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9th August 2010, 06:10
Robert Hieronimus | The United Symbolism of America, All Seeing Eye Origins, Freemasons & The Enlightenment

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/08aug/RIR-100808.php), secretdestiny.org (http://www.secretdestiny.org), unitedsymbolismofamerica.com (http://www.unitedsymbolismofamerica.com)


August 8, 2010–We discuss all things related to the Reverse of the Great Seal of the United States and focus specifically on the Eye in the Triangle above the Pyramid with author Robert Hieronimus who we first came across while doing research for our third episode of Red Ice TV. We've invited Robert to discuss his views in terms of the Symbolism of the United States, the influence of freemasonry in the process of coming up with the Pyramid and Eye design and the placement of it on the American one Dollar bill. ~Red Ice Creations


download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/08aug/RIR-100808-rhieronimus.mp3)

9th August 2010, 07:07
Argentina: Ranchers Capture “Fanged, Hairy Humanoid”

Source: El Tribuno (Salta, Argentina)
Date: Friday, August 6, 2010



Ranchers Capture “Fanged, Hairy Humanoid”

The legend of the Ucumar Zupai is reborn in a wilderness near El Creston, some 40 kilometers west of San Jose de Metan.

Farm owner and nephew had gone out to round up the cows when the strange specimen appeared.

Two ranchers in the vicinity of Cerro El Creston, some 40 kilometers west of San Jose de Metan, hunted down a strange creature of humanoid appearance, but with unusually large and sharp incisors.

The similarity between this specimen and local tales of the mythic “Ucumar” – the manlike figure covered in short black hair – has renewed the debate in Salta over the existence of the local “yeti”.

The presence of a creature having such characteristics has been news for decades in the forested areas to the south of the province, particularly in Rosario de la Frontera, where eyewitness accounts have been collected.

Photographs of the remains of the specimen gunned down in the cloud forest of Cerro El Creston were taken by Martin, a resident of Metan who did not wish to give his name, at the property belonging to the ranchers who shot it.

The photo – taken with a cell phone – clearly shows a hominid specimen with long fangs and protruding eyes.

The Story

The ranchers are an older man, 79, whose initials are J.S. and the other is his nephew, E.S. Both requested anonymity to ward off curiosity seekers.

Almost shyly, Martin told El Tribuno about his experience with the strange being during a visit to his friends the ranchers. “That Saturday I arrived and they told me what had occurred during the morning. I entered the home and there it was, hanging from its feet, its hands tied to one side and extending down to the floor.”

Unhurriedly, he continued his story: “I asked him what it was, and they couldn’t answer. They only said that in the dark of night, they thought it might have been a puma or a goblin, because they only saw its enormous green eyes shining by light of the flashlights.”

According to the young man, J.S. and E.S. had gone out on the evening of 23 July to round up cattle, as they were planning to brand the livestock on the following day.

Amid the darkness, they heard a nearly deafening sound on the edge of one of the hills surrounding their property. They cast light upon the source of the noise with the flashlight, and found themselves staring at two enormous green eyes that nearly froze their hearts. “They told me they thought it was a goblin, and to scare it away, they fired a shot. They were unlucky enough to hit it in the head.”

Apparently, the bullet entered through the lower left side of the jaw, exiting through the upper right eyebrow ridge. Due to this impact, the alleged “Ucumar” collapsed instantly. “The dogs that were with us, accustomed to finding wild pigs, ran toward the carcass, and when my friends chased them, they came across that thing.”

The two gauchos carried the remains back to their ranch to analyze it at length. The next day, with sunlight, there was no doubt about it: they had shot an Ucumar, although to confirm this, it would be necessary to go into deeper study. For the time being, all we have are speculations and suspicions.

What can indeed be confirmed is that the veterinary specialists consulted by El Tribuno state that the specimen “hunted” by accident is not native to the region.

Carcass Hurled Down a Canyon

Martin continued to relate his experiences with the ranchers of Cerro El Crestón. He noted that “On Saturday morning, J.S. asked us to cut off his head and throw the body far away, as he did not wish to be the victim of any revenge.”

The revenge that Martin referred to is that the being they had found was allegedly a “cub” of an Ucumar, which could take reprisals against him for having shot and killed its young.

The state that it was a “cub” due to the diameter of the specimen’s skull, which measured some 15 centimeters. They calculate the creature’s height at some 60 to 70 centimeters.

“Overall, the people who live in these parts believe greatly in these things: goblins, the Ucumar...matter of fact, I must admit I felt afraid. At one point I thought about bringing the body to Metán, but I got scared,” said the fellow who spoke with El Tribuno.

Martin explained that “we cut off its head, which remained at the ranch. But we wrapped up the body in several bags and threw it down a canyon.”

J.S. the owner of the ranch where the strange events transpired, lives alone in the area. His nearest neighbor is 15 kilometers away. The man is visited by his nephews every so often.

“It Had Fingers and Toes”

The witness who got to hold the body of the hunted hominid explained that “it was covered in short black hair all over its body, except for the face. It was impressive to see the size of its incisor.” He added that the manlike figure had fingers and toes.

“The truth is that it was a one of a kind experience. I had never seen anything like it. When we go to the ranch at Cerro El Creston, we find hairs stuck to the tree trunks, as though “it” was scratching itself against them. There are many animals in the area, but none with fur resembling that of the creature they hunted,” Martin explained.

“I Never Saw Anything Like It”

Marcelo Choque, a forensic veterinarian for the Provincial Police under the Environmental Division of the service, was startled to see the photographs of the strange specimen’s skull, shot by a rancher in the heights of Cerro El Creston in Metán. “I never saw anything like it. It’s clearly an anthropomorphic figure, but I can’t tell you the species. And I could much less explain the exaggerated size of its incisors, which give it a monstrous appearance.”

The expert paused to think for a moment and continued. “There are no anthropoids in the are where they shot it. And the ones belonging to our fauna do not possess in any way the humanoid characteristics showing in the photo. If it is a monkey of some sort, it would be a rarity, an unclassified species or a genetic aberration. I’m stunned and I think it would be necessary to travel with a team of experts to the area where the skull is kept in order to conduct an analysis of the remains.”

(Translation (c) 2010 S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Mercedes Casas)

9th August 2010, 16:39
David Icke | Hillary Raimo Interview August 5, 2010

Source: hillaryraimo.com (http://www.hillaryraimo.com/radio.htm/)

Part 1 of 4


August 5, 2010–David Icke discussed his new book and current events.

¤=[Post Update]=¤

Jim Marrs | Rule By Secrecy August 8, 2010

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com (http://truthfrequencyradio.com/?p=2095)


August 8, 2010–Jim Marrs, acclaimed journalist and best-selling author of “Rule By Secrecy”, discussed the Annunaki/Nibiru/UFO connection.


download mp3 (http://truthfrequencyradio.com/podcasts/truthfrequency_08-08-10_Jim_Marrs-128k.mp3)

10th August 2010, 05:56
Starchild Skull 2010 DNA Result

Source: StarchildProject.com (http://www.StarchildProject.com)


Preliminary new DNA results from the 900 year old Starchild Skull, providing proof that a percentage of the DNA in the bone is not from Earth.

11th August 2010, 06:14
Dr. Joseph P. Farrell | Nazi UFO Tech

Source: openminds.tv (http://www.openminds.tv/radio/radioarchives/joseph-farrell-august-9-2010/)


August 9, 2010–Joseph P. Farrell (http://www.gizadeathstar.com/) has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. His book The Giza Death Star in 2002 was his first venture into “alternative history and science”. He has since published two sequels, The Giza Death Star Deployed and The Giza Death Star Destroyed. Additionally, he has published three books on Nazi secret weapons, Reich of the Black Sun, The SS Brotherhood of the Bell and its sequel, The SS Brotherhood of the Bell, Secrets of the Unified Field: The Philadelphia Experiment, the Nazi Bell, and the Discarded Theory. His book is, The Cosmic War: Interplanateray Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts.


download mp3 (http://blogtalk.vo.llnwd.net/o23/shows/show_1187917.mp3)

12th August 2010, 05:41
Nick Pope | Winston Churchill & UFOs

Source: coasttocoastam.com (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2010/08/10)

August 10, 2010–UFO expert Nick Pope reacted to the news that Winston Churchill covered up a UFO event because he feared mass panic in the UK. The incident, said to occur during WWII, was revealed as part of Britain's continuing release of formerly classified UFO files. However, Pope pointed out that this report was more of an allegation, and there was little documentation to back it up. For more, see Linda Moulton Howe's Earthfiles article.

12th August 2010, 05:46
UFO - The Greatest Story Ever Denied Trailer 2

Source: TBLNFilms.net (http://TBLNFilms.net)


Trailer 2 of "UFO - The Greatest Story Ever Denied". A film by Jose Escamilla

12th August 2010, 05:53
David Wilcock | Crop Circles & Energie Points

Source: coasttocoastam.com (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2010/08/10)

Intuitive researcher, lecturer and filmmaker David Wilcock discussed his recent research on crop circles and energy vortexes. According to the work of Ivan Sanderson, there are 12 points (or 'Vile Vortices') around the Earth where ships and planes disappear, not just the Bermuda Triangle. Storms tend to begin in these areas, which also exhibit gravitational anomalies and magnetic fluctuations. These points, via particles and vibration, affect the geometric shape of the continents and the atmosphere, Wilcock detailed.

This past July he traveled to England to observe crop circles first hand, including one formation that was octahedral in shape. While agreeing that some circles are human-made, he noted that researchers have found the soil under crop circles to have drier, looser consistency than the soil near by. Crystals have also been found in the crop circle soil, which could only grow at temperature levels that would normally be much too hot for the plants to survive, he said. "The reason why these crystals are forming and the soil gets so dry is that the technology that makes these circles involves drawing water up out of the ground," Wilcock suggested.

He connected the patterns of crop circles with the geometric processes of the Earth's vortexes. Further, some of the crop circles' symbolic messages have related to DNA change and soul evolution, as well as the downfall of the New World Order, he said. For more on Wilcock's work, check out his YouTube video channel, which includes his lecture 2012 Event Horizon.

12th August 2010, 08:16
Disturbed - "Another Way To Die" Official Music Video


12th August 2010, 20:00
Latest Gulf of Mexico update with James Fox and analytical chemist Bob Naman

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)

Here's the latest Gulf of Mexico update with James Fox. Bob Naman, analytical chemist, joined us with his analysis. Please spread worldwide. ~Mel Fabregas

Listen to Episode 90.1 : James Fox

Link to Audio Player (http://www.veritasshow.com/veritasplayerpublic.html)

13th August 2010, 06:07
Project Aquarius | Exclusive interview and illustrations of Area 51’s S-4 facility

Source: openminds.tv (http://www.openminds.tv/project-aquarius-081210/)

August 12, 2010–Open Minds recently documented, in great detail, “Project Aquarius” – the U.S. government’s alleged secret project to research extraterrestrial biological entities and their presence on the earth – as told by the highly controversial whistle-blower, Dr. Dan Burisch.


Dr. Burisch was interviewed extensively by Open Minds researcher Michael Schratt on the minute details of Burisch’s claimed interactions with an extraterrestrial named “J-Rod,” who was housed in a secret underground base at Area 51 referred to as S4. Schratt’s full report is now available below.

Area 51 is located in the Nellis Air Force Base military operations area and has long been suspected as a facility used to store extraterrestrial craft and debris retrieved by the U.S. Air Force. Area S4 is reportedly housed under nearby Papoose Mountain. Using Burisch’s descriptions, Open Minds has created a never-before-seen fully illustrated reconstruction of the multi-layered base, including each level’s complete contents.

Some of the projects Burisch describes in the report are “Project Looking Glass,” the U.S. government’s investigation into the feasibility of determining probable future events. Also, covered is the ancient Sumerian connection to man-made stargates operated at Area S4 and their connection to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

The article provides Burisch’s explanations to the following perplexing questions: Who are the extraterrestrials? Where do they come from? Why are they here? And Burisch’s detailed accounts as to how J-Rod and its associated craft eventually ended up at Area S4.

Please note that Dr. Dan Burisch is also known as Dan Crain and both names are used in the document, but refer to the same individual.

View the document in its entirety for FREE here: Project Aquarius Updated! Sept. 14, 2010 (http://openminds.tv/pdf/PROJECT_AQUARIUS_DOCUMENT.pdf)* – File size: 25 MB, it may take some time to download with slower connections.
*To download: right click and choose “save link as…”

14th August 2010, 08:39
H.P. Albarelli | The CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments and the Murder of Dr. Frank Olson

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


Following nearly a decade of research, this account solves the mysterious death of biochemist Frank Olson, revealing the identities of his murderers in shocking detail. It offers a unique and unprecedented look into the backgrounds of many former CIA, FBI, and Federal Narcotics Bureau officials—including several who actually oversaw the CIA’s mind-control programs from the 1950s to the 1970s. In retracing these programs, a frequently bizarre and always frightening world is introduced, colored and dominated by many factors—Cold War fears, the secret relationship between the nation’s drug enforcement agencies and the CIA, and the government’s close collaboration with the Mafia.

H.P. Albarelli Jr. (http://www.aterriblemistake.com) is an investigative reporter and writer who lives in the Tampa Bay region of Florida. Other articles he has written about Frank Olson's death, as well as about the post-9/11 anthrax investigation, biological warfare, and other subjects, appear on the World Net Daily web site. Other writings by Albarelli may be found in WITNESS, a literary journal, and Tampa's alternative newspaper, The Weekly Planet. A graduate of Antioch Law School, Albarelli has worked as a researcher, scriptwriter, and technical consultant on several television documentaries including A&E's recent Investigative Report on Frank Olson produced by London's Principal Films. In 1977-80, Albarelli worked in the White House under the Carter Administration and then later served on the Senior Policy Staff for the Service Employees International Union, AFL-CIO in Washington, D.C. Albarelli is a former board member of the London-based Transnational Information Centre and has traveled extensively throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa. Albarelli's book is the author of A Terrible Mistake: The Murder Of Frank Olson And The CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments, the novel, called The Heap and his biography of George Hunter White will be published in 2011.

Listen to Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)






14th August 2010, 13:03
Related to the recently released Brazilian UFO files.

Documentary "The Brasilian Varginha UFO Case"




15th August 2010, 10:21
Jordan Maxwell | Interviewed by Megan Kargher, July 2010

Part 1 of 9


Jordan Maxwell interviewed by Megan 'Verb' Kargher in Los Angeles, California; July 2010.

15th August 2010, 20:05
James Fox | BP Oil Spill: locals swim in condo pools while tourist swim in toxic Gulf!

Source: James Fox on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/jamescfox#p/a), iknowwhatisawthemovie.com (http://www.iknowwhatisawthemovie.com)


We took water samples, from several areas in the Gulf, to be tested for Corexit and Petrochemicals to a lab in Mobile, Alabama. We found that most locals suspected the waters weren't safe, although the tourist we spoke to allowed their children to swim in the water. While the lab didn't find Corexit, in the samples we provided, the lab did find oil levels in the water (that appeared clean) MUCH higher than that considered safe. ~James Fox

16th August 2010, 08:18
Dr. Steven Greer interviews Richard Hoagland, August 13, 2010

Source: worldpuja.org (http://www.worldpuja.org/schedule.php#hoagland)

Dr. Greer will be having a special interview with Richard Hoagland (http://www.enterprisemission.com/), New York Times bestselling author, former NASA Consultant and Investigator for The Enterprise Mission - a public policy research institution. Mr. Hoagland will discuss his latest research and how it fits in and impacts CSETI's mission.







16th August 2010, 08:37
Whitley Strieber interviews Dr. Joseph P. Farell & Jim Marrs, August 14, 2010

Source: Dreamland Radio (http://www.unknowncountry.com/)

Roswell and the Reich
What if the Roswell Incident didn't involve the crash of an extraterrestrial spacecraft, but rather was an example of secret terrestrial technology? As the author of Majestic, Whitley Strieber would fall into the group who believes that the debris found represented ET technology, but what if that is NOT true, and something very different took place? Listen as Joseph Farrell outlines the audacious hypothesis that Nazi technology was involved at Roswell?and that the possessors of this technology are still keeping it secret, and that they represent nothing less than a hidden superpower on earth.









17th August 2010, 19:59
New French aerospace report endorses reality of UFOs

Source: openminds.tv (http://www.openminds.tv/french-ufo-report-081610/)


A new French report released on May 31, 2010 concluded that UFOs are definitely real and possibly of extraterrestrial origin. While not an official government study, the Progress Report of the Sigma/3AF Commission comes from a highly credible source, the Aeronautical & Astronomical Association of France, known as the 3AF, which established a Commission on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena back in May 2008. The Commission’s President is Alain Boudier, a former French Defense attaché, and one of its key members is Jean-Gabriel Greslé, a former fighter pilot who studied at the U.S. Air Force Academy and later became an airliner pilot with Air France, where he experienced a couple of UFO sightings. Greslé has published three UFO books in France, including Unidentified Flying Objects: An Airline Pilot Talks (Guy Trédaniel, 1993).

The Sigma/3AF is not a final report but just a work in progress document; nevertheless, it provides good background material on the history of official UFO research in France, a balance of Sigma’s work during the last two years, a brief description of the most significant French cases, and some comments and conclusions. The report begins with a brief history of French official UFO research, which is quite extensive: “France is the only country where the collection of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena (PAN in French) and its scientific study have been assigned since 1977 to a civilian official organization, the CNES (National Center for Space Studies, the French space agency) through the GEPAN study group.” After a short description of this unit, now known as GEIPAN (Study and Information Group on Aerospace Unidentified Phenomena), the report outlines other official or quasi-official French studies, including the famous COMETA (Committee for In-Depth Studies) Report of 1999, issued by a group of high-ranking retired French military and intelligence officers, which concluded that UFOs were real and probably extraterrestrial.

Members of the Sigma/3AF Commission also met representatives of many other official French military and intelligence organizations that had some UFO involvement in the past. These included the National Gendarmerie, which has collected UFO reports systematically since the 1960s; the General Secretariat of National Defense, which issued an interesting report a few years ago (although I am not aware that it was ever released to the public); the Air Force; and one of France’s intelligence services, the General Directorate for External Security, which admitted through an “authorized source” that UFOs have been monitored by the agency since the early sixties.

The section on “the most significant French cases” provides a very short description of five incidents: a massive multiple-witness sighting in Madagascar in 1954; the famous landing and Close Encounter of the Third Kind (CE-III) in Valensole in 1965, which was documented by the Gendarmerie; the equally famous landing case in Trans-en-Provence in 1981, and another similar one in Nancy in 1982 known as “amaranth,” both of which were investigated by GEPAN and published respectively in their Technical Notes Nº 16 and Nº 17. The last case is a multiple-witness sighting seen in a diagonal between Biarritz and Strasbourg across France in November 1990.


In the Comments section, the Sigma/3AF report uses unambiguous language, for instance: “No natural phenomenon can account for the majority of observation reports accompanied by electromagnetic detections made by one or several radars. Both the defense services and air traffic control have been confronted a number of times around the world with unknown aerial intrusions or artificially induced phenomena.” Later on, the report goes on to say, “The behavior of these devices during encounters with fighter jets or interceptors – some have participated in real swirling battles in the U.S. – suggests they are controlled, guided or led by particularly sophisticated automation.” And then again, “the air superiority of the craft concerned, if they are indeed crafts, is such that none of the many interceptions which have been made against them, in the United States for example, have been able to overcome one of these devices.”

After outlining a number of characteristics exhibited by UFOs, such as “remarkable accelerations of the craft right after a stationary mode,” the report indicates: “We feel that we must reject the thesis of a terrestrial origin for all the observations made since World War Two. Indeed, if a nation of the world had been able to secretly develop such an armada of exotic craft, like those observed for more than half a century, the means of analysis and strategic logistics available would have permitted their rapid identification. The illegal overflights which they have been guilty of conducting could constitute a casus belli [cause for war].” The Sigma/3AF experts go on to state that, “the above features suggest that in many cases the devices detected, far from being unidentified, are easily recognizable by the aerial defense agencies as part of a technology far ahead of ours.” And later: “We have been unable to get any serious indication as to the origin of the aerospace phenomena that is the subject of our research. The technological elements that we selected… allow us to draw some assumptions about the aircraft in question, which do not seem to belong to an identifiable terrestrial technology at the times when they were observed.”

The Sigma/3AF report finally agrees with COMETA’s conclusion that we are probably facing an ET presence. That conclusion was quite controversial for a semi-official study like COMETA back in 1999 and was criticized by many in the French press. Yet the Sigma/3AF Commission found no quarrel with it. “Thus, the central hypothesis proposed by the COMETA report still cannot be rejected up to this day and remains perfectly credible,” they wrote. “Many documents and materials examined by the authors of this report confirm it. We have therefore retained, among some others but only as a working hypothesis, the possibility that most of the craft observed can have a non-terrestrial origin.”

The original French text of the Sigma/3AF report can be downloaded in pdf here. (http://www.openminds.tv/wp-content/uploads/Rapport_Etape_Com.SIGMA_Juin2010.pdf)

The English translation of the full Sigma/3AF report can be downloaded in pdf here. (http://www.openminds.tv/wp-content/uploads/Progress-Rep-Commission-Sigma-3AF-English.pdf)

The website of the Sigma/3AF Commission (in French) can be found here. (http://www.aaafasso.fr/crbst_35.html)

18th August 2010, 06:18
Carmen Boulter | The Pyramid Code, Band of Peace, The Migration of the Nile & Cosmic Cycles

source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/08aug/RIR-100817.php)


We have author and filmmaker Carmen Boulter with us, who is from the University of Calgary in Canada, she is the producer of a new DVD called "The Pyramid Code" - a 5 hour, 5 part program that asks the pertinent questions that many of us have when it comes to the mysteries of the ancient land of Khemet. We talk about the DVD and discuss a lot of the fascinating areas and aspects that are covered in the documentary. Topics Discussed: Targeted for TV, The Pyramid Code, Abd'el Hakim Awyan, Abu Roach, Alchemy, Melted Glass, Underground Network Passageways, John Burke, Transmute the Atom, The Portal in 2012 and more. ~Red Ice Creations


download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/08aug/RIR-100817-cboulter.mp3)

21st August 2010, 08:48
Neil Kramer | Owning the Dystopian Daydream, Brazil & Artificial Constructs

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/08aug/RIR-100819.php)


August 19, 2010
Neil Kramer returns to Red Ice Radio to talk about his latest material, new developments, travels and the dystopian daydream from the point of view of the excellent film "Brazil". We talk about the artificial constructs around us and how to generate our own level of reality, the akashic field, cultural programming and how to break the code. We discuss the dream scape and the recurring problems in our world with cultural depression and financial collapse and how taking responsibility and taking back the flame of authenticity are key aspects to generate your own level of reality. Topics Discussed: Brazil, 1985, Self Awareness, Artificial Construct, Generate your Own Level of Reality, The Level of Comparison, Akashic Field, Cultural Programming, Code, Nag Hamadi Library, Polarization, Inquisitiveness, Personal Rights, Spiritual Asylum, Toltec Sorcerers, The Dream World, Drugs, Flame of Authenticity, Taking Responsibility, Recurring Problems, Depression, Seals & Chakras, Heart as a Compass, Cultural Depression, Financial Collapse, "the Transitional Alchemy Tour" and more. Don't miss our wonderful second hour with Neil Kramer for much more wisdom about the roots of the control system and how to translate reality. We ask the question: "who is number one?" ~Red Ice Creations


download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/08aug/RIR-100819-nkramer.mp3)

21st August 2010, 08:56
Peter Levenda | Sinister Forces & The Unholy Alliance

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


Peter Levenda discussed his research into the sinister forces that rule the world. A chronology of events has occurred for hundreds of years, and the hidden knowledge continues to be kept a few, in order to control the many. From ancient times, to the Nazis, to present day society, these sinister forces manage our daily lives.

Peter Levenda is a native of the Bronx, New York, and has been investigating and writing about the connections that exist between politics, religion and history since the 1970s. His first book, Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult, was published in 1994 and bears a foreword by Norman Mailer. Since then, he has published Sinister Forces: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft, a three-volume magnum opus that searches for the meaning behind some of the most famous historical events in American history, from the Salem witchcraft trials to Jonestown, from Operation Paperclip to the weaponizing of the paranormal, from the serial killer phenomenon to the Manson Family and beyond, and exposes some of the strangest aspects of American political assassinations and their relation to a shadowy -- yet well-documented -- group known as "The Nine". His research has taken him to Chile during the Pinochet regime to investigate Nazi war criminals, to China, India, all over Southeast Asia, and throughout Europe and Latin America. His work has been praised by Paul Krassner, Jim Hougan, Dick Russell, Jim Marrs, Whitley Strieber, Katherine Neville, and many others. He has appeared numerous times in television documentaries on the influence of occult beliefs on the development of the Nazi Party: on the History Channel, the National Geographic Channel, TNT, Discovery, etc.

Listen to Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)






22nd August 2010, 13:57
What a great thread Helvetic! Thank You!
I am looking forward to going back through and settling in with all the videos~

22nd August 2010, 19:34
Peter Levenda | Sinister Forces & The Unholy Alliance

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


Peter Levenda discussed his research into the sinister forces that rule the world. A chronology of events has occurred for hundreds of years, and the hidden knowledge continues to be kept a few, in order to control the many. From ancient times, to the Nazis, to present day society, these sinister forces manage our daily lives.

Peter Levenda is a native of the Bronx, New York, and has been investigating and writing about the connections that exist between politics, religion and history since the 1970s. His first book, Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult, was published in 1994 and bears a foreword by Norman Mailer. Since then, he has published Sinister Forces: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft, a three-volume magnum opus that searches for the meaning behind some of the most famous historical events in American history, from the Salem witchcraft trials to Jonestown, from Operation Paperclip to the weaponizing of the paranormal, from the serial killer phenomenon to the Manson Family and beyond, and exposes some of the strangest aspects of American political assassinations and their relation to a shadowy -- yet well-documented -- group known as "The Nine". His research has taken him to Chile during the Pinochet regime to investigate Nazi war criminals, to China, India, all over Southeast Asia, and throughout Europe and Latin America. His work has been praised by Paul Krassner, Jim Hougan, Dick Russell, Jim Marrs, Whitley Strieber, Katherine Neville, and many others. He has appeared numerous times in television documentaries on the influence of occult beliefs on the development of the Nazi Party: on the History Channel, the National Geographic Channel, TNT, Discovery, etc.

Listen to Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)






This is a very interesting interview - standing on a good solid platform - although I can only hear the first half without a membership. Anyone know much about the author that is being interviewed?

23rd August 2010, 00:42
This is a very interesting interview - standing on a good solid platform - although I can only hear the first half without a membership. Anyone know much about the author that is being interviewed?


Try listening to this interview, it covers much the same information, and is somewhat more "home grown":

Levenda, Peter - Project Camelot Interview - Sinister Forces - (click-on: "download .mp3 audio click here")

23rd August 2010, 06:11
Piers Corbyn | Russian Heatwave & Pakistan Floods Parts of Solar Cycle

Source:rt.com (http://www.rt.com)



As Russia recovers from a record-breaking heatwave followed by fierce storms, RT talks to astrophysicist and solar weather forecaster Piers Corbyn to find out what it all means and if it has anything to do with global warming.

23rd August 2010, 20:38

Try listening to this interview, it covers much the same information, and is somewhat more "home grown":

Levenda, Peter - Project Camelot Interview - Sinister Forces - (click-on: "download .mp3 audio click here")

Thanks ~ :yo:

24th August 2010, 11:35
Thank you for your kind words LeeEllisMusic.

Dodge Pickup Runs on 100% Water

Source: pesn.com (http://pesn.com/2010/08/17/9501689_QA_Frederick_Wells_VP_Future_Energy_Concepts_Inc/), pswiki.com (http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:_Hydrogen_Hog_by_Future_Energy_Concepts,_Inc.), futureenergyconceptsinc.com (http://www.futureenergyconceptsinc.com)


Inventor Frederick W. Wood, and his associate, David Seigler, from Future Energy Concepts, Inc., give a video tour of the pickup truck that they've converted to run on nothing but hydroxy gas, electrolyzed on-board, and on-demand, via a super-efficient electrolysis (from water) method they have developed.

Their system produces 55 liters per minute on 55 amps. The truck recently completed a road trip of more than 3000 miles, running on this set-up.

24th August 2010, 11:59

we should get that guy...to meet these guys...


24th August 2010, 12:51
Chinese Planetary Astronomer Wang Sichao | Extraterrestrial beings do exist but also have weaknesses

Source: english.peopledaily.com.cn/ (http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001/90782/7114409.html)

17:01, August 23,

Wang Sichao, a researcher and planetary astronomer at the Purple Hills Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that he believes extraterrestrial beings do exist and their UFOs have the ability to visit our earth. However, he disagrees with British scientist Stephen Hawking, who believes an encounter with aliens would spell disaster to human beings.

Wang has done the astronomical observation work for 39 years and he publicized his opinion on a science forum held in Guangzhou today.

Wang also found that in the terrestrial space between the height of 130 kilometers and 1,500 kilometers, UFOs have appeared many times. Their flying speed is much slower than the first cosmic velocity. Some are even as slow as 0.29 kilometers per second and they can fly in the 1,460 kilometers' height for more than 25 minutes.

This means UFOs have the anti-gravity ability. Otherwise, they would fall soon. Wang came to these conclusions based on the spherical astronomy and physics method and his years of observation at Purple Hills Observatory as well as the quantitative analysis of some significant UFO events.

Many people are worried that the aliens would invade the earth and if they do exit, is could be a calamity for human beings. Hawking is one person who holds such a theory.

However, Wang said it's too early to come to this conclusion.

"If they are friendly to us, we can promote the human beings' civilization through exchange and cooperation with them. If they are not, as long as we prepared for their invasion, we can beat them back based on their weaknesses. After all, they are life entities, they would show their slips," Wang said.

By Wang Qianyuanxue, People's Daily Online

Remember this article back in 2009...

Chinese scientists 'filmed UFO for 40 minutes'

Source: telegraph.co.uk (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/ufo/6148974/Chinese-scientists-filmed-UFO-for-40-minutes.html)

Published: 10:08AM BST 07 Sep 2009

The UFO world is alive with speculation that China is about to reveal details of startling and detailed footage of an unidentified flying object taken during the solar eclipse on July 22.

Scientists at the Purple Mountain Observatory in Nanjing are reported to have confirmed that they filmed a UFO during the eclipse for 40 minutes. They say that they will spend the next 12 months studying the footage before drawing any conclusions.

The director of the observatory, Ji Hai-sheng, told sina.com that scientists would not be speculating publicly on the nature of what was captured on film until it had been properly studied.

He added:"'Purple Mountain Observatory and Chinese Academy of Sciences said that during the July 22 total solar eclipse observation, China had discovered near the sun, by observing staff, an unidentified object, it's physical nature remains to be further studied.

"Currently manpower is being organized to deal with this data, complete the data analysis and reveal the scientific results and this will take at least one year's time to finalise."


The incident follows a series of UFO sightings in China which culminated in an object being captured on film by students in Deqing. The footage, which was featured on Chinese television, appears to show the object repeatedly changing shape after initially appearing as a glowing blue sphere.

26th August 2010, 08:10
VERITAS Special Report | Jim Humble VS The FDA - MMS

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)

This is a Veritas Special Report with Jim Humble entitled The FDA Vs Jim Humble's MMS. Listen what this brave man has been able to accomplish worldwide. The FDA is warning people not to use MMS when over 200,000 people died last year of correctly prescribed medicines approved by the FDA. You decide.

In a sentence, that's what dedicated users seem to achieve with this miracle mineral supplement. Doesn't matter where you've traveled or what parasites float in your blood. That's what activated MMS does -- IT KILLS PATHOGENS whether in the air, on your kitchen cutting board, under your toe nail, or in your blood. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) analysis at http://mms-articles.com is one of many substantiating references.

