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Old 10-26-2008, 11:58 AM   #1
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Default safest place in the world

I see that the people on this forum are mainly from the USA, but I was just thinking, what is the best place to be when all this chaos starts, and which places should be avoided? I have dual citizenship and can travel to a lot of places around the world. I'm currently in Saudi Arabia, is it a good idea to stay here, I have a feeling that the Middle East will have some event which could affect Saudi (Reading things in the news paper, like, East Coast of SA is preparing for potential nuclear fallout...)? I'm going to New Zealand later on for a 2 month vacation, my plans for next year is Europe and Russia.

Which places should be avoided due to possible risk? I'd rather not be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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Old 10-26-2008, 12:05 PM   #2
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Default Re: safest place in the world

Stay away from Europe and America.
Stay in New Zealand when you get there, the south island would be my choice
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Old 10-26-2008, 12:11 PM   #3
Truth voice 2012
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Default Re: safest place in the world

I have the feeling we will all be exactly where were supposed to be when s**t hits the fan. Just do whatever your gut tells you.
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Old 10-26-2008, 01:27 PM   #4
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Default Re: safest place in the world

I sure hope so!
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Old 10-26-2008, 01:31 PM   #5
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Default Re: safest place in the world

Sorry i had to have a laugh here!!!

The idea of 5 billion people huddled together on the South Island of New Zealand all holding a garden rake in defiance just has me chuckling!!!

There is NO safe place - the very act of being born is a risk!! You might avoid all risks and then be hit by some other "random" act!! Like the fitness fanatic that was hit by a health food delivery truck while out jogging!!!

Be at peace with the fact you are right where you are MEANT to be right now - and focus on being the best you can WHERE you are right now.

A lot us us westerners have lost sight of the fact that we ARE who we are since we are constantly told that we can be BIGGER BETTER BRIGHTER all with some magical outside influence.

And if only we do THIS THAT or the OTHER we can change all that.

Well truth is we only have ourselves to work with - and this life IS the real deal - not a rehearsal - so no more hedging bets and waiting for someone else to tell us "what the forecast is" or "come on in the water is fine" the time has come to just JUMP IN and test the water for yourself!!

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Old 10-26-2008, 02:06 PM   #6
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Default Re: safest place in the world

Originally Posted by Genevieve View Post
Sorry i had to have a laugh here!!!

The idea of 5 billion people huddled together on the South Island of New Zealand all holding a garden rake in defiance just has me chuckling!!!

There is NO safe place - the very act of being born is a risk!! You might avoid all risks and then be hit by some other "random" act!! Like the fitness fanatic that was hit by a health food delivery truck while out jogging!!!

Be at peace with the fact you are right where you are MEANT to be right now - and focus on being the best you can WHERE you are right now.

A lot us us westerners have lost sight of the fact that we ARE who we are since we are constantly told that we can be BIGGER BETTER BRIGHTER all with some magical outside influence.
And these are words of wisdom. I'm not going to change my address and move somewhere else in hope that I'll be safer there. the eye of a cyclone is a very calm place.

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Old 10-26-2008, 03:01 PM   #7
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Default Re: safest place in the world

Welcome to the ground crew Burgundia!!!
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Old 10-26-2008, 03:02 PM   #8
sunny D
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Default Re: safest place in the world

I am not going to run anywhere...... I stay where I am and I like it where I am now....Namaste..!
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Old 10-26-2008, 03:10 PM   #9
Aisuru Chiku
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Default Re: safest place in the world

which means there is no safe zone

In the weeks leading into the shift, the rotation of the Earth slowed gradually to a complete stop. This is due to the Atlantic Ridge being highly magnetic, which was gripped by the Anomaly when it got close enough to Earth. Complete stoppage occurred about 5 days before the actual pole shift itself. The Atlantic Ridge is highly magnetic due to fresher lava flows and being centrally located between neutrally magnetic continental masses. When the rotation stops Africa, the US and Europe will experience a permanent variation of day with much of Asia in permanent dusk/night.

