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Old 10-11-2008, 06:17 AM   #1
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Default One rule for one and another one for someone else?

I am entitled to an opinion so here it is. There are some individuals who are not following the rules here: quote


Everyone joined this forum to discuss our material, not to hear others showcase theirs. Members who insist on promoting / showcasing themselves, their own websites, philosophies, products, services or other unrelated teachings will be unsubscribed.

Obviously certain individuals are allowed to get away with this guideline above and others aren't. Anybody else notice this or is it just me.
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Old 10-11-2008, 02:35 PM   #2
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Honestly, the few cases i've seen where people are promoting their own website or research, have been fairly harmless, but, I sort of stick to a few issues here. I don't really scan the voluminous threads and posts (there are so many).

Could you provide any links?
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Old 10-11-2008, 03:38 PM   #3
THE eXchanger
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Hi Susan,
Thank you for writing and making an effort
To communicate your interest in doing seminars etc around the concepts embodied in Project Avalon.

You are free to do what you wish
or feel moved to do of course.

We cannot sponsor or give any endorsement (or money)
to whatever you may do...

Our efforts and funds are completely engaged as you may appreciate in all that we are doing at the moment.

We encourage all visitors to Avalon and Camelot to network and build groups and communities.

Best wishes,

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Old 10-11-2008, 03:45 PM   #4
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

if you check the front page of Project Avalon:
Our goals:

• To provide important information and resources to enable individuals and communities to function optimally in what may be troubled times ahead.

• To support aware individuals in networking and forming groups as they wish.

NOTE; the "as they wish"

also, this site, was designed to be a subscription type of site to support the work of both Project Camelot and, Project Avalon
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Old 10-11-2008, 03:57 PM   #5
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

How can Project Avalon go forward if people keep their skills silent?

If nobody knows what anybody else is capable of?

Self-promotion, eh? Is it self-promotion to link to a free music site?

Is it self-promotion to link to a store where old fashion, natural goods are available?

Is it self-promotion to explore the Reality Scape to find out what has been hidden from our Reality, by our Jailers ... that we may have to COPE with?

Are you calling "self-promotion" anything that isn't idle speculation ?? ... because speculation is where this forum is retreating to, since "promoting what might work better than what we have" is against the rules ??

Do you think we will not need to establish skills, businesses and trade in the future after 2012 ... especially since the whole capitalist trip appears to be collapsing from the inside?

Who is this who INSISTS that self-promotion is inappropriate? I believe, self-promotion (the articulation of WHERE SKILLS ARE GOING TO BE AVAILABLE) is just about the most important component that this forum can take on.

I assert, I want to know where the healers are, where the permaculture experts are, where the biomass fuel tinkerers are. I want to know what skills this population of future-advocates HAS.

If you delete or forbid my finding out who knows what and who can do what, I have absolutely no purpose in being here.

See what I'm saying?

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Old 10-11-2008, 04:02 PM   #6
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Actually, giving this some more thought, what I want to know from the moderators is, WHY my Mars expose isn't listed in Whistleblowers testimony, since what I am doing is providing photographic PROOF that there is a conspiracy within NASA to deceive us about conditions on Mars.

If this isn't a classic whistleblowing effort, I don't know what is.

So, why is the Mars-secrecy problem IN OFF-TOPIC?

Is my work to expose what is true SO DESPICABLE, so puerile that my work is regarded as a mere joke?


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Old 10-11-2008, 04:05 PM   #7
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

There is a thin line between sharing what you know and self=promoting.

If what you know is used to profile yourself to a degree it gets annoying because you, whoever that " you " is, are all over the place , well , then you overstepped that fine line.

Self moderation is an art.


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Old 10-11-2008, 04:14 PM   #8
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

I am only listed in two discussions now and four a couple of days ago when I was advised by a Mod that I was "all over the place."

I have one major interest which I share, and that is undoing photoshopped pictures, which is a form of whistleblowing, and what I do to expose official lies has been relegated to the OFF TOPIC area.

