View Full Version : [HOAX] Alien Chip Found In Napoleon's Skull

The One
19th September 2011, 06:03
Ok, it’s really time to scratch my head… if only……….

This article is making the rounds now, what do you think?

PARIS – Scientists examining the remains of Napoleon Bonaparte admit they are “deeply puzzled” by the discovery of a half-inch long microchip embedded in his skull.


They say the mysterious object could be an alien implant – suggesting that the French emperor was once abducted by a UFO!

“The possible ramifications of this discovery are almost too enormous to comprehend,” declared Dr. Andre Dubois, who made the astonishing revelation in a French medical journal.

“Until now, every indication has been that victims of alien abduction are ordinary people who play no role in world events.

“Now we have compelling evidence that extraterrestrials acted in the past to influence human history – and may continue to do so!”

Dr. Dubois made the amazing find while studying Napoleon’s exhumed skeleton on a $140,000 grant from the French government.

“I was hoping to learn whether he suffered from a pituitary disorder that contributed to his small stature,” he explained.

But instead the researcher found something far more extraordinary: “As I examined the interior of the skull, my hand brushed across a tiny protrusion.

“I then looked at the area under a magnifying glass – and was stunned to find that the object was some kind of super-advanced microchip.”

From the extent of bone growth around the chip, the expert believes it was implanted when Bonaparte was young.

“Napoleon vanished from sight for a period of several days in July 1794, when he was 25. He later claimed he’d been held prisoner during the Themidorian coup – but no record of that arrest exists. I believe that is when the abduction took place.”

From that time on, Napoleon’s rise was meteoric. By the next year, he’d been put in charge of the French army in Italy.

Miraculously, he was able to transform starving, rag-tag troops into a top-notch fighting force and to crush the Italians.

In 1804, after a string of startling victories, the pint-size general crowned himself emperor of France – and his empire soon expanded to include what is now Germany and Austria, as well as Switzerland, Italy and Denmark.

“Napoleon used military strategies more than a hundred years ahead of his time,” said Dr. Dubois. “Perhaps the implant somehow enhanced his abilities.”

The implant could also explain Napoleon’s famous habit of holding his hand over his heart, he added.

“It’s possible that the device affected the electrical signals from his brain to his heart.”

By the time of his defeat by the British at Waterloo in 1815, Napoleon had altered the face of Europe.

“What Western history would have been like had the aliens not intervened, we can only guess,” observed Dr. Dubois. “Thus we cannot know whether they acted to help mankind or harm us


19th September 2011, 06:28
This is September the 19th.......right, and not April the 1st?

Nice find The One. I assume that the picture is for illustrative purposes only, and not the actual chip.

The author has already mentioned his short stature, so bang goes the joke I was about to crack!

19th September 2011, 06:38
SO...The start of the last card being played?
alien invasion?

or the start of that disclosure... maybe both?

With Love

19th September 2011, 06:43
This was on PA not too long ago, and I'm pretty sure it was discredited. You will have to ask a MOD though exactly what happened to it. Maybe it was one of the those Sorcha Faal stories.

19th September 2011, 07:35
Given many things that we know, whose to say.
It set me thinking.
Atilla the Hun, was very short with unprepossessing features [quit ugly in-fact]
His saddle was designed to make him look taller on his horse even.
What was it about him that got to influens so many?
It is a well documented fact that taller people, rise to the top quiker in all walks of life,
by all means this is not exclusive.

19th September 2011, 09:09
This is a rehash of an old story published in April 1997, by (cough) World Weekly News.
You can find the original article, a facsimile, on the web.

Lily de Cuir
19th September 2011, 10:16
This has been debunked folks, old news. Was on a post a few weeks ago.


Fred Steeves
19th September 2011, 11:01
I think the hand over the heart bit he always displayed for pictures was actually the 'hidden hand' pose, with the fingers inside the jacket. I see world leaders both past and present do it all the time, so anyone in the know would know that they are in the club.

So clever aren't they?:spy:


19th September 2011, 12:39
This seems like a hoax. I can't find the name Dr. Andre Dubois anywhere, apart from in reference to this article or story and, if it was published in a French medical journal then which one? I'd like to see it in Dubois' own words please! This smells of fishy hoaxes!

19th September 2011, 12:39
If this is true, it makes a strong case for time travel technology. "3 T's", what a co-incidence??? Hmmmm........

19th September 2011, 14:06
This is a very short thread. Is it too much to ask to read through all the posts?

Anyway here it is, people. Find page 24 of the Weekly World News, April 8, 1997:


Also, while you're at it, do not miss the articles about the cloning of Elvis and about Amanda, the amazing cow that gives human milk.


