View Full Version : Matt Drudge visits Alex Jones: internet censorship

Ernie Nemeth
1st June 2016, 01:19
Good interview by Alex here. Matt Drudge lays it all out in an easily understood fashion: the internet is what you make of it.

Facebook and Google censorship is creating a schism of believability (the symptom of the "sickness of the people", Drudge mentions) that ultimately becomes almost fairy-tale like in its attempt to portray the world from the perspective of its masters. One has almost to abandon reason and logic and facts to even begin to accept the establishment's portrayal of world affairs. This seem to be the direction of these conglomerates as they heavily weigh the news towards entertainment and gossip interspersed with official status reports on wars, technological breakthroughs (pabulum fed in 30 second sound bites) and political maneuverings. A special favorite pastime is the vilification of those with opposing views to the officially sanctioned version, whatever that is.

Matt Drudge claims no connection to any of the powerful and influential players in the media wars. Much of what is portrayed as news is just psi-ops, he says.

Good stuff on integrity, strength of character, sincerity, independent thought and discernment, self-reliance, the big picture, and other cool topics.


2nd June 2016, 14:24
What I don't like is how something "reasonable" (unquote) comes along and posts itself in a thread and message..... a message and notification thread.....that is critical to not have it be disarmed, with regard to enabling a rising awareness and potential for action in the public, the public who might read this thread....

In exactly the same way that the sleazy news services and corporations that are being spoken about, in the related report, how those corporations disarm the public by SEEMING to post a reasonable position that has sides, but yet disarms that public with their Sideshow Bob puppet show subtleties.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, is the case --- in this world right now (in some ways). Meaning, there's many billions of minds out there and singular messages will not work, so varied messengers is the reality of what has to be... and...Alex and Drudge are both IMPORTANT aspects of such varied messages for varied people.

And if Alex makes a point and Drudge makes his point.... and this allows the world to move forward if the message is listened to, then Alex is our friend until motions through realities changes that fact and point. The same goes for David Icke or David Wilcock for that matter.

So, I don't care if you stopped listening to him.

Don't bring your subtle disarming messages to threads that talk about things that need to be talked about, things that MUST NOT be disarmed or softened.

Do I listen to Alex? Do I not listen to Alex? This is not critical at all and such discussion has no place in this thread, or any thread like it. Nor do bull**** side stories that break the direction and intent of the thread.

Unless, of course, one wants so disarm people from actually getting anything done.......

We need fires. Fires everywhere. We need them badly.

Alex and Drudge both start fires in people's minds and envelope of awareness. Don't come here in threads like these and subtly put those small beginnings of fires in people's minds - out.

That's just rubbish illiteracy or it's an outright tactic.

Take all the various and varied truth warriors you can get ...... and don't mess with a single one of them. Period. Ever.

Ernie Nemeth
2nd June 2016, 15:23

What I don't like is how something "reasonable" (unquote) comes along and posts itself in a thread and message..... a message and notification thread.....that is critical to not have it be disarmed, with regard to enabling a rising awareness and potential for action in the public, the public who might read this thread....

In exactly the same way that the sleazy news services and corporations that are being spoken about, in the related report, how those corporations disarm the public by SEEMING to post a reasonable position that has sides, but yet disarms that public with their Sideshow Bob puppet show subtleties.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, is the case --- in this world right now (in some ways). Meaning, there's many billions of minds out there and singular messages will not work, so varied messengers is the reality of what has to be... and...Alex and Drudge are both IMPORTANT aspects of such varied messages for varied people.

And if Alex makes a point and Drudge makes his point.... and this allows the world to move forward if the message is listened to, then Alex is our friend until motions through realities changes that fact and point. The same goes for David Icke or David Wilcock for that matter.

So, I don't care if you stopped listening to him.

Don't bring your subtle disarming messages to threads that talk about things that need to be talked about, things that MUST NOT be disarmed or softened.

Do I listen to Alex? Do I not listen to Alex? This is not critical at all and such discussion has no place in this thread, or any thread like it. Nor do bull**** side stories that break the direction and intent of the thread.

Unless, of course, one wants so disarm people from actually getting anything done.......

We need fires. Fires everywhere. We need them badly.

Alex and Drudge both start fires in people's minds and envelope of awareness. Don't come here in threads like these and subtly put those small beginnings of fires in people's minds - out.

That's just rubbish illiteracy or it's an outright tactic.

Take all the various and varied truth warriors you can get ...... and don't mess with a single one of them. Period. Ever.


