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22nd February 2022, 07:32
Dark Journalist | Emergency Powers Global COG Continuity Of Government | Feb. 18, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


22nd February 2022, 07:36
Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Feb. 17, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Well, you all know what I'm going to talk about...
... the invasion that wasn't...!

Ukraine Invasion Scheduled for Wednesday Canceled (https://www.globalresearch.ca/ukraine-invasion-scheduled-wednesday-canceled/5770860)

Russia Asks Joe Biden for Next Ukraine Invasion Dates So They Can Coordinate Vacation Plans for Moscow Officials (https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/02/16/russia-asks-joe-biden-for-next-ukraine-invasion-dates-so-they-can-coordinate-vacation-plans-for-moscow-officials)

22nd February 2022, 07:43
New World Next Week | Ukraine and the Battle for the EU | Feb. 17, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: Canada Invokes Emergencies Act to Seize Convoy Funding (https://off-guardian.org/2022/02/15/canada-invokes-emergencies-act-to-seize-convoy-funding/)
Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly Worked for Deloitte, Built Vax Track System for Gov't (https://needtoknow.news/2022/02/%EF%BF%BCottawa-police-chief-worked-for-company-the-built-vaxx-tracking-system-for-government%EF%BF%BC/)
Update: Peter Sloly Resigns As Ottawa's Police Chief (https://archive.is/jAtLz)
World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed (https://www.technocracy.news/world-economic-forums-young-global-leaders-revealed/)
Chrystia Freeland | World Economic Forum (https://www.weforum.org/people/chrystia-freeland)
The FLQ and the October Crisis (https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/timeline/the-flq-and-the-october-crisis)

Story #2: IRS Abandons Plans To Require Third-Party Facial Recognition (https://www.zerohedge.com/political/irs-abandons-plans-require-third-party-facial-recognition)
"IRS announces transition away from use of third-party verification involving facial recognition" (https://archive.is/lnICN)
NWNW Flashback: Payment Apps Will Now Have to Report Transactions to IRS (https://mediamonarchy.com/nwnw471-video/)
This D.C. Start-Up Is Taking On Some Giant Tech Companies In the Race to Simplify Sign-Ons (https://archive.is/yuFao)
Digital ID in Ontario (https://archive.is/O2uPC)
Good News, Tax Evaders! The IRS Can’t Keep Up (https://archive.is/CBh10)

Story #3: The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine, It's About Germany. (http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2022/february/15/the-crisis-in-ukraine-is-not-about-ukraine-its-about-germany/)
US Expert Warns France And Germany Will "Throw The Americans Under The Bus" (https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-expert-warns-france-and-germany-will-throw-americans-under-bus)
Ukraine Holds Military Drills With U.S. Forces, NATO Allies (https://archive.is/j6i4M)
US Battles Russia for Heart of the EU (https://www.corbettreport.com/us-battles-russia-for-heart-of-the-eu/)
Foreign Intervention and the Ukraine Crisis (https://www.corbettreport.com/foreign-intervention-and-the-ukraine-crisis/)
Ukraine Banks & Defense Ministry Websites Down Amid Cyberattack Fears (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/02/ukraine-banks-defense-ministry-websites-down-amid-cyberattack-fears.html)
U.S. Def Sec Selects Michael Bloomberg to Chair Pentagram’s Defense Innovation Board (https://www.rt.com/news/548871-bloomberg-pentagon-advisory-board/)

22nd February 2022, 07:58
Max Igan | A Covert War on Humanity | Feb. 22, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


22nd February 2022, 10:16
Michel Chossudovsky | The Pandemic's Global Impact | Feb. 16, 2022

Source: gunsandbutter.org (http://gunsandbutter.org), globalresearch.ca (http://globalresearch.ca)



- Michel Chossudovsky describes sweeping restrictive measures applied in Quebec, including a generalized curfew
- Issue of fundamental human rights
- Destabilization of civil society and economic activity leading in some cases to famine
- Two different testing procedures for identifying viruses are discussed
- CDC and WHO no longer endorse the PCR test
- Difference between a genetic sequence and a virus
- Canadian government funding of massive testing is creating a fiscal crisis
- Heavy indebtedness due to March 2020 lockdowns
- Gates and Soros have patents on tests according to Forbes
- Complex overlapping alliances of sectors of Russia and China with the WE
- Banking industry in China opened to the west via its entry into the WTO
- Head of China’s CDC, George Fu Gao, part of Event 201 simulation
- Nature of capitalism in China
- Composition of the Chinese Communist Party
- 1960s Chinese Cultural Revolution; social structure in China based on Confucianism

24th February 2022, 08:02
Linda Moulton Howe | Were Greys Manipulating Westall, Australia, Plants in April 1966? | Feb. 23, 2022

Source: earthfiles.com (http://earthfiles.com)


Topics: Were Greys Manipulating Westall, Australia, Plants in April 1966?

Reports of strange lights in the sky
- Video footage from Albuquerque, NM on February 18, 2022

Sighting at Westall High School on April 6, 1966
- 3 craft spotted and landed, making impressions in the grass
- local news station interviewed witnesses
- newspapers reported multiple sightings over several weeks
- Interview with Joy Clarke, witness to original UFO sighting
- Buddy Bolton recounts the incident
- “3 greys in the craft”
- “genetically altered insects released”
- “biological robot”

24th February 2022, 08:12
The Corbett Report | What's Happening in Ukraine? - Questions For Corbett | Feb. 24, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/qfc084-ukraine/)


Today on Questions For Corbett, Thomas writes in to ask James about the unfolding events in Ukraine. James gives his answer as things stood at 10 AM JST on February 23, 2022.

Show Notes:
Examples of James discussing Putin and Russia's role in the NWO:

#1 - Interview 1430 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1430-new-world-next-week-with-james-evan-pilato/)
#2 - Interview 1614 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1613-new-world-next-week-with-james-evan-pilato/)
#3 - Episode 290 - The Enemy of My Enemy (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-290-the-enemy-of-my-enemy/)
#4 - Episode 369 - Globalization is Dead. Long Live the New World Order! (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-369-globalization-is-dead-long-live-the-new-world-order/)
#5 - Interview 1694 - Declare Your Independence from Mass Formation Psychosis (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1694-declare-your-independence-from-mass-formation-psychosis/)
What I Learned From the "PropOrNot" Propaganda List (https://www.corbettreport.com/what-i-learned-from-the-propornot-propaganda-list/)
PropOrNot unmasked in 2018 (https://www.mintpressnews.com/putting-names-to-shadowy-figure-behind-the-2017s-biggest-fake-news-story/236843/)
InterepreterMag was a media partner of The Atlantic Council in 2017 (https://www.interpretermag.com/private-dinner-with-russian-oligarchs-at-atlantic-council/)
Putin Signs Decree Recognizing Donbas Republics (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/02/21/putin-to-recognize-donbas-in-near-future/)
Russia Can Build Military Bases in Donbas Under New Treaty (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/02/21/russia-can-build-military-bases-in-donbas-under-new-treaty/)
Putin Deploys Troops to Donbas Republics as Peacekeepers (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/02/21/putin-deploys-troops-to-donbas-republics-as-peacekeepers/)
Zelensky says no war (https://21stcenturywire.com/2022/02/22/zelensky-there-will-be-no-war/) (but if war, then martial law)
Biden Announces Sanctions on Russian Banks, Debt, ‘Elites’ (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/02/22/biden-announces-sanctions-on-russian-banks-debt-elites/)
The Steep Cost of Sanctions for Europe and Russia (https://mises.org/wire/steep-cost-sanctions-europe-and-russia)
Germany Suspends Nord Stream 2 Pipeline After Putin Orders Troops to Donbas (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/02/22/germany-suspends-nord-stream-2-pipeline-after-putin-orders-troops-to-donbas/)
Medvedev: ‘The EU Will Soon Pay Double for Gas’ (https://21stcenturywire.com/2022/02/22/medvedev-the-eu-will-soon-pay-double-for-gas/)
President Biden Orders More US Troops to the Baltics (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/02/22/president-biden-orders-more-us-troops-to-the-baltics/)
Ukraine/DPR+LPR: Death of the Minsk Agreements and the Onset of Many a Speech (https://yesxorno.substack.com/p/ukrainedprlpr-death-of-the-minsk?utm_source=url)
Koch and Soros Team Up For World Peace! WTF? (https://www.corbettreport.com/koch-and-soros-team-up-for-world-peace-wtf/)
Interview 1519 - Daniel McAdams on the Koch-Soros Quincy Institute Interventionists) (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1519-daniel-mcadams-on-the-koch-soros-quincy-institute-interventionists/)
Putin’s move on Donetsk, Lugansk is illegal but falls short of new ‘invasion’ (https://responsiblestatecraft.org/2022/02/21/putins-move-on-donestk-lugansk-is-illegal-but-fall-short-of-invasion/)
Documents Reveal US Gov’t Spent $22M Promoting Anti-Russia Narrative in Ukraine and Abroad (https://www.mintpressnews.com/documents-reveal-us-ned-spent-22m-promoting-anti-russia-narrative-ukraine/279734/)
Foreign Intervention and the Ukraine Crisis (https://www.corbettreport.com/foreign-intervention-and-the-ukraine-crisis/)
How Many Neo-Nazis Is the U.S. Backing in Ukraine? (https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-many-neo-nazis-is-the-us-backing-in-ukraine)
Azov batallion propaganda broadcast by NBC News (https://twitter.com/aaronjmate/status/1493225118411202565?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1493225118411202565%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fnews.antiwar.com%2F2022%2F02%2F20%2Fukrainian-civilians-train-for-war%2F)
Ukrainian Lobbyists Flood US Think Tanks (http://www.thinktankwatch.com/2022/02/ukrainian-lobbyists-flood-us-think-tanks.html)
Der Spiegel story about NATO's broken promise to Russia (https://www-welt-de.translate.goog/politik/ausland/article236986765/Nato-Osterweiterung-Archivfund-bestaetigt-Sicht-der-Russen.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)
National Security Archives had the storyfour years ago (https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/russia-programs/2017-12-12/nato-expansion-what-gorbachev-heard-western-leaders-early)
Interview 1701 - Resistance and the Future on Revelations Radio News (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1701-resistance-and-the-future-on-revelations-radio-news/)

24th February 2022, 08:44
Michael Rectenwald | Woke Capitalism Will Destroy Businesses Not Compliant With Great Reset | Feb. 24, 2022

Source: geopoliticsandempire.com (http://geopoliticsandempire.com), michaelrectenwald.com (http://michaelrectenwald.com)


Michael Rectenwald returns to discuss the ESG Index or "woke capitalism" as a selection mechanism or demarcation device to delineate which businesses are onboard with The Great Reset and punish those who are not compliant.

It is effectively a Social Credit System for companies, feeding investments toward the compliant while starving dissident firms, competition, and industries. This sets up the possibility for doing to companies what is being done to individuals in Canada right now, de-banking them and freezing their assets, and is totalitarian in nature. This is global government combines the worst of both systems (capitalism and communism).

We discuss the WEF Young Global Leaders program, the threat posed by the people who don't see "you know" for what it is, resistance, and parallel structures.

25th February 2022, 07:24
David Icke | What's Going On? In A Word - Wetiko | Feb. 24, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


25th February 2022, 10:19
Whitney Webb | Neurorights and Neuromarkets | Feb. 19, 2022

Source: unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com)


Whitney discusses the ulterior motives and background of the individuals behind the push for "neurorights" at the national and international level and why it's more about making new markets than protecting our rights.

El Mostrador 10/02/19 (https://www.elmostrador.cl/cultura/2019/10/02/guido-girardi-y-neurocientifico-espanol-rafael-yuste-presentaran-reforma-constitucional-para-proteger-los-neuroderechos/)

El Mostrador (https://m.elmostrador.cl/cultura/2021/11/24/comision-del-futuro-aprobo-proyecto-que-regula-neurotecnologias-directas/)

Isabel Maxwell: Israel’s “Back Door” Into Silicon Valley (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2020/07/investigative-reports/isabel-maxwell-israels-back-door-into-silicon-valley/)
The Cover-Up Continues: The Truth About Bill Gates, Microsoft, and Jeffrey Epstein (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/05/investigative-reports/the-cover-up-continues-the-truth-about-bill-gates-microsoft-and-jeffrey-epstein/)

NYT (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/28/opinion/sunday/brain-machine-artificial-intelligence.html)

El Español (https://www.elespanol.com/porfolio/actualidad/20220102/rafael-yuste-nuevo-ramon-manipular-cerebro-cambiar/638436427_0.html)

Harari video (https://www.rokfin.com/post/27452/Dump-Davos-1-Data-Colonialism--Hackable-Humans)

Century of the self (https://youtu.be/DnPmg0R1M04)

UNESCO (https://www.unesco.org/en/articles/rafael-yuste-lets-act-its-too-late)

John Klyczek Series (https://unlimitedhangout.com/teachnocracy/)

Iain Davis article (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/12/investigative-reports/the-new-normal-the-civil-society-deception/)

Brain Initiative (https://braininitiative.nih.gov/)

Meryl Nass podcast (https://rokfin.com/post/61739/FDA-Corruption-and-Mandate-Madness-with-Meryl-Nass-MD)

Rafael Yuste – The NeuroTechnology Center at Columbia University (https://ntc.columbia.edu/rafael-yuste/?utm_source=pocket_mylist)
About (https://alleninstitute.org/about/?utm_source=pocket_mylist)
Rafael Yuste (https://alleninstitute.org/what-we-do/brain-science/about/team/staff-profiles/rafael-yuste/?utm_source=pocket_mylist)
Technologies for Hacking the Brain – Scientific American (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/technologies-for-hacking-brain/)
Rafael Yuste, MD, PhD | Columbia University Medical Center MD-PhD Program (https://www.cuimc.columbia.edu/mdphd/profile/ryuste?utm_source=pocket_mylist)
The NeuroRights Foundation (https://neurorightsfoundation.org/?utm_source=pocket_mylist)
General 1 — The NeuroRights Foundation (https://neurorightsfoundation.org/chile?utm_source=pocket_mylist)
Brain Initiative (https://braininitiative.nih.gov/?utm_source=pocket_mylist)
BRAIN Partners | Brain Initiative (https://braininitiative.nih.gov/about/brain-partners?utm_source=pocket_mylist)
Microsoft anuncia “Transforma Chile” para acelerar el crecimiento y la transformación de los negocios, incluyendo una nueva región de datacenter, el compromiso de capacitar a más de 180.000 personas y un Consejo Asesor – News Center Latinoamérica (https://news.microsoft.com/es-xl/microsoft-anuncia-transforma-chile-para-acelerar-el-crecimiento-y-la-transformacion-de-los-negocios-incluyendo-una-nueva-region-de-datacenter-el-compromiso-de-capacitar-a-mas-de-180-000-personas/?utm_source=pocket_mylist)
Sergio Rademacher on LinkedIn: Hace unos días se dio una polémica pública muy interesante en torno (https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6895148647051595776/?utm_source=pocket_mylist)
A $4.5 Billion Price Tag for the BRAIN Initiative? | Science | AAAS (https://www.science.org/content/article/45-billion-price-tag-brain-initiative?utm_source=pocket_mylist)
The Rockefeller University » The Kavli Foundation (https://www.rockefeller.edu/research/interdisciplinary-centers/kavli/the-kavli-foundation/?utm_source=pocket_mylist)
Obama, DARPA, GSK and Rockefeller’s $4.5B B.R.A.I.N. Initiative – better sit when you read – SILVIEW.media (https://silview.media/2021/04/21/obama-darpa-gsk-and-rockefellers-4-5b-b-r-a-i-n-initiative-better-sit-when-you-read/?utm_source=pocket_mylist)
Microsoft files plans for Chilean data center region – DCD (https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/news/microsoft-files-plans-for-chilean-data-center-region/?utm_source=pocket_mylist)
DARPA and the Brain Initiative (https://www.darpa.mil/program/our-research/darpa-and-the-brain-initiative)

28th February 2022, 08:14
Dr. Joel Wallach | Ask Doc Live | Feb. 25, 2022

Source: criticalhealthnews.com (http://criticalhealthnews.com)


Dr. Joel Wallach discusses sleep issues, eyesight problems and answers a large number of questions from our interested and engaged audience.

28th February 2022, 08:24
Dark Journalist | Coup to Coup: COG CIA Wars | Feb. 25, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


DJ goes deep on what's driving the plans for Worldwide Dictatorship through Emergency Powers and Global Continuity of Government (COG) Plans! He looks at the CIA forces behind the new war between Russia and Ukraine and the Totalitarian Surveillance State Infrastructure being built from Space!

28th February 2022, 08:44
Richard Dolan | Global Totalitarianism, Technocracy, & The Alien Agendas | Feb. 28, 2022

Source: thehighersidechats.com (http://thehighersidechats.com), RichardDolanPress.com (http://RichardDolanPress.com)


Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of some of the best books on the UFO subject, disclosure, the secret space program, history, & the National Security State.

28th February 2022, 13:02
The Corbett Report | All Your Climate Questions Answered in 60 SECONDS!!! - Questions For Corbett | Feb. 28, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/climatequestions/)


Show Notes:
First, we’ll need to define our terms, so we’ll have to determine what the average global temperature is and how it’s measured:
What is the Average Global Temperature? (https://www.corbettreport.com/what-is-the-average-global-temperature/)

Then we’ll have to examine the temperature record to make sure we have an accurate dataset to work from:
Orwell's Nightmare: Temperature Adjustments and Climate Change (https://www.corbettreport.com/big-brother-science-temperature-adjustments-and-climate-change/)

And then we’ll have to deal with any anomalies presented by the data in that record:
The Global Warming Pause Explained (https://www.corbettreport.com/the-global-warming-pause-explained/)

And, of course, we’ll have to present that data accurately:
Lies, Damned Lies, and Global Warming Statistics (https://www.corbettreport.com/lies-damned-lies-and-global-warming-statistics/)

Then we’ll have to listen to actual environmental sciences about the usefulness of the anthropogenic global warming hypothesis to the work of actually preserving natural ecosystems:
Interview 1117 - Jim Steele on How Bad Global Warming Science Hurts the Environmental Movement (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1117-jim-steele-on-how-bad-global-warming-science-hurts-the-environmental-movement/)

And we should also talk to scientists about the models that form the backbone of our ability to forecast the impact of our actions:
Interview 1261 - Judith Curry Explains Climate Modeling to the Layman (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1261-judith-curry-explains-climate-modeling-to-the-layman/)

We should also keep in mind the politicization of the message and how that interferes with such forecasts:
UN Warning: Just 3 YEARS Left to Save the Earth! (https://www.corbettreport.com/un-warning-just-3-years-left-to-save-the-earth/)

While not forgetting how the nature of science is itself transformed by the perception of crisis:
Interview 130 - Jerome Ravetz (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-130-jerome-ravetz/)

We should also make sure that we are in fact dealing with science and not pseudoscience by clearly stating and then testing a falsifiable hypothesis:
Climate Change is Unfalsifiable Woo-Woo Pseudoscience (https://www.corbettreport.com/climate-change-is-unfaslifiable-woo-woo-pseudoscience/)

And keep in mind the other political agendas that could be at play here.
A Message to the Environmental Movement (https://www.corbettreport.com/a-message-to-the-environmental-movement-hd/)

You'll have to find out more about the IPCC and how they compile their infamous report:
Episode 282 - The IPCC Exposed (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-282-the-ipcc-exposed/)

And you'll have to address the fact that 95% of Scientists all believe in global warming!
Global Warming Minute - Why is the IPCC "95% Certain" that Climate Change is Manmade? (https://www.corbettreport.com/global-warming-minute-why-is-the-ipcc-95-certain-that-climate-change-is-manmade/)

And answer why anyone would lie about climate change. I mean we all know that the big oil companies covered this up for decades, right
What Did #ExxonKnew and When Did They Knew It? - Question For Corbett #048 (https://www.corbettreport.com/what-did-exxonknew-and-when-did-they-knew-it-question-for-corbett-048/)

But what about climate scientists? Why would they lie?
Why Would People Lie About Climate Change? - Questions For Corbett #033 (https://www.corbettreport.com/why-would-people-lie-about-climate-change-questions-for-corbett-033/)

What? Do you mean to say big oil actually supports the transformation of the global economy on the back of the global warming lie? How does that work?
Interview 1446 - James Corbett on The Post-Carbon Energy Eugenics Hoax (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1446-james-corbett-on-the-post-carbon-energy-eugenics-hoax/)

1st March 2022, 07:28
Davos and the Purloined Letter Conspiracy
Feb. 16, 2022
Author: F. William Engdahl

williamendgdahl.com (http://williamengdahl.com)

The famous short story by Edgar Allen Poe, The Purloined Letter, is apt in describing the agenda of Klaus Schwab, founder some 50 years ago of what is today the globally influential Davos World Economic Forum (WEF)–Hidden in plain sight. Schwab published a book in 2020 titled The Great Reset, which calls on world leaders to use the “opportunity” of the COVID-19 pandemic to fundamentally reorganize the global economy into a dystopian top-down version of the technocratic UN Agenda 2030.

For those willing to do patient research, Schwab’s WEF reveals an astonishing degree of the current globalist agenda for a technocratic totalitarianism. Even more he has been developing hand-picked cadre to implement this agenda over three decades, with a select global “cadre school” for “future global leaders.” In effect it is what we might call the Davos Conspiracy, agents promoted around the world to infiltrate top policy circles and push the sinister Davos Reset agenda.

One of the most astonishing features of the COVID pandemic fear hysteria is the degree to which politicians worldwide have followed in lockstep, along with global media and key health figures, to embrace an unprecedented agenda of economic and human destruction in the name of fighting a virus. It turns out that most all key players all have something in common. They are hand-picked graduates or “alumni” as he calls them, of Klaus Schwab’s Davos cadre school, his annual program called Young Global Leaders and pre-2004 called Global Leaders for Tomorrow.

Since the first group of Davos cadre were selected in 1993, more than 1,400 “future global leaders” have been trained in a highly secret process which is rarely ever mentioned in the bio of Davos graduates. With the patience of a spider weaving a vast web, Klaus Schwab and his wealthy backers at the World Economic Forum have created the most influential network of policy actors in modern history, or perhaps ever.

In a 2017 video with David Gergen at Harvard, Schwab boasts of being proud that, “we penetrate the cabinets” with Davos Young Global Leader cadre. Schwab states, “I have to say then I mention names like Mrs Merkel…and so on, they all have been Young Global Leaders of The World Economic Forum. But what we are really proud of now with the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, is that we penetrate the cabinets (https://journal-neo.org/2022/02/16/davos-and-the-purloined-letter-conspiracy/%20https://twitter.com/khandavid/status/1487267873777201158?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1487294078895247360%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fstateofthenation.co%2F%3Fp%3D105039)… It is true in Argentina and it is true in France now…”

Great Reset

The Great Reset, as explained by Schwab in his co-authored June 2020 book of the same title, and elaborated in full on the website of the World Economic Forum, is there for anyone curious to discover. It lays out a program to reorganize the global economy top-down, using the COVID disruptions to push among other things a green zero carbon agenda, elimination of meat protein and traditional agriculture, an elimination of fossil fuels, air travel contraction, eliminating cash for central bank digital currencies and a totalitarian medical system of mandatory vaccinations.

In the June 2020 virtual Davos summit of global leaders, aptly titled The Great Reset, Schwab declared, “Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism… There are many reasons to pursue a Great Reset, but the most urgent is COVID-19.” The Great Reset, he continues, requires that, “governments should implement long-overdue reforms that promote more equitable outcomes. Depending on the country, these may include changes to wealth taxes, the withdrawal of fossil-fuel subsidies… The second component of a Great Reset agenda would ensure that investments advance shared goals, such as equality and sustainability (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/now-is-the-time-for-a-great-reset/).”

What Schwab does not mention is that it has been his network of Davos “global leaders” who have been at the heart of advancing the COVID draconian agenda from unnecessary lockdowns to forced vaccinations to mandatory mask. The pandemic has been the necessary first phase of the Great Reset. Without it he would not be able to talk about fundamental global changes.

Here Schwab’s agenda is global wealth redistribution for creating the infamous UN Agenda 2030 “sustainable” economy: “The US, China, and Japan also have ambitious economic-stimulus plans. Rather than using these funds… to fill cracks in the old system, we should use them to create a new one that is more resilient, equitable, and sustainable in the long run. This means, for example, building “green” urban infrastructure and creating incentives for industries to improve their track record on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics.” He adds, “The third and final priority of a Great Reset agenda is to harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to support the public good (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/now-is-the-time-for-a-great-reset/), especially by addressing health and social challenges.”

Purloined Letter

The 1844 short story by American author Edgar Allen Poe, The Purloined Letter, tells of a stolen letter of the French Queen being used to blackmail her by an unscrupulous minister. When Paris police search the house of the suspected thief meticulously without result, a friend of the chief inspector is able to find the purloined document by looking for it, “hidden in plain sight.”

So it is with what is without doubt the most brazen and criminal conspiracy of modern times, the Davos Great Reset. Everything is there, open for anyone with patience to wade through the pages of WEF press releases and web pages. Notable is that the global players, the Davos “cadre” carefully chosen over the past thirty years to be groomed for positions of power to implement the Great Reset agenda, are openly named on the Davos website, found with a little patient searching. Partial lists have appeared naming a small handful of the Davos “Young Global Leaders.” A more exhaustive search of some 1400 names in the annual cadre school classes since 1992 reveals an astonishing, detailed conspiracy. The WEF website states the global leaders are “trained to be aligned with the World Economic Forum’s mission,” to “drive public-private co-operation in the global public interest.”

The following is the result of reviewing every WEF class of future global leaders since 1993.

What is most striking is that key players linked to Schwab are involved in the decisive measures that have made the COVID-19 “pandemic” the economically and physically destructive process it is. WEF alumni are in the middle of everything covid.

Davos, Gates and mRNA Vaccines

At the heart of the COVID-19 agenda is clearly the “warp speed” rollout of untested experimental mRNA gene-edited concoctions, misnamed vaccines, by two pharma companies—Pfizer (with BioNTech of Germany) and Moderna of USA.

Bill Gates (WEF 1993) and his Gates Foundation are at the heart of the mRNA gene-edited jab rollout along with Tony Fauci of the US NIAID. Gates was selected by Schwab before he had even created the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in 1993, for the first group of WEF cadre together with Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and others. Was Schwab influential in getting Gates to create the foundation?

Gates Foundation money, hundreds of millions, have in effect bought control of the corrupt UN World Health Organization, according to WHO whistleblower, Swiss epidemiologist, Astrid Stuckelberger, who in a recent interview stated, “WHO has changed since I was there…There was a change in 2016…It was special: Non-governmental organizations – such as GAVI – Global Alliance for Vaccine Immunization - led by Bill Gates – they joined the WHO in 2006 with a fund. Since then, the WHO has developed into a new type of international organization. GAVI gained more and more influence, and total immunity, more than the diplomats in the UN (https://odysee.com/@HumanitysVault:a/WHO-CORRUPTION---Astrid-Stuckelberger:1).“

Gates’ foundation, along with Schwab’s WEF created the global GAVI-The Vaccine Alliance in 2000. Another infamous alumnus of the Gates WEF Global Leaders class, José Manuel Barroso (WEF 1993), –President of the European commission from 2004-2014, former head Goldman Sachs International, member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee–was named CEO of the Gates-financed GAVI vaccine alliance in January 2021, as the mRNA jabs were rolled out. Barroso now oversees global spending (https://www.younggloballeaders.org/community) on the mRNA vaccines for Gates and WHO.

Albert Bourla chief executive officer of Pfizer, is a WEF Agenda Contributor. His Pfizer Vice President, Vasudha Vats (WEF 2021), is a WEF “global leader” recruit.

The other key mRNA jab maker is Moderna, whose CEO, Stéphane Bancel (WEF 2009) is another Davos alumnus. The very next year, 2010, Bancel was selected to be CEO of a new company, Moderna, in Massachusetts. In 2016, with no successful mRNA product yet approved, Bancel’s Moderna signed a global health project framework agreement with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to advance mRNA-based development projects for various infectious diseases. The same year Bancel signed a global health project framework agreement with Tony Fauci and the NIAID. In a January 2018 speech to the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, more than a year before the world heard of COVID-19 out of Wuhan China, Gates declared, “We are backing companies like CureVac and Moderna on mRNA approaches for vaccine and drug development (https://www.lelezard.com/en/news-20212605.html)…” Prescience?

Davos Politicians

The second key component for the Davos pandemic agenda has been an international collection of key politicians in the EU and North America especially, who have backed the most draconian lockdown and forced vaccination measures in history. Most all the key actors are Davos WEF Global Leaders.

In Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel led one of the most severe COVID lockdowns until she retired in December 2021. She was from the first 1993 WEF class. Her Health Minister, Jens Spahn (WEF 2012), was also a Davos alumnus. Spahn coerced mass mRNA jabs and pushed unnecessary lockdowns and masking. He was a former pharma lobbyist. Philipp Rösler, Minister of Health from 2009 until 2011, was appointed the WEF Managing Director by Schwab in 2014. In December a new coalition under Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who was invited to give a Special Address to the January 2022 Davos Meeting by Schwab. Germany’s new Foreign Minister, Green leader Annalena Baerbock (WEF 2020), was chosen to be a Global Leader just prior to her becoming Chancellor candidate. Baerbock’s controversial pick as State Secretary for climate change diplomacy, Greenpeace head, Jennifer Morgan, a US citizen, is a WEF Agenda Contributor and close friend of WEF Board member Al Gore. Former German Green Party head, Cem Özdemir (WEF 2002), is new Minister of Agriculture and Nutrition.

In France President Emmanuel Macron (WEF 2016) mysteriously rose from an obscure Cabinet Minister to become President of France in 2017 with no party, just a year after being selected to join the WEF Global Leaders program. As President, Macron has instituted some of the most draconian COVID measures in the world including internal passports and mandated vaccines.

Other EU politicians from the Davos club include Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis (WEF 2003), Prime Minister, Belgium Alexander De Croo, (WEF 2015). Both have imposed severe COVID measures. Sanna Marin (WEF 2020) Prime Minister of Finland invoked a state of emergency in Finland, with severe lockdowns and other drastic measures. In the UK former Labour Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, (WEF 1993) was named by WHO in April 2021 to promote a $60 billion program for COVID vaccination in “poor countries.” Brown became WHO Ambassador for Global Health Financing in September 2021.

In North America the Canadian government of Justin Trudeau, now subject to a massive popular revolt against his severe vaccine mandates and other measures, is riddled with Davos agents. Trudeau himself is a Davos WEF Agenda Contributor and frequent speaker at Davos. Schwab introduced Trudeau in 2016 stating, “I couldn’t imagine anyone who could represent more the world that will come out of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” The key COVID actor for Trudeau is Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland who is on the WEF Board of Trustees, and leads Trudeau’s COVID response. Other WEF agents in Ottawa are Foreign Minister, Mélanie Joly (WEF 2016), Family Minister Karina Gould (WEF 2020).

In the USA top Biden Administration appointees include Jeffrey Zients (WEF 2003), White House Coronavirus Coordinator. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg (WEF 2019) who suddenly announced for President after being chosen by Davos is another. US deep state operative Samantha Power (WEF 2003) is Biden’s head of USAID, the major foreign aid agency closely tied to CIA activities abroad. Rebecca Weintraub (WEF 2014) a Harvard professor who works for total vaccination of everyone in the world with mandatory vaccines even for children, is adviser to the Department of Health and Human Services’ National Vaccine Advisory Committee.

California Governor Gavin Newsom (WEF 2005) imposed some of the nation’s most severe lockdowns and mask mandates as did Jared Polis (WEF 2013) Governor of Colorado, with a public health order that made Colorado one of the first states to require proof of full vaccination to be admitted into the large indoor events.

Australia and New Zealand have been two of the world’s most severe COVID tyranny regimes. In Australia, Health Minister Greg Hunt was WEF Director of Strategy in 2001 and WEF Global Leader in 2003. He controls the extreme government COVID-19 policies. In New Zealand, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (WEF 2014) met with Bill Gates in New York in September 2019 as featured speaker at the Gates Foundation annual Sustainable Development Goals conference, just before the China COVID events and days before the October Event 201 “pandemic simulation” by World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As Prime Minister, Ardern has imposed waves of lockdowns, removing most civil rights and virtually banned international travel.

Key Think Tanks and Academics

This is far from the extent of the carefully-cultivated and promoted Davos global network behind orchestrating global COVID-19 pandemic measures. Instrumental roles are played by the Rockefeller Foundation whose President, Rajiv Shah (WEF 2007) was a leading figure for the Africa Green Revolution at the Gates Foundation, as well as vaccine programs. As head of the influential Rockefeller Foundation Shah plays a key role promoting the Davos Great Reset where he is WEF Agenda Contributor. Another highly influential US policy think tank, the New York Council on Foreign Relations, has deep engagement in the COVID-19 agenda. Thomas Bollyky (WEF 2013) is Director of the CFR Global Health Program and is a former Gates Foundation as well as WHO consultant. He directed the CFR Task Force, Improving Pandemic Preparedness: Lessons from COVID-19 (2020).

Jeremy Howard (WEF 2013) is an Australian who at the start of the COVID-19 organized a worldwide campaign for mandatory face masks. Mustapha Mokass (WEF 2015) developed a vaccine passport system for the Schwab 4th Industrial Revolution agenda.

Goebbels Mainstream Media

The role of managed media has been at the heart of the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic propaganda offensive. Davos and the WEF of Schwab are in the midst of this as well.

CNN is one of the most notorious propaganda outlets promoting fear and advocating the mRNA jabs while attacking any proven remedial treatment. CNN and Davos are well-connected.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta (WEF 2010), chief medical correspondent for CNN played a key role promoting the official narrative in the COVID-19 deep event. Dr. Leana Sheryle Wen (WEF 2018) is a columnist with The Washington Post and a CNN medical analyst. As a CNN ‘medical contributor’ Wen suggested that life needs to be “hard” for Americans who have not received a COVID-19 vaccine. Anderson Cooper (WEF 2008), a spooky former CIA “intern” is a major CNN host. Jeffrey Dean Zeleny (WEF 2013) is the Chief National Affairs Correspondent for CNN.

While CNN produces one-sided commentary on the mRNA jabs and COVID, highly-influential owners of social media corporations engage in unprecedented banning of any critical or contrary opinion in censorship that would make a Goebbels blush. Among them is Mark Zuckerberg (WEF 2009) the billionaire owner of CIA-backed Facebook, and Twitter board member Martha Lane Fox (WEF 2012), a member of the UK Joint Committee on National Security Strategy and on House of Lords COVID-19 Committee. Larry Page (WEF 2005) is a billionaire co-founder of Google, arguably the world’s most censored and most used search engine.

Marc Benioff (WEF Board of Trustees) billionaire owner of Time magazine and Salesforce cloud computing, is also connected to Bill Gates’s The Giving Pledge. Dawood Azami (WEF 2011) is multi-media editor at the BBC World Service, the influential UK state-owned broadcaster. Jimmy Wales (WEF 2007) is founder of Wikipedia which notoriously alters content of COVID-related entries to promote the WHO and Davos agenda. Lynn Forester de Rothschild (WEF 1995) with her third husband, Sir Evelyn Robert de Rothschild, owns The Economist magazine, which promotes the COVID Davos agenda along with the coming Green reset. She was introduced to Sir Evelyn by Henry Kissinger at the 1998 Bilderberg Conference in Scotland.

Other figures among the Davos stable of global future leaders include Jamie Dimon (WEF 1996), CEO JP Morgan Chase, Nathaniel Rothschild (WEF 2005) son and heir apparent to Baron Jacob Nathaniel “Nat” Rothschild. David Mayer de Rothschild (WEF 2007), a British billionaire green agenda advocate with a fortune of estimated 10 billion dollars.

WEF Strategic corporate “partners” helping mentor the Davos Global Leaders include Barclays Bank, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Deutsche Bank AG, General Motors Company, The Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Google Inc., HSBC Holdings Plc, McKinsey & Company and UBS AG and such.

Is this concentration of global power just coincidence or part of a genuine outright conspiracy? A reading of the current World Economic Forum Board of Trustees might help to answer (https://www.weforum.org/about/leadership-and-governance).

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

1st March 2022, 07:42
Thruthstream Media | The Veil Between the 'Computer-Generated Dream World' and Reality Is Disappearing | Feb. 28, 2022

Source: truthstreammedia.com (http://truthstreammedia.com)


1st March 2022, 08:03
The Corbett Report | Give Send Gone | Feb. 25, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/givesendgone/)


The Canadian government's recent actions reveal the true agenda like nothing we've seen before. The future envisioned by the tyrants is one in which they can turn off your ability to buy and sell with the flick of a switch. So how will we react? Will we build a parallel economy from the ashes of freedom's funeral pyre, or will we roll over and let the tyrants win? Today James explores the future of money and the real meaning of Give . . . Send . . . Gone.

Show Notes:

Episode 394 - Solutions: Survival Currency (https://www.corbettreport.com/survivalcurrency/)
Choke Point: How the Government Will Control the Cashless Economy (https://www.corbettreport.com/choke-point-how-the-government-will-control-the-cashless-economy/)
LIVE: Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau delivers remarks (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T6J7KgjGd4)
Trudeau’s justice minister says that being “pro-Trump” is a factor that will decide if your bank account is seized (https://twitter.com/ezralevant/status/1494116524591886338)
Episode 411- States of Emergency (https://www.corbettreport.com/emergency/)
Trudeau Revokes Emergency Powers Act (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/02/trudeau-revokes-emergency-powers-act.html)
Large number of donations to support convoy came from aliases, unnamed donors (https://archive.is/eoF3d)
GoFundMe Statement on the Freedom Convoy 2022 Fundraiser (https://medium.com/gofundme-stories/gofundme-statement-on-the-freedom-convoy-2022-fundraiser-7d87190beca0) (Feb 3)
GoFundMe Statement on the Freedom Convoy 2022 Fundraiser (https://medium.com/gofundme-stories/update-gofundme-statement-on-the-freedom-convoy-2022-fundraiser-4ca7e9714e82) (Feb 4/5)
GiveSendGo tweet about $15 dispute fee (https://twitter.com/GiveSendGo/status/1489808343459848196?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1489808343459848196%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthelibertydaily.com%2Fgofundme-panics-switches-to-automatic-refunds-after-calls-for-disputed-charges%2F)
GiveSendGo offers to set up an alternative (https://wearechange.org/givesendgo-hacked-donor-list-to-8-6-million-freedom-convoy-exposed/)
This is the GiveSendGo hacker? (https://twitter.com/mandystadt/status/1494492508482461698?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1494492508482461698%7Ctwgr% 5Ehb_0_8%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fthegrayzone.com%2F2022%2F02%2F18%2Fhacking-canadian-trucker-convoy-us-canadian-intelligence-operation%2F)
Twitter thread on the hack (https://twitter.com/IrishAmerican27/status/1493989194498285571)
Was the hacking of Ottawa trucker convoy donors a US-Canadian intelligence operation? (https://thegrayzone.com/2022/02/18/hacking-canadian-trucker-convoy-us-canadian-intelligence-operation/)
Indiana AG seeks victims of Freedom Convoy donations hack (https://archive.is/wCNfL)
The Intercept delight in the hack (https://archive.is/4oNqJ)
CBC News, Washington Post Harassing Donors of GiveSendGo’s Illegally Hacked Freedom Convoy Database (https://yournews.com/2022/02/17/2300923/cbc-news-washington-post-harassing-donors-of-givesendgos-illegally-hacked/)
Banks have started to freeze accounts linked to the protests, Freeland says (https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ottawa-protests-frozen-bank-accounts-1.6355396)
Ontario government staffer out of a job after $100 donation to Ottawa blockade, others under scrutiny (https://archive.is/I6HSJ)
Free Press UNDER ATTACK In Ottawa As DRUTHERS Has BANK ACCOUNT FROZEN Under Emergencies Act!!! (https://odysee.com/@PressForTruth:4/Druthers-Bank-Account-Frozen:3)
Dan Dicks in Ottawa Down But Not Out!!! (https://odysee.com/@PressForTruth:4/Down-But-Not-Out:5)
Chrystia Freeland announces changes are permanent (https://twitter.com/ezralevant/status/1494852056145969155)
Gab on building the parallel economy (https://news.gab.com/2022/02/21/investing-in-the-gab-community/)
"monetary reform" on The Corbett Report (https://www.corbettreport.com/?s=monetary+reform)
How to Boycott Wall Street (https://www.corbettreport.com/how-to-boycott-wall-street/) (move your money)
Corbett Report Radio 169 - The Alternative Currency Solution with Eyal Hertzog (https://www.corbettreport.com/corbett-report-radio-169-exploring-alternative-currencies-with-eyal-hertzog/)
Complementary Currencies: A Beginner's Guide (https://www.corbettreport.com/complementary-currencies-a-beginners-guide/)
Lessons Learned: Creating Currency & Local Venture - Catherine Austin Fitts (The Greater Reset 3) (https://odysee.com/@TheGreaterReset:4/CatherineAFTGR3:e)

1st March 2022, 08:09
Max Igan | Three Sides to Every Story - Identifying the Official Counter Narrative | Feb. 28, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


1st March 2022, 15:04

Which Face if Real? Which Face is Computer-Generated?

Click on the person who is real. (https://www.whichfaceisreal.com/index.php)
Which Face Is Real? (https://www.whichfaceisreal.com/methods.html)

"People need to take back their internal power over these processes. that point needs to be made especially now."

"You have whole groups of other people that have completely foreclosed on the idea of questioning anything they're told about literally anything. And you would think now is the time to be asking more questions than literally ever."

Thruthstream Media | The Veil Between the 'Computer-Generated Dream World' and Reality Is Disappearing | Feb. 28, 2022

Source: truthstreammedia.com (http://truthstreammedia.com)


2nd March 2022, 10:11
The Corbett Report | Riley Waggaman on Russian Myths vs. Russian Reality | Mar. 1, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/waggaman-ukraine/)


Riley Waggaman, aka "Edward Slavsquat," joins us today to dissect the propaganda myths that continue to swirl about Putin and Russia in the so-called alternative media and the sobering reality that Russia is neither singularly evil nor singularly good and that Putin is not a freedom fighter valiantly battling the globalists.

Show Notes:

Edward Slavsquat substack (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/)

War begins. But why? (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/war-begins-but-why)

Russian authorities shut down website that tracks vaccine-linked deaths (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/russian-authorities-shut-down-website?utm_source=url)

Putin lauds AstraZeneca as it signs vaccine tie-up deal with Russia (https://archive.is/nLKP9)

Russia's creepiest bank is cattle-tagging children (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/russias-creepiest-bank-is-cattle)

Sberbank to Launch Sbercoin Cryptocurrency in Russia (https://coinquora.com/sberbank-to-launch-sbercoin-cryptocurrency-in-russia/)

Sber partners with JP Morgan to pilot digital currency in 2021 (https://www.fintechfutures.com/2020/12/sber-partners-with-jp-morgan-to-pilot-digital-currency-in-2021/)

The Kremlin-Big Pharma alliance (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/the-kremlin-big-pharma-alliance)

The green checkmark that cares for all Russians (Sberbank and Russia's COVID response)
So Bad It’s Good: The Flood of FSB Fakery Deserves an Oscar (https://anti-empire.com/so-bad-that-its-good-the-flood-of-fsb-fakery-deserves-an-oscar/) (FSB "border post" fakery)

FSB Is Failing the Russian Army, State and Escalation. Big Time. (https://anti-empire.com/fsb-is-failing-the-russian-army-state-and-escalation-big-time/)

Tweet and picture of hole in the ground from vicious Ukrainian attack (https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1494951303205773315?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1494951303205773315%7Ctwgr% 5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fanti-empire.com%2Ffsb-is-failing-the-russian-army-state-and-escalation-big-time%2F) (we will rebuild!)

"War" won't stop Russia's COVID clown show (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/war-wont-stop-russias-covid-clown)

2nd March 2022, 10:15
Max Igan | The Great Reset Phase 2 | Mar. 2, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


3rd March 2022, 07:27
The Corbett Report | Are Petitions and Protests The Answer? - #SolutionsWatch | Mar. 2, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com)


Given recent events in Canada and the gathering convoys in New Zealand and the US and elsewhere around the world, it's a good time to ask: are petitions and protests and lawsuits the answer to our problems. Long story short: they're not the answer, but they can serve a practical purpose on the way toward the real answer. Short story long? Watch this video.

Show Notes:
Corbett Report Radio 177 - Why James (Probably) Won't Sign Your Petition (https://www.corbettreport.com/corbett-report-radio-177-why-james-probably-wont-sign-your-petition/)

Clean Water Oregon history (https://www.cleanwateroregon.org/history)

Fluoride Campaign Reports Huge Cash Haul, Unusual Spending (https://www.wweek.com/portland/blog-30046-fluoride-campaign-reports-huge-cash-haul-unusual-spending.html)

Portland Defeats Fluoride (https://www.corbettreport.com/portland-defeats-fluoride-london-murder-robot-surgery-new-world-next-week/)

Culture Jamming with Extinction Rebellion - #PropagandaWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/culture-jamming-with-extinction-rebellion-propagandawatch/)

Anonymous hackers pick up litter in Tokyo protest. (https://web.archive.org/web/20151014092915/http://www.news.com.au/technology/masked-hackers-attack-rubbish/story-e6frfro0-1226420065106)

How To Rebuttal Mask Exempt Discrimination: Threaten Litigation (https://odysee.com/@ShadBudge:e/How-To-Rebuttal-Mask-Exempt-Discrimination-Threaten-Litigation:7)

3rd March 2022, 07:51
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Ukraine, Who Is To Blame? | Mar. 3, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the situation in Ukraine and who is to blame for the escalation that lead to war.

3rd March 2022, 13:46
Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Mar. 2, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Major announcements in this News & Views, including that they will no longer be in audio and video, but just audio and Mp3 files.

The Ukraine: Mr. Putin has said that the Russian invasion is to "de-Nazify" the Ukraine... and this article from The Hill in 2017 is about one such neo-Nazi mercenary unit:

Article: The reality of neo-Nazis in Ukraine is far from Kremlin propaganda (https://thehill.com/opinion/international/359609-the-reality-of-neo-nazis-in-the-ukraine-is-far-from-kremlin-propaganda)

3rd March 2022, 15:54
Andrei Martyanov | Strategic Reality in Ukraine | Mar. 2, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Russian military and naval analyst, Andrei Martyanov.

Ukraine operation. Sanctions on Russia. The real economy.

4th March 2022, 08:34
Linda Moulton Howe | What are Trantaloids? Are they a threat? | Mar. 2, 2022

Source: earthfiles.com (http://earthfiles.com)


Topics: What are Trantaloids? Are they a threat?

March 23rd 200k special episode - 2 hours
- Interview with Lue Elizondo
- Send your video questions to questions@earthfiles.com

Extraordinary communication from military source confirming remote viewer’s report

SERPO 27a release info recapping 5 different ET races

Interview with remote viewer Buddy Bolton
- “Trantaloids are the sociopaths of the extraterrestrial world”

- Trantaloids see in ultraviolet light
- Communicate over long distances

4th March 2022, 08:39
Andrei Martyanov | Ukraine operation, Operational Tempo and Context, Economic Warfare | Mar. 3, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Russian military and naval analyst, Andrei Martyanov.

Ukraine operation. Operational Tempo and Context. Economic Warfare.

4th March 2022, 08:53
New World Next Week | COVID Mission Accomplished as Global Treaty Looms | Mar. 4, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: Seven Fake News Stories Coming Out Of Ukraine (https://off-guardian.org/2022/02/27/7-fake-news-stories-coming-out-of-ukraine/)

Image: "Shocking picture of Kiev after being bombed by Russia. Just kidding this is a peaceful protest in America." (https://mediamonarchy.com/20220228morningmonarchy/)

IAF Bombs Targets in Syria, 3 Soldiers Killed (https://archive.ph/dp1q1)

FSB Is Failing the Russian Army, State and Escalation. Big Time. (https://anti-empire.com/fsb-is-failing-the-russian-army-state-and-escalation-big-time/)

So Bad It’s Good: The Flood of FSB Fakery Deserves an Oscar (https://anti-empire.com/so-bad-that-its-good-the-flood-of-fsb-fakery-deserves-an-oscar/)

Chris Hedges: Russia Was Baited Into War but That Does Not Absolve Its Criminal Aggression (https://www.mintpressnews.com/chris-hedges-russia-baited-into-war-criminal-aggression/279813/)

Story #2: Britain’s Steel Industry Hammered by Climate Change Taxes (https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/02/27/britains-steel-industry-hammered-by-climate-change-taxes/)

Absolute Zero: The Global Agenda Revealed (https://www.corbettreport.com/absolute-zero-the-global-agenda-revealed/)

German Green Party Embraces Coal, LNG and Nuclear (https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/03/01/german-green-party-embraces-coal-lng-and-nuclear/)

Story #3: Top Po​llster​ Advises Democrats to Declare Victory Over Covid and Move On (https://www.theblaze.com/news/pollster-democrats-covid-restrictions-midterm-elections)

"Here is the literal memo to the Dems from Biden's polling firm. Declare a win over Covid and move on. I suspect CDC will get the memo." (https://twitter.com/hamill_law/status/1497205184790872065)

PDF: Impact Research's Covid Positioning Strategy Memo to Democrats (https://punchbowl.news/impact-covid-positioning-strategy-memo/)

Biden Extends US National Emergency Over COVID-19 (https://archive.is/99o8u)

Episode 411 - States of Emergency (https://www.corbettreport.com/emergency/)

WHO Planning New “Pandemic Treaty” For 2024 (https://off-guardian.org/2022/02/26/who-planning-new-pandemic-treaty-for-2024/)

WHO Moving Forward On Global Vaccine Passport Program (https://off-guardian.org/2022/03/01/who-moving-foward-on-global-vaccine-passport-program/)

4th March 2022, 10:26
David Icke | Why Take Sides, When it's All The Same Web? | Mar. 4, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


6th March 2022, 14:45
Insane Globalists Collapsing World Economy – Martin Armstrong (1:12:00)

By Greg Hunter (https://usawatchdog.com/author/greg-hunter/)
March 5, 2022
source (https://rumble.com/embed/vtxgun/?pub=tum9b)

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com (https://usawatchdog.com/) as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong, author of “Manipulating the World Economy,” which has 70 fresh new pages in the 5th edition of this very popular book 3.5.22. (There is much more in the 1 hour and 12-minute in-depth interview.)


In his USAWatchdog.com interview just two weeks ago, legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said, The New World Order’s so-called ‘Great Reset’ plan for humanity is ‘falling apart,’ and pointed out, “They are basically desperate at this stage. I don’t think they anticipated the amount of resistance they are getting.”

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is enormous resistance to the New World Order plans. Armstrong, who has new data from his Socrates computer analysis, is out with a fresh critical update. Armstrong explains, “It’s just total insanity. They are, really at this stage, completely collapsing the world economy. You have Apple and all these companies; there are over 300 American companies in Russia. Their assets are going to be seized. They are all now in a panic mode to get out, and you are going to see the same situation with China. This is insane. It really is insane, and you just don’t do this. I can’t believe these governments have listened to this sort of advice. It’s really, really disastrous. What creates world peace is not nuclear weapons. It’s economic, basically. As long as everybody benefits, then you are not going to bite the hand that feeds you. When you start cutting off trade on both sides, you are wiping out the global economy. That is what has provided world peace since WWII. . . . By 2023, I don’t see this backing off. Once you have undermined the global financial economy, you have removed the benefits and then it does turn to war.”

Armstrong sees a “serious problem with a war cycle in early 2023” but hopes it does not go full nuclear. The financial war has already gone nuclear.

Before the end of this year, Armstrong’s “Socrates” computer program sees a “panic cycle” for the 2022 mid-term elections, mainly for the Democrats. Armstrong explains more about this in the interview.

Armstrong says inflation is here to stay, and it’s going to be huge in some areas. Armstrong sees gasoline rising to $8 to $10 per gallon sometime in 2023. Armstrong says buy everything you think you will need because it will never be cheaper, and it may not even be there in the future at any price. Food is high on Armstrong’s list, and he says have good old fashion cash on hand because of cyber-attacks and power outages that he sees coming in some areas. Armstrong also sees an average of 25% inflation by 2024. This, again, is according to his “Socrates” computer program. Armstrong says “the commodity cycle will take off in 2024.” Armstrong sees everything going up in price, and that includes gold and silver. Interest rates will also be headed up, and the stock market is not going to do well in a trend that sees interest rates rising.

Armstrong says communism is what the New World Order really wants. Armstrong says, “The globalists want communism, but the problem with communism is it does not work—period.”

Armstrong blames the western world leaders for the mess the world is in today. Armstrong says, “It’s their fault. . . .This is the worst crop of world leaders I have ever seen, and I have been consulting governments for 40 years. . . . The level of stupidity on the world stage is stunning.”

Armstrong is also predicting the “civil unrest will not only continue, but “it will get much worse.”

Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong (https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/), author of “Manipulating the World Economy,” (https://www.amazon.com/dp/1662914466/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=9781662914461&qid=1625143496&sr=8-1) which has 70 fresh new pages in the 5th edition of this very popular book. (3.5.22) (There is much more in the 1 hour and 12-minute in-depth interview.)

7th March 2022, 08:37
Dr. Joel Wallach | Ask Doc Live | Mar. 4, 2022

Source: criticalhealthnews.com (http://criticalhealthnews.com)


Dr. Joel Wallach discusses the effects of gluten on the digestive system, hair loss, blood pressure concerns and orthodontic issues.

7th March 2022, 08:47
Dark Journalist | Cayce Atlantean DNA Secret | Mar. 5, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on the mystical search by the elite powers for the hidden transformative quality of the master Atlantean DNA strain that was described in the Edgar Cayce readings.

This projection of higher thought quality into matter was created by the Amilius Initiates in Atlantis to contrast with the Belial attempt to invent Automaton Things, experimental soulless cyborgs that were used as slaves. The modern scientific cult want recreate the exact conditions in Atlantis.

7th March 2022, 09:46
Redice TV | War With Russia Coming & C19 Vaxx Lies | Mar. 5, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest new on Ukraine/Russia and hew revelations about the deadly C19 shots.

7th March 2022, 10:08
Max Igan | The Great Distractathon | Mar. 5, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


8th March 2022, 07:29
Redice TV | Zelensky's Three Major 'Mistakes' That Resulted In The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine | Mar. 8, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Zelensky is a NATO puppet that's why he made 'mistakes.'

8th March 2022, 08:18
Max Igan | Would you Like Some Vaccine With Your Adverse Reaction? | Mar. 8, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


8th March 2022, 13:10
The Last American Vagabond | Derrick Broze Interview - Impending Future Of Social Credit, Social Impact Investing & Digital IDs | Mar. 7, 2022

Source: thelastamericanvagabond.com (http://thelastamericanvagabond.com)


Joining me today is Derrick Broze, here to discuss his very important recent article highlighting the future of digital IDs, your (already developed) social credit scores, and from there, the new stock market of the ultra-rish: social impact investing.

