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Old 03-22-2010, 10:56 PM   #26
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

Originally Posted by Céline View Post
Misunderstandings are both ways. Some ,in this thread, this forum , other forums, are still holding onto truths that are Un true..this breaks my heart.

I spent time trying to figure out why, no matter how much it is repeated some still prefer to believe these un-truths...The conclusion i came to was that they wish to believe it.I cannot change this, realizing that has given me a freedom from responsibility...but it greatly saddens my heart.

The invite process is mostly random. As the MODS have stated more the once , YES some are NOT getting invited because they have been trouble makers.. I think Karen said she had about 12 people that she saw as "toublemakers" (not sure if she used that term or not ).... Perhaps instead of holding onto the pain of this consequence...working on healing and growing would be best.

I am sorry for any pain, anger or confusion my words and actions may have created. All was done in the name of love and my only desire through all of this was to help. My mistakes are a part of who i am, i can only grow stronger by accepting them I am honored to be amongst some of the most enlightened and loving people on the Internet . I listen and learn very well and am always seeking opportunity to add to my growth.

So i must disagree withe the OP's statement and say that this is a natural path to ascension...
Truth, my dear Celine, is a bitter medicine to swallow. If it looks like a rat, smells like a rat & has the size of a rat, you can call it a mouse, a unicorn or an airplane, but that does not change my viewpoint.

It occurs to me that your perception of what truth & un-truth is, has been coloured & clouded as it suits you. Lying has become second nature to you.

You want me to believe that this whole PA2 operation, has been set in motion to get rid of 12 'troublemakers'?

Celine, I believe you!

You are sorry for the pain, anger & confusion you have created?
Good for you, Celine!

Your mistakes are part of who you are?
Whatever, Celine.

You want to be loved & you don't care by whom.
That is so sad!

I also want to be loved.
But only by people I highly respect &/or admire.

Your love, Richard's love, Bill's love, the pope's love; it means absolutely nothing to me.
Never has, never will.

Listen & learn very well, Celine: One is master over that what hasn't been said, & a slave of the words which came out of your mouth, & have been heard.

Think before you speak, Celine.
And learn when to listen & when to talk.
You can't do both at the same time.

The above is not meant to insult you Celine, although you have been insulting my intelligence more than once.

Last edited by TRANCOSO; 03-23-2010 at 12:27 AM.
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Old 03-23-2010, 12:38 AM   #27
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
I don't think we are as advanced as we think we are...and that goes for me as well. I think we are in more trouble than we think we are. I'm afraid that a lot of the transcending and ascension talk is just a lot of New Age BS. I think there is a genuine version of this...but that a lot of what is presented is not the real deal. I think we have huge potential...but I think we need to work really hard at facing reality and responding responsibly. This is much easier said than done. This break up stinks. I hate it.
Yo! Ortho!
The Mists of Avalon has been created for the Chiefs of PA1.

No moderators, no retards, no spoiled chideren & bored housewives, no fake love, light & blessings, just people like you & me.

The 'Troublemakers', the 'Undesirable', the (Un)invited, the Good, the Bad & the Banned.

C U when I C U, Ortho!
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Old 03-23-2010, 04:58 AM   #28
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

Originally Posted by hollylindin View Post
When IS this site going down? Anyone have any information on that? (Here's hoping Bill will reconsider . . . )

Project Avalon 2.0 has been being worked on for several months and be a bit more focused in the direction of the original intent of Bill Ryan. It was planned long before the recent forum descent into chaos - which has nothing to do with the move to the new forum. This current forum will be closed, but remain online as an archive. Any favorite threads can be moved to PA2, but most will stay here. Just send a PM to Gareth or GaiaLove if you want a thread moved. 99.9% of the people - those in a constructive frame of mind (vs destructive) - will be invited to the new version of the forum. If you would like to hurry up and be invited, this sounds really strange, send me a PM with the email address you want to use and that will speed up your invite.
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Old 03-23-2010, 05:56 AM   #29
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

I will not ask to be invited because I am too proud.

But if I'm not invited, I will be crushed, in a psychological way.

The good news is I'm fairly optimistic so I think I will get over it. It might take a while, but I am quite resilient.
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Old 03-23-2010, 06:07 AM   #30
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

OK, I won't be crushed.

I was not being serious.
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Old 03-23-2010, 09:23 AM   #31
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

Originally Posted by TRANCOSO View Post
Yo! Ortho!
The Mists of Avalon has been created for the Chiefs of PA1.

No moderators, no retards, no spoiled chideren & bored housewives, no fake love, light & blessings, just people like you & me.

