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Old 09-13-2008, 01:06 AM   #176
Love/Light 13
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Post Re: John Lear

John thank you so much for all your valuable input into this forum. Your knowledge and wisdom is greatly appreciated. While I could not be happier about the open and honest dialogue and debate on this site, i find it ironic how we openly debate the intricate details of the 9-11 conspiracy, seemingly ignoring the fact that the TRUTH is not yet being OPENLY debated in the public arena. The fact the Russia has begun to discuss this topic on national television is a step in the right direction for sure. Just hope that we do not loose ourselves in the details and fail to put our full energies into full and transparent disclosure. Thanks again Mr. Lear!!

May wisdom guide your compassion............"out of many, we are one"
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Old 09-13-2008, 09:06 AM   #177
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Default Re: John Lear

Pleasure to see you again sir!

I wonder how this setup will evolve...
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Old 09-13-2008, 04:42 PM   #178
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Default Re: John Lear

Good morning, John.

Your interviews were enlightening. Thank you for taking the time to present your stories.

Conspiracy theories abound. I am amused and alarmed that so much time, effort and money is invested in them. The information and disinformation that sustains the waves created by these theories ebb and flow when needed to deflect attention on the real issues that need to be addressed by all.
  • Superweapons – yes, they exist. Are there “planet destroyer” grade weapons currently deployed around our Earth? Yes, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind about this. Frankly, I figured that was the case a long time ago. It didn’t take any specific article or theory to convince me of that fact. Particle beam weaponry, electro-magnetic platforms, AIM using HAARP (hah-hah, just had to add that for comic relief), advanced holographic technology, etc. – yes, that’s believable, but not for the reasons cited. Follow any innovative technology or theory that has been proposed, discredited then resurrected for “editing” or proposed, researched then classified within the last 150 years. Then look at the “dark side” – does the technology or theory have a possible weapons application? And we haven’t even touched on bio-weaponry. Enough said.
  • Global War Plans – yes, they exist and are in a constant state of flux. Everybody has them – not just the military and/or black ops arms of the governments (geez, sometimes these arms are the governments).
  • Non-Disclosed Space Exploration – yes, this is a known – both now and since the beginning of the space race. As more mission data becomes available on all planets in this Solar System, more "leaks" will occur. Where’s the data on Venus? Surely that’s been leaked somewhere – everything else seems to have been. Why not that? There’s something about Mercury – our “odd duckie”. I want to hear about Mercury. And let's not forget Saturn - lots of information being withheld on this majestic giant. There are so many sources for information on the Space Race, many of whom are (or were) in a position to know exactly what they’re talking (or disclosing) about. Why is any particular author singled out as “someone who knows”? If compartmentalization has been the modus operandi for all classified research or programs, how did or does any one person or group get access to so much? How much of the Space Side Stuff can be independently confirmed (other than the obvious – that NASA has continuously lied about the Space Program)?
  • Where does the International Space Station fit into this scenario today? Granted, there are some articles and theories dating before it’s time, but isn’t this (ISS) a co-operative multi-national effort? Or is this a “joint” operation of the “smokable” kind?
  • Where’s the Vatican connection? You’ve got to have a Vatican or Black Pope connection in any major conspiracy theory.
  • Way too many double-cross scenarios (but then again, that’s believable when you’re talking about governments, intelligence agencies and secret societies).
  • Clones/body doubles - This is interesting – really. This is one topic that is supremely suppressed (and one of the main reasons why any credible information available in mainstream research publications would have been found, flagged and destroyed long ago by Echelon or its AI decendent). You will never find complete documentation to support this theory – NEVER. Watch artificial intelligence, robotics, synthetic biology and bionics – there will be indicators in these fields, but only indicators – watch for public sector innovations in these fields that suddenly drop off the radar. The links for many an article’s specific “human clone applications” are to websites known for their “sensationalism” and are, therefore, largely ignored.
  • When in doubt – throw in a segment on the JFK assassination conspiracy – that’s guaranteed to muddy the waters.
  • Russia has exotic superweapons and HAS NOT USED THEM TO TAKE OVER North America (Uh, I hate to point out the obvious, but there are just as many military maniacs from the former USSR still welding power for this not to have happened. Oh, right, that’s covered by the “more Russian moles in our government than in Russia so they’re already in control” and the “International Banker Elite two-sided plays” themes – sorry, my mistake).
  • What about Brookhaven, Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos laboratories and their secrets? These locations have long, sordid histories, much of which predates the release of a large amount of the research information available today – much more than is referenced by most conspiracy theories.
  • And while we’re at it – ditto on the above for the Nazi/NWO Connection. What’s their hold up in taking over if they have such a presence and all those super-duper thingies? It sounds as though no one was left in Germany at the end of World War II – all of them left on “The Road to Shangri-La”. Too many Poles – North Pole, South Pole, Poland Poles, non-Pole Popes.
  • I’m jumping around here – but many articles do that, too – that’s a literary tactic used to keep you from spotting the obvious lack of continuity.
  • Who would benefit from any information’s release?
  • Is someone(s) trying to steer people towards a theory filled with red herrings to keep them pre-occupied checking it out?

