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Old 08-27-2009, 01:24 PM   #26
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Default Re: What is Gizeh Intelligence?

BROOK: My question opened a Pandora's Box. You know more than I thought. You know too much.
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Old 08-27-2009, 01:50 PM   #27
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Default Re: What is Gizeh Intelligence?

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
BROOK: My question opened a Pandora's Box. You know more than I thought. You know too much.
I don't know anything about this subject...all I know is that address and area..it's very close to me..I could ride a bike to that spot

The link I found was because I used google...so what is supposed to be there?
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Old 08-27-2009, 02:05 PM   #28
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Here is the top of the pyramid of Giza Intelligence at Indian Dunes...in the 70's...before they went off-planet.
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Old 08-27-2009, 02:10 PM   #29
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That is where they wer making the Twilight Zone move and there was a helicopter crash happened and killed a pilot and two children actors.


That area is mostly surrounded by industrial parks and studios
My son worked on the show Nightrider when it was on for one season.

There are always film crews over that way filming something. Welcome to California...that is what we live with around here

You do see lots of limos around there though.

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Old 08-27-2009, 02:14 PM   #30
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Default Re: What is Gizeh Intelligence?

I don't see the connection to the Giza Intelligence though ,,,where is that connection?
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Old 08-27-2009, 02:24 PM   #31
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There is no connection with Giza Intelligence that I know of. Sort of like the 9/11 - Iraq connection. Sorry for the confusion. I was just being a wise-guy. Here is the 'Twilight Zone' incident (warning - upsetting footage):

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 08-27-2009 at 02:43 PM.
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Old 08-27-2009, 02:49 PM   #32
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Default Re: What is Gizeh Intelligence?

Very funny But you said that that is where their main headquarters is....you had me going for a few
You know at any given spot around here there is Lockheed Martin...there is Edwards AFB...and the space shuttle lands
here from time to time.
There are lost of Space engineering complexes around here...and of course not far from here is JPL

Last edited by BROOK; 08-27-2009 at 02:54 PM.
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Old 08-27-2009, 04:22 PM   #33
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Perhaps I could return to the subject of the thread by saying that all of this stuff is interconnected. Compartmentalizing what we discuss may be a mistake. Thinking about the Secret Space Program while watching a motorcycle race may unlock new insights. I'm not kidding. I call this Contextual Superimposition...and related to the Eureka Phenomenon. The military industrial complex has a huge presence in Southern California. Just ask John Lear. California...in general...is hugely important regarding the subject of aliens and ufo's. I guess that North Africa and the Southwestern United States are two of the most interesting areas to me...at this time...other than the Dark Side of the Moon.

Richard Hoagland states that the three main factions within NASA are 1. The Masons 2. The NAZI's 3. The Magicians (Occultists?). My question is...which of these three factions is most closely associated with Giza Intelligence? Or are all of the seemingly different factions simply different facets of the same diamond? There has to be a supreme council headed by a supreme leader...which oversees all of the madness. I suspect that this leader is Lucifer. Again...did Giza Intelligence move their headquarters from North Africa to the Dark Side of the Moon in 1979 (or shortly thereafter)?

Actually...I think the underground bases, leviton trains, secret space program, etc...is kinda cool...but all of this should not be secret...and should not be under malevolent reptilian control. We the People of Earth should control all of this very, very expensive activity. We're paying for it...aren't we? We the People should be invited to the party. It should be 'Our Party'...so to speak.

Again...I don't know if any of this is true. I'm simply exploring different lines of possibility and probability. The Vatican, the Pentagon, the NSA, the CIA, etc, etc...all keep forgetting to brief me on what's REALLY going on! I am NOT a potted-plant!

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 08-27-2009 at 04:44 PM.
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Old 08-28-2009, 12:46 PM   #34
James Casbolt
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Default Re: What is Gizeh Intelligence?

Thank you for posting this. More answers here-

Commander Michael Prince


"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

From the film

'Angel Heart'
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Old 08-28-2009, 06:03 PM   #35
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Some of you will recall that on July 4-8, 1947, a little over 60 years ago,witnesses claim that an unidentified flying object (UFO) with five aliens aboard crashed onto a sheep and mule ranch just outside Roswell, New Mexico. This is a well known incident that many say has long been covered up by the U.S. Air Force and other federal agencies and James Parson Labs. at
that time now JPL.

However, what you may NOT know is that in the month of April 1948, nine months after that historic, the following people were born:

Albert A. Gore, Jr.