It's not in with the OTHER whistleblowing topics.

My work is side-barred, and I'm being talked to (twice now) about self-promoting. How does this work?

Shech-- : )
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Old 10-11-2008, 04:15 PM   #9
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

I see you understand what I wrote on self moderation.

Thanks Shechaiyah.

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Old 10-11-2008, 04:18 PM   #10
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

I see nobody understands what I'm saying about being a whistleblower, side-barred.

Who says my topic is not worthy? How much physical evidence do you need?

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Old 10-11-2008, 04:21 PM   #11
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?


I am not in a debate with you..

Please, do stop arguing.

Thank you,


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Old 10-11-2008, 04:25 PM   #12
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

Oh I see.

There IS another agenda because You are Avoiding, and Avoidance is the current practice. Avoidance is the SIGN of the New World Order, prima facie.

My Masters degree is in conflict analysis, so you're not putting anything over on me quite as easily as you would PREFER to be able to do.

I have invested heavily in providing this forum with information, and I have been treated as contemptible by being relegated to OFF TOPIC. Now I am told, my feelings are not to be dealt with. Contemptible or despicable means, suppressed so as not to be noticed nor responded to. I'm sure you realize this.

Is this some new form of "consensus-methodology" in which some whistleblowers are more or less favored than others?


Last edited by Shechaiyah; 10-11-2008 at 04:29 PM.
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Old 10-11-2008, 04:32 PM   #13
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?


attacking or discrediting me while doing my job as a moderator is cause for me at this moment to issue a warning to you.

Stop being argumentative and disrepectfull please.

Thank you.


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Old 10-11-2008, 04:39 PM   #14
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

Comment copied and noted.

"Being disrespectful to" an individual is not against the rules, in this or any forum.

I feel I am being treated with disrespect; so I am merely reflecting back what I get.

Warning? Please cite the rule I have broken.

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Old 10-11-2008, 07:14 PM   #15
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

Originally Posted by Shechaiyah View Post
I see nobody understands what I'm saying about being a whistleblower, side-barred.

Who says my topic is not worthy? How much physical evidence do you need?
The information you were posting...
was, actually quite interesting,
with the 100,000's posts,
it is easy for it to get lost in the shuffle,
i never saw it, before today,
looking forward to seeing more info

brightest blessings
the eXchanger
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Old 10-12-2008, 03:40 PM   #16
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

I found those pictures very intresting as well.....

And I wonder too why it has been moved to off-topic..????

but as I see Shechaiyah has been banned. ???..I guess we will not see any more pictures....

I personally didnt see why the posts where disrespectful.... what I did read in them was Shechaiyah wanted to know why they had been moved to off-topic.... swept under the carpet....

well.... maybe someone take this questions as personal attacks as well and I will found myself banned tomorrow....

I hope you have more intresting pictures to show....


PS.... A thought.... I saw that Shechaiyah have only 225 posts....and with this forum open 1 month that means about 8 posts a day.... where is the limit for posts... is 1 post a day OK , or 2, or 3.... and has all that has made more then 200 posts get warning that they are all over the forum ???? I actually want to know...!! What is the rules about numbers of posts ?..... DS...
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Old 10-12-2008, 03:44 PM   #17
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

Hi Artemis,

The exchange of PM's and their content was the ultimate reason for her ban.
A ban is issued only when 3 moderators agree on that ban.

I hope you are satisfied with this explanation.


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Old 10-12-2008, 03:51 PM   #18
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Yes... I am... I have to take your word for it....

But I had to ask..... I have fight for equality and justice for over 20 years in the Union.... so I just had to ask....

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Old 10-12-2008, 03:55 PM   #19
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

I do aknowledge your right to ask anything you want Artemis.
I cannot put Pm's out in the open so , yes, taking my word on it is highly appreciated.



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Old 10-12-2008, 04:25 PM   #20
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

Artemis...NO ONE is out to Ban ANYone.
That is not mine or anyone elses purpose here.