I do not doubt that many of the theories presented have some bits of truth - possibly large blocks of truth. The point is, rather than dealing with conspiracy theories, it would be a better use of our time to take charge of the issues plaguing the majority of the population on this planet. We have to start somewhere. The fact that there are more of "us" than "them" is, in itself, a comfort. Any "elitist" cadre bent on world domination only operates from a position of power we hand them.

Thank you (all) for taking the time to read this. I appreciate your patience.

Peace and Joy

Sally Anne
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Old 09-13-2008, 05:14 PM   #179
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Default Re: John Lear

Originally Posted by towhom View Post
Good morning, John.

We have to start somewhere.

Peace and Joy

Sally Anne

Good point Sally Anne. Here's where we start. With each of us. We must meet the challenges of each of our lives with integrity; and without envy, hate or greed.

We can't hope to figure everything out. We cannot hope to feed all the starving children in the world. We cannot hope to stop the killing in Iraq and wherever else it goes on. McCain isn't going to solve anything and neither is Obama.

We are here on Earth for one purpose and that is for our souls to mature. Sometimes it takes many lifetimes, sometimes it take only a few. It takes however long it takes us 'to it figure out'. Some never do.

But one thing is for sure and that is that we are going to be recycled back here to Earth until we learn to meet each and every challenge set before us with integrity; and without envy, hate or greed.

Some think they have been 'dealt a raw deal'. All that is happening is that challenges are being set forth to see how we will handle them. Some run in circles and shout 'I can't take it anymore'. Some say "Hmmmm, this is interesting. Here is my plan."

It all starts with YOU. Not with Obama or McCain or Putin or Jesus or whoever else you want to blame. YOU are the only one that is responsible for your destiny. No one is 'coming down' to 'take you up'; no one is going to hold your hand or light the way; there will be no rapture; there will be no 'great awakening' or disclosure or convergence or Planet X or whatever the heck they dream up these days.

The instant you wake up in the morning figure out how your are going to meet todays challenges with integrity; and without envy, hate or greed. Tell your loved ones how much you love them. And don't just say, "love you" on the way out the door. Hold them tightly in your arms, look into their eyes, and say, "I love you very much."

It's important.
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Old 09-13-2008, 05:59 PM   #180
Richard Sauder
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Default What is John lenard Walson seeing ?

Hi John,

John Lenard Walson has posted many short videos to the internet that he alleges to depict clandestine, massive space craft that are publicly unacknowledged by NASA and mainstream astronomers.

You can find a bunch of his videos at these links.




Do you know anything about this? Is John Lenard Walson really detecting massive space ships around the Earth? Or is he blowing smoke? If his images are genuine, are these structures perhaps "black ops" platforms put up by our military-industrial-espionage complex? Or are they from other, off-planet species and factions?

Or are they both "ours" and "theirs"? In either case, what is their purpose? If true, then we are looking at a MASSIVE, hi-tech clandestine operation. What can you tell us about it?

best regards,
Richard Sauder
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Old 09-13-2008, 06:08 PM   #181
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Default Re: John Lear

That was a pretty good summary, John. I would say you summed it up fairly well.

This is a nice forum. I like the layout (the same engine is used in a local forum i post in, so i am familiar with it). I really like the emoticon choices. I mean, what ISN'T to love about this one:

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Old 09-13-2008, 06:31 PM   #182
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Default Re: What is John lenard Walson seeing ?

Originally Posted by Richard Sauder View Post
Hi John,

John Lenard Walson has posted many short videos to the internet that he alleges to depict clandestine, massive space craft that are publicly unacknowledged by NASA and mainstream astronomers.

You can find a bunch of his videos at these links.




