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Old 03-14-2010, 04:08 AM   #1
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Question To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

I don't post the following too be unkind, but too, at the least, gain insight into this issue.

What has caused this separation of everyone controlling ProjectA? I can't think of one reason any of you want too do this, but it seems to continue. It's as if someone or something is trying to "Divide & Conquer" here, and it is winning. No one here likes to see this happen too such a wonderful place, or to see some amazing people walk off out of anger, frustration, and confusion. I think I can say, on behalf of every member of ProjectA, that we would all like to see this matter resolved. If we can help, we surely will.

P.S.: To all regular members of this forum, I think we should try to send good energies to Bill, Kerry, the mods, everyone! I think it would really make a difference
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Old 03-14-2010, 06:08 AM   #2
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

yes, we second this - good idea

it appears~that many are afraid, frightened, and, scared
about a lot of things

research / and, discovering truth,
is obviously NOT all that it is cracked up to be

brothers/and, sisters - fighting with one another ~
parking crass/rude/and, unkind comments all over the place

seems NO one wants to accomplish anything worthwhile anymore

very sad, state of affairs
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Old 03-14-2010, 10:13 AM   #3
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

I wonder what would happen if EVERYONE were to go "into the mists" for a couple of weeks

would the dark cloud still be here when we all came back?

would everyone come back?
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Old 03-14-2010, 10:20 AM   #4
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

Originally Posted by Heretic View Post
I wonder what would happen if EVERYONE were to go "into the mists" for a couple of weeks

would the dark cloud still be here when we all came back?

would everyone come back?

I live in the mist and im all good thank you,

regarding the dark cloud, i think im about to consume it. Im feeling my lasergun is ready to kill it.

I would defenetly come back.

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Old 03-14-2010, 10:30 AM   #5
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

Originally Posted by Heretic View Post
I wonder what would happen if EVERYONE were to go "into the mists" for a couple of weeks

would the dark cloud still be here when we all came back?

would everyone come back?
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Old 03-14-2010, 10:33 AM   #6
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

Lets see the bigger picture:

Earth and the galaxy are in trouble, but lets focus just on Earth

Cliff High has predicted that there is a significant probability that there will be 8 earthquakes seven to night magnitud....that is catastrophic destruction and unknown loss of human live

What will you tell your children is you have some? Which will be your advise?

Shouldn't we be preparing spiritualy, moraly and practically? specially those that live in earthquake zones

We need to step back and chill out and let the energy settle, if we do that, in a week we will have a different perspective

Love to all and Happy mothers day for the British mums and all the other mums and grandmums in the world
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Old 03-14-2010, 10:40 AM   #7
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

In my opinion, communication is the universal solvent. Almost any situation can be solved by effective communication.

So many people on this forum are asking why, why, why and no effective answers are forthcoming from the people who are making the decisions. The end result is people will keep asking why, why, why until they're kicked out or leave. All for the lack of effective communication.

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Old 03-14-2010, 11:49 AM   #8
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

Let me try to give my personal answers:

B&K: I noticed that they are at loggerheads long before the storm broke loose here and when I decided to bring my perception up on the forum, the message was not considered. I was slightly warned not to spread the bad news. That was ok for me.

The split of B&K is only the logical consequence of the difference of focus, which has developed over time. This difference has obviously been amplified by outside forces, thus just accelerating the rift. This development is ok for me.

Bill is a person with a background of experiences and personal views which will make it very interesting for me to follow up his next activities. He has obviously worked on himself with appreciable results. That does not mean that I have to copy his way of development, because that is simply not possible. Everybody has to go his/her own, but advice can be taken, valued and incorporated from any side, while being on your own path.
I am not afraid of being sucked into any cult, because I know who I am and yes, I do had cult-experience.
By taking part in Avalon 2, I expect to learn and give. If not, then I will quit. Lets just see, that’s ok for me too.

Abrax: I know and recognized the energy behind this thread, that’s why I didn’t post there, despite all the pseudo-science which aimed at freezing the mind with awe. Abrax has been a selective magnet by harvesting people from Avalon into a vortex where certain qualities will be amplified. I consider this process as completed.
This energy has his own right of existence as the attractive dark side in a world of polarity.
This process has to be attractive in order to put you into a position where you have to make a real choice. But whoever has chosen to proceed that way, has made a hard choice for him/herself, and has chosen a very questionable outcome.
But that’s what Karma is about: Created by free-will choices.

