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Project Avalon General Discussion Finding safe places, information and resources for building communities, site suggestions.

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Old 09-12-2008, 10:58 PM   #1
Edward Alexander
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Exclamation Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrophies


How many here are living in Argentina, and how many here are considering Argentina as their place to go for?

Just interested in seeing some statistics - and how many are interested in going other places and what would those places be?

Here is an interesting map showing how the world will be if the polar ice melts:

As seen there, Australia is almost gone, huge parts of northern Europe is gone, with Norway being left - which will probably heavily overfilled by refugees from all the other countries around, Africa is rather intact, so is middle east and asia for the most, and latin america got some severe flooding in couple areas, while USA do not have too much flooding.

But except for the possible and probable flooding caused by melting poles, there are other things needed to be taken in consideration, such as possible nuclear wars in Northern Hemisphere (which seems more and more likely) as well as the middle eastern and asian area, and possible unexpected catastrophic events occurring by other means such as an major accident with CERN etc. Biological warfare by the spreading of lethal viruses should also be something to have in mind.

Map of locations of Nuclear tests and use of nuclear weapons

In addition to that, other possible dangers such as areas that are prone to catastrophic events like earthquakes, hurricanes, unfavorable living conditions like too hot or too cold along with little food resources must also be evaluated when deciding your location in my opinion. Fertile places with little to none population and isolated from close cities and towns should be prioritized.

Some things to keep in mind:

1 - These communities should obviously not be mentioned in public as there will be people who would like to know about these communities (and not the kind of people you would want knowing about it, to put it like that)

2 - The Size of the communities should be rather small as large communities will easily be detected, it is better with many small groups spread around and any detectable equipment should be avoided (radios, phones, and any other transmitters / receivers that can be located by unwanted people)

3 - Open areas should also be avoided, for obvious reasons it's better to be situated in woods/jungles/mountain areas than flatlands with little vegetation - also, higher lands would be recommended as lower lands could experience flooding among other things which some signs are indicating.

4 - Great care should be taken when it comes to considering and selecting people to be part of these groups - the best advice would be to only have people whom you'd trust with your life so to speak

That's some things that I think is important, at least I am following these guidelines myself when it comes to this. I've lived several years in Latin Americas now as that is where I've been guided to be and found to most likely be the most safe place to stay. This information has not only been "revealed" to me through physical sources/contacts and research, but also through spiritual means.

We are some people here in Argentina as well working with these things but little can be said about where we will be located etc for security reasons. Other people should also take care when it comes to providing such information through internet communication as most things are monitored, the best thing is to meet the people you have in your group or plan to have in your group in person and discuss such matters privately.

If anyone have more suggestions to add to this that they feel is important feel free to do so.

Hopefully this is useful for some of you and something worth considering.

Good luck and blessings,
-Edward Alexander

Last edited by Edward Alexander; 09-12-2008 at 11:05 PM.
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Old 09-12-2008, 11:50 PM   #2
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Some additional maps.

Earthquake areas of the world - white is lowest activity and red highest. Yellow, green and white areas are the safest.

Vulcano areas of the world - red marks the spots:

Hurricane / storm areas of the World:

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Old 09-12-2008, 11:57 PM   #3
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Thanks for this i mentioned in an earlier thread i have been looking for maps on flood zones!

This link here though contradicts what some scientists say-nobody knows what's going on with statistics and ice sheets!

Arctic ice refuses to melt as orderedThere's something rotten north of Denmark
By Steven Goddard → More by this author
Published Friday 15th August 2008 10:02 GMT

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Just a few weeks ago, predictions of Arctic ice collapse were buzzing all over the internet. Some scientists were predicting that the "North Pole may be ice-free for first time this summer". Others predicted that the entire "polar ice cap would disappear this summer".

The Arctic melt season is nearly done for this year. The sun is now very low above the horizon and will set for the winter at the North Pole in five weeks. And none of these dire predictions have come to pass. Yet there is, however, something odd going on with the ice data.