Hillary Rodham

John F. Kerry

William J. Clinton

Robert Dean

Nancy Pelosi

Dianne Feinstein

Charles E. Schumer

Barbara Boxer

See what happens when aliens breed with sheep and jackasses. I certainly hope this bit of information clears up a lot of things for you. It did for me. No wonder they support the bill to help illegal aliens! [Chuckle]...

Just something to THINK about...

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Old 08-28-2009, 08:15 PM   #36
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Thank-you James. The links were fascinating. I will have to start following your posts more closely. I haven't been...and I don't know why. No reason at all. I guess I just got in a rut.

Thank-you Tango. A remote viewer brought 'The Roswell Conception' idea to me a few weeks ago.

Was (is?) Omnipotent Highness KRLLL really Lucifer?

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 08-28-2009 at 08:19 PM.
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Old 08-28-2009, 11:22 PM   #37
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this is really worth checking into. I keep thinking that they only knew what they needed to know.

Pretty hard to fake this stuff
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Old 08-29-2009, 09:28 AM   #38
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Default Re: What is Gizeh Intelligence?

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
Does this have something to do with the Dulce Wars? ... The Secret Space Program. The Deep Underground Military Bases. The City-States...
I watched the Gizeh Intelligence video that you posted, originally. It's kind of interesting, especially from a secret society (Thule) and science (World Ice Theory) point of view. The giant human fossils are a hoax, aren't they? I haven't read anything about the Dulce Wars, though I did see this book on Amazon.

Also, I found this website, and specific article, when I was reading about Brookhaven and CERN, kind of funny that the US Air Force is underground:

Dulce and Other Underground Bases
The U.S. Air Force sponsored research in deep underground construction as early as 1958. The RAND corporation carried out this research, and published proceedings from symposiums held on the subject of construction methods and equipment, utility installation, and the use of nuclear bursts to produce underground cavities.
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Old 09-15-2009, 06:59 PM   #39
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Could Giza Intelligence be a relatively benevolent faction of humans, greys, and reptilians? Are they fighting more malevolent factions of humans, greys, and reptilians? I'm sensing a very dark and complex power struggle...with lots of collateral damage. Are the various factions really different shades of black? Disclosure could be unbelievably complex. Are there good Masons? Are there good NAZI's? Are there good Occultists? Are there good Popes? Are there good Illuminati? Are there good Zionists? Are there good Reptilians? Are there good Greys? What were the World Wars REALLY all about? Did WWII really end? Is it still raging (over our heads, beneath our feet, and invisibly all around us...and even in us)?

I'm sensing that we are discussing the tip of the iceberg. We may be picking a scab which covers a very ugly and grotesque wound. We may not like what we see when 'Disclosure' fully occurs. I'm thinking that we may have to become very unhappy and disillusioned before we can really begin to build a better world and solar system. Keep digging...but don't be surprised if you don't like what you find. Abandon all hope ye who enter Avalon. Just kidding...or am I?

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 09-15-2009 at 07:20 PM.
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Old 10-17-2009, 03:50 AM   #40
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What if Earth (and the Solar System) was colonized millions of years ago by Humans (rather than having evolved here on Earth, at least)...who brought all of the fancy technology with them (including antigravity, nuclear weapons, holographic, free energy, etc). Could we Earth Humans really be Humans from Sirius? Sirius is the All Seeing Eye at the Top of the Pyramid. Sirius is at the center of EVERYTHING.

What if we Humans can exist both physically and spiritually...and simply get recycled here on Earth (and the Solar System)? What if a faction of Humans hoarded the technology, dumbed the rest of the Humans down genetically and educationally. What if all of the religions are manmade? What if all of the alien races are either made up...or have been genetically created by Humans? What if a faction of Human Beings is behind all of this? Could this be Gizeh (Giza) Intelligence? I've asked this sort of thing before...and I live in perpetual uncertainty. This uncertainty is taking a toll. I'm just asking at least some of you to think through what a completely Human Earth scenario would look like. Imagine being part of a faction of Humans...living throughout the Solar System...and deceiving 99% of the other Humans. How would you pull it off...century after century? We have to consider all possibilities...don't we?

I know Humans exist. I know Spirits exist. I know UFO's are real. I know we are in HUGE trouble. Beyond that...I don't really know a damn thing. I'm getting everything second, third, fourth, and fifth hand. Many of us have open minds regarding Aliens, UFO's, time-travel, etc, etc...but what about being open-minded about the possibility that all of this phenomenon is Human? Could the supposed Roswell future Humans really be the elite underground Humans called Giza Intelligence? Bill Cooper was perplexed by the 'Alien Presence' and wondered if it could be a completely homegrown phenomenon.