What are pathogens? ClO2 gas has been used outside the body to:
- Kill anthrax in government offices
- Cleanse cruise ships of stubborn stomach viruses
.........(how do you scrub down 1,200 ocean liner rooms? Pump ClO2 gas throughout the whole ship for 12 hours.)

- Remove fungus from restaurants and homes after the new Orleans Katrina storm
- Purify lake water fed to the city water supply
- Stop the spread of staph infections when they arise
- Kill salmonella and E. coli by passing vegetables/fish through a cloud of ClO2 gas."





27th August 2010, 05:11
Stephen Bassett Highgate Disclosure Briefing

Source: paradigmresearchgroup.org (http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/)

Stephen Bassett of Paradigm Research gives a intimate briefing on Disclosure of UFO and other issues, to invited guests in Highgate north London. 

This briefing is a good start for journalsits who wish to geta brief grip on what is going on in the UFO Disclosoure area, without their boss findinging out. Ideal for politians on how to deal with those UFO questions.




Stephen Bassett Highgate Briefing Q&A

The final Question & Answer part of the Highgate Briefing by Stephen Bassett. This section was not formally recorded, and is presented using cellphone video only.


27th August 2010, 08:11
Pentagon official reveals "most significant" military breach

Source: nytimes.com (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/26/technology/26cyber.html?_r=1) By Brian Knowlton, August 27, 2010


A top Pentagon official has confirmed a previously classified incident that he describes as “the most significant breach of U.S. military computers ever,” a 2008 episode in which a foreign intelligence agent used a flash drive to infect computers, including those used by the Central Command in overseeing combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Plugging the cigarette-lighter-sized flash drive into an American military laptop at a base in the Middle East amounted to “a digital beachhead, from which data could be transferred to servers under foreign control,” according to William J. Lynn 3d, deputy secretary of defense, writing in the latest issue of the journal Foreign Affairs.

“It was a network administrator’s worst fear: a rogue program operating silently, poised to deliver operational plans into the hands of an unknown adversary,” Mr. Lynn wrote.

28th August 2010, 09:09
John Perkins | Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


John Perkins has seen the signs of today's economic meltdown before. The subprime mortgage fiascos, the banking industry collapse, the rising tide of unemployment, the shuttering of small businesses across the landscape are all too familiar symptoms of a far greater disease. In his former life as an economic hit man, he was on the front lines both as an observer and a perpetrator of events, once confined only to the third world, that have now sent the United States—and in fact the entire planet—spiraling toward disaster.

Tonight, we will be discussing John’s latest book. Here, Perkins pulls back the curtain on the real cause of the current global financial meltdown. He shows how we've been hoodwinked (which is the title of his new book) by the CEOs who run the corporatocracy—those few corporations that control the vast amounts of capital, land, and resources around the globe—and the politicians they manipulate. These corporate fat cats, Perkins explains, have sold us all on what he calls predatory capitalism, a misguided form of geopolitics and capitalism that encourages a widespread exploitation of the many to benefit a small number of the already very wealthy. Their arrogance, gluttony, and mismanagement have brought us to this perilous edge. The solution is not a "return to normal."

But there is a way out. Perkins makes clear, that we can create a healthy economy that will encourage businesses to act responsibly, not only in the interests of their shareholders and corporate partners (and the lobbyists they have in their pockets), but in the interests of their employees, their customers, the environment, and society at large. Perkins assures that we can create a society that fosters a just, sustainable, and safe world for us and our children. Each one of us makes these choices every day. 

"We hold the power," he says, "if only we recognize it." Tonight, John Perkins will share with us how we all have been Hoodwinked, how we arrived at this precarious point in our history but also what we must do to stop the global tailspin.

As Chief Economist at a major international consulting firm, John Perkins advised the World Bank, United Nations, IMF, U.S. Treasury Department, Fortune 500 corporations, and countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. He worked directly with heads of state and CEOs of major companies. His books on economics and geo-politics have sold more than 1 million copies, spent many months on the New York Times and other bestseller lists, and are published in over 30 languages. John’s Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (70 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list) is a startling exposé of international corruption. His The Secret History of the American Empire, also a New York Times bestseller, details the clandestine operations that created the world’s first truly global empire. His Hoodwinked is a blueprint for a new form of global economics. The solutions are not “return to normal” ones. Instead, John challenges us to soar to new heights, away from predatory capitalism and into an era more transformative than the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions. His writings detail specific steps each of us can take to create a sustainable, just, and peaceful world. John is a founder and board member of Dream Change and The Pachamama Alliance, nonprofit organizations devoted to establishing a world our children will want to inherit, has lectured at more than 50 universities around the world, and is the author of books on indigenous cultures and transformation, including Shapeshifting, The World Is As You Dream It, Psychonavigation, Spirit of the Shuar, and The Stress-Free Habit. He has been featured on ABC, NBC, CNN, NPR, A&E, the History Channel, Time, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Der Spiegel, and many other publications, as well as in numerous documentaries including The End of Poverty?, Zeitgeist Addendum, and Apology of an Economic Hit Man.

Listen to Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)

28th August 2010, 15:08
Wanted to let you know that you're doing an awesome job with this thread Helvetic, and since nobody rated it yet, you get 5 stars from me my friend! :)

Love and blessings,


29th August 2010, 04:16
Thank you Dan!

Chris Thomas | Velon ET Threat to Humanity

Source: undergroundvideouk.com (http://www.undergroundvideouk.com)


Introducing Healer and Visionary, Author Chris Thomas. Please refer to the two long form interviews for further information. We plan a 3rd interview, comprised of questions from viewers of Parts 1 and 2



Author and Healer Chris Thomas is unique in his data about a VELON ET presence on earth, and has detailed their history in his recent books.

He details the true Human Plan, and Humanity's vital role in the universe, and the involvement with many other ETs over many years.

The latest, Project for Human Extinction, details how the Elite and Illuminiati were taken over by a small number of Annunaki and Hathor Velon ETs about 300 years ago.

He discusses this and other matters, in this the 1st of 2 detailed hour long interviews. His comments are highly controversial, as he slams many Channelors as being specifically "conned" by these Velon ETs.

Highly controversial, and unique data.

He was severely weaked some years ago, when he woke up with a hypodermic injection of lethal poison, which he managed to fight against, so he could write his books, and discuss with us on this very rare interview.

30th August 2010, 11:22
An absolutely amazing interview ! The knowledge this man has shared is very, very important and original.
The subject of soul intergration rather than ascension is fascinating.

30th August 2010, 11:56
yeah, chris thomas's interview serves as a powerful reminder...thanks helvetic for churning this up..

it tallies up with my personal sense of ashtar's and all other commands and orders...i said that on viking's ashtar command thread at the time and i'd like to reiterate it here: i would never consider setting my foot on anyone's space ship :no: no... and if you are attentive enough, you could tune into your higher self which would tell you pretty much the same thing...stick with who you are.. we have a great potential.. :) l

31st August 2010, 06:01
Maj. George Filer, US Air Force UFO Encounters

Source: openmindsradio (http://www.openminds.tv/radio/)


Retiring a Major in the US Air Force, George Filer, as a pilot and an intelligence officer, has had extraordinary experiences with UFO and Extraterrestrial events. In 1962 his crew was asked to chase a UFO over the UK. However, more extraordinary was an event at McGuire Air Force base in the 70s when as the base intelligence officer he was asked to brief Generals regarding an extraterrestrial that was shot at Fort Dix, the adjacent Army base, eventually dying on the McGuire tarmac. His experiences prompted him to become a regional director for the Mutual UFO Network, and send out weekly email newsletters on UFO news and sightings.


download mp3 (http://blogtalk.vo.llnwd.net/o23/shows/show_1228967.mp3)

1st September 2010, 06:15
Dr. Steven Greer | The Physics of Consciousness, August 30, 2010

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com (http://truthfrequencyradio.com/?cat=11)


August 30, 2010–This week are joined by Dr. Steven Greer (http://www.disclosureproject.org/presskit/sgbio.shtml), founder of the Orion Project (http://www.theorionproject.org/en/index.html) and the Disclosure Project (http://www.disclosureproject.org/). Dr. Greer is physician, ufologist, author, and lecturer ; He was the first to coin the term, “Close Encounters of the 5th Kind” and teaches people how initiate contact with extraterrestrial intelligence.

download mp3 (http://truthfrequencyradio.com/podcasts/truthfrequency_08_30_10_Steven_Greer_128k.mp3)

1st September 2010, 08:01
Clif High on TNS Radio, August 30, 2010

Part 1 of 7


Clif High, Webbot on TNS Radio August 30, 2010.

Tube Playlist (http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=FEA55FB839066D57)

1st September 2010, 09:46
Well, I am skeptical about videos where "aliens" appear. This one is worth looking...

Possible "Out of Towner" Appears During Interview Live TV South America August 8, 2010


August 8, 2010, Channel 2, Santa Cruz, Argentina


Attached my Image Analysis about the wrong shadow on the figure in the video.
By the way it is not possible that the shadow on the girl is because of the camera-> see camera direction and distance in pic below.


1st September 2010, 21:13
UFOs & ET Visitation | Timothy Good

Source: coasttocoastam.com (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2010/08/30)

Part 1 of 8


August 30, 2010–One of the world’s most respected authorities on alien phenomena, Timothy Good (http://www.timothygood.co.uk/), discussed the staggering evidence for UFOs, and the possible colonization of Earth by extraterrestrials. One of the most disturbing aspects to ufology is the number of military deaths since the late 1940s, he noted. When the military opened fire on UFOs, there was retaliation on a large scale, and "I would say that conservatively hundreds of military pilots have lost their lives." The Roswell craft, he suggested, was shot down by US military. According to one statistic, more than 3,500 pilots (including commercial) have seen UFOs, he stated.

Regarding the existence of ETs, Good said "I am convinced, and have been for decades, that they are here,"-- some are based on Earth, and have a vested interest in our planet. He has come to believe human abductions and the developing of hybrids was done for the ETs' benefit rather than ours. Cross breeding and genetic experiments have been conducted on a colossal scale, and the intention behind the hybrids is "to create a passive human race incapable of violence," thus setting us up for conquest, he warned.

Good also recounted an interesting episode in 1989 when Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey was planning a traveling exhibit on UFOs & aliens, and certain high ranking officials were reportedly considering lending out real UFOs and alien bodies for the display. However, after Good published details about this in his book, Alien Contact, the exhibition was canceled. He also spoke about various contactee cases, such as the Italian "Friendship (http://www.openminds.tv/the-sensational-case-of-friendship/)" group, whose contacts with ETs were said to begin in 1956. Good reported that many recent sightings in the UK were due to Chinese lanterns, but there was also an increase in triangular craft. The US, he added, has acquired advanced craft propulsion from recovered alien vehicles.

3rd September 2010, 06:03
Christopher Dunn | Astonishing Lost Technology Of Ancient Egypt

Source: rense.com (http://www.rense.com), gizapower.com (http://www.gizapower.com)

September 1, 2010–Christopher Dunn (http://www.gizapower.com) has an extensive background as a craftsman, starting his career as an indentured apprentice in his hometown of Manchester, England. Recruited by an aerospace manufacturing company, he immigrated to the United States in 1969. Over the past 49 years, Chris has worked at every level of high-tech manufacturing from machinist, toolmaker, programmer and operator of high-power industrial lasers, Project Engineer and Laser Operations Manager.

For the past 16 year, he has served as Human Resource Director for a Midwest aerospace manufacturer. 

The landscape of the ancient world is dotted with fabulous structures that are breathtaking in their complexity. The Egyptians and Mayans had their pyramids and temples.

The Hindus crafted elaborate temples throughout Asia. The Greeks built the Parthenon, and the Babylonians constructed the Jupiter Temple and the fabled Hanging Gardens. The Romans made their mark all over their world, with engineering geniuses guiding the construction of their famous roads, the Coliseum, and numerous temples and viaducts, while Roman sculptors guided their chisels over marble and alabaster, giving it physical presence and beauty.





4th September 2010, 04:08
Nancy Talbott | Scientific Anomalies Behind Crop Circles & The Work of John Burke

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/09sep/RIR-100902.php)


September 2, 2010
Nany Talbott from the BLT Research team is with us today. B L T stands for Burke, Levengood and Talbot. The team have been doing scientific research related to the crop circles phenomena for a long time. They have been focusing on analyzing soil samples, crop nodes in and outside of circles. They have also looked other plant abnormalities when it comes to growth of crops inside circles. Nancy has also in the last few years been interested in the case of Robbert van der Broeke, a Dutch gentlemen who have in various ways have been connected with the crop circle phenomena, he has been able to predict where circles are going to appear. We talk more with Nancy about this in our second hour. We begin the first hour to talk about man made circles, genuine circles, John Burke’s work and research into crops, seeds and the relationship to megaliths and natural earth energies. We talk about his work on crop fertility and his “Stressguard machine” technology. Topics Discussed: Man Made Circles, Energy, Germination Studies, Levengood, Microwaves, Visible Signs, Expulsion Cavities, Steam, Moisture in the Plant Stem, Node Bending, Angular Momentum, Stretching, Electrical Pulses, Ion Avalanches, John Burke, “Stressguard”, The Global Crop Diversity Trust, Increased Growth Rate in Seeds, Megalithic Sites, Fertilizers, Temporal Lobe Instability, Geomagnetic Abnormalities, Electromagnetic Voltmeter, Dolmens, Megalithic, Pyramids, Light Displays, Sacred Sites, The Shaman, “Seeds of Knowledge, Stones of Plenty”, Magnetometer, Electrostatic Voltmeter, Increased Energy at Sun Setting and Rising, Chalk aquifers, Atmospheric Plasma Discharge, Ground Electrical Charge and more. ~Red Ice Creations


download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/09sep/RIR-100902-ntalbott.mp3)

4th September 2010, 19:46
Andrew Johnson | Diary of a Truth Seeker

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


From early childhood, Andrew Johnson had an overly developed sense of wonder. He had a UFO sighting during his youth. In 2003, he watched Dr. Steven Greer's Disclosure Project video and expanded his pursuit of the truth. He then heard of Dr. Judy Wood and her evidence analysis about September 11, 2001. As a computer programmer and teacher, Andrew can connect the dots more than the average person. Andrew looks for clues that lead him to the big picture. During this show, we discussed 9/11, Chemtrails, Gary McKinnon, and life on Mars. This is truly the diary of a truth seeker.

Andrew Johnson grew up in Yorkshire, England and graduated from Lancaster University in 1986 with a degree in Computer Science and Physics. He has mainly worked in Software Engineering and Software Development, for most of the last 20 years. He has also worked full and part time in lecturing and tutoring (in Adult Education). Now he works for the Open University (part time) tutoring and assessing students, whilst occasionally working freelance on various small software development projects.

He became interested in “alternative knowledge” in 2003, soon after discovering Dr Steven Greer's Disclosure Project. He has given presentations and written and posted a number of articles on various websites about 9/11, Mars, Chemtrails and Anti-gravity research, whilst also challenging some of the authorities to address some of the most compelling data that is available. His website is checktheevidence.com (http://www.checktheevidence.com).

Listen to Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)

5th September 2010, 08:38
Part 2 BP Oil Spill 90 days | Dispersants Sank Most of the Oil. WHAT NOW?

Source: James Fox on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/jamescfox), iknowwhatisawthemovie.com (http://www.iknowwhatisawthemovie.com/)


This is part 2 of a two part 17 minute film featuring highlights from day 49 to 114. There wasn't transparency or proper organization from either BP or our Government and now it appears that most of the oil was simply sank or dispersed throughout the Gulf waters. NOW WHAT? ~James Fox

5th September 2010, 08:42
Andrew Johnson | Chemtrails and Climate: Evidence in Plain Sight

Source: checktheevidence.com (http://www.checktheevidence.com)







6th September 2010, 05:42
Back In Time Series | Bill Cooper - The Global Deception Conference London 1993

Source: undergroundvideouk.com (http://www.undergroundvideouk.com/), undergroundvideouk on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/megawatts1066)


The Global Deception Conference London, was held at considerable sacrifice and bravery by its Sponsors Mary Seal and her partner Keith, in Jan 1993.

Only when Ian Crane put on the "AV" series in 2008, were we to get such a standard of speaker and organization.

The "Agencies" went to town on sabotaging this event. The Audio was turned up so bad, it was unusable on the master recording. So by painstaking dubbing audio from six other home video cameras, are we were able to retain some of the these few sections from the 2 day event.

Section 2 is the first part from Bill Cooper, who spoke on both days. He was suffering very badly from a throat and nasal issue, brought on to prevent him from speaking.

Vladimir Terziski and Dr. Strecker (AIDS scam) were other speakers.

This is an Archive Recovery project, the audio is the best we can do. We believe this was Bill Coopers first and only speaking engagement in the UK, before his murder in 2000. Mary Seal's opening statements on the 2 Global Deceptions tapes of this event are featured in Bases One 2010 edition.

Bear in mind this is Jan 1993, in London! Before David Icke and others came forward. Jordan Maxwell was to have attended. ~Miles Johnson

Helvetic: Thank you Miles for the edits & sharing!

noxon medem
6th September 2010, 10:44
"- it is not, because it can not, going to be fully, openly, commonly revealed for now.
because the real life mystery-energy is still too important,
for people, and life in general, or leutenant ....
not going to be unrefutably revealed because a handfull of people feel they
have to know. Learn to live with not knowing for shure. It serves you better."

6th September 2010, 15:51
Old story noxon, but thank you for your input.

6th September 2010, 15:55
Bob Koontz, John Hutchinson | The Hutchison Effect & Antigravity

Source: coasttocoastam.com (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2010/08/31)

Part 1 of 8


August 31, 2010–Experimental nuclear physicist Dr. Bob Koontz (http://www.doctorkoontz.com/), and independent researcher John Hutchison (http://www.myspace.com/johnkhutchison) discussed the Hutchison Effect, and such topics as antigravity, Tesla technology, UFO propulsion, free energy, and the Philadelphia Experiment. The Hutchison Effect "was an accidental discovery I made way back in 1979 when I was replicating a lot of Nikola Tesla's machinery...I was playing with this high voltage equipment and started noticing that certain things would happen like objects moving around by themselves a little bit," said Hutchison. "You cannot explain this effect with conventional physics," noted Koontz, who views this work as far more important than the Large Hadron Collider experiments at CERN.

Koontz characterized Hutchison's experiments as highly sophisticated-- he used one-million-volt Tesla coils to create electromagnetic fields that induced scalar effects or antigravity-- such as levitating heavy objects, or turning metal into jelly. A kind of antigravity shield could be used in a craft or spaceship, Hutchison outlined. By canceling inertial effects, spacecraft could make sharp right turns, and through jumping into subspace or hyperspace, ships could move as fast as they want and not collide with anything, said Koontz. "It doesn't violate the laws of physics to produce free energy-- it's a zero point process," he added.

Not unlike the purported Philadelphia Experiment, Hutchison said he's had samples disappear and reappear during tests. "I've had other samples where the steel itself is aging in time," for every day about 10 years ahead in time-- according to a study the Max Planck Institute conducted on one of the samples, he reported. Hutchison, who has a YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/johnkhutchison2008) featuring videos of levitation and many of his experiments, said he is currently focused on developing free energy and new propulsion systems.

7th September 2010, 18:20
Part 1 BP Oil Spill 90 days | Dispersants Sank Most of the Oil. WHAT NOW?

Source: James Fox on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/jamescfox), iknowwhatisawthemovie.com (http://www.iknowwhatisawthemovie.com/)


This is part 1 of a two part 17 minute film featuring highlights from day 49 to 114. There wasn't transparency or proper organization from either BP or our Government and now it appears that most of the oil was simply sank or dispersed throughout the Gulf waters. NOW WHAT? ~James Fox

8th September 2010, 08:05
Lt. Colonel (USAF Ret.) Wendelle C. Stevens passes at 87

Source: openminds.tv (http://www.openminds.tv/wendelle-stevens-passes-214/)


September 7, 2010–UFO research pioneer, Wendelle Stevens passed today at 4:44 pm in his home in Tucson, Arizona of respiratory failure.

Lt. Colonel (USAF Ret.) Wendelle C. Stevens was one of the world’s best known UFO researchers. Born in 1923 in Round Prairie, Minn., he enlisted in 1941 in the US Army and was transferred to the Air Corps in1942. He served in the Pacific Theater during World War II and subsequently in a classified project in Alaska to photograph and map the Arctic land and sea area, where the data collecting equipment onboard B-29s detected UFOs. Stevens also served as US Air Attaché in South America. He retired from the USAF in 1963 and worked for Hamilton Aircraft until 1972.

Wendelle Stevens was actively involved in ufology for 54 years, first as Director of Investigations for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO) in Tucson, Ariz., where he retired. He amassed one of the largest collections of UFO photos and investigated a number of contact cases, published in more than 22 books. His most famous one was the Billy Meier case in Switzerland.

In Dec. 1997 he received an award for lifetime achievement at the First World UFO Forum in Brazilia, capital of Brazil. He was a founder and Director of the International UFO Congress and recently transferred his extensive photo collection, library and archives to Open Minds Production.


A clip from the 1979 UFO documentary "UFOs Are Real". Interview with retired USAF pilot turned UFO investigator and researcher, Wendelle Stevens.

9th September 2010, 05:34
Re: Lt. Colonel (USAF Ret.) Wendelle C. Stevens passes at 87

This gave me a feeling of sadness to read this. But I may not have known if it weren't for you posting it here, Helvetic. Thanks so much for keeping us all up with the news!


9th September 2010, 05:43
Clif High | The Shape of Things To Come, September 8, 2010

Source: oneradionetwork.com (http://www.oneradionetwork.com/environment_-_podcasts/earth_changes_-_prophecy/cliff_high_-_the_future_-_on_the_morning_show_at_9_am_201009071851/), halfpasthuman.com (http://www.halfpasthuman.com)


This is amazing stuff indeed. Clif High and his radical linguistics work that essentially says we humans "know" our future and use words in our day to day life that fore tells of this future.

Clif's work digs into the words, emotions and reactions humans are posting on the internet into an archetypal database...and then the fun begins. ~One Radio Network

clif high, september 8, 2010, part one

download mp3 (http://www.oneradionetwork2.com/mp3/environment/changes/high_cliff_half_past_human_september_08_10_one.mp3)

clif high, september 8, 2010, part two

download mp3 (http://www.oneradionetwork2.com/mp3/environment/changes/high_cliff_half_past_human_september_08_10_two.mp3)

9th September 2010, 06:54
EMVs - The Final Decision | James Horak speaks - Part 4

Source: om-page.de (http://www.om-page.de/EMVs.html)


Humanity on this planet is dynamic, for all its faults. Great writers, poets, artists and performers taking the expression of their genre constantly to new heights. That lineage is too precious to lose but poised above all this are the mindless power grabbers who won't be content until they possess even the souls of those they've already begun to plunder in mind and body.

If you only knew how much effort I've put into averting the madness that would turn a world into a place where no one would wish to live! To have seen it over and over again but like some residue of the past kept it all in this inevitable cycle, knowing full well this is not the way it has to be.

The social engineers, trying to implement a monstrosity, the New-World-Order, are following the Armageddon-scenario, the Revelations, like a script, because they think implementing the New-World-Order, it will lend them power.

The social-engineers opportunize the faithful, they would think that this was the second coming and think their belief in Christ alone is all they need, they would relax and expect to be delivered and resign themselves instead of doing something about the tasks that were being put upon them and that makes them very easily eaten up.

So there're inevitable illusions to everything and Revelations is to be taken with a pinch of salt, it's not cast in stone. Prophecy is useful for shaking people up to look in the direction of inevitability and nothing to be superstitious over.

The important thing is for people is to WAKE UP, to see what's going on around them. The consciousness that can pool just from awareness can make a difference for the populous of the world to see what it is that is really manifesting this evil.

There's so many people that are waiting to come forward and they would if they knew they had the support and protection of people, so that when they risk themselves they'll have the full support of everyone that would be victimized.

Examine everything objectively with an expectation of your own rights being respected and adhered to and with the law being imposed upon all equally, for the social contracts that the people have with their governments to be upheld and that corruption be ended and punished. These are all things you already know.

The level of deception is on such a scale that if you said, "Why don't these other people in other countries who are in leadership roles, know what is going on?", I would tell you that there are plenty of people here in leadership roles that don't know the truth about what is going on. People in NASA and JPL know the truth about what is going on, they are working on agendas that are counter to 95 percent of the people on Earth, counter to these peoples interests, maybe even their survival. They know there is no alien threat. It will help them to implement a feudal system that will run the world to suit the elite.

Well, the H1N1-virus vaccinations were part of it by introducing diseases that can opportunize physical systems in individuals that have already been reduced by pollution, by seeding and by just the fact that your food-supplies aren't safe anymore. All the wrong paths have been taken. Earth-bound humanity is about to devour itself, about to place technology in a mindless attempt to control people, to control their minds, to control their motives, to control everything about them and to eventually interface them all with a computer and this is not allowable and when some of the schemes that've already have been and noted of very powerful policy-makers, begin to take shape and become implemented, this experiment will end.

Until you overcome certain cycles of certain repetitive redundancies that are what are called the wrong path, you are looked upon as not completely manifested, the petri dish is beginning to smell, that sort of thing. You must go backwards to find the right path from the point where the wrong one was taken.

If I could say that I had found one example of correcting the flaw in humanity on this planets consciousness, it would be a whole new ballgame. But I can't. You have no idea how I have tried to find a way to make people try to build a model of unified consciousness and how miserably I've failed. I worked with several people and I've had them to the point where they're fed up with being ambivalent, they're fed up with this weakness, this frailty and somehow they fall back into that ambivalence.
I will say this and I don't care whether people take this metaphysically or literally or as a leap in physics - if you perfect a model of anything, even if it's only in your mind you can manifest it.

Most of all, nothing has any meaning or purpose to survive that has no moral core.

I know I have a history and there is a pattern to it and I've been through this many times before. What I've had is a tug to come, it requires a great deal of energy to resist it to try to pull me back and I'm not ready to go, I'm not through and I don't give up on man.

There is one person that is a negotiator for the EMVs with the ETs and between someone that will come and live among a planet that is being scrutinized and has problems and he'll live among them and he makes the final decision about what's going to happen.

Of course, to be just, to be fair, you have to be involved to make a life and death decision. That's why someone like me comes here to get involved. Yes, I am that person. Of course I'm under a great deal of pressure. The community of ETs have wanted me to make this decision a very long time ago. They are very pessimistic about humankind on this planet. Actually I do not resign to any decision, I merely lose the strength to withstand others making it, as I am pulled back to my source, leaving the "field of battle". I've been through this so many times and elsewhere too.

The dice is not cast. Do not fall to despondency. In all this drama something might emerge from among you to carry the day. Something that might cut away the disease there. All the potential is there, I've always fathomed it, so I have stayed.
Thanks to:
James Horak, Kevin Smith, Angeltorz, NASA, ESA, all Researchers, Whistleblowers and contributing Artists
Music by PSYTRACE, Video by OmetaOne

Contributed to The Children of the Earth

Parts 1-3




10th September 2010, 06:27
Rick Strassman | DMT: The Spirit Molecule

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/09sep/RIR-100909.php)


September 9, 2010–We talk about consciousness, the brain, the spirit world, the pineal gland, DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) and near death experiences with our guest Rick Strassman who has performed studies with the powerful naturally-occurring compound DMT on volunteers at the University of New Mexico. Led to this substance through his earlier study of the pineal gland as a potential biological place of origin for spiritual experiences, he administered several hundred doses of DMT to approximately 60 volunteers between 1990 and 1995. He wrote about this research in the book, "DMT – The Spirit Molecule." ~Red Ice Creations


download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/09sep/RIR-100909-rstrassman.mp3)

11th September 2010, 00:37
Helvetic IS the internet as far as I'm concerned! Thanks for all the up to the second info mate, you rock!

11th September 2010, 03:52
Dr. Judy Wood | Where Did The Towers Go on 9/11?

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com), drjudywood.com (http://www.drjudywood.com)


Dr. Judy Wood discussed her new book: Where Did The Towers Go?: The Evidence of Directed Energy Technology on 9/11.

For the record, I do not believe that our government is responsible for executing the events of 9/11/01 – nor do I believe that our government is not responsible for executing the events of 9/11/01. This is not a case of belief. This is a crime that should be solved by a forensic study of the evidence. Before it can be determined who did it, it must first be determined what was done and how it was done.

The order of crime solving is to determine

1) WHAT happened, then

2) HOW it happened (e.g., by what weapon), then

3) WHO did it. And only then can we address

4) WHY they did it (i.e. motive).

Let us remember what is required to convict someone of a crime. You cannot convict someone of a crime based on belief. You cannot convict someone of a crime if you don’t even know what crime to charge them with. If you accuse someone of murder using a gun, you’d better be sure the body has a bullet hole in it. And yet before noon on 9/11/01, we were told who had done it and how it had been done, this before any investigation had even been conducted to determine what had been done.

My own research, not speculation, is a forensics investigation of what happened to the WTC complex on 9/11/01. I don’t address who did it, nor am I concerned with that question. Before issues of that kind can be addressed, we must first determine what happened, and that is the objective of my research.

By definition, research that is purely empirical cannot be about and has nothing to do with conspiracy theory of any kind. The fact that others (in the mainstream media, the alternative media, and the so-called “9/11 truth movement”) promote various theories about 9/11 is irrelevant to my research. On the other hand, to determine what happened, we must address all of the available evidence.

Anyone declaring who did what or how they did it before they have determined what was done is merely promoting either speculation or propaganda. The popular chant, “9/11 was an inside job,” is, scientifically speaking, no different from the chant that “19 bad guys with box cutters did it” Neither one is the result of a scientific investigation supported by evidence that would be admissible in court. Neither identifies what crime was committed or how it was committed.

So let us consider the body of empirical evidence that must be explained in order to determine what happened.12 What is presented here is not a theory and it is not speculation. It is evidence. Here, then, is the evidence of what happened on 9/11/01.

Judy D. Wood is a former professor of mechanical engineering with research interests in experimental stress analysis, structural mechanics, optical methods, deformation analysis, and the materials characterization of biomaterials and composite materials. She is a member of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), co-founded SEM’s Biological Systems and Materials Division, and currently serves on the SEM Composite Materials Technical Division. Dr. Wood received her * B.S. (Civil Engineering, 1981) (Structural Engineering), * M.S. (Engineering Mechanics (Applied Physics), 1983), and * Ph.D. (Materials Engineering Science, 1992) from the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia. Her dissertation involved the development of an experimental method to measure thermal stresses in bimaterial joints. She has taught courses including * Experimental Stress Analysis, * Engineering Mechanics, * Mechanics of Materials (Strength of Materials) * Strength of Materials Testing Is this what Eisenhower warned us of? Where did the building go? Figure 1. My intellectual integrity prevents me from calling this a collapse. This is why I have chosen to stand up. My conscience leaves me no other choice. From 1999 to 2006 Dr. Wood has been an assistant professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina. Before moving to Clemson she spent three years as a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Tech. One of Dr. Wood's research interests is biomimicry, or applying the mechanical structures of biological materials to engineering design using engineering materials. Other recent research has investigated the deformation behavior of materials and structures with complex geometries and complex material properties, such as fiber-reinforced composite materials and biological materials. Dr. Wood is an expert in the use of moiré interferometry, a full-field optical method that is used in stress analysis, as well as materials characterization and other types of interference. In recent years, Dr. Wood and her students have developed optical systems with various wavelengths and waveguides. Dr. Wood has over 60 technical publications in refereed journals, conference proceedings, and edited monographs and special technical reports. Dr. Wood started to question the events of 9/11 on that same day when what she saw and heard on television was contradictory and appeared to violate the laws of physics. Since that day she has used her knowledge of engineering mechanics to prove that the collapse of the World Trade Center twin towers could not have happened as the American public was told.






