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21st June 2022, 08:59
Andrei Martyanov | Artillery of June | June 21, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


German general thinks he is a tough nuclear cookie. Foreign Policy rag propaganda by ignoramuses.

23rd June 2022, 06:43
Linda Moulton Howe | Did President Eisenhower Do A Treaty with These Grey Biological E.T.s? | June 22, 2022

Source: earthfiles.com (http://earthfiles.com)


Topics: Did President Eisenhower Do A Treaty with These Grey Biological E.T.s?

More from Linda’s source

Mystery of “Blue Eisenhower November” and OPRP
- Nemesis Protocol
- “time travel… the greatest threat to humanity”
- March 20, 2022 episode on Trantaloids
- Trantaloids are hostile, with ability to manipulate timelines
- “1,000 years more advanced than ours…maybe more”
- “Temporal technology exists and is used almost exclusively by the Trantaloid insect species”

Eisenhower’s knowledge of ETS described by Philip J Corso in “The Day After Roswell”
- Eisenhower knew all about gov’t investigations
- rumours that Eisenhower had treaties with ETs
- “tall greys are mining for helium 3 on the moon”
- Manipulation of our climate to make it livable to Trantaloids
- “humans are being abducted”

23rd June 2022, 06:49
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Welcome Back To Tartarus | June 22, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest in episode 107 of No-Go Zone this June 22, 2022.

23rd June 2022, 08:00
Max Igan | Do You Want To Change the World? | June 23, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


24th June 2022, 06:28
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 23, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


The insanity just keeps rolling on, and you're not going to believe today's story, which is wrong on sooooooooo many levels:

Putin colonel Vadim Zimin who carried Russian president’s nuclear codes found dead at home (https://www.fox3now.com/putin-colonel-vadim-zimin-who-carried-russian-presidents-nuclear-codes-found-dead-at-home/)

24th June 2022, 06:50
New World Next Week | And Now . . . Climate Lockdowns! | June 23, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


This week on the New World Next Week: the controlled demolition of the economy continues apace; France introduces climate lockdowns (exactly as predicted); and trust in the dinosaur media sinks to NEW all-time lows!

Story #1: Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates By 0.75%, Most Since 1994, Amid Effort to Slow Inflation (https://news.yahoo.com/fed-fomc-monetary-policy-decision-june-2022-120337242.html)

Russian Ruble Hits Seven-Year High Against US Dollar (https://twitter.com/spectatorindex/status/1538858850744696839)
Russia Overtakes Saudi Arabia As China’s Top Oil Supplier (https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/russia-overtakes-saudi-arabia-china-150000738.html)
High Gas Prices Are a Signal of (More) Inflation to Come (https://fee.org/articles/why-high-gas-prices-are-a-signal-of-more-inflation-to-come/)
CNN Stooge Suggests Inflation Is Needed To Achieve Green Agenda (https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/cnn-analyst-suggests-inflation-needed-achieve-green-agenda)
The Controlled Demolition of the Economy (https://www.corbettreport.com/the-controlled-demolition-of-the-economy/)
Why Do People Believe Fake Statistics? (https://www.corbettreport.com/why-do-people-believe-fake-statistics/)

Story #2: Heatwave Lockdowns Have Arrived; Region In France Bans Outdoor Gatherings & Concerts Until Officials Declare Heatwave Over (https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/06/18/heatwave-lockdowns-have-arrived/)

Great Reset Leak: Ireland Planning Harsh COVID-Style Lockdown In Event of Fuel Shortage (https://yournews.com/2022/06/07/2355270/great-reset-ireland-planning-harsh-covid-style-lockdown-in-event-of/)
Australians Urged to Turn Off Lights, Appliances for Two Hours Every Evening (https://archive.ph/Z7O3X)
Did You Know That On July 28, 2020 The Rockefeller Foundation Published A Document Called “Reset The Table”? It’s All About the Upcoming Food Shortages. (https://threadsirish.substack.com/p/did-you-know-that-on-july-28-2020)
PDF: "Reset the Table Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System" (https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/RF-FoodPolicyPaper_Final2.pdf)
Germany Rations Gas Amid Russian Cuts, Mandates Return To Coal For Electricity Production (https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/germany-rations-gas-amid-russian-cuts-mandates-return-coal-electricity-production)
Kishida Eyes Reward Points System To Ease Electricity Bills (https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2022/06/48154bf3208c-kishida-eyes-reward-points-system-to-ease-electricity-bills.html)
The Scamdemic Was So Last Year . . . Here's What's Coming Next (https://www.corbettreport.com/the-scamdemic-was-so-last-year-heres-whats-coming-next/)

Story #3: New Reuters Survey Finds That Trust In Mainstream News Is Rapidly Declining (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/06/new-reuters-survey-finds-that-trust-in-mainstream-news-is-rapidly-declining.html)

Reuters Institute Digital News Report (https://www.digitalnewsreport.org/)
Digital News Report 2022 | Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/digital-news-report/2022)
PDF: "Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2022" (https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2022-06/Digital_News-Report_2022.pdf)
"The News" Is a Social Construct. It Is Used to Program You. (https://www.corbettreport.com/the-news-is-a-social-construct-it-is-used-to-program-you/)

24th June 2022, 16:30
Catherine Austin Fitts | It’s Not a Turndown, It’s a Takedown | June 18, 2022

Source: Source: technocracy.news (http://technocracy.news), usawatchdog.com (http://usawatchdog.com), solari.com (http://solari.com)


Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), contends this is what the so-called “reset” looks like. High food and fuel prices along with crushing interest rates are no accident. CAF explains, “To me, this is part of the ‘going direct reset.’ There is an official narrative, and the official narrative is they’ve got to stop inflation. . . . Let’s look very simply at what happened. They voted on the direct reset.

Then they injected $5 trillion into the economy that went to the insiders. Then they used Covid to shut down the economy run by the outsiders. Now, the outsiders want to open another business, and they are going to radically raise the cost of capital to the outsiders. What’s going to happen is that $5 trillion is going to buy more assets more cheaply. To me, this is part of centralizing the control of the economy. They are asserting very significant central control. This is not a turndown–this is a takedown.”

CAF’s view of the economy is simple and tangible. CAF says, “This is a world where people are trying to get into real assets that can generate a yield. Let me tell you what the problem is. Doing things that create value on assets requires the rule of law. We are watching a very significant financial coup d’état. We have talked about this for years. That financial coup d’état is turning into a coup, and you are seeing a fundamental breakdown of law and order in many places. It is related to people trying to pick up assets. We see cities where crime is off the charts, and speculators are out having a field day picking up assets with that $5 trillion.”

CAF says, “At some point, you have to realize we are in a war. We have an enemy. We have the power to win, but we are going to have to fight. If you look at our ancestors in the last 10,000 years, I dare say we have it in us. Let’s get out of fear and get into fighting mode. There are two roads. We can preserve, rebuild and protect the human civilization, or we can become slaves. If you look at what these guys are up to, death is not the worst thing that can happen to you. Do not fear death. Fear slavery in a transhuman society.”

CAF also talks about gold, silver, the CV19 injections and the fallout from them. She also talks about why it’s more important than ever to hold onto the 2nd Amendment and your guns.

There is much more in the 1 hour and 5 min. interview.

27th June 2022, 07:35
Dark Journalist | COG UFO CIA X-Tech 75 Years of Deception | June 24, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt will take us on deep exploration of the 75th Anniversary of the CIA National Security State and the Kenneth Arnold UFO Case, the Roswell UFO File, X-Technology the Continuity of Government (COG) Secret initiative, NASA Secret Space link to the JFK Assassination and more...

27th June 2022, 09:17
Interrogating Cold War 2.0 | Whitney Webb, Catherine Austin Fitts, Patrick Wood, Iain Davis | June 25, 2022

Source: off-guardian.org (http://off-guardian.org), unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com), technocracy.news (http://technocracy.news), solari.com (http://solari.com)


In this open discussion brought to you by Unlimited Hangout and OffGuardian, our panelists talk about the nature of the East-West dichotomy, whether global elites are engineering the rise of Eurasia and the fall of the West and – if so – for what purpose.

The Panel:

Whitney Webb (Host) is the editor of Unlimited Hangout, and an author and researcher focusing on surveillance, covert operations, the tech industry and its impact on civil liberties. Her new book on the life and crimes of Jeffrey Epstein, One Nation Under Blackmail, is currently available on pre-order from all major booksellers.

Patrick Wood is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Technocracy News.

Iain Davis is an independent investigative journalist, blogger and author from Portsmouth, UK. He is a contributor to UK Column and Unlimited Hangout. His work is often featured by OffGuardian, the Corbett Report and Zero Hedge, among others, and he also has his own website, In This Together where you can download his books for free.

Catherine Austin Fitts is an investment banker and former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing in the first Bush administration. Catherine has written extensively on the misappropriation of public funds, and potential massive corruption funnelling taxpayer money into private hands. In 2017 she was a co-author of a report which found that, since the year 2000, the US Department of Defense had over 21 TRILLION dollars in unauthorised spending. She is also president Solari Advisors, and publisher of the Solari Report.

…and Kit Knightly, editor of OffGuardian.

27th June 2022, 14:05
Truthstream Media | The Media Experimented with Television Hypnosis Back in 1946 | June 25, 2022

Source: truthstreammedia.com (http://truthstreammedia.com)


28th June 2022, 06:27
Max Igan | Never Believe Anything The Government Tells You | June 28, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


28th June 2022, 06:37
Andrei Martyanov | This and That | June 27, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


28th June 2022, 22:33
June 27, 2022

(WARNING: Very Scary!! )


"This video is O’Connell’s March 2020 presentation of what he calls the big picture outline of what is going on with the withdrawal of the United States from Central Asia and the Middle East.

O’Connell claims that the US, which has been the capital of the banksters’ (Rothschild, City of London, East India Trading Company) global financial empire for much of the past century is now being replaced by the “Multipolar World Order” of the pan-Eurasian superstate trading block of Russia and China, with Israel at the center of it.

You may have heard some people warning of the dangers of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and you may have asked yourself what’s the problem with an infrastructure development plan that will bring trade to the isolated countries of Central Asia and which will drastically reduce shipping times from the world’s largest manufacturer, China to the world’s largest consumer market, Europe?

O’Connell claims that China is not leading the BRI, Israel is; Israel is supplying China with the technology, much of which it has systematically stolen from the US. He even suggests that the $5 trillion from the 2008 Wall Street bailout was used to finance the BRI.

He says that the entire COVID-19 psyop is a distraction from this emerging “Multipolar World Order”, with Israel’s central role as the data collection point for the fiber optic cables that will cross from Europe, North and South Asia and Africa and how vital this will be for the future of Artificial Intelligence – as in, the autonomous Boston Dynamics robots and octocopters that, in ten years’ time, will be deployed to exterminate any stragglers who manage to survive the biowarfare and economic collapse – that is, unless we stop these plans.

This video was originally posted in March of 2020 but then, O’Connell’s channel was suspended. He sued YouTube and his channel was reinstated, however the video was not restored, with no reason given. He then extensively re-edited it to avoid any future strikes or de-platformings.

BRENDON O’CONNELL: “Please understand how important this video is in understanding the big picture. If you can understand the big picture you can work out the details for yourself, including the ongoing breaking-up of the United States, first in cyberspace, then physically. Please enjoy and take in the next 15 minutes. It is vital you understand this information.

“To understand coronaviruses, you must first understand the geopolitical context in which the event is happening and it’s all about China and Israel. But first, some background.”

(Plays clip from documentary, ‘Deadly Enemies’ – 2004, including an interview with Sergei Popov, Soviet bioweaponeer who worked at VECTOR, who defected to the West in 1992).

“Let’s talk China and Israel. We are seeing the shutting down of the US economy and strict population movement control measures, as described in Part 6 of this excellent video, shown here. 5-minute extract. Watch. This video was released on January 5th, 2020 just before the unfolding events we see today.”

(Plays clip from his 1-5-2020 video, ‘Trump vs Corona: 2020 & the Forced Economic Collapse of America’)

O’Connell predicts how collapsing confidence in the US dollar will lead to a futures market spike and hoarding, world trade dislocation, physical shortage of produce and how the IMF will step in with a global solution: the ESDRDLT or Electronic Sovereign Drawing Rights Distributed Ledger Technology to replace the US Treasury system. He says this includes Bitcoin.

He says global rates everywhere will crater, wiping out what is left of the middle class. Universal Credit will be launched, as well as global taxation to “Save the Planet”® from “Climate Change” and the Age of Communitarianism will begin, with the UN’s Smart Cities program. This is the plan of the UN’s Agenda 21 and of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset.

O’Connell asks, “Ever wonder about the endless mass-hacking and theft of hundreds of millions in crypto? No one is ever caught and no one seems to know how they do it. I know how they do it! (Laughs)

“Anonymity going to save you? Tor gonna save you? No. Every bit of hardware and your electronic device is serial-numbered and tied to you, one way or the other. You can thank Intel Israel for the backdoors and Taiwan Semiconductor, if you use AMD or Qualcomm Snapdragon in your phone or Apple’s A12.

“China is making its own phone CPUs and operating system now, as well as server CPUs. Thank you, Israel. Microsoft Israel will assist on Windows machines, of course. Intel’s deeply-embedded core or deck running its own independent Linux-based operating system gives the people that matter the full access they need.

“Ask Christopher Domas and God Mode Unlocked. All hardware is backdoored in this manner.

“All these newfangled robots and drones will pour out to clean up any Americans still in love with their firearms. Hint, hint: your Barrett 50 will not save you. Welcome to the jungle.

“We are in the age of the Currency Reset and rollover into the Swiss Bank of International Settlements’ Electronics Sovereign Drawing Rights Distributed Ledger Technology crypto token, soon to replace the US Federal Reserve and US dollar hegemony.

“Before this ESDRDLT token can be used effectively to manage the new planetary-wide electronic crypto system, all the world’s currencies must be brought to parity. That means no US domination of the planet – or more precisely, no more Zionist-controlled domination of the planet via the US.

“That has moved on to the new sub-offices and Rothschild in the City of London East India Trading Company three bastard sons: Benjamin Netanyahu, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping.

“If you want to know more, consult Alexandr Dugin, briefer of the Russian General Staff, whose father was a GRU general or Russian military intelligence general. He’s been writing books since the mid-1990s on how to bring down the United States using Soviet Era active measures, asymmetrical, small-scale, kinetic- and large-scale propaganda warfare. I refer you to KGB defector, Yuri Bezmenov for the details on how that works.

“Now that Israel, Russia and China are fully embedded together on the Belt and Road development, it all becomes clear why the administration of Donald Trump is pulling out of the Middle East.

“While the pull-out was stalled, as the US military and Intelligence Community grappled with the Israeli-firster rats in the Pentagon and the US State Department [content deleted to avoid YouTube de-platforming].

“But he soon came around after the White House mole, Jared Kushner got his orders from President of the United States, Benjamin Netanyahu [content deleted to avoid YouTube de-platforming].

“After we have read this damning article from October 2016, Bunting’s map and Israel on China’s New Silk Road, understand this article and you will understand the Grand Chessboard context, in which all is currently unfolding.”

Yossef Bodansky, an Israeli-American political scientist and senior editor of GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs Daily, wrote an insightful article in their September issue regarding the convergence of China’s Afro-Eurasian integration project and Bunting’s map of the world as a clover leaf.

Heinrich Bunting was a German Protestant pastor, theologist and cartographer, and in his masterpiece Itinerarium Sacrae Scripturae (Travel Through Holy Scripture) in 1581, he portrayed the world that mattered was comprised of the three continents of Europe, Asia, and Africa, with each depicted as a cloverleaf. They converged in Jerusalem, and the rest of the world was irrelevant.

In his article entitled “The History of What’s Next”, Bodansky argued that the Bunting map is likely the best depiction of the unfolding global geopolitical architecture of the 21st century. With the demise of the Arab modern state and Sykes-Picot post-Arab Spring, “Libya, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are no more, and Jordan and Yemen are not far behind.”

Instead, what is arising is the merging of the greater Middle East and the greater framework of the reawakened Mackinderian world order. And, the clover leaf world centred on Jerusalem is converging with China’s One Belt, One Road project.

Israel as key node on China’s New Silk Road

With the rise of Salafi-jihadism in the Middle East increasingly threatening China’s overseas citizens and assets, especially to their maritime trade via the Suez Canal, Israel is emerging as a strategic node on China’s southern corridor on the New Silk Road.

As the worlds’ largest trading nation and with over 95% of global trade still being seaborne, Beijing is heavily dependent on the Canal to reach its largest export market in Europe—with trade volume at €521 billion in 2015. Geography matters, and the Middle East is also where China imports more than half of its crude oil.

However, the presence of ISIS, Al Qaeda and other Islamic extremist groups in the Sinai are threatening China’s maritime trade. As such, China is building a “steel canal” of the Med-Red Railway through Israel to connect the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea that bypasses the Suez.

This was especially prompted by an incident in 2013 when Al Furqun Brigade, an Al Qaeda affiliate, attacked China’s COSCO container ship by firing Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs) while it was in the Suez Canal en route to northern Europe. With increased military activity and ship inspections in the Suez, maritime insurance company Lloyd’s List recommended that ships take the 6,000-mile (almost 9,700 kilometers) longer route around the Cape of Good Hope—essentially around the entire African continent.

These shipping delays and risk premiums are costly for China. Although Beijing is building overland networks of railroads and highways as part of the planned Silk Road economic belt across Eurasia, these routes are a diversification, not replacement, of important maritime transport corridors.

Cut to video of Benjamin Netanyahu speaking at the Cybertech 2019 conference:

BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: “And what it is, is basically the meeting ground between Big Data, IT and connectivity. Everything is being driven from this nexus. Everything! Big Data, AI and connectivity is allowing small countries to be big countries, because the intersection of Big Data connectivity and Artificial Intelligence – and what it does in robotics and genetics and all the other fields that you mentioned – everything – that is changing our world in rapid, rapid succession and the future belongs to those who can seize this change. We are positioned right at the cusp of this change, right at the center of this change.

“We can take it – and we are. It’s changing us it’s giving us powers and prowess that we never had before. But we’re in a position now to compensate beyond anything that we dreamed of in cyber. Cyber is a real domain of power.

“Israel now is a cyber power, it’s a water power, it’s a solar power, it’s an agricultural power – it’s a milk power, can you imagine? This makes Israel very powerful. It’s giving us powers and prowess that we never had before. But we’re in a position now to compensate beyond anything that we dreamed of and the future belongs to those who can seize this change. We are positioned right at the cusp of this change, right at the center of this change. We can take it – and we are.”

Continuing from the article:

Israel as a regional power

Thus the rise of Israel as a key node in China’s Silk Road grand strategy not only elevates Jerusalem in China’s strategic calculus, but as Jean Michel Valantin of The Red Team Analysis Society argued, also presents a new status of Israel from a “protected power” of the US to an “integrated regional power” in its own right, transforming Israel’s traditional narrative of seeking “protectors” to one of seeking partners.

The emergence of Israel as a Mediterranean energy player, its continued stability and robust military power in a neighborhood of unstable and weakening Arab states, and outreach to the eastern hemisphere by joining Turkey and Egypt in their applications to the China-led Shanghai Cooperation Organization, is thus slowly creating a new regional and international systems of shared interest between Mideast countries and the Middle Kingdom.

Nonetheless, Syria remains a thorny issue between Israel and China as well as with Russia and India, due to Jerusalem’s support for the opposition that consists of jihadists from these countries.

The August 30 terrorist attack on China’s embassy in Kyrgyzstan by Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP/ETIM) in Idlib, Syria, financed by the re-branded al Nusra Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (JFS) and coordinated from Turkey, demonstrates how terrorist haven in Syria is increasingly threatening China’s energy, maritime, and human security.

With Russia, China and India now increasing support for the Syrian government that is helping them fight Eurasian militants in the Army of Conquest, while Israel understandably sides with Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar to back them, this risks misunderstanding and miscalculation between Jerusalem and rising Eurasian powers.

As such it is important for Israel to establish a cooperative platform for deconfliction and crisis management with China regarding Syria, as it has done with Russia, especially now that Chinese military advisors are on the ground and will likely increase its footprint with the recent military agreement with Damascus.

If Israel could balance its status as a traditional “protectorate” of Uncle Sam and its emerging trajectory as a “regional power” with additional partners, and take stock not only of US interests but also legitimate interests of new Mideast actors such as China and Russia, it could help manage the transition and maintain relative stability as the greater middle east continues to converge with China’s Afro-Eurasian integration project. And along with this, perhaps a resurrection of Bunting’s Cloverleaf world and a return to history.

BRENDON O’CONNELL: “Now you understand the central role of Israel and the Belt and Road project. China is not leading this. Israel is. Israel is supplying China the technology.

“China could not innovate a toilet seat without first studying in the US or having it handed to them by Israel. China is not a technology innovator, it’s a slave labor camp of traumatized collective sociopaths suffering deep anxiety issues, able to regurgitate large amounts of data on command.

“No offense to beautiful Chinese people all over the world, some of which I call my friends but they don’t live and work in China. They’ll tell you all about it.

“Now you might understand why Iranian General Soleimani was assassinated: a man who hates both Russia and China. The story that he was heading to a meeting with Saudi officials in Iraq makes sense, as he realized Iran was being used to smash pan-Arab nationalism and resistance to the expansion of Israel’s borders.

“His take-out was the precursor to coronavirus and the propping-up of the Swiss- and German banker-approved Davos doughboys, Rouhani and Zarif. If you watch my channel – and you must – you will understand the urgent need for the expansion of Israel’s borders into the Biblically-prophesied Greater Israel.

“If you watch my channel, you will understand Israel’s key role as a quote ‘cyber technology juggernaut’.

“If you watch my channel, you will understand the central role of Israel as a data collection point for the fibre optic cables that will cross from Europe, North and South Asia and Africa.

“And if you watch my channel, you will understand how vital that data is for the future of Artificial Intelligence and robotics.

“The Middle East is not a vital geopolitical point for energy anymore. That system is being dismantled right now. The Middle East is a vital point for the new oil: data, real-time data to feed the AI quantum supercomputer that is going to change everything.

“And what can we do? Well, nothing. We’re all going to die from corona and financial doom and the zombies will come and finish us off, apparently.

“So whatever you do, don’t think and don’t plan. Stay stuck in your hyper-vigilant passive state and await instructions from your relevant state-approved government body, comrades one and all.

“They need robots and drones. Human beings are the key vulnerability in the system and they are waking up and they’re getting dressed and getting out of the house. Being woke is not enough, you have to leave the house, for God’s sake. You’ve woken up but you’re still in bed. Get dressed, have a healthy breakfast and get the hell out of the house!

“We have time but we can’t fix what we can’t name. We can’t fix what we cannot articulate and plan for and we cannot fix something, if we keep telling ourselves we have no power. We have plenty of power and we have plenty of supporters in all the right places that matter.

“If you know my story, do you think I would still be alive and kicking, if powerful people did not give me a nudge and a wink from the sidelines? They kept telling me, ‘These things are handled quietly, Brendon. Your job is simple. Understand and articulate the subjects just discussed:

“Israel and the City of London East India Trading Company and their think tank proxies that are formulating policy in the US; policy that is designed to make the Middle East safe for Greater Israel and hand the Mackinder World Island to Rothschild’s bastard sons, Bibi, Vlad and Xi.

“We used to call it Communism. Now it’s being called ‘Communitarianism’ and you need to understand this ideological twist for the new millennium. Like any old out-of-date ideology, it has to dress itself up for the new generation.

“Understand the subversion of the United States and its Constitution, using manufactured crises.

“Understand if we free the United States, we free the world.

“The bankers are the enemy. The predatory international, borderless loan sharks; the people who stole $5 trillion from the US economy and paid themselves bonuses, back in 2008.

“Where did that $5 trillion go? Ask the damn question. Where did it go? It didn’t disappear. It was transferred. What do you think is paying for the Belt and Road?

“We need to protect the United States from socioeconomic implosion. We need to keep the US military-industrial complex high-tech sector strong. We need to cut off Israel, Russia and China from high technology; high technology that Israel is constantly stealing out of the United States.

“A technology sector that is being transferred from the US to Israel, just as US manufacturing and heavy industry was transferred to Asia and in particular, China.

“We must bring the supply chain to Mexico, Central and South America. We must return the power to print money or issue crypto to the objective economic data based on transparent government policy.

“We must protect the allies of the United States from Rothschild’s bastard sons. We must create new social policies that encourage and even demand citizen participation in the political decision-making process.

“We must issue new school curriculums that teach real history: the history of the great conspiratorial banking occult program to enslave the entire planet under a highly complex tyrannical Big Brother surveillance system.

“We must instigate policies that limit the speed of technological innovation to take into account human beings; their hopes, their dreams, their right to exist.

“The freight train rushing towards us of Artificial Intelligence and robotics must be immediately blunted with firm policy and rational community discussion.

“And one final thing. Sounds a bit extreme but I’m being deadly serious: immediately land two marine divisions in Occupied Palestine, eject all of the Jewish extremist settler movement back to Russia, disarm the Israeli state and create a secular government with equal representation for Jews, Christians and Muslims, dismantle the Israeli military industrial complex and high technology sector and transport it all back to the United States.

“Let’s cease letting them direct the debate. There are people in higher places supporting us. They will act and move quietly, according to the public mood, so get moody in all the right ways and in all the right places.

“Focus your information energies on the United States Military, the men and women with the guns and the lawful authority to use them.

“We have 10 years before we face autonomous killing machines on our streets. Let’s get moving.”



Australian Brendon McConnell was imprisoned for three years after demonstrating with a Palestinian flag in a shopping mall and posting a video of the resulting altercation that he had with Zionists there. As obnoxious and inciteful as his actions may have been, I have a hard time believing that he deserved to go to prison, let alone for three years. He was jailed again after attempting to seek asylum in New Zealand. Since then, he’s been on the lam in Iran, Malaysia and most recently, in Mexico.

I despise anti-Semitism and I do not allow it on my website. From his recent videos, it does not appear to me that O’Connell is an anti-Semite, he is against the crimes of what some call the “6,000 year-old death cult” or what others would call the “Khazarian Mafia”, i.e., criminal bankster Satanists who accuse their enemies of anti-Semitism."

29th June 2022, 09:54
Economist Michael Hudson on inflation and Fed plan to cut wages: A depression is coming | June 28, 2022

Source: Multipolarista youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/Multipolarista), michael-hudson.com (http://michael-hudson.com)


Economist Michael Hudson explains the inflation crisis and the US Federal Reserve's "austerity program to reduce wages." So-called experts are openly calling to boost unemployment. A depression is coming, in which the poor will suffer so the rich can get richer.

Read Prof. Hudson's article "The Fed’s Austerity Program to Reduce Wages (https://michael-hudson.com/2022/06/the-feds-austerity-program-to-reduce-wages/)"

29th June 2022, 12:48
The Corbett Report | Teaching Children About History - #SolutionsWatch | June 29, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-childrenhistory/)


As concerned parents know all too well, the revolution of the mind is an intergenerational project. It is more important than ever that we take back the responsibility of educating our children about history and about the way the world really works. There are many tools we can use to help us in that task, and today Connor Boyack introduces us to another one: a Tuttle Twins story-based American history textbook called America’s History: A Tuttle Twins Series of Stories (https://tuttletwins.com/history/).

Show Notes:
Teaching Children About Liberty - #SolutionsWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/teaching-children-about-liberty-solutionswatch/)
America’s History: A Tuttle Twins Series of Stories (https://tuttletwins.com/history/)

29th June 2022, 14:45
Max Igan | Richie Allen Show | June 28, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


30th June 2022, 06:05
Dark Journalist | Ghislaine Maxwell Special Report: Atlantis Mystery! | June 29, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


Ghislaine Maxwell & TerraMar
The news of the Sentencing of Ghislaine Maxwell to 20 Years for Human Trafficking with her partner in Crime the late notorious criminal Jeffrey Epstein leaves many questions lingering. Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt takes a deep look at her connection to an elite Belial Cult that was searching for Sacred Occult Artifacts with famous scientists using her TerraMar Ocean project as a cover.

30th June 2022, 06:16
Linda Moulton Howe | Did Eisenhower Have Secret Edwards AFB Meeting with E.T.s on February 19, 1954? | June 29, 2022

Source: earthfiles.com (http://earthfiles.com)


Topics: Did President Eisenhower Have Secret Edwards AFB Meeting with E.T.s on February 19, 1954?

More details from Linda’s aerospace source
- Eisenhower Blues album
- “Nordics are more concerned with keeping the peace”
- “Nordics and the tall pale whites working together”
- “..monitor this region of space”
- “watching over”
- “”

Rumors of Eisenhower meeting ET’s at Edwards AFB
- interview with Paul Blake Smith, author of numerous books
- MO41 The Bombshell Before Roswell
- www.MO41.info
- President Eisenhower’s Close Encounters
- JFK and the Willard Hotel Plot
- Books available on Amazon.com

Cristoforo Barbato, author of “Vatican and UFOs: Secretum Omega”
- Jesuit priest an internal source by Paul Blake Smith
- Cardinal James Francis McIntyre along with Eisenhower met ETs at Edwards AFB on February 19, 1954

- Second landing at Edwards AFB in April, 1956
- aliens spoke English
- trying to warn against nuclear testing
- “SIV ‘Vatican secret service’”
- did the Pope meet with ETs inside Vatican?
- Is the Vatican thinking of announcing the presence of ETs?

30th June 2022, 08:46
Tom Campbell | Interview with Elizabeth Rose and Trevor Hamlett | June 29, 2022

Source: my-big-TOE.com (http://my-big-TOE.com)


An insightful podcast with consciousness explorer, physicist, and author Thomas Campbell and Clear Trance channel and healer Elizabeth Rose, and Energy and sound healer Trevor Hamlett.


- What is healing?
- What is Sacred?
- Do we need rituals
- What are angels and Christ consciousness
- Virtual reality
- Consciousness, and much more?

30th June 2022, 08:55
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: NATO Expands, Ghislaine Maxwell Sentenced, Global Pedo Network, Dead Relatives "Convos" | June 29, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest in episode 108 of No-Go Zone June 29, 2022.

2nd July 2022, 15:54
The convincing case for the "Rebirth of Catastrophism" and why it cannot be dismissed
Ben Davidson on The Upcoming Micronova / Pole Shift Cataclysmic Event
751 views Jul 2, 2022
Matthew Lohmeier
1.97K subscribers

"During The Carrington Event in 1859- the last time the Sun had anything close to a superflare - telegraph wires caught fire and multiple telegraph stations reported severe damage.

There's only one thing preventing every little hiccup from the Sun from causing a catastrophe like this: Earth's magnetic field.

And as the magnetic field accelerates, it takes a little less from the Sun to erase our electrical way of life and throw us back into the Stone Age.

Are we facing a potential Carrington Event scenario?

More importantly, when will this catastrophe happen?

Ben Davidson believes he might know the answer."

Full video: PfvvpCE2rc4

Excerpt: O6Y-DhOBIMw

Also posted here: https://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?107798-Geomagnetic-Reversals-and-Ice-Ages&p=1505403&viewfull=1#post1505403

4th July 2022, 05:55
Dr. Joseph Farrell & Dark Journalist | Kecksburg Kammler Roswell UFO Mystery! | July 1, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com), gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell back to the show for a special deep dive on the breakthrough new information on the Kecksburg UFO Crash and its connection to SS-Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler and the Nazi Bell Project!

They also go deep on exotic technology, black projects in Argentina and the 75th Anniversary of the Roswell Incident!

4th July 2022, 06:19
New World Next Week | Amazon Raises the Dead with Alexa | June 30, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


This week on the New World Next Week: the increasingly inaccurately named North Atlantic Treaty Organization sets its sights on the Asia-Pacific; the Dutch government cracks down on farming and farmers' protests; and Amazon demonstrates creepy dead grandma voice technology on Alexa.

Story #1: Japan PM Seeks Major Upgrade of NATO Partnership After Russia's War (https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2022/06/1afab21e49ae-japan-to-join-nato-summit-for-1st-time-as-china-challenge-looms.html)

PDF: Eurovision Was Created By NATO (https://twitter.com/mediamonarchy/status/740192505413541889)
Interview 548 - Rick Rozoff on NATO's Expansion (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-548-rick-rozoff-on-natos-expansion/)
NATO 2022 - Strategic concept (https://www.nato.int/strategic-concept/)
Nato Leaders Say China Is ‘Systemic Challenge to Euro-Atlantic Security’ (https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3183564/nato-leaders-say-china-systemic-challenge-euro-atlantic-security)
NATO Expansionist Agenda a Threat to Global Security, a US Tool to Control EU and Enhance Hegemonic Manipulation Capacity (https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202206/1269357.shtml)
Russia's Medvedev Says Any NATO Encroachment On Crimea Could Lead to World War Three (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/russias-medvedev-says-nato-encroachment-211907459.html)
Türkiye, Finland, Sweden Sign Agreement Paving Way for Finnish, Swedish NATO Membership (https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_197251.htm)
Turkey Lifts Objection to Sweden, Finland Joining NATO (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/06/28/turkey-lifts-objection-to-sweden-finland-joining-nato/)

Story #2: Dutch PM Condemns Protests By Farmers At Minister’s Home (https://www.seattletimes.com/business/dutch-pm-condemns-farmers-protests-at-ministers-home/)

Road, School Closures As Village Gears Up For Farmers’ Protest (https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/06/road-and-school-closures-as-village-gears-up-for-farmers-protest/)
Up to 40,000 Farmers Demonstrate Against Farm Closures (https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2022/06/up-to-40000-farmers-demonstrate-against-farm-closures/)
Dutch Farmers Protest Livestock Cuts to Curb Nitrogen (https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220622-dutch-farmers-protest-livestock-cuts-to-curb-nitrogen)
Bill Gates’ Purchase of North Dakota Farmland Has Locals ‘Livid’ (https://nypost.com/2022/06/23/bill-gates-purchase-of-north-dakota-farmland-has-locals-livid-official/)
Bill Gates Land Purchase Triggers Probe; Trusts, Corporations Can’t Own Ranches Or Farmland In North Dakota, State Authorities Say (https://www.rt.com/news/557656-bill-gates-north-dakota-land/)
#MorningMonarchy: June 29, 2022 (https://mediamonarchy.com/20220629morningmonarchy/)
Fake Album Art From Media Monarchy: Farmer Billy's 'This Land Is My Land' (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/983208466481029191/991576569049006130/farmer_billy.jpg)
Your Guide to a World on Fire (https://www.corbettreport.com/your-guide-to-a-world-on-fire/)
Jackson To Be Sworn In As Breyer Retires From Supreme Court (https://www.post-gazette.com/news/crime-courts/2022/06/29/Jackson-to-be-sworn-in-as-Breyer-retires-from-Supreme-Court/stories/202206290129)

Story #3: Amazon Shows Off Alexa Feature That Mimics the Voices of Your Dead Relatives (https://www.theverge.com/2022/6/23/23179748/amazon-alexa-feature-mimic-voice-dead-relative-ai)

Amazon re:MARS 2022 - Day 2 - Keynote (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22cb24-sGhg&t=3719s)
Learn more about Amazon re:MARS (https://remars.amazonevents.com/)
Japan City Loses USB Drive With Info On All 460,000 Residents (https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2022/06/52573f12a4fd-japan-city-loses-memory-drive-with-info-on-all-460000-residents.html)
I Watch The Super Bowl Commercials (2020) – #PropagandaWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/i-watch-the-super-bowl-commercials-2020-propagandawatch/)
Corbett Report 2007-2008 Data Archive On USB Drive (https://newworldnextweek.com/products/corbett-report-2007-2008-data-archive)
Who Is Bill Gates? DVD (https://newworldnextweek.com/products/who-is-bill-gates)

4th July 2022, 08:01
Andrei Martyanov | Zircon and CBO | July 3, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Lugansk PR liberated. 3M22 Zircon as strategic factor.

4th July 2022, 08:09
Paul Devereux | Powers of Ancient and Sacred Places - PART 1 | Legalise Freedom Radio | July 3, 2022

Source: legalise-freedom.com (http://legalise-freedom.com)


Paul Devereux discusses his new book 'Powers of Ancient and Sacred Places (https://pauldevereux.co.uk/product//book-powers-of-ancient-sacred-places.html)' The book provides an informed, wide-ranging survey of a variety of intriguing properties of ancient sites, ranging from the material to the subtle. These enigmatic monuments are where we come face to face with our human story through time – the places of power that gave us our first sense of the holy.

Topics discussed include:
- Why humans are drawn to certain sites and to erect scared structures there.
- Archaeoacoustics – exploring the sound of the past.
- Modern electromagnetism and how it disrupts our subtle senses.
- Strange light phenomena and UFOs.
- How consciousness may interact with paranormal phenomena.
- Sensory archaeology – exploring power places using psychometry, dreams, and numinosity.

4th July 2022, 09:42
Truthstream Media | America's Early Civil Rights Case You Probably Weren't Taught | July 4, 2022

Source: truthstreammedia.com (http://truthstreammedia.com)


5th July 2022, 06:54
Nick Orton | Military Encounters With Cryptids, Time Glitches, & The Paranormal | July 5, 2022

Source: thehighersidechats.com (http://thehighersidechats.com)


About Today's Guest:
Nick Orton is an active duty member of the military who has seen some weird stuff. It drove him to start collecting stories from other enlisted folks and start an instagram account, Tales From The Gridsquare (https://www.instagram.com/tales_from_the_gridsquare/), to put their stories out. He collected so many, that he also put together a book (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09ZL9BQ1D/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_DW69FAYZCGNZJM8SXBQR) by the same name that contains over 230 paranormal and high strangeness accounts.

5th July 2022, 09:40
Paul Stonehill | In Search of Underwater Aliens: Lake Baikal Secrets 2022 | July 4, 2022

Source: Paranormal Research Paul Stonehill youtube (http://youtube.com/c/ParanormalResearchPaulStonehill)


...who described the expedition, expected that the famous Baikal – Russia’s pride, the largest freshwater lake in the world – has been studied far and wide. But it turned out that is not so...

5th July 2022, 12:59
Global Planned Financial Tsunami has Just Begun

Source: williamengdahl.com (http://williamengdahl.com)

By F. William Engdahl
21 June 2022

Since the creation of the US Federal Reserve over a century ago, every major financial market collapse has been deliberately triggered for political motives by the central bank. The situation is no different today, as clearly the US Fed is acting with its interest rate weapon to crash what is the greatest speculative financial bubble in human history, a bubble it created. Global crash events always begin on the periphery, such as with the 1931 Austrian Creditanstalt or the Lehman Bros. failure in September 2008.

The June 15 decision by the Fed to impose the largest single rate hike in almost 30 years as financial markets are already in a meltdown, now guarantees a global depression and worse.

The extent of the “cheap credit” bubble that the Fed, the ECB and Bank of Japan have engineered with buying up of bonds and maintaining unprecedented near-zero or even negative interest rates for now 14 years, is beyond imagination. Financial media cover it over with daily nonsense reporting , while the world economy is being readied, not for so-called “stagflation” or recession. What is coming now in the coming months, barring a dramatic policy reversal, is the worst economic depression in history to date. Thank you, globalization and Davos.


The political pressures behind globalization and the creation of the World Trade Organization out of the Bretton Woods GATT trade rules with the 1994 Marrakesh Agreement, ensured that the advanced industrial manufacturing of the West, most especially the USA, could flee offshore, “outsource” to create production in extreme low wage countries. No country offered more benefit in the late 1990s than China. China joined WHO in 2001 and from then on the capital flows into China manufacture from the West have been staggering. So too has been the buildup of China dollar debt. Now that global world financial structure based on record debt is all beginning to come apart.

When Washington deliberately allowed the September 2008 Lehman Bros financial collapse, the Chinese leadership responded with panic and commissioned unprecedented credit to local governments to build infrastructure. Some of it was partly useful, such as a network of high-speed railways. Some of it was plainly wasteful, such as construction of empty “ghost cities.” For the rest of the world, the unprecedented China demand for construction steel, coal, oil, copper and such was welcome, as fears of a global depression receded. But the actions by the US Fed and ECB after 2008, and of their respective governments, did nothing to address the systemic financial abuse of the world’s major private banks on Wall Street and Europe , as well as Hong Kong.

