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Old 06-10-2009, 08:25 PM   #1
THE eXchanger
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Default BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

My name is Robert Dowing and I do go by Bob.
19 days ago I passed over to my original state.
My job while in physical form
was part of the financial network that controls the world,
what you are familiar
with called the Illuminati,
so I got firsthand reports on most of the financial
interactions and controls that go on
, on this planet and a few others.

This process is so highly controlled with ego and power
that a lot of them destroy themselves in trying to be in charge
and run everything as they see fit.

Most people have no idea of the interactions
of this overwhelming power source that
controls the world.

A lot of you are aware now that what you hear and see on
the news and elsewhere, is an entire manifestation of non-truth
and that has got to the point that if you did show the truth,
very few would accept it or believe
For some reason I was connected to a race of beings from the Pleiades
without knowing it,
I was guided throughout my life to sort of keep the lid on
things, as I did just before my passing away last month.

I realized what I was
doing and was able to make some sense out of my very unconnected life.

Once you realize that everything is being controlled by just a few and countries and governments are just a show place to hold people's attention and make them
think they are part of something,
which makes them much more manageable.

At this point of realization is when the inhabitants of the planet will start to
divide and break down.

The ones that I was affiliated with, even though there
were many disputes going on between us
, we were still able to keep the lid on
most big projects in the world.

Now, everything is breaking apart.
One of the main concepts of war is unemployment,
mixed with greed, can cause a
mass exodus off of the planet.

This is what the powers that be are banking on
and to some level they will succeed.

But now that I'm on a much higher plane,
with a much broader view,
I can witness a totally different outcome than it
looked like from my physical state.

I was just told a lot of you have the
knowledge to re-integrate thought into reality and will not have to experience
the destruction of humanity as we know it.

Before I crossed to the other side, I had no idea it was another process that
was being developed by many of you and

I'm sure many of you still don't realize
how powerful you have put this manifestation into place.

What it looks life
from here is different communities all over the world that are taking on this
responsibility and the interesting thing is most of them don't realize they are
tied in to a community that is keeping the energetic field balanced,
so this pattern can be held in place without a lot of destruction.
People don't have to know each other to form a new alliance,
they just have to
have the same constructive mental process
in place and understand the universal
laws, and live by them, and not look for some outside power
that is going to
save everybody.

Everybody is responsible for themselves, and the more you are
responsible, the more you draw in the same energy
and become one with the ones
that have the same values.

There are approximately 20% of the worlds population
that are not originally
from Earth.

Many of them have to shift how they look in order to be part of the
community without freaking anybody out.

There is a small group who I worked
with that are cold-blooded beings, these are not the ones I'm talking about,
these are all separate entities, with entirely different agendas. We don't have
to get into this because it will not have an overall sense of what is in the
process of happening.

For many years this planet has run totally by fear and violence
and the need to
get even.

Now this time there is a new breed of beings that cannot be affected
by this unnecessary way of thinking,
because they are starting to use energy and
bring in manifestation from the heart and not the ego.

Basically, everything is
going to look pretty rough for a short time until the energy switches and the
20% becomes one.

At this point, there will not need to be any sort of police
force or military, because there will not be anything to control.

I guess I was given this job because I saw what mankind
is using his power for and basically
to destroy himself.

This new method is being introduced into your civilizations
and will allow everybody to experience life in a much more harmonious way.

There are still people who suffer under belief systems, and by removing this
concept of understanding, allows you to see the entire process as it really is,
not just stories and storybooks that go nowhere. When visitors came here
approximately 30,000 years ago and extracted all the gold they could for their
own personal need, they created a system of human beings that,
at that time,
would pretty much follow anything that was set before them
and by using a
process that they devised called fear,
they were able to control most of the
world and get them to extract the gold for their purpose.

Well, different
people came and left during this time
and used the inhabitants on this planet to
their own personal greed.

And that is where I came in. I belong to one of the
families that were doing the controlling.

The whole time I was in physical
form, I just felt that this was a non-productive way to operate a business
called Earth, but had no clue how to cut from this, so I wasn't able to until I
crossed into a non-physical condition
and have found a number of ways to explain
this through others that are able to pass this information on.

Most all the governments of your planet have been so indoctrinated into a
process that has absolutely no form to operate from, so it is quite difficult to
extract yourself from this process.

Many people have enlightened themselves out
of the first process, which is understanding that a good portion
of the planet
is controlled by people
that don't have their best interest in mind.

As soon as
you reach the second stage and understand
how you create and process by thought,
this gives you some freedom from the controlled element
that has been
established on the Earth.

