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Old 12-12-2008, 10:24 PM   #1
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Default Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

Video concerning radio masts and microwave cell phone towers hidden in church steeples,flag poles,trees etc.but churches???
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Old 12-12-2008, 10:38 PM   #2
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

PTB are in full throttle using this tech to brain wash people. The evidence is everywhere! Even though there is huge amounts of evidence that our govt are eugenicist psychopaths people cannot connect the dots. Somehow this tech stops people from reasoning and synthesizing the obvious. It is very scary.

Good luck
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Old 12-12-2008, 10:40 PM   #3
Sol Invictus
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

Total 'mind manipulation electronic smog' methinks.

Very close to human brain wave frequencies, coupled with the Police/fire/ambulance very powerful microwave transmitters for their airwaves system...

Add to this the microwave / digital television and radio rolling out across the entire uk....

Add on top of this the acoustic ultra sound advertising boards that beam ultra sound at a persons skull and they and they alone can only 'hear' the sound...

The future in the UK is looking oh so f##### jolly. Not.
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Old 12-12-2008, 11:46 PM   #4
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

A part of the electromagnetic soup that surrounds us-one of the more sinister pollutions that now stifle the planet.There was a campaign where i live a few years back when one was erected in the village; we eventually had it removed but was it?-Could it be hidden somewhere near to it's old location??It maybe in the church steeple about 200yds away!!??
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Old 12-13-2008, 12:58 AM   #5
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

In Bicester (Oxfordshire) they even made one disguised as a damn pine tree!

was good till you took a pair of bonos to it and had a close look.

This is yes another weapon against us all, and mind control is the outcome. Not in your face zombified, but a subtle, calming, pacified docile compliant population...

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Old 12-13-2008, 01:19 AM   #6
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

Go check one of these towers out. Dont stay to long (frog in boiling water) but check out the electrical power that energize these things. Huge cables and generators. Never can find any type of name on it or who it belongs too. Just a warning of power voltage.
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Old 12-17-2008, 01:40 AM   #7
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

Here in New Zealand Telecommunication companies are not required to notify the public of new cell phone towers!!! a new law change that was pushed thru admist plenty of opposition and our Green Party MP Sue Kedgely made a lot of noise about this but still it went thru! - truly shocking!

Telecom New Zealand has recently confirmed to a Parliamentary select committee that it proposes to erect 300 new cell towers in the coming year. A new entrant, NZ Communications, has indicated it will erect a further 1300 new cell sites. Vodafone also has plans for new towers as it rolls out its new 3G network.

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Old 12-17-2008, 02:09 AM   #8
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

Well that makes total sense since the Feds here are training Clergy to "quell dissent" in case of Martial Law:


They have been brainwashing them too.
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Old 12-17-2008, 04:46 AM   #9
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

Hi Antaletriangle,

scary stuff eh?! and really more evil. Who in their right mind could do such a thing? If our eyes could see all the electro magnetic noise in the air I bet we would be shocked. i have done some work in that feild and know its really noisy out there. There is so much wireless routers and consumer junk in the cities that the public 2.4 and 5.8 GHZ band is full. People are getting wireless sickness.

Orgone. Tower Busters...and ... Check them out if you don't already know. I got some links for anyone that wants em.
heres one for starters teaches you how to make Holy Hand Granades!

Think even using your cellphone is safe... I DOUBT IT. I have heard that they can tune into your own personal freq...like the operating frequencie of your dna and mind and send you mood swings and the cell phone is like a damn antena. Ever heard of the phantom ring...where you think your phone is vibrating in your pocket but its not even there. Kinda like the RF dose something to the memory in the water in the cells of your body.hmmmm I wonder...maybe the RF dose some damage to your DNA...

ring ring...whats up...whats goin on...what are you doin for dinner...wanna meet me later...bla bla bla WAKE UP!

Throw your cell phone out the door...right behind your tv and microwave...dont forget to grab the flyback transformer out of them to learn about free energy

Chipping, Cell phones and Wireless Technologies


If it aint natural it aint right.