Listen to Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)

12th September 2010, 09:38
Max Igan | Waking Up to Reality

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com/home.html)

Max Igan - American Voice Radio - 09/09/10





13th September 2010, 11:35
Mitch Schultz | The Spirit Molecule

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/09sep/RIR-100912.php), thespiritmolecule.com (http://www.thespiritmolecule.com)


September 12, 2010
Mitch Schultz is the producer and director of the upcoming film "The Spirit Molecule", based on the work of Rick Strassman. Mitch has previously worked with Ghost Robot, Synthetic Pictures and others. He has a Bachelor of Science in Radio-Television-Film from the University of Texas at Austin and a Master of Professional Studies from Tisch School of the Arts’ Maurice Kanbar Institute of Film, Television, & New Media at New York University. We talk about the material, research and development of the film. Topics Discussed: Mitch’s Own Experience, Near Death Experiences, Visual Representation of the Experience, the film Renegade or Blueberry from 2004, Matt Ehling, Explanation for the Alien Phenomena, Taboo Subject of Psychedelics, LSD, DMT, Is it Drug for Everybody? Molecular Structure, Spiritual Compound, Chemistry, The War on Drugs, Illegal Drugs, The Brain, Ayahuasca, Hallucinogenic Experiences, DMT Volunteer, Huston Smith, Ayahuasca, Music and Audio, Earth Rise Sound System and more. ~Red Ice Creations

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/09sep/RIR-100912-mschultz.mp3)

14th September 2010, 06:24
Richard Dolan | Underground & Undersea Bases, Lecture on Richard Sauder

Source: keyholepublishing.com (http://www.keyholepublishing.com)

Richard M. Dolan's lecture on underground and undersea bases, featuring the research of Dr. Richard Sauder and his recent book, Hidden in Plain Sight. Given at the Rochester UFO Meetup Group, Rochester, New York, on June 9, 2010.








15th September 2010, 05:28
Dr. Richard Sauder Ph.D | Underground Bases, September 3, 2010

Source: theintelhub.com (http://theintelhub.com/2010/09/03/today-richard-sauder-1-pm-pacific-underground-bases-and-more/), Richard Sauder Books (http://keyholepublishing.com/Sauder%20Books.html)


Dr. Richard Sauder is the author of five books and major reports:

- Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files, (2010), his latest work on the secret world of underground bases and tunnels.

- The underground bestseller, Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? (1995), which represents his first work on the underground bases issue.

- The esoteric Kundalini Tales (1998),which deals with paranormal and mind control themes.

- Underwater and Underground Bases (2001), which expands the scope of his earlier work to include military plans for manned bases and tunnels beneath the seafloor.

- The Sauder Report: Notes From the Underground (soon to be made available), a 770 page compilation of many of the raw technical, military and government documents on which the nuts and bolts engineering aspects of his research are grounded.

Richard was the first person to systematically popularize the mysterious topic of underground, and then underwater, bases and tunnels by delving into the open literature of the government, military and industry paper trail.

Richard Sauder is a native Virginian, with an abiding interest in Forteana, unusual information and anomalous paradigm-busting data of all varieties. Beginning in early childhood he has experienced first-hand contact with a variety of paranormal phenomena that have left him a bit puzzled, flummoxed and thoroughly persuaded that there is much more to the Earth and to human perception and consciousness than the mainstream American culture believes.

Some of Richard’s favorite research and reading interests are underground and underwater bases and tunnels, electronic mind control, Freedom Technology, UFOs, human prehistory and remote antiquity, international politics, the Kundalini energy and alternative thought patterns.

Richard has discussed his work on many radio, TV and Internet programs including Art Bell's Dreamland, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, the Lou Gentile Show, the Laura Lee Show, Out There TV with Kate and Richard Mucci, Strange Daze with Don Ecker, Jeff Rense's Sightings on the Radio, the Zoh Hieronimus Show, Mitch Battros’s Earth Changes TV, the Uri Geller Show, the BBC, FOX News (Phoenix), Ted Loman's UFOAZ Talks, Evident Footprints with Don Nicoloff on BBS Radio, Signs of the Times with Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Through the Keyhole with Rich Dolan, Earthfiles with Linda Moulton Howe, and numerous others. He has also spoken at the Whole Life Expos in Las Vegas and Los Angeles, the International UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada, Joan Ocean’s E.T. and Dolphin Conference in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, the Leeds (U.K.) International UFO Conference, the NEXUS Magazine International Conference in Amsterdam, the National UFO Conference in Bordentown, New Jersey, HUFON (Houston MUFON), Orange County MUFON, the 2004 and 2005 X-Conferences in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and the Little A’LE’ INN in Rachel, Nevada. Dr. Sauder also has appeared as an invited author at the UFO Festival in Roswell, New Mexico.

His writings and interviews have appeared in diverse magazines such as NEXUS Magazine, UFO Magazine (U.S. and U.K.), Atlantis Rising, UFO Universe, Dossiers Secrets d'États, and on many websites such as Karmopolis.be, rense.com, cyberspaceorbit.com, sott.net and others. Richard’s interest in UFOlogy and related phenomena extends back to childhood and has continued uninterrupted into his adult years. His underground and underwater bases and tunnels research commenced in 1992 and continues to the present day. He has a B.A. in sociology, an M.A. in Latin American studies, an M.S. in forestry and a Ph.D. in political science. He currently resides in San Antonio, Texas where he independently pursues his research.

download mp3 (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Intel-Hub-32k-090310.mp3)

15th September 2010, 06:02
West Beach Pass, Gulf Shores | BP Oil is underwater

Source: James Fox on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/jamescfox), iknowwhatisawthemovie.com (http://www.iknowwhatisawthemovie.com)


Robert Craft, mayor of Gulf Shores, opens West Beach Pass. This is a gateway to the most pristine estuary in Alabama; the only oil free area in left in the state. The mayor stated, "There's no indication of any contaminates coming in from the mouth of the Pass". We went to see for ourselves, you decide. ~James Fox

16th September 2010, 06:18
Mel Fabregas from the Veritas Show interviewed by Ohio Exopolitics

Source: Ohio Exopolitics (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ohioexopolitics/2010/09/16/mel-fabregas-from-the-veritas-show), The Veritas Show (http://www.veritasshow.com)


September 15, 2010–Mel Fabregas has created one of the most popular internet radio shows around. The Veritas show (http://www.veritasshow.com)has become well know in the genre of the paranormal. Mel's virtue, character, intelligence and integrity shine through each interview that he does. If you have not yet listened to an interview on the Veritas show you are really missing an great experience. Mel is one of the most genuine people that I have ever met and its a real pleasure to be able to interview him on Ohio Exopolitics. ~Ohio Exopolitics

download mp3 (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ohioexopolitics/2010/09/16/mel-fabregas-from-the-veritas-show.mp3)

16th September 2010, 07:16
Michael Tsarion on North East Truth Radio

Source: North East Truth Radio (http://northeasttruth.com/featured-articles/north-east-truth-radio-week-14-michael-tsarion-live-tue-31-aug-9pm/), michaeltsarion.com (http://www.michaeltsarion.com)

Part 1 of 13


August 31, 2010–Born in Ireland, Michael Tsarion is an expert on the occult histories of Ireland and America. He has made the deepest researches into Atlantis, the Origins of Evil, and the Irish Origins of Civilization. Michael is author of the acclaimed books “Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation,” “The Irish Origins of Civilization, and “Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology.” He is the producer and presenter of “Origins and Oracles,” DVD Series, which explores ancient mysteries and forbidden knowledge. He is also the producer of the Architects of Control DVD Series, which deals with mankind’s future and solutions to the humanity’s current problems.
Michael gives outstanding presentations on the following subjects:

The Western magical Tradition
The Hermetic Arts of Divination
Atlantis & The Prehistoric Ages
Ancient Ireland & the Druids
The Origins of Evil
Secret Societies
War on Consciousness
Subservive Use of Sacred Symbolism
Symbolic Literacy
Psychic Vampirism

16th September 2010, 11:38
Paola Harris | Exopolitics and Current Extraterrestrial Affairs

Source: Other World Radio (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/otherworldradio/2010/09/16/paola-harris-interview-exopolitics-and-current-ext), paolaharris.com (http://www.paolaharris.com)


September 16, 2010–Paola Leopizzi Harris, an international photojournalist and investigative reporter in the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena research, is a widely published freelance writer who has studied such phenomena since 1979 and has been on personal terms with many of the leading researchers in the field, including Dr. J. Allen Hynek's UFO investigations (1980-1986) and Col. Philip Corso (1997) in Roswell, NM.

Her newest book, Exopolitics: All The Above, dedicated to George Noory, has become a best seller. Paola has published 2 previous books titled Connecting the Dots: Making Sense of the UFO and Exopolitics: How Does One Speak To A Ball Of Light?

She's in the Fastwalkers DVD which includes Steve Bassett, Stanton Friedman, Jim Marrs and Erika Jessop. Her interview with Canadian ex-Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer has been translated into 6 languages and is available to view on Google. She has a regular column in Area 51 UFO Magazine and has written for Nexus, Australia and Explora among other publications. This evening, we will be interviewing her about Exopolitics and Current Affairs. ~Other World Radio

download mp3 (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/otherworldradio/2010/09/16/paola-harris-interview-exopolitics-and-current-ext.mp3)

17th September 2010, 06:45
Back in Time Series | Dr. Steven Greer: Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge

Source: worldpuja.org (http://www.worldpuja.org/home.php)

April 11th, 2007: Beginning in 1993 Dr. Steven Greer began an effort that was designed to identify first hand military and government witnesses to UFO events and projects, as well as other evidence to be used in a public disclosure. His global work, beyond the government to expose hidden truth and forbidden knowledge has been unparalleled and relentless.

In the highly acclaimed "Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge" cited as one of the most astounding and moving true stories ever told, Dr. Greer relates his own personal experiences with Extraterrestrials and the unfolding of cosmic awareness since his childhood. From his sighting of a UFO at an early age, to his amazing near-death experience at age 17, to his unraveling of the secret cabal running the illegal transnational energy and UFO related projects, to his meetings with a CIA Director, US Senators, heads of state and royalty you will be moved, shocked and enlightened as you read through this memoir and listen to this conversation.

Journey with Dr. Greer and Dr. Meg as they take you into the corridors of secret power beyond the government as we know it- to a shadowy cabal of power-mad controllers. Learn what their agenda is, and how they plan to achieve their goals- and what we must do NOW to change the course of human history. Learn about the CSETI Project and why Dr. Greer has invested so much of himself into creating it.

Dr. Meg and Dr. Greer discuss the secrets of how ET civilizations communicate and travel- across the vastness of space, and you will explore the nexus where Mind, Space, Time and Matter all come together. Travel with Dr. Greer as he takes you on expeditions around the world where the famous CSETI Contact events have occurred with ET craft and people actually approaching these new ambassadors to the universe.

During this conversation you will glimpse the coming future of Earth and humanity a future of universal peace, travel among the stars and the establishment of a sustainable civilization on Earth using long-suppressed and wondrous new energy sources.
www.disclosureproject.org (http://www.disclosureproject.org)







17th September 2010, 07:15
Dr. Michio Kaku interviews Leslie Kean, September 11, 2010

Source: mkaku.org (http://mkaku.org/home/)

September 11th, 2010–Dr. Michio Kaku interviews Leslie Kean about UFOs on his radio program, Science Fantastic.




17th September 2010, 13:18
Independent Lab Tests Reveal Toxic Dispersant in Gulf Waters, Government Denies...

Source: James Fox on youtube (http://www.youtube.com/user/jamescfox), iknowwhatisawthemovie.com (http://www.iknowwhatisawthemovie.com/)


We spoke with government officials on September 15, 2010. They maintain that Gulf waters and beaches are safe and that there is no evidence to suggest the contrary. We then met with an independent lab and locals: what we found was not consistent with the governments position. ~James Fox

19th September 2010, 07:40
Leslie Kean | UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On the Record

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


You are about to learn some shocking new truths behind one of the most intriguing mysteries of our time. The reality of UFOs—a subject of intense interest to the general public—has now been verified at the highest levels. UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on the Record (Harmony Books; August 10, 2010) pulls back the curtain on the incredible occurrences of unexplained behavior by unknown objects over many decades, and the results are astonishing.

We know that of all UFO sightings reported, 95 percent can be explained as ordinary phenomena. However, within that remaining 5 percent, spectacular well-documented UFO events have been officially investigated, and no conventional explanations were found.

Genuine unidentified flying objects are documented by government agencies, witnessed by pilots, and confirmed by Air Force generals. As stated by these authorities, they are solid, physical objects that appear to be metallic, luminous, and able to maneuver in ways that defy the known laws of physics. The evidence is insurmountable and undeniable. For ten years, investigative journalist LESLIE KEAN conducted a study of this still unexplained 5 percent. She reviewed hundreds of U.S. government documents, aviation reports and radar data. She carefully examined official case studies with corroborating physical evidence and scientifically analyzed photographs.

Leslie Kean is an investigative journalist who has been published internationally and nationally in the Boston Globe, Baltimore Sun, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Star-Ledger, and The Nation, among many others publications. She is coauthor of Burma’s Revolution of the Spirit: The Struggle for Democratic Freedom and Dignity.

Kean was also a producer and on-air host for a daily investigative news program on KPFA radio, a Pacifica station in California. She began covering the UFO subject in 2000 with a feature story in the Boston Globe, and followed with additional mainstream stories. In 2002, she co-founded the Coalition for Freedom of Information (CFi), an independent alliance advocating for greater government openness on information about UFOs, and for responsible coverage by the media based on a rational and credible approach. As director of the CFi, she was the plaintiff in a successful, five-year Freedom of Information Act federal lawsuit against NASA. In 2007, she co-organized a landmark Washington DC international press conference on official UFO investigations, which received media coverage around the world.

Kean was a producer for the 2009 independent documentary I Know What I Saw and is currently working with Break Thru Films, an award-winning film company, on a new feature documentary. She and her coalition have launched an ongoing initiative to affect US government policy so that scientists and aviation authorities can gain greater understanding of the still-unexplained UFO phenomenon.






Listen to Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)

19th September 2010, 18:28
Chemtrails on the Trail of our Assassins


20th September 2010, 05:35
Sophia Stewart & Ed Small - Mother of The Matrix & The Terminator

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/09sep/RIR-100916.php)


September 16, 2010–Sophia Stewart is a writer who have been called the "Mother of the Matrix". In 1981 she wrote and later copyrighted her work called "The Third Eye" that she claims is the basis for the movies "The Terminator" and "The Matrix". Sophia Stewart talks with us about her case and the creative ideas behind the story contained in "The Third Eye". Ed Small is also with us, who has broken down the case and some of his findings in the short documentary film "1 Minute and 45 Second Hidden in Plain Sight".~Red Ice Creations

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/09sep/RIR-100916-sstewartesmall.mp3)

20th September 2010, 17:14
Michael Tsarion on North East Truth Radio

Source: North East Truth Radio (http://northeasttruth.com/featured-articles/north-east-truth-radio-week-14-michael-tsarion-live-tue-31-aug-9pm/), michaeltsarion.com (http://www.michaeltsarion.com)

Part 1 of 13


August 31, 2010–Born in Ireland, Michael Tsarion is an expert on the occult histories of Ireland and America. He has made the deepest researches into Atlantis, the Origins of Evil, and the Irish Origins of Civilization. Michael is author of the acclaimed books “Atlantis, Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation,” “The Irish Origins of Civilization, and “Astro-Theology and Sidereal Mythology.” He is the producer and presenter of “Origins and Oracles,” DVD Series, which explores ancient mysteries and forbidden knowledge. He is also the producer of the Architects of Control DVD Series, which deals with mankind’s future and solutions to the humanity’s current problems.
Michael gives outstanding presentations on the following subjects:

The Western magical Tradition
The Hermetic Arts of Divination
Atlantis & The Prehistoric Ages
Ancient Ireland & the Druids
The Origins of Evil
Secret Societies
War on Consciousness
Subservive Use of Sacred Symbolism
Symbolic Literacy
Psychic Vampirism

Enjoyed this interesting interview very much...:thumb:

Thanks, Helvetic! :cool:

21st September 2010, 06:09
Hello truthseekerdan, I like Michael Tsarion too he is realy an expert and very grounded.

The Rothschild Documentary







21st September 2010, 06:20
Psywar | The Real Battlefield Is Your Mind

Source: Metanoia-Films.org (http://freeviewdocumentaries.com/2010/09/14/psywar-the-real-battlefield-is-your-mind/)

"The film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States, with an emphasis on the “elitist theory of democracy” and the relationship between war, propaganda and class. This is not a high budget affair, but was financed via a blue collar job, and is being released online for free. The interviews contained within are original and were conducted by proxy. If it is your desire to understand how we are manipulated into believing the things we do — watch this film. Film by Scott Noble"









21st September 2010, 08:10
Back In Time Series | The Men Behind Barack Obama



October, 2008–Especially in politics it is of the utmost importance to try to look behind the facade: who makes up the team of the presidential candidate? The future president of the United States of America is for a large part dependent on and being fed by his team of advisors and future cabinet members. Webster Tarpley wrote a book on the men and women behind presidential hopeful Barack Obama. He argues that there is more to Obama than his charismatic appearance and that some of his advisors pose a danger to the US and the world in case Obama might be elected to become the next US president. Whether Tarpleys view is correct for now is a matter of opinion and remains to be seen, but for the public debate it is relevant to take note of his facts and arguments. Therefor DeepJournal interviewed Webster Tarpley on the topic of his recently published book Obama, The Postmodern Coup,The Making of a Manchurian Candidate.

Webster Griffin Tarpley is an activist and historian best known for his George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), which has become an underground classic on the Internet. Tarpley has appeared on CNN Crossfire, Charlie Rose, talk radio, and cable access television across North America.

22nd September 2010, 05:58
Jeremy Narby - The Cosmic Serpent, DNA, Knowledge & Intelligence in Nature

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/09sep/RIR-100919.php), thespiritmolecule.com (http://thespiritmolecule.com/)


September 19, 2010–We have anthropologist and author Jeremy Narby with us today from Switzerland who back in 1999 released the book "The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge", in 2006 "Intelligence in Nature" was released and he talks with us about his research and anthropological work in the Peruvian Amazon, living next to the Quirishari and studying the source of their knowledge about plants. We talk about DNA, the roots of knowledge, intelligence in nature, communication with the entities beyond this world from deep within, experiences on Ayahuascha, difference in cultures and more. Topics Discussed: Ayaschanica People, Ayahuasca, Quirishari, Carlos Perez Shuman, Visionary Journeys, Anthopology, Visions, Art of Scientific Investigation, Computer, Origins of Knowledge, Francis Crick, LSD, Double Helix Structure, The Realm of Visions, Molecular intelligence, Serpent Symbolism, Coding System of Genes, Biospheric DNA Television, Ayahuasca DMT, di methyl-tryptamine, Datura, Dreamworld, Modification of Consciousness, Studying the Cosmos, Avatar, Shamanism. ~Red Ice Creations

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/09sep/RIR-100919-jnarby.mp3)

22nd September 2010, 06:04
Jordan Maxwell | End Times Madness, September 20, 2010

Source: rense.com (http://www.rense.com), jordanmaxwell.com (http://www.jordanmaxwell.com/)





22nd September 2010, 06:27
David Icke | On Binnall Of America Radio, September 16, 2010

Source: binnallofamerica.com (http://binnallofamerica.com/index.html), davidicke.com/ (http://davidicke.com/)

Part 1 of 13


Link to Playlist (http://information-machine.blogspot.com/search/label/David%20Icke)

Audio closes the book on Season V with one of the most requested and anticipated interviews in the history of our program as we proudly welcome a bonafide global esoteric superstar: the incomparable David Icke. Taped weeks before he embarked on a 10 city, 8 country world tour, David Icke joins us for a two hour conversation covering his infamous 'Reptilian' theory as well as the furor that continues to surround it. We'll delve into his latest work, which sees the master conspiracist allege that the Illuminati agenda is on the verge of crumbling and that the moon is an artificial satellite. We'll also talk about his notorious Wogan interview from 1991 which saw Icke become a household name in the UK, much to his chagrin, and find out how that changed him personally and professionally. Icke will also reflect on his return to Wogan in 2006 and his infamous 'turquoise period.' We'll learn what he thinks of contemporary UFO reports, the stagnation of the 911 Truth Movement, and, getting seriously deep, the very nature of God. Plus, of course, tons and tons more.

It's truly a captivating conversation with a researcher who has transcended the paranormal and achieved a level of fame on par with the world's biggest rock stars and entertainment icons. Taking his place amongst the pantheon of legends previously featured as Season Finale guests, David Icke joins us for the final episode of Season V.'~Tim Binnall

23rd September 2010, 13:09
Dolores Cannon interviewed by Lilou Mace, September 2010

Source: liloumace.com (http://www.liloumace.com/Dolores-Cannon-s-insights-New-Earth-Frequency-ET-Souls-Waves-How-to-Shift_a822.html), ozarkmt.com (http://www.ozarkmt.com)


25th September 2010, 17:16
Wayne Herschel | Hidden Records

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


Researcher of ancient mysteries, Wayne Herschel shared his theory that modern day humans are descendants of ETs who came to Earth 10,000 years ago. Various ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians and Mayans, designed the locations of their pyramids, such that they reflected specific star constellations, he argued-- and in particular, two stars, both 16 light years away, were indicated as the ETs' home worlds. If the beings hadn't come here, Herschel believes that Earth would still be populated by the Neanderthals who would likely have not advanced much further. He said that shortly before arriving on Earth, the ETs colonized Mars, and that the artifacts of the Cydonia region.

Wayne Herschel was Born in Bulawayo Southern Africa now living in Cape Town, South Africa has always had a passion for the unexplained.

Two critical life experiences: One a mass UFO sighting, the other, a near death experience.

These two life changing events were determining factors for a research basis that would be very different to that of academics.

He believes in his near death experience he came back with a lot more than he left with.

His investigation into subjects like astronomy, the pyramids and ancient paranormal events, would culminate in an unrelenting quest for knowledge about humanity’s origins.

Wayne Herschel is the author of "The Hidden Records, The Star of the Gods", a book so controversial that it was denied publication for years.

Wayne's two decades of research reveals that all 50 pyramids of Lower Egypt actually represent a star map, and this theme is repeated across the globe in many sacred sites. But the most amazing thing - among those "sacred sites" are included Stonehenge, Rome, the Vatican and... Washington, D.D.! And - all of these reveal a secret about the "Star of the East" and its connection to Freemasonry. And - there is a connection to the tradition of the Christmas tree.






Listen to Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)

26th September 2010, 08:15
Back in Time Series | Former Area 51 Employee Edgar Fouche

Edgar Fouche's original 1998 presentation of "Alien Rapture" to the International UFO Congress

©Fouche Media Associates 1998
For a written transcript and to find images of all the slides presented please visit:
alienscientist.com/fouche98.html‬ (http://alienscientist.com/fouche98.html)








27th September 2010, 08:39
Jaime Maussan | Space Weather, Solar Activity


The sun activity and the influence on earth's weather, and the possibilities about the solar maximum in 2012.

28th September 2010, 07:56
Disclosure Conference | National Press Club, September 27th, 2010


Robert Hastings Presents:

Major UFO Press Conference In Washington, DC
September 27th, 2010

U.S. Nuclear Weapons Have Been Compromised by Unidentified Aerial Objects

Ex-military men say unknown intruders have monitored and even tampered with American nuclear missiles

Group to call on U.S. Government to reveal the facts

Witness testimony from more than 120 former or retired military personnel points to an ongoing and alarming intervention by unidentified aerial objects at nuclear weapons sites, as recently as 2003. In some cases, several nuclear missiles simultaneously and inexplicably malfunctioned while a disc-shaped object silently hovered nearby. Six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man will break their silence about these events at the National Press Club and urge the government to publicly confirm their reality. One of them, ICBM launch officer Captain Robert Salas, was on duty during one missile disruption incident at Malmstrom Air Force Base and was ordered to never discuss it. Another participant, retired Col. Charles Halt, observed a disc-shaped object directing beams of light down into the RAF Bentwaters airbase in England and heard on the radio that they landed in the nuclear weapons storage area. Both men will provide stunning details about these events, and reveal how the U.S. military responded.

Captain Salas notes, "The U.S. Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it." Col. Halt adds, "I believe that the security services of both the United States and the United Kingdom have attempted—both then and now—to subvert the significance of what occurred at RAF Bentwaters by the use of well-practiced methods of disinformation." The group of witnesses and a leading researcher, who has brought them together for the first time, will discuss the national security implications of these and other alarmingly similar incidents and will urge the government to reveal all information about them. This is a public-awareness issue.

Declassified U.S. government documents, to be distributed at the event, now substantiate the reality of UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites extending back to 1948. The press conference will also address present-day concerns about the abuse of government secrecy as well as the ongoing threat of nuclear weapons.


Dwynne Arneson, USAF Lt.Col. Ret., communications center officer-in-charge

Bruce Fenstermacher, former USAF nuclear missile launch officer

Charles Halt, USAF Col. Ret., former deputy base commander

Robert Hastings, researcher and author

Robert Jamison, former USAF nuclear missile targeting officer

Patrick McDonough, former USAF nuclear missile site geodetic surveyor

Jerome Nelson, former USAF nuclear missile launch officer

Robert Salas, former USAF nuclear missile launch officer


Noted researcher Robert Hastings, author of UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, will moderate a distinguished panel of former U.S. Air Force officers involved in UFO incidents at nuclear missile sites near Malmstrom, F.E. Warren, and Walker AFBs, as well as the nuclear weapons depot at RAF Bentwaters.

29th September 2010, 05:40
Media Feedback to the National Press Club Conference, September 27th, 2010

Fox News - Morning Live - Air Force Officers' Sworn Testimony About UFO Encounters plus Interview with Leslie Kean, September 28, 2010


Fox News - Happening Now - UFO Sightings Kept Under Wraps

Robert Salas & Robert Hastings interviewed over phone


Station: Channel 7 (Australia)
Show: The Morning Show
Date: Sep 27th, 2010
TV Piece on UFO & Nukes - National Press Club Conference in Washington DC


Station: Fox 5 News
Title: Former Air Force Officials Claim UFO Sighted at Military Bases


Russia Today on UFOs & Nukes - mentioned reference also about Leslie's book as Leslie was a guest on the same show in August


2nd October 2010, 07:39
Hon. Paul Hellyer | Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)



“Paul Hellyer’s story is an important contribution to the literature of modern western civilization. His experience in government, his interest in exopolitics and the issues of sustainability of civilization are significant areas of current discourse.” — Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D, Apollo 14 Astronaut

The year is 2010 and the world faces a long list of seemingly insurmountable problems. One of these is our reliance on fossil fuels for energy. A battle is raging between environmentalists, who fear the consequences of global warming, and the oil industry that profits handsomely from maintaining the status quo. It is a power struggle that, according to Paul Hellyer, author of Light at the End of the Tunnel, holds the future of planet Earth in the balance.

“We have about ten years to reverse the present trend, after that it will be too late to preserve our planet as a hospitable habitat for the human species,” says Hellyer. “In these few short years we not only have to find new sources of clean energy, but also the vast sums of money that cash starved governments will need to finance the transition on a scale of an all-out mobilization to win the war of survival.”

The answers, as Hellyer indicates in Light at the End of the Tunnel, are more astonishing than you might imagine. He suggests that elements of the U.S. Armed Forces have developed “...exotic energy sources...at the massive underground installations in Nevada and Arizona...” and have been hiding this from the public for years if not decades. Full disclosure of this secret information is essential for society to end its reliance on fossil fuels and stop global warming. Even then the cost of a fast transition would be enormous. Light at the End of the Tunnel provides a detailed financial plan that would provide nation states with the financial flexibility to effect the transition. Essentially all they would have to do is use the power that their constitutions provide.

“Federal governments own the patent to print money,” Hellyer explains “but instead of using their power for the benefit of all the people, they have licenced privately-owned banks to print nearly all of the new money created each year and to enjoy the profit from it.”

Worse than that, all this money is created as debt on which interest has to be paid. Yet no one creates the money to pay the interest. So the system is like a balloon being pumped full of debt until it becomes too heavy a burden to carry and then it is like a balloon with a pin in it. A meltdown occurs, the bankers are rescued but millions of innocent people are hurt.

“Meanwhile,” Hellyer asserts, “governments don’t have enough revenue to meet the legitimate needs of electors let alone embark on expensive new ventures even if the future of the world depends on them.”

“The answer,” Hellyer says, “is to take away the private banks’ near monopoly and for governments to take back the power to create significant sums to meet their legitimate needs

Working from his decades of experience in politics and defense coupled with his broad environmental background, Hellyer uses Light at the End of the Tunnel as a prescription for global change and delivers in-depth and, at times, controversial, information on:

· Why the U.S. Congress must insist on the disclosure of secret technology for the benefit of all humankind.

· Why world leaders must end the privately-owned banks’ near monopoly to print money and share the function for the inestimable benefit of all the people.

· How world governments must collaborate to replace fossil fuels with clean energy

· Why industrialized countries must cut their defense budgets by 50% in 5 years and use the savings to improve the lives of impoverished people everywhere.

“We simply can’t go on with our current attitudes about our planet. We must keep our minds open to new scenarios and solutions because time is running out for us. Light at the End of the Tunnel is meant as a wake-up call to save our planet earth. Don’t hit the ‘snooze’ button,” warns Hellyer.

B i o
Paul Hellyer is one of Canada’s most controversial politicians and was Canada’s youngest Member of Parliament when he was first elected in 1949 and the youngest cabinet minister appointed to Louis S. St. Laurent’s government eight years later. Although Hellyer is best known for the unification of the Canadian Armed Forces and for his 1968 chairmanship of the Task Force on Housing and Urban Development, he has maintained a life-long interest in macroeconomics. This led him to form Action Canada, a populist movement dedicated to the concepts of full employment and low inflation with an emphasis on quality-of-life issues. Through the years, as a journalist and political commentator, he has continued to fight for economic reforms and has written several books on the subject. In recent years he has become interested in the extraterrestrial presence and their superior technology that we have been emulating. In September 2005 he became the first person of cabinet rank in the G8 group of countries to state unequivocally "UFO’s are as real as the airplanes flying overhead."

Listen To Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)






4th October 2010, 08:10
The Intel Hub With Webster Tarpley, Gregg Hall & Rob Balsamo

Source: theintelhubradio.com (http://theintelhubradio.com/2010/09/22/the-intel-hub-with-webster-tarpley/)

Webster Griffin Tarpley

First Hour: Shepard talks with Journalist Gregg Hall (http://www.youtube.com/user/pcolagregg) who has been reporting live from Pensacola Florida. The gulf oil disaster is far from over and must be exposed for what it actually is. Shep was also joined b Rob Balsamo of Pilots For 911 Truth (http://www.pilotsfor911truth.org/) to talk about the flight maneuvers carried out by the supposed terrorists.

Second Hour: Shepard Talks with Webster Griffin Tarpley (http://tarpley.net/)

Webster Griffin Tarpley – one of the most incisive critics of Anglo-American hegemony. As an activist historian he is best known for his book – George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), a masterpiece of research which is still a must read. He is a 9/11 Truth Scholar and activist; AB Princeton 1966, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa; Fulbright Scholar at University of Turin, Italy; and MA in humanities from Skidmore College. He is fluent in Italian, German, French, Latin and Russian. A decades-long expert on international terrorism, his 1978 study for the Italian parliament “Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro?” (Who Killed Aldo Moro?) broke open the ownership of the “Red Brigades” by NATO’s clandestine “stay-behind” networks.

download mp3 (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Intel-Hub-32k-091310.mp3)

6th October 2010, 06:08
David Icke | Human Race, Get Off Your Knees! Alex Jones Tv

Source: infowars.com (http://www.infowars.com), davidicke.com (http://www.davidicke.com)

October 5, 2010–Alex welcomes back to the show English writer, public speaker, and former media personality David Icke. Icke worked as a reporter with the weekly Leicester Advertiser, was a well-known BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party. He has produced numerous DVDs and has authored several books, including The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World, Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster, and Infinite Love Is the Only Truth: Everything Else Is Illusion.