Bill Ryan
2nd June 2016, 16:09
What I don't like is how something "reasonable" (unquote) comes along and posts itself in a thread and message..... a message and notification thread.....that is critical to not have it be disarmed, with regard to enabling a rising awareness and potential for action in the public, the public who might read this thread....

In exactly the same way that the sleazy news services and corporations that are being spoken about, in the related report, how those corporations disarm the public by SEEMING to post a reasonable position that has sides, but yet disarms that public with their Sideshow Bob puppet show subtleties.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, is the case --- in this world right now (in some ways). Meaning, there's many billions of minds out there and singular messages will not work, so varied messengers is the reality of what has to be... and...Alex and Drudge are both IMPORTANT aspects of such varied messages for varied people.

And if Alex makes a point and Drudge makes his point.... and this allows the world to move forward if the message is listened to, then Alex is our friend until motions through realities changes that fact and point. The same goes for David Icke or David Wilcock for that matter.

So, I don't care if you stopped listening to him.

Don't bring your subtle disarming messages to threads that talk about things that need to be talked about, things that MUST NOT be disarmed or softened.

Do I listen to Alex? Do I not listen to Alex? This is not critical at all and such discussion has no place in this thread, or any thread like it. Nor do bull**** side stories that break the direction and intent of the thread.

Unless, of course, one wants so disarm people from actually getting anything done.......

We need fires. Fires everywhere. We need them badly.

Alex and Drudge both start fires in people's minds and envelope of awareness. Don't come here in threads like these and subtly put those small beginnings of fires in people's minds - out.

That's just rubbish illiteracy or it's an outright tactic.

Take all the various and varied truth warriors you can get ...... and don't mess with a single one of them. Period. Ever.


Bumping this from Carmody. Yes, exactly. (As long as the warriors really are truth warriors. Style and personality doesn't matter at all.)

Here's the video itself, not yet embedded here.


Bill Ryan
2nd June 2016, 17:40
Listening to this now... I'd not heard it when I bumped Carmody's post. ^^

Matt Drudge is impressive, Alex is pretty quiet, and it's an articulate, intelligent, high quality presentation about a really, really important topic.

There's not a word that Matt Drudge says that I disagree with, in his comments about the internet.

Mod note: I moved two posts that were fine, but off this topic (they were offering personal views on Alex's personality) to the current Alex Jones discussion thread (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?89159-Alex-Jones-Exposed).

2nd June 2016, 17:50
just got my power back on.

It tends to (sometimes) go out.... when I get a head of steam that is functional/effective.

Like I'm being purposely tripped up, slowed down, and so on.

It's only happened a few dozen or more times at critical moments, so it can't be anything other than a coincidence......right? right? (hmph...)

2nd June 2016, 20:46
That interview's from last October. Here (https://fitzinfo.wordpress.com/2015/10/07/matt-drudge-undoubtedly-a-zionist-agent/)'s an interesting and somewhat controversial article inspired by the event. Not subtle but pretty disarming if true:

Matt Drudge undoubtedly a Zionist agent

By Timothy Fizpatrick

October 7, 2015 Anno Domini

Most of the major Zionist spooks posing as journalists have been outed in the alternative and mainstream media in the last ten years. But still chipping away and maintaining his popularity is a lesser-known shill named Matthew Drudge of the Drudge Report news and gossip aggregator[1], a popular reference site for neoconservatives and their libertarian brothers as well as evangelical “Christians”.

Drudge, an allegedly gay[2] Jew who seemed to rise out of total obscurity (a hallmark of intelligence assets) after working in retail and telemarketing, jumpstarted his career by miraculously managing to break the Bill Clinton-Lewinsky scandal—Lewinsky being a Mossad asset herself apparently sent in to compromise the then president of the United States.[3] It was around this time that Zionist Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News chose Drudge to host his own Saturday night show on the neoconservative news channel. Although the show was short lived, top Fox Zionists like Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, and Rush Limbaugh continue to give Drudge publicity.

