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Old 11-25-2009, 12:00 PM   #51
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Thumbs up Re: Alex Collier update

These were rockin' the Lounge earlier but will put them here too to keep them all within easy reach if anyone needs to find them.

Life is amazing huh? I thought I had seen and heard all the Alex Collier interviews.. then these two gems fall from the sky;

Last edited by Luminari; 01-27-2010 at 05:44 AM.
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Old 11-25-2009, 12:22 PM   #52
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Thumbs up Re: Alex Collier update

Whoever is posting all these rare contactee videos like the Anna Hayes stuff and the above interview on youtube..

I Love You!

Keep up the great work.. more people like you is what this planet needs.
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Old 11-26-2009, 07:11 AM   #53
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Default Re: Alex Collier update

I watched the 'Defending Sacred Ground' video...and while I liked it, and appreciated the information...I found myself becoming more upset than usual. Maybe I was just having a bad day. Or maybe my cumulative pseudo-research is hitting me like a ton of bricks. I really think this disclosure process creates more problems than solutions...but that it is absolutely essential...and that there is no better time than right now. We can't move on as a civilization until we face reality regarding who we really are, and what is really going on. Much thanks and gratitude for those who are sticking their necks out to inform us. I'm going to rewatch that lecture...and see how I fare the second time!

The disappearance or extinction of the founders appears to be deliberate. What the hell happened? Did the created murder the creator...and then proceed to play god? As I have said repeatedly...I see both evolution and intelligent design...but I don't see the creator interacting with this Solar System at this time. I'm seeing human/reptilian gods and theocracies. At this point...I'm leaning strongly toward the idea that we should have no gods whatsoever...but that we still need to be highly ethical and spiritual.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 11-26-2009 at 08:22 AM.
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Old 11-26-2009, 10:35 AM   #54
Night Light
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Default Re: Alex Collier update

So- I was one of the audience members in attendence at awake and aware 09, and I am in the alex vid. I asked a question about guidance that the Andromedan's could offer as to a transition to an economic system that works for everyone.

The answer I got was a bit of a cop out in my opinion. He more or less asked what I felt about it and left it open ended. I didn't ask him or the Andromedans to do anything for us. I asked for insight as to a transition. After all, doesn't he say he is mentoring?

I am bringing this up here because I would like some Avalonian opinions...
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Old 11-26-2009, 06:59 PM   #55
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Default Re: Alex Collier update

".I see both evolution and intelligent design...but I don't see the creator interacting with this Solar System at this time."

W e l l . . .

Maybe that is exactly what we have.

Or begin from an original point of reference.
"Who told you you were naked?"

The moment of birth for the ego.

Now consider them as metaphors for what science calls the Big Bang.

Take the big bang as the direct effect of the notion of "separateness" from the creator (in whatever form you're accustomed to seeing it), or the beginning of duality.

It then follows that none of this, in it's entirety is any of the creator's doing. This is our illusion; and by "our" I mean any sentient being, corporeal or non that you'd care to name, imagine, acknowledge.

That "this" is a creation of the collective ego of the creator's creation. All of this is "Maya" the grand illusion/delusion. A "2nd order" attempt by the ego. That our only eternal existence is "beyond duality", and that any one or thing within this particular realm is in it and co-creating it.

This usually brings me to another point:
How could a perfect creator create imperfection?
The creator has no "lack". Nothing to achieve.

It follows then that God has no reason to "grow weeds just so he can pick them". That would presume that the creator has a goal.
God is.

What goal could extend beyond that?

Following on the notion of Kharma, that whenever the thing within us has been worked out, our eternal self learns to stop feeding the portion of our ego which attracts said things/people/situations and they naturally fall away. They fall away because they never existed as anything other than a creation of our ego.

Naturally the ego resists this process. Ego spends its time convincing us that this is the reality we seek. Rather, this is the illusion ego seeks to continually attract our attention/energy to support.

The only reality being that we stand before the creator, as the perfect creation. That being that creation is creation itself, full and complete.

Turn it around, we don't "require help" in order to create some better thing. Such help is as illusionary as the goal. What we've come to call growth is in fact a learning process where we learn to stop creating shadow.

We are, in fact, the creator's, and
God is.
"Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"

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Last edited by Fredkc; 11-26-2009 at 07:03 PM.
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Old 11-26-2009, 07:08 PM   #56
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Default Re: Alex Collier update


And I was just gonna hang out a bit in the kaput-er room while the wife watched the Macy's parade. Shoulda known better, I guess...

"Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"

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Old 11-26-2009, 07:22 PM   #57
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Default Re: Alex Collier update

Assuming that the Founder(s) were involved in the original creation (not just genetic upgrading or downgrading)...why do we assume perfection (whatever that is)? I'm thinking that this universe has been a big mess for a long, long time...and that at this point...the Divinity Within Humanity may be all that remains of the Founder(s). I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

I'm very nervous about 'mentoring' and about money being a 'belief system' which should not exist. We should mostly be left alone (other than being told the truth)...and money is an integral part of a free and open society. The problem is corruption. I'm also proud of my physicality...and I am unashamedly addicted to it. But physicality must be governed by a high level of ethics and spirituality. To me...Universal History is one of the most important subjects. Getting this straight is supremely important. I'm trying to digest the Anna Hayes and Alex Collier material...but I'm having a difficult time...and I don't have a clue as to whether this is the truth or whether it's just more BS. I am strangely attracted to Bill Cooper, Alex Collier, and Anna Hayes. I don't know why. I don't know if they're legit or not...but I want to try to really think through their material...and read between the lines. This is all uncharted territory for me...and contrary to a lot of what I was brought up with. It's sort of a mind-f!!!

Perhaps I'm naive and simplistic...but I'm trying to think in terms of Humans and Reptilians...rather than countless races. I'm thinking that there may be a large number of variations on the Human/Reptilian theme...but that these are the two major critters. 'Separate But Equal Under Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom' works for me. Who knows...tyranny and theocracy may have been necessary...but I think we need to move on. Perhaps Nibiru can assume a relatively circular obit beyond Pluto...provide Solar System Security (SSS)...and learn to be governed by Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom (NCRF). But what the hell do I know?

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 11-26-2009 at 07:56 PM.
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Old 11-30-2009, 04:53 PM   #58
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Thumbs up Re: Alex Collier update

Last edited by Luminari; 01-27-2010 at 05:46 AM. Reason: video fix
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Old 01-27-2010, 03:17 AM   #59
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Default Re: Alex Collier update

Night Light:
Originally Posted by Night Light View Post
So- I was one of the audience members in attendence at awake and aware 09, and I am in the alex vid. I asked a question about guidance that the Andromedan's could offer as to a transition to an economic system that works for everyone.

The answer I got was a bit of a cop out in my opinion. He more or less asked what I felt about it and left it open ended. I didn't ask him or the Andromedans to do anything for us. I asked for insight as to a transition. After all, doesn't he say he is mentoring?

I am bringing this up here because I would like some Avalonian opinions...
good for you attending, it was a spectacular conference.

After what Alex has said about what the A's said to him regarding money, it's a strange question to ask him, as to what they would advise you to consider.
I've been saying what they said to Alex about money since i was old enough to understand i didn't have enough of it.

The question they ask is;
Why should you have to pay someone else to live?
Why do you have to pay to live on a planet your born on?
Do the animals pay humans to live on the planet?
(no smart-ass answers either, remember what the A's said about what reputation the Earthlings will get if the Wales dissapear from 3rd density)

Now, in answer to your specific question, as best i can, is what the A's have said to you is you should educate yourself regarding money and what it is or represents to you and the global community.

Money is a means of exchange of labour, between individuals sharing the same belief system that it (money) has intrinsic value. (the only thing of value is the labour of the people, without it nothing has value) (financially speaking)

If your money was real money, it would state on the note it was money, by having 5$ or 5£ or Euro's as the case may be. Alas what we are using as currency today, is not infact money. As is stated on the notes themselves.

In the UK, all the notes bear the caption b4 the numerical denomination, (IE £5, £10, £20 etc) I Promise To Pay The Bearer On Demand The Sum OF: and then the denomination.

In the United States, it declares each note: A Federal Reserve Note.

So those two National currency's have something in common. They are not money, and are in fact NOTES, 'Promissary Notes,' to be exacting.

To expand. They are promises to pay a debt. They are not in fact payment of a debt, IE when you buy a bottle of water, you give a Promissary Note, declaring to the retailer, that you promise to pay in the future, when you again have real money with which to pay. But until then your Nation is using Promissary Notes, until the Gold, which Government took away in 1930 is returned to the people, and again used to back the value of the currency, at which time the Notes in circulation will state they are Money and not, 'Promissary Notes' or 'Federal Reserve Notes,' presently circulating.

Now for some good news.

You know those Utility Bills that have a detachable section at the bottom? A place for your signiture and date, with the amount being paid for you to add the numbers to?