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The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colorado released an alarming graph on August 11, showing that Arctic ice was rapidly disappearing, back towards last year's record minimum. Their data shows Arctic sea ice extent only 10 per cent greater than this date in 2007, and the second lowest on record. Here's a smaller version of the graph:

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)'s troublesome ice graph

The problem is that this graph does not appear to be correct.* [See Editor's note, below] Other data sources show Arctic ice having made a nice recovery this summer. NASA Marshall Space Flight Center data shows 2008 ice nearly identical to 2002, 2005 and 2006. Maps of Arctic ice extent are readily available from several sources, including the University of Illinois, which keeps a daily archive for the last 30 years. A comparison of these maps (derived from NSIDC data) below shows that Arctic ice extent was 30 per cent greater on August 11, 2008 than it was on the August 12, 2007. (2008 is a leap year, so the dates are offset by one.)

Ice at the Arctic: 2007 and 2008 snapshots

The video below highlights the differences between those two dates. As you can see, ice has grown in nearly every direction since last summer - with a large increase in the area north of Siberia. Also note that the area around the Northwest Passage (west of Greenland) has seen a significant increase in ice. Some of the islands in the Canadian Archipelago are surrounded by more ice than they were during the summer of 1980.

The 30 per cent increase was calculated by counting pixels which contain colors representing ice. This is a conservative calculation, because of the map projection used. As the ice expands away from the pole, each new pixel represents a larger area - so the net effect is that the calculated 30 per cent increase is actually on the low side.

So how did NSIDC calculate a 10 per cent increase over 2007? Their graph appears to disagree with the maps by a factor of three (10 per cent vs. 30 per cent) - hardly a trivial discrepancy.

What melts the Arctic?
The Arctic did not experience the meltdowns forecast by NSIDC and the Norwegian Polar Year Secretariat. It didn't even come close. Additionally, some current graphs and press releases from NSIDC seem less than conservative. There appears to be a consistent pattern of overstatement related to Arctic ice loss.

We know that Arctic summer ice extent is largely determined by variable oceanic and atmospheric currents such as the Arctic Oscillation. NASA claimed last summer that "not all the large changes seen in Arctic climate in recent years are a result of long-term trends associated with global warming". The media tendency to knee-jerkingly blame everything on "global warming" makes for an easy story - but it is not based on solid science. ®

And what of the Antarctic? Down south, ice extent is well ahead of the recent average. Why isn't NSIDC making similarly high-profile press releases about the increase in Antarctic ice over the last 30 years?

The author, Steven Goddard, is not affiliated directly or indirectly with any energy industry, nor does he have any current affiliation with any university.

* Editor's note:
Walt Meier, research scientist at the NSIDC, has contacted us disputing the validity of Steven Goddard's methodology, and of his use of University of Illinois data to question the NSIDC's charts. We accept that these two data sets are not directly comparable, and that the University of Illinois data does not provide support for Goddard's charge that the NSIDC data is incorrect. We reproduce Walt Meier's response below. Walt Meier as provided further detail on the calculation of sea ice area and extent in the comments to this article:

The author asserts that NSIDC's estimate of a 10% increase in sea ice compared to the same time as last year is wrong. Mr. Goddard does his own analysis, based on images from the University of Illinois' Cryosphere Today web site, and comes up with a number of ~30%, three times larger than NSIDC's estimate. He appears to derive his estimate by simply counting pixels in an image. He recognizes that this results in an error due to the distortion by the map projection, but does so anyway. Such an approach is simply not valid.
The proper way to calculate a comparison of ice coverage is by actually weighting the pixels by their based on the map projection, which is exactly what NSIDC does. UI also does the same thing, in a plot right on the same page as where Mr Goddard obtained the images he uses for his own analysis:


The absolute numbers differ between the UI and NSIDC plots because UI is calculating ice area, while NSIDC is calculating ice extent, two different but related indicators of the state of the ice cover. However, both yield a consistent change between Aug. 12, 2007 and Aug. 11, 2008 – about a 10% increase.