Drudge Agenda

Drudge’s agenda completely lines up with that of all the Zionist-oriented news outlets, be it Joseph Farrah’s WorldNetDaily, Breitbart (who actually worked in tandem with Drudge at one time)[4], or the dubious shock jock of conspiracy Alex Jones of Infowars. They all push the same issues as those found among the Koch-neocon-Tea Party-libertarian network, which I have formulated into a convenient list[5] in my article on Jones and the Koch brothers. Unfortunately, the odd things that this network gets right, like its opposition to man-made global warming fear mongering and the abortion industry baits a lot of well meaning paleo-conservatives, who then get caught up in the various other fraudulent issues propagated by this network. Like William F. Buckley’s CIA-created National Review did before the Internet, its purpose is to homogenize the right into a more easily manageable group.[6] In other words, it has hijacked legitimate dissent and mutated it into controlled opposition. The right has been a sitting duck for quite some time. It has never been allowed to go beyond what the hijackers have designed it for. And it has used the kabbalist black art of dialectics to grow its scope of influence, occasionally allowing certain flashes of truth to glimmer in the sunlight only to steer the dissent into another tier of controlled opposition.

Israeli intelligence

When it was revealed that British media magnate and member of Parliament Robert Maxwell was living a double life as a publisher and Israeli Mossad agent, a whole new world of possibilities open up in the minds of inquisitive people. What a perfect scenario for Israel’s HASBARA (Zionist public relations). Instead of trying to influence the media to their Zionist worldview, why not just run the media themselves. So it is quite possible and, I argue, likely that Rupert Murdoch is another Robert Maxwell, which means Fox News is an arm of the Israeli government and International Jewry. To most of you reading this, it won’t surprise you. Fox News is quite open about its unwavering support for Israel and its dedication to faux conservative views. And it’s no different for the Jewish-controlled left in America. Zionist Sumner Redstone’s media left bias plays off nicely against the media right, creating the illusion of choice for viewers. Is it crazy to think that Drudge might have been groomed and brought to prominence by Murdoch and Fox News in the service of Israeli HASBARA and counter-intelligence, as some in the conspiracy community have claimed?

Stratfor built ‘relationship’ with Drudge?

According to Wikileaks files, Israeli intelligence gathering agency Stratfor discussed building a relationship with characters like Matt Drudge.[7]

Jewish Stratfor employee Aaric S. Eisenstein stated in an email addressed to Zionist Stratfor head George Friedman on Sept. 17, 2008,

"Wow. Take a look at this. It’s small wonder that Politico is trying to follow the business model described below. I knew that Drudge was absolutely sh!tting money; I didn’t know how much.

From a targeting standpoint, Meredith, these are definitely players where we want relationships. If you hit the center of gravity, you don’t have to worry about the periphery, and this is definitely the center of gravity. Please pass this along to Brian. He ought to be reading this blog."

The Drudge link to Stratfor may be benign, but it’s interesting considering all of Alex Jones’ ties to the agency.[8]


Drudge and Infowars

Although Drudge is quite moderate when it comes to linking to conspiratorial content, he does often link to Jones and HASBARA Infowars. This isn’t due to the 10 percent truth that Jones tells about conspiracies but happens because Jones will often venture away from conspiracies to push the Koch/libertarian agenda. This is when Drudge will link to Infowars. In turn, Jones, who has nothing but praise for Drudge[9], almost daily links to the Drudge Report. The alternative media was in a bit of a buzz yesterday because Drudge went on the Alex Jones show (but didn’t appear on camera even though he was in the Infowars studio) and made typical sensationalist claims, again about the supposed pending end of the Internet. Between the two shills, they exert a considerable amount of influence over disenfranchised paleocons, and of course neocons. They refer their audience back and forth between each other, creating a non-stop loop of distraction, misdirection, and fear mongering.

Bill Ryan
2nd June 2016, 20:49
Not subtle but pretty disarming if true:

And pretty harmful if false. :)

2nd June 2016, 20:58
Not subtle but pretty disarming if true:

And pretty harmful if false. :)

Hi Bill. Does your response mean you perceive it as false? I'm trying to read between your lines here but there was only one of them. :)

2nd June 2016, 21:32
It makes me all the more concious that I shouldn't give a damn what others are doing, I should give a damn about what I'M doing.

Bill Ryan
2nd June 2016, 21:45
Not subtle but pretty disarming if true:

And pretty harmful if false. :)

Hi Bill. Does your response mean you perceive it as false? I'm trying to read between your lines here but there was only one of them. :)

I listened to the conversation, and (as I wrote above) couldn't take issue with anything Matt Drudge said. So — the content was valid, and very important, in my view.

(Does that make me a 'Zionist agent' as well? :) )

My exact point: listen to the content of what he said and see whether you agree with it or not.

That's more important than a rumor or opinion-piece on the internet. Ironically (or maybe not!), that's exactly what Matt Drudge was talking about.

