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Old 10-27-2009, 07:08 AM   #1
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Exclamation Jesuit-Ruled CFR

Jesuit-Ruled CFR

The Chairwoman of the CFR is Carla A. Hills, who served as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under Gerald Ford (Knight of Malta, 33rd Degree Freemason, Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club) and as Trade Representative under George H.W Bush (Knight of Malta, 33rd Degree Freemason, Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club, Vatican-controlled Skull & Bones aka Papal Knights of Eulogia, CFR). She was an assistant to Attorney General Elliot Richardson, whose son, Henry S. Richardson, is a professor of philosophy at the Jesuit Georgetown University. She is part of the Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission, and one of the three chairmen of the Trilateral Commission (Peter Sutherland) was Jesuit-trained at Gonzaga College. She is an advisory board member of the Partnership for a Secure America (PSA), which is chaired by Warren Rudman and Lee Hamilton.. Warren Rudman was Jesuit-trained at Boston College Law School and Lee Hamilton has close ties to the Jesuit CIA. Hills is also on the board of American International Group (AIG), which is run by Edward Liddy (It’s CEO), who was trained at the Catholic University of America. Since 1993, Hills has been on the board of Chevron, along with Donald Rice, who was trained at the Roman Catholic University of Notre Dame.

The Chairman of the CFR is Robert E. Rubin, who served under Bill Clinton as Treasury Secretary and headed Clinton’s National Economic Council. He was a Clinton crony. Rubin’s ties to Clinton are interesting, since Bill Clinton was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University, where he was close to the Jesuit faculty (became Class President in his junior year). Rubin has served on the board of the Center for National Policy (CNP), which is led by it’s President, Roman Catholic Tim Roemer (A graduate of the Roman Catholic University of Notre Dame).

The Vice Chairman of the CFR is Richard E. Salomon, a senior advisor to the Jesuit cohort David Rockefeller (Who you tell me is SMOM). He is Chairman of the Advisory Board of Blackstone Group. Blackstone Group is run by Peter G. Peterson and Stephen A. Schwarzman. Peterson is married to Joan Cooney, who has received honorary degrees from two Jesuit institutions (Boston College and Georgetown University) and whose mother was Catholic. Peterson co-founded the Concord Coalition along with Warren Rudman, who was Jesuit-trained at Boston College. Peterson was also a crony of Jesuit-trained Bill Clinton. As for Stephen Schwarzman, Schwarzman was a member of Skull & Bones (Which is really the Vatican’s Papal Knights of Eulogia) and he celebrated his 60th birthday on February 13, 2007. One of his friends who attended the party was Cardinal Edward Egan. So, we can see that both of the men running the Blackstone Group, which Saloman had close ties to, are Jesuit coadjutors.

The President of the CFR is Richard Haass, a member of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group (Founded by Jesuit priest Joseph Retinger, S.J. and SMOM Papal Knight Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands). During his time in the US State Department, Haass was a close advisor to Colin Powell, a 33rd Degree Freemason (Admitted on Masonic websites) who addressed the Roman Catholic Marymount University in 2006. Haas was also the US Special Envoy for Northern Ireland, which is 40% Roman Catholic as a country. Haass also served as a special assistant to George H.W Bush, the Knight of Malta, member of the Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club, High-level Freemason, and Skull & Bones Papal Knight of Eulogia. Haass is also a Rhodes Scholar (Rhodes Scholarships have been given out to Jesuit grads, in many cases).

CFR Director Peter Ackerman is Chairman of the Board of Trustees at
Freedom House, which is run by William H. Taft IV, a crony of Gerald
Ford, a SMOM Papal Knight and 33rd Degree Freemason. Taft went to
school with John Kerry, a Jesuit-trained 33rd Degree Freemason and
Skull&Bones Papal Knight of Eulogia.

