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Old 03-06-2010, 03:57 PM   #1
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Default TPTB working on a massive cover up in OZ...

Ok I found this on my travels...very interesting read...!

Email sent to George Ure.

Secret Government Mega-Projects?

Everyone once in a while a reader email, or a news tip, comes along which just screams for more follow-up because it fits with a lot of 'rumbles' being heard lately. That was the case this week when the following email arrived from Australia:

"Hi George, keep it short, know you have tons to look at everyday? I just don't get it? my Husband is working on this huge project, in the first meetings the top management levels are informed the Government is building it for the 10,000 year flood and its not public knowledge. He looks around and hardly anyone bats an eyelid? The speaker looks my husband in the eye and says yes , the last time Noah was involved? yes, That flood! 45 billion being spent on this one. His part is in Brisbane, Queensland ,yet many roads being rebuilt higher all over the state and many new motor way tunnels. The tunnels in Brisbane are what we believe will be the way to relay the big floods out to sea (too bad if your in it at the time is my guess) Examining the way they have built the new hospital, it appears that ships could dock there, no reason to be built that high. No photography is allowed and this is regulated strictly. Must be finished before 2012, but last few days they have suggested to speed up works and intend to work under floodlight around the clock. Now, thats just making me a bit more nervous. Maybe your right, 2012 has been moved forward? Feel free to ask for more info, he will send it over the weekend if so. I probably would have dismissed it as myth myself, but when you're on the payroll for the big event, well, it doesn't get more real than that? Are there Any projects over there reporting the same reason for big projects. Maybe they weren't meant to slip the truth into this meeting? Just reply simply: more info...and I will forward facts if your interested. The company is sworn to secrecy but he hasn't signed anything and says he is willing to speak. Why should we be in the dark while they spend so much to safe guard the corporate structures? I really don't think we will get warnings on what they must already know is coming.

Needless to say, I wrote back and said "Heck yes, we want more details...as much as can be supplied..."
So overnight I got this:

"Hi George, I will describe the scope of the project I am involved with: I am building a holding tank which is approx 400 metres long, 200 metres wide, up to 11 metres deep , with the exit to the northern tunnel coming out level with the holding tank, and exit from southern tunnel is about 3 metres below it.The concrete walls are one metre thick. The Royal Womens Brisbane Hospital,(approx 1/4 klm away) has had a face lift, everything has been designed so water will not reach up to the fourth story (here ,that is approx 12 metres) The bus link built is in line with that height (4 storys) with a 12 metre dip in the road spanning half a kilometre, the flood waters would follow this pattern to the holding tank. Anyone observing the height of the overpass where it lines up with the 4th story of the hospital, running down to the road level, can see easily, when the floods come in there ,it is a perfect docking bay for large boats. The holding tank is obviously designed to slow the water when receding. All new roads rise over the underground tunnels which indicate where the flood waters will go. but, note here, in the event of a type of Marshal law, these tunnels are approx 8 metres high and 5+ metres wide, which would allow closures to the public and movement of military vehicles from all directions (except towards the east, being a river) 45 Billion is only whats been spent so far, which is coincidently the last bail out figure I was personally told it was for the 10,000 year flood from the project manager in a high level meeting. Looking at the contracts here, the project is under: (a variety of trusts and corporations) The Queensland State Government is funding it. plz protect my identity, any more info just ask. Like to know if same projects are happening in America? will include a photo, but your for eyes only and don't publish what you've seen. They WILL KNOW I TOOK THESE! 035.jpg is the full view of the construction of the holding tank, the furtherest excavator is at the southern exit of the bypass tunnels, and is rock breaking down to the level of the base of the tank. 33 & 34 ,jpg .photos: Connecting to
tunnels, last stage of opening it up to northern exit internal tunnels that are completed. best regards

Unbelievable pictures were included of the holding tank construction site as well as a picture of a rock wall against
which a huge arc can be seen which will be the tunnel from which the arriving liquid would flow. Now, we need to sit back as ask some
interesting questions:


What IF - and this is a HUGE IF - there is something behind the recent financial bailouts besides just the collapse of "too big to fail" banks. What if - instead - there is a planet-wide massive construction push underway to be ready for (fill in whatever blanks you care to here) and ask "Isn't a financial crisis a good raise to raise dough?"

