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Old 03-19-2010, 01:52 PM   #1
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Default Let them eat Cake !

Well if any of you are wondering what is going on just now, I had a beatiful insight into the workings of the world last night and the beginnings of evidence of conscious co-creation in action. But sadly you're going to have to read this post before you get to it at the end... or hey? what am I saying, just scroll to the end of the post if you like, I don't mind...

Ok... I know it's a long post, but look at it this way, there won't be many more here at Avalon 1... end of an era.. Think of it as my last thread.

You all know I have a penchant for cake just now, right?

Like this one...

See, this works on many levels. Consciousness runs the world. (and the universe probably, but what do I know?) That means... whatever is going on in it (and in you) you are going to see in the world.

So here we have not only funny cakes... but misunderstandings writ large on cakes.

this is what is going on just now between people. But that is not what I am writing about.

I stopped worrying months ago about knocks on the door, and blue green and yellow stickers on postboxes for FEMA designations. Why ? Because I realised that I cannot afford to worry about every little thing that could but doesn't happen to me.

That is the world of the Mind. The Ego if you like. It has plans for you.

Big plans.

Big plans to control its environment, and its perceived threats.

But the sad irony is that it's ability is small, tiny, insignificant. Try telling your mind that you are all powerful when someone does break down that door. Or your loving neighbours break into your cellar and steal all of that yummy survival freeze dried food you've been salting away for the past year and a half (don't forget to rotate it , mind...).

Look at it from another angle though, from the viewpoint of consciousness...and you are not tiny but an integral part of what's going on, and everything you do and come into contact with will show reflections of that.

Back to the point. I like cake. Why? Because it makes me laugh. I give them to people and they laugh. It's lovely.

Once you discover that people are important, not survival, it all gets a bit simpler. Sure I understand that's why some are making a stand about the 'truths' in Av, Av2 and MoA... they're all for people too. But they align with a cause, and causes naturally exclude some people who don't beleive in that cause, so you end up leaving out half of the equation (still that's an aside, and not the point of this thread)

To be fully conscious we just have to let things be, accept that all is 'us', all is 'me' all is 'we', then we might get glimpses of that 'us' everywhere.

Ok.. back to the revelation... conscious co-creation in action... Skim-readers start here !

Take this cake thing... I watched 16 Blocks last night (Bruce Willis and Mos Def). I've had it recorded for about three months, long before the whole cake thing. What did I see in the film last night?

Eddie, the crook who wants to start a business and go straight, wants to start his own cake shop!

I mean, c'mon! How many major films have you seen where the protagonists desire arc is to go into the cake business ???

So there you have it. I think of cake, I manifest cake.. and it even appears in the film I watch. For all I know it never existed in that film until I thought of it.

This is about as good an example you get of how your thoughts and your attention create the world you experience.

If you are focusing on us and them (be it Bushes, Rockerfellers or even Mods and Members, or Av1 and Av2 or MoA, the unfairness of life, the evil desires and agendas that people must be having, the end of the world, or running out of lentils Then... according to my new evidence of cake... that is exactly what is going to appear in your life.

These are dangerous times, so be careful what you believe in. (do I believe these are dangerous times? Cripes. Scratch that. These are wonderful , beautiful times, where we really get to change as human beings, we may start to see and experience things differently.

Since I forgot about the end of the world, and started focusing on people, myself and cake, my daily life is much less scary than it was.

So let 'us' eat cake I say.

Please feel free to post any conscious co-creation going on in your life just now. You know.. the little things... small signs that life has a sense of humour after all....

Love to you all.

K x

Notice how K even sounds like Cake now ???

Last edited by Kulapops; 03-19-2010 at 01:57 PM.
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Old 03-19-2010, 02:45 PM   #2
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

How about these are dangerous, wonderful and beautiful times? (I find danger to be quite exciting!) Also, I was pretty sure that I manifested Mos Def's desire for the cake shop... but I'm open to a possible co-creation. I definitely created the banana cake we finished last night and it was so yummy it made me laugh!