The August 1971 Nixon decision to decouple the US dollar, the world reserve currency, from gold, opened the floodgates to global money flows. Ever more permissive laws favoring uncontrolled financial speculation in the US and abroad were imposed at every turn, from Clinton’s repeal of Glass-Steagall at the behest of Wall Street in November 1999. That allowed creation of mega-banks so large that the government declared them “too big to fail.” That was a hoax, but the population believed it and bailed them out with hundreds of billions in taxpayer money.

Since the crisis of 2008 the Fed and other major global central banks have created unprecedented credit, so-called “helicopter money,” to bailout the major financial institutions. The health of the real economy was not a goal. In the case of the Fed, Bank of Japan, ECB and Bank of England, a combined $25 trillion was injected into the banking system via “quantitative easing” purchase of bonds, as well as dodgy assets like mortgage-backed securities over the past 14 years (https://finbold.com/major-central-banks-have-printed-25-trillion-since-2008-data-shows/).

Quantitative madness

Here is where it began to go really bad. The largest Wall Street banks such as JP MorganChase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup or in London HSBC or Barclays, lent billions to their major corporate clients. The borrowers in turn used the liquidity, not to invest in new manufacturing or mining technology, but rather to inflate the value of their company stocks, so-called stock buy-backs, termed “maximizing shareholder value.”

BlackRock, Fidelity, banks and other investors loved the free ride. From the onset of Fed easing in 2008 to July 2020, some $5 trillions had been invested in such stock buybacks, creating the greatest stock market rally in history. Everything became financialized in the process. Corporations paid out $3.8 trillion in dividends (https://www.marketwatch.com/story/stock-buybacks-have-totaled-53-trillion-over-the-past-decade-has-that-contributed-to-us-pandemic-failures-2020-07-29) in the period from 2010 to 2019. Companies like Tesla which had never earned a profit, became more valuable than Ford and GM combined. Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin reached market cap valuation over $1 trillion by late 2021. With Fed money flowing freely, banks and investment funds invested in high-risk, high profit areas like junk bonds or emerging market debt in places like Turkey, Indonesia or, yes, China.

The post-2008 era of Quantitative Easing and zero Fed interest rates led to absurd US Government debt expansion. Since January 2020 the Fed, Bank of England, European Central Bank and Bank of Japan have injected a combined $9 trillion in near zero rate credit into the world banking system. Since a Fed policy change in September 2019, it enabled Washington to increase public debt by a staggering $10 trillion in less than 3 years. Then the Fed again covertly bailed out Wall Street by buying $120 billion per month of US Treasury bonds and Mortgage-Backed Securities creating a huge bond bubble.

A reckless Biden Administration began doling out trillions in so-called stimulus money to combat needless lockdowns of the economy. US Federal debt went from a manageable 35% of GDP in 1980 to more than 129% of GDP today. Only the Fed Quantitative Easing, buying of trillions of US government and mortgage debt and the near zero rates made that possible. Now the Fed has begun to unwind that and withdraw liquidity from the economy with QT or tightening, plus rate hikes. This is deliberate. It is not about a stumbling Fed mis-judging inflation.

Energy drives the collapse

Sadly, the Fed and other central bankers lie. Raising interest rates is not to cure inflation. It is to force a global reset in control over the world’s assets, it’s wealth, whether real estate, farmland, commodity production, industry, even water. The Fed knows very well that Inflation is only beginning to rip across the global economy. What is unique is that now Green Energy mandates across the industrial world are driving this inflation crisis for the first time, something deliberately ignored by Washington or Brussels or Berlin.

The global shortages of fertilizers, soaring prices of natural gas, and grain supply losses from global draught or exploding costs of fertilizers and fuel or the war in Ukraine, guarantee that, at latest this September-October harvest time, we will undergo a global additional food and energy price explosion. Those shortages all are a result of deliberate policies.

Moreover, far worse inflation is certain, due to the pathological insistence of the world’s leading industrial economies led by the Biden Administration’s anti-hydrocarbon agenda. That agenda is typified by the astonishing nonsense of the US Energy Secretary stating, “buy E-autos instead” as the answer to exploding gasoline prices.

Similarly, the European Union has decided to phase out Russian oil and gas with no viable substitute as its leading economy, Germany, moves to shut its last nuclear reactor and close more coal plants. Germany and other EU economies as a result will see power blackouts this winter and natural gas prices will continue to soar. In the second week of June in Germany gas prices rose another 60% alone. Both the Green-controlled German government and the Green Agenda “Fit for 55” by the EU Commission continue to push unreliable and costly wind and solar at the expense of far cheaper and reliable hydrocarbons, insuring an unprecedented energy-led inflation.

Fed has pulled the plug

With the 0.75% Fed rate hike, largest in almost 30 years, and promise of more to come, the US central bank has now guaranteed a collapse of not merely the US debt bubble, but also much of the post-2008 global debt of $303 trillion. Rising interest rates after almost 15 years mean collapsing bond values. Bonds, not stocks, are the heart of the global financial system.

US mortgage rates have now doubled in just 5 months to above 6%, and home sales were already plunging before the latest rate hike. US corporations took on record debt owing to the years of ultra-low rates. Some 70% of that debt is rated just above “junk” status. That corporate non-financial debt totaled $9 trillion in 2006. Today it exceeds $18 trillion. Now a large number of those marginal companies will not be able to rollover the old debt with new, and bankruptcies will follow in coming months. The cosmetics giant Revlon just declared bankruptcy.

The highly-speculative, unregulated Crypto market, led by Bitcoin, is collapsing as investors realize there is no bailout there. Last November the Crypto world had a $3 trillion valuation. Today it is less than half, and with more collapse underway. Even before the latest Fed rate hike the stock value of the US megabanks had lost some $300 billion. Now with stock market further panic selling guaranteed as a global economic collapse grows, those banks are pre-programmed for a new severe bank crisis over the coming months.

As US economist Doug Noland recently noted, “Today, there’s a massive “periphery” loaded with “subprime” junk bonds, leveraged loans, buy-now-pay-later, auto, credit card, housing, and solar securitizations, franchise loans, private Credit, crypto Credit, DeFi, and on and on. A massive infrastructure has evolved over this long cycle to spur consumption for tens of millions, while financing thousands of uneconomic enterprises. The “periphery” has become systemic like never before. And things have started (https://seekingalpha.com/article/4517865-weekly-commentary-breaking-and-the-q1-2022-z1) to Break.”

The Federal Government will now find its interest cost of carrying a record $30 trillion in Federal debt far more costly. Unlike the 1930s Great Depression when Federal debt was near nothing, today the Government, especially since the Biden budget measures, is at the limits. The US is becoming a Third World economy. If the Fed no longer buys trillions of US debt, who will? China? Japan? Not likely.

Deleveraging the bubble

With the Fed now imposing a Quantitative Tightening, withdrawing tens of billions in bonds and other assets monthly, as well as raising key interest rates, financial markets have begun a deleveraging. It will likely be jerky, as key players like BlackRock and Fidelity seek to control the meltdown for their purposes. But the direction is clear.

By late last year investors had borrowed almost $1 trillion in margin debt to buy stocks. That was in a rising market. Now the opposite holds, and margin borrowers are forced to give more collateral or sell their stocks to avoid default. That feeds the coming meltdown. With collapse of both stocks and bonds in coming months, go the private retirement savings of tens of millions of Americans in programs like 401-k. Credit card auto loans and other consumer debt in the USA has ballooned in the past decade to a record $4.3 trillion at end of 2021. Now interest rates on that debt, especially credit card, will jump from an already high 16%. Defaults on those credit loans will skyrocket.

Outside the US what we will see now, as the Swiss National Bank, Bank of England and even ECB are forced to follow the Fed raising rates, is the global snowballing of defaults, bankruptcies, amid a soaring inflation which the central bank interest rates have no power to control. About 27% of global nonfinancial corporate debt is held by Chinese companies, estimated at $23 trillion. Another $32 trillion corporate debt is held by US and EU companies. Now China is in the midst of its worst economic crisis since 30 years and little sign of recovery. With the USA, China’s largest customer, going into an economic depression, China’s crisis can only worsen. That will not be good for the world economy.

Italy, with a national debt of $3.2 trillion, has a debt-to-GDP of 150%. Only ECB negative interest rates have kept that from exploding in a new banking crisis. Now that explosion is pre-programmed despite soothing words from Lagarde of the ECB. Japan, with a 260% debt level is the worst of all industrial nations, and is in a trap of zero rates with more than $7.5 trillion public debt. The yen is now falling seriously, and destabilizing all of Asia.

The heart of the world financial system, contrary to popular belief, is not stock markets. It is bond markets—government, corporate and agency bonds. This bond market has been losing value as inflation has soared and interest rates have risen since 2021 in the USA and EU. Globally this comprises some $250 trillion in asset value a sum that, with every fed interest rise , loses more value. The last time we had such a major reverse in bond values was forty years ago in the Paul Volcker era with 20% interest rates to “squeeze out inflation.”

As bond prices fall, the value of bank capital falls. The most exposed to such a loss of value are major French banks along with Deutsche Bank in the EU, along with the largest Japanese banks. US banks like JP MorganChase are believed to be only slightly less exposed to a major bond crash. Much of their risk is hidden in off-balance sheet derivatives and such. However, unlike in 2008, today central banks can’t rerun another decade of zero interest rates and QE. This time, as insiders like ex-Bank of England head Mark Carney noted three years ago, the crisis will be used to force the world to accept a new Central Bank Digital Currency, a world where all money will be centrally issued and controlled. This is also what Davos WEF people mean by their Great Reset. It will not be good. A Global Planned Financial Tsunami Has Just Begun.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

6th July 2022, 07:37
Andrei Martyanov | Wunderwaffe Thinking Pt. 1 | June 5, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Tom Clancy, War Math and US politics. Russian Way of War.

6th July 2022, 07:46
Max Igan | Our Dystopian Future and More | Critical Disclosure Radio | July 4, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


7th July 2022, 17:11
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | July 7, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


The Georgia "Guidestones" are no more, and Joseph has a few speculations on those food plant fires:

Article: Conspiracy theorists rejoice after Georgia Guidestones are blown up (https://www.westernstandard.news/news/conspiracy-theorists-rejoice-after-georgia-guidestones-are-blown-up/article_3c22283a-fd49-11ec-9b77-e393ac67f54b.html)

8th July 2022, 06:53
Thomas Carey | Witness to Roswell, 75th Anniv. Edition: Unmasking the Government's Biggest Cover-Up | Part 1 | Veritas Radio

Source: veritasradio.com (http://veritasradio.com)



What really transpired in Roswell 75 years ago? Tonight, we'll pry loose the truth the government doesn't want us to know including the revelations of Walter Haut. We'll discuss a growing litany of deathbed confessions describing the "little people" recovered at the crash site.

The most comprehensive time line of events ever published on this seminal event. The identity of the Boeing engineer called in to examine the exotic wreckage from the crash. What really took place at the Roswell base hospital and what nurse actually ordered the children's caskets.

The story of the soldier who wore gloves at the dinner table after guarding the "bodies." Clearly, the implications of this information are foreboding. One need only look at the fact that officials now have four explanations for this historic event, but to which one do all the witnesses testify on their deathbeds? Witness to Roswell once again demonstrates to the world that no statute of limitation applies to the truth: We are not alone.


Thomas J. Carey holds a master's degree in anthropology and is an U.S. Air Force veteran who held a Top Secret security clearance. he has spent the last 23 years investigating the Roswell Incident and has published more than 35 articles about it. He has appeared as a guest on many radio and TV shows and contributed to a number of Roswell-related documentaries. Tom and his wife, Doreen, reside in Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania.

Donald R. Schmitt is coauthor, with Thomas J. Carey, of the bestsellers Witness to Roswell, The Children of Roswell, and Inside the Real Area 51. He is the former codirector of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies, where he served as director of special investigations for ten years.

8th July 2022, 06:59
Andrei Martyanov | Wunderwaffe Thinking Pt. 2 | July 7, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Anti-Submarine Warfare and geopolitics. Russian economy. Or, I told you so.

8th July 2022, 07:42
Max Igan | Holodomor 2.0 The Rebirth of Bolshevism | July 7, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


8th July 2022, 08:51
The Corbett Report | FLASHBACK: From Silicon Valley to the Georgia Guidestones (2019)


Corbett Report member Octium connects the dots between two seemingly disparate Corbett reports: one on silicon valley and the other on the Georgia guidestones. So who is William Shockley, what does he have to do with the guidestones, and what does this all have to do with eugenics and computers? Find out in today's intriguing exploration.

Episode 359 - The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know
Octium's comment (https://www.corbettreport.com/siliconvalley/#comment-63192)

Interview 1079 – Michael Bennett Solves The Georgia Guidestones Mystery

8th July 2022, 21:03
Psychopathy, Personality Disorders, Brain Scans, and the Nature-Nurture Debate--Dr. James Fallon
1,661 views Jul 4, 2022
The Dissenter
10.6K subscribers

"Dr. James Fallon is professor of psychiatry and human behavior and emeritus professor of anatomy and neurobiology at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine. His research interests include adult stem cells, chemical neuroanatomy and circuitry, higher brain functions, and brain imaging. He is the author of The Psychopath Inside: A Neuroscientist's Personal Journey into the Dark Side of the Brain.

In this episode, we talk about psychopathy. We get into what it is, how it is diagnosed, its genetics and neuroscience, and environmental factors. We talk about the nature-nurture debate, and if it is possible to change a psychopath. We discuss if it is possible to predict behavior from brain scans, and if behavior is determined. Finally, we talk about the evolution of psychopathy.

Time Links:
00:00 Intro
00:52 What is psychopathy?
07:27 The classification of psychiatric disorders
15:22 The genetics and neuroscience of psychopathy
30:39 Environmental factors, and the nature-nurture debate
35:31 Is it possible to change a psychopath?
43:12 Is it possible to predict behavior from brain scans? Is behavior determined?
49:48 The evolution of psychopathy. Is it adaptive?
54:51 Follow Dr. Fallon’s work!

( There is no cure for psychopaths (at least as yet) according to most modern psychiatrists, but at least they are learning how to identify the traits, and that's a big step.
This has seemed to me to be a very important issue, first brought to my attention when my late mentor the visionary Dr. Christopher Hills (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Hills )
...theorized that human society will not be able to evolve significantly until we are able to identify and prevent psychopaths from rising to power and causing the terrible damage as we have seen throughout history.
It seems quite apparent today that the world is being ruled by psychopaths (with narcissists and sociopaths probably running in a close second), and there is likely going to be a mighty struggle, which is in the beginning stages now, between those elites in power and those who want a better future.
(Not to mention the other beings who apparently have vested interests in the struggle for control of this planet).

Dr. Fallon begins by discussing a broader range of subjects at first, including narcissists and sociopaths, but eventually the discussion narrows down more to pschopaths specifically.
He points to the way in which psychopaths may be viewed as having been useful to society in some respects as well as destructive, but my hope is that the planet is evolving now to the next stage where such usefulness will no longer be necessary.

What seems most encouraging to me is that resarchers are making progress in identifying how pathological tendencies develop by studying brain scans as well as behavior and genetics.

How wonderful if someday there will be techniques that can ensure our leaders will be the most spiritually evolved of individuals rather than the most egotistic, opportunistic, power hungry and greedy. :nod:)

Also posted here: https://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?101266-How-to-know-when-you-are-talking-to-a-psychopath&p=1506277&viewfull=1#post1506277

11th July 2022, 07:02
Ole Dammegard | "Explosive Unmasking: "Dammegarding" All Flagged Fields" | Age Of Truth TV | July 10, 2022

Source: ageoftruth.tv (http://ageoftruth.tv)


11th July 2022, 09:27
Max Igan | The Calm Before the Storm | July 10, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


11th July 2022, 14:25
David Icke | Emerging 'Diseases' To Hide Vaccine Injuries & Deaths | July 11, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


12th July 2022, 06:05
The Corbett Report | Mass Media: A History | July 12, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/mediacourse/)


Join James Corbett for today's special edition of The Corbett Report podcast where he walks you through Mass Media: A History, a 3-lesson, 6+ hour online course examining the history of media, exploring media’s impact on society, and revealing where technological developments in media technology are taking us in the future.

With lectures in audio and video formats, hyperlinked transcript, recommended reading and study guides, this course takes you on a whirlwind tour of over 500 years of history and shows you what the future of media might look like and why it matters.

CLICK HERE (https://www.corbettreport.com/massmedia/) to purchase the course today at NewWorldNextWeek.com

13th July 2022, 18:42
Watched first quarter of this video, and deem it important. Rima Laibow discusses the planned culling in recent interview:


14th July 2022, 21:58
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | July 14, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Runs on banks in China, and it seems everyone is tendering for the Ukraine:


400,000 Chinese Lose Their Life Savings Instantly (https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/corruption/400000-chinese-lose-their-life-savings-instantly/)

Democrats Demand $650 Billion In IMF Aid For Ukraine War Relief – In The Form Of SDRs (https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/democrats-demand-650-billion-imf-aid-ukraine-war-relief-form-sdrs)

15th July 2022, 06:36
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Ethnomasochism ‘Some Cultures Are Just Superior To Others’ | July 14, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest in episode 110 of No-Go Zone July 14, 2022.

15th July 2022, 07:49
Truthstream Media | WEF: Smart Phones Will Be INSIDE People by 2030 | July 14, 2022

Source: truthstreammedia.com (http://truthstreammedia.com)


15th July 2022, 08:50
Joseph P. Farrell | Origins of the New World Order: Nazi Germany | July 13, 2022

Source: thenewamerican.com (https://thenewamerican.com/origins-of-the-new-world-order-nazi-germany-an-interview-with-dr-joseph-farrell/), gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)

In all the talk of the so-called New World Order, little attention is spent in discussing how the phrase (and the plan for a European Union, as well as a global fiat currency system) were first proposed by Nazi finance minister Walther Funk in the 1930s. We discuss the origins of the post-WWII system with Dr. Joseph Farrell.


15th July 2022, 12:13
Walter Bosley | Airships Mysteries & The Sonora Aero Club | Part 1 & 2 | July 14, 2022

Source: Raised By Giants youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/RaisedByGiants), Walters books (https://www.lulu.com/search?page=1&q=Walter+Bosley&adult_audience_rating=00&pageSize=10)

Part 1


This is Part 1 exploring The Airships Mysteries & the Sonora Aero Club with Researcher and Author Walter Bosley. All Illustrations presented in this video are from Walter Bosley.

Part 2


This is Part 2 of exploring The Airships Mysteries & the Sonora Aero Club with Researcher and Author Walter Bosley.

18th July 2022, 06:08
Gonzalo Lira | American Power Has Collapsed, It's Pulling Down the Rest of the World With It | July 17, 2022

Source: geopoliticsandempire.com (http://geopoliticsandempire.com)


Gonzalo Lira discusses the collapse of American power and how Washington has decided to pull down the rest of the world instead of accepting a graceful decline.

The Russians have the upper-hand in Ukraine and will win the war. The U.S. now wants to pivot to war with Iran and eventually China.

If the U.S. feels it is losing, in its hubris and pride it may seek to use nuclear weapons. The European project is over, Europe is dead.

He comments on the Western world's fall into totalitarianism and turn toward the use of population control systems such as social credit and digital currency. The best places to escape to are countries that are poor, backward, and low-tech with lots of food.

18th July 2022, 06:15
David Icke | West vs East - Masks on the same face | July 14, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


18th July 2022, 06:23
Dark Journalist | X Mystery School Predictions! Cayce Gurdjieff Steiner | July 15, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


Join us for this Special LiveStream Report as Dark Journalist goes deep on the Hidden Mystery School Message for the 21st Century, Did wisdom initiates from Anthroposophy, Theosophy, Rosicrucianism and the Fourth Way leave us Special Instructions for surviving the Crossroads of Destruction that we face at the current time with the dystopian rise of Transhumanist corruption and its evil twin Scientific Materialism?

18th July 2022, 07:31
Tom Campbell | Deep talks with Disha of Tattva | Part 1 & 2

Source: my-big-TOE.com (http://my-big-TOE.com)

Part 1

Part 2

Tom Campbell, a lifelong professional applied physicist, began a parallel career in the early 1970s researching altered states of consciousness with Bob Monroe at Monroe Labs. In February of 2003, Campbell published the My Big TOE trilogy (MBT) which represents the results of over 30 years of scientific exploration into the nature of existence.

In 2016, he presented a set of quantum physics experiments designed to provide evidence for or against the hypothesis that our reality is virtual and that consciousness is the computer. Currently these experiments are being performed at the California Polytechnical university. First Results are expected this year.

My conversation with Campbell showed me how closely and deeply consciousness is linked with Physics and perhaps everything else. While we did get to talk about what Physics means to him and his own approach to it, most of our conversation revolved around his understanding of the nature of consciousness and our reasons for being here as individuals and as a part of a collective.

We hope this conversation can help the listeners see the Tattva, or true essence of Physics and the important role it plays in helping us to understand the world we live in and appreciate the fundamental forces that lie underneath everything.^
Disha for Tattva Deep

18th July 2022, 11:25
The Corbett Report | The Gutenberg Conspiracy (The Media Matrix — Part 1) | July 18, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/gutenberg/)


From the Renaissance to the Reformation, from the fall of feudalism to the rise of capitalism, from the Scientific Revolution to the Industrial Revolution, from the way we order our thoughts to what we choose to think about, nothing survived the printing revolution intact. Our world is the world that the printing press has created.

Show Notes & Transcript (https://www.corbettreport.com/gutenberg/)

18th July 2022, 15:21
Dr. Ryan Cole | Effects of the COVID Jab | Mercola.com | June 29, 2022

Source: technocracy.news (https://www.technocracy.news/mercola-pathologist-dr-ryan-cole-on-post-jab-cancer-explosion-and-excess-mortality/), Mercola.com (http://Mercola.com)



> In the wake of the COVID jab rollout and additional boosters, a number of health conditions are on the rise, including cancer, most notably cancers of the uterus, endometrial cancers, and very aggressive blood and brain cancers

> Cancer has been on the rise for decades, thanks to dietary factors, but the COVID jabs appear to dramatically accelerate the disease process. Many doctors report cancer patients with stable disease, and those who have been in remission for years, will suddenly and rapidly develop Stage 4 disease

> A military whistleblower has come forward with data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) database showing dramatic increases in medical visits for cancers and other conditions, post-jab

> For neurological side effects of the shot, four remedies that can be very helpful are fluvoxamine (an antidepressant that blocks cytokine production in neural tissues), pharmaceutical grade methylene blue (improves mitochondrial respiration and repair), near-infrared light (triggers production of melatonin in your mitochondria) and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (boosts mitochondrial function, decreases inflammation and much more)

> The COVID jabs also downregulate toll-like receptors 7 and 8, which allows latent viruses such as herpes EBV4 — Epstein-Barr, aka, mononucleosis — to flourish that would otherwise have been kept in check

More info at: technocracy.news (https://www.technocracy.news/mercola-pathologist-dr-ryan-cole-on-post-jab-cancer-explosion-and-excess-mortality/)

19th July 2022, 08:51
Max Igan | The Controlled Demolition of Everything | July 19, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


19th July 2022, 13:39
Whitney Webb | The Google AI Sentience Psyop with Ryan Cristian | July 15, 2022

Source: unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com), thelastamericanvagabond.com (http://thelastamericanvagabond.com)


In this video, Ryan and Whitney discuss the likely motives behind the claim that an AI at Google is "sentient" and has a "soul", including how it benefits the narratives within the new book co-written by Henry Kissinger and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt - "The Age of AI”.

Source Links Can Be Found Here:

thelastamericanvagabond.com (https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/whitney-webb-interview-google-ai-sentience-psyop)

20th July 2022, 09:37
The Corbett Report | Autodidacticism - #SolutionsWatch | July 20, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/autodidacticism/)


Who said education was boring? On the contrary. Knowing more about the world, improving your skills and achieving success is electrifying and addictive. But first you have to learn how to learn. Autodidacticism is the process of learning about a skill or a subject without a formal teacher, and today Richard Grove of GetAutonomy.info is here to help us get started on the lifelong quest of self-improvement and self-learning.

Show Notes:

GetAutonomy.info/ignite (http://getautonomy.info/ignite)

GetAutonomy.info/freedomvault (https://www.universityofreason.com/offers/oT8EzFao/checkout)

Slow Your Scroll example episode (https://odysee.com/@RichardGrove:c/slow-your-scroll-fire-from-the-sky-grove:2)

The Ultimate History Lesson w/ John Taylor Gatto (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQiW_l848t8&list=PL463AA90FD04EC7A2)

Vladislav Trétiak : entre Moscou et Montréal (https://archive.org/details/vladislavtretiak0000tret/page/n9/mode/2up)

Parrhesia by Benny Wills (https://productions.bennywills.com/)

Interview 1683 - James Corbett on Crisis and Community (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1683-james-corbett-on-crisis-and-community/)

Chris McMillon interview with John McAfee (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8fmAPwEQdA)

Grand Theft World (https://grandtheftworld.com/)

21st July 2022, 07:15
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: The Future They Want For Us | July 20, 2022


Henrik cover the latest in episode 111 of No-Go Zone July 20, 2022.

21st July 2022, 07:36
Linda Moulton Howe | What Does Remote Viewer B. D. Bolton “See” in This E.T. Death? | July 20, 2022

Source: earthfiles.com (http://earthfiles.com)


TOPICS: What Does Remote Viewer B. D. Bolton “See” in This E.T. Death?

July 18, 2022 - “heat apocalypse” headed for western France
- more Thant 8500 people fled their homes due to wildfires in France
- blazes in Spain, Portugal and Greece
- Temperature passes 40C in London for first time.

July 13, 2022 - “House votes to make it easier to report UFOs”
- “immediate sharing of information…previously prohibited by NDAs”
- Luis Elizondo said as Director of AATIP, “this might open the floodgates”

- “grey color is special type of nano technology…functions as an exoskeleton”
- “orange greys” because of their pale skin

Buddy Bolton remote viewer interview
- “base off coast of Peru”
- “ETs use manganese nodules”
- “the UFO highway..over the Nazco Lines”
- “Wright Patterson has a biological lab”

21st July 2022, 07:54
Andrei Martyanov | Mobilization and Real Economy | July 20, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Why West is desperate for Russian mobilization. Real military economy and manufacturing. Lavrov explains SMO objectives.

21st July 2022, 12:23
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov talks Ukraine, sanctions and nuclear war | July 20, 2022

Source: rt.com (http://rt.com)


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke about Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine, sanctions and the confrontation with the West in an interview to RT and Sputnik on Wednesday.

Speaking with RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan, the minister explained why, despite a promising start, peace talks with Ukraine effectively broke down in spring.

He shared his views about the risks of a nuclear war with the West and how Western-supplied heavy weapons affect the fighting on the ground in Ukraine, as well as decision-making in Moscow regarding the conflict.

Lavrov also discussed the effects of the sanctions on the European economy and the delivery of Russian gas to EU member states.

22nd July 2022, 07:13
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | July 21, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


The US Military's new "transgender" policy... what could possibly go wrong?

Report: The Army Will Force Female Soldiers to Shower With Biological Males (https://redstate.com/alexparker/2022/07/16/report-the-army-will-force-female-soldiers-to-shower-with-biological-males-n596341)

And a transformer at Hoover Dam allegedly blows up:

Small explosion at the Hoover Dam in Nevada (https://bnonews.com/index.php/2022/07/small-explosion-at-the-hoover-dam-in-nevada/)

Russia Says It’s Losing Because Ukraine Has Experimental Mutant Troops Created in Secret Biolabs (https://news.yahoo.com/russia-says-losing-because-ukraine-104546288.html)

Boomerang! Russian Missile Takes A ‘180 Degrees Turn’ & Strikes Its Own Troops In A Shocking Video From Ukraine (https://eurasiantimes.com/boomerang-russian-missile-takes-a-180-degrees-turn-strikes-its-own-troops-in-a-shocking-video-from-ukraine/)

25th July 2022, 06:02
David Icke | Heatwave? - Who Benefits? | July 21, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


25th July 2022, 06:14
Redice TV | “There’s No Conspiracy To Replace You. It’s Just Fascists Who Are Afraid.” | July 22, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik and Lana cover the latest crazy news in episode 177 of Flashback Friday July 22, 2022.

25th July 2022, 06:23
Claire Rae Randall | The War on Gender: Postmodernism and Trans Identity - PART 1 | July 24, 2022

Source: legalise-freedom.com (http://legalise-freedom.com)


Claire Rae Randall discusses her book 'The War on Gender: Postmodernism and Trans Identity (https://arktos.com/product/the-war-on-gender)'.

Transgender rights have recently come to the fore as a social issue and yet there are many who feel that this is being pushed too far and too fast. Claire Rae Randall is a transsexual woman who transitioned in the 1980s and is deeply concerned about this precipitous rate of change. Can it have a happy ending? 'The War on Gender' examines the progress of trans from a personal perspective, which has seen it come from being a marginal issue to one that is now having a disproportionate influence on social values.

Including material on the neuro-development of gender, medical, legal, and ethical issues, metaphysical analysis, and critique of the postmodernist deconstruction of gender, this book challenges the viral transformation that transgender ideology has already wrought upon Western society.

25th July 2022, 06:41
Dark Journalist | Einstein & Hapgood In The HotZone Pole Shift Atlantis | July 22, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


Join us for this Special X-Series Episode that follows the historic trail of Professor Charles Hapgood, his collaborator Scientist Albert Einstein and Psychic Edgar Cayce.

A fascinating previously unknown set of details emerges in this episode that shows the reason why Einstein supported the Pole Shift research of Scientist Charles Hapgood and that they were on a desperate search for the coordinates of the mysterious 'Hot Zone' where land connected to the legendary Atlantis will rise in the Atlantic between Cuba and Bimini!

25th July 2022, 09:00
Trey Downes with Tom Campbell on The Power of Imagination | July 24, 2022

Source: my-big-TOE.com (http://my-big-TOE.com)


An insightful interview by Trey Downes that delves into our nature and why imagination is so powerful.

From Trey's interview:
In the early 1970s, Tom began researching altered states of consciousness with Bob Monroe at the Monroe Institute in Virginia using basic scientific methodologies. Campbell took what he experienced directly and learned from all of the experiments at the Institute and wrote the trilogy “My Big TOE” (TOE stands for “theory of everything”).

According to Tom, “it represents the results and conclusions of 40+years of careful scientific exploration of the boundaries and contents of reality from both the physical and metaphysical viewpoints…By demanding high quality repeatable, empirical, evidential data to separate what's real (exists independently and externally) from what's imaginary or illusory; Campbell has scientifically derived this general model of reality.”

25th July 2022, 11:16
The Corbett Report | What Hath God Wrought (The Media Matrix — Part 2) | July 25, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/whathathgodwrought/)


It's difficult for us to appreciate just how incredible it was for those who first witnessed communication from a distance with a disembodied electric ghost. In fact, it was almost impossible for people to understand this type of communication in anything but spiritual terms. Even the word "medium" evokes the specter of contact with the spirit world. . . .

Transcript (https://www.corbettreport.com/whathathgodwrought/)

26th July 2022, 07:35
Dr. Joel Wallach | No Genetically Transmitted Diseases - Ask Doc Live | July 22, 2022

Source: criticalhealthnews.com (http://criticalhealthnews.com)


Dr. Joel Wallach shows that there are no genetically transmitted diseases before he answering dozens of questions from our engaged and interested audience.

26th July 2022, 07:55
Andrei Martyanov | Experts? | July 25, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


US Russia "Experts" and "TV" generals.

27th July 2022, 07:52
Dr. Joseph Farrell | Die Glocke Bell Technology, Covert Break Away Groups, UFO Disclosure | July 26, 2022

Source: Raised By Giants youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/RaisedByGiants), gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


This weeks episode we have Oxford Scholar, Researcher and Writer Dr. Joesph Farrell. We speak about Die Glocke Bell Technology, Covert Break Away Groups, UFO Disclosure and much more.

27th July 2022, 11:04
Max Igan | Your Government Wants You Dead | July 27, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


27th July 2022, 14:20
James Corbett | Media, Truth and Power | July 27, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1736-james-corbett-on-media-truth-and-power/)


James talks to Alison Morrow about his new documentary series, The Media Matrix. They discuss the history of the mass media, its effects on the population, how media power translates to political power, the printing press' role in the creation of the nation-state and the electronic media's role in the creation of globalization, where media technology is heading and how people can defend themselves against the dehumanization influence of electronic media.

Show Notes:
Alison Morrow support page (Locals.com) (https://alisonmorrow.locals.com/)
The Media Matrix (https://www.corbettreport.com/media/)
Mass Media: A History (online course (https://www.corbettreport.com/massmedia/))
Amusing Ourselves to Death (https://archive.org/details/amusingourselves0000post) by Neil Postman
Understanding Media (https://archive.org/details/understandingmed00mclurich) by Marshall McLuhan
Simulacra and Simulation (https://archive.org/details/simulacrasimula000baud)by Jean Baudrillard
The Rockefellers (PBS documentary) (https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/rockefellers/)
The Perfect Machine: Television and the Bomb (https://archive.org/details/perfectmachinete00nels/) by Joyce Nelson

28th July 2022, 07:13
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Ben Shapiro In Israel, Monkeypox Damage Control, Norse Heritage Basically Criminalized | July 27, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest insane developments in episode 112 of No-Go Zone this Odin's day July 27, 2022.

28th July 2022, 11:29
David Icke | There Is A War On Children - Anyone Notice? Anyone Care? | July 27, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


28th July 2022, 12:29
Linda Moulton Howe | This hand is not art nor alien, so what is it? | July 27, 2022


This hand is not art nor alien, so what is it?

NASA may use satellites in hunt for UFOs

The pentagon is officially opening a UFO office - Live Science
- AARO - All-domain Anomaly Office

Source of the photo revealed?

Update from remote viewer Buddy Bolton on connection to the death of Lisa McPherson

28th July 2022, 14:34
Stephan A. Schwartz and Thomas W. Campbell on Science, Consciousness, and a Better World | July 28, 2022

Source: my-big-TOE.com (http://my-big-TOE.com), stephanaschwartz.com (http://stephanaschwartz.com), schwartzreport.net (http://schwartzreport.net)


When two brilliant researchers with nearly a century of experience and experiments between them, agree on the commonalities of their findings on consciousness, a truly fascinating discussion follows!

In this interview, Stephan Schwartz, interdisciplinary scholar, remote viewing research founder, and one of the preeminent remote viewers in the world, and Tom Campbell, physicist and consciousness researcher, each present their views on how science and their discoveries on consciousness can help inspire you to create a better world.

Scientist, futurist, award-winning author of both fiction and nonfiction Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Associated Scholar of the California Institute for Human Science, Distinguished Consulting Faculty Saybrook, University, and a BIAL Foundation Fellow. He is a columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication Schwartzreport.net in both of which he covers trends that are affecting the future. For over 40 years, as an experimentalist, he has been studying the nature of consciousness. Schwartz is part of the small group that founded modern Remote Viewing research and is the principal researcher studying the use of Remote Viewing in anthropology and archaeology.

In addition to his own non-fiction books and novels, he is the author of more than 250 technical reports, papers, academic book chapters, prefaces, and introductions, and has made over a thousand presentations to universities, institutions, and government agencies around the world. His work has been covered worldwide by numerous magazines, newspapers, and television productions, and he is the recipient of the Parapsychological Association Outstanding Contribution Award, the U.S. Navy’s Certificate of Commendation, OOOM Magazine's (Germany) 100 Most Inspiring People in the World Award, and the 2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Award for Outstanding Contributions, and is listed in multiple Who’s Who.

29th July 2022, 06:40
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | July 28, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


The stupidity of the Greens and their climate change cult:

Article: Scholz Opens Door for Extending Nuclear Power in Germany (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-07-22/scholz-opens-door-for-extending-nuclear-power-in-germany)

29th July 2022, 07:02
New World Next Week | The Crisis of Scientism | July 29, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: Trauma And Stress, Not Chemical Imbalance, Likely Cause Of Depression (https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/mind-and-spirit/article-713106)

The Serotonin Theory Of Depression: A Systematic Umbrella Review Of The Evidence (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-022-01661-0)
The New Study on Serotonin and Depression Isn’t About Antidepressants (https://www.vice.com/en/article/88qge4/the-new-study-on-serotonin-and-depression-isnt-about-antidepressants-chemical-imbalance)
Initial Severity and Antidepressant Benefits: A Meta-Analysis of Data Submitted to the Food and Drug Administration (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18303940/)
Challenging Received Wisdom: Antidepressants and the Placebo Effect (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2582668/)
Do You Still Believe in the “Chemical Imbalance Theory of Mental Illness”? (https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/04/29/do-you-still-believe-in-the-chemical-imbalance-theory-of-mental-illness/)
Psychiatry & Big Pharma: Exposed - Dr James Davies, PhD (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Nd40Uy6tbQ)
Medicated to Death: SSRIs and Mass Killings (https://www.corbettreport.com/medicated-to-death-ssris-and-mass-killings/)

Story #2: ‘Manipulated’ Alzheimer’s Data May Have Misled Research For 16 Years (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/07/21/manipulated-alzheimers-data-may-have-misled-research-16-years/)

CRISPR Gene Editing May Cause Permanent Damage - Study (https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/article-712930)
Biden Tells Reporters He Has Cancer During Climate Change Event In Massachusetts (https://www.rt.com/news/559347-biden-i-have-cancer/)
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False (https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124)
Episode 353 - The Crisis of Science (https://www.corbettreport.com/sciencecrisis/)
Episode 354 - Solutions: Open Science (https://www.corbettreport.com/openscience/)

Story #3: Sowing Hunger, Reaping Profits – A Food Crisis By Design (https://navdanyainternational.org/new-report-sowing-hunger-reaping-profits-a-food-crisis-by-design/)

PDF: "Sowing Hunger, Reaping Profits – A Food Crisis By Design" (https://navdanyainternational.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/SOWING-HUNGER-REAPING-PROFITS-REPORT-d1.pdf)
The Nitrogen Problem in Agriculture (https://navdanyainternational.org/the-nitrogen-problem-in-agriculture/)
We're All Dutch Farmers Now (https://www.corbettreport.com/were-all-dutch-farmers-now/)
We're All Sri Lankan Farmers Now (https://www.corbettreport.com/were-all-sri-lankan-farmers-now/)
The Gates/Rockefeller "Green Revolution" Scam Exposed (https://www.corbettreport.com/the-gates-rockefeller-green-revolution-scam-exposed/)

29th July 2022, 13:24
Dr. Richard Alan Miller | Bending Your Mind Around Space And Time... | March 29, 2022

Source: richardalanmiller.com (http://richardalanmiller.com)



Dr. Richard Alan Miller has a long and extensive resume in the fields of Physics, Metaphysics and Agriculture. Here are just some of the highlights from his very rich and varied resume – from solid state physics to states of consciousness and much in between…

Prodigious from an early age, two of Richard Miller’s high school science projects were adopted by NASA, including one used in the Mariner 4 mission to determine the amount of water on the planet Mars. At age 16 he built a linear accelerator and hydrogen bubble chamber for a science fair project and was the first American to demonstrate particles going faster than the speed of light.

He’s been involved in research and projects – many at top secret level – that have formed the basis of several modern-day scientific inventions. Miller’s research in the field of paranormal began as a graduate physicist working 11 years with Navy Intel (Anesthesiology). His work includes foundational papers on A Holographic Concept of Reality and Embryonic Holography and work with microwaves and synthetic telepathy. He was used as Timothy Leary’s experimental guinea pig to see what the effects of LSD were when taken by a Mensa level genius.

Dr. Miller was the real-life character that the X-Files’ Fox Mulder was based on – investigating unexplained phenomena for Navy Seal Corp and MRU, which put him in the path of many incredible life experiences, including an encounter with an alien and travel to an underground Antarctic Nazi base.

He conducted ESP experiments with astronaut Edgar Mitchell on the dark side of the Moon, and he developed early protocols and trained Navy Seals in ESP and Super Soldier techniques.

As an agriculturalist, he is a recognized expert in the growing and marketing of crops and herbals and has invented ingenious and effective farm machinery specific to the type of crops to be harvested and had input into production of some of the largest crop producers in the world.

