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Old 01-10-2010, 11:34 AM   #1
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Default Astro 2010

Here we go with Astro 2010...continued from the last thread....

There's plenty going on in this year of unusual, turbulent yet
transformative energies, and we're now as of winter solstice 2009, in a 3-year countdown
phase-lock to the grand alignments of winter solstice 2012,
when the Gregorian calendar lines up with the events in space
exactly as the Mayan Tzolkin calendar changes from the age of the
5th Sun into the age of the 6th Sun.

This is the end of one 'Baktun' and the start of another.
The length of a 'Baktun' is 144,000 days. You'll find that number
cropping up in the most interesting of places, over and over again.

By the way, there's another good thread covering cosmos HERE

On a LARGE SCALE Astro level,

Pluto is in Capricorn for a while now, until
March 23 - 2023 and this appears to be summed up as;

"Change From the Ground Up."

"pluto's transit may well knock down those who pull the levers of power'

There are indeed ominous rumblings of a shakedown...we shall see

Also, serious Saturn is in various aspects to dark transformer Pluto.....
and the flavour of these times points to large scale unrest as
structures buckle and break in the winds of change....but..

"the negative potential of this difficult aspect can be
ameliorated if we refuse to buy into government sponsored,
media-manufactured fear"

Quotes taken from this brilliant book;
Your Astrology Guide 2010

A great interview that covers Long Rage Astro HERE.

Anyway, we've just had a Blue Moon Eclipse on NYE,
and now, as both the planets Mercury and Mars are
Retrograde until the 15th of this month [January 2010]
we are basically limited in both communication and action.
....so you might not be able to get much said or done for now,
spend time refining yourself and reviewing recent events
without stewing in them.......!!

Mercury goes direct around the 15th Jan
at the same time as there's a powerful Solar Eclipse in Capricorn;

"a Gentle Fall From Power" - there's that theme again.....

Mars remains Retrograde for a while;
More on Mars retro HERE

Mercury turns Direct on Jan 15th [Mars stays retro for a while]

"State Secrets could be revealed as Mercury turns Direct.....
hidden stories exposed that threaten those in power..."

that theme once again..........

These two are well worth studying,

As a novice, they really help me get a grip on it all.....

"Monthly astrology forecast with Rick Levine and Jeff Jawer
from SoulFood Books in Redmond, Washington"|

> January Astrology Forecast

Part 1;

Part 2;

Part 3;

Part 4;

Part 5;

Part 6;

Part 7;

Last edited by dayzero; 01-10-2010 at 12:19 PM.
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Old 01-10-2010, 11:38 AM   #2
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Default Re: Astro 2010

Weekly Frequency
January 6, 2010

Copyright © 2010 by Ralfee Finn.

The first working week of 2010 begins with a strange astral disconnect, so don’t be dismayed if expectations about a fresh start in the New Year seem impossible to actualize. In one dimension of the holographic planetary picture, a strong current of change motivates the desire to shift attitudes and behavior, but another equally strong current insists on introspection before innovation......

MORE HERE including Personal Scopes
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Old 01-10-2010, 01:29 PM   #3
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Default Re: Astro 2010

Hi Dayzero,

Many thanks for the info,explains alot about my emotions.

And really glad that i shared solstice with you,it was magical,a moment i will never forget.

The countdown has begun...

Love & Gratitude

Last edited by Truthseeker360; 01-10-2010 at 03:03 PM.
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Old 01-12-2010, 02:28 PM   #4
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Thumbs up Re: Astro 2010

Was a pleasure.........

This Solar Eclipse is shaping up....it's gonna be like the year
finally starting and going nuts all at once.....


"It occurs at 26 Capricorn at 11:11 pm PST January 14, which is January 15 everywhere east of there."


Astrology Class - How Solar and Lunar Eclipses Affect Us,
and Does An Eclipse Have to be Bad?

by Robert Wilkinson

"Since we have a very powerful Solar Eclipse in Capricorn coming on January 14-15 at 26 Capricorn, I though we should take a new look at Solar and Lunar Eclipses to understand them better. Why are Eclipses so powerful, and what can we do to make the best of them?

You can find more about the recent Blue Moon New Year's Lunar Eclipse by going to the articles for December 30 and 31, 2009, as well as January 5, 2010. I'm still composing an article or two on the immanent Solar Eclipse which I'll post soon. It occurs at 26 Capricorn at 11:11 pm PST January 14, which is January 15 everywhere east of there.

