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Old 01-03-2009, 08:07 AM   #1
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Wink Cosmic top secret - Bob Dean

Hey guys, i don;t think this has been posted before, but please you must watch the interview with Bob Dean conducted by Regina on Conscious Media Network. It lasts about 51 minutes. It is the most inspiring spiritual interview by Bob Dean to-date. Here is a brief of what the interview is about.

" Bob Dean is a retired Command Sergeant Major in the US Army, who became notable in UFOlogy circles after he claimed to have viewed "Cosmic Top Secret" documents detailing alien activity on Earth. He now lectures in ufology around the world and has been described as 'an elder statesman of the UFO community. Bob tells a story that skillfully presents an astonishing and convincing message: that we are not alone on this planet and never have been.

Propelled upon a quest to share his discovery of a highly classified document he came upon during his military career, he has continued his agenda to inform the public about extraterrestrial life and our government's connection. One of the few holders of first-hand knowledge about government involvement with alien life, Mr. Dean recounts the contents of the 1964 report called "an Assessment," the NATO military study that acknowledged and analyzed the implications of the alien presence here on Earth."

The interview can be watched here.


Please let me know what you thought. He gives a different insight on aliens that i have never heard before.

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Old 01-03-2009, 11:01 AM   #2
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Wink Re: Cosmic top secret - Bob Dean

i like bob ,cheers henners
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Old 01-03-2009, 11:14 AM   #3
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Default Re: Cosmic top secret - Bob Dean

This may be obvious, but you didn't mention it........

Also see Camelot interviews, much longer, maybe more in depth, and also interviewing his missus, who I like alot.
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Old 01-03-2009, 12:39 PM   #4
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Yep - Love Bob Dean.

Hes provided some closure on things I've investigated and wondered about. Hes a very good Soul and We're lucky Hes come out to tell Us what He has so far.

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Old 01-03-2009, 04:08 PM   #5
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Default Re: Cosmic top secret - Bob Dean

This is a very nice interview. This is the second time I've watched it and I feel I picked up a few things this time that I missed the first time. I especially like the last ten minutes or so where he discusses the spiritual implications of the ET presence. A "must see" in my opinion.
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Old 01-10-2009, 08:37 PM   #6
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Default Re: Cosmic top secret - Bob Dean

Tks for this link, Henners. I enjoyed watching it. Personally I think it is even better than the PC interview with him. He goes deeper into spiritual aspects.

He calls Jesus Christ 'the Rabbi from Palestine'. It does not sound too good in the ears of those who regard Jesus Christ as having been in opposition to the Pharisees and the Scribes, the religious leaders of Judaism at that time. But when one knows that Jesus Christ has quite a standing with the masons, who call him Rabboni, meaning Master, this piece falls into place.

What he says could be understood in light of the possibility of him being a mason. I have nothing against freemasonry per se, and find that they have an interesting take on several things. But by the time they reach the 33rd degree they start to approach the level where they are viewing themselves as our handlers. Certain things have to be kept away from us, certain knowledge and interpretations of facts have to remain in the esoteric (hidden) domain.

I do not know what Bob Dean's attitude is to the power of high-level freemasonry, but that is not so important for what I am about to comment on.

The chosen religion of Freemasonry seems to be Gnosticism. Certainly it is Bob Dean's choice. (Gnosticism is also the religious approach of the Essenes, among others. Gnosticism has many subgroups.) An outstanding characteristic of Gnostics seems to be their marked duality, the schism between body and soul. They describe a perpetual feeling of being a soul trapped in, and hampered by, the body.

At the same time the masons hold in high esteem the concept of the Golden Fleece. The Golden Fleece is also known as the Light Body, in the bible it is called the wedding garment that unites Matter and Spirit. That is us, human souls in human bodies. What they teach about it, I do not know. What I have been taught is that this fusion is something that will happen spontaneously, when our subtle bodies are integrated and we are in a state of harmony.