He’s even played tennis at a Davis Cup level.

His metaphysical works spring from his mother and grandmother, who were renowned psychic investigators and he himself is a high-level initiate of several traditions and lodges. His grandfather was the magician who trained Houdini.

Dr. Miller’s key strength is in “joining the dots” and drawing from his vast pool of research and insight to find ingenious links and applications for designs, projects and development.

As an author he has written prolifically, with some most recent releases including Power Tools for the 21st Century and ESP Induction Through Forms of Self-Hypnosis. He has also recently released audio courses in Metaphysics.

And all of that is just the tip of the iceberg! Dr. Richard Alan Miller is a ‘whirlwind experience’ to behold.

A pioneer in the annals of metaphysical and paranormal exploration, he is re-emerging as a preferred internet radio guest at a critical time in humanity’s, evolution where metaphysics and practical survival converge.

Jared Murphy is the researcher and author of “It’s Not Aliens, Worse, It’s Us: Discovering Our Lost History” & Podcaster.

15th August 2022, 09:54
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Aug. 4, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


So.... Nancy Pelosi flew to Taiwan.., but what was it really all about? Joseph has a few geopolitical high octane speculations.

15th August 2022, 09:58
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Aug. 11, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


While most of us have been focused on the banana republic shenanigans of Swampington DC, you may not have noticed that the entire Japanese cabinet has resigned, and a major reshuffling of appointments is being done by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida...

Japan’s government resigns in its entirety (https://www.businesstoday.com.my/2022/08/10/japans-government-resigns-in-its-entirety)

The Japanese cabinet resigned. (https://sachkhabrain.com/en/world/the-japanese-cabinet-resigned)

16th August 2022, 07:15
Whitney Webb | One Nation Under Blackmail | Aug. 8, 2022

Source: unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com)


In this episode, Whitney gives an overview of her upcoming book One Nation Under Blackmail, discussing in general terms what the book covers, its thesis, and what it hopes to accomplish. Also addressed are some frequently asked questions about shipping, an audiobook version, etc.

Podcast Timestamps

01:47 Why Is The Book So Long?
03.16 Placing Epstein In The Network
04:28 What Is This Network?
06:24 The Enterprise
07:37 Bruce Hemmings Quote
13:50 Structure Of The Book
17:05 Key Businessmen Linked To The Mob
19:14 1920s And 30s, Organized Crime In New York politics
24:25 Epstein’s connections In The 80s And Watergate
25:57 The Private CIA
28:54 William Casey
31:54 Iran Contra
33:00 Savings And Loans
35:46 Bill Clinton, Arkansas, Mena
36:19 Robert Maxwell And Promis Software
40:37 Weapons Plan
42:55 Part One Ends – Reagan, Franklin Scandal, Airlines
46:06 Epstein’s Early Life Through Bear Stearns
46:27 Epstein And Real Estate
49:15 Les Wexner
51:01 Death Of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell
52.12 Epstein’s Visits To The White House
54.57 Southern Air Transport
01:01:54 Global Power Structures
01.04.58 Israel-China Relationship
01:09:18 Tied In With Prince Andrew
01:10:36 Southern Air Transport, Early WH Visits, Sex Trafficking operation
01:12:52 Prince Andrew/Post Clinton Presidency
01:14:06 Silicon Valley
01:14:52 Summary
01:21:10 Logistical Details

16th August 2022, 09:11
New World Next Week | Zawahiri Receives his Retirement Party | Aug. 5, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Show Notes:

Story #1: Nancy Pelosi Ends Whirlwind Tour of Taiwan (https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4615416)

Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan Could Be Start of World War III (https://covertactionmagazine.com/2022/08/03/covertaction-bulletin-pelosis-visit-to-taiwan-could-be-start-of-world-war-iii/)
NBC Just Simulated A War With China: Here's What Happened (https://www.corbettreport.com/nbc-just-simulated-a-war-with-china-heres-what-happened/)
Dispatches from Taiwan: Follow an Atlantic Council delegation as it visits the island (https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/dispatches-from-taiwan-follow-an-atlantic-council-delegation-as-it-visits-the-island/)
Former US secretary of defense-led delegation arrives in Taiwan (https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4599096)
China set to begin effective Taiwan blockade hours after Nancy Pelosi concludes visit (https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3187619/china-set-begin-effective-taiwan-blockade-hours-after-nancy)
Implications of a Coercive Quarantine of Taiwan by the People's Republic of China (https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RRA1279-1.html)

Story #2: Biden Says US Drone Strike Killed al-Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri; Taliban Condemned Strike (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/08/01/us-claims-al-qaeda-leader-ayman-al-zawahri-killed-in-cia-drone-strike-in-afghanistan/)

US Has No DNA Confirmation of Ayman al-Zawahiri’s Death; The White House says it has 'visual' confirmation and confirmation through 'other sources' (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/08/02/us-has-no-dna-confirmation-of-ayman-al-zawahiris-death/)
Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri 'died one month ago', reports claim (Nov. 14, 2020) (https://english.alaraby.co.uk/news/al-qaeda-leader-died-one-month-ago-reports-claim)
Military says it can't confirm report of Zawahiri death (Aug. 1, 2008) (https://archive.ph/DdsJ2)
False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda (https://www.corbettreport.com/alqaeda/)
Episode 258 - Know Your Terrorists: Ayman Al-Zawahiri (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-258-know-your-terrorists-ayman-al-zawahiri/)
Al Qaeda Honcho Zawahiri Got Droned and No One Gave a **** (https://archive.ph/fUdIU)

Story #3: UN Declares War on “Dangerous” Conspiracy Theories: “The World Is NOT Secretly Manipulated By Global Elite” (https://worldfreedomalliance.org/au/news/un-declares-war-on-dangerous-conspiracy-theories-the-world-is-not-secretly-manipulated-by-global-elite/)

UNESCO Says: “#ThinkBeforeSharing - Stop the Spread of Conspiracy Theories” (https://en.unesco.org/themes/gced/thinkbeforesharing)
ZIP: Download full social media pack (English) (https://en.unesco.org/sites/default/files/unesco-conspiracy-sm-english.zip)
The Media Matrix (DVD) (https://newworldnextweek.com/products/the-media-matrix-dvd)
Mass Media: A History (Digital Download) (https://newworldnextweek.com/products/mass-media-a-history)
'Octopus' Radio Play (Digital Download) (https://newworldnextweek.com/products/octopus)
Media Monarchy Baseball Caps (https://newworldnextweek.com/products/media-monarchy-baseball-caps)
@FullSailBrewing Did you guys know that Session 12pk boxes are perfect for CD storage? (https://twitter.com/mediamonarchy/status/422557641152278528)

17th August 2022, 14:05
The Corbett Report | Mass Media Q & A - Questions For Corbett | Aug. 17, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/mediaqanda/)


As promised, today James does a question and answer with some students of his Mass Media: A History (https://newworldnextweek.com/products/mass-media-a-history) online course. From the history of media to our relationship with to an intriguing question about Gulf War embedded reporting that goes in a very unexpected direction, you won't want to miss this info-packed Q&A.

Show Notes:

Mass Media: A History (https://newworldnextweek.com/products/mass-media-a-history)

The Subtlecain podcast (https://thesubtlecainpodcast.buzzsprout.com/1879942)

Interview 1702 - James Corbett on The Subtlecain Podcast (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1702-james-corbett-on-the-subtlecain-podcast/)

Really Simple Syndication - #SolutionsWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/really-simple-syndication-solutionswatch/)

The Media Matrix (https://www.corbettreport.com/media/)

VinCognito.com (https://vincognito.com/)

Vinnie Caggiano Odysee Channel (https://odysee.com/@vincognito:7)

The Dangers of Embedded Journalism (https://www.counterpunch.org/2010/11/23/the-dangers-of-embedded-journalism/) by Patrick Cockburn

Conversations with History: Robert Fisk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjoGLA4mVxU)

CNN Fake Newscast Best Quality (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTWY14eyMFg)

DEBUNKED: CNN Blue Screen/Green Screen Hoaxes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afSzodfmjaE)

The Gulf War did not take place (https://archive.org/details/gulfwardidnottak0000baud/)

Hitchens vs. Heston: Gulf War debate on CNN (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scmhi2Ub_g0)

18th August 2022, 07:14
Andrei Martyanov | Submarines and Copium | Aug. 17, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


ARMY-2022 opened for public. Arktur and other "animals".

18th August 2022, 07:20
Max Igan | Open Genocide and Systemic Child Abuse in Government | Aug. 18, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


18th August 2022, 07:46
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: If You Can't Join Them, Beat Them | Aug. 17, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the most recent desperate attempt to criminalize an entire political category in episode 115 of No-Go Zone this August 17, 2022.

18th August 2022, 13:17
Dr. Joel Wallach | Arthritis And Osteoporosis - Ask Doc Live | Aug. 12, 2022

Source: criticalhealthnews.com (http://criticalhealthnews.com)


Dr. Joel Wallach discusses arthritis and osteoporosis before he answering dozens of questions from our engaged and interested audience.

19th August 2022, 06:10
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Aug. 18, 2022


Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)

India is full of surprises... Germany, not so much...Our first story is courtesy of E.G., and our second from L.G.L.R:


Russia, China And India To Hold Massive "Vostok" War Games In Two Weeks (https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/russia-china-and-india-hold-massive-vostok-war-games-two-weeks)

Poland’s central bank chief warns of German designs on Polish territory (https://www.politico.eu/article/poland-central-bank-adam-glapinski-germany-design-poland-territory/)

19th August 2022, 07:45
New World Next Week | Conspiratainment Bingo! | Aug. 18, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


This week on the New World Next Week it's Conspiratainment Bingo as WEF (doesn't) promote AI for censorship; the White House tells social media platforms to censor journalists; and the Moonies conspiracy in Japan is revealed.

Story #1: World Economic Forum Proposes AI to Automate Censorship of “Hate Speech” and “Misinformation” (https://reclaimthenet.org/wef-ai-censor-hate-speech-and-misinformation/)

The Solution to Online Abuse? AI Plus Human Intelligence (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/08/online-abuse-artificial-intelligence-human-input)

Story #2: Independent Journalist Alex Berenson Presents Evidence Biden Admin Targeted Him and Twitter Acted (https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/the-white-house-privately-demanded)

Bing Is Censoring Search Results for Alex Berenson's "Unreported Truths" Substack (https://www.blacklistednews.com/article/83190/bing-is-censoring-search-results-for-alex-berensons-unreported-truths.html)
An Ex-New York Times Reporter Has Become the Right’s Go-To Coronavirus Skeptic (https://archive.ph/E1IDx)

Story #3: Unification Church Ties Cited In 40% of Senior Administrative Positions In Japan (https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14696223)

How Rev. Moon’s ‘Snakes’ Infested the US (Sep. 4, 2012) (https://mediamonarchy.com/how-rev-moons-snakes-infested-us/)
Abe’s Assassin Once Tried to Kill the Leader of the ‘Moonies’ Church (https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkgb8m/abes-assassin-once-tried-to-kill-the-leader-of-the-moonies-church)
有田「当時オウムの次は統一協会を摘発すると警察庁幹部は言っていた。でも摘発しなかった。10年後、なぜ摘発しなかったのかと聞いたら、幹部はひとこと、政治の力です。と答えた。」玉川はじめ全員、絶句。すぐC M。 (https://twitter.com/d7WvPiRk2PZIUii/status/1548835612765011970)
Trump Spoke at a 9/11 'Moonies' Conference, Praising Controversial Unification Church
(https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-speaks-at-moonies-911-event-praises-unification-church-2021-9)Video: #BennyWills #MemeMonday MEME-a-Lago & the IRS (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7E0QZtDA9I)
The Media Matrix (DVD) (https://newworldnextweek.com/products/the-media-matrix-dvd)

22nd August 2022, 06:23
The Corbett Report | FLASHBACK: Meet Henry Kissinger (2009) | Aug. 21, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/kissinger/)

FROM 2009: A war criminal, a genocidal eugenicist, a power-hungry plotter, a modern-day Machiavelli, a Rockefeller toadie. Meet Henry Kissinger.


Show Notes:

22nd August 2022, 06:51
Dark Journalist | Continuity Of Government & UFO File! | Aug. 19, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


Emergency Powers!
Join us for this Special LiveStream as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on the Strange connections between the Mar-a-Lago FBI Raid relating to hidden documents of The UFO File and the murky Continuity of Government (COG) Program.

The current version of COG was set up by Dick Cheney and others in the 1980s and set to be activated with just the Right Emergency Powers gambit (UFO Threat), This further explains the odd embrace by Liberal Media of Cheney's daughter Liz.

22nd August 2022, 09:24
Truthstream Media | Sharks with Freaking Laser Beams Attached to Their Heads | Aug. 20, 2022

Source: TruthstreamMedia.com (http://TruthstreamMedia.com)


22nd August 2022, 12:55
Max Igan | Our Society is Built On A Foundation Of Systemic Dysfunction | Aug. 20, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


24th August 2022, 06:44
The Corbett Report | Corbett Pirate Streams - #SolutionsWatch | Aug. 24, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-corbettpirate/)


Last year, Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond (https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/) appeared on #SolutionsWatch to introduce you to the concept of YouTube Pirate Streams (https://www.corbettreport.com/youtube-pirate-streams-solutionswatch/). This year, Ryan is back to talk about how the concept has developed and expanded . . . and to introduce some upcoming #CorbettPirateStreams where James and Ryan will be doing a watch along and Q&A on False Flags: A Secret History of Al Qaeda (https://www.corbettreport.com/alqaeda/). Be there or be square!


* NOTE: The links to the live streams will be active on the day of the live stream

Sunday, August 28th @ 8:00 PM Eastern - LINK TO LIVESTREAMS (https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/secret-history-alqaeda-1)
False Flags: A Secret History of Al Qaeda - Part 1 Watch along and Q&A

Sunday, September 4th @ 8:00 PM Eastern - LINK TO LIVESTREAMS (https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/secret-history-alqaeda-2)
False Flags: A Secret History of Al Qaeda - Part 2 Watch along and Q&A

Sunday, September 11th @ 8:00 PM Eastern - LINK TO LIVESTREAMS (https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/secret-history-alqaeda-3)
False Flags: A Secret History of Al Qaeda - Part 3 Watch along and Q&A

24th August 2022, 07:05
Andrei Martyanov | Assisted Suicide of Europe | Aug. 23, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Scholz and Germany, EU goes down hard.

24th August 2022, 12:10
The Hidden Truth about the War in Ukraine

Source: thepostil.com (https://www.thepostil.com/the-hidden-truth-about-the-war-in-ukraine/)
by Jacques Baud, August 1, 2022

Jacques Baud is a widely respected geopolitical expert whose publications include many articles and books, including Poutine: Maître du jeu? Gouverner avec les fake news, and L’Affaire Navalny.

The cultural and historical elements that determine the relations between Russia and Ukraine are important. The two countries have a long, rich, diverse, and eventful history together.

This would be essential if the crisis we are experiencing today were rooted in history. However, it is a product of the present. The war we see today does not come from our great-grandparents, our grandparents or even our parents. It comes from us. We created this crisis. We created every piece and every mechanism. We have only exploited existing dynamics and exploited Ukraine to satisfy an old dream: to try to bring down Russia. Chrystia Freeland’s, Antony Blinken’s, Victoria Nuland’s and Olaf Scholz’s grandfathers had that dream; we realized it.

The way we understand crises determines the way we solve them. Cheating with the facts leads to disaster. This is what is happening in Ukraine. In this case the number of issues is so enormous that we will not be able to discuss them here. Let me just focus on some of them.

Did James Baker make Promises to Limit Eastward Expansion of NATO to Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990?

In 2021, NATO (https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/opinions_182812.htm)Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that “there was never a promise (https://www.nato.int/docu/review/articles/2014/07/01/nato-enlargement-and-russia-myths-and-realities/index.html) that NATO would not expand eastward after the fall of the Berlin Wall.” This claim remains widespread among self-proclaimed experts on Russia, who explain that there were no promises because there was no treaty or written agreement. This argument is a bit simplistic and false.

It is true that there are no treaties or decisions of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) that embody such promises. But this does not mean that they have not been formulated, nor that they were formulated out of casualness!

Today we have the feeling that having “lost the Cold War,” the USSR had no say in the European security developments. This is not true. As a winner of the Second World War, the USSR had a de jure a veto right over German reunification. In other words, Western countries had to obtain its agreement, in exchange for which Gorbachev demanded a commitment to the non-expansion of NATO. It should not be forgotten that in 1990 the USSR still existed, and there was no yet question to dismantle it, as the referendum of March 1991 would show. The Soviet Union was therefore not in a weak position and could prevent the reunification.

This was confirmed by Hans-Dietrich Genscher, the German Foreign Minister, in Tutzing (Bavaria) on 31 January 1990, as reported in a cable from the U.S. embassy (https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/document/16112-document-01-u-s-embassy-bonn-confidential-cable) in Bonn:

Genscher warned, however, that any attempt to expand [NATO’s] military reach into the territory of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) would block German reunification.

German reunification had two major consequences for the USSR: the withdrawal of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (GSFG), the most powerful and modern contingent outside its territory, and the disappearance of a significant part of its protective “glacis.” In other words, any move would be at the expense of its security. This is why Genscher stated:

…The changes in Eastern Europe and the process of German unification should not “undermine Soviet security interests.” Therefore, NATO should exclude an “expansion of its territory to the East, i.e. to get closer to the Soviet borders.”

At this stage, the Warsaw Pact was still in force and the NATO doctrine was unchanged. Therefore Mikhail Gorbachev expressed very soon his legitimate concerns for USSR national security. This is what prompted James Baker, the American Secretary of State, to immediately begin discussions with him. On 9 February 1990, in order to appease Gorbachev’s concerns, Baker declared (https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/dc.html?doc=4325680-Document-06-Record-of-conversation-between):

Not only for the Soviet Union but also for other European countries, it is important to have guarantees that if the United States maintains its presence in Germany within the framework of NATO, not one inch of NATO’s current military jurisdiction will spread eastward.

Promises were thus made simply because the West had no alternative, to obtain the USSR’s approval; and without promises Germany would not have been reunified. Gorbachev accepted German reunification (https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/russia-programs/2017-12-12/nato-expansion-what-gorbachev-heard-western-leaders-early) only because he had received assurances from President George H.W. Bush and James Baker, Chancellor Helmut Kohl and his Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, her successor John Major and their Foreign Minister Douglas Hurd, President François Mitterrand, but also from CIA Director Robert Gates and Manfred Wörner, then Secretary General of NATO.

Thus, on 17 May 1990, in a speech in Brussels (https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/newly-declassified-documents-gorbachev-told-nato-wouldnt-23629), Manfred Wörner, NATO Secretary-Geenral, declared:

The fact that we are prepared not to deploy a NATO army beyond German territory gives the Soviet Union a solid guarantee of security.

In February 2022, in the German magazine Der Spiegel (https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/nato-osterweiterung-aktenfund-stuetzt-russische-version-a-1613d467-bd72-4f02-8e16-2cd6d3285295), Joshua Shifrinson, an American political analyst, revealed a declassified SECRET document of March 6, 1991, written after a meeting of the political directors of the foreign ministries of the United States, Great Britain, France and Germany. It reports the words of the German representative, Jürgen Chrobog:

We made it clear in the 2+4 negotiations that we would not extend NATO beyond the Elbe. Therefore, we cannot offer NATO membership to Poland and the others.

The representatives of the other countries also accepted the idea of not offering NATO membership to the other Eastern European countries.

So, written record or not, there was a “deal,” simply because a “deal” was inevitable. Now, in international law, a “promise” is a valid unilateral act that must be respected (“promissio est servanda“). Those who deny this today are simply individuals who do not know the value of a given word.

Did Vladimir Putin disregard the Budapest Memorandum (1994)

In February 2022, at the Munich Security Forum, Volodymyr Zelensky referred to the 1994 Budapest Memorandum and threatened to become a nuclear power again. However, it is unlikely that Ukraine will become a nuclear power again, nor will the nuclear powers allow it to do so. Zelensky and Putin know this. In Fact, Zelensky is not using this memorandum to get nuclear weapons, but to get Crimea back, since the Ukrainians see Russia’s annexation of Crimea as a violation of this treaty. Basically, Zelensky is trying to hold Western countries hostage. To understand that we must go back to events and facts that are opportunistically “forgotten” by our historians.

On 20 January 1991, before the independence of Ukraine, the Crimeans were invited to choose by referendum between two options: to remain with Kiev or to return to the pre-1954 situation and be administered by Moscow. The question asked on the ballot was:

Are you in favor of the restoration of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Crimea as a subject of the Soviet Union and a member of the Union Treaty?

This was the first referendum on autonomy in the USSR, and 93.6% of Crimeans agreed to be attached to Moscow. The Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic of Crimea (ASSR Crimea), abolished in 1945, was thus re-established on 12 February 1991 by the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR. On 17 March, Moscow organized a referendum for the maintenance of the Soviet Union, which would be accepted by Ukraine, thus indirectly validating the decision of the Crimeans. At this stage, Crimea was under the control of Moscow and not Kiev, while Ukraine was not yet independent. As Ukraine organized its own referendum for independence, the participation of the Crimeans remained weak, because they did not feel concerned anymore.

Ukraine became independent six months after Crimea, and after the latter had proclaimed its sovereignty on September 4. On February 26, 1992, the Crimean parliament proclaimed the “Republic of Crimea” with the agreement of the Ukrainian government, which granted it the status of a self-governing republic. On 5 May 1992, Crimea declared its independence and adopted a Constitution. The city of Sevastopol, managed directly by Moscow in the communist system, had a similar situation, having been integrated by Ukraine in 1991, outside of all legality. The following years were marked by a tug of war between Simferopol and Kiev, which wanted to keep Crimea under its control.

In 1994, by signing the Budapest Memorandum, Ukraine surrendered the nuclear weapons of the former USSR that remained on its territory, in exchange for “its security, independence and territorial integrity.” At this stage, Crimea considered that it was—de jure—no longer part of Ukraine and therefore not concerned by this treaty. On its side, the government in Kiev felt strengthened by the memorandum. This is why, on 17 March 1995, it forcibly abolished the Crimean Constitution. It sent its special forces to overthrow Yuri Mechkov, President of Crimea, and de facto annexed the Republic of Crimea, thus triggering popular demonstrations for the attachment of Crimea to Russia. An event hardly reported by the Western media.

Crimea was then governed in an authoritarian manner by presidential decrees from Kiev. This situation led the Crimean Parliament to formulate a new constitution in October 1995, which re-established the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. This new constitution was ratified by the Crimean Parliament on 21 October 1998 and confirmed by the Ukrainian Parliament on 23 December 1998. These events and the concerns of the Russian-speaking minority led to a Treaty of Friendship between Ukraine and Russia on 31 May 1997. In the treaty, Ukraine included the principle of the inviolability of borders, in exchange—and this is very important—for a guarantee of “the protection of the ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious originality of the national minorities on their territory.”

On 23 February 2014, not only did the new authorities in Kiev emerge from a coup d’état that had definitely no constitutional basis and were not elected; but, by abrogating the 2012 Kivalov-Kolesnichenko law on official languages, they no longer respected this guarantee of the 1997 treaty. The Crimeans therefore took to the streets to demand the “return” to Russia that they had obtained 30 years earlier.

On March 4, during his press conference on the situation in Ukraine a journalist asked Vladimir Putin, “How do you see the future of Crimea? Do you consider the possibility that it joins Russia?” he replied:

No, we do not consider it. In general, I believe that only the residents of a given country who are free to decide and safe can and should determine their future. If this right has been granted to the Albanians in Kosovo, if this has been made possible in many parts of the world, then no one is excluding the right of nations to self-determination, which, as far as I know, is laid down in several UN documents. However, we will in no way provoke such a decision and will not feed such feelings.

On March 6, the Crimean Parliament decided to hold a popular referendum to choose between remaining in Ukraine or requesting the attachment to Moscow. It was after this vote that the Crimean authorities asked Moscow for an attachment to Russia.

With this referendum, Crimea had only recovered the status it had legally acquired just before the independence of Ukraine. This explains why it renewed its request to be attached to Moscow, as in January 1991.

Moreover, the status of force agreement (SOFA) between Ukraine and Russia for the stationing of troops in Crimea and Sevastopol had been renewed in 2010 and to run until 2042. Russia therefore had no specific reason to claim this territory. The population of Crimea, which legitimately felt betrayed by the government of Kiev, seized the opportunity to assert its rights.

On 19 February 2022, Anka Feldhusen, the German ambassador in Kiev, threw a spanner in the works by declaring on the television channel Ukraine 24 that the Budapest Memorandum was not legally binding. Incidentally, this is also the American position, as shown by the statement on the website of the American embassy in Minsk.

The whole Western narrative about the “annexation” of Crimea is based on a rewriting of history and the obscuring of the 1991 referendum, which did exist and was perfectly valid. The 1994 Budapest Memorandum remains extensively quoted since February 2022, but the Western narrative simply ignores the 1997 Friendship Treaty which is the reason for the discontent of the Russian-speaking Ukrainian citizens.

Is the Ukrainian Government Legitimate?

The Russians still see the regime change that occurred in 2014 as illegitimate, as it was not done through constitutional process and without any support from a large part of the Ukrainian population.

The Maidan revolution can be broken down into several sequences, with different actors. Today, those who are driven by hatred of Russia are trying to merge these different sequences into one single “democratic impulse”: A way to validate the crimes committed by Ukraine and its neo-Nazis zealots.

At first, the population of Kiev, disappointed by the government’s decision to postpone the signing of the treaty with the EU, gathered in the streets. Regime change was not in the air. This was a simple expression of discontent.

Contrary to what the West claims, Ukraine was then deeply divided on the issue of rapprochement with Europe. A survey conducted (https://www.kyivpost.com/article/content/ukraine-politics/poll-ukrainian-public-split-over-eu-customs-union-options-332470.html) in November 2013 by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) shows that it was split almost exactly “50/50” between those who favored an agreement with the European Union and those favoring a customs union with Russia. In the south and east of Ukraine, industry was strongly linked to Russia, and workers feared that an agreement excluding Russia would kill their jobs. That is what would eventually happen. In fact, at this stage, the aim was already to try to isolate Russia (https://www.e-ir.info/2017/07/14/comparing-ukraines-maidan-2004-with-euromaidan-2014/).

In the Washington Post, Henry Kissinger, Richard Nixon’s National Security Advisor, noted that the European Union “helped turn a negotiation into a crisis.”

What happened later involved ultranationalist and neo-Nazis groups coming from the Western part of the country. Violence erupted and the government withdrew, after signing an agreement with the rioters for new elections. But this was quickly forgotten.

It was nothing less than a coup d’état, led by the United States with the support of the European Union, and carried out without any legal basis, against a government whose election had been qualified by the OSCE as “transparent and honest” and having “offered an impressive demonstration of democracy.” In December 2014, George Friedman, president of the American geopolitical intelligence platform STRATFOR, said in an interview (https://blogs.mediapart.fr/danyves/blog/240115/la-politique-systeme-des-usa-en-ukraine-mise-nu):

Russia defines the event that took place at the beginning of this year [in February 2014] as a coup organized by the US. And as a matter of fact, it was the most blatant [coup] in history.

Unlike European observers, the Atlantic Council, despite being strongly in favor of NATO, was quick to note that the Maidan revolution had been hijacked by certain oligarchs and ultra-nationalists (https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/ukraine-is-in-the-middle-of-counterrevolution-again-is-anyone-paying-attention/)). It noted that the reforms promised by Ukraine had not been carried out and that the Western media stuck to an acritical “black and white” narrative.

A telephone conversation between Victoria Nuland, then Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, and Geoffrey Pyatt, the U.S. ambassador to Kiev, revealed by the BBC, shows that the Americans themselves selected the members of the future Ukrainian government, in defiance of the Ukrainians and the Europeans. This conversation, which became famous thanks to Nuland’s famous “F*** the EU!”

The coup d’état was not unanimously supported by the Ukrainian people, either in substance or in form. It was the work of a minority of ultra-nationalists from western Ukraine (Galicia), who did not represent the whole Ukrainian people. Their first legislative act, on 23 February 2014, was to abrogate the 2012 Kivalov-Kolesnichenko law, which established the Russian language as an official language along with Ukrainian. This is what prompted the Russian-speaking population to start massive protests in the southern part of the country, against authorities they had not elected.

In July 2019, the International Crisis Group (https://www.crisisgroup.org/europe-central-asia/eastern-europe/ukraine/254-rebels-without-cause-russias-proxies-eastern-ukraine) (funded by several European countries and the Open Society Foundation), noted:

The conflict in eastern Ukraine began as a popular movement. […]
The protests were organized by local citizens claiming to represent the Russian-speaking majority in the region. They were concerned both about the political and economic consequences of the new government in Kiev and about that government’s later abandoned measures to prevent the official use of the Russian language throughout the country [“Rebels without a Cause: Russia’s Proxies in Eastern Ukraine,” International Crisis Group, Europe Report N° 254, 16 juillet 2019, p. 2].

Western efforts to legitimate this far-right coup in Kiev led to hide the opposition in the southern part of the country. In order to present this revolution as democratic, the real “hand of the West” was cleverly masked by the imaginary “hand of Russia.” This is how the myth of a Russian military intervention was created. Allegations about a Russian military presence were definitely false, an event the chief of the Ukrainian Security service (SBU) confessed in 2015 (https://www.kyivpost.com/article/content/war-against-ukraine/sbu-registers-involvement-of-56-russian-in-military-actions-against-ukraine-since-military-conflict-in-eastern-ukraien-unfolded-399718.html) that there were no Russian units in Donbass.

To make things worse, Ukraine didn’t gain legitimacy through the way it handled the rebellion. In 2014-2015, poorly advised by NATO military, Ukraine waged a war that could only lead to its defeat: it considered the populations of Donbass and Crimea as enemy foreign forces and made no attempt to win the “hearts and minds” of the autonomists. Instead, its strategy has been to punish the people even further. Bank services were stopped, economic relations with the autonomous regions were simply cut, and Crimea didn’t receive drinking water anymore.

This is why there are so many civilian victims in the Donbass, and why the Russian population still stands in majority behind its government today. The 14,000 victims of the conflict tend to be attributed to the “Russian invaders” and the so-called “separatists.” However, according to the United Nations—more than 80% of civilian casualties are the result of Ukrainian shelling. As we can see, the Ukrainian government is massacring its own people with the help, funding and advice of the military of NATO, the countries of the European Union, which defends its values.

In May 2014, the violent repression of protests prompted the population of some areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine to hold referendums for Self-Determination in the Donetsk People’s Republic (approved by 89%) and in the Lugansk People’s Republic (approved by 96%). Although Western media keeps calling them referendums of “independence,” they are referendums of “self-determination” or “autonomy” (самостоятельность). Until February 2022, our media consistently talked about “separatists” and “separatist republics.” In reality, as stated in the Minsk Agreement, these self-proclaimed republics didn’t seek “independence,” but an “autonomy” within Ukraine, with the ability to use their own language and their own customs.

Is NATO a Defensive Alliance?

NATO’s rationale is to bring European Allies under the US nuclear umbrella. It was designed as a defensive alliance, although recently declassified US documents (https://www.armyupress.army.mil/Portals/7/combat-studies-institute/csi-books/cultural-perspectives.pdf) show that the Soviets had apparently no intention to attack the West.

For the Russians, the question about whether NATO is offensive or defensive is beside the point. To understand Putin’s point of view, we have to consider two things that are usually overlooked by Western commentators: the enlargement of NATO towards the East, and the incremental abandonment of the international security’s normative framework by the US.

In fact, as long as the US didn’t deploy missiles in the vicinity of its borders, Russia didn’t bother so much about NATO extension. Russia itself considered to apply for membership. But problems stated to appear in 2001, as George W. Bush decided to unilaterally withdraw from the ABM Treaty (https://www.armscontrol.org/factsheets/abmtreaty) and to deploy anti-ballistic missiles (ABM) in Eastern Europe. The ABM Treaty was intended to limit the use of defensive missiles, with the rationale of maintaining the deterrent effect of a mutual destruction by allowing the protection of decision-making bodies by a ballistic shield (in order to preserve a negotiating capacity). Thus, it limited the deployment of anti-ballistic missiles to certain specific zones (notably around Washington DC and Moscow) and prohibited it outside national territories.

Since then, the United States has progressively withdrawn from all the arms control agreements established during the Cold War: the ABM Treaty (2002), the Open Skies Treaty (2018) and the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty (2019).

In 2019, Donald Trump justified his withdrawal from the INF Treaty by alleged violations by the Russian side. But, as the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) notes, the Americans never provided proof (https://www.sipri.org/commentary/topical-backgrounder/2018/russian-and-us-policies-inf-treaty-endanger-arms-control) of these violations. In fact, the US was simply trying to get out of the agreement in order to install their AEGIS missile systems in Poland and Romania. According to the US administration, these systems are officially intended to intercept Iranian ballistic missiles. But there are two problems that clearly cast doubt on the good faith of the Americans:

The first one is that there is no indication that the Iranians are developing such missiles, as Michael Ellemann of Lockheed-Martin stated before a committee of the American Senate.

The second one is that these systems use Mk41 launchers, which can be used to launch either anti-ballistic missiles or nuclear missiles. The Radzikowo site, in Poland, is 800 km from the Russian border and 1,300 km from Moscow.

The Bush and Trump administrations said that the systems deployed in Europe were purely defensive. However, even if theoretically true, it is technically and strategically false. For the doubt, which allowed them to be installed, is the same doubt that the Russians could legitimately have in the event of a conflict. This presence in the immediate vicinity of Russia’s national territory can indeed lead to a nuclear conflict. For in the event of a conflict, it would not be possible to know precisely the nature of the missiles loaded in the systems—should the Russians therefore wait for explosions before reacting? In fact, we know the answer: having no early-warning time, the Russians would have practically no time to determine the nature of a fired missile and would thus be forced to respond pre-emptively with a nuclear strike.

Not only does Vladimir Putin see this as a risk to Russia’s security, but he also notes that the United States is increasingly disregarding international law in order to pursue a unilateral policy. This is why Vladimir Putin says that European countries could be dragged into a nuclear conflict without wanting to. This was the substance of his speech in Munich in 2007, and he came with the same argument early 2022, as Emmanuel Macron went to Moscow in February.

Finland and Sweden in NATO—A Good Idea?

The future will tell if Sweden’s and Finland’s decision to apply for NATO membership was a wise idea. They probably overstated the value of the nuclear protection offered by NATO. As a matter of fact, it is very unlikely that the US will sacrifice its national soil by striking Russian soil for the sake of Sweden or Finland. It is more likely that if the US engages nuclear weapons, it will be primarily on European soil and only as a last resort on Russian territory, in order to preserve its own territory from nuclear counter-strike.

Further, these two countries, which met the criteria of neutrality that Russia would want for its direct neighbors, deliberately put themselves in Russia’s nuclear crosshairs. For Russia, the main threat comes from the Central European theater of war. In other words, in the event of a hypothetical conflict in Europe, Russian forces would be engaged primarily in Central Europe, and could use their theater nuclear armies to “flank” their operations by striking the Nordic countries, with virtually no risk of a U.S. nuclear response.

Was it Impossible to Leave the Warsaw Pact?

The Warsaw Pact was created just after Germany joined NATO, for exactly the same reasons we have described above. Its largest military engagement was the invasion of Czechoslovakia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warsaw_Pact_invasion_of_Czechoslovakia) in August 1968 (with the participation of all Pact nations, except Albania and Romania). This event resulted in Albania withdrawing from the Pact less than a month later, and Romania ceasing to participate actively in the military command of the Warsaw Pact after 1969. Therefore, asserting that no one was free to leave the treaty is not correct.

25th August 2022, 09:52
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Fauci Quits, Covid Deflection, Biden “Cancels” Student Debt & Billions More For Ukraine | Aug. 24, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover some of the latest insane developments in episode 116 of No-Go Zone this August 24, 2022.

26th August 2022, 06:31
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Aug. 25, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Communist China, Nationalist China, and Japan... again... and from Russia's point of view:

Drawing the sword: Is Japan getting ready to move against China? (https://www.rt.com/news/561395-japan-taiwan-relationships-china)

26th August 2022, 06:47
New World Next Week | Saskatchewan Threatens to Arrest Inspector Trudeau's Nitrogen Agents | Aug. 26, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com, (http://corbettreport.com,) mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: Finance Groups Risk Being Kicked Out of Mark Carney-Led Climate Coalition (https://archive.ph/kwqmY)

Mark Carney to Chair New $750B Real Assets Giant
(https://citywireselector.com/news/mark-carney-to-chair-new-750bn-real-assets-giant/a2394822)ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) Funds Are Quietly Buying Oil and Gas Stocks to Chase Return (https://stockhead.com.au/news/the-ethical-investor-esg-funds-are-quietly-buying-oil-and-gas-stocks-to-chase-return/)
"Exxon is rated top ten best in world for environment, social & governance (ESG) by S&P 500, while Tesla didn’t make the list! ESG is a scam. It has been weaponized by phony social justice warriors." (https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1526958110023245829)
Nigel Topping: High-Level Climate Action Champion (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/nigel-topping)

Story #2: Saskatchewan Warns Trudeau's Federal Nitrogen Agents Could Be Arrested (https://thecountersignal.com/trudeau-officers-threatened-with-arrest/)

Why Is Saskatchewan's Vaccination Rate So Low? (Oct. 15, 2021) (https://thestarphoenix.com/news/local-news/covid-19-why-is-saskatchewans-vaccination-rate-so-low)
We're All Dutch Farmers Now (https://www.corbettreport.com/were-all-dutch-farmers-now/)
We're All Sri Lankan Farmers Now (https://www.corbettreport.com/were-all-sri-lankan-farmers-now/)
IRS Orders Massive Security Review Amid Threats Over Hiring Spree (https://nypost.com/2022/08/24/irs-orders-massive-security-review-amid-surge-in-threats/)
Facebook Censors Claims IRS Posted Job Requiring “Deadly Force” (https://reclaimthenet.org/facebook-censors-claims-irs-posted-job-requiring-deadly-force/)

Story #3: Two Guilty On All Charges in “Rigged” Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Retrial (http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=63294)

Brandon Caserta Found Not Guilty of Conspiracy to Kidnap In First Trial, After 18 Months Behind Bars (https://www.fox17online.com/news/governor-kidnapping-plot/man-acquitted-on-all-charges-in-first-governor-whitmer-kidnap-plot-trial-speaks-to-fox-17)
Video: Man Acquitted On All Charges In 1st Gov. Whitmer Kidnap Plot Trial Speaks (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xG9HokeIGo)
"Judge put his full weight on the scale in favor of government and it worked." (https://twitter.com/julie_kelly2/status/1562106812530413570)
Corbett Report Radio 197 - American Terror Created by the FBI (https://www.corbettreport.com/corbett-report-radio-197-american-terror-created-by-the-fbi/)

26th August 2022, 14:23
Whitney Webb | How blackmail controls the United States | Aug. 25, 2022

Source: alisonmorrowmedia.com (http://alisonmorrowmedia.com), unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com)


Investigative journalist, Whitney Webb, discusses the second volume of her book, "One Nation Under Blackmail."

29th August 2022, 13:52
Dark Journalist | Special Report: UFO File War Games & Nukes | Aug. 26, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


Dark Journalist will go deep and show that Intel Agencies like the CIA and the Media are now promoting the ET shutdown of Nuclear Missiles as a menacing threat as part of a high stakes contest of the National Security State UFO File WarGames...!

30th August 2022, 07:46
Andrei Martyanov | Doctrine-Mongering | Aug. 29, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Doctrine-Mongering as coping mechanism.

30th August 2022, 07:53
Max Igan | Future's Now | Aug. 30, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


30th August 2022, 14:12
James Fox | Proof The Military Captured A Live Alien In Brazil | Aug. 29, 2022

Source: Koncrete youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/Koncrete)


James Fox is the director of 'The Phenomenon' - a documentary about UFO's and a global effort to conceal their existence. His new film 'Moment of Contact' is an exploration of an extraterrestrial encounter in Varginha, Brazil. A number of locals, including a group of girls ranging in age from 14-21, had a close encounter with a being described as about 4 feet tall, with brown oily skin, a large head and huge red eyes.


