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Old 08-18-2009, 06:41 PM   #26
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Default Re: rockerfeller - is scared !!! the world is starting to do business differently !!

Originally Posted by eXchanger View Post
judy when you climb into your real dna,
you might find out
you just have one pair, that is humanoid

beings on earth - are NOT humans

human is just a label

they are an assortment of many things

my truth, is that the internet,
as, it was orig. given to earth,
came from elsewhere, if that isn't your truth,
that is fine with me !!!

you do make some good points/and, i appreciate that

(it's time for me to go do other things)

i've done my time, here at PA/PC -- i think, i have an average of 6.66 posts daily--good time to leave !!!

ET is quite the label as well, as is any word we use. Humans or whatever label of choice you chose, are quite amazing, as with any creation of this earth or other realm. If you noticed I wrote "
It's time for beings to come to a 360 degree view, of just how wonderful they are, and know the whole white hat, black hat is still another ploy in the whole duality paradigm." to be inclusive of all entity's being human or otherwise, or what ever label of "your choice". After all who is to say that Extra Terrestials were not born here or existed here all along, or within the same space just different dimension. Terminology has been purposely blurred, and sometimes a word used although the intent and meaning is known is used as bone of contention.

I do not need to climb into my DNA as it is part of me and evolving and changing as intended.

Last edited by judykott; 08-18-2009 at 07:08 PM.
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Old 08-18-2009, 07:07 PM   #27
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Default Re: rockerfeller - is scared !!! the world is starting to do business differently !!

Excellent posts Judykott. You have some great insights on how the web is woven.
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Old 08-19-2009, 08:37 AM   #28
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Default Re: rockerfeller - is scared !!! the world is starting to do business differently !!

Originally Posted by judykott View Post

After all who is to say that Extra Terrestials were not born here or existed here all along, or within the same space just different dimension. Terminology has been purposely blurred, and sometimes a word used although the intent and meaning is known is used as bone of contention.

I do not need to climb into my DNA as it is part of me and evolving and changing as intended.
Judy ... You blow my mind!!
That little paragraph is what I believe 100%.

We are in the process of attaining/fine tuning our DNA for the next step. No walk ins requiered IMO
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Old 08-30-2009, 05:04 AM   #29
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: rockerfeller - is scared !!! the world is starting to do business differently !!

Originally Posted by TheChosen View Post
Simple analogy.. if hollywood tries so hard to make us believe Aliens are bad ass monsters... why is it also that in EVERY MAJOR movie pushing us to believe that the Artificial Intelligence is also extremely non-friendly with humans? I believe the truth is again the opposite... at least in most cases.
YUP...that's a great analogy, and, a simple one too !!!
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Old 12-28-2009, 01:48 AM   #30
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: rockerfeller - is scared !!! the world is starting to do business differently !!

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Judy ... You blow my mind!!
That little paragraph is what I believe 100%.

We are in the process of attaining/fine tuning our DNA for the next step. No walk ins requiered IMO
We are, we all are !!!
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Old 02-28-2010, 02:46 AM   #31
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: rockerfeller - is scared !!! the world is starting to do business differently !!

you better pay attention--he is scared, and, trying to push bills thru congress!!!

The president would have the power to safeguard essential federal and private Web resources under draft Senate cybersecurity legislation.

According to an aide familiar with the proposal, the bill includes a mandate for federal agencies to prepare emergency response plans in the event of a massive, nationwide cyberattack.

The president would then have the ability to initiate those network contingency plans to ensure key federal or private services did not go offline during a cyberattack of unprecedented scope, the aide said.
Ultimately, the legislation is chiefly the brainchild of Sens. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), the chairman and ranking member of the Senate Commerce Committee, respectively. Both lawmakers have long clamored for a federal cybersecurity bill, charging that current measures — including the legislation passed by the House last year — are too piecemeal to protect the country's Web infrastructure.Their renewed focus arrives on the heels of two, high-profile cyberattacks last month: A strike on Google, believed to have originated in China, and a separate, more disjointed attack that affected thousands of businesses worldwide.

Rockefeller and Snowe's forthcoming bill would establish a host of heretofore absent cybersecurity prevention and response measures, an aide close to the process said. The bill will "significantly [raise] the profile of cybersecurity within the federal government," while incentivizing private companies to do the same, according to the aide.