Mother Earth wants to take her last step out of any
control. In order for this to take place, it will take a certain mental
structure that will allow everything that is taking place as perfection, and not
try to change anything, at this point, and only at this point.

This opens up
the gates for the higher consciousness to operate in.
The ones that are going to be starting this new line of thought are in training
at this time and will be introducing this new energetic field at any time.

This information has many concepts that will interact with the process now and will allow mankind to open up to information that has been lost or purposely denied for thousands of years.

The ones that are denying you from this information are
in the process of moving their power very rapidly at this time.

The only ones
they can still control
are the ones that think they are being watched and
monitored, which cannot be possible
unless there is fear involved.

When different races of people arrived at this planet,
which most were brought
here basically as mental slaves,
which are people being controlled by thought
and emotion.

So to understand this, if you are looking for physical labor to do
your bidding for you and you had no emotional tie to anything,
you would pick
the ones from different areas of the universe
that used emotions to process
with, because you could basically set up a system
on the whole planet and
control from any means you saw.

This doesn't necessarily mean this is a
negative process, this is just the only one
they knew how to accomplish their
goal was in many different factors.

The one thing they did not understand
is that the ones they brought here and the
ones that were already here,
even though they had an emotional outlet controlled
by fear, they had a gland that was placed in the center of their brain,
that if
it was ever activated,
would allow them to understand how
they were being
manipulated and controlled by the ones in power,
just by using their emotions
for this process.

Once they realize now that this little pineal gland,
combined with the emotion,
is one of the most powerful creative forces a human being can
use for processing this and allows you to see in multiple dimensional realities.

This is like anything, the more you see the more you can respond to whatever the
situation requires.

This process cannot be used if whatever this connection is,
is not processed through the heart.

The pineal gland is totally designed to
operate on a very high spiritual level,
not in a low dimensional form for
greater power,
the power that I just passed over from.

Someone who understands
this process and has no clue
how to defend themselves from it, because they have
no emotions and no pineal gland
that will allow them to see through their highly
developed retina in their eye,
that the human species have acquired.

Another process that we will be introducing
into our awareness is levitation.

When you are using levitation as an exponentially
combined thought process, and
use this focus with others joined,
gives you a tremendous ability to disconnect
the gravitational pull around the object
that you are trying to move in.

Basically, you are denying the law of gravity
in that small area and redoing
this process jointly, by focusing all at the same time.

By placing their hands
on top of this large object,
you can basically stir it into place and use lasers
to cut the stone that is being laid in place,
which gives you a perfect match to
the structure that it is connecting to.

There are three processes involved that
is; levitation, laser light and sound,
and the ability to tie these three

Basically, you want to understand how it all comes together.

This process isn't that difficult and monuments,
walls or even pyramids can be
erected quite efficiently. .......

The ones of you that have made a predetermined conscious decision
to lead this
monatomic process onto the Earth as it changes,
will be going through a lot of
physical transference.

Most of it will be just a foreign feeling to you and
some could be a little uncomfortable.
As long as you know that it is changing
to increase your physical stamina and mental clarity,
it makes it much easier to
go through.
As the Earth's cognition with its inhabitants
becomes more in line with her
frequency, balancing everything that Mother Earth
has experienced will be part
of your being.

This will give all the ones that are connected to this new
frequency a tremendous jump into the new way to process thought,
by not using
reference points to make a decision
is one of the main connections with the

Learning to communicate with the Mother will be your next big conquest
because all information you receive will be pure
and not referring anything from
the past and once you reach this,
you will elevate quite fast.

You have been
receiving more tools lately to allow this to become
part of your growth

One of these tools is understanding and using scalar processing, so
by using this process to balance their energy fields around you
and then applying your individual enhancement with others,
without ego,
you manifest a
creative force that hasn't been used
since the Atlantis era.

Another part of your history that isn't much publicized is your moon.

It was
brought here by outsiders,
not originated on the Earth, about 500,000 years ago.

The planet that is among the most associated with
, had self-destructed, so it,
was not really needed were it was.

It was reduced down to space dust and
lasered to the vicinity of Earth.

What it does is help keep it stable,
like a helicopter does with its tail rotor.
As time goes on you will be more educated
to the history and the amazing process that have taken place
to get you to this point,
which makes the planet very stable at this time.

So, now we can start
working on the inhabitants
and see what we can do about getting this stable,
without using some belief system or religion,
because both of these concepts
just stop any growth.

Information, in order for anything to grow,
must be continuous and that is on any level.

You have to be able to see the whole story
to understand in the form of reality and truth.

Something that is beginning to take place,
it is called collective energy,
this is where you gather in small groups
and discuss the process you have collected
and share with each other.

By using this process without having a debate or an
ego contest and to share information,
this is where you connect exponentially,
which will transform energy into a higher frequency.