0:00 - Introduction
15:05 - Phoenix lights
23:30 - The TV / Film industry
37:20 - Stigma & UFO's
41:00 - Encounters of the 3rd kind
44:25 - New whistleblower protection bill
48:00 - The secret footage being held by aerospace companies
1:01:30 - Nixon & Jackie Gleason
1:05:20 - The implications of disclosure
1:14:30 - Varginha UFO crash
1:27:00 - First documented case of an alien being
1:47:45 - The officer who handled the being
1:52:00 - US Air Force influence / intimidation
1:54:30 - The x-ray technician
2:02:00 - Rescue craft searching neighborhood
2:08:30 - Where is the footage?
2:14:30 - Harvard psychiatrist John Mack
2:22:30 - The Zimbabwe school encounter
2:30:30 - The Westall school encounter
2:40:15 - Area 51 test flight footage
2:58:00 - Don't shoot at UFO's
03:02:00 - UFO's & schools

Moment of Contact (2022) | Official Trailer


30th August 2022, 14:25
The Corbett Report | False Flags Watch Along (Part 1) | Aug. 30, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), thelastamericanvagabond.com (http://thelastamericanvagabond.com)


On Sunday, August 28th, James Corbett and Broc West of The Corbett Report joined Ryan Cristian for a live Corbett Pirate Stream to watch and discuss Part 1 of False Flags: A Secret History of Al Qaeda.

CLICK HERE (https://www.corbettreport.com/alqaeda/) for the complete, hyperlinked transcript of the False Flags documentary and links to audio and video downloads.

30th August 2022, 15:13
Dr. Frédéric Leroy | The Food Control Cult, Anti-Meat Elite, & The Frankenfood Industrial Complex | Aug. 29, 2022

Source: TheHighersideChats.com (http://TheHighersideChats.com), aleph-2020.blogspot.com (https://aleph-2020.blogspot.com/p/authors.html)


About Today's Guest:
Dr. Frédéric Leroy graduated as a Bioengineer (Ghent University, 1998) and obtained a PhD in Applied Biological Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB, 2002), where he now holds a professorship in food science and (bio)technology.

His research deals with bacterial communities in (fermented) foods, human and animal health, food studies, and 'food traditions'. He is a member of academic non-profit societies, i.e., the Belgian Association of Meat Science and Technology (BAMST, president), Belgian Society for Food Microbiology (BSFM, president), and Belgian Nutrition Society (BNS).

On a non-remunerated basis, he also serves on the Scientific Board of World Farmers' Organization (WFO), FAO/COAG Sub-Committee on Livestock, and Danone Institute Belgium.

31st August 2022, 16:36
Whitney Webb | Inflation Reduction & “Green” Banking with Catherine Austin Fitts | Aug. 26, 2022

Source: unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com), solari.com (http://solari.com)


In this episode, Whitney is joined by Catherine Austin Fitts to discuss the Inflation Reduction Act, the new changes to the IRS and how the act pushes America deeper into a “green” economy designed by billionaires and bankers for their benefit, not ours.

Originally published 08/26/22.

Show Notes (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/08/resources/show-notes/inflation-reduction-green-banking-with-catherine-austin-fitts/)

31st August 2022, 18:06
Jonathan Landsman warns of 1000% increase in some CANCERS since covid clot shots released | Aug. 29, 2022

Source: Health Ranger Report Brighteon (https://www.brighteon.com/channels/hrreport), stopcancernaturally.com (http://stopcancernaturally.com)


Stop Cancer Docu Class, starting Tuesday, September 13th. stopcancernaturally.com (http://stopcancernaturally.com)

1st September 2022, 05:50
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Omicron Booster Time! #NottingHillCarnival A Glimpse Of The Future | Aug. 31, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest insane developments in episode 117 of No-Go Zone this August 31, 2022.

2nd September 2022, 06:10
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 1, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


You may have missed it, but Russia and the Ukraine came close to a negotiated settlement... in April of this year, then Bojo stepped in:

Western Allies Led By UK's Johnson Sabotaged Tentative Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal... In April (https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/western-allies-led-uks-johnson-sabotaged-tentative-ukraine-russia-peace-deal)

2nd September 2022, 06:42
Max Igan | Stand Up For Freedom Now Or Your Children Will Never Know It | Sept. 2, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


5th September 2022, 06:09
Dark Journalist | Steiner Eighth Sphere Crisis Ahriman Spiritual Invasion! | Sept. 3, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


Join us for this fascinating LiveStream episode as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on the Revelation of the Eighth Sphere through the figure of the founder of Anthroposophy Rudolf Steiner. Steiner foresaw the rise of Scientific Materialism, AI and Transhumanism through a Demonic Virtual Reality figure in the 21st Century named "Ahriman."

5th September 2022, 06:20
Brien Foerster | A Thorough Exploration Of Ancient Anomalies In Egypt Lecture | Sept. 4, 2022

Source: hiddenincatours.com (http://hiddenincatours.com)


5th September 2022, 06:32
Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell | The Secret Money Confederate Gold Bearer Bonds! | Sept. 2, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com), gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Oxford Scholar and Giza Death Star Book Series author Dr. Joseph Farrell to the show to go deep on the Secret System of Finance.

Farrell tracks shadowy accounts from early America of hidden sources of gold that traced back to the Templars which the Confederacy were somehow aware of and used to create their own currency.

From the American Civil War period he traces the secret money trail to modern day Taiwan where a Bearer Bonds scandal hints at covert groups operating inside a hidden economy. Does the FBI Raid at Mar-a-Lago and the recent surge in UFO File activity lead directly to the Secret Money?

5th September 2022, 06:42
Dr. Joel Wallach | Pet Special - Ask Doc Live | Sept. 2, 2022

Source: criticalhealthnews.com (http://criticalhealthnews.com)


Dr. Joel Wallach flexes his considerable skills as a veterinarian answering dozens of pet related questions from our engaged and interested audience.

6th September 2022, 05:42
Andrei Martyanov | Going Tactical and Ballistic | Sept. 5, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


6th September 2022, 05:51
Redice TV | Dark Brandon & The Shape of Things To Come | Sept. 2, 2022

Source:redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik and Lana cover the latest news in episode 183 of Flashback Friday this September 2, 2022.

6th September 2022, 06:35
A List Of 33 Things We Know About The Coming Food Shortages

Source: activistpost.com (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/09/a-list-of-33-things-we-know-about-the-coming-food-shortages.html)

by Michael Snyder
September 5, 2022

Things are far worse than you are being told. Over the past few months, I have been carefully documenting facts that show that global food production is going to be way down in 2022. Unfortunately, most people out there don’t seem to understand that the food that isn’t being grown in 2022 won’t be on our store shelves in 2023.

We are potentially facing an absolutely unprecedented worldwide food crisis next year, but the vast majority of the population doesn’t seem very alarmed about this. So I would encourage you to help me get this warning out by sharing this list with as many people as you possibly can.

As you will see below, we now have so many data points that it is impossible to deny what is coming. The following is a list of 33 things we know about the coming food shortages…

#1 The hard red winter wheat crop in the United States this year “was the smallest since 1963 (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-summer-drought-s-hefty-toll-on-american-crops/ar-AA11tEX3)”. But in 1963, there were only 182 million people living in this nation. Today, our population has grown to 329 million.

#2 It is being projected (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-summer-drought-s-hefty-toll-on-american-crops/ar-AA11tEX3) that the rice harvest in California will be “half what it would be in a normal year”.

#3 The U.S. tomato harvest will come in at just 10.5 million tons (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-summer-drought-s-hefty-toll-on-american-crops/ar-AA11tEX3) in 2022. That is over a million tons lower than a normal year.

#4 This will be the worst U.S. corn harvest in at least a decade (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-summer-drought-s-hefty-toll-on-american-crops/ar-AA11tEX3).

#5 Year-to-date shipments of carrots in the United States are down 45 percent (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-summer-drought-s-hefty-toll-on-american-crops/ar-AA11tEX3).

#6 Year-to-date shipments of sweet corn in the United States are down 20 percent (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-summer-drought-s-hefty-toll-on-american-crops/ar-AA11tEX3).

#7 Year-to-date shipments of sweet potatoes in the United States are down 13 percent. (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-summer-drought-s-hefty-toll-on-american-crops/ar-AA11tEX3)

#8 Year-to-date shipments of celery in the United States are down 11 percent (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-summer-drought-s-hefty-toll-on-american-crops/ar-AA11tEX3).

#9 Total peach production in the U.S. is down 15 percent (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-summer-drought-s-hefty-toll-on-american-crops/ar-AA11tEX3) from last year.

#10 Almost three-fourths of all U.S. farmers say that this year’s drought is hurting their harvests. (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/a-major-food-crisis-coming-in-2023-prices-will-be-on-steroids-after-the-election/)

#11 Thanks to the endless drought, the total number of cattle in Oregon is down 41 percent. (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-summer-drought-s-hefty-toll-on-american-crops/ar-AA11tEX3)

#12 Thanks to the endless drought, the total number of cattle in New Mexico is down 43 percent (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-summer-drought-s-hefty-toll-on-american-crops/ar-AA11tEX3).

#13 Thanks to the endless drought, the total number of cattle in Texas is down 50 percent (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-summer-drought-s-hefty-toll-on-american-crops/ar-AA11tEX3).

#14 One beef producer in Oklahoma is now predicting that ground beef “could eventually top $50 per pound (https://z94.com/oklahoma-beef-prices/)”.

#15 At least 40 percent of the United States has been suffering from drought conditions for 101 consecutive weeks (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/the-summer-drought-s-hefty-toll-on-american-crops/ar-AA11tEX3).

#16 Overall, this is the worst multi-year megadrought in the United States in 1,200 years. (https://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/us-megadrought-worst-least-1200-years-researchers-say-rcna16202)

#17 Europe is currently experiencing the worst drought that it has seen in 500 years (http://endoftheamericandream.com/is-someone-trying-to-tell-us-something-we-are-being-hit-by-unprecedented-drought-and-unprecedented-flooding-at-the-same-time/). In some parts of central Europe, river levels have fallen so low that “hunger stones” are being revealed for the first time in centuries.

#18 Corn production for the entire EU could be down by as much as one-fifth (https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/european-corn-yields-expected-plunge-amid-worst-drought-500-years) in 2022.

#19 We are being warned that there will be crop losses in France of up to 35 percent. (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/here-is-why-37-percent-of-u-s-farmers-in-the-western-half-of-the-country-are-killing-their-own-crops/)

#20 It is being projected that crop losses in some areas of the UK could be as high as 50 percent (https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2022/aug/12/mass-crop-failures-expected-in-england-as-farmers-demand-hosepipe-bans).

#21 It is being reported that there will be crop losses “of up to 50 percent (https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2022/08/19/global-food-crisis-50-per-cent-crop-loss-likely-due-to-drought-german-farmers-say/)” in some parts of Germany.

#22 Some farmers in Italy have already lost “up to 80% of their harvest (https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/11/europe/europe-heatwave-august-intl/index.html)”.

#23 Agricultural production in Somalia will be down about 80 percent (http://endoftheamericandream.com/what-will-you-say-when-millions-of-people-starve-to-death/) this year.

#24 In eastern Africa, the endless drought has already resulted in the deaths of at least seven million animals (http://endoftheamericandream.com/what-are-the-odds-the-u-s-europe-africa-and-china-are-all-simultaneously-experiencing-droughts-of-epic-proportions/).

#25 In China, they are facing the worst drought that they have ever experienced in recorded history (http://endoftheamericandream.com/is-someone-trying-to-tell-us-something-we-are-being-hit-by-unprecedented-drought-and-unprecedented-flooding-at-the-same-time/).

#26 India normally accounts for 40 percent of the global rice trade, but we are being warned that production in that country will be way down in 2022 due to “considerable rainfall deficits in key rice producing states (https://www.scmp.com/economy/global-economy/article/3191136/india-and-china-farmers-fret-drought-and-heat-threaten-rice)”.

#27 A third of the entire nation of Pakistan was under water after recent floods absolutely devastated that nation, and agricultural areas were hit particularly hard. As a result, the vast majority of the crops in the country have been “washed away (https://theprint.in/world/as-floods-in-pakistan-inundate-farms-and-cities-country-staring-at-major-food-crisis/1115973/)”…

It has also been estimated that roughly 65 per cent of the country’s food basket — particularly crops like rice, cotton, wheat and onion — have been washed away.

Pakistan Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari, in an interview to CGTN earlier this week, offered an even starker outlook by saying that “about 80 to 90 per cent” of the country’s crops have been damaged by the floods.

#28 The prices of some fertilizers have tripled since 2021, while the prices of some other fertilizers have actually quadrupled.

#29 One payment company is reporting that the number of Americans using their app to take out short-term loans for groceries has risen by 95 percent (https://thepostmillennial.com/americans-taking-out-loans-through-buy-now-pay-later-apps-to-purchase-groceries).

#30 Demand at U.S. food banks is now even worse (https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/worse-couple-years-ago-food-bank-demand-spikes-inflation-wrecks-households) than it was during the height of the COVID pandemic.

#31 The World Health Organization is telling us that millions of people in Africa (http://endoftheamericandream.com/what-will-you-say-when-millions-of-people-starve-to-death/) are now potentially facing a very real possibility of starving to death.

#32 According to the World Food Programme, 828 million people (https://www.wfp.org/global-hunger-crisis) around the world go to bed hungry each night. Needless to say, that number will soon be much higher.

#33 UN Secretary General António Guterres has publicly stated that he believes that it is likely that there will be “multiple famines (https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/07/1122762)” in 2023.

As global food supplies get tighter and tighter, so will the risk of civil unrest.

In fact, this has already been happening (https://www.businessinsider.com/risk-civil-unrest-surging-in-half-of-worlds-countries-analysis-2022-9)…

The risk of civil unrest has surged this year in more than half of the world’s countries, signaling a coming period of heightened global instability fueled by inflation, war, and shortages of essentials, a new analysis says.

According to Verisk Maplecroft, a UK-based risk consulting and intelligence firm, 101 of the 198 countries tracked on its Civil Unrest Index saw an increase in their risk of civil unrest between the second and third quarters of this year.

In recent weeks, we have seen absolutely massive protests in cities all over the planet.

But conditions aren’t even that bad yet.

So what will things be like in 2023 when it finally becomes exceedingly clear that there simply will not be enough food for everyone?

Wealthy countries will have the resources to buy up much of what is available on the market, and that means that many poor countries will deeply suffer.

If everything that you have read in this article sounds familiar, that is because we have been warned for years that such conditions were coming.

In 2023, there will be famines and civil unrest all over the globe.

This is not a drill. An extremely serious global food crisis has already begun, and I would encourage you to get prepared for what is ahead while you still can.

6th September 2022, 14:44
Our Latest Interview with Jacques Baud

Source: thepostil.com (https://www.thepostil.com/our-latest-interview-with-jacques-baud/)
September 1, 2022

Jacques Baud

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We are pleased to bring you this fresh interview with Jacques Baud, in which we cover what is now happening in the geopolitical struggle that is the Ukraine-Russia war. As always, Mr. Baud brings deep insight and clear analysis to the conversation.

The Postil (TP): You have just published your latest book on the war in Ukraine—Operation Z, published by Max Milo. Please tell us a little about it—what led you to write this book and what do you wish to convey to readers?

Jacques Baud (JB): The aim of this book is to show how the misinformation propagated by our media has contributed to push Ukraine in the wrong direction. I wrote it under the motto “from the way we understand crises derives the way we solve them.”

By hiding many aspects of this conflict, the Western media has presented us with a caricatural and artificial image of the situation, which has resulted in the polarization of minds. This has led to a widespread mindset that makes any attempt to negotiate virtually impossible.

The one-sided and biased representation provided by mainstream media is not intended to help us solve the problem, but to promote hatred of Russia. Thus, the exclusion of disabled athletes, cats (https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/international-cat-federation-bans-russian-felines-competitions-rcna18595), even Russian trees (https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/24/world/europe/european-tree-of-the-year-russia.html) from competitions, the dismissal of conductors, the de-platforming of Russian artists, such as Dostoyevsky (https://www.lefigaro.fr/culture/guerre-en-ukraine-milan-censure-l-etude-de-dostoievski-et-a-florence-on-veut-deboulonner-sa-statue-20220309), or even the renaming of paintings (https://www.lejournaldesarts.fr/actualites/la-national-gallery-renomme-les-danseuses-russes-dedgar-degas-en-danseuses-ukrainiennes) aims at excluding the Russian population from society! In France, bank accounts of individuals with Russian-sounding names (https://www.lefigaro.fr/international/comptes-bancaires-bloques-insultes-vandalisme-le-quotidien-des-russes-de-france-20220422) were even blocked. Social networks Facebook and Twitter have systematically blocked the disclosure of Ukrainian crimes under the pretext of “hate speech” but allow the call (https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/03/25/social-media-ukraine-rules-war-policy/) for violence against Russians.

None of these actions had any effect on the conflict, except to stimulate hatred and violence against the Russians in our countries. This manipulation is so bad that we would rather see Ukrainians die than to seek a diplomatic solution. As Republican Senator Lindsey Graham recently said (https://youtu.be/-MSWezIB06g), it is a matter of letting the Ukrainians fight to the last man.

It is commonly assumed that journalists work according to standards of quality and ethics to inform us in the most honest way possible. These standards are set by the Munich Charter of 1971. While writing my book I found out that no French-speaking mainstream media in Europe respects this charter as far as Russia and China are concerned. In fact, they shamelessly support an immoral policy towards Ukraine, described by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, as “We provide the weapons, you provide the corpses!”

To highlight this misinformation, I wanted to show that information allowing to provide a realistic picture of the situation was available as early as February, but that our media did not relay it to the public. My goal was to show this contradiction.

In order to avoid becoming a propagandist myself in favor of one side or the other, I have relied exclusively on Western, Ukrainian (from Kiev) and Russian opposition sources. I have not taken any information from the Russian media.

TP: It is commonly said in the West that this war has “proven” that the Russian army is feeble and that its equipment is useless. Are these assertions true?

JB: No. After more than six months of war, it can be said that the Russian army is effective and efficient, and that the quality of its command & control far exceeds what we see in the West. But our perception is influenced by a reporting that is focused on the Ukrainian side, and by distortions of reality.

Firstly, there is the reality on the ground. It should be remembered that what the media call “Russians” is in fact a Russian-speaking coalition, composed of professional Russian fighters and soldiers of the popular militias of Donbass. The operations in the Donbass are mainly carried out by these militias, who fight on “their” terrain, in towns and villages they know and where they have friends and family. They are therefore advancing cautiously for themselves, but also to avoid civilian casualties. Thus, despite the claims of western propaganda, the coalition enjoys a very good popular support in the areas it occupies.

Then, just looking at a map, you can see that the Donbass is a region with a lot of built-up and inhabited areas, which means an advantage for the defender and a reduced speed of progress for the attacker in all circumstances.

Secondly, there is the way our media portray the evolution of the conflict. Ukraine is a huge country and small-scale maps hardly show the differences from one day to another. Moreover, each side has its own perception of the progress of the enemy. If we take the example of the situation on March 25, 2022, we can see that the map of the French daily newspaper Ouest-France (https://www.ouest-france.fr/monde/guerre-en-ukraine/carte-guerre-en-ukraine-ce-qu-il-faut-retenir-de-la-journee-du-vendredi-25-mars-63777eda-ac27-11ec-b6bf-b1259a28d6c8)(a) shows almost no advance of Russia, as does the Swiss RTS (https://www.rts.ch/play/tv/redirect/detail/13122912?startTime=7) site (b). The map of the Russian website RIAFAN (https://riafan.ru/22364026-chto_proizoshlo_na_ukraine_25_marta_zadachi_pervogo_etapa_spetsoperatsii_vipolneni_a_kiev_prosit_u_z apada_novie_raketi) (c) may be propaganda, but if we compare it with the map of the French Military Intelligence Directorate (https://www.defense.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/ministere-armees/Situation%20Ukraine%20au%2025%20mars.pdf) (DRM) (d), we see that the Russian media is probably closer to the truth. All these maps were published on the same day, but the French newspaper and the Swiss state media did not choose to use the DRM map and preferred to use a Ukrainian map. This illustrates that our media work like propaganda outlets.

Thirdly, our “experts” have themselves determined the objectives of the Russian offensive. By claiming that Russia wanted to take over Ukraine and its resources, to take over Kiev in two days, etc., our experts have literally invented and attributed to the Russians objectives that Putin never mentioned. In May 2022, Claude Wild, the Swiss ambassador in Kiev, declared on RTS that the Russians had “lost the battle for Kiev. (https://www.rts.ch/info/monde/13121067-personne-naurait-parie-un-franc-sur-une-telle-resistance-estime-lambassadeur-suisse-en-ukraine.html)” But in reality, there was never a “battle for Kiev.” It is obviously easy to claim that the Russians did not reach their objectives—if they never tried to reach them!

Fourthly, the West and Ukraine have created a misleading picture of their adversary. In France, Switzerland and Belgium, none of the military experts on television have any knowledge of military operations and how the Russians conduct theirs. Their “expertise” comes from the rumours from the war in Afghanistan or Syria, which are often merely Western propaganda. These experts have literally falsified the presentation of Russian operations.

Thus, the objectives announced as early as February 24 by Russia were the “demilitarization” and “denazification” of the threat to the populations of Donbass. These objectives are related to the neutralization of capabilities, not the seizure of land or resources. To put it bluntly, in theory, to achieve their goals the Russians do not need to advance—it would be enough if Ukrainians themselves would come and get killed.

In other words, our politicians and media have pushed Ukraine to defend the terrain like in France during the First World War. They pushed Ukrainian troops to defend every square meter of ground in “last stand” situations. Ironically, the West has only made the Russians’ job easier.

In fact, as with the war on terror, Westerners see the enemy as they would like him to be, not as he is. As Sun Tzu said 2,500 years ago, this is the best recipe for losing a war.

One example is the so-called “hybrid war” that Russia is allegedly waging against the West. In June 2014, as the West tried to explain Russia’s (imaginary) intervention in the Donbass conflict, Russia expert Mark Galeotti “revealed” the existence of a doctrine that would illustrate the Russian concept of hybrid warfare (https://inmoscowsshadows.wordpress.com/2014/07/06/the-gerasimov-doctrine-and-russian-non-linear-war/). Known as the “Gerasimov Doctrine,” it has never really been defined by the West as to what it consists of and how it could ensure military success. But it is used to explain how Russia wages war in Donbass without sending troops there and why Ukraine consistently loses its battles against the rebels. In 2018, realizing that he was wrong, Galeotti apologized—courageously and intelligently—in an article titled, “I’m Sorry for Creating the Gerasimov Doctrine” published in Foreign Policy magazine.

Despite this, and without knowing what it meant, our media and politicians continued to pretend that Russia was waging a hybrid war against Ukraine and the West. In other words, we imagined a type of war that does not exist and we prepared Ukraine for it. This is also what explains the challenge for Ukraine to have a coherent strategy to counter Russian operations.

The West does not want to see the situation as it really is. The Russian-speaking coalition has launched its offensive with an overall strength inferior to that of the Ukrainians in a ratio of 1-2:1. To be successful when you are outnumbered, you must create local and temporary superiorities by quickly moving your forces on the battlefield.

This is what the Russians call “operational art” (operativnoe iskoustvo). This notion is poorly understood in the West. The term “operational” used in NATO has two translations in Russian: “operative” (which refers to a command level) and “operational” (which defines a condition). It is the art of maneuvering military formations, much like a chess game, in order to defeat a superior opponent.

For example, the operation around Kiev was not intended to “deceive” the Ukrainians (and the West) about their intentions, but to force the Ukrainian army to keep large forces around the capital and thus “pin them down.” In technical terms, this is what is called a “shaping operation.” Contrary to the analysis of some “experts,” it was not a “deception operation,” which would have been conceived very differently and would have involved much larger forces. The aim was to prevent a reinforcement of the main body of the Ukrainian forces in the Donbass.

The main lesson of this war at this stage confirms what we know since the Second World War: the Russians master the operational art.

TP: Questions about Russia’s military raises the obvious question—how good is Ukraine’s military today? And more importantly, why do we not hear so much about the Ukrainian army?

JB: The Ukrainian servicemen are certainly brave soldiers who perform their duty conscientiously and courageously. But my personal experience shows that in almost every crisis, the problem is at the head. The inability to understand the opponent and his logic and to have a clear picture of the actual situation is the main reason for failures.

Since the beginning of the Russian offensive, we can distinguish two ways of conducting the war. On the Ukrainian side, the war is waged in the political and informational spaces, while on the Russian side the war is waged in the physical and operational space. The two sides are not fighting in the same spaces. This is a situation that I described in 2003 in my book, La guerre asymétrique ou la défaite du vainqueur (https://www.amazon.com/dp/2268044998/ref=nosim?tag=postil17-20) (Asymmetric War, or the Defeat of the Winner). The trouble is that at the end of the day, the reality of the terrain prevails.

On the Russian side, decisions are made by the military, while on the Ukrainian side, Zelensky is omnipresent and the central element in the conduct of the war. He makes operational decisions, apparently often against the military’s advice. This explains the rising tensions between Zelensky and the military. According to Ukrainian media, Zelensky could dismiss General Valery Zoluzhny by appointing him Minister of Defence.

The Ukrainian army has been extensively trained by American, British and Canadian officers since 2014. The trouble is that for over 20 years, Westerners have been fighting armed groups and scattered adversaries and engaged entire armies against individuals. They fight wars at the tactical level and somehow have lost the ability to fight at the strategic and operative levels. This explains partly why Ukraine is waging its war at this level.

But there is a more conceptual dimension. Zelensky and the West see war as a numerical and technological balance of forces. This is why, since 2014, the Ukrainians have never tried to seduce the rebels and they now think that the solution will come from the weapons supplied by the West. The West provided Ukraine with a few dozen M777 guns and HIMARS and MLRS missile launchers, while Ukraine had several thousand equivalent artillery pieces in February. The Russian concept of “correlation of forces,” takes into account many more factors and is more holistic than the Western approach. That is why the Russians are winning.

To comply with ill-considered policies, our media have constructed a virtual reality that gives Russia the bad role. For those who observe the course of the crisis carefully, we could almost say they presented Russia as a “mirror image” of the situation in Ukraine. Thus, when the talk about Ukrainian losses began, Western communication turned to Russian losses (with figures given by Ukraine).

The so-called “counter-offensives” proclaimed by Ukraine and the West in Kharkov and Kherson in April-May were merely “counter-attacks.” The difference between the two is that counter-offensive is an operational notion, while counter-attack is a tactical notion, which is much more limited in scope. These counterattacks were possible because the density of Russian troops in these sectors was then 1 Battle Group (BTG) per 20 km of front. By comparison, in the Donbass sector, which was the primary focus, the Russian coalition had 1-3 BTG per km. As for the great August offensive on Kherson, which was supposed to take over the south of the country, it seems to have been nothing but a myth to maintain Western support.

Today, we see that the claimed Ukrainian successes were in fact failures. The human and material losses that were attributed to Russia were in fact more in line with those of Ukraine. In mid-June, David Arakhamia, Zelensky’s chief negotiator and close adviser, spoke of 200 to 500 deaths per day, and he mentioned casualties (dead, wounded, captured, deserters) of 1,000 men per day (https://www.axios.com/2022/06/15/ukraine-1000-casualties-day-donbas-arakhamia). If we add to this the renewed demands for arms by Zelensky, we can see that the idea of a victory for Ukraine appears quite an illusion.

Because Russia’s economy was thought to be comparable to Italy’s (https://youtu.be/Rgy2Bbe3HYE?t=3799), it was assumed that it would be equally vulnerable. Thus, the West—and the Ukrainians—thought that economic sanctions and political isolation of Russia would quickly cause its collapse, without passing through a military defeat. Indeed, this is what we understand from the interview of Oleksei Arestovich, Zelensky’s advisor and spokesman, in March 2019. This also explains why Zelensky did not sound the alarm in early 2022, as he says in his interview with the Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/08/16/zelensky-interview-transcript/). I think he knew that Russia would respond to the offensive Ukraine was preparing in the Donbass (which is why the bulk of his troops were in that area) and thought that sanctions would quickly lead to Russia’s collapse and defeat. This is what Bruno Le Maire (https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/europe/manifestations-en-ukraine/guerre-en-ukraine-nous-allons-provoquer-l-effondrement-de-l-economie-russe-affirme-bruno-le-maire_4987341.html), the French Minister of the Economy, had “predicted.” Clearly, the Westerners have made decisions without knowing their opponent.

As Arestovich said, the idea was that the defeat of Russia would be Ukraine’s entry ticket to NATO (https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-putin-news-03-20-22/h_7c08d64201fdd9d3a141e63e606a62e4). So, the Ukrainians were pushed to prepare an offensive in the Donbass in order to make Russia react, and thus obtain an easy defeat through devastating sanctions. This is cynical and shows how much the West—led by the Americans—has misused Ukraine for its own objectives.

The result is that the Ukrainians did not seek Ukraine’s victory, but Russia’s defeat (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ3GsYPRkv4). This is very different and explains the Western narrative from the first days of the Russian offensive, which prophesied this defeat.

But the reality is that the sanctions did not work as expected, and Ukraine found itself dragged into combats that it had provoked, but for which it was not prepared to fight for so long.

This is why, from the outset, the Western narrative presented a mismatch between media reported and the reality on the ground. This had a perverse effect: it encouraged Ukraine to repeat its mistakes and prevented it from improving its conduct of operations. Under the pretext of fighting Vladimir Putin, we pushed Ukraine to sacrifice thousands of human lives unnecessarily.

From the beginning, it was obvious that the Ukrainians were consistently repeating their mistakes (and even the same mistakes as in 2014-2015), and soldiers were dying on the battlefield. For his part, Volodymyr Zelensky called for more and more sanctions, including the most absurd ones, because he was led to believe that they were decisive.

I am not the only one to have noticed these mistakes, and Western countries could certainly have stopped this disaster. But their leaders, excited by the (fanciful) reports of Russian losses and thinking they were paving the way for regime change, added sanctions to sanctions, turning down any possibility of negotiation. As the French Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire said, the objective was to provoke the collapse of the Russian economy and make the Russian people suffer (https://youtu.be/Ntzacqlm-Ac). This is a form of state terrorism: the idea is to make the population suffer in order to push it into revolting against its leaders (here, Putin). I am not making this up. This mechanism is detailed by Richard Nephew, head of sanctions at the State Department under Obama and currently Coordinator on Global Anti-Corruption, in his book entitled, The Art of Sanctions (https://www.amazon.com/dp/0231180268/ref=nosim?tag=postil17-20). Ironically, this is exactly the same logic that the Islamic State invoked to explain its attacks in France in 2015-2016. France probably does not encourage terrorism—but it does practice it.

The mainstream media do not present the war as it is, but as they would like it to be. This is pure wishful thinking. The apparent public support for the Ukrainian authorities, despite huge losses (some mention 70,000-80,000 fatalities), is achieved by banning the opposition (https://www.theamericanconservative.com/ukraine-bans-political-opposition/), a ruthless hunt for officials who disagree (https://www.euronews.com/2022/07/19/uk-ukraine-crisis) with the government line, and “mirror” propaganda that attributes to the Russians the same failures as the Ukrainians. All this with the conscious support of the West.

TP: What should we make of the explosion at the Saki airbase in the Crimea?

JB: I do not know the details of the current security situation in Crimea. . We know that before February there were cells of volunteer fighters of Praviy Sektor (a neo-Nazi militia) in Crimea, ready to carry out terrorist-type attacks. Have these cells been neutralized? I don’t know; but one can assume so, since there is apparently very little sabotage activity in Crimea. Having said that, let us not forget that Ukrainians and Russians have lived together for many decades and there are certainly pro-Kiev individuals in the areas taken by the Russians. It is therefore realistic to think that there could be sleeper cells in these areas.

More likely it is a campaign conducted by the Ukrainian security service (SBU) in the territories occupied by the Russian-speaking coalition. This is a terrorist campaign targeting pro-Russian Ukrainian personalities and officials. It follows major changes in the leadership of the SBU (https://www.republicworld.com/world-news/russia-ukraine-crisis/zelensky-dismisses-dy-head-of-security-service-of-ukraine-and-replaces-several-officials-articleshow.html), in Kiev (https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/zelensky-replaces-leadership-of-sbus-dept-of-information-and-analytical-support-decrees.html), and in the regions, including Lvov, Ternopol (https://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/852306.html) since July. It is probably in the context of this same campaign that Darya Dugina was assassinated on August 21. The objective of this new campaign could be to convey the illusion that there is an ongoing resistance in the areas taken by the Russians and thus revive Western aid, which is starting to fatigue.

These sabotage activities do not really have an operational impact and seem more related to a psychological operation. It may be that these are actions like the one on Snake Island at the beginning of May, intended to demonstrate to the international public that Ukraine is acting.

What the incidents in Crimea indirectly show is that the popular resistance claimed by the West in February does not exist. It is most likely the action of Ukrainian and Western (probably British) clandestine operatives. Beyond the tactical actions, this shows the inability of the Ukrainians to activate a significant resistance movement in the areas seized by the Russian-speaking coalition.

TP: Zelensky has famously said, “Crimea is Ukrainian and we will never give it up.” Is this rhetoric, or is there a plan to attack Crimea? Are there Ukrainian operatives inside Crimea?

JB: First of all, Zelensky changes his opinion very often. In March 2022, he made a proposal to Russia, stating that he was ready to discuss a recognition of Russian sovereignty over the peninsula. It was upon the intervention of the European Union and Boris Johnson on 2 April (https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-call-with-president-zelenskyy-of-ukraine-2-april-2022) and on 9 April (https://peoplesdispatch.org/2022/05/09/ukrainian-news-outlet-suggests-uk-and-us-governments-are-primary-obstacles-to-peace/) that he withdrew his proposal, despite Russia’s favorable interest.

It is necessary to recall some historical facts. The cession of Crimea to Ukraine in 1954 was never formally validated by the parliaments of the USSR, Russia and Ukraine during the communist era. Moreover, the Crimean people agreed to be subject to the authority of Moscow and no longer of Kiev as early as January 1991. In other words, Crimea was independent from Kiev even before Ukraine became independent from Moscow in December 1991.

In July, Aleksei Reznikov, the Ukrainian Minister of Defense, spoke loudly of a major counter-offensive on Kherson involving one million men to restore Ukraine’s territorial integrity. In reality, Ukraine has not managed to gather the troops, armor and air cover needed for this far-fetched offensive. Sabotage actions in Crimea may be a substitute for this “counter-offensive.” They seem to be more of a communication exercise than a real military action. These actions seem to be aimed rather at reassuring Western countries which are questioning the relevance of their unconditional support to Ukraine.

TP: Would you tell us about the situation around the Zaporizhzhia nuclear facility?

JB: In Energodar, the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (ZNPP), has been the target of several attacks by artillery, which Ukrainians and Russians attribute to the opposing side.

What we know is that the Russian coalition forces have occupied the ZNPP site since the beginning of March. The objective at that time was to secure the ZNPP quickly, in order to prevent it from being caught up in the fighting and thus avoid a nuclear incident. The Ukrainian personnel who were in charge of it have remained on site and continue to work under the supervision of the Ukrainian company Energoatom and the Ukrainian nuclear safety agency (SNRIU). There is therefore no fighting around the plant.

It is hard to see why the Russians would shell a nuclear plant that is under their control (https://www.rts.ch/info/monde/13302505-kiev-et-moscou-saccusent-a-nouveau-de-tirs-sur-la-centrale-nucleaire-de-zaporijjia.html). This allegation is even more peculiar since the Ukrainians themselves state that there are Russian troops in the premises of the site (https://theins.ru/en/news/253868). According to a French “expert,” the Russians would attack the power plant they control to cut off the electricity flowing to Ukraine (https://youtu.be/KZDbFcYAbVE?t=1578). Not only would there be simpler ways to cut off the electricity to Ukraine (a switch, perhaps?), but Russia has not stopped the electricity supply to the Ukrainians since March. Moreover, I remind you that Russia has not stopped the flow of natural gas to Ukraine and has continued to pay Ukraine the transit fees for gas to Europe. It is Zelensky who decided to shut down the Soyuz pipeline (https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/ukraine-gas-system-operator-declares-force-majeure-sokhranivka-entry-point-2022-05-10/) in May.

Moreover, it should be remembered that the Russians are in an area where the population is generally favorable to them and it is hard to understand why they would take the risk of a nuclear contamination of the region.

In reality, the Ukrainians have more credible motives than the Russians that may explain such attacks against the ZNPP. , which are not mutually exclusive: an alternative to the big counter-offensive on Kherson, which they are not able to implement, and to prevent the planned referendums in the region. Further, Zelensky’s calls for demilitarizing the area of the power plant and even returning it to Ukraine would be a political and operational success for him. One might even imagine that they seek to deliberately provoke a nuclear incident in order to create a “no man’s land” and thus render the area unusable for the Russians.

By bombing the plant, Ukraine could also be trying to pressure the West to intervene in the conflict (https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2022/aug/19/russia-ukraine-war-putin-is-losing-information-war-in-ukraine-uk-spy-chief-says-live), under the pretext that Russia is seeking to disconnect the plant from the Ukrainian power grid (https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/un-chief-says-electricity-russian-held-nuclear-plant-belongs-ukraine-2022-08-19/) before the fall. This suicidal behavior—as stated by UN Secretary General António Guterres—would be in line with the war waged by Ukraine since 2014.

There is strong evidence that the attacks on Energodar are Ukrainian. The fragments of projectiles fired at the site from the other side of the Dnieper are of Western origin (https://t.me/milinfolive/88735). It seems that they come from British BRIMSTONE missiles (https://mezha.media/en/2022/05/12/brimstone-in-ukraine/), which are precision missiles, whose use is monitored by the British. Apparently, the West is aware of the Ukrainian attacks on the ZNPP. This might explain why Ukraine is not very supportive of an international commission of inquiry (https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/2022/06/07/energoatom-contro-il-direttore-dellaiea-grossi-mai-invitato-a-zaporizhzhya-vuole-legittimare-la-permanenza-degli-occupanti/6618145/) and why Western countries are putting unrealistic conditions for sending investigators from the IAEA, an agency that has not shown much integrity so far.

TP: It is reported that Zelensky is freeing criminals to fight in this war? Does this mean that Ukraine’s army is not as strong as commonly assumed?

JB: Zelensky faces the same problem as the authorities that emerged from Euromaidan in 2014. At that time, the military did not want to fight because they did not want to confront their Russian-speaking compatriots. According to a report by the British Home Office, reservists overwhelmingly refuse to attend (https://www.justice.gov/eoir/page/file/1008261/download) recruitment sessions . In October-November 2017, 70% of conscripts do not show up for recall . Suicide has become a problem (https://observer.com/2017/06/ukraine-war-soldiers-suicide/). According to the chief Ukrainian military prosecutor Anatoly Matios, after four years of war in the Donbass, 615 servicemen had committed suicide (https://vesti.ua/strana/309880-nazvany-neboevye-poteri-vsu-na-donbasse). Desertions have increased and reached up to 30% (https://www.refworld.org/docid/593a581b4.html) of the forces in certain operational areas, often in favor of the rebels.

For this reason, it became necessary to integrate more motivated, highly politicized, ultra-nationalistic and fanatical fighters into the armed forces to fight in the Donbass. Many of them are neo-Nazis. It is to eliminate these fanatical fighters that Vladimir Putin has mentioned the objective of “denazification.”

Today, the problem is slightly different. The Russians have attacked Ukraine and the Ukrainian soldiers are not a priori opposed to fighting them. But they realize that the orders they receive are not consistent with the situation on the battlefield. They understood that the decisions affecting them are not linked to military factors, but to political considerations. Ukrainian units are mutinying en masse and are increasingly refusing to fight. They say they feel abandoned by their commanders and that they are given missions without the necessary resources to execute them.

That’s why it becomes necessary to send men who are ready for anything (https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-releases-prisoners-combat-experience-war-russia-volodymyr-zelensky-1683175). Because they are condemned, they can be kept under pressure. This is the same principle as Marshal Konstantin Rokossovki, who was sentenced to death by Stalin, but was released from prison in 1941 to fight against the Germans. His death sentence was lifted only after Stalin’s death in 1956.

