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Old 01-03-2010, 05:00 AM   #1
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Default Who Mistrusts ATS?

I had taken a break from all conspiracy media for 2 weeks and it was salutary to say the least, yet I did go back to the above mentioned forum today and enjoyed 2 rather interesting discussions about esoteric topics, which do appear there somewhat frequently.

Having said that I caught a thread entitled : "ATS CIA DOD Truth Containment Project" which looked interesting, but it had been deleted by mods, almost as soon as it was posted...then I started a new thread along the lines of hey where did that thread go...and it was deleted by mods before it hit the new threads list...I can't get a straight answer from the mods on duty, they just send me to the complaint/suggestion section. Oh well.

I have heard and read of others with similar experiences, deleted threads with no explanation, banning for no good reason, etc. I used to think they were just cranks and immature ones with an ax to grind that was personal in nature with some mod or other. But this thing kind of reeks, I'm very mild-mannered and balanced compared to some of the contributors over there. (IMO)

Just wondering if any of you lot had some input.
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Old 01-03-2010, 05:02 AM   #2
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Default Re: Who Mistrusts ATS?

Originally Posted by pilot View Post
I had taken a break from all conspiracy media for 2 weeks and it was salutary to say the least, yet I did go back to the above mentioned forum today and enjoyed 2 rather interesting discussions about esoteric topics, which do appear there somewhat frequently.

Having said that I caught a thread entitled : "ATS CIA DOD Truth Containment Project" which looked interesting, but it had been deleted by mods, almost as soon as it was posted...then I started a new thread along the lines of hey where did that thread go...and it was deleted by mods before it hit the new threads list...I can't get a straight answer from the mods on duty, they just send me to the complaint/suggestion section. Oh well.

I have heard and read of others with similar experiences, deleted threads with no explanation, banning for no good reason, etc. I used to think they were just cranks and immature ones with an ax to grind that was personal in nature with some mod or other. But this thing kind of reeks, I'm very mild-mannered and balanced compared to some of the contributors over there. (IMO)

Just wondering if any of you lot had some input.
The only thing that I ever got feedback on was copying a long post from another source. Is that what you did ? Otherwise, I guess you will have to get one of them to answer you.
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Old 01-03-2010, 05:42 AM   #3
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No I didn't copy/paste anything, just began a thread asking what happened to a thread that just vanished-they don't usually like it when threads critical of the forum are posted. It excites my paranoia is all.
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Old 01-13-2010, 06:15 PM   #4
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Default Re: Who Mistrusts ATS?

ATS is a well know clearing house for testing disinfo and seeing if its working on the inbetweeners that jerk off on that site. The "whacko"level threshold for some of the stuff that gets perpetuated there makes this place Oxford University. There has always been a hidden right wing agenda, maybe not so much the early days. anyway it is one big consumer survey and disinfo seed propogator now with the occasional thread of interest popping up, then censored then hijacked by the majority.
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Old 01-13-2010, 06:38 PM   #5
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Default Re: Who Mistrusts ATS?

John Lear talks about a bad experience with ATS...in a Camelot interview from awhile back. I don't have a problem with alphabet agencies (and others) monitoring and commenting...to keep the 'disclosure process' (and other controversial topics) moving in a constructive direction...but any strong-arm or arbitrarily unfair tactics are certainly not welcome in a free and open society.

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Old 01-13-2010, 07:49 PM   #6
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Default Re: Who Mistrusts ATS?

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
John Lear talks about a bad experience with ATS...in a Camelot interview from awhile back. I don't have a problem with alphabet agencies (and others) monitoring and commenting...to keep the 'disclosure process' (and other controversial topics) moving in a constructive direction...but any strong-arm or arbitrarily unfair tactics are certainly not welcome in a free and open society.

John Lear and I have talked about how we both got "ejected" from ATS. I used to be a member for years and once I started The Veritas Show, an overzealous moderator thought it was in the best interest of ATS that I should no longer be there. I was banned and every single post deleted. Those of you who know me know I'm a real "troublemaker", right? That's when I joined Project Avalon.

If ATS is a forum to share the truth, they do a darn job silencing those of us who give our hearts to that pursuit.



Last edited by manticore; 01-14-2010 at 04:26 AM.
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Old 01-13-2010, 07:54 PM   #7
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Default Re: Who Mistrusts ATS?

Anyone who does some real checking on ATS and the owners will find connections to Halliburton, CIA, NSA, FBI, military, freemasons, zionists, and the list goes on.

Ultimately the owners are in it for the money and personal gain, and they don't seem to have any problem with hoards of debunkers and disinformation artists running rampant on their website.

They lost a good deal of quality content, and this will continue, because either they themselves ban the best contributors, or those contributors quickly wake up smell the coffee and take off on their own.
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Old 02-01-2010, 07:00 PM   #8
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I like AMKON, even though they are a bunch of *******s.
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Old 02-01-2010, 08:59 PM   #9
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Default Re: Who Mistrusts ATS?

What synchronicity! I was just on ATS and said to my partner that I didn't really like the site anymore, as it seemed everybody was out to debunk absolutely EVERYTHING, and that tires me (all this trying to prove things stuff - this annoys me about GLP, too!). Plus, I find there's a great amount of arguing there, and that doesn't help anything, so I thought that perhaps I should stop going there.

And then I come here to Avalon right after, and there's a thread called, "Who Mistrusts ATS?"! Hilarious when stuff comes together like that, eh?

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