The 'Troublemakers', the 'Undesirable', the (Un)invited, the Good, the Bad & the Banned.

C U when I C U, Ortho!
Oh, I see, you do have a list of "undesireables."
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Old 03-23-2010, 10:03 AM   #32
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

Originally Posted by droid56 View Post
This division among the awake people that participate on this forum shows why we humans aren't ready to join the galactic community of beings that are committed to a service to others approach to life.

It's sad, but it's our current reality.

I'm not saying that none of us are ready to be part of a compassionate, loving world.

I'm just saying that Project Avalon is a well above average example of human activity, and the opposition is clearly here.

We have a long way to go to be ready to be a part of the enlightened planets of our galaxy.

I hope we become ready before it's too late.
".. the Kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you.
When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and
you will realize that it is you who are the sons of the living

His disciples said to Him, "When will the Kingdom come?"
<Jesus said,> "It will not come by waiting for it. It will
not be a matter of saying 'Here it is' or 'There it is.' Rather,
the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men
do not see it."

-The Gospel of Thomas

"There is nothing to practise. To know yourself, be yourself. To be yourself, stop imagining yourself to be this or that. Just be. Let your true nature emerge. Don't disturb your mind with seeking...

"This beingness, this conscious presence... is the beingness of every sentient being on the earth, the very soul of the entire universe, — and indeed, therefore, this-here-now, this conscious presence, cannot be anything other than God."

-Sri Nisargadatta
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Old 03-23-2010, 01:26 PM   #33
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
Oh, I see, you do have a list of "undesireables."
Who has told you about the 'U'-list, if I may ask?
That was supposed to be kept secret.
There's a 'T(roublemakers)'-list, which B. gave to R&R, but the 'U'-list is FEO, as in For (my) Eyes Only.
I don't think B. will be happy with this development, as his Swiss 'donation' account will be activated only, when Project NPA is completed as agreed. That means; no lose ends.
Houston, we have a problem, but it sure ain't mine.
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Old 03-23-2010, 11:24 PM   #34
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

Why couldn't certain posting and moderating guidelines have been applied to the current Avalon...making Avalon 2 unnecessary? I can understand refining the forum to make it more pastoral and user friendly...but I still have a problem with the move and with other happenings over the past several weeks. It seems as though something was deemed to be too hot to handle within this forum...and that it had to be shut-down. I still haven't heard an explanation as to why 'Thuban Thoughts' was removed...and not returned in even a read-only form. I fully understand reasonable censorship and the calm revelation of new information and concepts. I fully support evolutionary change over revolutionary change. But really...the number of people who view this forum is very, very small...and most of them are already unconventional thinkers. People who are upset by the material discussed...probably go elsewhere...rather than becoming upset day after day. Having said all of the above...I would like to see a more scholarly forum. Not necessarily populated by arrogant PhD's...but rather along the lines of a class of eager graduate students. Even when Avalon goes to read-only...I plan to spend a lot of time reviewing the information within this site. I've been brain-storming up to this point...and I suspect that the real learning will occur during the review process. A university should offer a graduate degree in Avalon Studies!

I think we humans have a long way to go before we are genuinely responsible. But I'm really mad about the alien intervention and manipulation. If it was just about reigning in a renegade human race...I might be a lot more understanding. But it seems to go way beyond that...into the realm of unspeakable cruelty and corruption. I still want that Solar System Exorcism. Who knows...it might be well underway. I suspect as much. I'm beginning to think that the rest of the universe is more screwed-up than we are. Correct me if I'm wrong. To me...the biggest part of 'ascension' would be for the human race to be sovereign and responsibly free throughout this solar system. I'm not into all of the dimensional, density, holographic, and vibrational new age mumbo jumbo. With me...it's very down to earth physical and spiritual development...which is highly ethical and psychologically well-balanced. We need to all be the new elites...instead of being treated like children or even cattle.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 03-23-2010 at 11:35 PM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 06:36 AM   #35
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
Why couldn't certain posting and moderating guidelines have been applied to the current Avalon...making Avalon 2 unnecessary? I can understand refining the forum to make it more pastoral and user friendly...but I still have a problem with the move and with other happenings over the past several weeks. It seems as though something was deemed to be too hot to handle within this forum...and that it had to be shut-down. I still haven't heard an explanation as to why 'Thuban Thoughts' was removed...and not returned in even a read-only form. I fully understand reasonable censorship and the calm revelation of new information and concepts. I fully support evolutionary change over revolutionary change.
I'm a mod and I don't know why your Thuban Thoughts thread was not returned. I was simply going to return it for you some time ago when some other problem took me in another direction. Would you like it returned, kind of like - better late than never? And to which sub-forum. PM to me would be helpful, in case I get distracted again.