In order to overshadow the use of criminals in the armed forces, the Russians are accused of doing the same thing. The Ukrainians and the Westerners consistently use “mirror” propaganda. As in all recent conflicts, Western influence has not led to a moralization of the conflict.

TP: Everyone speaks of how corrupt Putin is? But what about Zelensky? Is he the “heroic saint” that we are all told to admire?

JB: In October 2021, the Pandora Papers showed that Ukraine and Zelensky were the most corrupt in Europe and practiced tax evasion on a large scale. Interestingly, these documents were apparently published with the help of an American intelligence agency, and Vladimir Putin is not mentioned. More precisely, the documents mention individuals ” associated ” with him, who are said to have links with undisclosed assets, which could belong to a woman, who is believed to have had a child with him.

Yet, when our media are reporting on these documents, they routinely put a picture of Vladimir Putin, but not of Volodymyr Zelensky.

I am not in a position to assess how corrupt Zelensky is. But there is no doubt that the Ukrainian society and its governance are. I contributed modestly to a NATO “Building Integrity” program in Ukraine and discovered that none of the contributing countries had any illusions about its effectiveness, and all saw the program as a kind of “window dressing” to justify Western support.

It is unlikely that the billions paid by the West to Ukraine will reach the Ukrainian people. A recent CBS News report stated that only 30-40% of the weapons supplied by the West make it to the battlefield. The rest enriches mafias and other corrupt people. Apparently, some high-tech Western weapons have been sold to the Russians, such as the French CAESAR system and presumably the American HIMARS. The CBS News report was censored to avoid undermining Western aid, but the fact remains that the US refused to supply MQ-1C drones (https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/us-drone-sale-ukraine-hits-snag-sources-2022-06-17/) to Ukraine for this reason.

Ukraine is a rich country, yet today it is the only country in the former USSR with a lower GDP than it had at the collapse of the Soviet Union. The problem is therefore not Zelensky himself, but the whole system, which is deeply corrupted, and which the West maintains for the sole purpose of fighting Russia.

Zelensky was elected in April 2019 on the program of reaching an agreement with Russia. But nobody let him carry out his program. The Germans and the French deliberately prevented him from implementing the Minsk agreements. The transcript of the telephone conversation of 20 February 2022 between Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin shows that France deliberately kept Ukraine away from the solution. Moreover, in Ukraine, far right and neo-Nazi political forces have publicly threatened him with death. Dmitry Yarosh, commander of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army, declared in May 2019 that Zelensky would be hanged if he carried out his program. In other words, Zelensky is trapped between his idea of reaching an agreement with Russia and the demands of the West. Moreover, the West realizes that its strategy of war through sanctions has failed. As the economic and social problems increase, the West will find it harder to back down without losing face. A way out for Britain, the US, the EU, or France would be to remove Zelensky. That is why, with the deteriorating situation in Ukraine, I think Zelensky starts to realize that his life is threatened.

At the end of the day, Zelensky is a poor guy, because his best enemies are those on whom he depends: the Western world.

TP: There are many videos (gruesome ones) on social media of Ukrainian soldiers engaging in serious war crimes? Why is there a “blind spot” in the West for such atrocities?

JB: First of all, we must be clear: in every war, every belligerent commit war crimes. Military personnel who deliberately commit such crimes dishonor their uniform and must be punished.

The problem arises when war crimes are part of a plan or result from orders given by the higher command. This was the case when the Netherlands let its military allow the Srebrenica massacre in 1995; the torture in Afghanistan by Canadian (https://canadiandimension.com/articles/view/canadas-shameful-legacy-of-torture-in-afghanistan) and British (https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-50419297) troops, not to mention the countless violations of international humanitarian law by the United States in Afghanistan, Iraq, Guantanamo and elsewhere with the complicity of Poland, Lithuania or Estonia. If these are Western values, then Ukraine is in the right school.

In Ukraine, political crime has become commonplace, with the complicity of the West. Thus, those who are in favor of a negotiation are eliminated. This is the case of Denis Kireyev, one of the Ukrainian negotiators, assassinated on March 5 by the Ukrainian security service (SBU) because he was considered too favorable to Russia and as a traitor (https://www.timesofisrael.com/ukraine-reports-claim-negotiator-shot-for-treason-officials-say-he-died-in-intel-op/). The same thing happened to Dmitry Demyanenko, an officer of the SBU, who was assassinated (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWHpVnrwfLY) on March 10, also because he was too favorable to an agreement with Russia. Remember that this is a country that considers that receiving or giving Russian humanitarian aid is “collaborationism (https://kyivindependent.com/uncategorized/receiving-distributing-russian-humanitarian-aid-in-occupied-territories-considered-collaborationism).”

On 16 March 2022, a journalist on TV channel Ukraine 24 referred to the Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann and called for the massacre of Russian-speaking children (https://youtu.be/dI8-UO9M_ms). On 21 March, the military doctor Gennadiy Druzenko declared on the same channel that he had ordered his doctors to castrate Russian prisoners of war (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10636597/Ukrainian-doctor-tells-TV-interviewer-ordered-staff-CASTRATE-Russian-soldiers.html). On social networks, these statements quickly became propaganda for the Russians and the two Ukrainians apologized for having said so, but not for the substance. Ukrainian crimes were beginning to be revealed on social networks, and on 27 March Zelensky feared that this would jeopardize Western support. This was followed—rather opportunely—by the Bucha massacre on 3 April, the circumstances of which remain unclear.

Britain, which then had the chairmanship of the UN Security Council, refused three times (https://frontnews.eu/en/news/details/25750) the Russian request to set up an international commission of enquiry into the crimes of Bucha. Ukrainian socialist MP Ilya Kiva (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illia_Kyva) revealed on Telegram that the Bucha tragedy was planned (https://t.me/intelslava/24353) by the British MI6 special services and implemented by the SBU.

The fundamental problem is that the Ukrainians have replaced the “operational art” with brutality. Since 2014, in order to fight the autonomists, the Ukrainian government has never tried to apply strategies based on “hearts & minds,” which the British used in the 1950s-1960s in South-East Asia, which were much less brutal but much more effective and long-lasting. Kiev preferred to conduct an Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) in the Donbass and to use the same strategies as the Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan. Fighting terrorists authorizes all kinds of brutality. It is the lack of a holistic approach to the conflict that led to the failure of the West in Afghanistan, Iraq and Mali.

Counter-Insurgency Operation (COIN) requires a more sophisticated and holistic approach. But NATO is incapable of developing such strategies as I have seen first-hand in Afghanistan. The war in Donbass has been brutal for 8 years and has resulted in the death of 10,000 Ukrainian citizens plus 4,000 Ukrainian military personnel. By comparison, in 30 years, the conflict in Northern Ireland resulted in 3,700 deaths. To justify this brutality, the Ukrainians had to invent the myth of a Russian intervention in Donbass.

The problem is that the philosophy of the new Maidan leaders was to have a racially pure Ukraine. In other words, the unity of the Ukrainian people was not to be achieved through the integration of communities, but through the exclusion of communities of “inferior races.” An idea that would no doubt have pleased the grandfathers of Ursula von der Leyen and Chrystia Freeland! This explains why Ukrainians have little empathy for the country’s Russian, Magyar and Romanian-speaking minorities. This in turn explains why Hungary and Romania do not want their territories to be used for the supply of arms to Ukraine.

This is why shooting at their own citizens to intimidate them is not a problem for the Ukrainians. This explains the spraying of thousands of PFM-1 (“butterfly”) anti-personnel mines, which look like toys, on the Russian-speaking city of Donetsk in July 2022. This type of mine is used by a defender, not an attacker in its main area of operation. Moreover, in this area, the Donbass militias are fighting “at home,” with populations they know personally.

I think that war crimes have been committed on both sides, but that their media coverage has been very different. Our media have reported extensively about crimes (true or false) attributed to Russia. On the other hand, they have been extremely silent about Ukrainian crimes. We do not know the whole truth about the Bucha massacre, but the available evidence supports the hypothesis that Ukraine staged the event to cover up its own crimes. By keeping these crimes quiet, our media have been complicit with them and have created a sense of impunity that has encouraged the Ukrainians to commit further crimes.

TP: Latvia wants the West (America) to designate Russia a “terrorist state.” What do you make of this? Does this mean that the war is actually over, and Russia has won?

JB: The Estonian and Latvian demands are in response to Zelensky’s call to designate Russia as a terrorist state. Interestingly, they come at the same time a Ukrainian terrorist campaign is being unleashed in Crimea, the occupied zone of Ukraine and the rest of Russian territory. It is also interesting that Estonia was apparently complicit in the attack on Darya Dugina in August 2022.

It seems that Ukrainians communicate in a mirror image of the crimes they commit or the problems they have, in order to hide them. For example, in late May 2022, as the Azovstal surrender in Mariupol showed neo-Nazi fighters, they began to allege that there are neo-Nazis in the Russian army. In August 2022, when Kiev was carrying out actions of a terrorist nature against the Energodar power plant in Crimea and on Russian territory, Zelensky called (https://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/viznannya-rosiyi-derzhavoyu-teroristom-potribne-ne-yak-polit-76797) for Russia to be considered a terrorist state.

In fact, Zelensky continues to believe that he can only solve his problem by defeating Russia and that this defeat depends on sanctions against Russia. Declaring Russia a terrorist state would lead to further isolation. That is why he is making this appeal. This shows that the label “terrorist” is more political than operational, and that those who make such proposals do not have a very clear vision of the problem. The problem is that it has implications for international relations. This is why the US State Department is concerned that Zelensky’s request will be implemented by Congress.

TP: One of the sadder outcomes of this Ukraine-Russia conflict is how the West has shown the worst of itself. Where do you think we will go from here? More of the same, or will there be changes that will have to be made in regards to NATO, neutral countries which are no longer neutral, and the way the West seeks to “govern” the world?

JB: This crisis reveals several things. First, that NATO and the European Union are only instruments of US foreign policy. These institutions no longer act in the interests of their members, but in the interests of the US. The sanctions adopted under American pressure are backfiring on Europe, which is the big loser in this whole crisis: it suffers its own sanctions and has to deal with the tensions resulting from its own decisions.

The decisions taken by Western governments reveal a generation of leaders who are young and inexperienced (such as Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin); ignorant, yet thinking they are smart (such as French President Emmanuel Macron); doctrinaire (such as European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen); and fanatical (such as the leaders of the Baltic States). They all share some of the same weaknesses, not least of which is their inability to manage a complex crisis.

When the head is unable to understand the complexity of a crisis, we respond with guts and dogmatism. This is what we see happening in Europe. The Eastern European countries, especially the Baltic States and Poland, have shown themselves to be loyal servants of American policy. They have also shown immature, confrontational, and short-sighted governance. These are countries that have never integrated Western values, that continue to celebrate the forces of the Third Reich and discriminate against their own Russian-speaking population.

I am not even mentioning the European Union, which has been vehemently opposed to any diplomatic solution and has only added fuel to the fire.

The more you are involved in a conflict, the more you are involved in its outcome. If you win, all is well. But if the conflict is a failure, you will bear the burden. This is what has happened to the United States in recent conflicts and what is happening in Ukraine. The defeat of Ukraine is becoming the defeat of the West.

Another big loser in this conflict is clearly Switzerland. Its neutral status has suddenly lost all credibility. Early August, Switzerland and Ukraine concluded an agreement that would allow the Swiss embassy in Moscow to offer protection to Ukrainian citizens in Russia. However, in order to enter into force, it has to be recognized by Russia. Quite logically, Russia refused and declared that “Switzerland had unfortunately lost its status as a neutral state and could not act as an intermediary or representative.”

This is a very serious development because neutrality is not simply a unilateral declaration. It must be accepted and recognized by all to be effective. Yet Switzerland not only aligned itself with the Western countries but was even more extreme than them. It can be said that in a few weeks, Switzerland has ruined a policy that has been recognized for almost 170 years. This is a problem for Switzerland, but it may also be a problem for other countries. A neutral state can offer a way out of a crisis. Today, Western countries are looking for a way out that would allow them to get closer to Russia in the perspective of an energy crisis without losing face. Turkey has taken on this role, but it is limited, as it is part of NATO.

The West has created an Iron Curtain 2.0 that will affect international relations for years to come. The West’s lack of strategic vision is astonishing. While NATO is aligning itself with US foreign policy and reorienting itself towards China, Western strategy has only strengthened the Moscow-Beijing axis.

TP: What do you think this war ultimately means for Europe, the US and China?

JB: In order to answer this question, we first must answer another question: “Why is this conflict more condemnable and sanctionable than previous conflicts started by the West?”

After the disasters of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Mali, the rest of the world expected the West to help resolve this crisis with common sense. The West responded in exactly the opposite way to these expectations. Not only has no one been able to explain why this conflict was more reprehensible than previous ones, but the difference in treatment between Russia and the United States has shown that more importance is attached to the aggressor than to the victims. Efforts to bring about the collapse of Russia contrast with the total impunity of countries that have lied to the UN Security Council, practiced torture, caused the deaths of over a million people and created 37 million refugees.

This difference in treatment went unnoticed in the West. But the “rest of the world” has understood that we have moved from a “law-based international order” to a “rules-based international order” determined by the West.

On a more material level, the confiscation of Venezuelan gold by the British in 2020, of Afghanistan’s sovereign funds in 2021, and then of Russia’s sovereign funds in 2022 by the US, has raised the mistrust of the West’s allies. This shows that the non-Western world is no longer protected by law and depends on the goodwill of the West.

This conflict is probably the starting point for a new world order. The world is not going to change all at once, but the conflict has raised the attention of the rest of the world. For when we say that the “international community” condemns Russia, we are in fact talking about 18% of the world’s population.

Some actors traditionally close to the West are gradually moving away from it. On 15 July 2022, Joe Biden visited Mohammed bin Salman (MbS) with two objectives: to prevent Saudi Arabia from moving closer to Russia and China, and to ask him to increase its oil production. But four days earlier, MbS made an official request to become a member of the BRICS, and a week later, on 21 July, MbS called Vladimir Putin to confirm that he would stand by the OPEC+ decision. In other words: no oil production increase. It was a slap in the face of the West and of its most powerful representative.

Saudi Arabia has now decided to accept Chinese currency as payment for its oil. This is a major event, which tends to indicate a loss of confidence in the dollar. The consequences are potentially huge. The petrodollar was established by the US in the 1970s to finance its deficit. By forcing other countries to buy dollars, it allows the US to print dollars without being caught in an inflationary loop. Thanks to the petrodollar, the US economy—which is essentially a consumer economy—is supported by the economies of other countries around the world. The demise of the petrodollar could have disastrous consequences for the US economy, as former Republican Senator Ron Paul puts it.

In addition, the sanctions have brought China and Russia, both targeted by the West, closer together. This has accelerated the formation of a Eurasian bloc and strengthened the position of both countries in the world. India, which the US has scorned as a “second-class” partner of the “Quad,” has moved closer to Russia and China, despite disputes with the latter.

Today, China is the main provider of infrastructure in the Third World. In particular, its way of interacting with African countries is more in line with the expectations of these countries. Collaboration with former colonial powers such as France and American imperialist paternalism are no longer welcome. For example, the Central African Republic and Mali have asked France to leave their countries and have turned to Russia.

At the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit, the US proudly announced (https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3177556/us-offers-us150-million-development-package-asean-countries-first-day) a $150 million contribution to “strengthen its position in the broader geopolitical competition with China.” But in November 2021, President Xi Jinping offered $1.5 billion to the same countries to fight the pandemic and promote economic recovery. By using its money to wage war, the US has no money left to forge and consolidate alliances.

The West’s loss of influence stems from the fact that it continues to treat the “rest of the world” like “little children” and neglects the usefulness of good diplomacy.

The war in Ukraine is not the trigger for these phenomena, which started a few years ago, but it is most certainly an eye-opener and accelerator.

TP: The western media has been pushing that Putin may be seriously ill. If Putin suddenly dies, would this make any difference at all to the war?

JB: It seems that Vladimir Putin is a unique medical case in the world: he has stomach cancer, leukemia (https://www.sportskeeda.com/pop-culture/is-vladimir-putin-sick-health-problems-abdominal-cancer-prognosis-explored-amid-latest-report), an unknown but incurable and terminal phase disease (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/putin-is-seriously-ill-potentially-terminal-ex-mi6-russia-head-says/ar-AAXkiLh), and is reportedly already dead (https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/vladimir-putin-dead-body-double-27105267). Yet in July 2022, at the Aspen Security Forum, CIA Director William Burns said that Putin was “too healthy (https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/20/cia-putin-health-00047046)” and that there was “no information (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-62246914) to suggest that he is in poor health.” This shows how those who claim to be journalists work!

This is wishful thinking and, on the higher end of the spectrum, it echoes the calls for terrorism and the physical elimination (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/aug/14/putin-war-europe-ukraine-west) of Vladimir Putin.

The West has personalized Russian politics through Putin, because he is the one who promoted the reconstruction of Russia after the Yeltsin years. Americans like to be champions when there are no competitors and see others as enemies. This is the case with Germany, Europe, Russia and China.

But our “experts” know little about Russian politics. For in reality, Vladimir Putin is more of a “dove” in the Russian political landscape. Given the climate that we have created with Russia, it would not be impossible that his disappearance would lead to the emergence of more aggressive forces. We should not forget that countries like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland or Georgia have never developed European democratic values. They still have discriminatory policies towards their ethnic Russians that are far from European values, and they behave like immature agents provocateurs. I think that if Putin were to disappear for some reason, the conflicts with these countries would take on a new dimension.

TP: How unified is Russia presently? Has the war created a more serious opposition than what previously existed within Russia?

JB: No, on the contrary. The American and European leaders have a poor understanding of their enemy: the Russian people are very patriotic and cohesive. Western obsession to ” punish ” the Russian people has only brought them closer to their leaders. In fact, by seeking to divide Russian society in an effort to overthrow the government, Western sanctions—including the dumbest ones—have confirmed what the Kremlin has been saying for years: that the West has a profound hatred of Russians. What was once said to be a lie is now confirmed in Russian opinion. The consequence is that the people’s trust in the government has grown stronger.

The approval ratings given by the Levada Centre (considered by the Russian authorities as a “foreign agent”) show that public opinion has tightened around Vladimir Putin and the Russian government. In January 2022, Vladimir Putin’s approval rating was 69% and the government’s was 53%. Today, Putin’s approval rating has been stable at around 83% since March, and the government’s is at 71%. In January, 29% did not approve of Vladimir Putin’s decisions, in July it was only 15%.

According to the Levada Centre, even the Russian operation in Ukraine enjoys a majority of favorable opinions. In March, 81% of Russians were in favor of the operation; this figure dropped to 74%, probably due to the impact of sanctions at the end of March, and then it went back up. In July 2022, the operation had 76% popular support (https://www.levada.ru/2022/08/01/konflikt-s-ukrainoj-iyul-2022-goda/).

The problem is that our journalists have neither culture nor journalistic discipline and they replace them with their own beliefs. It is a form of conspiracy that aims to create a false reality based on what one believes and not on the facts. For example, few know (or want to know) that Aleksey Navalny said he would not return Crimea to Ukraine (https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2014/10/16/navalny-wouldnt-return-crimea-considers-immigration-bigger-issue-than-ukraine-a40477). The West’s actions have completely wiped out the opposition, not because of “Putin’s repression,” but because in Russia, resistance to foreign interference and the West’s deep contempt for Russians is a bipartisan cause. Exactly like the hatred of Russians in the West. This is why personalities like Aleksey Navalny, who never had a very high popularity, have completely disappeared from the popular media landscape.

Moreover, even if the sanctions have had a negative impact on the Russian economy, the way the government has handled things since 2014 shows a great mastery of economic mechanisms and a great realism in assessing the situation. There is a rise in prices in Russia, but it is much lower than in Europe, and while Western economies are raising their key interest rates, Russia is lowering its own.

The Russian journalist Marina Ovsyannikova has been exemplified as an expression of the opposition in Russia. Her case is interesting because, as usual, we do not say everything.

On 14 March 2022, she provoked international applause by interrupting the Russian First Channel news program with a poster calling for ending the war in Ukraine (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/mar/14/russian-tv-employee-interrupts-news-broadcast-marina-ovsyannikova). She was arrested and fined $280.

In May, the German newspaper Die Welt offered her a job in Germany (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-61071163), but in Berlin, pro-Ukrainian activists demonstrated (https://twitter.com/dw_ukrainian/status/1514860587393720323) to get the newspaper to end its collaboration with her (https://www.eurointegration.com.ua/rus/news/2022/04/15/7137880/). The media outlet Politico even suggested that she might be an agent of the Kremlin (https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/01/the-mysterious-case-of-marina-o-00029150)!

As a result, in June 2022, she left Germany to live in Odessa, her hometown. But instead of being grateful, the Ukrainians put her on the Mirotvorets blacklist where she is accused of treason, “participation in the Kremlin’s special information and propaganda operations” and “complicity with the invaders.”

The Mirotvorets website is a “hit list” for politicians, journalists or personalities who do not share the opinion of the Ukrainian government. Several of the people on the list have been murdered. In October 2019, the UN requested the closure (https://zn.ua/UKRAINE/v-oon-nastaivayut-na-zakrytii-sayta-mirotvorec-332863_.html) of the site, but this was refused by the Rada (https://zn.ua/UKRAINE/razumkov-otvetil-na-prizyv-oon-zakryt-sayt-mirotvorec-332952_.html). It should be noted that none of our mainstream media has condemned this practice, which is very far from the values they claim to defend. In other words, our media support these practices that used to be attributed to South American regimes.

Ovsyannikova then returned to Russia, where she demonstrated against the war (https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1548729541711085571), calling Putin a “killer,” and was arrested by the police and placed under house arrest for three months. At this point, our media protested.

It is worth noting that Russian journalist Darya Dugina, the victim of a bomb attack in Moscow on 21 August 2022, was on the Mirotvorets list and her file was marked “liquidated (https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/platonova-darya-aleksandrovna/).” Of course, no Western media mentioned that she was targeted by the Mirotvorets website, which is considered to be linked to the SBU, as this would tend to support Russia’s accusations.

German journalist Alina Lipp, whose revelations about Ukrainian and Western crimes in the Donbass are disturbing, has been placed on the website Mirotvorets (https://myrotvorets.center/criminal/lipp-alina/). Moreover, Alina Lipp was sentenced in absentia to three years in prison by a German court for claiming that Russian troops had “liberated” areas in Ukraine and thus “glorified criminal activities.” As can be seen, the German authorities are functioning like the neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine. Today’s politicians are a credit to their grandparents!

One can conclude that even if there are some people who oppose the war, Russian public opinion is overwhelmingly behind its government. Western sanctions have only strengthened the credibility of the Russian president.

Ultimately, my point is not to take the same approach as our media and replace the hatred of Russia with that of Ukraine. On the contrary, it is to show that the world is not either black or white and that Western countries have taken the situation too far. Those who are compassionate about Ukraine should have pushed our governments to implement the agreed political solutions in 2014 and 2015. They haven’t done anything and are now pushing Ukraine to fight. But we are no longer in 2021. Today, we have to accept the consequences of our non-decisions and help Ukraine to recover. But this must not be done at the expense of its Russian-speaking population, as we have done until now, but with the Russian-speaking people, in an inclusive manner. If I look at the media in France, Switzerland and Belgium, we are still very far from the goal.

TP: Thank you so very much, Mr. Baud, for this most enlightening discussion.

7th September 2022, 06:18
The Corbett Report | False Flags Watch Along (Part 2) | Sept. 6, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (corbettreport.com/alqaeda/), The Last American Vagabond (https://thelastamericanvagabond.com/)


On Sunday, September 4th, James Corbett and Broc West of The Corbett Report joined Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond for a live Corbett Pirate Stream to watch and discuss Part 2 of False Flags: A Secret History of Al Qaeda.

CLICK HERE (http://corbettreport.com/alqaeda) for the complete, hyperlinked transcript of the False Flags documentary and links to audio and video downloads.

Show Notes:
The Last American Vagabond (https://thelastamericanvagabond.com/)
Corbett Pirate Streams - #SolutionsWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-corbettpirate/)
False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda (http://False%20Flags:%20The%20Secret%20History%20of%20Al%20Qaeda) (transcript and downloads)
How Do I Find Broken Links? - Questions For Corbett #075 (https://www.corbettreport.com/how-do-i-find-broken-links-questions-for-corbett-075/)
FBI says it has “No hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11” (http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article13664.htm)
Connecting bin Laden to 9-11 (http://www.911myths.com/index.php/Connecting_bin_Laden_to_9-11)
Bin Laden Never Charged With 911 Attacks ..... All Other Charges Dismissed (https://archive.org/details/911_News_Broadcasts/Bin+Laden+Never+Charged+With+911+Attacks+.....+All+Other+Charges+Dismissed.mp4)
Leaked Snowden docs show for first time that DNA test verified identity of Osama bin Laden’s body (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/leaked-snowden-docs-show-for-first-time-that-dna-test-verified-identity-of-osama-bin-laden-s-body-8790831.html)
Demolition access to the World Trade Center towers: Part one – Tenants (https://911truth.org/demolition-access-to-the-world-trade-center-towers-part-one-tenants/)
Demolition Access To The WTC Towers: Part Two – Security (https://911truth.org/demolition-access-wtc-towers-part-two-security/)
9/11 Suspects: Dancing Israelis (https://www.corbettreport.com/911-suspects-dancing-israelis/)
The Watchdogs Didn't Bark (https://watchdogsbark.com/) by John Duffy & Ray Nowosielski
9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-308-911-trillions-follow-the-money/)
9/11 War Games (https://www.corbettreport.com/911wargames/)
9/11 Trillions/War Games DVD (https://newworldnextweek.com/products/9-11-trillions-9-11-war-games)

7th September 2022, 06:29
Dr. Jacques Vallée on TRINITY: The Best Kept Secret | Sept. 6, 2022

Source: Martin Willis Live Shows youtube (https://www.youtube.com/user/PodcastUFO), Book: TRINITY: The Best-Kept Secret (https://www.amazon.com/TRINITY-Best-Kept-Jacques-F-Vallée/dp/B094ZQ1GW5)


Guest Dr. Jacques Vallée discusses what has changed in the last few years in the UFO field, his work with Bigelow's government contract to research UFOs, his latest book, TRINITY: The Best Kept Secret Breakthrough, in this book Research Reveals the Earliest Evidence of US Government’s UFO RecoveryHard evidence has existed since 1945 for the actual recovery of unidentified flying craft in the United States.

Dr. Jacques F. Vallee has long been regarded as the most respected and senior scientific investigator of unidentified aerial phenomena. He was the inspiration for the French UFO researcher in Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

He has investigated reports of UFOs all over the world and has worked on related U.S. and French government projects. He is currently working on a project to analyze UFO materials in a Silicon Valley lab. Vallee studied mathematics at the Sorbonne and received an MS in astrophysics at Lille University, then began his professional life as an astronomer for the French Space Committee, working at Paris Observatory.

In 1962 he began working as an astronomer at the University of Texas at Austin, where he co-developed the first computer-based detailed map of Mars for NASA. He then moved to Northwestern University where he earned a PhD in artificial intelligence and served as a close associate of Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the U.S. Air Force’s top scientific consultant on UFOs under Project Blue Book. He went on to work for Hynek and Project Blue Book to create the first interactive computer data base of UFO observations.

In the late 60’s, Vallee began exploring the commonalities between UFOs, the paranormal, and folklore. His observations were detailed in his book, Passport to Magonia: From Folklore to Flying Saucers, in which he suggested a multidimensional hypothesis. In the 70’s, Vallee served as one of the Principal investigators of DARPA and led the team which built the world's first software collaboration system, running on Arpanet, the prototype for the Internet.

Joining Stanford Research Institute and the Institute for the Future in Silicon Valley, Vallee formed friendships with Hal Puthoff, Russell Targ, and Kit Green and consulted on SRI’s classified remote viewing programs (including the Stargate Project), which were supported by several government agencies. In 1978, Vallee was part of a panel of experts (which included NASA Astronaut Gordon Cooper, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, military and government officials) that presented a plan for UFO research at the United Nations.

In the early 2000’s, Vallee co-founded a venture capital firm in Silicon Valley. He also worked as a member of the scientific advisory board of Bigelow Aerospace and conducted private research for Bigelow and its partners, including the Pentagon’s now de-classified UFO program known as AATIP. Vallee has written two dozen books, including Passport to Magonia, Wonders in the Sky, Dimensions, Forbidden Science, and The Invisible College.

8th September 2022, 09:17
Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell | Source Reveals New PROMIS Info on Danny Casolaro Mystery! | Sept. 8, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com), gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


In this Special Episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt Interviews Dr. Joseph Farrell on the new Bombshell information that his cousin Douglas Martin (Marty) Farrell gleamed from 2 meetings with with Journalist Danny Casolaro who reported extensively on the PROMIS Software/Inslaw Scandal prior to his mysterious death in August 1991 before releasing his breakthrough book on what he called ‘The Octopus’ of Global Corruption.

Marty Farrell goes on the record with never before heard details that Casolaro in conversation was wondering what was driving the extreme reaction from the Justice Department in the PROMIS case. Dr. Farrell provides commentary that his impression after hearing these new anecdotes is that Casolaro believed there was a hidden back door placed in the software BEFORE it was stolen by the Justice Department. The implication is that there is an unseen actor on the World Stage that is able to conduct mass blackmail on all sides.

They also pursue the lead that this is all somehow tied up with a programmer named Barry Kumnick who made additions to the PROMIS software called ‘Brainstorm’ and was subsequently forced underground and turned up as a fictional character in a strange highly informed Fundamentalist novel. Brainstorm shares many aspects of the predictive algorithm prevalent in modern AI Programming and predicted in the Spielberg movie “Minority Report.”

They also look deeply at Michael Riconosciuto the genius programmer at the heart of the PROMIS case who was put in prison after attempting to expose that he was instructed to install spying software in the version of the software that the Justice Department stole from Inslaw. Riconosciuto is majorly connected to the UFO file through the fact that his father was a partner in an advertising firm with Fred Krisman, a main figure in the legendary Maury Island UFO Case.

8th September 2022, 09:21
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Dark Winter, The Energy Crisis Is The Climate Lockdown | Sept. 7, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest tricks by the establishment to have us go along with climate lockdowns in episode 118 of No-Go Zone this September 7, 2022.

9th September 2022, 03:14
This just makes me feel like :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:

Green Energy Fuels China’s Economy, Hurts Our Planet?
China in Focus - NTD
699K subscribers
⭕ Watch the full episode on EpochTV 👉https://ept.ms/ChinaRealWinner_Full

"A greener, and cleaner world: that and more is what policies like the Inflation Reduction Act aim to achieve.

But are our efforts being underwritten by an #AdversarialPower on the other side of the world?

In this special report, we look at how the #ChineseRegime could be reaping the rewards of new industries, while American citizens get buried under higher energy prices here at home.

Joining us to help shed light on the topic are Rex M. Lee, cybersecurity adviser at My Smart Privacy; and Greg Copley, president at the International Strategic Studies Association."

00:00 Intro
00:39 Green Energy Fuels China's Economy, Hurts Our Planet?


Quantum Computing: Race for the Next Manhattan Project
32,724 views Sep 1, 2022
China in Focus - NTD
699K subscribers
⭕ Watch the full episode on EpochTV 👉https://ept.ms/UltimateWeapon_FULL

"World powers are in a race for the next #ManhattanProject. This time, instead of an atomic bomb, the atoms make up a #QuantumComputer.

In this special report, we look at China’s goal to be the first to get their hands on the ultimate #CyberWeapon, how China stacks up against the United States in terms of this race, and how Americans’ personal information is at the heart of it all."

00:00 Intro
00:41 Quantum computing: race for the next Manhattan project


China's Stranglehold Over the US With Rare Earths
25,402 views Aug 25, 2022
China in Focus - NTD
699K subscribers

⭕ Watch the full episode on EpochTV 👉https://ept.ms/ChinaMonopoly_CIF

"From batteries in #ElectricVehicles to the colors in our smartphones, to our most advanced military weapons—rare earth and critical #Minerals are at the heart of our modern life.

In this special report, we look at what China's dominance in the world's #RareEarth means for us, how that impacts every sector of society from civilian to defense, and what the United States can do now to turn the tide."

00:00 Intro
00:40 China's stranglehold over the U.S. with rare earths


9th September 2022, 06:59
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 8, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Two items today: (1) a chemtrail alert letter to Governor DeSantis of Florida, and (2) confirmation of my view that there has been a covert economic war going on between the USSA and Germany:

NWO Globalists Targeting Red States With Relentless Weather Warfare (https://stateofthenation.co/?p=132361)

Documentation: A confidential RAND report dated 01/25/2022 (https://en.weltexpress.info/2022/09/08/documentation-a-rand-report-dated-01-25-2022)

9th September 2022, 08:30
Max Igan | Our Time to Rise is Now | Sept. 9, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


9th September 2022, 12:00
Dane Wigington | Geoengineering: The Real Culprit Behind Climate Change & Near Term Planetary Extinction | Veritas Radio | Hour 1 | Sept. 1, 2022

Source: veritasradio.com (http://veritasradio.com), GeoengineeringWatch.org (http://GeoengineeringWatch.org)


Shouldn't it be considered that every breath we take is laden with highly toxic particles that are wreaking havoc in our own bodies? Particles that aren't being reported by any air quality testing systems.

The climate engineering nanoparticulates are exponentially smaller than what is actually allowed. They go virtually unreported. These nanomaterials generate reactive oxygen species in biological materials, damaged tissue, lead to advanced aging, cause cancer, causative agents of dementia.

They might think they're doing something positive for humanity to save our species but they're also poisoning all life. If the climate engineering operations which are derailing earth's life support systems are not immediately exposed and halted, all other challenges for the human race become moot because the planet will no longer support life.

We are in completely uncharted territory, virtually the entire web of life is being systematically contaminated and decimated by the ongoing climate engineering operations. On top of all other forms of human or anthropogenic activity that are wreaking havoc in the web of life, climate engineering, mathematically, statistically speaking, is the single greatest and most immediate threat we collectively face short of nuclear cataclysm.

Dane Wigington has a background in solar energy. He is a former employee of Bechtel Power Corp. and was a licensed contractor in California and Arizona. He has been engaged in constant climate / geoengineering research for the last 15 years.

He owns a wildlife preserve next to Lake Shasta in northern California. Dane put all his focus, efforts and energy researching the climate engineering issue when he began to lose very significant amounts of solar uptake due to the ever-increasing solar obscuration caused from jet aircraft spraying in the skies above his mountaintop home.

He is the lead researcher for www.geoengineeringwatch.org (http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org) and has investigated all levels of geoengineering from stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG) to solar radiation management (SRM), to ionosphere heater facilities like HAARP.

Dane has appeared numerous films and radio interviews in an effort to educate the public on the extremely dire environmental and health dangers we face from the ongoing global climate intervention programs. He lives in Shasta County, California.

12th September 2022, 11:47
Andrei Martyanov | Betrayal | Sept. 11, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


White noise of propaganda. 9/11.

12th September 2022, 12:02
Dark Journalist | Casolaro Riconosciuto PROMIS And The UFO File! | Sept. 9, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


On the heels of the revelations by Dr. Joseph Farrell and his cousin Marty who met with reporter Danny Casolaro who broke the Octopus/Inslaw case, Dark Journalist looks closely at the UFO ties of Michael Riconosciuto, the genius programmer at the heart of the PROMIS case.

Riconosciuto, who was put in prison after attempting to expose that he was instructed to install spying electronic back doors in the version of the software that the Justice Department stole from Inslaw, is deeply connected to the UFO file through the fact that his father was a partner in an advertising firm with Fred Crisman, a key figure in the classic Men In Black Maury Island UFO Case. DJ also looks at the presence of corrupt spy and publisher Robert Maxwell father of Ghislaine Maxwell in the PROMIS scandal!

12th September 2022, 14:16
The Corbett Report | False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda - Part 3: The War of Terror


America's decades-long debacle in the Middle East—from the invasion, occupation and eventual choatic retreat from Afghanistan to the illegal invasion of Iraq and the rise of ISIS to the regime change operations in Libya and Syria—had been portrayed as a "failure" of military planning.

But, when viewed in its proper context, the war on terror was no failure. In fact, waged on fictitious grounds against a shadow enemy, the great military campaign of the 21st century was not a war on terror at all. It was a war of terror, a pretext for the construction of an international security grid in the name of fighting a bogeyman that never existed in the first place.

And by that metric, the war of terror was successful beyond its planners' wildest dreams. . . .

Transcript & Sources (https://www.corbettreport.com/false-flags-the-secret-history-of-al-qaeda-part-3-the-war-of-terror/)

13th September 2022, 09:00
Andrei Martyanov | Instant Gratification Blitzkrieg | Sept. 12, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Announcement: those who want to discuss 911 theories--find yourself proper channel.
Fast Food "Operations". History lessons and Wehrmacht influences.

13th September 2022, 09:28
Max Igan | The Conclusion is Not Foregone | Sept. 13, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


14th September 2022, 06:06
James Corbett at the 9/11 Truth Film Festival | Sept. 14, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/filmfestival-aq3), 2022 9/11 Truth Film Festival (https://richardgage911.org/9-11-truth-film-festival-september-11-2022)


On Sunday, September 11, 2022, James Corbett appeared at the 2022 9/11 Truth Film Festival (in support of the Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry (https://www.lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org) and their upcoming film, 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom (https://www.lawyerscommitteefor9-11inquiry.org/2021/09/09/co-produce-this-powerful-new-9-11-film)) to talk about Part 3 of False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda (https://www.corbettreport.com/alqaeda). He discusses the film with Richard and Gail Gage of RichardGage911.org (https://richardgage911.org) and answers questions about the research that went into it.

Show Notes:
2022 9/11 Truth Film Festival (https://richardgage911.org/9-11-truth-film-festival-september-11-2022)
False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda (https://www.corbettreport.com/alqaeda)
The B-Thing (https://www.gelitin.net/projects/b-thing)
Israeli software spying on US - FOX - Dec 2001 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H20Naj176M0)
9/11 Suspects: Dancing Israelis (https://www.corbettreport.com/911-suspects-dancing-israelis)
Kevin Ryan on Demolition Access to the WTC (https://richardgage911.org/kevin-ryan-my-guest-on-richardgage911unleashed)
Operation Aphrodite (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Aphrodite)
Become a Corbett Report member (https://www.corbettreport.com/members)
Purchase Corbett Report DVDs @ NewWorldNextWeek.com (https://newworldnextweek.com)

14th September 2022, 06:22
The Black Vault | U.S. Navy Says ALL UAP/UFO Videos Are Classified And Exempt From Release | Sept. 13, 2022


Since December of 2017, two videos that surfaced of alleged Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) sightings captivated the world. Months later, a third was released that only increased public interest into the topic, but also strengthened their voice for transparency about the mysterious phenomena.

Even though the military said they were not cleared for public dissemination and considered leaked, the Navy later would officially release copies of the same in April of 2020 to satisfy public curiosity and calls for transparency. But, how many other videos were there?

At that moment, The Black Vault aimed to find out just that.

So, in April of 2020, The Black Vault began a pursuit to have the U.S. Navy release ALL of their videos that held a UAP designation. And after nearly two and a half years, the untold number of videos with that UAP designation have been fully denied due to national security concerns.

More Information and Links (https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/u-s-navy-says-all-uap-ufo-videos-are-classified-and-exempt-from-release/)

15th September 2022, 07:11
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: The Hatred Against White People Has No Limits | Sept. 14, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik highlights the latest in hate and violence against White people, and how its being ignored, in episode 119 of No-Go Zone this September 14 2022.

15th September 2022, 07:29
David Icke Talks About The Great Reset | An Edu Kitchen Netherlands Special | Sept. 12, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


15th September 2022, 09:19
Andrei Martyanov | Bipolar Geopolitics | Sept. 14, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


More on Wehrmacht influences and why Mr. Kirby is cautious.

