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Old 01-15-2010, 01:57 AM   #26
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Default Re: Resolve your dualities as preparation for 2012

I am on the fringe circle of some self-enlightened beings who have developed their own approach to resolving dualities:

The Gunas Technique

"The gunas is an ancient technique for merging polarities which has come down to modern times through yoga."

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Old 01-15-2010, 08:44 AM   #27
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Default Re: Resolve your dualities as preparation for 2012

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
I am on the fringe circle of some self-enlightened beings who have developed their own approach to resolving dualities:

The Gunas Technique

"The gunas is an ancient technique for merging polarities which has come down to modern times through yoga."

Good morning Gnosis5
To my understanding the Gunas are a process, perception and attitude to life change as each guna is moved through.
Enlightenment/ self realization can occur without being aware of Gunas and without using any particular technique. Spiritual language can be misleading. Self-realization dosent mean you have done it yourself rather that the Self has been realized.
You cant make it happen.
All we can do is remove, to the best of our ability, that which obstructs the reality that we are one with God. The rest is up to the grace of God.
Be kind to all life including your own, is enough. technique is not necessary.

Cant remember any past lives but they probably play a part in the way this life starts. Past karma to be resolved.

Regards Chris
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Old 01-15-2010, 12:53 PM   #28
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Default Re: Resolve your dualities as preparation for 2012

Hello friends,

I would like to bring here a passage from an interview of Eckhart Tolle on polarities.


The entire phenomenal universe exists because of the tension between the opposites. Hot and cold, growth and decay, gain and loss, success and failure, the polarities that are part of existence, and of course part of every relationship.

KE: Then it’s correct to say, we can never get rid of the polarities?

ET: We cannot get rid of polarities on the level of form. However, you can transcend the polarities through surrender. You are then in touch with a deeper place within yourself where, as it were, the polarities no longer exist. They continue to exist on the outer level. However, even there, something changes in the way in which the polarities manifest in your life when you are in a state of acceptance or surrender. The polarities manifest in a more benign and gentle way.

The more unconscious you are, the more you are identified with form. The essence of unconsciousness is this: identification with form, whether it is an external form (a situation, place, event or experience), a thought form or an emotion. The more attached to form, the more unsurrendered you are, and the more extreme, violent or harsh your experience of the polarities becomes. There are people on this planet who live virtually in hell and on the same planet there are others who live a relatively peaceful life. The ones who are at peace inside will still experience the polarities, but in a much more benign way, not the extreme way in which many humans still experience them. So, the way in which the polarities are experienced does change. The polarities themselves cannot be removed, but one could say, the whole universe becomes somewhat more benevolent. It’s no longer so threatening. The world is no longer perceived as hostile, which is how the ego perceives it.

KE: If awakening or living a life in an awakened state does not change the natural order of things, duality, the tension between the opposites, what does living a life in the awakened state do? Does it affect the world, or only one’s subjective experience of the world?

ET: When you live in surrender, something comes through you into the world of duality that is not of this world.

KE: Does that actually change the outer world?

ET: Internal and external are ultimately one. When you no longer perceive the world as hostile, there is no more fear, and when there is no more fear, you think, speak and act differently. Love and compassion arise, and they affect the world. Even if you find yourself in a conflict situation, there is an outflow of peace into the polarities. So then, something does change. There are some teachers or teachings that say, nothing changes. That is not the case. Something very important does change. That which is beyond form shines through the form, the eternal shines through the form into this world of form.

KE: Is it right to say that it is your lack of "reaction against," your acceptance of the opposites of this world, that brings about changes in the way the opposites manifest?

ET: Yes. The opposites continue to happen, but they are not fueled by you anymore. What you said is a very important point: the "lack of reaction" means that the polarities are not fueled. This means, you often experience a collapse of the polarities, such as in conflict situations. No person, no situation is made into an "enemy."

KE: So, the opposites, instead of becoming strengthened, become weakened. And perhaps this is how they begin to dissolve.

ET: That’s right. Living in that way is the beginning of the end of the world.

Read full interview here :

Love Always
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Old 01-15-2010, 01:59 PM   #29
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Thanks Mudra I read the Eckhart / Kim article in full from the link you posted.

I have found that unconditional love is not a personal even, love just flows.

Theres a song with these words " If you cant be with the one you love--love the one your with"
Who ever is in front of you at this very moment , give them your full attention, be very present and they will know they are respected honored and therefore loved.


Last edited by greybeard; 01-15-2010 at 02:03 PM.
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Old 01-15-2010, 04:49 PM   #30
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Default Re: Resolve your dualities as preparation for 2012

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
Good morning Gnosis5
All we can do is remove, to the best of our ability, that which obstructs the reality that we are one with God. The rest is up to the grace of God.
Be kind to all life including your own, is enough. technique is not necessary.

Regards Chris
Good morning, Chris!

