked by a double page spread in the Daily Mirror newspaper in 1965 about the strange goings on in the small Wiltshire town of Warminster. From there he searched for books and mags on the subject and his interest bloomed and became stronger. At age 14 in 1966, he began to be actively involved in Ufo research and investigations. In 1968 he joined the BUFORA research organisation in the UK and by 1974 was an area investigator for them covering the South-East of the UK. In May of that year he witnessed, along with others, a very close range structured craft which left physical traces, occupants were seen, full reports including photographs were passed to BUFORA, the MoD and CUFOS in USA. The case is listed with CUFOS and found its way in the Ted Bloecher research catalog "Physical trace cases" (1976). The 1970s were hectic years for him, in early 1977 he became a member of the newly formed elite UFOIN, an organisation set up and backed by FSR with Jenny Randles. UFOIN consisted of the best of the UK investigators. Barry King, along with Andy Collins were to cover the South-East of UK along with other well known researchers Timothy Good and Omar Fowler. 1977 was a flap year in the UK and both King and Collins were kept busy 24/7 with reports, mostly of a high calibre, which found their way into the pages of FSR magazine. These included the Aveley Abduction case, Britain's first fully documented multiple abduction case, a full years investigation was undertaken by these two investigators. Barry King worked with fellow investigators and close friends, Andy Collins and Graham Phillips on the magazine "Strange Phenomena" based in Wolverhampton during 1979. This magazine was the first publication to fully document the investigation into an abduction case from Somerset in 1973 which involved rape by the ufo occupants, MIBs, and a host of other strange events. Between 1977 and 1980 the reader will find numerous high quality case reports in FSR penned by King and Collins. Barry M King can be sourced in over 40 books on the subject of Ufo's published Globally, these include many by Ufologist Jenny Randles, including the very first book covering cases he investigated, 1979 book "Ufo's a British Viewpoint" by Jenny Randles and Peter Warrington. He is also mentioned in the 1998 book by Jon King (editor of Ufo Reality magazine in late 90's) "Cosmic Top Secret, the unseen agenda" . Also worthy of mention is the original version (as credits given to BMK) of the book by Carl Nagaitis and Philip Mantle "Without Consent" (Fortune Books 2002. This details the Somerset abduction case (Mrs X)among others. In the summer of 2000 Mr King became a witness for Dr Steven Greer and his Disclosure Project in the USA. He can be found on numerous interviews on tape/DVD including many posted on YouTube. He is currently affiliated to Alien Disclosure Group (UK).
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Old 09-21-2008, 11:39 PM   #9
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Below are excerpts from the book "Cosmic Top Secret....the unseen agenda" by Jon King 1998 (no relation to Barry King). In the 90's Jon edited the magazine "Ufo reality". He has appeared on TV and Radio,
The book is out of print and extremely rare, with few copies at ridiculous prices to be found at sites such as Amazon.


While I was burning up inside with the desire to know
more about this underground laboratory, it was of course
Q's mental and emotional health that demanded priority.
By the time he'd completed several hours' remote viewing
(on several separate, intense occasions) he seemed very
drained, disturbed, less keen to revisit the nightmarish
netherworld simmering beneath Salisbury Plain than at first
he had been. It was clearly time to call a halt.

I was not disappointed. He had, after all, more than satisfied
any expectations I might have had prior to conducting the
experiment. Although he hadn't found any crashed and
recovered alien spacecraft, nor indeed any other substantive
signs of acquired alien technology, he had nonetheless
remotely viewed what appeared to be a deep-underground
facility (complete with `human forms, biological forms or
specimens . . . aliens or hybrids or something engineered'
suspended in `blue liquid' in `glass tanks') at the location
described by the coordinates I'd given him. Curiously, these
coordinates - though random so far as he knew - were in
fact those corresponding to the Imber Ranges on Salisbury
Plain, where the `stationary tanks' and `war games' he had
described at the beginning of our first sitting can be found
on a regular basis. Indeed, of all the military `Danger Zones'
demarcated on Salisbury Plain, the Imber Ranges form the
only area 'permanently closed' to the public.
Of course, this is a long way from conclusive proof, and
unlike the British and US intelligence machine I did not
have the means to confirm this information one way or the
other. There were no Special Forces units at my disposal
to force a way in - no way for me to gain entry, even to the
ranges, much less to the elevator that Q claimed to have
seen operating from inside the `workman's hut, nor even
to the `tunnel' that led him from the ranges to wherever the
laboratory was located.