15th September 2022, 13:16
Geoengineering Watch | Nanoparticulate Rain, Interview With A Scientist | Sept. 14, 2022

Source: GeoengineeringWatch.org (https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/nanoparticulate-rain-interview-with-a-scientist)


Nanoparticulate rain, are climate engineering operations the source? What aren't we being told? A highly credentialed scientist provides extensive analysis, this is a must watch report.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations (https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/how-do-we-stop-climate-engineering-only-way-forward/) to what is coming, we must make every day count (https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/introducing-geoengineering-climate-engineering-to-the-uninformed/). Share credible data (https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/climate-engineering-fact-and-photo-summary/) from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.
-Dane Wigington

16th September 2022, 06:29
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 15, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


The UK Daily Mail in an arctile shared by N., is reporting on a possible assassination attempt on Russian President Vladimir Putin during an attack on his motorcade presumably on Sept 14, 2022

Putin's limousine is 'hit by loud bang' in possible 'attack' – but Russian leader is left unharmed – according to anti-Kremlin sources who revealed health scares… and also claim 'he has ordered gymnast lover to have an abortion' (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11212515/Putins-limousine-hit-loud-bang-possible-attack.html?login#readerCommentsCommand-message-field)

16th September 2022, 12:03
Patrick M. Wood | The Nation-State has become an Empty Shell | Sept. 15, 2022

Source: technocracy.news (http://technocracy.news), deanderekrant.nl (http://deanderekrant.nl)


This is a wide-ranging interview on Technocracy and the European Union. We discussed immigration, deconstruction, deregulation, various crisis and transhumanism. Very worthwhile discussion.

Patrick M. Wood is the world‘s leading expert on historic and modern Technocracy and its geostrategic importance to economic, political and spiritual trends.

19th September 2022, 06:43
The Corbett Report | False Flags Watch Along (Part 3) | Sept. 15, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com), thelastamericanvagabond.com (http://thelastamericanvagabond.com)


On Sunday, September 11th, James Corbett and Broc West of The Corbett Report joined Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond for a live Corbett Pirate Stream to watch and discuss Part 3 of False Flags: A Secret History of Al Qaeda.

Show Notes:

The Last American Vagabond (https://thelastamericanvagabond.com/)

Corbett Pirate Streams - #SolutionsWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-corbettpirate/)

False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda (http://False%20Flags:%20The%20Secret%20History%20of%20Al%20Qaeda) (transcript and downloads)

Enough Already: Time to End the War on Terrorism (https://libertarianinstitute.org/books/enough-already-time-to-end-the-war-on-terrorism/)

Deadliest Day in Spec Ops History: The Extortion-17 Chinook Crash (https://www.military.com/special-operations/2014/08/06/remembering-chinook-crash-2011.html)

Obama 'Put a Target on Their Backs', SEAL Team 6 Family Members Say (https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2013/05/09/obama-put-a-target-on-their-backs-seal-team-6-family-members-say)

Obama stonewalls SEAL Team 6 Extortion 17 helicopter crash probe, watchdog says (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/aug/5/obama-stonewalls-seal-team-6-extortion-17-helicopt/)

Patrick Clawson Responds to Questions, Full Video - 9/21/2012 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6LKmhDRWFc)

Kodomosan website (https://www.kodomosan.com/)

Become a Corbett Report member (https://www.corbettreport.com/members/)

Donate to The Last American Vagabond (https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/donations/donation-form/)

19th September 2022, 06:49
Redice TV | Flashback Friday | It’s Ok When We Do It | Sept. 16, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik and Lana cover the latest in episode 185 of Flashback Friday this September 16 2022.

19th September 2022, 07:46
Whitney Webb | The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Organized Crime | Dr. Mercola | Sept. 14, 2022

Source: unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com), Mercola.com (http://Mercola.com)


In this interview, investigative journalist Whitney Webb discusses her book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein.” The book is so long, it was cut into two volumes. Volume 1 alone is 544 pages, but it’s a fascinating read and incredibly well-referenced.

Whitney Webb’s book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein,” provides the framework to understand not just the role and function of Epstein, but also, more broadly, the mess we’re now finding ourselves in.

Around the time of World War II, the intelligence community in the United States formalized its cooperation with organized crime syndicates in what was known as Operation Underworld, and the web of corruption grew from there.

Sexual blackmail was used by organized crime before U.S. intelligence even existed. As criminal factions and intelligence agencies developed a symbiotic relationship, blackmail became a tool to achieve their individual ends.

While it may appear as though organized crime is being combated, this is rarely ever the case. Stories of cracking down on organized crime are cover stories to hide what’s really happening, which is the consolidation of organized crime territory.

The incentive behind all this criminal activity is not merely the hoarding of money to live in the lap of luxury. It's about power and control over others. The good news is we can pull the plug on their plans.

19th September 2022, 07:52
David Icke | Speech From London Protest | Sept. 17, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


19th September 2022, 09:36
Andrei Martyanov | Politicizing reality | Sept. 18, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Intel without intelligence. Media circus.

21st September 2022, 06:15
Woody Harrelson Tells Bill Maher Why He No Longer Trusts Big Government | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report | Sept. 20, 2022

Source: rubinreport.com (http://rubinreport.com)


Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a clip of Woody Harrelson explaining to Bill Maher why he no longer trusts Big Pharma or Big Government.

21st September 2022, 06:20
Andrei Martyanov | Game Did Change | Sept. 20, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Donbass and others vote.

21st September 2022, 06:28
The Corbett Report | Blood on the Cutting Room Floor | Sept. 20, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com/cuttingroomfloor)


Do you think The Corbett Report's new 5+ hour, 50,000 word documentary, False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda (https://corbettreport.com/alqaeda) wasn't long enough? Do you think it missed key parts of the Al Qaeda myth and failed to document important parts of the War of Terror story? Well, so do I! Today, let's take a tour of the cutting room floor and see what was left out of the documentary.

Show Notes:
Lysander Spooner: The Anarchist Who Single-Handedly Took on the US Post Office (https://fee.org/articles/lysander-spooner-the-anarchist-who-single-handedly-took-on-the-us-post-office/)
False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda (https://www.corbettreport.com/alqaeda/)
Saga of Dr. Zawahri Sheds Light On the Roots of al Qaeda Terror (https://archive.ph/YncAa)
The Man Behind bin Laden (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2002/09/16/the-man-behind-bin-laden)
Basra prison incident (https://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/2005-09-19-british-basra_x.htm)

21st September 2022, 06:32
Max Igan | The Governments War on Children | Sept. 20, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


21st September 2022, 14:13
Whitney Webb | Meet Mark Middleton with Ed Berger

Source: unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com)


In this episode, Whitney is joined by researcher extraordinaire Ed Berger to unravel the mystery behind the recently deceased Mark Middleton, the man who met with Epstein well over ten times at the Clinton White House.

One Nation Under Blackmail is shipping this week. Ordering info available HERE (unlimitedhangout.com/2022/08/resources/one-nation-under-blackmail-info/).

22nd September 2022, 05:59
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Clinton Global Initiative, Putin’s Partial Mobilization, Biden’s UN Speech | Sept. 21, 2022

Source: Redice.tv (http://Redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest in episode 120 of No-Go Zone this September 21, 2022.

22nd September 2022, 06:04
Max Igan and Gemma O'Doherty | The Point Of No Return | Sept. 20, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


22nd September 2022, 06:14
The Corbett Report | What's the WEF Up to NOW? - Questions For Corbett | Sept. 22, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/qfc-wef/)


Richard writes in with a creatively worded question about the World Economic Forum and its role as a possible distraction. James answers in his usual too-thorough style. If you like Questions For Corbett, you'll love this edition of Questions For Corbett!

Show Notes:

9/11 War Games (https://www.corbettreport.com/911wargames/)

Prince Charles to launch 'Great Reset' project to rebuild planet in wake of coronavirus (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2020/05/22/prince-charles-launch-great-reset-project-rebuild-planet-wake/)

False Flags Watch Along Part 3 (https://www.corbettreport.com/watchalong-aq3/)

Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush (Rove quotation) (https://archive.ph/ybYwL)

9/11 Truth: Lessons Learned? (https://www.corbettreport.com/lessonslearned/)

23rd September 2022, 06:38
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 22, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Forget about nuclear war, they may have something else in mind...

Russian Nukes Can Be Used To Defend Annexed Ukraine Regions, Kremlin Warns (https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russian-nukes-can-be-used-defend-annexed-ukraine-regions-kremlin-warns)

23rd September 2022, 07:21
New Word Next Week | Biden Issues Executive Order to Begin Transhuman Nightmare | Sept. 23, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: US Senate’s CIA Torture Report to Remain Secret for ‘National Security’ (https://21stcenturywire.com/2022/09/16/us-senates-cia-torture-report-to-remain-secret-for-national-security/)

Senate Doesn’t Have to Release Full CIA Torture Report, Judge Rules (https://archive.ph/BFttF)
Beryl A. Howell (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beryl_A._Howell)
Michael Rosenfeld (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0742556/)
Senate Report: Torture Didn’t Lead to Bin Laden (https://apnews.com/article/fd8a510735f0473483183b8d4be62bb5)
Senator: Government Used Communist Torture Techniques Aimed at Extracting FALSE Confessions (https://georgewashington2.blogspot.com/2009/04/senate-report-government-used-communist.html)
Episode 027 - Torture is Bad (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-027-torture-is-bad/)
Why the Self-Proclaimed 9/11 Mastermind Hasn't Seen Trial 21 Years Later (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/why-the-self-proclaimed-9-11-mastermind-hasnt-seen-trial-21-years-later/ar-AA11Haap)
One of the Main Sources for the 9/11 Commission Report was Tortured Until He Agreed to Sign a Confession that He Was NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO READ (https://georgewashington2.blogspot.com/2009/05/one-of-main-sources-for-911-commission.html)

Story #2: Biden Uses Executive Order To Institutionalize Eugenics, Transhumanism (https://www.technocracy.news/biden-uses-executive-order-to-institutionalize-eugenics-transhumanism/)

“Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy” (https://www.technocracy.news/executive-order-biden-unleashes-transhuman-genetic-modification-firestorm-on-america/), Link 2 (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/09/12/executive-order-on-advancing-biotechnology-and-biomanufacturing-innovation-for-a-sustainable-safe-and-secure-american-bioeconomy/)
Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/09/09/notice-on-the-continuation-of-the-national-emergency-with-respect-to-certain-terrorist-attacks-2/)
Link Nr. 2 (https://archive.ph/tnTeP)
Controlled Demolition Of The COVID Illusion Ushers In “Biomanufacturing” & The American “Bioeconomy” (https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/controlled-demolition-covid-illusion-ushers-biomanufacturing-american-bioeconomy/)
Biodigital Convergence: Bombshell Document Reveals the True Agenda (https://www.corbettreport.com/biodigital-convergence-bombshell-document-reveals-the-true-agenda/)

Story #3: Beyond Meat Executive Bites Man's Nose Outside Football Game (https://www.aol.com/beyond-meat-exec-accused-biting-232321797-010512149.html)

Beyond Meat Suspends Operating Chief After Arrest for Allegedly Biting Man’s Nose (https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/20/beyond-meat-suspends-operating-chief-doug-ramsey-arrest-for-alleged-nose-biting.html)
Video: Beyond Meat COO Doug Ramsey Arrested, Accused of Biting Man's Nose (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC1qQYow6xA)
Free Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Popcorn and McDonald's — Businesses Pile On More Perks For Getting Vaccinated (Mar. 23, 2021) (https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/23/here-are-a-few-of-the-freebies-for-getting-the-covid-vaccine-.html)
Impossible Foods Seeks EU, UK Approval for Its GMO "Fake Meat" Bleeding Ingredient (https://www.gmwatch.org/en/106-news/latest-news/20096-impossible-foods-seeks-eu-and-uk-approval-for-its-gmo-fake-meat-bleeding-ingredient)
Rat Feeding Study Suggests the Impossible Burger May Not Be Safe to Eat (https://www.gmwatch.org/en/106-news/latest-news/20099-rat-feeding-study-suggests-the-impossible-burger-may-not-be-safe-to-eat)
The New World Next Week Store (https://newworldnextweek.com/)

23rd September 2022, 09:42
Max Igan | If You Still Think Your Government Has Any Validity At All You're Just Not Paying Attention | Sept. 23, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


26th September 2022, 02:03
Max Igan | If You Still Think Your Government Has Any Validity At All You're Just Not Paying Attention | Sept. 23, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


Here is another update.


26th September 2022, 06:50
The Corbett Report | Who Controls the News Controls the World | Sept. 25, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/newscontrol/)


I noticed a funny thing when browsing the propaganda newswires lately: all of the stories about the Queen's death said the exact same thing! What's going on here, and why does it matter? Join James for a wild ride through the history of newswires and the formation of the fire-induced collapse hypothesis as he explores the dictum Who Controls the News Controls the World on this week's edition of The Corbett Report.

Show Notes:

Fox5: World mourns Queen Elizabeth II (https://www.fox5ny.com/news/world-mourns-queen-elizabeth-ii)
ABC: 'A stalwart': World mourns Britain's Queen Elizabeth II (https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/stalwart-world-mourns-britains-queen-elizabeth-ii-89546301)
WIS: ‘A stalwart’: World mourns Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II (https://www.wistv.com/2022/09/08/stalwart-world-mourns-britains-queen-elizabeth-ii/)
WLBT: ‘A constant in my life’: World mourns Queen Elizabeth II (https://www.wlbt.com/2022/09/09/constant-my-life-world-mourns-queen-elizabeth-ii/)
centralmaine.com: ‘A stalwart’: World mourns Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II (https://www.centralmaine.com/2022/09/08/a-stalwart-world-mourns-britains-queen-elizabeth-ii/)
Mass Media: A History (https://www.corbettreport.com/massmedia/) (preview and course notes)
Mass Media: A History (https://newworldnextweek.com/products/mass-media-a-history) (purchase).
Sinclair Broadcasting Under Fire for “Fake News” Script (https://www.baltimoremagazine.com/section/businessdevelopment/sinclair-broadcasting-under-fire-for-fake-news-script/)
Episode 350 - History Is Written By The Winners (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-350-history-is-written-by-the-winners/)
The Triumph of the Official Narrative: How the TV Networks Hid the Twin Towers’ Explosive Demolition on 9/11 (https://www.ae911truth.org/news/872-the-triumph-of-the-official-narrative-how-the-tv-networks-hid-the-twin-towers-explosive-demolition-on-9-11)

26th September 2022, 09:31
Laurent Guyenot | 9/11: A Double False Flag? | Guns & Butter | Sept. 23, 2022

Source: gunsandbutter.org (http://gunsandbutter.org), Laurent Guyenot (http://Unz.com/author/laurent-guyenot)


We discuss Laurent Guyenot’s new article, The 9/11 Double-Cross Theory: Pentagon Inside Job – World Trade Center Israeli Job, that analyzes the September 11th attacks as two separate, but related events, with two different signatures, two different plans for the 9/11 event, and two different responses to it.

Aired: September 23, 2022

27th September 2022, 07:09
Max Igan | The Greatest Democide in History | Sept. 27, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


27th September 2022, 07:17
Andrei Martyanov | Is Intellect Enough? | Sept. 26, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


27th September 2022, 08:11
Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov | Press Conference, September 24th (fully dubbed in English)

Source: Russian MFA


Complete video (fully dubbed in English) of Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's news conference following the High-Level Week of the 77th Session of the UN General Assembly.

Talking points:

🔹 Future world order: Western hegemony or democratic and just world?
🔹 Monroe Doctrine going global
🔹 On grotesque Western Russophobia
🔹 Kiev regime's & its patrons' inability to negotiate & keep one's word
🔹 Western double standards
🔹 NATO expanding its reach to Asia
🔹 Cancel culture in international affairs
🔹 True democracy & respect for sovereign equality of nations

Transcript PDF Download English (https://avalonlibrary.net/Ukraine/2022_Russian_invasion_%28Operation-Z%29/Sergey_Lavrov/UN_General_Assembly_meeting_September_22_2022/UNGA_press_conference_transcript_%28English_version%29.pdf)

Thanks Tintin for the data!

28th September 2022, 14:13
The Corbett Report | Freedom Cells 2.0 - #SolutionsWatch | Sept. 28, 2022

Source. corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-freedomcells2/)


Frequent Corbett Report guest Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance joins us once again to discuss the newly revised and updated FreedomCells.org website. We also talk about updates to Translate the Truth , the next installment of The Pyramid of Power series, updates to How to Opt Out of the Technocratic State, and the next edition of The Greater Reset Activation.

Show Notes:

The Conscious Resistance (https://theconsciousresistance.com/)

The Activation Podcast (https://theconsciousresistance.com/category/podcasts/)

FreedomCells.org (https://freedomcells.org/)

The Freedom Cell Solution with Derrick Broze (2016) (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1218-the-freedom-cell-solution-with-derrick-broze/)

Freedom Cells and The Greater Reset - #SolutionsWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/freedom-cells-and-the-greater-reset-solutionswatch/)

Translate the Truth - #SolutionsWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-translation/)

Translate the Truth Odysee channel (https://odysee.com/@TranslateTheTruth:6)

Nevermore Media (https://nevermore.media/) (spanish translations)

Agorist Institute (https://medium.com/@elliot_vreeland)

The Pyramid of Power (https://www.thepyramidofpower.net/)

Derrick Broze on Opting Out of Technocracy (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1512-derrick-broze-on-opting-out-of-technocracy/)

How to Opt Out of the Technocratic State (https://www.theconsciousresistance.com/howto)

Derrick Broze Updates us on the Underground Railroad (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1595-derrick-broze-updates-us-on-the-underground-railroad/)

The Greater Reset (https://www.thegreaterreset.org/)

29th September 2022, 06:11
Andrei Martyanov | Mixed Bag (Pipes) | Sept. 28, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Desperate times-desperate (terrorist) measures for the US and EU.

29th September 2022, 07:30
Joseph P. Farrell | A BIG “WE TOLD YOU SO” MOMENT: SPAIN ADMITS TO CHEMTRAIL ... | Sept. 28, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)

This story is a big "we told you so moment," because a major world government, in this case, Spain has apparently admitted to spraying the atmosphere in its airspace with aerosolized heavy metals. What's also interesting here is that this article, which was shared by T.M. includes a document or bulletin of Spain's Ministry of the Interior from 2020, which in turn cites Royal Decrees from the same year:

The Spanish Meteorological Agency has confessed that Spain is being sprayed with lead dioxide, silver iodide and diatomite. (https://coldwelliantimes.com/english/the-spanish-meteorological-agency-has-confessed-that-spain-is-being-sprayed-with-lead-dioxide-silver-iodide-and-diatomite/)

Now in a world where scientismists along with Baal Gates have gone so far as to want to blot out the Sun - what could possibly go wrong? - mere chemtrails seem a bit like yesterday's apocalypse. We've like so like totally like moved on, like ya know?

Seriously though, there's something that caught my eye in this article, and I rather suspect it caught T.M.'s eye as well which is possibly why he sent it to me. It's this:

Spain was the first Western government to officially include ‘chemtrail’ in its Official Gazette. The Spanish Ministry of Health authorized the NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) units of the Armed Forces and also the UME to use biocides from the air. A month after the state of alarm was imposed, the Executive justified in the BOE that this technique is one of the “most effective” against the coronavirus since with “nebulization, thermonebulization and micronebulization techniques, all surfaces are reached with speed”.

The Executive also justified that the aforementioned units “have the personal means, materials, procedures and sufficient training to carry out aerial disinfection, since they are operations that they carry out regularly, with the exception that instead of using biocidal products they do so with other decontaminating chemicals.

On May 19, 2015, MEP Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE) announced in the European Parliament that four workers from the State Meteorological Agency had confessed that Spain is being sprayed entirely from planes that spread lead dioxide into the atmosphere. , silver iodide and diatomite. The objective, according to the same MEP, would be to keep the rains away and allow temperatures to rise, which creates a summer climate for tourism and, at the same time, helps corporations in the agricultural sector. This, in turn, is producing cold droplets of great intensity. (Emphasis added)

And just to make sure the point is not missed, the article actually cites the Bulletin of the Interior Ministry which in turn cites a Royal Decree:

Order SND/351/2020, of April 16, authorizing the NBC Units of the Armed Forces and the Military Emergency Unit to use biocides authorized by the Ministry of Health in disinfection tasks to carry out in the face of the health crisis caused by COVID-19.
Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, declaring a state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, contemplates a series of measures aimed at protecting well-being, health and safety of citizens and the containment of the progression of the disease and strengthen the public health system.

Article 4.2.d) of the aforementioned Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, determines that, for the exercise of the functions provided for therein and under the superior direction of the President of the Government, the Minister of Health will have the status of delegated competent authority, both in its own area of ​​responsibility and in other areas that do not fall within the specific sphere of competence of the other heads of the departments designated as delegated competent authorities for the purposes of the aforementioned Royal Decree.

Specifically, in accordance with the provisions of article 4.3 of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, the Minister of Health is empowered to issue the orders, resolutions, provisions and interpretive instructions that, within its scope of action as delegated authority, are necessary to guarantee the provision of all services, ordinary or extraordinary, in order to protect people, goods and places, through the adoption of any of the measures provided for in article eleven of Organic Law 4/1981 , of June 1, of the states of alarm, exception and siege.

For the effective fulfillment of these measures, the delegated competent authorities may require the action of the Armed Forces, in accordance with the provisions of article 15.3 of Organic Law 5/2005, of November 17, on National Defense.
In the field of containing the expansion of the coronavirus, special attention is required for disinfection actions in facilities such as residential social centers, hospitals and other health centers, prisons, traffic management centers and transport hubs, tasks that Armed Forces are performing as one of their priority tasks.

The Ministry of Health has been publishing and updating the list of biocides
to be used against the new coronavirus, authorized and registered in Spain in accordance with the UNE-EN 14476 standard, which evaluates the virucidal capacity of chemical antiseptics and disinfectants. In particular, due to their special effectiveness, some biocides established in main group 1 of article 1.1 of Royal Decree 830/2010, of June 25, which establishes the regulations governing training to carry out treatments with biocides, are specified.
And so on.

One has to admire the cleverness of Mr. Globaloney in "stacking functions," in this case, his manufactured climate hysteria and his manufactured planscamdemic: chemtrails are now an accepted means of disinfecting a population with "biocides", and there's nothing a population can do about it. Next step: aerosolize the quackcines, and dump them en masse on people.

And what a relief, too! Spraying lead dioxide and silver iodide would seem to be the perfect antidote to be spraying to inoculate the population of Spain against Russia=Bad Mr. Putin's nuclear war threats. Just start spraying some iodine in the atmosphere along with some aerosolize thyroid pills and we're all set, guys.

There's another very obvious thing to note as well, though it's one of those obvious things that one doesn't notice until it's pointed out. In the quotation above, the phrase "Royal Decree" is mentioned five times by my count, and that should give everyone pause, because decisions about many people are being made by few people, in this case, bureaucrats and a monarch.

Why... if this sort of thing continues, you'd think Spain was a monarchy or something, and that King Felipe VI was a member of the House of Windsor and Charles' brother or something...

See you on the flip side...

29th September 2022, 08:45
Redice TV | Europe Have Been Prepped For A Dark Winter - How Bad Could It Get? | Sept. 29, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


This segment was recorded before the Nord Stream pipeline explosion. It just got a whole lot worse. This manufactured energy crisis is basically the climate lockdown and we're headed for "absolute zero" and a not so great reset.

29th September 2022, 14:26
New World Next Week | False Flag Planted In Nord Stream Pipeline | Sept. 29, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: EU Chief Calls Nord Stream Attack "Sabotage," Warns Of "Strongest Possible Response" (https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/damage-nord-stream-pipelines-unprecedented-may-have-been-sabotaged)

“Thank you, USA.” (https://twitter.com/radeksikorski/status/1574800653724966915), Link 2 (https://archive.ph/Okt7l)
Biden Promised to Take Nord Stream Offline In February (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/09/biden-promised-to-take-nord-stream-offline-in-february.html)
US Battles Russia for Heart of the EU (https://www.corbettreport.com/us-battles-russia-for-heart-of-the-eu/)
Putin Says Russia's Not Responsible For EU's Energy Crisis — It Just Needs to 'Push the Button' on the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline for More Natural Gas (https://news.yahoo.com/putin-says-russias-not-responsible-043003952.html)
Nord Stream Explosion Removes the Chance of Separate German-Russian Peace; Russian Ability to Restore Gas to Germany Alone Lies In Tatters (https://anti-empire.com/nord-stream-explosion-removes-the-chance-of-seperate-german-russian-peace/)
Whodunnit? - Facts Related to The Sabotage Attack On The Nord Stream Pipelines (https://www.moonofalabama.org/2022/09/whodunnit-facts-related-to-the-sabotage-attack-on-the-nord-stream-pipelines.html)
Forget the Blame Game, Nordstream Sabotage Is About Great Reset & Nothing Else (https://off-guardian.org/2022/09/28/forget-the-blame-game-nordstream-sabotage-is-about-the-great-reset-nothing-else/)

Story #2: ArriveCan App Finally Scrapped In Canada (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/09/arrivecan-app-finally-scrapped-in-canada.html)

Judge Orders NYPD Union Members Fired Over Vax Mandate Reinstated (https://nypost.com/2022/09/23/nypd-union-members-axed-over-vax-mandate-ordered-reinstated/)
Federal Judge Strikes Down Head Start School Mask, Vaccine Mandate (https://libertyjusticecenter.org/media/head-start/)
Japan to Ease COVID Border Restrictions for Foreign Travellers (https://news.sky.com/story/japan-to-ease-covid-border-restrictions-for-foreign-travellers-12703699)
Justice Centre Legal Action Will Continue Against ArriveCAN (https://www.jccf.ca/justice-centre-legal-action-will-continue-against-arrivecan/)
Kenney Commands Alberta RCMP to Ignore Trudeau’s Gun Laws (https://thecountersignal.com/kenney-commands-alberta-rcmp/)
Like Alberta, Saskatchewan Tells RCMP to Ignore Ottawa’s Request to Confiscate Firearms (https://thecountersignal.com/like-alberta-saskatchewan-will-ignore-ottawas-request-to-confiscate-firearms/)

Story #3: Former Bank of England Governor Carney’s Net Zero Asset Alliance Crumbling (https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/09/26/bank-of-england-governors-net-zero-asset-alliance-crumbling/)

Major U.S. Banks Threaten to Leave Mark Carney's Climate Alliance (https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/major-u.s.-banks-threaten-to-leave-mark-carneys-climate-alliance-ft-0)
Al Gore Calls Out Greenwashing Risks As Funds Quit GFANZ (https://www.pionline.com/esg/al-gore-calls-out-greenwashing-risks-funds-quit-gfanz)
The Revolution Will Not Be Privatized; Corporate Responsibility and Its Limits (https://archive.ph/N9bKp)
Once-Hot, Fake Meat Sees Sales Slide on Price and Being Too ‘Woke’; Worldwide Auditing/Accounting Firm Deloitte Reports Deteriorating Perceptions Regarding Plant-Based Meat (https://archive.ph/iNRlR)
CFMU (https://cfmu.ca/)
The New World Next Week Store (https://newworldnextweek.com/)

30th September 2022, 05:51
Bernard Beitman | Meaningful Coincidences: How and Why Synchronicity and Serendipity Happen | Sept. 29, 2022

Source: legalise-freedom.com (http://legalise-freedom.com), coincider.com (http://coincider.com)


Bernard Beitman discusses his book 'Meaningful Coincidences: How and Why Synchronicity and Serendipity Happen'. Each of us has more to do with creating coincidences than we think. In this broad exploration of the potential of coincidences to expand our understanding of reality, psychiatrist Bernard Beitman explores why and how coincidences, synchronicity, and serendipity happen, and how to use these common occurrences to inspire psychological, interpersonal, and spiritual growth.

You will see patterns guiding your life decisions and learn to expect that coincidences are more likely to occur during times of stress, high emotion, and strong need, which helps you be ready to use them when they occur. Exploring the crucial role of individual thought and action in synchronicities and serendipities, Beitman shows that there’s much more behind these occurrences than 'fate' or randomness.

Through a complete catalogue of coincidence patterns with numerous examples, Beitman clarifies the relationship between synchronicity and serendipity and dissects the “anatomy of a coincidence”. He defines coincidence types through their two fundamental constituents - mental events and physical events.

He analyzes the many uses of meaningful coincidences as well as their potential problems. He explains how you will see patterns guiding your life decisions and learn to expect that coincidences are more likely to occur during times of stress, high emotion, and strong need, which helps you be ready to use them when they occur. Exploring the crucial role of individual thought and action in synchronicities and serendipities, Beitman shows that there’s much more behind these occurrences than 'fate' or randomness.

30th September 2022, 06:08
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Sept. 29, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


EG shared this article, and finally, someone wrote something that I largely agree with regarding the sabotage of the Nordstream 2 pipeline.

Article: HOW TO STAGE A SABOTAGE: L'Affair Farewell, Fake History, Fake Science By Deep State Design (https://charlesjohnson.substack.com/p/how-to-stage-a-sabotage-laffair-farewell)

30th September 2022, 11:23
Max Igan talks to Shaun Attwood | The Great Reset | Sept. 5, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


3rd October 2022, 06:29
Redice TV | Global Conflict Near, Ukrainian Territory Annexed By Russia, Zelensky Signs To Join NATO | Sept. 30, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik and Derek Rants cover the latest developments in the escalation between Russia and Ukraine as the Kremlin and Putin annex four Ukrainian territories.

We are closer than ever to a major global conflict and now Zelensky is seeking to fast track NATO membership. Don't miss episode 187 of Flashback Friday this September 30, 2022.

3rd October 2022, 06:33
Dark Journalist | X Pole Shift Sixth Root Race Revealed! | Sept. 30, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


Please join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for this Special X-Series Episode as he goes deep on the Mystery School predictions of a Pole Shift in the near future and the hidden scientific data that shows the factors that will cause it.

He also looks at cryptic references in esoteric material, from Edgar Cayce to The Fourth Way, to the mysterious "Sixth Root Race" and how the Transhumanist obsession with Biometric Humans may be to keep control before this psychic generation appears.

3rd October 2022, 06:40
Andrei Martyanov | Minutiae as a tool of obscurantism | Oct. 1, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


How to hide the big picture. Putin's speech.

3rd October 2022, 06:46
Max Igan | The Great Collapse Ordo Ab Chao | Oct. 1, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


3rd October 2022, 09:52
Vladimir Putin’s speech during Accession Veremony of New Territories to Russian Federation | Sept. 30, 2022

Source: RT.com (http://RT.com)


Below is the full text of Vladimir Putin’s speech, published (http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/69465) by the Kremlin’s official website:

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, citizens of the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics, residents of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, deputies of the State Duma, senators of the Russian Federation,

As you know, referendums have been held in the Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. The ballots have been counted and the results have been announced. The people have made their unequivocal choice.

Today we will sign treaties on the accession of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Lugansk People’s Republic, Zaporozhye Region and Kherson Region to the Russian Federation. I have no doubt that the Federal Assembly will support the constitutional laws on the accession to Russia and the establishment of four new regions, our new constituent entities of the Russian Federation, because this is the will of millions of people. (Applause.)

It is undoubtedly their right, an inherent right sealed in Article 1 of the UN Charter, which directly states the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples.

I repeat, it is an inherent right of the people. It is based on our historical affinity, and it is that right that led generations of our predecessors, those who built and defended Russia for centuries since the period of Ancient Rus, to victory.

Here in Novorossiya, [Pyotr] Rumyantsev, [Alexander] Suvorov and [Fyodor] Ushakov fought their battles, and Catherine the Great and [Grigory] Potyomkin founded new cities. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought here to the bitter end during the Great Patriotic War.

We will always remember the heroes of the Russian Spring, those who refused to accept the neo-Nazi coup d'état in Ukraine in 2014, all those who died for the right to speak their native language, to preserve their culture, traditions and religion, and for the very right to live. We remember the soldiers of Donbass, the martyrs of the “Odessa Khatyn,” the victims of inhuman terrorist attacks carried out by the Kiev regime. We commemorate volunteers and militiamen, civilians, children, women, senior citizens, Russians, Ukrainians, people of various nationalities; popular leader of Donetsk Alexander Zakharchenko; military commanders Arsen Pavlov and Vladimir Zhoga, Olga Kochura and Alexei Mozgovoy; prosecutor of the Lugansk Republic Sergei Gorenko; paratrooper Nurmagomed Gadzhimagomedov and all our soldiers and officers who died a hero’s death during the special military operation. They are heroes. (Applause.) Heroes of great Russia. Please join me in a minute of silence to honour their memory.

(Minute of silence.)

Thank you.

Behind the choice of millions of residents in the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, is our common destiny and thousand-year history. People have passed this spiritual connection on to their children and grandchildren. Despite all the trials they endured, they carried the love for Russia through the years. This is something no one can destroy. That is why both older generations and young people – those who were born after the tragic collapse of the Soviet Union – have voted for our unity, for our common future.

In 1991 in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, representatives of the party elite of that time made a decision to terminate the Soviet Union, without asking ordinary citizens what they wanted, and people suddenly found themselves cut off from their homeland. This tore apart and dismembered our national community and triggered a national catastrophe. Just like the government quietly demarcated the borders of Soviet republics, acting behind the scenes after the 1917 revolution, the last leaders of the Soviet Union, contrary to the direct expression of the will of the majority of people in the referendum of 1991, destroyed our great country, and simply made the people in the former republics face this as an accomplished fact.

I can admit that they didn’t even know what they were doing and what consequences their actions would have in the end. But it doesn't matter now. There is no Soviet Union anymore; we cannot return to the past. Actually, Russia no longer needs it today; this isn’t our ambition. But there is nothing stronger than the determination of millions of people who, by their culture, religion, traditions, and language, consider themselves part of Russia, whose ancestors lived in a single country for centuries. There is nothing stronger than their determination to return to their true historical homeland.

For eight long years, people in Donbass were subjected to genocide, shelling and blockades; in Kherson and Zaporozhye, a criminal policy was pursued to cultivate hatred for Russia, for everything Russian. Now too, during the referendums, the Kiev regime threatened schoolteachers, women who worked in election commissions with reprisals and death. Kiev threatened millions of people who came to express their will with repression. But the people of Donbass, Zaporozhye and Kherson weren’t broken, and they had their say.

I want the Kiev authorities and their true handlers in the West to hear me now, and I want everyone to remember this: the people living in Lugansk and Donetsk, in Kherson and Zaporozhye have become our citizens, forever. (Applause.)

We call on the Kiev regime to immediately cease fire and all hostilities; to end the war it unleashed back in 2014 and return to the negotiating table. We are ready for this, as we have said more than once. But the choice of the people in Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson will not be discussed. The decision has been made, and Russia will not betray it. (Applause.) Kiev’s current authorities should respect this free expression of the people’s will; there is no other way. This is the only way to peace.

We will defend our land with all the forces and resources we have, and we will do everything we can to ensure the safety of our people. This is the great liberating mission of our nation.

We will definitely rebuild the destroyed cities and towns, the residential buildings, schools, hospitals, theatres and museums. We will restore and develop industrial enterprises, factories, infrastructure, as well as the social security, pension, healthcare and education systems.

We will certainly work to improve the level of security. Together we will make sure that citizens in the new regions can feel the support of all the people of Russia, of the entire nation, all the republics, territories and regions of our vast Motherland. (Applause.)

Friends, colleagues,

Today I would like to address our soldiers and officers who are taking part in the special military operation, the fighters of Donbass and Novorossiya, those who went to military recruitment offices after receiving a call-up paper under the executive order on partial mobilisation, and those who did this voluntarily, answering the call of their hearts. I would like to address their parents, wives and children, to tell them what our people are fighting for, what kind of enemy we are up against, and who is pushing the world into new wars and crises and deriving blood-stained benefits from this tragedy.

Our compatriots, our brothers and sisters in Ukraine who are part of our united people have seen with their own eyes what the ruling class of the so-called West have prepared for humanity as a whole. They have dropped their masks and shown what they are really made of.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, the West decided that the world and all of us would permanently accede to its dictates. In 1991, the West thought that Russia would never rise after such shocks and would fall to pieces on its own. This almost happened. We remember the horrible 1990s, hungry, cold and hopeless. But Russia remained standing, came alive, grew stronger and occupied its rightful place in the world.

Meanwhile, the West continued and continues looking for another chance to strike a blow at us, to weaken and break up Russia, which they have always dreamed about, to divide our state and set our peoples against each other, and to condemn them to poverty and extinction. They cannot rest easy knowing that there is such a great country with this huge territory in the world, with its natural wealth, resources and people who cannot and will not do someone else’s bidding.

The West is ready to cross every line to preserve the neo-colonial system which allows it to live off the world, to plunder it thanks to the domination of the dollar and technology, to collect an actual tribute from humanity, to extract its primary source of unearned prosperity, the rent paid to the hegemon. The preservation of this annuity is their main, real and absolutely self-serving motivation. This is why total de-sovereignisation is in their interest. This explains their aggression towards independent states, traditional values and authentic cultures, their attempts to undermine international and integration processes, new global currencies and technological development centres they cannot control. It is critically important for them to force all countries to surrender their sovereignty to the United States.

In certain countries, the ruling elites voluntarily agree to do this, voluntarily agree to become vassals; others are bribed or intimidated. And if this does not work, they destroy entire states, leaving behind humanitarian disasters, devastation, ruins, millions of wrecked and mangled human lives, terrorist enclaves, social disaster zones, protectorates, colonies and semi-colonies. They don't care. All they care about is their own benefit.

I want to underscore again that their insatiability and determination to preserve their unfettered dominance are the real causes of the hybrid war that the collective West is waging against Russia. They do not want us to be free; they want us to be a colony. They do not want equal cooperation; they want to loot. They do not want to see us a free society, but a mass of soulless slaves.

They see our thought and our philosophy as a direct threat. That is why they target our philosophers for assassination. Our culture and art present a danger to them, so they are trying to ban them. Our development and prosperity are also a threat to them because competition is growing. They do not want or need Russia, but we do. (Applause.)

I would like to remind you that in the past, ambitions of world domination have repeatedly shattered against the courage and resilience of our people. Russia will always be Russia. We will continue to defend our values and our Motherland.

The West is counting on impunity, on being able to get away with anything. As a matter of fact, this was actually the case until recently. Strategic security agreements have been trashed; agreements reached at the highest political level have been declared tall tales; firm promises not to expand NATO to the east gave way to dirty deception as soon as our former leaders bought into them; missile defence, intermediate-range and shorter-range missile treaties have been unilaterally dismantled under far-fetched pretexts.

And all we hear is, the West is insisting on a rules-based order. Where did that come from anyway? Who has ever seen these rules? Who agreed or approved them? Listen, this is just a lot of nonsense, utter deceit, double standards, or even triple standards! They must think we’re stupid.

Russia is a great thousand-year-old power, a whole civilisation, and it is not going to live by such makeshift, false rules. (Applause.)

It was the so-called West that trampled on the principle of the inviolability of borders, and now it is deciding, at its own discretion, who has the right to self-determination and who does not, who is unworthy of it. It is unclear what their decisions are based on or who gave them the right to decide in the first place. They just assumed it.

That is why the choice of the people in Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson makes them so furiously angry. The West does not have any moral right to weigh in, or even utter a word about freedom of democracy. It does not and it never did.

Western elites not only deny national sovereignty and international law. Their hegemony has pronounced features of totalitarianism, despotism and apartheid. They brazenly divide the world into their vassals – the so-called civilised countries – and all the rest, who, according to the designs of today's Western racists, should be added to the list of barbarians and savages. False labels like “rogue country” or “authoritarian regime” are already available, and are used to stigmatise entire nations and states, which is nothing new. There is nothing new in this: deep down, the Western elites have remained the same colonisers. They discriminate and divide peoples into the top tier and the rest.

We have never agreed to and will never agree to such political nationalism and racism. What else, if not racism, is the Russophobia being spread around the world? What, if not racism, is the West’s dogmatic conviction that its civilisation and neoliberal culture is an indisputable model for the entire world to follow? “You’re either with us or against us.” It even sounds strange.

Western elites are even shifting repentance for their own historical crimes on everyone else, demanding that the citizens of their countries and other peoples confess to things they have nothing to do with at all, for example, the period of colonial conquests.