You and I are dining in the same restaurant making different selections off the menu. Technique was and is my choice and did and is helping me remove obstruction to the reality that I am one with Source/God. As far as the rest being up to the grace of God, well since I am Source/God I guess whatever technique or process I discover that works is by my own grace.

It is more natural for me to be kind to all life and I thank the techniques I employed upon myself. Yes, I could have taken a different route. Each being has their own preferences.

In this "buffet" you chose one item for your body/self to process and I chose another. My role is to present a menu of choice.

"Technique" has worked for me to the extent that yesterday I processed out some remaining compulsive attachments and went out the top of this universe and visited a universe above this one. An ability re-gained, and retained my equanimity and interest during the whole journey. Also decided to check out the "Universe Below". Saw that it was occupied.

Thus, no polarities/dualities = no compulsive attachments = more freedoms.

I have not obtained this absolute yet, because I did have an "attachment" in the universe above, although once I arrived there it no longer seemed important to me. I went as far as my lack of compulsive attachments allowed me to go. I would not discount that I might even lose compulsive attachments surrounding "God", or "Source".

Yes, techniques can be viewed as a via similarly to how magic paraphenalia is a via or boost for pure intention ("where two or more are gathered together..."). I even had to process out any compulsive interest I had in my particular technique. My sessions ran more cleanly after that.

Intention is senior to technique, but not always a practical entry point for the mixed lot we have here on earth. Thus, I am not going to herd people into technique, or tell anyone what they need or do not need, and at the same time I am not going to shoo people away either.

May we all be changed in the twinkling of an eye

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Old 01-15-2010, 04:54 PM   #31
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Good information, thanks kulapops.
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Old 01-15-2010, 04:55 PM   #32
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Thanks Mudra, Gnosis and Greybeard for your great contributions.

It was Crosby Stills and Nash, who sang that Greybeard ! (or they copied the lyric from someone before perhaps?)

Love that song. It's very perceptive.

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Old 01-15-2010, 05:22 PM   #33
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Default Re: Resolve your dualities as preparation for 2012

brilliant post, awesome!

my understanding of duallity/polarity

All opposites are part of the same spectrum, posotive-negative, good-bad, love-hate.
At what point does hot become cold?
You ask an eskimo and he'll tell a different answer to the texan man.
Hot and cold are just the extreme opposites of the same spectrum, temperature.
Good and evil only exists in the minds of men ( and women and other possible life forms ).
There is no good or bad, or love or hate, these are just ways to explain duality.
Negative is not bad
life will try every thing, if it works, it will indulge
'Love' is like watering a plant that needs water, you want it to GROW
'Hate' is like depriving a plant in need of water, you want it to DECAY
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Old 01-15-2010, 05:23 PM   #34
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Kulapops, I am very appreciative of you for opening up a topic for communication that I had been keeping suppressed, not allowing myself full expression. The co-contribution to this thought is helping me refine my focus.

As you may have noticed I tend to contribute to where the "rubber-meets-the-road". Very practical, very grounded.

When I read "Autobiography of a Yogi" I understood for the first time that there actually was an application behind all the talk and theory and nudges and urgings ons, etc., etc. Being someone who was also very much in my mind/ego that was a good entry point for me.

That was before I knew about Zen koans, but still love my mind a bit too much to take that drastic killing-the-mind route

Ironically, the more I follow my preference to dispel dualities the more I am coming to arrive at fuller understandings of beings such as Mudra and Tolle and other WayShowers.

Source is looking at a very rich tapestry indeed.
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Old 01-15-2010, 05:58 PM   #35
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Default Re: Resolve your dualities as preparation for 2012

Originally Posted by folotheflo View Post
brilliant post, awesome!

my understanding of duallity/polarity

All opposites are part of the same spectrum, posotive-negative, good-bad, love-hate.
At what point does hot become cold?
You ask an eskimo and he'll tell a different answer to the texan man.
Hot and cold are just the extreme opposites of the same spectrum, temperature.
Good and evil only exists in the minds of men ( and women and other possible life forms ).
There is no good or bad, or love or hate, these are just ways to explain duality.
Negative is not bad
life will try every thing, if it works, it will indulge
'Love' is like watering a plant that needs water, you want it to GROW
'Hate' is like depriving a plant in need of water, you want it to DECAY

Yes, and it is only the compulsiveness or fixedness upon endsides of a duality or points within a duality that are being cleared out of me, allowing for FULL FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. It is only then that I find myself operating from the viewpoint that nothing is good or bad.

However, I would prefer balance between the stream of love, and theory and science of resolving dualities and practical ways and means to achieve this ability: Lots of forums where we philosopher kingsand avatars can rub heads over finer points of understanding. Fewer forums where sages are actually clearing themselves (i.e., beyond their intellectual comprehension) and reporting about it, presenting personal experiential data/results from applied processes.

In my case, intellectual comprehension alone can be a ruse for keeping myself from actually going into my subconscious and digging up my "stuff" that fixes me into my dualities.