Besides this significant error, the rest of the article consists almost entirely of misleading, irrelevant, or erroneous information about Arctic sea ice that add nothing to the understanding of the significant long-term decline that is being observed.

Steven Goddard writes: "Dr. Walt Meier at NSIDC has convinced me this week that their ice extent numbers are solid. So why the large discrepancy between their graphs and the UIUC maps? I went back and compared UIUC maps vs. NASA satellite photos from the same dates last summer. It turns out that the older UIUC maps had underrepresented the amount of low concentration ice in several regions of the Arctic. This summer, their maps do not have that same error. As a result, UIUC maps show a much greater increase in the amount of ice this year than does NSIDC. And thus the explanation of the discrepancy.

"it is clear that the NSIDC graph is correct, and that 2008 Arctic ice is barely 10% above last year - just as NSIDC had stated."
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Old 09-13-2008, 12:31 AM   #4
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Thanks for the info.

And yes, there are many things we can't be sure about, but "better safe than sorry" as it's been said. There are scientists who think we're actually getting close to a new ice age, and in that case the water levels would sink instead of increase and many would be better of. Except for those in the areas with increased ice and cold obviously. But even during the last great ice age there were fertile and warm thriving zones on Earth, it mostly will affect the poles and spreading outwards from there.

Here is a map over the last great ice age and we can use this as a model on what we could expect if an ice age is to occur again:

I've heard that global warming can lead to an ice age, if I remember correctly, and this could mean that we'd might be subject to a flood first from melting poles for some time, then an ice age. I'm not sure at all how quick or slow something like that would happen, but apperently it can happen quickly if we look at evidence from the past. For example we got the ancient flood story all over the world, and it seems to have come suddenly and quickly - same with the ice age, animals and plants have been found in the ice well preserved suggesting they were alive at the moment they suddenly got frozen.

Floods and tsunamis can be cause by large glaciers breaking apart and falling down in the ocean by melting, so high grounds would be recommended as lower areas easily gets completely swept away from what could be the result of such tsunamis. Earthquakes can also cause this, and of course storms / hurricanes can flood areas.

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Old 09-13-2008, 05:55 AM   #5
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

If I should mark the area of the world I personally would consider to be the most probable location for best survival in worst case scenario with all of the above taken in consideration, as well as other facts, historical evidence, earth cycles and ages, contacts and sources, and personal research and experiences in various matters - I would think the highlighted area in the below map nails it pretty well, just have to remember what I said about possible flood areas, vulcanic and seismic activity, and storm probabilties etc as displayed above.

Of course, that's based on my observations, and all things are subject to change - but personally I'd put my money on this area so to speak. When it comes to latin america I'd mark chile and north-west, upper north and north-east area of Argentina as well including most of Brazil as "safe places" per my view on it.

-Edward Alexander

Last edited by Edward Alexander; 09-13-2008 at 06:04 AM.
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Old 09-13-2008, 10:18 AM   #6
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Are you people serious? Calm down! The world wont flood, burn or end yet..
Are we supposed to flee and be afraid?
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Old 09-13-2008, 08:08 PM   #7
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Yes we are serious unfortunately. This is based on many years of research and work, as well as simple observation of what's actually going on in the world and how it fits with historical events which previously have shown that we do live in a world that has greater cycles, such as those the Mayans are talking about. There's plenty of evidence supporting this and showing they knew what they were talking about. Of course I hope we are wrong but so far the signs are showing that something is happening, and something big will happen in the very few next years, and thus some of us decide to be prepared for that. This is not just some lunatic ideas we simply pulled out of our hats from thin air, it's based on facts and events both at the present and past which all indicates strongly that something is coming our way - and we ought to be prepared for that, in my opinion. If we are wrong, well then great, nothing could be better, but just a quick look at the condition of the world show we're currently going downhills but that do not mean we can stand up and change things. No need to be afraid or flee though, but prepare and take into consideration that something may happen so when, and if, it does then you'll be more ready to act fast and know what to do - and where to go (hopefully). Personally I have no fear about this, I go into this great new millennium with excitement and joy and I personally think we are going towards good things even though there may be a temporarily time of unpleasant events before that. I think we are about to rid ourselves of the negative influence in this world that we have been put under for so long. That's my opinion though and what you decide to do or not is completely up to you and your experience and how you see things to be.

