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Old 01-16-2010, 10:42 PM   #1
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Default Articles by Don Croft

Photo from McGinty, Don Croft Profile "We took this photo on July 12, 2007. Your interpretation is as good as mine."

Are members familiar with Don Croft?

Is he a reliable source?

I learned his name from the following quote from the thread "Bye Bye Whistleblowers.":

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
I used to think I should try to save people from certain "negative" experiences.

Then I realized some of my most valuable lessons were in spending years studying something only to find out I'd been scammed. Nobody can tell you the lessons that you came here to experience. Who am I to deprive someone of following the path they came here to follow and learn from?

I spent many years reading and believing sweet lies prepared for us by TPTB. I'm tending to believe now what Don Croft and Don Bradley have revealed about the "New Age Stable" people listed below (plus many more not listed there). There is also the Tavistock Institute of social engineering that John Coleman has written about.


"Six or seven years before we met he had come to understand that the Great White Brotherhood is a satanic organization and that, essentially, everything and everyone he believed passionately in was false. An Illuminati oracle has to be kept from this truth so that his master can send him out into the ethers like a kite to retrieve information that the spiritually degraded master can't access. The Great White Brotherhood uses this retrieved information and it's subsidiaries, including the CIA and British MI6, to create disinformation and thus infiltrate and then corrupt the legitimately progressive movements and otherwise-discerning, inquisitive individuals in the world.

"He began opposing them instead of supporting them and for years his former masters gave him a lot of slack, even allowing him to go on the lecture circuits with conspiracy authors and militia leaders and tell the public what he knew.

"Torkum Sassarian had died right before DB woke up, by the way. He showed me a photo of a gathering of New Age gurus, with Sassarian in their midst, taken in 1987 on the grounds of the Masonic Temple in Sedona, Arizona. During that conference they were designing the mind control agenda that would be called, 'the Harmonic Convergence.' Present were DB, Sassarian, Gregg Braden, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Jean Houston, Shirley MacLaine, James Twyman and a dozen other people whose names I didn't recognize, including Goru Adachi, from Japan, whom DB mistakenly assumed was Ken Adachi, who is an Italian guy from Brooklyn."
I am very interested in understanding the New Age movement and whether or not it is responsible for additional programming of the unsuspecting public by the Illuminati to help fulfill their New World Order agenda.

So I'm interested in what Don Croft has to say.

He has an article entitled "Closing Satanic Killing Fields" dated October 23, 2003 on the Educate Yourself website.

Here is a quote from the article:

"Carol and I figured that the satanists, whom we'd driven away from all the other vortices in the region, were now going there to do their ritual murders."

What do members think?

Read the Article
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Old 01-16-2010, 10:46 PM   #2
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

"There's a mound of earth and charcoal that Kelly said was the focal point and source of the strongest DOR and he buried several of his water-based, water-energized Towerbusters strategically to vector that energy back to it's pristine, vital state."

Who can tell me what "DOR" is?
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Old 01-16-2010, 11:00 PM   #3
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

"Now that Cbswork has joined us on EFF perhaps we'll get some fruitful lessons again."

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Old 01-19-2010, 10:15 AM   #4
Night Light
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
"There's a mound of earth and charcoal that Kelly said was the focal point and source of the strongest DOR and he buried several of his water-based, water-energized Towerbusters strategically to vector that energy back to it's pristine, vital state."

Who can tell me what "DOR" is?
Deadly Orgone...

Not sure what EFF is. I have been reading a lot of material from Don Croft lately(I too learned of him after Karen's post. Apparently the 2 Don's are not new to her, perhaps she can convey her thoughts...). I am intruigued. Orgone energy is not new to me, I learned about it while studying free energy concepts and the works of Dr. Wilhelm Riech and Nikola Tesla (who refered to it as aether). I am making some orgonite this week to see for myself it's effects. I am particularly interested in the aspect of "ChemBusters", and how they apparently render HAARP and chemtrails ineffective. I love the idea that I could go and do real world beneficial action and see real time 3d results.
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Old 01-19-2010, 10:20 AM   #5
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

on left hand side of this page are links for Don's articles...

The editing isnt the greatest but I am liking the read..