The masons know that this is within our full potental. Yet they choose to focus on the problem of being in bodies that have had its DNA altered by ETs according some sources, calling these ETs our creators, or letting the ETs call themselves our gods. They honor what they regard to be our better half, that part that hails straight from the One Infinite Creator, yet keeping their knowledge of the Light Body under lid. Could the reason be that the CIA has labeled this knowledge to be off-topic for ordinary people? The secret of what we truly are could upset the power structure?

Bob Dean goes on to talk about what he calls the 'Transcedentals'. Other sources more often call these the Ultraterrestrials and Intelligences-of-Non-Locality. We are linked to them, he says. They are linked to the One-Infinite- Creator. We are spirit and consciousness, just like they are.

The way I understand it is that we have been 'visited' by the Ultraterrestrials/Intelligences-of-Non-Locality as often as by the ETs. The Ultraterrestrials might have been more interested in sharing higher knowledge of science and spirituality with us, wheras the ETs, being our near relatives, might have found it more opportune to cement said knowledge and information into religious dogma, time after time. Simply because they seem to want to weaken us in order to strengthen their hold on the planet. We are stuck with many religions and many interpretations of these religions. Voila: Divide and Conquer.

Bob Dean also mentions Saturn as a fascinating planet in our solar system. Many extraterrestrial vehicles congregate there. He speculates that they might be mining gold and other minerals in the rings of Saturn. Well, no, - not really? The information I have gleaned suggests that Saturn is the record-keeper in our solar system. And that extraterrestrials eventually will bring us the true story of our planet, of humanity and our universe, from Saturn. On discs, they say.

This is no detraction from Bob Dean as a whistleblower and as a warm and likable human being. We just have to keep in mind the current system of handlers and controllers that makes a truly open exchange of ideas, beliefs and knowledge quite hampered.

Until such time that we are free of our oppressors, blessed be those who do what they can to nudge us towards truth. Basically I think Bob Dean is one of them. But he has constraints put upon him.

Last edited by Josefine; 01-20-2009 at 07:06 PM.
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Old 01-10-2009, 08:54 PM   #7
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Default Re: Cosmic top secret - Bob Dean

Out of all the Project Camelot interviwees, Bob Dean is BY FAR my favorite.

Great Energy, Great soul, great wisdom.

He rocks.
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Old 01-10-2009, 08:58 PM   #8
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Default Re: Cosmic top secret - Bob Dean

Originally Posted by KassandraLoves View Post
Out of all the Project Camelot interviwees, Bob Dean is BY FAR my favorite.

Great Energy, Great soul, great wisdom.

He rocks.
I'll second that. He has a very clear, very credible manner and history that lends great authority to what he says. I apllaud him for what he does and his message.

Love it.
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Old 01-11-2009, 08:24 PM   #9
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Default Re: Cosmic top secret - Bob Dean

Christ is real. He is not an alien. He is a Divine spiritual being which many.. INCLUDING THOSE who didn't even believe in HIM, have had a close personal spiritual encounter with.

I want to bring this to folks' attention because I see the great deception in process and it is too easy to get caught up in various peoples beliefs and ideations which are not based on this spiritual reality.

We listened to C2C the other night when L.A. Marzulli discussed how some abductees prevented their abductions by calling out the name of Yesuha/Jesus. It worked because their heart was in their call for help to Jesus and because Christ is real and not some alien.

Here is a recap of the interview. However, the good news is that he has his e-book online for only $6 and it is very interactive with multiple links to follow up on.


Author L.A. Marzulli discussed his research exploring UFO phenomena and contacts with entities, which he's chronicled in his new eBook The Alien Interviews. Most skeptics ignore data from alien abduction cases, Dr. David Jacobs told Marzulli, who cited a case where a woman was abducted in front of nine other people, and had signs of radiation sickness upon her return. Joe Jordan of the CE4 Research Group has engendered controversy in the UFO community. He claimed his evidence that abductions can be stopped by reciting the name of Jesus, has been hushed up, said Marzulli.