The obvious question we might be asking is why? One reason may be that Brisbane is only 2700 miles from the Antarctic ice shelves which, if there was either a lot of global warming, or a planet-wobbling quake of sufficient
magnitude, could break ice off which is presently on land and such an event would no doubt cause a huge wall of water/sea level rise of catastrophic proportions. As to other cities in Australia, Victoria, or Melbourne, these may be equally at risk as they are a mere 2,000 miles from the ice shelves. A long time ago, USGS had a study - now
long lost to the 'net - that suggested that if all the glaciers and ice shelves in the world were to slide into the oceans at once, there would be a rise in sea levels globally on the order of 250-300 FEET/ However that number would be after things had settled down after the initial event. You can use your imagination to figure out the size of the waves that could wander across the planet.

Worse, that kind of an event would almost certainly have catastrophic impacts on large human-made projects like the Three Gorges Dam in China. Should that fail, not only could it spell the end of globalism, but in all perhaps a billion people - one 6th of the world's population could die as a result of both direct and indirect effects.

Needless to say, our source is protected and the pictures have been forwarded to multiple entry points onto the net as a kind of "insurance policy". Don't like 'thinking the unthinkable" but the thought rattling around inside my head is "Is it just way out on the fringe of possibility that the whole global financial crisis is contrived by governments in order to corral people into working, something they would not be inclined to do if the magnitude of coming events is of the scale this Australian megaproject portends? Or, to put it another way, if governments around the world announced one day this fall that "The Antarctic ice shelves and Greenland glaciers around about to slide off land and into the water and sea level is about to rise 300 feet....but no worries, ya'll just keep working and let's have no panic here...we have a plan and that whole financial panic stuff was just a ruse to allow us to raise money for our "life saving" projects...

Strange stuff to ponder, huh? Say, did that "No more floods" covenant have an expiration date on it? Might want to keep your eyes open, especially in the 200-600 foot elevation areas of big cities near coasts...

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Old 03-06-2010, 06:47 PM   #2
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Default Re: TPTB working on a massive cover up in OZ...

the Simpson Arc With Homer as Captain Stubbing? Bart as first mate
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Old 03-06-2010, 06:50 PM   #3
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Default Re: TPTB working on a massive cover up in OZ...


An Ark?
Now I'm really confused.
If that one is hidden, it has nothing to do with this project since it's public knowledge, right?

The Australian Ark

10-28-2008, 05:17 AM
Hi, All:

As the world continues to change, and we all hurtle on into whatever future awaits us, I wanted to make a public statement here: that I'm no longer thinking of basing myself in Switzerland, but am seriously considering relocating to Australia.

The reasons for this are many (and some of them are obvious... many people think I'm Australian already!) - and I'd like to list them below:

1) Kerry and I met a lot of totally wonderful people there. We were both blown away by the remarkable friendship and hospitality we were shown on every day of our visit.

2) I'm an outdoorsman. I love wildlife, the forest, the sea and the desert. I was brought up in West Africa. A few years ago I drove across the Kalahari. In my time I've been a fairly serious mountaineer. Australia is a land where I can really feel at home, wherever I am.

3) Australia, working closely with a number of other governments, is preparing to take on the role of the Ark of the world.

4) The doors may close soon.

5) We've been offered a safe place to be, planned and designed by a very remarkable person. We had the pleasure and privilege of spending many hours with him and his family, and got to know him well. He is (amongst other things) a good friend of Duncan Roads, the well-known and widely-respected editor of NEXUS magazine.

We'll be delighted to share the details about this planned community. I'm awaiting more information - some images, maps and a powerpoint presentation - and will write up a full report as soon as I can.

The community is on the east coast, a couple of hours from Sydney. 35 million Australian dollars (AUD) of purpose-built infrastructure is already in place, including roads, power, water and drainage.

More investment is needed to complete the construction. The community is planned to house about 1000 adults and children. Based on what we know, and the detailed plans we have seen, this is the best solution we've yet encountered to the problems which MAY be in store for us in a worst-case scenario.

The location is extremely geologically stable and our friend, who has done substantial research and is exceptionally well-informed, has convinced us this is one of the safest locations on the planet measured by a number of different parameters.

The facility has been planned for twenty years and a great deal of thought and planning has already been completed. It's called The Australian Ark.

The 'Ark' is currently envisaged to include a shielded underground facility with hydroponics, technical and craft workshops, exercise and recreation facilities, a school, a comprehensive library, communication facilities, medical facilities, the most advanced water recycling technology, its own micro-economy and democratic structure,

and (believe it or not) its own very clean mini nuclear reactor

which will generate enough self-sufficient power for at least fifty years.

