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Old 04-01-2010, 08:47 AM   #26
14 Chakras
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

If you enjoyed some of these letters as I have (and if you haven't read any yet, now is a good time!), I highly recommend this as follow up book. It comes through a different messenger, as I mentioned in the intro, Jesus does in fact have more than one messenger in embodiment at this time.

This book is the compliment to the Christsway Letters (You can read the Christsway letters for free by clicking here)

The book I'm referring to is this one: The Christ is Born in You


Which really, 100% honestly, I do wholeheartedly, from the bottom of my Heart, recommend this book as a very important read for every sincere Truth Seeker.

I cannot recommend this book enough. While as I suggested at the beginning of this thread, the Chirstsway Letters are written from an Eastern, meditative perspective, the Christ is Born in You is written for the western mindset. Meaning it is crystal clear, it speaks right to you, and is a completely logical journey into higher realms of understandings and consciousness.

I wholeheartedly recommend this book to everyone on this Website and I do in fact believe it is a life changer, a life saver, and exactly what is required at this extremely opportune and important time we live in Now.

Both the Christsway Letters and the Christ is Born in You are bright Lights in the darkness here on this planet, I suggest they are truly gifts from Heaven above and I for one am very grateful for these beautiful gifts.

~ Espavo
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Old 04-03-2010, 01:20 PM   #27
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Originally Posted by 14 Chakras View Post
The book I'm referring to is this one: The Christ is Born in You

Which really, 100% honestly, I do wholeheartedly, from the bottom of my Heart, recommend this book as a very important read for every sincere Truth Seeker.

Kim Michaels

the author of this book

comes from

the Church Universal and Triumphant

the cult of the Prophets

Mark and Elizabeth

channelers or charlatans
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Old 04-04-2010, 05:55 AM   #28
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

I repeat, I wholeheartedly, and 100% stand behind both of these books:

Christ is Born in You

ChristsWay Letters (free here) (amazon here)

Notice how at this time they both have only 5 star reviews. Perhaps those who read them find them of value, yet they must work through the opposition of this world, the opposition that the ego throws up to stop themselves from even reading them.

There are a million and one excuses to reject something before reading it oneself. I suggest that the Way to finding the Truth that sets us Free is to move beyond fear, judgment, and investigate the actual Words ourselves rather than searching for the nearest critic who themselves barely skimmed over any materials.

I have recommended the Christ is Born in You to quite a few people, and each one of them has thanked me for the recommendation that did read it.

The latest I received, which I received just yesterday was this:

"I just wanted to thank you again for recommending the book...I finished it a few days ago (couldn't put it down!) and I just loved it!!!"

No one I have recommended this too has had any background whatsoever in other spiritual movements, including myself that are anything similar to the messenger who brought forth this book from Jesus (which, if you are curious you can read about the messengers background here from his own mouth rather than random internet critic or here), yet all have known the Truth when they have read the Word which completely transcends outer identification with any kind of religion, church or organization and is completely about establishing your own connection to the higher consciousness within yourself rather than joining any kind of group etc.

I did actually receive one criticism from one reader, who said they heard much Truth, but were very concerned that Jesus did not have good things to say about the Catholic church and the churches that have been built up in his name, so if you have fundamental religious beliefs and wish to stay rich in these beliefs, this book may not be for you.

Both of these books are very empowering, modern and quite beautiful ~

~ Espavo ~


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Old 04-04-2010, 12:28 PM   #29
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

channelers are charlatans

you do not think for yourselves

if you believe in the channelings

of the charlatans

wake up
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Old 04-04-2010, 03:47 PM   #30
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

~ Those who deny that Jesus Christ can choose to speak today through messengers if he so desires, with out even reading the messages nonetheless ~ may do so ~ as of course the ultimate law is free will ~ yet perhaps they will miss a great opportunity that has indeed been presented to them ~ perhaps they will deny the Christ ~

Imagine they were faced with a similar test 2000 years ago, we have a man coming on a donkey, challenging the hardened religious mindset of the day, most denied him, in fact the people rallied up and had him put to death, indeed they judged the Living Christ and thereby judged the Christ within themselves. Very easy to do, a subtle test, yet a big one, an important one.

