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Old 06-23-2009, 04:27 PM   #1
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Default The Real Crisis is Food

The Real Crisis Is Food: Beginning of the Bull for Agriculture
by: Graham Summers June 22, 2009


The real crisis is coming… and it’s coming fast.

Indeed, it started last year, almost entirely off the radar of the American public. While all eyes were glued to the carnage in the stock market and brokerage account balances, a far more serious crisis began to unfold rocking 30 countries around the globe.

I’m talking about food shortages...

Currently the stocks-to-use ratios for corn and wheat are 17% and 23% respectively. On the surface, this sounds like we’ve got a lot of extra food lying around. But you’d be very mistaken to think that: remember a stocks-to-use of 0% would indicate we’re producing just enough food to meet demand in real time. At that point, one bad harvest and people start starving.

Now, stocks-to-use usually runs inverse to price (if supply goes lower, prices rise). And stocks-to-use for wheat and corn are at their lowest levels since the ‘70s. At that time, grains prices were more than three times as high as they are now.

Make no mistake, agriculture is at the beginning of a major multi-year bull market. We’ve got rapidly growing demand, reduced production, and decade low inventories. I can’t tell you when prices will begin to spike (timing is especially difficult given the degree of financial speculation in commodities), but at some point in the not-so-distant future, food prices will go up… WAY up.

I’ll detail how to profit from this trend in tomorrow’s essay. Until then…

Good Investing!
Here we go, folks!
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Old 06-23-2009, 07:52 PM   #2
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Default Re: The Real Crisis is Food

Maybe we'll have to raid the underground shelters for the elite population.
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Old 06-24-2009, 12:55 AM   #3
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Default Re: The Real Crisis is Food

Clif High has been saying that by next year some time, the predominant criteria for exchange instead of dollar money, will be calories. He talks about the various factors like drought in places, flooding in others, and the fact that the "dead zones" in our oceans are growing at a frightening pace. He's also tied it into the whole "death of the dollar" meme showing up in the ALTA reports, which will make deliveries of food and the raw ingredients difficult to come by, even without hyper inflation.

More than anything else, people need to take some steps towards becoming as self sufficient as possible where food and water are concerned.
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Old 06-24-2009, 04:38 AM   #4
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Default Re: The Real Crisis is Food

Originally Posted by Myplanet2 View Post
, flooding in others, .
There are already local floodings in Poland and it is continuing to rain...
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Old 06-24-2009, 05:24 AM   #5
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Default Re: The Real Crisis is Food

This is why we are focused on planting all types of edible food, trees, bushes, herbs, etc. I just have this overwhelming sense of getting this handled ASAP Germinating the seeds is a biggy for me so I'm experimenting with a number of different seeds to see how it works out.

The aquaponics system goes in next.
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Old 06-24-2009, 06:05 AM   #6
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Default Re: The Real Crisis is Food

Weening ourselves off of grains is a good thing to start now anyway.

Learning what vegetation is edible in each locale would be a primary study first, and as Carol is experimenting with- germinating in and outdoors to see what works.

Also, live food, food that is alive, is electrical. Our cells energize off of electricity, which can be reproduced several ways, and does not have to be generated by reactions of Proteins, Carbohydrates, and Fats- Calories.

Ionic Minerals, seeds, oils, water, flora (the right kind of fermentation), Sugars (real sugars- polysaccharides like in wine grapes or Honey even) and oxygen inside the body (grow your own garden in your gut) can reproduce the needed amino acids, and enzymes necessary for sustenance and even expand the output of higher grade hormone production.

If the body can get balanced within itself without being thrown off by the dead and toxic current food supply and tainted water intake (Chlorine and Fluoride, and other pollutants in water kills the body perpetual mechanism balance) then the body can become self nutritionalized.

30,000 people, through Russia and Germany, already are self sustaining; they do not eat or drink and are energized by the Sun to boot (the source of radiance- no different than Photosynthesis for plants)!