In most cases, in third dimension,
everybody wants to tell what they know
and then will argue the point
that they are right.

As soon as this transpires, you have disconnected energy
and that has been put in place and the meaning cannot flow
to a higher point.

Any time you use the words disagree,
it not only stops the mental connection you
have with whoever you are communicating with,
but it makes the energetic field
disconnect between you.

The idea is to keep a flow of creative energy going
between the two parties and stay out of set patterns
that you might have
allowed into your conscious or unconscious programming.

There is one process
that I would like to reintroduce into your creative
experience and that is before you incarnated onto this plane in a third
dimensional condition,
you knew how the process would work before you became a
product of this environment.

Each one of you knew and understood the
consequences of living in an environment with basically
very few tools to
process with, but you also knew that this process
has more rewards than any

Now you are about to reengage in a life process that allows you freedom
from a very controlled environment.

The original plan, many thousands of years ago,
was to keep the planet's
inhabitants around a billion people.

They would keep bringing in different
strains of diseases, but they weren't aware of how fast human beings can
and also how advanced they become mentally and spiritually connecting
with the Source.

So, at this point, they are starting to take measures to
eliminate the ones that are in the way.

This can be done in many ways, using
plagues, or diseases or just plain negative programming
they receive on the
evening news.

If you give someone enough negative news, they will just
eliminate themselves from the system.

Of course what I'm saying is just what
their plans are, since I'm out of that situation
, it might have just been
changed some,
but I don't think very much.

As you know, this whole system
started up about 30,000 years ago,
when laborers were brought to earth and
harvested gold.

The whole thing got a little out of hand because the ones in
control didn't realize the potential human beings have when joining their
energies together.

Because human beings are so easily led,
they didn't realize
that they were capable of extracting and understanding
how to cut away from the
control that had been put on.

Now it is time for all original people from the human race
and some that have
been brought in to learn to use their abilities that were designed for you.

Your mental and physical body are able to withstand
much more mentally,
physically and spiritual demand than ever before.

There is enough programmers
on the planet at this time,
to reintroduce the processes that were used before
the great mental takeover by the ones
that are so-called in charge at this time.

My advice is; don't even try to change anybody,
allow everything to flow
together at its own pace.

It is virtually impossible for anyone living with a
belief system to understand the new process
that is inundating Mother Earth at
this time.

So, spending any amount of time with these souls would not benefit a

Many of you have learned to listen to your inner self
and are preparing for the
changes that are taking place at this time.
These changes are going to be more
significant than ever before.

Mother Earth is getting her people back and the
people are getting Mother Earth back.

This is the original design, which will
work best in this semi-quadrant of destiny.

The word destiny in this case, is
that all living beings have already completed their mission
and it is in its
final stage,
which will mean all the discomforts of ego,
control and power will
cease to exist.

These are the three main broad bands that keep you in control
by outside beings that are trying to use
Earth's processing for minerals to
their advantage.

Once they are incapable of controlling you and you realize how
the system has been set up and you have been controlled by others
for thousands
of years, they will lose their power.

In fact, they are losing at this time,
very rapidly.

There is nothing you have to fight or pray for support or more
control for this to happen.

All you have to have is a heart connection with
your people and Mother Earth
and from this point just sit back and wait.

This is kind of a strange job for myself because
I was basically on the other
side when I was in my physical appearance.

What I am now I can see very well
what is transpiring is a worlds energy expanding
into a whole new dimensional
collage of experiences.

That is all for now.
LOVE, susan ~ the eXchanger
+ xxx

Last edited by THE eXchanger; 12-27-2009 at 05:44 AM.
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Old 06-10-2009, 09:09 PM   #2
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

Susan, I take it you are channeling thru someone who has passed? My girlfriend who is very spiritual and knowledgable always tells me were going to be o.k. . She says it with the most calm expression and also says that there are many that aren't meant to go and even if that involves her family members she is o.k. with that.

She is fascinated with atlantis, myself with Rome. We were talking the other day about the ice cap in alaska that is growing 7 ft a day and she just grinned and I said what? She said its the pole shift happening.

One thing we are both experiencing now is a constant ringing in both of our ears. Never goes away day or night anymore and it's not aggravating just is there all the time. It's almost like a frequency changing and so is the intensity and levels of the tone.

Theres been more things that have happened than this but if what Bob has to say is true, then we continue the path of what we think it to be and grow into what we know it to be eventually ?? Another words are intuition is our teacher and we follow accordingly?