CFR Director Fouad Ajami is a member of the Jesuit-controlled
Bilderberg Group (Founded by Jesuit priest Joseph Retinger, S.J. and
SMOM Papal Knight Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands) and a former
adviser to Condoleezza Rice, who graduated from the Roman Catholic
University of Notre Dame (as well as the CIA/MI6-controlled University
of Denver). Ajami is also a friend of Masonic Zionist Paul Wolfowitz,
a member of the

CFR Director Madeline Albright is a professor at the Jesuit Georgetown

CFR Director Charlene Barshefsky was trained at the Catholic
University of America. She was nominated by Jesuit-trained Bill
Clinton to serve as a Deputy US Trade Representative, along with
Richard W. Fisher, the head of the Jesuit Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas. Fisher joined a bank run by the Harriman Brothers (Both
Skull&Bones Papal Knights of Eulogia) and worked under Robert Roosa,
who had links to the Jesuit cohorts Rockefeller family and worked for
the Jesuit Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

CFR Director Henry Bienen is the President of Northwestern University,
which has ties to the Ford Motor Company. The Ford Motor Company is
run by the Ford family (Jesuit cohorts who supported the
Vatican-controlled Nazi Party). The President and CEO of the Ford
Motor Company is Alan Mulally, who is Roman Catholic.

CFR Director Alan Blinder was a crony of Jesuit-trained Freemason Bill
Clinton and an advisor to Jesuit-trained John Kerry (33rd Degree
Freemason, Skull&Bones Papal Knight of Eulogia). Blinder was Vice
Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Jesuit Federal Reserve under
Chairman Alan Greenspan (SMOM).

CFR Director Stephen W. Bosworth was given the post of special
representative by Hillary Clinton, the wife of Jesuit-trained Bill
Clinton, and a part of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group (Joseph
Retinger, SJ, Prince Bernhard SMOM).Bosworth is an advisor of the
Jesuit-trained President of the Philippines (Gloria Arroyo) and is a
member of the board of International Textile Group, which is run by
Wilbur Ross, who was Jesuit-trained at Xaver High School, had ties to
the Rothschild Family (Guardians of the Papal Treasury).

CFR Director Tom Brokaw has honorary degrees from the Jesuit Boston
College, the Jesuit Fairfield University, and the Jesuit Fordham
University. He was a longtime friend of Tim Russert, the
Jesuit-trained Freemason who was part of a Jesuit frat club at John
Carroll University and had a son who was Jesuit-trained at Boston

CFR Director Sylvia Burwell was a crony of Bill Clinton (His deputy
Chief of Staff 1997-1998), who was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown
University, where he served once as class president and was close to
the Jesuit faculty.

CFR Director Frank Caufield co-founded Kleiner Perkins Caufield &
Byers along with Brooks Byers, a member of the Vatican-controlled
Bohemian Club. He is on the board of Caremark, which is run by Thomas
M. Ryan, who is a director of the Bank of America, which was founded
by a Knight of Malta and is 51% owned by the Jesuits, as reported by
Der Spiegel in 1958.

CFR Director Kenneth Duberstein was a crony of Ronald Reagan, the
Knight of Malta and happy member of the Vatican-controlled Bohemian
Club. Duberstein was the Vice President of Timmons & Company, which
was founded and run by William Timmons, a Jesuit-trained (Georgetown
University) 33rd Degree Freemason who was influenced by Jesuit-trained
(Georgetown University) Thomas Boggs. One of the clients of
Duberstein’s lobbying firm is American Council of Life Insurers
(ACLI), which is run by Frank Keating, a Jesuit-trained Knight of
Malta. Duberstein is a director of ConocoPhillips, which is run by
James J. Mulva, who is funding a library that’s being built at the
Roman Catholic St. Norbert College in Wisconsin.

CFR Director Richard N. Foster is a director of the TCW group, which
is owned by a Rothschild-linked company in France. The Rothschilds are
Jesuit cohorts and “guardians of the Papal treasure”.

