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Old 09-27-2008, 12:41 AM   #51
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

oh isn't it going well

hello everyone! feel free to befriend to link up the devon/cornwall faction

no, i don't feel pressure to leave, our resources down here are remakable really

& i don't sense any oncoming sea calamity as per some prediction or other so ROCK ON with love
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Old 09-27-2008, 12:44 AM   #52
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Thumbs up Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

hi narna man , mines a cider and a packet of crisps ,on you . rhythm
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Old 09-27-2008, 12:58 AM   #53
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

Originally Posted by rhythm View Post
hi narna man , mines a cider and a packet of crisps ,on you . rhythm
ha the cheek...ok ok il get them in......i may go crazy and get some nuts too

Rock on with love eris...loving the vibes!!


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Old 09-27-2008, 02:19 PM   #54
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

Originally Posted by simple simon View Post
sorry folks,

something you need to know.

Cornwall (especially) and perhaps Devon too are expected to be lost to the sea, caused by a tsunami from the Atlantic Ocean.

I dont know how it will happen, it could be from a volcano on one of the Canary Islands slipping into the sea (a process which almost happened in 1949 and has been tettering on the brink ever since) or it could be from an asteroid crashing into the sea.

Nor do I know exactly when it will happen, but my thoughts are possibly within the next few years.

Recently the famous actress Dawn French let it be known that she knows she will die young (ie: without reaching 'old age') and apparently has gone into semi-retirement on Cornwall somewhere which overlooks the sea. This explains why she might not reach old age.

simon dawn French who I respect greatly is morbidly obese, if she lost weight she would live a normal life expectancy ..

additionally the volcano you are talking about is the cumbre vieja on La Palma ..

I have read that there are many different theories .. worst case being that the super heated gas from the volcano makes the water in the cracks turn to steam and hence causes expansion and a section of the island to fall into the sea causing a tsunami that would hit the eastern sea board of america and south coasts of britian ..

It could be a million years from now .. plus other scientists have said that the volcano might slump slowly into the sea not causing a massive tsunami ..

I dont know i dont think cornwall and devon are going to sink in our life time

Last edited by izz; 09-27-2008 at 08:03 PM.
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Old 09-27-2008, 05:05 PM   #55
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

Thanks bananaman for greetings I'm just wondering after listening to Miriam Delicado if it would be a good idea for our area (or every area) to start up a seed swap? I've just be clearing up my greenhouse and came across a bunch of half opened seed packets and thought that if others had packets, by collecting them together we could give/post a complete veg garden in seed form. Just add love, soil and water

This way everyone can grow a garden for next year

If we get enough packets together we could seriously help a lot of people all for just the price of a postage stamp
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Old 10-01-2008, 03:18 PM   #56
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

After careful consideration i've decided to leave Project Avalon, this is by no means a reflection of the excellent information and the tireless work that the project avalon/camelot team have put into this.

My main reason being that i feel that running around forming little 'select' communities based on what skills you have and if you can be of any use goes against everything i personally believe in, coupled with the fact that the ground crew are no more 'grounded' here then anywhere else. re. 'Whos staying in the uk to stick it out' thread.

As for Cornwall been wiped off the map

I was also sorry to see that in another thread your grammer and punctuation and how well you can express yourself determains if your a 'disinfo' agent.

In conclusion i wish everyone finds an inner peace and steadys themselves before they capsize the boat.
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Old 10-01-2008, 03:53 PM   #57
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

Originally Posted by soulrider View Post
After careful consideration i've decided to leave Project Avalon, this is by no means a reflection of the excellent information and the tireless work that the project avalon/camelot team have put into this.

My main reason being that i feel that running around forming little 'select' communities based on what skills you have and if you can be of any use goes against everything i personally believe in, coupled with the fact that the ground crew are no more 'grounded' here then anywhere else. re. 'Whos staying in the uk to stick it out' thread.

