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Old 01-11-2010, 11:54 PM   #3451
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Default Re: Able to Love

Rama Sings a Song of the Stars

Dear One,

Hi there!

This is a song I composed, sang, and recorded by myself.

I hope you enjoy it!

When I sang this song I infused the recording with healing vibrations, so please listen to this song when you have time to deeply listen and feel the healing energies.



Lyrics to Song of the Stars


Rainbow lights, the shimmering Stars!

Endless spheres of rainbow light!
Iridescent rainbow light!

Shining into my hair and my brain,
Down into my legs and feet.
Oh my shining skin!

Endless spheres of rainbow light!
Iridescent rainbow light!

A rainbow waterfall of Joy and Light!

~End Chorus~

Rainbow lights, the shimmering Stars!

Endless spheres of rainbow light!
Iridescent rainbow light!

Their shining into my hair and my brain!
Shining into my hair and my brain!

Down into my legs and feet!
Oh my shining skin!

Endless spheres of rainbow light!
Iridescent rainbow light!

A waterfall of golden light!
A rainbow waterfall of light and joy
A rainbow waterfall of joy and light!

~Chorus repeats~

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Old 01-12-2010, 11:58 AM   #3452
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Default Re: Able to Love

Galactic Federation Of Light
SaLuSa January 11 2010

This year has so much potential, and it does not necessarily mean just those who are awakening to the truth. Every soul will at some stage reach a point where they are at the cross roads and can decide to stay where they are, or take a quantum leap forward that will carry them through to Ascension. The ever-increasing power of the Light, will be tugging at peoples heartstrings. It will ask you to create a higher pathway out of the 3rd. dimension, one that will open up the truth for you. If you allow it you will answer the pull to open up your heart, and the Light will enter and clear away the dross that has accumulated over many life times. Accept the opportunity without fear, as it will be for your best good. If you are in doubt, there is no need to worry yourself over it, as in the end you will make the wisest decision that is consistent with your needs.

Already there is great pressure building to reveal that which has been hidden for so long. Many groups and individuals are on the verge of announcing their findings, having accumulated much evidence to support them. They relate to the way in which your human rights have been abused, and the deliberate withholding of information and technology that would have improved your quality of life. You are all One, and have not been placed upon Earth to gratify your own greed at the expense of all other members of the Human Race. You are going through a period of spiritual evolution, that is intended to lead you to the understanding of your joint responsibilities for each other. Over eons of time the survival of the fittest may have benefited your physical evolution. However, survival of the most cunning and wealthiest has taken away your sovereignty and freedom to determine your own future. You have instead become enslaved by the intention of the Illuminati, who have sought to achieve total control over you.

Dear Ones, you have stopped the dark Ones from progressing any further, and their plan has been stalled by your defiance of them. Your loyalty and desire to adhere to spiritual tenets, has strengthened the Light upon Earth and it has proved to be a formidable force against them. What you are intent upon doing is to restore all that has either been taken from you, or denied through criminal activity. This year will see the reversal of a number of decisions taken against you that are unlawful. It will be one of great revelations, as the covert actions and world of the dark Ones is opened up. Your reactions will be ones of both astonishment and horror at how long you have been deceived. You will find that you have been used for years on end, by a deliberate policy to keep you ignorant of what has been taking place.
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Old 01-12-2010, 12:19 PM   #3453
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Old 01-12-2010, 12:19 PM   #3454
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Old 01-12-2010, 01:20 PM   #3455
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Old 01-12-2010, 01:21 PM   #3456
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Old 01-12-2010, 01:23 PM   #3457
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G. Corp - Salute The King [HQ]

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Old 01-12-2010, 01:23 PM   #3458
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Old 01-12-2010, 01:26 PM   #3459
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Old 01-12-2010, 01:32 PM   #3460
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Old 01-15-2010, 08:37 AM   #3461
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Part 1 and 2 Galactic Federation Of Light Ashtar January 14 2010

"Well, good evening everyone! Did everyone feel that [Elise's meditation]? Did everyone vibrate with that? That was truth. That was love. That, Beloved Ones, is who we all are.