Do you know anything about this? Is John Lenard Walson really detecting massive space ships around the Earth? Or is he blowing smoke? If his images are genuine, are these structures perhaps "black ops" platforms put up by our military-industrial-espionage complex? Or are they from other, off-planet species and factions?

Or are they both "ours" and "theirs"? In either case, what is their purpose? If true, then we are looking at a MASSIVE, hi-tech clandestine operation. What can you tell us about it?

best regards,
Richard Sauder

Its an honor to have you posting here Richard.

The massive ships that JLW has detected are part of our space based weapons fleet.

At present there are between 8 and 12 orbiting space weapons and manufacturing platforms manned and supported by a corps of almost 5000 astronauts (Army, Navy, Air Force, NASA) all (ostensibly) under USSCOM.

The space shuttle and its quarterly jaunts to the ISS is a diversion to the real mission in which we, Russian and others are allied.

We currently launch astronauts in Delta, Zenit 3SL's, Titans, and Atlases. There are probably other highly classified manned launch vehicles (single stage to orbit and return).

There are about 20 major launch facilities located throughout the world in addition to the Ronald Reagan Launch Complex on Kwaljalein, Vandenberg, Patrick AFB, Wallops Island and of course Kennedy.

Several in both Russia, China and Australia.

By the way, when it takes the space shuttle 3 days to 'catch up' to the ISS what is really happening is that it is making deliveries of food and cargo to the weapons and manufacturing platforms. That’s why when it opens its doors at the ISS it is always half empty.

The reason that two Russian Progress rockets have always just arrived at the ISS when the Space Shuttle gets there is that the cargo from the Progess rocket is loaded into the Shuttle and when it undocks it goes to other space weapons platforms to deliver more food and cargo.

Look at it this way; it takes 55 minutes to deorbit and land at Kennedy from the ISS. Did you every wonder why it always takes over 48 hours to accomplish that?

Yeah, yeah, I know. The astronaut union wants 2 consecutive 8 hours rest periods before deorbit burn and landing.

By the way, one of the weapons platforms was the one that used the molecular disassociation technology to reduce both WTC towers to ash.

There are some pretty nasty kitties out there.
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Old 09-13-2008, 06:32 PM   #183
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Default Re: John Lear

Originally Posted by Bigfatfurrytexan View Post
That was a pretty good summary, John. I would say you summed it up fairly well.

This is a nice forum. I like the layout (the same engine is used in a local forum i post in, so i am familiar with it). I really like the emoticon choices. I mean, what ISN'T to love about this one:

Nice to see you again BFFT.
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Old 09-13-2008, 07:30 PM   #184
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But one thing is for sure and that is that we are going to be recycled back here to Earth until we learn to meet each and every challenge set before us with integrity; and without envy, hate or greed.
It is the truth, and no one can escape it. There are no shortcuts...there never were. Each and everyone of us will have to remember who we really are. If you have not learned to infect others with your light and express yourself in love, then you will have to scramble in the dark until you do. In actual fact, since you have infinity as your playground, you can't actually lose in this game...so it's not all doom and gloom.

And yet, you have a choice in the way you take this path. Will you make it easy for yourself or will you make it difficult? As John implied, remember..if you choose wrong, there is a penalty.
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Old 09-13-2008, 07:33 PM   #185
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Default Re: What is John lenard Walson seeing ?

Originally Posted by johnlear View Post
Its an honor to have you posting here Richard.

The massive ships that JLW has detected are part of our space based weapons fleet.

At present there are between 8 and 12 orbiting space weapons and manufacturing platforms manned and supported by a corps of almost 5000 astronauts (Army, Navy, Air Force, NASA) all (ostensibly) under USSCOM.

The space shuttle and its quarterly jaunts to the ISS is a diversion to the real mission in which we, Russian and others are allied.

We currently launch astronauts in Delta, Zenit 3SL's, Titans, and Atlases. There are probably other highly classified manned launch vehicles (single stage to orbit and return).

There are about 20 major launch facilities located throughout the world in addition to the Ronald Reagan Launch Complex on Kwaljalein, Vandenberg, Patrick AFB, Wallops Island and of course Kennedy.

Several in both Russia, China and Australia.

By the way, when it takes the space shuttle 3 days to 'catch up' to the ISS what is really happening is that it is making deliveries of food and cargo to the weapons and manufacturing platforms. That’s why when it opens its doors at the ISS it is always half empty.