The lead up to the shift and the shift itself causes the Altantic Region to stretch and the Pacific Region to compress/subduct. This process has been happening naturally via plate tectonics at a very slow rate for many thousands of years. Evidence of this is everywhere. Eg: Remains of forests on the US East Coast and evidence of civilisation now underwater in the Caribbean and west British Isles.

Compression of the Pacific caused plates to be pushed under others which caused violent Earthquakes and rapid mountain building particularly along regions of the Ring of Fire.

During the period of ceased Earth rotation, tension built up between the crust and core. Eventually the tension released when the core broke away from the crust and moved independently of it. Separated from the core, the sliding crust caused rapid Atlantic stretch and Pacific compression and changed the face of the planet.

All that happened within a few hours and was an extremely violent event that caused near total destruction of the world cities and infrastructure along with billions of lives lost. In addition to the earthquakes and volcanic activity there was massive tidal waves because the oceans are not fixed to anything and the crust moved through it at speed.

After the pole shift, the core started to settle and realigned with the sun once the influence of the Anomaly was over but the crust continued to move due to its immense mass until the extreme quakes and mountain building eventually bought it to a halt. The face of the Earth changed forever and so began the time that I, and my team, grew up in – the Aftertime and this was/is full of challenges.

At the beginning of the Aftertime, the survivors were shell shocked because most of them were going about their normal routine almost up to a week before the shift! They struggled at first to understand what had happened. Everything around them was destroyed either by the Earthquakes, volcanoes, wind storms or tidal bore. Later, as reality started to set in and survival groups started to form, the survivors had to contend with another disaster. The oceans started to rise again due to the polar ice cap melt.

For over a decade, everyday living was set back to the way it was in the 19th century. None your current infrastructure such as the power grids, sewage systems, communications and transit system survived. And although I cannot go into specific detail, suffice it to say without these things, people started (needed) to rely on each other in their small isolated groups all over the world. And then finally something good came out of all of what we went through….. without main pressures in this time period, which all revolve around money, humanity spiritually evolved. We accepted what had happened and recognised what we lost was small compared to what we had gained. I probably made that sound a tad simple..... believe me, it wasn’t.


The Great Catastrophe had a significant effect on seismic activity during and leading up to the primary shift event. This is due to a rapid separation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which causes havoc all over the Earth. All well as changing traditionally predictable weather patterns into erratic ones.

Widening of the Altantic Ridge caused subduction/compression in the Pacific. While this is only happening at slow and small increments right now, the shift caused it to happen at a much accelerated rate. Basically, Tectonic activity that would normally take many thousands of years got compressed into a few short days. As you can probably imagine, this will be an extremely dangerous period for everyone with some in more danger than others depending on their location.

In top of all this, the Earth’s core was magnetically pulled by the Anomaly which all culminated in a dramatic change in the current continental arrangements on Earth along with new magnetic pole locations. Here is a brief summary of what will happen by continent:


Europe was primarily affected by the Atlantic Stretch which increased volcanic activity both with currently active and inactive volcanos. Tidal bore was also significant in the low land areas and areas that lost sea level elevation. Earthquake activity was minor compared to other continents particularly those in proximity to the Pacific Region. Which means they were 7 or 8 and not 9.5’s or higher like most other regions.

Any country along the Mediterranean (particularly Greece & Italy) and it’s many fault lines, which was a tectonic stretch zone, suffered from increased volcanic and earthquake activity. As tectonic stretching is not a release of stress or tension, trapped lava exploded upwards through volcanos. Volcanic fallout was a substantial problem for nearly a decade after the shift.

Spain, also on the Med, was permanently pulled down by approximately 15 metres due to the Atlantic stretch. This makes coastal communities a very dangerous place to be. England, Ireland and Scotland were also pulled down at least 20 meters.

The Balcans mainly were affected by the volcanic ash from the Mediterranean.

Switzerland, Finland, and the lower lands of Germany and France suffered greatly from tidal activity associated with the shift as well as fallout ash from volcanic activity.

Sweden and Norway fared reasonably through the earthquakes and did not have to contend with tidal bore due to their high elevation but couldn’t escape intense volcanic ash.