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Old 03-19-2010, 02:59 PM   #3
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yes, good human things continue to go on despite all -- i remember seeing a video of the booksellers street in Bagdhad right after my country started its war on the Iraqui people -- even in the midst of all the rubble & death, people were still buying & selling books

i personally do not find danger exciting -- but i can understand why so many do -- life in war-free countries can be pretty boring, w/the concomitant cut-off from the Spirit & one another -- also i've come to the conclusion that most humans have lost all survival instincts, so it will take big danger to get that enlivening adrenaline flowing --

however, you will get your wish for danger, wherever you live in the world! big big dangers coming soon to planet Earth! this is the kind of excitement i personally can do without, but to each his/her own

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-19-2010, 03:07 PM   #4
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

It wasent that long K
You take the biscuit.
Only fooling.
One way of doing therapy is to keep feeding the client with their own negativity.
If they say that they are worthless agree totally with them, reinforce their belief keep them heading down the negative path and then all of a sudden the whole thing implodes and they will denny it all. They will say wait a minute im not that bad a person I have some good in me, and the corner is turned.

I got fed up a long time go reading searching for doom and gloom on the Internet, counting the number of earth quakes, volcanic eruptions etc need I go on?

It all imploded. I realized one day that none of this was actually happening to methat I could not make one person feel better by being an expert on doom and gloom, I got wise to me, and began to enjoy life again, to the full, moment by moment an adventure in the NOW. The past is history, the future mystery.

I want my cake NOW

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Old 03-19-2010, 03:22 PM   #5
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
I got fed up a long time go reading searching for doom and gloom on the Internet, counting the number of earth quakes, volcanic eruptions etc need I go on?

It all imploded. I realized one day that none of this was actually happening to methat I could not make one person feel better by being an expert on doom and gloom, I got wise to me, and began to enjoy life again, to the full, moment by moment an adventure in the NOW. The past is history, the future mystery.

I want my cake NOW

Yes it is easy to get caught up in the doom and gloom. It is better to live in your own reality and not get bombarded with negativity. Look for the nice stories. The feel good ones. They don't sell as many newspapers, but hey the newspaper business is in trouble anyway.

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Old 03-19-2010, 03:27 PM   #6
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The Ego if you like. It has plans for you.
Big plans.
Big plans to control its environment, and its perceived threats.
Ego is a clever thing. It is, at it's core a complete illusion. Ego basically draws it's sense of reality, and permanence from the amount of our energy it can direct.

But they align with a cause, and causes naturally exclude some people who don't beleive in that cause, so you end up leaving out half of the equation
"An idea is something you have. An ideology is something that has you."--Morris Berman

The whole section after the "Skim-readers" line is why I spend MUCH less time on things political.It finally dawned on me that the political condition is largely an effect of people's thinking (or not) and dabbling there was chasing phantoms. Until you get at things closer to home, you are just "making noise" where they refuse to think.

Brings to mind... "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time, and annoys the pig."
Ex: People can be easily driven to some pretty ugly things, in the name of "being safe". Trying to get them examine what it is their doing, usually just gets you defined as an additional threat to their illusion of safety.

Until you can get people to look, and think from a place where it is obvious they're actions contribute just as much to the mess... it's a tough sell. Once they get there, nothing to sell, they just know it.

Good post, Kula.

"Life IS mystical! It's just that we're used to it"

Evil cannot be killed. Only redeemed.

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Old 03-19-2010, 03:27 PM   #7
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
It wasent that long K
You take the biscuit.
Only fooling.

I want my cake NOW

I'm sorry Chris, but I am battling addiction ! Glad you came and read though... and commented.

Your experience matches mine, I'm not going to worry about anything now until it happens. I know some see that as foolhardiness, or even denial. But to me, there's a whole different picture, once you accept living in the now is all that matters, then nothing else matters !

Except cake. Here's yours !

Thanks for stopping by...

As for dangerous or exciting.. I'm sure it's true...whatever you wish, we might each get our own individual timeline. lol

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Old 03-19-2010, 03:33 PM   #8
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i'd just like to point out that all of you into living in your own reality are not living in countries where war is going on --i.e., the doom & gloom has not hit your area yet

it amazes me how little com-passion [see the Compassion thread for my post on the etymology of the word] --'to suffer with' -- to feel for others who do not have the option of choosing a bomb/war-free world -- so little compassion in those who talk about 'love & light' -- it's like, i've got mine, i intend to hold on to it, & too bad if you are out of the loop

while you are defending your right to eat cake, there are children around the world being raped, tortured, & murdered by perverted sadists

don't you care?

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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Old 03-19-2010, 03:33 PM   #9
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

Originally Posted by Fredkc View Post
Brings to mind... "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time, and annoys the pig."

Ex: People can be easily driven to some pretty ugly things, in the name of "being safe". Trying to get them examine what it is their doing, usually just gets you defined as an additional threat to their illusion of safety.