As for Cornwall been wiped off the map

I was also sorry to see that in another thread your grammer and punctuation and how well you can express yourself determains if your a 'disinfo' agent.

In conclusion i wish everyone finds an inner peace and steadys themselves before they capsize the boat.
It is a shame u are leaving soulrider...especially for those reasons...i mean if i thought for a min that little 'select' communities were being formed based on what skills people have got and only what they bring to the community then i wud be leaving and feeling as ****** off with this place as i do the current reality we are all in.
I believe that people are here to relate and share what they have and form friendships and know of other people closer to home who are feeling the same as them. Knowledge is power. It is extremely isolating when u start to wake up to whats happening and i feel this place is based on preparing for when lots and lots of people get scared and confused when things get a bit hairy...and it will do, in one way or another

Basically, deep down i am a positive person and i want to know people around me who are experiencing what i am and i want to help in any way i can...help anyone who needs it. I dont have any particular skills to bring if im honest...im filled to the brim with love and have a mad sense of humour!...if that qualifies..but with regards to actual skills...i have none.
But i feel the more people who get together in a 'how can we all get thru this' sense..the better off it will be for everyone.
However i repect ur decision and hope u find peace and blessings to eternity, back again..and everywhere inbetween

and just for the record....cornwall and devon arent going anywhere in my honest opinion

peace bananaman
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Old 10-01-2008, 04:33 PM   #58
simple simon
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

re: the tsunami for 'Tin Islands' as Cornwall was once known, this link from the London Daily Telegraph newspaper may be of interest.


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Old 10-01-2008, 04:39 PM   #59
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

This page from the BBC website talks about the tsunami of 1607 which affected South Wales and Somerset.

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Old 10-01-2008, 04:45 PM   #60
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

Originally Posted by simple simon View Post
re: the tsunami for 'Tin Islands' as Cornwall was once known, this link from the London Daily Telegraph newspaper may be of interest.


Hi simple simon


peace and blessings

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Old 10-01-2008, 04:46 PM   #61
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

Hi Bananaman, i probably came across a bit strong in relation to 'select' communities and in no way ment to disrespect anybody for taking positive action to steady themselves.

My issue is mainly with the St Clair interviews that seems to be forging a lot of peoples opinions about how to create these communities,,,now my lasting memory is when he specifically states that certain people are needed in each community ie Nurse, engineer etc etc he neglects to say what would happen to everyone else, also how is 'average joe' expected to approach these communities when he has no skills to offer, and also would anyone entering these communities actually want to leave to help others?

The fatal flaw in this idea is that your now creating a them and us situation.

Nobody in my opinion should run for the hills and live seperately, ground crew means exactly that 'grounded crew' helping people in your area is what your supposed to do, by all of us running as one to an area then in reality we're only leaving ourselves to perish, law of one.

That's not to say though that creating friendships so you don't feel alone when this is going is not crucial, but hey man you got my email if you want it

Anyways onwards and upwards and i'll leave you with a couple of bits to re assure people that i'll carry on helping in my own little way

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Old 10-01-2008, 05:12 PM   #62
simple simon
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

Originally Posted by bananaman View Post
Hi simple simon


peace and blessings

Hi bananaman,

I've added a comment - mercury is retrograde and I'm rushing as I'm about to be called away from the pc, but I hope what I say there is understood.

I know that I think differently to other people;

(must go, will comment more later this evening)

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Old 10-01-2008, 05:35 PM   #63
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

Originally Posted by soulrider View Post
Hi Bananaman, i probably came across a bit strong in relation to 'select' communities and in no way ment to disrespect anybody for taking positive action to steady themselves.

My issue is mainly with the St Clair interviews that seems to be forging a lot of peoples opinions about how to create these communities,,,now my lasting memory is when he specifically states that certain people are needed in each community ie Nurse, engineer etc etc he neglects to say what would happen to everyone else, also how is 'average joe' expected to approach these communities when he has no skills to offer, and also would anyone entering these communities actually want to leave to help others?
The fatal flaw in this idea is that your now creating a them and us situation.

