Right away, my answer is Japan. Anyway... I use hand tools a lot and some power tools. In the 90s if you got a USA hand tool (generally speaking)...
The purpose of this thread is to provide a location where Avalon members and guests can find out about the latest inventions, technologies, robotics...
There have been a few stories over the last few years of electric vehicles violently catching fire. In the last half a year or so this does not seem...
There is a new type of robot coming from China; this makes the old Boston Dynamics dog videos look like "old tech". Imagine combining this...
I want everyone to see this because I believe this guy since he has no history of posting this kind of thing before and the footage strikes me as...
------- I don't know whether this is funny or scary: Boston Dynamics has developed a four-legged robot 'dog', which can run, know which...
I received the following in an email. If the math here is correct, this is a big eye opener. What do you think? I could not find a relevant thread,...
I found this really interesting and felt that it was worth sharing. We Built an AI Laser that Destroys Moving Targets
189 feared dead in first ever Boeing 737 MAX 8 crash in Indonesia RT Mon, 29 Oct 2018 02:09 UTC Workers of...
Around 2004 or so, my mom got a new Mac Mini, and i was given a hand me down Power Mac, a Quick Silver 2002 mac, that was my first computer, it was...
I'm just putting together a 24 volt solar system. The system will include four 100 watt solar panels at the start and two lithium batteries. I will...
Proposing a new thread for folk to share new widgets, gadgets, discoveries, and innovations that we've all come across that may not yet be common...
Original article: http://sploid.gizmodo.com/mad-genius-creates-awesome-fully-automated-paper-airpla-1644140869/+caseychan Another article:...
Pal-V A strange looking "car", but it's in production and it doesn't use the "engine-propeller-pod" system that we've seen on other flying cars....
Artificial Intelligence is coming whether we like it or not so I believe it is best to attempt to understand it and use it to our advantage. Yes,...
Foolishly I set up a digital wallet - Exodus - for some not very well performing cryptos. Unfortunately in a big clean up last year I threw out the...
I bet no-one had ever thought I might post a thread on this. :P For years, I've always secretly felt that the person (probably a man!) who...
Cargo cult: Why America cannot have nice things https://asiatimes.com/2024/05/cargo-cult-why-america-cannot-have-nice-things/ According to...
Apples posts an ad showing the crushing of human creativity. The response was a well deserved roasting. ...
Hello Everyone: Star Trek made better representations of a warp drive motor than Nasa! This motor looks phony! Of course I don't know that but just...
Now this is a pretty exciting idea... it's been talked about for years, perhaps SpaceX will make it a reality. Read more:...
although invisible to the naked eye, but filmed through a special lense, this laser weapon can hit a pound coin from more than a Kilometre away. ...
Tactical Airborne Laser Weapon System (TALWS) Lockheed Martin • 1.5M views2:50 R2eehBk_DNQBoeing YAL-1 Airborne Laser Testbed Got it from:...
The WEB is Conscious, says Dr Richard Alan Miller Dr Richard Alan Miller, a top physicist, is known for his fresh point of view. In this latest...
Imagine missing a few car payments and your entertainment system gets shut down, miss a few more and your windows refuse to go up and down, miss...
What is this? I found it on this Chinese website which is full of spelling errors and it looks fake.
Hi all, I recently took a vacation to see family back East in Salem MA, a fairly big city now. What I noticed is that nightly dreaming seemed to be...
I'm planning on reformatting my laptop now that I've got a PC and I want to get rid of Windows. I've used common Linux distro's in the past like...
Please let me know if you do, I need some help. Also I have a couple questions about IDE's. Thanks in advance! EDIT: As a heads up I need...
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