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Old 09-11-2008, 09:16 PM   #1
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Default From Vancouver,B.C. also

Hello everyone,I'm concerned about what will happen to us here ,I know the
coast lines are in danger,but here too!.............I woke up a while ago,but my wife won't,she's more concerned about our debt,children ,lack of etc.etc.

Anybody else in vancouver that would like to discuss our staus here in B.C.
and things pertaining to ,well,everything and nothing!?!.......

We are the freedom fighters,we are the chosen ones,our steps to enlightenment are our training,.......the war has begun.............
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Old 09-12-2008, 03:54 AM   #2
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Welcome to the forum, from your post I sense you have two small children, a West-coast sized mortgage, and are concerned about the future.
Don't worry about the debt, work on it, go the public library twice a month and read books in the financial section, it's free!
As for preparing for other eventualities, keep reading here and other places on the internet, keep posting too, someone else always has an answer or has been in and out of your situation before.
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Old 09-13-2008, 06:42 AM   #3
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have you guys herd what george green is saying about the northern hemisphere being in danger of nuclear radiation? it's a trip.

the great white north may become the great dead north.

he's heading for eqaudor.

i would have thought bc to be the safest place on earth, not only for the climate, but for the vibes of the people as well.

only time will tell i suppose.

love and respect
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Old 09-13-2008, 02:39 PM   #4
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Welcome Sharkmelon;
I appreciate your concern about your location, however lets use the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption as a model for a nuclear explosion, the effects are strikingly similar
on 18 May 1980, Mt. St. Helens erupted
Energy released = 24 Megatons
Temperature of Ashcloud = 660 d F, 349 degrees C
Altitude of explosion 8000 feet ( equivalent to nuclear airburst)
Altitude of ashcloud = 12 miles
Speed of ashcloud 680 MPH ( just subsonic)
Look up the ashcloud distribution pattern on Wikipedia, this would be equivalent to a radiation fallout pattern ( Image 1980 Mount St. Helens ash distribution.svg)
If the cities of Seattle, and Tacoma were nuked, the event would be likely be smaller than the Volcano blast, but with more Radiation fallout downstream. Notice that although the blast wave was felt in Vancouver, the Ashcloud mostly went East and South of the blast.
Hope you can sleep better now.
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Old 09-13-2008, 09:49 PM   #5
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Default Re: From Vancouver,B.C. also

Very close to Vancouver myself with my family. My roots are in the Okanagan and I was wondering if the sitx happens (something cataclysmic instead of nuclear) how the Kelowna area is likely to fair. Some people believe only Northern Canada will be safe. I refuse to be fear based. We have to keep positive and shine our lights. Right now our goodness is under lampshades. With flooding, the coast is at sea level so to speak, the Okanagan is roughly 1000 feet above sea level. When I was a child in the South Okanagan, Oliver, BC, I had a dream that terrified me of an enormous tital wave poised to fall, that was like 1000 feet over the mountains. When I told my mother years ago, she shared with me a similar dream (of course I'm aware we may have shifted a little in our timelines). My mother had a futuristic dream about the South Okanagan with groups of people farming along the valley sides, which was filled with water, and they seemed natural or communal with some technology. But a more natural ruralistic society interconnected and using some safe technology. I always wondered about that.
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Old 09-14-2008, 05:58 AM   #6
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you know what? it's true. radiation or whatever. our loving creator would never forsake his children. we are all guided to where we must be at any given moment in any given time. this love will keep us safe even when this body dies.

personally, i agree that fear is lack of faith. we have no idea the boundless love that the creator has for each and every one of us. all this clamering around to find a safe place is nonesence. bloom where you're planted. you're right mystiq, if only one enlightened being is raidiating the love of our creator in any given area, that area will be safe.