Again, from the bottom of my heart, I recommend to sincere seekers of Truth:




P.S. If you are 100% sure that Jesus Christ cannot speak through messengers if he chooses, if you choose to put that limitation on Jesus Christ, then these books are most definitely not for you!
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Old 04-04-2010, 05:16 PM   #31
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

there is no man in the middle


Christ and the believer

this is a personal relationship

if you think that He now speaks to you

through the mouth of a medium

channeling messages

which corrupt Scripture

you are free to do so
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Old 04-05-2010, 03:49 AM   #32
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Exclamation You are welcome!

Hello & Espavo 14 Chakras,

Thank you for posting this info. Just to let you know that you're welcome to share MORE knowledge at the new forum located in my sig.

Hope to see you there! You too RedeZra!

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Old 04-05-2010, 05:15 AM   #33
14 Chakras
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

"there is no man in the middle


Christ and the knower

this is a personal relationship"
Yes Indeed I most definitely agree with this.

Christians rever the gospels and the letters from Paul. They go as far as to call them the Word of God.

So who wrote the gospels, did God? Or did men? Well, of course the answer is that men wrote the gospels, in fact, men long after the original apostles had left embodiment wrote the gospels.

So from any Christians perspective, it makes perfect sense that Jesus Christ, and the Divine, can indeed inspire men to be an open door for "the Word of God" if they truly do believe that the gospels are holy and inspired, this is the only answer.

Now in the Gospels Jesus Christ says clearly:
  • I am not leaving you, in fact, I will be with you until the end of the age.
  • There are many things I want to tell you (2000 years ago), but you are not ready now, so I will tell you when you are ready.

Now if we are a Christian, then of course we know that Jesus is very much alive today, he did not die on the cross, he was reborn and he resurrected and eventually, the Master (as the Gospels refer to him as), Ascended into the spiritual realms, he publicly demonstrated the Ascension. This is all based on the Gospels.

Jesus Christ is indeed an Ascended Master, a Master who has Ascended. He indeed is alive today, not dead, but very much alive. Indeed the gospel writers of old were inspired to varying degrees, and indeed much of the original inspiration is no longer with us as it lays in vatican archives or was destroyed by religious zealouts in old times.

However, the point is, that Jesus Christ, if he so chooses, indeed can work with and through messengers today as he did 2000 years ago. Now we may not believe this is possible, we may even put a limitation on what we allow Jesus to do, however, Jesus has won his spiritual freedom through the process of Ascension and is not limited by our own personal rules we create in our belief systems.

Jesus two messengers, his two books I mention in this thread, are indeed, 100% about achieving your own personal connection to the Christ within, your own personal relationship with the Living Christ, the Living Jesus Christ and the Divine spark of God that lives within your Heart this very NOW!

Jesus is indeed speaking through messengers today, yet he is not putting them on pedastles, rather he is helping us put the Christ consciousness on the pedastle within us, within our Hearts.

I recommend these two books as they are jam packed with beautiful, wonderful, totally empowering spiritual Truth that unlike religions of our day, are actually designed to help you get your own connection so you are in no way shape or form dependent on any book, messenger, religion, or belief system rather you connect to the divine consciousness that lives in your Heart in the eternal Now NOW!

Here again are the two novels which I wholeheartedly recommend, please consider reading them and then comment on your experience with them. Mine are totally empowering and they helped me awaken to the Truth that I have always known on inner levels, but had not heard spoken here on my sojourn on this planet for this lifetime until I did read them. The Christ is indeed: Born in YOU!