The Thuban issue was complex. Here is just one facet of it. I heard of 12 reports like this.
I've never in the history of the forum seen a topic divide us like this one did.

Here is a copy of a post to another thread: Project Avalon 2.0 has been being worked on for several months and is to be a bit more focused in the direction of the original intent of Bill Ryan. It was planned long before the recent forum descent into chaos - which has nothing to do with the move to the new forum. This current forum will be closed, but remain online as an archive. Any favorite threads can be moved to PA2, but most will stay here. Just send a PM to Gareth or GaiaLove if you want a thread moved. 99.9% of the people - those in a constructive frame of mind (vs destructive) - will be invited to the new version of the forum. If you would like to hurry up and be invited, I know this sounds really strange, send me a PM with the email address you want to use and that will speed up your invite.

Plus I'll add:
1) A new version of vBulletin became available, version 4.0, and piqued the interest of the admins.
2) They started playing around with it and noted the forum skins, (colors) of Avalon Electric and Minty used here would not work with 4.0. So they worked to pick two similar theme skins for those who like the light background, and those who like the dark background.
3) Bill started showing up and noticed the mods spending a whole lot of time talking about just a few members and what actions to take - if any. He began to share more about his original vision for the forum why couldn't the mods be talking about being an inspiration to the forum members rather than acting like police. ( All my own choice of words as I don't remember his exact words.) And he talked about rolling out a new refined vision for Avalon with a new look. Bill also talked about developing the orphaned site http://projectavalon.net.
So 1 + 2 + 3 = Avalon 2.0.
4) A poll was taken of the mod team and we decided by a vast majority vote to just get a fresh start with PA2. Leave PA1 as a closed archive. We will close PA1 in a month or two.

And that 's my story, my perspective of where PA2 originated.

The guidelines are the same basic common forum guidelines that were developed 20 years ago - there are very few limits on free speech - as long as you can do it respectfully without flinging insults, flaming, name-calling, etc. You can make critical posts, just keep it in balance with constructive, edifying posts.

Last edited by Karen; 03-24-2010 at 07:30 AM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 07:19 AM   #36
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

Thank-you Karen. The whole abraxasinas/Thuban phenomenon was bizarre. If the thread can be restored without angering the spirits...so be it. Actually I sort of want to make them mad! I flip them off and swear at them all the time! I feel like I've been under continual attack for most of my life. Bring it on! Let's go!

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 03-24-2010 at 07:26 AM.
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Old 03-24-2010, 07:40 AM   #37
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

I love the words, the passages on your post 3optic, they are just beautiful. Thank you.



P.S I feel much grief, my own and others from the breakup of this original Avalon!
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Old 03-24-2010, 08:35 AM   #38
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

Originally Posted by 3optic View Post

"There is nothing to practise. To know yourself, be yourself. To be yourself, stop imagining yourself to be this or that. Just be. Let your true nature emerge. Don't disturb your mind with seeking...

"This beingness, this conscious presence... is the beingness of every sentient being on the earth, the very soul of the entire universe, — and indeed, therefore, this-here-now, this conscious presence, cannot be anything other than God."

-Sri Nisargadatta


and if the concept God is too limiting/misused, just say AWARENESS
we're all AWARE
and that AWARENESS is our very nature - it's what we actually really are
call it God, Love, Beingness, Conscious presence or whatever you want

all the rest of the nonsense we think we are (including the 'Ego')
are just 'points of view' - that comes and goes - like clouds in the sky

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Old 03-24-2010, 10:47 AM   #39
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

Originally Posted by Karen View Post

The Thuban issue was complex. Here is just one facet of it. I heard of 12 reports like this.
I've never in the history of the forum seen a topic divide us like this one did.
I wonder just how many of these psychic attacks are genuine? What I mean by that is actually instigated by the accused....Abrax. Non I'll wager. These allegation are nothing short of medieval mumbo jumbo that’s probable brought on by the recipients own thoughts and as they cannot prove their claim, is wholly unfair. Then there's the bandwagon factor. One said it then loads jump in on it.

