I am going to explain a bit, from my perspective,, some of the implications of the experimentation that is going on in the Quantum Physics World. ...
https://x.com/AstroDailyPod/status/1882272838498852917 1882272838498852917 https://x.com/HowItWorksmag/status/1884667263833530698 ...
. I've only just heard of the Kordylewski Clouds via Robert Temple's relatively new book - 'A New Science of Heaven' .... first published in...
Right away, my answer is Japan. Anyway... I use hand tools a lot and some power tools. In the 90s if you got a USA hand tool (generally speaking)...
Since I was a young boy, I have been fascinated by the planets and the sun. The concepts they evoke are enormous, and their understanding...
The purpose of this thread is to provide a location where Avalon members and guests can find out about the latest inventions, technologies, robotics...
I am interested in negative time and I have some ideas about negative time, i.e. systems where the response precedes the stimulus. If negative time...
There have been a few stories over the last few years of electric vehicles violently catching fire. In the last half a year or so this does not seem...
I want everyone to see this because I believe this guy since he has no history of posting this kind of thing before and the footage strikes me as...
I received the following in an email. If the math here is correct, this is a big eye opener. What do you think? I could not find a relevant thread,...
I found this really interesting and felt that it was worth sharing. We Built an AI Laser that Destroys Moving Targets
tonight's show 1am - 5am ET 10pm - 2am PT Space Exploration & Innovation Thu 03-01 Astrophysicist and director of the Hayden Planetarium, Neil...
NASA is moving ahead with an ambitious mission to explore a moon of Jupiter and discover whether it could support life. The icy world Europa has...
Thought I'd start a thread about science innovations that have gone wrong, or could go wrong in the future. These can be in tech, medicine,...
189 feared dead in first ever Boeing 737 MAX 8 crash in Indonesia RT Mon, 29 Oct 2018 02:09 UTC Workers of...
I posted this a couple of nights ago in another thread but it's been bugging me to repost it somewhere prominent. The implications are huge and...
Around 2004 or so, my mom got a new Mac Mini, and i was given a hand me down Power Mac, a Quick Silver 2002 mac, that was my first computer, it was...
I'm just putting together a 24 volt solar system. The system will include four 100 watt solar panels at the start and two lithium batteries. I will...
Proposing a new thread for folk to share new widgets, gadgets, discoveries, and innovations that we've all come across that may not yet be common...
Original article: http://sploid.gizmodo.com/mad-genius-creates-awesome-fully-automated-paper-airpla-1644140869/+caseychan Another article:...
Pal-V A strange looking "car", but it's in production and it doesn't use the "engine-propeller-pod" system that we've seen on other flying cars....
These scientists are doing it right, going to the public right away on their research. Perhaps going public will keep the military and black op...
Artificial Intelligence is coming whether we like it or not so I believe it is best to attempt to understand it and use it to our advantage. Yes,...
I want to share and discuss my sort of Theory of Everything. I will lay it out in this thread and I hope others can add to it or correct any errors...
Foolishly I set up a digital wallet - Exodus - for some not very well performing cryptos. Unfortunately in a big clean up last year I threw out the...
Copying this from Twitter, an inventor (Patrick Riley) asks for help... spreading a message which has cost many inventor's lives in the past. ...
Yes, you read that right! Watch this, and be amazed. :)
I came across an article in "The Athenian Mercury", a periodical printed in London at Raven in the Poultrey, edited by Jon Dunton. It's authors were...
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