Best of luck and lets hope you are right!


Great, good to hear you are somewhat familiar with Argentina and have been here before! Feel free to contact me next time you are coming over, my email is americanatlantis@gmail.com - if I have the time and chance it could be interesting and worthwhile to get to meet you and discuss these things.

Also feel free to check my post about the work I'm trying to put together on communities here in Argentina, you can find that post at this link:

Best wishes mate and hope you'll enjoy your next stay!

-Edward Alexander

Last edited by Edward Alexander; 09-13-2008 at 08:11 PM.
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Old 09-17-2008, 10:41 AM   #8
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Originally Posted by clayman View Post
Are you people serious? Calm down! The world wont flood, burn or end yet..
Are we supposed to flee and be afraid?
I was compelled to reply to this.

When we look at certain scenarios such as this that have a probability of happening we should view them in the same way we view any other possible event that we encounter in our daily lives.

When we go for a walk by the roadside we do not do so wearing a blindfold while dressed in black clothing.
Instead we take into consideration all the possibilities of what may go right and what may go wrong.
This way we may can navigate the road safely. In doing this we do not hold fear in our hearts but adopt a confident realistic attitude of awareness.
When we are aware the chances of anything negative happening are greatly reduced and we will most likely arrive at our destination unscathed.

From what ive witnessed so far, there are many probable futures which may be in store for mankind. To shun these aside for favour of a happier and more idealistic vision of the world can in turn work to our demise.

The chances of a truck hitting us are slim, but when we are aware that trucks may pass down this road then the chances are even smaller.

Awareness of all probable events is neccesary even if it is to prepare us for something that will not happen.

Fear is not the key, it is awareness that keeps us alive.
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Old 09-17-2008, 03:12 PM   #9
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Arrow Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Hey All, Just a bit to share. 2infinityandbeyond, I agree 1000% Edward thanks so much for sharing your research and feelings. I will also share a few maps I've collected over the years, if they are not the right size perhaps you can futher research! Also , would like to share some personal experience.

Back about 1991- 1993 i could see things where getting a little out of hand, with waco etc. etc. etc. i was guided by intuition to be thinking on the lines of self suffiency, and survival then.

What i wan't to share is that, whatever your financial situation is , we have to listen to our hearts, I did not have these maps then and so much of this information was not really out yet.

But my heart led me to a place, away from large population. Beach front property in case of cyclic ice melting, 930' above sea level. Low probabilty of mountain forming or earth quakes. Alot lower chance of pandemic exposier. And lets not forget fallout, war and civil unrest!

Now we find ourselves with all these posibilities close at hand. Not to fear but to survive! READ 2's post again! George Green thinks S. America and he should follow his heart and i'm sure he will ! But not many can afford that .

So what i guess what iam saying is follow your intuition,your heart, it will lead you thru! My favorite map is IAM AMERICA and it is very close to nasa's. I would rather be prepared and not need, than to not be, and need it ! Get going! PEACE and may Ganesh smile on you!
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Old 09-14-2008, 03:52 AM   #10
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Thanks for sharing your insight! Only one thing I want to comment on. Climate changes are due to cosmic influence. It effects all planets in our entire solar system. I feel certain it has to do with our solar system's passage over Galactic Center, the center of our galaxy. Intergalactic influences may be at play at the same time. David Wilcock has documented this by collecting scientific data from many sources and written extemsively about it on his web site www.divinecosmos.com.
Thanks again for sharing your vast insight.
Love & Light,
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Old 09-14-2008, 04:39 AM   #11
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Heisann Liv, tusen takk for lenken =)

I will check his website and see what he got on the climage change topic. Personally I think it is a natural cycle from the research I've done on the matter that shows it is something that happens on a frequent basis every few thousand years.