Peace JT
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Old 12-17-2008, 08:42 AM   #10
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

Hi jester-i actually lost my phone 2 weeks ago-haven't a cell phone now-some blessings may come disguised!?
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Old 12-17-2008, 09:49 AM   #11
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

not sure if this thread fits the bill. but im thinking haarp just got a bit more.....worrisome.what do you think.http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2...tm?list1049613 peace out kent
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Old 12-08-2009, 03:02 AM   #12
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

Complete and utter pollution on the entire energy spectrum. Makes me sick...
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Old 12-18-2009, 09:44 AM   #13
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

Originally Posted by JesterTerrestrial View Post
Hi Antaletriangle,

scary stuff eh?! and really more evil. Who in their right mind could do such a thing? If our eyes could see all the electro magnetic noise in the air I bet we would be shocked. i have done some work in that feild and know its really noisy out there. There is so much wireless routers and consumer junk in the cities that the public 2.4 and 5.8 GHZ band is full. People are getting wireless sickness.

Orgone. Tower Busters...and ... Check them out if you don't already know. I got some links for anyone that wants em.
heres one for starters teaches you how to make Holy Hand Granades!

Think even using your cellphone is safe... I DOUBT IT. I have heard that they can tune into your own personal freq...like the operating frequencie of your dna and mind and send you mood swings and the cell phone is like a damn antena. Ever heard of the phantom ring...where you think your phone is vibrating in your pocket but its not even there. Kinda like the RF dose something to the memory in the water in the cells of your body.hmmmm I wonder...maybe the RF dose some damage to your DNA...

ring ring...whats up...whats goin on...what are you doin for dinner...wanna meet me later...bla bla bla WAKE UP!

Throw your cell phone out the door...right behind your tv and microwave...dont forget to grab the flyback transformer out of them to learn about free energy

Chipping, Cell phones and Wireless Technologies


If it aint natural it aint right.

Peace JT
Right on JT

I have some small pyramid orgone generators, as well as several small ones and a necklace I where and I've definitely noticed changes in my body and energy. Here is a site I just found that has a wide range of orgone products: http://www.orgoneproducts.org/

And the one I got mine from where you can also get Lemurian Seed crystals: http://www.orgonecrystals.com/

Also I think this is another huge reason why people need to get out in nature; specifically wooded areas, lots of trees. I find a huge difference from going out of town and meditating for a couple hours. When I start to reapproach the town I notice my thoughts start to speed up and I lose focus on feeling the connection with my intuition, which manifests as a feeling in my abdomen (gut feeling).
I highly recommend people get outside as much as possible and try to still their minds and be in their hearts; just let Gaia show you the connectedness and flow of energy. When we reach a higher vibration, and stabalize in the love vibration, without the need to conceptualize and form thoughts about what is taking place, but just allowing it to happen and happen through you, the higher self can help in clearing your physical and etheric bodies.
We actually merge consciousness through the love vibration and the higher the frequency the more information can be stored. When you are around plants and animals, when you start vibrating in a higher frequency from your heart, they respond to it and share themselves with you in that moment, everything responds to it because that is what we truly are, where we came from, and where we will return.
Expanding awareness through our hearts is how we truly see.

-Love and Light-
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Old 12-18-2009, 12:47 PM   #14
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

Because we are made of electromagnetism we are sensitive to all wavelengths, the frequency spectrum is so overcrowded that the noise stops us developing our own psychic and intuitive powers. The PTB are deliberately manipulating us through subliminal messaging attached to the lower frequencies, that is why they want us all going digital as the HDTV itself produces a broader range of frequencies than the old analogue sets.

When the government is sending engineers round to your house to give you digital tv and the big stores are selling digital convertors for as little as £5 each you can be sure it is not for any benefit to us. Now we hear that the government are considering giving laptops to the unemployed to help with their 'jobsearching'.

There is a day coming soon when we are going to have to throw all this rubbish away, unless of course a CME does it for us. I am researching orgone blasters at the minute, we have to have something to defend ourselves from all this *****.

One love, people get ready...