6th October 2010, 06:22
Bryce Zabel on Open Minds Radio

Source: openminds.tv (http://www.openminds.tv/radio/radioarchives/bryce-zabel-october-4-2010/)


October 4, 2010–Bryce Zabel is an American television producer, director, writer, industry leader and occasional actor. He is widely known as the chairman/CEO of the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences who was forced to twice postpone the Emmy Awards following the September 11 attacks. He has received the “created by” or “developed by” credit of five network and syndicated television series. He developed produced and wrote the TV series Dark Skies based on real UFO research, worked on the TV series on alien abductions, Taken, with Steven Spielberg, and is now co-author of the book A.D. After Disclosure with Richard Dolan.

7th October 2010, 05:48
Richard Lawrence | ET Contacts & Communications

Source: coastocoastam.com (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2010/10/05)

Part 1 of 7


Playlist (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvZmCP_BFAQ&feature=PlayList&p=2AEFD2347165774F&index=0&playnext=1)

October 5, 2010–British paranormal expert Richard Lawrence (http://www.richardlawrence.co.uk/) discussed ET contacts and communications, UFO disclosure, and ancient reports of UFOs. He spoke about various contactees such as George Adamski, and George King, who founded the Aetherius Society (http://www.aetherius.org/) and channeled messages from benevolent ET beings or "Space Masters." One of themes that runs across the various communications from ETs is the importance of spirituality throughout the universe, Lawrence noted.

King spoke about intelligences from within our solar system and multi-dimensional existences, while 1950s contactee Dan Fry (http://www.timestar.org/sum.htm) said the beings he interacted with were from the past, specifically the civilization of Atlantis. In King's book, The Nine Freedoms (http://www.aetherius.org/index.cfm?app=content&SectionID=67&PageID=112), he shares ET information about humankind's evolution-- one of the first evolutionary steps is bravery, to think outside of the standard conditioning, and another step is to become oriented toward service-to-others, rather than service-to-self.

Ancient Sanskrit texts refer to vimanas-- flying celestial vehicles, which could "cause the entire sky to blaze." Some of these writings specifically describe the propulsion systems, he added. A UFO incident that took place in 1180 AD in Japan concerned a shiny aerial object that changed directions, vanished, and reappeared. It was referred to as a "flying earthenware vessel, so the [term] 'flying saucer' was actually coined back in the 12th century," Lawrence mused, adding that Alexander the Great and Columbus were also said to have UFO sightings.

7th October 2010, 06:09
David Icke interviewed by Jack Blood September 29, 2010

Source: deadlinelive.info (http://deadlinelive.info/), davidicke.com (http://www.davidicke.com)





8th October 2010, 06:24
Richard C. Hoagland | Disclosure update October 6, 2010

Source: coasttocoastam.com (http://www.coasttocoastam.com)


8th October 2010, 07:13
Gosh how synchronistic - the timing is right on and just perfect for an "alien disclosure" or better yet an alien threat (or some other kind of gigantic distraction!) It just so happens that it coincides with another humongous economic meltdown! How interesting! How synchronistic!!

9th October 2010, 02:37
"What in the World are They Spraying?" Official Trailer


The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup
Produced by G. Edward Griffin,
Michael Murphy, and Paul Wittenberger

By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the questions: WHO is doing this and WHY. With the release of this video, all of that has changed. Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called Geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water – all supposedly for the betterment of mankind. Although officials insist that these programs are only in the discussion phase, evidence is abundant that they have been underway since about 1990 – and the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife, and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it.

What in the World Are They Spraying!
Saturday, Oct. 23, Atlanta, Georgia

10th October 2010, 07:47
Anthony F. Sanchez | UFO Highway

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


By Norio Hayakawa - Anthony Sanchez has spent over 20 years accumulating a wealth of pertinent information on the subject of the rumors behind UFOs in conjunction with some of the most significant military installations in the U.S., especially in the American Southwest.

His new book, UFO HIGHWAY, is a fresh new look at the military's "connection" to the rumors about UFOs.

This is not a book about whether UFOs exist or not.
It is neither a book about "reptilians" eating humans in a secret underground facility.

It goes beyond that.
This book is filled with information previously not published in any other books of this nature.

His fascinating, recent interview with a retired USAF colonel is probably one of the highlights of this book.

This interesting interview took place, in May of 2010, only a few months before the completion of this book.

Just like the author, Anthony Sanchez, I myself also have done an extensive research on similar topics for over twenty years, spending many years investigating locations such as Area 51 in Nevada and its connections with other important sites such as southern California's Edwards AFB and remote aerospace facilities in the Antelope Valley, most of which had the outward facade of radar cross section testing sites.

I had also visited the surroundings near China Lake Naval Weapons Testing Center in the California desert.

Yes, there is no doubt in my mind, just as Anthony Sanchez suggests, that there are "connections" among these facilities, including the Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah.

I also had a tremendous interest in Colorado's Cheyenne Mountain and its NORAD underground complex (not only because my wife had a unique opportunity to go through a special, military-guided "tour" inside the complex in late 1978 through her brother's military connections - and, interestingly, a year before some strange things started happening in neighboring northern New Mexico.)

I also had taken a special interest in New Mexico's White Sands Missile Testing Ranges (where today, the leading-edge directed energy weapons systems are being tested), as well as Los Alamos National Laboratories (site of the world's foremost human genome research), Sandia Laboratories and Phillips Laboratories, the latter two of which are inside Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque.

Just as Anthony Sanchez seems to suggest in his book, there is no doubt in my mind that the regions especially east of the Four Corners area of New Mexico contain some of the most important U.S. government secrets, hidden from the public.

Yes, and above all, my greatest curiosity has been the long-persisting rumors about the alleged Dulce underground base in New Mexico.

I am convinced that although we have not come up yet with any solid, physical, tangible, irrefutable evidence that there is such a facility in Dulce, there are plenty of circumstantial evidences that point to the possibility that there is "something" there.

I have a trusted friend who was a former proprietor of one of the largest ranches in Dulce who declared to me this year that indeed there is a facility there. Beyond that, he could not make a comment.

At the present time he has a sensitive position as the department head of the Department of Agriculture in a well-known state university in New Mexico.

After retirement from his present position, he, too, will soon come out and will help us expose the truth about Dulce.

As for Area 51 in Nevada, sure, it is public knowledge now that Area 51 is a vibrant military research, development and testing complex conducted by many defense contractors who provide a variety of highly compartmentalized projects.

But there is no proof that there could not be something "more" besides all the superficial facade of the complex.

Yes, practically the whole world has already heard of the claims of Bob Lazar concerning Area 51.
For now, there seems to be nothing that can back up his claims.

However, at the same time, there is no way to disprove his claims either.
Anthony Sanchez' new book, UFO HIGHWAY, apparently derives its title from the actual Highway 375 in Nevada which was officially declared by the State of Nevada as EXTRATERRESTRIAL HIGHWAY in the late 1990's because of its proximity to Area 51.

However, Anthony's UFO HIGHWAY goes beyond that.
All these significant military bases are interconnected through a symbolic "highway".
There is plenty of commonality among these interesting facilities.

And they all relate to the rumors concerning UFOs and how "beliefs" play a major role in the military's maintenance of secrecy.

Yes, we all know that there doesn't seem to be any hard, solid, tangible, physical evidence to say that there is more than just the superficial structures behind all these facilities.
Yet there are circumstantial evidences that seem to point out that there is "something" under the physical facade of these facilities.

There is talk among a segment of the population concerning the upcoming December 21, 2012 scenario and its possible UFO connections.

However, probably nothing catastrophic will take place on that date.
Rather, in my opinion, December 21, 2012 could simply be a beginning of a gradual shift in human consciousness, a beginning of a gradual personal transformation in each of us, a beginning of a new understanding of the relationship of this earth and its inhabitants to other "realities" that affect us.
It will be up to the readers who will read this book to decide what that personal transformation will bring in their individual lives.

Anthony F. Sanchez received his BSc. in Computer Information Systems from Western Governors University of Salt Lake City, UT in 2008. In addition to being a Software Consultant for the State of California through his own company, Anthony has been employed for 16 years as a Software Engineer working for 3Com, Intel, Acer, Netscape Communications, and Hewlett Packard performing high level software development supporting scientific engineering and business intelligence projects.*

He became interested in UFOs back in 1989, at the time Area 51 surfaced as a public phenomenon. Since 2000 he has researched the subject matter thoroughly employing various scientific methods and hands on approaches, thus compiling over 20 years worth of UFO related research data.*

For the purposes of augmenting his knowledge on Human Origins, Anthony has also studied in detail, ancient Hebrew religious texts such as the Old Testament Bible, and gospels from the the Dead Sea Scrolls such as the 'book of Giants', and 'book of Enoch'. He has also studied famous Sumerian-Babylonian translations such as the Enuma Elish, and the Atra-Hasis as well as numerous Akkadian Mesopotamian cylinder seals and Akkadian cuneiform inscriptions.*

Each year he is a regular visitor to the deserts of the American Southwest, visiting crash sites conducting interviews, and performing scientific field work. His most recent interviews include the likes of fellow investigative UFO researchers, Norio Hayakawa, and Joerg Arnu. His work represents an unbiased and impartial reporting style ensuring he uncovers every aspect of every story.*

Listen to Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)

10th October 2010, 19:07
What's Going on at Fort Benning? In depth report of ET contact with experiencer John Vasquez, researcher Roxy Lopez and two military wives who live at Fort Benning. Are there ETs on this military base? Was there a battle between UFOs and Army Helicopters? Or was this a cruel mind control experiment ... Listen Live tonight at 10pm Eastern

http://www.ipodshows.net/ -http://www.jerrypippin.com/What%27s_Happening_at_FtBenning.htm - http://thetruthdenied.com


10th October 2010, 23:34
PREVIEW HERE mp3 - http://thetruthdenied.com/work/Produced%20Opening%20-Benning%20show.mp3

11th October 2010, 02:50
What's Going on at Fort Benning?

Part 1

download mp3 (http://thetruthdenied.com/work/Produced%20Opening%20-Benning%20show.mp3)

11th October 2010, 06:27
Michael Murphy | What in the World are They Spraying?

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/10oct/RIR-101010.php), truthmediaproductions (http://truthmediaproductions.blogspot.com)


October 10, 2010–Filmmaker Michael Murphy talks about the new documentray film "What in the World are they Sprayding?". The film is co-produced by author G. Edward Griffin and explores the topic of chemtrails. Michael discusses the film, the research and the theories and science behind chemtrails. Michael J. Murphy is a journalist and political activist from the Los Angeles area whose work focuses on issues that go beyond the interest of the Corporate mainstream media. Topics Discussed: Geo-Engineering, Cooling the Planet, Aluminum, barium, Strontium, Water, Snow on Mount Shasta, 7 PPB, an International Program a Co-Joint Government Program, Heavy Metal Detox, Protect Themselves, De-population, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Where are the Insiders? The Whistle Blowers? Raytheon, Military Contractors, Turning Soil PH Alkaline, GMO Seeds, Ug99, World Government, De-Population, Scalar Weaponry, Strange Weather Patterns, HAARP, Owning the Weather in 2025, Sample Testing Rainwater, Premier, Contrail vs Chemtrail, Global Dimming and more.

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/10oct/RIR-101010-mmurphy.mp3)

11th October 2010, 07:58
cont... What's Going on at Fort Benning?

Part 2

download mp3 (http://thetruthdenied.com/work/Fort_Benning_Pt_2_10_10_10.mp3)

13th October 2010, 07:01
Clif's Website Taken Down

Source: urbansurvival.com (http://urbansurvival.com/week.htm)

Clif High's website www.halfpasthuman.com (http://www.halfpasthuman.com) has been taken offline by his internet provider, although there is no known financial reason for this to have occurred.

Clif has been stonewalled by the ISP as to reason for the site doing down.

His next anticipated release was scheduled for this weekend, but at this point in time, it is unclear whether it will be able to be posted because of the ISP issues.

13th October 2010, 14:05
Update on Take Down of Halfpasthuman.com


From Clif from another forum...

we are ok personally and are awaiting developments as they may manifest. Know nothing really at this time, so not the time to say anything.
hope y'all understand the situation...in irons as is known in sailing.
So pies up. Will make announcement when i understand which of TPTB i pissed off and how....or it is a mistake. Either way pie wont hurt. no point in further speculation...by us. We await the emergence of universe manifesting as it chooses. In the mean time, report is suspended due to restrictions on both ends of the process.

and #2

An email from Cathy, Clif's wife...

Hi Guys,

I'm sure this comes as no news to most, or maybe all, of you.

It seems that Clif's response to an early-on question was a bit cryptic, leading to a number of
people expressing concern that something had happened to one of us, or that we had picked
up stakes and high-tailed it off into the wild blue yonder!

Neither is the case. We did not take the site down, we have no idea what happened, it
simply disappeared from the net this afternoon. Clif spent considerable time with Earthlink's
(out-sourced......) on-line help, only to be told that "someone" would contact him "sometime in
the future". So we currently in a holding pattern. As you can imagine, Clif is none too happy,
regardless of what may ultimately be found to be the reason.

Given that Issue 8 is due to be published this Friday, this could not have come at a worse
time. However, we do have alternate plans for getting it out.

We would appreciate any help you can give in getting the word out, that we are OK and that
we are, for the time being, looking at this as simply a software glitch/human error.

Thanks so much to all of you!


Bill Ryan
13th October 2010, 15:45
This is/was the statement on the site as of 12+ hours ago (evening US time 12 Oct) - seems a little unprofessional for a web host who had (e.g.) an admin problem, like an accidentally missed payment (as sometimes happens - but never with a reaction like this).



15th October 2010, 06:05
Halfpasthuman.com seems to be back on track.


15th October 2010, 06:10
David Icke interviewed by Howard Hughes, October 13, 2010

Source: theunexplained.tv (www.theunexplained.tv)






15th October 2010, 16:33
John Anthony West & Laird Scranton | Göbekli Tepe

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/10oct/RIR-101012.php)


October 12, 2010–Researchers John Anthony West and Laird Scranton discuss Göbekli Tepe, a stone complex in southeastern Turkey that is believed to have been erected in the 10th millennium BC. John and Laird specialize in different aspects of ancient civilizations and share what they believe to be the origins of the site as well as the people behind it, the purpose of the erected stones and the meaning of the carved symbols and animals on the stones. This is a fascinating two-hour program that helps shed light on this mysterious site. Topics Discussed: The Mystery of the Sphinx, Archeology, Evidence of an ancient civilization at Göbekli Tepe, Symbolism, Dogon, Çatalhöyük, Signature Signs, Klaus Schmidt, Cosmology, Fox, Serpent, Hill with a Navel, Hill with a Stupa, Cosmic Reproduction, Primordial Mound, Discovery of the Site, Magic, Ritual, Tempel of Man, Ancient Teachers and more. ~Red Ice Creations

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/10oct/RIR-101012-jawestlscranton.mp3)

16th October 2010, 06:48
Thank you Mu2143 for the information about the interview on Exotica Radio (http://exotica-radio.com/). Special thanks to Randy for hosting this excellent interview.

Duncan O'Finioan | Rogue Warrior


September 3, 2010–Project Talent was one of hundreds of programs run under the CIA's MKUltra Progam from the 1950s to (allegedly) the 1970s. Targeting young children in both the U.S. and Canada with special, generational abilities; testing and then taking them to secret laboratories where they were physically altered, trained and conditioned; then tortured to produced a "blank" psychopathic alternate personality to be used as a psychic warrior in the battlefields around the planet.

Taken at age six, Duncan was barely a teen when he was deployed into Southeast Asia as part of a group of human weapons, used to psychically destroy the genetically targeted Khmer Rouge under seige conditions. He would continue to be activated for missions involving espionage, military ops, and assassinations...until the "program" suddenly imploded.

Following an automobile "accident", the chip in Duncan's skull was accidentally fried in an MRI machine. The result was a rupture of the partitions of multiple personalities which to this day are emerging---and merging into Duncan O'Finioan's own consciousness.

Today it is believed that only 20 survivors are still alive of these first generation "Omega" warriors. They live now to tell their story of the brutal abuse of young children, the secret wars conducted by an elite coalition of powerful world leaders, and the plans to unleash an army of psychic, genetically altered super-warriors upon the planet. The soldiers have other plans...to expose the plan and topple the "pyramid" of power before the powers-that-would be (and their ET partners) can enslave and harvest humanity.

Part 1
download part 1 (http://www.divshare.com/direct/12455285-5ad.mp3)

Part 2
download part 2 (http://www.divshare.com/direct/12455290-1c0.mp3)

16th October 2010, 08:13
Dr. Betty Martini | The Truth About Aspartame, MSG, and Ecxitotoxins

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


October 15, 2010

For a long time I have been searching for the right person to discuss the dangerous poisons omnipresent in our food that not only make you sick, but can kill you.* Dr. Betty Martini discussed the dangers of artificial sweeteners (Nutra Sweet, Splenda, etc.), MSG (monosodium glutamate), and other excitotoxins.* More than 90% of all FDA complaints are attributed to Aspartame, yet the very same government agency that is supposed to protect us is allowing these poisons in our food supply.* Some of these excitotoxins are chemicals that we have been fooled into thinking will help us live longer and healthier lives.
Dr. Betty Martini is an expert in this field of study and she has made it her life’s mission to lecture and teach people about these dangers. These excitotoxins* are actually precursors for some dangerous diseases, such as Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, and seizures.
Dr. Betty also shares hope by telling us it’s possible to eliminate sweeteners from our diets and detoxify our bodies to avoid the cumulative damage and also what steps you can do to raise awareness and eradicate these poisons from your communities.
This Veritas episode can literally save your life!

Dr. Betty Martini is the founder of the global volunteer force, Mission Possible International, which is committed to removing the deadly chemical aspartame from our food.

She has been doing this for 14 years with operations in most states and over 30 countries of the world. She works with the world experts who write the reports you will find on their web pages. She spent 22 years in the medical field before this, and created the first health delivery system in the US. She can be seen in the aspartame documentary, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World

Listen to Lastest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)

16th October 2010, 22:38
Hi everyone, a couple of days ago I watched a really interesting video called “The Giza Geomatrix, Chicago Presentation” which I highly recommend, at link:

“The Giza Geomatrix, Chicago Presentation”,

Today I was searching this Avalon Forum for threads where people might be talking about this topic (Giza Geomatrix) and the search engine directed me to this thread (“The Continuing Search For The Truth”).

But I can’t find here any posts about the “Giza Geomatrix” (maybe I am missing them?), I haven’t read the whole thread and I’m not sure if you have already talked about it.

Please, does anybody know if you have already talked about it in this thread or if this topic is being discussed anywhere else in Avalon Forum?



In any case, I would like to ask anybody who has watched that video (Giza Geomatrix, Chicago Presentation) what is your opinion about the following:

In this Spanish forum we are talking about the Anglo Saxon Mission, the possible 2012 cataclysm, etc., and recently I posted a rough transcript (not literal) of that video (Chicago Presentation), here:

Post 3, pag. 57. Transcript of The Giza Geomatrix, Chicago Presentation

In that video, from minute Min. 1h:08:15 to Min. 1h:12:50 and also from Min. 1:22:28 to Min. 1:24:10, the author explains several very important things:

a) He says his team have found scientific proof of other lost civilizations, such as Atlantida or Lemuria, and even 3 or 4 other ones.

b) Some previous lost civilizations ended due to catastrophic earth cataclysms, and they (his team) think that could happen again around 2012 due to cosmic reasons (like a big cosmic “storm”… see detailed explanation in the video).

c) The author of the video says they (his team) have found out that the ancient civilizations discovered there is a way to avoid such cataclysms, and it has to do with taking some sort of technical device which is supposedly located in the chest of the Pharaoh Khufu and place it in a specific location inside the Great Pyramid in order to “activate it”, which will also activate other dormant pyramids around the world.

That alleged activation will have some sort of positive effect in the electromagnetic field (or grid) of the Earth, it will “fix it” and therefore protect the earth against the potential violent activity of the sun around 2012 (or something like that), and that could avoid the possible 2012 cataclysm.

d) He also says (or implies) that the US government (or dark cabal, shadowy government, elite, illuminati) is trying to steal Khufu’s chest technological device because they want to prevent humanity from activating the Great Pyramid, and I “think” the reason for it is because the elite DOES WANT for the cataclysm to take place in order to remain in power and keep controlling this planet and its people.

(Note: My apologies if the above summary is not 100% accurate because I am relying on memory and I would like to watch the video again to make sure I’ve understood it correctly)
So, in case I’ve understood it correctly, what’s going on is like a struggle between the dark and the light, the light trying to activate the pyramid to prevent the cataclysm and the darkness trying not to activate the pyramid so that the cataclysm takes place.

In my personal opinion (qbeac), that information, in case it is correct (and we’ll see), dovetails very well with the Anglo Saxon Mission.

My question to you all is:

What do you think about it?

Can we trust the information in that video (Giza Geomatrix, Chicago Presentation)?


21st October 2010, 05:31
Dr. Eugene Podkletnov - Anti-Gravity Scientist gives Rare Interview


This rare interview of Dr. Eugene Podkletnov was filmed at Tampere Technical University in Finland, early 2004.

For more complete background Information on Dr. Eugene Podkletnov and the subsequent drama of competing theories from a variety of different researchers who jumped on the band wagon, please visit:

Reference Papers:

Podkletnov's Original 1992 Paper:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/39625078 (http://www.scribd.com/doc/39625078/Eugene-Podkletnov-Physica-C-1992)

Podkletnov's 1997 Paper
http://www.scribd.com/doc/39624334 (http://www.scribd.com/doc/39624334/Podkletnov-1997)

Podkletnov's Paper on Impulse Gravity Generator:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/39624178 (http://www.scribd.com/doc/39624178/Podkletnov-2001-Paper-with-Giovanni-Modanese)

ESA Replication by Martin Tajmar:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/39624103 (http://www.scribd.com/doc/39624103/Gravitomagnetic-Field-of-a-rotating-superconductor-ESA)

I posted this interview for the benefit of scientists and researchers out there who are getting into this field, and I encourage everyone to do their own research in addition to the information provided by Dr. Podkletnov and myself. I also recommend making a review of Frank Znidarsic's Work:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/25455268/Co... (http://www.scribd.com/doc/25455268/Control-of-the-Natural-Forces)

http://www.scribd.com/doc/34365659/Th... (http://www.scribd.com/doc/34365659/The-Duality-of-Matter-and-Waves)

This is a serious, open and emerging field of physics and I encourage those who are young to get involved Now so they can ride the wave into the future and help be part of something extraordinary which will go down in History forever...






21st October 2010, 05:41
Jordan Maxwell On Rense October 18, 2010

Source: rense.com (http://www.rense.com)




21st October 2010, 05:58
Carl Johan Calleman | The Last Day of the Mayan Calendar

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/10oct/RIR-101019.php)


October 19, 2010-Carl Johan Calleman, (http://www.calleman.com) author of "Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our time : The Mayan Calendar", "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness" and "The Purposeful Universe: How Quantum Theory and Mayan Cosmology Explain the Origin and Evolution of Life". We discuss Carl's work on the end of the Mayan Calendar and his views on the "Last Day" of the Creation Cycle of the Mayan Calendar, a period between November 3rd 2010 and October 28th 2011. Topics Discussed: the calendar coming to an end, the galactic underworld, celebrating a new balance, rationality, masculinity, domination, western & eastern forces, the feminine, council of elders, the 2012 movie, cosmic plan, cosmic energy shift, balancing, nine foundations of the pyramid, March 9th 2011, into the space of God, chaos, compression of time, predictions based on the Mayan Calendar, rise of China, economic crash, the cosmic schedule, polarity shift in consciousness, the cosmic tree of life, Gliese 581g, meeting our galactic neighbors, biological evolution, unity consciousness, the movie Avatar, galactic center, conscious co-creation, The Secret, and how to serve the cosmic plan.

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/10oct/RIR-101019-cjcalleman.mp3)

22nd October 2010, 06:25
Norio Hayakawa | UFO Ultimate Reality

Source: exotica-radio.com (http://www.exotica-radio.com)


October 14, 2010–Veteran UFO researcher, Norio Hayakawa,on Dulce bases, UFO chasing, and the "perception" of the UFO phenomena...

Former director of the Civilian Intelligence Network, a loosely-knit citizens' watchdog group on government accountability and network of researchers, investigators and intelligence gatherers whose primary focus was on the government's Black Budget Programs at locations such as the operating base at Groom Lake, Nevada (Area 51).

After more than 45 years of researching the UFO phenomenon, he says that a conditioning of belief systems has been orchestrated since 1947 by a manipulative force that is preparing mankind for a near future mysterious scenario. Both Area 51 and Dulce, New Mexico will play a role in that scenario.

On this show Norio reveals, for the first time, that he has learned that well-know UFO and alien researcher, Anthony Sanchez, has withdrawn his book, "UFO Highway", after he expressed a "loss" which forced the cancellation of the book's December release.

download mp3 (http://www.divshare.com/direct/12843491-db6.mp3)

22nd October 2010, 06:50
William Buhlman | Out of Body Experiences

Source: soundstrue.com (http://www.soundstrue.com), astralinfo.org (http://astralinfo.org)

Tami Simon speaks with William Buhlman, an expert in teaching people techniques so they can have an out-of-body experience. For the past six years, he has surveyed more than 16,000 participants in 32 countries about their out-of-body experiences. He is also a regular lecturer at the Monroe Institute. William is the author of the new Sounds True audio learning program, How to Have an Out-Of-Body Experience. William discusses what he calls "spiritual essence", eliminating the fear of death, multiple energy-bodies, and how to use the knowledge gained from out-of-body experiences. For more information about William Buhlman, visit astralinfo.org (http://astralinfo.org).





23rd October 2010, 08:39
Jim Nichols on Veritas Radio|Aliens, Archons, and the Gnostic Grail
Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com/)

S y n o p s i s

Jim Nichols is one of the most renowned UFO illustrators of modern time and a respected UFO researcher. Jim discussed the ET-Archon-Gnostic connection. Many religions and governments have omitted or removed factual data from the books. Could history have been mythologized to limit our potential? We discussed who the Archons are and what their mission on this planet was/is. Could they be the ones controlling our lives?

B i o

Jim Nichols was born a Post-War baby-boomer in 1948 in the flatlands of northwestern Ohio. By the time he had reached his senior year of high school, Jim's restless creativity fueled in him an abiding ambition to become an artist. Even while serving two years of Army service, he managed to complete a correspondence course in commercial art. Following his discharge, Jim resettled in Tucson, Arizona in 1972. For a time, cactus, sagebrush, mountains and skies dominated his artistry and he made something of a name for himself as a painter of southwestern landscapes. By the late 1970s, however, he discovered he could not be content to limit his art to just desert scenes. Popular films of the day like Star Wars and Close Encounters rekindled a love of science fiction that he knew as a youngster. Soon alien landscapes and space ships captivated his creativity. Beginning in 1980 and throughout the following decade, Jim painted numerous UFO illustrations that have been published internationally. His notoriety in the field of UFO research earned him a co-host seat on a weekly, public access television program in Tucson, produced by Ted Loman, entitled UFOAZ Talks. Currently, after so many years of painting fine art and illustration, Jim has expanded his creative talents to include sculpting as well, thus bringing an added dimension to his legacy of artistic skill. For more information about Jim Nichols, visit jimnicholsufo.com (http://www.jimnicholsufo.com/).






To listen to the entire show subscribe at http://www.veritasshow.com
or go here: http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm

26th October 2010, 05:13
Andrew Collins | Giza's Cave Underworld Update

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/10oct/RIR-101021.php), andrewcollins.com (http://www.andrewcollins.com)


October 21, 2010–Andrew Collins is the author of "The Cygnus Mystery", "Gateway to Atlantis," "Tutankhamun: The Exodus Conspiracy" and his latest book is called "Beneath Pyramids". Andrew is back to discuss the latest developments on Giza's cave underworld, Edgar Casey's Hall of Records and Dr. Zahi Hawass' announcement of the caves during the episode "Bats" of his "Chasing Mummies" TV series. In the second hour we discuss the "The Cygnus Mystery" and the connection to Giza's cave underworld. Other topics discussed: Tomb of the Birds, NC2, Hawass caves, Hermes, Thoth, Salt, Howard Wise, Caviglia, Edgar Casey, Giza to Saqqara cave connection, Hall of Records, Randall Stevens, halls of initiation, Lingam stone, TerraSAR-X radar satellite images, hidden rooms in the caves, Dr David Cheetham, archeology, Chasing Mummies, Edgar Cayce' s Foundation A.R.E., Aswan Dam, water at the pyramids, womb, hominids, homosapiens, Ben-Ben stone, secret chamber, aliens, genetic engineering, creation of man, unconscious construction of pyramids, divinely inspired, timing and more. ~Red Ice Creations

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/10oct/RIR-101021-acollins.mp3)

27th October 2010, 05:38
Riki Ott: "People Now Dropping Dead" in the Gulf


In this interview with Rose Aguilar, Riki Ott talks about the health crisis caused by the BP oil disaster in the Gulf. She says she's currently dealing with three or four autopsies and knows of people who are down to 4.7% of their lung capacity and have enlarged hearts. "These people have oil in their bodies," she said.

She believes four to five million people in the Gulf were exposed to either acute or intermediate levels of oil at dangerous levels.

Rose spoke with Riki Ott on the sixth-month anniversary of the BP oil disaster -- one of the largest environmental disasters in U.S. history.

27th October 2010, 05:41
Keith Chester | Military Encounters with UFOs in World War II

Source: openminds.tv (http://www.openminds.tv)


October 25, 2010–Keith Chester is the author of Strange Company: Military Encounters with UFOs in World War II. Strange Company is the first in-depth account of unconventional aircraft observed and reported by the military during World War II. It includes the reactions by military commands, their viewpoints, and theories as they struggled to make sense of the observations. Strange Company presents one of the greatest wartime mysteries, one that has been shrouded in ignorance for more than sixty years. And it suggests that while an immense twentieth century war was raging on Earth, there appeared to be someone, or something, from somewhere else, watching us.

27th October 2010, 05:58
After Disclosure (A.D.) | Richard Dolan, Bryce Zabel

Source: coasttocoastam.com (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2010/10/24), Richard Dolan (http://www.keyholepublishing.com/), afterdisclosure.com (http://www.afterdisclosure.com/)

Part 1 of 6


October 24, 2010–Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel, talked about their new book After Disclosure, which examines what life will be like after the reality of UFOs is revealed. Despite what has been a fruitless, decades-long fight for answers to the UFO enigma, the authors contended that disclosure is an inevitability. "There's going to be a time, a day, a moment, an event," Dolan said, "something in which the 'powers that be' are forced to make the decision to disclose." From there, Zabel surmised, "when they do decide they have to give it up, because events are spinning out of their own control, they'll try to manage it, even as it goes public." Having looked at the various possible scenarios where UFO disclosure becomes such a necessity, they determined that an incontrovertible, mass UFO sighting recorded by modern technology would be the most likely event.