19th September 2011, 15:10
This is a very short thread. Is it too much to ask to read through all the posts?

Anyway here it is, people. Find page 24 of the Weekly World News, April 8, 1997:


Also, while you're at it, do not miss the articles about the cloning of Elvis and about Amanda, the amazing cow that gives human milk.


nice research 'NM'.
here's another article that points out the 1997 WWN article.


19th September 2011, 15:36
I wouldn't call it "research", Jimmer -- this thing has been turning up like a bad penny, so it's just a matter of memory and googling -- but thanks. :-)
For the link too, obviously. The entertainment value of such pieces is non-negligible. :-)

19th September 2011, 16:07
This is a very short thread. Is it too much to ask to read through all the posts?

Anyway here it is, people. Find page 24 of the Weekly World News, April 8, 1997:


Also, while you're at it, do not miss the articles about the cloning of Elvis and about Amanda, the amazing cow that gives human milk.

Also, here is the picture of the "alien device" published by AP in a 2007 MSNBC article titled "Medical microchip for people may cause cancer."

19th September 2011, 17:45
Also, here is the picture of the "alien device" published by AP in a 2007 MSNBC article titled "Medical microchip for people may cause cancer."

See, that's research. : )

Like I said, I am actually appreciative of the entertainment value of such stories and of the rags that publish them. :)

19th September 2011, 18:01
Since we are here, maybe a quick discussion on Napoleon-related trivia would not be a waste of time. :-)

It is a well documented fact that taller people, rise to the top quiker in all walks of life,
by all means this is not exclusive.

But it is also documented that "short" men often tend to overcompensate their perceived physical shortcomings by increased drive and/or aggressiveness.

However, it should be noted that Napoleon really was not all that short. Apparently -- sorry, I don't remember the source right now -- he was around 167 cms tall. By no means a tall man, but no shorter than many Corsicans, Italians or Frenchmen for that matter (certainly at that time).

The reason why he was portrayed as short was probably typical propaganda to ridicule him, perhaps based on a misinterpretation of the term le petit général, "the little general". Only, the term "little" in this case did not refer to his physical stature; it's just a term of endearment/mild sarcasm, depending on who's using it.
It may even have something to do with the fact that he was extraordinarily young -- only 24, I believe -- when he became a general.

I think the hand over the heart bit he always displayed for pictures was actually the 'hidden hand' pose, with the fingers inside the jacket.

Another interesting question.
Some have speculated that the gesture was, in fact, related to his chronic stomach pains.

Frankly, I think it may have been simply a gesture that he found comfortable for some psychological reason.
I know that I feel very uncomfortable if I cannot have one of my hands -- but only one -- half-tucked in a pocket while I am walking or standing or whatever that doesn't require the use of both hands. Not all of it, mind you, just half of it, with the thumb peeping out; and never both hands, only one.
Why? Who knows.

But there is in Madame Bovary a revealing passage that says that one should be wary of people (or maybe just wet nurses? :)) who never show their hands. :-)
I am mentioning it simply to illustrate the fact that we all know, that the position of our hands is intimately related to our mood or personality.
Which may have been the case with Napoleon.

19th September 2011, 22:44
hmm or time traveling humanoids?

20th September 2011, 06:25
Experts agree that it is a chip off the ol' block

27th July 2013, 21:34
please visit http://emvsinfo.blogspot.com (http://www.emvsinfo.blogspot.com), there is a link to the examiner website, and a photo of a microchip removed from napoleon's skull , put there in september of this year changing the timelne to suit the Rothchild agenda... the ptb visited the past to change the future... Napoleon was alone in the in the pyamid in 1798 where he was implanted by the cabal from september 2013 ... we would all be speaking french, if the battle at waterloo had a different outcome ... the damage to the sphynx was from napoleon firing a cannon at it, because of his abduction ... it changed him , those around him noticed, he once fought against the idea of Kings , all of a sudden he makes himself an emperor ... the man was under mind control after his incident ... There is a nice little video on the whole subject on the website of James Horak ... we kinda approach a tipping point , wouldn't you say ??? If we can prevent the ptb from going back to 1798 we could change everything ...

27th July 2013, 21:38
http://www.emvsinfo.blogspot.com/ this information about Napoleon and the cabal will blow you away... uncle GR just posted a link , milestone for me , I am the least computer savy person on earth ...I'm gonna try and post the link to the article with the photos ...http://examiner.com/article/alien-intervention-throughout-human-history-scientists-stumble-on-possible-proof

27th July 2013, 21:41
I think the sinking of the Titanic (actually the Olympic) and the killing of JFK are also changes in the timeline. (guttfeeling)

27th July 2013, 21:47
I think the sinking of the Titanic (actually the Olympic) and the killing of JFK are also changes in the timeline. (guttfeeling)

No doubt... with napoleon, they had to know he would be all alone, in a place with no one watching... he was well protected most of the time...