Food for thought, even so . . .

Two final points.

One: following our last sitting, Q told me that he'd also
sensed the storage of a `significant database' while he'd
been viewing underground. What he meant exactly even
he could not say. But he stressed the fact that he'd had
the strongest sense of some kind of 'significant database'
being stored somewhere in the place he had just viewed.
We joked that it could have been where the government’s
`X Files' were stored.

Two (and far more pertinent): not long after our last sitting
some information came my way that seemed to corroborate
Q's description of an underground laboratory. And of what
he'd seen going on in that laboratory. I had, of course,
already gleaned a fair knowledge of what might be going
on beneath our streets from my own sources. But this next
piece of information served to bolster that knowledge even
further. It is as follows.
Shortly after my sittings with Q I received a letter from
someone claiming he had very sound contacts in both
the intelligence (MI6) and security (M15) services. Indeed,
this person - who must remain anonymous - claimed that
some of his contacts were `longstanding friends'. Without
going into too much irrelevant detail, the reason this person
contacted me, he said, was to offer me `a piece of friendly
advice' concerning an article I had written for UFO Reality
magazine (an article about Salisbury Plain being a likely
site for a British deep-underground military-industrial facility,
curiously enough, and which included impressions from Q's
initial remote viewing of Salisbury Plain). My correspondent
told me in no uncertain terms that, in his opinion, and in the
opinion of some of his MI5/MI6 buddies, I had been led up the
garden path by my sources regarding the deep-underground
facility beneath Rudloe Manor and Salisbury Plain. Though
my information was partly correct, he said (indeed, correct
enough that he had written to me and warned me against
publishing a `genuine national security issue'), it was, in the
main, incorrect.

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Old 09-21-2008, 11:40 PM   #10
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`You are quite correct in stating that there is a vast ,
underground complex in Wiltshire', he informed me, and
indeed went on to say that this underground complex is `the
largest in the United Kingdom' and that it is `extremely secure'.
However, he added that `Neitherthe Corsham [Rudloe Manor]
complex, nor any other underground Government facility in
the United Kingdom has any connection whatsoever with
UFOs, captured aliens or their craft'. I wrote back and
thanked him for his concern. I also told him that I thought
he was wrong.
Though this information (plus other valuable snippets he
seemed willing to share) was in itself of sincere interest to
me, further information received from the same source in a
subsequent communication fairly claimed my sanity. By this
time I had sat with Q (during remote viewing sessions) on a
number of occasions, and this new information seemed to
correlate too closely with Q's descriptions of an `underground
laboratory' for coincidence to win the day. To add to this, I
had of course already received information from my own
main intelligence source, Stealth, about similar operations
under way at several government facilities, either on or
beneath British soil. Before that, however, and with my
correspondent's express permission, I will relay to you
the same story he relayed to me. Apart from one or
two minor edits (to protect his identity) the story is told

Dear Mr King,

Many thanks for your very interesting letter
. . . I stated in my original letter that . . .
. . . One of my roles . . . is to attend functions
and speak about [ certain ] activities . One such
invitation was arranged by a good friend of mine a
couple of years ago, and involved an after-dinner
speech in a large hotel . . . I cannot remember the
name of the organisation I was addressing, but my
audience seemed to consist of a large number of
retired former professional men, both civilian
and military . . .
When the formalities were over, and we headed
for the bar, my host literally tugged at my sleeve
and led me away from the room. He was a very senior
serving Royal Navy officer ( a Commodore, I think ) ,
and he was extremely nervous and agitated all of a
sudden. What he told me follows.
This man's daughter worked for the Scientific
Civil Service (Department or Branch not speci-
fied), having graduated with flying colours
in Genetics. She had effectively been head-
hunted for the post. He and his wife had become
increasingly concerned over the previous year
or so that said daughter was becoming more and
more introverted and unhappy with her work. Her
(non-service) friends had virtually lost touch
with her and she seemed to be worried about
something but would not open up to her family.
Given the likely security clearance her father
would hold, this in itself suggests the poor girl
was virtually paranoid. Matters had come to a head
the previous Christmas when she had stayed with
her parents, only to find she had woken the whole
house with the most 'blood-curdling screams' my
host had ever heard, and that included his service
in the Falklands War.