Detailing how they think UFO disclosure would unfold, the authors speculated that the announcement may occur on a Friday afternoon. They theorized that this timing would be used to off-set a potentially catastrophic stock market reaction and to also allow for the general public to use the weekend to digest the stunning news. The duo traced the disclosure announcement from the first day, which they foresee as a time of confusion and potential panic, to the first week, when people would begin asking questions about why and how this news remained secret for so long. This call for accountability, they said, would result in a paradoxical relationship between society and the media, military, and government, where they would be blamed for "missing" the story but also looked to for answers and protection. Ultimately, Zabel and Dolan put forward the idea that, while the first post-disclosure year would be "a bumpy ride," society will eventually stabilize as it becomes acclimated to the new world that has emerged from beneath the veil of secrecy.

27th October 2010, 09:27
Greys Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls | Nigel Kerner

Source: TheSpiritGuides.co.uk/Radio (http://thespiritguides.co.uk/Radio.aspx)

Part 1 of 11


October 20, 2010–
Synopsis for Greys Aliens and the Harvesting of Souls

In 1997 Nigel Kerner first introduced the notion of aliens known as Greys coming to Earth, explaining that Greys are sophisticated biological robots created by an extraterrestrial civilization they have long since outlived. In this new book Kerner reveals that the Greys are seeking to master death by obtaining something humans possess that they do not: souls. Through the manipulation of human DNA, these aliens hope to create their own souls and, thereby, escape the entropic grip of the material universe in favour of the timeless realm of spirit.

Kerner explains that genetic manipulation by the Greys has occurred since biblical times and has led to numerous negative qualities that plague humanity, such as violence, greed, and maliciousness. Racism, he contends, was developed by the aliens to prevent their genetic experiments from being compromised by breeding with others outside their influence. Examining historical records, Kerner shows that Jesus, who represented an uncorrupted genetic line, warned his disciples about the threat posed by these alien interlopers, while Hitler, a pure product of this alien intelligence, waged genocide in an attempt to rid Earth of all those untouched by this genetic tampering. Despite the powerful grip the Greys have on humanity, Kerner says that all hope is not lost. Greys exist wholly in the material world, so if we follow the spiritual laws of reincarnation and karma, aiming for enlightenment and rising above the material - a state the Greys are unable to reach - we can free ourselves from their grasp. · Reveals the Grey's nature as sophisticated self-aware machines created by a long vanished extraterrestrial civilization · Explains how their quest to capture human souls appears in the historical record from biblical times · Explains how the phenomenon of racism is a by-product of their genetic tampering.

Nick Redfern wrote this endorsement for Nigel's second book: "Nigel Kerner's shocking new book totally redefines the nature of the alien presence on our planet. In a detailed study that is certain to send shockwaves throughout the world of UFO research, Kerner offers a terrifying theory to explain the presence of the so-called extraterrestrial Greys on our world. Far from being the benevolent visitors that many abductees believe them to be, in reality aliens are cold and clinical creatures whose stark and terrible task is to reap and manipulate our very life force--the human soul--for purposes both nefarious and ominous.

Nigel's website

27th October 2010, 11:47
"Kerner explains that genetic manipulation by the Greys has occurred since biblical times and has led to numerous negative qualities that plague humanity, such as violence, greed, and maliciousness. Racism, he contends, was developed by the aliens to prevent their genetic experiments from being compromised by breeding with others outside their influence"

It is hard for me to believe these "qualities" didnt exist before "biblical times".

The One
27th October 2010, 12:02
I myself am still trying to find the truth what is it. The truths not found me yet but when it does i will let you know my friends

27th October 2010, 12:19
The search for truth is a very bumpy path TheOne.. but a very worthy one.

I have found myself looking at issues/stories from ALL sides...good or bad.

Most of the time..I find both , good and bad..in every corner.

perhaps that means truth is well balanced?

Truth is such a muddied word these days..

Are we looking for facts?

Do we need truisms?

Who do we trust with our truth?

I opened up to a "healer" and shared all my truths...He proceeded to laugh about it while sharing it with many here, behind my back.

So exactly what is truth?

The One
27th October 2010, 15:26
The Continuing Search For The

If the Truth is so simple, why does the United States Court System have people swear the following oath before they testify: "Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" It is a wonderful oath, covering everything within reason and logic, and knowledge. It however does not cover the things that we neither know nor understand.

I can not tell you the truth about the history of the planet Mars, because I know very little about it. I can not tell you the truth about the chemical process that turns . . . well, about just any chemical process, because I know very little about that stuff.

I could tell you all I know about these things, I could tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about what I know of the history of Mars, and I would not tell you much at all. It would be a speech of little value to you. The point is that I can only tell you my perception of the truth, my knowledge of the truth, or what I believe that I understand of the truth. I can also be honest and tell you that there are times when I know very little

So, what is the Truth about God and Heaven and After-life? After what I have said so far, how can I offer to answer that question? By analogy, of course! Besides, I have pursued the answers to those questions for many, many years.

Let me give you a short analogy, that makes a similar point: You may remember from your geometry class that if you add the measurement of the three angles in a triangle, the total is ALWAYS 180 degrees. If you didn't have that great training, or have forgotten it, then trust me when I say that this little hypothesis about the 'sum of the angles of a triangle' is key to much of geometry. It is basic, it is foundational and I can prove it . . . incomplete.

How? First let's remember a LIMITATION of geometry and triangles drawn on paper: Everything drawn on paper is two-dimensional, but life is NOT. If you were to take a globe of this wonderful planet, and draw a triangle on it, you will RARELY get 180 degrees as the total! For example, if you draw a triangle from the North Pole to the Equator, covering one fourth of the Northern Hemisphere, your triangle would have three ninety degree angles, totaling 270 degrees!

So what is taken as absolute truth in a two-dimensional world, is found to not be true in a three-dimensional world!
Since it is easy to forget that life on earth has a spiritual dimension to it as well, we forget that 'logical' truths do not hold up in reality! That's why so many economic and political theories collapse: on paper, they look great. But when applied to a nation or society full of less-than-perfect human beings, all of whom are unique, with unique talents and gifts and goals, it just doesn't add up anymore!

There are times I confess, that I ask "What difference does it make to know these historical facts?" After all, they happened so long ago, and in today's world they are seemingly unimportant. Then I remember that one of the claims of Christianity is that it is not based on a philosophy, but based on a historical life of an individual who fulfilled prophecies made long before He walked the earth. Historical facts is what apologists for the faith refer to again and again.

When we have the historical facts wrong, we mislead people inside the Church and those outside that are seeking God. Not only that, but we have been told that we "... shall know the truth, and the truth shall set us free." Sometimes, we don't need to know what we shall be freed from, but we still need the freedom! It is important to get these facts right!

28th October 2010, 05:55
What in the World Are They Spraying?

Source: realityzone.com (http://www.realityzone.com/whatspray.html)

The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup
Produced by G. Edward Griffin,
Michael Murphy, and Paul Wittenberger

By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the questions: WHO is doing this and WHY. With the release of this video, all of that has changed. Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called Geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water – all supposedly for the betterment of mankind. Although officials insist that these programs are only in the discussion phase, evidence is abundant that they have been underway since about 1990 – and the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife, and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it. Do not watch this documentary if you have high blood pressure. DVD. 95 minutes. Support the filmmakers, buy the DVD here. (http://www.realityzone.com/whatspray.html)








28th October 2010, 06:53
Randy Maugans interviews Nick Redfern | Final Events

Source: Exotica Radio (http://exotica-radio.com/)


October 27, 2010–Author and paranormal researcher, Nicholas Redfern (http://www.nickredfern.com/) joins us for a look into bizarre connections between a shadowy government military-intelligence group called the "Collins Elite", and the ET/UFO phenomena which they believe to be directly "demonic".

Using direct information supplied to Nick by former MUFON investigator and Anglican priest, Ray Boueche; in what can best be termed a vast right-wing religious conspiracy, the group upholds the US is threatened by an imminent Satanic threat, and the country should be locked down under martial law and the citizenry placed under strict Old Testament Law to thwart the "soul snatching" plans of the demonic horde.

These beliefs, by the Collins group, are largely tied to their investigations into the activities of Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons' and the "Babalon Rising" ritual instituted by Crowley and Parsons, along with L. Ron Hubbard in the mid-1940s. (See our interview."911 And the Crowley Code" (http://exotica-radio.squarespace.com/podcast/911-and-the-crowley-code.html) with author William Ramsey for more on this.)

Under the scenario outlined by the group, the American Constitution would be revoked and the nation placed under a type of Biblical Old Testament theocracy/surveillance state with closed borders and severe penalties for interacting with the "demons".

The Collins research also delves into the work of experiencer/researcher, Dr. Karla Turner; and references the early (40 A.D.) works of Emil Schneweis' "Angels and Demons According to Lactantius, as well as Edward Langton's 1949 work. "Essentials of Demonology", and many other seminal works related to demonic/spiritist apparitions.

How ominous are the events reported by Nick regarding this potential theocratic takeover? Are factions of the U.S. government committed to the notion of a lock down and forced conversion to Abrahamic-style nation-state? What is the REAL deception in the ET/UFO paradigm? We find out... ~Randy Maugans

download mp3 (http://www.divshare.com/direct/12996181-863.mp3)

28th October 2010, 08:31
Contact Has Begun | Leslie Kean
Host: James Gilliland

Source: World Puja Network (http://www.worldpuja.org/archives/2010-10-26_b/)

Part 1 of 5

Part 2 of 5

Part 3 of 5

Part 4 of 5

Part 5 of 5


October 27, 2010–
UFOs: Officials Go On the Record

Leslie Kean is an independent investigative journalist with a background in freelance writing and radio broadcasting. She has contributed articles to dozens of publications here and abroad including the Boston Globe, Philadelphia Inquirer, Atlanta-Journal Constitution, Providence Journal, International Herald Tribune, Globe and Mail, Sydney Morning Herald, Bangkok Post, The Nation, and The Journal for Scientific Exploration. Her stories have been syndicated through Knight Ridder/Tribune, Scripps-Howard, New York Times wire service, Pacific News Service, and the National Publishers Association.

While spending many years reporting on Burma, she co-authored Burma's Revolution of the Spirit: The Struggle for Democratic Freedom and Dignity (Aperture, 1994) and she has contributed essays for a number of anthologies published between 1998 and 2009. Her freelance journalism has been supported by grants from numerous foundations including the Open Society Institute of the Soros Foundation, The Fund for Investigative Journalism, and the Nation Institute.

Kean was a producer for the 2009 independent documentary I Know What I Saw and is currently working with Break Thru Films, an award-winning film company, on a new feature documentary. She and her coalition have launched an ongoing initiative to affect US government policy so that scientists and aviation authorities can gain greater understanding of the still-unexplained UFO phenomenon.

29th October 2010, 01:19
Strontium fluoride

This fluoride, is it related to the fluoride that has been injected into water?


30th October 2010, 09:08
Richard Sauder, Ph.D. | The Richard Sauder Briefing

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


The Richard Sauder Briefing, Introduction by Richard Sauder, PhD
©2010 – All Rights Reserved

The central reality of the early 21st Century is the total certainty of imminent, massive, deep-rooted change in every sphere of reality that is meaningful to the human race. This change will not be long in arriving, not at all, indeed, we are already being buffeted by the first, outlying squalls of the rapidly approaching level-five hurricane that will soon be upon us with the full force of its fury.

The imperial warmongering of the USA government represents an attempt by a certain faction of the self-anointed, so-called global 'elite' to use the American military juggernaut as a violent tool to stage manage the oncoming turmoil. Their objective is to try to control a series of large, upcoming, epochal events that are essentially uncontrollable and unmanageable. But this will not deter those who fancy themselves to be humanity's 'superiors'. They will soldier on, literally, with their aircraft carrier battle groups, their nuclear missiles, their stealth bombers, their genetically engineered viruses, and their rampaging armies equipped with night vision goggles, GPS-coordinated weaponry, drunk on self-induced illusions of patriotism, nationalism, blood, guts and gore.

It is a nightmarish vision they have and they want to impose it on the rest of the planet by brute force. Indeed, they have already begun to do this. If you are an Iraqi who was disemboweled or decapitated by a cluster bomb that came whistling in from an American Air Force B-52 cruising overhead at 40,000 feet, then the apocalypse has already arrived for you. And in this case, the apocalypse is stamped 'Made in America'.

One of the great ironies of our time is that the same American regime that constantly lectures the rest of the world about “freedom” and “democracy” has effectively unleashed the Pentagon on the world as a rogue mercenary force, eviscerated the American Constitution, made torture an instrument of policy, and has created an anti-civil liberties Frankenstein’s monster in the form of the new, sprawling bureaucracy of the Department of Homeland Security.

This insidious effort to impose an Orwellian, authoritarian regime on the United States and much of the rest of the world is but the latest installment in a long-term program to subjugate the entire planet in a violent, iron grip.

In fact, this ruthless program of social, political, military and economic control has been underway for millennia already, going back to the time of the Roman Empire and even before that, to ancient Babylon and pharaonic Egypt and far back beyond that into the mists of remote antiquity. There is a dark, ruthless, self-destructive splinter buried deep in the warp and the woof of the human species – it is woven into our genetics, our history, our society, our mind. And it expresses, nay, it acts out, in the ugliest ways imaginable, over and over again as the centuries and millennia slowly and bloodily scroll by. We slaughter one another by the millions in warfare and genocide over and over again. We impose cruel and terrible dictatorships. We torture, rape, imprison, sack, pillage and plunder. Again and again and again and again. And we invoke our tribal deities as justification for what we do – Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah, Jesus, Krishna…

But this vile trajectory of history is fast approaching a decisive turning point. In mathematical terms, the quickening pace of events on this planet is rapidly approaching infinity. There has been a sharp inflection in every aspect of the curve that describes the course of human events on planet Earth. Uncharted waters lie just ahead. Planet-wide chaos approaches, and quickly.

This has most definitely not gone unnoticed by the planet’s self-anointed 'elite'. They realize that the game has entered a new, chaotic, supremely important phase that they must control at all costs, if they are to maintain the system of political, religious, economic and social dominance they have been violently putting in place for the last centuries and millennia.

Hence, the Pentagon has been unleashed, essentially as a mercenary force in the service of great evil, to violently subjugate the human race to a planet-wide, totalitarian control. Monitoring, tracking, surveillance and control of individual humans increase by the day. This is not freedom. This is tyranny, and it aims to impose itself by hook or by crook or by force on every human being on this planet. And that is just part of what we are facing as a species and as a planet.

This briefing book is accordingly intended for the many millions of people who have come late to the realization that: "Hey! Something is going on! Kansas is going bye-bye!" Well, yes it is, the world as you have known it is going away as surely as Dorothy’s Kansas went away in the classic movie, The Wizard of Oz
The unsettling news is that you are about to be abruptly thrown into the deep end of the swimming pool, without any advance notice or prior preparation on your part. As you look around yourself, with a rising sense of panic, you have somehow managed to stumble upon my little briefing book, and it will serve you as a sort of compass and miniature life raft. By itself, it won't save you, and it's frankly not intended to do that, because in the end, the stark reality is that you have to save yourself. But it might just help you to make sense of what is happening, enough to get your mental bearings and straighten out your thinking, so that you can make more intelligent judgments that enhance your prospects for not just surviving, but possibly even flourishing in the midst of what is about to transpire on this world.
To wit: a lot of things are getting ready to happen, events are going to transpire that may just be really BIG, and by the time the huge changes are finished even the dullest tack in the pack will have gotten it through his or her head that the global situation has changed unalterably and that the world will not be going back to the way it was before. I have much more to say, so keep reading, and by the way, that is also why my cover photo shows me in a much different guise than I have ever before presented in public. The times are changing, and I'm telling you straight up that if you don't also make some changes in your life and thinking you may not make it, so great will the before and after differences be in the global transition cum transformation that is headed our way at warp speed.

Many of the people who will read this little book will not be familiar with a lot of the material that it presents. Consequently, my task as a writer has been to distill down for the uninitiated in a very few pages the essence of 30 years of conversations and study, and untold thousands of pages of reading that I have done.
In a way, I am something like a human honeybee. Just as the honeybee collects nectar and pollen from myriad flowers and blossoms and brings them back to the hive, so too have I absorbed a large amount of information from myriad sources that I am bringing to the readers of this book. This Briefing Book is then a kind of information honey, or nectar of conscious awareness that is distilled from the lengthy learning process through which I have gone, and made available for popular consumption.

Reality, and this world, are far different than we have been told. There will be people who will pick this book up out of idle curiosity, thumb through its pages, and for the first time in their life, the lights will come on in their mind, scales will fall from their eyes and they will begin to awaken to the immensity of the control program on this planet and how deeply in its grip they are.

You will certainly not be getting a wake-up call from the government. So consider this your alert.

Dr. Richard Sauder is the author of several books and major reports:
- The Richard Sauder Briefing

- Hidden in Plain Sight: Beyond the X-Files, (2010), his latest work on the secret world of underground bases and tunnels.

- The underground bestseller, Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? (1995), which represents his first work on the underground bases issue.

- The esoteric Kundalini Tales (1998),which deals with paranormal and mind control themes.

- Underwater and Underground Bases (2001), which expands the scope of his earlier work to include military plans for manned bases and tunnels beneath the seafloor.

- The Sauder Report: Notes From the Underground (soon to be made available), a 770 page compilation of many of the raw technical, military and government documents on which the nuts and bolts engineering aspects of his research are grounded.

Richard was the first person to systematically popularize the mysterious topic of underground, and then underwater, bases and tunnels by delving into the open literature of the government, military and industry paper trail.

Richard Sauder is a native Virginian, with an abiding interest in Forteana, unusual information and anomalous paradigm-busting data of all varieties. Beginning in early childhood he has experienced first-hand contact with a variety of paranormal phenomena that have left him a bit puzzled, flummoxed and thoroughly persuaded that there is much more to the Earth and to human perception and consciousness than the mainstream American culture believes.

Some of Richard’s favorite research and reading interests are underground and underwater bases and tunnels, electronic mind control, Freedom Technology, UFOs, human prehistory and remote antiquity, international politics, the Kundalini energy and alternative thought patterns.

Richard has discussed his work on many radio, TV and Internet programs including Art Bell's Dreamland, Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, the Lou Gentile Show, the Laura Lee Show, Out There TV with Kate and Richard Mucci, Strange Daze with Don Ecker, Jeff Rense's Sightings on the Radio, the Zoh Hieronimus Show, Mitch Battros’s Earth Changes TV, the Uri Geller Show, the BBC, FOX News (Phoenix), Ted Loman's UFOAZ Talks, Evident Footprints with Don Nicoloff on BBS Radio, Signs of the Times with Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Through the Keyhole with Rich Dolan, Earthfiles with Linda Moulton Howe, and numerous others. He has also spoken at the Whole Life Expos in Las Vegas and Los Angeles, the International UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada, Joan Ocean’s E.T. and Dolphin Conference in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, the Leeds (U.K.) International UFO Conference, the NEXUS Magazine International Conference in Amsterdam, the National UFO Conference in Bordentown, New Jersey, HUFON (Houston MUFON), Orange County MUFON, the 2004 and 2005 X-Conferences in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and the Little A’LE’ INN in Rachel, Nevada. Dr. Sauder also has appeared as an invited author at the UFO Festival in Roswell, New Mexico.

His writings and interviews have appeared in diverse magazines such as NEXUS Magazine, UFO Magazine (U.S. and U.K.), Atlantis Rising, UFO Universe, Dossiers Secrets d'États, and on many websites such as Karmopolis.be, rense.com, cyberspaceorbit.com, sott.net and others. Richard’s interest in UFOlogy and related phenomena extends back to childhood and has continued uninterrupted into his adult years. His underground and underwater bases and tunnels research commenced in 1992 and continues to the present day. He has a B.A. in sociology, an M.A. in Latin American studies, an M.S. in forestry and a Ph.D. in political science. He currently resides in San Antonio, Texas where he independently pursues his research.

Listen To Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)







30th October 2010, 13:41
Alan Watt on Alex Jones ... http://www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com/audio2010/Alan_Watt_on_TheAlexJonesShow_Oct142010.mp3

What do you think of his worldview perspective?

1st November 2010, 08:52
Stephen Bassett | UFO/ET Disclosure & The EU, October 2010



Interview With Stephen Bassett, Founder of Paradigm Research Group (http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org/main.html).
Valletta, Malta October 2010

2nd November 2010, 06:24
i like stephen bassett he is a true fighter of the light.. he uses his knowledge and is very smart in showing the facts on his subjects in an easily and acceptable nature that the non awake people of the world can listen to and then search for themselves. i think he is a great start to trying to wake the masses up..

2nd November 2010, 07:19
Who's the Conspiracy Theorist Now? Gov't Scaring the Public with Aliens, Asteroids, and Global Pandemics

By Nicholas West | activistpost.com (http://www.activistpost.com/2010/10/whos-conspiracy-theorist-now-govt.html) 10-28-2010


"Is everything a conspiracy? No, just the important stuff." -- Jeff Wells, Rigorous Intuition

Pandemics, Aliens, and Asteroids -- Oh My! It appears that the corporate-government-media has recently become the number one propagator of conspiracy theories. That is, of course, as long as the fear campaign pushes the right buttons for the agenda.

The dumbed-down public will always be led by fear until they realize that no major events happen by mistake in the matrix. All major events, reactions, and proposed solutions are thoroughly orchestrated and performed by the power players. They hit all the right notes, all of the time, save for some minor tuning as needed.

It's convenient for establishment leaders to claim that major events are mistakes. For example, we're told the attacks of September 11th were a massive failure on the part of the intelligence community. Additionally, we're told that the "idiots" on Wall Street did not see the housing collapse coming, or predict the 2008 financial meltdown, or the recent currency wars, or the recent gold and commodity rush.

t's the typical story told to the public when catastrophe strikes: whoops, who could have seen that coming? Even some of the most enlightened minds that predicted these events still call the people in charge "stupid" for not seeing or adapting to it. Perhaps many of the useful idiots who run the gears of the system don't know the fundamentals well enough to predict events, but the true controllers know exactly what they're doing, what reaction they will get, and what calculated solution will ultimately give them more power and wealth.

We all witnessed the incredible consolidation of wealth and power orchestrated by our corrupt state since the 9/11 attacks, all at the expense of the common man's treasure, blood, and rights -- all caused by 19 (U.S. funded) extremists with box cutters who came from caves. Only scared little sheep could believe that theory, especially given what has transpired to date.

Yesterday's article in AOL News announced (http://www.activistpost.com/2010/10/white-house-adviser-us-must-prepare-for.html) that Obama's science czar John Holdren is concerned about threats of asteroid impacts on Earth. While a valid concern, the timely disclosure seems to be yet another attempt to reach out to the alternative media. This comes after the increasing stories which seem to be leading up to revealing the alien threat (http://www.activistpost.com/2010/09/is-establishment-preparing-unveiling-of.html) to the public, while other new threats of currency wars (http://www.activistpost.com/2010/09/will-dollar-rise-once-more-before-being.html) and new pandemics (http://www.activistpost.com/2010/10/new-strain-of-swine-flu-emerges.html) abound.

However, the 9/11 problem-reaction-solution playbook seems stale, as Al-Qaeda seems less scary by the day. The matrix is now moving on to the next stage of fear campaigns with aliens, asteroids, more pandemics, and more manufactured economic catastrophes. This is their all-out attempt to hit us with full spectrum fear. It seems that if the establishment can't defeat the "conspiracy" crowd, they'll seek to distract, divert, or co-opt it to the best of their ability. As a sign of their desperation to control free humanity, their version of the threats facing us read more like a comic book or a science fiction script, rather than news about actual events.

For those who doubt that any of our multi-threats could have been orchestrated, I suggest you look around to see which part of society actually has benefited from terror and the constant threat of more terror. The conclusion should be clear: The Mega-Cartels that seek higher levels of control over their slave population.

3rd November 2010, 06:35
Niara Isley | ET Contacts and MILABS

Source: Ohio Exopolitics (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ohioexopolitics)

Niara Terela Isley is a writer, artist and certified body-centered life coach. She is also an experiencer and researcher of all aspects of extraterrestrial phenomena, from government cover-ups, to spiritual expansion of consciousness. As an experiencer of extraterrestrial abduction/contact and her strange milab-type experiences while in the air force, Niara has gained deep insights into the workings of our world and the roles that different groups of extraterrestrials may be playing in it. Today she works to raise public awareness about the reality of extraterrestrials, to shed light on the machinations of the "shadow government" and re-frame it all in a life-affirming and hope-filled vision of where we may be headed as a species from her own life-long spiritual experience and perspective. She was an Air Force radar specialist at Nellis Air Force Base, commonly known as Dreamland. She is the author of the book Facing the Shadow, Embracing the Light.





3rd November 2010, 06:42
Max Igan | Truth Frequency Radio October 31, 2010

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com (http://truthfrequencyradio.com/?cat=11), thecrowhouse.com (http://www.thecrowhouse.com)

Max Igan touching upon the recent UFO sightings, chemtrails, the importance of clean water and how we can move forward as a humanity who understands our reality.








4th November 2010, 06:56
Richard Sauder - Underground Bases and Tunnels

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/11nov/RIR-101102.php), Richard Sauder's Website (http://keyholepublishing.com/Sauder.html)


November 2, 2010
Richard Sauder, Ph.D., is probably the world's foremost public authority, as well as the first person, to systematically popularize the mysterious topic of underground and underwater bases and tunnels. He is the author of several books and major reports. During the first hour of this program we discuss themes from his book, "Hidden in Plain Sight - Beyond the X-files," an in-depth book on underground bases, combining archival research, on the scene investigation, and first-hand interviews. Sauder takes us into the underground world. Topics discussed: underground bases, insiderd, Phil Schneider, catacombs of Rome, Paris, London, tunnel boring technology developed in the mid 1950-1960's, official documentation of underground bases, Cheyenne Mountain, compartmentalized projects, funding, black ops programs, Pentagon losing trillions of dollars, hydroponic gardens, military, the Mormon church, the Vatican, Scientology, John Williams, Pentagon pneumatic tube, approaching cataclysm, SRI, currency collapse, genetic engineering, GMO's, global seed vault, Bill Gates, Norwegian and Swedish underground bases, underground bases and tunnels in other parts of the world.

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/11nov/RIR-101102-rsauder.mp3)

5th November 2010, 23:34
James Gilliland | UFO & ET Contact at the ECETI Ranch

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/11nov/RIR-101104.php)


November 4, 2010
UFO researcher James Gilliland joins us from the ECETI ranch at Trout Lake, close to Mount Adams in Washington State. The ECETI ranch is a UFO hotspot that is regularly visited by UFO enthusiasts and investigators who are curious and interested in having a first hand experience with UFOs, orbs, light trails, spontanous healing and other phenomena. We discuss the ongoing contact experiences that James and many other visitors are having with UFOs, extraterrestrials and intraterrestrials. We also discuss the UFO community and how the establishment seems to be getting ready to use UFO and ET disclosure for their own purposes and agenda. Other Topics Discussed: background on the ECETI ranch, Kenneth Arnold, flying saucers, non-interference, NWO crowd, major shifts, alignment with galactic plane, quantum leap in consciousness, Annunaki, catastrophy, chemtrails, weather modification, HAARP, humanity waking up, genes of the gods, junk DNA, victim mode, UFO community, clean technology, UFO/ET community infiltration, war industry, dependent, fake alien invasion, Wernher von Braun, visiting the ECETI ranch.

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/11nov/RIR-101104-jgilliland.mp3)

6th November 2010, 05:06
Clif High | The Road Ahead

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


S y n o p s i s
When in U.S. History has a sitting president taken off on an overseas trip for an extended period of time, with 65 airplanes, 34 warships, reportedly 3,000 guests, not including the amount of military personnel traveling as well, at a cost to taxpayers of $200 million dollars per day, or $2 billion dollars in total. All of this, at the pinnacle of an economic and political upheaval. The answer?: never! The U.S. dollar continues to lose value and a number of insiders are predicting a bank holiday as early as November 11. Could this be true? America is bankrupt, and the rest of the world is no longer willing to go along with quantitative easing – or printing money out of thin air. Something big is getting ready to happen. In fact, it is happening now. And Clif High’s Web Bot seems to agree.

B i o
The Web Bot is an internet prophetic computer program that predicts or forecasts future events on a global scale. It is actually the Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Report, commonly known as The Web Bot. The Web Bot is the brainchild of Clif High, a reclusive genius with a strong background on linguistics and human behavioral studies. Clif High has a patent on computer-assisted reading technology which allows reading from computer screens at up to 2000 words per minute. Reaching into other areas of hidden potential within language use by humans, he has been developing a system of software internet agents (like search engines use) and other proprietary processing methods to predict future events. The software project, begun in 1997, captures near-real-time changes in language patterns within internet discussions. Then, employing radical linguistic techniques of his own devising, he develops a model which anticipates future events with some seeming accuracy. The processing has, at its core, a method of assigning emotional values to complex content and time carry-values to predict changes in future behavior based on how people are using language now.

Since June 2001 when the work projected a major 'tipping point', that is a 'life-changing event' with aspects of 'military and accident' that would forever change the way we live to occur inside 90 days, the web bot project has continued to give archetype descriptors of future events such as the anthrax attack in Washington, the crash of American 587, the Columbia disaster, the Northeast Power outage, the Banda Aceh earthquake and most recently the flooding of the Red River. As a continuing project, reports are offered from the extracted archetype information at his web site, www.halfpasthuman (http://www.halfpasthuman.com).

Listen To Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)

8th November 2010, 07:16
Webster Tarpley | The Next Decade

Source: AlexJonesChannel (http://www.youtube.com/user/TheAlexJonesChannel), tarpley.net (http://tarpley.net)

Author Webster Tarpley goes into detail on a whole host of historical, financial and geopolitical issues in a bid to outline the major crises, revolutions and wars that will hit the globe over the next decade and shape the future of our world.

Moving on to how these elitists use the financial system to further their aims, Tarpley explains how the move towards a global currency and worldwide financial regulations is being advanced by the IMF, but how nations are now rejecting this "Washington Consensus," and instead adopting the "Beijing Consensus," which allows them to retain control over their own national sovereignty. Tarpley says that the dollar as the world reserve currency is toast and that it is set to be replaced by a synthetic imperialist global currency called the Bancor. Tarpley warns that the IMF dictatorship is now in the final stages of asset stripping the United States.

Tarpley begins by discussing how the Neo-Malthusian ecological extremists in the Obama regime have a shared hatred for science, technology and industry and how they really are contemplating and initiating genocidal measures to thin the human surplus because of their deep-seated ideological impulse, shared by oligarchies throughout the ages, which is to suppress the progress and development of any societal underclass.

Tarpley explains how throughout history elites have always claimed that the planet was overpopulated in a bid to justify their wars and brutality, and that this is no different today, with people like Prince Philip expressing their desire to come back as a virus in order to kill masses of humans.





8th November 2010, 07:19
The Answer to all our energy problems: Cold Fusion

Source: alienscientist.com (http://www.alienscientist.com)


Cold Fusion, although virtually ignored by mainstream academic research, has continued underground through the efforts of brave and dedicated scientists. I am now pleased to bring you the technological and theoretical breakthrough we've all been waiting for... Clean, virtually inexhaustible energy in the form of sea water! Let the Cold Fusion Revolution begin! -alienscientist.com

For more informations & links go to the youtube movie description here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i29oXQHh-U4&feature=player_embedded).

9th November 2010, 01:11
"The Gods did not reveal, from the beginning, all things to us but in the course of time, through seeking, men find that which is better. But as for certain truth, no man has known it, nor will he know it; neither of the Gods, nor yet of all the things of which I speak. and even if by chance he were to utter the final truth, he would himself not know it; for all is but a woven web of guesses." Xenophanes, Verses (570-475 B.C.)

