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Old 10-13-2008, 06:41 PM   #26
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Default Re: George Green's latest interview


I agree with almost everything you've posted (great job by the way ), but with one exception (unless I've misunderstood some things in your posts)...

A Native American friend of mine helped to clarify something I guess I was a little mis-guided on. I am definitely of the same mind as you, and I, too, felt that 'light will prevail' with this spiritual war we are in (and we are definitely in one).

What my friend explained to me is that NO ONE wins in ANY war or battle, and that would include a spiritual war. That shocked me when he said this, but then what followed made so much sense. He explained that what will happen when all of the dust settles, WILL BE BALANCE. We need harmony, harmony which cannot BE unless there is a balance between good and evil.

What I have learned this past year or so, is that there is good and bad in everything (yin/yang). You cannot have one without the other -- again, makes perfect sense. But we have been living in an Era where there is far more negative than positive, hence, this spiritual war.

There WILL be peace, but there will be that tunnel we must go through before the Light will prevail. There will be dark days/times ahead, to be sure, but in the end, a true balance in all things will prevail.

I trust my friend very much -- he has helped me to understand why I am having the experiences I have had my entire life (with the Star People, as he and his tribe call them). Steve (his name) has taught me that his people are considered Brothers with the Star People (the positive ones). They literally walk with them and have learned much from them over many, many years. What Steve has shared with me regarding this spiritual battle makes so much sense to me - I don't know why I didn't see what he told me before this...
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Old 10-13-2008, 07:30 PM   #27
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Default Re: George Green's latest interview

Darkside polarity says, "If I can't have it you can't either" and Lightside polarity says, "I am doing this for your benefit". If one finds themself in either polarity they are shoring up the opposite polarity to remain in existence. The doom and gloom events may come from the darkside polarity throwing temper tantrums if they can't get what they want they of course will escalate their agenda, if we lay down and take it then they also remain in control, the perfected planning of "catch 22" scenario's by the PTB. Obviously, insight has been well provided in balancing this time of ages. It has been said that chaos provides the greatest opportunity for change to be instrumented for without the chaos the energy remains too rigid and creating change is difficult. Photosynthesis is a form of chaos, a war of molecules within a leaf that reformats the molecular structures into sugars and a vacuum or suction from the chaos like a tornado is created from the energy of this war and the exchange of O and CO2 take place. Likewise, a sperm attacks an egg, though they were two seperate substances, they go at it and fuse with each other, amidst their battle they become intertwined and then are absorbed into a new creation which quickly seperates and multiply's into trillions of representations of that war 9 months later directed by an innate spark of divine intelligence. The point being... whom ever has the intent in focus guides the route the energy takes, etc.
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Old 10-13-2008, 09:00 PM   #28
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Default Re: George Green's latest interview

Something that puzzles me about the concept of creating our own future is how many of us would it take? I mean, the world population is reckoned to be around seven billion, while we on Avalon and Camelot forums are only counted in the low thousands.

If, on the other hand, each of us only creates our own future, how do we influence others' futures? Are there as many time lines as there are people?

If so, what a tangle we could create if the pattern being woven was corrupted.
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Old 10-13-2008, 09:56 PM   #29
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Default Re: George Green's latest interview

Originally Posted by Kevin View Post

Thanks for your comment. It can sometimes be difficult to express a message of peace within a fear-based structure. We are all on different levels of perception based on our spiritual development.

I believe in temperance. However, it is not a matter of wanting to play it safe or suggest that we are all doomed. Either way, we will deal with the outcome.

I am only encouraging faith. Many empires have fallen in the past. But, I have great love for the Human race. Because I am on the positive polarity, I care for you and I care for the world.

I work everyday to raise the vibration. Therfore I continue my work even if things do not appear to be good. We are working in the trenches. Lightworkers try to lower the casualty level for a smoother transition.

I second this Suriel! I am here to support our common folk that is going to need direction and love in the coming days. we are not going to get any closer to a truth reality if all we do is doubt. For all of you whom are practicing in order to find foundation in what you send that is of fear, practice this by opening your hearts at the same time. We use our intellect way too much and find ourselves on a boat to somewhere without more than half a paddle. the dark brothers are attempting more of the same but it happens to originate in the psyche first in all individuals bearing witness to those like george green whom seems only to be doing is level best to show us how you swim from his own naked experience. To me, he admits that he does not know all and waits for more internal and higher communication to guide him. Look how far he has had to likely come in order to free his spirit. I see amazing spiritual strength. his message is great but some of us are still waiting as well as doing what we are individually supposed to be doing that is effectual here to align us with love that is of the light.
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Old 10-13-2008, 10:03 PM   #30
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Default Re: George Green's latest interview

Originally Posted by Ashatav View Post
Dr. Deagle says that anibody who says the maximum of people in the earth must be 500 millions are corrupted or fooled. Like the guys who contac the playadians. (in any case, if pleyadian says that, **** the pleyadians for real!)