For now, I'll offer you a little bit. As it's conjunct Venus just before Mercury goes direct, it should prove to be a "sweet" eclipse........MORE HERE"
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Old 01-14-2010, 09:26 AM   #5
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Default Re: Astro 2010

StarIQ.com New Moon Report, January 14, 2010

by Jeff Jawer

The Moon is our constantly changing companion. She lifts our tides and lights our nights. She reflects our needs, moods and daily deeds.

StarIQ cofounder Jeff Jawer looks at astrological events for this lunar cycle to describe energy patterns for the month ahead. This is a big picture view of the general cosmic weather that affects us all.

Rick Levine and Jeff Jawer's fifth annual forecast book, Your Astrology Guide 2010, is filled with astrological insights for the year ahead based upon upcoming transits for every sign. It's a great gift that's suitable for astrology buffs and the general public. Your Astrology Guide is available online at BN.com and Amazon, in Barnes and Noble and other fine bookstores everywhere.


New Moon in Capricorn
Thursday, January 14, 11:11 pm PST, Friday, January 15, 2:11 am EST

This New Moon is an annular Solar Eclipse in Capricorn that undercuts ambitious plans that are not aligned with inner needs.

Feelings take precedence when the emotional Moon casts its shadow on the willful Sun, perhaps requiring a reevaluation of a career shift or other major move.

Lovely Venus' conjunction with the Sun and Moon supplies social skills that enable adjustments to be made gracefully.

However, stationary Mercury's conjunction with opaque Pluto and square with stern Saturn can give rise to unnecessary secrecy and negative thinking.

Mercury Direct
Friday, January 15

Today's forward turn of the communication planet ends
its confusing 3-week retrograde cycle.

The flow of data will increase in the days ahead,
yet Mercury's station so close to dark Pluto and square restrictive Saturn may evoke excessive criticism and destructive comments.

Dig below the surface to ferret out facts and operate more efficiently.
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Old 01-28-2010, 10:57 AM   #6
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Default Friday's Full Moon in Leo

So, the last few days are the shape of things to come.......
Shaken up enough?
Uncertain about the future?
That's just how you should be feeling!

And we ain't seen nothin yet.......

Get ready, get flexible and get ahead of the game by studying
the trends and currents, as above so below,
for all the children of the storm.....


"The Moon is our constantly changing companion.
She lifts our tides and lights our nights.
She reflects our needs, moods and daily deeds."

"StarIQ cofounder Jeff Jawer looks at astrological events for this lunar cycle to
describe energy patterns for the month ahead.
This is a big picture view of the general cosmic
weather that affects us all."

Full Moon in Leo

Friday, January 29, 10:18 pm PST, Saturday,
January 30, 1:18 am EST

The dramatic, outgoing and playful characteristics of the
Moon in Leo opposite the Sun in cool Aquarius reveals the
contrast between self-interest and collective concerns.

This Full Moon is heated by a conjunction with aggressive
Mars that can bring out the feisty side of personalities.

Fighting to feel important or in a fit of pique is only going to
inflame a situation or bring embarrassment.

This passion is too good to be wasted in anger when its
creative energy is more suitable for enterprising projects.

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Old 01-28-2010, 11:06 AM   #7
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Default Re: Friday's Full Moon in Leo

Originally Posted by dayzero View Post
So, the last few days are the shape of things to come.......
Shaken up enough?
Uncertain about the future?
That's just how you should be feeling!

And we ain't seen nothin yet.......

Get ready, get flexible and get ahead of the game by studying
the trends and currents, as above so below,
for all the children of the storm.....


"The Moon is our constantly changing companion.
She lifts our tides and lights our nights.
She reflects our needs, moods and daily deeds."

"StarIQ cofounder Jeff Jawer looks at astrological events for this lunar cycle to
describe energy patterns for the month ahead.
This is a big picture view of the general cosmic
weather that affects us all."

Full Moon in Leo

Friday, January 29, 10:18 pm PST, Saturday,
January 30, 1:18 am EST

The dramatic, outgoing and playful characteristics of the
Moon in Leo opposite the Sun in cool Aquarius reveals the
contrast between self-interest and collective concerns.

This Full Moon is heated by a conjunction with aggressive
Mars that can bring out the feisty side of personalities.

Fighting to feel important or in a fit of pique is only going to
inflame a situation or bring embarrassment.

This passion is too good to be wasted in anger when its
creative energy is more suitable for enterprising projects.

thank you dayzero.......will take this into concideration when we do out imbolc ritual this friday to sunday, always usefull to know what going on with the energy

love m x
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Old 01-28-2010, 11:23 AM   #8
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Exclamation Re: Astro 2010

You're very welcome......!

I have Merlin's Celtic Solar Calendar and Lunar Wave 2010
available at my E-log, please feel free to download.....

