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Old 03-23-2010, 03:02 AM   #1
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Default The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

This is it... for anyone who has been looking to the "mainstream" to find any bit of fact/truth/honesty about the grave fallout from the new Healthcare Bill voted through lastnight, all you see is the continued propaganda and puffery one might well expect from the media.

Now, an expert (retired) Constitutional Lawyer has read the entire Bill and offers his warnings that this has nothing to do with health!

“This is not about health care; it is about seizing power and limiting rights…”

I've posted the entire letter on The John Chronicles here.

As I previously mentioned, this is serious folks. Waterman provided me with this tonight, and asked that I let everyone know about it's grave reality.

Last edited by Karen; 03-23-2010 at 09:16 AM. Reason: clarify topic of subject line
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Old 03-23-2010, 09:19 AM   #2
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

For once my mom was sputtering along with me while the local news station droned on about this tonight. I couldn't even hear one line and she would be sputtering some more.

Hope you don't mind - I clarified the subject line a bit, because I am looking for alternative news on this atrocity.
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Old 03-23-2010, 11:09 AM   #3
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

skull and bones, 3 22, georgia guidstones prediction coming right at ya... http://www.godlikeproductions.com/fo...age1015982/pg3
and yes it's a nutty place ol GLP but some very sane people amongst the disinfo merchants. Anyhow it IS insane .

killing us softly , here comes the chip too. I'll take mayo on mine.
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Old 03-23-2010, 12:40 PM   #4
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

It's about money and control , how insane is it when you get taxed 4 years before a program becomes effective. They breached the constitution , they don't care , our own senator , I say that lightly Stabanow here in michigan included 5 pages in this bill for 5 billion dollar set aside for ONLY retired union management to suppliment what the government is going to take away for everyone. Massachusetts and Tennessee both have implimented government run health care in their states, I watched the state treasurer on tv the other day from Massachusetts and he said if the federal government wasn't subsidizing the state health care of 500 million last year that they would be bankrupt right now.





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Old 03-23-2010, 08:37 PM   #5
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

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Old 03-24-2010, 12:06 AM   #6
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

Fallout from the health care passing. At least some states are wising up

States challenge new healthcare law in court
By Michael Connor, Reuters
2 hours ago

MIAMI — Top legal officials from 14 states across the country on Tuesday filed lawsuits challenging an overhaul of the U.S.' $2.5 trillion healthcare system, minutes after President Barack Obama signed the landmark legislation.

One joint lawsuit by a dozen Republican attorneys general and a Democrat claims the sweeping reforms violate state-government rights in the U.S. Constitution and will force massive new spending on hard-pressed state governments.

Virginia went to court separately, while Missouri Republican Lieutenant Gov. Peter Kinder said he would like to join the suit.

The joint suit, led by Florida, was filed with a federal court in Pensacola, according to the office of Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum.

The lawsuit says the law -- which expands government health plans for the poor, imposes new taxes on the wealthy and requires insurers to cover people with preexisting medical conditions -- violates the Constitution's commerce clause by requiring nearly all Americans to buy health insurance.

"It forces people to do something -- in the sense of buying a healthcare policy or paying a penalty, a tax or a fine -- that simply the Constitution does not allow Congress to do," McCollum said at a news conference in Tallahassee.

McCollum, who is seeking the Republican nomination to run for Florida governor, said the healthcare reforms would add $1.6 billion to Florida's spending on the Medicaid health program for the poor.

The Justice Department, which is responsible for defending U.S. law in court, pledged to vigorously fight any challenges to the new healthcare law.

"We are confident that this statute is constitutional and we will prevail," said Justice spokesman Charles Miller.

The White House agreed the suits would fail.

(of course the White House would say that)

Story continues here

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Old 03-24-2010, 01:10 AM   #7
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Exclamation UPDATE: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
For once my mom was sputtering along with me while the local news station droned on about this tonight. I couldn't even hear one line and she would be sputtering some more.

Hope you don't mind - I clarified the subject line a bit, because I am looking for alternative news on this atrocity.
Good call, Karen!

