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Old 11-02-2009, 12:34 AM   #1
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Default Keylontic Science

I would like to present the perspective about the 2012 event from the GA-MCEO (Guardian Alliance - Melchizedek Cloister Emerald Order), which is a collective of inter-dimensional races, souls from which have incarnated as Avatars in human form, like Jesus, Rama and Krishna during various periods in Human History. First of all, let me provide a link to the website for this group, www.azuritepress.com, which provides an introduction to what this group is all about.

Here(www.azuritepress.com/New%20Comers/intro_topic_summary_1.html) is a link to a summary of the Historical Origins of the MCEO teachings, which pre-date the seeding of the Angelic Human genome on our Planet Earth. The more recent pre-ancient historical MCEO teachings of Earth emerged from the 12 CDT-Plate Silver-recorder-disc Libraries that were given to the ancient Urtite human races of Earth by MCEO Guardians–Azurite race, in the 246,000 BC Atlantian period, as part of the Emerald Covenant Co-evolution Agreement treaty. These pre-ancient teachings formed the basis for the “Original 12 Angelic Human Earth Re-Legions” or Original 12 Religions. Over time and through the intentional historical manipulations orchestrated by Illuminati races (who possess hybrid Angelic Human + various “Intruder ET” genetic lines), the original complimentary perspectives and teachings of the “Original 12 Ancient Angelic Human Earth Religions” were progressively distorted into competitive, contradictory doctrines and “control dogmas". The Atlantean Illuminati False Yugas “Parallel Wormhole Opening” Precession Calendars were later introduced to various Lower Earth Sleeper human populations in recent times and became the basis for the “Mayan End Times Calendar” and numerous early “Pagan seasonal-worship” rites.

Here(www.azuritepress.com/New%20Comers/intro_topic_summary_2.html) is a link to the 2nd summary page about the MCEO teachings. This page summarizes the difference between the MCEO teachings that lead us to an energetically eternally self-sustaining path of accretion of our Quanta towards God-Source and the "false" Ascension teachings, which are based on devouring or destruction of existing finite Quanta for the accretion of further new Quanta or in other words death/destruction and re-birth cycles. The "The Tree of Life" teachings that were dispensed by the entity Quetzlcoatl to the Mayan Civilization, in fact, represent The Tree of Artificial Life or Metatronic Death Science technologies. Quetzlcoatl is the same Anunnaki entity who was known as Thoth in a previous incarnation in the Atlantean period and who stole one of the CDT plates that contained some of the MCEO Ascension Science teachings. The Illuminati Elders used that technology to create a Wormhole link between our Earth-Sun-Milky Way Galactic Core and the corresponding Earth-Sun-Milky Way Galactic Core in a Parallel Universe, which is a falling system that is based on Metatronic Death Science. The Illuminati plan to open this wormhole in 2012, when our Earth-Sun-Milky Way Galactic Core come in alignment with the corresponding counterparts in the falling Parallel Universe system. No wonder, there are verses about Wormwood (something that comes through the Wormhole) in Biblical Revealation texts, which is part of the distortion introduced in religious texts as part of the Illuminati Master Plan. If the Illuminati Master Plan was successful, our Solar System and the Parallel Universe Solar System would engage inorganic Metatronic Death-Star Merkaba-vortex dimensional-blend via the Wormhole, which would cause rapid mass extinction of the life fields in both systems, then both solar systems would be “drawn back in time” to the 10,948 BC Atlantean time period of just before when the wormhole link was created. However, this Illuminati Master Plan will not succeed, as they will soon find out. Due to the GA-MCEO Guardians' intervention efforts, the Illuminati's wormhole link opening event will not proceed to completion in 2012, but will instead be postponed to about AD 2230. The MCEO Guardians have progressively activated a very ancient network of trans-dimensional Earth Interface Star-Gates which include the “Arc of the Covenant–Hub Gate Network,” the “Polarian Gate System,” and the “Na-VA’-Ho Spanner Core Gate System,” which together, in 2012, will allow for the opening of the “Aurora Silver Seed Gates,” through which Earth’s Templar can retain direct connection to the Living Cosmic Templar Ascension Passages, despite the Illuminati’s scheduled 2012 opening of the Fall-aligned wormhole. These gates will remain open for the next 200 years. In 2012, the Guardians will introduce an Expedited Bio-regenesis Healing technique called the “Silver Seed Awakening”, through which accelerated reverse-mutation of the DNA Template can occur, to allow reclamation of the organic ability of Ascension through atomic Transfiguration. This “200-year window” will enable humans, both of the “Angelic” and “Illuminati-Human” lines on “Amnesty Contracts,” who engage the “Silver Seed Awakening Healing” at its initiation in 2012, to heal their atomic-biology and Encryption Lattice sufficiently to engage biological “Star-Gate Slide Ascension” into the nearby “Free Worlds” and the “Path of Re-evolutionary Ascension” within which these worlds reside. Contemporary Earth is presently a “Blended System” with over 66% of its Encryption Lattice in Fall System BPR alignment. If the fall alignment percentage remains at the same high levels in 2012, Illuminati’s strengthened environmental electro-magnetic Metatronic Time-Harness in 2012 might induce an automatic “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio” permanent DNA mutation in all life forms. However, Individuals who make choices that allow their personal Encryption Lattices to enter Co-resonant Harmonic Alignment with the Guardians’ Stardust Ascension Grid between December 21, 2012 and January 31, 2013, will receive the gift of the “Silver Seed Awakening”, which will create progressive biological immunity to the Illuminati’s environmentally induced automatic “Metatronic 55-Blending Ratio” permanent DNA mutation.

