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Old 12-15-2009, 10:04 AM   #1
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Default New Australian magazine for truth-seekers

Greetings all,

In Melbourne, Australia there are a group of us who are looking to create a high-quality magazine for you, the truth-seeker. We would really like your input/comments/suggestions/content/topics for the type of magazine you would like to see on the magazine racks, as a truth-seeker.
It will be something that you can put on your coffee table for family and friends to read, or give to someone as a present, or offer to someone who is perhaps opening their eyes for the first time as to what is really going on in this world or off-world for that matter!

We really want to know what interests you or perplexes you the most, questions that you need to have answered.

If you would like to help us in any small way, could you please pm me here, I would be most grateful.

with love and appreciation,

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Old 12-15-2009, 11:02 AM   #2
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Default Re: New Australian magazine for truth-seekers

That wouldbe great to have on my coffee table for all the "asleep" people that come round! will it make it over to N.Z.?
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Old 12-15-2009, 01:04 PM   #3
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Default Re: New Australian magazine for truth-seekers

Great to hear, I am an Aussie too and would like to offer my services as a photographer, writer and graphic editor. I have skills in these fields and would love to be involved.

Oh, I am in melbourne also.

Last edited by Neo; 12-15-2009 at 01:10 PM.
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Old 12-16-2009, 11:00 AM   #4
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Default Re: New Australian magazine for truth-seekers

I am in Perth and I would be very interested to see this magazine. Im not sure how I can help. Ive worked in magazines more as a fashion stylist. Great Idea
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Old 02-14-2010, 10:13 AM   #5
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Default Re: New Australian magazine for truth-seekers

Originally Posted by LucidJia View Post
That wouldbe great to have on my coffee table for all the "asleep" people that come round! will it make it over to N.Z.?
Sorry I have taken so long to answer! That would be fantastic!!! It has been a very busy time here preparing. The new magazines name will be Veritas and it will possibly be going to New Zealand. We do have international rights so just look out for it at your local newsagents at the end of April 2010.
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Old 02-14-2010, 10:16 AM   #6
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Default Re: New Australian magazine for truth-seekers

Originally Posted by Neo View Post
Great to hear, I am an Aussie too and would like to offer my services as a photographer, writer and graphic editor. I have skills in these fields and would love to be involved.

Oh, I am in melbourne also.
Neo! thanks for the offer!! Sorry I have taken so long to get back to you. It is a huge task putting together a magazine as you are probably already aware. We are looking for a graphic designer in Melbourne to work with . Does this fit your description?
We are also looking for good quality writers so could you please pm when you see this? Your services as a photographer may also come in handy.
with appreciation,
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Old 02-14-2010, 10:18 AM   #7
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Default Re: New Australian magazine for truth-seekers

Originally Posted by divinity4infinity View Post
I am in Perth and I would be very interested to see this magazine. Im not sure how I can help. Ive worked in magazines more as a fashion stylist. Great Idea
Divinity4infinity, thanks for showing your interest. The magazine now has a name "Veritas". It will be at newsagencies from the end of April 2010. PM me and I will have a chat about how you might be able to help.
with thanks,
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Old 02-14-2010, 10:29 AM   #8
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Default Re: New Australian magazine for truth-seekers

Hi everyone again,
If you are living in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne/Victoria and you are an experienced/graduate graphic designer who speaks fluent Macedonian/English (highly desirable but not a strict requirement) and you would like flexible working hours producing a brand new bi-monthly magazine by the name of Veritas (out in the newsagents by the end of April 2010), this could be a project for you!

The magazine is new to Australia, it will be an 80-page glossy, full-colour magazine, the likes of which Aussies will have never seen before and its focus will be upon consciousness-based solutions for the planet and its people. You would be working with one other person from their home.

If you are interested in this exciting opportunity and can start immediately, please pm me with more details.
with appreciation,
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Old 02-14-2010, 10:30 AM   #9
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By the way, I forgot to mention that the magazine will have an international presence as well so for all those out there who are hoping to read Veritas, it will also be distributed globally.
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Old 02-15-2010, 04:36 AM   #10
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Well the problem is a magazine can be stopped from being allowed distribution throughout the world, what the internet allows is for sharing of information of this nature and impossible for authorities to stop.

Information is mind candy and the world has a sweet tooth...
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Old 02-15-2010, 06:13 AM   #11
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Default Re: New Australian magazine for truth-seekers

Originally Posted by Rocky_Shorz View Post
Well the problem is a magazine can be stopped from being allowed distribution throughout the world, what the internet allows is for sharing of information of this nature and impossible for authorities to stop.
thanks for expressing your concerns Rocky_Shorz. We have the support of a few friends in higher places so I think that we will be okay to distribute throughout the world. We will also have a website www.veritasmagazine.com.au although this site is not active presently. Stay tuned! in peace and harmony, Sparkles
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Old 02-15-2010, 12:41 PM   #12
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Seems to me that you could have tough competition from Nexus magazine. I consider Nexus is very cleverly conceived. It gives people detailed info that's practically useful regarding health, yet very cutting edge as well. Most of its articles serve at least two different purposes like this -- such as the health ones providing recent research on health but also practical advice. The editor of Nexus is generally very shrewd at picking only the most reliable articles to publish. He seems to vet out all or close to all the disinfo.