Russia found itself in a slightly warmer climate after the shift but in its lower lands like Siberia and Ukraine, the polar melt put it all under water. Along with the rising water levels caused by the melt, rain fall also increased and the local rivers and creeks couldn’t handle all the water. Much of Russia was in a perpetual flood after the shift.


India & Pakistan were forced under the Himalayan Mountains by the Australian plate due to Pacific compression. The earthquakes associated with this were very violent leaving few survivors. As a double blow, the crust rearranged positioned India near the new South Pole causing a dramatic change in climate.

Nepal’s climate also changed due to its closer position to the South Pole.

Karachi was swamped by tidal bore due to low elevation but was made worse when its eastern side was pulled slightly downwards when India got pushed under the Himalayas.

Iran & Iraq are essentially now Polar Regions being that close to the new South Pole having been pulled away totally from the African plate.


Australia dramatically changed due to the shift. Pacific Compression forced nearly 60% of the continent underwater due to the Australian Plate being connected to the Indian Plate. However, due to the sinking of Western Australia and most of central Australia, the eastern states rose up and had still gained land after the polar melt. This will also benefit New Zealand.

The sinking of the western side of the continent was fast enough that the ocean just kept heading inland at a swift pace. There were very few survivors.

Those who survived on the land that remains above water will find what was once East is now North and close to the equator.


For the most part, Africa remained above sea level even after the polar melt and the west side now faces north. Due to the difficult circumstances of living in Africa with it’s people facing serious hardship, the survivors will mostly be no worse off after the shift and that statement is by no means a good thing.


China rode out the shift well. Much of China’s land is high above sea level thus evading the shift tidal bore and polar melt. But China geographic position will be closer to the new South Pole and therefore changed its climate slightly.

Hong Kong was destroyed by the quakes and tidal bore with the polar melt being the final nail in the coffin.

The highlands of Taiwan survived the tidal bore and the polar melt but its proximity to volcanos from neighbouring countries rendered it a difficult place to live after the shift.

Japan did not do well leading into the shift nor well in the shift itself. Due to Japan’s position on fault lines, it suffered from immensely powerful Earthquake activity, some volcanic activity and massive tsunamis.

Korea was basically destroyed due to significant Earthquakes, new volcanos followed by the tidal bore.

Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia experienced significant Earthquake activity, tsunamis and tidal bores. But the end of these two countries was the polar melt.

Aside from the quakes and tidal bore destroying much of Singapore, its proximity to the South Pole froze the small amount of survivors.

Guam, Fiji and the Solomans were hit hard by the compression quakes, completely washed over by the tidal bore and then swallowed by the polar melt.


South America significantly changed due to the pole shift. This was primarily due to its new location in Earth’s newly arranged continents. The bulge of Brazil found itself positioned very close to the new North Pole thus dramatically changing the climate after the shift.

Aside from the large quakes associated with the Pacific Compression (which created the Andes Mountain range over time), South America had to contend with severe tidal activity in some cases much worse than other regions which simply devastated everything. The cause of this was due to a new land mass that surfaced out of the ocean due to the part Antarctic Plate rising up between the tips of both the African and South American continents.

The rise of the new land mass forced the water away in all directions. This water went over most hills and some decent sized mountains and into the low land areas. An inland sea was present for a long time but is now slowly turning into an ice cap.

Argentina, Buenos Aires & Chile were decimated by the tidal bore from the Earth’s stopped rotation, then followed by the rushing water from the new land mass surfacing. Don’t think Chile is safer due to its higher elevation; the waves will be that intense and needed to go somewhere that it had the energy to go over some decent mountain ranges.

The Andes will gain elevation over sea level from the pole shift due to Pacific subduction. It was a fair assumption for many to take refuge in the perceived safety of the Andes but for reasons yet completely understood many suffocated from oxygen deprivation. The current hypothesis is that the Anomaly stripped away some of the Earth’s atmosphere enough to affect air levels at the Andes new height above sea level.