Nobody in my opinion should run for the hills and live seperately, ground crew means exactly that 'grounded crew' helping people in your area is what your supposed to do, by all of us running as one to an area then in reality we're only leaving ourselves to perish, law of one.

That's not to say though that creating friendships so you don't feel alone when this is going is not crucial, but hey man you got my email if you want it

Anyways onwards and upwards and i'll leave you with a couple of bits to re assure people that i'll carry on helping in my own little way

Hey soul...well i can only say how i see it and that is there are no 'average joes'.
How limited we believe we are is unfortunately a monumentous flaw in our basic thought processes and something that has been burdened upon the vast majority for a very, very long time. This is ofcourse not our fault.
I truly believe that if or when the time comes for whatever it may be...we will be ready and know exactly what to do. In ourselves and as a collective.
There is no doubt in my mind that i am here bcos i chose to be... the choices i have made throughout my life...there are no coincidences, there can not be. And this is a case for most of us
So called ''average'' people can bring themselves for when we really look at it and strip away all titles, education, lies and doubt we are left with nothing but truth, compassion and love.
Nobody should run for the hills at all...this is ofcourse unless there is something horrific that is gona happen...and im afraid i dont believe that is going to happen. It is not that i am being ignorant or unwise...i am preparing..but i am preparing for what i believe is going to happen..not what someone else believes is going to happen. I am true to myself and go with what resonates with me and what my intuition and gut feeling tell me for i believe again, im here bcos i chose to be here.
This is ofcourse my humbled opinion...

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Old 10-01-2008, 09:13 PM   #64
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

Originally Posted by simple simon View Post
Hi bananaman,

I've added a comment - mercury is retrograde and I'm rushing as I'm about to be called away from the pc, but I hope what I say there is understood.

I know that I think differently to other people;

(must go, will comment more later this evening)


to continue...

its not that I am doom and gloom, rather that I accept that shift happens, and that I do not accept that it is healthy to ignore aspects of life which do not please us.

Sometimes the greatest lessons come from events which we would initially see as 'bad'.

This list is about preparing for 'events' and coming together afterwards to survive and rebuild.

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Old 10-01-2008, 10:13 PM   #65
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Hey Banananman !

Thanks for the link to the AWESOME thread. Awesome! What a blast of positivity. I've added my twopenneth to the thread too.

I think too (Soulrider) imo that we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that we are all 'awesome' because we are taking an interest in our Earth and the people on it. Doesn't matter if we have skills or not. Your skill is your interest and undoubtedly your knowledge that has brought you this far.

I'm sure plenty of us are sensitive to others and what is going on in the world right now, or we wouldn't be in the place we find ourselves (i.e. taking such an interest). So it's easy for us to imagine scenarios where we 'get left out' (anyone here like me get picked towards the end for teams at football/cricket?? ) - or imagine situations where we have fallen short of survival requirements. (Running out the door thinking ... fishing line ? check. compass? check. Sleeping bag ? check. Oh no..wait , I've forgotten my shoes... rats !!) (Never mind 'Engineer? Check. Nurse? Check.)

But that's the point (for me). Imagination. So how great it is to see a thread where we imagine the best that can happen. If everyone could try that...well... would things really get bad at all ? I hope not, because people would be saying, (across the board) ' it's ok... we'll fix that... we'll sort this'.

My hope that this whole deal is more about exactly this kind of awakening of love for everyone, we will see that the old ways just won't work anymore.

But we each have our song, I don't mean to preach to anyone. I'm sure everyone will find their way along the path. It's nice to feel resonances with others though when it does happen. I think Avalon is trying to get a resonance going with people who generally feel the same way (with a wide scope of course).

