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Old 09-18-2008, 02:27 PM   #1
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Default A possible secret to free unlimited energy?

Hi guys!

So, I'm brand new to the Project Avalon forums, but I've been following Project Camelot for about the last year now, and I have to say you guys are doing and awesome job at getting some very important information out there.

Now I haven't heard much talk in this circle about a scientist named Nassim Haramein, and it's very strange how a lot of his research and development ties in with what many of the guests say (David Wilcock recently brought up the shape of a tetrahedron within a sphere, which is Haramein supposed shape of the vacuum and possibly the most important shape in human existence).

Anyway, if you'd like to check out his research and papers (they're pretty amazing), then you can download them for free at http://theresonanceproject.org/

He's really great at explaining his unified field theory in easy to understand language, especially in the layman papers, but the real heavy stuff lies in his scientific papers which those of you with a better understanding of physics might be able take a look see and figure out if he's on the right track. I was an English major, so math is not exactly my forte'.

Hope everyone is doing well, and maybe we might be able to use some of this research to help us in the trying times ahead.


- J
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Old 09-18-2008, 02:43 PM   #2
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Default Re: A possible secret to free unlimited energy?

Hi, wild planet eh?

Nassim Haramein has been mentioned a few times. Very interesting material. I am still watching this as its like 8 hours long...

Nassim Haramein Part 1 of 45

There is an uncut version of this in a thread here. Do a qucik search and you might find.

Thanks for the link I will take a look

Have a nice day,

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Old 09-18-2008, 04:30 PM   #3
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Default Re: A possible secret to free unlimited energy?

thanks my esteemed avalon friends for the fantastic info. any opinions or information on george greens magnetic motor device. seems pretty simple and we could build large ones and have free energy easily if we get a little electrician help converting that force into electricity. i am no scientist, so the logistics involved are not something i have any clue over. "what say you? go"
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Old 09-19-2008, 08:38 PM   #4
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Default Re: A possible secret to free unlimited energy?

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial View Post
Hi, wild planet eh?

Nassim Haramein has been mentioned a few times. Very interesting material. I am still watching this as its like 8 hours long...

Nassim Haramein Part 1 of 45

There is an uncut version of this in a thread here. Do a qucik search and you might find.

Thanks for the link I will take a look

Have a nice day,

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Old 09-20-2008, 09:33 PM   #5
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Smile Re: A possible secret to free unlimited energy?

Hi All,
have a look at this new released, the inventor talks about free energy.

The Keppe Motor:

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Old 09-20-2008, 09:54 PM   #6
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Old 09-22-2008, 03:20 AM   #7
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Default WITTS Newman Trombley Water Cracking OU Forums

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fR3vBB1Yn0 Self Running 900 Watt Fuelless Electrical Generator!

Description: World Improvement Through The Spirit Ministries showing initial activation & then a self-running electrical motor generator combination with 900 net watts output. This is a result of studying the pioneers such as Tesla, Moray, Hendershot and 20 years of work by a team of top scientists along with several million in R & D.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkBNzXPy_p4 Self Running 35 Watt Delay Line Generator
Description: World Improvement Through The Spirit Ministries is showing a delay line generator motor starting with a pack of 9 volt batteries in series. It shows the voltage rising from 713 volts to 728 volts after starting with approximately .05 amps average current or 35 watts being generated & utilized

A conventional generator motor would be dropping the voltage in the battery pack after starting.

Then a capacitor is added and the batteries are disconnected totally so that the delay line generator motor is self generating, self turning as well as supplying electricity to the fluorescent tubes. The device is over 20 years old and as such provided the basis for higher output more sophisticated devices such as the - Self Running 900 Watt Fuelless Electrical Generator.

There is no harmful radiation and it is converting zero point energy with no external power source needed after starting!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06iCfowinUM World's Most Efficient Overunity Water Heater
World Improvement Through The Spirit Ministries is showing a super efficient ultrasonic water heater. A stainless steel sphere with 1.7 gallons of water starts at 101 degrees F and rises to 184 degrees F in two minutes from 1.62 watts input from a 9 volt battery supplying .18 amps.