I like your response Fred. Especially the bit in green. It explains a lot of what is going on. I'm convinced that once we realise and truly experience that we're all the same person in the end... the 'cone of safety' will expand to include all, there will be no more perceived threats and at that point, government and all of us will sort ourselves out...and we'll wonder if it was ever any different!

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Old 03-19-2010, 03:41 PM   #10
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Kulapops, no addiction easy to overcome and I wish you well on that.

My hobby was racing sailing dinghys, we had a saying.
"Its all very well to stand on the beach and criticize"

So changing out look is not denial, its called re-framing, then we picture things entirely differently.
What ever works for you.

Quite a few from UK post on the forum.
Take care my friend.
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Old 03-19-2010, 03:44 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by wynderer View Post
i'd just like to point out that all of you into living in your own reality are not living in countries where war is going on --i.e., the doom & gloom has not hit your area yet

it amazes me how little com-passion [see the Compassion thread for my post on the etymology of the word] --'to suffer with' -- to feel for others who do not have the option of choosing a bomb/war-free world -- so little compassion in those who talk about 'love & light' -- it's like, i've got mine, i intend to hold on to it, & too bad if you are out of the loop

while you are defending your right to eat cake, there are children around the world being raped, tortured, & murdered by perverted sadists

don't you care?

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
you raise a good point Wynderer. Yes I do care. If you feel I don't care, there is nothing I can say that will make you feel otherwise.

I would like the world to be a better place and I will do my best to contribute as best as I can, in the situations I find myself in, to see that I have a positive effect. People suffer the world over. There is suffering on this forum. I cannot end all suffering. Except...

I believe that what we think and feel about the world can likely have a direct quantum mechanical effect on that world. Imagining a world without war may actually be a more effective way to create peace than most realise. Indeed if they did realise it, maybe we'd see it stop... . Sure this is a theory, but if thinking about cake can bring a significant amount of it into the plot of a film, then who knows, maybe that's a sign that thinking about a world where we all co-operate and respect one another will do the same, once enough people feel that way.

The alternative is to create a world of division, of me and you...of, what are you going to do about it...? Not realising, that the you is you.

Being at peace with yourself may actually have a quantum effect on the fabric of consciousness as we know it. By changing yourself, you are effecting the world around you. That's the theory, and that's the discussion in this thread. Thanks for pointing out the contrary argument - 'by doing nothing, you sanction the wrongs in the world'. My counter is that intent is not nothing. Intent is everything.

This is something I can do.

I'm not entirely sure how I can stop all wars and rape through an action of mine. Can you say how you can stop a forum splitting up? I can only act with that which I come into contact with. That is currently Avalon...


Last edited by Kulapops; 03-19-2010 at 04:04 PM. Reason: good questions need careful thought!
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Old 03-19-2010, 04:06 PM   #12
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

Dear Wynderer
Could I sugest you read the book "Power vs Force" by Dr David Hawkins.

He explains fully the impact that one enlightened being makes energetically on the world.
There is only one problem and that is the level of consciousness.
Each person who devotes their lives to spiritual progress lifts the consciousness of all.

Only a low level of consciousness perpetrates all the violence and things that you obviously care about strongly. At a higher level of consciousness it is not possible to be with out compassion and actively help others.

AA and other fellowships that help addicts promote compassion on a level that is awesome and though appearing just to help the struggling alcoholic the side benefits to society are enormous.

Every minute raising of personal consciousness through prayer and meditation reduces the harm being done to others in real terms.

If you go to the web site read the about Dr Hawkins section and you will see that he has been instrumental in helping to resolve major conlicts.

Dr. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

Dr. Hawkins is an internationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, and pioneer in the fields of consciousness research and spirituality. He writes and teaches from the unique perspective of an experienced clinician, scientist, and mystic and is devoted to the spiritual evolution of mankind.

The publisher

My friend Kulapops has a lot of compassion for others as shown in other threads.

With Love Chris
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Old 03-19-2010, 05:20 PM   #13
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I know this has been posted elsewhere on this forum (thank you for introducing me to this Lightbeing), but I think John Hagelin PhD can say it more eloquently than I. (Hands up here if you have a PhD ? )


“At the basis of all life’s diversity there is unity.”

“At our basis you and I are one.”

“Consciousness is not created by the brain.”

“What we have discovered at the core basis of the universe, the foundation of the universe, is a single universal field of intelligence. A field which unites gravity with electro-magnetism, light with radio activity, the nuclear force, so that all the forces of nature, and all the ’so called’ particles of nature quarks, leptons, protons, neutrons are now considered to be one.”