PMs are Private Messages...period.
If the sender of a PM does not give you the OK to post their PM to you in the Open Forum then please do not is all we ask.

I would NEVER post a Private Message of anyone's without their consent.
It is a breach of privacy and trust if not rude all together.

ANY questions you might have then you are always welcome to PM anyone of us.
We are happy to try to answer your questions.
FYI: I am starting a new job tomorrow so my own time will be limited for a while just so you know in case I do not gat back to you right away.

Thank you very much for yours (and anyone else's) understanding of this matter....
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Old 10-12-2008, 05:06 PM   #21
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

Originally Posted by Artemis View Post
I found those pictures very interesting as well.....And I wonder too why it has been moved to off-topic..????
but as I see Shechaiyah has been banned. ???..I guess we will not see any more pictures....
I personally did NOT see why the posts where disrespectful.... what I did read in them was Shechaiyah wanted to know why they had been moved to off-topic.... swept under the carpet....
well.... maybe someone take this questions as personal attacks as well and I will found myself banned tomorrow....
I hope you have more interesting pictures to show....


PS.... A thought.... I saw that Shechaiyah have only 225 posts....and with this forum open 1 month that means about 8 posts a day.... where is the limit for posts... is 1 post a day OK , or 2, or 3.... and has all that has made more then 200 posts get warning that they are all over the forum ???? I actually want to know...!! What is the rules about numbers of posts ?..... DS...
We are here to create heaven on earth...
and, we are to laugh while doing it !!!
PROJECT CAMELOT (it was)(& still is)
"getting to the heart of what matters"

with PROJECT AVALON ...(it is)
putting your heart into what matters !!!

WE are all here, to be MORE, NEVER less !!!

Bill/Kerry, Friends,
Esteemed Moderators,
along with Shechaiyah,
(as, i know, they are still reading posts here)
which does say a lot about this person,
and, their brilliance, their desire, to be of service,
to all of us, at this time,
i do honour/respect and value,
each any everyone one of you--

This is my opinion, and, since, i did NOT see
what obviously went on, beneath the surface,
perhaps, i am NOT entitled to an opinion,
as, a contributing member to this forum,
and, someone, who has seen value,
in investing time, as, well, as some pretty small donations,
over the years, it is here, that i find, my family,
those of us, who have stood together, very strongly,
in times of great adversities, and, in times of great celebrations, and, here we all stand together,
in a moment of an event of an tragedy !!!
And, as, i type this, i weep,
tears of joy, for here we all our gathering again,
and, tears of sadness, for one, who is NO longer,
amongst us, but, set to the outside,
in the fringes.

We are all here, in this moment,
to put the world, on notice !!!

and, yet, we still choose to fight amongst us,
which is the true tragedy of it all !!!

and, yet,
we still choose to ignore, the gems of knowledge,
that exist within each and everyone of us,
and, we do NOT truly awaken, to all that is,
and, all that might be again !!!
by simply understanding, there will be times,
we will have flair ups with others,
and, in those times,
the greatest of opportunities, presents itself

perhaps, James of the wingmakers, knows it best

the virtues of heart ...
appreciation, compassion, forgiveness,
humility, understanding, and valour

FOR they are,
the "true threads" that
have run completely run this situation
as, it oft times,
does requires the workings of duality,
both, the positive, and, the negative
on both sides of this equation
to eXpress into the eXchange
in order, that the two/or more parties,
that are involved can come to,
and, come away with equitable solutions,
that will work for both of them,
ironically, here, both sides, are working on the same side
of the puzzle.