Yet this has nothing to do with traditional stocks. In the new normal, the new world order, or your "reimagined" future (whatever the new terminology is at the moment), YOU are the new stock, or rather whether or not they can correctly bet on your outcome; the choices you make, the actions you take, and of course, the media you share, among many other things.

And if you think for one second that these high level players, governments included, would refrain from attempting to influence said outcome (your life, choices, political beliefs, etc.), and that they would never dare to bet on (and influence) negative outcomes, well, then I have a bridge to sell you..

Source Links Can Be Found Here: thelastamericanvagabond.com (https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/derrick-broze-interview-impending-future-social-credit-social-impact-investing-digital-ids)

9th March 2022, 07:51
Truthstream Media | The Road to Manzanar: The Story of an American Internment Camp (documentary) | Mar. 8, 2022

Source: TruthstreamMedia.com (http://TruthstreamMedia.com)


Truthstream Media: Mel here. I put together this documentary on the Manzanar War Relocation Center in California — one of ten internment camps the Army used to house Japanese-Americans without charge or trial after the bombing of Pearl Harbor during WWII. We happened to pass by it off the side of the road during a filming road trip back in 2020 prior to the lockdowns and when I saw the guard tower at the entrance to a national park, I had no idea what it was.

Despite having earned a master's degree, I had never been taught about the history of Japanese-American internment in school, and that includes two university level American history classes, one of which specifically covered WWII supposedly in-depth. I wouldn't learn about it until years later during my own history research. Why wasn't this history ever taught?

This dark moment in history is one of the saddest pieces I have ever made, but I think people need to see it and learn about this, so history doesn't get to repeat these human rights violations on the next "minority" because of the majority's hysteria and fear.

9th March 2022, 07:58
Andrei Martyanov | USD, Game Over! | Mar. 8, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Russian military and naval analyst, Andrei Martyanov.

Ukraine operation. Human Shields . Economic Warfare. Dollar System.

9th March 2022, 10:29
Whitney Webb | Multipolar World Order with Iain Davis

Source: unlimitedhangout.com (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/03/resources/show-notes/multipolar-world-order-with-iain-davis/)


Whitney is joined by Iain Davis to discuss how the Western-led "rules-based order" and its alternative, the Russia/China-led "Multipolar law-based order", are two sides of the same coin and are leading the world into an age of technocracy.

Published 03/03/22.

Show Notes: unlimitedhangout.com (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/03/resources/show-notes/multipolar-world-order-with-iain-davis)

10th March 2022, 07:12
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Power Lost At Chernobyl, US Biological Labs In Ukraine, No More Oil & Gas | Mar. 10, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


We cover the latest on how globohomo is using Ukraine and the Ukrainian's in their sickening geopolitical game.

11th March 2022, 07:04
New World Next Week | Brutal Bombing Shocks The World | Mar. 10, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


This week on the New World Next Week: if a bomb falls on a Yemen child, does the media notice; ESG is a corporate social credit score; and Biden signs an executive order on crypto and CBDC.

Story #1: Yemen Under Longest Period of Saudi Heavy Bombing Seen Since 2018 (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/03/08/yemen-under-longest-period-of-saudi-heavy-bombing-seen-since-2018/)
NWNW Flashback: Congress Must Act to Stop US Involvement In The Yemen War (Jun. 22, 2018) (https://www.corbettreport.com/us-and-yemen-dc-psychopaths-nwnw-updates-new-world-next-week/)
Corbett Report Search: "Yemen" (https://www.corbettreport.com/?s=Yemen)
Media Monarchy Search: "Yemen" (https://mediamonarchy.com/?s=Yemen)
Video: Angelina Jolie Visits Displaced Families In Yemen (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-ePXOYtR_s)
Tears for Ukraine, Sanctions for Russia, Yawns for Yemen, Arms for Saudis: The West’s Grotesque Double Standard (https://thefreethoughtproject.com/tears-for-ukraine-sanctions-for-russia-yawns-for-yemen-arms-for-saudis-the-wests-grotesque-double-standard/)
FOIA Docs Prove The Federal Government Paid Hundreds of Media Companies to Advertise COVID-19 Vaccines, While Those Same Outlets Provided Positive Coverage of the Vaccines (https://www.theblaze.com/news/review-the-federal-government-paid-media-companies-to-advertise-for-the-vaccines)
At Least 80 Houthis Killed in NW Yemen Fighting, Airstrikes (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/03/07/at-least-80-houthis-killed-in-nw-yemen-fighting-airstrikes/)
Biden Rejected By Saudis, UAE As He Tries to Replace Banned Russian Oil (https://21stcenturywire.com/2022/03/08/biden-rejected-by-saudis-uae-as-he-tries-to-replace-banned-russian-oil/)
Saudi-Russia Collusion Is Driving Up Gas Prices - And Worsening Ukraine Crisis (https://archive.ph/1R9hW)

Story #2: ESG Scoring Drives Companies Into Sustainable Development, Aka Technocracy (https://www.technocracy.news/esg-scoring-drives-companies-into-sustainable-development-aka-technocracy/)
Corbett Discusses ESG and Blackrock in #SolutionsWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-highlighter/#comment-131416)
Podcasts | S&P Global (https://www.spglobal.com/esg/podcasts/)

Story #3: Biden Signs Crypto Executive Order, Hoping to Advance Digital Dollar (https://archive.ph/nhlBI)
Biden Orders Sweeping Cryptocurrency Review, Setting Stage for Regulation (https://archive.ph/9XdLk)
"Executive Order on Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets" (https://archive.ph/W1919)
Dow Jones Jumps; Bitcoin Surges As Biden Unveils Executive Order (https://www.investors.com/market-trend/stock-market-today/dow-jones-futures-jump-as-bitcoin-surges-after-biden-executive-order/)
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Release Technological Research On a Central Bank Digital Currency (https://www.bostonfed.org/news-and-events/press-releases/2022/frbb-and-mit-open-cbdc-phase-one.aspx)
Project Hamilton Phase 1 Executive Summary (https://www.bostonfed.org/publications/one-time-pubs/project-hamilton-phase-1-executive-summary.aspx)
Federal Reserve Board - Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) (https://www.federalreserve.gov/central-bank-digital-currency.htm)

11th March 2022, 07:18
David Icke & Mark Passio Live | The Vinny Eastwood Show | Mar. 10, 2022

Source: thevinnyeastwoodshow.com (http://thevinnyeastwoodshow.com), davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com), whatonearthishappening.com (http://whatonearthishappening.com)


11th March 2022, 09:35
Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Mar. 10, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


...those biological labs in the Ukraine, and other recent developments...

Russia Proposes Nationalizing Foreign-Owned Factories That Shut Operations (https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-proposes-nationalizing-foreign-owned-factories-shut-operations)

Statement by the Chief of the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection troops of the Russian Federation Armed Forces Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov (March 7, 2022): biological programs (https://thesaker.is/statement-by-the-chief-of-the-nuclear-biological-and-chemical-protection-troops-of-the-russian-federation-armed-forces-lieutenant-general-igor-kirillov-march-7-2022-biological-programs/)

12th March 2022, 21:31
Going to Get Bad, Really Bad – David Morgan

By Greg Hunter (https://usawatchdog.com/author/greg-hunter/)
March 12, 2022

Last year about this time, precious metals expert and financial writer David Morgan was warning about massive money printing and the so-called “everything bubble” popping. Inflation is the pin, and it found the bloated debt bubble. Now get ready for some pain as Morgan explains, “It’s going to get bad, and I mean really bad. There is already mass starvation at the lower end of the economic scale in third world countries.

Prices are going to be untenable for many people, especially those in the middle class. When you get gasoline going up to the $5, $6, $7 range and you’ve got food going up to the level it’s gone up to and continues to go up to, it’s going to be bad. I am focusing on real stuff, not the bond market or what the price of gold is going to do. I am talking about day-to-day living.

When gasoline goes from $3.50 per gallon to $5.50 per gallon and you start doing the math on how much it takes to fill up your car and drive it back and forth to work every day, all of a sudden you’ve got diminishing returns. Then factor in what your heating bills and what your grocery bill is going to be.

So, there is going to be a lot of people at the margin, and the margin keeps moving up. It’s a few percent of the population. Then it’s 10% and then 20% and so on. When food gets to be 50% of your budget, then there are food riots. That’s the trend . . . and I think we will get there.

We know the ‘Arab Spring’ was not about politics. It was about food. We are going to see ‘Arab Springs’ spring up all over the place because of food costs and availability. You can have a lot of money and not be able to get food too.”

It’s not just physical assets that are going to be affected, but the financial system too. Morgan says, “What is all this going to do to the financial system? It’s breaking, but it’s been broken for a long time. We just have not seen the end result—yet. I don’t think the bankers really thought this through all the way. If you look at the way Russia is, they are a hardened people. They are used to suffering. They are used to standing in line for bread and potatoes. They are not like other nations.

This is going to get uglier and uglier and harder and harder. I do not think this is going to get resolved anytime soon.”

What does Morgan see coming? Morgan says, “There are going to be cyber-attacks, and they are going on right now. There is going to be communication breakdown. Number three, there are going to be consequences that nobody can see at this point. And to reiterate, it’s a mess, and it’s going to get messier, and it’s not going to be resolved quickly.”

Morgan see’s gold at $2,300 by the end of this year and silver near $40 per ounce. In 2023, all bets are off, and Morgan contends you could see both metals way higher than they are now. Morgan says, “Silver will outperform gold in the long run on a percentage basis.

Silver will outperform gold four to one.” Morgan also says, “Demand for the metals from pensions funds and other big money managers is a “trend that is just getting started.”

Morgan also talks about the importance of cash and what the signal will be to get out of the U.S. dollar.

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with David Morgan, publisher of “The Morgan Report” (https://www.themorganreport.com/) 3.12.22.

After the Interview:

There is some free information and videos on the homepage of TheMorganReport.com. (https://www.themorganreport.com/) Click the “blog” tab in the black bar at the top of the page and go to The Morgan Report News. Click on the podcast tab and go to David Morgan’s podcast.

Going to Get Bad, Really Bad - David Morgan (50 min)


source (https://rumble.com/vx7squ-going-to-get-bad-really-bad-david-morgan.html)

14th March 2022, 07:10
Dark Journalist & Elana Freeland Transhumanist Killswitch Nanotech and The Eighth Sphere! | Mar. 13, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com), Elana Freeland book: Geoengineered Transhumanism (https://rudolfsteinerbookstore.com/product/geoengineered-transhumanism/)


Free Humanity vs, Transhumanist Tyranny
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep in this groundbreaking interview with AI Synthetic Biology Researcher Elana Freeland on her Breakthrough New Book, Geoengineered Transhumanism.

Elana's remarkable scientific and esoteric work connects major military operations of global control and goes inside the Electromagnetic Lockdown of the Space Fence and growing web of Nanotech.

She shows us the rising landscape of technological control, DNA Patents and how humanity is to be neurologically directed toward a Transhumanist future unless we wake up now. The Occult influence of Ahriman and the Spiritual Science of Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, Mystery Schools and the Eighth Sphere are also covered!

Eighth Sphere
Space Fence

14th March 2022, 07:33
The Corbett Report | The Global Digital ID Prison | Mar. 12, 2022


Do you get the feeling digital id is being hyped by every government, corporation, financial institution and globalist-connected NGO as "the way of the future"?

Well, you're right! But why is this being pushed so hard right now. Don't miss this important edition of The Corbett Report podcast where James lays out the digital id agenda and how it serves as the linchpin of the entire global enslavement grid.

Show Notes:
WEF 20 | Accenture: Digital Identity (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdKqt5Ojdbc)
Digital ID Wallet - Thales (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxvNzzgoJX8)
Canadian Bankers Association Promotes Digital IDs And Refers To WEF (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRXR86wVSNw) #TheRayzorsEdge
EUROPEAN DIGITAL IDENTITY – message by President Von Der Leyen (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azaOdC5Fsv0)
Digital iD™ – a simpler way to verify (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk_TwVq1G0U)
Digital identity - weighing the risks of misuse and missed use | Dakota Gruener | TEDxMarrakesh (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sqq-LGgyGZ4)
id2020.org (https://id2020.org/)
Who Is Bill Gates? (https://www.corbettreport.com/gates/)
Bill Gates at the Financial Inclusion Forum, December 1, 2015 (http://www.yorkcast.com/treasury/events/2015/12/01/financial/)
March 2020: Known Traveller Digital Identity Specifications Guidance (https://www.weforum.org/whitepapers/known-traveller-digital-identity-specifications-guidance)
Nov 2020: A billion people have no legal identity - but a new app plans to change that (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/11/legal-identity-id-app-aid-tech)
Jan 2021: How digital identity can improve lives in a post-COVID-19 (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/01/davos-agenda-digital-identity-frameworks/)
2022: Advancing Digital Agency: The Power of Data Intermediaries (https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Advancing_towards_Digital_Agency_2022.pdf)
You Are Being Programmed to Accept the Global ID Control Grid (https://www.corbettreport.com/you-are-being-programmed-to-accept-the-global-id-control-grid/)
UN SDGs - The 17 Goals (https://sdgs.un.org/goals)
Episode 357 - Language is a Weapon (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-357-language-is-a-weapon/)
Episode 261 - International Law? (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-261-international-law/)
World Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwab on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (https://www.thechicagocouncil.org/events/world-economic-forum-founder-klaus-schwab-fourth-industrial-revolution)

14th March 2022, 14:50
Andrei Martyanov | War In Ukraine: Geopolitical and Economic Fallout | Guns & Butter

Source: gunsandbutter.org (http://gunsandbutter.org), smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Andrei Martyanov enumerates the issues leading up to the Russian military intervention in Ukraine, especially the provocations on the Donbass region under escalating Ukrainian and Azov military attack since 2014.

- Kiev’s announced intention to become a nuclear power and join NATO. Russia’s recognition of the two Donbass republics led to the retaliatory shutdown of the Nordstream 2 LNG pipeline and will eventually cripple German industry

- Europe separated economically from Russia
- Refugee surge into Russia
- Ukrainian forces destroyed
- Parallel military structure in Ukraine
- Historical background of the current conflict
- Russia’s aims in Ukraine
- War is with the West
- Comparison of US and Russian military forces
- Western media leaving Russia
- Dueling nationalization of assets
- Energy price inflation
- SWIFT International Payments System
- De-dollarization of global economy
- worldwide geopolitical realignment

Aired: March 9, 2022

15th March 2022, 23:19
March 13, 2022

(There is a Rumble video which I can't find on Rumble, but go to the forbidden knowledge link above to view it.)

"Financial analyst, Jim Willie at GoldenJackass.com joins Jean-Claude aka Beyond Mystic to tell us that we are in the “climax of the climax of the decay of the dollar”, in a protracted down ramp for the debased Federal Reserve Note.

Jim says, “Geneva and Ukraine are the last stand” for the US-UK-European Davos Cabal and the focus is on the Cabal and their activities with: “child trafficking, child blood-harvesting, narcotics trafficking, white woman trafficking, human organ trafficking, biolab virus development, money laundering – by that, I mean in banks that don’t have client services – theft of Gazprom gas from gas flows, Western reconstruction fund confiscations, Western fraud to sack Ukrainian businesses and corporations, experimental usage of Ukraine population on virus propagation, experimental usage of micro nuclear weapons, recruitment of violent, psychopathic mercenaries – and there’s more!”

Jim says that in the eastern Ukrainian provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk, ’90s Yugoslavian ethnic cleansing is back. The Neo-Nazi Azov mercenaries have killed 40,000 ethnic Russians in these areas, “And the Ukrainian press sells it as the Russian military killing civilians."

“So, we’ve got propaganda that’s dead wrong and needs to be exposed. You’re not going to get it on the Western press. To me, it’s a race. We’ve got a race with the Western press for who is going to first talk properly about the pandemic, the virus and Ukraine. The ones who talk properly are not going to have their assets sacked. The ones who don’t and are stubborn to the end, they will be sacked, their assets will be totally gone and their vice presidents and board of directors are going to be arrested, some of them, for Treason.”

Jim then gets into a discussion about the distinction between Sedition and Treason. He says there are two levels of Treason. “Treason is actively working against the Government, in betrayal. Taking up arms. Sedition is supporting Treason, like what Big Tech is doing.

He describes the role of Big Tech, in suppressing information (about the 2020 Election, early treatment and now, vaxx deaths) as that of supporting Treason and therefore, what they are doing is Sedition. (I don’t agree; I think it’s worse than that)."

16th March 2022, 08:56
The Corbett Report | Presearch Search Engine - #SolutionsWatch | Mar. 16, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (http://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-presearch)


Now that DuckDuckGo has officially DuckDuckGone in the direction of censorship, what's a free speech-loving, liberty-minded conspiracy realist to do? Never fear, #SolutionsWatch is here.

In the first of a series of explorations of Alt Tech, James talks to Colin Pape of Presearch, a decentralized search engine that is seeking to offer an alternative to the Big Tech monopolization of search.

Show Notes:

We Need to Talk About Search (https://corbettreport.com/talkaboutsearch)

The Library of Babel (FLNWO #27) (https://www.corbettreport.com/the-library-of-babel-flnwo-27/)

DuckDuckGo Bows to Authoritarians, Begins Censoring Search Engine Results to “Fight Disinformation” (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/03/duckduckgo-bows-to-authoritarians-begins-censoring-search-engine-results-to-fight-disinformation.html)

Searx (https://searx.github.io/searx/)

Brave Search (https://search.brave.com/)

#Presearch Weekly #News & Updates w Colin Pape #58 (https://odysee.com/@Presearch:4/presearch-weekly-news-updates-w-colin-57:d)

Presearch.io (https://www.presearch.io/) (information)

Presearch.org (https://presearch.org/) (search engine)

16th March 2022, 09:02
Redice TV | On The Brink, Major Global Conflict Coming with Mark Collett | Mar. 12, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Mark Collett guest-hosts with Henrik as we focus on the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine.

17th March 2022, 08:38
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: US Gives Arms & $13.6 Billion To Ukraine, Sanctions Will Cause Global Food Shortage | Mar. 17, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest news in episode 94 of No-Go Zone.

17th March 2022, 08:49
Linda Moulton Howe | Whose 2-Mile-Long Triangle Floated Silently Over Phoenix March 13, 1997? | Mar. 16, 2022

Source: earthfiles.com (http://earthfiles.com)


Topics: Whose 2-Mile-Long Triangle Floated Silently Over Phoenix March 13, 1997?

25th Anniversary of the Phoenix lights March 13, 1997 UFO sighting
- “covers the whole sky”
- “it looked like the Borg in Star Trek”
- “it could be a flying aircraft carrier..it just floated”
- “easily over a mile long…if not two miles”
- “it’s a ship that doesn’t come from out planet”
- “shot straight up…just disappeared”

Excerpt of Interview with Jack Shulman, from American Computer Co.
- “the military found devices that were intact”
- “that site was never reported to the public”
- “extraterrestrials could be monitoring earth”

Mike Fortson | Vital Information on The Phoenix Lights | Kevinsmithshow.info

Source: kevinsmithshow.info (http://kevinsmithshow.info), Information Machine (http://information-machine.blogspot.com)


Mike Fortson is very likely the very best informed eye witness to the events that have come to be known as the Phoenix Lights. He talks about why these events were not actually the Phoenix Lights, and provides a lot of vital information that is never reported in the vain-stream-media.

17th March 2022, 09:00
Andrei Martyanov | Ukraine and World | Mar. 16, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Russian military and naval analyst, Andrei Martyanov.

Russia "runs out of ammo", desperate propaganda, combined arms, China, US, India.

17th March 2022, 13:10
Catherine Austin Fitts & Karel van Wolferen | Reset in Ukraine

Source: Solari.com (http://Solari.com)


“There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.” ~ Niccolo Machiavelli

By Catherine Austin Fitts
Karel van Wolfren is an author, journalist, professor, publisher and one of the most respected voices in the Netherlands on geopolitics. Last week I visited Karel for a wide ranging discussion on his views about events in the Ukraine and how they relate to the push for central control globally.

Topics: NWO, Ukraine, NATO, Neo-Cons, Covid, EU, and Putin's Shock Chess Moves On Davos

download mp3 (https://home.solari.com/download/187377/)

18th March 2022, 07:37
New World Next Week | Saudis Prepare to Back the Petroyuan | Mar. 18, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: Saudis In Talks to Start Selling Some Oil In Yuan (https://anti-empire.com/saudis-in-talks-to-start-selling-some-oil-in-yuan/)

Biden Ends Military Aid for Saudi War In Yemen (Feb. 5, 2021) (https://archive.ph/GyN61)
Biden Pledges US Support Against Houthi Attacks to Saudi King (Feb. 9, 2022) (https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/9/biden-pledges-us-support-against-houthi-attacks-to-saudi-king)
The Untold Story Behind Saudi Arabia's Nearly-50-Year US Debt Secret (https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/business/the-untold-story-behind-saudi-arabias-41-year-us-debt-secret/articleshow/52528470.cms)
'How/Why Big Oil Conquered The World' Two-Disc DVD Set (https://newworldnextweek.com/products/how-why-big-oil-conquered-the-world)
Corbett Report Search: "Petrodollar" (https://www.corbettreport.com/?s=petrodollar)
Corbett Report Search: "Petroyuan" (https://www.corbettreport.com/?s=petroyuan)
David Hendrickson: Weapons of Financial Destruction (WFDs) Unleashed on Russia, China, & Iran (https://geopoliticsandempire.com/2022/03/16/david-hendrickson-weapons-of-financial-destruction/)
UAE Chooses Solidarity With Russia Over Military Allies (https://archive.ph/JP71J)
Pakistan to Host Next Organization of Islamic Cooperation Meeting on March 22 (https://www.arabnews.pk/node/1999836/pakistan)

Story #2: Ukraine Given Access to Clearview AI's Controversial Facial Recognition Tech (https://www.itpro.co.uk/security/biometrics/366970/ukraine-access-to-clearview-ai-facial-recognition-tech)

Ukraine Has Started Using Clearview AI’s Facial Recognition During War (https://archive.ph/jofGt)
Clearview AI's Facial Recognition Technology Helps Ukraine Recognize Dead (https://archive.ph/o8zj1)
Clearview AI (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clearview_AI)
Clearview AI Broke Canadian Privacy Laws With Facial Recognition Tool, Watchdogs Say (Feb. 3, 2021) (https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/clearview-ai-broke-canadian-privacy-laws-with-facial-recognition-tool-watchdogs-say-1.5294026)
Clearview AI’s Facial Recognition App Has Been Used By The @TheJusticeDept, @ICEgov, @Macys, @Walmart, And The @NBA + @BestBuy @DHSgov @MiamiPD @SMCSheriff @PhillyPolice @IndStatePolice @nyspolice @Kohls @WellsFargo @BankofAmerica (Feb. 27, 2020) (https://twitter.com/XEyezWideOpenX/status/1233681443102035968)
Clearview Launches Facial Recognition Tools to Deblur Images, Remove Masks (Oct. 8, 2021) (https://www.biometricupdate.com/202110/clearview-launches-facial-recognition-tools-to-deblur-images-and-remove-masks)
Media Monarchy Search: "Clearview" (https://mediamonarchy.com/?s=clearview)
The Taliban Have Seized U.S. Military Biometrics Devices (Aug. 17, 2021) (https://archive.ph/TWbwl)
Deleted Web Pages Show Sen. Obama Led Effort To Build Ukraine-Based BioLab (https://thenationalpulse.com/2022/03/08/obama-led-ukraine-biolab-efforts/)
Episode 415 - The Global Digital ID Prison (https://www.corbettreport.com/digitalid/)

Story #3: Scientists to Release GMO Mosquitos Funded by Gates In California & Florida (https://miamistandard.news/2022/03/11/scientists-to-release-gmo-mosquitos-funded-by-gates-foundation-in-california-florida/)

Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Cleared for Release In California (https://gizmodo.com/2-billion-genetically-modified-mosquitoes-cleared-for-r-1848630797/amp)
Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Breed In Brazil (Sep. 13, 2019) (https://www.dw.com/en/genetically-modified-mosquitoes-breed-in-brazil/a-50414340)
Episode 066 - Vaccines as Silent Weapons (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-066-vaccines-as-silent-weapons/)
Interview 1551 - Jonathan Latham on Gene Drives and the Gates Foundatio (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1551-jonathan-latham-on-gene-drives-and-the-gates-foundation/)

18th March 2022, 08:42
Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Mar. 17, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


The war in The Ukraine is already having some major financial repercussions, and more are on the way.

Petrodollar Cracks: Saudi Arabia Considers Accepting Yuan For Chinese Oil Sales (https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/petrodollar-cracks-saudi-arabia-considers-accepting-yuan-chinese-oil-sales)

21st March 2022, 07:43
Dark Journalist | Secret Space Government: UFOs & Emergency Powers! | Mar. 20, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


Join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for a Special LiveStream Deep Investigation of the covert forces at NASA, SpaceX and Blue Origins that have been formulating a Secret Space Government with the Aerospace Infrastructure buildup over 50 years.

21st March 2022, 08:08
The Corbett Report | SHOCKING Document Reveals Trudeau's REAL Plan! | Mar. 19, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/putin/)


We all know that when a politician walks like a globalist, talks like a globalist, acts like a globalist and quacks like a globalist, that means they're a globalist, right? And what about when that politician comes out with an unbelievable, in-your-face endorsement of the UN-led Agenda 2030 to remodel the world order and lead us into the maws of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset in the name of "sustainable development." Then we all know they're a globalist, right? Well, get a load of this. . . .

Show Notes:
Klaus Schwab Bragging About Infiltrating World Governments | The Great Reset WEF (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QU2Mzl0jAaE)

Canada to send more lethal aid to Ukraine, intends to ban crude oil imports from Russia | FULL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDjVkkvgWTU)

Announcing mandatory vaccination for the federal workforce and transportation sectors
The Canadian MEDIA $600M BAILOUT Exposed! - What You NEED To Know!
PM Justin Trudeau speaks at inaugural global summit on artificial intelligence – December 4, 2020 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haqMrNhnnbw)

Justin Trudeau Admires Communist China's "Basic Dictatorship" (https://www.bitchute.com/video/2SUYb14dEN5k/)

Joint Statement on the International Relations Entering a New Era and the Global Sustainable Development (https://web.archive.org/web/20220224044605/http://en.kremlin.ru/supplement/5770)

Klaus Schwab Bragging About Infiltrating World Governments | The Great Reset WEF
Russia's Putin announces 'military operation' in Ukraine
Putin Signs "Fake News" and "Internet Insults" Bill
Censorship, arrests, shutdowns: Putin crushes Russian media | The Listening Post
Protester arrested by Russian jackboots for holding sign that says "Two Words"
Russian President Vladimir Putin says country needs to step up vaccination campaign
Russia : Moscow, St. Petersburg and Perm Restaurants to "Hire" Robots to Check Qr Codes of Vaccinate (https://www.bitchute.com/video/iHYOGbMa9IcM/)

Putin and Herman Gref at Sberbank's Artificial intelligence conference
Putin praises China's achievements in combating COVID-19
Vladimir Putin says he drove a taxi after fall of Soviet Union
Special Address by Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation | DAVOS AGENDA 2021 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPClu1BeQIE)

Episode 381 - Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?
"Putin and Kissinger have maintained warm personal relations over a number of years"
"Putin and Kissinger have held more than a dozen meetings"
Putin Welcomes Kissinger: ‘Old Friends’ to Talk Shop?
"No War" an arrestable offence in Russia, even printing photos of "No War" graffiti is illegal (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/not-supporting-the-not-war-is-not?s=r)

Sputnik V: What you're not being told
Sputnik V is a scam (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/sputnik-v-is-a-scam?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web&s=r)

Russia's Gamaleya Research, UK-Swedish Astrazeneca Sign Memorandum of Cooperation in COVID-19 Fight (https://archive.ph/GA5u7)

Trump calls vaccines the "greatest achievement"
Trump brags that he's boosted, admonishes hecklers
World Economic Forum Freezes ‘All Relations’ With Russia to Dodge Sanctions
Interview 1703 - Riley Waggaman on Russian Myths vs. Russian Reality (https://www.corbettreport.com/waggaman-ukraine/)

Russia Joins Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network (https://www.weforum.org/press/2021/10/russia-joins-centre-for-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-network)

10 Signs The War In Ukraine Is Part Of The Great Reset
Is the Narrative Shifting? Or Is This Phase 2 Mass Psychosis? (https://theconsciousresistance.com/is-the-narrative-shifting-or-is-this-phase-2-mass-psychosis/)

ESG muscle flexing (https://archive.ph/btU6D)

China and Russia Creating "Alternate" Banking System (https://www.corbettreport.com/china-and-russia-creating-alternate-banking-system/)

China’s Digital Yuan May Aid Russia Bypass SWIFT Ban, But Will It? (https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/chinas-digital-yuan-may-aid-russia-bypass-swift-ban-but-will-it)

Bank of Russia Proceeds With Digital Ruble, Renews Push for Crypto Ban (https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2022/02/16/bank-of-russia-proceeds-with-digital-ruble-renews-push-for-crypto-ban/)

Zelensky Receives Standing Ovation From EU Parliament in Emotional Scenes (https://archive.ph/IGdV0)

Episode 369 - Globalization is Dead. Long Live the New World Order! (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-369-globalization-is-dead-long-live-the-new-world-order/)

21st March 2022, 16:17
Dark Journalist | AUTEC In The HotZone Ghislaine Atlantis Search | Mar. 19, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


AUTEC: Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center

Join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for a Special LiveStream deep investigation of AUTEC, the Underwater Area 51 located on Andros Island in the HotZone area of the Bahamas where undersea contractors are under orders not to reveal underwater ruins that reveal an advanced culture.

DJ reveals that convicted British socialite and Deep State operative Ghislaine Maxwell and the late human trafficker Jeffrey Epstein used her Ocean conservation company TerraMar as a front for recruiting top scientists into their search for Atlantis.

22nd March 2022, 07:24
Andrei Martyanov | 1945 is always on my mind | Mar. 21, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Russian military and naval analyst, Andrei Martyanov.

Hitler dreams about saving Berlin. Spring of 1945. Suicide of the West. Crude.

22nd March 2022, 07:31
Tom Campbell with Andy Chu, Nathan Edwards | Ukraine, Fascism, and Sexual Diversity

Source: my-big-TOE.com (http://my-big-TOE.com)


Andy Chu of TimeOut for Humanity talks with Physicist and Consciousness Explorer Tom Campbell on Ukraine, fascism, and sexual diversity. Special guest: Nathan Edward

Thomas W. Campbell is a former NASA physicist. His expertise is in simulations and large complex systems. He is also a consciousness explorer who teaches people how to meditate, grow up and become love.

His groundbreaking research unifies physics and metaphysics, mind and matter, the normal and the paranormal. Recently, he designed a set of physics experiments that would revolutionize our understanding of reality. The design was published in a peer-reviewed journal of quantum mechanics.

His book My Big TOE has been translated into several languages. His YouTube videos have inspired millions to live wisely and courageously. To work with Tom directly or learn more about his latest creation: Tom’s Park© : A Virtual Imaginality Game.

Chapter markers: 00:00:00 Introduction
00:02:18 The big picture view of the war in Ukraine
00:16:30 Are the economic sanctions against Russia considered low entropy?
00:20:49 Is it OK to have casual sex or masturbate?
00:31:43 How to deal with sexual guilt?
00:38:29 For the scientist who is pursuing a career in the subjective
00:48:15 Being sociable in a digital world
01:00:08 Are avatars in different reality frames directly or indirectly related?
01:02:04 How to know if your choices are from your intellect or from your being
01:17:59 Is it OK to think of the larger system as a loving source?
01:24:54 Life is like a dream
01:29:32 How to defeat fascism
01:37:27 How come even a dream can evolve? 01:40:49 Not afraid to live, not afraid to die

23rd March 2022, 08:15
Redice TV | The Unelected Globalists Running The World - Jonas Nilsson | Mar. 23, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Film maker Jonas Nilsson from Sweden joins Henrik to discuss Palaestra Media's latest film "The Power Brokers You Never Elected."

We talk about globalism, centralization and the desire of the rootless cosmopolitans to create a system of global government. Replacement and migration as well as AI and transhumanism are large parts of the Great Reset and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. -Redice.tv

23rd March 2022, 08:30
The Corbett Report | What Is The Bitcoin Psyop? - Questions For Corbett | Mar. 23, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/qfc086-bitcoinpysop/)


This week on Questions For Corbett, Coll writes in to ask about the bitcoin psyop. What is crypto and how does it work? Is it evil? James gets into all the Byzantine details.

Show Notes:
Episode 394 - Solutions: Survival Currency (https://www.corbettreport.com/survivalcurrency/)
Episode 413 - Give Send Gone (https://www.corbettreport.com/givesendgone/)
Druthers.net (https://druthers.net/)
Free Press UNDER ATTACK In Ottawa As DRUTHERS Has BANK ACCOUNT FROZEN Under Emergencies Act!!! (https://odysee.com/@PressForTruth:4/Druthers-Bank-Account-Frozen:3)
Episode 328 - The Bitcoin Psyop (https://www.corbettreport.com/bitcoinpsyop/)
"Blockchain" (https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Blockchain) at the bitcoin wiki
Hidden Secrets Of Money - Episode 08 (Mike Maloney) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF362xxcfdk)
The Byzantine Generals Problem (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/uploads/prod/2016/12/The-Byzantine-Generals-Problem.pdf)
How does blockchain solve the Byzantine generals problem? (https://cointelegraph.com/blockchain-for-beginners/how-does-blockchain-solve-the-byzantine-generals-problem)
Distributed consensus (https://computersciencewiki.org/index.php/Distributed_consensus)
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System (https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf)
Blockchain vs. Bull****: Thoughts on the Future of Money (https://youtu.be/SMEOKDVXlUo?t=845)
Episode 415 - The Global Digital ID Prison (https://www.corbettreport.com/digitalid/)
A billion people have no legal identity - but a new app plans to change that (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/11/legal-identity-id-app-aid-tech)
India’s digital rupee may not necessarily be on the blockchain, according to the country’s central bank (https://www.businessinsider.in/cryptocurrency/news/indias-digital-rupee-may-not-necessarily-be-on-the-blockchain-according-to-rbi/articleshow/89475650.cms)
No, Canada Did NOT Seize Any Crypto Wallets Connected With The #FreedomConvoy, Here's Why (https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/no-canada-did-not-seize-any-crypto-wallets-connected-freedomconvoy-heres-why)
How Non-Custodial Crypto Wallets and P2P Exchanges Can Overcome Trudeaus Currency Controls (https://odysee.com/@johnbushlivefreenow:c/cryptocanovercomecanadacurrencycontrols:9)

23rd March 2022, 08:37
Whitney Webb | Fabians and Fascists with Matthew Ehret

Source: unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com)


In this episode, Whitney is joined by Matthew Ehret to discuss how the Fabian Society and other groups developed a model for “penetrating” governments throughout the West and beyond long before the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program came into existence.

Published 03/10/22.

23rd March 2022, 19:10
Whitney Webb | Ukraine & The Specter of Bioterror with Robbie Martin And Gumby | Mar. 18, 2022

Source: unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com)


Whitney is joined by Robbie Martin and researcher "Gumby" to unpack what we actually know about the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine and how the programs behind these labs originated with suspect "bioterror" claims at the end of the Cold War.

Published 03/18/22.

24th March 2022, 07:19

24th March 2022, 07:32
Linda Moulton Howe | 2 hour special - 200k Subscriber Celebration plus Interview with Luis Elizondo | Mar. 23, 2022

Source: earthfiles.com (http://earthfiles.com)


Topics: 200k Subscriber Celebration plus Interview with Luis Elizondo

Interview with Luis Elizondo
- Former Director, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification (AATIP) 2010-2017
- Collaborated with Office Undersecretary of Defence
- DNI admitted 143 of 144 UFO cases could not be explained

24th March 2022, 07:43
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Lentils, Lab-Grown Fish & Pedophile-Positive For SCOTUS? | Mar. 24, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest news in episode 95 of No-Go Zone.

24th March 2022, 08:55
Redice TV | Bulgarian Journalist Expose Pentagon Biolabs & Bioweapons Research In Ukraine & Georgia - Dilyana G | Mar. 24, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Dilyana Gaytandzhieva is an independent journalist from Bulgaria that have been exposing Pentagon funded and operated biolabs in Georgia, Ukraine and other parts of the world.

We discuss what goes on in some of these labs, what kind of experiments and pathogens they work on. We talk about gene specific weapons, research on insects and birds as a means to bring disease into a certain region.

Later we talk about NATO, Russia and that it's the same forces that are behind these biolabs that have been providing weapons and resources to Al-Nusra Front in Syria to help topple Assad. -Redice.tv

24th March 2022, 15:06
The Corbett Report | How to Get Around the Digital Iron Curtain - #SolutionsWatch | Mar. 24, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (http://https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-ironcurtain/)


As the battle lines are drawn in the new cold war, a digital iron curtain is descending across the internet. Governments are increasingly cracking down on the net and attempting to limit what websites you can access. Today James walks you through some basic steps you can take to draw back the curtain and peek at the information that the censors don't want you to see.

Show Notes:
EU bans RT, Sputnik over Ukraine disinformation (https://archive.ph/JAIg7)
Russia blocks access to Facebook and Twitter (https://archive.ph/6Hn9P)
Russia blocks Instagram over 'death to invaders' posting rule; files criminal case against Meta (https://www.firstpost.com/world/russia-blocks-instagram-over-death-to-invaders-posting-rule-files-criminal-case-against-meta-10453231.html)
How Do I Find Broken Links? - Questions For Corbett #075 (https://www.corbettreport.com/how-do-i-find-broken-links-questions-for-corbett-075/)
How to Find Deleted Videos - Questions For Corbett #081 (https://www.corbettreport.com/qfc081-deletedvideos/)
Censorship: Rejecting a One-Sided Argument (https://yesxorno.substack.com/p/censorship-rejecting-a-one-sided?s=r)
Putin meets ‘old friend’ Kissinger visiting Russia (https://www.rt.com/news/331194-putin-meets-friend-kissinger/)
Episode 416 - SHOCKING Document Reveals Trudeau's REAL Plan! (https://www.corbettreport.com/putin/)
Speeding Up Evolution | Putin calls for transforming Russia into digital, AI tech (https://web.archive.org/web/20210106045655/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ET35bLA7T4U&gl=US&hl=en)
Sputnik V: What you're not being told (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/sputnik-v-what-youre-not-being-told?s=r)
Russia's Gamaleya Research, UK-Swedish Astrazeneca Sign Memorandum of Cooperation in COVID-19 Fight (https://archive.ph/GA5u7)

24th March 2022, 18:08
Michael Hudson | Sanctions: The Blowback | Mar. 21, 2022

Source: rt.com (http://rt.com)


Whatever the outcome in Ukraine, one thing is for sure: The economic reverberations will be felt by everyone for years to come, as the world divides between the West and a rapidly re-shaping Eurasia.

Michael Hudson (born March 14, 1939) is an American economist, Professor of Economics at the University of Missouri–Kansas City and a researcher at the Levy Economics Institute at Bard College, former Wall Street analyst, political consultant, commentator and journalist. He is a contributor to The Hudson Report, a weekly economic and financial news podcast produced by Left Out.

Ross Ashcroft is joined by economist Michael Hudson to discuss trade, sanctions, dollar hegemony, and the emergence of a multipolar world.


Ross [00:00:29] Welcome to Renegade Inc. Whatever the outcome in Ukraine, one thing is for sure the economic reverberations will be felt by everyone for years to come as the world divides between the West and a rapidly reshaping Eurasia.

Ross [00:00:49] Michael Hudson, always a pleasure to have you on the programme, welcome to Renegade Inc.

Michael Hudson [00:00:53] Thank you for inviting me.

Ross [00:00:55] Michael, sanctions, sanctions, sanctions is all we hear now. We’re sanctioning people. The West sanction people back to the Stone Age. What are the unintended consequences of sanctions?

Michael Hudson [00:01:05] Well, one is to serve very much like a protective tariff on the sanctioned country. For instance, when America made sanctions on European trade with Russia, Lithuania dutifully stopped exporting cheese to Russia.

Well, the result is that Russia set up its own cheese’s sector, and now it’s self-sufficient in cheese. If you sanction a country, you force it to become more self-reliant and across the board, from agriculture to dairy products to technology, Russia is forced to become more self-reliant and at the same time to depend much more on trade with China for the things that it is still not self-reliant in.

So America is bringing about exactly the opposite of what it intended. It’s hopeless to somehow isolate Russia and then be able to go after China without Russia. And instead, what it’s doing is integrating the Eurasian core, Russia and China, exactly the policy that Henry Kissinger warned against going all the way back to Mackinder a century ago that said, Eurasia is the world island, Russia and China could be the whole world centre. That’s what the fight is all about.

Well, American sanctions are driving Russia and China together, and America has gone to China and said, Please don’t support Russia. It most recently, on Monday, March 14, Jake Sullivan came out and told China, we will sanction countries that break our sanctions against Russia. And basically, China said, fine. You know, we’ll just break off all the trade between East and West now and the East, Eurasia is pretty much self-sufficient.

The West is not self-sufficient since it began to industrialise, and it’s heavily dependent on Russia for not only oil and gas, but palladium and many raw materials. So the sanctions are ending up driving a wedge between the European countries.

Ross [00:03:31] Don’t people who apply these sanctions think this through? Are they so short-sighted they don’t understand that these sanctions are going to build further capacity within Russia, push Russia further towards China, make that economic alliance concrete and, ultimately, you’re not going to be able to keep the lights on in in Europe?

All the while underestimating the fact that from a food security point of view – take the U.K., for instance, a net importer of food – not appreciating the fact that, for instance, Russia/Ukraine, they create twenty five percent, a quarter, of all wheat annually. The estimation this year is one hundred and two million tonnes Russia and Ukraine, wheat. Don’t people realise that there’s going to be a massive knock on effect?

Michael Hudson [00:04:23] Yes, they do realise it. Yes, they’ve thought it all through. I worked with these people for more than 50 years.

Ross [00:04:31] Who are these people?

Michael Hudson [00:04:32] The neocons, basically, the people who are in charge of U.S. foreign policy? Victoria Nuland and her husband, Robert Kagan, the people that President Biden has appointed all around him, from Blinken to Sullivan and right down the line. They are basically urging people around the New American Century. They’re the people who said America can run the whole world and create its own reality.

And yes, they know that this is going to cause enormous problems for Germany. They know that not only will it block the energy that Germany and Italy and other countries in Europe need through their oil and gas, but also it’ll block the use of gas for fertiliser, upping their fertiliser production and decreasing their food production. They look at this and they say, How can America gain from all of this? There’s always a way of gaining what something looks to be bad. Well, one way they’ll gain is oil prices are going way up.

And that benefits the United States whose foreign policy is based very largely on oil and gas. The oil industry controls most of the world’s oil trade, and that explains a lot of the US diplomacy. This is a fight to lock the world energy trade into control by U.S. companies, excluding not only Iran and Venezuela, but also excluding Russia.

Ross [00:06:16] So as Europe pushes towards more and more green and renewable energy and this for the Americans they must think it’s a dreadful scenario insofar as they can’t sell the oil as Europe becomes or wants to become more self-sufficient. So ultimately, and Britain net zero, whatever that means. But but going down the renewables path, going down the solar path takes America’s dependency or dependency on America out the game, doesn’t it?

Michael Hudson [00:06:49] This is exactly the point that the European public has not realised. While most of the European public wants to prevent global warming and prevent carbon into the atmosphere, U.S. foreign policy is based on increasing, and even accelerating, global warming, accelerating carbon emissions because that’s the oil trade. Suppose that Europe got its way.

Suppose if the Greens got what they wanted and Germany and Europe were completely dependent on solar energy panels, on wind energy and to some extent, on nuclear power, perhaps? Well, if they were completely self-sufficient in energy without oil or gas or coal, America would lose the primary lever. It has over the ability to turn off the power and electricity and oil of any country that didn’t follow U.S. diplomatic direction.

Ross [00:07:48] So when we take your analysis here and we think about how the sanctions are going to build capacity, push Russia and China together, when we start to look at sort of piggy in the middle, if you like the EU, when we’re thinking about America, the EU has had a sort of abusive relationship with the Americans for quite some time now, hasn’t it?

Michael Hudson [00:08:06] Well, that’s that’s true in the sense that EU foreign policy has basically been turned over to NATO. So instead of European voters and politicians making their policy, they’ve relinquished European foreign policy to NATO, which is really an arm of the US military. So yes, Europe has had a decent relationship with the United States diplomatically by saying yes, yes, please or yes, thank you by not being independent. Of course, if it were independent, the relationship would not be so friendly and decent.

Ross [00:08:46] So for countries that are net importers of food, need to keep the lights on, need heating and need cheap oil. How does this pan out? What does it look like for the UK? What does it look like for the EU?

Michael Hudson [00:08:59] Well, Vice President, Kamala Harris the other day said to Americans, Yes, life is going to be much more expensive. Our oil prices are going up and squeezing families. But think of the poor Ukrainian babies that we’re saving. So take it on the chin for the Ukrainian babies.

So basically the United States is presenting horror stories of the Ukraine and saying, if you don’t willingly suffer now by isolating Russia, then Russia is going to roll over you with tanks just like it rolled over Central Europe after World War Two. I mean, it’s waving the flag of Russian aggression, as if Russia or any country in today’s world has an army that’s able to invade any other industrial nation. All military can do today of any country is bomb and kill other populations and industrial centres.

No nation is able to occupy or rollover any industrial country. And the United States keeps trying to promote this mythology that we’re still in the world of 1945. And that world ended really with the Vietnam War when the military draft ended. And no country is able to have a military draft to raise the army with necessary to fight to invade. Russia can’t do it any more than Europe or the United States could do it. So all the United States can do is wave warnings about how awful Russia is and somehow convince Europe to follow the US position.

But most of all, it doesn’t really have to. Europe doesn’t really have a voice, and this is what the complaint by Putin and Foreign Secretary Lavrov have been saying. They say that Europe is just following the United States and it doesn’t matter what the European people want or what European politicians want. The United States is so deeply in control that they really don’t have much of a choice.

Ross [00:11:15] When does the consumer start to feel this? When does the European or British consumer start to feel the pinch when these sanctions are enacted? And what does that look like?

Michael Hudson [00:11:25] Well, it depends on how fast the sanctions work. The United States said Well, in another year and a half, we’ll be able to provide Europe with liquefied natural gas. Well, the problem is, first of all, they’re not the ports to handle the liquefied natural gas to go into Europe.

Secondly, there are not enough ships and tankers to carry all of this gas to Europe. So unless there are very warm winters, Europe is not going to have a very easy time for the next few years. And that’s only for oil and gas. It’s dependent on raw materials that Russia produces.

For instance, palladium is necessary for catalytic converters. Titanium is necessary to make the screws that are especially used on aeroplanes that are strong enough not to buckle and break when winds go up and down and when they’re full. Russia even produces the neon and the crypton that are necessary for making some kind of electronic uses and also for many components that go into computers and information technology.

There’s a whole range of exports that Europe is highly dependent on, and the United States has provided Putin with a whole list of these exports, saying, Well, OK, we’re going to fight against Europe buying your oil and gas but you can certainly sell us your heavy oil that we need since we’re not buying it from Venezuela. We certainly need the following list of critical materials that we need, like helium and crypton.

These are our pressure points. Please don’t press on them. Well, you can imagine what Putin and his advisers are saying. Thank you for giving us this list of the pressure points that you’re exempting from the trade sanctions. I think if you really want a break in the unilateral, unipolar world, I think we should break now and see whether you really want to get along without trading.

Ross [00:13:51] Michael Hudson, welcome back, second half, Renegade Inc. Wonderful to have you. In that first half we followed the money, if you like. We talked about sanctions and the unintended consequences.

I just want to pull back a little further if we can and just talk about the sort of tectonic shifts that are going on in the world. I spoke to somebody from Russia recently and what he said was very straightforward. He said, now what we have to do is begin to learn to live without the West. Do you think that that sentiment is proliferating across Russia now? Is that the mindset?

Michael Hudson [00:14:22] Well, if you read President Putin’s speeches, that’s exactly what’s happening. And Secretary Lavrov has voiced exactly the same feeling. There’s almost a disgust with the West and a feeling from Putin, Lavrov and the other Russian spokesmen, how could we everhave hoped to have an integration with Europe after 1991?

Europe really was not on our side at all, and we didn’t realise that Europe is really part of the U.S. diplomatic sphere. It’s like all of Europe is now backing the attack on Russia. The best to do is reorient our economy towards China, Asia and Eurasia and become our own self-sufficient, independent centre

Ross [00:15:15] De-dollarisation and the amassing of plenty of gold by both the Russians and the Chinese. Just talk us through that.

Michael Hudson [00:15:21] Well, Ross, you asked in the first half of this interview how has American sanctions worked against it? I should have mentioned what you just mentioned, the dollar.

The United States just grabbed all of Russia’s foreign exchange reserves, just as England a few months ago grabbed all of Venezuela’s gold that was held in the Bank of England when Venezuela tried to spend this gold on buying medical supplies to cope with the COVID virus. So basically, the United States have said, if any foreign country holds its reserves in the United States or accounts in U.S. banks.

If a country in the global south tries to pay its foreign debt by holding its reserves in US banks in order to be the paying agent on the interest on its foreign debt. And if that foreign country does something we don’t like, like trade with Russia or permit more labour unionisation or try to become independent in food, we’re just going to do what we did to Venezuela, what we did to Iran when we grabbed its foreign exchange reserves or what we did to Russia.

And that means that other countries all of a sudden see what they thought was their flight to security, what they thought was their most secure savings, their holdings in U.S. banks, US treasury bill, all of a sudden, is holding them hostage and is a high risk. Even the Financial Times of London has been writing about this, saying, how can the United States that was getting a free ride off the dollar standard for the last 50 years, ever since 1971, when foreign countries held dollars instead of gold and basically holding dollars means you buy U.S. Treasury bonds to finance the US budget deficit and the balance of payments deficit.

How can the United States kill the goose that’s giving it the free ride? Well, the answer is that other countries can only move into gold and there’s an alternative to the dollar because that’s something that all the countries of the world have agreed upon is an asset, not a liability.

If you hold any foreign currency, that currency is a liability of a foreign country, and if you hold gold, it’s a pure asset. There’s no country that can cancel it, the Americans can’t cancel Russia’s gold supply that’s held in Russia, although it can grab Russian gold supply if it were to hold it in the New York Federal Reserve Bank or the Bank of England.

So other countries are not only moving to gold, Germany is bringing its gold back from New York, the Federal Reserve, in aeroplanes back to Germany, so it’ll have its own gold just in case German politicians would do something the United States didn’t like and the United States would simply grab Germany’s gold. The United States sanctions, and it’s especially it’s grabbing on foreign reserve, has started a war that is dividing the world between the West and Eurasia.

Ross [00:18:40] A technical part to all of this because let’s face it, it is an information war and it’s also an economic war. Is it the FIRE sector that you point out – the financial, insurance and real estate sector.

Is it that they want to continue the exorbitant privilege of credit creation, because ultimately, if you think about gold, there’s no counterparty risk. Gold is gold and it has been for millennia. Far from being a barbarous relic, by the way now, people are starting to realise the intrinsic value, especially as crypto falls apart.

Can you just talk a little bit about this, the FIRE sector wanting the exorbitant privilege of creating credit?

Michael Hudson [00:19:19] This is really what the new world division and global fracture is all about. You’re right, Ross. If you look at after World War One, the American fight against Soviet communism, was basically a fight of industrial capitalism against the threat of socialism. But after 1991, and especially in the last two decades, America deindustrialised.

So the fight is not by industrial capitalism against countries pushing their labour up. It’s a fight of neoliberalism against industrial capitalism or socialism abroad. It’s against industrial capitalism evolving into socialism. It’s a belief that, well, now that America’s be industrialised, how is it going to control the world economy? Well, it’ll control it through a financial means by being the creditor and foreign countries debt payments to America will enable it to make its military payments abroad and finance its trade deficit.

But also, America’s purchase of key natural resources will give it natural resources when its purchase of takeover of real estate is going to essentially make the United States the landlord class and monopoly class, that mediaeval Europe had to hold the rest of the population in serfdom. That basically is the American strategy of neoliberalism fighting against countries that reject privatisation and financialization of their economy, and specifically financialization under the control of U.S. banks, U.S. private capital and allied satellite banks and capital from England or France or Germany.

This is exactly the fight. Will banking and finance control the world economy or will other countries try to build up their own economies through labour and tangible capital formation?

Ross [00:21:27] Where do you stand on that? And I’m only asking you to predict the future, Michael. How do you think this plays out? Because the way you’ve depicted it is the rent seekers, the neoliberal rent seekers on one hand, and there are value creators on the other. And by the way, those two things don’t sit very well together, as we know. How does that play out?

Michael Hudson [00:21:51] Even though the United States is the largest debtor economy in the world, it’s a creditor vis-a-vis the global south and other countries and it uses its creditor position to take over their natural resources, real estate, oil and gas, mineral rights and public utilities and natural monopolies and that are being privatised in government infrastructure.

It’s becoming basically the landlord monopoly class of the entire world. That’s the U.S. strategy, and that’s the key to why the world is fracturing globally. And in the past, the global south countries were unable to fight against this tendency in the 70s and 80s with the Vendome conference on. But now that China and Russia threatened to be a self-sufficient core in Eurasia, this is the great threat to the American dream of becoming a landlord and financier of the world.

Ross [00:22:50] How do you think this pans out?

Michael Hudson [00:22:52] Well, the question is whether the United States is if we can control the world, who wants to live in a world like that, let’s blow it up. The question is whether the United States will actually go to war.

The only lever that it has left is to drop bombs and to destroy and make the world look like Ukraine. So from the U.S. point of view, Europe’s future and Eurasia’s future is the Ukraine. Look at what we will do to you if you don’t follow our policy. America has just moved al Qaeda very heavily in the Ukraine to sort of repeat in Ukraine and Europe what it was doing in Syria and Libya. And the United States says this is what we can do. What are you going to do about it?

Do you really want to fight. But the rest of the world, certainly China and Russia says, Well, we’re ready to fight. So there is no telling what you. And it comes down to personalities. Putin has said, well, do we really want to live in a world without Russia? If the United States is to attack us, we might as well end the world. The United States says, Do we really want to live in a world that we can’t control?

If we’re not completely in control, we feel very insecure and we’re going to blow up the world. So you have this countervailing position in a world where all the arms control has been dismantled by the United States in the last few years. The United States has withdrawn from all of the agreements that Russia and China have tried to promote. And Europe is standing by and apparently is willing to be the sacrificial lamb in all of this as Ukraine is being the sacrificial lamb.

So the United States and Russia say, let’s fight to the last European. And Russia initially didn’t want that because it was hoping that Europe and Russia would have a mutual gain in trade and investment relationships. But now it doesn’t feel that way. And there may be a proxy war between the United States over the European economy, not necessarily bombing Europe, but trade sanctions, energy sanctions, the kind of disruption that Europe is going to be seeing in the next year is if it loses Russian oil and gas and minerals and also, I think Chinese exports.