Marzulli has concluded that UFOs, alien abductions, cattle mutilations, and other phenomena are interrelated. He believes the entities people call aliens are not actually extraterrestrial, but rather interdimensional. They are malevolent, fear-mongering beings, equivalent to the fallen angels of the Bible, and have the ability to shape shift into any appearance, he said.
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Old 01-20-2009, 07:34 PM   #10
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Default Re: Cosmic top secret - Bob Dean

Originally Posted by Carol View Post

Joe Jordan of the CE4 Research Group has engendered controversy in the UFO community. He claimed his evidence that abductions can be stopped by reciting the name of Jesus, has been hushed up, said Marzulli.

Marzulli has concluded that UFOs, alien abductions, cattle mutilations, and other phenomena are interrelated. He believes the entities people call aliens are not actually extraterrestrial, but rather interdimensional. They are malevolent, fear-mongering beings, equivalent to the fallen angels of the Bible, and have the ability to shape shift into any appearance, he said.

What comes to mind is the man called Daskalos (Greek: Teacher) who lived on Cyprus, d. 1995, a Christian mystic and healer. He said he worked with thought forms that were totally real to those who encountered them. He treated them as living entities and vanquished them using his own spiritual methods. I do not recall the details, only that he did not superficially dismiss them, he took it very, very seriously. He set up the group 'Researchers of Truth' and wrote books on the Esoteric Byzantine Christian teachings. It seems to me there is a lot to be learned from the Christian tradition he was a part of.
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Old 01-20-2009, 10:40 PM   #11
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Default Re: Cosmic top secret - Bob Dean

Originally Posted by Carol View Post
Christ is real. He is not an alien. He is a Divine spiritual being which many.. INCLUDING THOSE who didn't even believe in HIM, have had a close personal spiritual encounter with.

I want to bring this to folks' attention because I see the great deception in process and it is too easy to get caught up in various peoples beliefs and ideations which are not based on this spiritual reality.
Dear Carol,

I'm very glad that you choose to share your own beliefs and spiritual reality.
However, you mention that aliens are not real, in one way of reading your
post. If you define 'alien' as not from this planet, WE might be alien too.
Looking at it from one perspective (and there are many), I can say that I'm
an alien, Christ was and that we are ALL divine spiritual beings, Christ

I see no deception, I just see the creator in all, in different stages of
experience of itself. You and Bob Dean seem to be people with good
intentions, thats what is important. I leave the rest to the freedom of
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Old 01-20-2009, 11:11 PM   #12
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Default Re: Cosmic top secret - Bob Dean

Listened to his video on Camelot and love this man

He has inspired me deeply with his intelligence and knowledgeable insights
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Old 01-21-2009, 04:14 PM   #13
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Default Re: Cosmic top secret - Bob Dean

Originally Posted by Hermano View Post
Dear Carol,

I'm very glad that you choose to share your own beliefs and spiritual reality.
However, you mention that aliens are not real, in one way of reading your
post. If you define 'alien' as not from this planet, WE might be alien too.
Looking at it from one perspective (and there are many), I can say that I'm
an alien, Christ was and that we are ALL divine spiritual beings, Christ

I see no deception, I just see the creator in all, in different stages of
experience of itself. You and Bob Dean seem to be people with good
intentions, thats what is important. I leave the rest to the freedom of
Aliens are real. I've also had that personal experience as well. The experience of the two (Chirst and ETs) are as different as night and day. And what I share is based on personal experience not belief.

For example, one can believe the earth is flat until one travels the globe and realizes the belief is false.

I would like to add that human beings are also inter-dimensional spiritual beings and as an interdimensional being can go anywhere throughout the multiverse or multi dimensions including spiritual dimensions if one knows how. The how has to do with having a nexus point from which to travel too and is generally based on vibrational frequency. With intention, focused concentration and meditation one is free to travel the cosmos, or not.

What I also learned is that some ETs do not have access to the higher spiritual dimensions. Now why is that? While others are very spiritually advanced.