Something else that amazes me. We all have eyes to see but some choose to look at something else. Thuban did not divide the community .... mismanagement and paranoid arrogance did. Karen you gosta keep em peeled.
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Old 03-24-2010, 11:48 AM   #40
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
The guidelines are the same basic common forum guidelines that were developed 20 years ago - there are very few limits on free speech - as long as you can do it respectfully without flinging insults, flaming, name-calling, etc. You can make critical posts, just keep it in balance with constructive, edifying posts.
I think any forum needs guidelines but I personally don't see them being adhered to in either PA1 or PA2. It's not worth discussing PA1 so I'll stick to PA2. There is the usual rule of not posting long passages of outside text yet I see it being done regularly. One person recently posted pages of the stuff.

As for keeping posts "in balance, with constructive edifying posts", there are several people already in PA2 who are mainly negative and dismissive of other people's ideas. One of them has rubbished at least 5 different threads covering all kinds of things that most people here would consider normal and in one thread he even suggested he may not belong on that forum. But he's still there.

I don't understand why some people complain about these forums being too strict. As far as I can see PA1 allowed people to violate the guidelines pretty much at will until eventually things got out of hand and the mods had to do something about it. Now I see the same thing starting at PA2 also. Maybe it's just me. Sorry for being negative but I'm trying to help create a forum that will be beneficial to us all.

Why can't there be a rule that says anyone can report a violation to the mods and they will be given a reply as to the action the mods will take? At the moment I would feel guilty about "snitching" but on the other hand I don't like seeing perfectly good threads being stopped by negative posts and I don't want to get into a flame war with the negative posters.
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Old 03-24-2010, 01:51 PM   #41
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
Why couldn't certain posting and moderating guidelines have been applied to the current Avalon...making Avalon 2 unnecessary? I can understand refining the forum to make it more pastoral and user friendly...but I still have a problem with the move and with other happenings over the past several weeks. It seems as though something was deemed to be too hot to handle within this forum...and that it had to be shut-down.

ditto ortho ... this is what i have been feeling ever since the birth of PA2 was announced ...
with rapid haste ...
what were we getting too close too .... hmm ...
thuban i feel ... the drama evoked from that thread ... a distraction ...
i feel ... whatever was becoming potentially 'too hot to handle' ... stemmed beyond ...

so ... the gap ... between here and there ... PA and PA2 ...
within that gap ... i feel a void ... a loss ... of something that was once BEcoming ...
flourishing ...
but like a beautiful rose ... had to be snipped from its growth ... just as it was blooming ...
in its prime ... snip snip ...

a seed ... for yet another flower ... planted ...
not a rose this time ... but a similar flower ... with promises of similar beauty ... as it grows ...

know what i think?
know what i feel?
i feel the new flower ... will be allowed to grow ...
but will it ... ever be 'permitted' ... to bloom ... to maturity ...
or ... will that flower too ... be 'too hot to handle' ...
its truth ... too beautiful to actually be exposed ...

this saddens me tremendously ...
not so much the obvious loss of our original avalon ... the surface of that ...
but the loss ... of something much deeper than that ...

i have swam these oceans for such a long time ... not just this life experience ...
but oh so many others ...
the ocean waters ... they never change ...
they are ... what has been ... what is and what can BE ...
they are ... potentiality ...
no definition of past ... present and future ...
in our ocean waters ... all is one ...

and i have come across the stench of rottenn fish ... many times before ...
not 'rotting' fish ... for they have not died ...
their agendas though ... are what smell terribly so ...

history ... repeating itself ... once again ...
once again ... re-direction ...
ask yourselves ... why ...

this gap ... transition from here to there ... the void and the loss of something very significant i feel ...
is what is making it difficult for me ... to pack my bags ... and leave ...
as i know i have done ... compliantly ... at times reluctantly ... many times prior ... in many lives ... within many scenarios ...
but ... what is different now ... is that i am feeling it ... for what it is ...
once again ... re-direction ... from truth ...

and you can think ... that this turtle ... has travelled in the salt waters much too long for its own good ...
and that is fine ...

i am elated by these times now ... the energy of this shift ... shift to something new that i feel must and will come to BE ...
and yet i am saddened ... to smell that fishy smell once again ...
having said that ... i feel it to be less and less pungent ... in this ocean ...
the shift to the new i feel is definately in process ... this is good ... most beneficial ...

damn ... i just feel so sad of what has happened here ...
beneath the surface ...

namaste ...

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Old 03-24-2010, 05:20 PM   #42
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Default Re: This break up shows why we humans aren't ready to transcend. Or maybe ascend.

Originally Posted by Carmen View Post
I love the words, the passages on your post 3optic, they are just beautiful. Thank you.



P.S I feel much grief, my own and others from the breakup of this original Avalon!
Your welcome, Carmen! I feel it too.

Much love.
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