9th November 2010, 07:08
Trailer - Two Elders Talk Of Star Beings

Source: azaliens.com (http://www.azaliens.com)



Releasing in November 2010, "Two Elders Talk of Star Beings," co-produced by Cosmic Chronicles and Under-Appreciated Science Productions, is a sixty-minute documentary filmed entirely on location in New Mexico on the Zuni reservation. This promo clip offers a glimpse of this UFO documentary, which breaks new ground as two well-respected researchers of the extra-terrestrial contact phenomena, the late Wendelle C. Stevens, a world-famous UFO contact researcher of seven decades, and Zuni elder, Galaxy Medicine Society and Kachina Society member Clifford Mahooty discuss the reality and ramifications of these ongoing contacts between human beings and ET species.

This may be the most open and frank discussion yet recorded between a native-American elder and and an outside researcher. Mahooty and Stevens share a lively conversation as video journalist Rick Keefe interviews the two men on their views and understandings of contact between ETs and human beings, filmed in the land of enchantment.

10th November 2010, 14:53
New MMS 1000 Protocol

Source: jimhumble.biz (http://jimhumble.biz/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=34&Itemid=61)


PROTOCOL 1000 is basically taking 3 drops of activated MMS each hour, for 8 hours a day, for 3 weeks. However many people cannot start taking that many drops and should start with only 2 or even 1 drop and hour. This is determined by how sick they are to begin with. If one is feeling very sick then start with 1 drop an hour or even 1/2 drop and hour, but then begin taking more if you feel that you can. The rule is, if you feel that the drops are making you feel worse, take less and if they are not making you feel worse then take a little bit more the next hour, but never more than 3 drops an hour.

The way you accomplish activation can be done in 4 different ways, any one of these methods of activation is acceptable: First, add your number of MMS drops to a clean dry glass, then activate as follows:

(1) (preferred method) add 1 drop of 50% citric acid for each drop of MMS that is in your glass, swirl or shake to mix, wait 20 seconds, add 1/2 to 1 glass of water or juice and drink.

(2) add 5 drops of 10% citric acid for each drop of MMS in the glass, and then shake or swirl to mix, wait 3 minutes, add 1/2 to 1 glass of water or juice and then drink.

(3) add 5 drops of vinegar for each drop of MMS in the glass, shake or swirl to mix, wait 3 minutes, add 1/2 to 1 glass of water or juice and then drink.

(4) add 5 drops of full strength lemon juice for each drop of MMS in the glass, shake or swirl to mix, add 1/2 to 1 glass of water or juice and then drink.

Do not use orange juice. Do not use juices with added vitamin C or ascorbic acid added. Do not use concentrated juices that must have water added to them. Fresh juices are best.

But if you don't want to make up a single dose each hour, you can make 8 doses in the morning, and keep the solution in a closed container all day. Just follow the above instructions multiplying all the figures by 8 and then put that liquid in a closed container. Take 1/8th of it each hour. Don't worry the MMS will last hours longer than is needed.

Now, these are the important instructions you must be sure to follow: You must not make yourself sicker than you already are: Do not cause yourself a lot of nausea, or pain, or diarrhea. When you notice any of these symptoms coming on take less MMS. Try not to stop taking MMS, just take less. Go from 2 drops an hour of activated MMS to one drop an hour. Or if you are already take only one drop an hour, then take 1/2 drop and hour, or even 1/4 drop an hour. Do not cause yourself diarrhea if you can avoid it by taking less MMS. Pain, diarrhea, nausea and other discomforts cause loss of energy, which in turn causes slower healing and slower recovery. On the other hand try to increase the amount of drops you are taking until you are taking 3 drops an hour, but do not go over 3 drops an hour. CONTINUE THIS UNTIL YOU ARE WELL.

Here is how you carry your 8 hour dose with you instead of having to activate it hourly.

Take a liter bottle, divide it into 8 equal parts. Mix 24 drops of MMS and 24 drops of 50% citric acid. Swirl or mix for about 20 seconds. Fill the bottle with water and you will have a 3 drops of MMS activated per line taken hourly.

NOTE:This activated bottle of MMS will last up to 5 days in the frig. We found that as long as you activate MMS and does not come into contact with a pathogen the chlorine dioxide is not released.

12th November 2010, 17:49
Back In Time Series | Ingo Swann - Human Super Sensitivities and the Future

Source: irva.org (http://www.irva.org)

I.R.V.A. 2006 - "International Remote Viewing Association" - Conference, Keynote Address.

Certain surprising mainstream scientific discoveries during the last twenty years are forcing shifts in dismissive attitudes toward the parapsychological and other forms of exceptional human experiencing. These discoveries - including the discovery of dark matter interpenetrating dark energy, of subtle and exotic energies, of multiple dimensions, and, most suggestively, of empathic-telepathic cells in the brain that function to "mind-read" or detect motives and intentions of others - all appear to be based on processes that are not rooted in physical matter. While information about these discoveries can be found on the Internet, few have used them to project future developments.

Since 1970, Ingo Swann has worked with nearly forty cutting-edge researchers in the fields of parapsychology, psychoenergetics, and super sensitivity perception. He is best known for his long-term association with Dr. H.E. Puthoff at Stanford Research Institute between 1972 and 1988 in the field of remote viewing, work sponsored by intelligence and military agencies. Swann's work carries two consistent hallmarks: high degrees of both statistical and qualitative success, and signifigant theoretical contributions in the area of super sensitivity knowledge that proved amenable to research and development.





12th November 2010, 17:51
Parts 5-8





12th November 2010, 17:54
Anthony Peake | Mystery of the Brain, Precognition, Time Dilation & Déjà vu

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/11nov/RIR-101111.php)


November 11, 2010–We explore the mysteries of our brain, consciousness and reality with author Anthony Peake. He has written, "The Daemon" and "Is there Life after Death?" Also, he is currently writing three books on related topics and working with a film project about Joan of Arc. Anthony has an interest in the déjà vu, near death and out of body experiences. With these topics as a background we tie in his recent interest in DMT, precognitive dreams, perception of time and neurology. Topics discussed: out of body experiences, Rick Strassman, Mitch Shultz, DMT, pineal gland, microtubules, zero-point energy, outer space is inner space, Psychonautics, wormhole, the brain, inners space, neurology, hard problem of consciousness, signals, holographic brain, filers, the field, skinner, empiricism, J. B. Priestley's letters, "Time and the Conways", "Man and Time", time machine, time dilation, 1952 Farnborough air show DH.110 crash, precognition, precognitive dreams about 9/11, Coup Party Music 9/11 precognition, déjà vu, bohmian Imax, Art Funkhouser, 3D simulation, zero point field, jump between world, "Butterfly Effect", Tom Campbell, "My Big Toe", the Virgin Life, buffering effects in the brain, perception of time near time, temporal lobe epilepsy, Joan of Arc and more. ~Red Ice Creations

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/11nov/RIR-101111-apeake.mp3)

13th November 2010, 14:21
Michael Cremo | The Forbidden Archeologist

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


Michael Cremo, an international authority on human antiquity, has justly earned the “forbidden archeologist” title. For over twenty-seven years he's been digging up documented, credible findings that mainstream archeologists don't want you to know about - discoveries in the fossil record that tell a completely different story from Darwinian evolution. His latest book, The Forbidden Archeologist, presents his research at international scientific conferences, comments on the latest discoveries and “missing links,” examines famous archeological sites such as the Sterkfontein Caves—the alleged cradle of humanity—and responds to mixed reactions to his books, now translated into twenty-six languages. This collection of forty-nine articles published in Atlantis Rising magazine is like the Cliff Notes on his best-selling, encyclopedic Forbidden Archeology and formidable Human Devolution. Readers will quickly understand the strongest arguments and remarkable discoveries that reveal evolution as a failing theory.

Michael Cremo is a member of the History of Science Society, the World Archeological Congress, the Philosophy of Science Association, the European Association of Archaeologists and a research associate in history and philosophy of science for the Bhaktivedanta Institute. After receiving a scholarship to study International Affairs at George Washington University, Michael began to study the ancient histories of India known as the Vedas. In this way, he has broadened his academic knowledge with spirituality from the Eastern tradition.

Michael is on the cutting edge of science and culture issues. In the course of a few months time he might be found on pilgrimage to sacred sites in India, appearing on a national television show in the United States or another country, lecturing at a mainstream science conference, or speaking to an alternative science gathering. As he crosses disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a compelling case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality.

He has written many books, among them he is the the co-author of Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race and The Hidden History of the Human Race. He is the author of Forbidden Archeology's Impact: How a Controversial New Book Shocked the Scientific Community and Became an Underground Classic. His latest book is The Forbidden Archeologist. (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0892133376?ie=UTF8&tag=theversho-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=1789&creativeASIN=0892133376)

Listen To Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)






15th November 2010, 06:57
Robert Morningstar | UFO/ET Connections and the JFK Assassination

Source: exopoliticsohio.us (http://www.exopoliticsohio.us)

November 12, 2010–Robert Morningstar is one of the most prolific researchers and journalists in the UFO and Exopolitics scene today. He is co-editor of UFO Digest, and President of Morningstar Aerospace Resources and Systems. Robert is a computer systems and imaging specialist living in New York City. During the 1960 campaign, he worked as a volunteer for the election of John F. Kennedy in NYC. He is a graduate of Power Memorial Academy with a degree in psychology from Fordham University. RDM is an acknowledged Tai Chi master and has taught for the East Asian Studies Department at Oberlin College and as an Adjunct Lecturer at Hunter College (1994-95), City University of New York. From 1992-1994, he was a movement therapist in the Behavioral Sciences Department at The International Center for the Disabled teaching in Stress Management and Behavioral Modification Programs in New York City.





15th November 2010, 07:15
Lloyd Pye | DNA and the Starchild Skull

Source: lloydpye.com (http://www.lloydpye.com)

The Starchild Skull is a human-like bone skull independently radiocarbon dated at 900 years old (+/- 40 years). It is unlike any other skull that has ever been found or presented for inspection. It is unique in the world.

The "Starchild" name resulted from early X-rays of a maxilla fragment detached from the skull. It had two visible teeth and five unerupted crowns embedded in the bone above. That, combined with a slightly-less-than-normal-adult size of the skull and the infant size of the maxilla fragment indicated a child of 5 or 6. However, subsequent examination by experts has led them to suggest that this age is not necessarily accurate.

From extremely shallow eye sockets to total lack of frontal sinuses, the Starchild skull's physical traits cannot be accounted for by any known combination of deformities. The bone itself has a biochemical signature more like tooth enamel than bone, unlike anything currently known. And inside that unusual bone are microscopic fibers and a red residue that so far defy explanation.

Lloyd Pye is an author and researcher widely known for his work with the Starchild Skull and for his best selling nonfiction book Everything You Know Is Wrong. Pye began writing fiction with a hard-hitting novel about college football based on his college career, followed by a hi-tech Cold War spy thriller, then he became a screenwriter in Hollywood before finding his truest passion in writing alternative nonfiction.

UPDATE: "WhiteOpsUndercover‬‎" youtube channel has been shut down.





15th November 2010, 20:55
(R)Evolution 2012 | Vortrag von Dieter Broers

Source: NuoViso.TV (http://www.NuoViso.TV), dieterbroers.info (http://www.dieterbroers.info)


Very interesting, german presentation from Dr. Dieter Broers.

Je tiefer man in den Elementarbereich eindringt, desto mehr löst sich die Materie in ihre Wellennatur auf. Ist alles nur eine Illussion wie in Platos Höhlengleichnis? Dieter Broers nimmt seine Zuhörer mit auf eine Reise aus der Höhle, um einen Blick in die Realität zu werfen, wie sie eigentlich ist.

Wahre Wissenschaft erbringt immer nur noch tiefgründigere Fragestellungen.

Warum gibt die portugisische Regierung eine Warnung an 22 Mio Haushalte heraus, die vor Katastrophen höchsten Ausmaßes warnen? Stehen uns Ereignisse bevor, wie sie die moderne Zivilisation noch nie erlebt hat? Was wissen wir wirklich über die Evolution und an welchem Punkt sind wir angekommen?

17th November 2010, 06:56
Linda Moulton Howe | Her experience at Kirtland AFB

Source: openminds.tv (http://www.openminds.tv/radio/radioarchives/linda-howe-november-15-2010/)


November 15, 2010–Linda Moulton Howe, is an Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and author who goes directly to the men and women at the forefront of science and environmental challenges and to firsthand eyewitnesses of high strangeness. In 1983 she was invited to Kirtland Air Force base in Albuquerque, NM where she was shown secret government documents regarding UFOs and extraterrestrials. In this interview she explains this encounter in detail.

17th November 2010, 08:59
Dara Brown interviews Paul LaViolette on the Fermi bubbles discovery

Source: mnsbc todayshow.com (http://www.todayshow.com)


Nov. 12, 2010: TODAYshow.com’s Dara Brown talks with Dr. Paul LaViolette about new NASA images of the Fermi bubbles, an immense outpouring of cosmic ray energy seen at the Milky Way’s center.

18th November 2010, 18:10
Richard C. Hoagland | Space News November 16, 2010

Source: coasttocoastam.com (http://www.coasttocoastam.com)

Richard C. Hoagland talked about several space topics. He reported that the Hayabusa space probe successfully retrieved dust from an asteroid. The purity of the found particles might indicate a type of technology exists on the asteroid they landed on, he suggested. He also weighed in in favor of a one-way colonizing mission to Mars, and opined that the Red Planet may be more Earth-like than is typically thought. Hoagland will be one of the hosts/presenters at the Cruise into 2012 tour in March.




20th November 2010, 01:08
Cruising with Richard Hoagland and co. sounds very appealing, but the thought of that many experts together on a ship made me wonder about their vulnerability, conjuring up an image of a sitting duck.
Paranoia kicking in here, I guess.
Anyway, great interview, thanks for posting. The idea of colonizing Mars is really not that far-fetched. The glass tunnels of Mars must be familiar to many here, but still I thought it was a good idea to send a reminder. http://http://www.enterprisemission.com/samp5.htm

20th November 2010, 15:19
Michael Horn | The Billy Meier Story

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


US media representative for the Billy Meier contacts, Michael Horn offered a rebuttal to skeptical assessments of Meier's UFO photos and evidence. In addition to film and photographs, Meier also recorded the sound of a UFO which could be heard by witnesses over 4km, he said. The Billy Meier case is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated or the biggest story in human history. Michael discussed Billy's background, and explained in the detail the case that is known to be one of the most important cases in UFO history.

Michael Horn has been researching the Billy Meier UFO Contacts for over 25 years and is now the authorized representative for the book on the Meier case, And Yet They Fly . Though he has long been fascinated with the amazing photos, films, and other still irreproducible physical evidence, Michael's main focus since 1988 has been on Meier's prophetically accurate scientific and world event-related information, published from 1 to more than 25 years in advance of terrestrial discovery or occurrence. Because of the abundance and impeccable accuracy of Meier's material, and the failure of professional skeptics and debunkers to duplicate any of Meier's hard evidence, Michael has concluded that Meier's credibility is unequaled by any other source, past or present.

Listen to Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)

20th November 2010, 16:50
Hello Helvetic,

Michael Horn | The Billy Meier Story

All you have to do is tell one significant lie and stand by it ... to eliminate yourself from the journey of truth. Billy Meier has told several lies, and his minion (Michael Horn) is standing by them ... and both can be eliminated from the journey of truth. It's a simple matter of accountability. If extraterrestial visitors are here among us - and they may be - they'll have to be delivered into the public consciousness by bus drivers other than Meier and Horn. The truth will not bus with these two. MHO, OC.


20th November 2010, 18:07
Hello Helvetic,

All you have to do is tell one significant lie and stand by it ... to eliminate yourself from the journey of truth. Billy Meier has told several lies, and his minion (Michael Horn) is standing by them ... and both can be eliminated from the journey of truth. It's a simple matter of accountability. If extraterrestial visitors are here among us - and they may be - they'll have to be delivered into the public consciousness by bus drivers other than Meier and Horn. The truth will not bus with these two. MHO, OC.


Please post those "several lies" with references, thank you.

20th November 2010, 20:14
Ian Crane | The Deepwater Horizon Rig Explosion & The BP Oil Spill

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/11nov/RIR-101119.php)


November 19, 2010
Ian Crane, an ex-oilfield executive, is back on the program today to discuss his latest lecture on the "BP oil spill, population reduction and the end of an age". We talk about the hidden aspects of the BP oil spill, look behind the scenes and connect many of the dots that the media has failed to connect. We try to present an image of what really has been unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion April 20th. Topics discussed: Ian's talk in Sweden and Ireland, April 19th, Sacrifice of Fire, falls flag attack, sears towers, Seeds of David, Jimmy Harrell, Transocean, Blow out Preventer, Ronald Sepulvado, Donald Vidrine, Robert Kaulza, Haliburton, faulty cement, avoiding to testify, Phi Beta Kappa, Freemasonry, Shriners, Matt Simmons, Lambda Coordinates, Goldman Sachs, Alaska, Amaco, Ted Stevens, Monsanto, Blackwater, Xe Services and more. ~Red Ice Creations

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/11nov/RIR-101119-icrane.mp3)

23rd November 2010, 17:54
Hi Helvetic,

Please post those "several lies" with references, thank you.

I had already covered the Billy Meier hoax here in another Avalon thread:

A summary of three egregious Meier lies:

The Asket and Nera hoax:

The Pteradactyl and TrashCanLid slash Saucer hoaxes:

Hope that helps.


23rd November 2010, 22:32
Hi Helvetic,

I had already covered the Billy Meier hoax here in another Avalon thread:

A summary of three egregious Meier lies:

The Asket and Nera hoax:

The Pteradactyl and TrashCanLid slash Saucer hoaxes:

Hope that helps.


Thanks for posting zookumar. Im not into the Meier material, just found this article about the "The Wedding Cake UFO Controversy":


There has been almost no end to the attempted debunking of the photos of the so-called Wedding Cake UFO (WCUFO) by what, frankly, can only be called inept, illogical skeptics. Now Im not being harsh on people just because they are critical of the case or the evidence. I am being harsh on those people to whom much evidence has been given, and of whom many important questions were asked, who have absolutely failed to do their homework – but nonetheless continue to make completely unsubstantiated attacks on Meier as a hoaxer.

For comparison with Meiers WCUFO photos that follow, here is the best effort of professional model maker/photographer Jeff Ritzmann, a (formerly) very vocal critic of the Meier case and the WCUFO photos and video in particular...

Full article here (http://www.theyfly.com/newsflash/newsflash2.htm)

23rd November 2010, 22:35
UFO researcher, USAF Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens's last interviews

Source: openminds.tv (http://www.openminds.tv)


This is a compilation of some of the recent interviews we have done with retired USAF Lt. Col. and UFO researcher, Wendelle Stevens. We were honored to be able to spend so much time with him in his final days. -openminds.tv

For more on Wendelle visit: http://www.openminds.tv/wendelle-stevens-passes-214

24th November 2010, 12:26
Ann Eller interviewed by Open Minds Radio, November 22, 2010

Source: openminds.tv (http://www.openminds.tv)


Ann Eller was the secretary to Dr. J. Allen Hynek, who researched UFO for the U.S. Air Force’s project Blue Book and served as an adviser for Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind. She has also recently authored her own book titled, Dragon in the Sky: Prophecy from the Stars. We will talk to her about some of the very interesting stories she had regarding Dr. Hynek’s later years and about her own experiences.

24th November 2010, 22:38


DICK CRISWELL, the founder of IPUS and former member of the AlphaCom Team has passed away after a long illness. For more than the past two years, he has been battling a number of serious health issues.

Dick was able to return home after being in the hospital for months. But he was in and out of the hospital a number of times over the past couple of years.

Dick is at rest now. His funeral was this morning. Farewell, my friend. We will miss you.







24th November 2010, 22:41







25th November 2010, 07:49
Anthony F. Sanchez UFO Highway, November 23, 2010

Source: exopoliticsohio.us (http://www.exopoliticsohio.us)


THE DULCE INTERVIEW Follow the analysis of Author and Researcher Anthony F. Sanchez into one very special Deep Underground Military Base, Dulce. See how the reality of Dulce transpires as he has vetted a serious source, a retired USAF Colonel, who says he can prove he worked at the underground facility.

download mp3 (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ohioexopolitics/2010/11/24/anthony-f-sanchez-ufo-highway.mp3)

27th November 2010, 02:20
Joseph P. Farrell | Babylon's Banksters, Nazi International & Global Finanical Blackmail

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/11nov/RIR-101125.php)


November 25, 2010
Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history, science, and “strange stuff”. Joseph joins us to discuss "Babylon's Banksters", the search for "The Philosophers Stone" and the survival of the Nazi empire. Where did all the bailout money go? What and who are they using the money for? In this program, Joseph describes financial blackmail on a massive scale connecting it with world domination, new weapons development and factions of the old Nazi empire remaining and still pulling strings behind the scenes today. Joseph talks about the "Nazi serum", the "Soviet mercury" and "American gold", which he says are all parts of an occult alchemical process. Stay with us for the next two hours to find out what all this could be about. Topics Discussed: alchemy, physics, finance, Hitler, state issued money, banks lending money, Anthony Sutton, parallel issue, financing world wars, financing the Bolshevik revolution, the Bilderberg group, Rothschild, I.G. Farben, Martin Borman, financial blackmail, dominating the world, coupling credit swaps, breakdown of the financial system, Japan, European Union, post war international fascist organization, Herman Joseph Abs, Red House Report, EW-Pa 128, The Great Heroin Coup, different types of socialism, A-tomb bomb, The Nazi Bell and more. ~Red Ice Creations

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/11nov/RIR-101125-jpfarrell.mp3)

27th November 2010, 14:26
Michael Murphy | What in the World are they Spraying?

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


What would you say if you were told that airplanes were regularly spraying toxic aerosols in the skies above every major region of the world? That is exactly what a group of protestors were claiming outside of the annual American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) meeting that was held in San Diego from February 18-22. However, inside the convention center was a different story. The scientists gathered to discuss the “plausibility” of implementing various Geo-engineering campaigns throughout the world, all under the guise that the Earth has a man-made global warming problem that can be solved in-part by spraying aerosol aluminum and other particles into the sky to block the sun. When these scientists were asked about the possibility of existing aerosol programs; they stated that no aerosol spraying programs have been implemented to date. A little confused? Why would protestors gather outside of a meeting making claims that world-wide aerosol programs were under way if scientist were only now discussing the possibility of implementing these programs? Could it be that one of these groups is being deceived?

Mauro Oliveira, the Webmaster of Geoengineeringwatch.org, was one of the protestors. He claimed that the program for Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-engineering (SAG), AKA chemtrails, has been well under way around the world. As a matter of fact, Oliveira stated that witnesses from around the globe claim that heavy aerosol spraying is occurring almost every day over just about every city. He went on to explain the difference between a contrail and a chemtrail. He stated that when a jet airplane flies at a certain altitude, a visible trail of streaks of condensed water vapor sometimes form in the wake of the aircraft. This is called a contrail. Contrails are normal and usually dissipate in a few seconds. They are very similar to when we breathe in cold weather. According to Oliveira, what occurs behind a SAG plane spraying aerosols is quite different. What can be seen is a thick white line also called a chemtrail that lingers in the sky for several hours. The SAG lines are sprayed into the upper atmosphere and then spread out forming what then appear to be clouds. The particles from these aerosols then fall to the ground where they enter our soil and water and can also be inhaled.

Another group of protestors had traveled over 10 hours from a small Shasta County community in Northern California. They became concerned about SAG when many from this community began to see dramatic changes not only in the sky, but also on the ground. Trees were dying, grass was not growing and many farmers were having difficulty getting any crops to grow on their farms. The crisis prompted biologists from the community to take action by testing the soil. The results were shocking. Aluminum, barium and other elements were found to be up to thousands of times higher than normal limits. Such high quantities lead to unhealthy PH levels in the soil which can be deadly to ecological life systems. These shocking results led to additional testing of Lake Shasta with samples from the Pit River arm tributary that tested over 4,610 times the maximum contamination level of aluminum allowed in drinking water in the state of California. Also, peer reviewed scientific studies conclude that bio-available aluminum, now found in huge quantities in rain world-wide, is very harmful to flora and thus the eco-system. Ironically, these are the same substances the scientists are considering implementing in the various potential “future” aerosol spraying campaigns that were being discussed at the meeting.

A large number of other protesters became interested in SAG after experiencing burning eyes, migraine headaches, anxiety, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure and other health problems on days that airplanes were allegedly witnessed spraying aerosols in the sky. Deborah Whitman, Founder and President of the non-profit environmental organization Environmental Voices and also Producer of the documentary “Sky Lines” is no stranger to these symptoms. She has been hospitalized over 51 times on what she calls “heavy spraying days”. Whitman has committed her life to helping people who claim to be experiencing similar problems resulting from aerosol spraying and gets calls from all over the U.S. in response to her website and documentary. Her recommended health tips can be found at www.environmentalvoices.org. Other indicators that possibly validate the claim that SAG is connected to health problems are the respiratory mortality rate, which has risen from eight on the list of mortality to third in the past five years, and the fact that Alzheimer’s and other illnesses linked to aluminum have continued to rise around the globe at astronomical rates since the inception of the alleged spraying.

The AAAS meeting hosted some of the world’s leading geo-engineering scientists. With years of education and even more experience in their respected fields, the scientists looked at geo-engineering issues from many angles. Workshop subjects ranged from, the effectiveness of geo-engineering to potential problems and even touched upon the issue of ethics. According to independent reporter Stewart Howe of Los Angeles, all of the scientists seemed to be looking for solutions to what they believe is the problem of global warming. Howe stated that the scientists appeared to be carefully weighing both the pros and cons of SAG when presenting potential campaigns to address the man-made global warming theory. Many were actually advocating alternative methods to combat this issue due to the potential risks of SAG that include droughts, ozone depletion, less solar power, decimated weather patterns, military use of technology and other various environmental impacts. Howe said, “after witnessing the aerosol spraying for years, I was surprised by the discourse among scientists.” Stewart went on to say that he believes that most of the scientists attending seemed to be separated from the knowledge of any current SAG deployment. As a matter of fact when asked about current SAG operations, leading geo-engineering scientist Ken Caldiera replied that he was unaware of any current aerosol spraying operations and when prompted to explain the long lingering trails left behind planes, he stated that they are simply normal contrails from jets.

David Keith, another leading scientist and expert in the field of geo-engineering, discussed the well-funded studies that have been conducted to predict potential future risks as well as benefits associated with geo-engineering. Some of the potential benefits include a cooler planet, and the reduction of melting sea ice and rising sea levels. Keith discussed what aerosol particles would be most effective in achieving the stated goals of the SAG program. He went on to say that initially sulfur was considered, however, aluminum is more effective and can be used by adding ten to twenty mega-tons per year into the stratosphere. When asked about health related studies that have been conducted to predict the potential risks of adding the particles in our air, Keith stated that many studies have been completed and indicate few risks. However, when asked specifically about the use of aluminum as an aerosol, he said “we haven’t done anything serious on aluminum, so there could be something terrible that we will find tomorrow that we haven't looked at." After the meeting, Keith showed consideration to the protesters by initiating a discussion about the SAG program outside where the protestors were standing. When confronted with concerns about SAG deployment from the group, he went on to say that he shared similar views and is against any deployment until proper research is completed to determine potential risks of aerosol spraying. He also went on to say that he is unaware of any current SAG operations, but, would be willing to look at any scientific proof if presented to him.

As the skies around our world continue to change, there is strong evidence that points toward current deployment of massive aerosol operations. Could it be that scientific data and studies are being used to implement pre-mature full-scale SAG programs with-out the knowledge of the top scientists who are involved with the research? If so, what kind of ethical considerations can we expect from the geo-engineering community in the future? It is hard to believe that the strange white lines in the skies witnessed around the world and the toxic elements found in the soil, water and air are from an unrelated source. We the people, in partnership with the scientific community need to challenge not only the environmental and health risks associated with SAG but also the numerous world-wide allegations about current deployment. It is imperative that we become educated and involved in uncovering the truth of this alleged crime against both nature and humanity. The future of our planet depends on it. As concerns continue to grow around the world about this issue, additional information including meet-up groups can be found on various chemtrail and geo-engineering websites.

Michael J. Murphy is a journalist, filmmaker and political activist from the*Los Angeles area whose work focuses on issues that go beyond the interest of the Corporate mainstream media. Michael's work includes Co-Producing documentary “What in the World are They Spraying?” and several other short films that address controversial political issues. Interviews*include; G. Edward Griffin, *Chelene Nightingale (California Governor candidate), Jim King (California lieutenant Governor candidate), Mark*Reed (California congressional candidate), Bill Hunt (Orange County*Sheriff*candidate), Jenny Worman (California congressional candidate), Stewart Rhodes (Oath Keepers, Founder), Actress Mariel Hemingway and Ed Asner (Actor "Mary Tyler Moore", "Lou Grant" and "UP").* Many of his interviews and videos can be seen on his blog at truthmediaproductions.blogspot.com (http://truthmediaproductions.blogspot.com).

Listen to Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)

28th November 2010, 12:31
Project Camelot interviews John Urwin The Machine


1st December 2010, 06:03
Col. Charles Halt interviewed by Open Minds Radio

Source: openminds.tv (http://www.openminds.tv/radio/)


November 29, 2010–Colonel Charles Halt, USAF, retired, is the highest ranking U.S. military officer speaking out about his personal UFO experiences while in the military. In December of 1980, while the deputy base commander at the Bentwaters Royal Air Force base in England, he took a crew out into the Rendlesham forest to investigate mysterious lights that were seen in the forest. He was skeptical of the claims of other security personnel who said they had witnessed the lights the night before. After his experience this night, he was skeptical no longer.

1st December 2010, 06:12
John Urwin | The Sixteen


November 30, 2010–John Urwin Desribes how in 1957 he was recruited into an elite hit squad in the British Military, called The Sixteen. He describes how this group fought the evils of the Illuminati, and he now makes a call for others to speak out as he is convinced we are in serious trouble, and major False Flag operations are soon to hit us.

On his final mission in 1959 he desribes how he saw two football field sized Flying saucers, of German design take off from the Jordanian desert near Jaraba, and how they recovered a secret box containing ET or holographic glass, ancient high technology, to thwart the Illuminati's plans.

2nd December 2010, 06:58
Richard C. Hoagland | 2010 The Year We Make Contact

Source: enterprisemission.com (http://enterprisemission.com/)

October 16, 2010 – Los Angeles, Conscious Life Expo Conference. Richard C. Hoagland will present startling NEW evidence that President John F. Kennedy KNEW of the existence of “ancient ruins on the Moon” ... when he dramatically announced the Apollo Lunar Program, in 1961. Hoagland’s copiously illustrated presentation of “ancient solar system artifacts” will include “leaked,” formerly Top Secret spy satellite photography (NOT from NASA!) -- taken as part of this Nation’s early military reconnaissance satellite program. These newly-leaked images will prove that even first-generation CIA/Air Force recon satellites were, in fact, looking UP at the Moon from Earth orbit ... NOT (as “advertised” …) looking DOWN at the Soviet Union’s war-making potential and capabilities -- “ballistic missile bases,” “massed bomber fleets” and “industrial manufacturing centers!”

Hoagland will argue from this new evidence that it is THESE “primitive reconnaissance satellite images” – secretly confirming “ancient ET ruins on the Moon” -- which impelled President Kennedy to suddenly announce, in 1961, a crash, all-out NASA effort to send American astronauts to the lunar surface, and return them home … to bring physical samples of this “ancient, extraordinarily advanced ET technology” back to Earth.

Further, it was for this overriding reason that Kennedy tried -- from the beginning of his presidency -- to convince Premier Nikita Khrushchev, then head of the Soviet Union, to go to the Moon TOGETHER with the United States. Twelve days after Khrushchev and Kennedy finally reached agreement on a joint US/USSR joint Mission to the Moon, Kennedy was brutally murdered – for, Hoagland will argue, attempting to bring about “Disclosure”—50 years too soon.