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Old 01-28-2010, 11:27 AM   #9
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Default Re: Astro 2010

i believe it thanks again
i use this site for luna phases http://www.soton.ac.uk/~astrosoc/moonphase.php
and have planet info as an app on my phone.
m x
better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace

the way is not in the sky, the way is in the heart

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Old 01-28-2010, 11:28 AM   #10
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Default Weekly Frequency - Ralfee Finn

Weekly Frequency
January 27, 2010

"I’m not sure whether we are reflecting the stars this week
or if the stars are mirroring us.

And I’m also not sure it matters.

What I do know for sure is that many of us are polarized,
divided, and antagonistic, a mood that is mimicked by a couple
of celestial patterns.

For some, this oppositional stance is a welcome opportunity to
identify and release frustration. For others, the tension is unwelcome
and unbearable. For still more, the air seems rife with resistance and hostility. And for the rest, or at least those not tuned out through
apathy or indifference, the charged atmosphere seems ripe with opportunities for growth and transformation.

No matter where you find yourself along the spectrum of this week’s
energy field try to keep in mind that opposites can also be seen as complements, especially if we are willing to synthesize what separates
and divides through understanding and reconciliation. "

HERE for more, and your personal weekly freq......
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Old 02-07-2010, 02:16 PM   #11
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Default Re: Astro 2010

Rick Levine & Jeff Jawer

Monthly Astrology Meeting

Feb Astro Rundown;

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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Old 02-24-2010, 10:11 PM   #12
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Default Re: Astro 2010

Mars in Leo Triseptile Neptune and Pluto
Triggering the Grand Irrationality in February-March 2010

by Robert Wilkinson

We have now entered several weeks where Mars will be the nozzle for two triseptiles to Neptune and Pluto. This is the point of focus we've all been waiting for since October 2009, and promises that the next few weeks will mark a major fork in the road of destiny for millions.

Pluto is 5 and 6 Capricorn during this period, Neptune is 27 and 28 Aquarius, and Mars will occupy 1, 2, or 3 degrees of Leo between now and the beginning of April. Thus Mars focuses the Neptune septile Pluto energies through the combustion of early Leo, promising a breakout for many wherever early Leo falls in our birth chart.

The other sensitive zones when this will be triggered are 18-19 Aries, 9-10 Gemini, 23-24 Virgo, and 14-15 Scorpio. I elaborated on this time period in two articles you will want to visit when you're done here. The first, Spiritual Astrology in December 2009 and January-February 2010 part 1 - The Grand Irrationality and Forks in the Road for All Signs - An Overview, offers a look at the qualities of the Grand Irrationality (along with links to other articles on this years-long phenomenon), and how this period was set up at various critical points in 2009.

The second, Spiritual Astrology in December 2009 and January-February 2010 part 2 - The Grand Irrationality and When It Will Be Set Into Motion For Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, and Pisces, addresses the specific times when the Moon will be triggering this configuration, setting choices and changes into motion as we hit various "forks in the road of destiny" wherever this configuration is being set off. I'll be composing the Spiritual Astrology articles for March and April in the near future.

So those with birthdays in late December, mid-February, the second week of April, the end of May, the fourth week of July, mid-September, and the end of the first week of November are most affected on a constant basis the next few weeks.

Others who are sure to find "destiny in motion" are those born between mid-1937 and mid-1940, 2/41-7/41, 7-8/42, 11-12/42, 3-4/43, 5/44-7/44, 12/44-4/45, 9/50, 11/54, 6/55-8/56, 3-4/57, 2-6/59, 11-12/59, 12/61-3/62, 10/62-10/63, 2-3/64, 6-12/64, 10/66-9/69, 5-6/72, 9/75-1/76, 5-7/76, 11/77-10/78, 10-11/79, 2-3/80, 7-8/80, 12/83-5/84, 9-10/84, 2-5/85, 11/85-1/87, 7/87-4/88, 12/88-6/89, 11/89-1/90, and 5-11/90. All these groups have their natal Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and/or Pluto in a hot zone.

So it would seem that the entire world is on the edge of change the next few weeks, with the future in our hands. Some things are about to explode, and the roll of the dice of destiny is about to show its unpredictable nature.

If things seem strange, crazy, out of control, or fraught with possibilities, they are. The next few weeks are a cosmic moment of decision for millions. Choose wisely.

© Copyright 2010 Robert Wilkinson
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Old 02-24-2010, 10:27 PM   #13
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Default Re: Astro 2010

Being a Capricorn I gotta wonder how having Pluto in my house for the next 13 years of my life is going to affect me.
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2010, astrology, jeff jawer, rick levine, stars

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