Numerous states waited until the President signed the documents today to file suit against the federal government citing this as illegal and unconstitutional. As of lastnight, there were ten states - mostly western and southern - including Florida and Virginia who are going to court [this] morning to sue the federal government over the "health freedom act" because the "law" is unconstitutional. Imagine that. Having to sue the very people who wrote it into law. Perhaps what they should be doing is taking it to state supreme court and dealing with their own jurisdictions. Now, the reports indicate the number of states suing has grown to 26. This is surreal.

As for "Mainstream media" - it was full of fluffery all weekend and throughout the day yesterday discussing the "issues". Of course, nothing whatsoever was said about the real substantive issues. We are not going to easily find information in the mainstream. We have all long-since known this, anyways.

I got a call lastnight from [someone well-known] asking for the sources of info that corroborate what is being said here. This is part of the grand scheme, the big game-play to take away our freedoms and manipulate us away from everything and anything that we have held dear, been proud to be a part of. A free country, with free speech, freedom to move, live, earn, "be" and prosper. We are now closer to losing all of this than ever before, and are propagandized continuously to the point where much of the public is beyond even putting their finger on the pulse of real truth. No doubt, the sadness and anger is pervasive, but this is going to increase exponentially as more people realize what it all really means. The government is now legalized corruption. Unfortunately, what is being broadcast everywhere you look is the continuation of a decades-old system of brainwashing and manipulation, control of info.

Is the mainstream showing the IRS with assault rifles, exercising their "authority" to jail anyone who refuses or cannot pay what they are required by "law" to pay? Is the media or gov running full adverts explaining this fact? No, instead they are applauding the so-called "positive changes" they claim this act will necessitate while dissecting (although mildly) the points they consider to be "less than perfect" within it. It is, plain and simple, misdirection. And with people like Geraldo R. for goodness sake. Pulleeze!

Today, the news showed that the IRS will be doing the "collecting", and instead of annual collections it is going to be monthly. Do you think that may have something to do with damage control and, well, control? Monthly... so that they can then haul "dissidents" and non-supporters or those unable to afford it into prisons in smaller groups rather than one big mad mess at the end of the year.

There is nothing good about this. Nothing.
As one would expect from a corrupt system, time will show the true nature of this dangerous precedent-setting manipulation by those in control.

Also, it came as no surprise to see psychological ops beginning on television already lastnight when "Law and Order" re-ran an episode that painted the militias as outlaws rather than the best hope there may be for protection from a corrupt system. It is no coincidence. A new episode of the show ran in other countries (inc. Canada). The gov knows what they are doing... and it causes this type of reaction – not because they profile a certain group, but because they know the blowback from their corruption will only come from groups that have the guts to face them to the death. Literally.

Anyways, that's my ramble for today. God rest our weary souls.

With kindest regards, hope and peace,
Tobias, The John Chronicles
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Old 03-24-2010, 08:50 PM   #8
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

Does anyone have a link to the actual healthcare bill? I would like to peruse this piece of crap.
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Old 03-24-2010, 09:22 PM   #9
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

Originally Posted by Spiralmind View Post
Does anyone have a link to the actual healthcare bill? I would like to peruse this piece of crap.
I've heard it's some 2100 pages long. Hopefully you're a speed reader. Good luck.

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Old 03-24-2010, 09:46 PM   #10
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

Well the population is rising up, death threats on politicians, vandalism...

the media is driving the country forward towards martial law...

Palin showed a map with politicians in "cross hairs" of a rifle scope, you can't tell me she didn't know there were people crazy enough to grab their guns and head to battle...

The manipulations have just begun...

The Party lines have now become battle lines...

If you are stirring trouble on public airways twisting the health care bill into something far more evil than it is...

you are playing right into TPTB hands...
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:01 PM   #11
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

Can someone simplify, what is the hasstle with this bill?
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:32 PM   #12
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill


It is forcing parents with children under 26 years old living at home to have health care and making it illegal for them not to be covered.

With the addition of that much of the population paying into the health care system it lowers the cost for everyone to be covered.

In most countries that have universal systems it is a part of working, you pay taxes and health care, everyone contributes and everyone is covered.

With insurance companies now being forced to keep the costs down they aren't going to agree to paying $100 for a box of Kleenex. They will in turn go after the Health care professionals to keep cost in line.

Overall, it will lower the cost of health care in America.