Here is what i do know...
that this person Shechaiyah
did have a connection with
others that are in/and, out of this world
(something, that could connect the dots,
between several things)

blue-beams (?) strange occurances
in the air over Washington, DC
(in my opinion that is pretty important)

1,000,000 people disappearing,
and, why, and, where too--
(in my opinion that is also pretty important)

and, they had pivotal information,
to shed some light, on exactly what is/or,
what might be going on,
between earth/and, mars
(in my opinion that is also pretty important)

i truly can understand,
that when real research, gets moved,
to the section of "off topic"
when it was "on-many-topics",
that this important member of our community-
became very angry, frustrated, and, a little testy
and, perhaps rather defense
of their important research
(as, that is their baby)
that they have been working on for decades
(there are a few others here, who also fit into
this same category) and, they are frustrated too,
some of them, have also departed this forum,
and, they were a part of "our family",
a part of "The Round"

NOW, there is no doubt,
that these type of forums,
require moderators,
to which, i, and, all the rest of us,
are very grateful,
as, i know, that is NOT an easy job,
and, for the most part, it is rather thankless work,
and, these people are doing the very best they can do,
under, a lot of fire.

99.9% of the time,
i think, we all need to commend, the moderators,
for the great job they are doing, in light, of the
100,000's of posts, that have happened over the past
month -- they are eXceptional people
(given the task, of moderating people who are
sometimes eXceptional, and, sometimes are NOT)

When this person,
stated their case (on several threads)
i do NOT think, they were appealing to a specific moderator, for their opinion,
i think, they were appealing to all of us,
moderators, included.

Andd, some how, this situation,
as important, as, it is, vastly important,
it all went off the tracks,
and, crash landed into the deadly 0.1%.

There is NO DOUBT, in my own mind,
that, this situation,
was about two very strong women,
and, two very valued members of our community,
butting heads, and, in the process,
the one, with more power, banned the other.

Yes, when people fight--oft times, they both get
a little irrational, and, then, one/or both of them
say things, they wish they did NOT
once you say something-you can NOT recall your words,
which is most unfortunate--
sometimes, something dumb you say,
you have to live with for a lifetime

So, when you open your mouth,
your whole mind goes on parade,
unfortunately, if you exercise
the best weapon of all silence,
then, there is NOTHING another can utilise against you,
in order, to say --
they can NOT possibly say, you said anything !!!

I AM SURE that Shechaiyah, at this point, wishes,
she had eXercised, opinion # 2, silence,
albeit, from her over 200 posts--many of us,
have gleamed some valuable insights,
that, we would NOT have gleamed
if Shecaiyah was NOT here,
i for one, command, her courage,
and, celebrate the value of the intensive research
this individual has been doing--and, doing it for a long time.

I for one, do believe, she is onto something

Likewise, i also believe our moderator on this thread,
Jenny, is also, a brilliant, and, a wise woman,
and, it is quite tragic,
that, this is the result of their interaction --
and, what ended up turning into poor eXchange
that the end result, is that one is banned.

perhaps, it is necessary
for Bill/and, Kerry,
to review Shechaiyah's value to this community,
before, they are permanently banned.

My grandfather, was also a brilliant, and, a wise one,
and, he used to say...
"if two people choose to fight,
and, can NOT recogsile their differences,
or, the right, for both of them,
to have their opinions,
and, both be able to state them,
nicely to one another,
then, both of them are fools"

and, to that comment,
i would merely add
that neither of them,
are necessary, since you need to bring,
two good sides, to any equation,
in order to balance it/and, in order to discuss it
unfortunately, the power to "ban"
in this case, rests only with "one" of "them",
which factors, into a larger group,
the power of 3 - to ban.

In anger we oft times,
say things, we really regret after,
that we have said, so, it is my opinion,
it was a very sad day yesterday, that we have lost,
an esteemed, highly educated, and,
highly valued member, of this community.