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Old 01-19-2010, 10:42 AM   #6
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

Originally Posted by Night Light View Post
Deadly Orgone...
Thank you. I'm always thrown off by an acronym that doesn't have a word to go for each letter in the meaning it stands for...

Originally Posted by Night Light View Post
I love the idea that I could go and do real world beneficial action and see real time 3d results.
Me too!!

I LOVE posts that focus on SOLUTIONS and TAKING ACTION!!
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Old 01-19-2010, 10:44 AM   #7
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

Originally Posted by Night Light View Post
Have you read anything about the Crofts driving away satanists?
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Old 01-19-2010, 11:24 AM   #8
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Photo from McGinty, "We took this photo on July 12, 2007. Your interpretation is as good as mine."
Are members familiar with Don Croft?
Is he a reliable source?
I learned his name from the following quote from the thread "Bye Bye Whistleblowers.":

I am very interested in understanding the New Age movement and whether or not it is responsible for additional programming of the unsuspecting public by the Illuminati to help fulfill their New World Order agenda.

So I'm interested in what Don Croft has to say.

He has an article entitled "Closing Satanic Killing Fields" dated October 23, 2003 on the Educate Yourself website.

Here is a quote from the article:
"Carol and I figured that the satanists, whom we'd driven away from all the other vortices in the region, were now going there to do their ritual murders."

What do members think?

Read the Article
It is true, and now new its being going on here since Atlantis and maybe before

In places like Haiti, Cuba, South America, Africa and even the Far East, witchcraft and satanic ceremonial murders seem comon and they do animal sacrifices openly

Its being in the newspapers and the BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4098172.stm I know there are more articles about this, you just have to search

What matters is what we can do and one of the things we should not do is to be afraid, because our fear feeds this things


Last edited by Karen; 01-20-2010 at 12:51 AM. Reason: delete photo from quote
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Old 01-19-2010, 11:33 AM   #9
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
It is true, and now new its being going on here since Atlantis and maybe before

In places like Haiti, Cuba, South America, Africa and even the Far East, witchcraft and satanic ceremonial murders seem comon and they do animal sacrifices openly

Its being in the newspapers and the BBC http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4098172.stm I know there are more articles about this, you just have to search

What matters is what we can do and one of the things we should not do is to be afraid, because our fear feeds this things

What do you suppose is motivating the perpetrators?
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Old 01-19-2010, 01:05 PM   #10
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
What do you suppose is motivating the perpetrators?
Very interesting question but not a short one

You have two types of being living in creation

1) Those who have eternal life and self perpetuating energy systems don't need sacrifices (think on the broader meaning of this)

2) Those who have inmortal life provide they feed it. Other's call this ones the Fallen Angels (their bodies can last up to 4000 years and then they become space dust)

Since the Fall of Atlantis we are living in slavery thanks to the Illuminati Elders that live off planet and have no physical bodies but have their minions here

The light fields have been twisted and resources have been highjacked so life here is tough (humans once were bretharians, self sustaining beings)

Some people are mediums or channels and they get possessed by this entities that promise others that they will perform whatever they are requesting provided there is an "energy" sacrifice

The being that gets sacrificed not only loses its life but his soul in the case of humans and anima in the case of animals

It is the end for the sacrificed beings in the re-evolutionary path as the whole of their energy system gets devoured. Very shocking

The Fallen angels have mutated their original blueprint in a way that they can not take energy from Source so they steal it...

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Old 01-19-2010, 02:16 PM   #11
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

Thanks, Stardustaquarion!

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post

You have two types of being living in creation

1) Those who have eternal life and self perpetuating energy systems don't need sacrifices (think on the broader meaning of this)

2) Those who have inmortal life provide they feed it. Other's call this ones the Fallen Angels (their bodies can last up to 4000 years and then they become space dust)
I'm wondering whether the beings in the first category can somehow lead by example the beings in the second category in some, way, shape, or form - in order to begin a process of change.
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Old 01-19-2010, 06:38 PM   #12
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Thanks, Stardustaquarion!