Normally 1.7 US gallons of water would require 10,296 watts of energy at 100% efficiency to be raised from 101 to 184 degrees F in 2 minutes. This is super efficient at over 6000 X more heat from the input of electricity.

There are no catalysts, heavy water or other exotic materials required as in cold fusion and no harmful radiation is released. The stimulus for this research & development was John Keely's Sympathetic Vibratory Physics using frequencies in combination with shapes of materials.

www.josephnewman.com Joseph Newman was raising 100M for mass manufacturing. He has published a copy of dynamometer test wherein one of his electrical magnetic motors tested 700% (COP = 7) signed by 4 witnesses conducted at Lawrence Technological University http://www.ltu.edu/ He is promoting engine conversions in vehicles but without a US patent being granted yet despite spending over 1M US & other countries having passed his patent, he is in a catch 22 situation of revealing enough information to potential investors without giving away his best unprotected information. A operating machine can be seen & tested in Texas for those that have funds to invest by contacting Joe Nelfe with phone # at the website.

A search on youtube show a number of individuals that have replicated his work. This problem is getting the costs down due to the amount of wire, cost of magnets & capacitors used. Joe Nelfe believes in mass production, they could sell a 10,000 watt unit with generator for $20,000.

www.lutec.com.au has claimed 440% efficient motors with several video versions online as well as which countries have granted patents by going to the appropriate links on their website. They can be contacted for their costs & royalty fees.

http://www.tewari.org 200% to 300% efficient high current low voltage homopolar generator by Paramahamsa Tewari.

The Japanese inventor Kawai in the US Patent 5,436,518 specifically mentions 318% efficiency. http://www.cheniere.org/misc/kawai.htm Tom Bearden made a deal with Kawai & a Japanese party flew in & blocked it. Hitachi replicated the motor from the patent & confirmed COP 1.4 & 1.6

http://www.rexresearch.com/trombly/trombly.htm has world patent and testing information on Adam Trombly's homopolar generator design with a COP of 4.92. The homopolar inventor after he had raised $250,000 had an US National Security Order placed on his US patent application (they slipped up on not blocking the world patent from being published) and thus has never been granted in the US yet. It makes a person wonder what information is in the other approximate 5,000 classified US patent applications.

www.projectearth.com/ Adam Trombley's site on the destruction of earth & what we need to do about it. Also more infromation on his Dad's secret notes wherein he believed the negative aliens were altering the earth's environment negatively for humans. He was also being targeted with microwave beams to make him sick.

http://peswiki.com/energy/Directory:Suppression Adam was working with Farnsworth on an overunity solid state device when US Federal Marshals came & stopped their work. He would be a good interviewee for project Camelot.

John Bedini has had a few people replicate his work which is publically posted. It requires switching battery packs as one discharges & the other recharges up.

The more knowledge, working together & sharing, hopefully these devices will be produced in more readily replicable plans, kits &/or units a person can buy.


Water Cracking Devices

http://www.mysticfamilycircus.com/Pa...xwatercar.html Daniel Dingle's on demand "water cracking vehicle" from the Philippines. Downloadable free by right clicking & saving the high or lower quality videos. A person needs Apple Quick time or XP Codec Pack installed to view the video.

Stanley Meyer was poisoned after signing a 50M deal in order to manufacture his water cracking device. Videos of his water run dune buggy & his electrolyzer are on the net by doing a search. It is rumored that knowledge went to

www.xogen.ca which had their inventor shot at & basically they had to move from Calgary to Ontario due to various problems. They are using the technology to treat sewerage water as well as create brown's gas to run motors in order to create electricity.


http://www.panacea-bocaf.org is a non-profit organization trying to interconnect engineers, electronics & those with skills to replicate suppressed overunity technologies and publish their results such as Hector Torres's work.
Hector Perez Torres's "RotoVerter" is doing very good work on converting off the shelf 7.5 HP Baldwin electrical motors.
http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directo...r:Replications more links
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/evgray those working on his device with additional comments from Hector Torres.