So, it makes me sit here, and ponder,
and, move beyond just thoughts,
and, i realise that oft times,
the ugly old past, keeps repeating itself,
as, i tapped into the old threads of
"avalon"/and, of "camelot"--
would you believe,
that they were NOT listened to then, either
(and, something, that could have occurred back then,
did NOT occur --so, to me,
this makes this "doubly" sad

Hopefully, allowances will be made,
for these two people,
who argued, and, perhaps did say things,
that they should NOT have said,
in a heated moment, and,
both of them, will choose to take the high road,
and, make an allowance for Shechaiyah,
to return to this form...
if that is their choice, to return...
we are all here, at this time,
to create "GOOD RETURNS"

i for one, certainly hope, they do get back here,
and, are allowed to continue to post, their important research.

i certainly do cast the 2ND vote,
FOR THAT to occur

bring Shechaiyah back to the table,
we are so much more, with Shechaiyah,
than, we are without Shechaiyah!!!
They are a big part of the family, and, without them,
we are LESS, rather than MORE !!!
This is about "the law of good returns"

I hope others of you, have the courage,
to state your truths, and, do it publicaly,
that is why, we are all here,
in this pivotal moment of a NOW

I honour, respect, and, value of all you here

Let us resolve, to be MORE, never LESS

Brightest Blessings of energy, light and love to all
The eXchanger

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Old 10-12-2008, 06:11 PM   #22
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

Often times when a decision is made to ban a member there is a lot of information that is being passed along behind the scenes in PMs between the member and moderators. The decision to remove a member requires a vote of at least 3 moderators and the Administrator. The issues are discussed with all of the moderators included so that no one personality makes this decision on their own.

With respect to a member being banned this can happen after they have been PMed by the moderator watching over that situation. If the member is positive in their response and is working toward a resolution of the infraction then there is a positive outcome for that particular situation.

A member who continues to create problems is given three warnings to give them an opportunity to come into alignment with the goals and objectives established for these forums. If that particular member continues to be negative, makes any threats against the forum, Bil and Kerry, the moderators or another member and continues to be argumentative, after being warned 3 times that member is banned.

Of course anyone posting pron is automatically banned.

Tuza, I appreciate your bringing this up and sharing your views as this gives us an opportunity to clarify what goes on behind the scenes. I hope this explanation helps.

Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
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Old 10-12-2008, 06:27 PM   #23
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: One rule for one and another one for someone else?

Originally Posted by Carol View Post
Often times when a decision is made to ban a member there is a lot of information that is being passed along behind the scenes in PMs between the member and moderators. The decision to remove a member requires a vote of at least 3 moderators and the Administrator. The issues are discussed with all of the moderators included so that no one personality makes this decision on their own.

With respect to a member being banned this can happen after they have been PMed by the moderator watching over that situation. If the member is positive in their response and is working toward a resolution of the infraction then there is a positive outcome for that particular situation.

A member who continues to create problems is given three warnings to give them an opportunity to come into alignment with the goals and objectives established for these forums. If that particular member continues to be negative, makes any threats against the forum, Bil and Kerry, the moderators or another member and continues to be argumentative, after being warned 3 times that member is banned.

Of course anyone posting pron is automatically banned.

Yes, i definitely do respect your rules...
on a side note, you might wish to note,
that This is NOT, my thread,
i am NOT the originator of the thread...
it was originated by Tuza ???
and, i suppose "s" feel into its trap
most unfortanate, as, their other threads,
are wooven, quite eloquently ...
how, i wish, others would realise,
that many people here have literally,
dedicated a lot of their lifetimes,
in service to others, doing it "free",
that this is, the case of a very "misforunate" eXchange...
between very few...

i am sure, if you review, the "good work" this person does/and, has done--you will see
they are a "grand" piece of "the puzzle"
all of us, are attempting to solve,
and, bring about "new solutions" that will work
for all of us

Thank you, Carol, and, all the moderators,
for the very fine job, all of you do !!!

the eXchanger

Last edited by Carol; 10-12-2008 at 06:48 PM.
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Old 10-12-2008, 06:51 PM   #24
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I apoligize Susan. I had caught my error and edited it as I did just now in your post. Thank you for your support.

Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
Images to nourish the spirit: http://mistsofavalon.invisionplus.ne...&showtopic=198
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