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Old 10-12-2009, 09:47 PM   #51
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

I see ascension as happening to everybody ready or not
If '2012' is about our solar system coming into alignment with the galactic center and entering a zone of cosmic energy,
that energy is not going to pick between believers and un-believers in lifting consciousness.
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Old 10-12-2009, 09:51 PM   #52
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

[quote=Vidya Moksha;176851]
When you enter the fifth-dimensional conscious-ness you experience a full reintegration with your Higher Self and merge with your Soul. This reconnection with your higher aspects allows you to once again know yourself at a Soul level. You begin to think from Heart and act from the wisdom of your Soul. Your innate, intuitive, spiritual abilities now become fully available to you again. These include clairvoyance, telepathy, abstract intuition, and many more. You become fully conscious, accessing the wisdom and information available within the higher multidimensional aspect of that which you have always been. There is no separation.
The higher dimensions operate within fields of awareness that are not accessible to the rational third or fourthdimensional mind. .....[snip]... learning to utilize sound, color, and geometry to weave shape and form. Magnetism, electromagnetism, patterns of Light, feelings of beauty and higher aspects of Love all come together to form the complexities of universities as well as the simplicity of a drop of water on a morning Lily. Alchemy is the very fabric of the fifth-dimension.
There is much that changes in the fifth-dimension; consciousness becomes broader, more dynamic than anything you can imagine in the third-dimension. Physical density ends, form becomes very fluid and the structure of the physical body turns into Light. Much of your DNA is reactivated and the portion of your brain that has been dormant for so long comes alive again.
The fifth-dimension vibrates at a very high, brilliant and fast frequency range of Light, Love and great beauty.
Heavy, dense thoughts and emotional vibrations such as reaction, anger, judgment, and fear cannot be held in the fifth-dimensional realm. In the fifth-dimensional frequency ranges of Light there are no limitations; all possibilities
are available for creation.


I like that a lot.. I will try to add mine once Iv'e mulled it over a little...

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
If Helen can't go I'm not going
I often have chuckle and a smile when reading your posts..

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Old 10-14-2009, 09:30 AM   #53
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Thanks Guys... looks like most of us are singing the same tune regarding Ascension ....

I was reading a little from the Anastasia books and thought I would share this passage with you...it sort of fits in with the Thread...and by the way, great set of books I urge you all to read...

"Who’s producing Darkness and Hell??

Prophets who believe in talk about the end of the world- they themselves are producing mental visualisations of the end of the world. The whole mass of teachings foretelling the ultimate doom of mankind , are hastening the day with their visualisations. There are a lot of them, a whole lot of them. And these people have no idea, while they seek salvation for themselves and search for the promised land, that a hell is being prepared specifically for them"

“But the people are talking about the last judgement or a global catastrophe, they actually believe in it. They’re sincerely praying for the salvation of their souls.”


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Old 10-14-2009, 09:40 AM   #54
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

"Telegraph" tittle: "2012 is not the end of the world, Mayan elder insists"

I am just passing it as an evidence that the GREAT GAME about 2012 has started in the mainstream media.

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Old 10-14-2009, 09:43 AM   #55
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

wow cheers oliver, so its take off time.....cool! *sits back and watches with interest*
bou x
better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace

the way is not in the sky, the way is in the heart

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Old 10-14-2009, 03:27 PM   #56
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Originally Posted by Oliver View Post
"Telegraph" tittle: "2012 is not the end of the world, Mayan elder insists"

I am just passing it as an evidence that the GREAT GAME about 2012 has started in the mainstream media.

Thanks Oliver .... yes it's starting to seep through ...

Give it a couple of months... Then you'll see some real fireworks!!

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Old 10-14-2009, 05:54 PM   #57
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

My opinion is that with the Spring 2010 an unseen brutal mass psy-operation will start on planetary level. Ontologically, it will be struggle between Love and Fear.


Originally Posted by viking View Post
Thanks Oliver .... yes it's starting to seep through ...

Give it a couple of months... Then you'll see some real fireworks!!

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Old 10-14-2009, 06:23 PM   #58
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Originally Posted by TheObserver View Post
I see ascension as happening to everybody ready or not
If '2012' is about our solar system coming into alignment with the galactic center and entering a zone of cosmic energy,
that energy is not going to pick between believers and un-believers in lifting consciousness.
Right on bro!

No one left behind I guess!!!

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Old 10-14-2009, 08:06 PM   #59
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

From the telegraph link

One of them is Monument Six.

Found at an obscure ruin in southern Mexico during highway construction in the 1960s, the stone tablet almost did not survive; the site was largely paved over and parts of the tablet were looted.

The inscription describes something that is supposed to occur in 2012 involving Bolon Yokte, a mysterious Mayan god associated with both war and creation. However, erosion and a crack in the stone make the end of the passage almost illegible.

Guillermo Bernal, an archaeologist at Mexico's National Autonomous University, believes the eroded message is: "He will descend from the sky".
Anyone know what it was going to say???
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Old 10-14-2009, 10:14 PM   #60
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

"My Name Is William, William Arthur Philip Louis Mountbatten" - "Or you can call me Prince Wills for short"
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Old 10-15-2009, 11:34 AM   #61
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Just a few thoughts ... and I am not going into negative mode... just wondered where you stand on this??


Yes the consciousness of the planet has been raised. But from a physical point of view nothing is being done???

So will planet Earth truly go through her cleansing process…?

I sincerely believe that a mass of people can change the course of our planet for better.

BUT have we left it too late? WELL???

I keep asking myself have we done enough to tilt mankind towards the light and I keep trying very hard to convince people that we are getting their. I know that light will always win in the end one way or another.

The politicians are doing nothing about sorting out the planet.

We are raping and pillaging our beautiful planet each and every day

The rainforests are still being destroyed, thousands acres are still being flattened each and every day

We are still raping the planet of fossil fuels.

Free energy ???? Where? The PTW still keep this suppressed.

We are still not doing enough to feed 1 Billion people on this planet. YES 1 BILLION.

Yet, we spend millions of dollars/pounds on GREED…EGO…VANITY…EXCESSIVE LIFSTYLES…THE WAR MACHINE…WE SEND OUR TROOPS TO THEIR DEATHS… where’s the balance?

Pollution ??? Give me a break … again nothing is being done… I could go on...and I am sure others can input?

We were told by our brothers and sisters from the higher realms and many other sources that we need to get our act together….OR ELSE …

So where are we heading?