Just another thought to research and experiment with, I guess we won't know unless we try it! Or maybe we're being forced into it!

Last edited by Christo888; 06-24-2009 at 06:11 AM.
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Old 06-24-2009, 06:52 AM   #7
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Default Re: The Real Crisis is Food

Growing sprouts is good. The enzymes are there and it is live food, as you say. Buy as many sprouting seeds as you can and have a few sprouting jars on hand.
Aloha, Bushycat
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Old 06-26-2009, 06:27 AM   #8
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Post Re: The Real Crisis is Food

30,000 people, through Russia and Germany, already are self sustaining; they do not eat or drink and are energized by the Sun to boot (the source of radiance- no different than Photosynthesis for plants)!

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Christo is that a fact! Could you offer more information on these unique people who have no need to eat or drink? That would sure save me on my grocery bill!

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Old 06-27-2009, 09:37 PM   #9
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Default Re: The Real Crisis is Food


UN 'runs out of aid for Ethiopia' Wednesday, 17 June 2009

The UN has warned that it has run out of food to provide for nine million Ethiopians who rely on its assistance.

A UN spokesman told the BBC the port of Djibouti was seriously congested and there was little prospect of supplies arriving for the next five months.

It warns after it hands out final rations this month there will be no further deliveries until September or October.

The agency says it has no option but to cut back on the food they provide, which has already been cut by a third since July 2008.

"We have a small refugee population here and their ration is being cut by half beginning this month. We run out of food and people will be very hungry," WFP's Barry Came told the BBC. ...

The port of Djibouti is full to overflowing and the Ethiopian government has prioritised the delivery of fertiliser, to try to increase the next harvest.

But even when the grain gets through, the WFP says there is an acute shortage of trucks, with the Ethiopian authorities preventing the agency from bringing in its own fleet from Sudan.
My heart reaches out of these poor people in Ethiopia et al in the world...It does not have to be this way!

I just wonder when will it be "our turn"....not long, not long...unless miracles do happen!

Peace and Good Will!
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Old 06-27-2009, 10:09 PM   #10
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Default Re: The Real Crisis is Food

Hi WiNaDeYo,

The article about food prices is a little outdated. Fresh produce here in Brazil have almost quadrupled over the last six months.

As a small farmer it doesn't make that much difference to me. I decided to keep what I grow only for myself and friends instead of selling it. It is almost beginning to be more valuable to me than the price I would get for selling it, as if I sold it, I would have to spend more on replacing it with another foodstuff (if you know what I mean).

Eventually this will rise in fresh produce will trickle through to manufactured food, however the manufacurers will try to keep their prices stable by replacing natural ingredients with, well, cheaper manufactured ingredients instead!

Instead of sugar, sacharrin, instead of chocolate, flavourings, I know everybody is screaming, "But they're already doing that!" But the tendency is to try to make synthetic foods more 'radical' to keep the prices more affordable for the poorer people in modern society.

Here in Brazil, the government released government stocked beans to reduce the price, as last year beans were costing almost the same price as beef! With fresh corn prices on the rise, this will eventually trickle through to dried cornseed, which will pass on to animal producers (especially chicken) and this will, of course be passed down to the consumer.

Animal producers are already adding more water to their products, as they did in the UK in the 1980's when I worked in a town called Todwick. They injected ham shanks with brine to add weight to the hams and also enhance the flavour, fight off bacteria and give them more shelf life.

So the next time you buy chicken in the supermarket, some can be actually 20% water.

All of this is happening with the population at the level that it is.

Exponential population growth is a cruel thing. In another ten years, when the elderly are older and the frail are healthy and schools are bursting to the brim with happy smiling children, what will the food producers do then?

Supply and demand. There is a limit as to how much food can be supplied. When the demand surpasses the supply the price will go up.

Something to chew the cud over I suppose.

Best regards,


Originally Posted by WiNaDeYo View Post
The Real Crisis Is Food: Beginning of the Bull for Agriculture
by: Graham Summers June 22, 2009


Here we go, folks!
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