I do believe there will be some different feelings associated with the poles shifting and we will need to pause during that time and collect our thoughts always moving forward knowing that it will be o.k. I would like to hear more when Bob thinks it is time again. Thanks to you both for sharing!
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Old 06-10-2009, 09:26 PM   #3
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

Very interesting Susan thanks for the post and to Bob
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Old 06-10-2009, 10:07 PM   #4
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

Originally Posted by pyrangello View Post

One thing we are both experiencing now is a constant ringing in both of our ears. Never goes away day or night anymore and it's not aggravating just is there all the time. It's almost like a frequency changing and so is the intensity and levels of the tone.
I'm having this ringing in both of my ears too, and it's getting stronger and stronger...Now I have the problem that I can also hear the zumming of various electrical devices as Faxes, PCs, refrigirators etc. I can hear their frequency now more then ever before. It's so intense sometimes, mixed with my own ringing, that it hurts. But I know this is the part of the change we must go thru, so it's OK. Good to see (hear) that I'm not alone.

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Old 06-10-2009, 10:28 PM   #5
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

Thank you, Susan. Reassuring messages help to keep us on track. As others have posted, I do have ringing, especially in the right ear for the past few years. It does stop periodically and then returns. Never a pattern. Also changes in intensitiy or tone.
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Old 06-11-2009, 01:48 AM   #6
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

That's really interesting. I have had ringing in my ears for the past 5-6 years, however I have no hearing loss or damage. In fact I can hear frequencies that I'm not even supposed to hear unless I'm under 22 years of age (you know those sound generator systems designed to keep teens away from stores... they throw out a high frequency noise that only the young can hear... thereby keeping them from hanging out at shops etc) and I passed that a good while ago.

I had never connected that to anything before. Maybe we should do a poll =)
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Old 06-11-2009, 02:10 AM   #7
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

I dont care if that was channeled or not. The whole OP is amazing and I cant see anything in it that I feel that I would disagree with. It all matches up with what I have learned/experienced.

Keep it coming!

Thanks Bob!


PS: I have ringing in my ears too and can hear CRT tubes when they are on.
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Old 06-11-2009, 02:12 AM   #8
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

Ringing in both ears here also! I was thinking it was just tinnitus or high blood pressure.
Of course I've had neither one checked, LOL
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Old 06-11-2009, 02:35 AM   #9
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

the ringing in your ears

is your essencel, trying to sing you its song !!!

if you ask,

when you go to sleep,

for essence to make contact with you,

guess what ...

it will

and, then ask it

to moderate the tone

and, to fine tune your new crystalline light bodies

so, it's a better match ...

and, then, the sound becomes

more palatable to your ears

and, guess what ...

generally, it turns into something
that sounds a little bit more
like this


- All About Eve - Road To Your Soul: Video
Road to Your Soul
All about Eve

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Old 06-11-2009, 02:40 AM   #10
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

as long as "the greed card" is in the deck

we are all safe !!! LOL

remember -- there are 9 different sides

all trying to climb, up the centre of one pin

and, a 10th one - who tries to moderate the other nine

(take a good look, at the wall, in the UK
on downing street -- you can count 9 + 1 = 10 of them)

there isn't room on top for all of them

and, the best part -- NONE of them TRUST each other

and, WHERE TRUST is NOT, that is where love really iS !!!

even a greedy herder of sheep

knows, you can only take so much

and, the fleece, will NOT be white like snow !!!
+ xxx

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Old 06-11-2009, 03:22 AM   #11
Unified Serenity
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

Originally Posted by Dantheman62 View Post
Ringing in both ears here also! I was thinking it was just tinnitus or high blood pressure.
Of course I've had neither one checked, LOL
I have this as well, but my bp is normal usually, and I don't have tinnitus. I thought it was just sensitivity to electronic objects or something. I have had this constant sound that now I simply don't notice much except at certain times. If I focus on it, it's there, but I can usually ignore it.
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Old 06-11-2009, 03:36 AM   #12
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

in 1975, i started to activate my light body
and, by 1984 - i had it totally turned on

(funny thing with that,
is numerology speaking; both years, add up to 22

1+9+7+5 = 22
1+9+8+4 = 22

and, 2002 = 22

if you think back, alot of you started humming in those years

although, i know, it doesn't sound very pleasant when you first
start to hear the sounds -- however, if you balance it
through your chakras, and, you bring yourself into true operation

and, physically

and, learn how to express that, through your etheric bodies

or the part of your energetic eXpression,
that you put out of yourself,
that comes out to meet/and, to greet others

you might all be quite pleasantly surprised

that you do a little more, than, just tick-tock

also, you are in the process
of lighting up, your 24D - or 12 pairs of DNA

so, you can step into the 13th / where all 12 pairs, express as ONE

there are short-cuts to turning it on,
and, tuning into what is going on,
and, part of it, is called
"tuning into your song"

after_all, you are all notes, in the same song !!!
+ xxx

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Old 06-11-2009, 03:42 AM   #13
Unified Serenity
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