That AWESOME thread has renewed my faith that this is not just going to be another forum. And the failure of the bailout bill through congress is an interesting synchonicity that we can evoke change through wanting/imagining it.

So thanks Bananaman for stoking the spiritual flames...
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Old 10-01-2008, 10:21 PM   #66
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

Hi all,
just checking in.
please stay soulrider, i'm definately 'average joe' and have no plans to join any select community in fact i'm going along with some of your opinions.
Big Hello to eris bananaman and Kulapops and welcome newbies.
Don't know about anyone else but I definately have not been in any Radiant zones lately, which is why i'm not checking in as much, feel lately the need to try to touch base and centre a little. So I've been doing a little more inner work than normal.
May your hearts guide you
and may wisdom find you.

Space and time are often seen
one way and then another
But at the heart of the universe
we unite as Sister and Brother.

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Old 10-02-2008, 09:16 AM   #67
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

hi droping in to say hi and what a pleasure it is to connect up with you all .
dont forget to call by to the sanctury , and the love zone , i hang out there a lot , happi days dudes . .
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Old 10-04-2008, 12:21 PM   #68
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sefest placeis to stay in your heart , trust you are in the right place , freedoms just another word for nothing left to lose, even your live if needs be . got a good feelings reading all your word . and i have a big boat i sail by and get you dont worri be happi . loves u all
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Old 10-04-2008, 11:55 PM   #69
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Hi Everyone !

Just checking in too... I guess I'm counting this thread my home, as that's where I 'live' for now.

Rhthymn... 'we're going to need a bigger boat!'

Well, I can't help but smile actually, probably my natural defence to the craziness that's going on lately. Just listened to Dr D's phonecall, which would make an interesting bed-time story, if it weren't for the fact that we're all have it in the back of our minds , that some of this stuff could really happen.

Hey, this is not like fear about 'will I get tickets for Glasto next year?'. This is not ' Will we come bottom in this year's Eurovision Song contest?'.

Either there is some 'cohesive otherwolrd agenda' going on, and we need to be very, very concerned about next week, or I've been reading the cereal packet upside down.

I'm having a little trouble holding both realities in my head just now. Anyone else having the same trouble ?

It's a bit like the timeline thing. on the one hand, there's T1 - normal everyday life - Gordon's doing his best at not being Tony, Dartmoor is a nice place to go walkies, Rock walk needs some serious attention, the BBC are making some great programs, there'll be a Christmas special of Dr Who.

And on the other timeline T2... which is kind of tuning in and out for me behind T1, a bit like ghosting on a bad telly, we have financial collapse, cronyism, martial law, nukes, something called the nwo which are planning there own form of a glastonbury festival this year.

Sorry if I sound a bit glib about all of our lives here... but isn't this just a tad surreal?

The information is mounting all the time, and the evidence seems to be dropping into place that T2 could indeed be the life we've been living all along.

I keep having to ask myself, maybe it's just the way I'm looking at things that's changed. I'm hoping for T1 as the reality, with some spiritual awakening for good measure.

In T1, as members of the D &C forum, we should at least be meeting down the pub somewehre to discuss the merits of our theories and info and debating what jolly interesting stuff this all is - Like some ufology group in the seventies meeting in the local church hall on a wednesday, wearing knitted sweaters and smoking pipes...(pls god I hope I've caused no offence there!) because if it really is going to be T2...the pub is going to be shut on next Wednesday.

I'll sign off by echoing others on this forum. I'm a great believer that we're all where we need to be. Or our instincts/synchronicity would have us be somewhere else. And that can change on a daily basis. But we must keep a focus on the good bit about being human. There is always room for love. There is always room for connection.

There is a lot of soul connection going on on this forum and lots of people doing great things to wake up the hearts of others. Hurrah ! Let's be happy about that. In the end it is the awakening to love that must come for our human race that will prove to be stronger than all of this material BS becuase love is based in the spirit and the will (imo) of the universal consciousness that binds everything together. A telly can be destroyed. My phone can fall down the toilet. I can be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But love cannot be defeated. How can you defeat a consciousness ?