“Planets, trees, people, animals, were all just waves of vibration of this underlying unified super string field. We are really united at our core, and ultimately the understanding that’s emerging will be that there is only one consciousness in this room, and it’s you, and its me, and it is each and every one of us.”

“The consciousness itself our very inner subjectivity, the self, that is universal, and knowing that, and knowing that through experience is called enlightenment.”

“Were not really living in a dead universe, the universe is overwhelmingly conscious. ”

“We are really living in a thought universe, a conceptual universe…”

“The deeper you go in the structure of natural law, the less material the less inert, the less dead, the more alive, the more conscious, the universe becomes. Then when you get to the foundation of the universe, the unified field, the super string field, it’s simply a field of pure being, pure intelligence, Intelligence, because its the fountain head of all the laws of nature.”

“Pure abstract potential. Pure abstract being. Pure abstract self aware consciousness. Which rises in waves of vibration, to give rise to the particles, the people, everything we see in the vast universe.”

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Old 03-19-2010, 06:07 PM   #14
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
I got fed up a long time go reading searching for doom and gloom on the Internet, counting the number of earth quakes, volcanic eruptions etc need I go on?

It all imploded. I realized one day that none of this was actually happening to methat I could not make one person feel better by being an expert on doom and gloom, I got wise to me, and began to enjoy life again, to the full, moment by moment an adventure in the NOW. The past is history, the future mystery.

I want my cake NOW

that hits the nail on the head, it seems part of the grand initiation we are all going through as species. lots of people get stuck to that very powerful glue or (fear porn) as david wilcock puts it. its the last shell to be broken in the information learning curve as far as i can see.

this is where people who still havnt got over the hump yet deem it fearmongering if you mention something going on in the world that is intersting but perhaps not very nice. i have no fear. if your still listening to alex jones for 4 hrs every day you havent got it yet. dont get stuck , keep flowing!

im pie man btw. english bramley apple pie. or rhubarb grown from the bottom of the garden
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Old 03-19-2010, 06:16 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by pineal-pilot-in merkabah View Post
that hits the nail on the head, it seems part of the grand initiation we are all going through as species. lots of people get stuck to that very powerful glue or (fear porn) as david wilcock puts it. its the last shell to be broken in the information learning curve as far as i can see.

this is where people who still havnt got over the hump yet deem it fearmongering if you mention something going on in the world that is intersting but perhaps not very nice. i have no fear. if your still listening to alex jones for 4 hrs every day you havent got it yet. dont get stuck , keep flowing!

im pie man btw. english bramley apple pie. or rhubarb grown from the bottom of the garden

Mr Kipling I presume.
My mouth is watering.
Genoa cake for me, fomented fruit, I wonder why.

Its great to be free of the addiction of fear-mongering.

Regards Chris
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Old 03-19-2010, 06:19 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by wynderer View Post
i'd just like to point out that all of you into living in your own reality are not living in countries where war is going on --i.e., the doom & gloom has not hit your area yet

it amazes me how little com-passion [see the Compassion thread for my post on the etymology of the word] --'to suffer with' -- to feel for others who do not have the option of choosing a bomb/war-free world -- so little compassion in those who talk about 'love & light' -- it's like, i've got mine, i intend to hold on to it, & too bad if you are out of the loop

while you are defending your right to eat cake, there are children around the world being raped, tortured, & murdered by perverted sadists

don't you care?

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
i think i see what your getting at but we can care but not obsess on something we cant change directly. i cant stop nato from bombing pakistan or iran. i hope it doestn happen. with that in mind it reminded me of a terence mk enna quote

“The apocalypse is not something which is coming. The apocalypse has arrived in major portions of the planet and it's only because we live within a bubble of incredible privilege and social insulation that we still have the luxury of anticipating the apocalypse. If you go to Bosnia or Somalia or Peru or much of the third-world then it appears that the apocalypse has already arrived.”
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Old 03-19-2010, 06:53 PM   #17
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Let them eat cake, was a famous saying made by Marie Antonietta and this began the famous French revolution that began the Renaissance. Some what appropriate for what is going on with all the changes taking place AV1 to AV2 and changes within your world, family, work, friends, community and the world around us in general. This is the Revolution of the HEART. In my world I see my children being much more mature than I was at their age, it gives me hope that the coming generations will overcome and will transcend beyond the pettiness of our life, the many hang ups, prejudices and silliness of our illusion of self worth. The elitist mentality will be a thing of the past, children have no boundaries of heart they love without discriminating, they play and have fun free and happy as can be. Even in places where there' s tragedy such as Haiti you could see children playing as if everything is okay in their world. As adults we get too caught in our own self made illusion and we tend to loose the perspective of what is really valuable in our lives. Be free enjoy every moment, if there is no tomorrow at least you have today, live in the NOW. No matter how many plans we have for the future , the future is not set in stone , we can create our own destiny if you so desire, you and only you hold the key to a world of your own making. The world within does not depend on external factors. So whether it is a cake or a cookie, or just an empty plate you could transform it into anything you want.
That is the beauty of life beyond our 3 dimensional perspective.