CFR Director Stephen Friedman worked for Goldman Sachs, which is run
by Lloyd Blankfein, an associate of the Rockefeller family (Jesuit
cohorts). From 1998-2002, he served as a senior principal of Marsh &
McLennan, which is run by Jeffrey Greenberg, who was Jesuit-trained at
Georgetown University.

CFR Director Ann Fudge has close ties to General Electric, which is
run by Jeffrey R. Immelt, who has addressed the Roman Catholic
University of Notre Dame.

CFR Director Maurice Greenberg, a friend of Henry Kissinger (Jesuit
coadjutor) who served on the Jesuit Georgetown University’s Center for
Strategic and International Studies. Greenberg’s son, Jeffrey, was
Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University. Greenberg was also a crony of
Ronald Reagan, the Knight of Malta and happy member of the
Vatican-controlled Bohemian Club. For one year, Greenberg was an
adviser of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, who is a Jesuit-trained
Roman Catholic man named Donald Tsang (Educated at an all-male Jesuit
school called Wah Yan College). Greenberg is an associate of the
Rockefeller family (Jesuit cohorts) and is a past Chairman, Deputy
Chairman, and Director of the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank of New

CFR Director J. Tomilson Hill is the Vice Chairman of the Blackstone
Group, which we already saw is controlled by two Jesuit coadjutors.

CFR Director Richard Holbrooke is a member of the Jesuit-controlled
Bilderberg Group (Joseph Retinger, SJ, Prince Bernhard SMOM). He was
an advisor to Jesuit-trained 33rd Degree Freemason and Skull&Bones
Papal Knight of Eulogia John Kerry. He was an advisor to Hillary
Clinton, a member of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group and the
wife of Jesuit-trained Bill Clinton.

CFR Director Alberto Ibarguen is on the board of Pepsico, which is run
by Indra K. Nooyi, a member of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group
and a board member of the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

CFR Director Shirley Jackson is a trustee of the Jesuit Georgetown

CFR Director Henry Kravis is the son of Raymond Kravis, who had been a
close business partner of Joseph Kennedy, a devoutly Roman Catholic
Knight of Malta.

CFR Director Jami Miscik was Deputy Director of the Vatican-controlled
CIA. She served as an Executive Assistant to Jesuit-trained Knight of
Malta George J. Tenet.

CFR Director Joseph Nye was a crony of Bill Clinton, who was
Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University, where he had close ties to
the Jesuit faculty and was once class president. Nye served on the
board of the Jesuit Georgetown University’s Center for Strategic and
International Studies.

CFR Director Ronald Olson clerked for Chief Judge David L. Bazelon,
who had a close friendship with William J. Brennan, a Georgetown
University professor.

CFR Director James Owens is a director of the Peter G. Peterson
Institute, which is run by Peter G. Peterson, who is married to a
woman who has honorary degrees from several Jesuit universities.
Peterson also co-founded the Concord Coalition with Warren Rudman, who
was Jesuit-trained at Boston College.

CFR Director Colin Powell is a 33rd Degree Freemason who addressed the
Roman Catholic Marymount University in 2006.

CFR Director David Rubenstein is a co-founder of the Carlyle Group,
which has been controlled by Knights of Malta such as Frank Carlucci
and George H.W Bush.

CFR Director George E. Rupp is the dean of Harvard Divinity School
(and you tell me that Harvard has a Jesuit house).

CFR Director Anne-Marie Slaughter is a crony of Hillary Clinton, who
is a member of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group and the wife of
Jesuit puppet Bill Clinton (Jesuit-trained at Georgetown University).

CFR Director Joan E. Spero is a crony of Bill Clinton, the Jesuit
coadjutor who was trained at Georgetown University, where he was class
President and very tight with the Jesuit faculty. (A lot of these CFR
spooks have ties to the Jesuit coadjutor Clinton family, huh?)

CFR Director Vin Weber co-chaired a task force with Madeline Albright,
a professor at the Jesuit Georgetown University. Weber is part of
PNAC, which is controlled by Jewish Jesuit Coadjutor William Kristol,
the former roommate of 4th Degree Knight of Columbus Alan Keyes.