The East Coast from south of the New England area suffered during the shift due to the stretch from the Atlantic Ridge and the crust resisted being pulled apart so much of the coastal areas were be pulled down into the ocean. The level of sinking increased the further south you go. Only New England gained land due to the separating St. Lawrence Seaway but larger scale earthquakes were also present in this area.


The situation is completely different on the West Coast. Firstly, the Pacific Compression forced oceanic plates under the continental plates along current fault lines. This happened with such force that heating of the substrata rock occurred and actually caused rock to melt in low laying areas. So remember, VALLEY + SUBDUCTING FAULT LINES = DEATH TRAP. Also significant mountain building occurred in certain regions. Think of Yosemite equivalent size to understand the sheer scale of the mountain building that will happen.

Secondly, the tidal waves smashed the coast and went over the hills and mountains in close proximity to the coast line.


The Central areas of the US generally fared well during the shift which was not its biggest problem. Due to the havoc on both the East & West coasts, shift survivors headed inland and overwhelmed towns and cities that had trouble taking care of some many people. Many more lives were lost due to these circumstances.


The approaching Anomaly’s effect on Earth has been gaining strength for at least the past decade but in the past two years, its influence has become more intense with many obvious signs. In fact, Earth has already started to slow significantly on her orbital path and a fact not being reported by NASA. The interference with her core is causing a number of things to happen.

1) Core reaction is generating increased heat output significantly warming up Earth’s oceans. This has led to, among other things, accelerated Polar Ice melt particularly in the Arctic. The higher ocean temperatures are, in part, causing bigger and more frequent extreme weather events globally. This ranges from increased frequency of tropical storms to weather events not native to areas. Eg: snowing in tropical areas and extremely warm winter days in traditionally cold regions.
2) Abnormal core activity has also increased levels of volcanism and earthquakes
3) A slight anomaly in the Earth rotation has already been noticed but not reported. I sure some of you would have noticed the sun rising/setting too far north for a period of time last year and earlier this year. This contributed to the erratic weather seen in a few years leading up to the shift.
4) One of the most obvious signs is how Luna is reacting to the presence of the Anomaly. This is something that you can easily observe yourself. Typically, Luna’s orbit the Earth’s equator with a slight inclination of 5 degrees and is something that is not very obvious to the occasional glance at the sky during the monthly orbital period. For nearly 4 years, Luna’s orbit has been erratic and continues to be so. I suggest that you find a position in your house or just outside and line up Luna with a ground object like a tree etc. Over a period of just a few shorts weeks, you will see Luna move significantly away from your grounded object, either much higher or much lower and far greater than a small 5 degree inclination. This is primarily due to Luna having a second magnetic influence rather than just the Earth nearby.

At the present point in time, meteorological and geological activity is significantly increasing and will do so at a non linear rate until we enter the short term period before the Pole Shift.

As I have already said, there are forces at work to keep you in the dark as to what is coming. The greatest advantage we have is that the Government doesn’t know when the pole shift will occur either. And by the time the signs get blatantly obvious, they will be unable to fully implement martial law. The next post will outline political activities focussing on the US and explain how and why they are not warning you that this is coming. I will also briefly outline the active role the two teams in the US are doing in the lead up to the upcoming election.

This leads us to the short term events leading into the shift which I will not go into yet but suffice it to say that when we enter this period, we WILL disclose full details and the exact date of the pole shift. We may release this information sooner should we achieve some keys goals in the next month or so.

I do apologise as I said in my initial post that this post would only be a few days away but something came up which required our full attention. Expect the next post soon.

Peace to you all.
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Old 10-26-2008, 03:13 PM   #10
Truth voice 2012
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Default Re: safest place in the world

Originally Posted by Genevieve View Post
Sorry i had to have a laugh here!!!

The idea of 5 billion people huddled together on the South Island of New Zealand all holding a garden rake in defiance just has me chuckling!!!

New zealand is 104,454 square miles. With population of 6 Billion and 551,517,120 square feet. that would mean we would get 10 square feet each. Room for sleeping bag and a cabbage patch. Yay!
(Just messin)
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Old 10-26-2008, 03:23 PM   #11
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Default Re: safest place in the world

No matter where you go, there you are!

