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Old 09-19-2008, 01:58 AM   #26
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Default Re: Is it just me... or is that NOT G. W. Bush?

Just saw him again today offering opinions about the economy. I tried to study him again closely on TV, PBS news clip. Now he's doing a weird lip-clenching thing which reminds me of Al Franken, the way little lines or dimples seem to form above the corners of his mouth. I'm pretty sure I've never seen him do that before!
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Old 09-19-2008, 09:30 AM   #27
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Default Re: Is it just me... or is that NOT G. W. Bush?

Originally Posted by ARE WE THERE YET View Post
I hear he is on serious meds and he's an alcoholic. Yep deffinatley a few strings there. Nah He has enough money to get porcelin implants why would he use fakies. Perhaps its Botox or a heart attack or maybe they just drug him to the eye balls. Its true that too much evil can drive you mad so maybe he's just lost it. But you can bet that either way the masters are keeping him under a close eye. Nothing -Nothing that has occurred in the last few months has been what I would call Normal Human status Quo. .Maybe its just me and paranoia. Who agrees! The news is just Bizarre. Important stuff is left out and reports are short and vague. Stuff that isn't important get the most air time.
We have a show called
Cambell live Nz tv news and he said it - what's going on here- No one in the world seems to know whats going on! etc.

If Bush is acting odd and they pull the election -who's in charge then. The NWO.

Please prepare for the worst and hope for the best. If we all got this wrong and everything is back to normal in 2 years. Hey its only 2 years. But if we are right you will most likely be dead. The worst case cenario you will be a slave. And please no one quote the 'Fear thing'. I am not afraid I just don't want to make it easy for the bastards!:
Okay Well now I'm confused -because someone here has just called me a 'fear monger"(annonomously). So I will retract my post by stating that "Nothing is ever going to happen as everyone in here is on heavy duty drugs, they told me this on the schitso. doco I watched last night on T>V" "Tell you what don't prepare for anything and hope your sports hero wins in the current match running at the moment" Everything on earth is normal and atleast we know that oil is running out eh and thats gotta be a good thing. I give my God blessings to all the current world leaders and may they all be voted in in November.
Call me what you like, call me disappointed that name calling is a resort taken by people whom I thought were of better quality. Be careful what you say in here folks or you might get your feelings hurt.
I had no idea their was a tool in here that allowed anonomouse name calling so I'm thinking of leaving as I didn't come here to be insulted for what I think is a fairly common opinion.
My reply to whoever did it " How does my insistance that preparing for ie, the nwo,pandemic flu, pole shift,the mark, world depression starvation,or population reduction, engender fear-when everyone else in hear is aloud to say the same thing.oh is it because I don't know how to meditate.
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Old 09-19-2008, 09:46 AM   #28
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Default Re: Is it just me... or is that NOT G. W. Bush?

Originally Posted by ARE WE THERE YET View Post
Okay Well now I'm confused -because someone here has just called me a 'fear monger"(annonomously). So I will retract my post by stating that "Nothing is ever going to happen as everyone in here is on heavy duty drugs, they told me this on the schitso. doco I watched last night on T>V"
so I'm thinking of leaving as I didn't come here to be insulted for what I think is a fairly common opinion.
Oh dear, they only insulted you? No bomb threads? You are in a fine shape..
(Been there, had them, beside about 50 labels that for the most times contradicted each other..)
Just stick around, and show that that small action didn't discourage you.
Of course you are free to walk away like there are no problems and the bad guys only fight fair and without a mask.
And if you want to meditate, go outside, find a quiet spot, near a beautiful tree, and look at the tree without thinking/judging anything.. If a master teaches meditation, then the students copy the master.. But who taught the master BUT the master him/her self? ;-).

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Old 09-19-2008, 10:48 AM   #29
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Default Re: Is it just me... or is that NOT G. W. Bush?

True !