P.S. The Messenger of ChristsWay Letters is a 90 year old woman (who was inspired to be an open door for the letters when she was over 80)! Perhaps Jesus has chosen such a messenger so that we can tune into the message rather than getting caught up in judging the messenger or wanting to follow them or put them on a pedastle. Perhaps it is the message we should discern rather than judging by outer appearances, to me this sounds like the kind of test people faced 2000 years ago when the vast majority rejected the Living Christ because he did not conform to their outer expectations of what a 'messiah' should be.

~ Espavo ~
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Old 04-05-2010, 05:16 AM   #34
14 Chakras
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

"there is no man in the middle


Christ and the knower

this is a personal relationship"
Yes Indeed I most definitely agree with this.

Christians revere the gospels and the letters from Paul. They go as far as to call them the Word of God.

So who wrote the gospels, did God? Or did men? Well, of course the answer is that men wrote the gospels, in fact, men long after the original apostles had left embodiment wrote the gospels.

So from any Christians perspective, it makes perfect sense that Jesus Christ, and the Divine, can indeed inspire men to be an open door for "the Word of God" if they truly do believe that the gospels are holy and inspired, this is the only answer.

Now in the Gospels Jesus Christ says clearly:
  • I am not leaving you, in fact, I will be with you until the end of the age.
  • There are many things I want to tell you (2000 years ago), but you are not ready now, so I will tell you when you are ready.

Now if we are a Christian, then of course we know that Jesus is very much alive today, he did not die on the cross, he was reborn and he resurrected and eventually, the Master (as the Gospels refer to him as), Ascended into the spiritual realms, he publicly demonstrated the Ascension. This is all based on the Gospels.

Jesus Christ is indeed an Ascended Master, a Master who has Ascended. He indeed is alive today, not dead, but very much alive. Indeed the gospel writers of old were inspired to varying degrees, and indeed much of the original inspiration is no longer with us as it lays in vatican archives or was destroyed by religious zealouts in old times.

However, the point is, that Jesus Christ, if he so chooses, indeed can work with and through messengers today as he did 2000 years ago. Now we may not believe this is possible, we may even put a limitation on what we allow Jesus to do, however, Jesus has won his spiritual freedom through the process of Ascension and is not limited by our own personal rules we create in our belief systems.

Jesus has two messengers I refer to in this thread, and there will be many many more!

Jesus two books I mention in this thread, are indeed, 100% about achieving your own personal connection to the Christ within, your own personal relationship with the Living Christ, the Living Jesus Christ and the Divine spark of God that lives within your Heart this very NOW!

Jesus is indeed speaking through messengers today, yet he is not putting them on pedastles, rather he is helping us put the Christ consciousness on the pedastle within us, within our Hearts.

I recommend these two books as they are jam packed with beautiful, wonderful, totally empowering spiritual Truth that unlike religions of our day, are actually designed to help you get your own connection so you are in no way shape or form dependent on any book, messenger, religion, or belief system rather you connect to the divine consciousness that lives in your Heart in the eternal Now NOW!

Here again are the two novels which I wholeheartedly recommend, please consider reading them and then comment on your experience with them. Mine are totally empowering and they helped me awaken to the Truth that I have always known on inner levels, but had not heard spoken here on my sojourn on this planet for this lifetime until I did read them. The Christ is indeed: Born in YOU!




P.S. The Messenger of ChristsWay Letters is a 90 year old woman (who was inspired to be an open door for the letters when she was over 80)! Perhaps Jesus has chosen such a messenger so that we can tune into the message rather than getting caught up in judging the messenger or wanting to follow them or put them on a pedastle. Perhaps it is the message we should discern rather than judging by outer appearances, to me this sounds like the kind of test people faced 2000 years ago when the vast majority rejected the Living Christ because he did not conform to their outer expectations of what a 'messiah' should be.