Originally Posted by eXchanger View Post

so, you can step into the 13th / where all 12 pairs, express as ONE

there are short-cuts to turning it on,
and, tuning into what is going on,
and, part of it, is called
"tuning into your song"

after_all, you are all notes, in the same song !!!
I'm all for short cuts, will you please share what these may be? I'll google "tuning into your song", but I'd like you to make this as effortless and easy for me cause right now I'm feeling lazy and have a cat on my shoulder demanding my constant attention
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Old 06-11-2009, 03:51 AM   #14
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

That was absolutely amazing Exchanger.............

I have been reading my friends books and this is what I am picking up also. Everything you just typed out is also her lessons of many years of communiction with her "alien friends" and channelling

I also hear the loud buzzing and along with it clicking along the side of my face radiating from my ear on the right side. Its like morse code and it drives me nuts. I try to listen now as all of this no longer frightens me.

I am very happy that you shared this and put it in a way that is easy to follow

Thank you again !
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:44 AM   #15
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

Originally Posted by Malletzky View Post
I'm having this ringing in both of my ears too, and it's getting stronger and stronger...Now I have the problem that I can also hear the zumming of various electrical devices as Faxes, PCs, refrigirators etc. I can hear their frequency now more then ever before. It's so intense sometimes, mixed with my own ringing, that it hurts. But I know this is the part of the change we must go thru, so it's OK. Good to see (hear) that I'm not alone.

I've noticed something similar but I've always attributed it to loud music. The hums and droning of machines become more clearer but right now my ears are ringing and sometimes I'll get goosebumps or shivers out of nowhere, followed by odd ringing.

Sometimes I experience this odd feeling where I'm awake but everything is quiet and it's an odd state, a very relaxed state. Kinda in-between sleeping and awake. I've been getting a lot more sleep lately anyway and I'm very alert at night.

As to the point of what eXchanger, posted, I am not worried about what's going to happen. I stopped worrying months ago and continue to not worry.
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Old 06-11-2009, 06:46 AM   #16
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

Originally Posted by Unified Serenity View Post
I have this as well, but my bp is normal usually, and I don't have tinnitus. I thought it was just sensitivity to electronic objects or something. I have had this constant sound that now I simply don't notice much except at certain times. If I focus on it, it's there, but I can usually ignore it.
If I tune into the ringing, I can feel my heart beating. It's a very calm, serene feeling.

My BP is actually better than it was and I'm starting to try and eat better.
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:03 AM   #17
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

Originally Posted by Jonathon View Post
That's really interesting. I have had ringing in my ears for the past 5-6 years, however I have no hearing loss or damage. In fact I can hear frequencies that I'm not even supposed to hear unless I'm under 22 years of age (you know those sound generator systems designed to keep teens away from stores... they throw out a high frequency noise that only the young can hear... thereby keeping them from hanging out at shops etc) and I passed that a good while ago.

I had never connected that to anything before. Maybe we should do a poll =)
I'm not supposed to be able to hear anything at all but nobody told my ears that!
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Old 06-11-2009, 11:49 PM   #18
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

This is such a good enlightening post I wanted to bump this to the front again, I was thinking about this last night and when I was younger I used to have frequency changes in my ears so profound it would be if someone was changing a radio station , then it would pop and subside, all this while I was standing in one place . That doesn't happen now as I have gotten older. But....

I feel there's something special about this post , Can't define it ,just feel it. I encourage you to read this, print it and take it home to re-read.
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Old 06-12-2009, 12:57 AM   #19
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

Originally Posted by pyrangello View Post
This is such a good enlightening post I wanted to bump this to the front again, I was thinking about this last night and when I was younger I used to have frequency changes in my ears so profound it would be if someone was changing a radio station , then it would pop and subside, all this while I was standing in one place . That doesn't happen now as I have gotten older. But....

I feel there's something special about this post , Can't define it ,just feel it. I encourage you to read this, print it and take it home to re-read.

I too came back to read this, so I understand what you mean.
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:21 AM   #20
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

There are some amazing things in that post regardless of who it is channelled from that I've believed for a long time. Thanks for lifting spirits by posting this!
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Old 06-12-2009, 01:46 AM   #21
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

Great Post!

