I wanted to start a thread about the largely misunderstood and often egregiously misappropriated mythology of the spirit known as Medusa and the very...
I am starting this thread so beginning with a post from another thread. I have always imagined a matriarchal structure that looks beautiful to me....
(Mods: Not sure this is the right sub-forum for the topic, move as necessary.) I couldn't find another thread that is simply a collection of...
I have found a rather interesting article talks about a very remote period of time prior to our Earth. It is believed that before the formation of...
There are a number of videos making the rounds about this subject. Some show an interesting creature that was discovered, others post sounds coming...
Published 17 hours ago on June 22, 2018 The Facts: There is corroborating testimony that a patrol of U. S. Soldiers shot and...
I stumbled upon an intriguing story on red ice creations the other day which should not be exempt from the wonderfull repository of Project Avalon:...
1727925388624400831 If you found it answer yes
(Edit March 22, 2020) Perhaps I should have titled this thread "The Great Conjunction of 2020" and left theories about the Mayan Calendar out of...
Hi, I was in west Wales recently and saw a local exhibition on 'fairy' art, or the tylwyth teg as they are known locally, I'd read about the daone...
I have been seeing comments lately in relation to Mainstream and Lemmings, very insulting to these nice little feckers, please read on. The...
If, And, But... Perhaps we are heading for our return to the Garden of Edan. Thrown out initially because we/they did not listen to God that may...
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Thank you for posting the above videos :) Hy Brazil , was a name given in ancient maps, to an isle in the atlantic ocean . Information lost in...
We are upon the edge of the greatest moment in human history as spiritual evolution rises to meet advancements in science and technology. Inspired by...
The Rohonc Codex is a 448-page illustrated manuscript book written by an unknown author in an unknown language that has baffled scholars and...
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skin-walker In the Navajo language, yee naaldlooshii translates to "by means of it, it goes on all fours". While...
https://soranews24.com/2022/03/08/japans-killing-stone-splits-in-two-possibly-unleashing-evil-nine-tailed-fox-spirit/ Spirits are lurking...
Morrop, this lizard guy. There's this very modern statue of this supposed ancient being/deity thing, called Morrop, and this statue has so much...
In mythology, Ophiucus is identified with the healer Asclepius, the son of Apollo, who was able to bring the dead back to life. Realizing his power,...
A couple of weeks ago I had occasion to visit Woolpits, a small village in Suffolk. I was only there due to work and it would be a fleeting visit -...
PS: I put this under myth and legend because, as you will see, one group is living a legend and the other, well, the word myth is what we have left,...
PS - I always read the clickbox that says "Check if Already Posted" but I've never really found a need to use that option. Ref: Armageddon -...
Firstly, when I look at the subtitle of the website, I see: Chronicles of buddhism and gnosticism. This is because the root word buddhi simply...
I found myself watching the video below by Erich ... He covers how intricate the Mayan calendar is and the start date was chosen for when the ET's...
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