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Old 09-30-2008, 04:22 PM   #51
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

I found this quite interesting.
Actually a member here (omshanti2) shared this with me on OMF this morning.
I did not even see this thread until a little while ago.

Too bad we cannot ask this being any questions now.
I would have asked questions regarding other dimensions in pertaining to 'What Planet We Live On...'.
As I was reading it I kept thinking of 4-5th dimensions that this being was leading too.

The person/member here that said this being is from the INside of the Earth makes sense.
Good catch!

Light or Dark...doesn't matter at this point.
To me it is just another piece of the puzzle. Just like a puzzle you have on a table that you are working on.
A piece that you set aside and try to fit it in later on. ( I have a bunch of those kind of pieces...hehe)
I use that style of thinking for a lot of different subjects that do not make total sense to me.
I simply set those pieces aside for later on....THEN sometimes things just *PoP* into my head and I grok it.

Still, many of these 'answers' were to vague for me.
I want more meat. I have had enough of appetizers...
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Old 09-30-2008, 04:26 PM   #52
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

Thanks again, Edward. True, this is the knowledge they don't want us to have. It SHOULD be taught in school! You are a blessing, sir.
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Old 09-30-2008, 04:30 PM   #53
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!


Op IF you are indeed who & what you say you are, then you will know that you and your ilk are in big
Your time is short and those you belong to,
who are in our space quadrant as we speak, already know it! I imagine they are a tad busy right at
this moment.
But of course you must keep up appearances even when you know you fight a losing battle.
Personally I will be very happy to see the day... and it is coming, sooner than you think
There is no end of time.
A long time ago, the people did ALMOST manage to take over, and then bad things happened
on earth to those people....what are you seeing now?
Are you really living on the planet you think you are?
Is this referring to the time of Atlantis?
Did we have 'more power' then? Meaning were we 4th dimensional then?
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Old 09-30-2008, 04:43 PM   #54
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

Originally Posted by spymonk View Post
seems to work fine from here...maybe its being blocked in your region.
Works for me too. AND I have Anal-Ass Comcast that is going to LIMIT us to 250Gb per month starting October 1st.
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Old 09-30-2008, 05:45 PM   #55
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!


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Old 09-30-2008, 05:53 PM   #56
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

I spent an hour or so reading this today. Most interesting. It correlates with a lot of things I believe and have read elsewhere. I feel it is from someone who has a lot of genuine insight.

After finishing it, my main thought was that this is someone who is a Hermeticist. His worldview seems to perfectly fit in to neoplatonic, (semi-)gnostic hermeticism which is also a worldview I share.

I only wish we could have asked him questions
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Old 09-30-2008, 06:05 PM   #57
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

Indeed, I did see the hermetic influences myself which I too found intereseting, hence my mentioning of hermetics earlier with a link to more information about it (in my big previous post with lots of links etc).

Personally I've found a lot of great insights and experiences from this ideology myself.

Since on the topic, I highly recommend the new translation of the Corpus Hermeticum which also includes the first english translation of The Definitions of Hermes Trismegistus to Asclepius. The book is called "The Ways of Hermes" and should be in the bookshelf of anyone with an interest in the Hermetic system:

May Nous be with you,
-Edward Alexander
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Old 09-30-2008, 07:37 PM   #58
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

Did anyone else notice the amount of apparently random words surrounded by quotation marks?

The very end of the PDF says

".......I said more than you read, pass it on. Return." (my quotation marks not the authors)

So I went back and read through again and all the words and sentences in quotations jumped out at me so I wrote them all down. Some of it actually made a bit too much sense for me to ignore.