Seriously what have we done to sort ourselves out …

Mother earth is not a happy bunny ….

I know we are being watched by thousands of our brothers and sisters… and they have been tweeking the balance of our planet here and there to keep it stable.

BUT ? Have we left it too late?

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Old 10-15-2009, 11:56 AM   #62
Vidya Moksha
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Hey Viking
I started working for the organisation that is now called the Environment Agency more than 20 years ago. I am working for them again now as a contractor, until next week, when I leave the UK. They are all talk and most of it is nonsense, though there a few good people in there. Govts care little for the environment, unless its an election issue. I used to be so angry with the state of the environment, and I know things many people dont.

And now? now I truly believe that mother will take care of herself and she knows what she is doing. I also believe we can only be responsible for ourselves and our actions. I also believe a lot of the noise generated by media today (this forum included) is just diverting us away from being in the moment, away from our true spiritual path, and into fear and distraction.

On a wider note, the shamans tell us that everything is perfect, as it cant be any other way....

and on this theme, I found the following email that was sent to me very uplifting....

The Near-Death Experience of Mellen-Thomas Benedict
> In 1982, I died from terminal cancer. My condition was non-operable. I
> chose not to have chemotherapy. I was given six to eight months to live.
> Before this time, I had become increasingly despondent over the nuclear
> crisis, the ecology crisis, and so forth. I came to believe that nature
> had made a mistake—that we were probably a cancerous organism on the
> planet. And that is what eventually killed me.
> Before my near-death experience, I tried all sorts of alternative healing
> methods. None helped. So I determined that this was between me and God. I
> had never really considered God. Neither was I into any kind of
> spirituality. But my approaching death sent me on a quest for more
> information about spirituality and alternative healing. I read various
> religions and philosophies. They gave hope that there was something on
> the other side.
> I had no medical insurance, so my life savings went overnight on tests.
> Unwilling to drag my family into this, I determined to handle this
> myself. I ended up in hospice care and was blessed with an angel for my
> hospice caretaker, whom I will call "Anne." She stayed with me through
> all that was to follow.
> Into the Light
> I woke up about 4:30 am and I knew that this was it. I was going to die.
> I called a few friends and said good-bye. I woke up Anne and made her
> promise that my dead body would remain undisturbed for six hours, since I
> had read that all kinds of interesting things happen when you die. I went
> back to sleep. The next thing I remember, I was fully aware and standing
> up. Yet my body was lying in the bed. I seemed to be surrounded by
> darkness, yet I could see every room in the house, and the roof, and even
> under the house.
> A Light shone. I turned toward it, and was aware of its similarity to
> what others have described in near-death experiences. It was magnificent
> and tangible, alluring. I wanted to go towards that Light like I might
> want to go into my ideal mother's or father's arms. As I moved towards
> the Light, I knew that if I went into the Light, I would be dead. So I
> said/felt, "Please wait. I would like to talk to you before I go."
> The entire experience halted. I discovered that I was in control of the
> experience. My request was honored. I had conversations with the Light.
> That's the best way I can describe it. The Light changed into different
> figures, like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, archetypal images and signs. I
> asked in a kind of telepathy, "What is going on here?"
> The information transmitted was that our beliefs shape the kind of
> feedback we receive. If you are a Buddhist or Catholic or Fundamentalist,
> you get a feedback loop of your own images. I became aware of a Higher
> Self matrix, a conduit to the Source. We all have a Higher Self, or an
> oversoul part of our being, a conduit. All Higher Selves are connected as
> one being. All humans are connected as one being.
> It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It was like all the
> love you've ever wanted, and it was the kind of love that cures, heals,
> regenerates. I was ready to go at that time. I said "I am ready, take
> me." Then the Light turned into the most beautiful thing that I have ever
> seen: a mandala of human souls on this planet. I saw that we are the most
> beautiful creations;elegant, exotic ... everything.
> I just cannot say enough about how it changed my opinion of human beings
> in an instant. I said/thought/felt, "Oh, God, I didn't realize." I was
> astonished to find that there was no evil in any soul. People may do
> terrible things out of ignorance and lack, but no soul is evil. "What all
> people seek;what sustains them;is love," the Light told me. "What
> distorts people is a lack of love."
> The revelations went on and on. I asked, "Does this mean that Humankind
> will be saved?" Like a trumpet blast with a shower of spiraling lights,
> the Light "spoke," saying, "You save, redeem and heal yourself. You
> always have and always will. You were created with the power to do so
> from before the beginning of the world." In that instant I realized that
> we have already been saved.
> I thanked the Light of God with all my heart. The best thing I could come
> up with was: "Oh dear God, dear Universe, dear Great Self, I love my
> Life." The Light seemed to breathe me in even more deeply, absorbing me.
> I entered into another realm more profound than the last, and was aware
> of an enormous stream of Light, vast and full, deep. I asked what it was.
> The Light answered, "This is the River of Life. Drink of this manna water
> to your heart's content." I drank deeply, in ecstasy.
> The Void of Nothingness
> Suddenly I seemed to be rocketing away from the planet on this stream of
> Life. I saw the earth fly away. The solar system whizzed by and
> disappeared. I flew through the center of the galaxy, absorbing more
> knowledge as I went. I learned that this galaxy—and the entire
> Universe;is bursting with many different varieties of life. I saw many
> worlds. We are not alone in this Universe. It seemed as if all the
> creations in the Universe soared past me and vanished in a speck of
> Light.
> Then a second Light appeared. As I passed into the second Light, I could
> perceive forever, beyond Infinity. I was in the Void, pre-Creation, the
> beginning of time, the first Word or vibration. I rested in the Eye of
> Creation and it seemed that I touched the Face of God. It was not a
> religious feeling. I was simply at One with Absolute Life and
> Consciousness.
> I rode the stream directly into the center of the Light. I felt embraced