we are very powerful my brothers and sisters
very powerful

my deepest love and respect
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Old 09-15-2008, 07:55 PM   #7
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Thanks M
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Old 09-15-2008, 07:57 PM   #8
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I thought the same,Iguess we need to prepare,on all levels.............
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Old 09-15-2008, 07:58 PM   #9
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welcome mizar,I thonk I might sleep a bit better,with 1 chakra open....
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Old 09-15-2008, 08:01 PM   #10
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welcome mystiq,
I love the okanagan,I have friends in westbank,previously they lived in oliver,and my friends mother would talk about alien visitation,a supposed hot spot,have u heard of anything along those lines......
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Old 09-15-2008, 08:07 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by sharkmeldon View Post
you know what? it's true. radiation or whatever. our loving creator would never forsake his children. we are all guided to where we must be at any given moment in any given time. this love will keep us safe even when this body dies.

personally, i agree that fear is lack of faith. we have no idea the boundless love that the creator has for each and every one of us. all this clamering around to find a safe place is nonesence. bloom where you're planted. you're right mystiq, if only one enlightened being is raidiating the love of our creator in any given area, that area will be safe.

we are very powerful my brothers and sisters
very powerful

my deepest love and respect
sharkmelon,I agree,but much like god gives us food,we must work and or harvest to eat,god has given us safe places also,so we should look for safety,we can prevent,
protect,live ,learn and live some more...
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Old 09-20-2008, 08:10 PM   #12
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very true matrixmel, very true.

i meant "clammering around" out of fear is nonsence, sorry. certainly we must follow our hearts to find out where we must be.

i have also felt very strong urges toward the okanogan since i am from there, and have always had a strong desire to return since leaving as a child.

personally i'm working on getting my family out of the city, and have been blessed with a life that has prepared me with the knowledge to survive off the land and build a healthy community. When i finally find this land, i will labour tirelessly to provide a safe place for others. one of my greatest pleasures on this earth is growing food for others to enjoy for free. i have been off that path for awhile but i feel i will soon return.

we have to find people we can trust and pool our resources.

any takers?

much love and respect

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Old 09-20-2008, 08:49 PM   #13
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Default Re: From Vancouver,B.C. also

Originally Posted by sharkmeldon View Post

have you guys herd what george green is saying about the northern hemisphere being in danger of nuclear radiation? it's a trip.

the great white north may become the great dead north.

he's heading for eqaudor.

i would have thought bc to be the safest place on earth, not only for the climate, but for the vibes of the people as well.

only time will tell i suppose.

love and respect
The Toba Inlet is stated as being the very best area to survive a nuclear war since the water comes from a very thick glacier which is growing, not shrinking and it would take 10000 years to reach the layer of radiation laid on top in the event of an 'exchange'...
Ecuador is fine if you like hot, I don't...give me the South-Central Coast anytime. I can drink the water from any of the 17 creeks in my immediate vicinity!
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Old 09-20-2008, 10:19 PM   #14
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Default Re: From Vancouver,B.C. also

Welcome Lance;
Toba Inlet, Good Choice, lots of fresh water, shelter from most storms, good crabbing and prawn catching for food, see you there when the time comes.
( chart 3541, 3312) 50d 19M N, 124d 46 M W
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Old 10-07-2008, 06:42 PM   #15
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My wife she's crazy,she handles all our finances,I can't get her on board,we're trying to buy a townhouse in surrey(she is),I'd love to move to a safer place,and by the looks of it,sooner then later,but I'm in it with her for the long haul,....I'll keep meditating and praying for the creator to protect us and save earth and lead us to safety when the time comes,but the info.here given by mizar and everyone,and a recent dream tells me ,it doesn't look good on the west coast............peace
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Old 11-07-2008, 08:55 PM   #16
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Just checking in to say hello folks! How about a face to face?
Peace of Mind,
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Old 11-09-2008, 01:36 PM   #17
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Default Re: From Vancouver,B.C. also

hey guys im from vancouver and i've gotta say that since we live on the coast..

we have the possibilities of
-a very large tsunami

also mt st.helens may effect us if it was a large eruption right?
and i am pretty sure yellow stone national park is a super volcano

but anyways, these are the possibilities for us in the pacific northwest, with earthquake being the most likely with a possible tsunami as well. though vancouver island would act as a shield for most of it... if it was a large one .... "day after tomorrow" type tsunami... i think we'd be in trouble but what could cause something that large?