As an added bonus at the Expo, Hoagland will provide just revealed, official testimony – from a former member of the pre-Kennedy, Eisenhower National Security Team, Colonel Phillip Corso – attesting, in the 1950’s, to the official government assessment re the ARTIFICIAL “spaceship nature” of the inner Martian moon, Phobos. And Corso’s official recommendation to the President of the United States, Dwight Eisenhower -- to destroy this “alien forward Martian base” … by use of a thermonuclear weapon. Hoagland will conclude with a review of the ground-breaking NBC television show, “The Ev3nt” – and a unique Enterprise Mission “decoding” of its not-so-subtle message of 2010--
“Disclosure” HAS begun ….

Richard C. Hoagland is a former NASA Consultant, participant in NASA’s historic Apollo Program to land the First Men on the Moon, former Science Advisor to CBS News and Walter Cronkite’s coverage of those now “almost mythical” Apollo Lunar Landings, and Principle Investigator of the public policy and research “think tank,” The Enterprise Mission.






2nd December 2010, 07:00




2nd December 2010, 21:25
Hillary Raimo interviews Dr. Steven Greer

Source: hillaryraimo.com (http://www.hillaryraimo.com), disclosureproject.org (http://www.disclosureproject.org), cseti.org (http://www.cseti.org)

The Hillary Raimo Show Presents Dr. Steven Greer (aired 10/21/2010).






5th December 2010, 16:47
John Lash | Metahistory & Gnosticism

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


John Lash unravels historical textural evidence exposing the cover-up, conspiracy and agenda behind the betrayal of humanity’s spiritual heritage. Principals, he informs, deviated by a political system in the guise of religion. A religion modeled primarily from patriarchal domination; ignited by delusional beliefs, intimidation and the power of suffering; leaving in its wake a horrific legacy of conquest and conversion by violent force, suppression and hypocrisy. “Salvation history mirrors the hidden workings of our most narcissistic, self-destructive impulses.” The rising tide of victimization that accompanied these beliefs, diluted our ancestors confidence in continuing to cultivate and live from their life affirming values, body-based morality and imaginative visionary endowments. His exposition cites evidence describing the source and motivation behind the tragic eradication of the Mystery Schools by these forces.

John Lash has been called the true successor of Mircea Eliade and the rightful heir of Joseph Campbell. Unlike those two world-class academics, John is a self-educated free-lance scholar who combines studies and experimental mysticism to teach directive mythology: that is, the application of myth to life, rather than its mere interpretation. He is a leading exponent of the power of myth to direct individual experience and drive historical events over the long term. An expert on sidereal mythology, naked-eye astronomy, precession, and the World Ages, he also teaches the critique of belief-systems. On metahistory.org, he presents a radical revision of Gnosticism, with original commentaries on the Nag Hammadi codices. He also presents the only complete restoration by any scholar of the Sophianic myth of the Pagan Mysteries, the sacred story of Gaia-Sophia, recounting the origin of the earth and the human species from the galactic core.

Since October 2008, John Lash is teaching Planetary Tantra and interactive magic with Gaia through the archetype/icon of the Shakti Cluster, the Tantric Tree of Life. This material is intended to orient the general public toward free-form experimental mysticism grounded in an intimate commitment to the earth. His more controversial writings on Kala Tantra, Gaian sexual magic, can be found on KaliRising: Intimations of a Mystical Hedonist.

John Lash is the only scholar of comparative mythology so far known to have rewritten a classical myth, giving it a different outcome: Orpheus and Eurydice.

His published works are: The Seeker's Handbook (1991) , Twins and the Double (1993) , The Hero - Manhood and Power (1995) , Quest for the Zodiac (1999) , Not in His Image (2006).

Idiosyncratic expression of experimental mysticism, Planetary Tantra represents the summit of my lifelong work in comparative mythology and completes my endowed vision of the Divine Feminine embodied in the earth, Gaia-Sophia. The Shakti Cluster is a spiritual archetype comparable to the Kabalistic Tree of Life, with similar cosmological features and interactive properties. I am convinced that its discovery can figure decisively in the planetary shift leading to the close of the present world cycle in 2216 CE.

I characterize the teachings and practices comprised in the visionary scenario of Planetary Tantra as a terma, a wisdom treasure. The name of this terma is Dorje Namkhia Khandro Nying Thig, "Seminal Heart of the Diamond-Sky Dakinis." In plain English, the Terma of Gaia Awakening. I invite all those who are so inclined to explore and elaborate this material, which originates with me but will not confined to my exposition. This is a serial, group-generated terma with a duration of 208 years from October 2008 when I received the secret dakini name for Gaia, the name She will answer to.

- JLL, July 2009 Andalucia






5th December 2010, 16:56
Stephen Bassett on Wikileaks and UFO/ET Documents

Source: coastocoastam.com (http://www.coasttocoastam.om), paradigmresearchgroup.org (http://www.paradigmresearchgroup.org), wikileaks.ch (http://www.wikileaks.ch)


Aired Friday Dec 3rd 2010
During an online interview hosted by the UK's Guardian newspaper, Mr. Assange indicated WikiLeaks has been receiving UFO/ET related material, stated the criteria for such material to be published on his site and acknowledged that UFO/ET references did turn up in yet to be published diplomatic communiques.
Stephen Bassett will comment on this and other related matters.

8th December 2010, 18:03
Julian Assange | Why the World Needs WikiLeaks

Source: ted.com (http://www.ted.com)


Recorded at TEDGLOBAL, July 2010 Oxford, England.

12th December 2010, 09:37
Paola Harris | Close Encounter of the Third Kind: The Reme Baca and Jose Padilla Story

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com), paolaharris.com (http://www.paolaharris.com)


The 1945 San Antonio Crash case

Born on the edge of Ground Zero, living in the shadow of Area 51, two little Hispanic children experienced an extraordinary event occurred in August of 1945.

Jose Padilla, age 9 and Reme Baca, age 7 witnessed a saucer crash on Padilla land in the town San Antonio, New Mexico. They were witness to one of the most spectacular events in UFO history.

The new book entitled the same “Born the Edge of Ground Zero, Living in the Shadow of Area 51, will be released February 2011 and is Jose Padilla’s and Reme Baca’s detailed account of what happened in their childhood. They explain what they saw, the actual crash, the creature’s appearances, the pieces they took, the military clean up and an in-depth analysis of the significance of this case.

First printed in The Mountain Mail, Socorro, New Mexico on November 2, 2003 by journalist Ben Moffet, the case was passed to me, journalist/researcher, Paola Harris in May 4, 2009. The desire to finally disclose the details and the kind invitation of Reme Baca, led me to fly to Gig Harbor in Washington State in the Northern part of the United States to interview witness Reme Baca and his wife, Virginia in July 2010. Consequently because he now lives in California, I interviewed Jose Padilla by telephone from the Baca house. During my two day stay, I was able to see and photograph the piece that Jose extracted from the craft and study the detailed analysis of its composition done in Europe.

It is one of the most astounding cases I have ever covered in my career and it helps complete the puzzle of why there has been so many crash retrievals in New Mexico. As journalist Ben Moffet who so beautifully describes the cover-up, we can begin to see where it fits in UFO history.

“It was in this crucible of suspicion and disinterest bred by familiarity that a small contingent of the U.S. Army passed almost unnoticed through San Antonio in mid-to-late August, 1945 on a secret assignment.

Little or nothing has been printed about the mission, shrouded in the "hush-hush" atmosphere of the time. But the military detail apparently came from White Sands Proving Grounds to the east where the bomb was exploded. It was a recovery operation destined for the mesquite and greasewood desert west of Old US-85, at what is now Milepost 139, the San Antonio exit of Interstate 25.

Over the course of several days, soldiers in Army fatigues loaded the shattered remains of a flying apparatus onto a huge flatbed truck and hauled it away. That such an operation took place between about Aug. 20 and Aug. 25, 1945, there is no doubt, insist two former San Antonioans, Remigio Baca and Jose Padilla, eyewitnesses to the event.

Padilla, then age 9, and Baca, 7, secretly watched much of the soldiers' recovery work from a nearby ridge.”

Thanks to the work of Ben Moffet, and now thanks to the witnesses themselves, currently in their 70’s, the world will know see that there was certain extraterrestrial interest in our discovery of the atomic bomb. It opened up a Pandora’s box in human history that cannot easily be closed. It put humanity and possibly other dimensional visitors in danger of total destruction. San Antonio was more than a crash, a sighting, an event. It was a warning that the military today is not heeding, whether it is in the US. or abroad. If we add the courageous testimony Air Force panel led by Robert Hastings and seven retired USAF officers at the Washington Press club on October,27th of 2010 , then we realize the time has come to speak. If these visitors have the capacity of UFOS to either disable or shoot down our nuclear missiles, then we can see that 70 years later, they are taking action.

Ultimately, 1945 San Antonio case presents a peaceful message, a powerful warning to the planet.

Piece removed by Jose Padilla

Photo of the panel that contained piece removed by Jose Padilla

Paola Leopizzi Harris is an Italo-American photojournalist and investigative reporter in the field of extraterrestrial related phenomena research. She is also a widely published free-lance writer, especially in Europe. She has studied extraterrestrial related phenomena since 1979 and is on personal terms with many of the leading researchers in the field. From 1980-1986 she assisted Dr. J. Allen Hynek with his UFO investigations and has interviewed many top military witnesses concerning their involvement in the government truth embargo. She has been an investigator of the UFO Phenomena for the last 30 years.

In 1997, Ms. Harris met and interviewed Col. Philip Corso in Roswell, New Mexico and became a personal friend and confidante. She was instrumental in having his book The Day After Roswell, for which she wrote the preface, translated into Italian. She has just written the preface for the Italian edition of Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut’s book, The Way of the Explorer.

She returned to Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 2003 for the American debut of her book - Connecting the Dots; Making Sense of the UFO Phenomena. She debuted her second book in Roswell at the 60th anniversary celebration. It is entitled - Exopolitics: How does one speak to a Ball of Light? Exopolitical Challenges and Protocols for Future Contact and it speaks of the Orb and Light Sphere Phenomena including the spheres seen during StS-75 NASA Footage. Her third book Exopolitics: All the Above is dedicated to George Noory, Coast to Coast AM radio host, has become a best seller. Her latest book - Exopolitics: Gateway to a New Reality, debuting January 2011 is filled with credible witness testimonies interviews and spiritual solutions to transforming Planet Earth.

She is interviewed in the Video Fastwalkers released by Safespace Producer Robert Miles and she appears in New Paradigm Films' UFO and ET documentary The Day Before Disclosure. Her Interview of Canadian Ex Minister of Defense Paul Hellyer has been translated into six languages and is currently on Utube video.

She has spoken all through Europe (Ireland, England Switzerland, Spain, France, Germany, Italy and Belgium) of the importance of full disclosure. Her new non-profit association, Starworks Italia, will promote disclosure and Exo-Political dialogue Worldwide.

She has a regular column in X-Times and Area 51 UFO Magazines, has written for Nexus, Australia and Explora, and Open Minds Magazine - among others publications. Paola lives in Rome, Italy and Boulder, Colorado and has a Masters degree in Education. She teaches history and photojournalism and on-line classes in Exopolitics for Dr. Michael Salla’s Exopolitics Institute for which she in International liaison director.



12th December 2010, 09:37



12th December 2010, 09:41
Jim Marrs | Trillion-Dollar Bailout Conspiracy, American Revolutions & Wikileaks

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/12dec/RIR-101209.php), jimmarrs.com (http://www.jimmarrs.com)


December 9, 2010
Jim Marrs is a former newspaper journalist and a best-selling author with focus on conspiracies and cover-ups. He's written "Crossfire", "Alien Agenda", "Rule by Secrecy" and "The Terror Conspiracy". His latest books are "The Rise of the Fourth Reich" and "The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy". In this program we pan across the geopolitical spectrum and discuss zombie banks, how trillions of dollars went down the drain in bailouts, the history of the United States and the emerging global socialist dictatorship. We also talk about the Wikileaks distraction, Julin Assange, the control of the media and the attempts to control the internet. The TSA are now terrorizing Americans and visiting tourists, haven't the so called "terrorists" achieved their objective? Topics discussed: US tax dollars, the creation of money, power, Benjamin Franklin, American Revolution, Boston Tea Party, Knights of the Golden Circle, American Civil War, Financial Stability Board, socializing the banking system, charity & help, corporate control of the media, Wikileaks, Julian Assange, control of the Internet and more. ~Red Ice Creations

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/12dec/RIR-101209-jmarrs.mp3)

12th December 2010, 14:32
Good morning Helvetic, the Earth says hello!

Jim Marrs | Trillion-Dollar Bailout Conspiracy, American Revolutions & Wikileaks
Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/12dec/RIR-101209.php), jimmarrs.com (http://www.jimmarrs.com)
December 9, 2010
Jim Marrs is a former newspaper journalist and a best-selling author with focus on conspiracies and cover-ups. He's written "Crossfire", "Alien Agenda", "Rule by Secrecy" and "The Terror Conspiracy". His latest books are "The Rise of the Fourth Reich" and "The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy". In this program we pan across the geopolitical spectrum and discuss zombie banks, how trillions of dollars went down the drain in bailouts, the history of the United States and the emerging global socialist dictatorship. We also talk about the Wikileaks distraction, Julin Assange, the control of the media and the attempts to control the internet. The TSA are now terrorizing Americans and visiting tourists, haven't the so called "terrorists" achieved their objective? Topics discussed: US tax dollars, the creation of money, power, Benjamin Franklin, American Revolution, Boston Tea Party, Knights of the Golden Circle, American Civil War, Financial Stability Board, socializing the banking system, charity & help, corporate control of the media, Wikileaks, Julian Assange, control of the Internet and more. ~Red Ice Creations

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/12dec/RIR-101209-jmarrs.mp3)

Excellent article!

Total signal! Zero noise.


(five stars)

12th December 2010, 17:23
Thank you Helvetic for your great research, you keep me on the edge of my seat.
greetings from anna

13th December 2010, 23:18
I must reply to Mr. John Lash

John Lash | Metahistory & Gnosticism

This man paints with a pretty wide brush, in his oratorical against Christianity, he portrays christianity as one, and the one to destroy the Gnostics. His portrayal of the Roman religion as representing all christianity is very flawed, the Roman government religion had no sympathy for any christian not in agreement and full support of them. Millions of the real christians were martyred because they would not conform and comply with Rome and then Constantinople. The real disciples and early christians were slaughtered in the millions and had to disperse and go into hiding to stand any chance of survival, these early christians would sooner die then to retaliate against their oppressors, and die they did.

15th December 2010, 12:57
Thank you for your kind words Anna! :o

15th December 2010, 13:02
Edgar Fouche | Alien Rapture (Full 1998 presentation) with Extras

Source: alienscientist.com (http://www.alienscientist.com)


Edgar Fouche's original 1998 presentation of "Alien Rapture" to the International UFO Congress

©Fouche Media Associates 1998
For a written transcript and to find images of all the slides presented please visit:
Link (http://www.alienscientist.com/fouche98.html)

Ed Fouche's Career Documents and supporting paperwork:
Link (http://www.alienscientist.com/fouche411.html)

Ed Has helped me to debunk a lot of the frauds out there who talk about Area 51, taught me an incredible amount about Government Documents, Classification, procedures, etc.

A pre-edit copy of Edgar Fouche's book can be read here for free, although I suggest you also buy the book from the publisher so you can see what was edited out:
Link (http://www.scribd.com/doc/38241020/Alien-Rapture-Edgar-Fouche)

16th December 2010, 12:29
WTC2 9/11 Plane Illlusion (video) with The Best of You

crosspost from Dr. Judy Wood

This is one of the best compilations I've seen of the plane illusion into WTC2.
The illusion looks different depending on the viewing angle. This is what initially led me to consider that this was a projected illusion. The view directly from the east (not shown in this clip) shows a fat-black ("whale") plane. But if viewed from the east at 9 AM Daylight Savings Time (like 8 AM Eastern Standard Time), there should be sunlight reflecting back toward the camera. Then I noticed that the "plane" looked long and skinny in some images and "chubby" in images from other angles.

Then there is the case of the disappearing wings (depending on the viewing angle). And then there is the timing problem with a bad coordination of the disappearing "plane" and the appearance of the hole, giving the appearance that the "plane" flew through the wall -- and then it made a hole.

WTC2 9/11 Plane Illlusion (video) with The Best of You

(video by Spooked911)

This kind of "plane" is consistent with folks seeing a "plane" if they happened to look that way, while no one (that I am aware of) reported "hitting the deck" (diving for the ground) because they heard "a low-flyingplane" approaching.

These are from frames at about 27, 28, 29, 29, 30, 33 - seconds into the video.

This is better than a Greg Louganis "splashless" dive scoring a perfect ten.
Note that the "plane's" wingspan should be about 3/4 the width of the building.

Heheh... In the first image, it looks like they didn't get the "engines" parallel to the "plane." Note how the thing appears to change shape.

Source of images: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zONxbUcH_n4

Elandiel BernElve
16th December 2010, 13:52
Good afternoon!

Check out this christmas card of the Kardashian family:


I'll probably piss them of by saying they look just like reptilians disguised like humans. The bizarre perfectionism of facial treats that somehow are perceived as very unnatural
Immediately I thought of the new tv series "V" in which a reptillian human family would look exactly like the Kardashians on this picture.

There's not much talk anymore about reptillians here, is it considered true, false or unknown that reptilians are among us?

Victoria Tintagel
16th December 2010, 18:44
Elandiel BernElve:
The bizarre perfectionism of facial treats that somehow are perceived as very unnatural
Yes, isn't it? Reptilian and Lucifer seem to be close, the mirage of the senses is obvious. Look at the design of this summer's sunglasses: big sized alien eye formed glasses, a tiny nothing of a nose and mouth, displayed in magazines and on billboards. Could it be that many people live from the reptilian brain only, on survival mode: in artificiality, cause that CAN BE MADE and thus UNIFORM and CONTROLLED? Is this the Annunaki DNA bleeding through? Being disclosed as "living from the senses only" resonates with it?
Lacking consciousness? It sure is very fascinating to observe!

Elandiel BernElve:
There's not much talk anymore about reptillians here, is it considered true, false or unknown that reptilians are among us?

I remember Alex Collier being very specific about several reptilian style races, in his Andromedan You Tubbies presentation.
Their feeling royal, compared to us, their manners, their code of honor in greeting:

"It is a matter of custom, when entering my space, that permission be asked"

I'll never forget the shivers I got from this presentation by Alex Collier.
Are there reasons for us to fear reptilians? If they really exist?
Blessed be, Dutchess Tint.

Ethereal Blue Being
17th December 2010, 03:55
The Kardashian Christmas Card looks as though they were trying to look high fashion---Vogue/ Harpers Bazaar and missed it by quite a way and ended up more like the Adams Family and the TV series of the 1980s Dynasty, Falcon Crest, Dallas.. They are obviously trying to rebrand their family image after Kim Kardashians trip to Paris this year where apparently they love her. IMO they missed the mark and look more like reptillian/ vampire ball costumes for Halloween. My daughter is 20 and has several friends addicted to their show and Jersey Shore, and all the major network vampire werewolf series and the Twilight Movies. My daughter is finding very little in common nowadays with some of her closest friends other than college. My husband and I dont like those types of shows to be on in our house when we're home. Our daughter invites the friends over to our home who like those shows mostly when were home so she doesn't have to deal with it. I live in the Southwestern US and the Southern California look (big hair,big jewelry ,big handbags and big high heels) and attitude is alive and well especially among the teens and twenty somethings. One of her friends ( i love her dearly ) thought I should cut my long hair and dress like the mother Kardashian ( dont know her first name) . My husband ,daughter and I burst out laughing ,we thought it was a joke. Turns out she was serious. This family is idolized. My daughter says "i feel sorry for Bruce Jenner"

17th December 2010, 07:12
WTC2 9/11 Plane Illlusion (video)


Crosspost Dr. Judy Wood

Abe sent me this video of the "whale" image I referred to above:

WARNING: some bad language. (you may want to turn off the volume)
911stealth Hologram Missing Wing PAX-TV - 9/11 Warren Cuccurullo - CNN FOX KTLA


Note the disappearing wing of the "whale" plane.

17th December 2010, 07:34
Jordan Maxwell | New Man and New Age, Wisdom & Occult Philosophy

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/12dec/RIR-101216.php), jordanmaxwell.com (http://www.jordanmaxwell.com)


December 16, 2010
Jordan Maxwell has been researching secret societies, occult philosophies, and ufology since 1959. His work is vast, extensive and covers many different areas. It is not only fascinating to explore, but too important to ignore. In this program we ask: where do we come from and where are we going? We cover the mysterious past of humanity to the modern ongoing “dumbing down” of the human family and our transhuman future. Don’t miss this three-hour program as we explore the mysterious, tackle problems and discuss the philosophy of Jordan Maxwell.

Topics discussed: the mutation of the human race, the “new man”, science, the mysterious, religion, teachers and geniuses, Nicola Tesla, Royal Rife, technology, J. Craig Venter, world wide plague, arrest development, community responsibility, astrological ages, occult studies, ad hominem attacks, Helena Blavatsky & Manley Palmer Hall, Theosophy & Freemasonry, Gore Vidal, intellect, wisdom, knowledge, the mind of God, spirituality, synchronicity and much more.

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/12dec/RIR-101216-jmaxwell.mp3)

19th December 2010, 11:12
Adrian Salbuchi | The Coming World Government: Tragedy and Hope?

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com), asalbuchi.com.ar (http://www.asalbuchi.com.ar)


During Adrian Salbuchi's second appearance on The Veritas Show, he discussed his new book: The Coming World Government: Tragedy and Hope? This book takes us from the perspective of Argentina, all the way to a global scale. Argentina, as confirmed by Adrian is fertile beta testing ground for the elite. A disproportionate amount of land has been purchased in the past few years by a certain group of foreigners. As Argentina continues falling into debt, courtesy of the International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.), it is suspected that in the future, when the nation can no longer repay its obligation, they will cede a large portion of the country in lieu of their debt. This, and many other topics, are discussed during this show. Some of the topics discussed are so controversial that even the alternative media does not discuss them.

Adrian Salbuchi is a researcher, author, lecturer, and international business consultant, from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Adrian specializes in the analysis of power structures, political, economic and financial globalization. He is the host of the Buenos Aires, Argentina talk-show “El Traductor Radial” and founder of the Argentine Second Republic Movement. He is the author of many books on geopolitics, international and other topics, and include: “The World’s Mastermind: the Hidden Face of Globalization”) and Welcome to the Jungle: Domain and Survival in the New World Order.






19th December 2010, 11:16
Freemantv | Jim Marrs - Aliens and the 4th Reich

Source: freemantv.com (http://www.Freemantv.com), jimmarrs.com (http://www.jimmarrs.com)


This is where the esoteric meets the political. Jim Marrs joins Freeman for a discussion of Annunaki, Sumer, Egypt, Ancient Astronauts, Rule by Secrecy, the NWO, Nazi UFOs, Skull and Bones, Bush Dynasty, The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy, CIA, NSA, Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergers, CFR, Flying Saucers, and the Alien Agenda. ~freemantv.com

20th December 2010, 07:11
Special thanks to elysin for the finding!

Disclosure Project | William Pawelec

Source: disclosureproject.org (http://www.disclosureproject.org)


Mr. William Pawelec was a U.S. Air Force computer operations and programming specialist with numerous credentials in security technologies and access control systems. He gave this interview with Dr. Greer prior to the 2001 National Press Club Disclosure event and asked that it not be released until after his death. Mr. William Pawelec passed away on May 22, 2007 and we received permission to release it in December 2010.~disclosureproject.org

22nd December 2010, 06:47
Michael Schratt at Open Minds Radio, December 20, 2010

Source: openminds.tv (http://www.openminds.tv/radio/)


December 20, 2010–Michael Schratt, military aerospace historian, has lectured across the country on the subject of “Mystery Aircraft” and classified propulsion systems buried deep within the military industrial complex. He has also researched and illustrated many UFO case files. He has been writing for Open Minds magazine for over a year now and we will talk about some of his stories, such as the German UFOs, Barry Goldwater and the “Blue Room”, and Dan Burisch.

Interview starts at 31:20 min.

23rd December 2010, 07:53
David Adair at Area 51 | Advanced Symbiotic Technology

Source: ufotv youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0wBXNAiOys&feature=player_embedded)


Space technology transfer consultant and former rocket whiz kid David Adair speaks out for the first time on camera in this interview about his remarkable encounters with an alien engine, DOD agents, and Air Force General Curtis Lemay in 1971 at Groom Lake, Nevada (Area-51). Hear first hand testimony about advanced alien technology and our military's most closely guarded secrets surrounding the UFO phenomena.

Adair explains how at age 17 he built an electro-magnetic containment plasma fusion rocket engine and was invited by Air Force bigwigs to launch it at White Sands Missal Range. That led to his being taken to Area 51 where he saw an engine that was light years beyond anything on Earth - so sophisticated it responded to the thoughts and emotions of it's pilots.

Now, comfortable with the way UFO information is starting to be accepted by the American public, Adair has decided to reveal the amazing truth which he held to himself for over 25 years.

Also revealed are his meetings with renowned physicist Stephan Hawkings.

23rd December 2010, 12:42
Kerry Cassidy interviews Bob Dean, December 22, 2010

Source: Project Camelot Radio Archive (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/Project_Camelot_10.html), projectcamelotproductions.com (http://projectcamelotproductions.com)


December 22, 2010–Kerry Cassidy interviews special guest Bob Dean.

download mp3 (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Project-Camelot-32k-122210.mp3)

25th December 2010, 00:53
Mysteries In Consciousness | The Movie

Source: FTF Films


Mysteries In Consciousness is a compilation film that uses interviews conducted by Regina Meredith of Conscious Media Network. This film was originally created with the intent of giving it to CMN as a show of love and support for their work... but when FTF Films approached CMN with this film, we were shocked when they declined having any association with it. The response we received from Scott Meredith was rather disturbing and not very conscious and loving at all. So FTF Films has decided to release this film under the FAIR USE Act.

25th December 2010, 01:19
Mel Fabregas | Inside VERITAS

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


This is Mel Fabregas' very first solo show.* After two years on the air, many listeners have asked for a show that would discuss the "INSIDE" aspects of The Veritas Show.* And that's exactly what Mel did for over three hours, answering questions for Veritas members.* Mel reflected on the past two years, including the spark that ignited the Veritas fire: Milton Torres.* Members from around the world submitted questions and Mel answered with the utmost candor during a Christmas eve special edition.

Listen To Latest Show (http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/latest.htm)

25th December 2010, 08:30
Regarding CMN: it says "this video is not longer available due to a copyright claim by Conscious Media Network..."

31st December 2010, 06:36
Hi Anna ! Concseous Media Network-You can signe on for 3 days free and see all the videos.

1st January 2011, 19:09
Chris Everard | Secret Space, Crop Circles

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com (http://truthfrequencyradio.com/?p=3122)

December 25, 2010–Special broadcast with Christopher Everard (http://christophereverard.com/) of Enigma TV (http://www.enigmatv.com/)to discuss the third installment to his legendary documentary series Secret Space (http://www.enigmatv.com/store/index1.php).





1st January 2011, 19:14
Part 5-8





1st January 2011, 19:18
John Lash on Conscious-tv

Source: conscious-tv.com (http://conscious-tv.com/archives.html)


Author and teacher John Lash is one of the foremost exponents of the power of myth to direct and shape an individual's life, as well as history itself. John is a lifelong student of world mythology, Tantra, Buddhism, Gnosticism, the pre-Christian Mysteries, alchemy, astrology, and naked-eye astronomy. He has traveled widely throughout the world and has lived in Japan, the UK, Greece, France, Spain and Belgium.

John's published works include The Seeker's Handbook: The Complete Guide to Spiritual Pathfinding, Twins and the Double, The Hero: Manhood and Power, and Quest for the Zodiac. John is co-founder and principal author of Metahistory.org, sponsored by the Marion Institute. In addition, John founded the Institute for Creative Mythology in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

1st January 2011, 19:26

Source & informations www.secretspaceprogram.com (http://www.secretspaceprogram.com/)


4th January 2011, 12:10
Graham Hancock | The Past – The Present

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com)


During this New Year's Eve edition of Veritas, we close this period with bestselling author Graham Hancock. To leverage the time we discussed portions of Hancock's books, taking us from the past to the present. He is not an armchair researcher. He travels the world and experiences for himself. This is a journey into a man's adventure into a world those in control would prefer to keep hidden. The past has been erased from our consciousness to keep us weak and to give us the illusion of lack of control. After decades of research Graham Hancock has decided to delve into the world of science fiction, with his new novel: ENTANGLED. This novel offers a mosaique of all his impeccable work. As part of his research for Supernatural, Graham Hancock traveled to the Peruvian Amazon to drink the powerful plant hallucinogen Ayahuasca with indigenous shamans. Such visionary experiences, Hancock argues, were fundamental to the unprecedented and astonishing evolutionary leap forward achieved by our species during the past 40,000 years and provided the inspiration for the earliest art and religious ideas of mankind. It is difficult for those who have not experienced Ayahuasca, or other related shamanic hallucinogens, to visualise the strange parallel realities into which these substances bring us. Fortunately, however, a number of shamans in the Amazon are also gifted artists and have made paintings of their own visions.

Graham Hancock is the author of the major international bestsellers The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, and Heaven's Mirror. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. His public lectures, radio and TV appearances, including two major TV series for Channel 4 in the UK and The Learning Channel in the US - Quest For The Lost Civilisation and Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age - have put his ideas before audiences of tens of millions. He has become recognised as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity's past.

Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, Hancock's early years were spent in India, where his father worked as a surgeon. Later he went to school and university in the northern English city of Durham and graduated from Durham University in 1973 with First Class Honours in Sociology. He went on to pursue a career in quality journalism, writing for many of Britain's leading newspapers including The Times, The Sunday Times, The Independent, and The Guardian. He was co-editor of New Internationalist magazine from 1976-1979 and East Africa correspondent of The Economist from 1981-1983.

In the early 1980's Hancock's writing began to move consistently in the direction of books. His first book (Journey Through Pakistan, with photographers Mohamed Amin and Duncan Willetts) was published in 1981. It was followed by Under Ethiopian Skies (1983), Ethiopia: The Challenge of Hunger (1984), and AIDS: The Deadly Epidemic (1986). In 1987 Hancock began work on his widely-acclaimed critique of foreign aid, Lords of Poverty, which was published in 1989. African Ark (with photographers Angela Fisher and Carol Beckwith) was published in 1990.

Hancock's breakthrough to bestseller status came in 1992 with the publication of The Sign and The Seal, his epic investigation into the mystique and whereabouts today of the lost Ark of the Covenant. 'Hancock has invented a new genre,' commented The Guardian, 'an intellectual whodunit by a do-it-yourself sleuth.' Fingerprints of the Gods, published in 1995 confirmed Hancock's growing reputation. Described as 'one of the intellectual landmarks of the decade' by the Literary Review, this book has now sold more than three million copies and continues to be in demand all around the world. Subsequent works such as Keeper Of Genesis (The Message of the Sphinx in the US) with co-author Robert Bauval, and Heaven's Mirror, with photographer Santha Faiia, have also been Number 1 bestsellers, the latter accompanied by Hancock's three-part television series Quest For the Lost Civilisation.

In 2002 Hancock published Underworld: Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age to great critical acclaim, and hosted the accompanying major TV series. This was the culmination of years of research and on-hand dives at ancient underwater ruins. Arguing that many of the clues to the origin of civilization lay underwater, on coastal regions once above water but flooded at the end of the last Ice age, Underworld offered tangible archaeological evidence that myths and legends of ancient floods were not to be dismissed out of hand.