The reason that two Russian Progress rockets have always just arrived at the ISS when the Space Shuttle gets there is that the cargo from the Progess rocket is loaded into the Shuttle and when it undocks it goes to other space weapons platforms to deliver more food and cargo.

Look at it this way; it takes 55 minutes to deorbit and land at Kennedy from the ISS. Did you every wonder why it always takes over 48 hours to accomplish that?

Yeah, yeah, I know. The astronaut union wants 2 consecutive 8 hours rest periods before deorbit burn and landing.

By the way, one of the weapons platforms was the one that used the molecular disassociation technology to reduce both WTC towers to ash.

There are some pretty nasty kitties out there.

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Old 09-13-2008, 07:34 PM   #186
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Default Re: John Lear

That is an interesting outlook, John. I am sort of the same way. I think in terms of probability and tend to imagine many different scenarios. I enjoy discussing each of these scenarios separate from other possibilities which I may also enjoy discussing.

For example, it is fun to discuss Venus in a classical sense. You know, hot and high pressure. But I also enjoy discussing it in the sense that you and many others do, with it being far more hospitable than we would believe.

Where i confuse myself is when i try to keep both viewpoints in mind while exploring subsequent possibilities.

The only thing set in stone is stone itself.
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Old 09-13-2008, 07:43 PM   #187
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Originally Posted by Bigfatfurrytexan View Post
That is an interesting outlook, John. I am sort of the same way. I think in terms of probability and tend to imagine many different scenarios. I enjoy discussing each of these scenarios separate from other possibilities which I may also enjoy discussing.

For example, it is fun to discuss Venus in a classical sense. You know, hot and high pressure. But I also enjoy discussing it in the sense that you and many others do, with it being far more hospitable than we would believe.

Where i confuse myself is when i try to keep both viewpoints in mind while exploring subsequent possibilities.

The only thing set in stone is stone itself.

Once you see proof positive of two or three instances where the government has fed us a load of crap then its easier to see that its all crap. There will be that one instant where it will dawn on you, and you will say to yourself, "Oh no!"
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Old 09-13-2008, 07:47 PM   #188
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Default Re: John Lear

It is good to be here, John. I really enjoy your reading, and have still been lurking on some of your other forum participations.

Regarding Kwajelein...

My grandfather worked on the missile coolant systems there in the 60's. My mom was a teenager, as were my uncles. There was no TV, and the radio was USO. This meant that you only got an hour or two of "your type" of music every day.

The status symbols of the Americans on the base was their AV equipment. My family has quite a few pics of rockets being launched, and i am willing to bet that there are thousands of feet of film and other images locked away in family footchests from folks who lived there at that time. Everyone had camera's, and everyone filmed the launches. They would picnic and sit out in large groups to watch launches.

After one launch in the late 60's, the military put out a request to all solidiers and civilians: they had botched the filming of the most recent launch, and needed to see if the locals would mind sharing what they had of it. After this, they didn't allow any more filming of launches, and required people to stay indoors. Of course, people complied as the island was a small family, and the people were very blindly patriotic.

The story mom has is that they saw that the locals footage was better than theirs, and that it was embarrassing to them. Of course, now that it is 2008 she believes it was more of a national security issue.

I believe that this is a launch platform for the secret space missions, and that this is what they wanted to hide. Can't have images of large titan and delta rockets being launched, right?

I need to get with my uncle and discuss his time on Kwaj. He was in a bike wreck, and his memory isn't so good...so i am unsure if he can add much. Well...and he is a pothead biker (part of the reason he had his bike wreck, i guess).
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Old 09-13-2008, 07:54 PM   #189
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Default Re: John Lear

Originally Posted by johnlear View Post
Once you see proof positive of two or three instances where the government has fed us a load of crap then its easier to see that its all crap. There will be that one instant where it will dawn on you, and you will say to yourself, "Oh no!"
That is what you and Zorgon have done for me, for sure. You have "disillusioned" me, and it is nice to stop living with illusions.

Add to that what Matt has done for showing me the possibility of what can be....

The recent cloaking thing is one big one (as it supports the inside info we received via Zorgon, and that supports all the other info recieved from teh same source). The work that is being done in Europe on Gravity is another.