Here are the words I got:-

The more you take the more it produces to balance itself bloodlines I am not a slave us the dark sider us gurus good visualization victim witness truth sin bad good true master leaders have mastered their game what do you do when you've mastered the game? Good bad kings outer walls love harsher harsh societies gain it sin death master of the game philosophies prophet holy countries researched insiders true illusion being of lucifer malicious malicious malicious malicious malicious without secret socieites mediums celebrities saviour working noone outside this earth sees a reason to free any of us if there is such a thing waiting wanting son of god real feuds world events knowledge sold their soul prophets/sons of god/angels/saints/etc delete health care philosophy artist stand the test of time revolution love happened to encounter star friends saviours in front of you without reason death god god gods prophets celebrity foreign natives foreign servants new NWO facts waking up rift god interested wanting parts-covers us I us

I just wondered if anyone else had thought what he/she meant with the words "".......I said more than you read,..."

Was he/she meaning it by way of a hidden message or simply meaning that we should read the actual answers on a deeper level?

Maybe I've just lost the plot completely - that's always a possibility
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Old 09-30-2008, 08:07 PM   #59
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

Interesting observation. And yes, I too assume that what he meant with "I said more than you read" is that there is more in the text than most people will notice, or understand, when they read it. In other words, reading something and understanding what you read is two different things.

-Edward Alexander
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Old 10-01-2008, 12:28 AM   #60
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Thumbs up Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

Thanks for this amazing piece Edward...
There are many nuggets buried within if one goes back and carefully picks them out. The surface alone is likey too much for most. From many of the threads from others, they are not keeping an open mind when interpreting the words and this is unfortunate. Like he/she points out, its all within us (the answers) and we do create what it is that we dislike. He is also validating what Bill & Kerry point out in their recent interview that the biggest secret kept from us by the elite is the fact that each of us is much more powerful than we believe. We have the power to steer our futures if we take the time to understand how...again from within.
This person or entity most certainly has an inside track...he/she is trying to pass something very important to us. I feel very fortunate to have been alerted to this by Kate in the UK. I look forward to sharing this with my tight circle of like minds and see what else we can glean from it...there is much more here then surface appearances!!!!
Love, Peace & Respect!:
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Old 10-01-2008, 01:07 AM   #61
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

".......I said more than you read, pass it on. Return." (my quotation marks not the authors)

This message,
was written with "light encoding"
by the "he/or, the she" who wrote it

there are definitely "parts"
that are there, that a once/or twice over it

they might NOT immediately "jump out" at you

you, each, and, everyone of you
have "all the parts"
it is strictly a matter, of learning how to uncover them,
how to mine them, and, mind them

everything is "on_board"equipment

the biggest trouble is,
that many of the miners,
are in the mode, of what "is" termed,
"dead" wood, or, dead "would"
(pardon the pun)

You would...
if you could,
"Will it to be, so, it will be"
is that NOT what a good fool/magican/or hermit might do ?

Instead, of sitting there,
and, removing the "could", "should" and, "would"
and, replacing them with "can", "shall" and, "will"

The only trouble is -
that most do NOT see
and, they over_look the obvious

most of the message provided
appears to have some of it "chopped out"
(this is done, to make you go beyond regular thinking)

it is encoded, and,
has been written
with the elements of "light"

ahhh...i do NOT think,
you ever lose the plot,
i think, perhaps,
if you look outside of you,
it is, then, that you lose the plot, your plot

if you look, deep inside of you,
to find the answers,
all of it, is already hidden inside of you

the biggest trouble is this:

that, it is very hard to prove to you
what lurks within me,
and, what lurks within you,
can NOT always, in all ways,
be seen, by both parties,
that show up to eXchange

Very few have this abilility "developed"
as, it has NOT been broadcast widely
but, kept within secret circles
and, only shared with a few to a few

There are plenty of possibilities...
however, they are merely conclusions,
of thought procees,
that "the thinker", has NOT yet put into action
(which add up, to NOTHiNG)

There are potentials...
both good ones, and, NOT so good ones
that eXist in all energetic eXchanges

perhaps, that is part of the hindge
that opens the door !!!