Now the special interest groups being paid for by Health care and Insurance companies don't want their freedom to charge $12,000 to cure a cold to be regulated.

The 30-40 Million that weren't covered by insurance will now be covered, emergency room visits which used to be the only "free" care will drop by 85% because now people will be able to go to a doctor for preventive care.

Once everyone gets beyond the initial shock that Republicans were pushed aside because in a Democracy majority rules, and they weren't in the majority things will calm back down.

But as long as we have TPTB pushing for points that will trigger people into revolting against the government they will keep pouring salt in the wound.

I wish everyone had the insights to see what I am trying to share with all of you, I can look at a scenario and see how it is affecting our time line. Like any good chess game, the only way to win against a Brilliant opponent is to always think one move in advance.

I am trying to help the enlightened ones reading into concentrating on the next move...

we've already changed several time lines since Avalon began, now it is time to do it again...
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:50 PM   #13
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

Originally Posted by Tobias View Post

“This is not about health care; it is about seizing power and limiting rights…”

As I previously mentioned, this is serious folks. Waterman provided me with this tonight, and asked that I let everyone know about it's grave reality.

I completely agree with you that what is going on has to do with seizing power...

What better way to do it than by creating revolts against the government so they have a reason to slap down Martial Law.

You know I love reading your blogs, it is like doing aerobics without leaving the chair. But the nice thing about a forum is people get to hear both sides of the story.

I am very careful about getting pulled in by one "expert" opinion, many times if you read between the lines it will teach you much of the truth you wouldn't have realized without taking the time to think about it...

Waterman has now moved to my watch list...
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:50 PM   #14
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post

It is forcing parents with children under 26 years old living at home to have health care and making it illegal for them not to be covered.

With the addition of that much of the population paying into the health care system it lowers the cost for everyone to be covered.

In most countries that have universal systems it is a part of working, you pay taxes and health care, everyone contributes and everyone is covered.

With insurance companies now being forced to keep the costs down they aren't going to agree to paying $100 for a box of Kleenex. They will in turn go after the Health care professionals to keep cost in line.

Overall, it will lower the cost of health care in America.

Now the special interest groups being paid for by Health care and Insurance companies don't want their freedom to charge $12,000 to cure a cold to be regulated.

The 30-40 Million that weren't covered by insurance will now be covered, emergency room visits which used to be the only "free" care will drop by 85% because now people will be able to go to a doctor for preventive care.

Once everyone gets beyond the initial shock that Republicans were pushed aside because in a Democracy majority rules, and they weren't in the majority things will calm back down.

But as long as we have TPTB pushing for points that will trigger people into revolting against the government they will keep pouring salt in the wound.

I wish everyone had the insights to see what I am trying to share with all of you, I can look at a scenario and see how it is affecting our time line. Like any good chess game, the only way to win against a Brilliant opponent is to always think one move in advance.

I am trying to help the enlightened ones reading into concentrating on the next move...

we've already changed several time lines since Avalon began, now it is time to do it again...
All good then.

I realise Obama had to leave some stuff out, but it was important to get this through on the bi-partisan ticket (even though most of the Reps voted against the bill).

America at last takes one huge step to becoming a more civilised nation.
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Old 03-24-2010, 11:01 PM   #15
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A great civilization isn't judged as much by what it accomplished as it is on how well it takes care of the less fortunate...

I agree with you, it is a huge step in the right direction
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Old 03-25-2010, 08:22 AM   #16
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

I think health care costs could be cut by 95% by getting the chemicals and toxins out of the food supply, and providing every one with healthy nutritional oils, adequate trace minerals, and vitamins in therapeutic doses.

Laboratory testing will show each person has different nutritional needs. Most cases of mental illness can be reversed by providing the nutrients people need to bypass metabolic and genetic errors.

This is what should be covered by a National Health Care system.

In the early 1950s Abram Hoffer was curing cancer and schizophrenia with 1 gram of nicacin and 1 gram of vitamin C after each meal.

Look up Orthomolecular medicine and psychiatry for more information.