Very sure global warming and other climate changes has nothing to do with the "greenhouse effect" supposedly created by man as the media and politicians want us to believe.

Cosmic influence sounds like a pretty valid cause, so thanks again I'll look through his material.

Best regards,
-Edward Alexander
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Old 10-08-2008, 06:55 PM   #12
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

I saw one photo where it seemed obvious to me that the ice had been sheared off by manmade methods. It was all over the news and I thought, well, is the emperor wearing new clothes or not?!? Any data coming from an obvious government controlled organization is immediately suspect for a double take.

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Old 10-08-2008, 06:59 PM   #13
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The best data that seems right to me is that we are coming up against a near simultaneous periodic galactic warming force and a periodic earth mini ice age, and add in the hand of the current techno boys (scalar, etc.), and what do you get?
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Old 09-13-2008, 04:56 PM   #14
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

This is what little Boriska was talking about.
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Old 10-08-2008, 09:15 AM   #15
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Originally Posted by lock'N'load View Post
This is what little Boriska was talking about.
I wouldn't worry about Moscow being underwater next year. At least not from polar ice cap melting. Whilst it has been estimated that if all the polar ice melted (which will NEVER happen...even a huge 6 degree rise would leave the poles well below zero) you would get the same result as the illustration, we have to understand that polar ice cap melting is a very slow process.

They've been melting for years around the peripheries due to the warming climate and the sea level hasn't risen one tiny bit yet. The coast that I knew 30 years ago is still the coast.

I'm not saying that melting will not increase the sea level in future, but if it does happen it won't happen quickly.

if Moscow is to be underwater next year then it can only be from a massive flood or tsunami.
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Old 10-08-2008, 09:57 AM   #16
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Originally Posted by Average Joe View Post
if Moscow is to be underwater next year then it can only be from a massive flood or tsunami.
An other possibility is rain and/or melting snow/ice which will overfill the rivers. Seen that sometimes overhere in the lowlands.
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Old 09-13-2008, 06:01 PM   #17
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Hola Alexander,

Just signed in on the forum.

I'm living in Europe, Holland, Below sea level ;-) The last two years I've been scouting for a 'save spot'. At the moment I'm looking into Argentina and Paraguay as possible 'save spots'. Last year I've visited the Northern part of Argentina with a like minded friend for a month. In a few weeks from now I will be going back for a few months. In my view the best provinces to sit out the coming ride are Corrientes, Mendoza and Salta.

Thanks for the helpfull information you put on the forum!

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Old 09-14-2008, 10:20 PM   #18
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

From the sea level graph that you showed us. How much sea level rise are you assuming? The match the amount of sea level rise with the Google Earth Sea level simulator, the sea level needs to be 400m higher than the current level. How much volume of the melting polar ice did you assume?

Picture 2.jpg
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Old 09-15-2008, 01:29 AM   #19
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

The above flood map was a worst case scenario where most or all of the polar ice had been melted. Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Minnesota, have created an application that shows sea level rising up to 200m which shows pretty much the same as the above posted map. You can download this application here:

On the website you have to go down below the image of the applicaton (map) and click the file sealevel.mov below Attachements. Quicktime player is needed for the application to work, and to use it open the file after downloading and click on the map and drag the mouse up and down to increase or decrease sea level and right and left to spin the earh.

A quote from the website:
Two-thirds of the world's population lives within 500 km of a coastline. 90% of the world's population lives north of the equator, and 80% of the world's population lives below 500 m elevation. This places an overwhelming majority of people at risk when sea levels rise.
Personally I doubt we'll be in for that much flooding, but it's worth to have in mind. The above mentioned application is quite useful to check the geography of the world during various levels of sea rising up to 200m.