> by the Light as it took me in with its breath again. And the truth was
> obvious that there is no death; that nothing is born and nothing dies;
> that we are immortal beings, part of a natural living system that
> recycles itself endlessly.
> It would take me years to assimilate the Void experience. It was less
> than nothing, yet greater than anything. Creation is God exploring God's
> Self through every way imaginable. Through every piece of hair on your
> head, through every leaf on every tree, through every atom. God is
> exploring God's Self. I saw everything as the Self of all. God is here.
> That's what it is all about. Everything is made of light; everything is
> alive.
> The Light of Love
> I was never told that I had to come back. I just knew that I would. It
> was only natural, from what I had seen. As I began my return to the life
> cycle, it never crossed my mind, nor was I told, that I would return to
> the same body. It did not matter. I had complete trust in the Light and
> the Life process.
> As the stream merged with the great Light, I asked never to forget the
> revelations and the feelings of what I had learned on the other side. I
> thought of myself as a human again and I was happy to be that. From what
> I have seen, I would be happy to be an atom in this universe. An atom. So
> to be the human part of God ... this is the most fantastic blessing. It
> is a blessing beyond our wildest imagination of what a blessing can be.
> For each and every one of us to be the human part of this experience is
> awesome, and magnificent. Each and every one of us, no matter where we
> are, screwed up or not, is a blessing to the planet, right where we are.
> So I went through the reincarnation process expecting to be a baby
> somewhere.
> But I reincarnated back into this body. I was so surprised when I opened
> my eyes, to be back in this body, back in my room with someone looking
> over me, crying her eyes out. It was Anne, my hospice caretaker. She had
> found me dead thirty minutes before. We do not know how long I was dead,
> only that she found me thirty minutes before. She had honored my wish to
> have my newly-dead body left alone. She can verify that I really was
> dead.
> It was not a near-death experience. I believe I probably experienced
> death itself for at least an hour and a half. When I awakened and saw the
> light outside, confused, I tried to get up to go to it, but I fell out of
> the bed. She heard a loud "clunk", ran in, and found me on the floor.
> When I recovered, I was surprised and awed about what had happened. I had
> no memory at first of the experience. I kept slipping out of this world
> and kept asking, "Am I alive?" This world seemed more like a dream than
> that one.
> Within three days, I was feeling normal again, clearer, yet different
> than ever before. My memories of the journey came back later. But from my
> return I could find nothing wrong with any human being I had ever seen.
> Previous to my death I was judgmental, believing that people were really
> screwed up. Everyone but me.
> About three months later a friend said I should get tested for the
> cancer. So I got the scans and so forth. I felt healthy. I still remember
> the doctor at the clinic looking at the "before" and "after" scans. He
> said, "I can find no sign of cancer now." "A miracle?" I asked. "No," he
> answered. "These things happen ... spontaneous remission." He seemed
> unimpressed. But I was impressed. I knew it was a miracle.
> Lessons Learned
> I asked God: "What is the best religion on the planet? Which one is
> right?" God said with great love: "It doesn't matter." What an incredible
> grace. It does not matter what religion we are. Religions come and they
> go. They change. Buddhism has not been here forever, Catholicism has not
> been here forever, and they are all about to become more enlightened.
> More light is coming into all systems now. Many will resist and fight
> about it, one religion against the next, believing that only they are
> right.
> When God said, "It doesn't matter," I understood that it is for us to
> care about, because we are the caring beings. The Source does not care if
> you are Protestant, Buddhist, or Jew. Each is a reflection, a facet of
> the whole. I wish that all religions would realize it and let each other
> be. It is not the end of separate religions, but live and let live. Each
> has a different view, and it all adds up to the big picture.
> I went over to the other side with a lot of fears about toxic waste,
> nuclear missiles, the population explosion, the rain forest. I came back
> loving every single problem. I love nuclear waste. I love the mushroom
> cloud; this is the holiest mandala that we have manifested to date, as an
> archetype. More than any religion or philosophy on Earth, that terrible,
> wonderful cloud brought us together all of a sudden, to a new level of
> consciousness.
> Knowing that maybe we can blow up the planet fifty times, or 500 times,
> we finally realize that maybe we are all here together now. For a period
> they had to keep setting off more bombs to get it into us. Then we
> started saying, "we do not need this any more." Now we are actually in a
> safer world than we have ever been in, and it is going to get safer.
> So I came back loving toxic waste, because it brought us together. These
> things are so big. Clearing of the rain forest will slow down, and in
> fifty years there will be more trees on the planet than in a long time.
> If you are into ecology, go for it; you are that part of the system that
> is becoming aware. Go for it with all your might, but do not be depressed
> or disheartened. Earth is in the process of domesticating itself, and we
> are cells on that Body. Population increase is getting very close to the
> optimal range of energy to cause a shift in consciousness. That shift in
> consciousness will change politics, money, energy.
> The Great Mystery of life has little to do with intelligence. The
> Universe is not an intellectual process. The intellect is helpful; but
> our hearts are the wiser part of ourselves. Since my return I have
> experienced the Light spontaneously. I have learned how to get to that
> space almost any time in my meditation. You can also do this. You don't
> have to die first. You are wired for it already. The body is the most
> magnificent Light being there is. The body is a universe of incredible
> Light. We don't need to commune with God; God is already communing with
> us in every moment!
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Old 10-15-2009, 12:17 PM   #63
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Originally Posted by Vidya Moksha View Post
Hey Viking
I started working for the organisation that is now called the Environment Agency more than 20 years ago. I am working for them again now as a contractor, until next week, when I leave the UK. They are all talk and most of it is nonsense, though there a few good people in there. Govts care little for the environment, unless its an election issue. I used to be so angry with the state of the environment, and I know things many people dont.