Ross [00:25:25] Is there a moment where cooler heads prevail and suddenly the West and other places realise that they’re dependent from a food security point of view, from an energy security point of view that we are dependent? And is there a moment at that point that you can thaw a frozen conflict by saying, actually, if we both meet, we just take a step toward each other, actually, we can do something in a collaborative way? Now I get what you’ve said throughout the rest of the programme, and I give this a percentage possibility of about three percent, but isn’t there a strategy to say, actually, we’ve had all the grandstanding, we’ve had all the brinksmanship, we should now sit around the table and try and work something out?

Michael Hudson [00:26:03] I don’t see any cooler heads in the United States. The surprising thing is that here it’s the right wing channel, the Republican Fox Channel, is the only channel that’s taking the anti-war stand and is saying we shouldn’t be at war in Ukraine. It’s the only channel that’s talking about here is how Russia sees the world.

Do we really want to take a one sided perspective or do we want to see the actual dynamics at work? So it was the Republicans and the right wing that is now primarily against the NATO war in the Ukraine. The left wing seems to be all for it, but the left wing of the Democratic Party is in office and I don’t see any cooler heads in the Democratic Party at all.

And I’ve known many of these people for many decades, and they are willing to go to war for a death. There are still back in the world of World War Two when the fight was against the Nazis and anti-Semitism. They’re still living in a kind of mythology world, not in the real world. And the thought that the world can come to an end either doesn’t have a reality to them or as Herman Cain said, Well, somebody is going to survive.

Ross [00:27:29] Michael Hudson always a pleasure, a great insight. And, you know, it’s just refreshing to hear. Thank you very much for your time.

Michael Hudson [00:27:38] Well, thank you very much for having me, Ross.

25th March 2022, 07:15
David Icke | The Time Is Now | Mar. 23, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


25th March 2022, 07:56
Ukraine and the Deeper Global Suicide Agenda

Source: williamengdahl.com (http://williamengdahl.com/englishNEO9Mar2022.php)

By F. William Engdahl
9 March 2022

The decision by the Russian President to order military action in neighboring Ukraine beginning February 24, 2022 has shocked many, myself included. The question at this point almost two weeks into military action by Russian and other forces inside Ukraine, is what pushed Russia into what Western media portrays as unilateral unwarranted war of aggression. A public threat by Ukrainian president and comedian Volodymyr Zelenskyy on February 19, during meetings with top-level NATO officials and others in the annual Munich Security Conference, provides a largely-ignored clue to Moscow actions. In addition more recent reports of numerous US Pentagon bioweapons labs across Ukraine add to the background threats. Did Moscow believe Russia faced a literal do-or-die reality?

Some essential history

The current conflict in Ukraine has its seeds in the 1990’s and the US-backed collapse of the Soviet Union. During high-level Two Plus Four Treaty talks pertaining to Germany’s reunification in 1990, talks between US Secretary of State James Baker III and then-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, along with France, the UK and the West German government, over unification of Germany, Baker gave a verbal promise that NATO would not move “one inch” to the East to threaten former Soviet territories, in return for the USSR allowing German reunification within NATO (https://alethonews.com/2022/01/15/did-nato-leaders-lie-to-russia/).

For years Washington has lied about the exchange, as they moved one after the other former Warsaw Pact countries including Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Hungary, Baltic States into NATO and closer to striking distance to Russia. Recently Putin cited the 1990 Baker agreement to justify Russian demands that NATO and Washington give binding legal assurances that Ukraine would never be admitted into the NATO alliance. Washington until now has categorically refused to do so.

Putin’s 2007 Munich Speech

At the 2007 annual Munich Security Conference, as the Bush-Cheney administration had announced plans to install US missile defense systems in Poland, Romania and the Czech Republic to,“guard against rogue states such as North Korea or Iran,” Russia’s Putin delivered a scathing critique of the US lies and violation of their 1990 assurances on NATO. By that time 10 former communist Eastern states had been admitted to NATO despite the 1990 US promises. Furthermore, both Ukraine and Georgia were candidates to join NATO following US-led Color Revolutions in both countries in 2003-4. Putin rightly argued the US missiles were aimed at Russia, not North Korea or Iran.

In his 2007 Munich remarks Putin told his Western audience, “It turns out that NATO has put its frontline forces on our borders, and we continue to strictly fulfil the treaty obligations and do not react to these actions at all. I think it is obvious that NATO expansion does not have any relation with the modernization of the Alliance itself, or with ensuring security in Europe. On the contrary, it represents a serious provocation that reduces the level of mutual trust. And we have the right to ask: against whom is this expansion intended? And what happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact? Where are those declarations today? No one even remembers them.” Putin added, “But I will allow myself to remind this audience what was said. I would like to quote the speech of NATO General Secretary Mr Woerner in Brussels on 17 May 1990. He said at the time that: “the fact that we are ready not to place a NATO army outside of German territory gives the Soviet Union a firm security guarantee”. Where are these guarantees?” (https://aldeilis.net/english/putins-historical-speech-munich-conference-security-policy-2007/) That was 15 years ago.

The 2014 Maidan Coup d’Etat

By November 2013 an economically corrupt and floundering Ukraine under elected and also very corrupt President Viktor Yanukovych, announced that, rather than accept a “special” association with the EU, Ukraine would take a far more generous offer from Moscow to join the Eurasian Economic Union led by Moscow. Russia had agreed to cut the price of Russian gas to Ukraine by 30% and to buy $15 billion of Ukraine bonds to ease the Kiew financial crisis.

At that point, on 21 November, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the man selected by Washington’s Victoria Nuland and Kiev Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, together with then-Vice President Joe Biden, launched what were called Maidan Square protests against the Yanukovych regime backed by US NGOs. On February 20, 2014 after CIA-organized snipers, reportedly recruited from nearby Georgia, killed dozens of student protesters and also police, leading Yanukovych to flee, Yatsenyuk became Prime Minister in a hand-picked US-run regime, hand-picked by Nuland and Biden among others (https://vid1.ria.ru/ig/infografika/golova/inter_en/).

Later in December 2014 in an interview with a Russian newspaper, George Friedman of Stratfor, a private firm consulting to the Pentagon and CIA among others, said of the US-led February 2014 Kiev regime change, “Russia calls the events that took place at the beginning of this year a coup d’etat organized by the United States. And it truly was the most blatant coup in history.” (http://williamengdahl.com/us-russia.org/2902-in-ukraine-us-interests-are-incompatible-with-the-interests-of-the-russian-federation-stratfor-chief-george-friedman-on-the-roots-of-the-ukraine-crisis.html) He was boastful in the interview.

That Kiev coup regime proceeded after February 22, 2014 to wage a war of extermination and ethnic cleansing of Russian-speakers in eastern Ukraine, led to a large degree by a private army of literal neo-nazis from Right Sector (banned in Russia), the same ones who ran security in the Maidan Square and launched a reign of terror against Russian-speaking Ukrainians. Battalions were formed of neo-nazi mercenaries. They were given official state status as “Ukrainian National Guard” soldiers, the Azov Battalion, financed by Ukrainian mafia boss and billionaire oligarch, Ihor Kolomoisky, the financial backer of Zelenskyy as president. The Azov soldiers even sport open SS runes as its logo. In 2016, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) accused the Azov Battalion, officially upgraded to a regiment in January 2015, of committing war crimes such as mass looting, unlawful detention, and torture.

Today Nuland is Biden’s Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs responsible for Ukraine and Russian affairs. She is well aware of who the Azov Battalion are.

Zelenskyy and Munich 2022

On February 19 in Munich, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy made his threat to deploy nuclear weapons on Ukrainian territory. He expressed this as his unilateral revocation of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, although Ukraine was not a signatory of the agreement. Two days later on the evening of February 21, Putin made his speech recognizing the sovereign independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. He explicitly referenced Zelenskyy’s Munich nuclear weapons pledge: “This is not empty bravado,” Putin stressed in his speech.

On March 6 Moscow state news agency, RAI Novosti, quoted a senior Russian SVR foreign intelligence source with details on a secret Ukraine project, reportedly with vital covert Western support, to build a Ukrainian nuclear missile capability and a Ukrainian atom bomb in brazen violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. According to the report, Ukrainian nuclear scientists were disguising the developments by locating them near the high-radiation levels of Chernobyl nuclear reactor site, an explanation for the swift Russian moves to secure Chernobyl. “It was there, judging by the available information, that work was underway both on the manufacture of a “dirty” bomb and on the separation of plutonium,” RIA Novosti quotes the source. The primary bomb research facility was located at the National Scientific Center, “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology.” As of this writing reports of fierce fighting underway between Russian forces and neo-nazi Ukrainian Azov fighters who reportedly are planning to blow up the research reactor site and blame it (https://southfront.org/ukraine-reportedly-was-close-to-obtaining-nuclear-weapons-when-russia-decided-to-act/) on Russia. The battle for control of the large Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is also apparently part of the attempt to conceal the illegal Ukraine bomb project.

It now begins to become more clear that Putin had serious reason to react at the Ukraine nuclear threat. A Ukrainian nuclear missile within six minutes of Moscow would present existential danger whether Ukraine were in NATO or not.

Huge Military Buildup- Biowarfare?

There was more. Ukrainian press reported a year ago about new Western-built de facto NATO naval bases in Ochakov and Berdyansk as, “modern infrastructure facilities capable of receiving ships of all types, equipped according to NATO standards and built with the money of the alliance countries.” The media boasted, “In three years we will be able to strike at Russian ships in the Black Sea with our mosquito fleet. And if we combine with Georgia and Turkey, the Russian Federation will be blocked,’ Ukrainian military experts boasted. “ (https://johnhelmer.net/operation-barbarossa-in-slow-motion-this-is-the-offensive-capacity-the-us-was-preparing-in-the-ukraine-until-last-week/#more-47611)

In addition, the US Pentagon had no less than eight, perhaps as many as 30 top-secret bioweapons research labs across Ukraine testing DNA of some 4,000 military volunteers. Once Russian soldiers moved to secure the evidence, the US Embassy in Kiev deleted previous mention of the sites from its website, and Ukrainians reportedly moved to destroy the lab evidence. Ukrainian labs in Kharkiv and elsewhere were operating in cooperation with the United States. Stocks of such weapons were being secretly stored in direct violation of international conventions.

A full month before the Russian military action on 24 February in Ukraine, independent biowarfare researcher, Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, obtained documents detailing “US Pentagon biological experiments with a potentially lethal outcome on 4,400 soldiers in Ukraine and 1,000 soldiers in Georgia. According to the leaked documents, all volunteer deaths should be reported within 24 h (in Ukraine) and 48 h (in Georgia).” She details the human experiments, which include testing for antibodies against some 14 pathogens including Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, Borrelia species (Lyme disease) and others. According to the documents the labs in Ukraine and Georgia are part of a Pentagon “$2.5 billion Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Biological engagement program which includes research on bio agents, deadly viruses and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.” (https://dilyana.bg/documents-expose-us-biological-experiments-on-allied-soldiers-in-ukraine-and-georgia/)

On March 6, in a statement to the official RAI Novosti in Moscow, Major General Igor Konashenkov, spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, stated they had received documents, “from employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories confirming that components of biological weapons were being developed in Ukraine, in close proximity to Russian territory.” He noted, “In the course of a special military operation, the facts of an emergency cleansing by the Kiev regime of traces of a military biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the US Department of Defense, were uncovered.” (https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/)

Added to this evidence of nuclear and bioweapon WMD placements inside Ukraine in recent years, the West NATO member countries have been pouring billions of dollars of military equipment including anti-tank weapons and explosives into Ukraine while Zelenskyy, rumored by opposition to be in hiding in the US Embassy in Warsaw, calls repeatedly for a NATO “No-Fly” zone over Ukraine, an act that would be a direct casus belli of war between Russia and NATO a war that rapidly could go nuclear or beyond.

The question is whether this years-long provocation by Washington and NATO of Russian national security via Ukraine is aimed at destroying the viability of Russia as a sovereign nation and military power. Is it a calculated move to use sanctions against Russia to cause global collapse and energy crises, food shortages and worse, all to advance the Davos 2030 Great Reset agenda? Blame it on the “evil Putin” and Russia while BlackRock and the financial powers reorganize the world? It is too early to tell but certain is that whatever prompted the action by Russia on February 24, 2022 had to have been far more serious than CNN or other controlled Western media are telling us.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

25th March 2022, 08:08
Andrei Martyanov | US Dollar and Kinzhal | Mar. 24, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Russian military and naval analyst, Andrei Martyanov.

US Dollar vs Ruble. Hypersonic weapons and finances. Ukraine.

25th March 2022, 10:22
Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Mar. 24, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


There's an excellent op-ed piece by Robert Gore that addresses one of my main concerns: the collapse of epistemology in a dangerous geopolitical situation, and hoe as a consequence the dollar's status as a reserve currency is badly shaken; plus as a bonus today, a quotation from G.K. Chesterton's The Everlasting Man as a kind of backdrop by which to see the civilization state of Russia(Rome) and the West/America (Carthage).

Bonfire of the Governments, Part One, by Robert Gore (https://straightlinelogic.com/2022/03/16/bonfire-of-the-governments-by-robert-gore/)

27th March 2022, 04:23
Has the US Funded Bioweapons Research in Ukraine?
by Dr. Joseph Mercola
March 25, 2022


According to Russian officials, the U.S. government has been financing and helping Ukraine develop a secret bioweapons program
According to the U.S. government, they’ve been working with Ukraine to “eliminate” bioweapons left over from the Soviet era. This was then changed to: The U.S. is helping “secure” former Soviet bioweapons. Other denials have stated that the labs are diagnostic and biodefense laboratories, or that they’re used for vaccine development
The concepts of biodefense and biowarfare are largely indistinguishable. “Biodefense” implies tacit biowarfare, as they typically create dangerous pathogens under the guise of finding a cure in case such a pathogen was to develop naturally or be created by an enemy
March 8, 2022, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland admitted that “biological research laboratories” in Ukraine have been funded and operated under the direction of the U.S.
Nuland stressed that she’s very concerned about the contents of those labs falling into the hands of the Russian military, because Russia may use the pathogens as bioweapons. But the only reason to be concerned about that is if they’re extremely dangerous and NOT former Soviet bioweapons (as Russia would already have them)

According to Russian officials, the U.S. government has been financing and helping Ukraine develop a secret bioweapons program.1 The U.S. State Department has shrugged it off as “total nonsense,”2 and fact checkers have published countless “consensus statements” emphatically denying the Russian claim over the past few weeks.

As usual, it’s difficult to discern the truth, as both sides are churning out propaganda. In the video above, Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson reviews what we’ve come to know so far.

Under Secretary of State Admits US Funding of Ukraine Labs

While the Biden administration has vehemently denied the Russian accusation, March 8, 2022, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, admitted that “biological research laboratories” in Ukraine have in fact been funded and operated under the direction of the U.S.3

She did not admit that they were biological WEAPONS labs. But is it all semantics? While the research and defense industries would like you to believe that there’s a vast difference, and a sharp dividing line, between biological research for health purposes and biological weapons research, most such research can serve dual purposes.

During Nuland’s testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., asked: “Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?” Surprisingly, Nuland, after some hesitation, responded that “there are biological research facilities” in the Ukraine.

Nuland then immediately went on to say that she’s “deeply concerned” the pathogens held in those labs may now fall into the hands of the Russian military. This implies the pathogens are extremely dangerous — and could be deployed as weapons by the Russians.

Any attempt to claim that Ukraine's biological facilities are just benign and standard medical labs is negated by Nuland's explicitly grave concern that ‘Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of’ those facilities. ~ Glenn Greenwald"
(continued in next post)

27th March 2022, 04:30
Continued from post above

"As noted by investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald (whose report is also covered by Russel Brand, below):4

“Any hope to depict such ‘facilities’ as benign or banal was immediately destroyed by [her] warning ...

Nuland's bizarre admission that ‘Ukraine has biological research facilities’ that are dangerous enough to warrant concern that they could fall into Russian hands ironically constituted more decisive evidence of the existence of such programs in Ukraine than what was offered in 2002 and 2003 to corroborate U.S. allegations about Saddam's chemical and biological programs in Iraq ...

It should go without saying that the existence of a Ukrainian biological ‘research’ program does not justify an invasion by Russia ... But Nuland's confession does shed critical light on several important issues ...

Any attempt to claim that Ukraine's biological facilities are just benign and standard medical labs is negated by Nuland's explicitly grave concern that ‘Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of’ those facilities ...

Russia has its own advanced medical labs ... The only reason to be ‘quite concerned’ about these ‘biological research facilities’ falling into Russian hands is if they contain sophisticated materials that Russian scientists have not yet developed on their own and which could be used for nefarious purposes — i.e., either advanced biological weapons or dual-use ‘research’ that has the potential to be weaponized ...

This joint US/Ukraine biological research is, of course, described by the State Department in the most unthreatening way possible. But that again prompts the question of why the U.S. would be so gravely concerned about benign and common research falling into Russian hands.

It also seems very odd, to put it mildly, that Nuland chose to acknowledge and describe the ‘facilities’ in response to a clear, simple question from Sen. Rubio about whether Ukraine possesses chemical and biological weapons.

If these labs are merely designed to find a cure for cancer or create safety measures against pathogens, why, in Nuland's mind, would it have anything to do with a biological and chemical weapons program in Ukraine? ...

The indisputable reality is that — despite long-standing international conventions banning development of biological weapons — all large, powerful countries conduct research that, at the very least, has the capacity to be converted into biological weapons. The work conducted under the guise of ‘defensive research’ can, and sometimes is, easily converted into the banned weapons themselves.”


More Semantics
When Fox News contacted the state department for comment about Nuland’s admissions, they received the following reply:5

“The U.S. Department of Defense does not own or operate biological weapons labs in Ukraine. Under Secretary Nuland was referring to Ukrainian diagnostic and biodefense laboratories during her testimony which are not biological weapons facilities. These institutions counter biological threats throughout the country.”

Again, this seems like someone trying to split hairs and not quite succeeding. The U.S. may not “own,” or “operate” biological weapons labs in Ukraine, but does it fund them? Funding, operating and owning are not the same thing, yet they’re denying the accusation of “funding” these labs by saying they don’t “own or operate” them.

Why the obfuscation? Why not say “we don’t FUND bioweapons labs,” if that is in fact the case? And what is the difference between “biodefense” labs and a “bioweapons” lab? If you were creating a bioweapon, wouldn’t you call it biodefense? As noted in an April 2020 article by independent journalist and analyst, Sam Husseini:6

“Governments that participate in ... biological weapon research generally distinguish between ‘biowarfare’ and ‘biodefense,’ as if to paint such ‘defense’ programs as necessary.

But this is rhetorical sleight-of-hand; the two concepts are largely indistinguishable. ‘Biodefense’ implies tacit biowarfare, breeding more dangerous pathogens for the alleged purpose of finding a way to fight them.”

Bioweapons expert Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, has also pointed out that many if not most BSL-4 labs are dual use: “They first develop the offensive biological warfare agent and then they develop the supposed vaccine.”7

Were Pathogens Secured or Not?
Nuland’s statement also raises another question. If the U.S. government feared the pathogens could be used as weapons, why didn’t they secure them before the Russians went into Ukraine? Carlson asks. Clearly, they knew it was going to happen. In fact, President Biden stated February 18 that he was “convinced” Putin would invade Ukraine.8

March 11, 2022, Reuters9 reported that the World Health Organization had advised Ukraine to destroy high-threat pathogens to prevent “potential spills” were any of the facilities to be bombed.

Curiously, the WHO declined to say when it made that recommendation. It also did not specify the pathogens Ukraine labs might have. We also don’t know whether the Ukrainians complied with the request.

What Are the Labs Actually Used For?
As reported by Carlson, initially, the Biden administration told members of Congress that the labs in Ukraine were “designed to help the Ukrainians fight tuberculosis” and “various livestock diseases.”

Next, numerous news organizations published “fact checks” stating that the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) has worked with Ukraine to eliminate bioweapons, some of which were allegedly left behind by the Soviet Union as far back as 2005. The labs are definitely not, however, bioweapons labs, they claim.

“That makes sense,” Carlson says. “But wait; 2005 — that was 17 years ago. How long does it take to eliminate Soviet bioweapons? Seventeen years seems like a long time. With 17 years and ample funding from Congress you can probably remove and catalogue every grain of sand on Waikiki Beach.

And yet, somehow, over that same time period, 17 years, the Pentagon has not finished removing test tubes from Soviet era freezers ... When was the Pentagon planning on finishing this important job?”

Narrative No. 2
Perhaps because the first alibi didn’t make sense upon closer reflection, a small correction to the narrative was then rolled out by CNN, which claimed that the labs in Ukraine exist to “secure” — not eliminate — old Soviet bioweapons. But to Carlson, that explanation still doesn’t ring quite true. What does it mean to “secure” bioweapons, and why has it taken 17 years? Moreover, Carlson adds:

“If these are just old Soviet bioweapons, why is Victoria Nuland so worried they’ll wind up in the hands of old Soviet, which already presumably has these very same weapons? They probably don’t need more. It’s absurd, when you think about it.”

Narrative No. 3
Then, the third narrative was rolled out, again by CNN. In a live coverage, CNN showed Russian video footage from 2015, which claimed the U.S. was running biological facilities in Ukraine and Georgia, and were responsible for deadly outbreaks of disease among local livestock.

According to CNN, this story has been “a key part of Russia’s disinformation campaign” to justify its invasion of Ukraine. However, “the claims were debunked several years ago,” CNN states, “when in 2020 the U.S. issued a statement to set the record straight.”

According to that 2020 statement, the facilities were for “vaccine development” and “to report outbreaks of dangerous pathogens before they pose security or stability threats.”

Incriminating Interview
So, did the U.S. fund these labs to help Ukraine combat tuberculosis? Or was it to eliminate former Soviet bioweapons? Was it to “secure” Soviet bioweapons? Or to aid the Ukrainians with vaccine development?

Perhaps it’s all of those things. Or none of them. As reported by Carlson, the day after Russia invaded Ukraine, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists interviewed10 Dr. Robert Pope, director of the DoD’s Cooperative Threat Reduction program.11 Pope has in fact been in charge of securing former Soviet weapons of mass destruction over his 30-year career.

While Pope insisted that the Ukraine labs “conduct peaceful scientific research and disease surveillance,” he also made some interesting statements that raise questions and allow for alternative interpretation. Here’s an excerpt highlighted by Carlson:12

“The pathogens in Ukrainian labs vary by facility, Pope said, but some can be characterized as presenting a concern in the Ukrainian environment. As an example, he cited African swine fever virus, which is highly contagious in pigs and has caused hundreds of outbreaks in Ukraine since 2012.

Some labs, he said, may hold pathogen strains left over from the Soviet bioweapons program, preserved in freezers for research purposes. ‘There is no place that still has any of the sort of infrastructure for researching or producing biological weapons,’ Pope said.

‘Scientists being scientists, it wouldn’t surprise me if some of these strain collections in some of these laboratories still have pathogen strains that go all the way back to the origins of that program.’”

So, in other words, according to Pope, the Ukraine labs may still have former Soviet bioweapons in their freezers — and, “scientists being scientists,” they don’t want to destroy those bioweapons. They want to keep them and use them for research purposes.

When you put those statements together, don’t you end up with “they may be doing bioweapons research”? And if the U.S. is funding such endeavors, doesn’t that mean the U.S. is funding bioweapons research in Ukraine?

Signs of Guilt?
During a March 16, 2022, War Room interview, guest host Peter Navarro asked Dr. Robert Malone, “Why do you think we are funding biolabs in Ukraine and Wuhan?”

Malone’s hypothesis is that the “federal government of the USA, specifically NIAID/HHS and DTRA/DoD, are offshoring risk and legal liability, and trying to circumvent congressional oversight concerning activities that we know we should not be doing.”13 In a Substack article, published that same day, Malone also made the following observation:14

“U.S. politician Tulsi Gabbard (a WEF ‘young leader’ trainee whose WEF webpage was recently removed) raised concerns on Twitter regarding the ‘Biolabs’ issue and was immediately attacked by Mitt Romney (Senator, Utah, Uniparty).

Romney used Twitter to state ‘Tulsi Gabbard is parroting false Russian propaganda. Her treasonous lies may well cost lives’ ... Here is the text of what constitutes “treasonous lies” according to Mitt.

‘There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine which if breached would release & spread deadly pathogens to US/world. We must take action now to prevent disaster. US/Russia/Ukraine/NATO/UN/EU must implement a ceasefire now around these labs until they’re secured & pathogens destroyed.’

As far as I am concerned, Mitt calling Tulsi Gabbard ‘treasonous’ for pointing out undeniable facts of the well documented US-sponsored Ukrainian biolabs is a tell. If this was a nothingburger, he would have called her a ‘crazy conspiracy theorist’ or some version of that.

But instead he essentially called her a traitor to her country for stating the truth. That is the behavior of someone who is caught in a lie. The words, strategies and tactics (propaganda, gaslighting, character assassination) being used by this administration are most consistent with attempts to hide guilt.”

Why Was This Notice Deleted?
Another finding that has fueled suspicions that the U.S. government is not being transparent about the Ukraine labs include the inexplicable scrubbing of an article announcing then-Senator Barack Obama leading an effort to build a biolab capable of handling “especially dangerous pathogens” in Ukraine, back in 2005.

It’s unclear exactly when the announcement was deleted, but as of August 26, 2017, it was gone.15 As reported by The National Pulse:16

“Originally posted on June 18th, 2010, the article ‘Biolab Opens in Ukraine’17 details how Obama, while serving as an Illinois Senator, helped negotiate a deal to build a level-3 bio-safety lab in the Ukrainian city of Odessa.

The article ... also highlighted the work of former Senator Dick Lugar ... ‘Lugar said plans for the facility began in 2005 when he and then-Senator Barack Obama entered a partnership with Ukrainian officials ...

A 2011 report from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences’ Committee on Anticipating Biosecurity Challenges of the Global Expansion of High-Containment Biological Laboratories explained how the Odessa-based laboratory ‘is responsible for the identification of especially dangerous biological pathogens.’”

According to The National Pulse,18 other reports reveal the Odessa-based lab in question was constructed through a cooperative agreement between the U.S. DoD and the Health Ministry of Ukraine. The collaboration reportedly focused on “preventing the spread of technologies, pathogens, and knowledge that can be used in the development of biological weapons.”

The lab would also serve as an Interim Central Reference Laboratory and contain collections of pathogens, including bacteria and viruses of the pathogenic groups 1 and 2, which include Ebola.

The scrubbed article is very short. No more than an announcement, really. On the surface, it appears to confirm the U.S. government’s current claim that — at least this particular lab — was for the purpose of preventing the proliferation of bioweapons. When and why was it deleted? We may never know. Hopefully, we’ll have better luck getting to the bottom of what kind of research, really, the U.S. government has been funding in the Ukraine."

- Sources and References
1 BBC March 15, 2022
2, 3, 5 WSWS.org March 11, 2022
4 Greenwald Substack March 9, 2022
6 Salon April 24, 2020
7 Mercola interview with Francis Boyle published March 8, 2020
8 NPR February 18, 2022
9 Reuters March 11, 2022
10, 12 The Bulletin February 25, 2022
11 DTRA.mil Robert Pope
13, 14 RW Malone MD Substack March 16, 2022
15 Wayback Machine August 26, 2017
16, 18 The National Pulse March 8, 2022
17 BioPrepWatch.com June 18, 2010 (Archived)

28th March 2022, 07:11
Dark Journalist | Special Report: CIA Invades The UFO File | Mar. 25, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


Covert Intelligence/Aerospace Group that Controls the UFO File

Unidentified Flying Objects

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Anomaly Surveillance and Resolution Office

Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group

28th March 2022, 07:20
David Icke | Agenda 21 Is Here | Mar. 26, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


28th March 2022, 11:43
Redice TV | Kevin MacDonald | How Jewish Activism Transformed The West, Who Benefits From Ukraine-Russia War? | Mar. 26, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Kevin MacDonald from The Occidental Observer joins Henrik to discuss his latest paper "The Default Hypothesis Fails to Explain Jewish Influence." The paper was first published in the Israeli-based academic journal "Philosophia" and was heavily demonized and attacked for being 'anti-semitic.'

Despite the slander the paper seeks to address the very real and provable role of Jewish activism in regards to the transformative changes that have occurred in the West in recent decades. Later in the show we discuss the deeper implications of the war in Ukraine and who really benefits from it. We discuss Putin, Zelensky, NATO, Western corruption and ask how much influence the oligarchs have in Russia and in Ukraine.

In the second part on the show we analyze the wider consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the sanctions. What is going to happen with fuel prices, the supply chain and the food supply?

Should we expect a catastrophe or can the damage done so far from Covid lockdown and sanctions be remedied somehow? Major globalist institution and the World Economic Forum are not only warning about food shortages and unrest over food supply problems but seek to benefit from the chaos by "rebuilding" a "new world" after the dust have settled. We discuss this and more in the second part. Don't miss it.

29th March 2022, 06:57
Andrei Martyanov | Geopolitics of War Crimes | Mar. 28, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Russian military and naval analyst, Andrei Martyanov.

Ukraine. War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, POWs, Western media

29th March 2022, 07:12
Dr. Joel Wallach | Ask Doc Live | Mar. 25, 2022

Source: criticalhealthnews.com (http://criticalhealthnews.com)


29th March 2022, 07:17
Max Igan | The Last World War | Mar. 29, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


29th March 2022, 11:21
David Icke | We Live In A Simulation Created By A Non-Human Entity | Mar. 28, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


30th March 2022, 06:16
Jordon Maxwell’s Last Talk a Must Listen!

Source: beforeitsnews.com (https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2022/03/jordon-maxwells-last-talk-a-must-listen-video-3770088.html), jordanmaxwellshow.com (http://jordanmaxwellshow.com), jordanmaxwellresearch.is (http://jordanmaxwellresearch.is)


This is a must see 2 + hour conference speech given by speaker Jordon Maxwell.

Its best to listen all at one time. If you take a break from the video and try to return, it’s difficult to get access again due to the popularity of this event.

30th March 2022, 06:54
The Corbett Report | James Gets His Portrait Painted | Mar. 30, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/reddymade-portrait/)


In a Corbett Report first, Norway-based artist Chris Reddy of reddymade.com conducts a "portrait interview" of James Corbett. But this is no ordinary portrait: Reddy focuses on the inner mental landscape of the subject to create a "bigger image" of the person. Enjoy.

Show Notes:
reddymade.com (https://www.reddymade.com/)
James Joyce portrait by Constantin Brancusi (https://flickr.com/photos/costi-londra/3880533883)
Portrait of James Corbett (https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbeb4Pwq9fJ/)
The Anarchy of Language (https://www.corbettreport.com/the-anarchy-of-language/)
James Joyce Reads From Ulysses and Finnegans Wake In His Only Two Recordings (1924/1929) (https://www.openculture.com/2014/01/james-joyce-reads-from-ulysses-and-finnegans-wake-in-his-only-two-recordings-19241929.html)

30th March 2022, 08:08
Suspicious0bservers | 7 Solar Flares | The Human Health Effects & Impact Forecast | Mar. 29, 2022

Source: Suspicious0bservers.org (http://Suspicious0bservers.org)


30th March 2022, 12:22
A Large Scale False Flag Cyber-Attack Is Now Imminent

Source: alt-market.us (https://alt-market.us/a-large-scale-false-flag-cyber-attack-is-now-imminent/)
March 4, 2022

By Brandon Smith

In early 2021 at the height of media generated covid fear the World Economic Forum released a series of panel discussions and white papers outlining a “pandemic” of a completely different nature; what they referred to as an impending “cyber-attack with covid like characteristics. (https://www.weforum.org/videos/a-cyber-attack-with-covid-like-characteristics)” The program agenda at the WEF was titled “Cyber Polygon” and headed with unsettling zeal by globalist Klaus Schwab.

The WEF and Schwab are best known for two things:

1) Their involvement in a war game called Event 201 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoLw-Q8X174) which simulated the global spread of a coronavirus pandemic. This simulation was held two months BEFORE the real thing happened in early 2020 and a majority of the measures played out in the game were in fact implemented almost immediately following the outbreak.

2) Klaus Schwab’s excited announcement that the pandemic was the perfect “opportunity” to institute what he calls the “Great Reset” (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/now-is-the-time-for-a-great-reset/) of the global economy along with the rise of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which is the complete centralization of world trade and governance into a global socialist empire where you will “own nothing, have no privacy, and like it.” (https://www.forbes.com/sites/worldeconomicforum/2016/11/10/shopping-i-cant-really-remember-what-that-is-or-how-differently-well-live-in-2030/?sh=293aaf041735)

The fact that the WEF was so prescient when it came to the covid pandemic was quite a miracle. It was almost as if they knew it was going to happen, and their political friends in various nations wasted no time carrying out their draconian mandate policies around the world. But something happened that seemed to throw a monkey wrench into the plan – Event 201 predicted an initial death toll of around 65 million people, but this didn’t happen. In fact, the median Infection Fatality Rate of covid was only 0.27% (https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.05.13.20101253v2). Covid wasn’t killing enough people, and the public was starting to question the efficacy of the lockdowns, the useless mask rules and the need to take an experimental mRNA vaccine with no long term testing to prove its safety.

In the US specifically, conservative states began to rise up and block the covid agenda. Today, the CDC and the Federal Government have declared the removal of most mandates and even leftist blue states are beginning to relent. However, most conservative red states have been without mandates for well over a year to a year-and-a-half. We’ve been without restrictions this whole time, and the government is acting as if they have just “allowed us” to be free again.

The truth is, the globalists at the WEF and their partners abroad FAILED in their efforts to institute medical tyranny, at least in the US and in certain parts of Europe. The agenda collapsed because the science was against them in every respect. They had nothing. With 99.7% of people safe from covid, it was impossible to engineer enough fear in enough of the population to get them to relinquish their freedoms.

So, for those of us that have been tracking these events carefully, the alarm bells really started ringing when the WEF switched gears and suddenly shifted focus to a cyber-attack narrative. Was this Plan-B?

In April of 2021 I published an article titled ‘The Globalists Will Need Another Crisis In America As Their Reset Agenda Fails.’ (https://alt-market.us/globalists-will-need-another-crisis-in-america-as-their-reset-agenda-fails/) In that article I outlined the most likely scenarios for the next disaster event, which included war in Ukraine as well as a global cyber-attack that disrupts the supply chain. In that article I stated:

“The media and the Biden Administration are very busy trying to create tensions with Russia over Ukraine. There are renewed tensions between Iran and Israel and continued destabilization by the West in Syria. And, a rising danger of confrontation with China over Taiwan…

There is … a narrative advantage to global tensions; when presented with a foreign threat, are Americans more likely to reject notions of rebellion against government trespasses? I have no doubt that the establishment will try to claim the liberty movement is not a movement for freedom, but an “astro-turf” movement created by the Russians to destabilize America. This has been the leftist media propaganda strategy for years now; so why would they stop?”

In June of 2021 I wrote more specifically on the suspicious nature of Cyber Polygon in my article ‘Cyber Polygon: Will The Next Globalist War Game Lead To Another Convenient Catastrophe?’ (https://alt-market.us/cyberpolygon-will-the-next-globalist-war-game-lead-to-another-convenient-catastrophe/) Then in July of 2021 I wrote an article titled ‘What If The Next Major Cyber Attack Targeted The Internet?’ (https://alt-market.us/what-if-the-next-major-cyberattack-targeted-the-internet/) In it I made this observation:

“In June of this year there was an internet outage event that led to large swaths of the web going dark, including a number of mainstream news sites, Amazon, eBay, Twitch, Reddit and a host of government websites went down. All this happened when content delivery network (CDN) company Fastly experienced a bug. (https://www.wired.com/story/fastly-cdn-internet-outages-2021/) Although Amazon had its website back online within 20 minutes, the brief outage cost the company over $5.5 million in sales (https://www.repricerexpress.com/amazon-statistics/) (and that’s just one website!).

Fastly identified and fixed the problem within two hours, and continues to claim the outage had nothing to do with a cyberattack (https://www.fastly.com/blog/summary-of-june-8-outage). However, it did reveal a huge vulnerability for the internet (what von Clausewitz would’ve called a schwerpunkt (https://www.fastcompany.com/823545/got-schwerpunkt)). A large portion of the web is dependent on only three CDN companies, including Fastly.

Here is what concerns me: If there was a cyberattack on such weak points in the web, and the attack involved a malicious worm or other highly infectious weapon, then Klaus Schwab could very well get his cyber pandemic.”

Today, the war tensions with Russia are now about to overflow and I suspect it’s only a matter of time before China also begins operations against Taiwan. But there is a much bigger threat on the horizon. I have little doubt at this stage that a false flag attack on the US or Europe (or both) is now imminent, and what I mean by “false flag” is that the attack will be designed to benefit the globalists and not necessarily the country that is blamed for it.

As I have noted in the past, Vladimir Putin is a long time associate of numerous globalists. His friendship with New World Order ghoul Henry Kissinger (https://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/20/world/europe/henry-kissinger-to-meet-with-vladimir-putin-in-russia.html) started decades ago and they continue to meet for regular lunches as Kissinger acts as an adviser to multiple branches of the Kremlin. Putin has also maintained a steady relationship to the WEF and Russia even joined (https://www.weforum.org/press/2021/10/russia-joins-centre-for-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-network/) Klaus Schwab’s Fourth Industrial Revolution Network just last year. The claim the Putin is anti-globalist is a lie, he is deeply involved in the globalist system and always has been.

The globalists are playing BOTH SIDES of the Ukraine conflict. This is reality. It’s very important to understand and accept this fact otherwise you will not be able to grasp the events that happen next.

Putin recently threatened western governments with a reprisal the likes of which they have never seen before if they try to interfere in Ukraine. The problem is that many in the mainstream and alternative media automatically assumed this was a threat of nuclear war. I don’t think this is what Putin was referring to. I have another theory…

The globalists are unlikely to spend the past several decades building up one of the most complex technocratic control grids in history to track and dominate the public only to then annihilate it all in the blink of an eye with nukes. A post-nuke environment would be impossible for them to control. What is more likely, in my view, is a massive cyber-attack that targets the functionality of the internet itself, and it would have to happen relatively soon.

The amount of economic and business operations tied to the web is staggering. Even if the internet was to go down for a mere two weeks, the repercussions to our markets and to our supply chain would be devastating. By extension, the benefits to the globalists would be immense. They could implement filters and firewalls on any part of the web they don’t like (including the alternative media) and claim that this is to protect the internet from possible sources of viral spread. They could whittle the web down to only a handful of approved corporate and government sites all in the name of protecting the integrity of the net.

Furthermore, such an attack would be a perfect scapegoat for the already crashing economy and rising inflation. At that point, the central banks that are truly responsible for our financial instability could simply say that everything was “about to go back to normal” until (Russia or China) spread the cyber-virus. And, maybe Russia will be involved, but it will not be Putin that gives the order, it will be his globalist partners behind the curtain.

The hype machine surrounding Ukraine is in overdrive right now. It’s a little bizarre to me how much panic and indignance is being drummed up. It’s as if people have forgotten that the US government just spent well over a decade devastating a country like Iraq for no good reason. No one seems to be mentioning the hypocrisy of demanding all out war against Russia when US campaigns in Iraq killed hundreds of thousands of civilians and very few countries batted an eye about it.

Clearly, the controlled media is trying to convince the western people to support direct military confrontation with Russia over a conflict that has nothing to do with us. There are even numerous GOP neo-cons out there (Lindsay Graham, I’m looking at you (https://www.businessinsider.com/lindsey-graham-calls-for-brutus-in-russia-to-assassinate-putin-2022-3)) campaigning for true conservatives to go along with a war footing. I don’t think it’s gaining much traction, but what has worked as an effective manipulation against conservatives in the past?

The globalists need another Pearl Harbor – A 9/11 attack or something even bigger. They need something that will enrage the American population, specifically conservatives. They need a crisis of epic proportions to lure us into an emotional response and the abandonment of logic. They also need a scapegoat disaster that they can use to lay the blame for the impending economic crisis.

I predict this event will come in the form of a large scale cyber-attack, and the escalation of events suggests to me that they will try to implement such an attack in the near term. Perhaps within the next couple of months and certainly before the year is over.

This is not about Russia. It’s not about Ukraine. The real war is between free peoples and the globalists. When they are removed and their puppets are removed, the majority of these disasters will stop. As long as they remain in power, the crisis events will only accelerate and increase in frequency until they find something that works; something that makes most people willing to give up their liberties in exchange for the false promise of security.

30th March 2022, 12:57
Switzerland declares the end of ALL COVID-19 measures from friday April 1, 2022.

31st March 2022, 05:52
The Corbett Report | Iain Davis on the New World Order and How to Oppose It | Mar. 31, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/davis-newworldorder/)


Biden has warned that there is going to be a New World Order. Putin and Xi are writing joint statements about the creation of a New World Order. In fact, all of the globalists are interested in a New World Order.

Today, Iain Davis of In-This-Together.com joins us to discuss the history of the "International Rules-Based Order," reveal its "operating system" (technocracy), and discuss how we can fruitfully oppose it.

Show Notes:
In-This-Together.com (https://in-this-together.com/)
President Biden: There's Going To Be A New World Order, It Hasn't Happened In A While And America Has To Lead It (https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2022/03/21/president_biden_theres_going_to_be_a_new_world_order_and_america_has_to_lead_it.html)
Technocracy: The Operating System For The New International Rules-Based Order (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2022/02/investigative-reports/technocracy-the-operating-system-for-the-new-international-rules-based-order-1/)
Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on the International Relations Entering a New Era and the Global Sustainable Developmen (https://web.archive.org/web/20220224044605/http://en.kremlin.ru/supplement/5770)t
World Order: What, Exactly, are the Rules? (https://www.cfr.org/blog/world-order-what-exactly-are-rules)(Stewart Patrick of CFR)
Interview 1668 - Iain Davis Dissects the Pseudopandemic (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview1668/)
Episode 416 - SHOCKING Document Reveals Trudeau's REAL Plan! (https://www.corbettreport.com/putin/)
China orders 51 million into lockdown as COVID surges (https://archive.ph/gV7fW)
From a China Traveler - David Rockefeller | New York Times 1973 (https://archive.is/03bdP#selection-527.0-527.21)
Episode 297 - China and the New World Order (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-297-china-and-the-new-world-order/)
How & Why Big Oil Conquered the World (https://www.corbettreport.com/bigoil/)
Technocracy Study Course (https://www.technocracyinc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Study-Course.pdf)

31st March 2022, 06:25
How Mariupol will become a key hub of Eurasian integration

Mariupol was battered by Ukraine's right-wing Azov battalion well before Moscow launched its military ops. In Russian hands, this strategic steelworks port can transform into a hub of Eurasian connectivity.

Source: thecradle.co (https://thecradle.co/Article/columns/8480)
By Pepe Escobar
March 29 2022

Mariupol was battered by Ukraine's right-wing Azov battalion well before Moscow launched its military ops. In Russian hands, this strategic steelworks port can transform into a hub of Eurasian connectivity...

Mariupol, the strategic Sea of Azov port, remains in the eye of the storm in Ukraine.

The NATO narrative is that Azovstal – one of Europe’s biggest iron and steel works – was nearly destroyed by the Russian Army and its allied Donetsk forces who “lay siege” to Mariupol.

The true story is that the neo-Nazi Azov batallion took scores of Mariupol civilians as human shields since the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, and retreated to Azovstal as a last stand. After an ultimatum delivered last week, they are now being completely exterminated by the Russian and Donetsk forces and Chechen Spetsnaz.

Azovstal, part of the Metinvest group controlled by Ukraine’s wealthiest oligarch, Rinat Akhmetov, is indeed one of the biggest metallurgic plant (https://azovstal.metinvestholding.com/en)s in Europe, self-described as a “high-performance integrated metallurgical enterprise that produces coke and sinter, steel as well as high-quality rolled products, bars and shapes.”

Amidst a flurry of testimonials detailing the horrors inflicted by the Azov neo-Nazis on Mariupol’s civilian population, a way more auspicious, invisible story bodes well for the immediate future.

Russia is the world’s fifth largest steel producer, apart from holding huge iron and coal deposits. Mariupol – a steel Mecca – used to source coal from Donbass, but under de facto neo-Nazi rule (https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-03-13/inside-the-mariupol-base-of-ukraines-azov-battalion/6306242) since the 2014 Maidan events, was turned into an importer. Iron, for instance, started to be supplied from Krivbas in Ukraine, over 200 kilometers away.

After Donetsk solidifies itself as an independent republic or, via referendum, chooses to become part of the Russian Federation, this situation is bound to change.

Azovstal is invested in a broad product line of very useful stuff: structural steel, rail for railroads, hardened steel for chains, mining equipment, rolled steel used in factory apparatus, trucks and railroad cars. Parts of the factory complex are quite modern while some, decades old, are badly in need of upgrading, which Russian industry can certainly provide.

Strategically, this is a huge complex, right at the Sea of Azov, which is now, for all practical purposes, incorporated into the Donetsk People’s Republic, and close to the Black Sea. That implies a short trip to the Eastern Mediterranean, including many potential customers in West Asia. And crossing Suez and reaching the Indian Ocean, are customers all across South and Southeast Asia.

So the Donetsk People’s Republic, possibly part of the future Novorossiya, and even part of Russia, will be in control of a lot of steel-making capacity for southern Europe, West Asia, and beyond.

One of the inevitable consequences is that it will be able to supply a real freight railroad construction boom in Russia, China and the Central Asian ‘stans.’ Railroad construction happens to be the privileged connectivity mode for Beijing’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). And, crucially, of the increasingly turbo-charged International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC).

So, mid-term, Mariupol should expect to become one of the key hubs of a boom in north-south routes – INSTC across Russia and linking with the ‘stans’ – as well as major BRI upgrades east-west and sub-BRI corridors.

Interlocked Eurasia
The INSTC’s main players are Russia, Iran and India – which are now, post-NATO sanctions, in advanced interconnection mode, complete with devising mechanisms to bypass the US dollar in their trade. Azerbaijan is another important INSTC player, yet more volatile because it privileges Turkey’s connectivity designs in the Caucasus.

The INSTC network will also be progressively interconnecting with Pakistan – and that means the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a key BRI hub, which is slowly but surely expanding to Afghanistan. Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s impromptu visit to Kabul late last week was to advance the incorporation of Afghanistan to the New Silk Roads.

All that is happening as Moscow – extremely close to New Delhi – is simultaneously expanding trade relations with Islamabad. All three, crucially, are Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) members.

So the grand North-South design spells out fluent connectivity from the Russian mainland to the Caucasus (Azerbaijan), to West Asia (Iran) all the way to South Asia (India and Pakistan). None of these key players have demonized or sanctioned Russia despite ongoing US pressures to do so.

Strategically, that represents the Russian multipolar concept of Greater Eurasian Partnership in action in terms of trade and connectivity – in parallel and complimentary with BRI because India, eager to install a rupee-ruble mechanism to buy energy, in this case is an absolutely crucial Russia partner, matching China’s reported $400 billion strategic deal with Iran. In practice, the Greater Eurasia Partnership will facilitate smoother connectivity between Russia, Iran, Pakistan and India.

The NATO universe, meanwhile, is congenitally incapable of even recognizing the complexity of the alignment, not to mention analyze its implications. What we have is the interlocking of BRI, INTSC and the Greater Eurasia Partnership on the ground – all notions that are regarded as anathema in the Washington Beltway.

All that of course is being designed amidst a game-changing geoeconomic moment, as Russia, starting this Thursday, will only accept payment for its gas in rubles from “unfriendly” nations.

Parallel to the Greater Eurasia Partnership, BRI, since it was launched in 2013, is also progressively weaving a complex, integrated Eurasian network of partnerships: financial/economic, connectivity, physical infrastructure building, economic/trade corridors. BRI’s role as a co-shaper of institutions of global governance, including normative foundations, has also been crucial, much to the despair of the NATO alliance.

Time to de-westernize
Yet only now the Global South, especially, will start to observe the full spectrum of the China-Russia play across the Eurasian sphere. Moscow and Beijing are deeply involved in a joint drive to de-westernize globalist governance, if not shatter it altogether.

Russia from now on will be even more meticulous in its institution-building, coalescing the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), the SCO and the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) – a Eurasian military alliance of select post-Soviet states – in a geopolitical context of irreversible institutional and normative divide between Russia and the West.

At the same time, the Greater Eurasia Partnership will be solidifying Russia as the ultimate Eurasian bridge, creating a common space across Eurasia which could even ignore vassalized Europe.

Meanwhile in real life, BRI, as much as the INSTC, will be increasingly plugged into the Black Sea (hello, Mariupol). And BRI itself may even be prone to re-evaluation in its emphasis of linking western China to western Europe’s shrinking industrial base.

There will be no point in privileging the northern BRI corridors – China-Mongolia-Russia via the Trans-Siberian, and the Eurasian land bridge via Kazakhstan – when you have Europe descending into medieval dementia.

BRI’s renewed focus will be on gaining access to irreplaceable commodities – and that means Russia – as well as securing essential supplies for Chinese production. Commodity-rich nations, such as Kazakhstan and many players in Africa, shall become the top future markets for China.

In a pre-Covid loop across Central Asia, one constantly heard that China builds plants and high-speed railways while Europe at best writes white papers. It can always get worse.

The EU as occupied American territory is now descending, fast, from center of global power to the status of inconsequential peripheral player, a mere struggling market in the far periphery of China’s “community of shared destiny.”

1st April 2022, 07:36
New World Next Week | Dumbphone Sales Surging as Masses Ditch Their Smartphones | Apr. 1, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: UK to Launch New Digital ID Tech Next Week As Part of Nationwide Digital ID Push (https://reclaimthenet.org/uk-to-launch-new-digital-id-verification-technology/)
IDVT: Digital Identity Document Validation Technology (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/digital-identity-document-validation-technology-idvt)
S. Africa "Considers" Requiring Citizens to Turn Over Biometrics to Own Phones, Obtain Sim (https://reclaimthenet.org/south-africa-considers-requiring-citizens-to-turn-over-biometric-data-to-own-a-phone/)
Digital Ministers Agree to "Explore" National ID System in Australia (https://www.innovationaus.com/digital-ministers-agree-to-explore-national-id-system/)
Canada School of Public Service Panel Proposes Digital IDs Tied to Vaccine Passports (https://reclaimthenet.org/canada-federal-panel-panel-proposes-digital-ids-tied-to-vaccine-passports/)
Episode 415: The Global Digital ID Prison (https://www.corbettreport.com/digitalid/)

Story #2: Dumbphone Sales Soaring As People Revolt Against “Overwhelming” Smartphones (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/03/dumbphone-sales-are-soaring-as-people-revolt-against-overwhelming-smartphones.html)
Unplugging From the Matrix - #SolutionsWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/unplugging-from-the-matrix-solutionswatch/)
Larry Rosen Gives Practical Advice on Controlling Your Smartphone (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1194-larry-rosen-gives-practical-advice-on-controlling-your-smartphone/)
Bernays Propaganda: Edward Bernays (https://archive.org/details/BernaysPropaganda/page/n3/mode/1up)

Story #3: Performers Dropping Like Flies As Taylor Hawkins, Foo Fighters Drummer, Dies At 50 (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/03/dumbphone-sales-are-soaring-as-people-revolt-against-overwhelming-smartphones.html)
Frontman for Swiss Metal Band Knut, Didier Séverin, Dies (https://lambgoat.com/news/35930/knut-frontman-didier-severin-dies/)
Handshake Murders Vocalist Jayson Holmes Dies At 42 (https://lambgoat.com/news/35924/the-handshake-murders-eso-charis-vocalist-jayson-holmes-dies/)
Taylor Hawkins, Drummer of Foo Fighters, Dead At 50 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Hawkins#Death)
Too Close To Touch Vocalist Keaton Pierce Dies (https://archive.ph/4RPUu)
Country-Roots Musician Jim Miller Of Western Centuries Passed Away Unexpectedly (https://www.thesoundcafe.com/post/country-roots-musician-jim-miller-of-western-centuries-has-passed-away-unexpectedly)
R&B Singer Keith Martin Dead At 55 (https://nypost.com/2022/03/27/keith-martin-because-of-you-rb-singer-dead-at-55/)
Mira Calix, Acclaimed Electronic Musician and Artist, Dead At 51 (https://www.musicradar.com/news/mira-calix-dies-tributes)
Tom Parker: The Wanted Singer Dies Aged 33 (https://archive.ph/HjzzZ)
Image: "First they came for... Ukraine" Signage In the Window of the 9:30 Club in D.C. (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/597898944584089623/958870582722699304/unknown.png)
NWNW Flashback: Ticketek Unveils 'World First' Integrated Mobile Ticket and Vaccination Check-In (Nov. 4, 2021) (https://mediamonarchy.com/nwnw465-video/)
NWNW Flashback: New Coalition of Musicians Opposing Vax Mandates and Segregation (Oct. 14, 2021) (https://mediamonarchy.com/nwnw463-video/)
Free The Nation Music Dot Com (https://freethenationmusic.com/)
NWNW Flashback: “Gotta Keep Em Segregated” is the New Rallying Cry - "Punk" Band The Offspring Fires Drummer for Refusing to Take COVID Vaccine (Aug. 5, 2021) (https://mediamonarchy.com/nwnw454-video/)
NWNW Flashback: Foo Pfizers 'Vaxxed Only' Concert Canceled After Vaxxed Band Member Gets COVID (Jul. 22, 2021) (https://mediamonarchy.com/nwnw452-video/)
NWNW Flashback: These Florida Concert Tickets Are $18 If You're Vaccinated, $1,000 If You're Not (Jun. 3, 2021) (https://mediamonarchy.com/nwnw449-video/)
NWNW Flashback: Take Me To Your Vaxxapalooza - Mayor Lightfoot Announces Return of Lollapalooza to Chicago (May 27, 2021) (https://mediamonarchy.com/nwnw448-video/)
NWNW Flashback: Fake Punks Get The Real Jab - Fake Rebels Jump On "Punks Get the Jab” Bandwagon (Apr. 15, 2021) (https://mediamonarchy.com/nwnw443-video/)
NWNW Flashback: Fake Musical “Rebels” Cash in on Orange Man Bad (Oct. 15, 2020) (https://mediamonarchy.com/nwnw424-video/)
Albright Was a Key Figure Sparking New Cold War by Championing NATO Expansion as Secretary of State in 1990s (https://covertactionmagazine.com/2022/03/29/albright-was-a-key-figure-sparking-new-cold-war-by-championing-nato-expansion-as-secretary-of-state-in-1990s/)
Madeleine Albright: Putin, “So Cold As to Be Almost Reptilian,” Is Making a Historic Mistake (https://archive.ph/8mXPJ)

1st April 2022, 11:35
Meet the New, Resource-Based Global Reserve Currency

Source: strategic-culture.org (https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2022/03/31/meet-the-new-resource-based-global-reserve-currency/)

March 31, 2022
by Pepe Escobar

A new reality is being formed: the unipolar world is irrevocably becoming a thing of the past, a multipolar one is taking shape

It was something to behold. Dmitri Medvedev, former Russian President, unrepentant Atlanticist, current deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, decided to go totally unplugged in an outburst matching the combat star turn of Mr. Khinzal that delivered palpable shock and awe all across NATOstan.