If you think this is unfounded bla bla, then answer these questions for yourself:
How is it possible that a simple thread can create so many negative emotions?
Is it the content of simple information on that thread which can do that?
If it is not the info, then what is it?
Is it visible?
How is it possible that a statistically very high percentage of mods were attracted by this thread?
How is it possible that even long time relationships between these mods were shattered by interacting with this energy?
What is the powerful mechanism behind the visible, that triggered these energies in people?
How is it possible that the focus of the forum discussion shifted to only negativity and mistakes?
Announcements of his/her departure from the thread became an act of valuating your own quality to be beyond Avalon - as a result of this focus shift?
Do you think the outcome is positive?

Gaia&Celine: The contact with this energy was here very intense. It resulted into a rollercoaster of emotions and a break-up between them started materializing.
Now, just immagine Gaia’s situation: The forum and his personal life falling apart because of Abrax!!! How would you react in this situation? Gaia chose to fight and became a light dragon in order to fight a dark dragon. In this unprecedented situation he might have made some mistakes, but considering his situation, who would have kept calculating and cool?
Only a heartless Abrax. You can read his ranting about his sexual triggering on his own site.

So my humble plead to your conscious mind is to understand the situation and realize that nobody is perfect. Please do not to poke fingers into Gaia’s simmering wound and give this Knight of Light a break to heal.
Whoever has received an uncalled blow during that Dragon fight, try to overcome your Ego, forgive and forge a new relationship. It’s an opportunity to turn this event into a beneficial personal experience. It’s an opportunity to grow further into the light…
Would that be OK for you too?

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Old 03-14-2010, 11:54 AM   #9
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger View Post
yes, we second this - good idea

it appears~that many are afraid, frightened, and, scared
about a lot of things

research / and, discovering truth,
is obviously NOT all that it is cracked up to be

brothers/and, sisters - fighting with one another ~
parking crass/rude/and, unkind comments all over the place

seems NO one wants to accomplish anything worthwhile anymore

very sad, state of affairs
Seems that way doesnt it...

Perception is everything..they say.

well I have faith in Avalonians..even if they dont have faith in me, the forum or ultimately themselves.
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Old 03-14-2010, 12:15 PM   #10
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

great cliff high now predicting earthquakes , maybe i will send him an email so he can give people some proper warning and dates LOL .... i wonder where he actually got this information hmmmmm i doubt his webbot could find such information on the net ahhh perhaps he webboted his email

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Old 03-14-2010, 12:29 PM   #11
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

Originally Posted by BraveHeart View Post
great cliff high now predicting earthquakes , maybe i will send him an email so he can give people some proper warning and dates LOL .... i wonder where he actually got this information hmmmmm i doubt his webbot could find such information on the net ahhh perhaps he webboted his email

Apparently the webbots do, they have been accurate predicting several Earthquakes. He does not know where but 5 will be after the 8 of July apparently

My take of it is that somehow they perceive the unified field. It make sense to me, there is another chap who is accurated too is called astrotometry, I posted a link yesterday

I personally understand that yes there is a high probability of Earth events until 2012

To be prepared means to be fearless!

Love to all
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Old 03-14-2010, 12:45 PM   #12
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

Stardust, i make my predictions and leave dates, i can sell PDF files and not give dates and be a millionaire but i choose to be specific and not talk in riddles and not keep people stringing along.

i put my dates up several days ago, and you suddenly find someone posting stuff today and think he is the bees knees

astrometry is sun based theology, i dont hear any information as to lunar effects and planetary alignments in this theology, seems to me its missing something

what do you think

Ohh the webbots cannot accurately search in australia and asia due to new laws which were implimented in october, yet he continues ... but i am so happy he into earthquakes now


Last edited by BraveHeart; 03-14-2010 at 12:53 PM.
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Old 03-14-2010, 12:53 PM   #13
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

I am wondering what this has to do with the original posters intent for this thread...
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Old 03-14-2010, 12:56 PM   #14
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

you sound like your ready to apply for the new mod role, yeah lets remove free speech and bring avalon back to where it was a month ago

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Old 03-14-2010, 01:01 PM   #15
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

No way.. i could never be mod..way to emotional and not neutral enough.

wouldnt want to be

But i liked the intent the OP had on this thread...as do many other silent community members.

if you wish to highjack the comversation it is your choice...it is mine to point it out.