And now? now I truly believe that mother will take care of herself and she knows what she is doing. I also believe we can only be responsible for ourselves and our actions. I also believe a lot of the noise generated by media today (this forum included) is just diverting us away from being in the moment, away from our true spiritual path, and into fear and distraction.

On a wider note, the shamans tell us that everything is perfect, as it cant be any other way....

and on this theme, I found the following email that was sent to me very uplifting....

The Near-Death Experience of Mellen-Thomas Benedict
> In 1982, I died from terminal cancer. My condition was non-operable. I
> chose not to have chemotherapy. I was given six to eight months to live.
> Before this time, I had become increasingly despondent over the nuclear
> crisis, the ecology crisis, and so forth. I came to believe that nature
> had made a mistake—that we were probably a cancerous organism on the
> planet. And that is what eventually killed me.
> Before my near-death experience, I tried all sorts of alternative healing
> methods. None helped. So I determined that this was between me and God. I
> had never really considered God. Neither was I into any kind of
> spirituality. But my approaching death sent me on a quest for more
> information about spirituality and alternative healing. I read various
> religions and philosophies. They gave hope that there was something on
> the other side.
> I had no medical insurance, so my life savings went overnight on tests.
> Unwilling to drag my family into this, I determined to handle this
> myself. I ended up in hospice care and was blessed with an angel for my
> hospice caretaker, whom I will call "Anne." She stayed with me through
> all that was to follow.
> Into the Light
> I woke up about 4:30 am and I knew that this was it. I was going to die.
> I called a few friends and said good-bye. I woke up Anne and made her
> promise that my dead body would remain undisturbed for six hours, since I
> had read that all kinds of interesting things happen when you die. I went
> back to sleep. The next thing I remember, I was fully aware and standing
> up. Yet my body was lying in the bed. I seemed to be surrounded by
> darkness, yet I could see every room in the house, and the roof, and even
> under the house.
> A Light shone. I turned toward it, and was aware of its similarity to
> what others have described in near-death experiences. It was magnificent
> and tangible, alluring. I wanted to go towards that Light like I might
> want to go into my ideal mother's or father's arms. As I moved towards
> the Light, I knew that if I went into the Light, I would be dead. So I
> said/felt, "Please wait. I would like to talk to you before I go."
> The entire experience halted. I discovered that I was in control of the
> experience. My request was honored. I had conversations with the Light.
> That's the best way I can describe it. The Light changed into different
> figures, like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, archetypal images and signs. I
> asked in a kind of telepathy, "What is going on here?"
> The information transmitted was that our beliefs shape the kind of
> feedback we receive. If you are a Buddhist or Catholic or Fundamentalist,
> you get a feedback loop of your own images. I became aware of a Higher
> Self matrix, a conduit to the Source. We all have a Higher Self, or an
> oversoul part of our being, a conduit. All Higher Selves are connected as
> one being. All humans are connected as one being.
> It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It was like all the
> love you've ever wanted, and it was the kind of love that cures, heals,
> regenerates. I was ready to go at that time. I said "I am ready, take
> me." Then the Light turned into the most beautiful thing that I have ever
> seen: a mandala of human souls on this planet. I saw that we are the most
> beautiful creations;elegant, exotic ... everything.
> I just cannot say enough about how it changed my opinion of human beings
> in an instant. I said/thought/felt, "Oh, God, I didn't realize." I was
> astonished to find that there was no evil in any soul. People may do
> terrible things out of ignorance and lack, but no soul is evil. "What all
> people seek;what sustains them;is love," the Light told me. "What
> distorts people is a lack of love."
> The revelations went on and on. I asked, "Does this mean that Humankind
> will be saved?" Like a trumpet blast with a shower of spiraling lights,
> the Light "spoke," saying, "You save, redeem and heal yourself. You
> always have and always will. You were created with the power to do so
> from before the beginning of the world." In that instant I realized that
> we have already been saved.
> I thanked the Light of God with all my heart. The best thing I could come
> up with was: "Oh dear God, dear Universe, dear Great Self, I love my
> Life." The Light seemed to breathe me in even more deeply, absorbing me.
> I entered into another realm more profound than the last, and was aware
> of an enormous stream of Light, vast and full, deep. I asked what it was.
> The Light answered, "This is the River of Life. Drink of this manna water
> to your heart's content." I drank deeply, in ecstasy.
> The Void of Nothingness
> Suddenly I seemed to be rocketing away from the planet on this stream of
> Life. I saw the earth fly away. The solar system whizzed by and
> disappeared. I flew through the center of the galaxy, absorbing more
> knowledge as I went. I learned that this galaxy—and the entire
> Universe;is bursting with many different varieties of life. I saw many
> worlds. We are not alone in this Universe. It seemed as if all the
> creations in the Universe soared past me and vanished in a speck of
> Light.
> Then a second Light appeared. As I passed into the second Light, I could
> perceive forever, beyond Infinity. I was in the Void, pre-Creation, the
> beginning of time, the first Word or vibration. I rested in the Eye of
> Creation and it seemed that I touched the Face of God. It was not a
> religious feeling. I was simply at One with Absolute Life and
> Consciousness.
> I rode the stream directly into the center of the Light. I felt embraced
> by the Light as it took me in with its breath again. And the truth was
> obvious that there is no death; that nothing is born and nothing dies;
> that we are immortal beings, part of a natural living system that
> recycles itself endlessly.
> It would take me years to assimilate the Void experience. It was less
> than nothing, yet greater than anything. Creation is God exploring God's
> Self through every way imaginable. Through every piece of hair on your
> head, through every leaf on every tree, through every atom. God is
> exploring God's Self. I saw everything as the Self of all. God is here.
> That's what it is all about. Everything is made of light; everything is
> alive.
> The Light of Love
> I was never told that I had to come back. I just knew that I would. It
> was only natural, from what I had seen. As I began my return to the life
> cycle, it never crossed my mind, nor was I told, that I would return to
> the same body. It did not matter. I had complete trust in the Light and
> the Life process.
> As the stream merged with the great Light, I asked never to forget the
> revelations and the feelings of what I had learned on the other side. I
> thought of myself as a human again and I was happy to be that. From what
> I have seen, I would be happy to be an atom in this universe. An atom. So
> to be the human part of God ... this is the most fantastic blessing. It
> is a blessing beyond our wildest imagination of what a blessing can be.
> For each and every one of us to be the human part of this experience is
> awesome, and magnificent. Each and every one of us, no matter where we
> are, screwed up or not, is a blessing to the planet, right where we are.
> So I went through the reincarnation process expecting to be a baby
> somewhere.
> But I reincarnated back into this body. I was so surprised when I opened
> my eyes, to be back in this body, back in my room with someone looking
> over me, crying her eyes out. It was Anne, my hospice caretaker. She had
> found me dead thirty minutes before. We do not know how long I was dead,
> only that she found me thirty minutes before. She had honored my wish to
> have my newly-dead body left alone. She can verify that I really was
> dead.
> It was not a near-death experience. I believe I probably experienced
> death itself for at least an hour and a half. When I awakened and saw the
> light outside, confused, I tried to get up to go to it, but I fell out of
> the bed. She heard a loud "clunk", ran in, and found me on the floor.
> When I recovered, I was surprised and awed about what had happened. I had
> no memory at first of the experience. I kept slipping out of this world
> and kept asking, "Am I alive?" This world seemed more like a dream than
> that one.
> Within three days, I was feeling normal again, clearer, yet different
> than ever before. My memories of the journey came back later. But from my
> return I could find nothing wrong with any human being I had ever seen.
> Previous to my death I was judgmental, believing that people were really
> screwed up. Everyone but me.
> About three months later a friend said I should get tested for the
> cancer. So I got the scans and so forth. I felt healthy. I still remember
> the doctor at the clinic looking at the "before" and "after" scans. He
> said, "I can find no sign of cancer now." "A miracle?" I asked. "No," he
> answered. "These things happen ... spontaneous remission." He seemed
> unimpressed. But I was impressed. I knew it was a miracle.
> Lessons Learned
> I asked God: "What is the best religion on the planet? Which one is
> right?" God said with great love: "It doesn't matter." What an incredible
> grace. It does not matter what religion we are. Religions come and they
> go. They change. Buddhism has not been here forever, Catholicism has not
> been here forever, and they are all about to become more enlightened.
> More light is coming into all systems now. Many will resist and fight
> about it, one religion against the next, believing that only they are
> right.
> When God said, "It doesn't matter," I understood that it is for us to
> care about, because we are the caring beings. The Source does not care if
> you are Protestant, Buddhist, or Jew. Each is a reflection, a facet of
> the whole. I wish that all religions would realize it and let each other
> be. It is not the end of separate religions, but live and let live. Each
> has a different view, and it all adds up to the big picture.
> I went over to the other side with a lot of fears about toxic waste,
> nuclear missiles, the population explosion, the rain forest. I came back
> loving every single problem. I love nuclear waste. I love the mushroom
> cloud; this is the holiest mandala that we have manifested to date, as an
> archetype. More than any religion or philosophy on Earth, that terrible,
> wonderful cloud brought us together all of a sudden, to a new level of
> consciousness.
> Knowing that maybe we can blow up the planet fifty times, or 500 times,
> we finally realize that maybe we are all here together now. For a period
> they had to keep setting off more bombs to get it into us. Then we
> started saying, "we do not need this any more." Now we are actually in a
> safer world than we have ever been in, and it is going to get safer.
> So I came back loving toxic waste, because it brought us together. These
> things are so big. Clearing of the rain forest will slow down, and in
> fifty years there will be more trees on the planet than in a long time.
> If you are into ecology, go for it; you are that part of the system that
> is becoming aware. Go for it with all your might, but do not be depressed
> or disheartened. Earth is in the process of domesticating itself, and we
> are cells on that Body. Population increase is getting very close to the
> optimal range of energy to cause a shift in consciousness. That shift in
> consciousness will change politics, money, energy.
> The Great Mystery of life has little to do with intelligence. The
> Universe is not an intellectual process. The intellect is helpful; but
> our hearts are the wiser part of ourselves. Since my return I have
> experienced the Light spontaneously. I have learned how to get to that
> space almost any time in my meditation. You can also do this. You don't
> have to die first. You are wired for it already. The body is the most
> magnificent Light being there is. The body is a universe of incredible
> Light. We don't need to commune with God; God is already communing with
> us in every moment!
What a fantastic letter Vidya...