See nutritional treatment plans for the different types of Bipolar Disorder:
Bipolar disorder is not a single condition, but an umbrella term which includes a number of very different biochemical abnormalities. I'm bothered by any attempt to generalize over the bipolar phenotypes & to blindly recommend any formulation or therapy for all of them. The key is to determine a patient's biochemical individuality, and to provide focused appropriate treatment. In our database of 1,500 bipolar patients, about 25% are overmethylated, 35% are undermethylated, and the remaining 40% do not exhibit a methylation disorder.
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Old 03-25-2010, 02:30 PM   #17
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

The thought is a step in the right direction, but the action being taken is not. I was once excited by this initiative a long time ago, before I realized who and how the cost would be controlled. Aside from small slaps on the hand of the Health Insurancy and Pharmaceutical Industry.

Once again, the people are being asked...Excuse me, correction...Are being "told" to flip the cost for a broken system they did not break to begin with. The primary focus of lowering and controlling cost for this system should come from those who broke it by inflating, generating and falsely engineering cost. This would be addressing Health Insurers, Pharmaceutical Companies, and poor expense management by doctors (to name a few). Any and every time you have a bill that requires a behind the door arm twisting/effort to pass it, there is something wrong with that. Furthermore, there is something wrong with those who organize such a meeting out of public view. Remember when all this first surfaced and Health Insurers were crying and lobbying? That was up until they had a behind the door meeting with Obama and his administration. Notice how they are now for the most part, quite quiet. Sure the Insurance companies will lower their costs, why they just gained 30-40 million new customers paying into their system annually. Can you imagine that profit margin?

I was reading the comment of a box of tissues generating a cost of $100. That is the problem in itself, not who's going to pay for it, but why the price tag, when the patient or doctor can buy that same box of tissue for $3.00 at the local grocer. Yet, we cheer the people being told that all will be covered by this plan as long as we pay for it, and the caveat of us not paying will result as fines, or potential jail time.

Now, back on the ranch, the Health Insurance and Pharmaceutical exec's and policy makers are fre-e-e-e to be. There is no penalty for them. LOL!

I recall during the primaries how Obama refuted Hillary Clintons proposal of assessing a fee or penalty on those who don't or couldn't pay into her Univeral Health Care plan, and accused her "behind the door" meetings with select people, further tainting the idea....Well, "How do you like me now?"

This is much like solving world hunger. We have the resources to do it, but it is not done. Let's look at Africa. Countries have gone in and simply stripped and stripping that beautiful continent for it's precious resources, while displacing many of it's people. Yet, they are starving over there and the only help they mostly receive is through volunteerism, not those whom created their conditions and/or whom are getting rich off their land. The weatlhiest continent on this planet, has the poorest of humanity living on it. They are dead and dying and killing each other for what is within their reach. So, that brings us back to healthcare, it does not require us to pay anything to fix it and have everyone covered, it just requires the rich, greedy, and immoral to stop breaking it. Now, we are fighting each other instead of going after the creators of our dilemma.

A point was made about removing all of the toxins, pollutants from our food and water supply, and frankly investing in new natural medicines and research the way we invest in pharmaceutical medicines. That would be a very good start. It has been proven that the Big Pharm medicines usually cure or minimizes one ailment, that then creates a side affect or new ailment requiring the patient to purchase another medicine. Have you noticed how all of these so called FDA approved medications are always the medicines being recalled or found to have killed or injured. Now, everyone will be able to afford being killed and injured by these entities. So why are we cheering, or better yet accepting this?

This system and it's manipulators/abusers need to be abolished and restructured with integrity, not refinanced by it's victims.
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Old 03-26-2010, 11:05 AM   #18
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

Rep. John Dingell - a Freudian slip – ‘TO CONTROL THE PEOPLE’!!!

Dingell: It will take some time for ObamaCare to "control the people"

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Old 03-28-2010, 09:19 PM   #19
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill

Homeland security is now raiding militias...

Homeland Security Today: DHS Should Fear Potential Attacks from Domestic Sources
Author: Mac Slavo- March 27th, 2010
Comments (20)

In the wake of the passage of health care legislation, the editor of Homeland Security Today warns that government installations and government symbols may become targets of domestic extremists:

In such an atmosphere extremist violence is a real possibility, particularly directed against government installations or symbols of government authority. Coming on top of a census process that has also been infused with extremist charges, homeland security officials at all levels of government should be especially vigilant against potential attacks from domestic sources.

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