The best analogy to describe all this is the comprehensive facilities of a cruise liner which is not actually sailing anywhere. (Rather, it's on top of a forested ridge in an idyllic location which Kerry and I have visited. We loved the place.)

Community members will need to contribute several hundred thousand AUD (a bargain right now, as the AUD is so low) as an investment in the property/real estate which they will own. Detailed figures have been calculated but as I write I don't have the numbers to hand. All legal safeguards will be in place.

We are as certain as we can be that this person can be trusted fully. We like him a great deal and he is a highly intelligent, spiritual, capable, practical, values-driven man with a most interesting background. He is a Camelot and Avalon follower, has seen every one of our videos, admires our work, knows we are real (he checked our background thoroughly!) - and is delighted to invite interest, with his warm personal regards to you all, from the Project Avalon community.

We will release full details of the 'Ark' soonest and we'll set up a special e-mail address for interested parties (from anywhere in the world) to find out more. To register interest and log your name on a contact list to receive further details and updates, send an e-mail to ark@projectavalon.net (which can be blank if you don't want to write anything) with the subject 'AUSTRALIAN ARK', or with AUSTRALIAN ARK in the message body. Your details will not be passed on to any other party.

Our friend encourages anyone considering relocating to Australia to start to take steps immediately - even if the first step is to find out more information about immigration procedures and protocols. I am doing just that and am currently planning to be in Australia by Christmas.

My own personal regards to my new Australian friends: do get in touch, and it'd be great a pleasure to hear from you. I may soon be seeking formal membership of the Australian Ground Crew

Very best to all, Bill
Last edited by Bill Ryan; 11-06-2008 at 12:25 AM.

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Old 03-06-2010, 08:21 PM   #4
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Default Re: TPTB working on a massive cover up in OZ...

yesterday III times the 24,000 year cycle came up that peaks in 2011...

could that be the beginning of the serious events that come to a climax in 2012?

Could the last day of the Calendar Dec 21, 2012 mark the end of the turmoil and the following day the beginning of the next Mayan Calendar?

Does the arc come to land on Dec 22nd, and civilization begins again?
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Old 03-06-2010, 11:11 PM   #5
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I will have to copy and paste the OP's information and send it to a friend of mine who will know exactly where to look and will absolutely freak when he sees this. I can't wait for him to get back tomorrow so he can read it.

As far as tptb building their underground, above ground, under sea or above sea safe places, well they can spend trillions if they like to safeguard their selves and families, IMHO it is up to one spirit who lives or dies at this time or another time, and I don't think their walking around building stuff.

I am not worried, God decides when and how I go and I have really nothing to do or say about it, as long as my soul is protected by him/her I'm not that worried.
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Old 03-06-2010, 11:57 PM   #6
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Default Re: TPTB working on a massive cover up in OZ...

Originally Posted by viking View Post
in the first meetings the top management levels are informed the Government is building it for the 10,000 year flood and its not public knowledge.

He looks around and hardly anyone bats an eyelid?
The speaker looks my husband in the eye and says yes , the last time Noah was involved? yes, That flood!
This part really got me. What is going on here?

They KNOW there is going to be another 10,000 year FLOOD and aren't telling us?

Anybody else have additional info to add?
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Old 03-07-2010, 10:43 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Linda View Post
This part really got me. What is going on here?

They KNOW there is going to be another 10,000 year FLOOD and aren't telling us?

Anybody else have additional info to add?
Yes I thought that Linda ... the usual I'm afraid... keep them in the dark!!!

The sheeple don't need to know...

Power to the people ... the ptw will fall.

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Old 03-07-2010, 02:45 PM   #8
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Default Re: TPTB working on a massive cover up in OZ...

So much for God vowing to Noah that he would never flood the Earth again.
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Old 03-07-2010, 02:49 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by gscraig View Post
So much for God vowing to Noah that he would never flood the Earth again.

Who knows Craig.... perhaps the PTW are in for a shock!!!

Nice easy transition!!!

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Old 03-07-2010, 07:34 PM   #10
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Yes, Viking. Keep the people in the dark.

How can these people sleep at night?

Wish I knew more about this ARK since it's public knowledge.
Seems like a touchy subject to me.