~ Espavo ~

Last edited by 14 Chakras; 04-05-2010 at 07:57 AM.
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Old 04-05-2010, 05:36 AM   #35
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

I thought some of the material from the 'Prophets' was interesting... some great alchemy stories. And really cool was to read about the life and times of Mark and Elizabeth Prophet through the eyes of their daughter.

So many pieces of puzzles floating around, too bad they aren't all in one place, because that would sure make it a lot easier. But then again I guess we would stop looking if the answers were in one place.

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Old 04-05-2010, 10:28 AM   #36
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Originally Posted by 14 Chakras View Post
Perhaps it is the message we should discern rather than judging by outer appearances

who is the messenger

he comes from a cult of channelers

the Church Universal and Triumphant

one of many

claiming to channel

the Ascended Masters

the Teachers of Theosophy

and all the channelers dismiss each other

what a mess

by all means

take what is good and uplifting

wherever you find it

but more so

work on the virtues

which weigh heavier than any believes

on the Scales of Balance


Originally Posted by 14 Chakras View Post
...the vast majority rejected the Living Christ because he did not conform to their outer expectations of what a 'messiah' should be.
this reminds me of a sentence

from Sanehedrin 98 in the Babylonian Talmud

there in the council almost 300 years after Christ

the rabbinic Jews discusses amongst themselves

when will the Messiah come

one of the men makes a reference

to what the Sassanid King Shapur I said to Samuel of Nehardea

You maintain that the Messiah will come upon an ass

I will rather send him a white horse of mine

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Old 04-05-2010, 02:36 PM   #37
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Hi guys
I have read the book 14 Chakras recommended to me "The Christ is Born in You" By Knim Michaels. I found nothing in it that rang alarm bells,

Humanity has never been left to our own devices by God, there have allways been Sages in embodiment to point the way to the TRUTH.
They are consistent in what they say.
In general they also warn against wolves in sheep's clothing.
Everything we need to know has been taught by sages in embodiment through out the ages.

The danger of channeling is that it is very easy for the lower astral to take over the messenger and give a very believable story, possibly even 90% truth and then the naive
and gullible are hooked.
At first it seems that there is no organization then bit by bit you can be led into joining
something, very often the pretext is that it is something special, a secret only know to the ones in organization, people are attracted to feel special. if that occurs I would run a mile.

God has never kept a secret from us.

The sages, the mystics, have never wanted devotees, they are very clear on this.
they point only to God, never to themselves, and where is God found? Within.

One of the reasons that I never became a devote of anyone is that I did not see the need for a middle man, I wanted to unite with God within, so no need for a middle man.
Teachers yes but I dont follow the teacher only the message of Truth.

I have had quite a few teacher who I appreciate and honor but it is the message that is important. Jesus was pure humility, love and forgiveness, pointing all the time to the Father in Heaven ie within.
My soul is too important to take risks with.

For me.
The time honored way is set out by Krishna the Bagahadgita, The Buddha, Christ and other mystics present in this world ,here now, and is tried and trusted and safe.

New age is riddled with all kinds of claims and new age is mainly sourced from the lower astral which denies God and is very clever in seducing innocents away from a straight and true path.
Beware of false prophets says the Bible.
I err on the side of caution.

With love
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Old 04-05-2010, 06:21 PM   #38
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Personally, I suggest people follow their Heart and very much surrender their judgment, and let me clarify, as someone who has thoroughly investigated both of these teachings.

There are absolutely, in no way shape or form, organizations or even movements around these two messengers or their books. There is literally nothing, no movement, no organization, nothing to join, I can say this. 100% assuredly. They are beautiful teachings and books, and the boogeyman argument, which of course has been used for millennium to steer sincere seekers of Truth away from moving beyond hardened belief systems and doctrine, is indeed a poor one indeed. Yet we are all left to our own devices and discernment.

I recommend we follow our Heart, each and every one of us !