"So I have a really big headline for you, for this gathering of our beloved Family - in truth, that's who we are. You may think that we're separated but we're not. Feel the energies of the One we all are. Feel your own divinity, your own divine energies welling up and meeting, as we come to meet you. In this moment there is no separation, and that, Beloveds, is how things have changed to be.

"And so we have a headline for you tonight if you want to call it that - or perhaps a news bulletin. And here it is. Fasten your seatbelts. Get ready. Here it is. Time is up! Do you all know what that means? Well first of all, of course you know that time as you know it, as you have known it, is just not quite the same as what it used to be. It's been a most useful, useful tool invented by the humans for specific use in allowing death and rebirth of the soul into a new body time and again so that you can experience and learn on planet earth. Well, guess what? School's out! And if you recall from your own school days how much you loved recess, for some it could be even considered the happiest part of the school day, could it not? For all of you, probably that occurred on some occasion or other. Well we're entering into the big recess from 3D and it's permanent. You do not have to go back if you don't choose to. If you want to, you will have all the tools you need to go and help and be of service. But we're lifting off and you're all coming with us.

"And so when we say time is up, what we're saying is, you'd better be sure you've got your bags packed full of your tools of higher dimensionality and don't bring any 3D with you. If you do, you're gonna be overweight on the baggage scale. And you will not be allowed to enter as easily as you would if you have your baggage cleared. Oh, you might have a little bit in your carry-on bag, but you really can't be bringing all of the stuff that's weighed you down through all your lifetimes.

"Now you've heard us before talking about Q-tipping and housecleaning and all of that. Let's review for just a moment, shall we? We know you all love the topic so much but here's what it is. It's like go into your own being. You have your entire guidance team and who's the director of that team but you, Beloveds, your higher self. So commune, connect, communicate, and commune, and find out if you have some blocks, if you have some dark places, if you have some unresolved relationships or health concerns or whatever it is. You are at the final hour. As a matter of fact, if you listen closely you can hear on the winds of change, you can hear they're calling for your ascension flight. It's time to board if you're not already on board. And we're talking about your own personal ascension path. Hop on it. Go with it. You'll love it.
And you don't have to wait anymore! That's the real story behind the headline tonight, behind the news bulletin. Stop waiting! Put yourselves right into it! Just let yourselves feel the joy. Just feel the love. Laugh and giggle if you want to. Fill yourselves with the feeling of it and so you are. You create that reality within yourselves and around you. And it's becoming more and more contagious. Haven't you had a family member, a neighbor, a friend, or somebody say something about how they are feeling changes. They may not know how to define the changes, they may not know what's coming, they may have said 'Well you're really out to lunch' at sometime in the past when you tried to tell them about it. Maybe now they're gonna come and ring your doorbell and ask to hear more because they're feeling it and they want to hear from you.

"Stand up! Stand tall in your communities, in your homes, in your family and friends gatherings. Share the joy, Beloved Ones because it's here now! In this very moment, you don't have to wait anymore and neither does anyone else. Claim your birthright. Recognize and realize that you are in mission accomplishment mode and reach out and do it. Call it forth!

"You have a leader in the country of the United States of America and in other countries who dare - who dare to speak publicly about loving one another. And we'll give you a hint - it's not religion. It's about the spirituality of planet Earth being recognized, being honored, being held sacred. So reach up, reach out, and stand tall and tell everyone 'Yes, I know. I know about what is happening now in this moment. I know about the times changing. I'm here not only to welcome it but I have helped to bring it about.' Beloved Ones, do you know how much you and your loving moments and your high-vibes and your times of energetic enthusiasm have contributed to making this happen? And it would not be happening without you! Get that! Take that into your entire being - your past, your present, your future and allow it.