__________________________________________________ __

The leading cold fusion firm appears to be www.blacklightpower.com a private company whose shares have gone from 75 cents to over $1300, and who have raised over $20 million so far. They have a 50,000 watt prototype unit & are planning on building more pilot plants in the next year.
__________________________________________________ _

There are a number of forums that are working on various devices. A google search is a good start for the device you are interested in.

Jean Naudin at http://members.aol.com/jnaudin509/ has done a tremendous amount of work replicating various devices.
His forum is at http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/jlnlabs/messages

Stefan Hartman at www.overunity.com is a good site.

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FE_updates/ is Sterling Allan's forum for updates on alternative energy including overunity.

__________________________________________________ _

Unfortunately overunity is not simple & requires knowledge, skill & often specific tuning. Be cautious about spending money unless you can afford to not see a return and it is recommended only when the technology can be verified with proper meters and knowledgeable testers. Some inventors have raised millions on devices that were not commercially viable causing skeptism with other investors & drying up the pool of available capital for this very important work. It also hurts when investors loose their money when the inventor is killed like Stanley Meyer or the patent is put under National Security like Adam Trombley's work.

If you know angel investors, venture capital or those with funds they want to invest, please study this information first rather than sending them to those that are have much less viable technologies but fancy websites &/or are willing to make promises that they can not deliver on.
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Old 09-22-2008, 02:29 PM   #8
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Default Re: A possible secret to free unlimited energy?

Originally Posted by MartyMcFailure View Post
thanks my esteemed avalon friends for the fantastic info. any opinions or information on george greens magnetic motor device. seems pretty simple and we could build large ones and have free energy easily if we get a little electrician help converting that force into electricity. i am no scientist, so the logistics involved are not something i have any clue over. "what say you? go"
I am a RED SEAL Journeyman Ticketed Electrician in Canada, so maybe I can explain how to harness the electricity a bit. If there is electricity to be gotten from Greens Motor... the magnet in the middle of the device needs to be attached to a rotor. See how generators work here...


Now to my knowledge... the only problem with Greens motor that I can see, is that it would require almost no friction. It would most likely work a lot like a wind generator, except it would be in a vertical position.

What I would do... is on the other end of the rotor I would have magnets. And around those magnets I would have coils. Those coils would ha ve alternate current, from induction.... from the magnet rotating in them. The process is the same as those flash lights you shake to get light.

Here is the CATCH! There is resistance when moving a magnet near a coil. Aswell there is resistance from the bearings... because the rotor needs to be attached to something. So Greens motor would have to be strong enough to move past both of these resistances. I have been thinking about building one... I can get all the parts I need from a few old hard drives, microwaves, fans... and possibly some pvc pipe. I would want to build it large enough.. so that friction wouldnt be a concern.

Last edited by OceanWinds; 09-22-2008 at 02:31 PM.
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Old 11-07-2008, 06:19 PM   #9
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What gets me is that we have had alot of people with solutions, that do work, and everytime without fail it does not happen because of basically one thing, they try to turn it into an enterprise, and then it does not happen or dissapears.

What I am starting to think, is that the free energy is more then just the "Free Energy" part. We will not happen until someone actually just gives it for free, to humanity, and insulates himself against loss by sharing and showing his steps openly and how others can replicate his work.

Maybe until spiritually some people invent something and share with no regard for their future financial well being, humanity just simply will not deserve it. Maybe they both beget each other. It might actually be a crux point issue for humanity.

There is no reason that any one of these inventors could post their plans right here, for the whole world to see. What good is your money if you are dead because of society collapse. Very short sighted.

Search for hydrogen tap on youtube or joe cell, to see an example.

Very ironic, a free energy concept being held down by greed.

Last edited by orb; 11-07-2008 at 06:23 PM.
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Old 11-07-2008, 10:20 PM   #10
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Default Re: A possible secret to free unlimited energy?

Originally Posted by orb View Post

Search for hydrogen tap on youtube or joe cell, to see an example.

Very ironic, a free energy concept being held down by greed.