well, other than this stuff i'd say prepare yourself with extra food and water. people in vancouver may want to visit 3 VETS. it is a army supply/camping supply store. they sell basically everythin you may need in case of an emergency/natural disaster.

theres an emergency kit for $50 that i saw plus they have things like water purifiers and this weird processed slab of gunk that can feed you for 3 days. you also may want to look at some form of protection in case you may need to.
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Old 11-11-2008, 07:28 AM   #18
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I'm planing a get together here in Vancouver BC. Anyone who wants to join in and have a good long chat, please contact me at worm.hole7@gmail.com.
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Old 11-11-2008, 07:39 PM   #19
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Welcome to the Forum Trip!
We have already had all of the things you described in your post, but just like Hurricane Season and Lightning, it cam ( and will) happen again. Just be ready this time,
Hi Wormhole, good idea, expect an EM
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Old 11-14-2008, 03:45 AM   #20
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Spread the word! Look forward to meeting you!
Peace of Mind,
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Old 11-17-2008, 07:43 PM   #21
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Default Re: From Vancouver,B.C. also

Hi, Im from Burnaby, only slightly farther away than Vancouver. I am somewhat concerned about what the people filmed by the Camelot Project are saying. And I think there is some truth in it. The problem is that you have to be careful when listening to them.

Part of the problem I think is that people are confronting the fact that some of the things they have believed in all their lives is, in fact, a sham and a scam. We are particularly naive on this continent because we have such comfortable lives. When your entire belief sytem is shattered, you are really open to believing anything. Scamed by our governments we become more open to the snake oil salesmen. Where there is money, there is always a lot of snake oil for sale.

But I think the most deceptive people, will be the people who believe what they are saying for various reasons. People who are or who have themselves become open to believing anything. It is said that a good writer "has a piece of ice" in his heart and this enables him to say the truth.
There is no one that I have seen in any video on the internet on these types of subjects that I think has come up to that standard yet. I think some of what we are getting is second or third hand snake oil.

Having said that, I have seen a U.F.O. myself. I have had numerous very odd experiences in my life which tells me that their are many things in the universe we dont begin to understand. And I am horrified but what I have been seeing happening in the United States over the last few years. Everything these people say could be completely true. The problem is, some of it could also be snake oil. And I have the feeling that some of the people reporting this stuff are a bit too naive or have other motivations relating to personal insecurity or whatever. The other problem: who knows how much of it is disinformation. Who is working for whom. Its a very tangled web and who can we trust except ourselves. I know someone is going to say we can trust God. I have faith in a higher power than myself. But people have to remember that our understanding of God is often imperfect. There can be a lot of our own ego tied up with our concept of God. ( I read somewhere that you will know you have this problem, for instance, if God hates all the same people you hate). So, if anyone thinks they can just relax and let God save them, they might be barking up the wrong tree.

I think we do have to raise our hearts and our minds at this time. (Apparently, a brilliant alien said that; and it could be true).
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Old 11-17-2008, 08:10 PM   #22
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Default Re: From Vancouver,B.C. also

I have another thing to say that no one has mentioned. Its about what is happening in Tibet. The reason I mention this is this: I went to a Black Crown ceremony many years ago. A friend took me, telling me as a joke that it would prevent me from "reincarnating into a sheep". I wasn't terribly impressed with the ceremony -- they blew some horns, rang some bells and played other instruments. The Dali Lama came out, rubbed his nose and waved at everyone. Thats about all I remember.

BUT what happened to me after that ceremony was miraculous. I am firmly of the view that the Tibetans knew exactly what they were doing during that ceremony, that is was healing, trancendentally uplifting, it activated my chakras in some way and I knew things after that I had no reason to know. The Tibetans did this with sound.

NOW people are saying that there are plans for a New World Order and we are going to be enslaved (well we already are to large degree). To my mind, and for a variety of reasons, I think that some of the people who know how to raise us from this condition are the Tibetans. And they are being destroyed. I have to question whether its not part of a grand plan. But no one has ever discussed this in any of the interviews Ive seen.
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