Graham's next venture Talisman: Sacred Cities, Secret Faith, co-authored by Robert Bauval, was published in 2004. This work, a decade in preparation, returns to the themes last dealt with in Keeper Of Genesis, seeking further evidence for the continuation of a secret astronomical cult into modern times. It is a roller-coaster intellectual journey through the back streets and rat runs of history to uncover the traces in architecture and monuments of a secret religion that has shaped the world.

In 2005 Graham published Supernatural: Meetings with The Ancient Teachers of Mankind, an investigation of shamanism and the origins of religion. This controversial book suggests that experiences in altered states of consciousness have played a fundamental role in the evolution of human culture, and that other realities - indeed parallel worlds - surround us all the time but are not normally accessible to our senses.

While researching Supernatural Hancock travelled to the Amazon to drink visionary brew Ayahuasca - the Vine of Souls - used by shamans for more than 4000 years. It was his experiences with the vine lead to his latest work, Entangled. Written with the same page-turning appeal that has made his non-fiction so popular Entangled is his first novel. It tells the story of a supernatural battle of good against evil fought out across the dimension of time on the human plane.

Listen To Latest Show (http://www.veritasshow.com/radio/latest.htm)







4th January 2011, 12:12
The Wikileaks Documentary


A well made high budget documentary full of information.

5th January 2011, 12:59
Travis Walton Discusses his Abduction Experience, January 3, 2011

Source: open minds radio (http://www.openminds.tv/radio/radioarchives/travis-walton-january-3-2011)


Travis Walton claims that in 1975, while working as a logger in Arizona, he and several co-workers came across a UFO in the forest which shot a beam of light at Travis. Frightened, his friends fled the scene, when they returned Walton was gone. Walton recalled waking up on the side of the road, he thought only a few hours had past, but he had actually been missing for 5 days. He later recalled being on the craft and the strange creatures that were there with him. His story was made into a movie called Fire in the Sky.

7th January 2011, 18:38
Piers Corbyn | The Cold Truth of What is to Come in 2011

Source: prisonplanet.tv (http://www.prisonplanet.tv), weatheraction.com‬ (http://www.weatheraction.com)

January 6, 2011–Alex Jones interviews Piers Corbyn, Meteorologist and astrophysicist, owner of Weather Action which makes weather forecasts up to a year in advance. Corbyn is well-known for his opposition to the idea of anthropogenic global warming.



8th January 2011, 00:08
Dr. Judy Wood on the Hillary Raimo Show

Source: hillaryraimo.com (http://www.achieveradio.com/hillary-raimo/), drjudywood.com (http://www.drjudywood.com)

Is the weaponization of free energy technology being used as we speak? Are 'non-lethal' weapons a reality? Was 9/11 an example of this weaponization?

We stand today at the dawn of an entirely new age. Man has in his hands a method of disrupting the molecular basis for matter and the ability to split the earth in half on a moments notice. (It gives the term, "scorched-earth policy" a new significance.) The technology that was demonstrated on 911 can split the earth in half or it can be used to allow ALL people to live happily ever after with free energy.

However, he who controls the energy, controls the people. Control of energy leads to destruction of the planet.

But we have a choice. And this choice is real. Live happily ever after or destroy the planet. This is why I have been studying the evidence of what happened on 9/11. This evidence is central to it all. 9/11 was a demonstration of a new technology; free energy. Tonight hear the science, theory and facts about the realities.

DR. Judy Wood holds a B.S. (Civil Engineering, 1981) (Structural Engineering), M.S. (Engineering Mechanics (Applied Physics), 1983), and a Ph.D. (Materials Engineering Science, 1992) from the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia.

Her dissertation involved the development of an experimental method to measure thermal stresses in bimaterial joints. She has taught courses including
* Experimental Stress Analysis, * Engineering Mechanics, * Mechanics of Materials (Strength of Materials),* Strength of Materials Testing.

drjudywood.com (http://www.drjudywood.com)





8th January 2011, 04:59
Helvetic, I just want to say thank you very much for your posts, I really appreciate your efforts.

8th January 2011, 22:24
Thank you for your kind words cloud9. You can also check out my website for some more informations.

8th January 2011, 22:36
Helvetic, I just want to say thank you very much for your posts, I really appreciate your efforts.

Ditto from me;) Excellent effort!

9th January 2011, 08:12
Thank You for this excellent link to the gnostic truth. This resonates so very deeply in my core and I've never heard anyone who has spoken of the gnostic truth with such eloquence and depth before. I hope you can feel the heart energy of Sophia emanating in thanks towards you! This also helps clarify the massive ongoing discussion in the Rulers of the World threads, which is where I found the trail of seed you left for me.

Thanks again. and again...

10th January 2011, 16:59
Thank you Ross & gripreaper for your kind feedback. :grouphug:

Nassim Haramein - The Schwarzschild Proton

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2011/01/RIR-110106.php), theresonanceproject.org (http://www.theresonanceproject.org)


January 6, 2010
Nassim has spent most of his life researching the fundamental geometry of hyperspace, studying a variety of fields from theoretical physics, cosmology, quantum mechanics, biology and chemistry to anthropology and ancient civilizations.

He discovered a specific geometric array that he found to be fundamental to creation, and the foundation for his Unified Field Theory emerged. His most recent paper The Schwarzschild Proton, lays down the foundation of what could be a fundamental change in our current understandings of physics and consciousness.

Mr. Haramein has directed research teams of physicists, electrical engineers, mathematicians and other scientists. He has founded a non-profit organization, the Resonance Project Foundation, where, as the Director of Research, he continues exploring unification principles and their implications in our world today.

Nassim joins us to discuss his paper on the Schwarzshild Proton.

Topics discussed: the Holofractographic universe, infinity, the field, vaccum fluctuation, energy, quantum theory, Large Hadron Collider, Higgs Boson, quark, plasma fluid, the strong force, black holes, Casimir effect, holographic model, dark matter/dark energy, Fleischmann-Pons fusion and more. ~Red Ice Creations

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2011/01/RIR-110106-nharamein.mp3)

12th January 2011, 06:51
Kenneth King | Germs Gone Wild

Source: truthfrequencyradio.com (http://truthfrequencyradio.com/?cat=11), germsgonewild.com (http://www.germsgonewild.com)


Join us this week as we speak with Kenneth King, author of Germs Gone Wild (http://www.germsgonewild.com/), to discuss the booming bioweapon industry in the United States. Dr. King was the driving force behind an episode of Conspiracy Theory (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC1gV_6aSIA) with Jesse Ventura about Plum Island and the new biolab being built in Kansas, the heart of our nation’s food supply and a sitting duck for biological attacks.

Dr. King holds a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska and a J.D. from Vanderbilt University. King has taught writing at colleges and universities in Kentucky, Missouri, and Illinois, clerked for the Hon. Eugene Siler, Jr. of the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, and worked as a staff attorney for the Appalachian Research and Defense Fund. He was on the faculty at Western Kentucky University before resigning to complete this book.

And in the second hour we welcome back our good friend E.A. Koetting to pick up last week’s discussion. (http://truthfrequencyradio.com/?p=3164)
~Truth Frequency Radio

download mp3 (http://truthfrequencyradio.com/podcasts/truthfrequency_01_08_11_Kenneth_King_EA_Koetting_128k.mp3)

12th January 2011, 06:59
Clas Svahn | UFO Sweden: Reports & Ghost Rockets

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2011/01/RIR-110109.php), ufo.se/english (http://www.ufo.se/english)


January 9, 2010
Clas Svahn is the Chairman of UFO-Sweden, a non-profit founded in 1970. He has been a journalist since 1978. The archives - situated in Norrköping - is one of the largest in Europe and possibly in the world. In the first hour of this interview, we talk about the most interesting UFO cases and reports going back to the famous "ghost rockets" of the 1940's. Then, we talk about sightings and UFO activity around Scandinavia and discuss Clas' own sightings. We also talk about the intriguing case of several objects that crashed into different lakes all around Sweden. The Swedish military became involved in the case, calling it "Operation Sea Find".

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2011/01/RIR-110109-csvahn.mp3)

14th January 2011, 09:02
David Icke | Arizona Shooting, Manipulation of Mankind and more

Source: deadlinelive.info (http://deadlinelive.info/), davidicke.com (‪http://www.davidicke.com‬)


14th January 2011, 09:21
Back in Time Series | UFO Secrets of the Black World - Full Feature

Source: ufotvstudios (http://www.youtube.com/show/ufotvpresents?s=1)


Area 51 is the most mysterious "top-secret military test facility" in the world. New technologies vital to United States national security are developed here. Insiders claim that even recovered spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin are studied and test flown at Area 51. In a three-year investigation, a German film crew dove deeply into the secrets of "Dreamland" and Area 51, interviewing top scientists and security personnel who worked inside Area 51 and claim to have seen what can only now be described as alien spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin. This program presents the facts about these amazing discoveries and includes stunning film footage of the remarkable flight maneuvers of these mysterious alien spacecraft secretly recorded during test flights at Area 51.

14th January 2011, 09:30
Dr. Steven Greer Interview (The Day Before Disclosure)

Source: New Paradigm Films (http://www.newparadigmfilms.no), disclosureproject.com (http://www.disclosureproject.com)


14th January 2011, 22:46
Klaus Dona | Unsolved Mysteries, Giants & Out of Place Artifacts

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2011/01/RIR-110111.php), unsolved-mysteries.info (http://unsolved-mysteries.info/)


January 11, 2011
Klaus Dona joins us from Vienna, Austria to discuss the his "Unsolved Mysteries Tour", a rare collection of out of place artifacts and incredible objects. Some of these objects and statuets are millions of years old and some of them display other unique properties that place them in an unknown category. Where do they come from and who made them? We talk about some of Klaus’ absolute favorite artifacts. Then, we talk about evidence for giants and the giant skeletons found in La Mana in Ecuador. Klaus also talks about the world map stone and a pyramid stone with thirteen steps crowned with an eye that glows under black light. Later, we move on to talk about a Pre-Sanskrit language, the Vikings, Vinland, the Kensington Runestone and Knights Templar in America, pre-Columbus and the conquistadors. Topics Discussed: the Unsolved Mysteries Tour, Ecuador La Mana, pyramid symbol, black light, gold and silver water, electrum water, 7.6 meter tall skeleton, DNA samples, dating, Pre-Sanskrit, stone cup, Knights Templar in America, the Kensington Runestone, Conquistadors, invasion of South America, ancient sea faring cultures and much more. ~Red Ice Creations

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2011/01/RIR-110111-kdona.mp3)


16th January 2011, 10:30
Richard Dolan | A.D. After Disclosure

Source: newparadigmfilms.no (http://www.newparadigmfilms.no), afterdisclosure.com (http://www.afterdisclosure.com/)


New Paradigm Films (The Day Before Disclosure (http://newparadigm.no/web/guest/home)) interviews Richard Dolan.

16th January 2011, 10:42
Sterling Allan | Open Source Free Energy Devices

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2011/01/RIR-110113.php), pswiki.com ("http://www.peswiki.com/index.php/Main_Page), FreeEnergyNews.com (http://peswiki.com/energy/News), pesn.com (http://pesn.com)


January 13, 2011–Sterling Allan from Pure Energy Systems is with us to talk about open source free energy devices and exotic free energy technologies. Sterling Allan is the CEO of PESwiki.com, one of the best news and directory service websites focusing on cutting edge free energy technologies.

Mr. Allan's graduate studies at BYU and the University of Arizona were in Bioelectrochemisty, studying the interaction between external electrical stimuli and physiological systems. Sterling is the founder of a dozen-plus organizations whose functions range from preparedness and alternative energy development and promotion to defining, teaching and researching better ways to live as a society. Prior to his focused involvement in free energy over the past eight years, Sterling was an activist in promoting principles of freedom and defending them against forces conspiring to establish world tyranny.

In this interview, we focus on workable devices as well as some of the devices that might become available in 2011. Will this be the year that something finally happens on the free energy front? Don't miss this program.

Topics Discussed: PESwiki.com, free energy, open source, Stanley Mayers, 2011, solar power, magnetic motors, Fleischmann Pons, cold fusion, renewable energy, anthropogenic global warming, weather manipulation, black-ops, air car, CO2 taxes, ionic air, wave energy, downdraft energy towers and more. ~Red Ice Creations

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2011/01/RIR-110113-sallan.mp3)


17th January 2011, 17:56
Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped


Former FBI Chief, Ted L. Gunderson, makes a statement regarding the chemtrail "death dumps", otherwise know as air crap, on January 12, 2011.

Ted says the following: "The death dumps, otherwise known as chemical trails, are being dropped and sprayed throughout the United States and England, Scotland, Ireland, and Northern Europe. I have personally seen them not only in the United States, but in Mexico and in Canada.

Birds are dying around the world. Fish are dying by the hundreds of thousands around the world. This is genocide. This is poison. This is murder by the United Nations. This element within our society that is doing this must be stopped. I happen to know of two of the locations where the airplanes are that dump this crap on us. Four of the planes are out of the Air National Guard in Lincoln, Nebraska. And, the other planes are out of Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

I personally have observed the planes that were standing still in Nebraska - Lincoln, Nebraska - at the Air National Guard. They have no markings on them. They are huge, bomber-like airplanes with no markings. This is a crime: a crime against humanity, a crime against America, a crime against the citizens of this great country. The must be stopped.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH CONGRESS? This has an affect on their population, and their people, and their friends, and their relatives, and themselves. What's wrong with them? What's wrong with the pilots who are flying these airplanes and dumping this crap, this poison, on their own families? Somebody has to do something about it. Somebody in Congress has to step forward and stop it now. Thank you. I'm Ted Gunderson." For more details, visit carnicom.com (http://carnicom.com/), aircrap.org (http://aircrap.org/).

18th January 2011, 01:53
I'm sorry but... wasn't this thread 46 pages long?

19th January 2011, 06:16
I'm sorry but... wasn't this thread 46 pages long?

That is correct, maybe just a system update. Admins answer is pending.

19th January 2011, 06:19
Richard Dolan on Open Minds Radio, January 17, 2011

Source: openminds.tv (http://www.openminds.tv/radio/radioarchives/richard-dolan-january-17-2011/), keyholepublishing.com (http://keyholepublishing.com/dolan.html)


Richard Dolan is considered by many to be the pre-eminent historian of the UFO phenomenon in the world. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, as well as an analysis of the future, A.D. After Disclosure: The People’s Guide to Life After Contact. We will talk to Richard about AD, the upcoming UFO Congress, and the third and final volume of UFOs and the National Security State.


19th January 2011, 06:51
Project Camelot interviews Michael Schratt, Part Two

Source: projectcamelotproductions.com (http://www.projectcamelotproductions.com)


This is the second part of the interview with Michael Schratt. I apologize for the long delay in getting this out there. I brought on board a new editor to help give this a more professional look, Ben Northenor. I think you will notice the difference!

This interview is a great overview of the UFO... above top secret black aircraft being developed by our secret government for use in a variety of scenarios. Not the least of which is potentially Project Blue Beam. As an in depth researcher, a self-labeled aerospace historian and someone who has secret sources within the aerospace industry, Michael is a dynamite guy to have on ones team.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
January 18, 2010
Project Camelot Productions

19th January 2011, 07:31
David Icke is "speaking their names. That's a new step, isn't it?

This is actually a text document that someone has put into a scrolling video.



21st January 2011, 06:35
Judy Wood | Where Did the Towers Go?

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2011/01/RIR-110118.php), drjudywood.com (http://www.drjudywood.com/)


January 18, 2011
Judy D. Wood is a former professor of mechanical engineering with research interests in experimental stress analysis, structural mechanics, optical methods, deformation analysis, and the materials characterization of biomaterials and composite materials.

She is a member of the Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), co-founded SEM's Biological Systems and Materials Division, and has served on the SEM Composite Materials Technical Division. Dr. Wood received her B.S. (Civil Engineering, 1981) (Structural Engineering), M.S. Engineering Mechanics (Applied Physics), 1983), and Ph.D. (Materials Engineering Science, 1992).

Dr. Wood started to question the events of 9/11 on that same day when what she saw and heard on television was contradictory and appeared to violate the laws of physics. Since that day she has used her knowledge of engineering mechanics to prove that the collapse of the World Trade Center twin towers could not have happened as the American public was told.

In this interview, Judy Wood talks about her book "Where Did the Towers Go?" The book is the culmination of years of work and study that she's been presenting on her website DrJudyWood.com about the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings on 9/11 2001. She has been tracking and collecting many of the anomalies witnessed on that day and found evidence for a strange effect related to the work of John Hutchison called "The Hutchison Effect. We discuss how directed-energy weapons might have been involved in destroying the towers. Topics Discussed: forensics, interference energy, John Hutchinson, hurricane Erin, tornados, towers turning to dust, anomalies, strange effects, physics, WTC4, WTC7, NIST, classified technology, the billiard ball example and more.~Red Ice Creations

download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2011/01/RIR-110118-jwood.mp3)






21st January 2011, 06:48
I'm sorry but... wasn't this thread 46 pages long?

That is correct, maybe just a system update. Admins answer is pending.

It looks like there are double the posts on a page now. Used to be only 10 before...

21st January 2011, 06:59
It looks like there are double the posts on a page now. Used to be only 10 before...

Thanks for the heads-up dan.

22nd January 2011, 10:31
James Corbett | Geopolitics, Eugenics & Depopulation

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2011/01/RIR-110121.php), corbettreport.com (http://www.corbettreport.com)


January 21, 2011
From Canada, James Corbett is an independent journalist who has been living and working in Japan since 2004. He has been writing and producing The Corbett Report, an online multi-media news and information source, since 2007. His forthcoming book, Reportage: Essays on the New World Order, will be available for purchase in early 2011.

He joins us from Japan to discuss the big picture from a geopolitical and conspiratorial point of view. We highlight areas such as the manipulation of the financial system and currencies. We talk about the banks and the bailouts. Then, we connect the eugenics agenda and the ongoing chemical castration of men with estrogen mimicking chemicals in waterbottles and many other plastic products.

Is this part of the de-population agenda? Later, we talk about the GMO and pharmacological agenda that is being ran by the psychopathic elite with the aid of the corporate media. Topics Discussed: the Corbett Report, news and media in Japan, the financial system, international news, Amero, North American currency, Washington DC, the philosophy of the panopticon, international currency, the surveillance society, eugenics, Galton and Darwin interbreeding, Bisphenol-A, psychopathic elite, economic system, generational, doing good, compartmentalization, Syngenta, Monsanto, John P. Wheeler III, dead microbiologists, swine flu and bird flu.~Red Ice Creations


download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2011/01/RIR-110121-jcorbett.mp3)

22nd January 2011, 10:45
Sean David Morton on VERITAS

Source: veritasshow.com (http://www.veritasshow.com), SeanDavidMorton.com (http://www.SeanDavidMorton.com)


Sean David Morton makes his first appearance and discusses a plethora of topics, ranging from the paranormal, geopolitics, the economy, and what's in store for 2011 and beyond.

Sean David Morton's stunningly accurate predictions of future events in his books, lectures and "Delphi Associates Newsletter ", have brought him international recognition as one of America's premiere futurists, projective economists, intuitive healers, researchers and spiritual teachers. He has been the director of The Prophecy Research Institute since 1992.

Coast to Coast AM radio host ART BELL called him "America's Prophet" and "Frighteningly accurate"

Sean first came to international recognition with his deadly accurate predictions of the 1989 San Francisco, '92 Landers, '94 Northridge and '95 Kobe, Japan earthquakes. Then for his investigations into Area 51, filming it for the first time and putting it on the front page of the LA TIMES, pulling it out of the shadows and turning it into a worldwide phenomenon. Since then the sheer documented and proven accuracy of his predictions have been nothing short of astounding.

Sean is an award winning independent film maker and has been a reporter/writer/producer for STRANGE UNIVERSE, HARD COPY, SIGHTINGS and Geraldo Rivera's NOW IT CAN BE TOLD. He has written, produced and/or appeared on, CONSPIRACY ZONE with Kevin Nealon, BEST KEPT SECRETS, DESTINATION: EARTH, SIGHTINGS, ENCOUNTERS, ANCIENT PROPECHIES, MYSTERIES, MAGIC AND MIRACLES, THE OTHER SIDE, PARANORMAL BORDERLINE, MONTEL WILLAMS, VICKI, HARD COPY and is has been the #1 guest for 18 years on COAST TO COAST AM.

Sean tirelessly continues his quest to bring the light of world media attention to the paranormal, the prophetic and to the Ascension of Mankind.

Listen to Latest Show (http://www.veritasshow.com/radio/latest.htm)





23rd January 2011, 16:02



24th January 2011, 11:29
Thankyou Very much for all the Video's Helvetic :)

Keep up the good work Mate.

25th January 2011, 09:23
Interesting Video Footage, January 23, 2011

Source: SSTEVIE991 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL44SVLsIqk) (youtube)


Filmed UFO near home and went a couple blocks to where it seemed to dissappear below tree line. Approached a group of very strange illuminated shapes where the thing went down and videoed what you see here, I have no explanation or idea WTF this is or what i'm looking at.its in an area thats back in marsh / wet area over levee near bank of River. ~SSTEVIE991

27th January 2011, 07:16
Gary Vey | The Never Ending, HAARP, Yemen & The Ark of the Covenant

Source: redicecreations.com (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2011/01/RIR-110125.php), viewzone.com (http://www.viewzone.com/)


January 25, 2011
Gary Vey is an investigative researcher who runs the website viewzone.com, a look at life from different angles. This is Gary Vey's exclusive first interview to talk about his research. He joins us from New Zealand to talk about his book "The Never Ending".

Under the name Dan Eden, Gary takes us around the globe from Alaska's real HAARP facility, Colorado's ancient petroglyphs to Yemen, where the palace of the Queen of Sheba holds clues about the buried Ark of the Covenant. This adventure starts in the frozen tundra of Alaska, where he is shown a secret military installation and is briefed by military whistle blowers who warn of a "death ray" weapon that has already caused death and destruction to our atmosphere.

The action then moves to Colorado where some unusual petroglyphs are revealed to be writing in an ancient alphabet and dialect. Gary translates the petroglyphs with a computer program he has written and is shocked at what they reveal. He has translated these so called fire letters or "Proto-Canaanite" language that is giving clues about "the Box of El", what most likely is the Ark of the Covenant.

All of this is connected to an ancient account of a "fire in the sky", something our modern HAARP technology could recreate. This is a fascinating conversation about Gary's discoveries and journey. Stay with us as we journey through his story. Topics Discussed: The Never Ending, HAARP, A-10 Warhogs, the original language, Yemen, temple of Queen of Sheba, box of El, the Ark, Menelek, chambers, Marib Dam, Kingdom of Saba, Ark of the Covenant, the fire letters and more.~Red Ice Creations


download mp3 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2011/01/RIR-110125-gvey.mp3)

27th January 2011, 09:48
The Energy Conspiracy | AlienScientist Radio Interview

Source: alienscientist.com (http://www.alienscientist.com)


AlienScientist discusses Cold Fusion and the Energy Conspiracy with William Alek:

Italian Cold Fusion Announcement:
http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-01-i... (http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-01-italian-scientists-cold-fusion-video.html)

Hit Pieces by Popular Science and Discover Newson Cold Fusion:
http://www.popsci.com/science/article... (http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2011-01/italian-scientists-claim-dubious-cold-fusion-breakthrough#comment-98320)
http://news.discovery.com/tech/cold-f... (http://news.discovery.com/tech/cold-fusion-claims-resurface.html)

Other Links:
http://berkeley.edu/news/media/releas... (http://berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2007/02/01_ebi.shtml)
http://www.drroyspencer.com/global-wa... (http://www.drroyspencer.com/global-warming-natural-or-manmade/)
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,1... (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,152801,00.html)
http://infowars.net/articles/septembe... (http://infowars.net/articles/september2007/040907Tax.htm)
http://news.softpedia.com/news/Exxon-... (http://news.softpedia.com/news/Exxon-Keeps-Funding-Anti-Global-Warming-Lobbyists-115642.shtml)
http://www.stwr.org/climate-change-en... (http://www.stwr.org/climate-change-environment/koch-industries-secretly-funding-the-climate-denial-machine.html)
http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment... (http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/mar/30/us-oil-donated-millions-climate-sceptics)

MIT receives massive funding from the Defense Department:

India Cold Fusion:
http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/s... (http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/sci-tech/cold-fusion-success-in-japan-gets-warm-reception-in-india_10053182.html)

27th January 2011, 12:10
ZEITGEIST: Moving Foreward | Official Release 2011

Source: thezeitgeistmovement.com (http://www.thezeitgeistmovement.com)


This is the Official Online (Youtube) Release of "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" by Peter Joseph. [30 subtitles pending]

On Jan. 15th, 2011, "Zeitgeist: Moving Forward" was released theatrically to sold out crowds in 60 countries; 31 languages; 295 cities and 341 Venues. It has been noted as the largest non-profit independent film release in history.

This is a non-commercial work and is available online for free viewing and no restrictions apply to uploading/download/posting/linking - as long as no money is exchanged.

A Free DVD Torrent of the full 2 hr and 42 min film in 30 languages is also made available through the main website , with instructions on how one can download and burn the movie to DVD themselves. His other films are also freely available in this format.

www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com (http://www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com)
www.zeitgeistmovie.com (http://www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com)

Release Map:

$5 DVD:

28th January 2011, 00:16
Interesting Video Footage, January 23, 2011

Source: SSTEVIE991 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL44SVLsIqk) (youtube)


I see those all the time - US North West- East Cascade.... They have red -white- green-yellow lights.

28th January 2011, 03:07
This is so weird!! Im listening Sean David Morton and hearing David Wilcock. I had to double chekk :boom:
Dear Helvetic! Thank you so much for your hard work!!

28th January 2011, 03:17
The 'horses' or 'bears' head looks like some form of holographic projection. It is interesting.

28th January 2011, 17:40
Richard Dolan | The UFO Cover-Up in 10 Minutes

Source: keyholepublishing.com (http://keyholepublishing.com/dolan.html)


Richard Dolan explains some of the high points of the on-going UFO cover-up.

28th January 2011, 23:24
Relaxation (Use headphones)

Risveglio Quantico Sound 432 hz



30th January 2011, 10:35
John Major Jenkins | The 2012 Story

Source: veritasshow.com (http://veritasshow.com), alignment2012.com (http://www.alignment2012.com)


John Major Jenkins discussed what he sees happening in less than two years based on the Mayan calendar, how that calendar was rediscovered and the various ways the 2012 idea has been interpreted. The Mayan Long Count calendar was developed around 2,100 years ago in Izapa, Mexico, using data calculated over hundreds of years, he detailed. The reason why they chose the end date in 2012 was to "target the rare alignment with the solstice sun with the Milky Way galaxy," though it is a misnomer to think of this as the end of their calendar, he said.

The other big misconception is the 'doomsday' interpretation, first expressed in a book by Michael Coe in the 1960s, and more recently picked up by the media, and in movies like Roland Emmerich's 2012, Jenkins continued. We in the West tend to associate endings with Armageddon, but that is not the mindset of the Maya who thought in terms of cycles, he explained.

Jenkins also talked about his research at Tortuguero, where ancient inscriptions referenced the 2012 date, as well as some of the historiography associated with the Maya & 2012, including the Harmonic Convergence, and the works of Jose Arguelles, and Carl Calleman.

John Major Jenkins is an independent researcher who has devoted himself to reconstructing ancient Mayan cosmology and philosophy. Since 1986, John has traveled to Mexico and Central America seven times. In 1990 he helped build a school in San Pedro, near Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. In 1994 he delivered relief supplies to a Quiché Maya community in the Western highlands of Guatemala. Since beginning his odyssey of research and discovery with the Maya, John has authored dozens of articles and seven books.

As a visiting scholar, Jenkins has taught classes at The Institute of Maya Studies in Miami, The Maya Calendar Congress in Mexico, The Esalen Institute, Naropa University and many other venues both nationally and abroad. He has been interviewed on numerous radio and television shows. John has been featured on the Discovery Channel´s "Places of Mystery" series, which continue to be broadcast regularly on the Travel Channel. John's careful scholarship and cutting-edge insights into why the Maya chose 2012 to end a great World Age cycle have been endorsed by the most progressive thinkers of our day.

Listen to Latest Show (http://www.veritasshow.com/radio/latest.htm)

30th January 2011, 14:36
The actual disclosure by the Equadorian Government is a small but significant thing.
It seems now that disclosure is actually underway but it's just finding its own way of seeping through society. Recently I challenged a friend to simply look at a selection of solid evidence. His reply was revealing: 'Not likely! If I did that I'd probably end up believeing in this stuff - that seems to be what happens to people!' .... Er .... quite.

30th January 2011, 22:18
Thank you so much Helvetic for this information, it is greatly appreciated.

31st January 2011, 07:09
You're welcome, lightseeker! :grouphug:

Linda Moulton Howe | Rendlesham, Animal Die-Offs, & Extreme Weather

Source: coasttocoastam.com (http://www.coasttocoastam.com/show/2011/01/27), earthfiles.com (http://www.earthfiles.com)

Part 1 of 12


January 27, 2011–Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe shared four updates. In her first report, she described returning to Rendlesham Forest with former USAF Airman John Burroughs and Sgt. James Penniston, on the 30th anniversary of their 1980 encounter with lights and a craft of unknown origin. The two believed they located the area in Rendlesham Forest where Penniston touched symbols on a black, glassy, triangular craft. He recalled seeing a binary code of zeros and ones when he touched the symbols. Further, when Penniston was in a hypnosis session, put under with sodium pentothal, he suggested that the visitors in the craft were time travelers from our future, who had come back to retrieve chromosomes to help sustain the children in their time period, she reported. More here (http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=1810&category=Environment).

In the wake of 26 separate instances of mysterious bird, fish, and animal die-offs in December 2010 and January 2011, Linda shared an update on the strangely killed seals off the coast of England and Scotland, which continue to take place in 2011. The seals have unexplained corkscrew slices running across their bodies. She interviewed marine biologist Neil Wellum who has been tracking the occurrences. According to the Sea Mammal Research Unit, the slicing may have been caused by a "ducted propeller system whereby the seals are being drawn through that and these propeller systems in some cases also have a knife cutter, which is designed to cut through rope if it gets around a propeller," he explained. View more (http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=1811&category=Environment).

A leaked EPA document blames Bayer's pesticide clothianidin in the honey bee die-offs, Linda announced in her third segment. She interviewed Tom Theoblad, the owner of a honey farm in Colorado. He received a call from an EPA whistleblower, who revealed that Bayer's registration approval for clothianidin is not based on sound science. Not only is the pesticide toxic to honey bees, but it may also be contaminating soil and groundwater, he warned. Theobald and his colleagues suggest people push for an EPA ban of clothianidin. EPA contact info is posted at the end of Linda's full report (http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=1808&category=Environment).

The extreme weather seen this winter may caused by a rare combination of La Nina in the Pacific and the formation of a North Atlantic oscillation, Linda detailed in her last report. She also interviewed two people about reported changes in the Earth's north magnetic field. Tampa International Airport spokeswoman Brenda Geoghagan described repainting compass markings on their runways to reflect the change in location of the magnetic north pole which is moving closer to Siberia. Dr. Stefan Maus of the University of Colorado, suggested it was a natural "westward drift," and that compasses closer to the North Pole would be far more affected by such changes. It will take around 1,000 years from now for there to be a pole reversal, he added.

31st January 2011, 19:39
Tropical Cyclone tracking Information and its possible Effects on the Australian Region

Source: SolarWatcher (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em9fbjCh2n0&feature=player_embedded) (youtube)


Latest weather and Tropical Cyclone tracking information and its possible effects on the Australian region Feb 1-5

For updated weather information please visit

Weather underground link