It is worth reminding the West that it began its colonial policy back in the Middle Ages, followed by the worldwide slave trade, the genocide of Indian tribes in America, the plunder of India and Africa, the wars of England and France against China, as a result of which it was forced to open its ports to the opium trade. What they did was get entire nations hooked on drugs and purposefully exterminated entire ethnic groups for the sake of grabbing land and resources, hunting people like animals. This is contrary to human nature, truth, freedom and justice.

While we – we are proud that in the 20th century our country led the anti-colonial movement, which opened up opportunities for many peoples around the world to make progress, reduce poverty and inequality, and defeat hunger and disease.

To emphasise, one of the reasons for the centuries-old Russophobia, the Western elites’ unconcealed animosity toward Russia is precisely the fact that we did not allow them to rob us during the period of colonial conquests and forced the Europeans to trade with us on mutually beneficial terms. This was achieved by creating a strong centralised state in Russia, which grew and got stronger based on the great moral values ​​of Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism, as well as Russian culture and the Russian word that were open to all.

There were numerous plans to invade Russia. Such attempts were made during the Time of Troubles in the 17th century and in the period of ordeals after the 1917 revolution. All of them failed. The West managed to grab hold of Russia’s wealth only in the late 20th century, when the state had been destroyed. They called us friends and partners, but they treated us like a colony, using various schemes to pump trillions of dollars out of the country. We remember. We have not forgotten anything.

A few days ago, people in Donetsk and Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporozhye declared their support for restoring our historical unity. Thank you! (Applause.)

Western countries have been saying for centuries that they bring freedom and democracy to other nations. Nothing could be further from the truth. Instead of bringing democracy they suppressed and exploited, and instead of giving freedom they enslaved and oppressed. The unipolar world is inherently anti-democratic and unfree; it is false and hypocritical through and through.

The United States is the only country in the world that has used nuclear weapons twice, destroying the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. And they created a precedent.

Recall that during WWII the United States and Britain reduced Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne and many other German cities to rubble, without the least military necessity. It was done ostentatiously and, to repeat, without any military necessity. They had only one goal, as with the nuclear bombing of Japanese cities: to intimidate our country and the rest of the world.

The United States left a deep scar in the memory of the people of Korea and Vietnam with their carpet bombings and use of napalm and chemical weapons.

It actually continues to occupy Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea and other countries, which they cynically refer to as equals and allies. Look now, what kind of alliance is that? The whole world knows that the top officials in these countries are being spied on and that their offices and homes are bugged. It is a disgrace, a disgrace for those who do this and for those who, like slaves, silently and meekly swallow this arrogant behaviour.

They call the orders and threats they make to their vassals Euro-Atlantic solidarity, and the creation of biological weapons and the use of human test subjects, including in Ukraine, noble medical research.

It is their destructive policies, wars and plunder that have unleashed today’s massive wave of migrants. Millions of people endure hardships and humiliation or die by the thousands trying to reach Europe.

They are exporting grain from Ukraine now. Where are they taking it under the guise of ensuring the food security of the poorest countries? Where is it going? They are taking it to the self-same European countries. Only five percent has been delivered to the poorest countries. More cheating and naked deception again.

In effect, the American elite is using the tragedy of these people to weaken its rivals, to destroy nation states. This goes for Europe and for the identities of France, Italy, Spain and other countries with centuries-long histories.

Washington demands more and more sanctions against Russia and the majority of European politicians obediently go along with it. They clearly understand that by pressuring the EU to completely give up Russian energy and other resources, the United States is practically pushing Europe toward deindustrialisation in a bid to get its hands on the entire European market. These European elites understand everything – they do, but they prefer to serve the interests of others. This is no longer servility but direct betrayal of their own peoples. God bless, it is up to them.

But the Anglo-Saxons believe sanctions are no longer enough and now they have turned to subversion. It seems incredible but it is a fact – by causing explosions on Nord Stream’s international gas pipelines passing along the bottom of the Baltic Sea, they have actually embarked on the destruction of Europe’s entire energy infrastructure. It is clear to everyone who stands to gain. Those who benefit are responsible, of course.

The dictates of the US are backed up by crude force, on the law of the fist. Sometimes it is beautifully wrapped sometimes there is no wrapping at all but the gist is the same – the law of the fist. Hence, the deployment and maintenance of hundreds of military bases in all corners of the world, NATO expansion, and attempts to cobble together new military alliances, such as AUKUS and the like. Much is being done to create a Washington-Seoul-Tokyo military-political chain. All states that possess or aspire to genuine strategic sovereignty and are capable of challenging Western hegemony, are automatically declared enemies.

These are the principles that underlie US and NATO military doctrines that require total domination. Western elites are presenting their neocolonialist plans with the same hypocrisy, claiming peaceful intentions, talking about some kind of deterrence. This evasive word migrates from one strategy to another but really only means one thing – undermining any and all sovereign centres of power.

We have already heard about the deterrence of Russia, China and Iran. I believe next in line are other countries of Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East, as well as current US partners and allies. After all, we know that when they are displeased, they introduce sanctions against their allies as well – against this or that bank or company. This is their practice and they will expand it. They have everything in their sights, including our next-door neighbours – the CIS countries.

At the same time, the West has clearly been engaged in wishful thinking for a long time. In launching the sanctions blitzkrieg against Russia, for example, they thought that they could once again line up the whole world at their command. As it turns out, however, such a bright prospect does not excite everyone – other than complete political masochists and admirers of other unconventional forms of international relations. Most states refuse to ”snap a salute“ and instead choose the sensible path of cooperation with Russia.

The West clearly did not expect such insubordination. They simply got used to acting according to a template, to grab whatever they please, by blackmail, bribery, intimidation, and convinced themselves that these methods would work forever, as if they had fossilised in the past.

Such self-confidence is a direct product not only of the notorious concept of exceptionalism – although it never ceases to amaze – but also of the real ”information hunger“ in the West. The truth has been drowned in an ocean of myths, illusions and fakes, using extremely aggressive propaganda, lying like Goebbels. The more unbelievable the lie, the quicker people will believe it – that is how they operate, according to this principle.

But people cannot be fed with printed dollars and euros. You can't feed them with those pieces of paper, and the virtual, inflated capitalisation of western social media companies can't heat their homes. Everything I am saying is important. And what I just said is no less so: you can't feed anyone with paper – you need food; and you can't heat anyone’s home with these inflated capitalisations – you need energy.

That is why politicians in Europe have to convince their fellow citizens to eat less, take a shower less often and dress warmer at home. And those who start asking fair questions like “Why is that, in fact?” are immediately declared enemies, extremists and radicals. They point back at Russia and say: that is the source of all your troubles. More lies.

I want to make special note of the fact that there is every reason to believe that the Western elites are not going to look for constructive ways out of the global food and energy crisis that they and they alone are to blame for, as a result of their long-term policy, dating back long before our special military operation in Ukraine, in Donbass. They have no intention of solving the problems of injustice and inequality. I am afraid they would rather use other formulas they are more comfortable with.

And here it is important to recall that the West bailed itself out of its early 20th century challenges with World War I. Profits from World War II helped the United States finally overcome the Great Depression and become the largest economy in the world, and to impose on the planet the power of the dollar as a global reserve currency. And the 1980s crisis – things came to a head in the 1980s again – the West emerged from it unscathed largely by appropriating the inheritance and resources of the collapsed and defunct Soviet Union. That's a fact.

Now, in order to free itself from the latest web of challenges, they need to dismantle Russia as well as other states that choose a sovereign path of development, at all costs, to be able to further plunder other nations’ wealth and use it to patch their own holes. If this does not happen, I cannot rule out that they will try to trigger a collapse of the entire system, and blame everything on that, or, God forbid, decide to use the old formula of economic growth through war.

Russia is aware of its responsibility to the international community and will make every effort to ensure that cooler heads prevail.

The current neocolonial model is ultimately doomed; this much is obvious. But I repeat that its real masters will cling to it to the end. They simply have nothing to offer the world except to maintain the same system of plundering and racketeering.

They do not give a damn about the natural right of billions of people, the majority of humanity, to freedom and justice, the right to determine their own future. They have already moved on to the radical denial of moral, religious, and family values.

Let’s answer some very simple questions for ourselves. Now I would like to return to what I said and want to address also all citizens of the country – not just the colleagues that are in the hall – but all citizens of Russia: do we want to have here, in our country, in Russia, “parent number one, parent number two and parent number three” (they have completely lost it!) instead of mother and father? Do we want our schools to impose on our children, from their earliest days in school, perversions that lead to degradation and extinction? Do we want to drum into their heads the ideas that certain other genders exist along with women and men and to offer them gender reassignment surgery? Is that what we want for our country and our children? This is all unacceptable to us. We have a different future of our own.

Let me repeat that the dictatorship of the Western elites targets all societies, including the citizens of Western countries themselves. This is a challenge to all. This complete renunciation of what it means to be human, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, and the suppression of freedom are coming to resemble a “religion in reverse” – pure Satanism. Exposing false messiahs, Jesus Christ said in the Sermon on the Mount: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” These poisonous fruits are already obvious to people, and not only in our country but also in all countries, including many people in the West itself.

The world has entered a period of a fundamental, revolutionary transformation. New centres of power are emerging. They represent the majority – the majority! – of the international community. They are ready not only to declare their interests but also to protect them. They see in multipolarity an opportunity to strengthen their sovereignty, which means gaining genuine freedom, historical prospects, and the right to their own independent, creative and distinctive forms of development, to a harmonious process.

As I have already said, we have many like-minded people in Europe and the United States, and we feel and see their support. An essentially emancipatory, anti-colonial movement against unipolar hegemony is taking shape in the most diverse countries and societies. Its power will only grow with time. It is this force that will determine our future geopolitical reality.


Today, we are fighting for a just and free path, first of all for ourselves, for Russia, in order to leave dictate and despotism in the past. I am convinced that countries and peoples understand that a policy based on the exceptionalism of whoever it may be and the suppression of other cultures and peoples is inherently criminal, and that we must close this shameful chapter. The ongoing collapse of Western hegemony is irreversible. And I repeat: things will never be the same.

The battlefield to which destiny and history have called us is a battlefield for our people, for the great historical Russia. (Applause.) For the great historical Russia, for future generations, our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We must protect them against enslavement and monstrous experiments that are designed to cripple their minds and souls.

Today, we are fighting so that it would never occur to anyone that Russia, our people, our language, or our culture can be erased from history. Today, we need a consolidated society, and this consolidation can only be based on sovereignty, freedom, creation, and justice. Our values ​​are humanity, mercy and compassion.

And I want to close with the words of a true patriot Ivan Ilyin: “If I consider Russia my Motherland, that means that I love as a Russian, contemplate and think, sing and speak as a Russian; that I believe in the spiritual strength of the Russian people. Its spirit is my spirit; its destiny is my destiny; its suffering is my grief; and its prosperity is my joy.”

Behind these words stands a glorious spiritual choice, which, for more than a thousand years of Russian statehood, was followed by many generations of our ancestors. Today, we are making this choice; the citizens of the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics and the residents of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions have made this choice. They made the choice to be with their people, to be with their Motherland, to share in its destiny, and to be victorious together with it.

The truth is with us, and behind us is Russia!

3rd October 2022, 13:02
Whitney Webb | Sustainable Slavery with Iain Davis

Source: unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com)


In this episode, Whitney and Iain Davis discuss their new investigative series, Sustainable Slavery, and what and who is really developing and implementing the policies currently being marketed as “sustainable development”.

Originally published 09/26/22.

Show Notes:

THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (https://sdgs.un.org/goals)

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development | Department of Economic and Social Affairs (https://sdgs.un.org/2030agenda)

Sustainable Debt Slavery (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/09/investigative-reports/sustainable-debt-slavery/)

UHC2030: The United Nations’ Global Public-Private Partnership For Healthcare (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/09/investigative-series/uhc2030-the-united-nations-global-public-private-partnership-for-healthcare)

UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial System (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/11/investigative-reports/un-backed-banker-alliance-announces-green-plan-to-transform-the-global-financial-system/)

3rd October 2022, 23:15
How Morphic Resonance Affects Our Memories, Families, Rituals and Festivals
33,245 views Sep 16, 2022
Rupert Sheldrake
60.7K subscribers

A talk given on September 2nd, 2022 at the Hollyhock retreat center on Cortes Island, BC Canada.

"Dr Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, is a biologist and author best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance. At Cambridge University he worked in developmental biology as a Fellow of Clare College. He was Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics and From 2005 to 2010 was Director of the Perrott-Warrick project, Cambridge. "


4th October 2022, 05:39
The Corbett Report | Remembering Tim Ball | Oct. 3, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (http://https://www.corbettreport.com/timball/)


Today on the program James celebrates the life and work of Dr. Tim Ball, a man who devoted his retirement years to fighting the good fight against the agents of the climate scam and the green enslavement agenda. His fearless truth-telling in the face of so much adversity serves as an example to us all.

Show Notes (https://www.corbettreport.com/timball/)

4th October 2022, 05:54
Andrei Martyanov | October 3 Sitrep | Oct. 3, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Presenting opinions of others. Failure of VSU "offensives".

4th October 2022, 06:07
David Icke | Humanity Will Win! | Oct. 2, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com), infowars.com (http://infowars.com)


4th October 2022, 06:36
Caitlin Johnstone | It's Only A 'Conspiracy Theory' When It Accuses The US Government | Oct. 4, 2022

Source: Caitlin Johnstone youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/CaitlinJohnstone)


The western political/media class has been dismissing as "conspiracy theories" all claims that the US is likely responsible for last month's sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines, even while leveling the exact same accusations against Russia without ever using that term. Which probably says a lot about the way that label has been used over the years, if you think about it.

Reading by Tim Foley.

Article with links (https://caitlinjohnstone.substack.com/p/its-only-a-conspiracy-theory-when)

5th October 2022, 06:01
Jason Bermas | Shadowy Narratives And Mainstream Misinformation With Zach Vorhies | Oct. 4, 2022

Source: Jason Bermas youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/InfoWarrior)


5th October 2022, 06:45
The Corbett Report | Is the Empire Awakening? - Questions For Corbett | Oct. 5, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/qfc-empire/)


The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released a poppy, eye-catching explainer video about the rising sun flag. . . . So why is it so creepy? Patrick writes in with the question about the rising imperial ambitions of Nippon and James supplies the answer in this data-packed edition of Questions For Corbett.

Show Notes:
Rising Sun Flag as Japanese Longstanding Culture (https://youtu.be/9co0U5lcE0c)
What Happened to the Old Japanese Flag? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKCBG3i9z4E)
Suicide spurs debate over Japan’s flag, anthem (https://www.deseret.com/1999/4/5/19438369/suicide-spurs-debate-over-japan-s-flag-anthem)
Facing ‘Rising Sun’ Flag Row, Japan Withdraws From International Fleet Review (https://thediplomat.com/2018/10/facing-rising-sun-flag-row-japan-withdraws-from-international-fleet-review/)
South Korea asks IOC to ban Japan's use of 'Rising Sun' flag at Olympics (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-southkorea-japan-olympics-idUSKCN1VW1LG)
How is Japan Reacting NOW? - Questions For Corbett #061 (https://www.corbettreport.com/how-is-japan-reacting-now-questions-for-corbett-061/)
Japan's Stealth Army (https://www.corbettreport.com/japans-stealth-army/)
Interview 501 - Joseph Trento on the Secret US-Japanese Plutonium Program (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-501-joseph-trento-on-the-secret-us-japanese-plutonium-program/)
With a Wink and a Nod, Japan Has an Aircraft Carrier Again (https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/10/27/wink-and-nod-japan-has-aircraft-carrier-again.html)
Japan wants to point 1,000 cruise missiles at China (https://asiatimes.com/2022/08/japan-wants-to-point-1000-cruise-missiles-at-china/)
The REAL Middle East Nuclear Threat (https://www.corbettreport.com/israelinukes/)
Japan is Building the Biggest Warships in Asia, Two 20,000-Ton Super Destroyers (https://news.yahoo.com/japan-building-biggest-warships-asia-184000804.html)
Japan to Build Aegis-Equipped Ballistic Missile Defense Warships (https://www.thedefensepost.com/2022/09/15/japan-aegis-missile-defense-warships/)
Japan starts conversion of second Izumo "helicopter carrier" (https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/japan-starts-conversion-of-second-izumo-helicopter-carrier)
Japan outlines funding proposal for new OPVs, anti-submarine helicopters in 2023 (https://www.janes.com/defence-news/news-detail/japan-outlines-funding-proposal-for-new-opvs-anti-submarine-helicopters-in-2023)
U.K. And Japan Team Up To Develop Next-Generation Fighter Engines (https://www.newsweek.com/united-kingdom-japan-develop-next-generation-fighter-engines-1743334)
Japan eyes upping defense spending to $279 billion over 5 years (https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20220925/p2g/00m/0na/019000c)
Japan weighs up amassing missiles, ramping up cognitive warfare capability amid cross-Straits tensions (https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202208/1273582.shtml)
Japan Needs a Cyber Ministry: Former JGSDF Major General (https://thediplomat.com/2022/09/japan-needs-a-cyber-ministry-former-jgsdf-major-general/)
How Will WWIII Be Fought? - Questions For Corbett #062 (https://www.corbettreport.com/how-will-wwiii-be-fought-questions-for-corbett-062/)

5th October 2022, 06:53
Max Igan | Vinny Eastwood Show | Oct. 4, 2022

Source: thevinnyeastwoodshow.com (http://thevinnyeastwoodshow.com), thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


6th October 2022, 05:08
The Antidote to ALL Poisons & The Most Suppressed Medical Secret by Dr. Group in August 2021

Source: globalhealing.com (http://globalhealing.com), urotherapyresearch.com (http://urotherapyresearch.com), urotherapyresearch.com/resources (http://urotherapyresearch.com/resources)


While new information surfaces in April of 2022, Dr. Group reshares this presentation from August 2021, where he first revealed his research on a life-saving healing modality that has been suppressed by the medical industry for centuries!

Learn the greatest secret to health and the most buried medical secret in the world. This is the information they don't want you to know.

Dr. Edgar F. Group & Jonathan Landsman | Suppressed Cancer Solutions

Source: stopcancernaturally.com (http://stopcancernaturally.com), globalhealing.com (http://globalhealing.com), urotherapyresearch.com (http://urotherapyresearch.com), urotherapyresearch.com/resources (http://urotherapyresearch.com/resources)


An Ancient Health Technology
“Urotherapy is a 5,000-year-old practice, the rejuvenational method of Urotherapy (also known as Shivambu) uses your own perfect medicine to heal the body from the inside out.”
~Dr. Group

Resources: Books PDF (http://urotherapyresearch.com/resources)

6th October 2022, 11:14
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: OPEC Cut Oil Production, Musk Buys Twitter, Matt Walsh Called Out | Oct. 5, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest important news in episode 122 of No-Go Zone this Wednesday October 5, 2022.

6th October 2022, 11:22
Max Igan | Creating The Perfect Storm | Oct. 6, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


7th October 2022, 06:13
Chance Gardner & Brad Klausen | Magical Egypt: Consciousness, Contact, Kundalini, & More | Oct. 6, 2022

Source: thehighersidechats.com (http://thehighersidechats.com), MagicalEgypt.com (http://MagicalEgypt.com)


About Today's Guest:
Today we have Chance Gardner, the writer, director, editor, & graphics animator of the popular series Magical Egypt; as well as Brad Klausen, an executive producer and head of the Magical Egypt research team.

Magical Egypt is a great series that dives into the deep & rich culture of the Egyptians that academic Egyptologists often ignore. Brad and Chance join THC hot on the heels of the newly released season 3. Give it a watch, take a drink every time you see a previous THC guest, and be prepared to sleep in tomorrow: MagicalEgypt.com (http://MagicalEgypt.com)

7th October 2022, 06:27
Redice TV | John Lash | The Source Of Evil: Tzaddikim, Sabbateans & The Supernatural | Oct. 7, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


John Lash, the author of “Not In His Image” joins Henrik for a discussion about the supernatural source of evil and how to deal with it. We talk about the advancements those in control have made over the last few years by using the Covid agenda, artificially created food and energy shortages and the climate change fraud.

John explains how the arrival of Abrahamism, millennia ago, began to separate us from nature. We are now in the end game according to our guest. Lash, a one-of-a-kind scholar on the Gnostics and the Nag Hammadi codices, outlines how we must peer behind the veil to understand the enemies of humanity, us as Europeans in particular and what the next few years might look like if we don't go to the source of evil.

7th October 2022, 06:35
The Corbett Report | Riley Waggaman Provides Updates from Russia | Oct. 6, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/waggaman-russiaupdate/)


Riley Waggaman of the Edward Slavsquat substack joins James once again to update The Corbett Report audience on the situation in Russia. From mandatory clot shot genetic slurry injections for conscripted Russian cannon fodder to the latest developments on the Ukrainian front, you won't want to miss this important conversation.

Show Notes:
Putin's speech during accession ceremony of new territories to RF (https://rumble.com/v1m9yo2-putins-speech-during-accession-ceremony-of-new-territories-to-rf.html)
Russian defence ministry maps suggest rapid pullbacks in Ukraine (https://news.yahoo.com/russian-defence-ministry-maps-suggest-154847153.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly9zZWFyY2guYnJhdmUuY29tLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAH_sQvpmNdi82rWYhP7adThUv5BIKF1B0q6We6BH9HI14ErFkSr-m0E3YbyoOTQ6rKzsjSXQEhzvk95UE_KckcIcokI8CZRFmIoNw_xD5F2B1gu7QbnSaMd2BTWeE5RbPH6Ydate1Jx--GsSjC1IGTP0d44MYlZoH8gWDXe1rVgY)
Russia begins vaccinating mobilized citizens (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/russia-begins-vaccinating-mobilized)
Edward Slavsquat substack (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/)
Interview 1703 - Riley Waggaman on Russian Myths vs. Russian Reality (https://www.corbettreport.com/waggaman-ukraine/)
Russian Military Launches Coronavirus Vaccination Campaign (https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/11/27/russian-military-launches-coronavirus-vaccination-campaign-a72168)
Russian doctors demand end to compulsory COVID vaccination for mobilized citizens
(https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/russian-doctors-demand-end-to-compulsory)Putin & compulsory vaccination (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/putin-and-compulsory-vaccination)
Putin, Sputnik V & mass vaccination (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/putin-sputnik-v-and-mass-vaccination)
Vaccine safety in Russia: No VAERS. No transparency. Only threats (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/vaccine-safety-in-russia-no-vaers?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web).
R-Pharm deal with AstraZeneca to produce Oxford COVID-19 vaccine
(https://www.thepharmaletter.com/article/r-pharm-deal-with-astrazeneca-to-produce-oxford-covid-19-vaccine)Russia to create its own mRNA shot. Sure, why not? (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/russia-to-create-its-own-mrna-shot)
Argentina's health ministry says Sputnik V causing more serious side effects than AstraZeneca, Sinopharm jabs (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/argentinas-health-ministry-says-sputnik)
Sputnik V: What you're not being told (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/sputnik-v-what-youre-not-being-told?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web)
Russia’s COVID shot collusion with AstraZeneca (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/russias-covid-shot-collusion-with)
If Putin Was a 5th Column Traitor, What Would He Be Doing Any Differently? (https://anti-empire.com/if-putin-was-a-5th-column-traitor-what-would-he-be-doing-any-differently/)
Putin Is a Serial Decision-Making Procrastinator, and Russia Is Paying the Price (https://anti-empire.com/putin-is-a-serial-decision-making-procrastinator-and-russia-is-paying-the-price/)
Finland and Sweden complete NATO accession talks (https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_197737.htm)
Ukraine applies for fast-track NATO membership (https://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-applies-fast-track-nato-140158774.html)
Russia Moves to Put Captured Azov Battalion Fighters on Trial (https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/russia-moves-put-captured-azov-battalion-fighters-trial-202546)
Putin ally Viktor Medvedchuk exchanged for 200 Azov Battalion fighters (https://archive.is/lkpBc)
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's approval rating soars above 90% (https://www.tellerreport.com/news/2022-02-28-poll--ukrainian-president-volodymyr-zelensky-s-approval-rating-soars-above-90-.SyB-4ante9.html)
Eastward gas flows via Yamal-Europe stop, supply via Ukraine stable (https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/eastward-gas-flows-via-yamal-europe-pipeline-stop-operator-data-2022-10-03/)
British Defense Secretary Says Putin Is a ‘Gift’ to NATO (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/10/04/british-defense-secretary-says-putin-is-a-gift-to-nato/)
Edward's Squatcast (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/podcast)

7th October 2022, 12:00
Laurent Guyenot | 9/11: The Planes and the Hijackers | Guns & Butter | Oct. 7, 2022

Source: gunsandbutter.org (http://gunsandbutter.org), unz.com/author/laurent-guyenot (http://unz.com/author/laurent-guyenot)


We continue the discussion of Laurent Guyenot’s latest article, The 9/11 Double-Cross Theory: Pentagon Inside Job – World Trade Center Israeli Job, with emphasis on how the planes and the hijackers support the analysis of the 9/11 attacks as two separate, but related events, with two different signatures, two different plans for September 11th, and two different responses to it.

Laurent Guyenot’s new film, 9/11 and Israel’s Great Game, will premiere online on Sunday, October 9th, beginning at 9:00AM Pacific Time, followed by a panel discussion and questions from the online audience. Here are the details: http://noliesradio.org/archives/190669

Aired: October 7, 2022

7th October 2022, 14:23
F. William Engdahl | EU Economic Meltdown and Risks of Global Calamity | Sept. 15, 2022

Source: 21stcenturywire.com (http://21stcenturywire.com), williamengdahl.com (http://williamengdahl.com)


In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on September 15, 2022, Patrick talks with best-selling author F. William Engdahl about Europe's self-defeating anti-Russian sanctions policies, energy crisis, hyper-inflationary economic meltdown and Ukraine debacle, and real risks of major disruptions in food supplies and how this may lead to real social upheavals in the West and beyond. What are elites attempting to do, what is their end game?

Visit William's website and buy his books here: http://www.williamengdahl.com

10th October 2022, 07:33
Dark Journalist & Millie Weaver | Deep State Showdown - Mar-a- Lago Nuke Classified UFO File! | Oct. 7, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Reporter and Documentary Filmmaker Millie Weaver for a deep dive on the secret reasons for the FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago and the Current Dystopian Political Landscape. Millie is at her best and goes deep on how her sources have told her the raid was related to a covert program at Space Force and a tug of war over releasing classified documents.

DJ suggests that The CIA JFK Assassination Files are directly related to the FBI Raid and explains the paranoia of the Deep State causing their bizarre overreach, including a raid on a former President. Millie also covers Big Tech Surveillance, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), AI Predictive Programming, and False CIA UFO File Disclosure being promoted by the corporate media.

10th October 2022, 07:42
Dr. Michael Rectenwald | What is the Great Reset? | Oct. 1, 2022

Source: academicfreedom.org (http://academicfreedom.org), michaelrectenwald.com (http://michaelrectenwald.com)


Dr. Michael Rectenwald - a former NYU professor and author of numerous books including the Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom, Dr. Rectenwald is one of the primary experts on the Great Reset, the organizations behind it, and various other "catastrophisms" that are exploited by these organizations.

10th October 2022, 07:56
Jonathan Butts | Water Revitalization, Structured Water, & Natural Action Tech | Oct. 5, 2022

Source: thehighersidechats.com (http://thehighersidechats.com), naturalaction.com (http://naturalaction.com)


About Today’s Guest: Jonathan Butts is the CEO of Natural Action Technologies, a water revitalization company that has been making better water since 2010. Jon has a background in nuclear power and engineering, as well as a few life experience that caused him to pull on many of water’s more esoteric threads. After years of study, he linked up with Natural Action Technologies, became the CEO, and applied his knowledge to their product line.

10th October 2022, 11:12
Patrick Wood | Infiltration of Pseudo-Realities Practically Everywhere

Source: americanfreedomalliance.org (http://americanfreedomalliance.org), technocracy.news (http://technocracy.news), citizenforfreespeech.org (http://citizenforfreespeech.org)


10th October 2022, 14:52
The Corbett Report | Torturing the Truth | Oct. 10, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/torture/)


We all know that torture is bad, but are we really aware of how much of the narrative of the past two decades was constructed on torture testimony? Do we know the CIA contractors who developed the torture program or the steps that the intelligence agencies took to cover up their illegal activities?

And, when we connect the dots, are we prepared to face the parallels between the torture regime and the biosecurity regime? If you haven't followed the twists and turns in the torture story since my 2008 podcast on the subject, buckle up. It's going to be a wild ride. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes (Show Notes: https://www.corbettreport.com/torture/)

10th October 2022, 23:18
September 2001 Interview with Osama bin Laden. Categorically Denies his Involvement in 9/11
By Daily Ummat, Global Research,
September 03, 2022

Global Research Editor’s Note
We bring to the attention of our readers the following text of Osama bin Laden’s interview with Ummat, a Pakistani daily, published in Karachi on September 28, 2001. It was translated into English by the BBC World Monitoring Service and made public on September 29, 2001.

The authenticity of this interview remains to be confirmed. It was available in recognized electronic news archives including the BBC.

The interview tends to demystify the Osama bin Laden persona.

Osama bin Laden categorically denies his involvement in the 9/11 attacks. Bin Laden’s statements in this interview are markedly different from those made in the alleged Osama video tapes.

In this interview, Osama bin Laden exhibits an understanding of US foreign policy. He expresses his views regarding the loss of life on 9/11. He focusses on CIA support to the narcotics trade.

He also makes statements as to who, in his opinion, might be the likely perpetrator of the September 11 attacks.

CONTINUE TO INTERVIEW: https://www.globalresearch.ca/interview-with-osama-bin-laden-denies-his-involvement-in-9-11/24697

11th October 2022, 03:02
Forum Borealis --Peter Levanda and Guests
from the newsletter update:<forumborealis@pb04.ascendbywix.com>
(Hyperlinks in the article at the link above which are not embedded here.)

"Greetings from the North!


Podcast Channel:

Folks! New podcast episodes are out! You will find them at our channel on any and all podcast platforms, or simply use these direct Podbean links:

* Mark Stavish - The Secret of Secrets (How to survive death):

* Catherine Austin Fitts - Timeline of a Global Takeover:

* Dr. Fiona Moore - Who is No. One? (Act 2: Many happy returns):

Video Channel:

Folks! New video episodes are out! You will find them at Rumble, Odysee, or simply use these direct Youtube links:

* Randall Carlson - When the Earth nearly died:

The Geomythologist par excellence visits us to account for the indisputable reality of Catastrophism. We ask: Why so few overt traces of prehistoric civilizations? How advanced were they? How fast was the deglaciation? Is Climate Change sign of an imminent impact? Is Taurid meteor stream perilous? Which external cause to the dramatic shift? Is the Martian cataclysm related? Was the Asteroid belt once a planet? How many extinction events? What did Egyptian historians relate to Solon? What was the Atlantean wars? Why's CIA into Atlantis? Was it the Richat Structure? Is globe tilting Pole Shift plausible? + Hear how H2O has appeared from Outer Space...

* Harry Cooper - The South Pole Scheme:

Welcome to a FB classic, as it was recorded years ago + touches the "greatest hits" of our topics, from Antarctica bases to exile Nazis. Some questions raised: Why mount a polar expedition? How was it crushed? Are the hot springs real? What happened to the German bases? Did they find a Polar opening? Is the Spear of Destiny there? Why so hard to access the poles? What befell Jarle Andhøy's boat? How late did uboats emerge in Tierra del Fuego? What did Kammler & Müller do in NASA after WW2? Where did Dönitz build an "impregnable fortress"? Is Die Spinne & O.D.E.S.S.A. still around? + Why do world leaders keep visiting Llao Hotel in Bariloche?

NB! Some of the weird pictures mentioned in the show are displayed towards the end.


* 17 August 2022:

Another oldie that has collected dust in our archives is finally out! This show is for the specially interested, as we occasionally can afford more niche subjects, although anyone with interest in history, biographies, & esoterics may find it interesting. We are dealing with an enigmatic historic figure and the show is called: "Cagliostro: Enigma & Martyr - A conversation with Philippa Faulks Lee". Please note that for continuity purposes this is a preliminary version - meaning only the raw interview itself, without the intro & post commentary, which will be added later.

* 01 September 2022:

Despite Al having been away most of this month, a new show has been uploaded in a preliminary version for continuity purposes. It will be completed with introduction later.

This show triggers a new series (#12) called "Tesla: Man of Light" where we take on various aspects of the genius, his science, and the politics surrounding him. Part 1 of the first chapter is called: "Forgotten Roots - A conversation with Stacy James" and deals with the background and context to Tesla, where we review the traditions and thinkers leading up to Tesla. More than anything, we here learn the history of electric engineering.

* 14 September 2022:

Al is back in business with returning guest Loren Jeffries, the native elder, to elaborate further on topics touched upon last year. In the first part they specifically go into Sinclair, Zeno, & Colombus, as well as the legendary Giants. The show is called "2nd Pow-Wow (Part 1 of 2: Here there be Giants) - A conversation with Loren Jeffries". This episode should cover the WOO factor for a few months...

NB! This is just a preliminary version, meaning the interview itself without pre- & post commentary, for reasons of upload continuity. The full version will appear when it's getting close to public release.

* 07 October 2022:

A little belated due to the video channel releases, here's the conclusion to the discussion with our indigenous friends - this time we go deep into arithmetic symmetry permeating cosmos in time & space - particularly as mapped by the Ancients. Plus some more corroboration on the survival of Giants in the Americas. The show is called "2nd Pow-Wow (Part 2 of 2: A Question of Time) - A conversation with Loren Jeffries".


1) Log in to our website (forumborealis.net)
2) Under Subscribers, click "Latest Releases"
3) Then click "New Main Shows"

NB! Our shows are sorted by recording date rather than release date, so if you can't see it at top, scroll the list or change year.


As some of you have noticed, we haven't updated our Facebook page in a long time. Some even think we have closed shop. No. We always upload a new show every 2nd week. It's just not reaching you.

Why? Because we have finally replaced the unworthy relics as tools to communicate with listeners. This also includes our Youtube community page and Instagram. We no longer announce releases via Big Tech outlets. Instead we offer these ways to stay in the loop:

ALL UPDATES (podcast platforms, video platforms, website subscribers, special updates):

- Via our Newsmail (which you are reading now): https://www.forumborealis.net/updates (Ca. monthly. No chatter, spam, ads, or plugs. Opt out with a button push.)


- Via our Telegram channel: https://t.me/ForumBorealis (Updates in real time.)


- Via our website: https://www.forumborealis.net/ (Announced at the landing page in real time.)


- Via our Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/forumborealis (Updates in real time.)


- Via Al's Twitter page: https://twitter.com/Al_Pal_Borealis (Updates in real time.)

Finally, we remind you that per today our public shows are regularly released to the following platforms:

- In video format: Youtube, Odysee, Rumble

- In audio format: All Podcast Platforms

That's all. We encourage you to nonetheless like our pages and stay subscribed to our channels, no matter where. Only don't expect to hear much news from us at the censorship sites."

11th October 2022, 10:59
Catherine Austin Fitts | Timeline of a Global Takeover | Forum Borealis

Source: forumborealis.net (http://forumborealis.net), Solari.com (http://Solari.com)


11th October 2022, 12:02
In COVID hearing | Pfizer director admits: Vaccine was never tested on preventing transmission

Source: Rob Ross Twitter (https://twitter.com/Rob_Roos)


Rob Ross - Member of the European Parliament | JA21 - Vice Chairman ECR

11th October 2022, 20:35
Forum Borealis: Harry Cooper - The South Pole Scheme
27,241 views Premiered Oct 6, 2022
Forum Borealis
43.7K subscribers

"Welcome to a FB classic, as it was recorded years ago + touches the "greatest hits" of our topics, from Antarctica bases to exile Nazis. Some questions raised: Why mount a polar expedition? How was it crushed? Are the hot springs real? What happened to the German bases? Did they find a Polar opening? Is the Spear of Destiny there? Why so hard to access the poles? What befell Jarle Andhøy's boat? How late did uboats emerge in Tierra del Fuego? What did Kammler & Müller do in NASA after WW2? Where did Dönitz build an "impregnable fortress"? Is Die Spinne & O.D.E.S.S.A. still around? + Why do world leaders keep visiting Llao Hotel in Bariloche?

NB! Some of the weird pictures mentioned in the show are displayed towards the end."


12th October 2022, 08:00
Andrei Martyanov | Calming Things Down, Sort Of... West Is Desperate | Oct. 11, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Bridge, Satellites and Terrorism (pt.2) And response.

12th October 2022, 08:07
Whitney Webb | Biden and the Bioeconomy with Derrick Broze | Oct. 6, 2022

Source: unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com)


In this episode, Whitney is joined by Derrick Broze to break down Biden's recent executive order on the "Bioeconomy,” its implications and the people who are set to play an outsized role in shaping and executing the activities described in the executive order.

Originally published 10/06/22.

Links Discussed:

Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy – The White House (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/09/12/executive-order-on-advancing-biotechnology-and-biomanufacturing-innovation-for-a-sustainable-safe-and-secure-american-bioeconomy/)
The Biden Administration Embraces Technocracy with Promise of $2 Billion in Funding for the “BioEconomy” (https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/biden-embarces-technocracy-funding-2-billion-bioeconomy/)
Who is Ginkgo BioWorks and How Do They Fit In the Bio-Security, Transhumanist Agenda? (https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/ginkgo-bioworks-bio-security-transhumanist-agenda/)
A “Leap” toward Humanity’s Destruction (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/06/investigative-reports/a-leap-toward-humanitys-destruction/)
Biden’s Nominee For New Cabinet-Level Science Position is Epstein-Linked Geneticist
(https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/bidens-nominee-lead-new-cabinet-level-science-position-epstein-linked-geneticist/)BBC NEWS | UK | Human species ‘may split in two’ (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6057734.stm)
This Biden Proposal Could Make the US a “Digital Dictatorship” (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/05/investigative-reports/this-biden-proposal-could-make-the-us-a-digital-dictatorship/)
AG William Barr Formally Announces Orwellian Pre-Crime Program (https://www.mintpressnews.com/william-barr-formally-announces-orwellian-pre-crime-program/262504/)

12th October 2022, 11:46
Max Igan | It's All Perfectly Normal | Oct. 12, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


12th October 2022, 12:52
The Corbett Report | Wikispooks and LittleSis - #SolutionsWatch | Oct. 12, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-wikispooks/)


If only there were some handy-dandy websites for finding out more information about the people and organizations we see mentioned in the news. Oh wait, there are! Join James for today's edition of #SolutionsWatch as he guides you through an exploration of Peter Thiel and shows you some interesting websites along the way. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:

SwissCows search engine (https://swisscows.com/en)

SourceWatch.org (https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=SourceWatch)

LittleSis.org (https://littlesis.org/)

OpenSecrets.org (https://opensecrets.org/)

WikiSpooks (https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Main_Page)

12th October 2022, 19:44
Don’t Laugh At North Korea’s New Lake-Launched Ballistic Missiles - Lacking modern submarine technology, deploying ballistic missiles into lakes could give North Korea a more survivable nuclear deterrent. (Long read)
by Joseph Trevithick & Tyler Rogoway
Oct 11, 2022

Over the weekend, North Korean state media released a series of pictures of ballistic missile launches the country had carried out between September 25 and October 9, including from the rare and extremely provocative shot over Japan last week. In doing so, officials in Pyongyang revealed a previously unknown capability in the country's missile arsenal, the ability to fire ballistic missiles intended to be launched from submarines from submerged launchers in lakes. While North Korea has mobile ballistic missile launchers, some of them gigantic in size, and has previously demonstrated the ability to employ ballistic missiles from trains, all of which enhance survivability, a lake-based launch concept could offer another level of protection. This is especially true when it comes to realizing some kind of rudimentary second-strike nuclear deterrent.

An official news story from the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) accompanying the pictures said that the launch of the missile from the lake – technically a reservoir – was conducted on September 25. The exact type of missile does not appear to have been named in the news item, but pictures clearly show that it is an example of an apparently short-range submarine-launch ballistic missile (SLBM) type that the North Koreans first unveiled publicly in October 2021.