So, what can a caring humanity do "in the meantime", in preparation for 2012 and beyond? In short, the answer is to make positive, love-based, joy-filled and wise choices in life, in preparation for, and following 2012, which will provide the opportunity for us to SHIFT ourselves into a more desirable evolutionary alignment than that of the “Path of Fall,” with which the primary quanta of Earth are now engaged due to the 66% quantum alignment of Earth’s Planetary Encryption Lattice, and geomagnetic field, to the Metatronic Code. An example of a wise choice would be to refrain from engaging in Metatronic Death Science based "false" Ascension teachings. Pointers have been provided in the above linked summary #2, on how one can discern between "true" and "false" ascension teachings. Eg: if one sees constructs such as the "tree of Life", "Fibonacci Sequence" or "Golden Mean Rectangle" used in the teachings then that paradigm is definitely based on Metatronic Death Science.

I hope, I have been able to "summarize" the somewhat long summaries on the Azuritepress website in a form that will be comprehended relatively easily by people who are not yet connected with the teachings. Please feel free to post your queries about MCEO teachings on the "KeylonticScience" Yahoo group or directly contact the MCEO speakers via the Azuritepress website.

Last edited by LightOfGod; 11-02-2009 at 01:51 AM.
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Old 11-02-2009, 01:36 AM   #2
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Not that I don't support this cause or it's teachings, but you will also need your wallet or check book in a serious way. Just thought I would mention that.
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Old 12-14-2009, 02:42 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Lionhawk View Post
Not that I don't support this cause or it's teachings, but you will also need your wallet or check book in a serious way. Just thought I would mention that.

Their material unfortunately for us is rather costly, however there is a great deal of it circulating the web and on their site for free. I definitely recommend purchasing the voyager books though. The scope of them is vast in its content...quite informative.

Light of God: Well written summary of a summary lol... I have been following their work since May of this year and it has shed quite a bit of light on some of the experiences I have had, as well as for other people I know. Seriously though the scope/ depth of Ash's material is ridiculous...I still cant wrap my mind on how vast and complex it is....haven't came across anything quite like it in the past 4 years Ive been researching.
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Old 12-14-2009, 03:51 AM   #4
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For a great nutshell of the agendas, try the $10 book Angelic Realities, the Survival Handbook.