I have had ringing in both my ears for a while now. It does seem to go low to intense ringing at times. Just reading this post it was very high and intense now while i am posting this it has calmed down some. Glad to know I am not the only one going thru this. I will try what exchanger advised. Thank you for that.
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Old 06-12-2009, 04:48 AM   #22
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

That was an amazing post Susan! Even if it was just made up...it's still probably mostly true. I have had ringing in my ears as far back as I can remember. There's nothing wrong with me or my ears (other than me being crazy). It's a high-pitched frequency which occasionally fluctuates. I'm pretty much up-tight most of the time. I feel like I'm being constantly bombarded by something. This seems to be a spiritual phenomenon of some kind. We should start an organization called 'Ringers Anonymous'...or something. There sure are a lot of people on this site who experience ringing in the ears. Didn't Leonard Nimoy have ringing in the ears? I'm not sure. Perhaps the ringing we hear is from all of the whistle-blowers on the other side...trying to wake us up! Anyway...I just hope that things eventually work out well for everyone in the universe...even the bad-guys.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 06-12-2009 at 04:51 AM.
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Old 06-12-2009, 05:13 AM   #23
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

Here, for those printing it out I have formatted it more conventionally

My name is Robert Dowing and I do go by Bob. 19 days ago I passed over to my original state. My job while in physical form was part of the financial network that controls the world, what you are familiar with called the Illuminati, so I got firsthand reports on most of the financial interactions and controls that go on, on this planet and a few others.

This process is so highly controlled with ego and power that a lot of them destroy themselves in trying to be in charge and run everything as they see fit. Most people have no idea of the interactions of this overwhelming power source that controls the world.

A lot of you are aware now that what you hear and see on the news and elsewhere, is an entire manifestation of non-truth and that has got to the point that if you did show the truth, very few would accept it or believe it.

For some reason I was connected to a race of beings from the Pleiades and without knowing it, I was guided throughout my life to sort of keep the lid on things, as I did just before my passing away last month.

I realized what I was doing and was able to make some sense out of my very unconnected life.

Once you realize that everything is being controlled by just a few and countries and governments are just a show place to hold people's attention and make them think they are part of something, which makes them much more manageable. At this point of realization is when the inhabitants of the planet will start to divide and break down.

The ones that I was affiliated with, even though there were many disputes going on between us, we were still able to keep the lid on most big projects in the world.

Now, everything is breaking apart. One of the main concepts of war is unemployment,
mixed with greed, can cause a mass exodus off of the planet. This is what the powers that be are banking on and to some level they will succeed.

But now that I'm on a much higher plane, with a much broader view, I can witness a totally different outcome than it looked like from my physical state.

I was just told a lot of you have the knowledge to re-integrate thought into reality and will not have to experience the destruction of humanity as we know it.

Before I crossed to the other side, I had no idea it was another process that was being developed by many of you and I'm sure many of you still don't realize how powerful you have put this manifestation into place.

What it looks life from here is different communities all over the world that are taking on this responsibility and the interesting thing is most of them don't realize they are tied in to a community that is keeping the energetic field balanced, so this pattern can be held in place without a lot of destruction.

People don't have to know each other to form a new alliance, they just have to
have the same constructive mental process in place and understand the universal laws, and live by them, and not look for some outside power that is going to save everybody. Everybody is responsible for themselves, and the more you are responsible, the more you draw in the same energy and become one with the ones that have the same values.

There are approximately 20% of the worlds population that are not originally from Earth. Many of them have to shift how they look in order to be part of the community without freaking anybody out.

There is a small group who I worked with that are cold-blooded beings, these are not the ones I'm talking about, these are all separate entities, with entirely different agendas. We don't have to get into this because it will not have an overall sense of what is in the process of happening.

For many years this planet has run totally by fear and violence and the need to get even.

Now this time there is a new breed of beings that cannot be affected by this unnecessary way of thinking, because they are starting to use energy and bring in manifestation from the heart and not the ego.

Basically, everything is going to look pretty rough for a short time until the energy switches and the 20% becomes one. At this point, there will not need to be any sort of police force or military, because there will not be anything to control.

I guess I was given this job because I saw what mankind is using his power for and basically to destroy himself. This new method is being introduced into your civilizations and will allow everybody to experience life in a much more harmonious way.

There are still people who suffer under belief systems, and by removing this concept of understanding, allows you to see the entire process as it really is, not just stories and storybooks that go nowhere. When visitors came here approximately 30,000 years ago and extracted all the gold they could for their own personal need, they created a system of human beings that, at that time, would pretty much follow anything that was set before them and by using a process that they devised called fear, they were able to control most of the world and get them to extract the gold for their purpose.

Well, different people came and left during this time and used the inhabitants on this planet to their own personal greed. And that is where I came in. I belong to one of the
families that were doing the controlling.

