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Old 09-07-2008, 12:03 AM   #1
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Default C a n a d a

Hello, my name is Dee. I currently live in northern BC and work as a teacher's aide in an elementary school. (I love my job!)

If you are Canadian as well, please introduce yourself here, I would like to get to know you!

I am curious to know where everyone is on their journey...
  • rank beginner - just recently "awakened", still learning/reading constantly and feeling a bit shell-shocked?
  • starting to connect with others of like mind to make concrete community or social networking plans?
  • have plans already made up and a support system in place for creating a small community?
  • already have a community up and running and are seeking new participants?
  • Other? (please explain)

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Old 09-07-2008, 12:41 AM   #2
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Default Re: C a n a d a

Hello, Canadian here, currently living on Vancouver Island. I've worked in the video game industry as an artist mainly, but have since started doing my own things, as I got tired of lending my talents to products that promote mainly war and violence.

Where am I on my journey you ask?
Well I to think I've gone far down the rabbit hole but I doubt I will reach the bottom anytime soon. My goal? To follow the truth where ever it may lead. Finding out what exactly the truth is? Well that's the hard part of course.

Aside from trying to convince my friends and family, (about 50% success rate) I really haven't been getting involved with anyone else, or any organized groups and such. I wouldn't mind meeting up with more like minded people at some point but I am not making much of an effort to yet. When I am ready I'm sure I will.

Last edited by Phtha; 09-07-2008 at 12:50 AM.
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Old 09-07-2008, 01:52 AM   #3
awake in alberta
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Hiya Canada - Living in rural central AB on 2.5 acres, 1 mile from hamlet of 250 souls, 20 min from city of 17,000, 1hr outside Edmonton/Red Deer...in a farming/hunting extended community to which I'm a relative newcomer. Moved from Vancouver Island 3 years ago, process began with 9/11 and the realization of how vulnerable the island is, especially to supply and transportation issues...may be deluded, but feel safe here surrounded by arable land and good ground water for our well...not in panic mode, more 'battening down the hatches' mode, making sure our little corner of the universe is together, so to speak...watching the lead-up to our Cdn election closely - could have neocon N America when the dust settles...am not involved in community action at this time...
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Old 09-07-2008, 06:07 AM   #4
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Hello there i am from toronto and have been in the observant mode for a while now,would love to see a lot more people awaken ...trying to be in prepared mode as best as i can but stuck in the city...there does seem to be a little glimmer of hope in the following site-www.helloearth.info be sure to check it out!!.....jay
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Old 09-07-2008, 06:18 AM   #5
John aka#404
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Default Re: C a n a d a

Hey there Dee, Jay, Phtha, and Awake.

I am in Alberta and been awake for a good long while now. Been in "observing" mode for a long time and just sitting in the shrubs watching.

As far as where I am at community-wise... nothing just waiting for a network to start its growth.

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Old 09-07-2008, 02:22 PM   #6
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Default Re: C a n a d a

Hello all
My name is David

It is hard to explain, but I had a voice in my head telling me to leave my 135k $ a year job,my wife of 26 years. So I did I retired at 48 ,I let my thoughts dictate where to go .It has led me to Gaspe and the place I live today. Leaving Montreal behind me was hard to do . I do not regret it though.
162 acres with a 7 bedroom house built in 1862, wild berries,wild mushrooms,wild game,Salmon and trout river in back; Ocean in front.
I can't explain how or why I happened to buy this place All I know is that I listened to my inner self and made the journey.I left a life of materialism behind.
I embrace a free and wild spirit now.I awake each day with the smell of country air,drink pure water,eat pure foods.
I would not go back to my former self for all the money in the world.
May you find your inner voice.
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Old 09-07-2008, 03:03 PM   #7
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Default Re: C a n a d a

Cool... lots of people from Alberta.

I live in Edmonton... nice to meet you all
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Old 09-07-2008, 03:25 PM   #8
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Default Re: C a n a d a

A big THANK YOU to those who have already introduced yourselves. As Project Avalon is officially launched, I am sure we'll be meeting many more Canadians who are looking to connect. Exciting times!