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i dont know where you got that information from.
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Old 10-13-2008, 10:16 PM   #31
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Default Re: George Green's latest interview

Originally Posted by SpaceMonkey View Post
i dont know where you got that information from.
Ashatav...yea.. i was thinking the same thing.. 500 million ppl.. pfftttt.!

Space-monkey-- i think it was Billy Meier who received this info from the pleiadians..
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Old 10-13-2008, 10:24 PM   #32
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Default Re: George Green's latest interview

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
and Lightside polarity says, "I am doing this for your benefit"..
The Darkside says that as well....
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Old 10-14-2008, 04:32 AM   #33
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Default Re: George Green's latest interview

Originally Posted by Pegasus-pUnK View Post
The Darkside says that as well....
Hmmmmmm, so maybe you may be seeing things opposite, no one ever said that lightsiders were good people and darksiders were evil people!
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Old 10-21-2008, 08:12 PM   #34
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sorry guys but i have to agree with kevin, georges negative view is needed to balance the positive views of others. But will only be embraced by people of a negative polarisation, nit that this is in even the slightest way a problem, as i said there cannot be positive without negative, good without bad, light without dark and ying without yang. Keep vibrating at higher levels. WeR1
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Old 10-23-2008, 07:49 AM   #35
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Default Re: George Green's latest (09/2008) interview

There is a new 43 minute follow-up telephone conversation with George Green on the world's economy... and what may happen "when Obama is in office". Check Bill's announcments.

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Old 10-23-2008, 08:46 AM   #36
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Default Re: George Green's latest (09/2008) interview

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Old 11-08-2008, 11:01 AM   #37
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Default Re: George Green's latest interview

Originally Posted by Circlewerk View Post
At one point in this interview, he dropped the phrase " It's all part of their plan to de-populate" twice inside of a minute or two.
He reminds us of this plan in many interviews, along with the Northern hemisphere being wiped out from Nuclear fall out.
It is reminiscent of the words "Terror & Terrorists," being repeated over & over by TPTB, with the motivation to program the people with fear based on deceit.
George uses those words loosely & frequently, I cannot help but listen objectively & wonder if there is a motive behind his repetition.
I do not know if Georges Green is deceptive or not but he is very negative. I believe that preparing for the worst will bring on the worst. Negativity is what he's all about. That man leaves us with no hope.

In a recent phone interview with Kerry, he mentionned something really weird. He said that Sarah Palin was doing a good job in Alaska, that she was fighting corruption. That's why she was chosen to be McCain running mate, to get her out of the way of the powers that be. I do not believe that. That woman had no business there in the first place. She clearly doesn't have what it takes to be Vice-president of the United States (why McCain chose her is another weird story!).

After that phone interview, Georges Green lost all credibility in my opinion. He's either deceptive or misled.
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Old 12-27-2008, 12:02 AM   #38
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Default Re: George Green's latest interview

Originally Posted by IronWoman View Post
Ashatav...yea.. i was thinking the same thing.. 500 million ppl.. pfftttt.!

Space-monkey-- i think it was Billy Meier who received this info from the pleiadians..
I listened to the Dr Deagle talk and what he said was "The aim of the rulinf elite is to reduce the world population to 500 million. He never made mention of Pleaidians or any other ET's in this context. This was purely for the elite to gain fulll control of the populace and have them as dumbed down slaves. That was the context of the 500 million statement.

Likewise, I have no idea where the info for the original post came from and how ET's were linked to that statement.

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Old 12-27-2008, 12:12 AM   #39
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Default Re: George Green's latest interview

Originally Posted by weareone View Post
sorry guys but i have to agree with kevin, georges negative view is needed to balance the positive views of others. But will only be embraced by people of a negative polarisation, nit that this is in even the slightest way a problem, as i said there cannot be positive without negative, good without bad, light without dark and ying without yang. Keep vibrating at higher levels. WeR1
Isn't this "old paradigm reality"? My understanding is that we are to look beyond all that is known, all that is taught and all that we have been led to believe up to this point. I don't seem to remember any of the Masters we have had in the past (whichever presonage you may choose to endow with that ranking) teaching that we had to have evil to have good? I have to humbly disagree with this. I see no connection in allowing negativity to prevail in any manner or form. Are we not after all trying to create a new reality? In my reality there is no need of negativity. Hopefully I am not alone in this. Surely the new paradigm is to shake out the dross and make way for something so new and so different (so pure) that it will leave even the creators of this new reality awestruck?
ARe we perhaps misinterpreting the meaning of Negative? Yes you need protons to have neutrons but does this in fact transcribe to good and evil? I think not. Good and evil is a choice, not a matter of physics. IMHO anyway.

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