What don't I like about Nexus? Too many detailed articles about scientific advances that are way too technical for nearly everybody. Too many long articles on politics describing who played what dirty tricks on whom and where and why. I rarely read such articles even half the way through -- and still feel like I need a shower to wash off the muck energy I've picked up.

So maybe if your magazine can kind of have all the more desirable qualities of Nexus but you can use your imaginations to discover different ways of achieving this than Nexus does, that would be great.
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Old 02-17-2010, 07:47 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by TraineeHuman View Post
So maybe if your magazine can kind of have all the more desirable qualities of Nexus but you can use your imaginations to discover different ways of achieving this than Nexus does, that would be great.
Thanks for all your insights and suggestions TraineeHuman, they are really appreciated and I will take them back to the lab. We really do value your opinions because the whole point to Veritas is to give people what they really want. More solutions, more expanded awareness. That way, we can offer a better magazine.
We have taken a close look at Nexus and agree that they offer valuable information and advice.
We do not wish to be another Nexus and hope to differentiate ourselves with the information that we provide. We hope to have an easy reading format and the focus will be upon solutions rather than as you say so well; who is playing dirty tricks upon who. Let us know what you think TraineeHuman when Veritas comes out. Your opinion will be highly sought after! Aloha, Sparkles
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Old 02-21-2010, 07:53 AM   #14
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Default Re: New Australian magazine for truth-seekers

I'd be keen to see some Nexus type info, some New Dawn type articles and some like NZ's quarterly Uncensored mag too. So, some natural health articles, some free energy material/devices discussion. Perhaps with some practical advice on what to do to try and change the world right now in small practical steps. Cheers
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Old 02-21-2010, 08:42 AM   #15
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Default Re: New Australian magazine for truth-seekers

Originally Posted by Barron View Post
I'd be keen to see some Nexus type info, some New Dawn type articles and some like NZ's quarterly Uncensored mag too. So, some natural health articles, some free energy material/devices discussion. Perhaps with some practical advice on what to do to try and change the world right now in small practical steps.
Hi Barron,

Thank you so much for your feedback. I agree that changing the world and ourselves, one step at a time is the way to go. We need real solutions that are inexpensive, achievable and can be used immediately to affect our surroundings.

I am not familiar with NZ's quarterly uncensored mag so I will have to do some homework there. I have never seen it on our new-stands in Melbourne so perhaps it is parochial to N.Z?

Aloha, Sparkles
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Old 02-22-2010, 04:06 AM   #16
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Default Re: New Australian magazine for truth-seekers

If your magazine is primarily intended for an Australian audience, the sociological profile of Australia is interesting and unique. The Australian market for movies, books, videos, self-education and so on is bigger in dollar terms than that of the entire UK or Japan, and is something like a third of that for the USA. Figures like that may suggest that no other country seems to come close in its thirst for stories, for information, or for culturing of the mind or spirit. Nor, it seems, for excelling at sport, or for being professionally successful in some field of the arts or entertainment.

In three of the four scales by which the OECD measures rich vs poor differences, over 20 years ago Australia took over from the USA and the UK as the country with the biggest overall gulf between rich and poor. This of course runs very much contrary to the egalitarian ideal every Australian claims to subscribe to. On the other hand, the average female wage was over 90% of the average Australian male wage over ten years ago. I understand in the USA and the UK and various European countries it was in the mid-seventy percentile, if that, ten years ago.

Some major sociological/anthropological studies suggest Australian culture is made up of values over 50% of which are Aboriginal in origin, followed by Celtic/Irish influence, then American then English then Asian influence. No doubt the Asian influence, and interest in or affinity with things Asian, is continually rising on many fronts.

Psychologically, Australians often come out in psych tests as more independent-minded than all other countries. In some senses of “independent” or “indivualistic”, the USA comes in top place instead. But these two countries, with New Zealand, are a long way further down that rabbithole than any other Western country, at least.
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Old 02-23-2010, 07:46 AM   #17
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Default Re: New Australian magazine for truth-seekers

Originally Posted by TraineeHuman View Post
If your magazine is primarily intended for an Australian audience, the sociological profile of Australia is interesting and unique.
TraineeHuman, those were fascinating insights into the sociological profile of the good ol' Aussie, Aussie, Aussie Oi! Oi! Oi!
Sorry, just couldn't help myself there. What is your background and where are you quoting your sources from?? I find it most intriguing that we should be so thirsty for knowledge, culture and sports. But what I find most intriguing is that we, as a nation, are psychologically more independent than any other country. I always think about the phrase coined in the turn of the last century "the little Aussie battler".
We certainly are a nation who thirst for knowledge, the arts, sports and entertainment. There is almost this insatiable fascination with sports identities especially. (which I don't really even pretend to understand; I have no interest in smelly, sweaty men who climb each other for a ball)

Thank you TraineeHuman I have been most encouraged by your insights and I shall pass them on to the founder of the magazine.
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Old 02-23-2010, 11:22 AM   #18
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Default Re: New Australian magazine for truth-seekers

I have to say I've just bought 2 dot connector magazines #4 and #7 and am quite impressed with it... Links on the projectcamelot main site...

#4 on orgonite is good I think I may have a go at making a chembuster...
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