Mine has led me to connect to the Living Christ, in my Heart and these two books from two completely unrelated authors with absolutely nothing to prove and no organization around them have helped me do so and many who I have shared these books with have indeed been very grateful.

My strategy is: Follow your Heart, not the thinker, nor the voices of this world, follow the still small voice in your heart.


Last edited by 14 Chakras; 04-05-2010 at 06:53 PM.
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Old 04-05-2010, 06:58 PM   #39
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Yes, be the leaders that we are. Only follow your own intuition, the truth is inside of you, following the teachings of someone else’s theories may be misguiding due to perception and perspectives. This is why there is so much confusing in the world. From my experiences (and others), following only programs you to live out your life the way others see fit…

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Old 04-05-2010, 07:43 PM   #40
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post

God has never kept a secret from us.

The sages, the mystics, have never wanted devotees, they are very clear on this.
they point only to God, never to themselves, and where is God found? Within.

One of the reasons that I never became a devote of anyone is that I did not see the need for a middle man, I wanted to unite with God within, so no need for a middle man.
Teachers yes but I dont follow the teacher only the message of Truth.

With love
Never follow a leader... don't ever obey authority and never ever believe what you're told!!!!

Everyone can find Truth and Truth comes from everywhere.

Truth is finite of which infinite myth is woven.
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Old 04-05-2010, 07:57 PM   #41
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Originally Posted by 14 Chakras View Post
My strategy is: Follow your Heart, not the thinker, nor the voices of this world, follow the still small voice in your heart.


but when you say stuff like

this guy channels the Christ

and Peter was Blavatsky

you must expect critique of your claims
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Old 04-05-2010, 08:05 PM   #42
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

What I am specifically saying is:

Read these books if you are inspired, follow your Heart and decide for yourself!




These teachings are not designed to create followers of a person, they are designed to help us get in touch with the Living Christ in our Heart NOW and follow it all the way home !

~ Espavo ~
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Old 04-06-2010, 03:20 AM   #43
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Quote from above:

"You maintain that the Messiah will come upon an ass

I will rather send him a white horse of mine"

The messiah that comes outside of you to 'save you' is indeed the pale rider on the white horse, death itself, the anti-christ.

The True messiah comes in all of it's glory, but not outside of you, for the Christ is Born in YOU! Not outside of you.

As the Jewish elite were faced with the test 2000 years ago, humanity is faced with a similar test today, do they look for the great outer messiah that will lead them to triumph over all the unbelievers? If they do, they look indeed for the anti-Christ believing of course they look for the Christ.

Yet, the Christ is Born in YOU, the kingdom of Heaven is in YOU, the messiah is in YOU, and the power, wisdom Love and the Glory of God reside in YOU!

Espavo to Christ in YOU!

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Old 04-06-2010, 03:21 AM   #44
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Quote from above:

"You maintain that the Messiah will come upon an ass

I will rather send him a white horse of mine"

The messiah that comes outside of you to 'save you' is indeed the pale rider on the white horse, death itself, the anti-christ.

The True messiah comes in all of it's glory, but not outside of you, for the Christ is Born in YOU! Not outside of you.

As the Jewish elite were faced with the test 2000 years ago, humanity is faced with a similar test today, do they look for the great outer messiah that will lead them to triumph over all the unbelievers? If they do, they look indeed for the anti-Christ believing of course they look for the Christ.

Yet, the Christ is Born in YOU, the kingdom of Heaven is in YOU, the messiah is in YOU, and the power, wisdom Love and the Glory of God reside in YOU!

Espavo to Christ in YOU!

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Old 04-06-2010, 08:09 AM   #45
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Default Re: Jesus speaks today: Inner teachings from Jesus through one of his messengers

Originally Posted by 14 Chakras View Post
"You maintain that the Messiah will come upon an ass

I will rather send him a white horse of mine"

this is a piece of history

the Jews knew that the Messiah would enter Jerusalem on an ass

Christ consciousness is of course a state above mind
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