I just noticed the view-count of this thread. It's over 3,000...yet there aren't very many comments. What's going on here? Somebody help me out here. I'm feeling very small, stupid, and helpless. I'm in way over my head thinking about this stuff. I need to stop. Could the superimposed parallel universes simply be 1. The elite members of Giza Intelligence (1% of the Human Race?). 2. The rest of us peons (99% of the Human Race?). Who knows? Oh...I forgot...the Shadow Government knows. Gotta go. Someone's pounding on my front-door...

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 10-17-2009 at 04:29 AM.
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Old 10-17-2009, 04:43 AM   #41
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A special note to Gizeh Intelligence: If what I have said in the previous post is correct...all I ask at this point...is that all extermination and enslavement scenarios be conclusively terminated. Just join the rest of the human race. I request that all factions throughout the solar system reconcile and join together under the authority of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. This sad chapter of universal history can have a happy ending...and a new beginning. Namaste.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 10-17-2009 at 05:00 AM.
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Old 10-20-2009, 02:39 AM   #42
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I'm feeling really close to the truth...yet really far away. I'm thinking that Sirius is at the center of everything...yet I'm not sure exactly how.

Could it be that the God of This World is a Draconian-possessed androgynous black human alien from Sirius who heads Giza Intelligence, the Secret Space Program, and the Deep Underground Military Bases...and who is the real Black Pope? Could the Ark of the Covenant be the UFO which brought us here from Sirius along with technology obtained from Draconian-demons in exchange for allowing the Draconians to possess the elite-humans? Is this solar system really part of the Siran solar system? Is our sun really Sirius C? Is the ancient depiction of three suns really Sirius A, Sirius B, and Sirius C? Are the tall greys from Sirius, really just human beings? Did we all come from Sirius? Is there a stargate between this solar system and Sirius? Is all of the cr@p we have been in for millions of years really a Sirian civil war? Are we all different factions of Sirians? Would my pet project of The United States of the Solar System really have to apply to Sirius as well? Is Sirius the All Seeing Eye at the top of the pyramid? Is Sunday really Sun God Day? Is this sun really Sirius? Is the Roman Catholic Church all about Sirius? Are the Masons all about Sirius? Are the occultists all about Sirius? Is the layout of Washington D.C. all about Sirius? Is the Sirian Theocratic System really the Universal Church aka The Holy Roman Empire aka the New World Order?

How answerest thou...SaLuSa?
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Old 10-20-2009, 05:46 AM   #43
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I think the answer will be that 'soon everything is becoming clear to us'. Define 'soon'? Answer: 'Not now.'
SaLuSa, Ashtar, etc., are a bunch of Draco/Sirian/Nazi reptoid mind****ers, so much has become clear to me.
But that's just between you & me, Ortho.
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Old 10-20-2009, 11:10 AM   #44
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I tend to agree TRANCOSO. I just wonder if it's possible to remove the Draco part of the unholy trinity you mentioned? Are the Draconians really demons who are usually invisible...but who can manifest themselves in reptilian/grey form? Are the Sirians we are dealing with really human beings? When the Vatican referred to extraterrestrials as our brothers...perhaps they meant this literally. Are the Nazis, Masons, Vatican, City of London...and most of the people we love to hate...really pawns? Would an exorcism of the Sirius system as well as our solar system be necessary to rid us of most of our problems? If so...what would make this possible? Is it even possible? Has a significant faction of humanity been dealing with the devil? How expensive would this divorce be?

I have no hatred in asking these questions. I'm treating this like a science fiction mystery novel. I realize that if even 5% of it is true that we are in very deep trouble. I'm thinking that Sirius A, B, and C need to be completely divorced from Draco...and that Sirius A, B, and C need to completely reconcile under the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights...and completely expose all of the dark secrets, horrific wars, and deals with the devil. I just want the BS to stop. Hope springs eternal. Conduit closing.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 10-20-2009 at 11:56 AM.
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Old 10-20-2009, 03:58 PM   #45
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Keep this in mind. According to God/Aton (notA/God?!) the expression 'As Above, So Below' is one of his 'Universal Laws'. In other words it's the same mess up there, as it is down here. Now, with tis knowledge in the back of my head, how can these Galactic Federation guys expect me to completely trust them & blindly follow there 'orders'. 'Cause that's the essence of their messages: you're either with us, or against us & when you're with us, you do as you're told. Why don't they dump some video footage on YouTube, where they show us what they look like, a couiple of clear shots of their enormous fleet of motherships, etc. Instead it's just words & words & words. With an undertone that we all screwed up big time, should feel very guilty & are actually a bunch of worms in a can. We are sinners! From the moment we're born!
Now, I grew up in a catholic inviroment & had to go to church every sunday, untill I was 10 years old & refused to go any longer & I never understood what this whole 'Jesus died for our sins' trip was about. I mean, whether he did or didn't, I was still a sinner, according to the priests. And I could pray 24/7 for forgiveness (For what? Stealing cookies?) it would be all in vain. Sinners we were, sinners we are, & sinners we'll be 'till the end of time. Amen. And now I read that these lovely, holy Space Hippies from Sirius, who are gonna beam me up when the **** hits the fan, worship a magisterial maniac called Aton. Now, if he's the 'good guy', so is George W. Bush!