2nd June 2016, 22:46
Not subtle but pretty disarming if true:

And pretty harmful if false. :)

Hi Bill. Does your response mean you perceive it as false? I'm trying to read between your lines here but there was only one of them. :)

I listed to the conversation, and (as I wrote above) couldn't take issue with anything Matt Drudge said. So — the content was valid, and very important, in my view.

(Does that make me a 'Zionist agent' as well? :) )

My exact point: listen to the content of what he said and see whether you agree with it or not.

That's more important than a rumor or opinion-piece on the internet. Ironically (or maybe not!), that's exactly what Matt Drudge was talking about.

Ok, I've listened to it to now, against my better judgement, and to my ears it was pretty much half an hour of hot air, with a large portion of said hot air being blown up one anothers' arses. There was hardly any verifiable content. You talk about Fitzpatrick's opinion piece and you are right to an extent, much of it is him projecting his ideas about who's Hasbara and who's not, but this? this was opinion from beginning to end, no specifics, just brains in jars and Rush Limbaugh. Rush Limbaugh???

Rush Limbaugh is the missing link! (http://www.salon.com/2016/06/01/rush_limbaugh_is_a_moron_evolution_is_false_because_cincinnati_zoo_gorilla_never_turned_into_a_human/)

3rd June 2016, 01:11
You have to listen past the idea of being factional, and then tossing that at others as being the core points.

It is not the core point. Not even close. Not even in the same room.

Drudge and Alex reach a lot of people, and I really don't care, except for the one thing: That we need all the help we can get, in getting this done.

And, in the discussion, Rush Limbaugh was used in the context of how he reached a particular level of audience and people. IIRC, not one serious bit of breath was spend on talking up Limbaugh. same for the idea of the others mentioned. It was not a rah rah parade for any faction nor any ideology.

It was about the internet, control of the internet...and human awareness, as the principle vector and reason behind the discussion. How it is controlled, weakened, and divided.

Why bring it down into the dirt and devalue such an important set of points? Why kill such an important set of points they raised? So they called Hillary a jar of brains on a desk, if she manged to get into the office. Big deal. Their point was clear, and well delivered, in my book.

You have to understand that there is a gun on you. And Matt drudge and Alex Jones are standing in that trench, right beside you.

Don't ever mistake it for anything else, otherwise you will lose and you will die.

Now, to the point of Drudge or Jones. I pay no attention to either of them, nor do I read a single thread about either of them. I don't care. It means nothing.

If they have good solid messages that put the fire in the mind of people and help end this oligarch mess, and they risk themselves openly and for real, then I'm all for them, regardless of their message.

For you aren't getting out of this without an end to factional infighting, an end to indecisiveness and finally...learning to work together. And that's all she wrote.

It's purposely created division against a well trained multi-layered oligarchy, that has humanity in a perpetual state of being off balance and in confusion.

And Matt drudge and Alex Jones are turning people's attention to the correct directions, even if it is for reasons that do not suit my mindset perfectly. I really don't care!

They are firing in the correct direction, and we need all the efforts we can get. There is nothing beyond the idea of sharing this need to get it done. Nothing.

Every other argument is a complete waste of time and energy.

3rd June 2016, 02:26
And Matt drudge and Alex Jones are turning people's attention to the correct directions, even if it is for reasons that do not suit my mindset perfectly. I really don't care!
I listened to thousands of hours of Rush Limbaugh in the decade of the 1990's, and learned that the Clintons were lying, murdering, thieving, raping scumbags (and likely gave my now ex-wife, a reliable California liberal, one more reason to divorce me.)

I listened to others, including Drudge and Alex Jones and the 9/11 "truthers" in the decade of the 2000's, and learned that the Bush's were scumbags too, in addition to starting to realize that the US political and monetary systems, as well as the "War on Terror" and its primary provocation, 9/11, were all deeply fraudulent and brutal.

Now I can't stand Rush Limbaugh at all, and can only stand Alex Jones in small doses. I still do, however, scan the headlines on Drudge regularly, to see if there is some "major event of the day" that I should take notice of.

But just because I no longer listen much to Rush or Alex for the insights and analysis that I seek at present doesn't mean I try to trash what could be a useful discussion on some of the very serious problems with main stream media (whether social media on the Web, or more traditional forms).

Drudge was making some important points in that interview with Alex that posted in the opening post of this thread.

Please (addressed to some others above, not to Carmody) discuss those points, or take what reads to me like trolling some where else.