Stan Meyer told everyone exactly how to replicate his work. He explains it in no uncertain terms in his many hours of lectures which are on video on the net.

He is just one of many. People just don't care enough to do their own research and work. And the ones that do are given the shotgun treatment by their friendly local authority.

Their are many videos of replications of Stan Meyers work on Youtube and Google Video.

Most of the videos have links to the plans they used.
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Old 11-08-2008, 05:51 AM   #11
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I think if you research this more you will see this is not the case. In fact he patented his plans and knew that someday they would enter the public domain which they have. However there is great debate over the actual designs and interpretations. Stan left out alot of glue, he just put in enough to make sure he got patents.

However alot of people have replicated certain designs for say the frequency generators and stuff and made assumptions based on the few videos that exist, and filled in the blanks and they have some nicely working devices that kick out alot of hydrogen by fracturing the bonds. However they think according to a number of articles that there is still something missing, something he did not tell anyone, and that he was a long way ahead of his patents.

And even with all of that, they still have not figured out his other project that he had working, but they are getting close. And that is the water fracturing spark plug where hydrogen is generated on the fly and injected into the piston on one stroke, and then ignited by the same sparkplug on the up stroke. Stan had this working, did not tell anyone how to do it, and the relatives will not release the buggy which is supposed to have the technology, but I doubt they even still have it.

So besides doing a few interviews, and showing his design to the press to get support, he did very little to educate people or share the actual inner working, he still wanted a commercial model. However, as a good American Patriot I think he refused a rumored billion dollars from the Saudi's who just would have sat on the technolgy. And what did he get in return for his patriotism, poisoned.

I could be corrected on this, but I have no idea where these lectures are, I have now watched over 3000 videos on youtube, and I have yet to see them. Stan Meyer, brillient as he was, still wanted a commercial model and this slowed the progress and got him killed. Had many people known the actual designs what would the use be of killing him, retribution?

His secret knowledge got him killed, just like the East Indian I belive it was, the first person to start reverse engineering his patents and who is responsible for a big leap forward who had the forsight to share his insights, was put in jail for a time, and apparently no longer works on this.

Again, I might be dreaming this up, but I think Stan was not a overly sharing guy, he wanted a buck just like everyone else, but he wanted to keep it for America as a good patriot.

Originally Posted by bluestix View Post
Stan Meyer told everyone exactly how to replicate his work. He explains it in no uncertain terms in his many hours of lectures .
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Old 11-08-2008, 06:13 AM   #12
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I think you would be intrigued by this user on youtube, and his design of a perpetual motor. His design is based on a bedini motor but he has something special on the go there. Now this guy shows you everything, and you can recreate all of his steps, and he experiments failed and successful. The power of YouTube.


Yes there is resistence when the coil is on. However if you turn it of and another coil to attract it over the resistence at the right time, then it negates the situation, and slowly increases in speed. Hence free energy, but in my mind, it is more like trick energy.

Youtube overview of a simple Bedini

Now, this one rocks for only a tri coil, but some people have six coils

I am thinking I would like to build one, but if I do, I am going for a big one that has enough torque to push a generator. Say a heavy tire rim, with dual coils on each side.

Now I am not sure where I got it, or where I put it, it might be in the links in the previous post as well, but it is a free energy primer, and it changes your thinking, and what I was taught in electronics, which they say is wrong.

One, a battery only creates a potential, but the energy that actually flows comes from the air around the wire.

They claim, if I understand correctly, the only reason why a battery drains is that for a millisecond there is a complete short in a DC circuit, before the circuit collapses, and starts again.

So if you can switch off the DC battery in the split second before that short happens, but still keep the potential there long enough to suck in the energy from the air around the wire, then you get a machine that will run and never run down the battery that created the potential. That is my understanding anyway.

Check out the vids, it is amazing.