In the meantime... at least we won't be short of water in the West Country, the rainy season has begun !

Good luck all,

Peace and love


P.S Congratulations Bananaman on your 'promotion' to moderator.

P.P.S Sorry about the long post... But at least I found some new extra smileys to break it up ...
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Old 10-05-2008, 09:14 PM   #70
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we realy got to have o pow pow soon , where s the best bub in tor bay ?
been a bit of a roller coaster ride today, with the phone call , lotsof us got a bit spun out . i listened to the follow on conversation bettween bill and kerry , talking to david wilcock , avery different take , deagle does have a repo for being a gloom n doomer . .
so hows about a link up , nanaman seems to be away , so whae he gets back
lets see if we can have a meet , u up 4 it ??
ill get em in . cheers rhythm
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Old 10-05-2008, 09:51 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by rhythm View Post
we realy got to have o pow pow soon , where s the best bub in tor bay ?
I'd say best pub for music has to be the Spinny ! But probably couldn't talk much there. The dreaded Mr Spoons (with a capital W) is quieter and a lot cheaper. The Boat House is a bit more light and airy.

Or there's the beach ! Those interested could meet for a picnic.

Joking apart, I wouldn't mind meeting up with a local group just to say hi if there's interest. (that's compound interest of course, adjusted anually for hyper-inflation). . Could it be any worse than making new friends at Nightschool ?? lol

Peace n love

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Old 10-06-2008, 09:51 AM   #72
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Hello people!!..apologies for being away a while...but am back now and indeed promoted ...
Trying to find the best bub in torbay sounds like my kind of mission!
Iv certainly missed quite a bit eh

big love to everyone today and keep smiling

mikey - aka the narna man
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Old 10-06-2008, 09:44 PM   #73
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Default Re: Devon and Cornwall people!!

Hi all,
As newly promoted moderator, you have been officially nominated for the pub hunt Mikey (aka..bananaman). Looking forward to a gathering.
Kulapops your humour is killing me..keep it up.

Also have been listening to all the goings on Deagle ..Wilcox and so on.
Yes Deagle is a bit multi appocolypse( esp Granada Forum lecture). Bit of a different take on him this recent phone call, took note of what he says about prophecies in that they are concieved to possibly be able to avert them.
The more I listen to Wilcox the more impressed I am, his reasoning on most matters seems very sound and seemless to me. I particulary took note on what he had to say about intuitive visions and dreams in that their content is highly symbolic and the information within them pertains mainly to the universe of the observer of the visions.
I do belive Bill Deagle knows a lot of stuff, he seems too fluent to be disinfo, but also I agree with David Wlicox in that Deagle should say what of his testimonies can be corroborated by others and what was information derived from intuitive visions and Dreams.

Love to all

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Old 10-10-2008, 06:00 PM   #74
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Hi All...

Newbie at the 'mechanics' of the forum, so don't know quite where to post this... but....

Is anyone about in Torbay this evening ? Fancy meeting up somewhere for a beer ?

While we can still get money out of cash machines?

How about Grand Central in Paignton (by the train tracks) or Wetherspoon's? 8:30pm? I'll be wearing the full radiation suit...

Ok... I just thought I could drag anyone local away from their monitors for a couple of hours ! (it's either that or watch the seemingly excellent zeitgeist : addendum with a glass of wine at home )

Appreciate that this is short notice (heh... less time for infiltrations lol). I'll check back at this site in an hour or so - just in case.

So come on ! Doesn't have to be doom and gloom, we can just celebrate being alive and discuss the weave of our cardigans
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Old 10-10-2008, 06:42 PM   #75
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wiuld love to have met u no transport 4 eve , was hoping miky would get a pub and date to meet , dont know , shame would have been nice to c u in your radiation suit ... love rhythmmm .
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