Confirmed! – Geomagnetic reversals can trigger glaciation by Robert July 8, 2019 ...
How to flash freeze a woolly mammoth: Waft a sufficiently strong magnetic field over it, to deaden it, and then freeze it at your leisure. How to...
Bimbling around Google Streetview, and in the middle of China - what makes a grid rock formation like this? ...
Set to blow? Supervolcano Campi Flegrei reawakening near Naples, could hit 500,000 people Published time: 21 Dec, 2016 14:43 Edited...
I am sure by now we have all seen the satellite images of the eruption of the Hunga Tonga volcano. Prima Facie it just blatantly looks like a nuclear...
Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden born in Westfield, Massachusetts, on September 7, 1829. A more concise history of the man. The following lifted...
As we all know, there is a ton of seismic activity going on in the world right now. Almost a ridiculous amount. Many people on the forums have...
Curious wind anomalies over mountains west at this moment, according to this site. Other possibilities ?
I searched on these two terms without any hits, yet can't imagine that this has not been discussed on this forum. Anyone have links to posts on...
Yesterday I happened to translate a short message in cuneiform, in the Sumerian style, from about 2005 B.C. That dating is fairly ...
Is Africa Splitting Into Two Continents? In the distant future, a novel ocean might emerge at the heart of Africa as two significant sections of...
For the more scientifically minded and especially those with an expertise in geophysical activity, this may be of interest. It would also appeal to...
Something seems very odd about this. Guess I dont trust what the MSM and governments tell us anymore. rd5JNDJl2LI ¤==¤ another example......
please bare with me in this one... does the earth grow? ¤==¤ Do gps have to be recaibrate becouse of this growth?
I hunted for a thread where I could post this and didn't really see a suitable one. So as the title says.. The World to Scale overlaid on a Mercator...
I feel we have enough real obstacles without having to make them up in our minds. As I recall everyone seemed to be in an uproar over 4G also when it...
Hello all. A friend sent this to me today. A huge spike in the Schumann resonance in the last week or so. The graph does look extreme. Im not sure...
Hello all! It's been a long time since I last posted anything in this forum. Recently I have listened and watched a lot of videos relating to...
Huge earth crack several hundred miles long opens up in Pakistan Strange Sounds Fri, 10 Feb 2017 07:57 UTC ...
Another ‘dormant’ volcano comes to life – Video by Robert June 27, 2019 Could affect...
...likely weather disturbance aurora watch
Quit a long introduction but worth sticking with it Chris Earth-Keeper Presents : Randall Carlson on Cycles of Global Change. Absoluterly... A company that plans to drill deeper...
The Unsolved Mystery of the Earth Blobs By Jenessa Duncombe 27 February 2019 ...
... ... odd erratic odds...
The sway of the Matterhorn: Huge mountain in the Alps moves gently back and forth about once every two seconds due to seismic energy in the Earth,...
Cliff's telegram is where I saw this link.. was not sure where an existing thread covered - can move if appropriate, obviously. ...
The Earth has just been hit by extremely powerful EM waves taking the Schumann Resonance frequencies way beyond anything in the past. The commentator...
A map that fills a 500-million year gap in Earth’s history By Alan Collins and Andrew Merdith The Conversation Tue, 27 Jun...
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