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Old 09-21-2008, 11:40 PM   #11
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Under very close questioning, it eventually
emerged that she had been suffering unspeakable
nightmares for months, solely as a result of her
work. The scenes she described to her father, and
which he relayed to me, subsequently appeared in
an episode of 'The X Files' I happened to see. Large
tanks of strange-coloured liquids with equally
strange alien-type 'beings' suspended in them,
linked to monitors , and other equipment, in a huge
warehouse-type laboratory. The man's daughter,
on medical advice, tendered her resignation but
this was refused on the grounds that she had
been too intimately involved with the project
(whatever it was ) and would be a security risk
if she were to walk out. This was of course quite
unfair, since she would still have been bound by
the Official Secrets Act. She had in fact done her
xxxxedest not to release the information which
was so troubling her.
My host was clearly worried and stated quite
unequivocally that he believed his daughter's
life was now in danger. From whom and for what
reason he did not say. Nor did I ever discover
why he had chosen to impart this information to
me, who, after all, had been engaged through
a mutual friend to offer a lively and amusing
account . . . to a group of professional per-
sons at their annual dinner. The only possible
explanation I can think of is that in the pro-
cess of being introduced to my host, earlier
in the evening, I had mentioned that I worked
at . . .
I listened sympathetically, but could offer
little in the way of constructive advice, since
I hadn't a clue whom to contact or where to start
trying to verify his story. All my usual sources
drew complete blanks. Maybe yours will have more
success, since they seem, from what you say,
to be rather more intimately involved in this
particular area.

Yours sincerely . . .

Having read this letter in full I was grateful and gobsmacked,
both at once - grateful for the information; gobsmacked that
it correlated so precisely, not only with Q's remote viewing
information, but with information I had already received from
my own sources, including my main intelligence contact,

According to Stealth, highly secret genetic and mind-control
programmes are indeed being carried out at British-based
military-industrial facilities, deep underground - facilities so
secret, he says, and information regarding their purpose
so highly classified and tightly compartmentalized that
even the highest-ranking military, intelligence and other
government personnel have little (if any) idea of their
existence, much less of what goes on in them. Stealth
also implied that these experiments were responsible for the
so-called `alien abduction' phenomenon - that he had seen
briefings to the effect that this phenomenon was a govern-
ment propaganda exercise used as a smokescreen behind
which its own black-budget scientists dabbled in genetics,
eugenics, cloning and mind-control. He sIrongly implied that
`human guinea pigs' were being used here, unwittingly, in
particular for research into what he called 'human behaviour
in response to electronic remote influencing', in other words
`implant and mind-control'. Indeed, without actually saying
it he implied that perhaps `Special Forces' military were
abducting people so that military-industrial scientists could
experiment on them, implant them and, while they were under
drug- and/ortechnologically-induced hypnosis, fill their minds
with 'screen memories' of aliens so that when they came to
they would think-assuming they remembered anything at all
-that they had been abducted by aliens rather than soldiers.
He called it `the perfect cover', so crazy
that no one would ever believe it anyway. No one would ever
want to believe it. He said that he did not know the complete
agenda behind the programme, whether or not the aliens were
hands-on involved (or whether they were just being sold as
`the patsies'), and neither did he know the precise locations
of the `several facilities' where these obscenities were taking
place. (Information received from other sources, however,
points to an alleged deep-underground military-industrial
facility in Berkshire - with entrances at Aldermaston and
Greenham Common - as a possible primary site.) Though
he reiterated that he did not know the full extent of the agenda
behind these programmes, Stealth reminded me that one of its
chief aims was to implant certain selected individuals - some
civilian, most former military and intelligence personnel with
known mental/emotional debilities and/or sexual hang-ups -
with the latest mind-control technology. These 'implantees',
he reiterated, are known in intelligence circles as `sleeper

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Old 09-21-2008, 11:41 PM   #12
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Another source (non-intelligence, though someone who
holds a sensitive government post) says that he knows
several people currently employed at British underground
facilities where acquired alien technology and genetics
programmes are being carried out. This source also names
Berkshire as one of several possible primary sites; oth-
ers include Harwell in Oxfordshire, RAE Farnborough in
Hampshire and two sites in Scotland. I regret that this is all
I am permitted to say regarding this source of information,
other than that it is a notably reliable one.
For the record, however, one other contact of mine -
who also holds a very sensitive government post - claims
to know someone who once worked at a deep-underground
facility in Berkshire where, he alleges, these kind of pro-
grammes have been carried out for decades. He further
confirmed that the facility is compartmentalized into an
unknown number of sub-facilities and that the programmes
carried out there include eugenics, clone-production and
hybridization. He stated quite unequivocally that some
of the programmes required the participation of either
`captured' or `engineered' extraterrestrials. Make of that
one what you will. He also claims that buried somewhere
beneath RAE Farnborough in Hampshire is a facility stuffed
full with files/records on secret-technology projects dating
back many decades, and that some of the records refer
specifically to `reverse-engineered alien technologies' and
`crashed and recovered alien vehicles'. I should add here
that one other - entirely independent - source (former
RAF) told me that he was once part of a special unit
assigned to destroy `secret-technology' files stored beneath
RAE Farnborough. I am, of course, unable to substantiate
this information.