Look to basics.

Food, clothing, shelter. Make sure you have access to good water.

Now do it without outside support.

Do these things and where ever you are will be an oasis
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Old 10-26-2008, 04:41 PM   #12
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Default Re: safest place in the world

Yea NZ would be quite a squeeze if we all went there I'm staying here so that will free up some room.

Aisuru Chiku the way I understand it is if the Earth stopped spinning there would be no gravity so we would all float off the planet
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Old 10-26-2008, 04:50 PM   #13
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I'm with you on that one Baggy!!!!

And got the garden planted up and already talking to people (even the unaware as some call them) about hmmm what if this DOES become a depression??? what can we do - how will we work together etc.

I actually find the whole economic downturn a blessing in disguise. It enables people to really LOOK at the big picture (even if they arent quite willing to go right down the rabbit hole) and make some adjustments and at least be open to other options.

Dont waste this time as a starting point to help those around you in your immediate vicinity!! Its nice to talk on here amongst like minded people but seriously apart from moral support we can be little practical use to each other across continents when the SHTF.

What you will need is the support of the people AROUND you. So start now!!
I'm amazed at the feedback i have received so far with no other starting point than - "hey - we may have to go back to where our grandparents were in the depression"

Its almost like people are "yearning" for a change from what currently IS - but until something drastic happens no-one will make a move.

Thats where quietly leading by example can be a great help.

Wishing you all the very best in your "job"

Much love

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Old 10-26-2008, 04:55 PM   #14
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Default Re: safest place in the world

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
Aisuru Chiku the way I understand it is if the Earth stopped spinning there would be no gravity so we would all float off the planet
Swanny's First Corollary;

If the world didn't suck we'd all fall off

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Old 10-26-2008, 04:58 PM   #15
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Default Re: safest place in the world

My point exactly Truth Voice!!!

Forget the cabbages - gotta make room for the sheep as well!!!

I'm sure all my Kiwi mates are gonna shoot me down in flames here - but that has always been a standing joke amongst us - the NZ army? - one man and a rake!!! lol

Mind you the Oz contribution to the Desert Storm fiasco was taking out a Saudi harbour by a mis-docking of an aircraft carrier!!!! lol

Gotta luv us!! We may back the wrong sides and all that but we remain relatively harmless in the big picture.

Shame all us little lower school countries didnt all gang up and say NO to the high school bullies of the world!!! lol Who knows the world may just be a better place for armies with garden rakes
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Old 10-26-2008, 05:03 PM   #16
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Default Re: safest place in the world

Originally Posted by Genevieve View Post
My point exactly Truth Voice!!!

Forget the cabbages - gotta make room for the sheep as well!!!

I'm sure all my Kiwi mates are gonna shoot me down in flames here - but that has always been a standing joke amongst us - the NZ army? - one man and a rake!!! lol

Mind you the Oz contribution to the Desert Storm fiasco was taking out a Saudi harbour by a mis-docking of an aircraft carrier!!!! lol

Gotta luv us!! We may back the wrong sides and all that but we remain relatively harmless in the big picture.

Shame all us little lower school countries didnt all gang up and say NO to the high school bullies of the world!!! lol Who knows the world may just be a better place for armies with garden rakes
You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else. -- Sir Winston Churchill

Give us time Genevieve, when our backside gets burned bad enough, we'll make it right.
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Old 10-26-2008, 05:09 PM   #17
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Default Re: safest place in the world

I love us all Baggy - and i had a good laugh at that one too!!!

Seriously tho - I dont expect "americans" to make it right - we are all in this together mate - there should be NO nationalities when it comes to what is right for humanity.
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Old 10-26-2008, 07:36 PM   #18
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Default Re: safest place in the world

Originally Posted by Aisuru Chiku View Post
which means there is no safe zone
Aisuru Chiku, mate! (hilarity hijacks serious thread syndrome)=( we can get away with it but you can't)

Seriously, you planted a very long and detailed post into this thread and then just vanished. Two questions:

1) have you been into the future?