CFR Director Christine Todd Whitman is an associate of the Rockefeller
Family (Jesuit cohorts).

CFR Director Fareed Zakaria is an editor of Newsweek, which is owned
by the Washington Post Company, which is run by Donald Graham, a
member of the Jesuit-controlled Bilderberg Group.

Source: “Simon”

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Old 10-28-2009, 09:50 PM   #2
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Default Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

This is interesting. But who rules the ones who rule the ones who rule the Jesuits who rule the CFR who rule the President who rules the military who police the world? Do you see my point? There's a hierarchy. Who is really, really, really at the tip-top of the pyramid? An alien from Sirius? The Prince of Sirius? Are we in Sirius trouble? If so...I doubt that the Jesuits or the CFR are happy about the situation. Don't hate the errand people. Don't even hate the errand aliens. This thing may go all the way back to the Pleiades (Heaven?), the Great Apostasy, War in Heaven, Draconian-Annunakian-Pleiadian War, Draconian-Annunakian-Pleiadian Theocracy, Lucifer and Fallen Angels, Aldebaran, Sirius, Mars, Venus, Earth's Moon, Deep Underground Military Bases, etc, etc. It probably doesn't do a helluva lotta good to rail against the evil Jesuits. They have their orders...and we may be in more trouble than we can possibly imagine. Is the United States a cancer growing on the Theocracy? Or is the United States an integral part of the Theocracy? As usual...just educated speculation.

Do all of these people take their orders from We the People and the Constitution? What do you think? Who really runs the United States of America? Hmmmmmmm...

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 10-28-2009 at 10:27 PM.
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Old 10-28-2009, 09:56 PM   #3
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Default Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

Right and who rules the off planet Illuminati? Lucifer?
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Old 10-28-2009, 11:32 PM   #4
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Default Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

What if Lucifer is the head of the Pleiadian Fallen Angels from Aldebaran? (sounds like a rock group) Could Lucifer have had a legitimate beef originally...but then have become corrupted and insane? Is the quest for freedom a futile pursuit? Is resistance futile? Is someone else presently running the show here on Earth? Is Lucifer (or an equivalent replacement) the head of Giza Intelligence? I'm feebly trying to unite some aspects of traditional theology with the new information we are being bombarded with. I hope that this will motivate others to think along these lines...and come up with the real answer. I get the feeling that my concept of Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom is not a welcome suggestion in what seems to be a Theocratic Universe. Are the off-planet powers that be trying to reign in Lucifer and the Fallen Angels? Are we Renegade Pleiadians (Pleiadian Protestants...protesting a corrupt and dictatorial Universal Church?) who our former Pleiadian brothers and sisters are trying to bring to the point of reconciliation and reunification? Would this mean accepting tyranny in the form of a New World Order Theocracy? I don't mean to sound rebellious...but what is the proper view regarding responsibility, freedom, theology, and governance? Is a Theocracy ever ethically correct? I could be wrong...but all of this alien/ufo/conspiracy stuff is all about responsibility, freedom, theology, and governance. Richard Hoagland hinted at some of this in his Camelot interview. Alex Collier has more than hinted at this. I'm sorry if I sound like a broken record...but I'm trying to penetrate the secrecy of a very obscure but very important subject. I don't really know how to do this. The truth regarding all of the above may set us free. Who knows...the truth regarding all of the above may set the entire universe free. This problem may not be isolated to this 'Planet in Rebellion' (the actual title of a book).http://www.librarything.com/work/2048716

