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Old 02-16-2010, 07:28 PM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
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Location: Europe / Finland
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Default Peaceful protest outside the parliament house in Helsinki.


Marko “hunger” Sihvonen has started a hunger strike on 1st February 2010 to peacefully protest the corrupt government of Finland and privatization of water. A small number of trailers are now parked outside the Finnish parliament house with a permission from the city. More are expected to arrive later.

Themes are ground water, freedom of speech and corruption

Water H2O
Pure water is the most important thing to all life. 75 percent of the human body is water and this is not still water, but something in constant flow. According to Marko, for no reason whatsoever should the people of Finland let multinational private corporations have the power to own and regulate this flow of water. This is a global problem. People around the world have lost control of their own water supplies. The Finnish water is one of the cleanest water in the world and it should belong to the people. Clean water is already more valuable than oil. You wouldn’t want to give away your water?

Freedom of speech
Corruption is possible only if freedom of speech is suppressed. A significant portion of the Finnish people believe everything YLE and the other corporate media are reporting. The mainstream media has been suspiciously silent about the recent demonstration and the little they have reported has carefully been selected and distorted to suit political correctness. The problems of our society are always ignored and those why try to speak out about real issues are silenced and suppressed. It’s difficult for the people to get their own opinions heard, especially if they got the “wrong” and politically incorrect opinions. When something is reported it’s highly probable that the message gets distorted. The mainstream media are highly biased and they have their own agenda and view about what is socially acceptable and politically correct. The people have now also brought their own banners in front of the parliament house. In respect to freedom of speech we have let them join.

All actions of the parliament should strive for transparency. For the time being the whole system seems to be more or less hidden from the public. Decisions seem to be made inside a small group who will not listen to public opinion. The mainstream media is affecting the perception of people so that important issues can be dealt without much media attention.

By continuing to accept things as they are, they will only keep on and get away with the corrupt behavior. The time for real change is now, and by peaceful demonstration we can let them know that we are aware and demand a change.

Marko and the continually growing support crowd welcomes anyone to join or visit them outside the parliament house in Helsinki. You can help by spreading the information and making people more aware.

For more information, send an email to info [at] supportmarkosihvonen.com
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Old 02-16-2010, 07:40 PM   #2
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Default Re: Peaceful protest outside the parliament house in Helsinki.

Täälä tuskin käy paljo porukkaa lukemas mut ajattelin laittaa tän tännekkin. Kun porukka jotka tähän on ollut osallisena näyttäs olevan rakkautta ja tietoisuutta levittämässä myös.

Toivottavasti asia sais huomiota ihan vaan senkin takia että jos edes tavalliset ihmiset sais selville koko systeemin korruption, esim tällä konkreettisella aiheella niin eiköhän siitä sitten aleta heräilee muuhunkin.

Saa vaan toivoa että ei ole jo liian myöhäistä.
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Old 02-18-2010, 01:30 AM   #3
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Default Re: Peaceful protest outside the parliament house in Helsinki.

Heti kun pääsen suomeen asti niin olen taas arkadianmäellä heilumassa!

Se on alkanut... "Kevyt värinä tuntuu jalkojen alla, tuleeko tulivuorenpurkauksiAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"



Last edited by jmk-fi; 02-18-2010 at 01:42 AM.
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Old 02-20-2010, 06:42 PM   #4
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Default Re: Peaceful protest outside the parliament house in Helsinki.

Tässä nyt ei ole mitään uutta, mutta varmaan historian hienoin keskustelu arkadianmäellä.


Olivat kuulema bilettäneet siinä arkadianmäellä, musiikkia ja valoja. Pakkasta -16 ja kova tuuli. About 20 sisukasta bilettäjää oli paikalla tietojeni mukaan. Ite en valitettavasti ole vielä päässyt paikanpäälle ilmaisemaan tukeani porukalle mut netin kautta oon ollu yhteydessä.

Eivät ole vielä saaneet kansanedustajaa haastatteluun. Taitaa koko porukka sielä pelätä näitä pelottomia sotureita vaikka rakkautta ja tietoisuutta vaan ollaan levittämässä.

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Old 02-22-2010, 01:54 AM   #5
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Default Re: Peaceful protest outside the parliament house in Helsinki.

Originally Posted by Lumihiutale View Post
Tässä nyt ei ole mitään uutta, mutta varmaan historian hienoin keskustelu arkadianmäellä.


WAU! maailma on totisesti muuttunut...
Siitäs kuulitte

tuleva kesä tulee olemaan jotain uskomattoman hienoa...

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