Additionally, it will "promote public awareness" of Internet security issues, while outlining key protections of Americans' civil liberties on the Web, the aide continued.
Privacy groups are nonetheless likely to take some umbrage at Rockefeller and Snowe's latest effort, an early draft of which leaked late last year.

When early reports predicted the cybersecurity measure would allow the president to "declare a cybersecurity emergency," online privacy groups said they felt that would endow the White House with overly ambiguous and far-reaching powers to regulate the Internet.
The bill will still contain most of those powers, and a "vast majority" of its other components "remain unchanged," an aide with knowledge of the legislation told The Hill. But both the aide and a handful of tech insiders who support the bill have nonetheless tried to dampen skeptics' concerns, reminding them the president already has vast — albeit lesser-known — powers to regulate the Internet during emergencies.
It is unclear when Rockefeller and Snowe will finish their legislation. And the ongoing debate over healthcare reform, financial regulatory reform, jobs bills and education fixes could postpone action on the floor for many months.
Both lawmakers heavily emphasized the need for such a bill during a Senate Commerce Committee cybersecurity hearing on Wednesday.

"Too much is at stake for us to pretend that today’s outdated cybersecurity policies are up to the task of protecting our nation and economic infrastructure," Rockefeller said. "We have to do better and that means it will take a level of coordination and sophistication to outmatch our adversaries and minimize this enormous threat."
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Old 02-28-2010, 03:13 AM   #32
Lost soul
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Default Re: rockerfeller - is scared !!! the world is starting to do business differently !!

Link has been disabled. However, an English version with Spanish subtitles may still be viewed. Link
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Old 02-28-2010, 06:32 AM   #33
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Default Re: rockerfeller - is scared !!! the world is starting to do business differently !!

He's a Rockefeller. They detest the idea of the "filthy, unwashed masses" having an avenue to connect with each other.

If the Rothschilds are watching, they could do us a favor and put Rockefeller in his place. After all, they put Obama in power.
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Old 02-28-2010, 08:41 AM   #34
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Default Re: rockerfeller - is scared !!! the world is starting to do business differently !!

By the time I got to it the video had been removed...truth hurts eh??

You always know we're on to something when they scramble to censor...
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Old 02-28-2010, 09:36 AM   #35
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Default Re: rockerfeller - is scared !!! the world is starting to do business differently !!

Originally Posted by THE eXchanger View Post
"Too much is at stake for us to pretend that today’s outdated cybersecurity policies are up to the task of protecting our nation and economic infrastructure," Rockefeller said. "We have to do better and that means it will take a level of coordination and sophistication to outmatch our adversaries and minimize this enormous threat."
I didnt get to see the video either, but I can just imagine (rats, now I'm gonna have nightmares...)

... to outmatch our adversaries... means US...

right?... so they are admitting that we are beating them?
... woo-hoo!
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Old 02-28-2010, 11:42 AM   #36
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Default Re: rockerfeller - is scared !!! the world is starting to do business differently !!

Originally Posted by judykott View Post

It's time for beings to come to a 360 degree view, of just how wonderful they are, and know the whole white hat, black hat is still another ploy in the whole duality paradigm. That is why there is so much talk of the Greys, Et's the focus on outside grey. It is time for the greys, as in the grey matter of our brains to combine in unity with the heart within. I am not talking about the emotional heart but heart intelligence united with the grey intelligence from within, that is the unity to be seeking. There are groups formed for Unity outside, which is not possible with out the Unity within. When the Unity is in place within, it makes the outside groups obsolete, for then they just are. Besides the PTBEE actually want Unity, a Unity focused outside of yourself the goal is Hive mind for them. A top down Unity where if not in Unity with Queen Bee Hive Mind, one thought , one mind, everyone mindlessly following (Unity) from the top, then the other bees just kill the individual thinker. , that is Unity externalized. The Rockefeller's have funded many such world Unity movements, as it goes hand in hand with their vision of One World Government.

That is a very well thought out post judykott and very appropriate. It is obvious that you have the process figured out.


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Old 02-28-2010, 09:39 PM   #37
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Default Re: rockerfeller - is scared !!! the world is starting to do business differently !!