Medvedev said “hellish” Western sanctions not only have failed to cripple Russia, but are instead “returning to the West like a boomerang.” Confidence in reserve currencies is “fading like the morning mist”, and ditching the US dollar and the euro is not unrealistic anymore: “The era of regional currencies is coming.”

After all, he added, “no matter if they want it or not, they’ll have to negotiate a new financial order (…) And the decisive voice will then be with those countries that have a strong and advanced economy, healthy public finances and a reliable monetary system.”

Medvedev relayed his succinct analysis even before D Day – as in the deadline this Thursday established by President Putin after which payments for Russian gas by “unfriendly nations” will only be accepted in rubles.

The G7, predictably, had struck a (collective) pose: we won’t pay. “We” means the 4 that are not large Russian gas importers. “We”, moreover, means the Empire of Lies dictating the rules. As for the 3 that will be in dire straits, not only they are major importers but also happen to be WWII losers – Germany, Italy and Japan, still de facto occupied territories. History does have a habit of playing perverted tricks.

Denial didn’t last long. Germany was the first to break – even before industrialists from Ruhr to Bavaria staged a mass revolt. Scholz, the puny Chancellor, called Putin, who had to explain the obvious: payments are being converted into rubles because the EU froze Russia’s foreign exchange reserves – in a crass violation of international law.

With Taoist patience, Putin also expressed hope this would not represent a deterioration in contract terms for European importers. Russian and German experts should sit down together and discuss the new terms.

Moscow is working on a set of documents defining the new deal. Essentially, that spells out no rubles, no gas. Contracts become null and void once you violate trust. The US and the EU broke legally biding agreements with unilateral sanctions and on top of it confiscated foreign reserves of a – nuclear – G20 nation.

The unilateral sanctions made dollars and euros worthless to Russia. Hysteria fits won’t cut it: this will be resolved – but under Russia’s terms. Period. The Foreign Ministry had already warned that refusal to pay for gas in rubles would lead to a serious global crisis of non-payments and serial global-level bankruptcies, a hellish chain reaction of blocked transactions, freezing of collateral assets and closures of credit lines.

What will happen next is partially predictable. EU companies will receive the new set of rules. They will have time to examine the documents and make a decision. Those that say “no” will be automatically excluded from receiving direct Russian gas shipments – all politico-economic consequences included.

There will be some compromise, of course. For instance, quite a few EU nations will accept to use rubles and increase their gas acquisitions so they may resell the surplus to their neighbors and make a profit. And some may also decide to buy gas on the go on energy exchanges.

So Russia is not imposing an ultimatum on anybody. The whole thing will take time – a rolling process. With some sideway action as well. The Duma is contemplating the extension of payment in rubles to other essential products – such as oil, metals, timber, wheat. It will depend on the collective voracity of the EU chihuahuas. Everyone knows that their non-stop hysteria may translate into a colossal rupture of supply chains across the West.

Bye bye oligarchs

While the Atlanticist ruling classes have gone totally berserk but still remain focused on fighting to the last European to extract any remaining, palpable EU wealth, Russia is playing it cool. Moscow has been quite lenient in fact, brandishing the specter of no gas in Spring rather than Winter.

The Russian Central Bank nationalized foreign exchange earnings of all major exporters. There was no default. The ruble keeps rising – and is now back to roughly the same level before Operation Z. Russia remains self-sufficient, food-wise. American hysteria over “isolated” Russia is laughable. Every actor that matters across Eurasia – not to mention the other 4 BRICS and virtually the whole Global South – did not demonize and/or sanction Russia.

As an extra bonus, arguably the last oligarch capable of influence in Moscow, Anatoly Chubais, is gone. Call it another momentous historical trickery: Western sanction hysteria de facto dismembered Russian oligarchy – Putin’s pet project since 2000. What that implies is the strengthening of the Russian state and the consolidation of Russian society.

We still don’t have all the facts, but a case can be made that after years of careful evaluation Putin opted to really go for broke and break the West’s back – using that trifecta (imminent blitzkrieg on Donbass; US bioweapon labs; Ukraine working on nuclear weapons) as the casus belli.

The freezing of foreign reserves had to have been forecasted, especially because the Russian Central Bank had been increasing its reserves of US Treasuries since November last year. Then there’s the serious possibility of Moscow being able to access “secret” offshore foreign reserves – a complex matrix built with Chinese insider help.

The sudden switch from dollars/euros to rubles was hardcore, Olympic-level geoeconomic judo. Putin enticed the collective West to unleash its demented hysteria sanction attack – and turned it against the opponent with a single, swift move.

And here we all are now trying to absorb so many in-synch game-changing developments following the weaponization of dollar assets: rupee-ruble with India, the Saudi petroyuan, co-badged Mir-UnionPay cards issued by Russian banks, the Russia-Iran SWIFT alternative, the EAEU-China project of an independent monetary/financial system.

Not to mention the master coup by the Russian Central Bank, pegging 1 gram of gold to 5,000 rubles – which is already around $60, and climbing.

Coupled with No Rubles No Gas, what we have here is energy de facto pegged to gold. The EU Chihuahuas and the Japanese colony will need to buy a lot of rubles in gold or buy a lot of gold to have their gas. And it gets better. Russia may re-peg the ruble to gold in the near future. Could go to 2,000 rubles, 1,000 rubles, even 500 rubles for a gram of gold.

Time to be sovereign

The Holy Grail in the evolving discussions about a multipolar world, since the BRICS summits in the 2000s featuring Putin, Hu Jintao and Lula, has always been how to bypass dollar hegemony. It’s now right in front of the whole Global South, as a benign apparition bearing a Cheshire cat’s smile: the golden ruble, or ruble backed by oil, gas, minerals, commodity exports.

The Russian Central Bank, unlike the Fed, does not practice QE and won’t export toxic inflation to the rest of the planet. The Russian Navy not only secures all Russian sea lines, but Russian nuclear-powered submarines are capable of popping up all over the planet unannounced.

Russia is far, far ahead already implementing the concept of “continental naval power”. December 2015, in the Syrian theater, was the strategic game-changer. The Black Sea-based submarine 4th division is the star of the show.

Russian naval fleets may now employ Kalibr missiles across a space comprehending Eastern Europe, West Asia and Central Asia. The Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, linked by the Don-Volga canal, offer a space of maneuver comparable to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Persian Gulf combined. 6,000 km-long. And you don’t even need to access warm waters.

That covers around 30 nations: the traditional Russian sphere of influence; historical borders of the Russian empire; and current political/energy rivalry spheres.

No wonder the Beltway is berserk.

Russia guarantees shipping across Asia, the Arctic and Europe, in tandem with the Eurasia-wide BRI railway network.

And last but not least, don’t mess with a Nuclear Bear.

Essentially, this is what hardcore power politics is all about. Medvedev was not bragging when he said the era of a single reserve currency is over. The advent of a resource-based global reserve currency means, in a nutshell, that 13% of the planet will not dominate the other 87% anymore.

It’s NATOstan vs. Eurasia redux. Cold War 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 and even 5.0. It doesn’t matter. All the previous Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) nations see which way the geopolitical and geo-economic winds are blowing: the time to assert their real sovereignty is at hand as the “rules-based international order” bites the dust.

Welcome to the birth of the new world system. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, in China, after meeting several counterparts from across Eurasia, could not have outlined it better:

“A new reality is being formed: the unipolar world is irrevocably becoming a thing of the past, a multipolar one is taking shape. It’s an objective process. It’s unstoppable. In this reality, more than one power will “rule” – it will be necessary to negotiate between all the key states that today have a decisive influence on the world economy and politics. At the same time, realizing their special situation, these countries ensure compliance with the basic principles of the UN Charter, including the fundamental one – the sovereign equality of states. No one on this Earth should be seen as a minor player. Everyone is equal and sovereign.”

1st April 2022, 12:47
Joseph Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Mar. 31, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


There has been a development in the Ukrainian biolabs story; it seems that a Hunter Biden-related company was involved in deadly pathogen research in those biolabs:

Hunter Biden Bio Firm Partnered With Ukrainian Researchers ‘Isolating Deadly Pathogens’ Using Funds From Obama’s Defense Department (https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/03/25/hunter-biden-bio-firm-partnered-with-ukrainian-researchers-isolating-deadly-pathogens-using-funds-from-obamas-defense-department/#more-264297)

1st April 2022, 13:27
Andrei Martyanov | Not A Fool's Day in the New World | Apr. 1, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Ukraine. New World. Russia, US, propaganda, Donbass Operation.

3rd April 2022, 11:02
Max Igan | The Great Reset Phase 3 | Apr. 1, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


5th April 2022, 07:16
James Corbett on Research, Anarchy and the Future | Feb. 3, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1716-james-corbett-on-research-anarchy-and-the-future/)


via Anarchy For Freedom (RECORDED FEBRUARY 3, 2022): "In this interview with the legendary James Corbett, I ask him about his views on Extraterrestrial life, spirituality and consciousness, anarchy vs politics, what he expects to happen in the near future, how he does his research, his best content till date, and much more!"

Show Notes:
Anarchy For Freedom website (https://anarchyforfreedom.com/) / BitChute channel (https://www.bitchute.com/channel/anarchyforfreedomindia/) / Odysee channel (https://odysee.com/@anarchy4freedom:8)

Interview 1688 - Yohan Tengra Exposes the Public Health Mafia in India (https://www.corbettreport.com/tengra-indiahealth/)

How to Research Online - #SolutionsWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-research/) (Greater Reset presentation)

WayBack Machine (https://web.archive.org/)

Episode 404 - A Brief History of Hopium (https://www.corbettreport.com/hopium/)

Trump calls vaccines the "greatest achievement" (https://www.dailywire.com/episode/ep-40-unscripted-with-donald-j-trump2)

Trump brags that he's boosted, admonishes hecklers (https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-reveals-got-covid-booster-shot-1661078)

Who Funded Hitler? - Questions For Corbett #008 (https://www.corbettreport.com/who-funded-hitler-questions-for-corbett-008/)

The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude (https://mises.org/library/politics-obedience-discourse-voluntary-servitude)

Interview 1563 - Keith Knight and James Corbett Dissect Voluntary Servitude (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1563-keith-knight-and-james-corbett-dissect-voluntary-servitude/)

How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World (https://www.corbettreport.com/bigoil/)

Who Is Bill Gates? (https://www.corbettreport.com/gates/)

Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve (https://www.corbettreport.com/federalreserve/)

Ex-official warns BOJ against using digital yen to juice policy (https://archive.ph/0YvB2)

IMF livestream in 2020 (https://meetings.imf.org/en/2020/Annual/Schedule/2020/10/19/imf-cross-border-payments-a-vision-for-the-future) (Agustin Carstens on CBDC)

"Living by the Code: In China, Covid-Era Controls May Outlast the Virus" (https://archive.is/nl8q1) (NYTimes on China and Covid)

Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era (https://archive.org/details/betweentwoagesam00brze_0) by Zbigniew Brzezinski

Cord-cutting, Russian style: Could the Kremlin sever global internet cables? (https://archive.ph/iIGt6)

James Corbett on Life, the Universe and Everything (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-854-james-corbett-on-life-the-universe-and-everything/)

Are We Ready for Anarchism? - Questions For Corbett #026 (https://www.corbettreport.com/are-we-ready-for-anarchism-questions-for-corbett-026/) (James on veganism)

How to Fake an Alien Invasion (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-301-how-to-fake-an-alien-invasion/)

False Flags: The Secret History of Al Qaeda (https://www.corbettreport.com/alqaeda/)

5th April 2022, 07:39
Max Igan | The White Hat Delusion | Apr. 5, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


6th April 2022, 07:28
Andrei Martyanov | West's Fate | Apr. 5, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Ukraine. Russia. Western Civilization, Europe, economic calamity.

6th April 2022, 08:50
James Corbett on ESG and the Big Oil Conspiracy | Apr. 5, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/yearzero-esg/)


via LibertarianInstitute.org (https://libertarianinstitute.org/year-zero/esg-and-the-big-oil-conspiracy-w-james-corbett/): "James Corbett of the Corbett Report joined me to discuss the ESG index, corporate compliance, and why big oil is silent despite all of the current problems with production, prices, and inflation."

Show Notes:
Year Zero podcast with Tommy Salmons (https://libertarianinstitute.org/year-zero/)
How & Why Big Oil Conquered the World (https://www.corbettreport.com/bigoil/)
Give Send Gone (https://www.corbettreport.com/givesendgone/)
Canadian police are now monitoring their citizens’ social media activities: Ontario police visited a woman’s home after she commented on an anti mandate protest on Facebook (https://techstartups.com/2022/02/11/canadian-police-now-monitoring-citizens-social-media-activities-ontario-police-visited-womans-home-commented-anti-mandate-protest-facebook/)
Security experts blast Bank of America for helping feds in Capitol riot probe (https://nypost.com/2021/02/06/bank-of-america-under-fire-for-helping-feds-in-capitol-riot-probe/)
United Nations Global Compact (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Global_Compact)
Who Cares Wins 2005 Conference Report: Investing for Long-Term Value (https://www.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/topics_ext_content/ifc_external_corporate_site/sustainability-at-ifc/publications/publications_report_whocareswins2005__wci__1319576590784)
World's Richest People Meet, Muse On How To Spread The Wealth (https://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2014/05/27/316317191/worlds-richest-people-meet-muse-on-how-to-spread-the-wealth)
We Need Universal ESG Accounting Standards (https://hbr.org/2022/02/we-need-universal-esg-accounting-standards)
Global ESG Disclosure Standards for Investment Products (https://www.cfainstitute.org/en/ethics-standards/codes/esg-standards) (CFA Institute)
Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation (https://www.weforum.org/stakeholdercapitalism)
Measuring Stakeholder Capitalism: Towards Common Metrics and Consistent Reporting of Sustainable Value Creation (https://www.weforum.org/reports/measuring-stakeholder-capitalism-towards-common-metrics-and-consistent-reporting-of-sustainable-value-creation) (WEF)
‘Yes, He Would’: Fiona Hill on Putin and Nukes (https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/02/28/world-war-iii-already-there-00012340)
Larry Fink's 2021 letter to CEOs (https://archive.ph/ikLsg)
The Great Reset (https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-Great-Reset/Glenn-Beck/9781637630594) by Glenn Beck
"Dismantling Empires Through Devolution" (https://www.paragkhanna.com/dismantling-empires-devolution/) by Parag Khanna
Absolute Zero: The Global Agenda Revealed (https://www.corbettreport.com/absolute-zero-the-global-agenda-revealed/)
Reimagining energy, reinventing BP (https://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/news-and-insights/speeches/reimagining-energy-reinventing-bp.html) (Bernard Looney)
Britain’s Steel Industry Hammered by Climate Change Taxes (https://www.corbettreport.com/nwnw20220303/)

6th April 2022, 11:45
The Coming Global Financial Revolution
Russia Is Following the American Playbook

EllenBrown.com (http://EllenBrown.com)

No country has successfully challenged the U.S. dollar’s global hegemony—until now. How did this happen and what will it mean?

Foreign critics have long chafed at the “exorbitant privilege” of the U.S. dollar as global reserve currency. The U.S. can issue this currency backed by nothing but the “full faith and credit of the United States. (https://africa.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/fiat-money-currencies-that-derive-their-value-largely-through-trust-in-the/ftk6ekm)” Foreign governments, needing dollars, not only accept them in trade but buy U.S. securities with them, effectively funding the U.S. government and its foreign wars. But no government has been powerful enough to break that arrangement – until now. How did that happen and what will it mean for the U.S. and global economies?

The Rise and Fall of the PetroDollar

First, some history: The U.S. dollar was adopted as the global reserve currency at the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, when the dollar was still backed by gold on global markets. The agreement was that gold and the dollar would be accepted interchangeably as global reserves, the dollars to be redeemable in gold on demand at $35 an ounce. Exchange rates of other currencies were fixed against the dollar.

But that deal was broken (https://www.amazon.com/Currency-Wars-Making-Global-Crisis/dp/1591845564/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1648742245&sr=8-1) after President Lyndon Johnson’s “guns and butter” policy exhausted the U.S. kitty by funding war in Vietnam along with his “Great Society” social programs at home. French President Charles de Gaulle, suspecting the U.S. was running out of money, cashed in a major portion of France’s dollars for gold and threatened to cash in the rest; and other countries followed suit or threatened to.

In 1971, President Richard Nixon ended the convertibility of the dollar to gold internationally (known as “closing the gold window”), in order to avoid draining U.S. gold reserves. The value of the dollar then plummeted relative to other currencies on global exchanges. To prop it up, Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger made a deal with Saudi Arabia and the OPEC countries that OPEC would sell oil only in dollars, and that the dollars would be deposited in Wall Street and City of London banks. In return, the U.S. would defend the OPEC countries militarily. Economic researcher William Engdahl also presents evidence of a promise that the price of oil would be quadrupled (http://www.engdahl.oilgeopolitics.net/1973_Oil_Shock/1973_oil_shock.html#:~:text=The%20Fake%20Oil%20Crisis%20of%201973%20From%20QuestionsQuestions.Net,th at%20crisis%20was%20likely%20a%20completely%20contrived%20affair.). An oil crisis triggered by a brief Middle Eastern war did cause the price of oil to quadruple, and the OPEC agreement was finalized in 1974.

The deal held firm until 2000, when Saddam Hussein broke it by selling Iraqi oil in euros. Libyan president Muammar Qaddafi followed suit. Both presidents wound up assassinated, and their countries were decimated in war with the United States. Canadian researcher Matthew Ehret observes (https://canadianpatriot.org/2022/03/28/the-rhodes-scholars-guiding-bidens-presidency):

We should not forget that the Sudan-Libya-Egypt alliance under the combined leadership of Mubarak, Qadhafi and Bashir, had moved to establish a new gold-backed financial system outside of the IMF/World Bank to fund large scale development in Africa. Had this program not been undermined by a NATO-led destruction of Libya, the carving up of Sudan and regime change in Egypt, then the world would have seen the emergence of a major regional block of African states shaping their own destinies outside of the rigged game of Anglo-American controlled finance for the first time in history.

The Rise of the PetroRuble

The first challenge by a major power to what became known as the petrodollar has come in 2022. In the month after the Ukraine conflict began, the U.S. and its European allies imposed heavy financial sanctions on Russia (https://outsidevoices.substack.com/p/reporting-from-moscow-sanctions-may?s=r) in response to the illegal military invasion. The Western measures included freezing (https://tass.com/economy/1421403) nearly half of the Russian central bank’s 640 billion U.S. dollars in financial reserves, expelling (https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/eu-excludes-seven-russian-banks-swift-official-journal-2022-03-02/) several of Russia’s largest banks from the SWIFT global payment system, imposing (https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/new-restrictions-on-exports-to-russia-4618366/) export controls aimed at limiting Russia’s access to advanced technologies, closing (https://www.businessinsider.com/map-shows-countries-that-closed-airspace-russia-over-ukraine-war-2022-3) down their airspace and ports to Russian planes and ships, and instituting (https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy0650) personal sanctions against senior Russian officials and high-profile tycoons. Worried Russians rushed to withdraw rubles from their banks, and the value of the ruble plunged on global markets just as the U.S. dollar had in the early 1970s.

The trust placed in the U.S. dollar as global reserve currency, backed by “the full faith and credit of the United States,” had finally been fully broken. Russian President Vladimir Putin said (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FyFkAyqn4Q) in a speech on March 16 that the U.S. and EU had defaulted on their obligations, and that freezing Russia’s reserves marks the end of the reliability of so-called first class assets. On March 23, Putin announced (https://astutenews.com/2022/04/putins-rubles-for-gas-demand-ensures-unfriendly-countries-prop-up-russian-economy/) that Russia’s natural gas would be sold to “unfriendly countries” only in Russian rubles, rather than the euros or dollars currently used. Forty-eight nations are counted by Russia as “unfriendly,” including the United States, Britain, Ukraine, Switzerland, South Korea, Singapore, Norway, Canada and Japan.

Putin noted that more than half the global population remains “friendly” to Russia. Countries not voting to support the sanctions include two major powers – China and India – along with major oil producer Venezuela, Turkey, and other countries in the “Global South.” “Friendly” countries, said Putin, could now buy from Russia in various currencies.

On March 24, Russian lawmaker Pavel Zavalny said (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/russian-lawmaker-suggests-accepting-bitcoin-161918687.html) at a news conference that gas could be sold to the West for rubles or gold, and to “friendly” countries for either national currency or bitcoin.

Energy ministers from the G7 nations rejected Putin’s demand, claiming it violated gas contract terms requiring sale in euros or dollars. But on March 28, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said (https://tass.com/politics/1428229?utm_source=tomluongo.me&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=tomluongo.me&utm_referrer=tomluongo.me) Russia was “not engaged in charity” and won’t supply gas to Europe for free (which it would be doing if sales were in euros or dollars it cannot currently use in trade). Sanctions themselves are a breach of the agreement to honor the currencies on global markets.

Bloomberg reports (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/russia-threatens-demand-rubles-grain-103151827.html?fr=yhssrp_catchall)that on March 30, Vyacheslav Volodin, speaker of the lower Russian house of parliament, suggested in a Telegram post that Russia may expand the list of commodities for which it demands payment from the West in rubles (or gold) to include grain, oil, metals and more. Russia’s economy is much smaller than that of the U.S. and the European Union, but Russia is a major global supplier (https://outsidevoices.substack.com/p/reporting-from-moscow-sanctions-may?s=r) of key commodities – including not just oil, natural gas and grains, but timber, fertilizers, nickel, titanium, palladium, coal, nitrogen, and rare earth metals used in the production of computer chips, electric vehicles and airplanes.

On April 2, Russian gas giant Gazprom officially halted (https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/gazprom-halts-gas-shipments-europe-critical-pipeline) all deliveries to Europe via the Yamal-Europe pipeline, a critical artery for European energy supplies.

U.K. professor of economics Richard Werner calls the Russian move a clever one (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwpjYyMHSJ0) – a replay of what the U.S. did in the 1970s. To get Russian commodities, “unfriendly” countries will have to buy rubles, driving up the value of the ruble on global exchanges just as the need for petrodollars propped up the U.S. dollar after 1974. Indeed, by March 30, the ruble had already risen (https://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory/russias-ruble-rebound-raises-questions-sanctions-impact-83768547) to where it was a month earlier.

A Page Out of the “American System” Playbook

Russia is following the U.S. not just in hitching its national currency to sales of a critical commodity but in an earlier protocol – what 19th century American leaders called the “American System” of sovereign money and credit. Its three pillars were (a) federal subsidies for internal improvements and to nurture the nation’s fledgling industries, (b) tariffs to protect those industries, and (c) easy credit issued by a national bank.

Michael Hudson, a research professor of economics and author of “Super-Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire (https://michael-hudson.com/2021/10/3rd-edition-super-imperialism/)” among many other books, notes that the sanctions are forcing Russia to do what it has been reluctant to do itself – cut reliance on imports and develop its own industries and infrastructure. The effect, he says, is equivalent to that of protective tariffs. In an article titled “The American Empire Self-destructs (https://michael-hudson.com/2022/03/the-american-empire-self-destructs/),” Hudson writes of the Russian sanctions (which actually date back to 2014):

Russia had remained too enthralled by free-market ideology to take steps to protect its own agriculture or industry. The United States provided the help that was needed by imposing domestic self-reliance on Russia (via sanctions). When the Baltic states lost the Russian market for cheese and other farm products, Russia quickly created its own cheese and dairy sector – while becoming the world’s leading grain exporter.

Russia is discovering (or is on the verge of discovering) that it does not need U.S. dollars as backing for the ruble’s exchange rate. Its central bank can create the rubles needed to pay domestic wages and finance capital formation. The U.S. confiscations thus may finally lead Russia to end neoliberal monetary philosophy, as Sergei Glaziev has long been advocating in favor of MMT [Modern Monetary Theory]. …

What foreign countries have not done for themselves – replacing the IMF, World Bank and other arms of U.S. diplomacy – American politicians are forcing them to do. Instead of European, Near Eastern and Global South countries breaking away out of their own calculation of their long-term economic interests, America is driving them away, as it has done with Russia and China.

Glazyev and the Eurasian Reset

Sergei Glazyev, mentioned by Hudson above, is a former adviser to President Vladimir Putin and the Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasia Economic Commission (http://www.eurasiancommission.org/en/Pages/default.aspx), the regulatory body of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). He has proposed (https://canadianpatriot.org/2022/03/30/events-like-this-happen-once-a-century-sergey-glazyev-on-the-breakdown-of-epochs-and-changing-ways-of-life/) using tools similar to those of the “American System,” including converting the Central Bank of Russia to a “national bank” issuing Russia’s own currency and credit for internal development. On February 25, Glazyev published an analysis of U.S. sanctions titled “Sanctions and Sovereignty (http://johnhelmer.net/black-box-defence-for-the-russian-economy-dollar-debt-repayments-blocked-gas-and-oil-deliveries-to-germany-stopped-oligarch-assets-nationalized/),” in which he stated:

[T]he damage caused by US financial sanctions is inextricably linked to the monetary policy of the Bank of Russia …. Its essence boils down to a tight binding of the ruble issue to export earnings, and the ruble exchange rate to the dollar. In fact, an artificial shortage of money is being created in the economy, and the strict policy of the Central Bank leads to an increase in the cost of lending, which kills business activity and hinders the development of infrastructure in the country.

Glazyev said that if the central bank replaced the loans withdrawn by its Western partners with its own loans, Russian credit capacity would greatly increase, preventing a decline in economic activity without creating inflation.

Russia has agreed to sell oil to India (https://www.voanews.com/a/6493140.html) in India’s own sovereign currency, the rupee; to China in yuan; and to Turkey in lira (https://www.anews.com.tr/economy/2018/11/14/efforts-to-increase-trade-in-rubles-lira-between-turkey-russia-on-the-rise). These national currencies can then be spent on the goods and services sold by those countries. Arguably, every country should be able to trade in global markets in its own sovereign currency; that is what a fiat currency is – a medium of exchange backed by the agreement of the people to accept it at value for their goods and services, backed by the “full faith and credit” of the nation.

But that sort of global barter system would break down just as local barter systems do, if one party to the trade did not want the goods or services of the other party. In that case, some intermediate reserve currency would be necessary to serve as a medium of exchange.

Glazyev and his counterparts are working on that. In a translated interview posted on The Saker (http://thesaker.is/events-like-this-happen-once-a-century-sergey-glazyev-on-the-breakdown-of-epochs-and-changing-ways-of-life/), Glazyev stated:

We are currently working on a draft international agreement on the introduction of a new world settlement currency, pegged to the national currencies of the participating countries and to exchange-traded goods that determine real values. We won’t need American and European banks. A new payment system based on modern digital technologies with a blockchain is developing in the world, where banks are losing their importance.

Russia and China have both developed alternatives to the SWIFT messaging system from which certain Russian banks have been blocked. London-based commentator Alexander Mercouris makes the interesting observation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTMAGEkeL4U) that going outside SWIFT means Western banks cannot track Russian and Chinese trades.

Geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar sums up the plans for a Eurasian/China financial reset in an article titled “Say Hello to Russian Gold and Chinese Petroyuan (https://thecradle.co/Article/columns/7975).” He writes:

It was a long time coming, but finally some key lineaments of the multipolar world’s new foundations are being revealed.

On Friday [March 11], after a videoconference meeting, the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and China agreed to design the mechanism for an independent international monetary and financial system (https://kapital.kz/finance/103768/yeaes-i-knr-razrabotayut-proyekt-mezhdunarodnoy-finsistemy.html). The EAEU consists of Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Armenia, is establishing free trade deals with other Eurasian nations, and is progressively interconnecting with the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

For all practical purposes, the idea comes from Sergei Glazyev, Russia’s foremost independent economist ….

Quite diplomatically, Glazyev attributed the fruition of the idea to “the common challenges and risks associated with the global economic slowdown and restrictive measures against the EAEU states and China.”

Translation: as China is as much a Eurasian power as Russia, they need to coordinate their strategies to bypass the US unipolar system.

The Eurasian system will be based on “a new international currency,” most probably with the yuan as reference, calculated as an index of the national currencies of the participating countries, as well as commodity prices. …

The Eurasian system is bound to become a serious alternative to the US dollar, as the EAEU may attract not only nations that have joined BRI … but also the leading players in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) (https://thecradle.co/Article/analysis/2104) as well as ASEAN. West Asian actors – Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon – will be inevitably interested.

Exorbitant Privilege or Exorbitant Burden?

If that system succeeds, what will the effect be on the U.S. economy? Investment strategist Lynn Alden writes in a detailed analysis titled “The Fraying of the US Global Currency Reserve System (https://www.lynalden.com/fraying-petrodollar-system/#fraying)” that there will be short-term pain, but, in the long run, it will benefit the U.S. economy. The subject is complicated, but the bottom line is that reserve currency dominance has resulted in the destruction of our manufacturing base and the buildup of a massive federal debt. Sharing the reserve currency load would have the effect that sanctions are having on the Russian economy – nurturing domestic industries as a tariff would, allowing the American manufacturing base to be rebuilt.

Other commentators also say that being the sole global reserve currency is less an exorbitant privilege than an exorbitant burden (https://www.omfif.org/2021/07/dollars-global-role-extraordinary-privilege-or-burden/). Losing that status would not end the importance of the U.S. dollar, which is too heavily embedded in global finance to be dislodged. But it could well mean the end of the petrodollar as sole global reserve currency, and the end of the devastating petroleum wars it has funded to maintain its dominance.

This article was first posted on ScheerPost (https://scheerpost.com/2022/04/04/ellen-brown-the-coming-global-financial-revolution-russia-is-following-the-american-playbook/). Ellen Brown is an attorney, chair of the Public Banking Institute (http://publicbankinginstitute.org/), and author of thirteen books including Web of Debt (https://www.amazon.com/Web-Debt-Shocking-Truth-System/dp/0983330859/ref=pd_sbs_14_1/138-8937526-8543328?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0983330859&pd_rd_r=d9f9bedb-49df-45e2-8c1c-875628b8f6d0&pd_rd_w=HtRqv&pd_rd_wg=PBo0t&pf_rd_p=1c11b7ff-9ffb-4ba6-8036-be1b0afa79bb&pf_rd_r=11CYD8NTMENJFRSM4SHQ&psc=1&refRID=11CYD8NTMENJFRSM4SHQ), The Public Bank Solution (https://www.amazon.com/Public-Bank-Solution-Austerity-Prosperity/dp/0983330867/ref=pd_sbs_14_1/138-8937526-8543328?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0983330867&pd_rd_r=36afc977-5074-4880-a134-4b6fba683bf0&pd_rd_w=Sixj1&pd_rd_wg=pEOJx&pf_rd_p=1c11b7ff-9ffb-4ba6-8036-be1b0afa79bb&pf_rd_r=MER1AA83MRENA1J2ANFP&psc=1&refRID=MER1AA83MRENA1J2ANFP), and Banking on the People: Democratizing Money in the Digital Age (https://thenextsystem.org/BankingOnThePeople). She also co-hosts a radio program on PRN.FM (http://prn.fm/) called “It’s Our Money (https://itsourmoney.podbean.com/).” Her 300+ blog articles are posted at EllenBrown.com (https://ellenbrown.com/).

6th April 2022, 15:07
Michael Hudson | Money and Dept | It´s Our Money with Ellen Brown

Source: ellenbrown.com (http://ellenbrown.com), michael-hudson.com (http://michael-hudson.com)


Celebrated economist Michael Hudson thinks that the world of academic economics is both deceptive and essentially wrong in its formulations of the role of money and debt. Hudson says today’s oligarchic monetary systems invariably reinforce the flow of profits from labor to the top of the economic ladder. The result is unsustainable debt, which he says is an historical pattern that goes back a couple thousand years. Something has to give. Ellen and Michael spend the hour discussing what that might look like.

7th April 2022, 08:40
The Corbett Report | Sean Stone on The Best Kept Secret | Apr. 6, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/stone-bestkeptsecret/)


Sean Stone joins James to discuss his new documentary series, "Best Kept Secret." They discuss the international pedophile networks, mind control, and the transhuman agenda, as well as what we as individuals can do about these growing threats to humanity.

Show Notes:
SeanStone.info (https://www.seanstone.info/)
James Corbett Enters The Buzzsaw With Sean Stone (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1183-james-corbett-enters-the-buzzsaw-with-sean-stone/)
What It Was Like to Work for Russian State Television (https://archive.ph/X7ame) (NYTimes article)
The Gray Lady Winked (https://www.thegrayladywinked.com/free-excerpt/)by Ashley Rindsberg
Best Kept Secret (https://www.seanstone.info/bestkeptsecret)
Episode 304 - Poltical Pedophilia (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-304-political-pedophilia/)

7th April 2022, 09:06
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Just Call Them Groomers | Apr. 7, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


7th April 2022, 09:20
David Icke | They're Not Done With 'Covid' Yet | Apr. 6, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


7th April 2022, 11:44
Linda Moulton Howe | Is There A 5-Mile-Long Craft Orbiting Between Planets "e" and "f" ? | Apr. 6, 2022

Source: earthfiles.com (http://earthfiles.com)


Topics: Is There A 5-Mile-Long Craft Orbiting Between Planets "e" and "f" in the TRAPPIST-1 system?

Researchers made a new message for extraterrestrials

Buddy Bolton remote viewing session on TRAPPIST-1 System
- water beings on planet #3
- long cylindrical spacecraft between planets #4 & #5
- “humanoid biologicals”
- “race lost home world..no longer habitable”
- “between 6 and 7 feet tall”

8th April 2022, 05:46
Andrei Martyanov | What Is The Plan? | Apr. 7, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Ukraine. Russia. Combat operations, logistics, MIC.

8th April 2022, 05:55
Dane Wigington | Coming Collapse Q & A | Geoengineering Watch | Apr. 7, 2022

Source: GeoengineeringWatch.org (http://GeoengineeringWatch.org)


On this Coming Collapse Q and A session, a highly credentialed scientist from a top 10 science testing facility joins us for a shocking front line report.

Recent testing has now confirmed that the highly toxic element graphene is in our precipitation, along with an already long list of toxins including aluminum nanoparticles.

Surfactants have also been confirmed in recent precipitation testing. Climate intervention operations are ubiquitously contaminating the entire planet and every breath we take.

How long do we have if the human race remains on the current course?

Please join us for this front line report on the most dire and immediate threats we collectively face. All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count.

Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. -Dane Wigington

8th April 2022, 06:10
Max Igan | As We Hunger for Heroes | Apr. 8, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


8th April 2022, 06:15
David Icke | World Events Are Not Pre-Planned? | Apr. 7, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


8th April 2022, 06:44
New World Next Week | Globalists Spill the Beans at the World Government Summit | Apr. 7, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


This week on the New World Next Week: the world government globalists say the quiet part out loud when talking about the CBDC monetary shift; whatever happened in Bucha can only be seen in light of the admitted info war; and Biden reaffirms the ongoing cybersecurity emergency.

Show Notes:
Story #1: Economist at 'World Government Summit' Says New Financial World Order About to Shift In Dramatic New Direction (https://leohohmann.com/2022/03/31/bombshell-video-economist-at-world-government-summit-says-new-financial-world-order-about-to-shift-in-dramatic-new-direction/)

Han Solo Pimps World Government - #PropagandaWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/han-solo-pimps-world-government-propagandawatch/)
World Government Summit 2022 Livestream: Day 1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTTDzH2A1tM)
Biden Said: “There’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it.”
Story #2: Questions Abound About Bucha Massacre (https://consortiumnews.com/2022/04/04/questions-abound-about-bucha-massacre/)

Your Guide to Fifth-Generation Warfare (https://www.corbettreport.com/your-guide-to-fifth-generation-warfare/)
Ukraine - The Massacre of Bucha, a Ukrainian Timisoara - Donbass Insider (https://www.donbass-insider.com/2022/04/04/ukraine-the-massacre-of-bucha-a-ukrainian-timisoara/)
Misinformation from the Archives: Timisoara's 'Mass Graves'
(https://archive.ph/JMUMT)Bucha killings: Satellite image of bodies site contradicts Russian claims (https://www.bbc.com/news/60981238)
Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? Propaganda (Part 4) (https://in-this-together.com/temp-ukraine-war-part-4/)
Are These Satellite Images War Propaganda? (https://newrepublic.com/article/165910/maxar-ukraine-russia-satellite-images-war-propaganda)
Pentagon Can't Independently Confirm Atrocities In Ukraine's Bucha, Official Says (https://www.reuters.com/world/pentagon-cant-independently-confirm-atrocities-ukraines-bucha-official-says-2022-04-04/)
Russia Blames Britain for Blocking UN Meeting to Discuss Alleged War Crimes In Ukraine (https://archive.ph/20hvL)
UN Calls for An Independent Investigation on Bucha (https://unric.org/en/un-calls-for-an-independent-investigation-on-bucha/)
The US Has No Evidence Russia Was Preparing a Chemical Attack Despite Claims (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/04/06/the-us-has-no-evidence-russia-was-preparing-a-chemical-attack-despite-claims/)
In Break With Past, US Using Intel to Fight An Info War With Russia, Even When Intel Isn't Rock Solid (https://archive.ph/9ORR9)
FT: US to Announce New Sanctions Against Russia (https://archive.ph/uZwV4)
NYT: What Happened on Day 38 of the War in Ukraine (https://archive.ph/VYErY)

Story #3: US National Emergency Extended Due to Elevated Malicious Cyber Activity (https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/us-national-emergency-extended-due-to-elevated-malicious-cyber-activity/)

National Emergencies Act (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Emergencies_Act)
List of National Emergencies In the United States (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_national_emergencies_in_the_United_States)
Episode 411 - States of Emergency (https://www.corbettreport.com/emergency/)
When False Flags Go Virtual (https://www.corbettreport.com/when-false-flags-go-virtual/)
NWNW Flashback: Chinese Baby Gene-Editing Scientist Goes Missing (Dec. 6, 2018) (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1404-new-world-next-week-with-james-evan-pilato/)
Creator of CRISPR Babies Has Been Released From Chinese Prison (https://www.technologyreview.com/2022/04/04/1048829/he-jiankui-prison-free-crispr-babies/)

8th April 2022, 09:30
Sit back and watch Europe commit suicide
If the US goal is to crush Russia's economy with sanctions and isolation, why is Europe in an economic free fall instead?

Source: thecradle.co (https://thecradle.co/Article/columns/8853)
By Pepe Escobar
April 07 2022

The stunning spectacle of the European Union (EU) committing slow motion hara-kiri is something for the ages. Like a cheap Kurosawa remake, the movie is actually about the US-detonated demolition of the EU, complete with the rerouting of some key Russian commodities exports to the US at the expense of Europeans.

It helps to have a 5th columnist actress strategically placed – in this case astonishingly incompetent European Commission head Ursula von der Lugen – with her vociferous announcement of a crushing new sanctions package: Russian ships banned from EU ports; road transportation companies from Russia and Belarus prohibited from entering the EU; no more coal imports (over 4.4 billion euros a year).

In practice, that translates into Washington shaking down its wealthiest western clients/puppets. Russia, of course, is too powerful to directly challenge militarily, and the US badly needs some of its key exports, especially minerals. So, the Americans will instead nudge the EU into imposing ever-increasing sanctions that will willfully collapse their national economies, while allowing the US to scoop everything up.

Cue to the coming catastrophic economic consequences felt by Europeans in their daily life (but not by the wealthiest five percent): inflation devouring salaries and savings; next winter energy bills packing a mean punch; products disappearing from supermarkets; holiday bookings almost frozen. France’s Le Petit Roi Emmanuel Macron – perhaps facing a nasty electoral surprise – has even announced: “food stamps like in WWII are possible.”

We have Germany facing the returning ghost of Weimar hyperinflation. BlackRock President Rob Kapito said, in Texas,“for the first time, this generation is going to go into a store and not be able to get what they want.” African farmers are unable to afford fertilizer at all this year, reducing agricultural production by an amount capable of feeding 100 million people.

Zoltan Poszar, former NY Fed and US Treasury guru, current Credit Suisse grand vizir, has been on a streak, stressing how commodity reserves – and, here, Russia is unrivaled – will be an essential feature of what he calls Bretton Woods III (although, what’s being designed by Russia, China, Iran and the Eurasia Economic Union is a post-Bretton Woods).

Poszar remarks that wars, historically, are won by those who have more food and energy supplies, in the past to power horses and soldiers; today to feed soldiers and fuel tanks and fighter jets. China, incidentally, has amassed large stocks of virtually everything.

Poszar notes how our current Bretton Woods II system has a deflationary impulse (globalization, open trade, just-in-time supply chains) while Bretton Woods 3 will provide an inflationary impulse (de-globalization, autarky, hoarding of raw materials) of supply chains and extra military spending to be able to protect what will remain of seaborne trade.

The implications are of course overwhelming. What’s implicit, ominously, is that this state of affairs may even lead to WWIII.

Rublegas or American LNG?

The Russian roundtable Valdai Club has conducted an essential expert discussion (https://valdaiclub.com/multimedia/video/gas-for-rubles-buy-it-if-you-can-an-expert-discussion/) on what we at The Cradle have defined as Rublegas (https://thecradle.co/Article/columns/8638) – the real geoeconomic game-changer at the heart of the post-petrodollar era. Alexander Losev, a member of the Russian Council for Foreign and Defense Policy, offered the contours of the Big Picture. But it was up to Alexey Gromov, Chief Energy Director of the Institute of Energy and Finance, to come up with crucial nitty-gritty.

Russia, so far, was selling 155 billion cubic meters of gas to Europe each year. The EU rhetorically promises to get rid of it by 2027, and reduce supply by the end of 2022 by 100 billion cubic meters. Gromov asked “how,” and remarked, “any expert has no answer. Most of Russia’s natural gas is shipped over pipelines. This cannot simply be replaced by Liquified Natural Gas (LNG).”

The risible European answer has been “start saving,” as in “prepare to be worse off” and “reduce the temperature in households.” Gromov noted how, in Russia, “22 to 25 degrees in winter is the norm. Europe is promoting 16 degrees as ‘healthy’, and wearing sweaters at night.”

The EU won’t be able to get the gas it needs from Norway or Algeria (which is privileging domestic consumption). Azerbaijan would be able to provide at best 10 billion cubic meters a year, but “that will take 2 or 3 years” to happen.

Gromov stressed how “there’s no surplus in the market today for US and Qatar LNG,” and how prices for Asian customers are always higher. The bottom line is that “by the end of 2022, Europe won’t be able to significantly reduce” what it buys from Russia: “they might cut by 50 billion cubic meters, maximum.” And prices in the spot market will be higher – at least $1,300 per cubic meter.

An important development is that “Russia changed the logistical supply chains to Asia already.” That applies for gas and oil as well: “You can impose sanctions if there’s a surplus in the market. Now there’s a shortage of at least 1.5 million barrels of oil a day. We’ll be sending our supplies to Asia – with a discount.” As it stands, Asia is already paying a premium, from 3 to 5 dollars more per barrel of oil.

On oil shipments, Gromov also commented on the key issue of insurance: “Insurance premiums are higher. Before Ukraine, it was all based on the Free on Board (FOB) system. Now buyers are saying ‘we don’t want to take the risk of taking your cargo to our ports.’ So they are applying the Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) system, where the seller has to insure and transport the cargo. That of course impacts revenues.”

An absolutely key issue for Russia is how to make the transition to China as its key gas customer. It’s all about the Power of Siberia 2, a new 2600-km pipeline originating in the Russian Bovanenkovo and Kharasavey gas fields in Yamal, in northwest Siberia – which will reach full capacity only in 2024. And, first, the interconnector through Mongolia must be built – “we need 3 years to build this pipeline” – so everything will be in place only around 2025.

On the Yamal pipeline, “most of the gas goes to Asia. If the Europeans don’t buy anymore we can redirect.” And then there’s the Arctic LNG 2 project – which is even larger than Yamal: “the first phase should be finished soon, it’s 80 percent ready.” An extra problem may be posed by the Russian “Unfriendlies” in Asia: Japan and South Korea. LNG infrastructure produced in Russia still depends on foreign technologies.

That’s what leads Gromov to note that, “the model of mobilization-based economy is not so good.” But that’s what Russia needs to deal with at least in the short to medium term.

The positives are that the new paradigm will allow “more cooperation within the BRICS (the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa that have been meeting annually since 2009);” the expansion of the International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC); and more interaction and integration with “Pakistan, India, Afghanistan and Iran.”

Only in terms of Iran and Russia, swaps in the Caspian Sea are already in the works, as Iran produces more than it needs, and is set to increase cooperation with Russia in the framework of their strengthened strategic partnership.

Hypersonic geoeconomics

It was up to Chinese energy expert Fu Chengyu to offer a concise explanation of why the EU drive of replacing Russian gas with American LNG is, well, a pipe dream. Essentially the US offer is “too limited and too costly.”

Fu Chengyu showed how a lengthy, tricky process depends on four contracts: between the gas developer and the LNG company; between the LNG company and the buyer company; between the LNG buyer and the cargo company (which builds vessels); and between the buyer and the end user.

“Each contract,” he pointed out, “takes a long time to finish. Without all these signed contracts, no party will invest – be it investment on infrastructure or gas field development.” So actual delivery of American LNG to Europe assumes all these interconnected resources are available – and moving like clockwork.

Fu Chengyu’s verdict is stark: this EU obsession on ditching Russian gas will provoke “an impact on global economic growth, and recession. They are pushing their own people – and the world. In the energy sector, we will all be harmed.”

It was quite enlightening to juxtapose the coming geoeconomic turbulence – the EU obsession in bypassing Russian gas and the onset of Rublegas – with the real reasons behind Operation Z in Ukraine, completely obscured by western media and analysts.

A US Deep State old pro, now retired, and quite familiar with the inner workings of the old OSS, the CIA precursor, all the way to the neocon dementia of today, provided some sobering insights:

“The whole Ukraine issue is over hypersonic missiles that can reach Moscow in less than four minutes. The US wants them there, in Poland, Romania, Baltic States, Sweden, Finland. This is in direct violation of the agreements in 1991 that NATO will not expand in Eastern Europe. The US does not have hypersonic missiles now but should – in a year or two. This is an existential threat to Russia. So they had to go into the Ukraine to stop this. Next will be Poland and Romania where launchers have been built in Romania and are being built in Poland.”

From a completely different geopolitical perspective, what’s really telling is that his analysis happens to dovetail with Zoltan Poszar’s geoeconomics: “The US and NATO are totally belligerent. This presents a real danger to Russia. The idea that nuclear war is unthinkable is a myth. If you look at the firebombing of Tokyo against Hiroshima and Nagasaki, more people died in Tokyo than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These cities were rebuilt. The radiation goes away and life can restart. The difference between firebombing and nuclear bombing is only efficiency. NATO provocations are so extreme, Russia had to place their nuclear missiles on standby alert. This is a gravely serious matter. But the US ignored it.”

8th April 2022, 12:11

By Joseph P. Farrell
April 8, 2022
gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)

If you've been following the Ukrainian biolabs story, you will want to visit this website, which contains the PDF files of the Russian Ministry of Defense's releases of documents it has recovered from those sites, plus some of its own analyses(our thanks to "A.S" for finding this site and passing it along):

Russian Ministry of Defense Biolabs Documents (https://disk.yandex.ru/d/0kV6d9ILLZFNkQ)

I want to focus on one in particular, that of the briefing of March 17 earlier this year, just a couple of weeks ago:

Russian Ministry of Defense March 17 Biolabs briefing (https://docs.yandex.ru/docs/view?url=ya-disk-public%3A%2F%2FGlidhdbCd9V3aTmhXbzKlGgKMEnlf3S3TVYzaxjxLA5JKnGMJTQzAq5fhc22SkPZq%2FJ6bpmRyOJonT3VoXn Dag%3D%3D%3A%2FMOD%20Briefing%20March%2017.pdf&name=MOD%20Briefing%20March%2017.pdf&nosw=1)

While much of this document is, of course, in Russian and/or Ukrainian, portions of it have already been translated as a "courtesy English" translation, and as we'll see, there's a rather damning letter in English toward the end of the document.

Beginning on page 7 of the document one finds the English translation of Lt. General Kirillov's briefing on what Russian forces found in some of the biolabs. We note the no-nonsense nature of General Kirillov's allegations:

(1) The Ukraine and USA were involved in a (NATO?) program to create bioweapons on the territory of the Ukraine: "We believe that components of biological weapons were being created on the territory of Ukraine (sic, et passim).

(2) Funding for much of the project came directly from the American Pentagon: "Here is a document dated March 6, 2015, confirming the Pentagon's direct participation in the financing of military biological projects in Ukraine."

(3) The Russian Ministry of Defense believes that the location of biolabs on the territory of the Ukraine to be due to their ability to release pathogens into animal populations for the purpose of spreading them to Russia, a not irrational conclusion in our opinion, since if China were, say, to locate its bioweapons facilities immediately across the Rio Grande river in Mexico, it would obviously provoke a similar reaction and analysis from US authorities: "From our point of view, the interest of US military biologists stems from the fact that these pathogens have natural foci both on the territory of Ukraine and in Russia, and their use can be disguised as natural outbreaks of diseases."(p. 8)

(4) Similar research was also carried out in US biolabs in Georgia, which in my opinion connects possible motivations for the Russian actions against that country in 2008 (pp. 8, 96-97).

(5) One Ukrainian biolabs institute in Kharkov was studying the use of wild birds to spread avian flus with the ability to overcome the "interspecific barrier" and this activity should be the subject of international investigation (p. 9)

(6) More serious research into deadlier pathogens - plague, anthrax, cholera, tularemia - was being conducted at Odessa, and biological waste (evidence) was removed and documents destroyed elsewhere at Kherson(p. 10).

If all this were not damning enough, on p. 33 the Russian Ministry of Defense provides a copy of a 2015 letter (in English) from Joanna Wintrol, head of the USA's Defense Threat Reduction Office in Kiev, to Litovka Serhii, head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense's "Central Sanitation and Epidemiological Department," in which the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense is explicitly listed as an "Executive Agent" for the "implementation of the Agreement Between the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (sic) Concerning Cooperation in the area of Prevention of Proliferation of Technology, Pathogens, and Expertise that could be used during the development of biological weapons."

It all sounds wonderfully "defensive" and wrapped in the sort of language of plausible deniability - including the fact that it's merely an "agreement" and not a "treaty" (subject to formal debate and oversight by the US Senate) - but the defensive language is belied by the earlier six assertions of General Kirillov, casting the letter itself into a more ominous context, namely, that the USA was prepared to use biological warfare against the Russian population, and to use a cutout - the Ukraine, with its murky background of World War Two Waffen SS associations or Zelensky's own Soros connections - to do it.

There are even, if one reads the PDF file closely, connections to the covid planscamdemic.

In the final analysis, one may or may not agree with the Russian assessment of what they found. But I suspect one would be hard pressed to disagree with their call for an international investigation, and I think there should be one. Watching the behavior of all involved parties during such an investigation will tell a great deal. As poker players know all too well, everyone has their "tells"...

See you on the flip side...

11th April 2022, 06:07
Dark Journalist | Dr. Joseph Farrell | Dangerous Covert Games Russia Ukraine War & Emergency Powers! | Apr. 11, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com), gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Dr. Joseph Farrell is Back!
Dark Journalist welcomes Dr. Joseph Farrell back to the show for a special deep dive on the covert actions behind the scenes in the Russia, Ukraine War. He also reveals that there are plans to remove President Biden and his access to the Nuclear Football to replace him with a Leadership Committee and the real reasons for the destruction of the American Economy through Permanent War Emergency Powers.

Special Topics
Deep State
Emergency Powers
Cyber Warfare
President Biden Replaced
Kinetic Weapons
Secret Finance

11th April 2022, 06:30
Andrei Martyanov | Answering Propaganda Off the Cuff | Apr. 10, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Ukraine. Russia. Combat operations, Russia is "losing", Western propaganda.

11th April 2022, 07:12
James Corbett Explains 5th-Generation Warfare | Apr. 10, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1722-james-corbett-explains-5th-generation-warfare/), Vermont Independent (https://vermontindependent.net/)


via VermontIndependent.net: Join Vermont Independent publisher Dr. Rob Williams and guest co-host Brandon Zollino for a conversation with researcher and journalist James Corbett about his new article, “Your Guide to 5th-Generation Warfare,” available at VI.net and The Corbett Report.

Show Notes:

Vermont Independent (https://vermontindependent.net/)

Your Guide to 5th Generation Warfare (https://www.corbettreport.com/your-guide-to-fifth-generation-warfare/)

Hearts and Minds (https://watchdocumentaries.com/hearts-and-minds/) (documentary)

Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda techniques on Canadians, Forces report says (https://ottawacitizen.com/news/national/defence-watch/military-leaders-saw-pandemic-as-unique-opportunity-to-test-propaganda-techniques-on-canadians-forces-report-says)

Propaganda By Edward L. Bernays (https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.275553)

Same Facts, Opposite Conclusions - #PropagandaWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/same-facts-opposite-conclusions-propagandawatch/)

Writing A New Narrative - #SolutionsWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-narrative/)

11th April 2022, 07:27
Max Igan | What in the World is Happening in Ukraine | Apr. 10, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


11th April 2022, 13:26
Thruthstream Media | Where Did the Rest of the Internet Go? | Apr. 11, 2022

Source: TruthstreamMedia.com (http://TruthstreamMedia.com)


12th April 2022, 07:05
Max Igan | Genocide New World Style | Apr. 12, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


13th April 2022, 10:48
Andrei Martyanov | Worth Of Money | Apr. 12, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Ukraine. Russia. Combat operations, Real Economy, US Generals

13th April 2022, 10:56
David Icke | We Are The Many | Apr. 13, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


14th April 2022, 12:19
Panel: "Russia & the Great Reset - Resistance or Complicity?"

Source: OffGuardian Twitter (https://twitter.com/OffGuardian0), unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com)


OffGuardian has teamed up with Unlimited Hangout to host our first-ever panel discussion: "Russia & the Great Reset - Resistance or Complicity?"

Is the war in Ukraine an "extension of Covid by other means"? Is Putin's Russia opposed to globalism or actively supporting it? Is the east-west clash between the US-EU and Russia-China a genuine struggle of ideas, or squabbling over the best seats at the table?

Moderators Kit Knightly and Whitney Webb discuss all this and more with their guest panellists Tom Luongo, Matthew Ehret, Iain Davis and Riley Waggaman.

For show notes, including panellist bios and social media links, click here: https://wp.me/paXmj6-ljd

Published 04/02/22

15th April 2022, 03:46
Dark Journalist's latest talk with Dr. Joseph Farrell focused a lot on the same subject.
Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell: Ukraine Strange - UFOs and Deep State Actors

Panel: "Russia & the Great Reset - Resistance or Complicity?"