I'm wondering whether the beings in the first category can somehow lead by example the beings in the second category in some, way, shape, or form - in order to begin a process of change.
Seashore, Ashayana Deane's Voyager's material goes into this- worth a read IMO for sure

Last edited by Karen; 01-20-2010 at 12:50 AM. Reason: shrink white space
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Old 01-19-2010, 06:52 PM   #13
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
Ashayana Deane's Voyager's material
Is this channeled material?

(I worry about channeled material. I don't know how to begin to evaluate its trustworthiness...)
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Old 01-19-2010, 08:56 PM   #14
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

No, it's transmitted.......BTW- I am listening to Michael Wynn now on Red Ice and once you read Voyagers, his interview touches upon some of the concepts in Voyagers.....worth listening to IMO.....
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Old 01-19-2010, 09:28 PM   #15
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
No, it's transmitted.......
Isn't that a distinction without a difference?

It seems that it's still not someone's own ideas, backed up by research or personal experience...
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Old 01-19-2010, 10:23 PM   #16
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
Isn't that a distinction without a difference?

It seems that it's still not someone's own ideas, backed up by research or personal experience...
True.....I for one would like to see much of the material out there being presented tested........maybe Hawkin's muscle testing would be good....Hawkin's already tested numerous *spiritual* modalities- Urantia book was one and it calibrated as false.......
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Old 01-19-2010, 11:05 PM   #17
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
....Hawkin's already tested numerous *spiritual* modalities- Urantia book was one and it calibrated as false.......
Wow! It's a jungle out there!!
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Old 01-20-2010, 12:03 AM   #18
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

I found Don Croft about a year ago while researching Wilhem Reich. I think he is authentic and believes in what he is doing. However some of his information conradicts. Reich's original observation concerning orgone. i.e. using copper and aluminum to make Orgonite.

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Old 01-20-2010, 12:42 AM   #19
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

EFF=Etheric Freedom Fighters

Here's an article naming lots of names of people, etc.
Etheric Freedom Fighting, The Basics

The above linked article does not have the latest forum address, which is Etheric Warriors.
Here is Don Croft's profile on his current forum.

In that article "Cbswork" = Don Bradley

"I might add that all of the socialist regimes that became established in the early and mid 20th century evinced the same essence as Hitler's, Stalin's, Mao's, Castro's, Roosevelt's, Churchill's and Mussolini's debauched creatures did, characterized by en-masse rejection of volition and discernment in favor of erroneously perceived security. When Carol and I contemplate the shrivelled little root chakras of the socialized people we know we feel a profound sadness, though not a shred of pity because each person makes a conscious choice to either accept that heinous programming or reject it."

"We developed the Powerwand to kill predators, with whom we had become surrounded by last December, when the Clouds of Death video went onto the internet on www.cloud-busters.com. You can download it from there, by the way, but most folks' computers can't manage that.

It was made for TV, but after it was shown one time (in Miami) the producers in Hollywood were severely punished and it became instantly impossible to even send a copy through the mail, no matter how cleverly it was hidden in other material. That's how thorough the secret police are, folks."

"Most of us in the cloudbuster network had been subjected to mind control programs such as Montauk and Tavistock (Freud's heinous contribution to MI6) when we were small children, which provides much of the impetus to defeat this monster, the old world order, which I call The Old Villain, which term I borrowed from the renowned Sufi scholar, Idries Shah. That's right, folks: the newage sewage hucksters don't, indeed, OWN Sufism or any other form of wisdom ;-) nor do they comprehend any of it."

"Reich foresaw his own eventual murder at the hands of the benighted in America in 1939; at least he wrote about it then in his diary. By then he had painfully realized that the same spirit that had turned the Germans and Austrians into bookburners was fully entrenched in America, too."

"I'm hearing from more European men now who are disturbed to learn that this mind control mess is part of their personal histories and are very happy to discover, mainly through http://www.educate-yourself.org, that something can be done to make amends about having lost so much of our childhood to these predators. "
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Old 01-20-2010, 04:44 AM   #20
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Default Re: Articles by Don Croft

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
EFF=Etheric Freedom Fighters

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
Here's an article naming lots of names of people, etc.
I read this article.

I have to say that I have a very hard time following Don's train of thought.

Did he say in this article that he was the victim as a child of a Montauk-like project?
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