Here is the CATCH! There is resistance when moving a magnet near a coil. Aswell there is resistance from the bearings... because the rotor needs to be QUOTE]

Last edited by orb; 11-08-2008 at 06:15 AM.
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Old 11-08-2008, 06:28 AM   #13
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My point exactly. Here this guy has a solution, is trying to protect his interests, and our society is on the precipice of extinction. Does he really think that anyone who invents such a thing will not be taken care of in some way. The money he gets doing interviews will feed him for life.

However just like Tesla, the patents and trying to protect ones financial interests only creates a vehicle for another higher up person to take control. I can think of more than one case in my own life where people have tried to protect their technology, in this case with Microsoft and the NAC addressing system, according to the inventor of the addressing scheme they just took his idea, chanced letters like A to Q, mixed up the letters, and made him take them to court and it has never been settled as far as I know, and the last time we spoke he thought he might lose his house. Of course now the technolgy is used and a critical part of the mapping software they have.

That is how it happens, get with it guys, you are not the big players. Get your info out there before places like youtube are controlled and it is too late.

And Mr. Newman get your patents filed, with all the info, so that someone else does not get ahead of you. Then put the info here and we will send it all over the web to every Country who can make your engines and make a change and you can be a big hero.

Oh wait I see, you want more than that, money too, ah, see it all comes back to greed and money. How much is enough. Honestly I think we all deserve to go extinct, we are just plain stupid, greedy and self centered, of course except the people here on this forum, we are smarter :-)

www.josephnewman.compassed his patent, he is in a catch 22 situation of revealing enough information to potential investors without giving away his best unprotected information.[/QUOTE]
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Old 11-08-2008, 05:39 PM   #14
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Default Re: A possible secret to free unlimited energy?

Just saw Nassim a few weeks ago in New York. When the video on YouTube (DVD's available on his site) were made the math wasnt complete. There were missing peices to figuring out infinities in Einstiens field equations. I'm not a physicist but he announced that he has filled in the missing peices and is ready to publish his work. There were math types in the audience who got really excited when he went over the equations (proofs) .

Pretty exciting to be there. Alot of positive energy around him.
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Old 11-08-2008, 09:52 PM   #15
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Default Re: A possible secret to free unlimited energy?

Originally Posted by orb View Post
I think if you research this more you will see this is not the case. In fact he patented his plans and knew that someday they would enter the public domain which they have. However there is great debate over the actual designs and interpretations. Stan left out alot of glue, he just put in enough to make sure he got patents.

I think you are the one who needs to do more research.

I have 4+ hours of video lectures of Stan Meyer explaining very clearly how the entire process works and how to replicate it.

There have been several working and demonstrated replications of this technology and the videos can be found on YouTube.

Several of the videos show very clearly distilled water being decomposed using Stan's process.

If you have done the research you will know that electrolysis doesn't work on distilled water.

The reason people feel like they are still missing something is because they are stupid.

Stan explains about 50 times in his videos and another 20 or so in his patent that using coherent light (LED's) of a specific frequency directed at the water greatly increases the efficiency.

Why no one has caught on to this and tried it I am not sure.

Especially considering there is another patent that describes the efficient decomposition of water using a specific frequency of UV light provided by LED's and a specific RF frequency.

The UV light splits the molecules and the RF prevents them from immediately recombining.

In Meyer's case the UV and the high voltage splits the water and the high voltage prevents it from recombining.

If anyone out there studies Keely's work then this will all be pretty obvious.

Find the chord of the mass and then tune or detune accordingly.

Universal Laws Never Before Revealed: Keely's Secrets : Understanding and Using the Science of Sympathetic

The Physics of Love: The Ultimate Universal Laws

Free Energy Pioneer: John Worrell Keely

The Secret of Light
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Old 11-09-2008, 01:15 AM   #16
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I think we might be at an impass with this one. So in this video he also releases the exact circuity in it's entirely, so that another person can go home, and replicate the exact invention he did? Just not the process. If that was the case would the Arabs not just buy the video instead of offer to buy him out for one billion? Then what was he selling?

My understanding is that he is using frequency resonance, I was not suggesting he was doing electrolosis, but I don't think any of those designs have a UV light. I also did not know about the concept of a LED fracturing the bonds, and I wonder why no one is researching that either. Too bad that video was no you google or youtube, I would love to see it.