I support her work by purchasing her books. Voyagers I & II are now on their way. And a new one is coming out soon.

One can always request their local library to order them in....
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Old 12-14-2009, 03:51 AM   #5
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I had a quick glance at the work some months ago, & decided that I may have to get a PhD first in order to understand it. It seemed very technical, & abstract & waaaaaaaaay over my head, not to mention cost, which I do not agree with. The other factor is this, eveyone who has a teaching to offer up states that theirs is the "real" truth. Now at this point in time, we appear to have many "real" teachings out there. This imo is harmful, & confusing to the seeker of truth. For me, I will follow my own internal path & guidance rather than someone else's, be my own guru. Its not difficult really, one already has an inner guidance & knowing as to how to lead one's life. Anything outside of that is truly a mystery.....& when we start to break down the mystery, only more questions & untruths pop up....so I for the most part leave it alone.
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Old 12-14-2009, 05:58 AM   #6
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Default Re: Keylontic Science

has anyone here practiced the "Maharic Seal" technique for dna activation and healing.... if so, any results?

i'm interested in trying this.
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Old 12-14-2009, 07:13 AM   #7
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Yes I read 'Angelic Realities' first before the Voyagers books, great way to begin immersion into all of this.
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Old 12-14-2009, 10:28 AM   #8
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I have practiced the maharic shield and it works for me, there are a lot of free material in the website follow this links






there are many more free techniques by following http://www.azuritepress.com/techniqu...html#Essential New Comers and pressing the title that is highlighted in blue

The website is so big that it takes a bit to get used to it, there is also a yahoo group that discusses the material http://groups.yahoo.com/group/KeylonticScience/

There are many pages of free information, that is the way I started and I could not afford it either but I got interested in doing the Krystal River Prayer and the finances got right for me to buy what I needed

If a person is broke there is a sponsorship program the information is in the yahoo group in the files section that again has a lot of free material.

At the begining it may seem difficult to understand cos the info is directed to the the six strand of DNA activation but after working with the initial techniques and getting more sub harmonics activated it soon seems so familiar.

Hope this helps

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Old 12-14-2009, 02:15 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
has anyone here practiced the "Maharic Seal" technique for dna activation and healing.... if so, any results?

i'm interested in trying this.
Try listening to these Mp3s of Ashyana Dean guiding a group through the Maharic Seal meditation...

Also, for those interested, a recent interview of Ashyana can be heard by going to http://www.gtbroadcasting.com/ and clicking on "Studio B". It will be replaying/looping there for a short while.
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Old 12-14-2009, 02:54 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
has anyone here practiced the "Maharic Seal" technique for dna activation and healing.... if so, any results?

i'm interested in trying this.
I have been practicing the maharic seal at least twice a day for over six weeks. I haven't ascended yet, but I'll keep you posted. Seriously though, it is easy to do and I have been experiencing fewer astral attacks in my sleep and am less susceptible to energy vampirism in general.
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Old 12-14-2009, 05:23 PM   #11
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Stardustaquarion: Thanks for those links & info.....I will give these a try, & see if I resonate with the material.

Sideshow Shaman: also thanks to you too....I will follow through on this.

Sarahmay: your feedback on your experience has been noted.....I'm going to give this a try......but what is this technique supposed to do for us?
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Old 12-14-2009, 06:25 PM   #12
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Angelic Realities contains the short version of the Maharic Seal which provides a "manually created temporary Maharic Seal in your bio-field & requires manual resetting every 24 hrs w/frequent reinforcement during the day", .. "realignment for all aspects of the physical & subtle-energy-body systems......it will also amplify results you desire to gain from any energy work, increase conscious memory of sleep-time experience, protect consciousness & body from dis-harmonic energies while you sleep."

You can access the definitions at keylonticdictionary.org

"The Maharc Seal is a keylontic science scalar-wave technology built upon the advanced scientific principles of 15-dimensional partiki mechanics & unified field vibrational mechanics & the advanced spiritual principles of merkaba mechanics and the law of one."