27th July 2013, 22:55
It originated here: http://weeklyworldnews.com/alien-alert/15207/alien-chip-in-napoleons-skull/ which means it's BS. Sorry

Edit: This Mr Dubois is a hard one to find out anything more about. The story is apparently from 1997:


28th July 2013, 02:26
There is a Mr Dubois who is a well-known science fiction writer and anthologist, but I do not know if this is the same person. However I suggest this may actually be the plot of an SF story, time travelling of this sort being a constant plot line in SF.

28th July 2013, 02:46
We don't know if it's true. For one, because of the single source that generated it. It's actually hard to find secondary sources confirming the account.
For two, even if there would be ample such secondary sources, would we believe it? For many people Napoleon was a man that liked to be remembered for his (self-perceived) grandeur, this is enough to cause doubt in the in-fictitiousness of the experience.

Napoleon is dead now but be he put down as a perturbed man (by which ever sources or causes), he sure enough has been recorded to have perturbed a great many countries and peoples to the effect that still today those countries are weak enough to continuously be picked on by stronger countries. I find that inexcusable.

28th July 2013, 03:00
There are some books written from that time from people who said after Napoleon came out of the pyramid he was different ...before going in , he was anti-monarchy, but after being chipped he made himself emperor... those that knew him said it was out of character for him ...the chipping of Napoleon helped enrich the rothchild family...this story is bigger than you know... if the battle of waterloo had a different outcome we would all be speaking french ... most of the wars we've had , wouldn't have happened... our reality would be different ...in sept of this year, the ptb will do something with portals and chipping, some kind of breakthrough, watch the news in sept for a huge distraction to hide the time travel event ...

28th July 2013, 03:23
What I read about the history of the involvement of Rothchild this time briefly:

The Rothchild had one (or more than one) informants who closely followed the English army. Soon after the English victory at the Battle of Waterloo, the informant returned immediately to London, arriving 24 hours before the official news of the victory.
The Rothchild launched rumors stating that the British had lost the battle (war). The shares of stock tumbled English because they were all desperate to escape the wrath of Napoleon. Thus Rothchild bought Britain virtually price of bananas.

28th July 2013, 03:33
What I read about the history of the involvement of Rothchild this time briefly:

The Rothchild had one (or more than one) informants who closely followed the English army. Soon after the English victory at the Battle of Waterloo, the informant returned immediately to London, arriving 24 hours before the official news of the victory.
The Rothchild launched rumors stating that the British had lost the battle (war). The shares of stock tumbled English because they were all desperate to escape the wrath of Napoleon. Thus Rothchild bought Britain virtually price of bananas.

yes, the rothchilds went in power together with the throne of England , funding wars and england went everywhere , and even has their stamp on the holy bible, KING JAMES Version ...they control money, religion, war, oil, stocks, politics, real estate the list goes on ... The vatican is the board of directors, the queen is the face, the rothchilds are the money ...your pyramid is complete ...your trinity , each holding up the other with the rothchilds at top ...the rothchilds lent money to the rockefellers to build railroads and oil pipelines, one had the money, the other has the transportation to move it ... none would have happened without mind controlling Napoleon in 1798...

28th July 2013, 04:15
I am having a hard time researching this to gain any conclusion of authenticity.
I can only find one source as soulboy mentioned from weeklyworldnews.com. Which is not a great source for information.
I wish I was at a proper computer to do more research. Am on my cell phone and in a hotel. These are elaborate claims that need to be researched thoroughly.
Bump for research!

28th July 2013, 04:41
OK, lets assume for the sake of this thread, and for the future of all mankind, if it is true, that in September of 2013, the cabal went back to 1798 and implanted Napoleon with a "chip" which changed the entire course of history and the timeline...

How do we, here now in 2013, stop them from doing this? And if we do stop them, what happens to this timeline which we have been on since 1798? Does it automatically wipe out 300 years of history and revert to some un-manipulated timeline? How do we fix that?

28th July 2013, 05:02
I am having a hard time researching this to gain any conclusion of authenticity.
I can only find one source as soulboy mentioned from weeklyworldnews.com. Which is not a great source for information.
I wish I was at a proper computer to do more research. Am on my cell phone and in a hotel. These are elaborate claims that need to be researched thoroughly.
Bump for research!

try the examiner , linked from emvsinfo.bogspot, some french scientist got 140,000 dollar grant from the government to do an examination on napoleons body ...the half inch microchip has them puzzled ...