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 10-29-2009 at 12:54 AM.
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Old 10-28-2009, 11:55 PM   #5
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Default Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
What if Lucifer is the head of the Pleiadian Fallen Angels from Aldebaran? (sounds like a rock group) Could Lucifer have had a legitimate beef originally...but then have become corrupted and insane? Is the quest for freedom a futile pursuit? Is someone else presently running the show here on Earth? Is Lucifer (or an equivalent replacement) the head of Giza Intelligence? I'm feebly trying to unite some aspects of traditional theology with the new information we are being bombarded with. I hope that this will motivate others to think along these lines...and come up with the real answer. I get the feeling that my concept of Namaste Constitutional Responsible Freedom is not a welcome suggestion in what seems to be a Theocratic Universe. Are the off-planet powers that be trying to reign in Lucifer and the Fallen Angels? Are we Renegade Pleiadians (Pleiadian Protestants...protesting a corrupt and dictatorial Universal Church?) who our former Pleiadian brothers and sisters are trying to bring to the point of reconciliation and reunification? Would this mean accepting tyranny in the form of a New World Order Theocracy? I don't mean to sound rebellious...but what is the proper view regarding responsibility, freedom, theology, and governance? Is a Theocracy ever ethically correct? I could be wrong...but all of this alien/ufo/conspiracy stuff is all about responsibility, freedom, theology, and governance. Richard Hoagland hinted at some of this in his Camelot interview. I'm sorry if I sound like a broken record...but I'm trying to penetrate the secrecy of a very obscure but very important subject. I don't really know how to do this. The truth regarding all of the above may set us free. Who knows...the truth regarding all of the above may set the entire universe free. This problem may not be isolated to this 'Planet in Rebellion' (the actual title of a book).http://www.librarything.com/work/2048716

Too many questions Ortho!
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Old 10-29-2009, 12:02 AM   #6
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Default Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

I don't think there can be any answer to that. We can learn as much as we can on hierarchies and power structures, if we can't manage the issue of the root of evil in our own souls, we won't see it anywhere.

nothing outside of our self can teach us that.

My brain cracks up if I don't end up with some abstraction to reduce the problem to a dynamic system. I have a quote from Jean-Pierre Petit that I don't understand because it's astrophysics but it makes it evenmore meaningfull:

The universe is a hypersphere with a negative curve and time is entropy.

Maybe in this timline entropy's satan ?
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Old 10-29-2009, 12:06 AM   #7
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Default Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

but it's worth asking them Beren...
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Old 10-29-2009, 12:16 AM   #8
14 Chakras
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Default Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

People it appears like to think of "One super bad guy vs. One super good guy". Pick "One" side and you "win". Pick the other and you "lose".

This is duality, this is how people are controlled. Truth is infinitely more complex than the human mind would like to make it. That's why the truth will never be found outside of us, only inside of us.

Why do we think there is "One" super bad guy that controls the world? For me, I think it's pretty obvious there are competiting factions and different "super bad guys" who THINK they control different aspects of the world.

BUT all of whom are in reality being used by the infinite to provide humanity with various lessons and help us on our path to perfection in schoolroom earth.

Why is there "1" super bad guy behind it all? Because we're caught in duality and we wish we could figure out the whole truth outside of us... but we can't no matter how hard we try. Can you really wrap your head around a multi-dimensional universe and understand what's happening in every corner?

We can't even figure out our own history here on this planet in the third dimension..

There's a lot of different competing bad guys k? The king pin though, you might say is the: The Milky Way Dweller. The combined beast / dragon that has ALL of the darkness in it in the milky way. You could say that's the kingpin. However, it is possible that more than the milky way is fallen at this point, which means you have an even bigger dweller behind that... in fairness however, these things are at war with even themselves!

However, all of these only continue to exist so we can have certain experiences of seperation here before we come up higher. Now, we're coming up higher, and the vast majority of this stuff: syonora. They have no power. They live in the body of God like we do. They have no power. So don't give em any of your power.