The full version will progressively program Cellular Memory to hold the seal for prolonged periods of time, to function automatically within your Bio-Field.
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Old 12-14-2009, 06:32 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
Angelic Realities contains the short version of the Maharic Seal which provides a "manually created temporary Maharic Seal in your bio-field & requires manual resetting every 24 hrs w/frequent reinforcement during the day", .. "realignment for all aspects of the physical & subtle-energy-body systems......it will also amplify results you desire to gain from any energy work, increase conscious memory of sleep-time experience, protect consciousness & body from dis-harmonic energies while you sleep."

You can access the definitions at keylonticdictionary.org

"The Maharc Seal is a keylontic science scalar-wave technology built upon the advanced scientific principles of 15-dimensional partiki mechanics & unified field vibrational mechanics & the advanced spiritual principles of merkaba mechanics and the law of one."

The full version will progressively program Cellular Memory to hold the seal for prolonged periods of time, to function automatically within your Bio-Field.
Moxie...thanks for the explaination....I feel somewhat intimidated by the whole program......am thinking "do I have enough time left in this lifetime" to start studying all this? Sounds like it would take a few years or more
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Old 12-14-2009, 06:38 PM   #14
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By activating the Maharic Shield one gives oneselve the opportunity to reset the blueprint to it original divine intention and to start the process of healing the many distorsion that one's template have because the ongoing wars in our galaxy

One also start the process of activating further harmonics in the DNA template

Angelic humans had originally 12 strands of DNA active but currently most have only 2.5 to 3 strands. The rest of the strand are what scientist call "junk DNA" only it is no junk it is dimensions 4 to 12

The 12 dimensional frequencies that come with the Maharic shield activation have been only available on the planet since the year 2000

Also it protects the integrity of our biofield to a point from astral attacks and energy distorsions

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Old 12-14-2009, 07:37 PM   #15
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Stardustaquarion: Thank you for the explaination......I have another question....does any part of this program clear out any implants in the astral bodies, what about implants that may be in the physical body. I believe what I am looking for is a technique that I can do on myself to completely clear any and all implants, certain installed programs, release forgotten memories into full awareness, & full release from the effects of such things. I guess I am asking for a lot here, but I am a glutton for punishment
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Old 12-14-2009, 08:01 PM   #16
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Waitinginthewings Yes it does, those are the Flame body activations, healing the shadow self. That technique clears lots and can be done regularly.

Don't feel intimidated you just have to do things at your own pace. I thought the same at the begining but after a little while all seem so familiar cos keylontic science is a science of scalar waves and the bodies that we have are built by scalar waves that form morphogenetic fields

My best advise is take all at your own pace and join the keylontic forum, people there are very patient and loving and they can help you a lot if you do not understand something, they are all like a big international family and there is no preassure, nobody tries to convince anyone cos we all have free will

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Old 12-14-2009, 08:02 PM   #17
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Waitinginthewings, you crack me up... I felt the same, not enough time huh? Maybe the 100th Monkey Phenomena will kick in...

It's just that she explains so much more, and it seems to incorporate many other assistants/teachers's works that seemingly have fragmented pieces, our history, ancestry, agendas, identifies the parties, offers techniques to differentiate recognition, all for your own personal experiential, first hand knowing. I like that alot. You can tell the difference between someone trying to persuade or entice and someone offering you tools to try out yourself.

Angels are ETs makes sense. Just like the encoded word 'demons' for planets in Wayne Herschel's work... bits n pics being gathered up all the time!
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Old 12-14-2009, 08:10 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
Waitinginthewings Yes it does, those are the Flame body activations, healing the shadow self. That technique clears lots and can be done regularly.