Its was probably georgy boy.
I got a shock -don't think that reputation thing is really appropriate in this forum.
If you wanna call names do it to my face so I can reply. Don't just try to chase opinions you don't like outa this forum by making them look bad
I'm not a monger of Fear I just hate STUPIDITY and walking into the reptiles mouth with your eyes closed is pretty stupid if you ask me.
I'm over it!!!
Call me what you like-I know who I am, and I care enough about my fellow man to say be prepared for the worst. the hater missed my line 'and hope for the best. I can't cross my legs under a tree and make it all go away.
How's this Whoever you are I forgive you and you shouldn't be afraid of another persons opinion.

Did I step up to the plate buddy?
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Old 09-19-2008, 02:53 PM   #30
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Default Re: Is it just me... or is that NOT G. W. Bush?

Maybe he is just tired of all the bashing that he takes for every single problem in the world, maybe he is tired of always being blamed by the hippies for every mistake made by the liberals.

Maybe he is tired of having to clean up the democrats financial mess that they not only fostered, but created by giving minorities home loans they could never afford, you know what I mean, the illegals that are currently in every local news paper under the forclosure section.
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Old 09-19-2008, 04:32 PM   #31
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Default Re: Is it just me... or is that NOT G. W. Bush?

OR...he could still be sore that his limo got egged at his inauguration!

If you can't take the heat, stay out of the Presidency.
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Old 09-19-2008, 07:20 PM   #32
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Default Re: Is it just me... or is that NOT G. W. Bush?

Originally Posted by Stinkhorn View Post
Maybe he is just tired of all the bashing that he takes for every single problem in the world, maybe he is tired of always being blamed by the hippies for every mistake made by the liberals.

Maybe he is tired of having to clean up the democrats financial mess that they not only fostered, but created by giving minorities home loans they could never afford, you know what I mean, the illegals that are currently in every local news paper under the forclosure section.
Personal view of history: This started with Reagan deregulation, when restraints were removed that had kept corporations from doing whatever they wanted to do. Restraints, or regulations, ARE necessary to keep things in line.

I know this is a point of debate, but just let me say THANK GOD the energy company is still regulated in the state I live in. They need state approval before raising rates. Well, last year they decided all by themselves that they wanted to raise rates 20%. That's a huge raise. It hurt many people, given the level of inflation we're living with, and loss of jobs, etc. They went ahead and started charging increased rates all on their own, without approval. Everyone's bills went up. The state finally got its act together and declined their 20%. The state allowed 5%, which is still affordable for most people. The power company had to refund all the over-charges, which they did, but we have no way of really knowing if they returned all the money. If they didn't, basically they stole it from us.

Without regulation [call it conscience, or responsibility to others] all the corporations have gone berserk since Reagan. There are no usury laws now. No one knows the word any more. Usury laws were in place for a long time in this country. They were intended to protect ordinary people. Interest rates were capped at 18%. I don't know how it happened, really, but all of a sudden in this country interest rates could be anything anybody wanted them to be. People have been hurt by this. Corporations have benefited.

I don't know how it happened, exactly, but all of a sudden the monopoly laws don't seem to apply anymore. There used to be laws preventing one company from gobbling up all the other companies in particular industires. Now almost all the media are owned by only a few companies. There are no independent voices anymore. This is a result of monopoly. What happened to these laws?

There used to be laws requiring open bidding on government contracts. These laws were in place so that politicans could not give contracts to their friends. These laws were intended to keep the system open. All of a sudden, there are no-bid contracts [Halliburton]. What happened to these laws? Now all these very lucrative contracts are in the hands of very few people. Local contractors in New Orleans were NOT ALLOWED to bid on government-backed rebuilding projects in their OWN community!

It started with Reagan and has continued ever since, yes, through the democrats, and back into the republicans. And here we are today, at the end of the road this has created. This road has ended exactly where many people understood it would lead.

Last edited by doodah; 09-19-2008 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 09-19-2008, 07:30 PM   #33
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Default Re: Is it just me... or is that NOT G. W. Bush?

he just looked really stressed and tired. He has royally f'ed up the world. He is trying to manage Russia/Iran/Iraq Hurricane Ike and the latest economy nightmare. The whole world is blaming him and his administration...I doubt he sleeps much these days.
I think the whole reptile child abuse NWO clone illuminati stuff is BS. He is just another greedy human thinking he can rule the world.
I am sure he has been taking his share of drugs for anxiety and sleeplessness.
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