Blessings to all..
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Old 03-19-2010, 07:03 PM   #18
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Don't you mean 'The Age of Enlightenment' and not the 'Renaissance'?
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Old 03-19-2010, 07:39 PM   #19
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Dood the age of enlightenment it is.
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Old 03-19-2010, 07:55 PM   #20
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

Originally Posted by pineal-pilot-in merkabah View Post
im pie man btw. english bramley apple pie. or rhubarb grown from the bottom of the garden
Have you been spending a lot of time around Cliff High ?

He's a pie man too I believe. But then I don't think he's quite got it, because he's also an unsinkable boat man too.

I think it's true that there is a form of progression, and at some point we get overload, and like Chris says, we realise we can't improve the world or how we feel, because we're doom and gloom experts. Imagine the weight on your shoulders from building (and listening to) a doom and gloom predictor?

I think Cliff admits, we don't even have the words to describe some of the future. So I say maybe we can't predict how good it's going to be... we can only see more of what we see already.. so the future looks like earthquakes and wars. Not transendence.

But I say the universe can change on a dime tomorrow if it feels like it. That's quantum mechanics for you. Maybe when we truly comprehend that, that's when it will happen.

I came to realise that I wasn't even an expert on what is going to happen... only an expert on what someone else thinks is going to happen, and even they can't reveal their sources... Uh-huh ?

That's why this other stuff is so much more special to me, because at some level it is rooted in science fact and it also intuitively matches what I feel and can experience.

It's not even any more about yogis telling us what we might experience. You can really experience it for yourself.

Yet, when some one says aliens exist, this is not really open to all.

Maybe the coming of cake signifies another age of enlightenment.

Thanks for your posts,


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Old 03-19-2010, 08:09 PM   #21
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Your a winner Kake.
I like a scientific answer too.
My favorite author DH is very scientific in his approach to the evolution of consciousness and often quotes Quantum mechanics and the Hindenburg principal.
The moment something is observed it changes.
Everything could change in an instant.
The map of consciousness that Dr Hawkins produced explains a lot but you have to read his book to get a full understanding.
I think it is great to have some one of his background enlightened in this world at this time.
He has cleared so many misunderstandings I had regarding cause and effect, non-duality and so on.

Anyway thats not baking a cake.
But there are no half baked ideas in his books, all constructive positive suggestions as to how to raise consciousness.

Bye for now.
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Old 03-19-2010, 08:20 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by greybeard View Post
Your a winner Kake.
I like a scientific answer too.
My favorite author DH is very scientific in his approach to the evolution of consciousness and often quotes Quantum mechanics and the Hindenburg principal.
The moment something is observed it changes.
Everything could change in an instant.
The map of consciousness that Dr Hawkins produced explains a lot but you have to read his book to get a full understanding.
I think it is great to have some one of his background enlightened in this world at this time.
He has cleared so many misunderstandings I had regarding cause and effect, non-duality and so on.

Anyway thats not baking a cake.
But there are no half baked ideas in his books, all constructive positive suggestions as to how to raise consciousness.

Bye for now.
And power vs force is the recipe ?

Think that's got to be next on my Amazon wish list...

Thanks for the recommendation Chris. There I think folks we see a real power at Avalon.. a sharing of real knowledge...

I have Connecting with Sauce to thank for my clean liver... (courtesy of Andreas Moritz) Lightbeing to thank for John Hagelin... Mudra I think for Greg Braden (though that could have been lightbeing too... or Burgundia ? My memory is a little fuzzy on that one).

These are the real treasures I will take away from Avalon. So we can see that the purpose I came here for originally (to find out how to prepare) is not the answers I came away with.

In that sense , the universe gives us what we need, rather than what we think we need.