I do recal you having a thread on this subject to... a good one, very informative
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Old 03-14-2010, 01:07 PM   #16
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

if i new how to navigate this site i would make my own thread, but its goign to close soon so who cares lol
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Old 03-14-2010, 01:11 PM   #17
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

Who cares?

A great question..do you know the answer?
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Old 03-14-2010, 01:21 PM   #18
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

best i goto bed now, nite lol
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Old 03-14-2010, 01:28 PM   #19
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

Originally Posted by BraveHeart View Post
Stardust, i make my predictions and leave dates, i can sell PDF files and not give dates and be a millionaire but i choose to be specific and not talk in riddles and not keep people stringing along.

i put my dates up several days ago, and you suddenly find someone posting stuff today and think he is the bees knees

astrometry is sun based theology, i dont hear any information as to lunar effects and planetary alignments in this theology, seems to me its missing something

what do you think

Ohh the webbots cannot accurately search in australia and asia due to new laws which were implimented in october, yet he continues ... but i am so happy he into earthquakes now

Mate, I don't get it, we all are entitled to our opinions and to share the knowledge that we find relevant

You could do whatever you want, if you have a feud with CF sort it with him
I am just sharing info here

As you say you are new and may not be aware of the sincere concern from others about the state of the planet. I come from a spiritual perspective which you have already dismissed in your previous post and I respect that cos everyone is entitled to their opinions, you even discount the effect that HAARP may have

I take everyones research and opinion and make my own conclussions

Have nothing personal against you so chill out ok

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Old 03-14-2010, 01:31 PM   #20
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

This was a thread about offering love and hope...

Everything gets dirty here so fast... seems almost on purpose.

Every good post...every thought out comment...gets ripped apart..

Feels and sounds like highschool games sometimes.
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Old 03-14-2010, 01:32 PM   #21
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

Originally Posted by jacody View Post
I don't post the following too be unkind, but too, at the least, gain insight into this issue.

What has caused this separation of everyone controlling ProjectA? I can't think of one reason any of you want too do this, but it seems to continue. It's as if someone or something is trying to "Divide & Conquer" here, and it is winning. No one here likes to see this happen too such a wonderful place, or to see some amazing people walk off out of anger, frustration, and confusion. I think I can say, on behalf of every member of ProjectA, that we would all like to see this matter resolved. If we can help, we surely will.

P.S.: To all regular members of this forum, I think we should try to send good energies to Bill, Kerry, the mods, everyone! I think it would really make a difference
Your words are felt and read by many . Thank YOU
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Old 03-14-2010, 01:34 PM   #22
Frank Samuel
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Talking Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

Yeah Braveheart you are right Avalon 2.0 is in the mist or is it avalon 1.0, either way we all care that's why we want to become part of the solution. I would like for Bill and Kerry to resolved their differences, why ? Because I would like to support both of them in many ways now I have to figure out how much I want to donate to each of them in terms of money, time, posting they are complicating matters a little for all of us. I do care for these people so I will sort it out and I hope they do too, "United we stand divided will fall".
A BIG HUG and embrace for all of you here, I love you all the same and personally I am doing better than ever so I am sending a few good vibrations to all here in need. Lets have a party of good vibrations I bring the refreshments, lets make a list of the things you want to bring to this party and lets invite everybody Bill and Kerry, the mods, the members I am gain, is PARTY time !!!
A suggestion for the theme of the party is, THE GOOD VIBRATIONS PARTY.
Of course this party is inclusive of all so your suggestions are all welcome here.
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Old 03-14-2010, 01:39 PM   #23
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

i'll bring flowers.

Flowers are the physical manifestation of The Creators love.