Thankfully, I did not have to have more than a rudimentary understanding of the process I am employing to receive the full benefits of it, i.e., quelling compulsive dualities.
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Old 01-15-2010, 06:11 PM   #36
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EFT, not my preference, but might appeal to people who are more kinetic. I have used it in emergency situations and so I know it does work for a temporary relief. Choose a Way that you know you will enjoy continuing in and that offers the support you need. Unless one has a very stable epiphany (they tend to not lead to stable gains), such as a near death experience, count on a Way becoming part of your life routine.

From this weblink: http://www.eft-austin.com/eft%20articles/transformconflict/index.html

"If you continue tapping you will begin to uncover your own internal dualities and conflicts. As you use EFT to transform these you will become more integrated and calm inside. You will be able to come to an acceptance that will lead to inner peace without denial of the outer circumstance. This puts you in a much stronger position to resolve a conflict with another person. It is likely you will see options you couldn’t see before and the conflict will not seem as bothersome to you as it once did. It will be much easier to communicate with clarity and respect, and the other person will feel your positive intentions and respond accordingly."

Last edited by Gnosis5; 01-15-2010 at 06:14 PM.
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Old 01-15-2010, 07:03 PM   #37
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Default Re: Resolve your dualities as preparation for 2012

Hi Gnosis5
love your menu.
Yes technique is helpful then even that drops away.
Tapping is helpful especially in moments of "The dark night of the soul"
AA 12 step program helped me immensely, then spending time in the presence of enlightened sages. Their auric field interacts with the students and helps clear karmic debt.
However in my case the ego is still work in progress. I have to be ever vigilant.
No gain without pain

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Old 01-15-2010, 09:16 PM   #38
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Default Re: Resolve your dualities as preparation for 2012

The Inner

Question: Last night You said that by changing the outer, the inner remains unchanged, untransformed. But is it not true that the right food, right labor, right sleep, right actions and behaviors are also important factors for inner transformation? Isn't it a mistake to ignore the outer completely?

Osho: The outer cannot change the inner, but the outer can help, or it can hinder. The outer can create a situation in which the inner can explode more easily.


Remember this: that the inner is important, significant. The outer is helpful, it is good, but you must not become focused on it. It must not become so important that the inner is forgotten. The inner must remain the inner and the central, and the outer, if possible, should be changed just as a help.

Don't ignore it completely. There is no need to ignore it, because really the outer is also part of the inner. It is not something opposite to it, it is not something contrary to it, it is not something imposed upon you -- it is you. But the inner is the central, and the outer is the periphery. So give as much importance as a periphery needs, as a circumference needs, as a boundary needs -- but the boundary is not the house. So take care of it, but don't become mad after it.

Our mind is always trying to find escapes. If you can become involved with food, with sex, with clothes, with the body, your mind will be at ease, because now you are not going towards the inner. Now there is no need to change the mind. Now there is no need to destroy the mind, to go beyond the mind. With the change of food, the same mind can exist. You may eat this or that -- the same mind can exist. Only when you move inwards... the more inside you reach, the more this mind which you have has to cease. The inward path is the path towards no-mind.

The mind becomes afraid. It will try to find some escape-- something to do with the outer. Then the mind can exist as it is. Whatsoever you do makes no difference. It is irrelevant what you do -- this mind can exist, and this mind can find ways for how to remain the same. And sometimes, when you struggle with the natural outlet, your mind will find some perverted outlets which are more dangerous. Rather than being a help, they will become hindrances.

This is what everyone is doing. If one outlet is blocked, then a perversion is bound to happen. And you don't know the ways of the mind-- they are very cunning and subtle.


Someone is smoking too much and he wants to stop it. But smoking in itself is not a problem; the problem is something else. You can stop smoking, but the problem will remain, and it will have to come out in something else. When do you smoke? When you are anxious, nervous, you start smoking, and smoking helps you. You feel more confident, you feel more relaxed.

Just by stopping the smoking, your nervousness is not going to change. You will feel nervous, you will feel anxious; the anxiety will come. Then you will do something else. And you can find something which is a beautiful substitute; it looks so different. You can do anything. You can just use a mantra instead of smoking, and whenever you feel nervous you can say "Ram Ram Ram":-- anything continuously.

The problem has not changed; only you have changed the trick. Previously you were doing it with smoke; now you are doing it with a word.

You can do anything on the surface, but unless deeper roots are changed, nothing happens. So with the outer remember this: be aware of it, and move from the surface towards the roots and find the root -- why are you nervous?


Once you come to know the roots, once the roots are exposed.... Remember this law: the roots can exist only in darkness -- not only the roots of trees, but the roots of anything. They can exist only in darkness. Once they are brought to light, they die.

So move with your periphery; dig deep and go to the roots, and bring the roots to consciousness, to light. Once you have come to the root, it simply disappears. You have not to do anything about it. You have to do something only because you don't know what the problem is. A problem rightly understood disappears.

From Osho The Book of Secrets

Love Always
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