In addition, there's those who think we may be close to a pole shift which would also affect the world and its geography and possibly create higher floods or be the reason for a total or near total melting of the poles as the earth could wobble out of its current position which would put the poles at other places geographically.

All of the above posted material is intended for informational purposes in case some of these things should come true and people do need to relocate so they can have some general information on what areas would be safer than others etc.

Some people have taken their precautions already, some are working on it, while others are waiting to process future events before deciding if it is necessary or not to do things such as relocating or establishing communities etc.

The future has many possible outcomes and is not set in stone, but I do see the signs of something coming on many different levels, both social and natural events as well as spiritual ones.

Best wishes,
-Edward Alexander
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Old 09-15-2008, 01:56 AM   #20
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Amazed to see you are fluent in Norwegian, Edward Alexander!
The galactic cycle is 25,920 years. Polar shifts - shift of earth's magnetic poles - I believe happens at that point. The magnetic poles have travelled much over the past decades. If that's an anomality in our time, I don't know. I don't know when compass was invented. At half and quarters of the galactic cycle similar events occur. Anyway, those are only testing points from my astrological point of view.
According to David Wilcock marin biologists have found there is a significant evolutional leap every 65 mill years and we're at that point now. This is what I think of as a possible intergalactic cycle.
Those beliving in a greenhouse effect still live in an earth centric paradigm. They're centuries behind and may have a hard time catching up with current developments.
I support the idea that changes appear on all levels. I also think that what we do in our lifetimes are more important than how long they are.
Love & Light,
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Old 09-17-2008, 01:33 AM   #21
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Yeah, I moved to Argentina about a year ago... not only because I know this place is where the future lies but because the U.S. was getting a too messed up for me.

I've superimposed the new coast map onto Ar, so you can see exactly where will be safe. The farther north, the better the land for survival, currently. If tghe poles shift, it's anyone's guess.

I gotta say, life is good down here. I highly recommend a visit (while the dollar still has some value).

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Old 09-17-2008, 08:45 PM   #22
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Has anyone thought to include the fact that the earth is hollow?

Sorry folks it IS. Check it out....

Why is Antarctica considered unilateral territory? Cause the US tried to take it with force and got their ass kicked! Admiral bird.

All in the history books. Oh also


Then check these out!


Check it out!! Have fun....

Last edited by GFWeye; 09-17-2008 at 08:48 PM.
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Old 09-17-2008, 10:07 PM   #23
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Thanks for all the input, maps and other feedback everyone! Appreciated!

Feel free to contact me either at americanaltantis@gmail.com or send me a private message here if you want to take part of the work being done here in Argentina - the more we got on the team the better.

Yes I come from the same shores as you, to put it like that =) So my norwegian should better be pretty fluently I moved to south america several years ago, originally Brasil but currently I'm in Argentina. And thanks for the information about the cycles, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that there's natural cycles responsible for a lot of what's going on myself.

Indeed, the purpose here is to spread awareness, not fear, so that we can be prepared for different outcomes and have some knowledge about it before it happens (hopefully) and thus have better chances.

Thanks for those additional maps, will look into them and see what I can make out!

There's been many claims both for and against a hollow Earth, in either case there is little doubt about underground cavern systems and tunnels etc. One interesting thing I just noticed when going through Antartica on Google Maps, is this huge black "hole" with some structures around on the edge that seems like bases, not sure what this is but it looks a bit suspicious to me specially considering you have to zoom very closely in to find them in the first place. If you zoom out a bit more you'll get an error saying they dont have images for that resolution and ask you to zoom more OUT. Here they are:

Antartica structures close to some big dark pit/hole/cavern system?

Other structures nearby:

And some more close to the edge:

Whole area zoomed out (if you try zoom more out you get the "no imagery" problem asking you to zoom futher out):

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Old 09-18-2008, 08:31 AM   #24
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop


Also google greenland and you will get a shock (59 miles long shock)

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Old 09-18-2008, 08:36 AM   #25
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

Oh yes...


Nasa proof.

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