Many thanks...

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Old 10-15-2009, 02:59 PM   #64
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Quote: The Great Mystery of life has little to do with intelligence. The
> Universe is not an intellectual process. The intellect is helpful; but
> our hearts are the wiser part of ourselves. Since my return I have
> experienced the Light spontaneously. I have learned how to get to that
> space almost any time in my meditation. You can also do this. You don't
> have to die first. You are wired for it already. The body is the most
> magnificent Light being there is. The body is a universe of incredible
> Light. We don't need to commune with God; God is already communing with
> us in every moment!

Vidya Moksha, it is just beautiful that you shared this with us. Thank you! I can feel with all of my being that this is authentic and true experience. Truly exciting and inspiring words of Love and Wisdom.
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Old 10-15-2009, 07:12 PM   #65
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Thx Vidya Moksha

I also believe everything is exactly as it is supposed to be which is why I don't fear the future
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Old 10-20-2009, 08:32 PM   #66
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Just found this on my travels...!

With all these recent vids I've been watching lately on Camelot...I was beginning to wonder!!!!....

The widespread Internet belief that Dec. 21, 2012, will be doomsday for planet Earth because some astronomical event will destroy or decimate our planet is a complete hoax, according to NASA scientist David Morrison. His concise summary of the claims and the scientific response is being published by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific as a public service at: http://www.astrosociety.org/2012

For several months, NASA and many astronomers have received increasingly worried letters and e-mails from members of the public about the possibility, widely touted on the Internet, that the world will end in 2012. Many mechanisms for doomsday are being proposed, including a collision with a fictional planet called Nibiru, deadly activity on the surface of the sun that lashes out at Earth, alignments with the center of our galaxy, etc. David Morrison has coined the term “cosmophobia” -- fear of the cosmos -- for these concerns, and has seen a huge increase in the phenomenon this year.

Dr. Morrison, a world-renowned expert on the solar system (and asteroid impacts), also serves as the public scientist for NASA’s “Ask an Astrobiologist” service, where he answers questions for the public. He has received so many questions about 2012 and the end of the world, that he felt he had to investigate and set the record straight.

One of his most interesting findings is that the distributors of the science fiction motion picture “2012”, to be released this November, are purposely feeding the flames of the Internet panic (in what is called a viral marketing campaign) by creating fake science websites and encouraging people to search for “2012” on the Web. Most of the sites such searches encounter are full of nonsense and misunderstanding, often by people who have written books on coming disaster that they are trying to sell.

Morrison’s article is in the form of questions and answers, and is followed by a resource guide that allows readers to find even more scientific information about why no 2012 disaster is in the cards. There are many reasons to worry about the future of planet Earth, of course, but absolutely no reason to single out the winter solstice of 2012 as a special time to be concerned.

More information: For an annotated guide of resources for responding to claims of astronomical pseudo-science, from astrology to crop circles, and ancient astronauts to moon-landing denial, see: http://www.astrosociety.org/educatio...pseudobib.html


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Old 10-21-2009, 08:48 PM   #67
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I didnt read the whole text, but right at the beggining he does a mistake. Zecharia Sitchin never said nibiru will come back in 2012. I have read many of his books and the only thing he does mention is a translation form the sumerian text saying that nibiru has a 3600 earth years orbite around the sun.

Second, 2012 is not from the summerian. It comes from the mayan's calendar and it does never talk about destruction. It talks about the coming of a New Era.

All these calamities propheties are hoaxes to make us focus with fear on calamities and destruction. ONCE AGAIN, the manipulators are using genuine propheties and teaching to corrupt it and throw it in the public through thier powerful mainstream medias!!!

It wont work...

But I consider his effort to calm down the public coming to them with all these fears of the future. We have much work to do...

