Remember - I'm rooting for you - we're all in this together fourfingerz
Folks, I live in the mountains of Western North Carolina, and every day for about a month now there Have been no chemtrails in the sky here. I...
I created this new Project Avalon Forum Thread for 2024/2025 starting with: Geoengineering Conference, The Big Picture: 1C5cy_F4NG8 Jim Lee,...
They've made WEATHER a weapon! EgaTLlN_cbo Global Climate Intervention Issue... The weather is under their control, and it has been going on for...
by Peter A Kirby "Today’s New Manhattan Project would necessarily require a large fleet of aircraft dedicated to spraying us with tens of...
Pump Inlet and Outlet – This picture is of the diesel motor that powers the system. The pump itself is the big disc shaped thing to the left of...
I used to believe it. That those long, white, persistent clouds behind airplanes were chemicals being sprayed for nefarious purposes. It's like a...
Kinda been feeling like this for a week or so. Thinking it's early spring time mountain allergies. Maybe not though? No flowers yet? No pine tree...
I watched yesterday while washing our car, as planes flew back and fourth yesterday until their chemtrails flowed into a blanket over the entire...
"Peter Kirby is the author of the new book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project. Today we tackle the two questions most frequently asked by...
Hey folks! I recently watched an old Knight Rider episode from the 80s ("Inside Out" from Season 1) on a certain *cough* streaming platform...
Are there chemtrails in your skies? Have they decreased, increased, remained the same or have they stopped entirely? On July 4th I scanned the...
The Dimming source --o-O-o--
N_yANDUFbgM Author Elana Freeland- Under an Ionized Sky, presents some staggering info with regards to Geoengineering and circuiting our...
2 vids on the subject We'll also examine who's actually behind Chemtrails, as we “follow the money," in which BILLIONS of dollars are...
I have had a practical "Chem-Brainwave" today, 1 May 2018 :D A controversial idea about how to do a simple experiment. Find the biggest...
Terrible anxiety after being outdoors after they had sprayed towards Friday evening. Saturday was indoors. Had to run errands today and I felt... No idea whether this belongs here or in the UFO section. If the footage is...
China Expands Weather Modification by 2,000,000 Square Miles: MgzTX3VlST4 China is massively expanding its weather-modification program, saying it...
With the reduced air traffic at this time because of COV19 it would be interesting to notice over the next month if the skies begin to be not so hazy...
'Look Up' 2020 Documentary GeoEngineering (Chemtrails) rI2OGALLTT0 Subscribe ChemTruthers Congress Funds NOAA With $4 Million For Plan To...
I was not sure where to post this article as it could come under various threads, so plumped for general discussion.... ...
Chemtrails: Truth is Stranger Than Conspiracy! with Jim Lee 4/19/198 Regina Meredith "I have been following the topic of Chemtrails for nearly...
While the NATO does its saber rattling west of Russia and Japan remains a virtual colony of the US doing its bidding, there are the same old...
This video of a US spy plane was captured from the cockpit of a Russian SU-27 near the Russian border. Can anyone tell if it is spraying chemtrails...
- Dit is een Burgerinitiatief om 40.000 handtekeningen te verzamelen. Het heimelijk toepassen van weermodificatie (geo-engineering), d.m.v.... Check this...
J1YqOWXPN3Q Actual Activist Matt Landman presents @ 1st Annual Truth Mind Reality Conference ~ Phoenix, Arizona _ March 10th, 2018, THANKS &...
Dutch Time Lapse Chemtrails 2018 02 24 Delft 1080p _Nd4u9x86fs ChemTruthers ¤==¤ AClt8BgXPpQ
My brother-in-law works for Orbital, they do regular launches from Wallops air field here in Virginia. Recently they've been launching rockets to...
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