Ernie Nemeth
3rd June 2016, 05:05
Since this kind of opened up a can of worms I suppose I should also say that Alex is a bit grueling and often over the top, a bit crass even. But he knows his stuff and loves his kids and country. Drudge is a controversial figure, to be sure. But when he talks his words are clear and precise, and his thoughts are his own.

I still watch Alex occasionally, I kind of think of him as family, I trust him to be him. I scroll through his headlines daily. I don't stop often.

The Drudge Report has been a mainstay for years but I have gotten a bit irked by the high refresh rate - I can't get through all the headlines before the page vanishes and refreshes. It got to the point I would race through the headlines just to beat the refresh, then forget which ones I wanted to examine closer - and then the page refreshes! I stopped going there recently. I might reconsider.

I thought the interview on the whole was rather good, with both Jones and Drudge coming across as sincere and thoughtful. I was surprised how Alex for the most part kept himself in check and let Matt talk. He is an enigmatic fellow and I just love to listen to him talk, his website makes more sense when you listen to him. He is concise, has his finger on the pulse of the world's issues, and is able to articulate an increasingly difficult topic to broach with any clarity.

Subliminal messaging works. In-your-face-but-still-you-can't-see-it works even better. TV is the best media for overt programming of the human psyche. The portrayal of everyday lives in virtually every show illustrates the range of acceptable behavior, or behavior that needs "intervention". Stereotypes are offered up as the mainstay, the median of acceptable behavior. How to dress, what to say and how to say it, what and where to eat, to drive, to live, to think....these are all covered and offered up for consumption. To live vicarious lives immobile and mute is encouraged. To think of our TV show characters as friends and family is good and even helpful. It leaves the viewer compliant and subservient.

Along comes the internet and closed doors opened. Impossible connections were made and amazing information was shared. The only way to throttle the disclosure was by misdirection and confusion. But as the internet user got more savvy such tactics became less successful, especially from 2012 on, I'd say. Now there are different tactics employed, bottlenecking traffic through portals has become the most dangerous method yet devised. Facebook and Google especially are massively in the background of censoring the incoming traffic through filters that block certain individuals, topics, and internet addresses or websites. Icke has been targeted, Avalon has had some security issues, so has Jones and now Drudge is being threatened. There are many others, Jordan Maxwell comes to mind.

So aside from the obvious divisive nature of these flamboyant characters, their message is dire. If we are not vigilant, and perhaps even if we are, one day we might not be able to link to Alex or Drudge at all. Then maybe Avalon will be next. Or your favorite website - if it is controversial enough.

3rd June 2016, 11:46
I get what everyone is saying and I've left a brief response here (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?89159-Alex-Jones-Exposed&p=1072486&viewfull=1#post1072486) where it belongs. Bill, perhaps it would be prudent to move my Fitzgerald article post to that thread as well.

My apologies for derailing this thread (if that is what I've done).

3rd June 2016, 14:21
Your input is always appreciated.

When I see your avatar, In my mind, Gandhi is always mixing ethereal Asian/eastern/middle eastern reggae-dub.

A Sly & Robbie meet Sheila Chandra, and jump into the studio with 'Dead Can Dance' kinda thing. and Oka walks in... and contributes.

Now that would be some mighty fine tunes.

Maybe the results as a second album, remixed by the dub monster himself, Lee Scratch Perry.

Ernie Nemeth
3rd June 2016, 17:32
Honestly, I just posted a talk that had some salient points in it. I did not think there would be even one response. The message stands on its own.

It's all good. minden jol van

3rd June 2016, 19:00
Not subtle but pretty disarming if true:

And pretty harmful if false. :)

Hi Bill. Does your response mean you perceive it as false? I'm trying to read between your lines here but there was only one of them. :)

It's false. Anyone that lumps small l libertarians with neoconservatives is either an idiot or purposely deceiving readers.

3rd June 2016, 20:53
Your input is always appreciated.

When I see your avatar, In my mind, Gandhi is always mixing ethereal Asian/eastern/middle eastern reggae-dub.

A Sly & Robbie meet Sheila Chandra, and jump into the studio with 'Dead Can Dance' kinda thing. and Oka walks in... and contributes.

Now that would be some mighty fine tunes.

Maybe the results as a second album, remixed by the dub monster himself, Lee Scratch Perry.

I'm working on it......slowly........Maybe if I spent less time trollin' and more time rollin'.......

3rd June 2016, 21:16
.....It's all good. minden jol van

Igen, minden jol van!