Namaste, Steven
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Old 10-22-2009, 11:14 AM   #68
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Thanks again Steven I enjoy reading your posts and find them uplifting...

Found this on my travels...Please read.
This just reaffirms what we have been saying within this thread....

Will the world end on December 21, 2012? The Mayan calendar, the Higgs boson particle and fabric of reality

Oct. 18, 2009

(NaturalNews) I don't claim to be able to see the future through any sort of powers of premonition, but when it comes to December 21, 2012, I'll offer an armchair prediction that deserves some discussion: The world will not end.

But this doesn't mean the Mayan prophecies about the end of time are wrong. I think they're actually right about the ending of one era and the birth of a new one, but it seems far more likely that this transition will take place over a period of time rather than occurring on a single calendar day. (And it may have more to do with an explosion in human consciousness than natural disasters, by the way...)

With the movie 2012 coming out soon (http://www.whowillsurvive2012.com), an increasing number of people are concerned about the world coming to an end on December 21 of that year. A popular website (http://www.december212012.com) even touts itself as the "official" site of 12/21/2012.

Sony Pictures is playing up concerns about the date in some edgy marketing for its 2012 film, hosting a website called the Institute for Human Continuity (www.InstituteForHumanContinuity.org...), which asks visitors to vote on who should lead the world after the 2012 apocalypse.

What's disturbing about this is that people think this fictional movie marketing website is real, and they're calling NASA to ask if the world will end. Somehow, they think that even though the world is about to end, Sony Pictures is still giving away PlayStations and Webbie cams on their website.

NASA has received so many phone calls at this point -- about 1,000 -- that they've issued a public statement proclaiming the world will not end in 2012 (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/...). According to the story, "Dr David Morrison, a senior scientist at NASA's Astrobiology Institute, said he had received more than 1,000 inquiries from worried members of the public." For real?

Of course, it's a can't-lose bet to proclaim the world won't end in 2012. If you're right, it's business as usual and you look brilliant. If you're wrong, everybody's dead and nobody's left to point fingers at you. But it begs the bigger question: Could the movie be right?

Our world can't continue on its current course

Clearly, our world is in trouble. Multiple disasters appear to be converging from every direction. I can think of fifteen critical problems facing sustainable life on Earth right now:

1) The death of food pollinators (colony collapse disorder)

2) Genetically modified crops

3) Loss of topsoils

4) Ocean acidification

5) End of the oil era

6) Climate change

7) Earth shifts

8) Deterioration of Earth's magnetic field

9) The end of fossil water supplies

10) Massive chemical contamination of everything downstream

11) Global financial collapse

12) Threat of nuclear war

13) Pandemic outbreak

14) Global crop failures due to ecological disaster

15) Global loss of plant and animal diversity from environmental destruction

... and there are no doubt other huge threats to the continuation of life on Earth. Many of these threats seem to be converging in the next few years, potentially activating tipping points right around the end of 2012.

And many of them are strongly interconnected. For example, an end to cheap oil would disrupt the routine shipment of honey bees that pollinate food crops across North America, resulting in a disastrous collapse of the food supply leading to mass starvation which, in turn, would likely lead to a pandemic outbreak of infectious disease. (Did you know that honey bees pollinate roughly one-third of all the food you eat? Did you know that most of them are shipped around the country by beekeepers, and there are almost no wild pollinators left near the monoculture food farms?)

What did the Mayans know that we don't?

Despite all this, I think it's risky to place bets of such events occurring on a single day, or even a single year. Sure, I make my own trends predictions from time to time, and although many of them end up being correct eventually, it is extremely difficult to accurately predict the exact timing of such events. The world is highly complex, and disasters can often be delayed through temporary intervention (which is exactly the case with the global banking fiasco and the derivatives systems right now...)

Then again, I'm no expert on ancient Mayan civilization, and perhaps they had access to a lot more information than I do. Maybe they had premonition talents, or visits from advanced alien races, or maybe they were spiritually connected to the cycles of the universe in a way that modern humans can't even begin to approach. Everything's possible, I suppose. Nothing surprises me in our world anymore. Everyday events are so bizarre (balloon boy, anyone?) that now even bizarre events seem routine.

Again, this isn't in any way meant to discount the very useful information being discussed by those people who are concerned about 2012. Clearly, the end of one age on our planet is upon us. Life simply cannot continue the way it has been pursued here for the last several hundred years.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that burning up all the oil, pumping away all the fresh water, poisoning the land, playing God with the genetic code of our crops and drastically altering our ecosystem is bound to have dire consequences... consequences that will almost certainly result in a huge correction in population sooner or later. Right now, human civilization is dangling on the edge of a temporary wave of cheap fuel, cheap food and cheap water, all under the innocence of delayed reactions to our collective causative actions. Payback sucks, they say, and nowhere is it going to be more painful than when Mother Nature catches up to the destruction we've caused across our planet. When coral reefs are dying off around the globe, frogs are born as mutants and pollinators start to vanish, you're in for some tough corrections ahead.

But don't place your bets on that one day of December 21, 2012. Stuff could hit the fan well before that... or after. Wise people are getting prepared now and finding ways to live sustainably by reducing their dependence on complex technologies and increasing their own locally-grown food supplies. Lots of people I know are transitioning to sustainable lifestyles in Hawaii, California, Oregon and even places like Florida. No matter where you live, there are things you can do to be more prepared for whatever's coming, regardless of whether it happens precisely on December 21, 2012.

Ancient Mayan technology

I've visited Mayan ruins in Mexico and pre-Inca ruins in Ecuador. I've been to Macchu Picchu in Peru and hiked through the Andes Mountains to check out ancient civilization sites. Clearly, the ancient people of Central and South America were extremely advanced in many ways that we are just barely beginning to understand today.

This is especially true when it comes to the topic of the movement of heavenly bodies. There is strong evidence, for example, to suggest that these ancient civilizations were able to measure the 26,000-year cyclical precession of our solar system against the backdrop of the Milky Way galaxy -- a feat of observation that took place thousands of years before Galileo invented the telescope. Technically, such a feat should have been impossible without modern-day advanced instruments.

And yet somehow they figured it out. They recorded it in myth and architectural symbolism, wrote it into songs and stories... and although they didn't have modern data storage techniques, they still managed to find ways to preserve their astute observations in other forms (read The Secret of the Incas by William Sullivan).

Did they know something about December 21, 2012 that we don't? Perhaps they did. But predicting some major catastrophic event with the accuracy of a single day -- from thousands of years ago -- seems extremely unlikely.