"The following video seems appropriate...and always brings a smile and a tear to my face(use full screen and HD): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zlfKdbWwruY. "

Thanks for posting that. I forget sometimes how much I need a "joy jolt", until I get one!
And that's a great one.
I wonder where the hell Matt is today?
Here's the sequel:
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Old 02-28-2010, 11:51 PM   #38
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Default Re: rockerfeller - is scared !!! the world is starting to do business differently !!

Censorship in Australia is getting out of hand.

Link to external quote: http://games.on.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=174456

And another way they're trying to push for internet censorship if the "filter" gets a big "nickoff" from the general public: http://www.ozspeedtest.com/news/1536...net-ombudsman/ Using the basis that an inapropriate group was made on facebook, stating that we'll give Daniel Morkholm back once this page reaches 1mil hits. Facebook wouldent take it down dispite the mother's request. (Daniel was a boy that went missing @ a buss stop years back, they've used him as an example for child safety since)

Look at their arguments towards why they wont let us have R18+ gaming category & why they want the internet filter.

An internet filter wont help them. Taken from personal experience with a Peadofile...

Was working for Unisys, we looked after 16 or so contracts and we'd swap a few with a team in NZ during daytime hours, and look after them after hours.

I was looking for a flatmate, and someone from the NZ team on the Vodafone contract was looking to move to Australia. Work wise, realy professional, hard working, realy focused on his work. seemed like a great guy, also into WOW and online games, i was paying rent for a 2bdroom place myself so thought it would be great for him to move in.

Once he moved in tho, realised he was a total freakshow. Was running around in undies on his 1st day there, set up his pc so he'd use keyboard/mouse on the bed and screen was on bedside table. Stayed in his room all the time with door closed.

He got dodgey with money after about 2 weeks, i leant him some origoianly when he first moved in cuz i knew he moved from NZ and knew he'd be working in my building then, with my team, and eanring the same $$ so i thought for sure i'd get it back. Then he diddnt pay rent, and i heard from a workmate he was shouting them drinks after work after he told me something different.

When he first moved in, i gave him my old PC to use. he reformatted it, put windows on it, and games and MS Word etc. And i helped him do up a budget based on what i was getting paid (cuz he'd be getting paid the same) so he could work out what he was spending where.

The night he got dodgy with the rent i went looking on his PC for said excel sheet to get all my facts straight, so the second he walked through the door i would confront him, say look dude, you're earning this much, you're sending this much back to NZ for you're girlfriend, you still have this much here, unless you have a drug habbit or blew over 500 on drinks tonight you can bloodywell pay me rent.

Instead i found childporn.

He downloaded it through Limewire.

That's P2P software.

An internet filter wont do jack to stop peadofiles & child pornography, because it only censors websites.

I dont think those kind of people use the actual internet much for that kind of thing, id think they'd mostly get it thru filesharing because its "safer" for them to find because of all the offenders caught because their IP was logged downloading stuff from random webpage.

If they were to bring in an internet filter (which they still wont release details of what's actualy on the list to be banned)

And when the person who's in charge of, and leading the push for the filter, does stuff like this - http://www.news.com.au/technology/co...-1225834474153

It makes me extreamly worried

I think Australia is going to be the Guiney Pig for internet censorship. Once it's in here the US can justify "well, it's in Australia, and *insert fake statistics here* its obviously working, we'll get it too"

bye bye freedom of speech & information?

And OP's video was "removed for terms of use violation"

which ive noticed with ALOT of video links from this site.

Someone watching us that's a bit triggerhappy with the remove content button lest people know the truth

Last edited by TigaHawk; 02-28-2010 at 11:57 PM.
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Old 03-01-2010, 08:01 PM   #39
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Serious threat of Cyberattack. For gods sake. Do you think that even the sheep are particularly scared of cyberattacks? I know i wasnt.

These ppl just make me mad. Once ur awake its just so easy to see how evil these lying bastards are!
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Old 03-06-2010, 02:50 PM   #40
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Default Re: rockerfeller - is scared !!! the world is starting to do business differently !!

we all need to pay attention,
that they don't slip this crazy bill,
in with other bills

someone needs to put a stop to these 4000 pages documents,
that people, can NOT read/nor, understand
that are given to them at 5pm
for 11am, the neXt morning !!!

yeah; rockerfeller, has a big need to be concerned/and, to be scared !!!

the world is starting to wakeup,
and, understand, just how deep the hood-winking
actually goes !!!
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