The deception will be that there are those who will say Christ is a hybrid or a clone and not created in the Divine sense as in manifested by the hand of god as compared to being genetically modified by an unknown alien source. This is the deception and it began quite awhile back when Jimmy Carter was told Christ was an alien.. meaning manufactured.

It will be very easy to follow this reasoning just because it makes logical sense with the other information being uncovered regarding hybrids. However, I've yet to meet a hybrid on any spiritual dimensional plane. And after years of spiritual practice and meditative practice - there have been a number of unusual experiences in these different realms. When Christ appears - it is an awesome experience. Nothing has even come close to what this was like for me personally. It is a life altering spiritual event because one also transcends belief into direct knowing.

With respect to us being genetically manipulated by aliens to be what we are... that is a possibility. Let us again look at a broader picture. Our human body is only a container for our spirit. Our spirit is not manufactured. It really doesn't matter about the body as that is something which is just a temporary vehicle for this spiritual journey in human form. Our spirit/soul is eternal and that is a reality for me, not a belief.

As for the deception - if one is to take on the belief that Christ is an alien hybrid and not a Divine Spiritual being then as I view this, one loses the opportunity for Divine spiritual intervention because their belief will limit their ability for direct knowing and cut them off from individual potential for spiritual growth and spiritual protection. It is the belief which is limiting, not the reality.
Aloha, thank you, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa
Images to nourish the spirit: http://mistsofavalon.invisionplus.ne...&showtopic=198

Last edited by Carol; 01-21-2009 at 04:41 PM.
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Old 01-21-2009, 05:53 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Josefine View Post
But he has constraints put upon him.
I wouldn't say Its outright constraints but I offer the following from His own Mouth...

"But, I think why I am getting away with what I am getting away with, so to speak -- where I am releasing bits and pieces of this cover-up -- is that there’s somebody back there somewhere who wants me to do what I’m doing. Or I would not have been able to do this."

- And -

"Anyhow, I’m getting away with sharing bits and pieces and tidbits which intrigue me because I think somebody wants some of this out."

He is correct - Somone(s) DOES / DO want what Hes presenting, out and in the Mainstream...

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Old 01-21-2009, 06:06 PM   #15
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Default Re: Cosmic top secret - Bob Dean

I am sick of hearing about Jesus personally. But thanks for shairng Carol.
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Old 01-22-2009, 12:37 AM   #16
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Default Re: Cosmic top secret - Bob Dean

I would say that in a situation like this invoking any genuine (to you) sacred word would stop forces of darkness of that nature dead in thier tracks. For some that can be reciting the name of Jesus, for others that could be reciting the Gayatri Mantra, or calling the name of whatever Gods or Angels etc they were faithful to.

To me it seems like it is the call for help (and the polarity of that call) that is important, not the specific mechanics of how that call is made.

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Old 01-22-2009, 01:31 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Anchor View Post
I would say that in a situation like this invoking any genuine (to you) sacred word would stop forces of darkness of that nature dead in their tracks. For some that can be reciting the name of Jesus, for others that could be reciting the Gayatri Mantra, or calling the name of whatever Gods or Angels etc they were faithful to.

To me it seems like it is the call for help (and the polarity of that call) that is important, not the specific mechanics of how that call is made.

Yes, unless of course the abduction team were humans (secret govt./military groups) that are well known to fake abductions complete with their own UFOs (anti-gravity craft) all in the name of promoting tonnes of fear in order that when they stage a fake alien invasion, the world's populace, shaking in their books, gladly accepts a one-world-government/military complex. (Well, that has been their plan for a looooong time now.)

Just planting a seed folks, that not all abductions are done by nasty aliens!
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Old 01-24-2009, 03:46 AM   #18
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I think what caught my attention is the definitive tense in your post. I've had experiences that forced me to reconsider my view on life, fundaments in my belief. It quite shook up my life then, but it made me look upon my beliefs in a less definite way. I find my current understanding of life the most probable at this moment. I didn't mean to argue about right or wrong, but the way to communicate it.
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