The biggest risk of things happening on December 21, 2012 probably comes from self-fulfilling prophecy. If people freak out on that day and start leaping off tall buildings or pressing all the wrong buttons in nuclear bunkers, we could very well end up with a disastrous day caused by human fear of what might happen on that day. It begs the question: Which came first, the fear of December 21, 2012, or the prediction of the results of that fear?

It's a classic chicken-and-egg conundrum, especially if you believe in psychic premonition (i.e. seeing the future, as in the quatrains of Nostradamus).

God particles, physicists and the Large Hadron Collider

Interestingly, some modern physicists believe in precisely this kind of reverse-time causative event. Last year's failure of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_...), for example, has been described by some physicists as the equivalent of "an act of God."

The LHC machine, as you may know, was engineered to search for the "God particle" (the so-called Higgs boson particle). As Wikipedia explains: "The Higgs boson is a massive scalar elementary particle predicted to exist by the Standard Model in particle physics. At present there are no known fundamental scalar particles in nature." (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Higgs_...)

Of course, the Standard Model was totally wrong about the mass state of neutrinos, so it might be wrong about Higgs boson, too. But that's what physicists are trying to figure out. Watch the Large Hadron Rap song, if you dare, right here: YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.... (it will teach you a bit about what the LHC is trying to accomplish. It will also teach you that physicists should be legally barred from dancing on camera...)

To hear some scientists explain why the LHC machine broke last year, this God particle causes such a disturbance in the fabric of the universe that the mere possibility of this particle being born into existence from the machine caused a ripple in space-time that sent a wave of probability back in time to wreck the machine and prevent it from ever creating the God particle in the first place. (I swear I'm not making this up...) (http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/arch...)

Or, maybe some lone LHC technician named Bob accidentally dropped a wrench into the cooling coils and made up this elaborate story to cover his tracks... "Uh yeah, a probability wave from the future made me do it!"

In other words, while NASA scientist are right now saying the world won't end in 2012, some other physicists seem to believe that all depends on whether the LHC machine cranks out some God particles or not.

Heck, maybe the Mayans who predicted the end of our world were actually seeing a successful run of the LHC where a God particle gets created, tears a hole in the fabric of reality, and brings our present era to a whimpering close only to be reborn in a subsequent Big Bang Episode 2.

Or, for all we know, this whole birth / rebirth cycle has been repeating itself for eternity. Each new universe moves forward until the day that some sufficiently-advanced civilization cranks up its own collider machine and blasts the Higgs-boson into existence, wiping out the whole universe as a result. Theoretically, we might all exist in universe iteration number 3,571 (and counting).

Not that it matters, of course. If the universe ends on December 21, 2012 for whatever reason, you probably won't be reading about it on some blog on December 22. Blogs don't work from inside an infinitely compressed mass of all-that-is.

My suggestion is that if you believe the Mayan predictions are right, then on December 20, 2012, you should just party like it's 1999 and hope for the best. And if some small guy named Higgs shows up at your party, you'd better pray he doesn't bring a buddy named "Boson."


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Old 10-22-2009, 12:14 PM   #69
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

just wanted to share with you this.......

The essential significance of Shiva's dance at Tillai, the traditional name of Chidambaram, can be explained as[1]:
Nataraj (literally. The Lord (or King) of Dance, Sanskrit: नटराज, Kannada: ನಟರಾಜ, Tamil: கூத்தன் Kooththan, /nɐ.tɐ.rɑ.dʒɐ/) is a depiction of the Hindu god Shiva as the cosmic dancer who performs his divine dance to destroy a weary universe and make preparations for god Brahma to start the process of creation.
First, it is seen as the image of his rhythmic play which is the source of all movement within the universe. This is represented by the circular or elliptical frame surrounding the Lord.
Secondly, the purpose of his dance is to release the souls of all men from the snare of illusion.
Lastly, the place of the dance, Chidambaram, which is portrayed as the center of the universe, is actually within the heart.
To understand the concept of Nataraja we have to understand the idea of dance itself in Hinduism. Like yoga, dance is used to induce trance, ecstasy and the experience of the divine.

The Significance of Shiva's Dance:
This cosmic dance of Shiva is called 'Anandatandava,' meaning the Dance of Bliss, and symbolizes the cosmic cycles of creation and destruction, as well as the daily rhythm of birth and death. The dance is a pictorial allegory of the five principle manifestations of eternal energy — creation, destruction, preservation, salvation, and illusion. According to Coomerswamy, the dance of Shiva also represents his five activities: 'Shrishti' (creation, evolution); 'Sthiti' (preservation, support); 'Samhara' (destruction, evolution); 'Tirobhava' (illusion); and 'Anugraha' (release, emancipation, grace).
The overall temper of the image is paradoxical, uniting the inner tranquility, and outside activity of Shiva.
A Scientific Metaphor:
Fritzof Capra in his article "The Dance of Shiva: The Hindu View of Matter in the Light of Modern Physics," and later in the The Tao of Physics beautifully relates Nataraj's dance with modern physics. He says that "every subatomic particle not only performs an energy dance, but also is an energy dance; a pulsating process of creation and destruction…without end…For the modern physicists, then Shiva's dance is the dance of subatomic matter. As in Hindu mythology, it is a continual dance of creation and destruction involving the whole cosmos; the basis of all existence and of all natural phenomena."
The Nataraj Statue at CERN, Geneva:
In 2004, a 2m statue of the dancing Shiva was unveiled at CERN, the European Center for Research in Particle Physics in Geneva. A special plaque next to the Shiva statue explains the significance of the metaphor of Shiva's cosmic dance with quotations from Capra: "Hundreds of years ago, Indian artists created visual images of dancing Shivas in a beautiful series of bronzes. In our time, physicists have used the most advanced technology to portray the patterns of the cosmic dance. The metaphor of the cosmic dance thus unifies ancient mythology, religious art and modern physics."
To sum up, here's an excerpt from a beautiful poem by Ruth Peel:

"The source of all movement,
Shiva's dance,
Gives rhythm to the universe.
He dances in evil places,
In sacred,
He creates and preserves,
Destroys and releases.

We are part of this dance
This eternal rhythm,
And woe to us if, blinded
By illusions,
We detach ourselves
From the dancing cosmos,
This universal harmony…"

rock on to shiva cogs within cogs
what will be will be.....as on earth as in heaven (as above so below)

bou x
better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace

the way is not in the sky, the way is in the heart

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Old 10-22-2009, 03:41 PM   #70
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

2012 is just another step in the great cycle.