There is, however, one other similar story in circulation
that stems from the lips of a man called Barry King. Known
also as `The Voice', Mr King claims to be a former employee
(security guard) at a top-secret underground facility that he
says exists beneath the village of Peasemore in Berkshire.
In their attempts to engineer the `perfect human', King says,
government scientists are busy creating `programmable life
forms' at this facility. He was quoted in an interview conducted
for Truth Seekers Review (May/June 1996) as saying: `They
have these life forms in jars, lined up in rows, and there are
loads of them - rows and rows. To look at them is very
spooky, very frightening. The situation is out of control . . .'
He added: `We got the technology from the aliens. They
gave it to us. It's not a friendly arrangement . . . Our military
wanted to get the technology and information and then stab
the aliens in the back. The aliens . . . are trying to get
genetic material from us . . . For this they need humans.
We are business to them. The military are letting them do
this to a degree, but there are more military abductions
than alien.'

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Old 09-21-2008, 11:42 PM   #13
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Barry King claims that certain factions within Britain's
Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS) are unhappy that these
programmes are now being carried out in Britain, and
so are endeavouring to 'leak' this information out into the
public domain. For this reason they have agreed to protect
Mr King from any recriminations he may otherwise have
faced for speaking publicly about these matters. In return
for his protection, however, he must refrain from publishing
certain photographs he claims to possess - photographs
taken by DIS operatives and given over into King's safe
keeping; photographs that allegedly depict parts of the
deep-underground Berkshire complex and its diabolical
secrets; photographs that could put this debate to bed,
once and for all, should they ever surface in the public
domain. To date, they have not.

And so there we have it. I do not, of course, expect you or
anybody else to simply 'believe' the above without question,
but to judge for yourselves the evidence and correlations
presented and to draw your own conclusions. Whether or not
there actually is a massive deep-underground R&D facility
beneath Peasemore (Aldermaston/Greenham Common) in
Berkshire, or indeed Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, must for the
time being remain open to further investigation. We have no
way of proving the matter one way or the other. But the fact
that a sizeable underground complex of bunkers and tunnels
exists beneath RAF Rudloe Manor, possibly fanning out to
include areas beneath Salisbury Plain, is not in question. It
is a matter of public record. And in any case, underground
facilities of one kind or another exist at many highly secure
British military bases: it would be more out of the ordinary
for there not to be an underground facility at such a sensitive
installation as Rudloe Manor. During the course of my own
investigations I have interviewed and spoken with many
still-serving and former military personnel, none of whom
deny the existence of underground facilities beneath high-
security military bases (there is rumoured to be a massive
deep-underground complex beneath RAF Woodbridge and
Bentwaters in East Anglia, for example, home to what must
surely be Britain's best-known and best-documented military
UFO incident to date, the Rendlesham Forest Incident, which
occurred in December 1980).
The question is therefore not: Do underground facilities
exist? Rather: Are there supersecret underground facilities
in Britain that are being used by the British-based military-
industrial complex to research and develop acquired alien
technologies and/or to experiment in eugenics, cloning and
hybridization? Do any of these programmes demand the
unwitting participation of human guinea pigs? Does this
demand precipitate a further demand, that of abducting
people, experimenting on them and implanting them with
microscopic bits of acquired alien technology?
And if so, is it then the very propagation of these pro-
grammes that has spawned a need to create the so-called
alien abduction scenario as a smokescreen behind which
these activities can be carried out?

