Imagine you're given 10k USD and have nothing else. You need to leave ASAP. Where do you go? Why? How do you sustain yourself? What about 50k?...
Who's relocating right now? Where to, and why? Who would like to, but figure they just can't? Who's hunkering down till the storm passes? What...
More than ever, it feels like a good time to sort out or update an emergency bug out bag. It’s probably covered elsewhere and I can’t find it...
Hypothetical situation. Ten stakeholders put together the money to buy a place. What's the chance we all manage to get along without schisms and...
Hi all, we are considering moving, possibly to Ecuador or somewhere else in South America and are in the process of looking in to the pros and cons...
I'm not psychic nor am I talking to aliens. I'm guessing based on the same information you have at your disposal. I think there is a...
Hello all, This morning a member started a new thread, entitled "Blue Zones". More and more PA members are thinking/considering/dreaming ......
I noticed an increase in the doom and gloom scenarios recently, with so many commentaries advising that if you live in the West nations then its time...
Lopp, a self-described libertarian who works for a bitcoin security company, had long been obsessed with the value of privacy, and he set out to...
This off grid section of the forum is filled with so much valid information, you probably could not absorb it in one lifetime. Now with a lot of...
Which cities or regions of the world are experiencing a mass exodus? This thread will be for documenting this kind of thing when we notice it....
I want to explore my options of countries where I can relocate and start a life in. I currently live in the United States, and while it does have...
Very interesting article from the Guardian, about a group of young classmates shipwrecked near New Zealand for 15 months. It's very uplifting. It...
There are dozens of German villages throughout Siberia in addition to individuals who chose Siberia as their home. ...
There are so many challenges and changes lately politically and with population growth escalating, global warming, threats of plagues and...
Hello, have we anyone from Iceland on the forum ? What is it like to live there as it looks very beautiful and seems to convey a raw energy that...
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