The whole time I was in physical form, I just felt that this was a non-productive way to operate a business called Earth, but had no clue how to cut from this, so I wasn't able to until I crossed into a non-physical condition and have found a number of ways to explain this through others that are able to pass this information on.

Most all the governments of your planet have been so indoctrinated into a process that has absolutely no form to operate from, so it is quite difficult to extract yourself from this process.

Many people have enlightened themselves out of the first process, which is understanding that a good portion of the planet is controlled by people that don't have their best interest in mind.

As soon as you reach the second stage and understand how you create and process by thought, this gives you some freedom from the controlled element that has been established on the Earth.

Mother Earth wants to take her last step out of any control. In order for this to take place, it will take a certain mental structure that will allow everything that is taking place as perfection, and not try to change anything, at this point, and only at this point.

This opens up the gates for the higher consciousness to operate in. The ones that are going to be starting this new line of thought are in training at this time and will be introducing this new energetic field at any time.

This information has many concepts that will interact with the process now and will allow mankind to open up to information that has been lost or purposely denied for thousands of years.

The ones that are denying you from this information are in the process of moving their power very rapidly at this time.

The only ones they can still control are the ones that think they are being watched and monitored, which cannot be possible unless there is fear involved.

When different races of people arrived at this planet, which most were brought here basically as mental slaves, which are people being controlled by thought
and emotion.

So to understand this, if you are looking for physical labor to do your bidding for you and you had no emotional tie to anything, you would pick the ones from different areas of the universe that used emotions to process with, because you could basically set up a system
on the whole planet and control from any means you saw.

This doesn't necessarily mean this is a negative process, this is just the only one they knew how to accomplish their goal was in many different factors.

The one thing they did not understand is that the ones they brought here and the
ones that were already here, even though they had an emotional outlet controlled by fear, they had a gland that was placed in the center of their brain, that if it was ever activated,
would allow them to understand how they were being manipulated and controlled by the ones in power, just by using their emotions for this process.

Once they realize now that this little pineal gland, combined with the emotion, is one of the most powerful creative forces a human being can use for processing this and allows you to see in multiple dimensional realities. This is like anything, the more you see the more you can respond to whatever the situation requires. This process cannot be used if whatever this connection is, is not processed through the heart.

The pineal gland is totally designed to operate on a very high spiritual level, not in a low dimensional form for greater power, the power that I just passed over from.

Someone who understands this process and has no clue how to defend themselves from it, because they have no emotions and no pineal gland that will allow them to see through their highly developed retina in their eye, that the human species have acquired.

Another process that we will be introducing into our awareness is levitation. When you are using levitation as an exponentially combined thought process, and use this focus with others joined, gives you a tremendous ability to disconnect the gravitational pull around the object that you are trying to move in.

Basically, you are denying the law of gravity in that small area and redoing this process jointly, by focusing all at the same time. By placing their hands on top of this large object, you can basically stir it into place and use lasers to cut the stone that is being laid in place, which gives you a perfect match to the structure that it is connecting to.

There are three processes involved that is; levitation, laser light and sound, and the ability to tie these three together.

Basically, you want to understand how it all comes together.

This process isn't that difficult and monuments, walls or even pyramids can be erected quite efficiently. .......

The ones of you that have made a predetermined conscious decision to lead this
monatomic process onto the Earth as it changes, will be going through a lot of
physical transference.

Most of it will be just a foreign feeling to you and some could be a little uncomfortable.
As long as you know that it is changing to increase your physical stamina and mental clarity, it makes it much easier to go through. As the Earth's cognition with its inhabitants
becomes more in line with her frequency, balancing everything that Mother Earth
has experienced will be part of your being.

This will give all the ones that are connected to this new frequency a tremendous jump into the new way to process thought, by not using reference points to make a decision
is one of the main connections with the Earth.

Learning to communicate with the Mother will be your next big conquest because all information you receive will be pure and not referring anything from the past and once you reach this, you will elevate quite fast.

You have been receiving more tools lately to allow this to become part of your growth

One of these tools is understanding and using scalar processing, so by using this process to balance their energy fields around you and then applying your individual enhancement with others, without ego, you manifest a creative force that hasn't been used since the Atlantis era.

Another part of your history that isn't much publicized is your moon.

It was brought here by outsiders, not originated on the Earth, about 500,000 years ago.

The planet that is among the most associated with, had self-destructed, so it, was not really needed were it was. It was reduced down to space dust and lasered to the vicinity of Earth.

What it does is help keep it stable, like a helicopter does with its tail rotor. As time goes on you will be more educated to the history and the amazing process that have taken place to get you to this point, which makes the planet very stable at this time.