"Give yourselves those awards they talk about, because you have done such a wonderful thing to be here, to volunteer to be here at this time. Never, ever in all of her history/herstory has planet Earth needed you more than now in this moment. Never have you stood so tall, never has your courage shown forth, never have you shined as much as you do in this moment and each one that comes you're even more radiant. Love yourselves, Beloved Ones. Nurture yourselves. Let the years that you have accumulated in your beloved body fall away. Bring your child out. Oh, your inner child's gonna love that it's permanent recess time now; no question of that.

Last edited by JesterTerrestrial; 01-15-2010 at 08:47 AM.
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Old 01-15-2010, 08:49 AM   #3462
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Default Re: Able to Love

Galactic Federation Of Light Mira
Pleiadian Council January 14 2010

Greetings, I am Mira. I come to you today from the Pleaidian High Council. I am pleased to speak with you.

Today and every day we send our love. We realize how challenging life can be on the Earth. We see your lives and how much they are changing. Perhaps in the long run you will see that they are changing for the better; however, we know that as you go through the changes you might not be feeling that way.

Trust is the word. Trust is what we have in you. It is what the Creator has in you too. In the upheaval of the planet and your lives you need to trust that there is a higher intelligence in charge of life on the Earth and your life. We know this well in the Pleiades. We have been aware for a long time that this higher intelligence will get us through whatever is occurring with us. We keep this in our hearts as a collective so we dont have the fear and worry that you have. This is what can throw you out of faith. We recommend you let the fear and worry go. If you recall that you are living in an illusion you will see that much of what you fret about is only expending useless energy. If you want to become familiar with life on other planets you can begin to practice living in faith. We recommend this. It will help you to keep your vibrations up and this in turn will keep your spirits up. It will work.

We are aware that many have predicted that we will make ourselves known on the Earth. We will-yes we will make ourselves known to you in physical form. Some thought that by the end of 2009 it would be possible for this to occur. We are unable to tell you exactly when but it is much closer. We are excited about meeting you in person. We cannot tell you how long we have been waiting for this eventuality. Circumstances will be right and then we will come. We are around you and the Earth. We are with you and are closer to you than ever.

Some of you are having interesting experiences with others from space. This is sign of our presence. It might be a visitation to your house in the quiet of the night. You may see or feel a presence in the form of lights or sounds. Some are becoming telepathically contacted by us. There are numerous ways that you can have contact with us such as through a channel. If you look up in the night skies you will see our ships. You might even see what you think is a shooting star and it could be one of us. Be open to these experiences and this will hasten our future contact.

When we feel your welcome it makes us pleased. The joy we have when you are open to us is great. It will hasten our appearance. We are excited at getting to know you and to have you know us. We want you to experience our presence and the many ways we can share together.

The changes that will occur in the next couple of your earthly years will be many. We will be with you through all of them. We will lend assistance as necessary. You are never alone even if you feel that way at times. We will see you through a steady course of change and uplifting consciousness until we are together again.

I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.
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Old 01-15-2010, 08:55 AM   #3463
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Old 01-15-2010, 08:55 AM   #3464
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Old 01-15-2010, 08:56 AM   #3465
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Old 01-15-2010, 08:57 AM   #3466
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Old 01-15-2010, 09:00 AM   #3467
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Electro-Funk Music: The Tyrezz Project
Groove Zone Act 1

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Old 01-15-2010, 09:02 AM   #3468
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Old 01-15-2010, 09:03 AM   #3469
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Old 01-15-2010, 09:06 AM   #3470
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Old 01-15-2010, 09:08 AM   #3471
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1110 - Trancendental Illumination - By Amaya

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Old 01-15-2010, 09:16 AM   #3472
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Old 01-15-2010, 09:20 AM   #3473
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Vanessa Mae Destiny

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Old 01-15-2010, 09:22 AM   #3474
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Old 01-15-2010, 09:31 AM   #3475
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I have not had as much time to post on avalon the last few days but i thought I would tell you that I'm still SHOUTING OUT FOR PEACE BECAUSE I AM ABLE TO LOVE!!!

Jester of Avalon! Mister Magic! lol! whatever!!!
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