Bring flowers into your enviroment..and feel the love.
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Old 03-14-2010, 01:54 PM   #24
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

Originally Posted by Frank Samuel View Post
Yeah Braveheart you are right Avalon 2.0 is in the mist or is it avalon 1.0, either way we all care that's why we want to become part of the solution. I would like for Bill and Kerry to resolved their differences, why ? Because I would like to support both of them in many ways now I have to figure out how much I want to donate to each of them in terms of money, time, posting they are complicating matters a little for all of us. I do care for these people so I will sort it out and I hope they do too, "United we stand divided will fall".
A BIG HUG and embrace for all of you here, I love you all the same and personally I am doing better than ever so I am sending a few good vibrations to all here in need. Lets have a party of good vibrations I bring the refreshments, lets make a list of the things you want to bring to this party and lets invite everybody Bill and Kerry, the mods, the members I am gain, is PARTY time !!!
A suggestion for the theme of the party is, THE GOOD VIBRATIONS PARTY.
Of course this party is inclusive of all so your suggestions are all welcome here.
It is much more interesting and enlightning that they have differances imo.

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Old 03-14-2010, 02:22 PM   #25
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Default Re: To all moderators, Bill, Kerry, everyone

This name Avalon 2.0 kinda confuses me.
I remember back when the original Mods and Admin were here this place was closed for a short time and came back as Avalon 2.0.
(Sean was the Original Admin then shortly later came Colin and no disrespect to Sean at all I still think of Colin as an Original Admin. He worked his tail off too.)
I swear this was the case.
I remember Carol, Jenny, Mary Lou, Kathleen, and Kate working their buttocks off rearranging this WHOLE forum. It was a lot of work. I think people tend to forget some of the history here.
(Please forgive me if I forgot someone...I am a tad under the weather this AM. We had some good Guy Mods too. Maybe it is selective memory but, I remember the Ladies working the hardest.
Wayyyy harder then me... )
Moving threads and cleaning it up. Like the Obama threads...good gawd there were so many.
Those Ladies were 'On It' Night and Day. (and the Guys as well...)
There were some really fun times back then. I started '3rd Person Day' in the Mod Chat.
Where we had to speak in the 3rd person all day...Unless a crisis came up of course.
I just recently chatted with just a few of the original mods and brought up some of the good times we had.

So when I read Avalon 2.0 then I think it should be Avalon 3.0.
Probably a moot point but....

As for 'problems' with B&K I saw those very early on.
This is not a dig just a fact. There was always a 'pull' in different directions. To me it is normal when in relationships of any kind.
I will never reveal what I saw. Not my place to do so.
My theory is that there were problems before this forum started...just how I see it.
Doesn't mean I am correct but, it 'feels' that way.
Every relationship has its ups and downs. I have been married for going on 27 years and we sure have not worked out all the bugs.

Also when people say they just want the 'Positive' then I have trouble with that.
Why? Well for one we live in the 3rd Dimension and we live with duality.
The Ying & Yang. You cannot have the Good without the Bad.
Or maybe you cannot appreciate the Sweet without the Sour.
That is why we live now in the 3rd Dimension/Density. To work it all out.
I believe that EVERYthing is connected Spiritually wise.
However, I try not to dwell to much on other dimensions or States of Consciousness since I am LIVING in the 3rd....NOW!
I truly enjoy having OBEs and trying to learn from them. I believe we are meant to have them.
Same for Dreamstate. So we can learn but, I do not want to totally LIVE in that world while I am in this one.

I do not ONLY believe we reincarnate but, we set up a 'Plan' ahead of time.
It is not set in stone either.
I think of it as a Freeway/Highway with many off and on ramps.
We can take detours when ever we like. (And boy I sure have gotten lost at times... ) But, we try to go in the general direction we have laid out.
I honestly believe this and we also work with beings in our Soul Groups before we incarnate. (I say 'Beings' because I do not believe our Soul Groups are all 'Human'...or...that we always incarnated as Humans.)
There is more to this but this post is long enough and I do not want to bore anyone....anymore then I might have already.

Anyways...that is how I see it and remember it...
Thanks for your patience with me and I hope I did not offend anyone...
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