Source: OffGuardian Twitter (https://twitter.com/OffGuardian0), unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com)

OffGuardian has teamed up with Unlimited Hangout to host our first-ever panel discussion: "Russia & the Great Reset - Resistance or Complicity?"

Is the war in Ukraine an "extension of Covid by other means"? Is Putin's Russia opposed to globalism or actively supporting it? Is the east-west clash between the US-EU and Russia-China a genuine struggle of ideas, or squabbling over the best seats at the table?

Moderators Kit Knightly and Whitney Webb discuss all this and more with their guest panellists Tom Luongo, Matthew Ehret, Iain Davis and Riley Waggaman.

For show notes, including panellist bios and social media links, click here: https://wp.me/paXmj6-ljd

Published 04/02/22

16th April 2022, 17:20
Max Igan | Let The Games Begin | Apr. 16, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


16th April 2022, 17:24
Redice TV | Elon Musk’s ‘Hostile Takeover’ of Twitter & Blackrock/Vanguard Own | Apr. 16, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


16th April 2022, 17:30
David Icke | Another 'Covid' Stage Show Heading West (If We Allow It) | Apr. 14, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


19th April 2022, 06:51
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Apr. 14, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Today's story is about the following article spotted by W.G. and K.M.: Virginia has joined "the bullion club": Article: Signed as Law: Virginia Takes Another Step Toward Treating Gold and Silver as Money (https://blog.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2022/04/signed-as-law-virginia-takes-another-step-toward-treating-gold-and-silver-as-money/)

19th April 2022, 07:58
James Corbett on The Peach Pit | Aril 17, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1723-james-corbett-on-the-peach-pit/)


James joins Derek Cumming on The Peach Pit radio program, a radio program on Peach City Radio out of Penticton, British Columbia. They discuss conspiracy theorizing, the coming global pandemic treaty, the events in Ukraine, and what the Epstein scandal threatened to expose about the true operations of the global power structure.

Show Notes:

Peach Pit radio program (http://www.peachcityradio.org/programs/peachpit/)

Episode 050 - The "C" word (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-050-the-c-word/)

I Am A Conspiracy Theorist (https://www.corbettreport.com/i-am-a-conspiracy-theorist/)

No, it’s not OK when China does it (https://off-guardian.org/2022/04/14/no-its-not-ok-when-china-does-it/)

OPEN THREAD: Can we talk about what's happening in China? (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/open-thread-can-we-talk-about-whats?s=r)

Infographic - Towards an international treaty on pandemics (https://archive.ph/j0O0e)

Globalists Release Timeline for Health Tyranny (https://www.corbettreport.com/globalists-release-timeline-for-health-tyranny/)

Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? The Nazi Agenda (Part 3) (https://in-this-together.com/ukraine-war-part-3/)

In a break with the past, U.S. is using intel to fight an info war with Russia, even when the intel isn't rock solid (https://archive.ph/eq5oB)

New Ukrainian Trend: Tying People to Trees. Flogging and Undressing Them (https://anti-empire.com/new-ukrainian-trend-tying-people-to-trees-flogging-and-undressing-them/)

It’s Been 80 Days Since Maxwell’s Conviction and Not a Single Child Rapist Client Has Been Arrested (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/03/its-been-80-days-since-maxwells-conviction-and-not-a-single-child-rapist-client-has-been-arrested.html)

CDC Panel Backs Moderna ‘Spikevax’ for 18 and Older, as COVID Vaccine Injuries Continue to Rise, VAERS Data Show (https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/vaers-cdc-moderna-spikevax-covid-vaccine-injuries/)

19th April 2022, 08:38
Redice TV | What The Hell Happened To Canada? - Raging Dissident & Morgan | Apr. 19, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Raging Dissident AKA Jeremy MacKenzie & Morgan joins Henrik to discuss the terrible state of Canada. Free speech is now dead in the great white north and the right to protest is gone as well. How did Canada become one of the testing grounds for the Great Reset? We go into detail on what happened to them after their arrests following a peaceful anti-Covid mandate protest and where this will end if it continues unchecked.

19th April 2022, 12:17
Thruthstream Media | On the Digital Wall, Part II | Apr. 19, 2022

Source: TruthstreamMedia.com (http://TruthstreamMedia.com)


Part 1:

19th April 2022, 12:38
The People's Voice | Britney Spears: ‘I Was Subjected to Satanic Illuminati Rituals’ | Apr. 18, 2022

Source: The People's Voice youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz2EFFt1s1nsOunhpFsGBOQ)


Britney Spears detailed the satanic abuse she suffered at the hands of her illuminati handlers during her 13-year conservatorship, including sickening rituals, weekly blood transfusions, and CIA Mkultra medical experiments.

In a now-deleted Instagram post, Spears described how she was stripped of her freedom and autonomy and subjected to dark and satanic practices, including “8 gallons of blood” transfusions weekly and occult assaults by elite attendees.

Britney Jean Spears is the prototype of the modern pop star: young, beautiful, controversial and completely manipulated by the entertainment industry. She has been literally groomed since childhood by industry executives to become a pop star.

From working in Broadway at 8 years old and the Mickey Mouse Club at 12 to becoming a world-renowned pop star at 17, Britney is a true “showbiz child”.

Today, she is finally a free from their evil grip. But for how long?

20th April 2022, 05:49
Andrei Martyanov | Phase 2 in progress | Apr. 19, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


The fate of the VSU and of the combined West.

20th April 2022, 05:53
Max Igan | Re-Writing the Narrative | Apr. 18, 2022


20th April 2022, 05:59
David Icke & MK Ultra Whistleblower Cathy O'Brien On The Mel K Show | Mass Mind Control | Apr. 17, 2022


21st April 2022, 07:18
Linda Moulton Howe | Are hostile E. T.s based deep below Earth oceans and lands? | Apr. 20, 2022

Source: earthfiles.com (http://earthfiles.com)


Topics: Are hostile E.T.s based deep below Earth oceans and lands?

New Unclassified FOIA documents reported by Motherboard

- “Newly-Released Documents Shed Light on Government-Funded Research Into Worm Holes, Anti-Gravity and Invisibility Cloaks”
- warp drives, extra dimensions, anti-gravity

Interview with experiencer Adam Burns after hypnotherapy session
- HealingsAcrossTime.com
- “humans are working off-world with advanced beings”
- “the most malevolent towards us…the reptilians”
- “massive underground bases”
- “some of these ancient aliens want to help us”
- “mantid being…loving and hyper intelligent”
- “humanoid with the head of a snake”
- “our future…we make it…we transcend!”

21st April 2022, 07:43
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Made It On Another ‘List,’ Muslim Riots In Sweden, Azov 'Ebul Natzis' Bad, CRP Dead? | Apr. 21, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


22nd April 2022, 06:06
Andrei Martyanov | The 1930s Are Coming | Apr. 21, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Mariupol, Dmitry Medvedev, West's suicide, incompetence as a virtue. Narcissism of the West.

22nd April 2022, 06:11
David Icke | Life Is a Rollercoaster - You Just Gotta Ride It | Apr. 21, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


22nd April 2022, 06:14
Veritas Radio | Kevin D. Randle, Lt.Col. USAR (Ret) | The 1957 Levelland UFO Encounter | Part One

Source: veritasradio.com (http://veritasradio.com)


On November 2, 1957, a series of sightings of a glowing, egg-shaped object was seen around the West Texas town of Levelland, USA. Multiple witnesses at multiple locations reported their cars stalled at the close approach of the UFO.

Over a two-hour period, the object terrorized the witnesses. The Hockley County Sheriff, the Texas Department of Public Safety, and even officers from Reese Air Force Base saw the UFO. A comprehensive investigation has, for the first time, uncovered additional witnesses and reveals the Air Force clandestine attempts to resolve the case without revealing the true nature of the events.

The Levelland sightings are not the only time that reports of stalled cars and other interaction with the environment was reported. In France and South America, in 1954, similar reports were made, many of them including descriptions of creatures from the UFOs.

Levelland is the first book to examine this aspect of the UFO phenomenon in depth and provide detailed eye witness testimony from law enforce officers along with an examination of the once classified, official investigation. The true story of the Levelland UFO is revealed and it will change minds.

Kevin D. Randle has spent the majority of his life in the study of all aspects of the UFO phenomena. He has actively investigated cattle mutilations, abductions, crash retrievals and a wide variety of flying saucer sightings. He had traveled extensively during his investigations, interviewed many of the high-profile researchers and hundreds of witnesses to UFO events.

He was among the first to review the Project Blue Book files after they were declassified and saw them before the names had been redacted. Randle is a retired Army lieutenant colonel who served as a helicopter pilot and aircraft commander in Vietnam and an intelligence officer in Iraq.

His Vietnam experiences can be found at www.vietnamgroundzero.blogspot.com He served for fourteen years in the Air Force, on both active duty and the Reserve as an intelligence officer. He brings this military insight as well as an advanced education to bear on his study of UFOs.

Randle has appeared in dozens of documentaries about UFOs, appeared on hundreds of radio programs, and written dozens of books on the topic including the recently published UFOs and the Deep State and Levelland about the sightings in Texas in November, 1957.

His blog, A Different Perspective provides insights into some of the most controversial and some of the best UFO sightings. His radio show/podcast airs weekly on the X-Zone Broadcast Network. He also provides a short weekly segment about UFOs on Coast-to-Coast AM. He is one of the most respected researchers in the field.

25th April 2022, 06:12
Andrei Martyanov | General Tommy Franks and Geopolitical Reality | Apr. 23, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


"The f..cking stupidest guy(s) on the face of the Earth"(c). Nuclear false flag, timing and victory in Ukraine.

25th April 2022, 06:17
Dark Journalist | Deep State In the HotZone Atlantis Rising | Apr. 22, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)



The Secret Discovery of Criminal Financier Robert Vesco and His Partner Don Nixon (President Nixon's Nephew) in Cuba! Did Legendary writer Ernest Hemingway leave a Notebook of code about his search for Atlantis based on his mother's close relationship with The Sleeping Prophet Edgar Cayce?

25th April 2022, 07:07
Max Igan | And As The Covid Narrative Continues to Crumble... | Apr. 25, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


25th April 2022, 12:34
Dr. Joel Wallach | Ask Doc Live | Apr. 22,2022

Source: criticalhealthnews.com (http://criticalhealthnews.com)


Dr. Wallach goes into detail on Multiple Sclerosis, describing how nutrition can be used to support and promote a healthy response. He also answered many questions from our engaged and interested audience.

26th April 2022, 06:28
Max Igan | We Now Have This Amazing Opportunity - INSPIRED Conversation | Apr. 25, 2022


26th April 2022, 08:03
Whitney Webb | Sanctions & the End of a Financial Era with John Titus

Source: unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com)


In this episode, Whitney and John Titus of BestEvidence discuss the major financial shifts that have occurred since the Ukraine-Russia conflict exploded in late February, including Western sanctions, the coming end of the dollar, the CBDC agenda in both Russia and the West and the “endgame” of the financial elites.

Originally published 04/13/22.

Links discussed:

Financial Services Company DTCC Working With Digital Dollar Project on CBDC Prototype (https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/financial-services-company-dtcc-working-with-digital-dollar-project-on-cbdc-prototype/ar-AAW7ZBq)
This Week In Credit Card News: Democrats Push For A Digital Dollar; Buy Now, Pay Later Expands To Gas Stations (https://www.forbes.com/sites/billhardekopf/2022/04/07/this-week-in-credit-card-news-democrats-push-for-a-digital-dollar-buy-now-pay-later-expands-to-gas-stations/?sh=21e5ef3d11f0)
U.S. securities processor launches digital dollar study | Reuters (https://www.reuters.com/legal/transactional/us-securities-processor-launches-digital-dollar-study-2022-04-12/)
Russia’s Largest Bank Silently Rolled Out Native Cryptocurrency Sbercoin (https://www.ibtimes.com/russias-largest-bank-silently-rolled-out-native-cryptocurrency-sbercoin-3460595)
State Duma of Russia Proposed Replacing the Fiat Ruble with a Digital One – Oreanda-News (https://www.oreanda.ru/en/finansy/state-duma-of-russia-proposed-replacing-the-fiat-ruble-with-a-digital-one/article1417143/)
The central bank takeover of Russia – Edward Slavsquat (https://edwardslavsquat.substack.com/p/the-central-bank-takeover-of-russia?s=r)
Did Jeffrey Epstein personally set off the financial crash of 2008?, by Steve Sailer – The Unz Review (https://www.unz.com/isteve/did-jeffrey-epstein-personally-set-off-the-financial-crash-of-2008/)
Iain Davis Global Public-Private Partnership Chart (https://unlimitedhangout.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Gppp-Chart.png)
Ending Anonymity: Why the WEF’s Partnership Against Cybercrime Threatens the Future of Privacy (https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/ending-anonymity-why-wefs-partnership-against-cybercrime-threatens-future-privacy/)
Another Mega Group Spy Scandal? Samanage, Sabotage, And The SolarWinds Hack (https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/01/investigative-reports/another-mega-group-spy-scandal-samanage-sabotage-and-the-solarwinds-hack/)

26th April 2022, 12:14
UN Whistleblower: WHO is Tip of the Spear for Global Tyranny | Apr. 25, 2022

Source: thenewamerican.com (http://thenewamerican.com)

The United Nations World Health Organization is in the process of usurping ever greater powers over the nations of the world with updates to its international health regime, WHO whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger told The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Conversations That Matter.

Citizens from countries around the world must rise up and make sure this usurpation does not succeed, or freedom and self-government will be lost forever, she warned.


27th April 2022, 13:17
The Corbett Report | The Global Pandemic Treaty: What You Need to Know | Apr. 27, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/globaltreaty/)

The World Health Organization has already begun drafting a global pandemic treaty on pandemic preparedness. What form will it take? What teeth will it have? How will it further the globalists in cementing the biosecurity grid into place? James breaks it down in today's episode of The Corbett Report podcast.


Show Notes:
Public hearings regarding a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response (livestream) (https://inb.who.int/)
WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the Public Hearing regarding a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response – 12 April 2022 (https://www.who.int/director-general/speeches/detail/who-director-general-s-opening-remarks-at-the-public-hearing-regarding-a-new-international-instrument-on-pandemic-preparedness-and-response---12-april-2022)
Who is WHO’s Tedros Adhanom? (http://www.williamengdahl.com/englishNEO18Feb2020.php)
The World Together: Establishment of an intergovernmental negotiating body to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHASSA2/SSA2(5)-en.pdf)
International Health Regulations (2005) Third Edition (https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/9789241580496)
WHO Report on International Health Regulations and PHEIC (https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/328559/A72_8-en.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y)
WHO Appoints H1N1 Cover-Up Committee (https://www.corbettreport.com/articles/20100413_who_coverup.htm)
What is the WHO? - Questions For Corbett #066 (https://www.corbettreport.com/what-is-the-who-questions-for-corbett-066/)
Globalists Release Timeline for Health Tyranny (https://www.corbettreport.com/globalists-release-timeline-for-health-tyranny/)
Infographic - Towards an international treaty on pandemics (https://archive.ph/j0O0e)
The One Health Approach—Why Is It So Important? (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6630404/)
A new pandemic treaty: what the World Health Organization needs to do next (https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/covid19/2022/03/30/a-new-pandemic-treaty-what-the-world-health-organization-needs-to-do-next/)
Universal Flu Vaccine (https://www.c-span.org/video/?465845-1/universal-flu-vaccine)
Friday briefing: Blair – next time we need vaccine in 100 days (https://archive.ph/Hr7Oq)
Reality Check: “100 day vaccines” are NOT possible. (https://off-guardian.org/2022/03/11/reality-check-100-day-vaccines-are-not-possible/)
“Pandemic Treaty” will hand WHO keys to global government (https://off-guardian.org/2022/04/19/pandemic-treaty-will-hand-who-keys-to-global-government/)
Off-Guardian.org (https://off-guardian.org/)
Off-Guardian Telegram (https://t.me/offguardian)
You have just 24 hours left to have your say on the WHO’s “Pandemic Treaty” (https://off-guardian.org/2022/04/12/you-have-just-24-hours-left-to-have-your-say-on-the-whos-pandemic-treaty/)
INB - Written Submissions (https://inb.who.int/home/written-submissions)

27th April 2022, 14:49
Biden Cynically Uses Ukraine to Cover Food Sabotage Sanctions and the Coming Global Diesel Fuel Disaster

By F. William Engdahl
williamengdahl.com (http://williamengdahl.com)
26 April 2022

It’s beginning to look like some bad actors are deliberately taking steps to guarantee a coming global food crisis. Every measure that the Biden Administration strategists have been making to “control energy inflation” is damaging the supply or inflating the price of natural gas, oil and coal to the global economy.

This is having a huge impact on fertilizer prices and food production. That began well before Ukraine. Now reports are circulating that Biden’s people have intervened to block the freight rail shipping of fertilizer at the most critical time for spring planting. By this autumn the effects will be explosive.

With the crucial time for USA spring planting at its critical phase, CF Industries of Deerfield, Illinois, the largest US supplier of nitrogen fertilizers as well as a vital diesel engine additive, issued a press release stating that, “On Friday, April 8, 2022, Union Pacific informed CF Industries without advance notice that it was mandating certain shippers to reduce the volume of private cars on its railroad effective immediately.” Union Pacific is one of only four major rail companies that together carry some 80% of all US agriculture rail freight. The CF company CEO, Tony Will stated, “The timing of this action by Union Pacific could not come at a worse time for farmers. Not only will fertilizer be delayed by these shipping restrictions, but additional fertilizer needed to complete spring applications may be unable to reach farmers at all. By placing this arbitrary restriction on just a handful of shippers, Union Pacific is jeopardizing farmers’ harvests and increasing the cost of food for consumers (https://www.cfindustries.com/newsroom/2022/union-pacific-shipping-restrictions).” CF has made urgent appeals to the Biden Administration for remedy, so far with no positive action.

Direct sabotage

CF Industries noted that they were one of only thirty companies subject to the severe measure, which is indefinite. They ship via Union Pacific rail lines primarily from its Donaldsonville Complex in Louisiana and its Port Neal Complex in Iowa, to serve key farm states including Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas and California. The ban will affect nitrogen fertilizers such as urea and urea ammonium nitrate (UAN), as well as diesel exhaust fluid, DEF (called AdBlue in Europe).

DEF is an emissions control product required for diesel trucks today. Without it engines cannot run. It is made from urea. CF Industries is the largest producer of urea, UAN and DEF in North America, and its Donaldsonville Complex is the largest single production facility for the products (https://www.cfindustries.com/newsroom/2022/union-pacific-shipping-restrictions) in North America.

At the same time, the Biden gang has announced a fake remedy for record high gasoline pump prices. Washington announced the EPA will allow a 50% increase in corn-based biodiesel and ethanol fuel mix for the summer. On April 12 the Secretary of Agriculture announced a “bold” initiative by the US Administration to increase the use of domestically-grown corn-ethanol biofuels. Secretary Tom Vilsack claimed the measure would “reduce energy prices and tackle rising consumer prices caused by Putin’s Price Hike (sic) by tapping into a strong and bright future for the biofuel industry, in cars and trucks and the rail, marine, and aviation sectors and supporting use of €15 fuel this summer. (https://www.cfindustries.com/newsroom/2022/union-pacific-shipping-restrictions)”

Only the capitalized “Putin Price Hike” is not a result of Russian actions, but of Washington Green Energy decisions to phase out oil and gas. The energy price inflation is also about to go vastly higher in coming months owing to US and EU economic sanctions on export of Russian oil and likely gas. However the central point is that every acre of US farmland dedicated to growing corn for biofuels removes that food production from the food chain, to burn it as fuel. Since passage of the 2007 US Renewable Fuel Standards Act, which mandated annually rising targets for production of corn for ethanol fuel blends, biofuels have captured a huge part of total corn acreage, more than 40% in 2015. That shift, mandated by law, to burning corn as fuel had added a major price inflation for food well before the covid inflation crisis began. The USA is by far world’s largest corn producer and exporter. Now to mandate a significant increase in corn ethanol for fuel at a time of astronomical fertilizer prices, and fertilizer rail shipping are being blocked reportedly by White House orders, will send corn prices through the roof. Washington knows this very well. It is deliberate.

No wonder the price of US corn reached a 10-year high in mid-April, as exports from Russia and Ukraine, major sources, are now blocked by sanction and war. Aside from the energy-inefficient use of US corn for biodiesel supply, the latest Biden ethanol initiative will add to the growing food crisis while doing nothing to lower US gasoline prices. A major use for US feed corn is as animal feed for cattle, pigs and poultry as well as for human diets. This cynical biofuel order is not about US “energy independence.” Biden ended that in his first days in office by a series of bans on oil and gas drilling and pipelines as part of his Zero Carbon agenda.

In what is clearly becoming a US Administration war on food, the situation is being dramatically aggravated by USDA demands for chicken farmers to kill off millions of chickens in now 27 states, allegedly for signs of Bird Flu infection. The H5N1 Bird Flu “virus” was exposed in 2015 as a complete hoax. The tests used by the US government inspectors to determine bird flu now are the same unreliable (https://off-guardian.org/2022/04/11/bird-flu-another-phony-pandemic-this-time-for-chickens/) PCR tests used for COVID in humans. The test is worthless for that. US Government officials estimate that since first cases were “tested” positive in February, at least 23 million chickens and turkeys have been culled to allegedly contain the spread of a disease whose cause could be the incredibly unsanitary cage confinement of mass industrial chicken (https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/the-bird-flu-hoax-is-being-recycled-again-to-create-fear-and-more-profits-for-big-pharma/) CAFOs. The upshot is sharp rises in prices of egg by some 300% since November and severe loss of chicken protein sources for American consumers at a time when overall cost of living inflation is at a 40-year high.

To make matters worse, California and Oregon are again declaring water emergency amid a multi-year drought and are sharply reducing irrigation water to farmers in California, who produce the major share of US fresh vegetables and fruits. That drought has since spread to cover most agriculture land west of the Mississippi River, meaning much of US farmland.

US food security is under threat as never before since the 1930s Dust Bowl, and the Biden Administration “Green Agenda” is doing everything to make the impact worse for its citizens.

In recent comments US President Biden remarked without elaborating that the US food shortages are “going to be real.” His administration also is deaf to pleas of farmer organizations to allow cultivation of some 4 million acres of farmland ordered left out of cultivation for “environmental reasons. However this is not the only part of the world where crisis in food is developing.

Global Disaster

These deliberate Washington actions are taking place at a time a global series of food disasters create the worst food supply situation in decades, perhaps since the World War II end.

In the EU, which is significantly dependent on Russia, Belarus and Ukraine for feed grains, fertilizers and energy, sanctions are making the covid-induced food shortages dramatically worse. The EU uses its foolish Green Agenda as an excuse to forbid the Italian government from ignoring EU rules limiting state aid to farmers. In Germany, the new Green Party Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir, who wants to phase out traditional agriculture allegedly for its “greenhouse gas” emissions, has given farmers who want to grow more food a cold response. The EU faces many of the same disastrous threats to food security as the USA and even more dependence on Russian energy which is about to be suicidally sanctioned by the EU.

The major food producing countries in South America, especially Argentina and Paraguay, are in the midst of a severe drought attributed to a periodic La Niña Pacific anomaly that has crippled crops there. Sanctions on Belarus and Russia fertilizers are threatening Brazil crops, aggravated with bottlenecks in ocean transport.

China just announced that owing to severe rains in 2021, this year’s winter wheat crop could be the worst in its history. The CCP also has instituted severe measures to get farmers to expand cultivation to non-farm lands with little reported effect. According to a report by China watcher Erik Mertz, “In China’s Jilin, Heilongjiang, and Liaoning provinces, officials have reported one in three farmers lack sufficient seed and fertilizer supplies to begin planting for the optimum spring window… According to sources within these areas, they are stuck waiting on seed and fertilizer which have been imported to China from overseas – and which are stuck in the cargo ships sitting off the coast of Shanghai.” Shanghai, the world’s largest container port, has been under a bizarre “Zero Covid” total quarantine for more than four weeks with no end in sight. In a desperate bid by the CCP “ordering” increased food production, local CP officials throughout China have begun transforming basketball courts and even roads into cropland (https://crisiswatch.substack.com/p/the-coming-removal-of-the-mandate?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web&s=r). The food situation in China is forcing the country to import far more at a time of global shortages, driving world grain and food prices even higher.

Africa is also severely impacted by the US-imposed sanctions and war ending food and fertilizer exports from Russia and Ukraine. Thirty five African countries get food from Russia and Ukraine. Twenty two African countries import fertilizer from there. Alternatives are seriously lacking as prices soar and supply collapses. Famine is predicted.

David M. Beasley, executive director of the UN World Food Program, declared recently on the global food outlook, “There is no precedent even close to this since World War II.”

Notably, it was the Biden Treasury Department that drew up a list of the most comprehensive economic sanctions against Russia and Belarus, pressuring a compliant EU to dutifully follow, sanctions whose impact on global grain and fertilizer and energy supply and prices was entirely predictable. It was in effect a sanction on the US and global economy.

These are but the latest examples of deliberate US Government sabotage of the food chain as part of the Biden Green Agenda, of Davos WEF, Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation, as part of their dystopian Great Reset eugenics agenda. Traditional agriculture is to be replaced by a synthetic lab grown diet of fake meats and protein from grasshoppers and worms, worldwide. All for the supposed glory of controlling global climate. This is truly mad.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

28th April 2022, 16:33

29th April 2022, 07:13
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | Apr. 28, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Ex-NATO analyst paints a completely different picture of Ukraine war (https://freewestmedia.com/2022/04/22/ex-nato-analyst-paints-a-completely-different-picture-of-ukraine-war/)

US ready to accept neutral Ukraine (https://www.rt.com/russia/554572-blinken-ukraine-neutral/)

29th April 2022, 07:32
New World Next Week | Would You Like Fires With That | Apr. 29, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: Balochistan Liberation Army Claims Karachi Attack and '1st Woman Suicide Bomber' (https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/karachi-university-blast-balochistan-liberation-army-claims-attack-101650972680484.html)
Karachi University Blast: 3 Chinese Nationals, Their Pakistani Driver Killed; The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) Has Claimed Responsibility For the Attack. (https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/blast-on-premises-of-karachi-university-casualties-feared-reports-101650968311688.html)
Balochistan Liberation Army (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balochistan_Liberation_Army)
Spotlight Baluchistan: Minerals, Pipelines and Terrorists in the Imperial Great Game (Apr. 24, 2012) (https://www.corbettreport.com/baluchistan)
Be Wary of Foreign Interference, China Warns Central Asia (https://archive.ph/8wcbL)
China and Solomon Islands Sign Security Deal Ahead of US Visit; Agreement Will Exacerbate Western Fears Over Beijing’s Growing Influence In South Pacific (https://archive.ph/ciILI)
China's Censors Scrub Viral Shanghai Lockdown Video From Online Platforms (https://archive.ph/38Tpf)
The Voices of April – The Online Rise of a Shanghai Protest Video (https://www.whatsonweibo.com/the-voices-of-april-the-short-online-life-of-a-shanghai-protest-video/)
Taiwan News Channel Accidentally Airs False Report of Chinese Invasion; CTS Apologises for Panic Caused By Broadcast of Mocked-Up Captions It Says It Created for Security Drills (https://archive.ph/PRLRh)

Story #2: Italian City of Bologna Introduces Social Credit Style System (https://reclaimthenet.org/italian-city-introduces-social-credit-style-system/)
Points For "Good Behaviour": Canadian Government Introduces the Creepiest App Ever (https://www.corbettreport.com/points-for-good-behaviour-canadian-government-introduces-the-creepiest-app-ever/)

Story #3: Fire Destroys Azure Standard Headquarter Facility (Apr. 19, 2022) (https://www.columbiagorgenews.com/fire-destroys-azure-standard-headquarter-facility/article_7df4657c-c03e-11ec-a8c2-5f88e266c6db.html)
Media Monarchy First Talking About the "Food World Order" (Apr. 10, 2009) (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-081-james-evan-pilato/)
Corbett Report Search Results: "Food World Order" (https://www.corbettreport.com/page/1/?s=food+world+order)
A List Of 16 Major Fires That Have Occurred At Key Food Industry Facilities In The U.S. Since The Start Of 2022 (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/a-list-of-16-major-fires-that-have-occurred-at-key-food-industry-facilities-in-the-u-s-since-the-start-of-2022/)
Trudeau Government Targets Grain Growers As Worst Emissions Offenders (https://tnc.news/2022/04/23/trudeau-government-targets-grain-growers-as-worst-emissions-offenders/)
Discussion Document: Reducing Emissions Arising From the Application of Fertilizer In Canada's Agriculture Sector (https://agriculture.canada.ca/en/about-our-department/transparency-and-corporate-reporting/public-opinion-research-and-consultations/share-ideas-fertilizer-emissions-reduction-target/discussion-document-reducing-emissions-arising-application-fertilizer-canadas-agriculture-sector)
World's Richest Man Buys ‘Free Speech’ for $44 Billion; Elon Musk Didn’t Like How Twitter Moderates Speech. So He Bought It. (https://archive.ph/5zZiW)
"I'm Not Sure What I'm Going To Do With That Information": Bill Gates Jokes About Tracking People With Vaccines (https://archive.ph/Lusuv)
Portland Food Festival 'Feast' Canceled For the Third Straight Year (https://pdx.eater.com/2022/4/27/23044733/feast-portland-postponed-live-events-2022)
Ice Age Farmer: Food Supply Incident Map (https://www.iceagefarmer.com/fire/)
Media Monarchy on Grand Theft World (https://odysee.com/@GrandTheftWorld:9/grand-theft-world-podcast-077-do-your-own-research:a)
Media Monarchy on Liberty Radio (https://odysee.com/@ManufacturingReality:2/GTWLR-episode23:9)

29th April 2022, 12:33
The Trueman Show - Interview Karen Hamaker-Zondag (English subtitles) (2:31:59)
On August 16, 2021, Jorn Luka interviewed me for his Trueman Show about my decades of research into power structures in the world, and in 2.5 hours we were able to dive deep into the subject. That research, including historical developments, is all based on official sources and expert analyses. It was, and still is, a fascinating journey in which I keep coming across new backgrounds and connections, and it also puts the current crisis in perspective.

NB: A MUST WATCH & LISTEN - This woman is really incredibly bright, and this video is worth every minute of your time

29th April 2022, 13:36
Ariel Phenomenon Trailer

Source: arielphenomenon.com (http://arielphenomenon.com)


Ariel Phenomenon explores an African extraterrestrial encounter witnessed by over sixty schoolchildren in 1994. As a Harvard professor, a BBC war reporter, and past students investigate, they struggle to answer the question: “What happens when you experience something so extraordinary that nobody believes you?”

Release Date: May 20, 2022

2nd May 2022, 07:27
Joseph P. Farrell | Dialogue with Schwarzenstein Re the Ukraine | May 1, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Schwarzenstein is back for another 1 on 1 dialogue about the Ukraine.

2nd May 2022, 07:32
Max Igan | The World has Changed | May 1, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


2nd May 2022, 09:16
The Postil Magazine

Our Interview with Jacques Baud

Source: thepostil.com (https://www.thepostil.com/our-interview-with-jacques-baud/)
May 1, 2022

Download PDF (https://www.thepostil.com/our-interview-with-jacques-baud/?print-posts=pdf)

In this penetrating interview, Jacques Baud delves into geopolitics to help us better understand what is actually taking place in the Ukraine, in that it is ultimately the larger struggle for global dominance, led by the United States, NATO and the political leaders of the West and against Russia.

As always, Colonel Baud brings to bear his well-informed analysis, which is unique for its depth and gravity. We are sure that you will find this conservation informative, insightful and crucial in connecting the dots.

The Postil (TP): We are so very pleased to have you join us for this conversation. Would you please tell us a little about yourself, about your background?

Jacques Baud (JB): Thank you for inviting me! As to my education, I have a master’s degree in Econometrics and postgraduate diplomas in International Relations and in International Security from the Graduate Institute for International relations in Geneva (Switzerland). I worked as strategic intelligence officer in the Swiss Department of Defense, and was in charge of the Warsaw Pact armed forces, including those deployed abroad (such as Afghanistan, Cuba, Angola, etc.) I attended intelligence training in the UK and in the US. Just after the end of the Cold War, I headed for a few years a unit in the Swiss Defense Research and Procurement Agency. During the Rwanda War, because of my military and intelligence background, I was sent to the Democratic Republic of Congo as security adviser to prevent ethnic cleansing in the Rwandan refugee camps.

During my time in the intelligence service, I was in touch with the Afghan resistance movement of Ahmed Shah Masood, and I wrote a small handbook to help Afghans in demining and neutralizing Soviet bomblets. In the mid-1990, the struggle against antipersonnel mines became a foreign policy priority of Switzerland. I proposed to create a center that would collect information about landmines and demining technologies for the UN. This led to the creation of the Geneva International Center for Humanitarian Demining in Geneva. I was later offered to head the Policy and Doctrine Unit of the UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations. After two years in New York, I went to Nairobi to perform a similar job for the African Union.

Then I was assigned to NATO to counter the proliferation of small arms. Switzerland is not a member of the Alliance, but this particular position had been negotiated as a Swiss contribution to the Partnership for Peace with NATO. In 2014, as the Ukraine crisis unfolded, I monitored the flow of small arms in the Donbass. Later, in the same year I was involved in a NATO program to assist the Ukrainian armed forces in restoring their capacities and improving personnel management, with the aim of restoring trust in them.

TP: You have written two insightful articles about the current conflict in the Ukraine, which we had the great privilege to translate and publish (here (https://www.thepostil.com/the-military-situation-in-the-ukraine/) and here (https://www.thepostil.com/the-military-situation-in-the-ukraine-an-update/)). Was there a particular event or an instance which led you to formulate this much-needed perspective?

JB: As a strategic intelligence officer, I always advocated providing to the political or military decision-makers the most accurate and the most objective intelligence. This is the kind of job where you need to keep you prejudice and your feelings to yourself, in order to come up with an intelligence that reflects as much as possible the reality on the ground rather than your own emotions or beliefs. I also assume that in a modern democratic State decision must be fact-based. This is the difference with autocratic political systems where decision-making is ideology-based (such as in the Marxist States) or religion-based (such as in the French pre-revolutionary monarchy).

Thanks to my various assignments, I was able to have an insider view in most recent conflicts (such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Syria and, of course, Ukraine). The main common aspect between all these conflicts is that we tend to have a totally distorted understanding of them. We do not understand our enemies, their rationale, their way of thinking and their real objectives. Hence, we are not even able to articulate sound strategies to fight them. This is especially true with Russia. Most people, including the top brass, tend to confuse “Russia” and “USSR.” As I was in NATO, I could hardly find someone who could explain what Russia’s vision of the world is or even its political doctrine. Lot of people think Vladimir Putin is a communist. We like to call him a “dictator,” but we have a hard time to explain what we mean by that. As examples, people come up invariably with the assassination of such and such journalist or former FSB or GRU agents, although evidence is extremely debatable. In other words, even if it is true, we are not able to articulate exactly the nature of the problem. As a result, we tend to portray the enemy as we wished him to be, rather than as he actually is. This is the ultimate recipe for failure. This explains why, after five years spent within NATO, I am more concerned about Western strategic and military capabilities than before.

In 2014, during the Maidan revolution in Kiev, I was in NATO in Brussels. I noticed that people didn’t assess the situation as it was, but as they wished it would be. This is exactly what Sun Tzu describes as the first step towards failure. In fact, it appeared clear to me that nobody in NATO had the slightest interest in Ukraine. The main goal was to destabilize Russia.

TP: How do you perceive Volodymyr Zelensky? Who is he, really? What is his role in this conflict? It seems he wants to have a “forever war,” since he must know he cannot win? Why does he want to prolong this conflict?

JB: Volodymyr Zelensky was elected on the promise he would make peace with Russia, which I think is a noble objective. The problem is that no Western country, nor the European Union managed to help him realize this objective. After the Maidan revolution, the emerging force in the political landscape was the far-right movement. I do not like to call it “neo-Nazi” because “Nazism” was a clearly defined political doctrine, while in Ukraine, we are talking about a variety of movements that combine all the features of Nazism (such as antisemitism, extreme nationalism, violence, etc.), without being unified into a single doctrine. They are more like a gathering of fanatics.

After 2014, Ukrainian armed forces’ command & control was extremely poor and was the cause of their inability to handle the rebellion in Donbass. Suicide, alcohol incidents, and murder surged, pushing young soldiers to defect. Even the British government noted that young male individuals preferred to emigrate rather than to join the armed forces. As a result, Ukraine started to recruit volunteers to enforce Kiev’s authority in the Russian speaking part of the country. These volunteers ere (and still are) recruited among European far-right extremists. According to Reuters, their number amounts to 102,000. They have become a sizeable and influential political force in the country.

The problem here is that these far-right fanatics threatened to kill Zelensky were he to try to make peace with Russia. As a result, Zelensky found himself sitting between his promises and the violent opposition of an increasingly powerful far-right movement. In May 2019, on the Ukrainian media Obozrevatel, Dmytro Yarosh, head of the “Pravy Sektor” militia and adviser to the Army Commander in Chief, openly threatened Zelensky with death, if he came to an agreement with Russia. In other words, Zelensky appears to be blackmailed by forces he is probably not in full control of.

In October 2021, the Jerusalem Post (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiYn_PKsaz3AhVDJkQIHZqZDgQQFnoECAYQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.jpost.com%2Fdiaspora%2Fwestern-countries-training-far-right-extremists-in-ukraine-report-682411&usg=AOvVaw3ZWLNZMWA9BQeY6kJSvssM) published a disturbing report on the training of Ukrainian far-right militias by American, British, French and Canadian armed forces. The problem is that the “collective West” tends to turn a blind eye to these incestuous and perverse relationships in order to achieve its own geopolitical goals. It is supported by unscrupulous far-right biased medias (https://oumma.com/jacques-baud-lancien-espion-qui-aimait-poutine/) against Israel, which tend to approve the criminal behavior of these militias. This situation has repeatedly raised Israel’s concerns (https://www.thejc.com/news/world/row-after-ukrainian-jewish-leader-defends-nazi-collaborators-1.464583). This explains why Zelensky’s demands to the Israeli parliament in March 2022 were not well received (https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/324311) and have not been successful (https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/politics-and-diplomacy/article-701850).

So, despite his probable willingness to achieve a political settlement for the crisis with Russia, Zelensky is not allowed to do so. Just after he indicated his readiness to talk with Russia (https://kyivindependent.com/national/ukraine-ready-to-negotiate-with-russia/), on 25 February, the European Union decided two days later (https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-ukraine-russia-funding-weapons-budget-military-aid/) to provide €450M in arms to Ukraine. The same happened in March. As soon as Zelensky indicated he wanted to have talks (https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-march-21-2022/) with Vladimir Putin on 21 March, the European Union decided to double its military aid (https://www.dw.com/en/ukraine-eu-doubles-military-aid-to-1-billion-as-it-happened/a-61226171) to €1 billion on 23 March. End of March, Zelensky made an interesting offer (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/03/27/russia-ukraine-war-news-putin-live-updates/) that was retracted shortly after.

Apparently, Zelensky is trying to navigate between Western pressure and his far right on the one hand and his concern to find a solution on the other, and is forced into a ” back-and-forth,” which discourages the Russian negotiators.

In fact, I think Zelensky is in an extreme uncomfortable position, which reminds me of Soviet Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky’s during WWII. Rokossovsky had been imprisoned in 1937 for treason and sentenced to death by Stalin. In 1941, he got out of prison on Stalin’s orders and was given a command. He was eventually promoted to Marshall of the Soviet Union in 1944, but his death sentence was not lifted until 1956.

Today, Zelensky must lead his country under the sword of Damocles, with the blessing of Western politicians and unethical media (https://oumma.com/jacques-baud-lancien-espion-qui-aimait-poutine/). His lack of political experience made him an easy prey for those who were trying to exploit Ukraine against Russia, and in the hands of extreme right-wing movements. As he acknowledges in an interview with CNN (https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-putin-news-03-20-22/h_7c08d64201fdd9d3a141e63e606a62e4), he was obviously lured into believing that Ukraine would enter NATO more easily after an open conflict with Russia, as Oleksey Arestovich, his adviser, confirmed in 2019 (https://youtu.be/1xNHmHpERH8?t=449).

TP: What do you think will be the fate of the Ukraine? Will it be like all the other experiments in “spreading democracy” (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, etc.)? Or is Ukraine a special case?

JB: I have definitely no crystal ball… At this stage, we can only guess what Vladimir Putin wants. He probably wants to achieve two main goals. The first one is to secure the situation of the Russian-speaking minority in Ukraine. How, remains an open question. Does he want to re-create the “Novorossiya” that tried to emerge from the 2014 unrests? This “entity” that never really existed, and it consisted of the short-lived Republics of Odessa, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov and Lugansk, of which only the Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk “survived.” The autonomy referendum planned for early May (https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3459474-russians-preparing-to-hold-referendum-in-kherson-region-on-may-110.html) in the city of Kherson might be an indication for this option. Another option would be to negotiate an autonomous status for these areas, and to return them to Ukraine in exchange of its neutrality.

The second goal is to have a neutral Ukraine (some will say a “Finlandized Ukraine”). That is—without NATO. It could be some kind of Swiss “armed neutrality.” As you know, in the early 19th century, Switzerland had a neutral status imposed on it by the European powers, as well as the obligation to prevent any misuse of its territory against one of these powers. This explains the strong military tradition we have in Switzerland and the main rationale for its armed forces today. Something similar could probably be considered for Ukraine.

An internationally recognized neutral status would grant Ukraine a high degree of security. This status prevented Switzerland from being attacked during the two world wars. The often-mentioned example of Belgium is misleading, because during both world wars, its neutrality was declared unilaterally and was not recognized by the belligerents. In the case of Ukraine, it would have its own armed forces, but would be free from any foreign military presence: neither NATO, nor Russia. This is just my guess, and I have no clue about how this could be feasible and accepted in the current polarized international climate.

I am not sure about the so-called “color-revolutions” aim at spreading democracy. My take is that it is just a way to weaponize human rights, the rule of law or democracy in order to achieve geo-strategic objectives. In fact, this was clearly spelled out in a memo (https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000160-6c37-da3c-a371-ec3f13380001) to Rex Tillerson, Donald Trump’s Secretary of State, in 2017. Ukraine is a case in point. After 2014, despite Western influence, it has never been a democracy: corruption soared between 2014 and 2020; in 2021, it banned opposition media and jailed the leader of the main parliamentary opposition party. As some international organizations have reported, torture is a common practice (https://www.newsweek.com/evidence-war-crimes-committed-ukrainian-nationalist-volunteers-grows-269604), and opposition leaders as well as journalists are chased (https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/09/01/ukraine-foreign-journalists-barred-or-expelled) by the Ukrainian Security Service.

TP: Why is the West only interested in drawing a simplistic image of the Ukraine conflict? That of “good guys” and the “bad guys?” Is the Western public really now that dumbed down?

JB: I think this is inherent to any conflict. Each side tends to portray itself as the “good guy.” This is obviously the main reason.

Besides this, other factors come into play. First, most people, including politicians and journalists, still confuse Russia and the USSR. For instance, they don’t understand why the communist party is the main opposition party in Russia.

Second, since 2007, Putin was systematically demonized in the West. Whether or not he is a “dictator” Is a matter of discussion; but it is worth noting that his approval rate in Russia never fell below 59 % (https://www.levada.ru/en/2022/02/18/approval-of-institutions-the-state-of-affairs-in-the-country-trust-in-politicians-2/) in the last 20 years. I take my figures from the Levada Center, which is labeled as “foreign agent (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-37278649)” in Russia, and hence doesn’t reflect the Kremlin’s views. It is also interesting to see that in France, some of the most influential so-called “experts” on Russia (https://fdik.org/Integrity_Initiative/392195457-France-Cluster.pdf) are in fact working for the British MI-6’s “Integrity Initiative.”

Third, in the West, there is a sense that you can do whatever you want if it is in the name of western values. This is why the Russian offensive in Ukraine is passionately sanctioned, while FUKUS (France, UK, US) wars get strong political support, even if they are notoriously based on lies. “Do what I say, not what I do!” One could ask what makes the conflict in Ukraine worse than other wars. In fact, each new sanction we apply to Russia highlights the sanctions we haven’t applied earlier to the US, the UK or France.

The purpose of this incredible polarization is to prevent any dialogue or negotiation with Russia. We are back to what happened in 1914, just before the start of WWI…

TP: What will Russia gain or lose with this involvement in the Ukraine (which is likely to be long-term)? Russia is facing a conflict on “two fronts,” it would seem: a military one and an economic one (with the endless sanctions and “canceling” of Russia).

JB: With the end of the Cold War, Russia expected being able to develop closer relations with its Western neighbors. It even considered joining NATO. But the US resisted every attempt of rapprochement. NATO structure does not allow for the coexistence of two nuclear superpowers. The US wanted to keep its supremacy.

Since 2002, the quality of the relations with Russia decayed slowly, but steadily. It reached a first negative “peak” in 2014 after the Maidan coup. The sanctions have become US and EU primary foreign policy tool. The Western narrative of a Russian intervention in Ukraine got traction, although it was never substantiated. Since 2014, I haven’t met any intelligence professional who could confirm any Russian military presence in the Donbass. In fact, Crimea became the main “evidence” of Russian “intervention.” Of course, Western historians ignore superbly that Crimea was separated from Ukraine by referendum in January 1990, six months before Ukrainian independence and under Soviet rule. In fact, it’s Ukraine that illegally annexed Crimea in 1995. Yet, western countries sanctioned Russia for that…

Since 2014 sanctions severely affected east-west relations. After the signature of the Minsk Agreements in September 2014 and February 2015, the West—namely France, Germany as guarantors for Ukraine, and the US—made no effort whatsoever to make Kiev comply, despite repeated requests from Moscow.

Russia’s perception is that whatever it will do, it will face an irrational response from the West. This is why, in February 2022, Vladimir Putin realized he would gain nothing in doing nothing. If you take into account his mounting approval rate in the country, the resilience of the Russian economy after the sanctions, the loss of trust in the US dollar, the threatening inflation in the West, the consolidation of the Moscow-Beijing axis with the support of India (which the US has failed to keep in the “Quad”), Putin’s calculation was unfortunately not wrong.

Regardless of what Russia does, US and western strategy is to weaken it. From that point on, Russia has no real stake in its relations with us. Again, the US objective is not to have a “better” Ukraine or a “better” Russia, but a weaker Russia. But it also shows that the United States is not able to rise higher than Russia and that the only way to overcome it is to weaken it. This should ring an alarm bell in our countries…

TP: You have written a very interesting book (https://amzn.to/3LlUVxC) on Putin. Please tell us a little about it.

JB: In fact, I started my book in October 2021, after a show on French state TV about Vladimir Putin. I am definitely not an admirer of Vladimir Putin, nor of any Western leader, by the way. But the so-called experts had so little understanding of Russia, international security and even of simple plain facts, that I decided to write a book. Later, as the situation around Ukraine developed, I adjusted my approach to cover this mounting conflict.

The idea was definitely not to relay Russian propaganda. In fact, my book is based exclusively on western sources, official reports, declassified intelligence reports, Ukrainian official medias, and reports provided by the Russian opposition. The approach was to demonstrate that we can have a sound and factual alternative understanding of the situation just with accessible information and without relying on what we call “Russian propaganda.”

The underlying thinking is that we can only achieve peace if we have a more balanced view of the situation. To achieve this, we have to go back to the facts. Now, these facts exist and are abundantly available and accessible. The problem is that some individuals make every effort to prevent this and tend to hide the facts that disturb them. This is exemplified by some so-called journalist who dubbed me “The spy who loved Putin! (https://oumma.com/jacques-baud-lancien-espion-qui-aimait-poutine/)” This is the kind of “journalists” who live from stirring tensions and extremism. All figures and data provided by our media about the conflict come from Ukraine, and those coming from Russia are automatically dismissed as propaganda. My view is that both are propaganda. But as soon as you come up with western data that do not fit into the mainstream narrative, you have extremists claiming you “love Putin.”

Our media are so worried about finding rationality in Putin’s actions that they turn a blind eye to the crimes committed by Ukraine, thus generating a feeling of impunity for which Ukrainians are paying the price. This is the case of the attack on civilians by a missile in Kramatorsk—we no longer talk about it because the responsibility of Ukraine is very likely, but this means that the Ukrainians could do it again with impunity.

On the contrary, my book aims at reducing the current hysteria that prevent any political solution. I do not want to deny the Ukrainians the right to resist the invasion with arms. If I were Ukrainian, I would probably take the arms to defend my land. The issue here is that it must be their decision. The role of the international community should not be to add fuel to the fire by supplying arms but to promote a negotiated solution.

To move in this direction, we must make the conflict dispassionate and bring it back into the realm of rationality. In any conflict the problems come from both sides; but here, strangely, our media show us that they all come from one side only. This is obviously not true; and, in the end, it is the Ukrainian people who pay the price of our policy against Vladimir Putin.

TP: Why is Putin hated so much by the Western elite?

JB: Putin became Western elite’s “bête noire” in 2007 with his famous speech in Munich. Until then, Russia had only moderately reacted to NATO expansion. But as the US withdrew from the ABM Treaty in 2002 and started negotiations with some East European countries to deploy anti-ballistic missiles, Russia felt the heat and Putin virulently criticized the US and NATO.

This was the start of a relentless effort to demonize Vladimir Putin and to weaken Russia. The problem was definitely not human rights or democracy, but the fact that Putin dared to challenge the western approach. The Russians have in common with the Swiss the fact that they are very legalistic. They try to strictly follow the rules of international law. They tend to follow “law-based International order.” Of course, this is not the image we have, because we are used to hiding certain facts. Crimea is a case in point.

In the West, since the early 2000s, the US has started to impose a “rules-based international order.” As an example, although the US officially recognizes that there is only one China (https://www.state.gov/u-s-relations-with-taiwan/) and that Taiwan is only a part of it, it maintains a military presence (https://www.voanews.com/a/pentagon-us-nearly-doubled-military-personnel-stationed-in-taiwan-this-year-/6337695.html) on the island and supplies weapons. (https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20220208-us-approves-100-million-arms-sale-to-taiwan-for-missile-upgrades) Imagine if China would supply weapons to Hawaii (which was illegally annexed (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/nov/29/hawaii-politician-jennifer-ruggles-sovereign-country) in the 19th century)!

What the West is promoting is an international order based on the “law of the strongest.” As long as the US was the sole superpower, everything was fine. But as soon as China and Russia started to emerge as world powers, the US tried to contain them. This is exactly what Joe Biden said (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/03/31/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-american-jobs-plan/) in March 2021, shortly after taking office: “The rest of the world is closing in and closing in fast. We can’t allow this to continue.”

As Henry Kissinger said in the Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/henry-kissinger-to-settle-the-ukraine-crisis-start-at-the-end/2014/03/05/46dad868-a496-11e3-8466-d34c451760b9_story.html): “For the West, the demonization of Vladimir Putin is not a policy; it is an alibi for the absence of one.” This is why I felt we need to have a more factual approach to this conflict.

TP: Do you know who was involved and when it was decided by the US and NATO that regime change in Russia was a primary geopolitical objective?

JB: I think everything started in the early 2000s. I am not sure the objective was a regime change in Moscow, but it was certainly to contain Russia. This is what we have witnessed since then. The 2014 events in Kiev have boosted US efforts.

These were clearly defined in 2019, in two publications of the RAND Corporation [James Dobbins, Raphael S. Cohen, Nathan Chandler, Bryan Frederick, Edward Geist, Paul DeLuca, Forrest E. Morgan, Howard J. Shatz, Brent Williams, “Extending Russia : Competing from Advantageous Ground,” RAND Corporation, 2019; James Dobbins & al., “Overextending and Unbalancing Russia,” RAND Corporation, (Doc Nr. RB-10014-A), 2019]. .This has nothing to do with the rule of law, democracy or human rights, but only with maintaining US supremacy in the world. In other words, nobody cares about Ukraine. This is why the international community (that is, Western countries) make every effort to prolong the conflict.

Since 2014, this is exactly what happened. Everything the West did was to fulfill US strategic objectives.

TP: In this regard, you have also written another interesting book, on Alexei Navalny. Please tell us about what you have found out about Navalny.

JB: What disturbed me about the Navalny case was the haste with which Western governments condemned Russia and applied sanctions, even before knowing the results of an impartial investigation. So, my point in the book is not “to tell truth,” because we do not know exactly what the truth is, even if we have consistent indications that the official narrative is wrong.

The interesting aspect is that the German doctors in the Charité Hospital in Berlin, were not able to identify any nerve agent in Navalny’s body. Surprisingly, they published their findings (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zYD6nPDhmpuTsu6r-BReHaI-wVLiXzoh/view?usp=sharing) in the respected medical review The Lancet, showing that Navalny probably experienced a bad combination of medicine and other substances.

The Swedish military lab that analyzed Navalny’s blood—redacted the name of the substance they discovered (https://www.nyhetsbanken.se/2020/09/foi-det-fanns-xxxx-i-navalnyjs-blod.html?utm_source=pocket_mylist), which is odd since everybody expected “Novichok” to be mentioned.

The bottom line is that we don’t know exactly what happened, but the nature of the symptoms, the reports of the German doctors, the answers provided by the German government (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj40cHFqav3AhXMy6QKHZFmAQwQFnoECAsQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdserver.bundestag.de%2Fbtd%2F19%2F266%2F1926684.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0LWHoI6njQHof_rL8RqpsU) to the Parliament, and the puzzling Swedish document tend to exclude a criminal poisoning, and therefore, a fortiori, poisoning by the Russian government.

The main point of my book is that international relations cannot be “Twitter-driven.” We need to use appropriately our intelligence resources, not as a propaganda instrument, as we tend to do these days, but as an instrument for smart and fact-based decision-making.

TP: You have much experience within NATO. What do you think is the primary role of NATO now?

JB: This is an essential question. In fact, NATO hasn’t really evolved since the end of the Cold War. This is interesting because in 1969, there was the “Harmel Report” that was ahead of its time and could be the fundament of a new definition of NATO’s role. Instead, NATO tried to find new missions, such as in Afghanistan, for which the Alliance was not prepared, neither intellectually, nor doctrinally, nor from a strategic point of view.

Having a collective defense system in Europe is necessary, but the nuclear dimension of NATO tends to restrict its ability to engage a conventional conflict with a nuclear power. This is the problem we are witnessing in Ukraine. This is why Russia strives having a “glacis” between NATO and its territory. This would probably not prevent conflicts but would help keep them as long as possible in a conventional phase. This is why I think a non-nuclear European defense organization would be a good solution.

TP: Do you think that NATO’s proxy war with Russia serves to placate internal EU tensions, between conservative Central/Eastern Europe and the more progressive West?

JB: Some will certainly see it that way, but I think this is only a by-product of the US strategy to isolate Russia.

TP: Can you say something about how Turkey has positioned itself, between NATO and Russia?