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Old 10-20-2009, 06:19 PM   #46
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I completely agree TRANCOSO. They have to use Secrecy and Deception to pull-off their agenda. That is Not a good sign. I think we have a chance to properly handle this BS...but that the window of opportunity is very small. The consequences of getting this wrong are enormous...I think. We seem to be like an abused spouse who believes the promise that it will be different this time. How many times do we have to get beat-up before we wake-up and get a cosmic divorce and a universal restraining order? If we keep going back for more...there is probably very little the benevolent forces throughout the universe can do for us.

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Old 10-20-2009, 10:33 PM   #47
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Thanx for your support Ortho. Actually I was a bit hassitant to come forward with my criticism on our beloved Space Brothers, but as I've been reading quite a bit of these 'messages' lately, it occured to me that this is just a big hoax. A hoax that could hardly be put up by just one single person, due to the enormous amount of words. I mean, seriously reading & 'absorbing' it takes me at least half an hour, but writing it down is day & nighttime job.
How could a bunch of loving, caring, benevolent Space Pussies hold up against an army of mega nasty Draco Reptoids & Nazi Greys.
Their superiour technology?
Sure, but appearently they invent & produce a kind of weaponery that wipes out their opponents. You don't kill a 10 foot Reptoid by throwing flowers at him.
And then there is this choice we have to make between 'The Dark Side' & 'The Light'. Personally I'm a pacifist & have no urge to join any group whatsoever. I have learned to defend myself (I'm a black belt karate) & won't hesitate one second to kick the living daylight out of someone who attacks me, but I rather walk away before anything extreme is going to happen.
Every message I read is built up with sweet talk & than there comes a point where we're told it's not on us to decide if we invite them to save us.
They've already made up their minds.
They have special containers to store our souls, I read somewhere.
Does anybody know what 'soul assasins' are.
Well, they are.
They're here to harvest.
Preferably without a gun fired.
By pure deceit.
When something appears to be too good to be true, it usually is.
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Old 10-21-2009, 03:47 AM   #48
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I keep wondering about the distinction between supposed 'native' reptilians and the alleged 'Draconian' reptilians. Perhaps the 'native' reptilians are not really a huge problem. They seem to be more physical than supernatural. Perhaps greys are a type of 'native' reptilian. I don't know. But it does seem that there are 'non-native' reptilians which seem to be more supernatural than physical. These Draconian reptilians seem to be very evil, smart, and dangerous. Perhaps these Draconians can manifest as reptilians or hijack the native reptilians (and greys?) to do their bidding...or at least blame them for all the trouble. The greys with two brains (one which is computerized?) seem to just be robots. Do the Draconians sometimes (or always?) possess these greys? The Draconians seem to need physicality. Why is this? Why do they possess people?

We are told that we need to ascend beyond physicality. I don't buy this at all. We are also told that we will be taken to better places with spaceships and stargates. Are we sure we would really go to 'better' places? It sounds like they want our bodies and our planet. It sounds like they want to rule over us as Gods. I want to keep my body. I want to keep my planet. I want Constitutional Responsible Freedom. I want the Draconians to go to hell...and leave us alone.

Giza Intelligence is supposedly connected with Aldebaran...but I am considering the possibility that they are connected with Sirius. I haven't decided if they are with the Draconians...or against them. It sounds like they are with them...and even possessed by them. I really don't know. It just sounds like our solar system and the Sirian solar system are linked...and that we are dealing with a human phenomenon(Sirian humans and Earth humans)...with the exception of the Draconians...and perhaps some native reptilians and greys(native to both Sirius and Earth). Again...I don't know. Help somebody.

