View Full Version : Republished: Bases 5 HD Rauni Kilder

28th January 2016, 07:19
From Miles Johnston

Bases 5 HD Rauni Kilder

"Bases 5 Remake 2016, Part 1, Dr Rauni Kilde (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rauni-Leena_Luukanen-Kilde) was assassinated by covert weapons in 2015. This interview by Miles Johnston, introduced by Anne Hess, (2009) shows almost from the start the harassment that ulitimatley killed Rauni.

Rauni's final public appearance was in Brussels, Nov 2014, at the Covert Harassement and Targeted Individual conference, which in itself was a targeted event. With Reptilian stone carvings in conflict with humans, in an Oslo park, the meanings are in the pictures, there is much in this symbolicly to alert the unawake. So much was lost due to the targeting, that a second interview, to follow was arranged for the summer.

Here we have re-edited in HD, one of the seminal new interviews (in 2009)_ with Rauni, a pioneer in exposing Mind Control, and the PHYSICAL affects of out of body controlled action. This and the pioneering Russian UFO and psychic researcher, with Col John B Alexander and Stubblebine present in Soviet Russia, in 1991

Rauni was murdered exposing Mind Control, and Covert survelance technologies. And So Much more."


Born: November 15, 1939, Värtsilä, Finland / Died: February 8, 2015,

"Medical Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde died in her homeland Finland by severe cancer all over her body, her Finnish cousin told White TV today. White TVs Dr. Henning Witte talked to Rauni about ten days ago on telephone in Finland, not knowing it was the last time. She complained about that she suddenly got cancer as a result ofbeaming technology, mind control scalar waves. Her complications got so severe that she was forced to leave her home in Norway to a hospital in Finland, where her caring cousin is living. She complained over the Norwegian hospital, which wanted to give her morphine against her will. She was allergic against morphine. During the last week it was not possible to talk to Rauni any longer and the doctors indicated death.

Dr. Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde was very well-known all over the world for her enlightening on the topics reincarnation, ufos and mind control. She taught that we must not fear death because there is no real death, only that the astral body and the soul leave the human body. She knew because she had out-of-body experiences.

She was a very courageous woman and suffered from many attempts to her life and harassment of all kinds, especially electronic harassment. The dark forces did not like her eye-opening work for humanity."

More here


Re - Published on Jan 27, 2016


28th January 2016, 12:56
A great and courageous lady.

28th January 2016, 16:50
in my own humble estimation the incredibly enlightened Rauni Kilde was one of the most formidable entities ever to grace our present day society; she was waay before her/our time- her inciteful legacy has been preserved on Youtube (if most of it isn't being slowly deleted)-

but does someone have concrete info to the fact she might've been "done in"?- if so please share- would interest me greatly-

please remain well all-


28th January 2016, 17:30
in my own humble estimation the incredibly enlightened Rauni Kilde was one of the most formidable entities ever to grace our present day society; she was waay before her/our time- her inciteful legacy has been preserved on Youtube (if most of it isn't being slowly deleted)-

but does someone have concrete info to the fact she might've been "done in"?- if so please share- would interest me greatly-

please remain well all-


Larry, I don't believe such evidence (if there is such) will ever be forthcoming (publicly) in regards to your inquiry ...

With her being a very recognized and capable medical physician, I would tend to believe her own testimony in regards to her personal observations of the onslaught of her questionable symptoms - especially during the first initial treatment of her obvious critical illness ...

Please note below.

Here one of her last emails to a friend sent 14th January 2015:

Thank you XXX,I was badly attacked 17-18.decwith psychotronicweaponslayng at the floor with EXTREME pains until after midnight I had to call an ambulance 19th to go to hospital where malpractice started from first minute,male dr hit my right kidney so hard that My urine wasbloody the next day, for three daysfemale dr did not touch meAT ALL, I had said it all comes from beaming-she said noone will believe you-I said insiders doEven my heart was not listened to...she stood 2-3meters away from me all three days until I said Iwant to go home and did I have a seriousillness now which they have caused with radiation and it was now activated After some bedrest I got assistance to travel with wheelchair to Finland where I will have all tests redoneFinland is not a NATO country having to follow USorders and it is right now much better for me to be here and go tohospital here.In addition my old cat dissappeared and at nightI got a flash vision they hit and smashed her skull with some wooden blanck...Even if they tried toeliminate me-by giving 2 times an injection i was allergic to I WILL SURVIVE says my automatic writing even to be able to perform later.. But it takes time,I am totally out of energy still,mostly in bed all days..Please DONOT sperad the wordbut if you kow any healers I would appreciate to get their help because I try to get better ONLY with altrnative methods and if it would succeed it would be a medical miracle showing the power of thought and healing.Geetings to YYYYYY,too Love and light Rauni

source (http://whitetv.se/sv/mind-control-mk-ultra/1149.html)

3rd February 2016, 06:17
the latest ...

Bases 5 HD Rauni Kilder Part Two

Bases 5 continues with the second HD edit of Dr Rauni Kilde's interviews in July 2009.

So much was lost due to corruption and cyber attack on the camera at the first interview, I returned to Son in the summer. Then once again we had issues. This was to be Raunis first major interview for years, and many more were to follow. Her clip on the Swine Flu scandal reaching over 3 million hits.

With her death a year ago, we convey some extra material hitherto lost in corrupt files as a result of the Targeting she endured, which eventually led to her death in Feb 2015. Rauni being a pioneer in so many ways.

Published on Feb 2, 2016
