View Full Version : Project Bluebeam Test? Return Of Jesus? Hoax?

2nd June 2012, 08:31
Hi folks,

I wouldn't normally post material of this nature, but there was something about this footage that made me think twice... when usually I would discard something like this and move on without giving it a second thought.

Anyways, I came across the following set of videos whilst surfing the net today and thought it was worth sharing here for the purpose of critical review/discussion/debate/debunking or dare I say it... possible validation as a legitimate phenomena.

Here are a few different versions of the footage for you to peruse if you're interested...


Back Story: According to some recent Russian news reports the above footage of what appears to be a luminous, hovering, image of Jesus on the cross was filmed by townsfolk in a small Russian village a few days ago.

To my untrained eye the footage looks real enough, but of course we all know that such things can easily be created nowadays using CGI software which is easily accessible to the general public.

Even with the above in mind, I've decided to open up this thread so that you may offer your thoughts and opinions regarding whether or not the footage bears any relevance/value/importance for us as truth seekers.

For those of you who see something obvious that I missed which indicates to you that the footage is a clear fake, please feel welcome to set things straight and explain the reasoning behind your conclusion.

For those of you who postulate that it could actually be some kind of genuine phenomena please feel free to speculate openly about what you think the phenomena might be/mean/signify/symbolise.

And please... play nice boys and girls ;)

Ok, over to you guys now....

P.S. I am not a "religious nut" (LOL), just thought this was interesting and want to get to the bottom of it is all.

2nd June 2012, 12:41

First, I am intrigued that the mods have positioned this thread in the same category reserved for channelers. To me, it fits into unidentified phenomena, which deserves to be questioned along with all the other video evidence that comes through, hoaxes and all.

Also, the fact that it was reported out side of Russia, says something. I am inclined to believe that there was some event, like the sighting at Lourdes and Magigoria in Croatia. Namely because locals and priests seem to be backing it up, according to that news story something happened.

But otherwise, supporting evidence is pretty sketchy, as no witnesses are shown being interviewed - yet.

However, it must be noted that the link which you posted with the american news story, actually reveals that this happened in 2008 and not a few days ago - I was having trouble viewing and had to go to the actual Youtube page and noted this.

Is there more information out there on this event I wonder?

We are entering even stranger times - when experiences are amping up, no doubt about it. Whether we are dealing with terrestrial, ET, inter-dimensional, angelic, spiritual WHATEVER - there is much to learn.

I am along for the ride, naturally. And I intend to stay open, otherwise I would go crazy, so bring it on :p

2nd June 2012, 13:41
Hi Zebra,

Thanks for taking the time to check this story out, and for offering your useful and constructive feedback.

You've done some pretty good investigative work too if I may say so.

Nice pickup on identifying the fact that the footage was filmed in 2008 and not a few days ago as I stated in my OP - I clearly did not notice this.

Given it has now been shown that the footage is around 4 years old I guess we can safely say that it has little to no relevance for us in the here and now - especially considering all the other amazing and unusual stuff that is going on all around us these days.

I guess I should have done a little more homework before deciding to post this thread - oh well... we live and learn I suppose.

Anyway, I should also mention that it was actually my decision to put this thread in the 'Channeled and Other Controversial Material' forum section - not the mods.

As I understand it, this section was expanded yesterday to include the bit about 'Other Controversial Material' - so based on that I figured it would be a reasonably good fit for this thread.

Having said that, if mods feel there would be a better home for this thread than the one I selected then I would have no issue with them making a change.

And if anyone suggests that the rubbish bin would be a good place for this thread I will be forced to hurt them... badly! ;)

Joking aside, I have a feeling it will fade away into oblivion rather quickly now that the footage in question has been discovered to be 'old news'.

2nd June 2012, 15:07
I noticed the older date as well, but Stewart Swerdlow (Expansions.com) has a website and in the featured video section of his site, take a look at the video called Staged Alien Invasion. It's a 5 minute video that talks about the Reptillians and their plans. Towards the end of the video (4min. 40 sec.) he mentions the staged second coming of Christ with what looks like blue beam technology. I asked Sunfire about blue beam technology and she said it was dismantled awhile back.

2nd June 2012, 15:46
The first and third video look authenic, but the second, fourth and fifth look like it could be a reflection on a glass. Notice how the image bleeds down in front of the house. This could happen if the image a reflection on the glass generated from a source behind the filmer and the camera is moved slightly up or down. Of course I could be completely wrong. LOL

2nd June 2012, 16:29
Well, considering we can do this (publicly\officially):


Then I actually would believe we can do "better" than what is shown in the OP video. And I wonder who thought it was Jesus in the first place, probably a christian (demonstrating the power of individual perception). Still interesting though, but I sincerely believe "they" can do much better :)

List of videos regarding the 2pac hologram, some about how it is done, from yotube (http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=2pac+hologram&page=&utm_source=opensearch)