2) or are you just taking the ?

I love all this stuff but I clicked on this thread to see what people thought about 'safe' 'places' in a time of mindless jeopardy.

You're not Dan Burisch, are you? Duhh? No, you can't be, you didn't talk in riddles and 'goose step' to the star spangled erection.

Come on, tell us the rest of your story.
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Old 10-26-2008, 11:07 PM   #19
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N: It depends on your visa. Can you travel outside the cities without needing a stamp? There are natural caves in western KSA to hide out in. The rest is well... desert. Don't go east because that will make you too close to nuclear fallout and military issues in the gulf.

If it was me, I would get a visa to Yemen and hang on to it. That will be your best way out if you have to leave.

Otherwise, since you don't speak Arabic, I don't know how well you will get along over there if anything goes down. Censorship is an BIG issue, language is a BIG issue, and being a foreigner (esp. non-Muslim?) is an even bigger issue. Think of all the horror stories you've heard about Egyptians not getting paid, Indians getting attacked and Nigerians getting their passports revoked. That could be you. You should know the bureaucracy by now. Red tape and no communications can be more dangerous than no water in the desert (or the Somalis who make left turns from the right lane! sorry, just had to add that).

You know, you could always go to the suk and get yourself an abaya and niqab. Something like this:
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Old 10-27-2008, 12:30 AM   #20
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My thought would be the center of any large continent and definitely avoid islands. But I have seen folks pick out new zealand and australia and such. And interestingly enough, my mom told me of a story/interview of some kind that is on the back of the yearly chinese/vietnamese almanac. This story/interview is about a boy that had visions of world land masses changes due to a catastrophy. The boy mentioned that new zealand and australia are completely untouched because these are "sacred" lands. When i ask my mom whether the visions of the boy reveal any date or time frame and she said the story/interview does not mention a time frame. Interesting that this story mentioned new zealand and australia as safe in agreement with folks in here that got the instinct/understanding that those land masses are safe.

I should locate that almanac and read it up the story/interview myself i suppose.
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Old 10-27-2008, 12:49 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by warriorsoul View Post
My thought would be the center of any large continent and definitely avoid islands. But I have seen folks pick out new zealand and australia and such. And interestingly enough, my mom told me of a story/interview of some kind that is on the back of the yearly chinese/vietnamese almanac. This story/interview is about a boy that had visions of world land masses changes due to a catastrophy. The boy mentioned that new zealand and australia are completely untouched because these are "sacred" lands. When i ask my mom whether the visions of the boy reveal any date or time frame and she said the story/interview does not mention a time frame. Interesting that this story mentioned new zealand and australia as safe in agreement with folks in here that got the instinct/understanding that those land masses are safe.

I should locate that almanac and read it up the story/interview myself i suppose.
Well all I can say is no wonder Genevieve is feeling safe where she lives.

Last edited by Myra; 10-27-2008 at 12:51 AM.
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Old 10-27-2008, 07:39 AM   #22
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Well its very reassuring to people think this neck of the woods is a safe haven.
With a population of just over 4 million we're outnumbered by sheep the tune of about 8 to 1.

Being known locally as the 'shaky isles' the worry here though is with a polar shift we'll shake like jelly and all our volcanoes will 'pop'.

On the sacred vein we do call it 'God's Own' - Aotearoa ( The Land of the Long White Cloud'
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Old 10-27-2008, 07:59 PM   #23
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Default Re: safest place in the world

To Norman : this information comes from here :
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Old 10-27-2008, 08:21 PM   #24
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To the OP: There's no real answers here.
I suppose you can conclude that the middle east is definitely a dangerous place for obvious reasons.
The US and the UK are also dangerous for precisely the above place being dangerous

I can only conclude that Antractica is the safest place to be lol.

IMHO I'll take my chances in Ireland, at least I'll die happy!
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Old 10-28-2008, 01:15 AM   #25
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Default Re: safest place in the world

Originally Posted by Nightwish View Post
To Norman : this information comes from here :
Thanks. I spent a long time on that forum reading the whole thing. Not sure I believe it though.
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