So, did they find out if other arks are also being built?
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Old 03-07-2010, 09:53 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Linda View Post
Yes, Viking. Keep the people in the dark.

How can these people sleep at night?

Wish I knew more about this ARK since it's public knowledge.
Seems like a touchy subject to me.
Yes I'll see what I can dig up!!

Very touchy!!

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Old 03-08-2010, 05:10 AM   #12
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Default Re: TPTB working on a massive cover up in OZ...

Originally Posted by Northern Boy View Post
the Simpson Arc With Homer as Captain Stubbing? Bart as first mate
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Old 03-08-2010, 05:19 AM   #13
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Default Re: TPTB working on a massive cover up in OZ...

Is it safe to assume that anyone who's been offered security on this "ark" is an insider with TPTW?
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Old 03-08-2010, 06:38 AM   #14
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I have a mate who drove through Brisbane last week, (Queensland State) for other people, he says it's amazing what they are doing for such a small city! He is a construction contractor has been for a long time.

I asked him to look this info up on the Net, keep in mind Brisbane is not a major city in OZ like Sydney or Melbourne.

45 Billion $, he says he believes it big time, it just does not add up he said.
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Old 03-08-2010, 09:50 AM   #15
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I could not resist it . Knowing what I know of the modus operandi of the Australian Government ( the New World Order ass Lic@@@s ) most of those 1000 people will be spies of ASIO otherwise nicknamed as the CIA lapdogs .

In the land of OZ there is much more going on that is kept secret from the population . OZ is like a beautiful apple from the outside but rotten inside ...
Looks like preparation for survival of a cyclic event . Any news about shelters for the population yet ? Only the " elite " will have a ticket for " Pine Gap " ?

"The community is planned to house about 1000 adults and children. Based on what we know, and the detailed plans we have seen, this is the best solution we've yet encountered to the problems which MAY be in store for us in a worst-case scenario."
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Old 03-08-2010, 03:11 PM   #16
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We will release full details of the 'Ark' soonest and we'll set up a special e-mail address for interested parties (from anywhere in the world) to find out more. To register interest and log your name on a contact list to receive further details and updates, send an e-mail to ark@projectavalon.net
Surely someone here on Avalon has inquired per the invitation above? Can anyone share more regarding this? I wasn't a member when this was posted, so this is all news to me.
I'm simply looking at the locations and materials being used to build these "known" strongholds for cataclysmic events. For example; The Denver Airport area (and multi-underground facilities), and the Seedbank in Svalbard,etc. It may be telling of what is expected and what and how these locations will be survive and be accesses thereafter.

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Old 03-08-2010, 03:15 PM   #17
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Default Re: TPTB working on a massive cover up in OZ...

Now this is actual material worth reading! but I hope it is just disinfo. even though throughout my searching I keep coming back to the story of the flood in some form or another. Is there anything else the term "flood" might mean? lie to me even if there isnt, lol.
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Old 03-08-2010, 03:52 PM   #18
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Erm.. it's an old Peruvian word, meaning, 'everybody get's rich' ...?!


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Old 03-09-2010, 12:58 AM   #19
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Default Re: TPTB working on a massive cover up in OZ...

Originally Posted by Boober View Post
Now this is actual material worth reading! but I hope it is just disinfo. even though throughout my searching I keep coming back to the story of the flood in some form or another.
Is there anything else the term "flood" might mean? lie to me even if there isnt, lol.
Yes, I wonder the same thing..
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Old 03-09-2010, 10:26 AM   #20
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Default Re: TPTB working on a massive cover up in OZ...

Originally Posted by Boober View Post
Now this is actual material worth reading! but I hope it is just disinfo. even though throughout my searching I keep coming back to the story of the flood in some form or another. Is there anything else the term "flood" might mean? lie to me even if there isnt, lol.
I can't see that the flood would mean anything but 'Flood' ... unless they are talking in riddles!! 777 might shed some light!!

Don't forget what our creator has said!!

The Flood story itself is well-known: Noah builds an Ark, boards the ship with seven relatives, survives the Flood, lands at a mountain called Ararat, sends out birds from the Ark to check if there is dry land, sacrifices, and concludes a Covenant with God, in which God promises that mankind will never be destroyed again and live forever.

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Old 03-09-2010, 10:37 AM   #21
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Think it and you will get!

