Avalon ... You Make Me Feel Dancing! :) Whew! I feel so much better!
This is the story no-one wants to hear. I have to tell it to you, though, as it is possibly the truest story ever told, perhaps even of our...
Trauma is caused by pain and fear. The more intense the deeper the trauma. Most of us been subjected to varying degree of trauma in our lifetime. I...
Hi Folks, For various reasons I am focused on healing techniques and wanted to see if any of you have had success with any specific modalities. ...
I just learned that one of the people I've admired in life is struggling against Parkinson's Disease. Since we don't have a definitive...
In this fascinating video clip shared by Brian Roemelle on X we witness what he describes as the following: "Dr. Rebecca Marina had her red blood...
Calming your body and nervous system with the use of sound via Tibetan and Crystal Singing Bowls. Sound Healing uses the power of sound and vibration...
I found this video essay on the loss of trust we have in our governments to be quite will done. lpty0rhU9q4
Morning all ! Is there anyone here who does sweat lodges in the uk, preferably in the New Forest ? Hope you´re having a good start to the week...
Hello again everyone. Just an explanation. I asked Bill to start this new thread for me, moving some posts over from the other thread "Could...
I have found the subject of Earthing otherwise known as grounding to be intriguing. During my research I came across the following video. ...
Since I can not change the path that humanity chooses towards a better future, I wanted to put some effort in explaining the reason why we are here...
As my forum name suggests I love horses, sadly though I don't have any in my life at the moment. With growing interest I have been researching...
This bothers me quite a bit and gives me frustration. It’s the way our society is living. We have buried our emotions so much that we aren't even in...
---------- I am a Christian with the spiritual gift of healing that is looking for sick people that wish to be cured of their diseases. Some...
A week ago Saturday I stopped by my local American legion to have 1 draft beer. Sat down at the bar and another guy who is a member there who I've...
I am looking to buy a set of tuning forks and finding there's a lot to choose from. I'd love to have any input on brands, good places to buy from,...
Relationships have a huge influence on ones life and the societal fabric as a whole. This thread is trying to take a look at all the more invisible...
Hi all, so I've been part of Avalon from the start , and figure I may call in as many favors as I can now from all who know me. About a month ago was...
I'm looking for a very advanced spiritual healer that can effectively heal me please if you know any good healers suggest me also if you know any...
Today's Oprah's show featured John of God from Brazil. Therefore I thought to share this with my friends here on Avalon. "Millions are flocking to...
hello everyone, if you live in an area of bad water quality/hard water i reccomend this high quality filter even if you dont, you will still notice a...
Hi again i am in thread making mood today after being away from here for awhile :ROFL: but i am feeling like sharing something that i like to do. I...
Hello all, I just heard on Richie Allen's radio programme that Mark Bajerski is offering a free healing session via his Youtube channel tonight,...
I have had the honour of having psychic surgery performed on me by a great man I have met quite a few times in my life now. On my first meeting...
Far from worrying exclusively about their personal Quest, the Arthurian hero is committed to the fate of the entire Universe. Nothing and no one is...
This is for anyone who requires Healing. All as I need is your name (whatever name you have on here is fine) and what you want healing for, unless...
Interview With Alfons Ven https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_alfonsven.htm and his website http://www.alfonsven.com/
Does anyone have any experience in working with the Planetary Hours and have gotten results? Specifically healing. Thanks in advance.
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