Don't feel intimidated you just have to do things at your own pace. I thought the same at the begining but after a little while all seem so familiar cos keylontic science is a science of scalar waves and the bodies that we have are built by scalar waves that form morphogenetic fields

My best advise is take all at your own pace and join the keylontic forum, people there are very patient and loving and they can help you a lot if you do not understand something, they are all like a big international family and there is no preassure, nobody tries to convince anyone cos we all have free will

I can see that I am going to have to learn some new terminology Sounds like a whole new language.....hope I'm up for it......because I'm feeling ready to move up a notch or two.....have been sitting in a plateau for too long now. Blessings & thank you for your support.
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Old 12-14-2009, 08:13 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Moxie View Post
Waitinginthewings, you crack me up... I felt the same, not enough time huh? Maybe the 100th Monkey Phenomena will kick in...

It's just that she explains so much more, and it seems to incorporate many other assistants/teachers's works that seemingly have fragmented pieces, our history, ancestry, agendas, identifies the parties, offers techniques to differentiate recognition, all for your own personal experiential, first hand knowing. I like that alot. You can tell the difference between someone trying to persuade or entice and someone offering you tools to try out yourself.

Angels are ETs makes sense. Just like the encoded word 'demons' for planets in Wayne Herschel's work... bits n pics being gathered up all the time!
Red highlight: totally! I'm so aware of the acceleration of time now, that I'm almost afraid to start any new project, in case the ship lands, & I'm caught sitting on my rock with a book in hand, still learning......woa....wait for me Tks Moxie for the giggles.....first laugh all day.
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Old 12-14-2009, 08:28 PM   #20
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I did the maharic seal one night. The next morning I was walking in my upstairs hall and I suddenly went blank- no hearing, no sight, nothing......

I was scared and called out for help even though I couldn't hear myself or see.

My oldest daughter was there and my husband grabbed me and placed me on the floor because to him it must have looked like I was going to faint but I wasn't feeling faint.

Not sure if that was related to the maharic seal but it was very odd indeed.
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Old 12-15-2009, 05:05 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
By activating the Maharic Shield one gives oneselve the opportunity to reset the blueprint to it original divine intention and to start the process of healing the many distorsion that one's template have because the ongoing wars in our galaxy

One also start the process of activating further harmonics in the DNA template

Angelic humans had originally 12 strands of DNA active but currently most have only 2.5 to 3 strands. The rest of the strand are what scientist call "junk DNA" only it is no junk it is dimensions 4 to 12

The 12 dimensional frequencies that come with the Maharic shield activation have been only available on the planet since the year 2000

Also it protects the integrity of our biofield to a point from astral attacks and energy distorsions

thanks so much!.... i'm excited to try it.

does it also help to heal the body of any viruses? curious about physical illness.

also are you an indigo? i've read her info re. indigos and it "hits home" to me. i'd like to know how to maximize my own potential w what and how we were intended to be.
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Old 12-15-2009, 08:51 AM   #22
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I have been in to Keylontic science for a good while now... there are many posts and forum links and debates about it here on this forum... just type in Asha'yana Dean or Diane Hayes.... lots of good info and videos etc...
great work great threads... the more her work comes to the attension of other the better.... I don't mind paying to buy books or buy videos, I know her work needs to be funded like everyone elses...
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Old 12-15-2009, 09:46 PM   #23
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Hi Dolphin, my personal experience is quite remarkable, I used to suffer from fibromyalgia for 10 years when I started to practice Keylonic Sciences and it is all gone!...It is quite something

I myself have quite good health now but it was a process and I am using the chakra and axiatonal healing from some of the teachings

Yes I am a Indigo

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Old 12-16-2009, 06:02 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
Hi Dolphin, my personal experience is quite remarkable, I used to suffer from fibromyalgia for 10 years when I started to practice Keylonic Sciences and it is all gone!...It is quite something

I myself have quite good health now but it was a process and I am using the chakra and axiatonal healing from some of the teachings

Yes I am a Indigo

i had a hunch you were, same here as an energy healer also confirmed that i am. congrats on your healing....wow, makes me even more interested to learn this in depth and heal my own body! thanks again.
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Old 12-16-2009, 04:24 PM   #25
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Awesome Stardust!!!!!
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2012, guardian alliance, keylontic science, multidimensional reality, quantum physics

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