JB: I have worked quite extensively with Turkey as I was in NATO. I think Turkey is a very committed member of the Alliance. What we tend to forget is that Turkey is at the crossroads between the “Christian World” and the “Islamic World;” it sits between two civilizations and in a key region of the Mediterranean zone. It has its own regional stakes.

The conflicts waged by the West in the Middle East significantly impacted Turkey, by promoting Islamism and stimulating tensions, in particular with the Kurds. Turkey has always tried to maintain a balance between its desire for Western-style modernization and the very strong traditionalist tendencies of its population. Turkey’s opposition to the Iraq War due to domestic security concerns was totally ignored and dismissed by the US and its NATO Allies.

Interestingly, when Zelensky sought a country to mediate the conflict, he turned to China, Israel and Turkey, but didn’t address any EU country.

TP: If you were to predict, what do you think the geopolitical situation of Europe and the world will look like 25 years from now?

JB: Who would have predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall? The day it happened, I was in the office of a National Security Adviser in Washington DC, but he had no clue about the importance of the event!

I think the decay of US hegemony will be the main feature of the next decades. At the same time, we will see a fast-growing importance of Asia led by China and India. But I am not sure Asia will “replace” the US strictly speaking. While US worldwide hegemony was driven by its military-industrial complex, Asia’s dominance will be in the research and technology area.

The loss of confidence in the US dollar may have significant impact on the US economy at large. I don’t want to speculate on future developments in the West, but a significant deterioration could lead the United States to engage in more conflicts around the world. This is something that we are seeing today, but it could become more important.

TP: What advice would you give people trying to get a clearer picture of what is really driving competing regional/national and global interests?

JB: I think the situation is slightly different in Europe than in North America.

In Europe, the lack of quality alternative media and real investigative journalism makes it difficult to find balanced information. The situation is different in North America where alternative journalism is more developed and constitutes an indispensable analytical tool. In the United States, the intelligence community is more present in the media than in Europe.

I probably could not have written my book based only on the European media. At the end of the day, the advice I would give is a fundamental one of intelligence work:

Be curious!

TP: Thank you so very much for your time—and for all your great work.

3rd May 2022, 07:02
Andrei Martyanov | Top Gun In Real War | May 3, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


War Realities, Top Gun Romantics, Mercenaries, the reality of a wall socket.

3rd May 2022, 13:40
James Corbett on Maverick Mindcast | May 2, 2022

Source: MaverickMindcast (https://linktr.ee/maverickmindcast), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com)


via MaverickMindcast: In this episode, I speak to journalist & podcaster, James Corbett, of CorbettReport.com. We discuss the inconsequential repercussions of Elon Musk buying Twitter, how the MSM uses these kinds of distractions to detract from the real agenda, what freedom and a new vision for the future might look like, cryptocurrency and more.

Show Notes:
MaverickMindcast (https://linktr.ee/maverickmindcast)

Jack Dorsey regrets his role in creating a centralized internet (https://www.engadget.com/jack-dorsey-regrets-centralized-internet-164519243.html)

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird (https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45236/thirteen-ways-of-looking-at-a-blackbird)

Are We Ready for Anarchism? - Questions For Corbett #026 (https://www.corbettreport.com/are-we-ready-for-anarchism-questions-for-corbett-026/)

3rd May 2022, 20:54
Edward Curtin | It’s About Time | April 28, 2022

Source: edwardcurtin.com (http://edwardcurtin.com)

Link to original post by Edward Curtin:
edwardcurtin.com/its-about-time (http://edwardcurtin.com/its-about-time)


It’s About Time
by Edward Curtin

Isn’t it always?

With the start of World War III by the United States “declaring” war against Russia by its actions in Ukraine, we have entered a time when the end of time has become very possible. I am speaking of nuclear annihilation.

I look down at my great-uncle’s gold Elgin pocket watch from the 19th century. His name was John Patrick Whalen, an Irish immigrant to the U.S. who fled England’s colonialist created famine in Ireland. It tells me it is 5:15 PM on April 21, 2022, a date, coincidentally, with a history. No doubt John looked at his watch on this date in 1898 when the United States, after the USS Maine exploded from within in Havana harbor (a possible false flag attack), declared war on Spain in order to confiscate Spanish territories – Cuba, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines. One colonial power replaced another and then proceeded over the long decades to wage war and slaughter these island peoples. Imperialism never dies. It is timeless.

One hundred-and twenty-four years go by in a flash and it’s still the same old story. In 1898 the yellow press screamed Spanish devils and today it screams Russian devils. Then and now the press called for war. If the human race is still here in another 124 years, time and the corporate media will no doubt have told the same story – war and propaganda’s lies to an insouciant and ignorant population too hypnotized by propaganda to oppose them. This despite the apocalyptic sense that permeates our lives because of demonic technology and its use to transform humans into machines who can’t think clearly enough to perceive reality and realize the threat posed by that quintessential technological invention – nuclear weapons.

This is not uplifting, but it’s true. The nuclear weapons are primed and ready to fly. The U.S. insists on its first-strike right to launch them. It openly declares it is seeking the overthrow of the Russian government. Russia says it will use nuclear weapons only if its existence is threatened, which has become increasingly so because of U.S. provocations over a long time period and its current expanding arming of Ukraine’s government and its neo-Nazi forces.

The Russian President Vladimir Putin and its Foreign Secretary Sergei Lavrov have just warned the U.S. that such involvement has made nuclear war a “serious” and “real” risk, in Lavrov’s words “we must not underestimate it,” which is a mild form of diplomatic speech. Putin said that Russia has made all the preparations to respond if it senses a strategic threat to Russia and that response will be “instant, it will be quick.” The U.S. response is to shrug these statements off, just as it has done so for many years with Putin’s complaints about NATO forces moving up to its border. Incredibly, Biden has said, “For God’s sake, this man (Putin) cannot remain in power.”

Despite endless media/intelligence anti-Russian propaganda – “a vast tapestry of lies,” to use Harold Pinter’s phrase – many fine writers have provided the historical details to confirm the truth that the U.S. has purposely provoked the Russian war in Ukraine by its actions there and throughout Eastern Europe, which the mainstream media avoid completely. This U.S. aggressive history against Russia is part of a much larger history of imperial hubris extending back to the 19th century. I will therefore here follow Thoreau’s advice – “If you are acquainted with the principle, what do you care for a myriad instances and applications?” – since how many times do people need to hear lies such as “Iraq has weapons of mass destruction” in order to justify wars of aggression around the world. The historical facts are very clear, but facts and history don’t seem to matter to many people. Pinter again, in his Nobel Address, bluntly told the truth about the U.S.’s history of systematic and remorseless war crimes: “Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest.” Which is still the case.

So time is my focus, for the last days have arrived unless there occurs a radical awakening to the obvious truth that the U.S. government is pushing the world to the brink of disaster in full awareness of the consequences. Its actions are insane, yet insanity has become the norm. Insane leaders and a catatonic, hypnotized public lead to disaster.

I write these words with an old fountain pen, a high school graduation gift, to somehow comfort and remind myself that when we were this close once before in October 1962, Kennedy and Khrushchev miraculously found a solution to the Cuban Missile Crisis; and to find hope now, and that when my time is up and I join John Patrick in the other world, things will have changed for my children and grand-children. It is admittedly the hope of a desperado.

The last few years of the Covid-19 propaganda have served to further distort people’s sense of time, a distortion years in the making through the introduction of digital technology with its accompanying numerical time clicks and its severing of our natural sense of time that is tied to the rising and falling of the tides and the turning of the days and seasons, a feeling that is being lost. Such felt sense of time’s texture could be slow or faster, but it had limits. We now live in a world without limits, which, as the ancient Greeks knew, demands payback.

For years before Covid-19, the sense of speed time was dominant, supported by the politically-introduced state of a constant emergency after September 11, 2001 with the urgency to hurry and keep up or one would fall behind. Keep up with what was never explained. Hurry why? Fast and faster was the rule with constant busyness that served the very useful social function of leaving no time for thinking, which was the point, but it made many feel as though they were engaged. And constantly alert for “terrorists” to come knocking. Thus the long wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc., all of which continue via various subterfuges.

Then, presto, all this frenzied time sense came to a stop with the 2020 lockdowns, when time got very slow, but not slow in the natural sense but an enforced slowness. People were locked up. Not only was it stupefying but stultifying and an existential drag. This went on for two years with the prisoners allowed short respites only to be rounded back up and locked down again. Jabbed and jolted was the plan. When will it ever end? was the common cry, as despair and depression spread and scrambled minds led to suicides and mindless screen entertainment. This was planned education for a trans-human future in which the cell phone will be central to totalitarian control if people do not rebel.

Those behind the Covid-19 and war propaganda are fanatical technocrats who seek total control of the world’s population through digital technology. Now they have temporarily let the people out of one type of cell and dramatically sped up time with frantic war propaganda against Russia. The great English writer John Berger said it perfectly:

Every ruling minority needs to numb, and, if possible, to kill the time-sense of those whom it exploits. This is the authoritarian secret of all methods of imprisonment.
Everyone is now doing time while scrolling messages on the walls of their cell phones. A twisted, convoluted, distorted, mechanical time in which it seems that there is no history and the future is an endless road of more of the same.

Some say we have all the time in the world. I say no, that we have entered a new time, perhaps the end-time, when the world’s end is a very real possibility. Hypnotized people can agree to anything, even mass-suicide, unless they snap out of it. This can only happen with a return to slowness in the old sense, when people once felt time in their hearts’ rhythms attuned to the rising and falling of nature’s reality. Time to think and contemplate the fate of the earth when nuclear war is contemplated. Yes, “We must not underestimate it.”

It’s about time.

Isn’t it always?

4th May 2022, 06:08
Max Igan | Strategies and Solutions with Chris Hall | May 4, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


4th May 2022, 06:16
Dark Journalist Special Report | Deep State Ministry of (Un) Truth: UFOs Censorship & Surveillance | May 3, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


4th May 2022, 06:41
Biden Cynically Uses Ukraine to Cover Food Sabotage

Source: williamengdahl.com (http://williamengdahl.com/englishNEO26Apr2022.php)

By F. William Engdahl
26 April 2022

It’s beginning to look like some bad actors are deliberately taking steps to guarantee a coming global food crisis. Every measure that the Biden Administration strategists have been making to “control energy inflation” is damaging the supply or inflating the price of natural gas, oil and coal to the global economy. This is having a huge impact on fertilizer prices and food production. That began well before Ukraine. Now reports are circulating that Biden’s people have intervened to block the freight rail shipping of fertilizer at the most critical time for spring planting. By this autumn the effects will be explosive.

With the crucial time for USA spring planting at its critical phase, CF Industries of Deerfield, Illinois, the largest US supplier of nitrogen fertilizers as well as a vital diesel engine additive, issued a press release stating that, “On Friday, April 8, 2022, Union Pacific informed CF Industries without advance notice that it was mandating certain shippers to reduce the volume of private cars on its railroad effective immediately.” Union Pacific is one of only four major rail companies that together carry some 80% of all US agriculture rail freight. The CF company CEO, Tony Will stated, “The timing of this action by Union Pacific could not come at a worse time for farmers. Not only will fertilizer be delayed by these shipping restrictions, but additional fertilizer needed to complete spring applications may be unable to reach farmers at all. By placing this arbitrary restriction on just a handful of shippers, Union Pacific is jeopardizing farmers’ harvests and increasing the cost of food for consumers (https://www.cfindustries.com/newsroom/2022/union-pacific-shipping-restrictions).” CF has made urgent appeals to the Biden Administration for remedy, so far with no positive action.

Direct sabotage

CF Industries noted that they were one of only thirty companies subject to the severe measure, which is indefinite. They ship via Union Pacific rail lines primarily from its Donaldsonville Complex in Louisiana and its Port Neal Complex in Iowa, to serve key farm states including Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas and California. The ban will affect nitrogen fertilizers such as urea and urea ammonium nitrate (UAN), as well as diesel exhaust fluid, DEF (called AdBlue in Europe). DEF is an emissions control product required for diesel trucks today. Without it engines cannot run. It is made from urea. CF Industries is the largest producer of urea, UAN and DEF in North America, and its Donaldsonville Complex is the largest single production facility for the products (https://www.cfindustries.com/newsroom/2022/union-pacific-shipping-restrictions) in North America.

At the same time, the Biden gang has announced a fake remedy for record high gasoline pump prices. Washington announced the EPA will allow a 50% increase in corn-based biodiesel and ethanol fuel mix for the summer. On April 12 the Secretary of Agriculture announced a “bold” initiative by the US Administration to increase the use of domestically-grown corn-ethanol biofuels. Secretary Tom Vilsack claimed the measure would “reduce energy prices and tackle rising consumer prices caused by Putin’s Price Hike (sic) by tapping into a strong and bright future for the biofuel industry, in cars and trucks and the rail, marine, and aviation sectors and supporting use of €15 fuel this summer. (https://www.cfindustries.com/newsroom/2022/union-pacific-shipping-restrictions)”

Only the capitalized “Putin Price Hike” is not a result of Russian actions, but of Washington Green Energy decisions to phase out oil and gas. The energy price inflation is also about to go vastly higher in coming months owing to US and EU economic sanctions on export of Russian oil and likely gas. However the central point is that every acre of US farmland dedicated to growing corn for biofuels removes that food production from the food chain, to burn it as fuel. Since passage of the 2007 US Renewable Fuel Standards Act, which mandated annually rising targets for production of corn for ethanol fuel blends, biofuels have captured a huge part of total corn acreage, more than 40% in 2015. That shift, mandated by law, to burning corn as fuel had added a major price inflation for food well before the covid inflation crisis began. The USA is by far world’s largest corn producer and exporter. Now to mandate a significant increase in corn ethanol for fuel at a time of astronomical fertilizer prices, and fertilizer rail shipping are being blocked reportedly by White House orders, will send corn prices through the roof. Washington knows this very well. It is deliberate.

No wonder the price of US corn reached a 10-year high in mid-April, as exports from Russia and Ukraine, major sources, are now blocked by sanction and war. Aside from the energy-inefficient use of US corn for biodiesel supply, the latest Biden ethanol initiative will add to the growing food crisis while doing nothing to lower US gasoline prices. A major use for US feed corn is as animal feed for cattle, pigs and poultry as well as for human diets. This cynical biofuel order is not about US “energy independence.” Biden ended that in his first days in office by a series of bans on oil and gas drilling and pipelines as part of his Zero Carbon agenda.

In what is clearly becoming a US Administration war on food, the situation is being dramatically aggravated by USDA demands for chicken farmers to kill off millions of chickens in now 27 states, allegedly for signs of Bird Flu infection. The H5N1 Bird Flu “virus” was exposed in 2015 as a complete hoax. The tests used by the US government inspectors to determine bird flu now are the same unreliable (https://off-guardian.org/2022/04/11/bird-flu-another-phony-pandemic-this-time-for-chickens/) PCR tests used for COVID in humans. The test is worthless for that. US Government officials estimate that since first cases were “tested” positive in February, at least 23 million chickens and turkeys have been culled to allegedly contain the spread of a disease whose cause could be the incredibly unsanitary cage confinement of mass industrial chicken (https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/the-bird-flu-hoax-is-being-recycled-again-to-create-fear-and-more-profits-for-big-pharma/) CAFOs. The upshot is sharp rises in prices of egg by some 300% since November and severe loss of chicken protein sources for American consumers at a time when overall cost of living inflation is at a 40-year high.

To make matters worse, California and Oregon are again declaring water emergency amid a multi-year drought and are sharply reducing irrigation water to farmers in California, who produce the major share of US fresh vegetables and fruits. That drought has since spread to cover most agriculture land west of the Mississippi River, meaning much of US farmland.

US food security is under threat as never before since the 1930s Dust Bowl, and the Biden Administration “Green Agenda” is doing everything to make the impact worse for its citizens.

In recent comments US President Biden remarked without elaborating that the US food shortages are “going to be real.” His administration also is deaf to pleas of farmer organizations to allow cultivation of some 4 million acres of farmland ordered left out of cultivation for “environmental reasons. However this is not the only part of the world where crisis in food is developing.

Global Disaster

These deliberate Washington actions are taking place at a time a global series of food disasters create the worst food supply situation in decades, perhaps since the World War II end.

In the EU, which is significantly dependent on Russia, Belarus and Ukraine for feed grains, fertilizers and energy, sanctions are making the covid-induced food shortages dramatically worse. The EU uses its foolish Green Agenda as an excuse to forbid the Italian government from ignoring EU rules limiting state aid to farmers. In Germany, the new Green Party Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir, who wants to phase out traditional agriculture allegedly for its “greenhouse gas” emissions, has given farmers who want to grow more food a cold response. The EU faces many of the same disastrous threats to food security as the USA and even more dependence on Russian energy which is about to be suicidally sanctioned by the EU.

The major food producing countries in South America, especially Argentina and Paraguay, are in the midst of a severe drought attributed to a periodic La Niña Pacific anomaly that has crippled crops there. Sanctions on Belarus and Russia fertilizers are threatening Brazil crops, aggravated with bottlenecks in ocean transport.

China just announced that owing to severe rains in 2021, this year’s winter wheat crop could be the worst in its history. The CCP also has instituted severe measures to get farmers to expand cultivation to non-farm lands with little reported effect. According to a report by China watcher Erik Mertz, “In China’s Jilin, Heilongjiang, and Liaoning provinces, officials have reported one in three farmers lack sufficient seed and fertilizer supplies to begin planting for the optimum spring window… According to sources within these areas, they are stuck waiting on seed and fertilizer which have been imported to China from overseas – and which are stuck in the cargo ships sitting off the coast of Shanghai.” Shanghai, the world’s largest container port, has been under a bizarre “Zero Covid” total quarantine for more than four weeks with no end in sight. In a desperate bid by the CCP “ordering” increased food production, local CP officials throughout China have begun transforming basketball courts and even roads into cropland (https://crisiswatch.substack.com/p/the-coming-removal-of-the-mandate?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web&s=r). The food situation in China is forcing the country to import far more at a time of global shortages, driving world grain and food prices even higher.

Africa is also severely impacted by the US-imposed sanctions and war ending food and fertilizer exports from Russia and Ukraine. Thirty five African countries get food from Russia and Ukraine. Twenty two African countries import fertilizer from there. Alternatives are seriously lacking as prices soar and supply collapses. Famine is predicted.

David M. Beasley, executive director of the UN World Food Program, declared recently on the global food outlook, “There is no precedent even close to this since World War II.”

Notably, it was the Biden Treasury Department that drew up a list of the most comprehensive economic sanctions against Russia and Belarus, pressuring a compliant EU to dutifully follow, sanctions whose impact on global grain and fertilizer and energy supply and prices was entirely predictable. It was in effect a sanction on the US and global economy.

These are but the latest examples of deliberate US Government sabotage of the food chain as part of the Biden Green Agenda, of Davos WEF, Bill Gates and the Rockefeller Foundation, as part of their dystopian Great Reset eugenics agenda. Traditional agriculture is to be replaced by a synthetic lab grown diet of fake meats and protein from grasshoppers and worms, worldwide. All for the supposed glory of controlling global climate. This is truly mad.

F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

5th May 2022, 06:28
James Fox | ON LOCATION Varginha: The Roswell of Brazil | May 4, 2022

Source: Martin Willis Live Shows youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSTVGU0oHJp-gvlYPfWUvWQ)


On location in Vermont with guest, James Fox and Marco Leal to discussing Jame's latest film, (to be released) 'Moment of Contact' which is a documentary based on the 1996 Varginha UFO Crash, considered 'The Roswell of Brazil'. The town of Varginha was cordoned off by military and emergency response teams and two creatures were captured and much more. James also talks about the UFO encounter game changer video he viewed that is owned by Chuck Clark.

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure | A.J. Gevaerd - Varginha Incident "At least 2 creatures we captured"

Source: citizenhearing.org (http://citizenhearing.org)


A.J. Gevaerd testified about a supposed spacecraft crash in Varginha, Brazil in 1996 where the military supposedly captured 2 extra terrestrial creatures.

Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
May 2, 2013

The Varginha UFO Case, Brazil 1996
Sources: ufo.se (http://www.ufo.se/ufofiles/english/issue_3/varginha.htm), wikipedia Varginha UFO incident (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varginha_UFO_incident)

The Varginha case is unique in many ways. First of all it’s an once-in-a-lifetime shot for UFO-researchers to have a really ”hard” case in their hands. UFOlogists that has great insight from their studies of previous cases from the 40’s and up to date.

UFOlogists as Stanton T. Friedman and John Carpenter, who to many represents the ”famous elite”. But also well renowned men like the local investigators Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues and Vitorio Pacaccini (who was the first two to investigate and blew the case right open), AJ Gevaerd (MUFON’s representive in Brazil). Men like Stanton T. Friedman is an expert in the legedary Roswell-incident and knows how the secrecy-machine works, an insight that will be vital when it comes to finding out what has happened to the EBE’s (Extraterrestrial Biological Entity) that is supposed to have been transfered alive to Albrook Airforce Base in Panama.




Dr. Roger Leir | The Varginha Case | Kevin Smith Show


Source: kevinsmithshow.info (http://kevinsmithshow.info)
(c) 2016 Kevinsmithshow.info

Best known to us as the doctor who removes ET implants from people's bodies, Dr. Leir (R.I.P.) discusses the Varginha, Brasil case and talks about interviewing the surgeon who operated on the ET in that case. He also discusses in detail the famous UFO incidents in Turkey to which he is a witness.

5th May 2022, 06:32
Linda Moulton Howe | After UFO Encounters, What Are Mysterious Implants in Human Bodies? | May 4, 2022

Source: earthfiles.com (http://earthfiles.com)


Topics: After UFO Encounters, What Are Mysterious Implants in Human Bodies?

Upcoming ESO Press Conference Thursday May 12 (https://www.eso.org/public/announcements/ann22006/)

- “Press conference at ESO on groundbreaking Milky Way results from the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration”
- “Pioneering and groundbreaking news”

Mysterious Implants

Interview with Whitley Strieber
- “a faint sulphurous odor”
- “I could not move”
- “they put this in my ear..without a scar”
- “they’re encased in epidural tissue …we don’t have the technology to do that”
- “meteoric iron…a metallic base…cilia were moving…a very sophisticated thing”
- “it was a big insect..it had a horrendous odor”
- “like a hive on genius bees”

Interview with Terry Lovelace
- “anomalous metal object with wires in Terry’s right leg”
- “flower-like object in right leg”
- “she could read my mind”
- “she was a hybrid being”
- “if you talk about these things, your government will kill you”
- “they took the devices out of my legs!”
- “there are people that know everything”
- “to build a civilization on Mars”

5th May 2022, 07:02
James Corbett on The Pete Quinones Show

Source: The Pete Quinones Show Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRu_WNcX0WgBQDurM1MR7ZQ), corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1726-james-corbett-on-the-pete-quinones-show/)


via The Pete Quinones Show (RECORDED APRIL 19, 2022): Pete invited documentarian, researcher and commentator, James Corbett, to return to the show. James discusses how he believes the transgender movement we are currently seeing points forward to an even more technocratic transhuman movement.

Show Notes:
What is the Trans Agenda? - Questions For Corbett #082 (https://www.corbettreport.com/qfc082-trans-humanism/)
West Japan city says tourism "princess" can now be of any gender (https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2022/04/ac0fc4660c73-west-japan-city-says-tourism-princess-can-now-be-of-any-gender.html)
Exploring Biodigital Convergence (https://archive.ph/WXC3E)
Biodigital Convergence: Bombshell Document Reveals the True Agenda (https://www.corbettreport.com/biodigital-convergence-bombshell-document-reveals-the-true-agenda/)
Prof. Yuval Noah Harari | Humans are now Hackable Animals (https://www.brandnewtube.com/watch/prof-yuval-nosh-harari-humans-are-now-hackable-animals_wJip4HlRXXIkkXq.html)
Way of the Future: A New Church Worships an AI God (https://futurism.com/way-future-new-church-worships-ai-god)
Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists (https://archive.ph/v4rYQ)
WHO Cares What Celebrities Think - #PropagandaWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/who-cares-what-celebrities-think-propagandawatch/)
Sean Parker - Facebook Exploits Human Vulnerability (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7jar4KgKxs)
The Superclass (https://archive.org/details/superclassglobal0000roth/) by David Rothkopf
Top Disney Shareholders (https://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/102715/top-5-disney-shareholders.asp)
Ukrainegate: What You're Not Being Told (https://www.corbettreport.com/ukrainegate-what-youre-not-being-told/)
The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America (https://www.ucpress.edu/book/9780520258716/the-road-to-9-11) by Peter Dale Scott
Harari Explaining Humanity's Role in the 4th Industrial Revolution (https://revelationsradionews.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Harari-Explaining-Fourth-Industrial-Revolution.mp3)
Rothschild on a tortoise (https://archive.ph/Qc4Vj)

5th May 2022, 07:09
David Icke | Where From Here? | May 5, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


6th May 2022, 06:36
New World Next Week | Your Body, Their Choice | May 6, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: 60 Countries Sign Declaration That Commits to Bolstering “Resilience to Disinformation and Misinformation” (https://reclaimthenet.org/60-countries-sign-declaration-misinformation/)
FACT SHEET: United States and 60 Global Partners Launch Declaration for the Future of the Internet (https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/04/28/fact-sheet-united-states-and-60-global-partners-launch-declaration-for-the-future-of-the-internet/)
EU and International Partners Put Forward a Declaration for the Future of the Internet (https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_22_2695)
Weaponizing the Current Thing: Biden's Ministry of Truth & Its Origins (http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2022/may/03/weaponizing-the-current-thing-bidens-ministry-of-truth-its-origins/)
Alleged Russian Cyber Threats Fueled Nearly 2 Million Warrantless FBI Searches of Americans’ Data in 2021 (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/05/03/alleged-russian-cyber-threats-fueled-nearly-2-million-warrantless-fbi-searches-of-americans-data-in-2021/)
Policy Makers Need Data About Us Despite Privacy Fears (https://archive.ph/cgojL)
India Orders VPN Providers to Collect Data on Users (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/05/india-orders-vpn-providers-to-collect-data-on-users.html)
Silence the "Voices of April" Viral Video on Shanghai Lockdowns (https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2022/04/minitrue-silence-the-voices-of-april-viral-video-on-shanghai-lockdown-full-english-transcript/)
Stockholm+50 Preparatory Meeting: June 2nd Will Bring Another Global Green Treaty (https://www.un.org/pga/76/2022/03/28/stockholm50-preparatory-meeting/)

Story #2: Why Is Canada Euthanising the Poor? (https://archive.ph/skUtU)
Dead Kennedys - "Kill The Poor" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgpa7wEAz7I)
Three Weeks After Announcing Farewell Reunion Tour, Naomi Judd Dies By Suicide (https://americansongwriter.com/reports-naomi-judd-died-by-suicide/)
15 Year-Old Student Kills Himself After Bullying Over Rumor Of Being Unvaccinated (https://www.theblaze.com/news/nate-bronstein-suicide-vaccine-lawsuit)
JMU Softball Star Lauren Bernett Died By Suicide (https://www.tmz.com/2022/04/27/jmu-softball-star-lauren-bernett-death-classified-as-apparent-suicide-cops-say/)
German Euthanasia Group Requires Vax for Assisted Suicide (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10257489/German-euthanasia-group-says-clients-vaccinated-against-Covid-19.html)
Inside the Swiss Assisted Suicide Clinic Where US Sisters Paid $11,000 Each to Die (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10257489/German-euthanasia-group-says-clients-vaccinated-against-Covid-19.html)
Episode 396 - Bioethics and the New Eugenics (https://www.corbettreport.com/bioethics/)
James Corbett on The Pete Quinones Show (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1726-james-corbett-on-the-pete-quinones-show/)
"I'm transhuman. I'm going to become digital" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOcktbXSfxU)

Story #3: Supreme Court Has Voted to Overturn Abortion rights, Draft Opinion Shows (https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/02/supreme-court-abortion-draft-opinion-00029473)

6th May 2022, 07:08
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 5, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Japan and the UK have signed a new agreement making Joseph's predictions about Japan and Russia a moot point. But He doesn't think those predictions are entirely untrue. And as for Russia, there's a new and very important article out by Tom Luongo, predicting a two-track currency system, and in that Joseph's predictions about "internal-external" currency arrangements might be coming true.

UK and Japan sign military agreement amid Russia concerns (https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-61329435)

The Great Currency Reset and Why Europe is Trapped (https://tomluongo.me/2022/05/04/the-great-currency-reset-and-why-europe-is-trapped/)

6th May 2022, 12:25
Max Igan | In a World of Clowns the Madman is King | May 5, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


6th May 2022, 12:30
Matthew Ehret | Deep State versus Patriots: Clash of Russia, China and USA | Guns & Butter

Source: gunsandbutter.org (http://gunsandbutter.org), canadianpatriot.org (http://canadianpatriot.org)


Historian and Journalist, Matthew Ehret, gives us his take on the geopolitical and economic struggle between east and west that has erupted into open military warfare in Ukraine.

The great global reset dystopia, as envisioned by the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization, will not ultimately prevail in his view, as he sees a multi-polar world emerging.

The western financial system is set to self-destruct, and the big question is what will take its place, as we will have a new system. China and Russia are discussed, with an emphasis on western infiltration into both countries, as well as remarkable events beginning in January 2020. Energy policy, in terms of the energy requirements of industrial society, is examined.

Aired: May 6, 2022

8th May 2022, 13:12
Propaganda Exposed (7:30 min)

8 Episode Docu-Series May 4th-11th
Docu-Series (https://go.propaganda-exposed.com/x22/?a_bid=f9f117e3&a_aid=6271586485cb3)

This is the most important docu-series we’ve ever created. In total, over 50 health and freedom experts (https://go.propaganda-exposed.com/x22/?a_bid=f9f117e3&a_aid=6271586485cb3) will be highlighted in this “one of a kind” docu-series.



8th May 2022, 17:23
2000 MULES - DINESH D’SOUZA 2022 FILM (1:27:00)

source (https://www.bitchute.com/video/9O2Yo8D3lCVc/)


"2000 Mules" (https://dinesh.locals.com/?showPosts=1) free at this moment. Support Join the
Dinesh D’Souza Сommunity and
Access 2000 Mules

This is Dinesh totally uncensored, unfiltered and unchained. Become a part of the movement. Join the inner circle to get exclusive content and live Q&A! (https://dinesh.locals.com/)

9th May 2022, 06:32
Andrei Martyanov | Surprise, not! | May 9, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Victory Day, May 9th, How To Make A Decision. Real War Planning.

9th May 2022, 06:46
James Tunney | They Want You Dead - PART 1 | Legalise Freedom Radio | May 8, 2022

Source: legalise-freedom.com (http://legalise-freedom.com), jamestunney.com (http://jamestunney.com)


James Tunney discusses some of the ideas in his book 'Human Entrance to Transhumanism', exposing the assault on humanity by the coming Scientocracy. What was once science fiction is rapidly becoming science fact. You will own nothing and be happy, immersed in a virtual reality of games, pornography, and mindless distractions. You will be discouraged from reproducing therefore you will not be replaced. The goal of a post-human planet envisages a much smaller population and in time, no real population at all. We are at a crossroads in the evolution of the human race. The future is taking shape in the present.

The assault is triple-pronged:
Technology – Complete control and surveillance under the guise of entertainment and security.
Technocracy – Rule by unelected, unaccountable, technical and scientific 'experts'.
Transhumanism – The 'augmentation' of the human mind and body by science and technology with the eventual goal of eliminating the species entirely through a process of total transformation.

Developments to watch out for as the agenda advances:
Social credit systems – Rewards for ‘good’ behaviour.
Mandatory vaccinations – 'Passports’ for international travel.
Digital currency – Cashless society, all transactions recorded.
Universal Basic Income – Subsistence income instead of a job. This can be withdrawn for 'bad' behaviour.

What was once science fiction is rapidly becoming science fact. You will own nothing and be happy, immersed in a virtual reality of games, pornography, and mindless distractions. You will be discouraged from reproducing therefore you will not be replaced. The goal of a post-human planet envisages a much smaller population and in time, no real population at all. We are at a crossroads in the evolution of the human race. The future is taking shape in the present.

9th May 2022, 08:14
Max Igan And Rea Bow Hanging Out | May 7, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


10th May 2022, 06:05
Jay Dyer and Tristan Haggard | Technomagic | May 9, 2022

Source: Church of the Eternal Logos youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH8JwgaHCkhdfERVkGbLl2g), jaysanalysis.com (http://jaysanalysis.com)


Jay Dyer and Tristan Haggard discuss all things technology and it relationship to magic. We will be reflecting upon the famous quote by Arthur C. Clarke “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

10th May 2022, 13:09
The Corbett Report | I Read Bill Gates' New Book (So You Don't Have To!) | May 10, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com/gatesbook/)


Have you read How to Prevent the Next Pandemic by Bill Gates yet? Well, I have, and let me tell you: it's every bit as infuriating, nauseating, ridiculous, laughable and risible as you would expect. Here are the details.

Show Notes:
How to Prevent the Next Pandemic (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DI9psCcP93M) (video)
Who Is Bill Gates? (https://www.corbettreport.com/gates/)
I Read The Great Narrative (So You Don't Have To!) (https://www.corbettreport.com/greatnarrative/)
Fact Check: Polio Vaccines, Tetanus Vaccines and the Gates Foundation (https://www.corbettreport.com/fact-check-polio-vaccines-tetanus-vaccines-and-the-gates-foundation/)
Partners in Health (https://www.pih.org/our-mission)
A Framework for Understanding Pathogens, Explained by Sunetra Gupta (https://brownstone.org/articles/a-framework-for-understanding-pathogens-explained-by-sunetra-gupta/)
Rahm Emanuel argument (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OguOOnwEpWY)
Meet the GERM team (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyRkbe5wfcQ)
Episode 417 - The Global Pandemic Treaty: What You Need to Know (https://www.corbettreport.com/globaltreaty/)
Trump calling the Warp Speed MAGA jabs his "greatest achievement" (https://www.dailywire.com/episode/ep-40-unscripted-with-donald-j-trump2)
Trump was going to appoint RFK Jr. to head a vaccine safety panel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3sUloYfTis)
Bill Gates told him it was a bad idea? (https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/bill-gates-says-trump-speaks-in-the-third-person-1236781123876)
Who Is Bill Gates? (https://www.corbettreport.com/gates/)
WHO Cares What Celebrities Think - #PropagandaWatch (https://www.corbettreport.com/who-cares-what-celebrities-think-propagandawatch/)
Japan logged record low number of newborns in 2021 with 842,897 (https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/02/25/national/japan-births-record-low-2021/)
The Real Anthony Fauci (https://www.corbettreport.com/fauci/)
A Letter to the Future (https://www.corbettreport.com/a-letter-to-the-future/)

11th May 2022, 08:12
Whitney Webb | Technocracy Rising with Patrick Wood | May 5, 2022

Source: unlimitedhangout.com (http://unlimitedhangout.com), technocracy.news (http://technocracy.news)


In this episode, Whitney and Patrick Wood discuss the historic roots of the technocratic movement, its development and relevance to current events as well as the ulterior motives behind the so-called "green" agenda and the Data-centered "religions" of Silicon Valley. Originally published 05/05/22.

Links Discussed:
Time – Revenge of the Nerds (https://web.archive.org/web/20071031021700/http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,165453,00.html)
Fauci – “Attacks on me are attacks on science” (https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/09/fauci-blasts-preposterous-covid-conspiracies-accuses-critics-of-attacks-on-science.html)
Adam Curtis – Century of the Self (https://youtu.be/DnPmg0R1M04)
Yuval Noah Harari on Dataism (https://www.wired.co.uk/article/yuval-noah-harari-dataism)
# How Elon Musk Stacks Up Against Klaus Schwab And The WEF (https://www.technocracy.news/how-elon-musk-stacks-up-against-klaus-schwab-and-the-wef/)
Elon Musk’s Grandfather Was Head Of Canada’s Technocracy Movement (https://www.technocracy.news/shock-elon-musks-grandfather-was-head-of-canadas-technocracy-movement/)

Follow Patrick Wood:
Technocracy News & Trends (https://www.technocracy.news/)
Citizens for Free Speech (https://www.citizensforfreespeech.org/)
Patrick Wood (@StopTechnocracy) / Twitter (https://twitter.com/stoptechnocracy)

11th May 2022, 20:33
How Elon Musk Stacks Up Against Klaus Schwab And The WEF
(From the article posted above )

"Wherever I speak, people ask me if Elon Musk is “friend or foe”, revealing their confusion over his intended purchase of Twitter to preserve free speech. A reader forwarded this graphic image of differences between Elon Musk and Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum. Musk is also listed as a member/attendee of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders program. " TN Editor


12th May 2022, 07:53
Linda Moulton Howe | Will Hearing On UFOs Finally Give "American PeopleFull Transparency?" | May 11, 2022

Source: earthfiles.com (http://earthfiles.com)


Will Upcoming U. S. House Intelligence Subcommittee Open Hearing On UFOs Finally Give "American People Full Transparency They Deserve?"

U.S. House Intelligence Subcommittee to hold public hearing on Unexplained Aerial Sightings on May 17, 2022

Photos of strange implant reported by viewer in Germany

Follow-up with experiencer Adam Burns noting similarity to Terry Lovelace’s x-ray
- “not just tracking..help with transference”

13th May 2022, 06:37
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 12, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Briefing on the results of the analysis of documents related to the military biological activities of the United States on the territory of Ukraine (https://telegra.ph/Briefing-on-the-results-of-the-analysis-of-documents-related-to-the-military-biological-activities-of-the-United-States-on-the-t-05-11)

NBCP Briefing Slides (https://disk.yandex.ru/d/tP_Qu9sRGrJKeA)

13th May 2022, 06:41
Max Igan Anarchapulco | Feb 17th 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


13th May 2022, 09:25
Michael Hudson | Decline of Dollar, Sanctions War, Imperialism, Financial Parasitism | May 10, 2022

Source: Multipolarista youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwlvSJdcMc7iGdR-aducSog)


Economist Michael Hudson discusses the decline of the US dollar, the sanctions war on Russia, his concept of "free-trade imperialism," and financial parasitism.

We talk about these concepts explored in his new book "The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism."


BENJAMIN NORTON: Hey, everyone. I’m Ben Norton, and this is the Multipolarista podcast. And I have the great pleasure of being joined today by one of my favorite guests, one of I think the most important economists in the world today. I’m speaking with Professor Michael Hudson.

If you’ve seen any of the interviews I’ve done with Professor Hudson over the past few years, you probably know that he’s a brilliant analyst. He always has, I think, the best analysis to understand what’s going on economically and also politically, geopolitically, in the world today.

And right now is, I think, a very important moment to have Professor Hudson on today. We’re going to talk about the economic war on Russia and the process of economic decoupling between Russia and China and the West, which is something that Professor Hudson has talked about for many years. And that really has accelerated with the Western sanctions on Russia over Ukraine.

We’re also going to talk about the decline in U.S. dollar hegemony. A recent report from the International Monetary Fund, which is dominated by the U.S., acknowledged that the use of the dollar in foreign bank reserves is gradually declining.

Now, it’s not going to disappear overnight. But even the IMF is acknowledging that dollar hegemony is eroding. And, of course, the IMF acknowledged that the Western sanctions on Russia are going to further erode the hegemony of the U.S. dollar.

We now see Russia doing business with China in the Chinese yuan. Russia is also doing business with India with the Indian rupee. And of course Russia has been telling Europe that if it wants to buy Russian energy, it has to do so with Russian rubles.

So there’s so much to talk about today, Professor Hudson, but I want to begin in the first half of this interview today talking about a new book that you’re just about to publish.

Today is Monday, May 9th. You said on Wednesday, May 11th, the book comes out. And it’s called “The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism or Socialism.”

And everything that I just prefaced this interview with, discussing the economic war in Russia and sanctions and decoupling, this is all deeply related to what you talk about in this book. And I had the pleasure of getting an early copy and reading through it. It’s a really important book, I think.

And you talk about this fundamental divide internationally – and this is a divide that actually goes back historically as well – between these three models for different economic systems you discuss: finance capitalism, industrial capitalism, and socialism.

And your argument is that the U.S. empire has been a force for imposing neoliberalism, which is a particular form of finance capitalism, which is nonproductive, in which finance capital destroys productive industries in pursuit of rent-seeking, and what you call the rentier class.

So instead of producing, as the classical bourgeois economists had said capitalism would be a productive system instead, finance capitalism is fundamentally a system of destruction and debt.

And your argument is that this is deeply rooted in U.S. foreign policy. This is the U.S. foreign policy strategy for expanding its economic power, is imposing this finance capitalist model on the world.

So can you expand further on your argument about the fight between finance capitalism, industrial capitalism, and socialism, and why you decided to publish this book now?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well the book came out of a series of 10 lectures that I did for my Chinese audience. I’ve been a professor at Peking University for a number of years in economics, and have professorships at other universities, Wuhan and Hong Kong.

And I have a fairly large audience of about 65,000 people per lecture there. And I was asked to give my general overview, sort of a history of economic development in the West, for the Chinese.

And in order to understand today’s finance capitalism, you have to understand what industrial capitalism was, as it was described in the 19th century.

And it’s often forgotten, or played down, that industrial capitalism was revolutionary. What it was trying to do – from the physiocrats in France in the late 18th century to Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill, Marx, and the whole late-19th century flowering of socialism – the ideal of classical value theory and rent theory, was to say what is the actual value, the cost value of producing goods and services?

And what is earned by the capitalist, when he employs labor to make a profit, and what is unearned? And what is unearned was the landlord class. That was the hereditary warrior class that conquered all of the European kingdoms in the Middle Ages.

And the attempt by England’s industrialists was saying, look, we cannot become the workshop of the world; we cannot undersell foreign countries if we have a landlord class ripping off all of the money in land rent.

And if we have predatory banking, or the wealthy people just lend really for buying property, or making distressed loans or predatory loans that have nothing to do with financing actual capital formation.

Well, what made this capitalism revolutionary was the British industrialists and advocates of industry, even the bankers in Ricardo’s time, said, well, in order to overthrow the landlord class, which controls the House of Lords and all of the upper chambers of government in Europe, we have to have democratic reform.

If we have democratic reform and give voting to the people, they’re going to vote against the landlord class, and then we can have an efficient economy where our prices of our exports and our goods and services reflect the actual cost of production, not the rake off for the rentiers class, not the rake off of what landlords take, not the rake off of what predatory bankers take.

And the whole long 19th century leading up to World War One was this revolutionary value theory that depicted land rent and monopoly rent and financial returns as being unearned income and wanting to strip it away.

And all of this seemed to be moving toward socialism. The industrialists were all in favor of government public utilities, of government enterprise, because they said, if the government doesn’t provide health care, then individuals are going to have to pay it, and it’ll cost a lot of money, like it does in the United States.

And so you had the conservative prime minister of England, Benjamin Disraeli, saying, health, all is health, we’ve got to provide public health for the people.

And it was the conservative Bismarck in Germany that said, we’ve got to provide pensions. If labor has to save up for the pensions, then it’s not going to have enough money to buy the goods and services that we Germans are producing. We have got to make pensions public.

So all of this move towards socialism was not only in favor of increasing living standards, which soared in the 19th century, but also in freeing the economy from the rentier class, from the landlords, from the bankers.

And for the classical economists, a free market was a market free from landlords, free from bankers, free from monopolists.

Well, needless to say, the rentiers fought back. And by after World War Two, we’ve seen a continual anti-classical theory replacing the classical idea of free markets with a value of free theory, saying, well, everybody earns whatever they they have. All wealth is earned, not unearned. And if Goldman Sachs partners are paid more than anyone else, that’s because they’re so productive.

So you had a move rejecting classical economics, a junk economics, and a kind of artificial economics that doesn’t really talk about how finance capitalism has worked.

And as it turns out, the business plan of finance capitalism was so predatory that it was anti-industrial.

That’s why President Clinton in the United States moved to invite China into the International Labor Organization, saying, well, we can fight wage rises in America by a race to the bottom. We can we can hire Asians to do work, and that will cause unemployment here. And that’s wonderful for the industrialists. It will basically cut wages and keep American wages down.

Well, that basically is the strategy of finance capitalism, and the aim of finance capitalism is not to invest in factories, and plant equipment, and research and development, but to live in the short term, but to make money by financial engineering, not industrial engineering.

And it becomes predatory, and so you have the whole ideological attack on public enterprise. You have Frederick Hayek’s “The Road to Serfdom,” where you say, if government provides public healthcare, that’s “the road to serfdom,” where actually it’s finance capitalism that is the road to debt peonage and serfdom.

And you have now a whole disparagement of government. And all of this is a counter-revolution to the revolutionary impetus of industrial capitalism in its early stages.

And it’s true that corporations now are just as right-wing as the the banks and the hedge funds. But that’s because corporate industry has been taken over by the financial sector, and the heads of almost every industrial corporation are rewarded the how high they can push the stock price, to exercise the stock options they’re paid in.

And you increase the stock price not by investing more, not by hiring more labor or increasing productivity or increasing sales, but simply by using whatever income you have to buy back your stocks. And by buying back your stocks, this forces up their price.

And, most of all, by giving political contributions in this country to the Democrats and Republicans alike, who appoint Federal Reserve heads that have spent $7-9 trillion buying up stocks and bonds to increase the price of buying a retirement income, to increase Wall Street prices, to increase housing prices, and make America even less competitive industrially.

So finance capitalism is what has essentially de-industrialized the United States and turned the Midwest into a Rust Belt.

Well, the alternative, obviously, are the societies that have not followed this neoliberal finance capitalist plan. And the most successful economy, obviously, has been China, which is why it has been spending so much time there.

And China has done exactly what 19th-century United States, Germany, England, and France did. It has kept basic utilities, basic needs, housing, and above all, finance and banking, in the public domain, as public utilities.

Instead of having an independent financial sector operating on its own self-interest, the Bank of China creates the money. And the Bank of China lends money by deciding, where do we need to have investment in real estate to provide housing for the population at as low a price as we can make it? How do we build up the industry? How do we provide an educational system with training? How do we provide health?

And the fact is that the central planning in an efficient socialist style, not the Stalinist planning that everybody refers to of Russia, but a mixed economy as you have in China, which is truly a mixed economy, with guidance, like the French planification.

Well, that is obviously the way in which you survive and you avoid the kind of overloading the economy with debt service, with high rents, with high payments to the health-care monopoly in the United States, by avoiding all of this payment to a rentier class that has what the classical economists call unearned income, predatory income.

And instead of unseating them, we’ve put them in charge, and made the banks and Wall Street, and the city of London, and the Paris Bourse, the central planners.

So we do have central planning much more centralized than anything that was dreamed by the socialists. But the planning, the centralized planning is done by the financial sector.

And financial planning is short-termism; it’s short-term planning; it’s take your money and run. And that’s what is stripping and impoverishing the global economy today.

BENJAMIN NORTON: Absolutely. And, in your book, you write about the important distinction between the classical economic idea of a so-called free market, and how, you argue that, neoliberals turn that idea on its head.

So this is what you write in your book. And this is, again, Michael Hudson’s new book, “The Destiny of Civilization,” which is out this week. You write:

“The neoliberal ideology inverts the classical idea of a free market from one that is free from economic rent to one that is free for the rentier classes” – that is the rent-extracting classes – “to extract rent and gain dominance.”

So they they completely flip the idea of what it means to have a free market.

And then you note that, “in contrast to classical political economy, this neoliberal ideology promotes tax favoritism for rentiers, privatization, financialization, and deregulation.” And you discuss all of that.

That is, of course, what we could call the Washington consensus.

And then you argue that “U.S. foreign policy seeks to extend this neoliberal rentier program throughout the world.”

And you have a very interesting section of your book where you discuss this concept as “free-trade imperialism.”

So can you talk about what your idea of “free-trade imperialism” is and how it relates to U.S. foreign policy?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, the Nobel Prize is given basically for junk economics. And probably the worst junk economist of the century was Paul Samuelson.

He made the absurd claim that he proved mathematically that, if you have free trade then, and don’t have tariffs, and don’t have any government protection, then everyone will become more equal. At least the proportions between labor and capital will be more equal. Well, the reality is just the opposite.

And the term “free-trade imperialism” was actually created by a British historian of trade theory who pointed out that, wait a minute, when England went for free trade, the idea was, if we have free trade, we can stifle other countries from being able to industrialize, because if we have free trade, then we can tell America, we will open our doors to your markets – meaning the markets of the slave South, that Britain supported – and in exchange, you will open your markets to our industrial goods.

And America followed that until the Civil War, which was fought not only over slavery, but by the Republican Party after 1853 that said very explicitly, if we’re going to win the election – the Whigs never could win – if we, the new party, are going to win the election and industrialize America, we’ve got to integrate ourselves with the anti-slavery issue, with emancipation, but for us, the economic war of America is a war of, either we’re going to have protective tariffs in the North, or we’re going to end up as a non-industrial, raw materials-producing society, as the South wants.

And that was the debate from 1815, when the Napoleonic wars ended and world trade began again, until really the Civil War.

And America became strong in the way that Germany became strong too, by having protective tariffs, in order to have prices large enough to nurture what was called infant industry, to nurture American manufacturing.

And I wrote a long book about this, published some years ago based on my PhD dissertation, “America’s Protectionist Takeoff.”

Well, the English tried to fight against other countries protecting their economy, saying that if you just have free trade, you’ll get rich. Whereas the reality is, if we have free trade, you’ll get poor, if you’re not already able to have industrial and labor productivity and agricultural productivity on par with the most advanced countries.

Free trade was an attempt to prevent other countries from investing government money and building up their agriculture, and building up their industry, and building up their productivity, and creating a school system, to raise wages, to make wages more productive.

And the American protectionists said, well, we’re going to have a high-wage economy because high-wage labor undersells pauper labor. And skilled, well-fed, well-rested American labor can produce much more than the pauper labor of other countries that have free trade.

Well, what the leading American protectionist economist, Erasmus Peshine Smith, went to Japan and helped industrial help Japan break away from British free trade, helped Japan industrialize.

And other American economists, other foreign economists, all picked up the ideas of the American protectionist, like Friedrich List went to Germany promoting protectionism.

And Peshine Smith’s book, “The Manual of Political Economy,” was translated into all the foreign languages – Japanese, Italian, French, German.

And you had Europe realizing that free trade polarizes economies. Well, it was this that after World War One, and especially World War Two, when you had orthodox economics turning into basically propaganda.

That’s where you and Samuelson and others try to convince other countries, governments are bad, leave everything to the wealthy people, to the finance people, trickle-down economies, it’s all going to trickle down, don’t worry, just give more money to the rich, and don’t have any government interference with markets.

Whereas America had got rich by interfering with markets, to shape them in the years leading up to World War One.

But after World War One, America had already achieved its industrial dominance. And it was after World War One that America said, ok, now our protective tariffs have enabled us to outproduce all the other countries, and our protectionist agriculture especially – the most protected sector in America, has always been agriculture, since the 1930s.

Basically it said, well, now we can outproduce other countries, we can undersell them, now we can tell them to go for free trade.

And after World War Two, the Americans created the World Bank for economic impoverishment, and the International Monetary Austerity Fund.

And the World Bank’s leading objective was to prevent other countries from investing in their own food production.

The guiding line of the World Bank was, we’ve got to provide infrastructure for building up plantation agriculture in Latin America, and Africa, and other countries, so that they will grow tropical export crops, but they cannot be permitted to grow grain or wheat to feed themselves; they must be dependent on the United States.

And so the function of free trade, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund has been to finance dependency, backed up by the American support of dictatorships throughout Latin America who agree to have client oligarchies supporting pro-American trade patterns and avoiding any kind of self-reliance, so that the United States can do what it has recently done to Russia and other countries, impose sanctions – say, well, now that you depended on us for your grain, we can now impose sanctions, and you can’t feed yourself if you don’t follow the policies we want.

That was the policy that America tried to use against China after Mao’s revolution. And fortunately for China, Canada broke that monopoly, and said, well, we’re going to sell grain to China. And China was always very friendly to Canada in those earlier decades.

So basically, free trade means no government, no socialism. It means central planning essentially by Wall Street – countries should let American firms come in, buy control of their raw materials, resources, control of their oil and gas, and mineral rights, and forests and plantations, and basically let other countries send their whole economic surplus to the United States, where it will be duly financialized to buy out other countries’ raw materials and rent yielding resources.

BENJAMIN NORTON: Yeah, and in your book, you have a very funny passage that I think really encapsulates this ideology that you’re talking about here.

You referred to Charles Wilson, who was the secretary of defense under Eisenhower in the U.S., and he was also the former CEO of General Motors.

And he famously said, “What’s good for General Motors is good for the country.” And that idea has morphed into the idea that, “What’s good for Wall Street is good for America.”

And then you note that “this merged with evangelistic U.S. foreign policy that says ‘What’s good for America is good for the world.’ And therefore the logical syllogism is clear: ‘What’s good for Wall Street is good for the world.’”

And you describe this, you link it to the new cold war, this idea that what’s good for the U.S. is good for the world and what’s good for Wall Street is good for the U.S., therefore, what’s good for Wall Street is good for the world.

You argue, “We must recognize how finance capitalism has gained power over industrial economies, above all in the United States, from which it seeks to project itself globally, led by the financialized U.S. economy. Today’s new Cold War is a fight to impose rentier-based finance capitalism on the entire world.”

And this is such an important analysis. Because among those very few people of us who talk about this idea of the new cold war and how dangerous it is, there are very few people who frame it in economic terms.

Usually we frame it in political terms, right, the geopolitical interests between the US and the EU on one side, and China and Russia on the other.

And going back to Brzezinski and The Grand Chessboard, his 1997 book, where he talks about the importance of preventing near strategic competitors from emerging in Eurasia. That’s of course a geopolitical discussion and economics is part of it, but it’s often not at the forefront.

But your analysis I think is even more important, and more accurate, because your argument is not only is it geopolitical, but the geopolitical struggle is rooted in economics. And this is an economic struggle between systems.

So talk talk more about the new cold war and how you see it.

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, as we’re seeing now, the world is dividing into two parts. We can see that in the fight against Russia, which is also a fight against China, and against India, as you noted. And it seems Indonesia and other countries as well.

The United States is pushing a world that can be controlled by American investors. The ideal of the American neoliberal plan is to do to other countries what it did to Russia after 1991: take all of your public domain, your oil companies, your nickel mines, your electric utilities, give them all to the wealthy oligarchy, that can only make money once it’s taken control of these companies, by selling the stocks to the West.

The West will buy out oil, just like Mikhail Khodorkovsky tried to sell Yukos oil to Standard Oil in the West. And we’ve got to put an oligarchy that will sell all of the national domain, all of the patrimony and natural resources, and all the companies, to American investors on the cheap.

The Russian stock market led all the stock markets in the world from 1994 up to about 1998. This was a huge rip off. The United States wants to be able to do that to the rest of the world.

And it was furious when Russia said, we’ve lost more population as a result of neoliberalism than we did in all of World War Two fighting against Nazism. We’ve got to stop.

And Russia began to say, we’ve got to use Russia’s population, and industry, and natural resources for Russia’s benefit, not for the United States’ benefit.