Well, I tried to warn you.
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Old 10-22-2009, 05:24 PM   #71
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

How about both?

Fact: Many people have been hypnotized and taken to 2012 and shortly after.... many didn't see themselves living on the planet any longer. This study was conducted years ago and dealt with a large number of people.

Fact: Many government trained remote viewers were also sent to 2012 and experienced the wave. They didn't want to leave the experience and found it fulfilling.

Fact: A number of people have time traveled to 2012 and beyond. Andrew Basiago was in 2013 underwater at the Supreme Court building in Washington D.C. There is no mistaking that significant earth changes had started.

Fact: Paul LaViolette did a whole interview on the Superwave that is on its way and was already spotted and is being monitered by either alien or our own secret space program. He clearly said that just prior to impact the whole planet would be quaking and this has been verified by a number of other sources (people with visions, abductees, time travelers, aliens.. ) and then the wave will move through our solar system which will affect the sun... CME and/or EMP highly probable and impact all of us. This is a reality.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
Images to nourish the spirit: http://mistsofavalon.invisionplus.ne...&showtopic=198
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Old 10-22-2009, 07:07 PM   #72
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

How about neither? These tibetan monks seem to be in agreement with what Lindsey Williams says about what TPTB have planned for 2012 - a new war:

According to these tourists remote viewers are seeing world powers in the course of self-destruction. They also see that the world will not be destroyed. Between now and 2012 the world super powers will continue to engage in regional wars. Terrorism and covert war will be the main problem. In world politics something will happen in and around 2010. At that time the world powers will threaten to destroy each other.
Between 2010 and 2012, the whole world will get polarized and prepare for the ultimate dooms day. Heavy political maneuvers and negotiations will take place with little progress.

In 2012, the world will start plunging into a total destructive nuclear war.
And at that time something remarkable will happen, says, Buddhist monk of Tibet. Supernatural divine powers will intervene. The destiny of the world is not to self-destruct at this time.

Facts are not necessarily the truth. The above remote viewing info could be totally wrong as well. I went to the bookstore last week. They had a rack full of 2012 books! People love this doomsday stuff! Clearly we are in the middle of a process. It has already started. It will continue for a long time. Whatever happens, it has no effect on what we need to do now - stop fighting and start taking care of one another.
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Old 10-22-2009, 08:34 PM   #73
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My dear friends, I thought I would put my two cents in as well. This question of ascension or calamity is at the heart of it all! It's the driving force behind our quest and thirst for more and more information concerning the topic of 2012, planet x, the shift in consciousness.......

When this subject matter hit my radar about a year and a half ago, my first reaction was that of fear. I spent many hours contemplating how to survive whatever was coming. I reviewed lists of survivor gear and supplies, looked at different supposedly safe places on the earth to go and hide, contemplated how to build the perfect survival shelter and scared myself silly going into doom and gloom sites that described very well how the earth would blow itself and us up with it.

I'm thankful to say though that I've come a long way in these past few months. I've picked up meditation again. I'm consciously working on becoming a more patient and loving person. I can now say that I can clearly see through the agendas of the ptb. Whereas in the past, I was sleepwalking just like the rest of the 90% of humanity. I'm beginning to realize and experience it in my day to day life, that the shift is already happening! Synchronicities are occurring more and more frequently; no sooner do I think about something, have a question or look for something and the next thing I know the answer is right in front of me. As soon as I stopped thinking about the past or the future concerning my finances and tried to only focus my attention on present matters at hand, whether that be working at my job or admiring the sky, my finances began to improve and my life has stabilized

I’ve realized that our job is not to change the world or cure its ills, no single person can. But I do believe and have read that all it takes is 7 – 10% of humanity to be enlightened in order to tip the scales so that when the time is right, this small minority can take the rest of humanity with them into the 4th and 5th dimensions.

I no longer look toward 2012 with dread and fear; instead I look forward to it with heightened anticipation to be able to achieve an existence beyond our wildest dreams. An existence full of love, peace and endless possibilities.
Finally, I would like to suggest a couple of great sites that support all that I have said:
Also, Listen to the 3 audio interviews with James of Wingmakers, which can be found at: http://informationfarm.blogspot.com/...el/Al%20Bielek

Finally, I have great hope and belief that the shift will bring ascension not calamaity. We have a rendezvous with our destiny in 2012. This is what we have been searching for all of our lives and past lives.
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Old 10-23-2009, 01:28 AM   #74
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Originally Posted by yiolas View Post
...I’ve realized that our job is not to change the world or cure its ills, no single person can. But I do believe and have read that all it takes is 7 – 10% of humanity to be enlightened in order to tip the scales so that when the time is right, this small minority can take the rest of humanity with them into the 4th and 5th dimensions...
Yes, and if you look at our history, you can confirm your statement. When a given people was under oppression and they managed to free themselves, it was always under the actions and commitments of only a few.

Many wonderful discoveries and knowledge are gifts to the whole human family because of a handful of dedicated and focused people.

Why? Because when a group of people is focusing with very intense desire on the very dream Creation itself cast out on the flow of creative energy, they represent the whole, the concerned. Answering the call of Creation, resonance is established and the dream manifest with tremendous clarity and omnipotence.

This is what you and me and the many like us here will take part in very soon.


I have a dream of a new humanity, a new human and my dear brothers and sisters, it will come to be true...

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 10-23-2009 at 01:33 AM.
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Old 10-23-2009, 02:17 AM   #75
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Default Re: 2012 Ascension or Calamity??

Back in the days when Regaen was President, the red phone was initiated between the US and Russia because of UFO interference with nuclear sites in the US and Russia where nuclear war heads were melted and codes scrambled. Subsequently, it seems unlikely a nuclear incident would occur given all of the ET monitoring of this planet for the past 40 years. The same goes for astroids and comets as well... the friends upstairs tend to redirect them away from the planet so there is little concern on that end of things as well. Given the intense accelerated hybrid program by the ETs I seriously doubt they would allow a nuclear war as it is their plan to take over the planet. Whether that happens we don't yet know.... at least those of us who haven't been involved in the time travel projects don't know. And the timelines, they are a mystery to us as well. I am certain of the Superwave and I don't intend to worry about it, or the war mongering, or the economy, or much of anything else that may happen. We just take each day at a time and enjoy it for what it has to offer.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
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