Most nations have a emergency fallout shellters from the COLD WAR folks and lets just wait and see "don't panic"

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Old 03-09-2010, 01:31 PM   #22
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Default Re: TPTB working on a massive cover up in OZ...

SWIFT wrote:

Think it and you will get!

Most nations have a emergency fallout shellters from the COLD WAR folks and lets just wait and see "don't panic"
I don't think there is any indication of anyone thinking this will happen, just questioning to understand. I myself did not detect any panic, and personally have none. My goal is to prove to myself as much truth as possible, since those who are in know are not sharing. Now, I could just ignore all of this earth change talk, await and expect/assume death when it arrives, but I'm not wired that way.

Regarding the 10,000 year flood
I'm not so sure a "global flood" is in the cards. A lot of the known data, prophecies, and ancient warnings seem to lean towards suvival by some on the planet without accounting for specifically built structures to improve their chances. The Noah flood was recorded as all land mass underwater up to where no mountain tops can be seen. Therefore, the concept of building higher roads and hospitals would be very flawed logic in such a scenario. Perhaps they are not expecting as high of a flood? Perhaps not in that region of the planet?

This may be more along the lines of disinformation of some sort. This is based on if they're building higher roads and hospital accesses, the flooding will have it's crest point below those construction levels, which would have to include the mountainous regions globally that are higher than any roadways we can build. Thus survival is possible.

Perhaps those in Brisbane can share how high are the new roads that are being built their? Ths would easily give some indication of anticipated water levels. This may also suggest earthquake activity is not expected there, otherwise these highways would fall.

This creates too many questions, and simply is not valid enough to hold too long in mind. In my opinion.
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Old 03-10-2010, 01:20 AM   #23
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Now hold on, folks, and let me run this by you guys. I'm just trying to set some pieces in order, at least in my own mind.

From the original post no. 1:
...the Government is building it for the 10,000 year flood...
Now, is this person suggesting that the government believes that the flooding will be so bad that it will take 10,000 years for the water to “go” somewhere before significantly large land masses re-emerge? Has such a long-term flood ever been a proposed phenomena on this planet? Or do they mean something that happens every 10,000 years?

Unbelievable pictures were included of the holding tank construction site as well as a picture of a rock wall against
which a huge arc can be seen which will be the tunnel from which the arriving liquid would flow.
Note that the word "arc" is used here and not the word "ark". They do not mean the same thing!

From Wiki:
in geometry, an arc is a closed segment of a differentiable curve in the two-dimensional plane; for example, a circular arc is a segment of the circumference of a circle. If the arc segment occupies a great circle (or great ellipse), it is considered a great-arc segment.
So this tells me that what is seen in the picture,the arc mentioned here, is an outline of where a tunnel will eventually be constructed.

As for the "Austrailian Ark" is concerned...did any of you who have read this thread actually go and look up the old posts where Bill mentions this?

Here are 2 links to the thread where Bill mentions "The Australian Ark":
and here:

The whole “Australian Ark” discussion appeared (to me) to be community much similar to Stein's Timeline2012... not some governmental insider's VIP club like some of you in this thread are making it out to be. But I may be in error.

As I remember, Bill later announced that he was no longer considering moving to Australia (I can't find that announcement, though) and the whole story of “the Ark” was quickly hushed up and no longer discussed. Why? What happened there? What changed his mind? Would be nice to know... maybe we should ask him?

As for what "they" are up to in Brisbane, I haven't the faintest idea, except that they're obviously (according to Ure's whistleblower) expecting the sea level to increase incredibly. And, to me, this is very interesting!

Last edited by WiNaDeYo; 03-10-2010 at 01:28 AM. Reason: typo
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Old 03-10-2010, 04:00 AM   #24
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Default Re: TPTB working on a massive cover up in OZ...

winadeyo wrote:
Note that the word "arc" is used here and not the word "ark". They do not mean the same thing!
Nice catch. I agree with this as well.

Here are 2 links to the thread where Bill mentions "The Australian Ark":
Thanks for providing this as requested in previous thread. I thought the link attached (which you posted again) was all there was regarding this topic. The additional link doesn't reveal a heck of a lot more, but it is appreciated. Thanks again.

did any of you who have read this thread actually go and look up the old posts where Bill mentions this
Hmmm...Poor tone, bad posture here. Seems to be a lot of this on Avalon lately. Fortunately, your title is Researcher and not Moderator. Come on WiN, I believe your better than this.

Just wanted to touch base on your findings.
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