I am in "learn and observe" mode, myself. I happened upon CMN and Project Camelot (as well and MANY informative videos on YouTube) over the Christmas holidays in 2006. I cannot tell you how many hours I spent in front of the computer, it felt almost constant, but I also felt like a whole new stream of information I never knew existed was presenting itself to me. Aliens? WHAT?? Free Energy? Alternate Timelines? Even as I slept at night, for the period of about 3 weeks, it felt like my brain was processing and compartmentalizing all this new information. It sounds a little crazy...and I'll be honest, I wondered if I really was losing my mind at that time.

Now it's a matter of trying to keep up with new information and trying to discern what is truth, what is well-intentioned misinformation, and what are out-and-out-lies. Easier said than done sometimes. *L*

I look foward to hearing more from all of you in the months to come.

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Old 09-07-2008, 04:33 PM   #9
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Hello Canadians, I am Mizar, and I am starting to connect with others of like mind who have done their homework.
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Old 09-07-2008, 04:34 PM   #10
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Default C a n a d a ... and the US???

I'm actually living in Europe but I'm going to leave my job end of the month to full start the project discussed in this tread: South Shore, Nova Scotia Canada.
I have a question to you guys:
What do you think will happens if the US decide to "take over" Canada (North American Union aand so on)?
Will the standard canadian guy fight a war against , accept or simply ignore it?

Waiting for your opinion.
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Old 09-07-2008, 04:41 PM   #11
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Default Re: C a n a d a

Hello Corvo, here's an early welcome to Canada.
Your question U$ vs. Canada is a very good one and worth of it's own thread!
Let us know when you arrive in Canada.
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Old 09-07-2008, 04:49 PM   #12
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Default Re: C a n a d a

Originally Posted by Nenuphar View Post
A big THANK YOU to those who have already introduced yourselves. As Project Avalon is officially launched, I am sure we'll be meeting many more Canadians who are looking to connect. Exciting times!

Hi, were out there! Way out there

I got some amazing plans for the future.

I started a farmers' market in my town this year! I am working as fast as I can, mostly. I built and designed (with much help from my team) a VAWT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inaM4NR_TfI

I got some amazing plans for the future that im working on now including, HHO generators, LED Grow tubes for "food", and a whole other pile of goodies just waiting to be developed. Oh man its getting hard to keep up with the designs of all these energy machines.

catch ya on the flipside
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Old 09-07-2008, 05:35 PM   #13
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Default Re: C a n a d a

Originally Posted by imaculate View Post
Hello all
My name is David

It is hard to explain, but I had a voice in my head telling me to leave my 135k $ a year job,my wife of 26 years. So I did I retired at 48 ,I let my thoughts dictate where to go .It has led me to Gaspe and the place I live today. Leaving Montreal behind me was hard to do . I do not regret it though.
162 acres with a 7 bedroom house built in 1862, wild berries,wild mushrooms,wild game,Salmon and trout river in back; Ocean in front.
I can't explain how or why I happened to buy this place All I know is that I listened to my inner self and made the journey.I left a life of materialism behind.
I embrace a free and wild spirit now.I awake each day with the smell of country air,drink pure water,eat pure foods.
I would not go back to my former self for all the money in the world.
May you find your inner voice.

This is inspiring.
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Old 09-07-2008, 05:52 PM   #14
White Bird
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Default Re: C a n a d a

Hello, fellow Canucks!
I am not new to all the topics, only this forum. Thanks to Michael St. Clair, mind you.
Though my house is for sale as I live right on the ocean and the rising waters are already evident, and I have no clue where I am going when and if the house sells. I explored Ontario a few weeks ago- (around the Georgian Bay) and my heart still cried out for Nova Scotia. The search is on for a community and am letting my guides take me there, as they have been my source of protection over and over again.
Corvo, the plan sounds wonderful you have laid out for yourself.
Nice to "meet" you all.
I am in sales traveling all of Atlantic Canada and setting sail tomorrow for Newfoundland. Hope to communicate more since this is my very first post here!
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Old 09-07-2008, 09:54 PM   #15
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Default Re: C a n a d a

Hi to All
My name is Tom .
My home is Toronto Canada and I would like to say hello to our Canadian "ground crew".
I am currently interested in off grid electric power generation as well as other topics related to the task at hand.
I look forward to hearing from like minded people.