P.S. this goes for Jesuits on planet earth too. Sure they're not nice. Are they the only not nice group at the top? No WAY! There are competing factions. Each as dumb as the next one thinking they can beat God at it's own game... The bad guys days are done and the children of God are remembering who they are... remember.
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Old 10-29-2009, 12:25 AM   #9
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Default Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

silence is golden
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Old 10-29-2009, 12:29 AM   #10
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Default Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

Originally Posted by akopij View Post
but it's worth asking them Beren...
Indeed, though sometimes Ortho just shoots out with dozens of questions right away... hard to digest all at once...
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Old 10-29-2009, 12:43 AM   #11
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Default Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

In principle...what concerns me...are beings (human or non-human) who have so much power that they become corrupt and insane. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Are there any exceptions to this famous statement by Lord Acton? How long does it take for a Good God to become a Bad Satan? I fully realize that this is blasphemous talk...but it is a topic which deserves discussion. The Jesuits are not stupid. Just the opposite. The Illuminati are not stupid. Just the opposite. Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockefeller, Lord Rothschild, Pope Benedict, et al are not stupid. Just the opposite. So why are these people connected with activities which are so destructive to humanity? What the hell is going on? My answer is that they are following the orders of a corrupt and insane kingpin. God may be just as corrupt and insane as Lucifer may be. I'm just seeking a rational end to the Masters of the Universe, Star Wars, and God games. I'm basing this on the hypothesis that it is imperitive to keep rotating beings in and out of power...in an organized decentralism...to minimize corruption and mental breakdown. If I'm wrong...I'll gladly eat a heaping serving of humble pie...and wash it down with a big cup of....never mind.

Last edited by orthodoxymoron; 10-29-2009 at 12:56 AM.
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Old 10-29-2009, 12:47 AM   #12
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Default Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

Ortho- do you ever wonder why the Nazi's were allowed to enter inner earth- Shambhala..........Agarthi..........

I think many are being duped- I used to be obsessed with tales of Shambhala when I was little......upon further inspection Shambhala is not a place I want to visit....no matter how beautiful........do you not think Lucifer is going to build a beautiful abode inside the earth?

As above so below- the estates and apartments of the Illuminati are beautiful.......

Too many factions at hand though as others on the thread mentioned to figure out- issue is we hear conflicting tales of which species is at hand (which of the many involved) so let's take a look at who is influencing the negative species.....
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Old 10-29-2009, 12:57 AM   #13
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Default Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

"Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, David Rockefeller, Lord Rothschild, Pope Benedict, et al are not stupid. Just the opposite. So why are these people connected with activities which are so destructive to humanity? What the hell is going on? My answer is that they are following the orders of a corrupt and insane kingpin"

No, they are not stupid but they are not immortal either (okay- there is a load of room for argument there with cloning and bloodlines etc it used to perplex me how they didn't take care of their physical body but now I have a different feeling.......they are sure their agenda will carry on no matter what even after they die......remember, they are still dying of cancer and not healing themselves using alternative methods- how smart is that (thinking of Baron Edmond here)?? Unless there are back up plans for his body and he is replaced?
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Old 10-29-2009, 01:06 AM   #14
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in these factions we probably would be prudents to doubt of who's born who and who dies what.

Have you seen how many John David Rockefeller there are in the genealogy ?

they don't care about death, it's theater. It's all a play, just write your part or someone else's gonna do it
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Old 10-29-2009, 01:19 AM   #15
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Default Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

Just heard from someone working for Solvay labs, the big industrial labs in Belgium, that the kids of the royal heir couple Mathilde and Philippe, were actualy artificialy implanted by Solvay. What about that? Freaking robots? Mermaids ? teletubbies ? Werewolves ? Madonnas ?

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Old 10-29-2009, 02:37 AM   #16
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Default Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

Ortho- here's one version speaking about Sirius, Lucifer etc;

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Old 10-29-2009, 02:44 AM   #17
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Default Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

Originally Posted by eleni View Post
Ortho- do you ever wonder why the Nazi's were allowed to enter inner earth- Shambhala..........Agarthi..........

I think many are being duped- I used to be obsessed with tales of Shambhala when I was little......upon further inspection Shambhala is not a place I want to visit....no matter how beautiful........do you not think Lucifer is going to build a beautiful abode inside the earth?

As above so below- the estates and apartments of the Illuminati are beautiful.......