Well, the United States was absolutely furious with this. And the fury has erupted in the NATO war against Russia in the last few months, and what’s ongoing now.

And the United States says, U.S. State Department officials have said, what we want to do is carve up Russia into maybe four different countries: Siberia, western Russia, southern Russia or Central Asia, maybe northern Russia.

And once we’ve done that, we cut Russia off from China, then we go into China. We finance, we send ISIS and al-Qaeda into the Uyghur areas, the Muslim areas, and we start a color revolution there. And then we break up China, into a northern part, a southern part, a central part.

And once we break them up, we can more or less control them. And we can then come in, buy up their resources, and take over their industry, their labor, and their government, and get richer to obtain from China, Russia, India, Indonesia, and Iran the wealth that we’re no longer producing in the United States, now that we de-industrialized.

So the world is dividing into two parts. And it’s not simply the United States and its European satellites on the one hand versus the non-white population on the other hand; it’s finance capitalism versus the rest of the world, which is protecting itself by socialism, which in many ways fulfills what was the ideal of industrial capitalism during the 19th century, when industrial capitalism was actually progressive.

And it was progressive. That’s part of the whole theme of my book. It was revolutionary. It tried to free economies from the legacy of feudalism, from the legacy of hereditary landlords.

And now the financial class is no longer the landlord class, but the landlord class pays most of its rent to the financial class in the form of mortgage interest, as it borrows money to buy property and housing and commercial sites on credit.

And you have the kind of financialization that has increased housing prices in the United States to over 40% of income, that is officially guaranteed for mortgages. That has priced American labor out of the market.

Privatized health care, 18% of GDP, that is pricing America out of the world market. Debt, auto debt, student debt, which in other countries education is free; that’s pricing America out of the market.

So you have a basically un-competitive economy that’s committing financial suicide, following the same dynamic that destroyed the Roman empire, where a predatory oligarchy took over and maintained power by an assassination policy of its critics, just very similar to what America has been doing in Latin America and other countries.

So you’re having history repeat itself with this same kind of world split. And this split couldn’t have occurred back in the 1970s, with the Bandung Conference in Indonesia. There were other attempts by the Non-Aligned nations to break free of American imperialism, but they didn’t have a critical mass.

So right now, for the first time, you have a critical mass. And you have the ability of China, Iran, Russia, India, other countries together to be self-sufficient. They don’t need relations with the United States.

They can handle their own; they can create their own monetary system outside of the International Monetary Fund, which is basically an arm of the Defense Department. They can give loans to build up the infrastructure of countries outside of the World Bank, which is basically an arm of the Defense Department, the deep state.

So you have the American economy – essentially a merger between the military-industrial complex and the Wall Street FIRE sector, finance, insurance, and real estate – really cannot develop any more than the Roman Empire could develop, by trying to obtain militarily what it could not produce at home anymore.

Well, China and other countries, now that they have their industrial base, the raw materials, the food, the ability to feed themselves, the agriculture, and the technology, they can go their own way.

And so we’re seeing in the last few months the beginning of a war that is going to go on for, I think, 20 years, maybe 30 or 40 years. The world is splitting away.

And it won’t be a pretty sight, because the United States and its European satellites are trying to fight to prevent an inevitable break away they cannot prevent, any more than Europe’s landlord class could prevent industrial capitalism from developing in the 19th century.

BENJAMIN NORTON: Yeah, and this is a good segue to what I wanted to ask you about, Professor Hudson, which is the economic war on Russia.

And I should say, of course, that today is May 9th. Today is Victory Day in Russia, celebrating the Soviet Union’s victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two. Not the US and British victory over Nazi Germany, the Soviet victory, in which 27 million Soviets died.

And actually I should say that, here on YouTube, in the comment section, there are some Russians who are your fans, Professor Hudson, saying they’re thanking you for your cogent analysis of Russia.

But on the subject of Russia, Professor Hudson, we now have seen that since Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine on February 24th, we saw really what could be referred to as financial shock-and-awe. That’s a term that’s been used.

Just as when the U.S. invaded Iraq, it waged a military shock-and-awe campaign on Iraq. Well, now it is waging economic or financial shock-and-awe on Russia.

And Russia has been referred to as the most heavily sanctioned country in history. Which I think is probably accurate, although maybe the DPRK, maybe North Korea, is more sanctioned. But I mean we’re talking about levels of sanctions not seen against a country of this size ever.

And you can also refer to it as the contemporary equivalent of medieval siege warfare against Russia.

Joe Biden, in a speech in Poland, made it clear what Washington’s goal is: it’s regime change. The U.S. wants to overthrow the Russian government, as it did in the Soviet Union in 1991, and clearly install a a pliant alcoholic neoliberal puppet like Boris Yeltsin.

So can you talk about, from an economic perspective, what do you see as the effects of this economic war on Russia?

And specifically in terms of the concept of decoupling, which you have talked about for years, and you have said that the Western sanctions on Russia and China were accelerating that process of decoupling. And this was before the financial shock-and-awe we’ve seen.

So you talked about a move away from this neoliberal globalization where everything is interconnected, or at least capital is interconnected globally, to the creation of a kind of, what you could say is kind of an economic iron curtain.

But how do you see that also in terms of integrating the Eurasian economies more deeply?

And also what is the effect on the European economies, which my impression is that Europe is going to become what you call an economic dead zone, more and more reliant on the U.S., whereas Russia, China, and Iran, and even potentially India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia – we’re seeing much more economic integration of Asia, which is, of course, where the majority of humanity lives.

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well you have used the words shock-and-awe, picking it up from the U.S. statements of shock-and-awe. There hasn’t been any shock-and-awe; there’s been a self-defeating piffle, and laughter.

That’s not all. There was an attempt to grab $300 billion of Russia’s foreign reserves, saying, well, any country that leaves their reserves in American banks or in the American Monetary Fund to stabilize their currency, we can grab if we don’t like their policy.

So the idea was, now Russia is going to go broke. It can’t afford to buy anything without U.S. dollars. And the people are going to get so angry, they’re going to vote against Putin. And then we can pour in our money to twerps like Navalny and other right-wingers who have promised to be the new Yeltsins.

Well, it didn’t work that way. They did grab the $300 billion of Russia’s reserves. Russia immediately said, ok, we have our own money. We now, fortunately, have enough oil and gas that we don’t have to sell to Europe and Germany. If they want to freeze in the dark and let their pipes burst when the weather gets cold, that’s their problem. We’ll sell to India, and China, and other countries.

And there was, for a few days, the ruble plunged, by saying, uh oh, what is Russia going to do? So all the foreign exchange traders thought, you can trust Biden to have a really brilliant policies.

I think Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize winner, said Biden is the greatest American president since Roosevelt, or since Truman, that he was so smart. Well, that’s why Krugman got the Nobel Prize, for making statements like that.

So immediately Russia said, well, obviously we can’t get paid in dollars anymore, or in euros, because, you’ll just grab them, so you’ll have to buy oil and gas in rubles. We’re going to price it in our own currency. Just like China had talked about pricing its exports in yuan.

And so what has happened is that immediately the ruble not only recovered, but is now selling at a higher rate than it was before the American sanctions. So there was no shock at all. The Americans felt shock.

The Americans are shocked. The Americans are awed. The Russians are laughing and everything is going their way.

So it’s almost as if – I would not accuse Biden of being on the pay of Russia, and I would not say that the leaders of Congress are the Russian agents, but if they were Russian agents, if they were paid by Russia, they could not have done a better job of helping Russia catalyzing its protectionism that it wouldn’t do itself.

The fact is that President Putin and many of the people around him still were neoliberals. I mean, they began as neoliberals, in the ’90s.

They began by hoping that they could make an arrangement with Germany and Europe, that Europe would develop their industry and make Russia as efficient an economy as Germany or the United States. Well, obviously that hasn’t happened.

All the same, they didn’t think of imposing protective tariffs as the United States did. They didn’t protect their agriculture. They bought grain, and cheese, and other agricultural products from the Baltics, and from other countries.

Well, now that, once the Americans put on the sanctions, beginning already under the Trump administration, all of a sudden Russia had to produce its own food.

And it did. It made the investment. It is now the largest agricultural exporter in the world, not a food-deficit country. It’s not importing any more cheese from Lithuania and the Baltics. It has its own cheese segment.

And the sanctions are forcing Russia to do exactly what the United States, Germany, and other protectionist countries did in the 19th century, developing their own industry by isolating it from low-priced foreign imports that would be priced so low that the Russians otherwise could not afford to make the investment in factories, plants, equipment, research, and development.

So what the United States has done is actually catalyze Russia moving together.

And also, for three or four years, I have been talking with Russians, and with the Chinese, and other countries about the need to de-dollarize. If you want to develop your own economy, you have to develop your economy in your own interest with public spending and planning, independent from the United States.

Well, now everybody thought that, well, in a few years it may take a decade for China, Russia, Iran, all these countries to break away from the U.S. But America said, we’re going to help you, we’re going to speed up the breakaway process. We’re going to isolate you. So you’ve got to band together against us.

So that’s exactly what it has done. You can just imagine how the Russians are crying all the way to the bank about this.

And how China is watching what the Americans are doing to Russia, and listening to President Biden saying, you know, Russia is not our real enemy, our real enemy of China. And when we’re finished with Russia, then we’re going to go against China and do the same thing to it.

Well you can imagine what this is leading the Chinese government to try to plan to be sufficiently independent from the United States, so that similar type sanctions will not hurt it.

And President Xi in the last few weeks has said we’ve got to make China as independent as possible. We’ve got to make our own computer chips. We’ve got to not depend on the United States for anything, except maybe Walt Disney movies. That’s basically about it.

So it’s as if – you know, I had mentioned earlier that finance lives in the short term. American policy, being financial policy, lives in the short term. And it’s looking at if it can make a quick, a quick victory, and forget about what’s going to happen next.

I’m told that, years ago, already from the war with Iran, and then Iraq and Syria, in the State Department, if there were Arab specialists who spoke Arabic, they were all fired. Because they said, well, if you can speak Arabic, you must’ve learned Arabic because you’re sympathetic with them. You’re fired. We won’t have anyone who can read Arabic here.

Well, now in the last decade or so, they fired all the Russia specialists from the the State Department and CIA, saying, well, if you can read Russian, why would you want to learn Russian? You must like something in Russia. You wanted to learn it. You’re fired.

So they have people who have no idea of what’s happening in Russia, no idea what’s happening in these other countries. And they’re blinded by their ideology.

And if anyone would say, wait a minute now, public planning and making education a public utility is actually making them more competitive, well, that’s against the ideology. That’s not the corporate type.

And they’re taught, well, we really can’t trust people, maybe they’re tending toward socialism, and they’re out the door.

So you’re having American policy pretty much run by the blind, and the Europeans are simply taking orders, and money in little white envelopes from the United States, to just show their loyalty, and basically are willing to spend three to seven times as much for their energy, for their liquefied natural gas and oil, by buying from the United States, than they are by a long-term contract with Russia.

Europe is willing to spend now $5 trillion on putting together ports that can handle shipping tankers for liquefied natural gas instead of relying on the Russian pipeline, the Nord Stream Two, that’s already there.

So Europe is making an enormous sacrifice. If it doesn’t have Russian gas, and it refuses to pay rubles, it says, if you don’t give us our gas and oil for free, you’re attacking us, because we’ve been getting all of your oil and gas for free, because all the dollars, all the money we pay, you’ve recycled to the United States in your foreign reserves. Thank heavens, the U.S. can grab it all. If you don’t continue to give it to us for free, then you’re attacking us.

To the United States, other countries protecting their economy, other countries trying to raise their living standards, and especially other countries undertaking land reform, are viewed as enemies of the United States, because they’re an enemy of the neoliberal American financial system.

And the idea of the unipolar world where the United States gets all of the profits, and rents, and interests of the world economy, just as ancient Rome stripped its provinces by getting all of their wealth and income for themselves, not producing it at home, while impoverishing their own domestic population. It’s just an exact parallel.

So Europe is willing to say, well, ok, if we don’t have a Russian gas, well, that means that our chemical companies cannot buy the gas to make the fertilizer to make our crops grow, and our agricultural productivity is going to fall by about 50%.

We’re also going to spend a lot more money on America’s military, NATO arms to support NATO. So higher food, higher military spending, higher energy costs.

This ends Europe as an industrial rival to Asia, and Eurasia, I should say, because now the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and other spending investment, capital investment, throughout Western Asia is creating a new productive plant that is not only self-sufficient, but is leaving the United States and Europe without any industrial competitive power. They’ve priced themselves out of the world market. They’re no longer competitive.

So the world is developing. And I’m sure the only way that the NATO countries can fight against it is militarily, by threatening to bomb. But they can’t fight economically. They can’t fight financially. They tried by disconnecting Russia from the SWIFT system. It put it in its own system very quickly.

It really is left without a strategy, except that it’s done a wonderful job of controlling the public relations dimension of this war, making it appear as if somehow other countries are the aggressors, in not letting America exploit them, and making it appear as if Russia is the aggressor in Ukraine, instead of NATO prodding and prodding Russia to say, we’re going to capture your port at Crimea, and we’re going to attack the Russian-speakers if you don’t fight back, and we’re going to keep bombing them year after year, from 2014 on, we’re going to keep bombing them until you protect them.

So all of this is treated as if America is purely defending itself. Well, this is what the Nazis said in World War Two. Hitler and Goebbels said, we can always mobilize a population to support our war by saying it’s a war to defend ourselves.

And that’s how the United States in Europe are doing it. Not only are they pulling a strategy out of Goebbels’ Nazi book, but a few weeks ago, Germany went to the museums, the military museums, where they had the old Panzer tanks from World War Two, and they sent the Panzer tanks, the Nazi tanks from World War II, to Ukraine, saying this is symbolic, now we can fight Russia with the same German Nazi tanks run by the neo-Nazi groups, that Zelensky is supporting, the same Nazi fight against Russia. We can reenact World War Two with the same tanks, even symbolically, to show that this is a fight of Naziism, and neoliberalism, against Eurasia.

BENJAMIN NORTON: We’ve also seen Germany not only re-militarizing, but also boosting its relations with Japan. There are some terrifying echoes of of World War Two.

But you mentioned something that I want to analyze a little bit more, which is the strength of the Russian ruble. I talked about the concept of financial shock-and-awe that was waged on Russia. And President Biden said, “the Russian ruble has become rubble,” he joked. He said the Russian ruble has become rubble.

Well, that’s actually not at all what happened. This is the value of the dollar to Russian rubles, right now [showing a graph]. Russian rubles are at 69 to the dollar. A few days ago, it was at 64, or 65 to the dollar, which is actually better than it was even before the Russian war in Ukraine, which began in February 24th.

And it did spike, and there was a peak here, at which it was devalued to 139 to the dollar, about half the value it has now. But in the months leading up to the Russian military intervention, in November and December, it was around 75 to the dollar.

So the ruble has actually strengthened despite these sanctions. And here’s a report from Reuters from five days ago, that was May 4th: the “Rouble leaps to over 2-year high vs dollar, euro as EU ups sanctions.” So the ruble is doing quite well.

And you talked about the Russian mechanism to force Europe to buy energy exports from Russia in the Russian ruble. And this graphic here, for people watching, it’s in Russian, but really it just shows this mechanism in which a European firm that wants to buy gas from Russia’s state owned gas giant Gazprom, it has to send the money in euros to the Gazprombank, which is the obviously the bank that works with Gazprom, and then it puts it in a special account in euros, and then that is sold in the Moscow exchange for Russian rubles.

And then those rubles are put in another special account, called a K account, that belongs to that European firm. It has two accounts, two special accounts with Gazprombank, one in euros, one in rubles. And then this special ruble account sends that money to Gazprom. And then once the money reaches Gazprom, that’s when Russia considers that the payment officially went through.

So this is the mechanism by which Russia is getting paid in rubles. And much of Europe claimed at first that they would not do so, but eventually they gave in. So that’s an incredible development.

And related to that, what I wanted to ask you about, is I think another reason that the Russian ruble has strengthened and stabilized is not only because Russia continues to maintain constant exports of energy to Europe and other parts of the world.

You can talk about the central bank policies. But one of the policies is that the Russian central bank has basically put the ruble on gold, which I think is a very interesting and historic development.

And we saw that from the beginning of April until the end of June, the Bank of Russia says that it’s going to buy gold at a fixed price of 5000 rubles per gram of gold. And then the question is whether or not in July, when this policy ends, if it’s going to continue, and if the ruble will basically become fixed, it become pegged to gold like the U.S. dollar was up until 1971.

So you don’t think it will be? So talk about this policy. Do you think that that the gold standard is going to come back? Or apparently you don’t think so.

MICHAEL HUDSON: No, Russia is not going on on the gold standard. What it is doing is investing, its foreign exchange in the only way that is not grabbable. It’s investing it in gold; it’s putting gold in its reserves.

It is not setting its exchange rate according to the price of gold, but it is buying gold with what it has been getting.

I want to go back to your talk about rubble. You talked about, “from ruble to rubble,” what President Biden said.

There have been a lot of pictures of rubble in the news for the last few days. For instance, there are talks of, here’s a Ukrainian picture, and look at this picture of a Russian tank, we shot it down, it’s rubble. Turns out it’s a Ukrainian tank, that they just say it was the Russian tank we shot down.

So basically, they’re taking their own destruction, and they’re saying that, while they’re being destroyed, they’re saying, no, this is a picture of Russia being destroyed, Russian assets, not Ukrainian assets being destroyed.

Well, the similar thing is with the Russian ruble. America says, look, we’ve isolated the the ruble. Well, what has happened? If you isolate the ruble and you say we’re not going to export anything more to Russia, so it’s not going to be able to spend any of its rubles on buying American or European products.

Well, meanwhile, Russia can continue to earn rubles from Germany and Europe, and it can continue to earn foreign exchange from other countries that it’s selling its agriculture to at rising prices, its oil and gas at rising prices, too. So obviously, the balance of payments is going way up.

And they believe that what is in store is a new monetary system that is an alternative to the dollar IMF system.

And in this system other countries will hold their reserves in each other’s currencies. In other words, Russia will hold Indian rupees and Chinese yuan. China will hold rupees and Russian rubles.

There will be the equivalent of what Keynes thought of as something like artificial special drawing rights that the banks will be able to create to help fund governments to undertake capital investment.

But for settlements settling balance of payments deficits among countries, once they don’t have enough foreign exchange to make a swap, they will use gold as the means of settlement, because gold is a pure asset. It’s not a liability.

Any foreign currency basically is held in a foreign country that has the power to do what America did to Russia and just grab it all, and say, we’re just wiping it all out.

It’s as if you have a bank account, and the bank says, we’ve just emptied out your account to give it to one of our friends, and you don’t have it anymore. You can’t do that if gold is held in your own country.

Venezuela made the problem of keeping its gold in England, trusting England, saying that, even if there is war, they’ll never interrupt gold and finance. And England just grabbed Venezuela’s gold.

So, obviously, countries are not going to leave their gold in other countries. Even little Germany has asked America to begin sending back the gold that it has in the Federal Reserve Bank of America because it’s worried that what if it ever buys Russian gas again? America will grab all of Germany’s gold, grab all the German money, and it’ll be like World War One all over again.

So this act that America did of grabbing Russian money, Afghanistan’s foreign reserves it grabbed, this is telling all the other countries, pull all your money out of dollars. What are they going to put it in? There’s not that much they can put it in that it is absolutely safe.

So gold is a flight to safety today, because it’s one of the things that all of the world realizes as having an international value for settling balance of payments deficits, that is independent of world politics.

So that’s the explanation. Russia is not going on gold. It’s going on an independent standard from the United States with gold as an element of its foreign reserve, just as it’s holding Chinese yuan and Indian rupees.

It’s not going on the rupee standard. It’s not going on the yuan standard. And it’s not going on the gold standard. But these are elements of its foreign reserves.

BENJAMIN NORTON: I have a question for you. It’s kind of a more technical question that I’ve always wondered. And I’ve tried to do research on this, because there’s not much information.

So we know that that the U.S. and European Union have frozen over $300 billion from Russia’s central bank foreign exchange reserves. And of course they did this after doing the same to Iran, to Venezuela, to Afghanistan, which is now threatening a famine in Afghanistan that could kill more people than died in the 20-year NATO-U.S. military occupation of Afghanistan, which is another topic that really needs to get more coverage.

And I should add, by the way, that the US and the EU, they’ve frozen nearly half of Russia’s central bank’s foreign exchange reserves, and are now saying they’re not going to give it back. So they stole it. I mean, they stole half of its reserves.

My question is, what is the mechanism by which they effectively freeze and steal those reserves?

Because my understanding is that there is of course a physical element of those reserves, which you’re talking about, which is gold. But not all of the $640 billion in Russia’s central bank reserves is physical currency, right? A lot of it is just computerized? It’s number in computers and bank accounts.

So when when the U.S. and the EU steal this money from central banks like in Russia or Afghanistan – obviously in the case of Venezuela, as you mentioned, they physically stole the gold. But if it’s not gold, is it physical cash stored in Moscow, like physical dollars and euros? Or it’s mostly just numbers in a computer, which is why they can steal it?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Every country needs to manage its exchange rates, and there’s always like an up-and-down and a zigzag in the flow of payments for imports and exports, investment, capital movements, debt service, all of that.

So countries want to stabilize their exchange rate. How do they do that? Well, most of the big exchange markets are in New York and in London.

So countries would leave their money in correspondent banks. Like when Iran, at the time under the shah, kept that foreign reserve in the Chase Manhattan Bank. So when Iran, after the revolution and Khomeini came in, and Iran wanted to pay interest on the foreign debt that the shah had run up, they told Chase, please, here’s our bondholders, please pay them.

Well Chase was told by the Treasury, don’t pay them, just take the money and hold it. So Chase said, we put a freeze on your account. And so Iran defaulted, and then Chase and the State Department said, oh, Iran defaulted, it missed the payment. Now, all the money that it’s due for foreign debt has to be paid all at once. And Chase paid all of the bondholders off. No more money in the account. It was all emptied out.

Suppose you had an account in Chase Manhattan. And they said, ok, now you’ve done something really bad, you put Michael Hudson on the show. We’re going to grab your account. We’re going to give it to Mr. Guaidó, because he needs the money in Venezuela because the people still are not voting for him. So all of a sudden, you won’t have money in your account. It’ll go to Mr. Guaidó’s account.

Well, that’s what happened with Russia. They took the money. They grabbed the money from Russia’s account. And they said, half the money we’re going to give to, I think, to the 9/11 people, because we all know that it was Russia that bombed the World Trade Center on 9/11.

And we’re going to give it to all sorts of other people who suffered all over the world. It’s all Russia’s fault.

BENJAMIN NORTON: But Professor Hudson, when you say that they seized Russia’s assets, you mean the assets held by the Russian central bank in foreign bank accounts?


BENJAMIN NORTON: And these are not physical assets, these are numbers in a computer, right?

MICHAEL HUDSON: In Venezuela’s case, Venezuela had used some of its oil company earnings to buy oil stations and refining companies and the United States actually grabbed the ownership of the gas stations and the refineries and distribution system that Venezuela had in America.

BENJAMIN NORTON: It’s called Citgo.

MICHAEL HUDSON: Citgo, yeah. Russia doesn’t really have any capital investments in the United States. It did have bank accounts, and that was all that the United States could grab.

BENJAMIN NORTON: So when you say that, when Russia, at least for now, the central bank is allowing convertibility of rubles at a set rate into gold, that’s a temporary policy to make sure that they have a physical asset that their central bank can hold on to, because if they have dollars or euros in their reserves, my understanding is that’s not physical cash, it’s actually just numbers in a computer, so they don’t have it physically in their bank reserves, so it’s easy to steal that money.

Obviously, if they had billions of dollars worth of cash, of paper cash, it would be much harder to steal it, but if it’s just on a bank account, if it’s numbers in a computer, then they can just freeze it.

So I think this is also a reflection of a point that you’ve also made about the financialization of the economy, is it’s also just a lot of this capital is not even physical capital.

MICHAEL HUDSON: Yes. Savings take the form – one person’s savings is another person’s debt. So these are Russia’s deposits in American banks that it used to buy or sell rubles, or to buy goods from America, or to receive payments in, if Russia exports something such as oil. Americans buyers of Russian oil would put the money into the Russian bank account.

They never dreamed that this would be grabbed. But now Russia says, ok, you’ve grabbed our money, now that means that we get to grab all of your assets in Russia. This is great! All of your stock holdings in nickel, and Yukos, and all these other companies, ok, you’ve got the money, we have the assets, look at us as just buying the assets on the cheap.

And the Western investors in Russia have all been selling their Russian assets to show that they’re good American citizens in NATO, and the Russians are buying up these European and American assets on the cheap, largely by borrowing money from the banks, that get the money from the central bank, now that they’re so wealthy, and all of the foreign exchange reserves is a result of the American shock-and-awe statement, that’s sort of shock-and-awe in reverse.

So Russia is coming through just fine. And you can imagine how the American strategists are gnashing the teeth. They don’t understand how Russia was able to avoid being bankrupted by this.

They really are not economists. They’re not really financiers. They’re foreign-policy strategists. They’re ideologues that are not very well educated in how to think about the future and how to recognize the fact that the world can actually change from what it is today into something else. And sometimes that change is not in America’s interests. That is sort of not a permitted thought over here.

So essentially, Americans and Europe are operating in the blind, and Russia and China, and Iran, and India, are all looking at how are we going to restructure the world so that we come out of it more prosperous than we were before, not more impoverished. That’s really what the world is dividing into.

BENJAMIN NORTON: Professor Hudson, I don’t know if this is directly related, but it’s it’s something that’s always been a very curious question in my mind.

Germany, back in 2016 and 2017, it moved, physically moved, its central bank’s gold reserves, which had been stored in New York, London, and Paris, and it physically moved those reserves, those gold reserves, to Frankfurt.

Now this was before the U.S. and Britain stole Venezuela’s gold reserves and other reserves. But do you know anything about what motivated Germany’s central bank to move the physical location of its gold reserves into Germany itself?

MICHAEL HUDSON: I don’t think it’s all moved yet. It’s still going on. Gold is very heavy, as heavy has lead, basically. And America said, well, we can only do a little bit, trickle by trickle. So America has been returning the gold very slowly.

So I think Germany, with all of its history of hyper inflation, I think just realizes that, now that gold is not used to settle balance of payments deficits anymore – the gold that Germany had in America was all of the exports that it made to the United States during the Vietnam War. This is Vietnam War gold.

You remember that President de Gaulle would every month cash in, the dollars that America spent in Vietnam would all be spent from Vietnam to Paris, the dollars would end up there, the central bank of Paris would essentially buy gold on the London exchange and keep the gold either in New York or in London.

Well, Germany, because America defeated Germany, and it wasn’t going to keep its gold in Russia, that defeated it even more, it said, well, ok, we’re cashing in our surplus dollars for gold, but we’re going to hold the gold in America.

But now it says, well, America is never going to settle its balance of payments deficits and its foreign debt in gold again, because it doesn’t have any balance of payments surplus, any ability to do that.

It’s going to spend its export surplus and its investment surplus on war. So it’s never going to be able to pay. That’s obvious. Let’s get the gold back.

That was the calculation that every country was making already a decade ago. They realized that America can never repay its foreign debt, unlike other countries.

When other countries can’t pay their foreign debt, they have to go to the International Monetary Fund, that tells them, well, we’ll make you a loan, but you have to sell off your natural resource reserves to the Americans, or we won’t lend you the money.

Well, basically, that’s not going to happen anymore. They realized that America is just going to say, haha, we’re just not going to pay.

Well, now other countries are saying, wait a minute, if America’s never going to repay its foreign debt, why do the Global South countries have to pay their debt to the IMF and the World Bank, all this dollar debt to dollar bondholders?

If America won’t pay, we don’t have to pay. Let’s have a clean slate. Let’s start from the beginning. And we’re only going to have debt and credit relations with friendly countries, not countries that want to go to war with us like America did in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and now Russia.

So that’s basically what’s happening.

BENJAMIN NORTON: Great. And just to wrap up here, I have another question. And I know your time is limited, so I really appreciate you being here.

I have a quick question about the decline in U.S. dollar hegemony. We were talking about the strength of the ruble, the economic war on Russia; we talked about the bilateral trade that’s growing between Russia and China using the Chinese yuan, between Russia and India using the Indian rupee. And Iran also is talking about doing business with a basket of currencies.

I want to point to a report that was recently published by economists who work with the IMF. And I published an article about this over at Multipolarista.com, “IMF admits US dollar hegemony declining due to rise of Chinese yuan and sanctions on Russia.”

And there is this report that was published by the IMF, by these economists, and I cite you, Professor Hudson, in this report. It’s a working paper from the IMF, published in March, titled “The Stealth Erosion of Dollar Dominance.”

And here’s a graph, for people watching, here’s a graph from the report. And it shows not a large, but a noticeable and consistent decline in the use of the holding of the U.S. dollar in the foreign exchange reserves of central banks around the world. So this is around the world.

And it has declined in the past years from about 70% of central bank exchange reserves to about 60%. So a 10% decline. That’s not massive, but it’s steady and I think it’s going to accelerate.

And at the same time they’ve also found an increase in the use of what they call “non-traditional currencies” in the foreign exchange reserves of central banks around the world.

And here you can see this graph. I mean it looks like a significant influence because if you look at the y-axis it’s only from 90 to 100. But there is a significant increase in the use of other currencies in foreign exchange reserves, aside from the U.S. dollar, the euro, the Japanese yen, and the British pound. And the currency that is increasingly popular is the Chinese yuan.

So that’s one half of my question. The other half is about this interesting report that was published in the Financial Times, and it’s titled “Russia Sanctions Threaten to Erode Dominance of Dollar, says IMF.”

And the FT interviewed the IMF’s first deputy managing director, Gita Gopinath, who acknowledged that the sanctions imposed on Russia over its military intervention in Ukraine could lead to what she says “fragmentation at a smaller level.”

And she did say that the dollar is eroding influence, but “would remain the major global currency.”

So, that’s a two part question. I’m wondering if you could talk about the decline in U.S. dollar hegemony and how the sanctions will potentially erode that. And then the other half of the question is, can you comment on the declining use of dollars in foreign exchange reserves?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, this is what my book “Super Imperialism” was all about. When I first published it in 1972, I could see how the whole thing was unfolding for the next 50 years. And we just published last year a third edition of it, bringing it up to date.

Dollar hegemony means America’s entire balance of payments deficit in the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s was military. So the dollars that were being pumped into the world economy were the result of military spending.

But the dollars would end up in foreign central banks, especially from Asia to France, Germany, others. What were they going to do with it? Well after 1971 they could not buy gold anymore, so all they could do was buy U.S. Treasury securities. IOUs.

And so they re-lent to the Treasury all the money that America was spending militarily. And the more money America spent in waging its cold war militarily against the world, the more money central banks would lend to the U.S. government to finance the U.S. deficit that was spent largely on the military-industrial complex and foreign military operations.

So dollar hegemony was a free lunch financing America’s almost 800 military bases across the world, to fight against communism, defined as any country that doesn’t let American industry and finance buy control of its raw materials, agriculture, resources.

And this has now come to an end. Right now America has grabbed Afghanistan’s, and Russia’s gold. All of a sudden it’s obvious that, this summer, there’s going to be an enormous squeeze on Third World countries, on the Global South.

Their energy prices are going to go way up, and that’s going to hurt them just like the oil shock of 1974 and 1975 did.

They’re going to have to pay higher food costs, because of food prices are going to go way up now that the Ukraine war is erupting.

And a lot of their foreign debt, dollarized debt service, is coming due. And they’re facing a choice: if they pay the foreign debt, they can’t afford to buy the oil and energy that they need to run their factories and heat their homes. They can’t afford to buy the food to feed their people. Whose interests are they going to put first?

Well of course their leaders are going to put America’s interests first, and their own interests second, because their leaders, if they’re a client oligarchy, are put in power by the U.S. military, as sort of miniature Pinochets, throughout Latin America and other countries.

So suppose other countries decide, well, we’re going to feed ourselves and we’re not going to wreck our economy just to pay foreign bondholders. We’re a sovereign country. We’re going to put our national interests first.

Well, then the United States can say, aha, we’re going to grab all of your foreign assets in the United States.

Well, other countries can say, oh, they’re going to do to us just what they did to Afghanistan and Russia. Let’s move our money out of the United States quickly. If we don’t have dollars, well, it’s true, we can’t pay our dollar bondholders, but at least we can, in international markets, we can buy the food and the energy we need.

And so the tensions, the disruption of world prices, and inflation, and trade that is a result of the NATO attack on Russia, now threatens to drive all of the southern hemisphere countries into an alliance with Russia, China, India, and all the rest.

So America basically is creating a new Berlin Wall, but the wall is isolating itself from other countries, and driving other countries all together into what I hope will be a happy, self-sufficient, non-U.S. globalized economy.

BENJAMIN NORTON: Well, I want to thank you, Professor Michael Hudson. It’s always a real pleasure having you. I know you’re very busy, so thank you for giving us so much of your time.

I’ll say that the comment section here on YouTube has been very vibrant, with some interesting conversation. And what’s nice is there are people from all over the world, from the U.S., Latin America, Europe, and from Russia. So it’s good to see a mix of people.

And for anyone who wants to listen to this, you can check out the podcast version if you look up Multipolarista on Spotify, and iTunes, and all the other podcast platforms.

And I’ll just say, while I wrap up here, that today we were talking about, at the beginning of this discussion, a new book that Michael Hudson is publishing this week. It is called “The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism, or Socialism.”

It’s a very good book. I had the privilege of getting a review copy early. So definitely check out that book.

You can also find all of Professor Hudson’s writings at michael-hudson.com.

Thanks, Professor Hudson.

MICHAEL HUDSON: It’s really good to be here. It was a good discussion.

Bill Ryan
13th May 2022, 17:59
@Helvetic, clearly you've been following the debacle of the EU economic sanctions against Russia, and how badly they're backfiring on several major EU countries, notably Germany.

Is the Swiss government in lockstep with the EU about the sanctions?
Can you say a little about how Switzerland is being affected? Inflation, food shortages (if any), how the Swiss are feeling about the war, gasoline (Benzin) prices, gas and oil supplies, etc etc?
How does Switzerland generate its power? And where does it get its power station fuel from?

I'm asking because in all the commentary and analysis I've been following (and I may well have missed some things!), Switzerland seems hardly to have been mentioned.

16th May 2022, 07:22
@Helvetic, clearly you've been following the debacle of the EU economic sanctions against Russia, and how badly they're backfiring on several major EU countries, notably Germany.

Is the Swiss government in lockstep with the EU about the sanctions?
Can you say a little about how Switzerland is being affected? Inflation, food shortages (if any), how the Swiss are feeling about the war, gasoline (Benzin) prices, gas and oil supplies, etc etc?
How does Switzerland generate its power? And where does it get its power station fuel from?

I'm asking because in all the commentary and analysis I've been following (and I may well have missed some things!), Switzerland seems hardly to have been mentioned.

Is the Swiss government in lockstep with the EU about the sanctions?

Switzerland adopts EU sanctions against Russia

Press release, 28.02.2022

In view of Russia’s continuing military intervention in Ukraine, the Federal Council took the decision on 28 February to adopt the packages of sanctions imposed by the EU on 23 and 25 February. The assets of the individuals and companies listed are frozen with immediate effect; the financial sanctions against Russian President Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are also to be implemented with immediate effect. Switzerland reaffirms its solidarity with Ukraine and its people; it will be delivering relief supplies for people who have fled to Poland. (...)
Source: https://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/fdfa/fdfa/aktuell/news.html/content/eda/en/meta/news/2022/2/28/87386

Can you say a little about how Switzerland is being affected? Inflation, food shortages (if any), how the Swiss are feeling about the war, gasoline (Benzin) prices, gas and oil supplies, etc etc?

The inflation is about 2.5 %. Part of the reason for low Swiss inflation is because the cost of living here is already so high. Gasoline (Benzine) prices are high like in the rest of Europe. Benzine SFR. 2.21 / Liter, Diesel SFR. 2.27 / Liter.
1 SFR. (Swiss Franc) = 1 Dollar, 1 Gallone = 3,79 Liter

About 8.60 $ / 1 Gallone Diesel

Unfortunately, the Swiss media are following the example of the rest of the European media. Russophobia nonstop. It is one-sided, pro-Ukrainian propaganda.

How does Switzerland generate its power? And where does it get its power station fuel from?

Most energy consumed in Switzerland is in the form of petroleum fuels and motor fuels (50.6%), followed by electricity (25.0%), gas (13.5%) and wood (4.4%).
Electricity in Switzerland is mainly produced by hydropower (59.9%), nuclear power (33.5%) and conventional thermal plants (2.3%, non-renewable).

Almost half of the crude oil imported into Switzerland comes from Africa (39% Nigeria, 6% Libya, 1% Egypt). The other half comes from Mexico (18%), USA (12%), Kazakhstan (8%) and other countries.

There are about 638 hydropower plants in Switzerland. They account for 59.9% of the country's total electricity production.

16th May 2022, 07:26
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: EU To Kill Twitter, Best Of 2000 Mules & 'The Great Replacement Network' | May 11, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


16th May 2022, 07:34
Max Igan | The Great Social Implosion | May 14, 2022


17th May 2022, 07:32
Death by a thousand cuts: where is the west's Ukraine strategy?

The pounding, daily western narratives on 'Ukrainian wins' and 'Russian losses' underpins the lack of an actual, cohesive Grand Strategy against Moscow.

By Pepe Escobar
May 16 2022

Source: thecradle.com (https://thecradle.co/Article/columns/10277)

Wars are not won with tactics and narratives - they require a Grand Strategy. Russia has a master plan behind its Ukraine military operations, but does the west have one?

While we are all familiar with Sun Tzu, the Chinese general, military strategist and philosopher who penned the incomparable Art of War, less known is the Strategikon (https://www.amazon.com/Three-Byzantine-Military-Treatises-Dumbarton/dp/0884023397/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3GKSSA6PFYYN&keywords=Three+Byzantine+Military+Treatises&qid=1652285838&sprefix=three+byzantine+military+treatises%2Caps%2C145&sr=8-1), the Byzantium equivalent on warfare.

Sixth century Byzantium really needed a manual, threatened as it was from the east, successively by Sassanid Persia, Arabs and Turks, and from the north, by waves of steppe invaders, Huns, Avars, Bulgars, semi-nomadic Turkic Pechenegs and Magyars.

Byzantium could not prevail just by following the classic pattern of Roman Empire raw power – they simply didn’t have the means for it.

So military force needed to be subordinate to diplomacy, a less costly means of avoiding or resolving conflict. And here we can make a fascinating connection with today’s Russia, led by President Vladimir Putin and his diplomacy chief Sergei Lavrov.

But when military means became necessary for Byzantium – as in Russia’s Operation Z – it was preferable to use weaponry to contain or punish adversaries, instead of attacking with full force.

Strategic primacy, for Byzantium, more than diplomatic or military, was a psychological affair. The word Strategia itself is derived from the Greek strategos – which does not mean “General” in military terms, as the west believes, but historically corresponds to a managerial politico-military function.

It all starts with si vis pacem para bellum: “If you want peace prepare for war.” Confrontation must develop simultaneously on multiple levels: grand strategy, military strategy, operative, tactical.

But brilliant tactics, excellent operative intel and even massive victories in a larger war theater cannot compensate for a lethal mistake in terms of grand strategy. Just look at the Nazis in WWII.

Those who built up an empire such as the Romans, or maintained one for centuries like the Byzantines, never succeeded without following this logic.

Those clueless Pentagon and CIA ‘experts’

On Operation Z, the Russians revel in total strategic ambiguity, which has the collective west completely discombobulated. The Pentagon does not have the necessary intellectual firepower to out-smart the Russian General Staff. Only a few outliers understand that this is not a war – since the Ukraine Armed Forces have been irretrievably routed – but actually what Russian military and naval expert Andrei Martyanov calls a “combined arms police operation,” a work-in-progress on demilitarization and denazification.

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is even more abysmal in terms of getting everything wrong, as recently demonstrated by its chief Avril Haines during her questioning on Capitol Hill. History shows that the CIA strategically blew it all the way from Vietnam to Afghanistan and Iraq. Ukraine is no different.

Ukraine was never about a military win. What is being accomplished is the slow, painful destruction of the European Union (EU) economy, coupled with extraordinary weapons profits for the western military-industrial complex and creeping security rule by those nations’ political elites.

The latter, in turn, have been totally baffled by Russia’s C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) capabilities, coupled with the stunning inefficiency of their own constellation of Javelins, NLAWs, Stingers and Turkish Bayraktar drones.

This ignorance reaches way beyond tactics and the operational and strategic realm. As Martyanov delightfully points out, they “wouldn’t know what hit them on the modern battlefield with near-peer, forget about peer.”

The caliber of ‘strategic’ advice from the NATO realm was self-evident in the Serpent Island fiasco – a direct order issued by British ‘consultants’ to Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky. The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Valery Zaluzhny, thought the whole thing was suicidal. He was proven right.

All the Russians had to do was launch a few choice anti-ship and surface Onyx missiles from bastions stationed in Crimea on airports south of Odessa. In no time, Serpent Island was back under Russian control – even as high-ranking British and American marine officers ‘disappeared’ during the Ukrainian landing on the island. They were the ‘strategic’ NATO actors on the spot, doling out the lousy advice.

Extra evidence that the Ukraine debacle is predominantly about money laundering – not competent military strategy – is Capitol Hill approving a hefty extra $40 billion in ‘aid’ to Kiev. It’s just another western military-industrial complex bonanza, duly noted by Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of Russia Dmitry Medvedev.

Russian forces, meanwhile, have brought diplomacy to the battlefield, handing over 10 tons of humanitarian assistance to the people of liberated Kherson – with the deputy head of the military-civil administration of the region, Kirill Stremousov, announcing that Kherson wants to become part of the Russian Federation.

In parallel, Georgy Muradov, deputy prime minister of the government of Crimea, has “no doubts that the liberated territories of the south of the former Ukraine will become another region of Russia. This, as we assess from our communication with the inhabitants of the region, is the will of the people themselves, most of whom lived for eight years under conditions of repression and bullying by the Ukronazis.”

Denis Pushilin, the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic, is adamant that the DPR is on the verge of liberating “its territories within constitutional borders,” and then a referendum on joining Russia will take place. When it comes to the Luhansk People’s Republic, the integration process may even come earlier: the only area left to be liberated is the urban region of Lysychansk-Severodonetsk.

The ‘Stalingrad of Donbass’

As much as there’s an energetic debate among the best Russian analysts about the pace of Operation Z, Russian military planning proceeds methodically, as if taking all the time it needs to solidify facts on the ground.

Arguably the best example is the fate of Azov neo-Nazis at Azovstal in Mariupol – the best-equipped unit of the Ukrainians, hands down. In the end they were totally outmatched by anumerically inferior Russian/Chechen Spetsnaz contingent, and in record time for such a big city.

Another example is the advance on Izyum, in the Kharkov region – a key bridgehead in the frontline. The Russian Ministry of Defense follows the pattern of grinding the enemy while slowly advancing; if they face serious resistance, they stop and smash the Ukrainian defensive lines with non-stop missile and artillery strikes.

Popasnaya in Luhansk, dubbed by many Russian analysts as “Mariupol on steroids”, or “the Stalingrad of Donbass,” is now under total control of the Luhansk People’s Republic, after they managed to breach a de facto fortress with linked underground trenches between most civilian houses. Popasnaya is extremely important strategically, as its capture breaks the first, most powerful line of defense of the Ukrainians in Donbass.

That will probably lead to the next stage, with an offensive on Bakhmut along the H-32 highway. The frontline will be aligned, north to south. Bakhmut will be the key to taking control of the M-03 highway, the main route to Slavyansk from the south.

This is just an illustration of the Russian General Staff applying its trademark, methodical, painstaking strategy, where the main imperative could be defined as a personnel-preserving forward drive. With the added benefit of committing just a fraction of overall Russian firepower.

Russian strategy on the battlefield stands in stark contrast with the EU’s obstinacy in being reduced to the status of an American dog’s lunch, with Brussels leading entire national economies to varying degrees of certified collapse and chaos.

Once again it was up to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov – a diplomatic master – to encapsulate it (https://mid.ru/en/foreign_policy/news/1812196/).

Question: “What do you think of Josep Borrell’s (Lavrov’s EU counterpart) initiative to give Ukraine frozen Russian assets as ‘reparations?’ Can we say that the masks have come off and the west is moving on to open robbery?”

Lavrov: “You could say it is theft, which they are not trying to hide … This is becoming a habit for the west … We may soon see the post of the EU chief diplomat abolished because the EU has virtually no foreign policy of its own and acts entirely in solidarity with the approaches imposed by the United States.”

The EU cannot even come up with a strategy to defend its own economic battlefield – just watching as its energy supply is de facto, incrementally turned off by the US. Here we are at the realm where the US tactically excels: economic/financial blackmail. We can’t call these ‘strategic’ moves because they almost always backfire against US hegemonic interests.

Compare it with Russia reaching its biggest surplus in history, with the rise and rise of commodity prices and the upcoming role of the stronger and stronger ruble as a resource-based currency also backed by gold.

Moscow is spending way less than the NATO contingent in the Ukrainian theater. NATO has already wasted $50 billion – and counting – while the Russians spent $4 billion, give or take, and already conquered Mariupol, Berdyansk, Kherson and Melitopol, created a land corridor to Crimea (and secured its water supply), controls the Sea of Azov and its major port city, and liberated strategically vital Volnovakha and Popasnaya in Donbass, as well as Izyum near Kharkov.

That doesn’t even include Russia hurling the entire, collective west into a level of recession not seen since the 1970s.

The Russian strategic victory, as it stands, is military, economic, and may even coalesce geopolitically. Centuries after the Byzantine Strategikon was penned, the Global South would be very much interested in getting acquainted with the 21st century Russian version of the Art of War.

17th May 2022, 07:44
Anthony Peake | Interview with Italian astrophysicist Dr Massimo Teodoran | May 16, 2022

Source: Anthony Peake youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZp9HD8WxrUBABXUU4yGxYw)


On May 16th 2022 Sarah Janes and Anthony Peake were joined by researcher Dr Massimo Teodorani. In this fascinating exchange of ideas a number of fascinating topics are discussed, from the writings of David Bohm to the mysterious Hessdalen Lights.

Dr Teodorani is a northern Italian astrophysicist and obtained his “Laurea” degree in Astronomy and his PhD in Stellar Physics at the University of Bologna.

As a researcher at the Astronomical Observatories of Bologna and Naples, and later at the INAF Radiotelescope of Medicina he has been involved in research on many types of explosive stellar phenomena – such as supernovae, novae, eruptive protostars and high-mass close binary stars – and, more recently, in the search for extrasolar planets and extraterrestrial intelligence within the SETI Project.

Dr Teodorani subsequently taught physics as a lecturer at the Universities of Bologna, Rome and Torino. Among his varied research interests, there is an active involvement in the study of anomalous aerial phenomena.

In 2010 Dr Teodorani was invited to address the European Parliament on the subject of UFOs. Massimo was the lead scientific advisor for the 2000-2001 EMBLA research project in Hessdalen, Norway. He has conducted on-site scientific research in several known locations of U.A.P including Arizona USA, and Ontario Canada. In 2021 he became research affiliate of the Galileo Project and is a member of the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies SCU.

17th May 2022, 07:54
Dr. Richard Alan Miller | Multiverse | May 15, 2022

Source: James Arthur Jancik youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe1b2AenwrKvmNV2TIUYGWw), RichardAlanMiller.com (http://RichardAlanMiller.com)


Dr. Richard Alan Miller returned to F2F Radio in what was supposed to watched live, but I stopped the live cast due to Internet bandwidth issues with many skipped frames, instead opting to upload the local copy.

In light of the forthcoming Dr. Strange movie, Richard talks about the real multiverse; if anything is real, that is. He released a new book: "The Non-Local Mind," which addresses the nature of consciousness and reality.

His stream-of-consciousness style is a wild ride that does stop for a moment to talk about a possible "Carringing-like" event approximated to be within 2024 from data retrieved from a project dropping a probe into the Sun's Heliosphere.

17th May 2022, 09:09

18th May 2022, 05:48
Dark Journalist | Special Report UFO File Wars CIA Threat Games | May 17, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


An obscure naming system for moving Black Aerospace Projects through Government Agencies

Covert Intelligence/Aerospace Group that Controls the UFO File

Unidentified Flying Objects

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Anomaly Surveillance and Resolution Office

Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group

18th May 2022, 06:15
Max Igan | It's For Your Health | May 18, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


18th May 2022, 14:34
Andrei Martyanov | Operational Art 1 | May 17, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Intro to Operational Art, some comments on VSU defeats, response to Scott Ritter .

19th May 2022, 12:04
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Using Buffalo Shooting To Target White People & WHO Pandemic Treaty Is NWO Actualized | May 18, 2022


Henrik cover the latest news in episode 103 of No-Go Zone this May 18, 2022.

19th May 2022, 13:59
Steve Taylor | Extraordinary Awakenings: From Trauma to Transformation | Part 1 | Legalise Freedom Radio | May 19, 2022

Source: legalise-freedom.com (http://legalise-freedom.com), stevenmtaylor.com (http://stevenmtaylor.com)


Steve Taylor discusses his book 'Extraordinary Awakenings: From Trauma to Transformation (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Extraordinary-Awakenings-Transformation-Steve-Taylor/dp/1608687678/)', a compelling investigation of how intense psychological suffering can lead to a dramatic shift into a new, expansive identity. Why do some people who experience the worst that life has to offer respond not by breaking down but by shifting up, into a higher-functioning, awakened state?

Perhaps more importantly, how can we emulate their transformations? Over many years of observing and studying the phenomenon of life-changing awakening through extreme suffering, Steve coined the term 'transformation through turmoil'. He calls these people 'shifters' and shares dozens of their amazing stories in his latest book.

In addition, Steve uncovers the psychological processes that explain these miraculous rebirths after years of struggle or devastating loss, addiction, or imprisonment. He highlights a number of lessons and guidelines that the shifters offer us. Readers will find not only riveting stories of transformation that show the amazing resilience of the human spirit, but also hope and guidance to call on during their own struggles, together with inspiration, and profound food for thought.

20th May 2022, 06:35
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 19, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


It doesn't appear that Mr. Globaloney is going to get his wish any time soon...

Russia moves to withdraw from WTO, WHO (https://www.rt.com/business/555635-russia-wto-who-withdrawal)

Snowless Davos readies new face for World Economic Forum meeting (https://www.reuters.com/business/snowless-davos-readies-new-face-world-economic-forum-meeting-2022-05-16)

20th May 2022, 07:06
New World Next Week | Courts Overturn Covid | May 19, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: Courts Overturn Covid - India's Supreme Court Overturns Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination Policy (https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/asia/2022/05/03/india-supreme-court-overturns-mandatory-covid-19-vaccination-policy/)

Crown Drops Another 24 Tickets Against Three BC Pastors Who Refused to Shutter Churches (https://www.jccf.ca/crown-drops-another-24-tickets-against-three-bc-pastors-who-refused-to-shutter-churches/)
Court Finds COVID Restrictions for Tokyo Restaurant Chain Illegal (https://english.kyodonews.net/news/2022/05/b820822431b5-court-finds-covid-restrictions-for-tokyo-restaurant-chain-illegal.html)
Indian Supreme Court Judgement Against Vaccine Mandates (https://awakenindiamovement.com/indian-supreme-court-judgement-against-vaccine-mandates/)
False Claims About Indian Supreme Court Judgement Against Vaccine Mandates Debunked (https://awakenindiamovement.com/false-claims-about-the-indian-supreme-court-judgement-against-vaccine-mandates-debunked/)
World Bank to Receive $450 Million to Start Pandemic Preparedness Fund (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/05/world-bank-to-receive-450-million-to-start-pandemic-preparedness-fund.html)
PDF: "Strengthening WHO Preparedness For and Response to Health Emergencies" (https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA75/A75_18-en.pdf)
Overview of FDA’s Planned June Blitzkrieg to Authorize Useless Toxic Shots Now and Forevermore (https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/five-reasons-the-fdas-june-blitzkrieg)

Story #2: A One-and-Done CRISPR Gene Therapy Will Aim to Prevent Heart Attacks (https://singularityhub.com/2022/05/16/a-one-and-done-crispr-gene-therapy-will-aim-to-prevent-heart-attacks/)

PDF: "Verve Therapeutics Announces Clearance of First VERVE-101 Clinical Trial Application and Outlines Global Clinical Development Strategy; Reports First Quarter 2022 Financial Results" (https://ir.vervetx.com/node/7391/pdf)
Putting an End to Heart Attacks By Editing Human DNA; Verve Therapeutics Targeting Cholesterol-Causing Genes to Clear Arteries With Its Experimental Therapy (https://archive.ph/s8Pzs)
CRISPR Cockroaches? A New Gene-Editing Breakthrough Makes Them Possible (https://interestingengineering.com/crispr-cockroaches-gene-editing-breakthrough)
The Tick That Causes a Meat Allergy Is on the Move (https://archive.ph/WXxeY)

Story #3: Babies Breastfeeding From Covid-Vaxxed Mothers Becoming Sick, Some Dying (https://needtoknow.news/2021/09/babies-breastfeeding-from-covid-vaxxed-mothers-are-becoming-ill-and-dying/)

Search Results from the VAERS Database: This is VAERS ID 1532154 (https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?IDNUMBER=1532154&WAYBACKHISTORY=ON)
Breast Milk Banks Receive Surge In Calls From Parents (https://news.yahoo.com/breast-milk-banks-receive-surge-203735774.html)
Baby Formula Shortage Has Anxious Parents Stalking Shelves Nationwide (https://archive.ph/pZVCO)
Bill Gates’ Climate Change Investment Firm Bets On Lab-Produced Breast Milk (Jun. 16, 2020) (https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/16/biomilq-raises-3point5-million-from-bill-gates-investment-firm.html)
Artificial breast milk firm that offers an environmentally-friendly alternative to baby formula gets $3.5 million from investment fund backed by Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8439159/Artificial-breast-milk-start-gets-3-5-million-Bill-Gates-founded-investment-fund.html)
NWNW Flashback: Gates Invests In Lab-Made “Breastmilk” (https://mediamonarchy.com/nwnw413-video/)
"Here's a fun game... Suggest urgent investigation of rising hepatitis cases in kids based on the reasonable hypothesis of spike proteins in breast milk and watch the 'be kind' Ukraine flaggers tell you to shut up with your self-serving craziness..." (https://twitter.com/beverleyturner/status/1521430519912800258)
Remembering The Nestlé Baby Formula Scandal That Rocked The 1970s (https://www.ranker.com/list/nestle-baby-formula-boycott/melissa-sartore)
Video: 'The Stuff' Trailer (NSFW) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_ROA_ZEGfA)
Video: 'It's Alive' Trailer (NSFW) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pW99eaMons)
Controversial 33-Yr-Old ‘Ministry of Truth’ Head Nina Jankowicz Resigns from Disinfo Board (https://www.mediaite.com/print/just-in-controversial-ministry-of-truth-head-nina-jank-resigns-from-disinformation-board-per-report/)

20th May 2022, 12:28
WHO Stealth Coup to Dictate Global Health Agenda of Gates, Big Pharma
By F. William Engdahl
williamengdahl.com (http://williamengdahl.com)
18 May 2022

Acting on an initiative from the Biden Administration, by November 2022, conveniently at the onset of the next flu season in the northern hemisphere, the World Health Organization, barring a miracle, will impose an unprecedented top-down control over the national health regulations and measures of the entire planet. In what amounts to a stealth coup d’etat, WHO will get draconian new powers to override national sovereignty in 194 UN member countries, and to dictate their health measures with force of international law. It is sometimes referred to as the WHO Pandemic Treaty but it is far more. Worse, most of the WHO budget comes from private vaccine-tied foundations like the Gates Foundation or from Big Pharma, a massive conflict of interest.