I'll add my own book (not mine ! a recommendation) for anyone interested in the links between science and the esoteric. (lovely description connecting sunlight and consciousness btw)

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Old 03-19-2010, 10:55 PM   #23
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

since this forum is closing soon, & since i do not plan to go to any of its offshoots, i'll post my super doom&gloom/Ms Negativity p.o.v. here

i'm imagining what it would be like to be a higher dimensional being travelling thru the Universes & chancing upon our solar system -- the h.d. being would first become aware of Earth from hearing the unceasing screams of pain coming from the millions of animals being killed for food & sport, & the screams & cries of pain from the millions of humans dying in wars, thru starvation, in brutal prisons, etc

looking thru the dark astral cloud created by all this suffering surrounding Earth, the h.d. being sees that the water, air, & earth of this planet are all poisoned to such an extent that many species are already dying -

wondering what is going on, the h.d.being ventures thru the astral cloud, & sees that most of the humanoids, who appear to be the dominant species, are engaging in activities that are very destructive to an already sickly planet

this puzzles the h.d. being, whose experiences thruout the Universes have been that usually when a species realizes they are killing the planet & hence themselves, the species gets its act together & starts a planetary clean-up

so the h.d. being looks much closer, & sees that there is a very sophisticated system of mind control being directed at the humanoids by reptilian beings from 4D, a dimension largely innaccessible to the humanoids

the h.d. being sees that the mind control system works on several levels, & that most humanoids are controlled by the use of their own language & other symbols, a worldwide tech-based communication system serving this purpose -- the h.d. being sees that apathy & self-centeredness are encouraged by this communication system, & some understanding of the humanoids' willing participation in their own destruction comes to the h.d. being [tho the reptilians in control of this planet have been pushed to the edges of a rather insignificant Galaxy, the h.d. being is familiar w/their planet-trashing history]

very concerned now, the h.d. being looks more closely at the humanoids, scanning back thru time to see what else is going on leading to the humanoids' lemming-like rush to destruction -- the h.d. being sees that about 50 yrs ago, there was a groundswell of awakening, especially among the young ones, that they were destroying their planet & themselves, but that many of these who were waking up then are now sleeping again

tracking them, the h.d. being sees several reasons for these humanoids' forgetting that they are destroying themselves -- one big reason is another use of the mind control , by the simple switch of words, from 'destruction' to 'ascension' -- this idea is spread to the humanoids thru what they call 'channelers' who work hard to get their listeners to believe that they can escape the destruction by having only pretty thoughts--

the h.d. being feels sad, seeing that those who buy into this could have been the warriors who tipped the scale & awakened their fellow humanoids; but, instead, they are all awaiting their ascension & are already psychologically disconnected from their planet & from the suffering of the others who live there w/them

when leaving this sad planet, the h.d. being meets some other h.d. beings, One leading the others, whose job it is to be there when the mass deaths occur, to save as many humanoids as possible from the 4D soul traps laid by the reptilians -- 'Rough job -- good luck,' the h.d. being says to them before taking off

Peace & Freedom, wynderer

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Old 03-19-2010, 11:05 PM   #24
Avalon Golden Oldie
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

Originally Posted by Frank Samuel View Post
Dood the age of enlightenment it is.
Cool...I meant to put a in my post. In fact I thought I did but, I was posting quick and logging off.
I did not want you to think I was being sarcastic or mean spirited.
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Old 03-19-2010, 11:21 PM   #25
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Default Re: Let them eat Cake !

What you say would be so Wynderer, if it were not for the fact that the tried and test spiritual ways have been with us for thousands of years, (mainly ignored) not channeled but the love of God experienced subjectively by the Mystics. Their experience was identical through out these thousands of years and in various cultures.
Nothing to do with new age ascension nothing to do with religion everything to do with spirituality.
I am of no religion but I have directly experienced the love of God, nothing anyone says can sway me from that, I know it happened to me.
I can identify to a lesser degree with what happened to Eckhart Tolle and Dr David Hawkins as related in their books. Not New Age,
You are obviously free to think what you want and I agree that the "human race" has a lot to answer for, but I have seen the miracle of hopeless drunks getting sober, their lives changed through a loving God as expressed through the fellowship of AA.
Every disaster finds people digging deep into their pockets to fund aid to people and animals that they will never meet, never receive any real recognition for their contribution. They do it because they care.
There are two sides to every story.
Sometimes you have to look deeply to see the milk of human kindness but it is there.

With Respect
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