My best wishes to all
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Old 09-08-2008, 03:15 AM   #16
THE eXchanger
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Default Re: C a n a d a

i am Susan
aka The eXchanger

i am currently in Mississauga
(greater Toronto region)
i have been working on plans for a big centre
(northern ontario /or elsewhere-could be tempted
to consider other locals)

currently, i hope to gather groups
locally, perhaps,
do some PROJECT AVALON seminars

invite Bill/Kerry; and others in the group
who have things of value to teach
and, really blow the lid off
how it is, we teach all this knowledge to others
in an organised type of format
that is:

win-win for all involved -

of course...
project avalon is at the core
of all that we hope to do
(surrounding this particular idea)!!!

we need to gather, in order to re_GROUP

that's why we are here, in this NOW

i am a lot of different things
(ocatrine indigo elder - turned on my lightbody
in the early 80's)
some people say,
i am an ancient bridger
higher guidance, says, i am an eXchanger
(there's a lot of stuff, i've been working on)
and, i hope soon, to release a book
i've been writing since the age of 6
i am NOW almost 29, for the 22nd time
(soon to be 50)

i hope to get the foundation of my work,
into the hands of 4 year olds,
by writing a very interesting children's story
(ironically, little kids, get it)
and, then,
expand upon the ideas/and, magic/virtues
in ways, that older readers
will also have some "enchanting"
& "interesting" moments

Part of what i do, is teach people
how to really dream

i do a lot of work remotely,
and, have quite an arensol of techniques

it's time for us,
to learn to dream again !!!

there are some powers, that can NOT be removed
from your matrixes

it's also time for us; all to learn about
the real magic of camelot !!!

it's also time for us; to bring things
back to The Round Table

brightest blessings to all

i am susan
aka The eXchanger
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Old 09-08-2008, 03:47 AM   #17
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Default Re: C a n a d a

Hi all

I'm from Edmonton. After reading - and reading- and listening to interviews on Project Cam. I was becoming anxious and frankly a little depressed. But now I'm finally 'settling down' (breathing), again. Now is the time for action and preparing. I've started putting my pile of stuff together by the door if we have to make a quick 'exit'. All I can say is 'stay the course and you will be where you're supposed to be', when the time comes. Everything is as it should be. Of little comfort but true.
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Old 09-08-2008, 04:04 AM   #18
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Default Re: C a n a d a

Canadian Ground crew. Sounds great. Let the spark of our hearts unite and work together. I think the development of the heart and the six heart virtues are the key to everything. Great forum .
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Old 09-08-2008, 04:08 AM   #19
THE eXchanger
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Originally Posted by eagleeyes View Post
Canadian Ground crew. Sounds great. Let the spark of our hearts unite and work together. I think the development of the heart and the six heart virtues are the key to everything. Great forum .
i sense a little "wingmaker" in your comments

i relate well to that


yup...heart virtues are important

i am Susan
aka The eXchanger
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Old 09-08-2008, 07:36 AM   #20
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Default Re: C a n a d a

Hello from Rhain.
I am in Northern Ontario in Sault Ste Marie.

Have been awake for a few years, finally finding people who are too.

Look forward hearing from others.
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Old 09-08-2008, 02:43 PM   #21
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Default Re: C a n a d a

Hey, fellow Canadians!!!

Hi, Deb here from Ontario (Toronto) area. Mother of two, one who is special needs, spending my days as a bookkeeper while running a business off the side doing esthetic's.

My journey involves trying to find others who witnessed the same craft that I did (during the 70's), to share experiences, to expand my knowledge, and to learn the truth.

Cheers! Deb
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Old 09-08-2008, 02:50 PM   #22
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Default Re: C a n a d a

Originally Posted by Mizar View Post
Hello Corvo, here's an early welcome to Canada.
Your question U$ vs. Canada is a very good one and worth of it's own thread!
Let us know when you arrive in Canada.
Thanks for your welcome Mizar, as your request I have reposted the question here:

I hope that you give me some light on the actual canadian sense of indipendence.
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Old 09-08-2008, 06:47 PM   #23
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Hello everyone... I am Jennifer and live on the Gaspe Coast in Quebec.
I left Montreal to find my Gaspesian roots after locating my biological family which confirmed to me a lot of paranormality which happend during my life before I met them. I guess it runs in the family.
I am looking to connect with others out this way who share the same desire to improve current situations and to find a better way of living through the sharing of ideas and talents and a balanced life style in harmony with the planet.

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Old 09-09-2008, 12:26 AM   #24
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Old 09-09-2008, 01:06 AM   #25
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*waves to everyone*

Hi, I'm Kara and imaculate's wife. We are cozy here in the Gaspe.

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