28th July 2013, 05:12
OK, lets assume for the sake of this thread, and for the future of all mankind, if it is true, that in September of 2013, the cabal went back to 1798 and implanted Napoleon with a "chip" which changed the entire course of history and the timeline...

How do we, here now in 2013, stop them from doing this? And if we do stop them, what happens to this timeline which we have been on since 1798? Does it automatically wipe out 300 years of history and revert to some un-manipulated timeline? How do we fix that?

game changer = time compression, it proves they or someone learns to do it with an exact science ... a fix ??? maybe if we could cause the microchips to malfunction no matter where they are ... or block the portal ... the focus of our minds is very powerful , a unified intent ...

28th July 2013, 08:05
OK, lets assume for the sake of this thread, and for the future of all mankind, if it is true, that in September of 2013, the cabal went back to 1798 and implanted Napoleon with a "chip" which changed the entire course of history and the timeline...

How do we, here now in 2013, stop them from doing this? And if we do stop them, what happens to this timeline which we have been on since 1798? Does it automatically wipe out 300 years of history and revert to some un-manipulated timeline? How do we fix that?
there's nothing to "fix".
from what i understand (limited at best), both timelines already run parallel to each other.
they always have and always will.
this is the concept of the "multiverse".
"we" (here/now) are merely perceiving one of an infinite # of possibilities.
anyone who is more "evolved" than napoleon has experienced life as napoleon to some extent.
well, something to that effect, anyways...

28th July 2013, 11:53
RVer's and their variants and their "Task/Target Managers" make changes to the time line on a daily basis. No doubt about it... It is a complicated issue. Just looking at the future changes it, acting on probable futures creates dangerous sub time lines of which you get to ride the wave.

28th July 2013, 11:57
The fact is... no body knows the answer to this. With all of the lies and miss directions of "Helper Beings" and people who make bold statements... its just words. No one actually KNOWS. Our experimenting has just been irresponsible!

OK, lets assume for the sake of this thread, and for the future of all mankind, if it is true, that in September of 2013, the cabal went back to 1798 and implanted Napoleon with a "chip" which changed the entire course of history and the timeline...

How do we, here now in 2013, stop them from doing this? And if we do stop them, what happens to this timeline which we have been on since 1798? Does it automatically wipe out 300 years of history and revert to some un-manipulated timeline? How do we fix that?
there's nothing to "fix".
from what i understand (limited at best), both timelines already run parallel to each other.
they always have and always will.
this is the concept of the "multiverse".
"we" (here/now) are merely perceiving one of an infinite # of possibilities.
anyone who is more "evolved" than napoleon has experienced life as napoleon to some extent.
well, something to that effect, anyways...

The Truth Is In There
28th July 2013, 12:39
our past can't be changed because it already happened. even if somebody in our future moves back in time in order to change our personal past this will merely create another timeline that won't be perceived by us in this timeline. so for us it doesn't matter because if it happened the damage has already been done - we're already living in that changed timeline, for better or worse.

i believe stuff like that is possible. there are definitely portals into different times, natural ones and perhaps also artificial ones. many people in certain parts of the world know about strange time phenomena or portals but most of them don't talk to outsiders about stuff like that because others may think they're nuts.

28th July 2013, 12:45
What I read about the history of the involvement of Rothchild this time briefly:

The Rothchild had one (or more than one) informants who closely followed the English army. Soon after the English victory at the Battle of Waterloo, the informant returned immediately to London, arriving 24 hours before the official news of the victory.
The Rothchild launched rumors stating that the British had lost the battle (war). The shares of stock tumbled English because they were all desperate to escape the wrath of Napoleon. Thus Rothchild bought Britain virtually price of bananas.

The informant I believe was a carrier pigeon :)

According to Robert Temple, carrier pigeons were also used at Delphi, which is how the oracle got ahead of the news.

Bill Ryan
28th July 2013, 13:26

The Weekly World News article (http://weeklyworldnews.com/alien-alert/15207/alien-chip-in-napoleons-skull/), which was the source of the story (clearly invented), was written by "Erik Van Datiken".


Case closed. The story is certainly a hoax.

28th July 2013, 14:49
, the event will happen, did happen , The earth is under the control of England, believe what you want , I believe the story , James never lies ... never, for the sake of unity and peaceful disscussion , I will leave this alone , I didn't mean to misdirect anyone nor do I ever...