Then you add in all the stuff that you had in your Copernicus images thread....

this one still is the kicker. Nothing will ever convince me otherwise unless this image can be debunked. it is the clencher for me:

BTW...Mr. Jim Oberg chimed in on the "tear in spacetime" image, but would not comment on the above (he became terse and responded: ""Why?" means to what purpose should I do your homework, when after I acquiesced to your first request, you shrugged it off and went on to what's clearly just another item on a potentially near-infinite list. When you asked that first question, had you even looked on the Apollo Lunar Surface journal -- easily findable on the web -- for context? My point: I shouldn't be made into the 'single point failure' on your inability to find satisfactory prosaic explanations. What's in it for me? ").

That is another topic...and i will save the rest for that.
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Old 09-13-2008, 07:59 PM   #190
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Default Re: John Lear

If Planet X is not true, then what actually is causing an increase in the earthquakes and volcanic activities? Hurricanes and weather can be explained away with global warming but how about all the other things?
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Old 09-13-2008, 08:05 PM   #191
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Default Re: John Lear

Originally Posted by johnlear View Post
Once you see proof positive of two or three instances where the government has fed us a load of crap then its easier to see that its all crap. There will be that one instant where it will dawn on you, and you will say to yourself, "Oh no!"
'Dear John'....
I am reading, watching the forums (not just this one) etc.
Read/watched all of your discussions. Google-earthed all the sites.
I've done all the 'new age' stuff, I have been sickened by reality searching the background of the highest elitists, I've watched Walson's imagery for months, you are wearing your 'tin hat' (does it suit you???), I get daily updates on the poisonings from health watchers, mind-warping and soul-searching messages from all over the globe about their horrendous circumstances, and we are expected to go OHHHHMMMM etc!
No way!
You are so matter-of-fact John, resigned to reporting and the aftermath.
Gimme some karma? (or has that gone up with the price of fuel) - nothing would surprise me now....
Time for a chill-out beer, stick the laundry button (whilst I can) and read loads more of great stuff eh?
Thanks for your honest-to-goodness stuff, and opinions - and most of all - your humour.
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Old 09-13-2008, 08:09 PM   #192
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Default Re: John Lear

Originally Posted by GodLover View Post
If Planet X is not true, then what actually is causing an increase in the earthquakes and volcanic activities? Hurricanes and weather can be explained away with global warming but how about all the other things?
The sun. It drives our solar system in every possible way. it is the sun, plain and simple.

How would planet X increase Earthquakes? And this increase...what time scale are we talking? Has it increased when viewed over the last thousand years? Two days? What does the human point of reference do to such suppositions?

Global warming is a bigger myth than Planet X. Of course the planet is warming up. So is every other planet in the solar system. Did we pollute them as well? (I know Zorgon will chime in with the plutonium and such....that isn't what I mean).

There is no evidence to support Planet X that I am aware of. No astronomical measurements. That YouTube video was a hoax, admitted by the guy who created it.
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Old 09-13-2008, 08:40 PM   #193
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Default Re: John Lear

Take a look at this John, maybe you have seen it already, there is no end to the river of ******** that keeps flowing from the Neocon-criminals. They are getting desperate, they know the whole world is on to them.
STRANGE MAGNETIC FORCES, give me a break whats next, "Donald Duck did it"
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Old 09-13-2008, 08:48 PM   #194
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May the strange magnetic force be with you Luke Skywalker
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Old 09-13-2008, 08:48 PM   #195
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Default Re: John Lear

Originally Posted by GodLover View Post
If Planet X is not true, then what actually is causing an increase in the earthquakes and volcanic activities? Hurricanes and weather can be explained away with global warming but how about all the other things?

Its actually a combination of HAARP and something else I don't know too much about. There are at least 30 HAARP transmitters world wide. The can make, direct and intensify hurricanes, (for instance Erin was manufactured to be sure the toxic gases from the molecular disassociation weapon spewed out south over the Atlantic on 911, Katrina was another) or any other type of weather phenomena.

Want a volcano to become active? Just say where and when. They have an earthquake machine (I know, I know, well eventually you'll get there! ) It was the machine that caused the earthquake in China a few months ago 300 miles west of the 3 Gorges dam that destroyed the Chinese undeground nuke facility. You remember the tsunami in southeast Asia a few years ago that killed 250,000 people? That was them or 'us' or U.S. or whatever you want, its all the same.