So, now we can start working on the inhabitants and see what we can do about getting this stable, without using some belief system or religion, because both of these concepts
just stop any growth. Information, in order for anything to grow, must be continuous and that is on any level. You have to be able to see the whole story to understand in the form of reality and truth.

Something that is beginning to take place, it is called collective energy, this is where you gather in small groups and discuss the process you have collected and share with each other.

By using this process without having a debate or an ego contest and to share information,
this is where you connect exponentially, which will transform energy into a higher frequency.

In most cases, in third dimension, everybody wants to tell what they know and then will argue the point that they are right.

As soon as this transpires, you have disconnected energy and that has been put in place and the meaning cannot flow to a higher point.

Any time you use the words disagree, it not only stops the mental connection you
have with whoever you are communicating with, but it makes the energetic field
disconnect between you.

The idea is to keep a flow of creative energy going between the two parties and stay out of set patterns that you might have allowed into your conscious or unconscious programming.

There is one process that I would like to reintroduce into your creative experience and that is before you incarnated onto this plane in a third dimensional condition, you knew how the process would work before you became a product of this environment.

Each one of you knew and understood the consequences of living in an environment with basically very few tools to process with, but you also knew that this process has more rewards than any other. Now you are about to reengage in a life process that allows you freedom from a very controlled environment.

The original plan, many thousands of years ago, was to keep the planet's inhabitants around a billion people. They would keep bringing in different strains of diseases, but they weren't aware of how fast human beings can reproduce, and also how advanced they become mentally and spiritually connecting with the Source.

So, at this point, they are starting to take measures to eliminate the ones that are in the way. This can be done in many ways, using plagues, or diseases or just plain negative programming they receive on the evening news. If you give someone enough negative news, they will just eliminate themselves from the system.

Of course what I'm saying is just what their plans are, since I'm out of that situation, it might have just been changed some, but I don't think very much.

As you know, this whole system started up about 30,000 years ago, when laborers were brought to earth and harvested gold. The whole thing got a little out of hand because the ones in control didn't realize the potential human beings have when joining their energies together.

Because human beings are so easily led, they didn't realize that they were capable of extracting and understanding how to cut away from the control that had been put on.

Now it is time for all original people from the human race and some that have been brought in to learn to use their abilities that were designed for you.

Your mental and physical body are able to withstand much more mentally,
physically and spiritual demand than ever before.

There is enough programmers on the planet at this time, to reintroduce the processes that were used before the great mental takeover by the ones that are so-called in charge at this time.

My advice is; don't even try to change anybody, allow everything to flow together at its own pace.

It is virtually impossible for anyone living with a belief system to understand the new process that is inundating Mother Earth at this time. So, spending any amount of time with these souls would not benefit a thing.

Many of you have learned to listen to your inner self and are preparing for the changes that are taking place at this time. These changes are going to be more significant than ever before.

Mother Earth is getting her people back and the people are getting Mother Earth back.

This is the original design, which will work best in this semi-quadrant of destiny.

The word destiny in this case, is that all living beings have already completed their mission and it is in its final stage, which will mean all the discomforts of ego, control and power will cease to exist.

These are the three main broad bands that keep you in control by outside beings that are trying to use Earth's processing for minerals to their advantage.

Once they are incapable of controlling you and you realize how the system has been set up and you have been controlled by others for thousands of years, they will lose their power. In fact, they are losing at this time, very rapidly. There is nothing you have to fight or pray for support or more control for this to happen.

All you have to have is a heart connection with your people and Mother Earth and from this point just sit back and wait.

This is kind of a strange job for myself because I was basically on the other side when I was in my physical appearance.

What I am now I can see very well what is transpiring is a worlds energy expanding into a whole new dimensional collage of experiences.

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Old 06-12-2009, 01:57 PM   #24
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

Great post BOB!.... Thaks Susan.... It all resinates on a very good frequency
but anything to do with you Susan always does....
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Old 06-13-2009, 05:26 PM   #25
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Default Re: BOB aka Robert Downing -- blowing a whistle!!! from the other side !!!

Most definitely Ringing in the ears is what is known as TINNITUS... have it checked out medically if it is a problem for you.


But to believe it's "someone" or "something" trying to contact you? Nonsense. Just speak to my face, or send me a letter, or even telepathic thoughts, that will do.

One of the most common causes of tinnitus is damage to the microscopic endings of the hearing nerve in the inner ear. Advancing age is generally accompanied by a certain amount of hearing nerve impairment, and consequently tinnitus.

I have known friends and family who have worked in factories where machinery noise is loud, and after years, it does do damage to the hearing nerves. And most definitely I've observed people as they grow older have hearing problems including tinnitus.

Last edited by KathyT; 06-13-2009 at 05:32 PM.
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