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Old 09-21-2008, 11:42 PM   #14
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If the answer to even one these questions is, staggeringly,
Yes, then once again, the integrity of the military-industrial
complex - and thereby the government - is called very
profoundly into question.
After all, the military requirement to possess new tech-
nologies in advance of the enemy, so to speak, the need to
develop and deploy capabilities beyond those of the next
superpower, is one thing. To my mind this is a purely logical
- if primitive - state of affairs.
However, the deliberate use (and abuse) of unwitting
citizens in order to attain higher and higher levels of tech-
nological superiority is utterly unacceptable. More than this.
It is a criminal act, a crime equal to human rights abuse and
its perpetrators should be brought to book for that. It is indeed
such a crime because - whatever the scheme, whatever the
agenda - it serves to elevate the elite few to worlds of untold
potential while the rest of us are kept on some evolutionary
leash like so many medicated sheep. If only a tiny proportion
of `military' UFO reports are genuine - UFOs observed over
highly sensitive military bases; UFOs observed by serving
military personnel; serving military personnel being used
as guinea pigs in genetic/mind-control experiments and/or
psychological warfare exercises; unwitting civilians being
used by the military in the same way - then either the
military-industrial complex is, in its own right, in possession
of technology some thirty to fifty years in advance of anything
we know about (which in itself is highly suspicious, and utterly
unacceptable - the elite on a rollercoaster, the sheep on a
leash) or some outside, possibly off-planet source is feeding
our governments technological enlightenment in exchange
for something we have and it wants. (This latter scenario, of
course, would certainly demand the high levels of secrecy
currently being employed.)
And either way, within the precincts of a free and
democratic socio-political system such as that supposed
to exist in Britain there are questions that demand answers.

Satisfactory answers.

As yet, no such satisfactory answers are forthcoming.

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Old 09-21-2008, 11:46 PM   #15
Soul Sequence
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Question poised for "THE WATCHER", unless anyone else can clarify moreso, after watching Barry's video's again, I do recall that in my researching that I have studied them before.

Please clarify my generalization,
From what I gather, Mr. King was a part of a NSA/Military project and was first introduced/abducted as a child, then later re-introduced again to the program. From his experiences, he states (correct me, if I'm wrong) that this project is about mind/population control, where as the majority of alien abductions nowadays are no more than genetically created alien (grey) hybrids, that which the military created, has warehouses full of these beings stacked for use, and uses these beings to abduct us and bring us to these bases, strap us down to these "trip seats" and plant thoughts/experiences in our minds, then release us back to the general population?

Please clarify any points as I mean no disrespect.

Regards and Blessings,
Soul Sequence

P.S. What is Mr. Kings current health status and do you see him recovering soon.
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Old 09-22-2008, 12:06 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Soul Sequence View Post
Question poised for "THE WATCHER", unless anyone else can clarify moreso, after watching Barry's video's again, I do recall that in my researching that I have studied them before.

Please clarify my generalization,
From what I gather, Mr. King was a part of a NSA/Military project and was first introduced/abducted as a child, then later re-introduced again to the program. From his experiences, he states (correct me, if I'm wrong) that this project is about mind/population control, where as the majority of alien abductions nowadays are no more than genetically created alien (grey) hybrids, that which the military created, has warehouses full of these beings stacked for use, and uses these beings to abduct us and bring us to these bases, strap us down to these "trip seats" and plant thoughts/experiences in our minds, then release us back to the general population?

Please clarify any points as I mean no disrespect.

Regards and Blessings,
Soul Sequence

P.S. What is Mr. Kings current health status and do you see him recovering soon.
Very generalised yes but basics are correct. Over the years he has been allowed to give further info from original data, more detail than was first deemed necessary for the public.
His health now is getting better considering what was done. Hopefully soon we shall see him speaking for himself.

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Old 09-22-2008, 12:14 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Very generalised yes but basics are correct. Over the years he has been allowed to give further info from original data, more detail than was first deemed necessary for the public.
His health now is getting better considering what was done. Hopefully soon we shall see him speaking for himself.

Watcher....is it his belief, through what you are aware, does it have anything to do with using these "hybrids" to present mass landings upon the general population?

Regards and Blessings,
Soul Sequence
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Old 09-22-2008, 12:33 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Soul Sequence View Post
Watcher....is it his belief, through what you are aware, does it have anything to do with using these "hybrids" to present mass landings upon the general population?

Regards and Blessings,
Soul Sequence
Hi S S, these drones are used in MILABs, implanted screen memory scenarios, etc. Mass landings IF they were to take place would presumably be utilised by actual off planet intelligences. The only way the military could accomplish multiple landing scenario would be by using the advanced holographics, yes from that these PLFs could be utilised, but that would be a limited action. It might appear unclear to many but MILABs usually run hand in hand with alien (off planet intelligence) abductions. From official inhouse reports MILABs do outnumber reported alien abductions. So many are coming forward with claims of seeing military or other humans present during their abduction event.