Global warming is nothing but a cycle of warming that will eventually take care of itself. There is nothing we can do or pay to stop it. But to be sure you believe it and are paying attention the military will be happy to cut off a few icebergs for you to prove it. Like this one:

This was a 'clean break' you might say, 30 miles long.
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Old 09-13-2008, 08:53 PM   #196
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Default Re: John Lear

Originally Posted by GoingToFast View Post
Take a look at this John, maybe you have seen it already, there is no end to the river of ******** that keeps flowing from the Neocon-criminals. They are getting desperate, they know the whole world is on to them.
STRANGE MAGNETIC FORCES, give me a break whats next, "Donald Duck did it"

"Donald Duck did it!" Now that made me laugh out loud.

You have to know that the guys that are writing this stuff signed up to get access to the secrets of the universe. Now they're stuck writing fairy tales beyond their wildest dreams.
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Old 09-14-2008, 12:49 AM   #197
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Originally Posted by johnlear View Post
Its actually a combination of HAARP and something else I don't know too much about. There are at least 30 HAARP transmitters world wide.

It was the machine that caused the earthquake in China a few months ago 300 miles west of the 3 Gorges dam that destroyed the Chinese undeground nuke facility.

You remember the tsunami in southeast Asia a few years ago that killed 250,000 people? That was them or 'us' or U.S. or whatever you want, its all the same.

Hmmm HAARP...

My favorite topic - Best greetings to Benjamin Fulford!

Let us imagine this machine/facility is real and it could cause earthquakes and seaquakes.
Then let us imagine I'm Kim Jong Mentally-Ill, and I'm so damn jelous about the fact that the South Koreans are sooooo damn rich and I've to turn off the lights at night in my country.

But I've a HAARP machine/facility - HARRR HARRR HARRR HAARP
And now I go forward to destroy Seol!

But how can I direct the HAARP power???
I want to hit Seol and not Qingdao or Beijing, they are my communistic bossomfriends... they're my last friends!

So, HOW can I direct HAARP???

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Old 09-14-2008, 01:09 AM   #198
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Originally Posted by johnlear View Post
Its actually a combination of HAARP and something else I don't know too much about. There are at least 30 HAARP transmitters world wide. The can make, direct and intensify hurricanes, (for instance Erin was manufactured to be sure the toxic gases from the molecular disassociation weapon spewed out south over the Atlantic on 911, Katrina was another) or any other type of weather phenomena.

Want a volcano to become active? Just say where and when. They have an earthquake machine (I know, I know, well eventually you'll get there! ) It was the machine that caused the earthquake in China a few months ago 300 miles west of the 3 Gorges dam that destroyed the Chinese undeground nuke facility. You remember the tsunami in southeast Asia a few years ago that killed 250,000 people? That was them or 'us' or U.S. or whatever you want, its all the same.

Global warming is nothing but a cycle of warming that will eventually take care of itself. There is nothing we can do or pay to stop it. But to be sure you believe it and are paying attention the military will be happy to cut off a few icebergs for you to prove it. Like this one:

This was a 'clean break' you might say, 30 miles long.
SOOOOO, can we say then that the U.S.ses and the Ruskis are playing
a deadly game of of Macabre ping-pong on the Gulf / Caribbean sector
as we chat and we are just "collateral damage" ?
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Old 09-14-2008, 01:24 AM   #199
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Originally Posted by CONDE View Post
SOOOOO, can we say then that the U.S.ses and the Ruskis are playing
a deadly game of of Macabre ping-pong on the Gulf / Caribbean sector
as we chat and we are just "collateral damage" ?

Well this is just a guess but I think they are checking some new guys out on the controls. Steering Ike left and right then left again. Increase intensity, decrease intensity.

They have a pinpoint intensifier where they can direct a splash. One of the guys was watching Fox News while this was going (on the orbiting satellite) and said "I betcha can't knock Geraldo on his ass."

The guy at the controls said, "Just watch this."
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Old 09-14-2008, 01:34 AM   #200
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Default Re: John Lear

Originally Posted by johnlear View Post
Well this is just a guess but I think they are checking some new guys out on the controls. Steering Ike left and right then left again. Increase intensity, decrease intensity.

They have a pinpoint intensifier where they can direct a splash. One of the guys was watching Fox News while this was going (on the orbiting satellite) and said "I betcha can't knock Geraldo on his ass."

The guy at the controls said, "Just watch this."
I can't think of a better target at faux news...other than Mr. spin zone.
I've would of nudged the trigger man on ;..."Betcha you can't make
his moustache go pufffffff !" I just got back from SpaceMart !....
....( fresh Hagen Dass just arrived,..... Rum Raisin Ur favorite !!!
: roll1:
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