A series of "locks"
and, a series of "keys"
that lead you to more, NOT less

you can "pass it on"
you can "pass on it"
you can "return"

all very viable options

brightest blessings of energy, light and love

susan ~ white lotus star
the eXchanger

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Old 10-01-2008, 03:22 AM   #62
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I just wondered if anyone else had thought what he/she meant with the words "".......I said more than you read,..."

Was he/she meaning it by way of a hidden message or simply meaning that we should read the actual answers on a deeper level?
I just took it to mean that one should read slowly, think about the responses given, read between the lines, etc. Most people when reading anything (myself included) don't do this.

And this may be irrelevent, but what I understood about the PTB:
- there are the gov'ts or GWB's of the world...
- there are the Rockefellers/Rothschilds/etc. of the world...
- then there are those above all of these? Powers we don't even know the names of?
- these PTB without names are supposedly 'neutral', simply providing knowledge, it's up to "us" how we use it...

The one thing I fail to see is that there blatantly is a conspiracy against humanity with engineered diseases, destroying our air/food/land/water/psyches. Now, from my own thinking on this, it sounds as though the nameless PTB provide 'knowledge' to the named PTB, and the named PTB use this supposedly neutral information to the detriment of the planet's population.

And we, the common folk, accept what we get presented with (for the most part).

I also see many, err, inconsistencies/contradictions in this document, but I've been going on about 10 hours sleep in the last 68 hours so it's all fuzzy at this point. This person did seem to judge a bit, and dole out the 'spiritual advice' despite saying let no man stand between you and the Divine Law (or whatever it was she/he said). Secondly, if we as humans in the flesh and as souls are all equal, then why do certain souls get to repeatedly incarnate into the same 'privileged' families? If no one is more gifted or at an advantage than another, why do these souls/families get to have this information while the rest of us are left to blunder on ignorantly, or, by some stroke of magnificent luck, question our reality and head down the spiritual path?

Anyway, maybe these questions are irrelevant but they were things I was thinking about. Might be my own 'issues' about hierarchy :P Or they may be valid questions, ones that I do not have answers for.

I really do not think that, if certain souls have the choice to incarnate into privilege and knowledge, while the rest of us have no such choice, how is that equal, how is that aiding 'their' evolution, and how does it aid our evolution if we're so easily able to slip simply by making offhand comments and lengthening our samsara?
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Old 10-01-2008, 04:22 AM   #63
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

Originally Posted by Morgan View Post
I really do not think that, if certain souls have the choice to incarnate into privilege and knowledge, while the rest of us have no such choice, how is that equal, how is that aiding 'their' evolution, and how does it aid our evolution if we're so easily able to slip simply by making offhand comments and lengthening our samsara?
Hm. Could that be your perception? What if s/he means to say that those souls who have that choice have it because they've sufficiently advanced through previous incarnations so that now, they're given a choice to advance further and learn the secret knowledge?

A lot of what Insider said resonates with me. Even the way he called us earth dwellers peasants. I mean, this person/entity does appear to have greater knowledge than we do. If I see a 30-yr-old who keeps falling over his own feet, I'll go through a few stages of dawning comprehension: 1. I feel sorry for him/her. 2. I shake my head that an adult is so clumsy. 3. I observe and conclude that he keeps falling over his feet because he's never bothered, never made the effort to learn how to walk properly. 4. I think of him as an idiot... Most humans are not willing to take responsibility for their actions; they love to make up excuses for their mistakes instead of simply accepting they made a mistake. That prevents them from learning from their mistakes. So, someone like Insider, who can see it so clearly because he certainly stands outside or at least on the edge and observes this over and over and over again, will have little patience for our idiocy, thus he refers to us as peasants...
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Old 10-01-2008, 04:29 AM   #64
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

My understanding about bloodlines, as it applies to myself and my experience, I inherited RepTOID blood from my Cherokee great-grandmother on my mother's side and RepTILIAN blood from my British father.

So I am doubly-blessed with non-verbal abilities to communicate.