As for the replications on youtube, they are mostly based on the guy I mentioned who reverse engineered the patents, and then put out his info.
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Old 11-09-2008, 08:13 PM   #17
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I have thought about zeropoint/free energy a lot....and I have to wonder, if Universe is simply holding it back from our conciouness because we are not ready/mature enough as a species/civilization to handle it. There is a lot of responsibility that goes along with free unlimited energy.

So, I think its possible, but that it me be firewalled out from the collective conciousness at this time.
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Old 11-11-2008, 01:54 AM   #18
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In the late 1880s, trade journals in the electrical sciences were predicting "free electricity" in the near future. Incredible discoveries about the nature of electricity were becoming commonplace. Nikola Tesla was demonstrating "wireless lighting" and other wonders associated with high frequency currents. There was an excitement about the future like never before.

Within 20 years, there would be automobiles, airplanes, movies, recorded music, telephones, radio, and practical cameras. The Victorian Age was giving way to something totally new. For the first time in history, common people were encouraged to envision a utopian future, filled with abundant modern transportation and communication, as well as jobs, housing, and food for everyone.

Disease would be conquered, and so would poverty. Life was getting better, and this time, everyone was going to get "a piece of the pie."

So, what happened?

Read this excellent atricle to find out what happened and what is going to happen when free energy becomes an everyday reality: http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/feb2/lindemnn.htm
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Old 11-24-2008, 11:47 AM   #19
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Who kill the electric car?

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Old 11-24-2008, 07:11 PM   #20
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Lightbulb Re: A possible secret to free unlimited energy?

Free energy device working with no battery, very interesting:

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Old 11-24-2008, 08:51 PM   #21
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Default Re: A possible secret to free unlimited energy?

Originally Posted by hueyii View Post
Just saw Nassim a few weeks ago in New York. When the video on YouTube (DVD's available on his site) were made the math wasnt complete. There were missing peices to figuring out infinities in Einstiens field equations. I'm not a physicist but he announced that he has filled in the missing peices and is ready to publish his work. There were math types in the audience who got really excited when he went over the equations (proofs) .

Pretty exciting to be there. Alot of positive energy around him.

Was this conference recorded? and if so, where can i view the video?
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Old 11-25-2008, 06:51 PM   #22
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You should by the way send over your info to Stephen Green too, he mistakingly claims, at least according to you, that Stan Meyer did not give the right frequencies to people due to his distrust as per an interview I heard last night. So he is mistaking things the same as I was I guess.

Now he said that he had to go to some German guy to get the proper frequencies or resonance, who Stan told many years ago as part of a possibly buyout deal when he was living. If you have the frequencies, it could save him Stephen Greer a trip to Germany.

Originally Posted by bluestix View Post
I think you are the one who needs to do more research.
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Old 11-25-2008, 08:02 PM   #23
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Here's a magnet motor - called the OC PMM - overconfident's perpetual motion machine powered purely by magnets and it shows overunity/perpetual motion.

For more information, visit Steorn's forum at http://www.steorn.com/forum/, where the always opensource development of this has been taking place - and the plans to build one can be found here too.

However, the device is probably not powerful enough to generate power - but what it does do is convince all the main stream science institutions that their axioms and laws of science are starting to fall apart because they don't control it any more - just like everything else "main stream" that's falling apart and being repaced by concepts based on universal laws & truth and not supression & control.

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Old 11-25-2008, 08:08 PM   #24
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Default Re: A possible secret to free unlimited energy?

You want free energy Here is a great example of what we could be using but were to far behind the curve
Its all there, why arent we using these units? "Wake up America"
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Old 11-26-2008, 03:16 PM   #25
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Thumbs up Re: A possible secret to free unlimited energy?

Hi, here is a good source for making a free energy electric motor.

Here you can download information about free energy motors, there is good information for making free energy motors that can run any generator and power your entire house.

The secret in this motors is Hi DC voltage and very low amp. Hi Static electricity is the key, RADIANT ENERGY.





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