Well if you sign your name, date it, add the word VALUE, to it just before entering the numbers into the box, Ie 12.99, and send that part back to the company that sent it, that is the payment.

They have been deceiving the masses by not informing us of how our banking laws and money really work.

Whats happening up until now is that we have all been paying the Utility companies twice for the same bill. That detachable section is defined in law as a 'Cheque,' or 'Replevin Bond,' or a 'Financial Instrument.' It is money in and of itself. When you sign it, you give that 'Financial Instrument,' 'Valuable Consideration.' Now its also known in the UK as an 'Inchoate Instrument.' Its still a cheque. But an 'Inchoate Instrument' is a piece of paper which, the company that issued it, can fill out on your behalf and sign it as if you had signed it.

Now this is in fact what they do. When you don't use that Cheque or part of the Bill they provided you, to pay that bill with and instead you use a Direct Debit straight from your Bank Account or a Credit Cardit, because obviously, they are in-too getting, 'double bubble,' every time.
They do not like it when you send it in as the payment, because now they only get 1 payment for the value of their service, and can no longer profiteer off of you.

What they do to collect the money on that paper, is they deposit it in bundles of 10-30'000 other cheques, into a financial clearing house, or a Commercial Bank, such as EuroClear, and when you do not claim that money, they claim it under International Salvage Laws, as what is called "Abandond Funds."

And that is how they get away with stealing your 'credit.' They use your ignorance of the Laws of Banking and Civil Laws to make a monkey out of you, and the rest of us for that matter.

In the states there is a law called House Joint Resolution 192.
When they took away the means of effecting a payment in exchange of a debt, IE you buy the bottle of water, they had to replace it and give you the means to pay with something. That something is HJR192.

What you can pay with is your signiture on pieces of paper. Yes you read that right. Your signiture creates 'Valuable Credit,' which any retailer can take to the 'Federal Reserve Window' and get their account zero'd.

That is why they company prints the 'detachable check' to the bottom of their bills. Its the LAW. If they did not do this it would be an 'Automatic Dishonor' of the Bankruptcy the United States CORPORATION is in. (U.S. is in a state of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, 1930's ish.)

Now, as you can see, there is much to this topic, I'm not even scratching the surface. Im mot an expert, only a clueless student just like you.

So copy and paste into google, cos its all on video. the following names. (Links added in edit, but the hyper-linking function in this board is diabolical, you'll still have to copy and paste into your browser)

Winston Shrout

Marc Stevens

Robert Auther Maynard


Free the Planet .Net


Mark McMurtrie

Vic Beck

Don''t try this until after at least 1 yr study. Maybe slighlty earlier if you a genius.

Hope this illuminates the A's answer to you through alex's reply.

There's another thread on this topic with tons of links.

Last edited by feeqa; 01-27-2010 at 04:00 AM.
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Old 01-27-2010, 03:52 AM   #60
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Default Re: Alex Collier update

I've read several times about how we can avoid the payments but so far I haven't read any story of somebody who actually did it and it worked. Any insights?
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Old 01-27-2010, 03:53 AM   #61
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Default Re: Alex Collier update

Look, I could be way off here guys, but I have always thought a lot of Alex Collier, just have and that's it. Saw a bit of that Anna Hayes vid and wasn't so overly impressed, but hey that's just me.
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Old 01-27-2010, 04:30 AM   #62
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Default Re: Alex Collier update

Regarding money...in the U.S. anyway:

1. Nationalize the Federal Reserve.
2. Issue a Silver Backed Currency.
3. Abolish the IRS and Tax Forms.
4. Institute a 5% National Consumption Tax.
5. Pay cash for nearly everything. (Governmental and Personal)
6. Get out of debt...and stay out of debt. (Governmental and Personal)
7. Quadruple the size and authority of the General Accountability Office. (GAO)
8. Quadruple the size and authority of the Securities and Exchange Commission. (SEC)
9. Close half of the least strategic foreign military bases.
10. Get out of war...and stay out of war.
11. Teach Responsibility from K through Grad School.
12. Dramatically reduce the size of the Federal Government.
13. Eliminate Fractional Reserve Banking.

Otherwise...I'm easy. Money and Work are good things. Corruption is the problem.


Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 01-27-2010 at 04:38 AM.
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Old 01-27-2010, 04:40 AM   #63
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Default Re: Alex Collier update

Originally Posted by ellie View Post
Look, I could be way off here guys, but I have always thought a lot of Alex Collier, just have and that's it. Saw a bit of that Anna Hayes vid and wasn't so overly impressed, but hey that's just me.
If not for Alex Collier, I would not have ever gotten involved with Anna Hayes

If it was on one of his video's that got me to look her up and I have read quite a bit of Alex's work on line and now tons of Anna's work. She is absolutely full of knowledge. It follows right along Alex's stories also.

I'm impressed with both of them
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Old 01-27-2010, 05:47 AM   #64
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Default Re: Alex Collier update

Repaired all the video links in post #51 & #58
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Old 01-27-2010, 04:44 PM   #65
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Default Re: Alex Collier update

You know those Utility Bills that have a detachable section at the bottom? A place for your signiture and date, with the amount being paid for you to add the numbers to?

Well if you sign your name, date it, add the word VALUE, to it just before entering the numbers into the box, Ie 12.99, and send that part back to the company that sent it, that is the payment.
Feega, or anyone else;

Do you have, or can you provide a picture of a utility bill of this type?

hard-headed Fred
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Old 02-05-2010, 01:12 PM   #66
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Default Re: Alex Collier update

I don't see this link provided in the thread, so here it is:


It's Alex Collier's own website where he share his notes on his dialogue with the andomedans. Very informative and it does make sens. Not complicated and twisted complex with words we use once a decade, it is accessible and intentionally transcript for a clear understanding.

Namaste, Steven
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Old 02-06-2010, 06:42 AM   #67
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Default Re: Alex Collier update

I found this info awhile back and spoke with Alex last month while he was here for the Earth Transformation Conference.


As we know Alex Collier claims to be a 'contactee' with a race of Nordic looking humans from the constellation of Andromeda. He has had a number of contact experiences since his childhood and this developed over the years as he was given more and more information by his Andromedan contacts.

Alex has also revealed that he was the recipient of threats from shadow government agencies and abruptly chose to stop disseminating his information in 2000. Furthermore, Alex has give face-to-face interviews with veteran UFO researcher Paola Harris who has had the opportunity to examine the evidence supporting his testimony and concludes he is credible.

One can learn about Alex is his own writing in terms of his book, Defending Sacred Ground, and his discontinued journal "Letters From Andromeda". These can be accessed from the following links:

1 Defending Sacred Ground
2 "Letters from Andromeda"
3 Typology of extraterrestrial races based on Alex's writing
4 Version of Galactic History based on Alex's writing
5 Witness testimony supporting Alex Collier's legitimacy as a contactee

In his interview Alex talked about his contacts with 'benevolent' extraterrestrials from the constellation of Andromeda, and the efforts by these extraterrestrials and others to assist humanity resolve its many problems. This interview was done fairly early in Alex's public career.

Video Interview:

Website: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/es...dacom.htm#menu

Moon and Mars Lecture videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/robsnobb

Paola Harris/Alex Collier Transcript:

Book/Transcript: Defending Sacred Ground, The Andromedan compendium
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Old 02-07-2010, 03:14 PM   #68
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Default Re: Alex Collier update

Thank-you Carol. Alex Collier remains at the top of my list of favorites.

This may not necessarily apply to Alex...but I suspect composite work...where research, channeling, remote-viewing, insider-information, soul-searching, etc...is presented in a contactee or abductee format. I don't necessarily object to this approach...but hopefully presenters can be honest...and hopefully listeners can be just as attentive with the knowledge that a spaceship experience is a fictional formulation. I'm a big fan of science fiction which approximates possible and probable realities...rather than totally off the wall science fiction. My New Theology is Christocentric Egyptological Science Fiction. I would like to see Stargate SG-1 taken to the next level...in this direction...with a much larger production budget. A long time ago...I spoke with someone close to Steven Spielberg regarding doing a proper Life of Christ movie...which would be completely accurate...and which would incorporate the latest special effects. A director who was the son of a famous actor just stared politely as I made a similar plea. This was Pre Mel Gibson. Obviously this didn't happen. Nothing ever happens.

Here are the missing links:

1. Defending Sacred Ground http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/an...omedacom_0.htm

2. Letters From Andromeda http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/an...a/lfa/lfa.html

3. Typology of Extraterrestrial Races Based On Alex's Writing http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/es...plomacy_02.htm

4. Version of Galactic History Based On Alex's Writing http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/es...plomacy_11.htm

5. Witness Testimony Regarding the Legitimacy of Alex as a Contactee http://galacticdiplomacy.com/Contact...r-Robinson.htm


Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 02-07-2010 at 03:49 PM.
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