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Old 09-22-2008, 12:38 AM   #19
Soul Sequence
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What is the difference in purpose from the motivations of the military/NSA with regards to the abductions compared to "real" grey abductions?

Regards amd Blessings,
Soul Sequence
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Old 09-22-2008, 12:50 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Soul Sequence View Post
What is the difference in purpose from the motivations of the military/NSA with regards to the abductions compared to "real" grey abductions?

Regards amd Blessings,
Soul Sequence
Several reasons, one being the military and the intelligence agencies need information from the abductees regarding their alien intrusions, the unfortunate abductees are tagged by the aliens then tagged again by the military. The military desperately want the technology and will do everything to obtain it.
Secondly using MILABs with combined screen memory implantation enables the military to continue with its ongoing mindcontrolling technologies. Abductees recall seeing small greys, they describe the classic abduction scenario, nicely hiding the fact it was orchestrated by humans.

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Old 09-22-2008, 12:51 AM   #21
Avalon Senior Member
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Another short piece from that book, you might find of interest.........

To my mind, and notwithstanding the fact that the black budget
military-industrial complex is in possession of some very future-tech
aircraft indeed, it is nonetheless inconceivable that such a vehicle - as
described above, ‘conclusion 2’ - could be the result of terrestrial
technology alone. Which leaves only one of two possibilities.

Either the military have become very adept indeed in the science of
holographics (and the craft, perhaps even the being, was a hologram) or
some highly secretive elite within the government-military-industrial
complex has indeed formed an ‘alliance’ with a visiting alien race.

And remember, whichever conclusion proves ultimately to be correct, this
all happened on British soil - if an alliance truly does exist between
aliens and governments, then one of those governments is British.


{ Note: [I propose a forth possible scenario, a variation of 3). For
those that do not accept that the American and British governments have
possession of alien genetic material, and a working knowledge of such, it
may seem somewhat outlandish to suggest that the ‘small being’ George saw
was not the product of a ‘screen memory’, or a special ops personnel with a
blackened face, but a PGLF (Programmed Generated Life Form), in other words
an implanted clone, utilising alien DNA, from the deep underground
facility, NSA-run MILAB/MANNIKIN military abduction project under
Peasemore, Berkshire. However, I have my own reasons for suspecting this
might be a possibility, and that the reason why the BBC refused to make the
video ‘triangle’ of orange lights (which the military claimed was a
helicopter) over the crop circle public, is because they were constrained
by the Official Secrets Act. In other words, part of this operation
involved a military triangle UFO, (possibly from USA hardware imported into
Boscombe Down, or the British equivalent of back-engineered
antigravitational technology) a so-called ‘Guinea Pig’, or mind controlled
subject, and part involved the clinically precise mutilation, in the
vicinity, of a horse, - as a further attempt to associate these events with
cultists, so that it would be taken up by the media and dismissed as so
much vandalistic foolishness, like the so-called ‘Ouija boards’. The police
reaction to this (clearly professional, not haphazard, and almost certainly
not coincidental) mutilation was somewhat curious, to say the least, and in
my opinion indicates that they were leaned on by the MOD, who had full
knowledge of the program, which included the hacking of Georges’s account -
I’d bet my money on it. Further evidence of a government program to
discredit crop circles in the eyes of the public comes in the the Colin
Andrews interview I will subsequently post, where it can be seen that the
CIA made blatant attempts to ‘recruit’ Andrews and infiltrate his office
for the purpose of acquiring his crop circles database - naughty, naughty.

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Old 01-07-2010, 11:22 AM   #22
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Are these files still available? If this stuff is so important, why is it not all collected in one place and put on line somehwere to make it easily accessible?
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Old 01-07-2010, 07:16 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Eclectic View Post
Are these files still available? If this stuff is so important, why is it not all collected in one place and put on line somehwere to make it easily accessible?
I have all these files, available to anyone. Thats just it, they have never been centralised for whatever reason. Regards, Barry King (The Watcher)
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Old 01-07-2010, 11:15 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
I have all these files, available to anyone. Thats just it, they have never been centralised for whatever reason. Regards, Barry King (The Watcher)

Hi, send them to me please at me email address in my profile. Also, this may already be the case with your paperwork, but if not how about writing your story, a basic synopsis, etc? Dates, involvement, etc to make it really accessible for someone just researching this.

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Old 01-07-2010, 11:53 PM   #25
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A pdf file was produced in 2005 by a friend at Ufo Casebooks forum, that could be sent via email. Paperwork such as original 600+ pages of files is now on CD, other materials are CDs and DVDs
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