In a mammalian human society, this makes me pretty odd because my telepathic (non-verbal ability to intuit from other Souls) abilities outweigh my verbal abilities.

People like me enjoy solitude more, because human company is too noisy.


Edited to correct errors.
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Old 10-01-2008, 09:52 AM   #65
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

Edward, Thank you for posting the thread, very interesting indeed.

Could you confirm that this web activity from the insider was 3 years ago??

Peace, Love and light

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Old 10-01-2008, 03:09 PM   #66
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

Yeah it was in 2005 as stated.

The original thread is still around in the forum it was going on in, but it's been corrupted either by software errors or hackers or so and most of it is gone now and many posts are just blank. I noticed the Insider mentioned this problem happening even when he was writing there.

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Old 10-01-2008, 03:20 PM   #67
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

I confess that the peasant reference annoyed me. It seemed "out of context" considering the message delivered. Despite that the person made sense.

Go well,
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Old 10-01-2008, 03:49 PM   #68
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

most of them,
do NOT even see you
as anything more than a slave,
or, someone who lines their pockets,
or, extends you credit,
(which you view as your credit--but, it is your credit in the negative pole)
(The debt, is really their credit, in the positive pole)
so, when you use it,
they already have you,
locked in the negative pole,
especially, since NOW,
you have to pay them back

a peasant, is at least a free man/or woman

and, almost none of them
will ever see you as equal

they do everything in their power
to keep the positive pole with them

this is why, their deck of cards is being
blown around, by the wind of changes !!!

they didn't count on a middle class ...
that might become smart

people in europe--have been paying huge dollars for gas,
for more than a decade -- some of the costs , esp in the UK are unbelievably high -- and, many are NOT rich

(however, oft times, houses are passed down generation to generation,
so, many never had to face, paying a mortgage)

however, also, a lot of them, had to find financing,
when basic living costs, exceeded the cash they had

(again--sucking them into their positive pole)

it is going to have to happen,
the fall, of The iLLs
to create a more level playing field
for all people on earth

we are all created equal-often, it is "the choices"
that are made, that destroy that field

how very unfair
that an 80/20 rule, exercised in 6 levels
leaves about 9-10 men/women standing,
and, all of them, are trying to scramble
up the same pin ...
the top of the pin,
does NOT have ROOM for all of them,
and, NONE of them, trust each other !!!

it is hard for everyone to climb this type of mountain,
as, there is NOT room, for everyone at the top !!!

as, i said, in another thread...
the inner circles, are turning on the inner circles,
and, all of them will come tumbling down

if you can -- listen to larry nichols / or nichols live

on www.blogtalkradio.com at NOON

or, listen in the archives

he is a "real" whistleblower, with a lot to say

the eXchanger

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Old 10-01-2008, 10:05 PM   #69
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Default Bloodline Insider With

I actually read the entire PDF. It sounded like two people were responding behind the curtain. One was an egocentric impatient asshat and the other was a more spiritual inclined snotty English professor...

...over all it was vague with over tones of discouragment. I thought some of the questions were good ones.

Which ones were yours?
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Old 10-02-2008, 07:59 AM   #70
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!


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Old 10-02-2008, 08:15 AM   #71
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!


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Old 10-02-2008, 08:38 AM   #72
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!


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Old 10-02-2008, 12:58 PM   #73
master yowe
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

One question that was not asked was are you service to self or service to others !
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Old 10-02-2008, 04:54 PM   #74
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

Originally Posted by master yowe View Post
One question that was not asked was are you service to self or service to others !
Yeah, I noticed that, too. Makes me wonder, though: Is service to self even a possibility once you enter the higher dimensions? I can't imagine so.
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Old 10-02-2008, 05:55 PM   #75
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

My understanding about bloodlines, as it applies to myself and my experience
No, I am not apart of that bloodline. My "secret" is a secret. My secret can not be told just to anyone...(Inrespect to all).
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