"At dawn [on] September 25, a simulated launching drill of [a] ballistic missile loaded with [a] tactical nuclear warhead was conducted at the underwater launching ground in a reservoir in the northwestern part of Korea," KCNA said. "The drill was aimed at confirming the swift and safe operational order during the taking out, carrying and use of tactical nuclear warhead, inspecting the reliability of the universal operation system and mastering the system practicing the ballistic missile launching ability at the underwater launching grounds and inspecting the rapid response posture."

"The fired tactical ballistic missile flew to the air over the fixed target in the East Sea of Korea along the set track and the reliability of warhead detonating in the fixed height was confirmed," the story added. "The orientation of planned construction of underwater launching ground in the reservoir was also confirmed through the practical drill."

Two details from the KCNA story are immediately notable, the first being the official statement that this missile is at least designed to carry a "tactical" nuclear warhead. The dimensions of the missile would indicate that any such nuclear warhead would have to be relatively small, adding to previously available evidence of North Korea's ability to produce warheads of this general size.

CONTINUE: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/dont-laugh-at-north-koreas-lake-launched-ballistic-missiles

13th October 2022, 06:17
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: SCANDAL Pfizer Lied, Albert Bourla Lied, The EU Lied, People Died | Oct. 12, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest scandal with Pfizer and Bourla lying to sell as many Covid mRNA jabs as possible. We also cover Zelensky at the World Bank and Alex Jones ordered to pay 1 BILLION in episode 123 of No-Go Zone this Odin's Day October 12, 2022.

13th October 2022, 06:24
David Icke | Rebunked - Escaping The Trap | Oct. 12, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


13th October 2022, 08:56
Totally ignored by MSM, of course.





13th October 2022, 14:14
Jason Bermas | ONE BILLION DOLLARS! Hologram Puppets And Villainous Settlements!!! | Oct. 12, 2022

Source: Jason Bermas youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/InfoWarrior)


13th October 2022, 21:50
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Oct. 13, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


NASA's "DART" mission to divert the asteroid Dimorphos from its original orbit has been successful. But what are the implications?

First kinetic impact test succeeds in shifting asteroid orbit (https://www.esa.int/Space_Safety/Hera/First_kinetic_impact_test_succeeds_in_shifting_asteroid_orbit)

14th October 2022, 06:02
New World Next Week | People STRIKE BACK Against PayPal! (and alt media) | Oct. 14, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: Ground-Breaking SWIFT Innovation Paves Way For Global Use Of CBDCs (https://www.yahoo.com/now/ground-breaking-swift-innovation-paves-083000949.html)

Connecting Digital Islands: Paving The Way For Global Use Of CBDCs, Tokenised Assets (https://www.swift.com/news-events/news/connecting-digital-islands-paving-way-global-use-cbdcs-and-tokenised-assets)
US House Committee Turn To DoJ For CBDC Development As SWIFT Resolves Cross-Border Transfer Hurdle (https://www.fxstreet.com/cryptocurrencies/news/us-house-committee-turn-to-doj-for-cbdc-development-as-swift-resolves-cross-border-transfer-hurdle-202210060022)
China, Russia Creating "Alternate" Banking System (https://www.corbettreport.com/china-and-russia-creating-alternate-banking-system/)

Story #2: PayPal Backtracks On Fining Users For “Misinformation,” Calls It An “Error” (https://reclaimthenet.org/paypal-backtracks-on-fining-users-for-misinformation/)

PayPal Stock “Fined” 6% After Flood Of Users Cancel Over $2,500 'Misinformation' Debacle (https://www.zerohedge.com/political/paypal-stock-fined-6-after-flood-users-cancel-over-2500-misinformation-debacle)
Corbet Report: Membership (https://www.corbettreport.com/members/)

Story #3: Vermont Town Employee Quietly Lowered The Fluoride In Water For Years (https://www.npr.org/2022/10/08/1127681843/fluoride-lowered-vermont-town-richmond)

French Gen. Praises Unjabbed Citizens: “You Embody The Best Of Humanity, You Are Superheroes” (https://newspunch.com/french-general-praises-unjabbed-citizens-you-embody-the-best-of-humanity-you-are-superheroes/)
Corbett Report Search: “Fluoride” (https://www.corbettreport.com/?s=fluoride)
Media Monarchy Search: “Fluoride” (https://www.mediamonarchy.com/?s=fluoride)
“Does Corbett have an alternative to Paypal that works internationally?” (https://www.corbettreport.com/the-story-of-the-century-just-broke-and-no-one-noticed/#comment-141036)
The New World Next Week Store (https://newworldnextweek.com/)

17th October 2022, 02:39
The Power of "NO"

The Free Zone - Are We In Hell – Howdie Mickoski

This turned out to be a very interesting and inspiring listen. I wasn't expecting much, from reading the title.

For a couple of heavily head strong 'thinking it rather than trusting it' people it gets very close to the mark.

If I was giving it a title I'd have called it "The Power of NO" ( and the soulless sellouts who chose "yes" ).


My only significant parting from his line of thinking is that I believe our withholding of our energy/power from the system is not about keeping it to ourselves. I say that because it's not really "our" power in the first place. If we assume it is, we end up going back in the same direction.

The later part of this hour is where it gets down to the basics and gets profoundly clear.

17th October 2022, 06:42
Truthstream Media | King of the World? The High Symbolism of Charles III's Coronation | Oct. 16, 2022

Source: truthstreammedia.com (http://truthstreammedia.com)


You’ve heard of the Magna Carta but have you heard of the new “Terra Carta”? The one that personifies nature’s rights and liberties over people? Have you ever seen a hereditary monarch get crowned by international, unelected bodies claiming to improve the “STATE of the world"?

The underlying message is one that people need to understand at their core: the relationship between the people, the environment and their rulers has always been deeply contentious. The subject today is much as it was 1000 years ago.

This is the reality of the times we are living in and one of the most important docs we’ve made. Love you all. -Truthstrammedia.com

17th October 2022, 12:13
Dark Journalist & John Warner IV | The UFO File Patriot Act | Oct. 16, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)




John W. Warner IV joins Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt to do a deep dive on his family's Deep State roots. Warner brings forward more explosive information on the hidden connections of the Mellon family and Deep Events in History. He explains that clandestine intelligence structures have kept dramatic leaps in exotic UFO technology behind a lethal Wall of Secrecy (X-Protect). Warner asks the question: Can the X-Technology inside the UFO File be made accessible to the world?

18th October 2022, 06:01
Andrei Martyanov | Realization Sets In | Oct. 17, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


18th October 2022, 06:11
Max Igan | The World is at War | Oct. 17, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


18th October 2022, 06:26
Michael Rectenwald | The Great Reset | Decentralized Revolution | Oct. 17, 2022

Source: LP Mises Caucus youtube (http://https://www.youtube.com/c/LPMisesCaucus), michaelrectenwald.com (http://michaelrectenwald.com)


Michael Rectenwald discusses the World Economic Forum's plans for The Great Reset, how ESG investing is a key part of their strategy, and how we can fight it through practical means he calls "The Grand Refusal."

18th October 2022, 07:29
The Corbett Report | Meet Elon Musk, Technocractic Huckster | Oct. 18, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/musk/)


Elon Musk is back in the headlines again (not that he ever really went away). He's going to save free speech on Twitter (honest)! He's going to end the war on Ukraine (that he supported with Starlink)!
He's going to give Taiwan to the Chinese (and not just because of Tesla's Shanghai factory)!

Yes, Elon Musk is a WEF Young Global Leader and a self-promoting charlatan who would have amounted to absolutely nothing without unrelenting support from government and his globalist pals, and he is the next white hat saviour that is being set up to mislead the masses with their next hopium fix. But as James peels back the layers of this technocratic huckster, you'll find that it's even worse than that . . .

Time Reference/Links:

00:00 Behold! The Tesla Robot in all its glory!!!! (https://youtu.be/ODSJsviD_SU?t=1004/)
05:01 Musk consulted with Putin on Ukraine plan (https://www.vice.com/en/article/ake44z/elon-musk-vladimir-putin-ukraine/)
05:03 Musk didn't consult Putin? (https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1579879154463690752/)
05:05 But maybe Musk did consult Putin? (https://twitter.com/ianbremmer/status/1579941475613229056/)
05:10 Behold! Musk's plan to end the war on Ukraine! (https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1576969255031296000/)
05:14 Musk supported Ukraine with Starlink (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/03/18/elon-musks-starlink-helping-ukraine-win-drone-war/)
05:16 Government money funds Musk's Ukraine Starlink operation (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2022/03/18/elon-musks-starlink-helping-ukraine-win-drone-war/)
05:21 Musk is going to give Taiwan back to China, apparently (https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2022-10-09/chinese-ambassador-thanks-musk-for-proposal-on-taiwan/)
05:31 Tesla’s Shanghai factory accounts for between 30% and 50% of the company’s total production (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/10/09/chinese-ambassador-thanks-elon-musk-for-taiwan-proposal/)
05:59 BostonDynamics robots doing parkour (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF4DML7FIWk/)
07:21 Elon Musk : Tesla, SpaceX, and the quest for a fantastic future (https://archive.org/details/elonmuskteslaspa0000vanc/page/203/mode/1up/) by Ashlee Vance
11:04 Financial PR exec "just happened" to show up on the first day of Greta Thunberg's climate strike (https://archive.ph/sHp7T/) by Ashlee Vance
12:53 CNN "just happens" to do a PR puff piece on Elon Musk in 1999 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9mczdODqzo/)
16:13 Barack Obama on Universal Basic Income (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5I4p7mAWtE/)
16:36 Elon Musk on Universal Basic Income (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6HPdNBicM8/)
16:54 Klaus Schwab on the brain chip (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmmPVipAAio/)
17:24 Elon Musk on the brain chip (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLUWDLKAF1M/)
17:59 Bill Gates on carbon taxes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IscWfmbWWJc/)
18:31 Elon Musk on carbon taxes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMskI6G9ty0/)
19:05 Elon Musk Developing COVID 19 Vaccine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iowsm7leEKo/)
20:05 Elon Musk: "Give people their freedom back!" (https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1255377239853719552/)
20:28 Elon agrees PayPal's misinfo policy is insane (https://reclaimthenet.org/paypal-backtracks-on-fining-users-for-misinformation/)
21:27 The PayPal Mafia (https://archive.ph/OtNW0/)
22:54 Elon Musk: Humans Need to Upgrade or We Risk Becoming Pets for Robots (https://wearechange.org/elon-musk-humans-need-upgrade-risk-becoming-pets-robots/)
24:31 Wikispooks and LittleSis - #Solutionswatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-wikispooks/)
24:39 Elon Musk Wikipedia article (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk/)
25:36 Elon Musk Wikispooks article (https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Elon_Musk/)
28:32 All Hail Elon's Martian Technocracy! (https://www.corbettreport.com/all-hail-elons-martian-technocracy/)
37:34 Why Big Oil Conquered the World (https://corbettreport.com/bigoil/)
40:20 Elon Musk says civilization 'will crumble' if people don't have more kids (https://nypost.com/2021/12/07/elon-musk-says-civilization-will-crumble-without-more-births/)
41:21 Elon Musk Reveals His Awkward Dislike of Mass Transi (https://www.wired.com/story/elon-musk-awkward-dislike-mass-transit/)t
42:30 Elon Musk Is Convinced He's the Future. We Need to Look Beyond Him (https://time.com/6203815/elon-musk-flaws-billionaire-visions/)
44:30 Did Musk Propose Hyperloop to Stop California High-Speed Rail? (https://jalopnik.com/did-musk-propose-hyperloop-to-stop-california-high-spee-1849402460/)
46:46 Elon Musk, Tech’s Cash-Poor Billionaire (https://archive.ph/JKmWL/)
48:59 If Elon Musk Walks Away From Twitter, It Could Save Him $400 Million in Taxes (https://archive.ph/keM2V/)
52:10 Battle Erupts Over Alleged Grisly Photos of Brain-Hacked Neuralink Monkeys (https://futurism.com/uc-davis-neuralink-monkey-photos-lawsuit/)
52:24 Episode 405 - Designing Humans for Fun and Profit (Neuralink monkey pong) (https://www.corbettreport.com/humandesign/)
54:28 Elon Musk’s Cruel Neuralink Experiments Kills 15th MONKEY, Are Humans Next? (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/02/elon-musks-cruel-neuralink-experiments-kills-15th-monkey-are-humans-next.html)

19th October 2022, 06:36
Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell | The Casolaro UFO File | Oct. 18, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com), gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)



Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell after Marty Farrell's Revelations about his meeting with the late Journalist Danny Casolaro. In this episode they look deeply at Michael Riconosciuto the genius programmer at the heart of the PROMIS case. Riconosciuto was put in prison after attempting to expose that he was instructed to install a backdoor for surveillance in the stolen version of the advanced software that the Justice Department obtained from Inslaw.

Casolaro had cracked the UFO File Connection of Area 51 and Pine Gap as early as 1987 and had discovered a shadowy Aerospace Defense Contractor link to the phenomenon. Riconosciuto is directly associated to the UFO file through the fact that his father was a partner in an advertising firm with Fred Krisman, a covert CIA Agent and a main figure in the legendary Maury Island UFO Case. Krisman was later put under scrutiny by New Orleans DA Jim Garrison for being involved in the JFK Assassination.

19th October 2022, 14:20
James Corbett on The Free Thought Project | Oct. 19, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/tftp-qaeda), thefreethoughtproject.com (https://thefreethoughtproject.com/podcast)


via The Free Thought Project Podcast:

Corbett has long covered important issues from 9/11 Truth and false flag terror to the Big Brother police state, eugenics, geopolitics, the central banking fraud and more. On this week's podcast, we take an eye-opening look into his epic three-part documentary series, False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda.

The trilogy is a jaw-dropping deep dive into the decades-long history of the West's intervention in Africa and the Middle East, which eventually led up to the creation of Al-Qaeda. We discuss how these pieces on the global chessboard have been moved to usher in a new dystopia in which freedom-loving citizens are considered the new "enemy of the state." We also examine how this entire police and military state which has risen up since 9/11, will be turned inward to target those who will not comply with the state's total control system.

This is a podcast you do not want to miss.

Show Notes:
False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda (https://www.corbettreport.com/alqaeda/)
Episode 383 - COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity (https://www.corbettreport.com/covid911/)
Not Just Azov: Documents Prove The CIA Has Been Cultivating Fascism In Ukraine Since At Least 1948 (https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/not-just-azov-documents-prove-cia-has-been-cultivating-fascism-ukraine-since-1948/)
Ukraine’s far-right menace (https://archive.is/jBM87)
Ukraine’s neo-Nazi problem (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cohen-ukraine-commentary/commentary-ukraines-neo-nazi-problem-idUSKBN1GV2TY)
Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine (https://archive.is/q3ddE)
‘Don’t confuse patriotism and Nazism’: Ukraine’s Azov forces face scrutiny (https://archive.is/Xx3kv#selection-1519.0-1519.74)
No, Ukraine does not have a neo-Nazi problem (https://archive.is/wirFE)
The WWI Conspiracy (https://www.corbettreport.com/wwi/)
The NDAA: Just one more link in the chain of tyranny (https://www.corbettreport.com/the-ndaa-just-one-more-link-in-the-chain-of-tyranny/)
The Media Matrix (https://www.corbettreport.com/media/)
#SolutionsWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/?s=solutions)
Thousands of people searching how to 'delete Paypal' after 'insane' new policy announcement (https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/thousands-people-searching-how-delete-28204986)
How to Play 3D Chess (https://www.corbettreport.com/how-to-play-3d-chess/)
Interview 1626 - James Corbett on China, 3D Chess, Ethics and Elvish (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1626-james-corbett-on-china-3d-chess-ethics-and-elvish/)
Interview 1456 - James Corbett on 3D Chess and China (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1456-james-corbett-on-3d-chess-and-china/)
The Best Enemy Money Can Buy by Antony Sutton (https://archive.org/details/pdfy-Iqz3ytYcb3wWYJ0c)
Episode 320 - Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next "Great" War (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-320-echoes-of-wwi-china-the-us-and-the-next-great-war/)
Corbett Report Membership (http://www.corbettreport.com/members)

20th October 2022, 05:29
Andrei Martyanov | Obama Figured It Out (Finally) | Oct. 19, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


The optics of Midterms and Ukraine.

21st October 2022, 06:26
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Oct. 20, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Good news this week as a principal franchise of the Nefarium suffers another setback:

Article: Missouri Latest State to Divest from BlackRock Over ‘Woke Political Agenda’ (https://www.theepochtimes.com/missouri-latest-state-to-divest-from-blackrock-over-woke-political-agenda_4805311.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=telegram)

21st October 2022, 06:47
New World Next Week | Darth Vader Riding a Tricycle on a Sunny Day | Oct. 20, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: Trudeau On The Stand As Emergencies Act Inquiry Begins This Week (https://thecountersignal.com/trudeau-on-the-stand-emergencies-act-inquiry-begins-this-week/)

European Public Prosecutor’s Office Investigating Acquisition of COVID Vaccine In EU (https://thecountersignal.com/european-public-prosecutors-office-investigating-acquisition-of-covid-vaccine-in-eu/)
Fauci Claims He Had ‘Nothing to Do’ With School Closures. His Own Statements Suggest Otherwise (https://fee.org/articles/fauci-claims-he-had-nothing-to-do-with-school-closures-his-own-statements-suggest-otherwise/)
Trudeau Appoints Judge With Liberal Party Ties to Oversee Inquiry Into Use of Emergencies Act (https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/trudeau-appoints-judge-with-liberal-party-ties-to-oversee-an-inquiry-into-the-use-of-the-emergencies-act/)
Canadian Intelligence Service Documents Contradict Trudeau’s ‘Nazi’ Characterization of Freedom Convoy Protesters (https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/canadian-intelligence-service-documents-contradict-trudeaus-nazi-characterization-of-freedom-convoy-protesters/)
Foreign Sctors Weren’t Behind Convoy, Commission Evidence Confirms (https://tnc.news/2022/10/19/alshow-foreign-actors-commission/)
Parliament Hill Security, Not Convoy Protesters, Blocked Truck Relocation Plan (https://tnc.news/2022/10/18/security-blocked-relocation/)
Extraordinary that one of the most important questions came from the govt lawyer: Do you have any evidence the bomb threat against CHEO was connected to the convoy. Ayotte says, "No". He also pointed to elevated levels of 911 calls, i.e. all kinds of cranks are calling in. #POEC (https://twitter.com/rupasubramanya/status/1582493920197738497)
Emergencies Act Inquiry (https://tnc.news/emergencies-act-inquiry/)
Justice Centre to Participate in Second Week of Emergencies Act Inquiry
(https://www.jccf.ca/justice-centre-participating-in-second-week-of-emergencies-act-inquiry/)How will the Emergencies Act hearings unfold? (Ft. Eva Chipiuk) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1kmoeVeR5w)
Court Documents Reveal Canada’s Travel Ban Had No Scientific Basis (https://www.commonsense.news/p/court-documents-reveal-canadas-travel)

Story #2: Japan Will Link Health Insurance, Drivers Licences To Digital ID (https://reclaimthenet.org/japan-will-link-health-insurance-and-drivers-licences-to-digital-id/)
Japan Makes Big Steps Towards A Cashless Society (https://reclaimthenet.org/japan-steps-cashless-society/)

Story #3: AI Art Is Everywhere Right Now, Even Experts Don’t Know What It Will Mean (https://theconversation.com/ai-art-is-everywhere-right-now-even-experts-dont-know-what-it-will-mean-189800)

The New World Next Week Store (https://newworldnextweek.com)

24th October 2022, 06:26
Dark Journalist | HotZone UFO File AUTEC Atlantis & Automatons | Oct. 21, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


Please join us for this special X-Series Episode 136 as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep to connect the dots on the AI obsession of the Tech Elite and the story of Edgar Cayce The Sleeping Prophet. Cayce claimed the Atlanteans had created Mutant Cyborg Mixed Creatures he called 'Things"or 'Automatons' to make a slave race. What does AUTEC, The US Underwater Area 51 and the search for Atlantis Technology have in common with the UFO File?

24th October 2022, 06:31
Andrei Martyanov | Strategic Split or Dirty Bombs Done Dirt Cheap | Oct. 23, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Why dirty bomb or even low yield nuke now?

24th October 2022, 08:56
Max Igan | Are You An Activist Or An Enabler? | Oct. 23, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


24th October 2022, 12:37
The Corbett Report | The Media Are the Terrorists | Oct. 24, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/mediaterror/)


Yes, it's true: the terrorists do hate you for your freedoms, and yes, the terrorists are out to get you. But here's the real question: Who are the terrorists? Join James for today's important edition of The Corbett Report podcast where he explores the nexus between mass media and modern-day terrorism. -corbettreport.com


Time Reference:

01:03 Brian Williams is guided by the beauty of our weapons in Syria strikes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNHOJwgZyfo)
01:29 Wolf Blitzer questions whether a move to stop bombing civilians will hurt defence contractors' bottom lines (https://archive.org/details/CNNW_20160908_170000_Wolf/start/3420/end/3480)
02:20 Jim Cramer advocates cyberterrorism against US enemies (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbfppLJE_KE)
03:17 The Media Matrix (https://www.corbettreport.com/media/)
04:36 The Copycat Effect by Loren Coleman (https://archive.org/details/copycateffect00lore/)
07:11 Mailman massacre: 14 die after Patrick Sherrill 'goes postal' in 1986 shootings (https://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/mailman-massacre-14-die-patrick-sherrill-postal-1986-shootings-article-1.204101)
07:18 A former postal worker commits mass murder (https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/a-former-postal-worker-commits-mass-murder)
07:22 Ex-Postal Employee Is Arrested in Deaths of Two in California (https://archive.is/c0qmV#selection-297.0-297.61)
08:09 Three weeks of terror: How the 2002 D.C. sniper attacks unfolded (https://archive.is/rg3ut#selection-213.0-213.64)
08:45 One Sniper Is Suspected in Three Killings in West Virginia (https://archive.is/sy272#selection-297.0-297.58)
08:53 British MP shot in attack by copycat sniper (https://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/8021853.mp-shot-in-attack-by-copycat-sniper/)
09:02 Turkish police search for copycat sniper (https://www.theage.com.au/world/turkish-police-search-for-copycat-sniper-20021020-gdupi6.html)
11:28 Corbett Report Radio 182 - The Copycat Effect with Loren Coleman (https://www.corbettreport.com/corbett-report-radio-182-the-copycat-effect-with-loren-coleman/)
17:12 Loren Coleman's Twilight Language blog (https://copycateffect.blogspot.com/)
17:41 Creepy Clowns and the Copycat Effect - Media Monarchy w/Loren Coleman (https://mediamonarchy.com/loren-coleman/)
19:29 Netflix's '13 Reasons Why' Carries Danger of Glorifying Suicide, Experts Say (https://www.nbcnews.com/pop-culture/tv/netflix-series-13-reasons-why-glorifies-suicide-mental-health-experts-n749551)
20:14 Psychologists warn '13 Reasons Why' could inspire copycat suicides (https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2017/04/28/psychologists-warn-13-reasons-why-could-inspire-copycat-suicides/307592001/)
20:52 13 Things Pediatricians Should Know (and Do) About 13 Reasons Why (https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/141/6/e20180575/37664/13-Things-Pediatricians-Should-Know-and-Do-About?autologincheck=redirected?nfToken=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
21:47 Association Between the Release of Netflix's 13 Reasons Why and Suicide Rates in the United States: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31042568/)
22:46 Netflix removes 13 Reasons Why’s controversial suicide scene (https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/16/20696151/13-reasons-why-netflix-suicide-scene-removed-controversy-medical-experts)
23:03 Judge rules in Netflix’s favor over ‘13 Reasons Why’ suicide lawsuit (https://nypost.com/2022/01/12/judge-rules-in-netflixs-favor-over-13-reasons-why-suicide-suit/)
26:26 OBL: "You'll see them and hear about them in the media . . . God willing." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqQwnqjA-6w)
26:38 Mike Francesca on WFAN 9/11 ("like Independence Day") (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cIbuhjiPdpY)
28:21 Mass Media: A History (online course) (https://newworldnextweek.com/products/mass-media-a-history)
32:19 September 11: The Pentagon’s B-Movie (https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/PentagonSep11Bmovie.html)
34:19 The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright (https://archive.org/details/loomingtower00lawr/page/342/mode/2up?q=schwarzenegger) (Schwarzenegger movie night for Qaeda terrorists)
39:14 9/11 War Games (https://www.corbettreport.com/911wargames/)
39:29 Graeme Macqueen Discusses "9/11: The Pentagon's B-movie" on the Freedom Loves Company podcast (https://open.spotify.com/episode/0pf88Q0vIoesw4OMVqZOrp) (2017)
47:37 The Psychological Implications of Media-Covered Terrorism (https://www.rand.org/pubs/papers/P6627.html)
50:04 New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern says “disinformation” should be controlled like “weapons of old,” guns, nukes (https://reclaimthenet.org/jacinda-ardern-says-online-disinformation-should-be-controlled/)
54:36 The Bombings of America That We Forgot (https://time.com/4501670/bombings-of-america-burrough/)

24th October 2022, 13:37
Dr. Joel Wallach | Life Expectancy In Different Countries - Ask Doc Live | Oct. 21, 2022

Source: criticalhealthnews.com (http://criticalhealthnews.com)


Dr. Joel Wallach discusses the life expectancy in different countries and some of the reasons they differ before answering dozens of questions from our engaged and interested audience.

25th October 2022, 12:25
Scott Ritter | Russia is Winning, Nuclear Threat is a Sign of Desperation & Very Serious | Part 1/2 | Oct. 24, 2022

Source: SarahWestall.com (http://SarahWestall.com)


Former Intelligence Officer and Expert on Weapons of Mass Destruction, Scott Ritter, joins the program to give us a better understanding of what is really going on in Ukraine. Sadly the western media is framing the war as if Russia is losing which only prolongs negotiations and causes more death.

The question is, why the desperation to keep the war going? Will they resort to nuclear weapons to even out the war? Another must listen to interview with information that you are missing from the corporation propaganda western media. You can follow Scott Ritter on Telegram @ScottRitter and you can the books mentioned later in the show at the following links:

Scott Ritter | DISARMAMENT IN THE TIME OF PERESTROIKA: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union (https://www.claritypress.com/product/disarmament-in-the-time-of-perestroika-arms-control-and-the-end-of-the-soviet-union/)

Scott Ritter | SCORPION KING: America’s Suicidal Embrace of Nuclear Weapons from FDR to Trump (https://www.claritypress.com/product/scorpion-king-americas-suicidal-embrace-of-nuclear-weapons-from-fdr-to-trump/)

26th October 2022, 08:31
Max Igan | In a World of Distractions You Are The Solution | Oct. 26, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


26th October 2022, 11:20
The Corbett Report | Simple Sabotage - #Solutionswatch | Oct. 26, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-sabotage/)


Most people think of sabotage as explosive and sometimes deadly acts of violence against property and machinery. But from lying flat and quiet quitting to water level tinkering and other subtle acts of mischief, there are many non-violent and potentially extremely effective ways to fling our sabots in the gears of the New World Order. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:
Beastie Boys "Sabotage" on Letterman 1994 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ5yKJlhbiA)
Star Trek VI - Lt. Valeris - Sabotage (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKLIivrA3g0)
Etymology of "sabotage" (https://www.etymonline.com/word/sabotage)
New World Next Week covers the Vermont water story (https://www.corbettreport.com/nwnw20221013/)
A town employee quietly lowered the fluoride in water for years (https://www.npr.org/2022/10/08/1127681843/fluoride-lowered-vermont-town-richmond)
Feds Say It's Time To Cut Back On Fluoride In Drinking Water (https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2015/04/27/402579949/feds-say-its-time-to-cut-back-on-fluoride-in-drinking-water)
"Fluoride" on The Corbett Report (https://www.corbettreport.com/?s=fluoride)
What is ‘lying flat’, and why are Chinese officials standing up to it? (https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3153362/what-lying-flat-and-why-are-chinese-officials-standing-it)
What Is Quiet Quitting—and Is It a Real Trend? (https://www.investopedia.com/what-is-quiet-quitting-6743910)
Sedition Subversion and Sabotage Field Manual No. 1: A Three Part Solution to the State (https://www.badquaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/FieldManualNo1.pdf)
Worker who quietly lowered town's fluoride for years resigns (https://www.wkbw.com/news/national/worker-who-quietly-lowered-towns-fluoride-for-years-resigns)
Anti-Fluoride Water Superintendent Just Wanted To Protect Town's Precious Bodily Fluids (https://www.wonkette.com/kendall-chamberlin-richmond-vermont-fluoride)

27th October 2022, 06:29
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: ADL Destroys Kanye & Twitter Belongs To Elon Now | Oct. 26, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest news in episode 124 of No-Go Zone this October 26, 2022.

27th October 2022, 06:36
Scott Ritter | Russia is Winning, Nuclear Threat is a Sign of Desperation & Very Serious | Part 2/2

Source: sarahwestall.com (http://sarahwestall.com)


Former Intelligence Officer and Expert on Weapons of Mass Destruction, Scott Ritter, joins the program to give us a better understanding of what is really going on in Ukraine. Sadly the western media is framing the war as if Russia is losing which only prolongs negotiations and causes more death.

The question is, why the desperation to keep the war going? Will they resort to nuclear weapons to even out the war? Another must listen to interview with information that you are missing from the corporation propaganda western media. You can follow Scott Ritter on Telegram @ScottRitter and you can the books mentioned later in the show at the following links:

DISARMAMENT IN THE TIME OF PERESTROIKA: Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union (https://www.claritypress.com/product/disarmament-in-the-time-of-perestroika-arms-control-and-the-end-of-the-soviet-union/)

SCORPION KING: America’s Suicidal Embrace of Nuclear Weapons from FDR to Trump

28th October 2022, 06:26
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Oct. 27, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


That dirty bomb scenario: a desperate act by some criminally insane people...

Two Ukrainian Firms Caught Building Dirty Bomb – Media Blackout (https://newspunch.com/two-ukrainian-firms-caught-building-dirty-bomb-media-blackout/)

28th October 2022, 07:21
New World Next Week | Russia and NATO Play Nuclear War Games | Oct. 28, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: US Says Russia Nuclear Drills Interfering With NATO Nuclear Exercises
Russia Notified U.S. Its Annual Nuclear Exercise Has Begun, U.S. Officials Say
(https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russia-has-notified-the-u-s-its-annual-nuclear-exercise-has-begun-u-s-officials-say/ar-AA13mGJO?cvid=8bbd15bd695549a691e68f1af6100259)Able Archer: The 1983 War Scare Declassified and For Real (https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/nukevault/ebb533-The-Able-Archer-War-Scare-Declassified-PFIAB-Report-Released/)
The Public Document a Federal Judge and the CIA Don’t Want You to See (https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/news/able-archer-83-foia/2022-10-04/public-document-federal-judge-and-cia-dont-want-you-see)
Russia Raises Dirty Bomb Allegations at UN Security Council (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/10/25/russia-raises-dirty-bomb-allegations-at-un-security-council/)
Why Fears of a Russian ‘False Flag’ Attack Are On the Rise (https://thehill.com/policy/defense/3704106-why-fears-of-a-russian-false-flag-attack-are-on-the-rise/)

Story #2: Musk’s SpaceX, Pentagon Deepen Ties Despite Dispute on Starlink Funding In Ukraine
Episode 429 - Meet Elon Musk, Technocratic Huckster (https://www.corbettreport.com/musk/)
How Elon Musk Became a Geopolitical Chaos Agent (https://dnyuz.com/2022/10/26/how-elon-musk-became-a-geopolitical-chaos-agent/)
Slimmed-Down Elon Musk Carries KITCHEN SINK Into Twitter HQ As He Changes Profile to 'Chief Twit', Vows to Cut 75% of Staff and Close $44B Deal By Friday - As New Report Reveals 'Absolute Decline' In Users (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11358061/Elon-Musk-changes-Twitter-profile-Chief-Twit-location-Twitter-HQ.html)

Story #3: New York Supreme Court Reinstates All City Employees Fired For Being Unvaccinated, Orders Backpay (https://archive.ph/005u3)

PDF: NEW YORK STATE SUPREME COURT'S “DECISION & ORDER” (https://eddsa.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/public/85163_2022_George_Garvey_et_al_v_City_of_New_York_et_al_DECISION___ORDER_ON_37.pdf)
Lawyers Prepare to Sue Any State That Requires COVID-19 Vaccination to Attend School (https://archive.ph/pKTFn)
“We Are Not QR codes” New Alberta Premier Danielle Smith Apologizes for Vaccine Passports (https://reclaimthenet.org/alberta-premier-danielle-smith-vaccine-passports-amnesty/)
‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ Documentary Based on RFK, Jr.’s Runaway Bestseller (https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/the-real-anthony-fauci-documentary-trailer-rfk-jr-bestselling-book/)
The New World Next Week Store (https://newworldnextweek.com/)

30th October 2022, 11:04
Dark Journalist | Atlantis Automaton DNA Secret! | Oct. 28, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)



Please join us for this Special X-Series Episode 137 as Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep to reveal the Transhumanist Elite A.I. Obsession and the Mystery School Secret of the Atlantean Cyborg Mixed Creatures called 'Automatons.' DJ examines the Mystery teaching sources and the legacy of Atlantean Scientists distorting Atlantean DNA into cyber 'things' to create a race of chimerical slaves.

1st November 2022, 05:12
Like many here I have been aware of the Edgar Cayce work and of Rudolf Steiner's work for many years but I have to say I really appreciate Daniel Lizt helping to decode all of this at this time. I want to re listen to this latest especially as the implications of the automatons from Atlantis time is startling and especially in the light of the idea that all of us here now are here for a testing period (Cayce wrote everyone born since 1943 and almost everyone born since 1900)

2nd November 2022, 06:58
Max Igan | A World of High Strangeness | Nov. 2, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


2nd November 2022, 07:12
Andrei Martyanov | Dunning-Krueger Geopolitics | Oct. 31, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


How Prostate Massage shapes geopolitics and "elites".

2nd November 2022, 08:13
Jason Bermas & Johnny Vedmore | Global Leaders Exposed | Nov. 1, 2022

Source: Jason Bermas youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/InfoWarrior)


2nd November 2022, 08:22
Aaron Kheriaty | Rise of the Biomedical Security State | Nov. 1, 2022

Source: geopoliticsandempire.com (http://geopoliticsandempire.com), aaronkheriaty.substack.com (http://aaronkheriaty.substack.com), twitter.com/akheriaty (http://twitter.com/akheriaty)


Dr. Aaron Kheriaty discusses his must-read book The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State and traces the roots of the medical tyranny we've been experiencing to the Anglosphere and eugenics movement which later was exported to Germany.

Postwar principles of medical ethics (e.g. Nuremberg Code) were completely abandoned in 2020. The Biomedical Security State is a public health apparatus that has become militarized and wouldn't have been possible before the advent of the iPhone in 2007.

The definition of "public health" has continued to expand to include social justice (e.g. BLM) and environment (e.g. climate lockdowns) which is a dangerous trend. He discusses how Digital ID and CBDCs will lead to totalitarianism and touches on the religious aspect of the New Abnormal (e.g. scientism, neo-Gnosticism, transhumanism).

About Aaron Kheriaty
Aaron Kheriaty, M.D., a psychiatrist, is the director of the Program in Bioethics and American Democracy at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., and the director of the Health and Human Flourishing Program at the Zephyr Institute in Palo Alto, Calif. He formerly taught psychiatry at the UCI School of Medicine, was the director of the Medical Ethics Program at UCI Health, and was the chairman of the ethics committee at the California Department of State Hospitals. Dr. Kheriaty’s work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Arc Digital, New Atlantis, Public Discourse, City Journal, and First Things.

2nd November 2022, 10:03
Paul Stonehill | Underwater Aliens : Captain Korozev’s Encounters | Oct. 31, 2022

Source: Paul Stonehill youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/ParanormalResearchPaulStonehill)


...The Soviet navy commander Alexey Korzhev, who repeatedly encountered unidentified underwater objects, described the incidents that occurred in 1975 and 1984...

2nd November 2022, 13:49
The Corbett Report | What is Technocracy? - Questions For Corbett | Nov. 2, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/qfc-technocracy/)


It seems everyone is talking about technocracy these days, but what is technocracy. You may think you know the answer to this question, but you probably don't. James answers this question once and for all in today's edition of Questions For Corbett. Along the way, you'll discover that being able to answer this question is imperative if we want to be able to identify the technocratic enemy and, ultimately, derail their plans. -corbettreport.com

Show Notes:

Interview 1758 - James and Ernie Debate Elon Musk (https://www.corbettreport.com/dyi-musk/)
Wikispooks and Little Sis - #SolutionsWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-wikispooks/)
Episode 034 - The Scientific Dictatorship (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-034-the-scientific-dictatorship/)
Interview 344 - Aaron Franz (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-344-aaron-franz/)
Corbett Report Radio 027 - Against Technocracy with Aaron Franz (https://www.corbettreport.com/corbett-report-radio-027-against-technocracy-with-aaron-franz/)
Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (https://www.technocracy.news/product/technocracy-rising-the-trojan-horse-of-global-transformation/)by Patrick Wood
Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order (https://www.technocracy.news/product/technocracy-the-hard-road-to-world-order/) by Patrick Wood
Interview 1046 - Patrick Wood Exposes the Technocracy Agenda (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1046-patrick-wood-exposes-the-technocracy-agenda/)
Interview 1433 - Patrick Wood on the Hard Road to World Order (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1433-patrick-wood-on-the-hard-road-to-world-order/)
The Technocrat - Vol. 3 - No. 4 - September 1937 (https://archive.org/details/TheTechnocrat-September1937/page/n2/mode/1up)
Technocracy Study Course (https://archive.org/details/TechnocracyStudyCourse1945/mode/2up)
Elon Musk says Universal Basic Income is “going to be necessary.” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6HPdNBicM8)
BBC Breakfast Carbon Ration Card proposal 20 07 2006 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7HF-ANJLXk)
Laura Dodsworth: 'Why we need a public inquiry into nudge' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvYoT2_eGZM)
Google’s The Selfish Ledger (leaked internal video) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDVVo14A_fo)

3rd November 2022, 07:14
Andrei Martyanov | Captain Obvious Economy | Nov. 2, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


3rd November 2022, 07:20
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Gov. Censorship, Pandemic Collapse & Population Worries | Nov. 2, 2022

Source: Redice.tv (http://Redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest and most important in episode 125 of No-Go Zone this Odin's Day, November 2, 2022.

3rd November 2022, 14:49
F. William Engdahl | Real Causes of EU Energy Collapse & Nordstream Sabotage

Source: 21stcenturywire.com (http://21stcenturywire.com), williamengdahl.com (http://williamengdahl.com)


In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio airing on Oct 4, 2022, Patrick speaks with best-selling author and geopolitical analyst, F. William Engdahl, to discuss the real cause of the current EU energy meltdown, and who’s really behind the recent Nordstream 2 sabotage attack and why. Where are the Atlanticists going with Ukraine? All this and more.

4th November 2022, 07:30
New World Next week | We're Telling You For the 500th Time! | Nov. 4, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: "You Murderous Hypocrites" - Outrage Ensues After The Atlantic Suggests 'Amnesty' For Pandemic Authoritarians (https://www.zerohedge.com/political/you-murderous-hypocrites-outrage-ensues-after-atlantic-suggests-amnesty-pandemic)

Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty (https://archive.ph/70jby)

Story #2: Family Takes Action Against Inflation, Grows Veggies In Community Garden (https://www.abc15.com/news/region-phoenix-metro/south-phoenix/family-takes-action-against-inflation-grows-veggies-in-community-garden)

Spaces of Opportunity (https://www.spacesofopportunity.org/)

Story #3: Sweden Ditches Agenda 2030’s Climate Change Scam (https://expose-news.com/2022/10/29/sweden-ditches-agenda-2030s-climate-change-scam/)

Sweden’s New Government Abolishes Ministry of Environment (https://archive.ph/AXsfT)

Mexico to Proceed With GMO Corn Ban, Seeks International Grain Deals (https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/exclusive-mexico-proceed-with-gmo-corn-ban-seeks-international-grain-deals-2022-10-27/)

India's GMO Regulator Paves Way for Commercial Cultivation of GMO Mustard

The New World Next Week Store (https://newworldnextweek.com/)