Too many factions at hand though as others on the thread mentioned to figure out- issue is we hear conflicting tales of which species is at hand (which of the many involved) so let's take a look at who is influencing the negative species.....
I have a fascination regarding cathedrals and pipe-organs. The whole temple and worship concept goes way back into antiquity. Lucifer was supposedly the chief musician in 'heaven'. If 'heaven' is really the Pleiades...perhaps there were cathedrals and pipe organs in the Pleiades...and Lucifer brought the whole theological concept...including temples, cathedrals, pipe-organs, and worship...from the Pleiades to Aldebaran...then to Sirius...and finally to Earth. As above...so below. I guess I'm seeing two rival 'gods' leading a civil war. Are the Annunaki and Dracs mercenary interdimensional warriors and laborers? Was the Pleiadian 'god' instrumental in the destruction of Atlantis? Did the Luciferian 'god' take the Atlantian civilization underground? Is this Giza Intelligence? Are there underground mansions, cathedrals, libraries, and museums...combined with military bases and stargate temples? Does Lucifer (or equivalent) possess the ability to end most life on Earth through 'Earth Changes'? Is alien technology really ancient Pleiadian technology? I'm beginning to think so. The exact composition and motivations of the various secret factions are obviously unknown. My guess is that there may be three major factions...two theocratic (one Pleiadian and one Aldebaran Luciferian)...and one namaste constitutional responsible freedom faction.

Hitler may very well have been a regular visitor to this underground or inner Earth realm. This may also be true for the Popes. I don't know. This is all just wild speculation. But studying the Nazi phenomenon may be the real window into what is going on.

When Henry Kissenger was learning about the 'alien presence' he worked night and day...and wouldn't communicate with anyone...not even his wife. What he was learning must have been devastating. It couldn't have been good. Notice that certain key people, such as Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski (both Jason Scholar study directors)...who presumably know the complete story...quietly direct the Presidents...administration after administration. The Presidents presumably do not know the complete story...with the possible exception of George H.W. Bush.

Once again...I just want the secrecy to end...I want all hard core regressive beings (human and non-human) to leave this solar system...and I want the solar system to be based upon namaste constitutional responsible freedom. That should correct most of the major ills...regardless of who is presently running things or which et's are good or bad. If this works...other star systems might try doing this as well. Is this too much to ask?

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Old 10-31-2009, 07:13 PM   #18
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Exclamation Re: Jesuit-Ruled CFR

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
This is interesting. But who rules the ones who rule the ones who rule the Jesuits who rule the CFR who rule the President who rules the military who police the world? Do you see my point? There's a hierarchy. Who is really, really, really at the tip-top of the pyramid? An alien from Sirius? The Prince of Sirius? Are we in Sirius trouble? If so...I doubt that the Jesuits or the CFR are happy about the situation. Don't hate the errand people. Don't even hate the errand aliens. This thing may go all the way back to the Pleiades (Heaven?), the Great Apostasy, War in Heaven, Draconian-Annunakian-Pleiadian War, Draconian-Annunakian-Pleiadian Theocracy, Lucifer and Fallen Angels, Aldebaran, Sirius, Mars, Venus, Earth's Moon, Deep Underground Military Bases, etc, etc. It probably doesn't do a helluva lotta good to rail against the evil Jesuits. They have their orders...and we may be in more trouble than we can possibly imagine. Is the United States a cancer growing on the Theocracy? Or is the United States an integral part of the Theocracy? As usual...just educated speculation.

Do all of these people take their orders from We the People and the Constitution? What do you think? Who really runs the United States of America? Hmmmmmmm...
The Jesuits are ruled by the grey Jesuits witch is the Papal Bloodlines as their shadow hierachy, such as Farnese, Orsini/Maximus, Breakspear, Aldobrandini & Somalgia, they rule in complete darkness.



Other power blooodlines.




Last edited by 14april2000; 11-02-2009 at 06:14 AM.
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