I'm simply suspecting huge doses of BS everywhere...especially from ET's who are oh so superior to us stupid mortals...and are here to help us evolve...by abducting us, experimenting on us, terrorizing us, and dictating to us...whether we like it or not. BS!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!! BETTER DEAD THAN REP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SOLAR SYSTEM EXORCISM!!!!!!!!!!!

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Old 10-23-2009, 02:28 AM   #49
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Here is something of interest regarding Aldebaran from Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldebaran Notice especially the section on the Gnostic Neo-Nazis.

Ancient cultures
The name Aldebaran comes from the Arabic (الدبران al-dabarān) meaning "the follower" and refers to the way the star follows the Pleiades star cluster in its nightly journey across the sky. In Persia it was known as Sadvis and Kugard.[7] The Romans called it Palilicium, and it is known as 畢宿五 (Bìxiùwŭ, the Fifth Star of the Net) in Chinese. Aldebaran is identified as the lunar mansion Rohini in Hindu astronomy and as one of the twenty-seven daughters of Daksha and the wife of the god Chandra.

Gnostic Neo-Nazis
An esoteric neo-Nazi sect headquartered in Vienna, Austria called the Tempelhofgesellschaft, founded in the early 1990s, teaches a form of Gnosticism called Marcionism[citation needed]. They distribute pamphlets claiming that the Aryan race originally came to Atlantis from the star Aldebaran (this information is supposedly based on "ancient Sumerian manuscripts"). They maintain that the Aryans from Aldebaran derive their power from the vril energy of the Black Sun. They teach that since the Aryan race is of extraterrestrial origin it has a divine mission to dominate all the other races. It is believed by adherents of this religion that an enormous space fleet is on its way to Earth from Aldebaran which, when it arrives, will join forces with the Nazi Flying Saucers from Antarctica to establish the Western Imperium. [8]

Inuit culture
In Inuit astronomy, Aldebaran is called "Spirit of a Polar Bear".

Italian witchcraft
In the religion of Stregheria, Aldebaran is a fallen angel and quarter guardian of the eastern gate.

Aldebaran is referred to in Edmund Spenser's The Faerie Queene (1590), book one, canto three, stanza 16:

Now when Aldeboran was mounted hye
Aboue the shinie Cassiopeia chaire (I.III.16.1-2)
In American horror writer H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, Hastur resides in the Hyades cluster, and is signified by Aldebaran being above the horizon. When Aldebaran is visible, Hastur's eye is said to be upon all it oversees.

Mexican culture
For the Seris of northwestern Mexico, this star is providing light for the seven women giving birth (Pleiades). It has three different names: Hant Caalajc Ipápjö, Queeto, and Azoj Yeen oo Caap ("star that goes ahead"). The lunar month corresponding to October is called Queeto yaao "Aldebaran's path".[9]

Native American culture
For the Dakotas (a branch of the Native American Sioux tribe), Aldebaran took on a heroic aspect. The young star was the child of the sun and the lady Blue Star. One day, he desired to hunt the white buffalo (the Pleiades). After he pulled up a sapling to make a spear, a hole was made in the ground and he could see all the people of Earth down below. The white buffalo took this chance to push him through. He was found by an old woman and was to be known as Old Woman's Grandson. On Earth, he killed many strange monsters that had been troubling the Native Americans; one monster of which was a serpent that caused drought. The young hero killed the serpent, releasing a great stream of water that became the Mississippi River. In time, Old Woman's Grandson remembered the white buffalo and returned to hunting him in the sky to fulfill his destiny.

Reference to Aldebaran appears in the The Rolling Stones song "2000 light years from home" from the 1967 psychedelic rock album Their Satanic Majesties Request. The Welsh-born Dark Ambient musician Brian Williams (Lustmord) has a track entitled Aldebaran of the Hyades on his 1994 album The Place where the Black Stars Hang. Enya included a song named Alderbaran on her first album, Enya (later re-released as The Celts). Austrian musician B. Fleischmann includes a song called "Aldebaran Waltz" in his 2006 album, The Humbucking Coil.

Aldebaran is also the title of a song by Essra Mohawk, and is included on her album "Revelations Of The Secret Diva".

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 10-23-2009 at 02:32 AM.
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Old 10-23-2009, 02:40 AM   #50
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Default Re: What is Gizeh Intelligence?

ortho, I'm in the mood to sort this out here and now. The non-interference clause that everyone talks about must be BS, because the interference has been obscene to date. Did you see my post in your thread yesterday,... the Dagon, Dragon, etc...?
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