Last edited by feardia; 12-18-2009 at 12:51 PM. Reason: fix youtube link
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Old 12-18-2009, 07:02 PM   #15
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

I have been told that they use the many HAARP kind of installations across the globe to do that...it is all coordinated with the greys apparently...and the little aluminum particles in chemtrails just amplifies the frequencies...

Watching ones thoughts and emontions, and choosing what one thinks/feel seems to be the only effective antidote

I discovered some time ago that about half the thoughts and emotions that appeared in my awareness were not mine

It is laborious but once one gets the hang of it not that difficult, now it happens rather automatically, is kind of a training for your mind and inner child...it is fascinating to work with other parts of oneself

After a while it seems that the emotional and mental bodies choose a different frequency all together

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Old 12-18-2009, 09:00 PM   #16
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

Amazing how people once cut off from vibration of love have to resort to evil......

Anyone else looking forward to another home somewhere else? The idiots doing this can stay here in the ELF vomit they created.
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Old 12-21-2009, 12:13 PM   #17
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

If our eyes could see all the electro magnetic noise in the air I bet we would be shocked.
hi jester.

old post i know, but the thought came while reading your comment, ...

but if our eyes could see all of the different kinds of waves in the air..
not only would we be shocked...
but we would not even be able to see something inches in front of our faces! lol
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Old 12-21-2009, 04:02 PM   #18
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post

It is laborious but once one gets the hang of it not that difficult, now it happens rather automatically, is kind of a training for your mind and inner child...it is fascinating to work with other parts of oneself

After a while it seems that the emotional and mental bodies choose a different frequency all together
I am in total agreement. Once we build up our light body and magnetic field we become more and more immune to disturbing frequencies, be it in wave or particle form.

If one views these things from an objective neutrality one can more easily see how it pushes the self to adapt and rise above the lower energies; making the disturbance obsolete once the lesson has been learned and knowledge applied.

-Love and Light-
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Old 12-22-2009, 12:10 PM   #19
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

stumbled upon this when researching after the jesse ventura show on HAARP
and again i say, something stinks at stanford:
in Radio Science through the Global Network
of AWESOME ELF/VLF Space Monitors"
"The newest version of the Stanford ELF/VLF receiver is a compact, portable monitor that was designed for easy
deployment and extreme affordability. This monitor, known as AWESOME: Atmospheric Weather Educational System
for Observation and Modeling of Electromagnetics, is made substantially lower in cost by exploiting recent
improvements in production costs, timing accuracy, and data handling flexibility. Nevertheless, the receiver offers the
same or better levels of resolution in time, sensitivity and dynamic range, as well as ease of data handling, as equipment
used by the most advanced ionospheric and magnetospheric researchers.
Under the auspices of the United Nations Basic Space Science Initiative"....

is it really necessary, or even "awesome" at all?
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Old 12-23-2009, 11:08 AM   #20
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Default Re: Hidden towers - radio frequency and mind control

Originally Posted by Firedrake View Post
Also I think this is another huge reason why people need to get out in nature; specifically wooded areas, lots of trees. I find a huge difference from going out of town and meditating for a couple hours. When I start to reapproach the town I notice my thoughts start to speed up and I lose focus on feeling the connection with my intuition, which manifests as a feeling in my abdomen (gut feeling).
I highly recommend people get outside as much as possible and try to still their minds and be in their hearts; just let Gaia show you the connectedness and flow of energy. When we reach a higher vibration, and stabalize in the love vibration,
Expanding awareness through our hearts is how we truly see.
I've been in LA over 7 years and lived in Dallas for 7 years before that...as much as I try to think positive, eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle lately especially over the last few months it seems like I always feel weighed down, lack of energy and at times feeling motivated has been a challenge. And there's a real un-natural feeling to it all. I can't remember the last time I felt GREAT and rarely feel good any more, so I made the decision to leave LA and head towards the mountains - Nature's, or Gaia's Cathedrals - to find fresh air, trees and an environment that will help me reconnect with the Earth.

It just feels like after so much time in the city, too many outside influences have had negative affects on my mind, body and spirit so it's time to detox myself from the city....re-energize and reconnect myself and my Spirit to the Earth. Lately the urge to leave LA is so acute, it's as though it can't be soon enough.
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