Came across this a few days ago and had to post it. Some really good footage here. Dave - Toronto
This is a thread for long-story videos of encounters with cryptids, and other bizarre and unknown creatures in the wild. Call it a short but...
I watched this vid last night, I watch many such outdoor camping vids. "Caught on Camera: What Did We Capture in the Alberta Rockies!" Watch from...
An FBI agent tells of killing a "dogman." 0dtJorPmAdw
We are all familiar with the Patterson-Gimlin film of Patty the Sasquatch. Filmed in the now famous Bluff Creek California wilderness. Here is the...
Though inspired by the Has anyone actually seen a Thunderbird? thread, I thought it more unlikely that any members had actually seen THIS thing. :) ...
A highly controversial question. I recently listened to two of paranormal investigator Stan Gordon's interviews with Linda Howe. I'd highly...
Easily the most compelling and emotional cryptid testimony I've ever heard, hands down. Not even close. Not a cozy campfire story here. It's quite...
Very interesting video capture and eyewitness testimony. PljzqdSjeVU
Could this be a great piece of Bigfoot evidence or a hoax? ...
Could analyzing the water reveal the identity of Nessie? The hunt for the Loch Ness Monster is on again - this time by a University of Otago...
I found a rather interesting article from a Falun Dafa practitioner where he talks about mermaids/mermen or what are commonly known as the merfolk: ...
Interesting documentary here. Dave - Toronto
There is a LOT of evidence out there, pointing towards a Government cover up concerning Sasquatch. Let's post some of the best cases in so far as...
I am pretty sure that I clicked on someone's offered link here... subject was "Mike" a named sasquatch child who befriended a human child, but was...
First off let me state if Scott Carpenter is correct I may never go camping or hiking in the forest ever again. Scott Carpenter is the guy who...
Have followed Sasquatch Ontario for years and believe he has been involved with an authentic Bigfoot habituation case. Recently he posted the...
This is a rare instance where the actual Native American manifestation known as the skinwalker is discussed by a man who witnessed the phenomenon as...
A question that I can't stop looking into. Maybe I see an aspect of us in them. This audio interview off of nabigfootsearch.Com was definitely...
Being an avid student of Norse mythos and culture, the stories of trolls have always interested me. The folkloric, not the annoying internet variety....
What Is This Weird Creature With Wings In This Jar? What do you guys think about this ? quite something if it's real. eNUolA7wmQQ
This would FREAK ME THE F*CK OUT!! Dave - Toronto
This was uploaded 9 days ago. VERY informative presentation on Bigfoot DNA. Next time anyone asks me for more info regarding proof of...
Well, I must say, this is rather odd. UFO sightings that coincide with Bigfoot sightings that shape shift into black panthers / mountain lions. Very...
Dave Paulides on Coast to Coast AM, 30 Sept 2018, with George Knapp. HIGHLY recommended, as always. ...
Expedition Bigfoot series on tv has brought up some very interesting paranormal abilities that Bigfoot has. There is Biblical reference that say's, ...
Apologies if been a;ready posted before or is a prank... ...curious. qs8_Nwb3ycw
My friend Sunbow was interviewed by Michael Salla last month regarding his books about Sasquatch. Here is the video on youtube: 3s6w_r2EZYA
Hello folks, Previously I had posted a story of the Army bringing around a Squatch with them to locate other Squatch after the eruption of Mount...
I have often wondered if these enigmatic creatures are of a psychic origin. We simplify our understanding of creatures in the cryptozoology...
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