Draconian New WHO Powers

Doing something with stealth means doing it in a secretive or concealed manner, to prevent it being widely known and possibly opposed. This applies to the proposal given by the Biden Administration to the Geneva WHO in January 18, 2022 according to official WHO documents. The WHO hid the details of the US “amendments” for almost three months, until 12 April, just a month before the relevant body of the WHO meets to approve the radical measures. Moreover, rather than the previous 18 month waiting time to become treaty in international law, only 6 months are used this time. This is a bum’s rush. The US proposal is backed by every EU country and in total 47 countries ensuring almost certain passage.

The proposals, officially titled, “Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies: Proposal for amendments to the International Health Regulations,” were submitted by Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs (OGA) in the US Department of Health and Human Services, Loyce Pace, as “amendments” to a previously ratified 2005 WHO International Health Regulations treaty (https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA75/A75_18-en.pdf#page=4). The WHO defines that 2005 treaty thus: “the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) provide an overarching legal framework that defines countries’ rights and obligations in handling public health events and emergencies that have the potential to cross borders. The IHR are an instrument of international law that is legally-binding on 196 countries, including the 194 WHO Member States.” (emphasis added).

Ms Pace came to the Biden Administration from heading the Global Health Council, whose members include the most corrupt names in Big Pharma including Pfizer, Lilly, Merck, J&J, Abbott, Bill Gates-funded AVAC, to name a few. Her proposals for the radical transformation of WHO “pandemic” and epidemic powers, could easily have been written by Gates and Big Pharma.

Before we look at what the Loyce Pace “amendments” will do to empower the transformation of WHO into a global health dictatorship with unprecedented powers to overrule judgments of any national governments, one stealthy legal issue must be noted. By disguising a complete change in the 2005 WHO treaty powers as mere “amendments” to a ratified treaty, WHO claims, along with the Biden Administration, that the approval of the amendments requires no new ratification debate by member governments. This is stealth. With no national debate by elected representatives, the unelected WHO will become a global superpower over life and death in the future. Washington and WHO have deliberately restricted the process of public participation to ram this through.

A De Facto New Law

As required, the WHO finally published the US “amendments.” It shows the deletions and as well the new additions (https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA75/A75_18-en.pdf#page=4). What the Biden Administration changes do is to transform a previously advisory role for the WHO to national governments on not only pandemic responses but also everything tied to national “health,” with an entirely new power to override national health agencies if the WHO Director General, now Tedros Adhanom, determines. The US Biden Administration and WHO have colluded to create an entirely new treaty which will shift all health decisions from a national or local level to Geneva, Switzerland and WHO.

Typical of the Washington amendments to the existing WHO Treaty is Article 9. The US change is to insert WHO “shall” and delete “may”: “If the State Party does not accept the offer of collaboration within 48 hours, WHO shall may…,. In the same article now deleted is “offer of collaboration by WHO, taking into account the views of the State Party concerned…” The views or judgment of say, Germany or India, or USA health authorities become irrelevant. WHO will be able to override national experts and dictate as international law its mandates for any and all future pandemics as well as even epidemics or even local health issues (https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA75/A75_18-en.pdf#page=4).

Moreover in the new proposed Article 12 on “Determination of a public health emergency of international concern, public health emergency of regional concern, or intermediate health alert,” WHO head–now Tedros in his new 5-year term–alone can decide to declare an emergency, even without agreement of the member state. The WHO head will then consult his relevant WHO “Emergency Committee” on Polio, Ebola, Bird Flu, COVID or whatever they declare to be a problem (https://expose-news.com/2022/04/26/who-pandemic-treaty-threat-to-your-freedom/). In short this is a global dictatorship over citizen health by one of the most corrupt health bodies in the world. The members of a given WHO Emergency Committee are chosen under opaque procedures and typically, as in the current one on polio, many members are tied to the various Gates Foundation fronts like GAVI or CEPI. Yet the selection process is entirely opaque and internal to WHO.

Among other powers the new Pandemic Treaty will give Tedros and WHO the power to mandate vaccine passports and COVID jabs worldwide. They are working on the creation of a global vaccine passport/digital identity program. Under the new “Pandemic Treaty”, when people are harmed by the WHO’s health policies, there’s no accountability. The WHO has diplomatic immunity.

Former WHO senior employee and whistleblower, Astrid Stuckelberger, now a scientist at the Institute of Global Health of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva, noted, “if the new Pandemic Treaty is adopted by member states, “this means that the WHO’s Constitution (as per Article 9) will take precedence over each country’s constitution during natural disasters or pandemics. In other words, the WHO will be dictating to other countries, no longer making recommendations (https://www.bizcommunity.com/Article/196/148/225648.html).”

Who is WHO?

The Director General of WHO would have the ultimate power under the new rules, to determine for example if say, Brazil or Germany or USA must impose a Shanghai-style pandemic lockdown or any other measures it decides. This is not good. Especially when the head of WHO, Tedros, from the Tigray region of Ethiopia, is a former member of the Politburo of the designated terrorist (then by Washington) Marxist organization, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front. He holds no medical degree, the first in WHO director-general history without such. He has a PhD in Community Health, definitely a vague field, hardly medical qualification for a global health czar. Among his published scientific papers are titles such as “The effects of dams on malaria transmission in Tigray Region.” He reportedly got his WHO job in 2017 via backing from Bill Gates, the largest private donor to WHO.

As Ethiopia Minister of Health in the Tigray-led dictatorship, Tedros was involved in a scandalous coverup of three major cholera outbreaks in the country in 2006, 2009 and 2011. An investigative report published by the Society for Disaster Medicine and Public Health found that during one major cholera outbreak, “Despite laboratory identification of V cholerae as the cause of the acute watery diarrhea (AWD), the Government of Ethiopia (Tedros) decided not to declare a “cholera outbreak” for fear of economic repercussions resulting from trade embargos and decreased tourism. Further, the government, in disregard of International Health Regulations (WHO), continually refused to declare a cholera epidemic and largely declined international assistance (https://www.opride.com/2017/05/11/case-director-general-candidate-tedros-adhanom/).”

As Ethiopian Health and later Foreign Minister Tedros was accused of systematic ethnic cleansing against rival tribes in the country, especially Amharas, denying opposition supporters World Bank and other food aid, as well as nepotism, diversion of international funds for hospital construction into political support (https://www.opride.com/2017/05/11/case-director-general-candidate-tedros-adhanom/) for his minority party. Ironically this is the opposite of the new WHO law Tedros backs today. On 22 September 2021 Merkel’s Germany proposed Tedros for a further term without opposition.

WHO, Gates, GERM

A hint of what’s in store under the new rules was given by WHO’s largest donor (including his GAVI), the self-appointed “Globalist Everything Czar”, Bill Gates. On his April 22 blog entry, Gates proposes something amusingly with the acronym GERM — Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization—team. It would have a “permanent organization of experts who are fully paid and prepared to mount a coordinated response to a dangerous outbreak at any time.” He says his model is the Hollywood movie, Outbreak. “The team’s disease monitoring experts would look for potential outbreaks. Once it spots one, GERM should have the ability to declare an outbreak…” It would be coordinated by, of course, Tedros’ WHO: “The work would be coordinated by the WHO, the only group that can give it global credibility (https://www.opride.com/2017/05/11/case-director-general-candidate-tedros-adhanom/).”

A dystopian notion of what could take place is the ongoing fake “Avian Flu” epidemic, H5N1, that is causing tens of millions of chickens to be terminated worldwide if even one chick tests positive for the disease. The test is the same fraudulent PCR test used to detect COVID-19. Recently, Dr Robert Redfield, Trump’s head of CDC, gave an interview where he “predicted” that Bird Flu will jump to humans and be highly fatal in the coming “Great Pandemic,” for which COVID-19 was a mere warm-up. Redfield declared in a March 2022 interview, “I think we have to recognize – I’ve always said that I think the COVID pandemic was a wakeup call. I don’t believe it’s the great pandemic. I believe the great pandemic is still in the future, and that’s going to be a bird flu pandemic for man. It’s gonna have significant mortality in the 10-50% range. It’s gonna be trouble. (https://www.opride.com/2017/05/11/case-director-general-candidate-tedros-adhanom/)” Under the new WHO dictatorial powers, WHO could declare a health emergency on such a fraud regardless of contrary evidence.

23rd May 2022, 07:07
James Tunney | They Want You Dead - PART 2 | Legalise Freedom Radio | May 22, 2022

Source: Source: legalise-freedom.com (http://legalise-freedom.com), jamestunney.com (http://jamestunney.com)


James Tunney discusses some of the ideas in his book 'Human Entrance to Transhumanism', exposing the assault on humanity by the coming Scientocracy. What was once science fiction is rapidly becoming science fact.

You will own nothing and be happy, immersed in a virtual reality of games, pornography, and mindless distractions. You will be discouraged from reproducing therefore you will not be replaced. The goal of a post-human planet envisages a much smaller population and in time, no real population at all. We are at a crossroads in the evolution of the human race. The future is taking shape in the present.

The assault is triple-pronged:
Technology – Complete control and surveillance under the guise of entertainment and security.
Technocracy – Rule by unelected, unaccountable, technical and scientific 'experts'.
Transhumanism – The 'augmentation' of the human mind and body by science and technology with the eventual goal of eliminating the species entirely through a process of total transformation.

Developments to watch out for as the agenda advances:
Social credit systems – Rewards for ‘good’ behaviour.
Mandatory vaccinations – 'Passports’ for international travel.
Digital currency – Cashless society, all transactions recorded.
Universal Basic Income – Subsistence income instead of a job. This can be withdrawn for 'bad' behaviour.

What was once science fiction is rapidly becoming science fact. You will own nothing and be happy, immersed in a virtual reality of games, pornography, and mindless distractions. You will be discouraged from reproducing therefore you will not be replaced. The goal of a post-human planet envisages a much smaller population and in time, no real population at all. We are at a crossroads in the evolution of the human race. The future is taking shape in the present.

23rd May 2022, 07:14
Dark Journalist Special Report | DHS CIA UFO Takeover | May 22, 2022


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep on Department of Homeland Security and CIA Attempts to create a UFO Threat Narrative in Senate Intelligence Hearings on UFOS!

An obscure naming system for moving Black Aerospace Projects through Government Agencies

Covert Intelligence/Aerospace Group that Controls the UFO File

Unidentified Flying Objects

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Anomaly Surveillance and Resolution Office

Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group

23rd May 2022, 07:20
Max Igan | The Eternal Scamdemic | May 22, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


23rd May 2022, 07:25
Redice TV | Pandemic 2: Moneypox, Low T Makes Men Liberal, Energy & Economy Down The Toilet | May 20, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik and Lana cover the latest news in episode 169 of Flashback Friday, May 20, 2022.

24th May 2022, 05:43
Press For Truth | Wuhan Lab Did GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH On Monkeypox Virus & Belgium Starts COMPULSORY QUARANTINE!!! | May 23, 2022

Source: pressfortruth.ca (http://pressfortruth.ca)


The same Wuhan lab that carried out the controversial gain of function research on coronaviruses has admitted in a paper that they have also carried out similar research on the Monkeypox virus in an effort to make it more lethal to human beings!

As cases continue to spread, the European Union is calling for mass vaccinations while Belgium has already become the first country to introduce compulsory monkeypox quarantine rules where as of now anyone who tests positive must isolate for 21 days!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest revelation that the current monkeypox virus appears to have been engineered in a lab to be more deadly so that the WHO can enforce a global pandemic treaty that will eventually require lockdowns, quarantines and border closures all over the world.

Are you prepared for what’s coming?

24th May 2022, 06:02
Andrei Martyanov | An Important Headline | May 23, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Austin about VSU, some facts from the front, larger geopolitical issues. ISR, targeting.

24th May 2022, 07:43
Alison McDowell & Jason Bosch | Blockchain & The Global Brain: Digital Governance & the A.I. Game | March 30, 2022

Source: Alison McDowell youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/AlisonMcDowell)


Talk given in Denver, Colorado March 30, 2022 hosted by Jason Bosch of ArgusFest.

30th May 2022, 06:55
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | May 26, 2022
Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Of all the scenarios being kicked around about the Ukraine and the war there, there's one involving nuclear war that needs to be talked about... Here's Paul Craig Roberts, and Alexandra Bruce on the matter, with our thanks to V.T. and W.G. for these articles:

New Developments on the Ukraine Front: A French Military Expert Explains Ukraine, a Story You Will Never Hear from the Presstitutes, and the New York Times Abandons Its Demand for Victory Over Russia (https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2022/05/25/new-developments-on-the-ukraine-front-a-french-military-expert-explains-ukraine-a-story-you-will-never-hear-from-the-presstitutes-and-the-new-york-times-abandons-its-demand-for-victory-over-russia/)

Juan O’ Savin: Big Update – It’s All About the Senate (https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/05/no_author/juan-o-savin-big-update-its-all-about-the-senate/)

30th May 2022, 07:17
New World Next Week | Monkey(pox) Business as Usual | May 27, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: Henry Kissinger - Ukraine Must Give Russia Territory (https://archive.ph/Gxyw1)

"Imagine The Compliance": Pfizer CEO Pitched Davos Elites On WiFi Microchip Pills In 2018 (https://www.zerohedge.com/political/imagine-compliance-pfizer-ceo-pitches-davos-elites-wifi-microchip-pills)
Repeat after me: “I shall never scoff at so called conspiracy theorists again. I will listen and remain open minded that perhaps what they’re saying is actually happening.” (https://twitter.com/KimIversenShow/status/1527983902010114048)
Ukraine Invasion May Be Start of ‘Third World War’, Says George Soros (https://archive.ph/nK2si)
General Milley Predicts Grim Future of Deadly Great Power Wars Fought in Cities (https://news.antiwar.com/2022/05/22/general-milley-predicts-grim-future-of-deadly-great-power-wars-fought-in-cities/)
Woke General Milley And Biden’s Trans Health Official Rachel Levine Have Newly Unearthed High School Connection (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/08/woke-general-milley-bidens-trans-health-official-rachel-levine-newly-unearthed-high-school-connection/)

Story #2: Monkeypox Simulation Results - Fictional Nation, Terror Group, Massive Outbreak (https://www.wionews.com/photos/monkeypox-simulation-was-conducted-last-year-with-bizarre-results-481793)

Pennsylvania Woman Hospitalized After Monkey Escapee Hisses in Her Face (Jan. 25, 2022) (https://www.thedailybeast.com/pennsylvania-woman-michele-fallon-in-hospital-after-escaped-monkey-in-danville-hisses-in-her-face)
Obituary: Michele Lee Fallon Riffle (https://www.wvnews.com/westondemocrat/obits/michele-lee-fallon-riffle/article_aa1f2b82-93ed-11ec-a7bd-d7521122a372.html)
NHS Issues Warning to Anyone Who Eats Meat As UK Monkeypox Cases Rise (https://www.newsshopper.co.uk/news/national/uk-today/20159989.monkeypox-nhs-issues-warning-anyone-eats-meat-uk-cases-rise/)
Gay Men Could Be Offered Monkeypox Vaccine In Targeted Rollout (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-10829741/amp/Gay-men-targeted-monkeypox-vaccine-experts-fear-infected-slipping-radar.html)
DHS to Pause Work of Disinformation Board; Chertoff, Gorelick to Review (https://thehill.com/news/state-watch/3493070-dhs-to-pause-work-of-disinformation-board/)
Tedros Reelected As WHO Chief, Urged to Resist Probe of US Bio Labs In Second Term (https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202205/1266482.shtml)
The NHS Just Edited Their Monkeypox Page…To Make It Scarier (https://off-guardian.org/2022/05/24/the-nhs-just-edited-their-monkeypox-page-to-make-it-scarier/)

Story #3: France Introduces Digital ID Days After Macron's Re-Election (https://thecountersignal.com/france-introduces-digital-id-days-after-macron-election/)

The EU Has Introduced a New ‘Digital’ ID; The European Commission Wants to Develop An App That Would Contain the Digital Version of Your Identity Card (Jun. 3, 2021) (https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-europe-digital-id/)
Ugandans to Have DNA, Biometric Data Captured In New Electronic National ID Cards (https://www.tuko.co.ke/world/africa/454795-ugandans-have-dna-biometric-data-captured-new-electronic-national-id-cards/)
Deepfakes Can Fool Biometric Checks Used By Banks, Research Finds (https://www.dailydot.com/debug/biometric-checks-kyc-deepfake-vulnerability/)
Alibaba Is Creating a Digital ID Carbon Footprint Tracker (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/05/alibaba-is-creating-a-digital-id-carbon-footprint-tracker.html)

30th May 2022, 07:27
Andrei Martyanov | Change of Narrative | May 29, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Narative is changing, military professionals speak, tactics-shmactics.

30th May 2022, 07:34
Truthstream Media | Forgotten History: The Ludlow Massacre & the PR Machine | May 29, 2022

Source: truthstreammedia.com (http:// truthstreammedia.com)


The 108th anniversary of this event just happened last month. Always feels strange how a century can go by and little details slip through the cracks, forgotten. We thought we knew this story... but then we had to go and dig. {An edition to our new "Forgotten History" series}.

30th May 2022, 07:42
Dark Journalist | Noah's Ark Atlantis Amilius DNA | May 27, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com)


*Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep into the Mystery School Secret of the Mystical Atlantean DNA strain in the Noah's Ark story that was described in the Edgar Cayce readings, Anthroposophy and Fourth Way Teachings and its sacred key for 21st Century Survival.

30th May 2022, 12:03
The Corbett Report | Breaking Free From Mass Formation with Mattias Desmet | May 30, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/desmet-massformation/)


Mattias Desmet is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium. His theory of mass formation during the coronavirus crisis has become widely known and widely misunderstood since gaining mainstream attention. His new book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism (https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/the-psychology-of-totalitarianism/), lays out what mass formation is, how it develops, how it leads to totalitarianism, and what we must do to change the conditions that makes these mass formation events possible.

Show Notes:
The Psychology of Totalitarianism (https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/the-psychology-of-totalitarianism/) by Mattias Desmet
PM launches Government’s first loneliness strategy (https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pm-launches-governments-first-loneliness-strategy)
Surgeon general: Americans must address loneliness epidemic (https://www.ksnblocal4.com/2021/06/01/us-surgeon-general-americans-must-address-loneliness-epidemic/)
How Long Is the Coast of Britain? (https://venturi.soe.ucsc.edu/sites/default/files/Mandelbrot1967.pdf) (Mandelbrot)
The Origins of Totalitarianism (https://archive.org/details/the-origins-of-totalitarianism-hannah-arendt) by Hannah Arendt
The Crowd: A Study Of The Popular Mind (https://archive.org/details/gustavlebonthecrowdastudyofthepopularmindbatochebookskitchener2001/page/n1/mode/2up) by Gustav Le Bon

31st May 2022, 04:45


'Clay Clark of https://thrivetimeshow.com/ joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the WEF announcement of the plan to track and control the public.'


31st May 2022, 06:13
Max Igan | A New Level of Genocide | May 29, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


31st May 2022, 06:18
Redice TV | Bob Wilson - The Orchestrated War Against The Male-Female Bond | May 28, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


The duality of male and female is at the core of everything. Author Bob Wilson will tell us about the changes in the West that reshaped the social contract between the sexes and exposes the feminist movement as The Big Fake, a top-down psyop that was planned and executed at the highest levels.

31st May 2022, 06:40
Soft-Disclosure in full force. Recommended TV-Series:

Outer Range - Official Trailer | Prime Video


About Outer Range:
Outer Range centers on Royal Abbott (Josh Brolin), a rancher fighting for his land and family, who discovers an unfathomable mystery at the edge of Wyoming's wilderness.

A thrilling fable with hints of wry humor and supernatural mystery, Outer Range examines how we grapple with the unknown. At the onset of the series, the Abbotts are coping with the disappearance of daughter-in-law Rebecca. They are pushed further to the brink when the Tillersons (the gaudy owners of the neighboring profit-driven ranch) make a play for their land.

An untimely death in the community sets off a chain of tension-filled events, and seemingly small-town, soil-bound troubles come to a head with the arrival of a mysterious black void in the Abbotts’ west pasture. Wild revelations unfold as Royal fights to protect his family; through his eyes, we begin to see how time contains secrets held in the past and unsettling mysteries foreshadowed.

Night Sky - Official Trailer | Prime Video


Release date - May 20, 2022 exclusively on Amazon Prime Video

About Night Sky:
Franklin and Irene York, an elderly couple, discover a chamber in their backyard steering them to embark on a mystical journey to a strange new planet. However, things go south with a mysterious stranger entering their lives, unraveling dark secrets leading to a series of inexplicable events.

...remember the stories about "The Corridor"? :ninja:

1st June 2022, 08:25
The Corbett Report | 15 Things I've Learned in 15 Years | June 1, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/15things/)


In celebration of the 15th anniversary of the launch of The Corbett Report, James presents a list of 15 things that he's learned in 15 years of doing this work.

15 Things I've Learned in 15 Years

1. People don't fundamentally change when they "wake up"

2. Almost no one is actually anti-war nor actually pro-freedom

3. People want to be ruled

4. Everyone's your best friend . . . until you say something they disagree with

5. Most people think this is a spectator sport

6. People do not rationally arrive at conclusions, they "feel" something to be true and then rationalize why their feeling is correct

7. The more you learn, the less you know

8. You should be more confident with what you do know

9. A certain section of the public is truly incapable of understanding satire or identifying sarcasm

10. The most important research is dumbed down when it becomes widespread

11. People get their "news" from headlines

12. People absolutely judge books (videos) by their cover (title and thumbnail)

13. You can't wake someone up who's pretending to be asleep

(see How Do I Wake Up My Friends and Family? - Questions For Corbett #065 (https://www.corbettreport.com/how-do-i-wake-up-my-friends-and-family-questions-for-corbett-065/))

14. Everyone thinks they are EXPERTS at breaking down video "evidence"...but they're all wrong

(Case in point: Upon Meeting A Friend for the First Time (https://www.corbettreport.com/upon-meeting-a-friend-for-the-first-time/))

15. The Library of Alexandria is on Fire (https://www.corbettreport.com/episode-384-the-library-of-alexandria-is-on-fire/)

Save The Corbett Report from the library fire by ordering the 2007-2008 Data Archive (https://newworldnextweek.com/products/corbett-report-2007-2008-data-archive) USB.

2nd June 2022, 06:37
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Happy Pride Month! #SwedenGate, Trudeau's Gun Grab & More Odd Fires At Food Producers | June 1, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest news in episode 105 of No-Go Zone on the first day of pride month June 1, 2022.

2nd June 2022, 09:02
Max Igan | The Systematic And Coordinated Removal of All Freedoms And Values | June 2, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


3rd June 2022, 06:43
New World Next Week | Build Back Butter | June 3, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: Peachtree Corners Continues to Lead the Way In American Smart Cities (https://www.nextgov.com/emerging-tech/2022/05/peachtree-corners-continues-lead-way-american-smart-cities/367563/)

ACiiST (https://www.aciist.com/)

Curiosity Lab (https://www.curiositylab.io/)

V2I (Vehicle-to-Infrastructure) (https://search.brave.com/search?q=V2I)

Elderly New Yorkers to Get Robots to Help Relieve Loneliness (https://archive.ph/3dPiC)

NYSOFA Brings ElliQ Proactive Care Companion Technology to Older Adults, Reducing Social Isolation, Supporting Independence, Connection and Engagement (https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/nysofa-brings-elliq-proactive-care-companion-technology-to-older-adults-reducing-social-isolation-supporting-independence-connection-and-engagement-301552898.html)

NWNW Flashback: Toronto Resists Google Smart City Dystopia (Jun. 27, 2019) (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1455-new-world-next-week-with-james-evan-pilato/)

Toronto Privacy Expert Resigns From Sidewalk Labs Over Data Concerns (Oct 21, 2018) (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ann-cavoukian-sidewalk-data-privacy-1.4872223)

NWNW Flashback: Nevada Bill Would Allow Tech Companies to Create Governments (Feb. 11, 2021) (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1618-new-world-next-week-with-james-evan-pilato/)

Story #2: Brooklyn Hologram Studio Is Getting Millions From CIA (https://archive.ph/LsImq)

Looking Glass Factory (https://lookingglassfactory.com/)

Documents Reveal How Pentagon Turned 'Top Gun' Sequel Into Recruitment, PR Vehicle (https://shadowproof.com/2022/05/26/how-pentagon-turned-top-gun-maverick-recruitment-pr-vehicle/)

Story #3: K-Pop Supergroup BTS Meets Biden, Speaks at White House (https://archive.ph/NXev9)

K-Pop Goes Info Ops (https://medium.com/dfrlab/k-pop-goes-info-ops-9c48f3fa8bf)

Trump White House Meeting With Jeff "Skunk" Baxter, Kid Rock (Oct. 11, 2018) (https://web.archive.org/web/20181011234121/https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-white-house-meeting-with-musicians-included-jeff-skunk-baxter-2018-10)

Kanye, Mike Love, Jim Brown, Christian Rock Band MercyMe All Visited Trump (Dec. 13, 2018) (https://web.archive.org/web/20181213194032/https://www.businessinsider.com/9-celebrities-who-visited-trump-in-the-white-house-in-2018-2018-12)

On #GrandTheftWorld w/Richard Grove, Tony Meyers & LD (https://mediamonarchy.com/on-grand-theft-world/)

On #ConspiracyCinema: 'Harrison Bergeron' w/G3rd3r (https://mediamonarchy.com/on-conspiracy-cinema/)

Interview w/J.D. Marmion on Military Vax Refusal (https://mediamonarchy.com/marmion/)

PRE-ORDER: Corbett Report 2007-2008 Data Archive (https://newworldnextweek.com/products/corbett-report-2007-2008-data-archive)

3rd June 2022, 06:55
David Icke | This Disgusting Organisation Is Systematically Killing Your Loved Ones | June 2, 2022

Source: davidicke.com (http://davidicke.com)


Show Notes:
Video: CARE HOME DEATHS COVER-UP - (https://www.bitchute.com/video/mn4XZm4fvvL7/)

3rd June 2022, 07:00
Jason Bermas | Bilderberg 2022 Meets In DC! The Agenda And Attendees Exposed!!! | June 2, 2022

Source: Jason Bermas youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/InfoWarrior)


6th June 2022, 08:42
Joseph P. Farrell | COG NORTHCOM UFO Emergency Danger! | Part 1 | Dark Journalist | June 4, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com), gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


Dr. Joseph Farrell Says We May Already Be Under COG!
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Oxford Scholar Dr. Joseph Farrell back to the show for a special deep dive on the Continuity of Government (COG) NORTHCOM activation for the CIA Department of Homeland Security UFO Threat!

6th June 2022, 08:53
Max Igan | The Great Culling | June 5, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


7th June 2022, 06:43
Press For Truth | Bilderberg 2022 Has Adjourned...So What’s Next??? | June 6, 2022

Source: pressfortruth.ca (http://pressfortruth.ca)


The 68th annual Bilderberg conference has adjourned where some of the world’s most powerful and influential people held a private off the record discussion on geopolitical issues that will continue to affect the world as we know it.

As Charlie Skelton reported for the Guardian: “After a pandemic gap of two years, the elite global summit is being rebooted in a security-drenched hotel in Washington DC, with a high-powered guest list that includes the heads of Nato, the CIA, GCHQ, the US national security council, two European prime ministers, a healthy sprinkle of tech billionaires, and Henry Kissinger.”

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Josh Friedman, an independent journalist who was the first on the scene to cover this years meeting about how it differed from other years and what might be expected to happen in the near future as a result of these people meeting in strict secrecy.

7th June 2022, 06:52
Max Igan | Smart Surveillance and Plastic Fish | June 7, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


8th June 2022, 06:14
Andrei Martyanov | Needed Remarks | June 7, 2022


US Ambassador to Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, US-Russian relations, Soviet "Coast Guard".

9th June 2022, 09:05
Linda Moulton Howe | Does U. S. Space Force Have Secret Vehicles Reaching Other Stars? | June 8, 2022

Source: earthfiles.com (http://earthfiles.com)


Unites States Space Force has multiple deep space vehicles
- USS Curtis LeMay
- USS Hoyt Vandenberg, “tip of the spear”
- USS Roscoe Hillenkoetter
- Several ships have multi-country crews
- Tall white’s tech in USS Hoyt Vandenberg, and USS Roscoe Hillenkoetter
- Ships use DQTP - Deep Quantum Tunneling Protocol
- Tall Whites live on 82 G Eridani
- 3 competing ET civilizations fighting over earth for 270 million years
- Sirius B - look like Nordic blonds
- Little grey, AI programmed life forms - PLFs, “designed for temporal space travel”
- Tall Ancient greys travel through space

9th June 2022, 09:39
Redice TV | No-Go Zone: Symptoms Of A Dying Civilization | June 8, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http://redice.tv)


Henrik cover the latest news in episode 106 of No-GO Zone this June 8, 2022.

10th June 2022, 07:15
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 9, 2022

Source: gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


There's a new epistemological paradigm making the rounds, and it's called "Coincidence Theory," and it's being promoted to cover up a variety of deliberate acts and crimes:

Another Bizarre Fire: Tens of Thousands of Chickens Killed in Massive Farm Fire (https://www.operanewsapp.com/us/en/share/detail?news_id=33c50a6aea99a0ebd8b4f3af164b7148&news_entry_id=12a2251220606en_us&open_type=transcoded&from=opera&request_id=share_request)

10th June 2022, 07:18
Dr. Richard Alan Miller | The Non-Local Mind | October 3, 2021

Source: Source: richardalanmiller.com (http://richardalanmiller.com), anchor.fm/niish (http://anchor.fm/niish)


Author and researcher Richard Alan Miller, PhD reveals a depth of knowledge and experience in alternative agriculture, physics, and metaphysics. Miller began working in the secret world of Navy Intel (Seal Corp. and then MRU) in the late 60s, and now has amazing experiences and conclusions to share. Before many leading edge concepts became trendy topics, Miller was (and is) in the international front lines of research, experimentation and documentation.

Miller has appeared on Coast to Coast, Red Ice Radio, Project Camelot, and numerous other shows, conferences, and workshops. He brings unique commentary to today's events and writes academic and popular articles in science and survival in our rapidly changing world.

10th June 2022, 08:51
Dr. Gregory L. Little | Origins Of The Gods, Sentient Plasma, & Shamanic Contact | June 9, 2022

Source: thehighersidechats.com (http://thehighersidechats.com)


Dr. Greg Little is a psychologist turned explorer and documentary maker. Greg is also the author/co-author of over 30+ books.

Today, we talk primarily about his new book with co-author Andrew Collins, entitled Origins of the Gods: Qesem Cave, Skinwalkers, and Contact with Transdimensional Intelligences

Some other links that feature Dr. Little's work:

mysterious-america.net (http://mysterious-america.net)
apmagazine.info (http://apmagazine.info)
freedom2change.org (http://freedom2change.org)

10th June 2022, 09:27
New World Next Week | Beyond Bilderberg(er)'s Civil War | June 10, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


Story #1: Pfizer, CIA, Facebook & Other Elites Secretly Meet In DC — Corporate Media Silent (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/06/pfizer-ceo-head-of-cia-facebook-vp-other-elites-secretly-meeting-in-dc-corporate-media-is-silent.html)

Bilderberg Group Meets In Secret to Discuss “Disinformation” (https://reclaimthenet.org/bilderberg-group-meets-in-secret-to-discuss-disinformation/)
Matthew McConaughey Tells The Story Of Those Killed In Uvalde In Emotional, Performative Plea for Action On The Current Thing At Star-Studded White House Press Briefing (https://archive.ph/F2LIM)
Scotiabank Apologizes Over Trucker Convoy Account Freeze (https://bjdichter.substack.com/p/bank-apologizes-over-trucker-convoy)
Bilderberg Reconvenes In Person After Two-Year Pandemic Gap (https://archive.ph/Tt1Bb)
Great to meet with Prime Minister @MarinSanna of our close partner #Finland in Washington. We discussed the need to address #Turkey's concerns & move forward with the #NATO membership application by Finland & Sweden. (https://twitter.com/jensstoltenberg/status/1532815988378435586)

Story #2: Primary School Pupils to Be Offered Insects to Eat In 'Alternative Protein' Study (https://archive.ph/eiHEV)

Scientists Hope to Feed Primary School Children Edible Insects to Make the UK Greener (https://inews.co.uk/news/environment/edible-insects-scientists-plan-to-feed-primary-school-children-locusts-and-mealworms-to-make-the-uk-greener-1657372 //)
#MorningMonarchy: June 1, 2022 (https://mediamonarchy.com/20220601morningmonarchy/)
Driven By String of Disappointing Quarterly Results, Beyond Meat Stock Dropped 28% In May (https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/topstocks/why-beyond-meat-stock-dropped-28-25-in-may/ar-AAY88wT)
Prince Charles Backs Face Masks for Cows to Help Save the Planet One Burp at a Time (https://archive.ph/b2FcD)

Story #3: Race Card Institute's Alarmist New Poll Finds 44% Of Americans See Civil War (https://archive.ph/z1maI)

SPLC Poll Finds Substantial Support for ‘Great Replacement’ Theory, Other Hard-Right Ideas (https://archive.ph/QSZXF)
Video: "I Learned It By Watching You!" PSA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUXb7do9C-w)
The Great Robo-placement? Workplace Robot Orders Jump 40% In First Quarter (https://www.activistpost.com/2022/06/the-great-robo-placement-workplace-robot-orders-jump-40-in-first-quarter.html)

12th June 2022, 00:36
It was in 2012 that I had an experience with what I think was a plasma being, one of the subjects of discussion in the video.
I posted a letter to the CE5 Contact group I belonged to that started as a result of Dr. Steven Greer's work, describing the experience.
(There was a yahoo Group site where we recorded our Contact experiences.)
The post here https://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?42856-The-Futility-of-the-Search-for-Meaning-or-Why-Everybody-Loves-Saturday-Night&p=455489&viewfull=1#post455489
...is a copy of that letter.
What I didn't include in the letter was the fact that I had been meditating and urgently requesting a spiritual Contact experience for about a month before it occurred, and I feel sure the experience was the answer to my request.
Which means, imho, that such beings can understand what goes on in our inner worlds and will respond accordingly, if they so choose.
It took a while for the effect of that connection to really sink in, I was quite euphoric for a while, and it was certainly life changing.
Not quite like a "satori" which I have also experienced (back in my late 60s Zen days,) but not unlike either.

Dr. Gregory L. Little | Origins Of The Gods, Sentient Plasma, & Shamanic Contact | June 9, 2022

Source: thehighersidechats.com (http://thehighersidechats.com)


Dr. Greg Little is a psychologist turned explorer and documentary maker. Greg is also the author/co-author of over 30+ books.

Today, we talk primarily about his new book with co-author Andrew Collins, entitled Origins of the Gods: Qesem Cave, Skinwalkers, and Contact with Transdimensional Intelligences

Some other links that feature Dr. Little's work:

mysterious-america.net (http://mysterious-america.net)
apmagazine.info (http://apmagazine.info)
freedom2change.org (http://freedom2change.org)

13th June 2022, 06:02
Dark Journalist & Catherine Austin Fitts | Global Governance War For The Future! | June 11, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com), solari.com (http://solari.com)


Former Assistant HUD Secretary and Wall Street Dillon Read & Co. Partner Catherine Austin Fitts returns to the Dark Journalist show and reveals how the Central Bankers and the Deep State have implemented a worldwide surveillance and transaction tracking infrastructure to harvest humanity physically, financially and spiritually. Catherine sees this as a time to choose between freedom and tyranny and suggests we have a limited window to restore the US Constitution and Rule of Law.

Black Budget
Deep State
Digital ID
NSA Surveillance

13th June 2022, 12:57
Max Igan | Stupidly Demented Adults Syndrome | June 10, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


14th June 2022, 06:15
Andrei Martyanov | 13 Points | June 13, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Answering "analysts", Adam Kinzinger's proposed legislature, SMO.

14th June 2022, 06:23
Max Igan | The Hidden Game of World War 3 | June 13, 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com)


14th June 2022, 06:38
Catherine Austin Fitts | Deep State Global Chessboard The End of Freedom! | Dark Journalist | June 13, 2022

Source: darkjournalist.com (http://darkjournalist.com), solari.com (http://solari.com)


Former Assistant HUD Secretary and Wall Street Dillon Read & Co. Partner Catherine Austin Fitts returns to the Dark Journalist show and reveals how the Central Bankers and the Deep State have implemented a worldwide surveillance and tracking infrastructure to harvest humanity. Faced with rising food shortages, Skyrocketing inflation, Government efforts to silence free speech, and the destruction of culture in the US and abroad, she outlines a potential road back to constitutional principles in governance.

As the ruling class devise a solution to their problems of failed leadership around the globe, the scenario they appear to be working towards is the seizure of total power via an emergency that could be used to usher in Continuity of Government (COG) which appeared as a top item in this year's Bilderberg meeting. With the recent UFO Hearings in Congress they may be planning to fabricate a UFO Threat as the ultimate card to stay in power. Catherine sees this as a time to choose between freedom and tyranny and suggests we have a limited window to restore the US Constitution and Rule of Law.

UFO File
Food Shortages
Black Budget
Digital ID
NSA Surveillance

14th June 2022, 06:44
Kate Fanning | Traitorous Royals & The Battle For The Indigenous People of England | Redice TV | June 14, 2022

Source: redice.tv (http:// redice.tv)


Lana interviews English dissident nationalist Kate Fanning on the UK today. Under the reign of Queen Elizabeth II, English people in London went from 90% of the population to 40%. Indigenous English people are enduring anti-English hostility of the highest levels including forced diversity, grooming gangs, and "decolonization" efforts. Kate talks about rampant anti-English indoctrination found in every aspect of English life and the battle indigenous people of England now face.

15th June 2022, 12:38
Richard Dolan | USOs The Counter Narrative | June 14, 2022

Source: richarddolanpress.com (http://richarddolanpress.com)


We live in a world of deceptive narratives coming from the very sources we were once taught to trust. One of those narratives deals with UFOs. Something completely left out of our public discussion of this phenomenon are those objects consistently seen in Earth's bodies of water. Unidentified Submersible Objects (USOs) have been with us for as long as airborne UFOs have. We need to recognize and understand this.

16th June 2022, 06:21
Linda Moulton Howe | Which E.T.s Claim They Are Closest Genetically to Human Descendants? | June 15, 2022

Source: earthfiles.com (http://earthfiles.com)


Topics: Which E.T.s Claim They Are Closest Genetically to Human Descendants?

US Space Force
- USS Curtis LeMay
- USS Hoyt Vandenberg, “tip of the spear”
- USS Roscoe Hillenkoetter
- Tall Nordics near Sirius A & Sirius B
- Tall White Pales live near 82 G Eridani where numerous earth-like planets reside

Inside US Space Force source details interactions with humans

Linda’s brother Jim Moulton fallen ill, but recovering at home

Highly placed source:
Original greys are very ancient race spanning millions of years
Blonde Nordics are oldest race from Sirius B system
Tall whites or “tall pales” working with us from “Creech Air Force Base” near Las Vegas,
- Working on Security Access Protocols
Hybrid greys

“Our true allies are the tall whites”
“Nordic types claim we humans are their closest descendants”
“..directly related”
“These 3 et species occupy the majority”
“I don’t believe we originated from Earth”
“Alliances exist…Eliminating the Trantalod insect..species”
“AI biological cloned Grey are…abducting humans and other species”
“Temporal technology..used by Trantaloid species”

USS Hoyt Vandenberg stationed in Procyon system
USS Roscoe Hillenkoetter investigating radio signal source
We have had teleportation since 1971
The main purpose of Apollo was to investigate alien sites

16th June 2022, 06:44
Andrei Martyanov | Some Very Needed Comparisons | June 15, 2022

Source: smoothiex12.blogspot.com (http://smoothiex12.blogspot.com)


Admiral Rickover or how American education was killed.

16th June 2022, 12:51
China’s ‘Sky Eye’ FAST Radio Telescope Detects Intriguing Space Signal | June 14, 2022

Source: TheCosmosNews youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCosmosNews)


China detects possible ‘extraterrestrial civilizations;’ state media reports.
Has China’s FAST telescope detected alien intelligence?China’s ‘Sky Eye’ FAST Radio Telescope Detects Intriguing Space Signal

There’s chatter on Twitter this afternoon (June 14, 2022) about several new possible artificial signals detected by the 500-meter FAST radio telescope in China. There’s an implication that these might be signals from an alien civilization. Global Times (@globaltimesnews) – which describes itself as “China state-affiliated media” – was one source that reported the story. At this time, there is no confirmation for this story. And Chinese scientists note that the suspicious signals might be some kind of radio interference.

FAST is the world’s largest and most sensitive radio telescope. Since 2020, it has been engaged in a program to search for alien life. According to a story published today (June 14) in the Chinese news source YiCai:

… The team discovered two groups of signals from space in 2020 when processing data observed by FAST in 2019. This year, it found another suspicious signal from observing exoplanets.

Jones explained that he got his information from this Chinese source on Twitter. Here is the Chinese tweet (translation via Google translate):

Searching for extraterrestrial civilization, ‘China Sky Eye’ [FAST telescope] found suspicious signals

Original Science and Technology Daily Science and Technology Daily 2022-06-14 02:44 Posted on Beijing Science and Technology Daily reporter He Xinghui

After launching the search for extraterrestrial civilizations, the ‘China Sky Eye’ [FAST] has made important progress. A few days ago, Professor Zhang Tongjie, chief scientist of the China Extraterrestrial Civilization Research Group of the Department of Astronomy and Extraterrestrial Civilization Research Group of Beijing Normal University, revealed that his team used the ‘Chinese Sky Eye’ to discover several cases of possible technological traces and extraterrestrial civilizations from outside the Earth. Candidate signal. Zhang Tongjie said that these are several narrow-band electromagnetic signals different from the past, and the team is currently working on further investigation. ‘The search for China Sky Eye is a long one, and we have been working hard.’

Note that Zhang Tongjie also said:

The possibility that the suspicious signal is some kind of radio interference is also very high, and it needs to be further confirmed or ruled out. This may be a long process.

Bottom line: There’s a report from China today (June 14, 2022) about several new possible artificial signals – presumably sign of an alien intelligence – detected by China’s FAST radio telescope.

16th June 2022, 13:28
The ‘New G8’ Meets China’s ‘Three Rings’ | June 15, 2022

By Pepe Escobar

The speaker of the Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, may have created the defining acronym for the emerging multipolar world: “the new G8”.

As Volodin noted, “the United States has created conditions with its own hands so that countries wishing to build an equal dialogue and mutually beneficial relations will actually form a ‘new G8’ together with Russia.”

This non Russia-sanctioning G8, he added, is 24.4% ahead of the old one, which is in fact the G7, in terms of GDP in purchasing power parity (PPP), as G7 economies are on the verge of collapsing and the U.S. registers record inflation.

The power of the acronym was confirmed by one of the researchers on Europe at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Sergei Fedorov: three BRICS members (Brazil, China and India) alongside Russia, plus Indonesia, Iran, Turkey and Mexico, all non adherents to the all-out Western economic war against Russia, will soon dominate global markets.

Fedorov stressed the power of the new G8 in population as well as economically: “If the West, which restricted all international organizations, follows its own policies, and pressures everyone, then why are these organizations necessary? Russia does not follow these rules.”

The new G8, instead, “does not impose anything on anyone, but tries to find common solutions.”

The coming of the new G8 points to the inevitable advent of BRICS +, one of the key themes to be discussed in the upcoming BRICS summit in China. Argentina is very much interested in becoming part of the extended BRICS and those (informal) members of the new G8 – Indonesia, Iran, Turkey, Mexico – are all likely candidates.

The intersection of the new G8 and BRICS + will lead Beijing to turbo-charge what has already been conceptualized as the Three Rings strategy by Cheng Yawen, from the Institute of International Relations and Public Affairs at the Shanghai International Studies University.

Cheng argues that since the beginning of the 2018 U.S.-China trade war the Empire of Lies and its vassals have aimed to “decouple”; thus the Middle Kingdom should strategically downgrade its relations with the West and promote a new international system based on South-South cooperation.

Looks like if it walks and talks like the new G8, that’s because it’s the real deal.

The revolution reaches the “global countryside”

Cheng stresses how “the center-periphery hierarchy of the West has been perpetuated as an implicit rule” in international relations; and how China and Russia, “because of their strict capital controls, are the last two obstacles to further U.S. control of the global periphery”.

So how would the Three Rings – in fact a new global system – be deployed?

The first ring “is China’s neighboring countries in East Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East; the second ring is the vast number of developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America; and the third ring extends to the traditional industrialized countries, mainly Europe and the United States.”

The basis for building the Three Rings is deeper Global South integration. Cheng notes how “between 1980-2021, the economic volume of developing countries rose from 21 to 42.2 percent of the world’s total output.”

And yet “current trade flows and mutual investments of developing countries are still heavily dependent on the financial and monetary institutions/networks controlled by the West. In order to break their dependence on the West and further enhance economic and political autonomy, a broader financial and monetary cooperation, and new sets of instruments among developing countries should be constructed”.

This is a veiled reference to the current discussions inside the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), with Chinese participation, designing an alternative financial-monetary system not only for Eurasia but for the Global South – bypassing possible American attempts to enforce a sort of Bretton Woods 3.0.

Cheng uses a Maoist metaphor to illustrate his point – referring to ‘the revolutionary path of ‘encircling the cities from the countryside’”. What is needed now, he argues, is for China and the Global South to “overcome the West’s preventive measures and cooperate with the ‘global countryside’ – the peripheral countries – in the same way.”

So what seems to be in the horizon, as conceptualized by Chinese academia, is a “new G8/BRICS+” interaction as the revolutionary vanguard of the emerging multipolar world, designed to expand to the whole Global South.

That of course will mean a deepened internationalization of Chinese geopolitical and geoeconomic power, including its currency. Cheng qualifies the creation of a “three ring “ international system as essential to “break through the [American] siege”.

It’s more than evident that the Empire won’t take that lying down.

The siege will continue. Enter the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF), spun as yet another proverbial “effort” to – what else – contain China, but this time all the way from Northeast Asia to Southeast Asia, with Oceania thrown in as a bonus.

The American spin on IPEF is heavy on “economic engagement”: fog of (hybrid) war disguising the real intent to divert as much trade as possible from China – which produces virtually everything – to the U.S. – which produces very little.

The Americans give away the game by heavily focusing their strategy on 7 of the 10 ASEAN nations – as part of yet another desperate dash to control the American-denominated “Indo-Pacific”. Their logic: ASEAN after all needs a “stable partner”; the American economy is “comparatively stable”; thus ASEAN must subject itself to American geopolitical aims.

IPEF, under the cover of trade and economics, plays the same old tune, with the U.S. going after China from three different angles.

– The South China Sea, instrumentalizing ASEAN.

– The Yellow and East China Seas, instrumentalizing Japan and South Korea to prevent direct Chinese access to the Pacific.

– The larger “Indo-Pacific” (that’s were India as a member of the Quad comes in).

It’s all labeled as a sweet apple pie of “stronger and more resilient Indo-Pacific with diversified trade.”

BRI corridors are back

Beijing is hardly losing any sleep thinking about IPEF: after all most of its multiple trade connections across ASEAN are rock solid. Taiwan though is a completely different story.

At the annual Shangri-La dialogue this past weekend in Singapore, Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe went straight to the point, actually defining Beijing’s vision for an East Asia order (not “rules-based”, of course).

Taiwan independence is a “dead end”, said General Wei, as he asserted Beijing’s peaceful aims while vigorously slamming assorted U.S. “threats against China”. At any attempt at interference, “we will fight at all costs, and we will fight to the very end”. Wei also handily dismissed the U.S. drive to “hijack” Indo-Pacific nations, without even mentioning IPEF.

China at it stands is firmly concentrated on stabilizing its western borders – which will allow it to devote more time to the South China Sea and the “Indo-Pacific” further on down the road.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi went on a crucial trip to Kazakhstan – a full member of both BRI and the EAEU – where he met President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev and all his counterparts from the Central Asian “stans” in a summit in Nur-Sultan. The group – billed as C+C5 – discussed everything from security, energy and transportation to Afghanistan and vaccines.

In sum, this was all about developing much-needed corridors of BRI/ New Silk Roads – in sharp contrast to the proverbial Western lamentations about BRI reaching a dead end.

Two BRI-to-the-bone projects will go on overdrive: the China-Central Asia Gas Pipeline Line D, and the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway. Both have been years in the making, but now have become absolutely essential, and will be the flagship BRI projects in the Central Asian corridor.

The China-Central Asia Gas Pipeline Line D will link Turkmenistan’s gas fields to Xinjiang via Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. That was the main theme of the discussions when Turkmen President Berdimuhamedow visited Beijing for the Winter Olympics.

The 523 km China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway for its part will crucially link the two Central Asian “stans” to the China-Europe freight rail network, via the existing rail networks in Turkmenistan.

Considering the current incandescent geopolitical scenario in Ukraine, this is a bombshell in itself, because it will enable freight from China to travel via Iran or via Caspian ports, bypassing sanctioned Russia. No hard feelings, in terms of the Russia-China strategic partnership: just business.

The Kyrgyz, predictably, were ecstatic. Construction begins next year. According to Kyrgyz President Zhaparov, “there will be jobs. Our economy will boom.”

Talk about China acting decisively in its “first ring”, in Central Asia. Don’t expect anything of such geoeconomic breadth and scope being “offered” by IPEF anywhere in ASEAN.

17th June 2022, 06:56
Joseph P. Farrell | News and Views from the Nefarium | June 16, 2022

Source:gizadeathstar.com (http://gizadeathstar.com)


It has happened again: approximately 3000 heads of cattle died suddenly at a cattle ranch in Kansas, and the usual nonsense explanations are being offered:

Thousands of Cattle Reported Dead Heat Stress Kills Estimated 10,000 Head of Kansas Feedlot Cattle (https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/06/15/the-hits-just-keep-on-coming/)


17th June 2022, 07:19
New World Next Week | Ghislaine Wants UK Prison | June 16, 2022

Source: NewWorldNextWeek.com (http://NewWorldNextWeek.com), corbettreport.com (http://corbettreport.com), mediamonarchy.com (http://mediamonarchy.com)


This week on the New World Next Week: Chinese protesters stopped by health apps; Ghislaine Maxwell wants to serve out her sentence in the UK; and the Svalbard vault is about to get some musical glass deposits.

Story #1: China Bank Protestors Stopped By Smartphone Health Apps Turning Red (https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-bank-protest-stopped-by-health-codes-turning-red-depositors-say-2022-06-14/)

New Study Concludes Lockdowns Caused At Least 170,000 Excess Deaths In US (https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/new-study-concludes-lockdowns-caused-least-170000-excess-deaths-us)

PDF: "Non-Covid Excess Deaths, 2020-21: Collateral Damage of Policy Choices? (https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w30104/w30104.pdf)"

Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates to Be Suspended for Domestic, Outbound Travellers (https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/canada-to-end-covid-vaccine-mandate-for-domestic-travel-cbc-news)

Biden to Unveil Plan for Next Pandemic While Seeking $88 Billion in Funds (https://finance.yahoo.com/news/biden-unveil-plan-next-pandemic-214321262.html)

Lieberman: China Can Shut Down The Internet, Why Can’t We? (Jun. 21, 2010) (https://web.archive.org/web/20100624220059/https://www.infowars.com/lieberman-china-can-shut-down-the-internet-why-cant-we/)

Jay Rockefeller Says Internet Should Have Never Been Invented (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND4fe-etHv8)

Story #2: Ghislaine Maxwell Wants to Serve Her Jail Term In ‘Civilised’ UK (https://archive.ph/wwSVn)

Fact Check: Is Kevin Spacey, Ghislaine Maxwell Buckingham Palace Pic Real? (https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-kevin-spacey-ghislaine-maxwell-buckingham-palace-pic-real-1710816)

Family of Clinton advisor block release of files related to his death; Family of Bill Clinton advisor Mark Middleton who admitted Jeffrey Epstein into White House seven times has blocked release of files detailing the death scene after he was found hanging from a tree with a shotgun blast at a ranch 30 miles from his home (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10882101/Family-late-Clinton-advisor-Mark-Middleton-block-release-files-relating-suicide.html)

"We want the client list from the Maxwell/Epstein trial!" (https://mediamonarchy.com/20220506morningmonarchy/)

Story #3: Microsoft-Made Glass Encoded With Thousands of Songs Headed to Norway Doomsday Vault (https://www.billboard.com/pro/norway-global-music-vault-microsoft-silica-glass-storage-elire-group/)

The Most Important Bank in the World Gets Another Deposit (https://www.corbettreport.com/the-most-important-bank-in-the-world-gets-another-deposit/)

Swiss Post Releases 'Agenda 2030' Postage Stamp (https://www.post.ch/en/locations/stamps-and-philately/world-of-stamps/2022/2030-agenda-for-sustainable-development)

17th June 2022, 07:34
Max Igan | Jeff Rense Show | June 2022

Source: thecrowhouse.com (http://thecrowhouse.com), Rense.com (http://Rense.com)


21st June 2022, 08:52
The Corbett Report | Fairy Tales and Children's Stories - #SolutionsWatch | June 21, 2022

Source: corbettreport.com (https://www.corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-children/)


In this edition of #SolutionsWatch, James talks to Frode Burdal Klevstul about his new self-published book, Bill Goats and the Forest (https://billgoats.com/). We discuss the power of narrative in helping children (and adults) to understand world events in their proper context and we talk about the process of conceptualizing, writing and self-publishing a book.

Show Notes:

Bill Goats and the Forest website (BillGoats.com)
Astrid Lindgren (Swedish author) (https://presearch.com/search?q=astrid+lindgren)

Asbjørnsen and Moe, collecting Norwegian folklore stories (https://presearch.com/search?q=asbjørnsen+og+moe)

94.3% of the Norwegians trusted their government in 2020 (https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-who-trust-government)

Antijantepodden (https://www.antijantepodden.no/)

James Corbett Redpills the Norwegians on the Global Conspiracy (https://www.corbettreport.com/interview-1697-james-corbett-redpills-the-norwegians-on-the-global-conspiracy/)